inkdreamt · 3 months
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Viktoriya was use to being practically invisible. She tended to prefer it, even if she had promised her grandfather that she would attempt to make friends here, build connections. But it was hard. Not all telepaths grew up loving their powers, like he did. Even now that she was at a school full of people with powers, she still felt like the biggest freak of them all.
She looked up as she watched a woman pass her and press the button that would start the elevator to the lower levels. Not a teacher here, and those were the only people who were allowed to go down there unsupervised. Far too dangerous of things down there, the most important no doubt being Cerebro. So, the moment the door to the elevator opened, she blinked and they closed back up before the girl could go down there. "No one's allowed down there unsupervised," she said simply before looking back down to her textbook. Even as she spoke, the panels that were meant to hide that elevator went back into place.
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redemptivexheroics · 11 months
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Steve was at a local bar when a friend having a beer, shooting pool. He needed some time off from work, and what better way than to hang out with friends. He was just taking a sip of his beer and watching his friend set up for a shot. When there was suddenly a girl asking the bar at large if they knew Steve Trevor. He arched a brow as he had never seen this girl before. "I'm Steve Trevor; who wants to know?"
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timeguardians · 3 months
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"Diana speaks highly of you." Brianna carefully starts. "Are you sure you wish to join the fight?" She asks. She does not wish to rope anyone into the Justice League who didn't want to be there.
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pilotspy · 11 months
@star-of-troy liked a starter where Steve and Diana get their happy ending
Their lives were never going to be quiet. He'd accepted that a while ago, after the war, Steve and Diana had gotten caught up in the celebration and married before they'd left Europe.
His parents had been less than thrilled to have their eldest son return from war with a young bride in tow.
But they'd come to love Diana like a daughter anyway.
So when this young woman, who was the near mirror image of Diana, showed up on their doorstep Steve's first thought after who was this woman? Was how were they going to explain the presence of a sister Diana had never mentioned.
"I'm sorry. I think I just went into shock. Did you just say that you're my wife's sister?"
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optimisticrobin · 10 months
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Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
As the proteges of members of the DC Trinity, Dick and Donna spent a lot of time together when they were children, even before the Titans came to be. As such, he considers her one of his best friends in the world. They might drift apart a little as they grow older, but that bond is always there. Like I can imagine the two of them super bored at a JLA meeting with their respective mentors so they sneak off to cause mayhem.
Dick and Donna know each other almost better than anyone else. They have been through a lot together, and they always have each others back. There are things he'd talk to her about – things he'd share with her – that he wouldn't share with anyone else. She was one of the only people he told where he was when he left Gotham after Bruce fired him.
They are always there for one another, not just as teammates, but as friends, family. I always loved that Dick was the person she asked to give her away on her wedding day in the old comics.
Donna was one of the first people Dick shared his identity with. We know that in later comics that the Titans all know who he is, but originally it was something he had to keep secret even though the others shared their names. This wasn't something he wanted, Bruce wouldn't let him at the time, but Donna knew when nobody else did.
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rubykissed · 11 months
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what if i promise to be careful? (For Diana) @star-of-troy
Diana turned to Donna, her mirror image, so similar yet so different at the same time.
"I would prefer that I fight beside you, careful or not."
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godkillersblood · 11 months
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"get in here." @star-of-troy
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Zoe stepped into her aunt's apartment. Her mom was going to kill her, which is precisely why Zoe was at Donna's place and not at home right now.
"Sorry, Aunt Donna, I didn't know where else to go."
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legends-and-savages · 11 months
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@star-of-troy sent: ❛  you always know just how to make me smile.  ❜ (For Diana)
🐝  *  ―  𝑫𝑰𝑭𝑭𝑬𝑹𝑬𝑵𝑻 𝑾𝑨𝒀𝑺 𝑻𝑶 𝑺𝑨𝒀 ‘𝑰 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝒀𝑶𝑼’| Accepting
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A smile from her. "Thank you." She said. "It is easy to do with you as you are special."
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blondie-drawings · 3 months
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orangexmachina · 3 months
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TNG Onion Headlines by me
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autisisko · 9 months
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Reductress: Deep Space Nine
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inkdreamt · 11 months
@star-of-troy, from Diana,
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To everyone else, a woman nobody really knew was walking down the street. Diana Prince had disappeared... what was it now? Five years ago? Ten? Years had no real meaning on an immortal. Especially someone with so much power. In her wake was now a much darker woman.
It was nearing midnight when the Godkiller caught the tiniest of a god's soul lurking from the shadows. She pretended at first not to notice her. Just let her blend in with the surroundings. Only after she passed the woman, an almost pleased smirk formed on her lips before it was forced into an almost excited look. Almost. The only excitement she really felt right now was the anticipation of finding out whether that soul fragment would return to its owner or if it would follow the clay pot into the Underworld.
"Donna? What are you doing here?" Oh, she hoped that sounded like nice Diana. She did have a dagger on her, strong enough to injure a god. Should be more than enough to kill a useless excuse of clay.
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redemptivexheroics · 7 months
@star-of-troy Liked For A Barry Allen Starter
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Barry was hanging around Star Labs with his friends when a woman walked in, one he hadn't met before; she looked out of place, but hell, Barry had seen a lot of things since gaining his speed powers. "Can I...help you?" he asked as he walked over.
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timeguardians · 3 months
Happy birthday 🎊🎂🎈🎉🎁!!!!!!!!!
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Thank you so much! Are you doing well?
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pilotspy · 11 months
@star-of-troy liked for Steve Trevor as a dad
Diana was sleeping, the birth had been long and she deserved every second of sleep after that.
So when Steve finally was allowed in the room, Donna was holding the baby.
He paused and kissed Diana's forehead before moving closer to Donna, he was fixated on the bundle in his sister-in-law's arms.
That was his and Diana's child.
"How are they? I heard them cry, but I wasn't allowed to come in until everything was over."
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optimisticrobin · 10 months
[ embrace ]  -  your  muse  pulls  mine  in  for  a  gentle  embrace.
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platonic / familial actions.
He'd been trying to hold himself together – he really had – but everything was getting too much for him. Jason's funeral had been earlier that day and it had hit him even harder than he'd expected. He tried to tell himself that they hadn't even been that close – that Jason had been an arrogant brat. Both things were true, but that didn't mean that he hadn't cared about him.
He just wished he'd shown it more back when Jason was still there. He wished that he'd been around more. The kid might have needed some guidance – the sort you could only get from a big brother. Dick knew how Bruce could be, after all.
If he'd been there – if he'd been available, maybe Jason wouldn't have had to go it alone. Maybe he would have been able to get there in time to save him.
There was a whole world of possibilities – of what ifs – but it didn't change the fact that Jason was gone.
After a long while, Dick melted into the hug, his own arms wrapping around Donna as he held onto her like a lifeline.
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"I'm sorry. I just...can't believe he's gone. It's not right. He was just a kid. He must have been so scared in the end."
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