#Anthony gets to spend time with his kids
squig-s · 6 months
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I fixed Anthony’s comment 🎥
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harrysfolklore · 4 months
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a valentine’s day blurb inspired by this song ! i hope you guys like it 💓
Four months ago you agreed to be Harry's girlfriend, and it was safe to say that those months have been filled with happiness that you've never felt before.
You met Harry through your longtime friend, Anthony, who happened to be Harry's tour photographer. Anthony had insisted for months that you needed to come to one of Harry's shows so he could introduce you two, because he felt that you would get along perfectly, but you remained skeptical. You weren't one to easily warm up to new people, especially not someone as famous and charismatic as Harry.
But fate had its own plans.
You finally attended the famous Love On Tour when it was brought to Wembley Stadium, and you were convinced that it was the best concert you had ever been to.
You got to meet Harry and just as Anthony predicted, you hit it off right away. You texted daily, face-timed and every time he had small breaks from tour he traveled to visit you.
One of those times he ditched everything to spend time with you in the comfort of your small but cozy apartment, he asked you to be his girlfriend now you were about to celebrate your first Valentine's day together.
"You and me, movies and dinner at my place for Valentine's day, how does that sound?" Harry said over FaceTime, you had adopted the tradition of calling each other while you did your night routines, it was clingy but you secretly loved it.
"Valentines day? Is that a thing for you?" you replied, spreading your moisturizer on your face.
"Baby, I did a world tour called Love On Tour, of course Valentines day is a thing for me!" you laughed at his expression, "Besides, this year I get to celebrate with my pretty girlfriend."
You instantly blushed, and by the smug smile on his face you knew he had achieved his goal.
"You know, I never know to respond when you call me pretty," you admitted, trying to play it cool, "Do I tell you that you're pretty too? Can I say that? Don't have a clue."
"Yes, love. You can tell me that I'm pretty too."
As Valentines day approached, you weren't what kid of gift you should get for Harry, it was pretty much the first time you had someone as "your valentine", so you struggled a lot to figure out what would be the perfect gift to give your boyfriend of four months.
You settled for a personalized leather-bound journal, you wrote a nice and heartfelt message on the first page expressing your feelings for Harry and recounting some of your favorite memories together over the past four months. You knew Harry appreciated thoughtful gestures, and you hoped this gift would show him just how much he meant to you, since sometimes it was hard for you to express it with words.
With the gift box and a homemade apple pie you decided to bake last minute you headed to Harry's house, when you got there the door swung open and you were met with a cozy Harry, clad in a brown jumper and some sweatpants.
"Hey, love," he greeted, pulling you into a tight hug. "Happy Valentine's Day."
"Happy Valentine's Day," you replied, returning the embrace, "I brought you something," you handed him a small wrapped box, shyness and excitement in your voice.
"Is this a gift?" Harry's eyes lit up with curiosity as he took the box from you, "Baby, you didn't have to get me anything."
"Just open it."
Harry carefully unwrapped the box and took the journal from it, turning to you and smiling widely.
"This is so nice love, thank you," he kissed your lips quickly, "Your gift is upstairs, I'll give it to you later."
He sent you a wink and you rolled your eyes, you decided to begin with your movie night, pouring two glasses of wine and pressing play to "Crazy Stupid Love", one of your favorite romcoms.
Two bottles of wine and another movie later, both of you were pretty tipsy and clinging to each other, and you could feel a burst of confidence flowing through your body.
"Wanna know something?" you drunkenly asked, making him look at you, "I'm scared of flies, like absolutely terrified."
Harry couldn't help but laugh at your confession, "Are you now, love?"
"Yeah, I also think I'm scared of guys, well, at least I was because I dated soooo many douches in the past," you kissed his cheek playfully before continuing, "But now I'm with you and you're nice."
"Am I?" Harry teased, enjoying this new side of you he had not seen before.
"You are," you pecked his neck, "You're like, the first one to ever like me back and honestly, I can't believe I get to call you mine.
Harry smiled in total awe, his heart growing twice its size at your words.
"I feel the same way, love," he pulled you closer, "You make me really, really happy."
You snuggled into him, nuzzling your face into his neck and feeling tiredness take over you, you closed your eyes and enjoyed his warmth and smell.
"How the hell did I fall in love this time?"
You mumbled before you drifted off to sleep, but Harry heard it loud and clear and he felt like he could cry out of love.
"I love you too, silly girl."
He kissed your forehead and carried you to bed, he wasn't sure if you were going to remember your conversation, but he was ready to remind you that he loved you as soon as you woke up.
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libraryofloveletters · 4 months
With Sweet Comes Sour
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Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader 
Warnings: charles just wanted a peaceful valentines, so much drama and so many emotions, lots of tears, assumption of cheating (no actual cheating), weird ass exes, all the kids are in here, a few insulting terms, alcohol and the consumption of, being drunk, slight explicit content, bar brawls, blood and bruises, google translated french.
Word Count: 3.6k
Author’s Note: okay here's another piece to the series, sorry it took me forever to get this out but I didn't have any ideas until now lol. happy early valentines!
Daddy & Me + Three Masterlist 
The rollers stacked on her vanity as you undo the curls in her hair. Eloise was doing the final touches on her makeup as it was her first Valentines with her boyfriend, Anthony. They're going for the full cliché; movie and dinner and a stroll by the pier when they are done.
This is the first Valentine in 17 years that you and your husband have the house to yourselves. You were going to make the most of it, spending some quality alone time without your children pestering you.
You leave her to finish getting ready before going down to check on your husband. You hear the doorbell ring, and you figure it was Anthony here to pick her up so you let the boy in. Eloise comes downstairs in the meantime and you could hear her speaking to her father.
"How do I look?" She asks him; her baby pink dress sat above her knees.
The man smiles, twirling a curl that sat on her shoulder. "Très belle, ma chérie." (very beautiful, my darling.) You smiled as you watched the interaction, Anthony steps past you towards his girlfriend. He had brought her chocolates and flowers.
She kisses his cheek; young love.
He had another bouquet of flowers, Eloise sets her gifts down in the kitchen as Anthony walks to you. "For you," he hands you the roses, you smile at him.
"Thank you, sweetheart. That's very thoughtful of you," you toss a glance at your husband who definitely forgot to get you flowers.
Eloise returns a moment later, linking arms with her boyfriend. "You two be safe," Charles tells them. Anthony nods, "I'll have her back before midnight."
"Just come home safe, you're both old enough to be responsible." You say, walking them to the front door and sending them off with a wave. Your husband comes up behind you the moment the door shuts, hugging you from behind before he carries you to the couch.
"So pretty lady, what are we going to do with our empty house?" He asks, you could practically hear the mischief in his voice.
"I'm gonna order takeout and drink a whole bottle of wine," you nudged him off of you, making him groan.
Charles was hoping he'd 'get some' so to speak, seeing that the house was in fact empty and would be for hours. Eloise and Anthony wouldn't be back until after midnight, Sofia and Christopher had gone up to Marseille for the night to spend time together and Gabriel and Oliver were at some club with Georgina and Adrian for the night, so you weren't expecting anyone back anytime soon.
"This is our first valentines together, alone, in a long time," Charles tells you, watching as you sit next to him with two glasses of wine.
"I know," you tapped your glass to his gently before taking a sip.
"It's odd," he whispers into your shoulder, kissing your skin softly. You nod, "but nice. Now hurry up and pick a place, I'm starving."
"Always so charming, my love." He rolls his eyes, earning a playful nudge as he reaches for his phone. You two settled on the Italian place that Charles liked.
He put on some random movie that the two of you had started watching a few days ago and never finished. You find yourself cuddled in your husband's side, his arm wrapped around you as you two tried to figure out what was happening where you left off. Eventually, Charles gives up on the movie and focuses his attention elsewhere.
Your husband pulls you onto his lap, his hands on your hips. "What do you want?" You asked him, your own hands on his shoulders, one sliding up to the nape of his neck; his hair had been growing out, all fuzzy and tickling his skin.
"I can't give my wife some love?" He whispers into your skin, lips peppering kissing along your neck as he pulls you into him. He reached your lips, you mumbled a no before kissing him.
His hands slip under your shirt, yours tangled in his hair; you make a mental note to call your mother in law to book him a haircut.
It's like you're teenagers again, all over each other with no room to breathe.
Hands make quick work of Charles's shirt, tossing it behind you somewhere as he goes to flip the two of you over, pinning you under him just as the doorbell rings.
You can't help the giggle when your husband groans, getting up to get the door as he assumed it was the delivery man with the food.
Except he's met with an annoyed Christopher, who just rolled his eyes when he saw his father shirtless and his mother on the couch. He pushes past Charles and goes to the kitchen.
"Chris?" You called after him, seeing Sofia walk in moments later on the verge of tears and you get up, tossing Charles's shirt to him.
The brunette follows her boyfriend, not saying anything until she reaches the kitchen. There's a screaming match, the two of them switching from English to Italian and then a mix of both. Something about a restaurant and a guy or something along those lines. Sofia's holding onto Christopher's arm and he gently pulled away, walking out the front door and slamming the door shut. Charles follows behind him, probably talking him down from doing something stupid.
These damn Leclerc's and their drama.
Getting up, you walk over to Sofia and sit with her in the kitchen. "Is everything okay? We weren't expecting you two back tonight, actually, we weren't expecting you back for the entire weekend."
The girl sniffles, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. "I hate him."
"Me too," you nodded, rubbing her back. "What did he do this time?"
"It wasn't even him, well I mean, it was but it was me. Actually, well.. it's complicated." She says and you raise an eyebrow, unsure as to what she meant. She speaks, explaining herself. "I bumped into an old friend, and when I say old friend, I mean an old friend. I haven't seen him in like, maybe, six years because he moved from Madrid to London. He just happened to be in Marseille with his girlfriend for Valentine's Day as well."
"Okay... I'm still waiting for what was so bad about that."
"I was waiting for Christopher to get out of the bathroom when my friend noticed me and tapped me on the shoulder. We exchanged hello and exchanged pleasantries, then he kissed my cheek on the way out. Christopher being Christopher, automatically assumes the worst."
You made a face, "so Chris got mad because.. he kissed you on the cheek? Is he dumb?"
"Exactly," she grumbled and you handed her a tissue to clean up her face. "Honestly, that's how Spanish men are, though. They're always affectionate, your father is the same way. I'm certain your friend didn't mean it in the way Christopher took it."
"Even if he did, I didn't take it that way. He has a girlfriend, and regardless, I love Christopher and I would never do that to him."
"I know you wouldn't." You gave her shoulder a squeeze. "Why don't you get something to drink? I'll go see what's going on with them outside hm?" You leave her be for the moment, letting her settle her emotions.
Charles is listening to Christopher ramble, the younger Leclerc spiralling and getting himself caught up in some nonsense lie that his brain made up.
"Christopher," you call for him, stopping him from speaking. He looks at you. "What?"
"You need to apologize to her."
He makes a face, confused as to why you're telling him to apologize when he clearly did nothing wrong, or so he thinks.
"Sofia is a sweet girl, who has no control over the actions of others, and who loves you very much despite your nonsense and your dramatic flare. So you get your ass inside and apologize to your girlfriend for ruining Valentine's day. Either you drive back to Marseille or you figure out something here, because you aren't gonna ruin today for her."
"He kissed her!" He says, flinging his arms in the air. Charles's eyes widened, "what?"
It seems Christopher had left out that detail.
"On the cheek," you clarify, "and so what if he did? You kiss Georgina on the cheek all the time and Sofia doesn't get upset. This guy was just some friend of hers, you need to get over your shit and put your ego to the side because if you don't, you'll lose her."
Christopher huffed, taking in his mother's words before turning and heading inside. You and Charles followed a moment later, hearing bits and pieces of their conversation in the kitchen but eventually, they came into the living room, holding hands.
"Dad," Christopher calls for his father, the man looks over at his son. "Can you get us a hotel room? I tried to get one but everyone says they're booked."
"I can try but why would it be different for me?" He asks, clearly confused and as clueless as the day you met him. "Because you're the prince of Monaco, Charles. Now start calling." You tell your husband, getting up to answer the door - the takeout had finally arrived.
Charles tried his best to get a hotel room for the kids, and even pulled his prince of Monaco card but despite it all, it was Valentine's Day and everywhere was booked.
Sofia decided that she wanted ice cream and Christopher, doing anything to make it up to her, agreed - ignoring the fact that he hated ice cream just for tonight. You sent them off with a wave before returning to your husband on the couch. Charles was refilling your wine glass as you took the food out of the bag.
You two had barely gotten 5 minutes into eating when the door opened and in comes Eloise with her mascara running down her face. She ran straight to her father's arms, collapsing into him.
Anthony follows behind her, the front door slamming shut as he rambles out something in French. "Ce n'est pas à quoi ça ressemblait! Ellie, tu paniques pour rien!" (This is not what it looked like! Ellie, you're freaking out for nothing!)
Eloise had returned home on Valentine's, in tears and was now holding onto her father as if he was going to disappear. The look you saw in Charles' eyes was one you thought was only held for Ferrari and all their torment but it was now directed to his best friend's son, - his baby girl's - his daughter's boyfriend.
"What's going on?" You handed Eloise a tissue, moving to sit on the arm rest of the couch, making yourself the middleman between Charles and Anthony.
The anger on your husband's face made you giggle internally, you could never take him seriously when he was upset - but you understood it. He didn't like to see his kids hurt, especially not his baby girl.
Anthony sighed, passing a hand through his dirty blonde hair; fluffy and flat, much like his father's. "My stupid ex girlfriend saw us while we were at the pier. She came to say hello and she was way too friendly with me - all over me, kissing my cheek, her hand on my chest, all in my face." He groaned, clearly disgusted by this girl.
"Why would you let her do that when you know you have a girlfriend?" Charles asks him, you could hear the roughness in his tone. Your hand gently moves to his shoulder, rubbing it softly.
You spoke next; "did she know you had a girlfriend?"
He nods, "Eloise was taking a picture of something so she was a few feet away and I guess she took it the wrong way when she saw her all over me. I was trying to get her to leave me alone but god, she's like a fucking pest - sorry," he makes a face when he realizes he swore. You wave him off before he continues. "Ellie took it the wrong way, which I understand but she won't hear me out, she thinks I'm cheating on her."
"Are you cheating on her?" Charles asks him.
"No!" You and Anthony answer at the same time; the boy trying to defend himself and you couldn't believe your husband would even ask that.
Eloise finally sits up, her father wiping her cheeks clean. Her blue eyes rimmed with red and slightly puffy from the tears and she turns to Anthony. "Va-t'en, je ne veux pas de toi ici." (go away, I don't want you here.) She tells him, voice trembling.
"Je ne pars pas, Éloïse." (I'm not leaving, Eloise.)
"Ok, je le ferai alors." (okay, i will then.) The girl gets up, walking the other way around the living room and heads up the stairs to what you could only assume was her room. Charles was just as wrapped around her finger as he was when she was born, and followed her to make sure she was alright.
These damn Leclerc's and their drama.
You rolled your eyes at your daughter's dramatics.
Yes, she was upset but Anthony had explained the whole situation in front of you, her and her father. While Anthony might look exactly like his man whore of a father, he was everything like his mother; a sweet, kind and fiercely loyal woman.
It broke your heart to see her upset but it also hurt you to see Anthony in the same state. You get up, hugging the boy as he sniffles, wiping his tears away with the back of his hand.
"She just needs some time to cool off, she's dramatic like her father." You tell him, trying to lighten the mood. You walk him to the kitchen, getting him some water.
He sat in the breakfast nook. "I swear I didn't even see her until she walked over, otherwise I would have walked the other way."
"I know babe, is this the same girl that stalked you after you broke up?"
"Yeah!" He groans, sipping his water. "She's so - ugh." He says, making you laugh. You kiss the top of his head, leaving him there for the time being as you put away what was supposed to be dinner. The food sat on the coffee table, cold and unattended.
The door opens again and you groan, praying it's not another issue but it wasn't; Sofia and Chris come stumbling in, clearly having consumed something other than ice cream.
"Mama!!" Chris grins, untangling his fingers from Sofia's as he walks over to you, kissing your cheek multiple times like he did when he was little - slobbering on your cheek as he did then too.
You laughed, smelling the booze on him. Steadying him, you held his waist. "Hi baby, you okay?"
"Soooo good," he tells you, wobbling over to Sofia, who was also drunk but more steady than your son. You watch as they go upstairs, the sound of the door opening and closing before you walk back to the kitchen.
Anthony still sat in the breakfast nook. "You want something to eat? Something else to drink?" You asked him, wiping your wet cheek off with a tissue.
It takes him a moment to respond. "You know when we were little and you'd cut the apples and make the little peanut butter sandwiches with the slices?" He asks and you nod.
"Want some?" You were already grabbing the apple, peanut butter and honey. Anthony smiles, nodding like he was a kid again.
You washed and cut the apples, spreading the peanut butter and honey on them, sandwiching them together and handing the plate to him. "Thank you," he says, sinking into his seat as he takes a bite of the familiar taste from his childhood.
"Mhm hm," you smiled, hearing the footsteps from behind you. Charles was coming down, kissing your temple as he picked up an extra piece of apple you had on the cutting board.
"Ellie just needs some time." He says, staring daggers at Anthony; if looks could kill.
You huffed, smacking the back of your husband's head. "Stop it, he feels bad enough as it is."
Another set of footsteps come from the hallway and you assume it's Christopher looking for something but then the sound of the front door slamming shut caught your attention. This house was like a free for all, everyone coming and going as they pleased - you made sure to make a mental note to see who had keys to this place.
In came Gabriel who was being held by his boyfriend, Oliver. The two of them were covered in blood and Gabriel had cuts and bruises all over his face.
"What the fuck? What happened?" You say, Charles rushing over to help Oliver sit Gabriel down on a chair.
"He's so fricking hot headed," Oliver says, holding his boyfriend up straight.
It was clear that Gabriel was beyond pissing drunk, the boy swaying unless someone was holding him. Anthony takes over for Oliver, holding Gabriel up as Oliver goes to the bathroom to get the first aid kit.
"What happened?" Charles asks, passing you the cloth as you wiped the blood off your son's face. "I have no clue," you tell him, being extra careful not to hurt him; not like Gabriel would feel it anyways.
Oliver comes back a moment later, setting the kit on the counter and taking back his spot next to Gabriel.
"Ellie's asking for you, man." He tells Anthony, who glances at Charles before quietly making his way out of the kitchen and up the stairs.
Before you could even ask, Oliver starts explaining the events of the night. "We met up with Georgina and Adrian at the club. We were all a little tipsy, and Georgina was trying to get a drink at the bar. Some guy came up behind her and he was getting all handsy, trying to touch her and Adrian was in the bathroom so he didn't see it happen, but Gabriel did and he stepped in." Oliver sighs, brushing his boyfriend's hair from his face.
"Basically, Gabriel told the guy to fuck off and said if he touched Georgina again that he would break his face. The guy took that as a sign to leave and once Adrian came back, the two of them decided that they were going to go get something to eat and just spend the rest of the night at home. But Gabriel being Gabriel, our night couldn't just end there of course."
You carefully patched up Gabriel, wiping his cuts clean and putting antibacterial ointment on what needed it , making sure he didn't need stitches or anything.
"The guy came back again a few minutes later. He was super drunk, as was Gabriel and you know how Gabe can be. They started fighting and next thing you know, they're beating the shit out of each other in the middle of the fucking club."
Oliver tells you the story, causing you to roll your eyes at your son's behaviour. You're proud of him for standing up for his friend but must he always get into a fight for stupid reasons?
"I tried to stop him but I forget how strong Gabriel is sometimes." He huffed and you looked at him, seeing the blood on him. "Are you okay?" You asked, moving over to check him.
"I'm fine," Oliver smiles. "It's Gabe's." He says, gesturing to the blood on his shirt.
Charles was making up the guest room downstairs while you patched Gabriel up. In his drunken state, you all knew he wouldn't be making it up the stairs. Your husband comes back to help Oliver get Gabriel into bed and you threw out the bloody mess that had developed on the counter.
You put the plates in the sink, tossing the garbage out and headed up to check on your oldest and youngest.
There were noises coming from Christoper's room and you figured it best not to investigate further. Eloise's door was open, you knock softly and peek in when you don't get an answer. Her head resting on Anthony's chest, the two of them cuddled up and fast asleep. Switching off the light, you pulled the door shut quietly and made your way back downstairs.
As you reach the bottom step, Charles appears from around the corner. He hugs you, squeezing you tightly.
"What?" you asked him, cupping his jaw.
"Our kids are insane," he tells you, sighing. You can't help the laugh, leaning down to kiss your husband. "Those are your genes."
Charles rolls his eyes and takes your hand, pulling you behind him.
"Where are we going?" You asked, following him. He leads you to the car, opening the door for you to get in before getting in himself. It was a short drive and you two ended up on the pier, Charles parks the car and looks over at you.
"What?" You asked him again.
"Just wanted some alone time with my wife," he whispers, leaning over to kiss you. "I can't have that?"
"No," you shook your head, leaning in your seat to reach him. Charles smiles against your lips, as you melted into each other, lost in the moment.
With a soft smile and a lingering touch, you reluctantly pulled away with your cheeks as red as the first night he kissed you. "What was that for?"
"Nothing," he says, smiling. "Happy Valentine's Day babe."
"Happy Valentine's Day, my love."
taglist: @timetorace @diorleclerc @lickmeleclerc @elisaa-shelby @ohthemisssery @anthonykatebridgerton @memeorydotcom @cehilim @kyomihann  @cedricdiggorysimpp @enjoymyloves @itsrogersstuff @p4st3lst4rs @chxndlerr  @shawnftjacob @f-holland @f1medlife @redbaby24 @valkyrie418 @its-lilla-my-dudes @alwayschoppedtaco  @felixthexlll @alwaysclassyeagle @starkeyellow @juliantheupsidedown @writergiih @paty2110juarez @coldmuffinbanditshoe @cowboylikemoiii @harrysdimples05 @hungryhungariann @cagoterie @sigynxlokiwifelover @majx00 @ghostleclerc @devilswaldorf @omigodyall @leclerc13 @hearts4maddison @yourtypicalslvt @karmabyfernando @nichmeddar @teenagedreams-cl @crueisummer @kmc1989 @kayleea122 @darleneslane @whyamireadingthis
**if you were previously tagged in a daddy & me + three piece and you aren't no, that means your tag wasn't working or it was sent incorrectly to me. please message me and I will fix it!
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bearw-me · 1 month
Hii hope I'm not interrupting.
Can we please have some angel dust with a young sibling reader (everything platonic OF COURSE), they're younger than angel by two years.
Take your time with this one 🌸
you're never interrupting! thxs for request such a cute prompt! i love platonic stuff :,]
𝐒𝐩𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐛 — 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐃𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐜𝐬
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𐐒 ft : platonic angel dust x younger sibling!reader, valentino mentioned 𐐒 cw : fluff, mentions of alcohol, swearing, slight angst, angel shoots someone for you 𐐒 summary : general hcs + what angel is like as a big brother 𐐒 note : forgive me that this feels a little long, but i needed to get all this off my chest!
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every time the two of you are introduced to someone they assume angel is the younger one (you both correct them)
angel always acts like the younger sibling
by the way you pull up in your car or a cab and peel him from the clubs, annoyed that he's clinging to you drunkenly and hugging you but also relieved that he's safe
him mushing your face around and sobbing about "how much he actually loves you" and "what would he do without you"
Angel always stands up for you, even going so far as to shoot someone just because they said something to you
now that he lives at the hotel, he likes to text you and plan fun "dates" for you guys to do and spend time together
when and if you ask, he always gives you money "okay run along now, go, keep yourself busy or something" while shooing you away
although angel doesn't care that he's in hell, or the messed up situation he's in with Val, he really cares about you being down here
and in his own way, he tries to keep you away from all that stuff
likes when you call him by his actual name: Anthony
the only time you'd probably call him "Angel Dust" is when he tells you to, which is usually at work
and loves that no matter how much he f*cks up, or you do for that matter, you'll always have each other, no matter what
would love doing your makeup or giving you some of his whenever you drop by to visit him
you fight, as siblings do, yelling and throwing things at each other if it gets serious before angel walks out like a drama queen
then that very same night you'd both be sending each other funny videos and pictures as if it never happened
he always apologizes though, like when he sees you the next time in person
he still calls you "kid"
i feel like he'd be prone to fixing you up and dotting on you like a mother. like if you went to a school dance or something he'd help you get ready and fiddle with your hair until he figured it was perfect and would STAY all night
probably cried at any event that celebrated you; like a graduation
tries to be a big brother and not tell you about what happens at work, or how Val owns his soul (you could probably get a bit out of him and be there for his comfort, but he only talks openly about it to cherri and husk)
your big brother is always just a phone call away, like he will literally drop everything he's holding no matter how fragile and find a way to get to you
when you were both younger angel dust was a scrappy little kid, getting into fights with anyone on the playground and chipping his tooth.
always tried to give you the best he could (don't worry, he was never a horrible brother, just a little dramatic at times)
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drewsbuzzcut · 16 days
Can you do a blurb of how model reader and kids would celebrate May’s birthday (I know it would be set in the future lol since he is only 27 rn) like how would they wake him up and spend the day with him
Warnings: mentions pregnancy and miscarriage, alcohol consumption, semi smutish, and unedited
“Nols, you have the presents?” You ask your oldest who nods affirmatively and holds up the few bags in his hands.
“I have the breakfast!” Angel shouts and holds up the tray. When he pushes it up, the food starts to slide to the edge, so you quickly steady the tray in his hands.
“I’ll help him, mommy,” Sloane says and grabs one side of the tray.
“Thank you, sweetie. Okay! Let’s go wake up daddy!”
The four of you try to walk up the stairs quietly, but every time AJ’s hold goes crooked, Sloane is quick to correct him.
When you open the door to your bedroom, you see Mat still asleep in your large bed. He’s face down with his arms and hair sprawled out around him. His lips are placed in a pout and his eyebrows are dipped down in a slight furrow. You know he’s in a deep sleep, especially because when he first woke up he was treated with a blowjob that practically sucked his soul out of him.
“Go wake up daddy, Lo,” you grab the tray of food so Sloane can wake up Mat.
She nods her head, but slots her hand in AJ’s so he can go with her. They both jump on the bed and start shaking their father.
“Daddy! Daddy! Wake up it’s your birthday,” both of your littles shout at the same time as if they had planned what to say.
Mat rolls over, his eyes blinking as he tries to wake up and remember where he’s at. You shuffle your giggle when he finally realizes he’s home and his babies are waking him up.
“Oh my goodness. Thank you, AJ. Thank you my little princess,” Mat says, giving them kisses on their foreheads. AJ smiles, more excited to dig into Mat’s breakfast. Sloane melts into her daddy’s arms. The entire week she has talked about nothing but her dad’s birthday coming up. She’s probably more excited than Mat is.
“Happy birthday, dad,” Nolan says and hugs Mat. Hugs from Nolan have been running sparse, so you know this one means the absolute world to Mat.
“Thank you, Nolie bear.”
“Happy birthday, hotshot,” you whisper, your face lowering to his so you can lock your lips with his.
You try not to let the kiss grow into something that can’t be continued, and the kids collectively saying “ew” helps you pull away.
“Mommy kissing me is not disgusting guys. You’ll be doing the same thing one day. Just not you, Sloane,” Mat giggles which makes Sloane giggle.
“Presents daddy! Open them, I’m hungry,” AJ stresses and pulls the bags from Nolan’s hands.
Mat’s birthday dinner is at one of his favorite restaurants in the city, the place filled with his family, friends, and old teammates.
The kids have been on their best behavior and are sitting with their daddy, talking in everything around them when someone comes up to Mat to wish him a happy birthday.
He enjoys a few drinks, mainly because the kids will be spending a night with Scarlet, Mat’s little sister, and Anthony. You have something planned and you want it to just be the two of you.
Dinner goes perfectly. Everyone is joking, telling stories about Mat when he was young and still a hockey player, and it’s nothing but smiles and love. Mat feels like the luckiest person to have such an amazing family and some pretty cool friends.
After a very long session of goodbyes to everyone, including your three babies, you and Mat finally get home. Before you can even tell him that you have a present for him, he’s pulling you into a heated make out.
He throws himself on the couch, pulling you on top of him. You fit easily between his legs and you’re quick to wrap your arms around his neck. You softly jut your hips against his, forgetting about everything for a little while. His tongue slips into your mouth, lapping at you like he never has before. A burst of heat rushes through you and you always underestimate of simple it is for him to distract you.
“Wait. Wait. I have something I want to share with you,” you gasp, forcing yourself away from his lips. You close your eyes for a long minute while you try to clear the fog in your mind. It doesn’t help that Mat literally looks like sex on legs at the moment. His lips are slick and swollen, his eyes are darkened, and you can see his chest peeking out from his top.
“Is it your pussy, because I really want a taste.” He sits up, holding your body to his and whispers in your ear. His voice is sweet, almost innocent, but the way his teeth nip at your skin is anything but innocent.
“Have patience Mr. Barzal. Let me go get your birthday present,” you grin and run off to your room.
“Okay Mrs. Barzal, what’s in your hands?” He reaches for your waist, pulling you back on his lap.
“Open it.”
You watch and wait with bated breath, anticipation overtakes you and keeps you nervous.
“No fucking way,” he gasps and quickly finds your eyes.
You can’t help but let a tear or two fall down your cheeks as you nod your head.
“We’re having another baby!” You confirm and throw yourself into his arms.
He holds you so tight and rocks the two of you.
“Oh my god. I can’t- I can’t believe this is happening. I’m so happy. I- thank you, baby. Thank you,” he mutters, voice still shocked but you can clearly hear the love and adoration donning his tone.
“Our last baby,” you say and guide his hand to your still flat tummy.
“Our 5th baby. Jeez, Mrs. Barzal, you’re insatiable,” he jokes. It’s not missed on you that he included your heavenly angel baby, especially when he traces the tattoo on your lower abdomen. The pain is still there when you think about the fact that you could’ve had another one living and breathing at this moment, but it’s more of a dull ache. You and Mat have healed and now you’re welcoming a rainbow baby soon.
“Says you, hotshot. You’d keep me in bed 24/7 if you could,” you retort with a sassy shake of your head.
“Hmm you’re right. I love you and I love all our babies,” he says, voice changing to one that’s sincere and soft.
“I love you more. Happy birthday, baby,” you whisper and drops your lips on his.
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thewulf · 10 months
So Clueless || Aaron Hotchner
Summary: Request - I do want to add to your plate if you don't mind 😬 can I request a hotch x younger!reader fic where it's years after WITSEC and his retirement and he's remarried to someone younger he met at his new, normal person job... Read Rest Here
A/N: I'm back!! Loved writing this one so much! Hope you guys enjoy :)
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Y/N
Word Count: 3.8k+
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You never planned to change your last name if you ever got married. You came through on that plan after falling in love and marrying Aaron Hotchner. He, in his early fifties, and you, a little younger than that, fell in love quickly after meeting at work when he started there almost ten years prior. You were a zookeeper and Aaron was your area manager, the rest was quite literally history.
The two of you hid the secret relationship until he was moved elsewhere in the zoo finally allowing you to come out with it. Dating turned to an engagement turned to marriage. You became Jack’s, now 17, stepmom and brought in his younger brother, Riley who just turned 9, and sister, Madison who was 7, not too long after the two of you tied the knot. Weeks turned to months turned to years and you loved your life, you really did. But the kids were getting older, and you needed a bit of a challenge. Aaron joked about you joining the FBI and the idea stuck. You weren’t a profiler, no, but you would make a damn good communications liaison. You’d basically become that for the zoo you were working at anyway. Your position of zookeeper gradually shifted to communications lead throughout the park.
Your plan was put on hold until one fateful afternoon when you saw the elusive job posting come through to your inbox. You just kept rereading the job posting before making sure your resume was up to date. You wanted to apply but decided to wait for Aaron to make sure it looked as good as possible. He worked there for years, he had to have some tricks up his sleeve.
It wasn’t a few hours later that all three of your children and Aaron came bounding through the front door off to do whatever they had planned. You’d always offered to pick the kids up from their various sports practices after work, but Aaron often refused, he wanted to spend the time with them. You could only imagine how guilty he felt about missing out on Jacks start of life. He refused to miss out on any of Riley’s or Maddie’s.
“Sweetheart.” Aaron kissed your cheek as you finished putting dishes in the dishwasher.
“Hi hon.” You hugged his side pulling him into your embrace, “How was your day?” Laying your head on his chest you looked up to him with all the love in your eyes.
“Pretty uneventful. Mandy and Anthony were at each other’s necks again. The animals behaved better than people, the usual.” He hugged you back brushing a few strands of stray hair from your eyeline.
This was his favorite part of the day, spending time with you. The fact that he knew he got to come home to you warmed his heart. Too often before he spent time in hotel rooms instead of his own bed. Oh, how he loved his own bed.
You grinned, “They just need to hook up already. For everybody’s sanity’s sake.”
“Y/N!” He laughed squeezing your side.
You pulled away from him shrugging, “What? You know they only bicker like that for one reason. They both need to just need to get it over with. I think Tammy said she was going to kill one of them sooner or later if they don’t shut the hell up. Her words, not mine.” You pulled a beer out of the fridge handing it to him. It was a Friday night, neither of you had any commitments in the morning, why not get your husband a little tipsy?
He took it from you, happily, “Cheers.”
You clinked glasses with him giving him nothing but a happy smile.
“Anything we’re drinking for something?” He raised an eyebrow, surely profiling you.
Letting your head nod up and down you laughed softly, “How do you always know?”
He smiled walking closer to you, “It was once my job to notice.” He pulled you back into his embrace by looping a finger through your jean belt loop, pulling you right towards him.
“Speaking of that.” You leaned your chin on his chest looking up at him with a smile. You didn’t miss his eyebrow raise in curiosity, “Job opening just came through.” Handing him your phone you waited for him to say something, anything. He knew how hard you’d been working to set yourself up as the most desirable candidate. Often going to lectures and seminars. Inserting yourself in the world you were so far away from. Going to go get a criminal communications degree at the FBI’s favorite school, Georgetown. You wanted more, needed more than what you were stuck doing.
He nodded giving you another once over, “Honey are you sure?”
“I’m positive.” You smiled, “I finally graduated with my criminal communications degree. I’ve outgrown my position at the zoo. I think it’s perfect timing Aaron.”
“Okay sweetheart. Let’s go get that resume cleaned up.” He reached for your hand ready to get down to business. He’d do anything for you, and this was what you wanted so that made it what he wanted too.
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You weren’t sure how much Aaron had helped but you knew it had to be more than he was admitting to. He claimed he simply gave Prentiss and Strauss a call to put in a good word. You knew it was more than that when you got the compensation offer for far more than you’d discussed. You weren’t going to question it though. Your mom always told you never to look a gift horse in the mouth.
You’d have assumed Aaron had told somebody of your relation to him. That assumption was soon to be proven untrue when you met the infamous BAU Unit Chief Emily Prentiss from all of Aaron’s stories who was clearly trying to figure you out. When she asked you, “Are you married?” You knew she hadn’t a clue who you were. This was so Aaron to keep his two lives completely separated. A little heads up would’ve been nice though.
“I am. I have a stepson and two kids with him.” You smiled wondering how long you could play this game until they figured it out.
Emily smiled pressing the elevator button going up, “What are their names?” She was just being friendly. Knowing she was childfree for good reason.
You knew it wouldn’t give you away in the slightest, but it gave you the slightest thrill to speak his name out loud, “Jack is my stepson. Riley and Maddie are my younger two.” You pulled out a picture that strategically hid the younger Hotchner’s face showing it to Emily.
“They’re adorable.” She handed the phone back to you.
“Do you have any?” You asked knowing the answer. It felt odd knowing everything about her, yet she hadn’t a clue who you were. But you had to play stupid, or you’d make it pretty obvious something was up.
She shook her head, “No. But I have six agents that act like it sometimes.” She shot you a wink letting you get out of the elevator first. You got along great with the team after quickly recognizing JJ, Spencer, Morgan, and Penelope from Aaron’s pictures. Playing dumb was getting harder and harder throughout the day when you let it slip that your husband’s name was Aaron and that his son Jack had just gotten his license in a story you were retelling. Something they had just been told by him not that long ago. Surprisingly nobody picked up on anything, not that you could tell anyway. You weren’t a profiler but being married to one had you pick up on the small things that people normally glossed over.
When you got home that night you had Aaron howling with laughter after you detailed the day and how his old team didn’t seem to have a clue that you were in fact his wife of nearly ten years now.
“Don’t tell them. Let’s see how long it takes.” He cupped your face in his hands brushing his thumbs over your lips softly, waiting for your response.
A slight nod in his hands, “Any reason?” You asked, all too curious.
He shook his head, “Let’s see how well I trained them.” He laughed again. You joined in finding his joy more than contagious. More often than not he was in an incredible mood finding any and every reason to make you smile.
“They’re not doing so well Agent Hotchner.” You baited him. Taking a step back with a silly little smirk you watched his reaction.
He threw his hands up, “it’s only been a day sweetheart. Give them a week or two.”
“That’s a deal.” You grinned pulling his waist in for a quick kiss on the lips. Grinning when you felt him smile into the kiss. You felt those similar butterflies you always got from him. How he managed to make you swoon all these years later was beyond your wildest dreams.
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They in fact did not figure it out within a week or two. It had been a month now since you started working with the BAU at the FBI and they had yet to even piece two and two together. You’d given them your whole life story minus pictures. The only good excuse you had was that you were private. It worked though. Nobody pried. You provided the same courtesy to them too. Only digging as far as they’d let you.
Aaron had even gotten his longtime friend and colleague, the one you’d actually met, Rossi to play the game. He stopped by the offices every now and then to help the team when they were in town. Retirement was great but even he had to admit he was terribly bored. He claimed he needed to keep his brain from going mushy, so he had to help on cases.
He was having all too much fun testing the team, “Y/N.” He called bringing you back to the present and away from your mind.
“Yes, Rossi?” You looked up from the stack of paperwork you were powering through, definitely your least favorite thing about the job.
“How’s your husband doing? Haven’t talked with him in a while.” He smirked knowing only you could see his face.
He wasn’t technically lying. Aaron and Dave normally spoke almost daily. They’d been missing each other this week though, “He’d good. Said he’s looking forward to seeing you and Pat this weekend.”
Morgan frowned interrupting the conversation between the two of you, “You know her husband?”
Had somebody  finally started picking up on it? How was Rossi going to talk his way out of this one?
Rossi nodded, “Oh yeah, we go back years. Friends for a long time. It’s a small world.”
Derek nodded trying to get a better read on the situation, “They’ve known each other longer than we have.” You smiled. If the team hadn’t been so overloaded he might’ve picked up on it. But he simply nodded turning back to his massive pile of bullshit he had to get done before he could leave.
“That was close.” You whispered earning a soft chuckle from the older man.
“I’ll see you later Y/N.”
You waved, “See you Dave.”
“Small world? Huh?” Derek looked back up giving you a side eye almost as if he didn’t fully believe your story.
“Incredibly small.” You confirmed.
If he knew he didn’t say a word. It wouldn’t be that hard to hide if they did any sort of digging, which you were sure Penny had already done. Why she hadn’t told the whole team was a mystery unto itself. There wasn’t a chance she didn’t do a deep dive on you for Strauss before the FBI hired you. Maybe Aaron had gotten to her before you did?
You only laughed when you saw Rossi’s old pickup truck siting in your driveway as you pulled in after working later into the night. To your delight the house was quiet leading you to believe the kids were elsewhere for the weekend. Aaron always had a plan, always. Something you’d grown to love very deeply. He could take charge of any and every situation no matter how big or small.
“David, I thought you said you’d be over Sunday. Not that I’m not happy you’re here.” You grinned setting your work bag down by the kitchen island.
“That was the plan until this afternoon. Aaron needed to know how his team is missing every sign.” David poured you a glass of the chilled Pinot Grigio he brought over.
“They are busy Rossi, be nice.” You took a long sit of the cool wine.
Rossi smiled, “We have to send in the big guns Monday Aaron. Jack has to come in. Bring in Y/N’s lunch or something.”
“That’ll give it away.” You grinned setting the glass down.
He shrugged, “They’ll never figure it out at this rate.”
Aaron sighed, “I’ve got to admit. I’m a little disappointed.” The smile on his face betrayed his words though. He loved every second of this. And with Jack being off for the summer he didn’t see why he couldn’t conveniently drive him in to drop off his mom’s lunch.
The plan sprang to life when Monday rolled around. You couldn’t believe Derek had gotten up almost the second that Jack walked out of the elevator. Waving him over you didn’t notice any of your teammates watching. Unreal, what were the odds of that.
He’d almost gotten in and out unspotted, or so you thought, before Derek walked back over spotting the now grown Hotchner.
“Hey kid! What are you doing here? You grew another three inches since the last time we saw you a few months ago.” Derek roughed the teen’s hair up. You only grinned sitting in your seat, somehow he’d missed the entire interaction between the two of you.
“Just dropping off my mom’s lunch.” Jack smiled knowing what game he had to play too. The Hotchner boys were having way too much fun with all of this.
“She works here?” Derek asked, surprise evident in his voice. He didn’t suspect a thing.
“She does.” He didn’t elaborate any further knowing he’d give the whole gig up if he did, careful not to look back at you.
You watched as Derek tried to figure out who the hell it could be. Obviously it had to be somebody on the floor. It wouldn’t be long before he put it all together now, “Well I hope that means we’ll see you some more kid.”
He nodded, “When I’m not in school. See you later Derek.”
“See you Y/N.” He waved making sure not to blow his cover.
“Bye Jack.” You winked at him making sure Derek couldn’t see, “I’ll see you later.”
When you looked back over at Derek he was staring right at you, “Sweet kid.”
He nodded confirming what you had just said. Curiosity got the better of him as he asked, “Did you see who his mom was?” Missing the fact that Jack just said bye to you and knew your name.
You shook your head, “Afraid not.”
“Interesting.” He kept looking at you. Then to the lunch that was sitting at your desk then back at you. He had to know. He was far too smart not too. But he didn’t say a word.
Raising an eyebrow, you knew he was so close to connecting the dots, “What is?” Giving him a sweet smile trying your best to play it off.
“Hotchner’s kid being here. Last thing I expected to see today.” He sat down at his desk across from yours.
You bobbed your head along, “Old boss?”
Derek hummed turning back to his paperwork letting you know he was getting back to work. How he hadn’t gotten it yet was a little surprising to you but being bogged down with so much work probably did have something to do with it. You didn’t see Spencer sitting there at his own desk across the aisle listening in very closely. He did see Jack come right up to you handing you a brown paper bag before making a beeline to Rossi’s office. It didn’t take him more than two seconds after that to realize you were his old boss’s wife. How could he not have seen it? Sure, you didn’t take his last name, but he still should’ve put it together. You weren’t shy about using his and Jack’s names.
Spencer let out an audible sigh once he realized deciding to keep his mouth shut. It was clearly a game at this point. How long would it take the rest of the team to notice?
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You smiled looking at the team photos on the wall in the conference room. It was fun to see Aaron in his element outside of what he does now. It was hard to believe he was so serious and rigid. So different than the carefree man he was now. The one he was allowed to be after taking the retirement deal Strauss offered him all those years ago.
“That was is 2009. We were all pretty new to the team back then. Minus Hotch and Rossi.” Spencer’s voice spoke from beside you. That drew your eyes away from your young husband and back towards him.
“You all look like babies.” You laughed scanning over the much younger faces of the team members.
Spencer smiled, “I’d like to say we were naïve too, but we were years into it at that point. We’d seen it all, how awful humanity could be.”
You couldn’t fully understand Aaron’s stories until you had gotten here. This team truly saw the worst of the worst and stories only told you so much. In just your month here you fully understood. You got why he cautioned you. You could certainly handle it. It didn’t make it any easier though.
“Yeah, at least you had each other right?” You asked.
“Couldn’t have done it without them.” He turned pointing towards Aaron, “Without him. He did a lot for us. Miss him a lot sometimes.”
“He’s handsome.” You grinned not thinking Spencer had a clue of his relation to you.
He ignored you asking his own question, “Did you change your last name when you got married?”
You shook your head quickly, “No, too much of a hassle now a days. My friend got into a legal nightmare with taxes when everything didn’t switch over properly.”
He laughed softly enjoying your rambling, “What’s his last name then. Aaron what? Don’t think you ever told us, Y/N.” He leaned back on the wall grinning like a little Cheshire cat.
Busted. He had to have known. Do you tell him? Might as well, “Hotchner.” You bit your cheek to hide the little smile that was threatening to spill over.
He clapped his hands together, “I knew it.”
“Course you figured it out.” You laughed seeing the excitement of being right cross his face, “What gave it away?”
“Jack dropping off your lunch.” He scratched the back of his head, “It’s a little embarrassing I didn’t figure that out sooner.”
You shrugged, “It’s not like I’ve met you before. Plus, we’re more than a little busy here.”
“Is that why we didn’t get an invite to the wedding? He wanted to hide that side of his life away?” A flash of what looked like hurt crossed his face before a neutral expression took over.
You shook your head quickly, “Our parents didn’t even get an invite. It was just me, Jack, and Aaron.” You bumped your hip against his trying your best to reassure him.
Relief washed over, “Small wedding.”
You laughed, “Very intimate. We’d both already done the big fancy weddings. We wanted to make it just about us. It was incredible.” You admitted to him. Divulging another aspect of your life to him that had yet to come up. You’d gotten married and divorced. Married far too young with no plan didn’t make for a very loving and lasting relationship.
“Wait.” Derek’s booming voice came from the entrance of the conference room, “You’re married to Hotch?”
You spun around on your heal facing Derek and the team behind him with equally confused expressions, “Guilty as charged.” You smiled at them. You had to start laughing seeing all their expressions go from confusion to recognition to acceptance.
“Finally!” Penny let out a rather large sigh of relief, “I’ve been hiding that for far too long.” She shot you a wink.
Derek cocked his head to the side, “Why didn’t you say something baby girl?”
You spoke up for her knowing he was about to try and guilt trip her, “It was Aaron’s idea. Rossi and I just played along. Penny’s good at keeping secrets.” You returned her wink noting Rossi’s absence. He’d be so annoyed he missed this.
Derek’s jaw looked like it was about to hit the floor, “Well I guess it’s nice to formally meet you Mrs. Hotchner.”
Shaking your head you responded with a big cheesy grin on your own face, “He thinks he failed you all at this rate. We had a bet that you’d get it within two weeks. He took the under.”
“Don’t look so smug Hotchner lite.” He took two fingers and pointed them right at you.
The entire room erupted at that one, “Hotchner lite. I like that one.” You answered him once all the laughter died down.
“Alright,” Emily commanded the attention back from the room, “Hotch owes us all a round after pulling that little stunt.”
“That he does.” You agreed, “He said your all invited over once you figure it out. Consider this the formal invitation.” The team agreed before the day started and the case was given. Fortunately, the case was local.
When you got home late that night you found your husband quickly wrapping him in a big hug before spilling the details of your day. He stood there listening to every word like it could be your last. Just another thing you adored about him. He just made you feel so cherished and adored.
“Of course, it was Reid.” Aaron chuckled once you finished the story, “For as smart as they all are they can be so clueless sometimes.”
“That’s what I said!” You joined in the laughter with him as the two of you snuggled in on the couch. Neither of you making a move to turn on the TV, just enjoying each other’s presence. Leaning your head down on his chest your eyes drifted shut listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
“I love you sweetheart, get some sleep.” He ran his hands through your hair knowing that’d knock you right on out.
“Love you.” You mumbled before falling asleep on top of him, happier than ever with the way your life seemed to just fall into line.
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @cr1minalskies @daily-evanstan @hardballoonlove @14buddy22
Request Taglist: @louderfortheback @badbye666 @southernraven @yunirgo @thedarkling1313 @devilslittlebabyxx @hotchsdharma @modern-mermaid @lalalove-56 @daddypleasefuckme946-blog @cupidddd-d @fanfic5211
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bridgertonbabe · 3 months
So having read the bridgerton spouse group chats by you and bridgerton family group chats by @holybatgirlz I’ve realised Benedict seems to always been one of the ones getting injured during family games night…
Does Sophie ever ban him from playing after an Injury or flat out refuse to go after she’s had all four kids and Benedict ends up back in hospital and ends up out of action for a few weeks meaning Sophie has four kids and a husband to tend to (and forces the injuring causing party to wait on him hand and foot for the duration of his Convalescence)
Also on another point… reading these makes me wanna write a family games night fic 😂😂
I feel like by the time all the spouses are married in and as they all start their families that Bridgerton game nights would become a bit calmer - only fractionally, but enough that the hospital visits aren't as frequent and the injuries sustained are far less serious. Though the Bridgertons (and Kate) remain insanely competitive to a terrifying degree, the spouses manage to limit game nights to once a year at most and then following the annual game night the spouses make it very clear how little they care for the family's version of a casual night of board/parlour games, and at the very least some of the Bridgertons take their partners feelings on board and attempt to mellow their competitiveness (kinda).
But with that being said, just because the injuries at game nights wind down, doesn't mean casualties don't occur through other competitive dumbass means...
BSSG Group Chat
Sophie: Guys I'm at the hospital.
Penelope: omg are you ok?????
Lucy: oh no what's happened?
Sophie: Ben broke his leg.
Phillip: Shit how did he manage that?
Sophie: He broke it go-karting.
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Simon: What the ever living fuck was he doing go-karting?
Lucy: and not to be ageist - but at his age????
Phillip: The fuck is he playing at?
Gareth: i have to know
Gareth: did he go by himself?
Michael: Gareth please don't make this any more tragic for Ben or any more embarrassing for Sophie
Sophie: For your information he wasn't by himself.
Lucy: then who the hell did he go with????
Penelope: wait
Sophie: Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news
Phillip: Oh no
Simon: Please don't say it
Sophie: But it was a Bridgerton sibling day out
Michael: Oh for fuck's sake
Lucy: but greg told me he was going to spend the afternoon helping his mum pick up the flowers and decorations for penelope and eloise's baby shower on saturday!
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Simon: As much as I can share in your dismay Lucy I can't say I'm remotely shocked to learn that Daphne and her siblings all lied about their whereabouts to hide the fact that they were having a sneaky go-karting afternoon 😑
Michael: I'm well aware I'm including my wife in this but do none of them have jobs??? Who goes go-karting on a Wednesday afternoon????
Phillip: Lets just be grateful that there was only one casualty from their go-karting escapade.
Sophie: ...
Sophie: Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news again
Simon: Sophie don't you dare
Penelope: oh god do we even want to know
Sophie: But they've all been hospitalised.
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Michael: Why
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Michael: Why must they be like this
Gareth: just how exactly do 8 people get taken to hospital from a single go-karting afternoon?
Phillip: Soph is El ok????? I'm on my way right now
Sophie: She's ok Phil and so is the baby, she's just got a sprained wrist. She fared the best out of them all injury wise.
Penelope: El's fared the best???????
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Michael: Just what exactly is the extent of the damages we're talking here @ Sophie
Sophie: So Colin has a broken leg to match Ben's, Anthony's in a neck brace, Fran's fractured a couple of ribs, Daph's fractured her arm while Greg's broken his and has bruised his coccyx, and Hy's broken her big toe and is currently sporting an eye patch.
Penelope: COLIN'S BROKEN HIS LEG???????
Penelope: I'm 4 weeks away from giving birth wtf am I supposed to do with Limpy for a husband?!?!?!?
Lucy: ffs greg and i were supposed to be playing tennis with hermione and my brother this sunday 😤
Gareth: at least this isn't your wife:
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Gareth: and soph how exactly did hy end up with an eye patch from go-karting?
Sophie: Greg shot her.
Simon: He shot her?????
Michael: Wow Greg shot Hy?
Michael: Honestly I would have imagined Fran snapping before Greg
Gareth: @ Sophie if you've previously failed to mention that my wife is wearing an eye patch because she's been blinded in that eye NOW WOULD BE THE TIME TO MENTION IT
Sophie: Relax she hasn't been blinded, it's just precautionary until the swelling's gone down.
Penelope: yeah wtf is Greg doing with a gun????
Simon: And why does he have one for go-karting?!?!??!
Sophie: Ok so it was a BB gun he was using
Lucy: AND HE HAD IT BECAUSE?!?!?!?!?
Sophie: Well you're all going to love this
Sophie: They weren't just doing regular go-karting
Phillip: What
Sophie: They were doing it Mario Kart style.
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Simon: I actually can't stand them.
Gareth: not to be pedantic but they don't have guns in mario kart
Gareth: did they get it mixed up with gta coz that would make way more sense with all of the injuries they've acculumated
Lucy: are you seriously telling me they were driving go-karts around a track while shooting at each other??????
Penelope: I'm a month away from giving birth to a Bridgerton baby 🙃
Sophie: Basically they were using an assortment of items like hurling banana peels and pouring out oil on the track to make the others slip, they were throwing frisbees and balls at each other which were meant to be like shells and they had a variety of water/nerf/BB guns to take each other out that way. All of which contributed to the massive pile up that caused most of their injuries.
Michael: God almighty
Gareth: question; was hy not wearing a helmet?
Sophie: She was but she had the visor open after Eloise sprayed it over with paint which was how she ended up getting shot.
Kate: Omfg
Kate: I cannot believe this!
Sophie: It's a lot to take in I know.
Kate: I can't believe they didn't invite me!
Michael: Kate do you even care that your husband is in a neck brace?
Kate: Well that's what he fucking gets for not including me! Karma's a bitch and so is Anthony!
Simon: @ Kate
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Phillip: God can you imagine what Violet's reaction to this is going to be when she finds out?
Sophie: No need to imagine she already knows.
Penelope: omfg
Gareth: damn you already told on them???
Sophie: Violet was the first person I told as soon as I heard about it all. I'm sick to death of them all acting like this and being so stupidly reckless. Not one of them even stopped to think that it might not be a good idea and now I've got to see after 4 kids with an invalid for a husband, and the rest of their injuries will come as just as great an inconvenience to all of you as well!
Sophie: So yeah I immediately went to Violet to tell on them because I want her to wipe the absolute floor with them for being so thoughtless!!!!!
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Michael: You did what had to be done Soph and for that I applaud you 👏👏👏
Sophie: But that's not all, I'm also punishing Ben for being so feckless.
Kate: Oooh kinky
Sophie: Far from it. For starters when I got here Ben wanted to cuddle Vi to cheer himself up but I told him no and that he's getting no snuggles with her from now until his cast comes off.
Gareth: holy shit you're gate-keeping his own daughter from him
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Lucy: and i love it
Michael: How quickly did he start to cry?
Sophie: Instantaneously. It was incredibly rewarding.
Sophie: And I'd encourage you all to do the same with your respective Bridgerton in whatever way you see fit.
Penelope: once Colin's home I'll keep offering him food but then just sit and eat it right in front of him 😈😈😈
Gareth: i'm going to get a toy parrot and perch it on hy's shoulder and call her patchy 🦜
Simon: I'm not even going to bother picking Daph up from the hospital. She has to learn she can't keep pulling stunts like this as a mother of four.
Simon: That and I've already started drinking to deal with this nonsense so I couldn't even if I had to.
Phillip: I'm going to make El take and stay with the twins at back to back children's parties this weekend. She'll absolutely fucking hate it.
Kate: I'm just going to laugh in Anthony's face. Probably get the kids to join in too.
Lucy: damn i'm not sure what i'm going to do with greg
Michael: I'm going to withhold sex.
Penelope: damn that's a bold move
Simon: But is that going to be more of a punishment for her or you?
Michael: Not to give you all too much of an insight but that's going to kill Fran more than you'd think it would.
Michael: But that's what she gets for going along with her fam's unhinged competitive behaviour.
Michael: No more snu snu.
Penelope: I actually think if we all withheld sex from our respective partners that they might finally learn their lesson.
Lucy: that's... actually a very valid point that could very much work
Kate: Well we don't call them sex idiots for nothing.
Michael: They're essentially a bunch of horny Tinkerbells; they need sex to live.
Simon: I truly hate that sentiment. But you're not wrong.
Michael: So are you all following my lead? It's your own choice obvs, no pressure if anyone would prefer not to.
Gareth: i'm not exactly chomping at the bit to be having snu snu with patchy
Kate: Yeah neck braces don't make for a turn on either.
Penelope: And being this pregnant I'm not really in the mood for it as it is.
Sophie: Like I'm going to have the time or energy seeing after the kids while Ben's bedridden anyway.
Lucy: fine by me
Simon: I have 0 qualms with this method of punishment.
Phillip: Same here.
Michael: Then it's no snu snu all around! Vive le resistance!
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loving08 · 9 months
I Love You
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Aaron Hotchner x Y/N
Summary: Y/N has been working in the BAU for a year now, she is satisfied where she is along with her crush on her Boss Aaron Hotchner, but the entry of a new person would broke her or will she be able to be with man she love.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Epilogue
The sound of knocking woke Y/N up from her sleep, rubbing her eyes Y/N got up and goes to open the door, she saw Spencer outside waiting for her with a go bag in his hand. She stepped aside to let him in and asked "Spencer what are you doing here at....uhh...3:20 am in the morning". Spencer puts his go bag on the floor and turned towards her and said "I knew you will not check your phone, we have a case, so get ready we will go together".
Y/N just nodded her head and goes to her room to get changed. Her and Spencer get along very well, working for a year in the BAU and she found herself her best friend, she and Spencer connected instantly, firstly they both were the youngest of the team, Y/N was just 21 and Spencer was 24 and just like Spencer she also has an IQ of 190, so knowledge was common factor that they connected first. she always told Spencer everything even her crush on her boss, he was the only one who knew about her feelings and kept her secret, she knew she can always go to him and he will always be there whenever she needed him.
After getting ready she goes to the living room and grabs her go bag and they both left to go to the jet directly. Upon reaching there they parked the car and go to the jet. Going inside they saw all the team members have already arrived but they both noticed a new person sitting beside Aaron hotchner, the seat that would always be occupied by Y/N was occupied by someone else, it was odd for not only Y/N but everyone else as they have all known that seat has been always occupied by Y/N so they all thought it was a little weird but didn't said anything.
Sensing eyes on himself Hotch looked up from the file and said "ah yes I forgot, this is Agent Beth Archer she is an intern, she will be working with us in this case". Everyone introduced themselves and when it was Y/N turn Beth ignored her. Y/N felt awkward and seat beside Spencer. After everyone gets comfortable Hotch turned on the tap and Garcia face appears on the screen "Hello my lovelies, how you all doing, hope good" said Garcia. Hotch looked at the tap and said "what do we have", "ohh....yeah so 3 teenagers were kidnapped yesterday afternoon in Ohio from a party they were attending. Parents didn't think too much about it since they assumed they were at the other's house spending the night, but called it in when all of their parents did not hear from them after they were dropped off. Missing is Sarah Mitchell age 15, Dantae Pitterson age 16 and Belly Pitterson age 16".
Y/N looked at the picture of the victims on her tap and said "twins I assume?", "yes and no one know where they went after the party was over". Emily tilted her head and said "okay but why are we being called in? I mean its a big deal that the teenagers are missing but maybe the kids just decided to go to somewhere or something".
"That would be a way to think about it, but this a kidnapping because the families have received tape recordings with messages from their kids and were send notes with their bloods saying they'll be returning the kids dead bodies if they didn't give $600,000 dollars to the given account number and that they only have 48 hours to get their children's back" said Garcia. "Do we know the relationship between these kids? friends? Dating? Relatives? classmates?" JJ asked. "friends since childhood, the messages to the Pitterson's are same as Sarah's. They are working on limited time that's why we are being called for this case and the Pitterson's are very high maintenance and a well respected family, Anthony Pitterson is the volleyball coach at the local high school and Mary Pitterson is the President of the Council of Community Scools".
Y/N frowned and said "what bout Sarah's parents?", "umm...she lives with her dad Samual Mitchell, her mom Laila Mitchell died 4 years ago due to a Road accident. The Pittersons and the Mitchells knew each other from high schools and stayed friends" said Gracia. Y/N nodded her head when Morgan asked her "why you wanted to know about the Mitchells?". Y/N looked at Morgan and said "its just....there's barely anything about the Mitchells in the file and its all about the Pitterson. I just hope they realize that Sarah is missing and she is just as important as the other kids even if her father is not a big shot". This mad Morgan cough to cover his laugh but nodded his head agreeing to her statement.
Hotch grabbed his others files and said " we can ask questions when we get there, get some rest, we all be needing it".
After a while later Hotch looked at the team and said " when we reach Ohio I want Rossi and Morgan to go and interview the Pittersons, JJ, Prentiss and Archer will go talk to the kids who attended the party, Reid I want you to look at the notes and the recordings with Garcia again, and Y/N I want you to interview Mr. Mitchell". Everyone Nodded but Beth looked up at Hotch and said "can't I go with you or stay close to you, I'm not that much comfortable with everyone as I am with you so...., please" and gave him a sad look. Everyone can see what she is trying to do, Y/N and Spencer locked eyes with each other and they both shared a look. Hotch looked at Beth and said "Agent Archer I know you are not used to the team yet and because of that I assigned you with my other Agents so that you can know them better, so take this chance to know them". and with that he turned back to his files.
Y/N knows what is going on, Beth also has a crush on Hotch but for the first time she felt like maybe.....maybe he might choose Beth over her and yeah that was not a good feeling.....at all. She shook her head and decided to focus on the case not noticing the way Hotch was looking at her, the soft look that he had only for her.
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aprill-99 · 1 year
Daphne & Simon:
Daphne: “A friend of mine asked me if I’d ever been given the sex talk, and the answer is yes… I think.”
Simon: “My father was COOOLD BLOODED.” + “Does my best friend hate me or do I just need to go to sleep?”
Kate & Anthony:
Anthony: “I’ll keep all my emotions right here and then one day, I’ll die.”
Kate: “Get out of here with your facts. Just because you’re accurate does not make you interesting.” + “I’m new in town, and it gets worse.”
Benedict & Sophie:
Benedict: “This is a healthy twenty-eight year old man trying his best.”
Sophie: “I was a maid for a while. I was treated well in my day. I worked for a variety of sirs.”
Colin & Penelope:
Colin: “My wife is a bitch and I like her soooooo much.”
Penelope: “We spend most of our time proving to people that we are who we say we are. Think about that for 10 seconds and tell me you don’t want to walk into the ocean.” + “People say crazy things all the time. And those things mean nothing to them, but they mean everything to me.”
Phillip & Eloise:
Eloise: “Thirteen year olds will make fun of you, but in an accurate way.”
Philip: “It was like, you know one of those days where you just go ‘this might as well happen.’”
Michael & Francesca:
Francesca: “I try to stay optimistic, but I will admit, things are getting pretty sticky.”
Michael: “We don’t get better than this. It’s just going to be worse versions of me from here on out.” + “And if you think I seem unlikable or out of control in that story, then just remember, that’s one I was willing to tell you.”
Hyacinth & Gareth:
Hyacinth: “Well none of us ever really know our fathers…… Anyway-”
Gareth: “I am very small. And I have no money. So you can imagine the kind of stress I am under.”
Lucy & Gregory:
Gregory: “I do hear you, and I also don’t want to be doing what I’m doing.”
Lucy: “In terms of instant relief, canceling plans is like heroine.”
Lady Danbury & Lord Ledger:
Lady Danbury: “Shut up you’re all going to die! Street smarts!” + “It’s wrong to make fun of people, but it’s just so fun sometimes.”
Lord Ledger: “My vibe is like ‘hey you could pour soup in my lap and I’d probably apologize to you.’”
George & Charlotte:
King George: “it seems like everyone, everywhere, is super mad about everything, all the time.”
Queen Charlotte: “I simply do not give a shit what anybody thinks of me in any situation.”
Violet: “Putting a thirteen year old in charge of your younger kids is like getting a dog to babysit your horse. If something goes wrong, they can just maybe get help a little more quickly.”
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Have you seen this very long post on why Stark was completely right in CW? I understand you enjoy picking these types of metas apart
Wow, I hadn't seen it and it's uh... well, it's really something. 🤦‍♀️ That's a long-ass post and this is a long-ass answer, so more after the cut.
Posts like this one really prove that the Accords propaganda worked on a lot of fans, the word "safety" is uttered a few times in there as if those documents had any intention of keeping people "safe" from the Avengers or the enhanced. At this point I wonder, do these fans consider the enhanced as "people" at all?
It is quite scary that some are so quick to give up on freedom in order to gain in security, especially when these exact words are something Zola says in TWS. That guy was Hydra, folks.
Then, all that talk about Stark feeling guilty and blaming himself for everything... I do believe there might be some truth to that but that's just the thing, feeling guilty is free. If the result of all his actions is him going back to his luxury home and never having to pay for all his mistakes while those around him have to either go on the run as fugitives or serve time in jail or have to spend months in house arrest... what can I say, I'm gonna have a problem with that.
He felt responsible for that American kid's death, yes. What about Pietro though? What about the other Sokovians? There's a young woman in the team who lost her brother and her home that day... did he ever care about that?
It's interesting that OP mentions Steve having to go outside the law to find Bucky, but of course they don't mention he's forced to do that because the American government, the same that tried to force the team to sign the Accords, had sent the CIA to kill an innocent man on sight despite having no actual evidence of a crime. And regarding Stark offering "medical care" to Bucky in the US... why is Stark even offering that in the first place? What authority does he have to do that? He's not an Avenger anymore, he's a civilian, he had no power to suggest such a thing, he was talking out of his ass.
Also, suggesting to someone that they sign a document and only after that those papers can be modified is a scam. Anyone who has ever signed a contract knows that, it's not difficult to understand.
But there's something that I have read so many times and I still don't understand: "At this moment Steve was close to signing". No, he wasn't? He was listening to Stark trying to understand the situation, but I never saw him thinking about signing. What these stans misread is that Steve was NEVER against accountability, if anything he's the one who was completely game with that. It's Stark the one trying to direct the blame for his actions elsewhere. So of course Steve was going to listen if presented with a chance to get some accountability... the problem is he understood full well the Accords were NOT that.
Regarding Wanda, it's kind of infuriating to read that she was locked up in a luxurious facility so why is she complaining. Well, maybe because that house arrest was illegal? Because it was trumping her civil rights? Because Stark had no authority to do such a thing? Also, it's funny that OP says Stark had Vision with her because he knew she liked him -- he chose Vision because he's the most powerful one.
And I don't see how Stark could possibly protect her from the blame she might receive when she was being blamed for Lagos way before Ross showed up with the Accords. That incident is the reason she was locked up despite the fact that she saved everyone on that street. We're okay with locking up the heroes for a crime committed by the villains? I sure as hell I'm not.
Regarding Peter, OP says Stark took time to get to know him before "recruiting" him. Yeah, he took time to realize Peter was ideologically on Steve's side at which point he deliberately chose to withhold the reason why they were fighting, he lied to Peter and took him out of the country without informing his legal guardian. But hey, he was a 15-year-old kid, it's not problematic at all. "He wanted to keep him safe". You know how you keep that kid safe? At his own home and not in a fight in a German airport.
OP: "It's better to stay together as a team than go outside the law". Nope. Not at all. Not like this. Not when signing those Accords take the civil rights of a good portion of the population and half the team. What does "stay together as a team" even mean? At this point you gotta ask yourself why do the Avengers exist at all?
Then OP claims Stark "tried to avoid the fight" in the airport, which is kinda funny considering he refused to listen to Steve and he's the one who started the fight, and then this gem: "Team Cap goes against the law, ignores 117 countries, and tears the team apart."
Yeah... and why? Steve tells them about Zemo but does Stark and his team care? Nope. And at that point we all thought he was going to use those Winter Soldiers to his advantage, so yeah they were forced to go outside the law.
As an aside, all this "go outside the law" is said so many times, it's kinda weird. Are we back to the thought that if something is made law that means it's morally right? Surely we know better than that, yes?
Then, the Raft. So Stark "didn't know" they would be kept in a prison such as that but the same guy who hacked the helicarrier not two minutes after arriving in it in The Avengers doesn't have a damn second to get his ex-teammates out of the Raft? He didn't tell Steve about it either, how long were Clint, Sam, Wanda and Scott there? He cared oh so much according to OP... well, he sure as hell didn't show it.
But of course, we reach the point where OP says Steve knew it had been Bucky who killed the Starks. I think there's enough meta on this site to prove that's a lie and Steve had no way of knowing it had been Bucky, but I want to point out this scene OP includes in their post:
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They claim this is proof Steve knows, but what I see here is Steve trying to put the focus on himself and his so-called "lies" in order to take the spotlight off of Bucky and have Stark focus on him. Because they know each other and at that point maybe Steve thinks he wouldn't attack him - and he knows in which state Bucky is. He's trying to protect him, this is not an admission of guilt.
Oh and, OP claims Steve and Bucky attack Stark? Nope, he's the one who attacks first. But OP is right, Stark does return home after he almost had an innocent man killed. No consequences at all, as per freaking usual.
Look, I won't deny Stark had a lot of issues and I think IM3 did a pretty good job with that. But the thing with this guy is... he's not well. He's supposed to be a morally grey character who makes mistakes and is amazingly flawed and the only way his character can develop and evolve and improve is if everyone around him calls him out on his shit, if he pays for his actions and he understands what he has done wrong. But the MCU right post-AoU decided no one would ever do that and he would be framed forever as 100% right, so we ended up with a character who never learned a damn thing, continued making the same mistakes over and over again, had the gall to call others out while having his own actions swept under the rug and he got a heroic death scene in EG and a funeral and tributes in other movies whereas other characters, mostly Natasha, were completely put aside like they were nothing.
That kind of treatment gets him so damn close to villain territory... which is a shame because he shouldn't be there. But alas... Phases 1-3 were the Stark Cinematic Universe, unfortunately.
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newtonsheffield · 5 months
Does Kate ever get jealous when women more of Anthonys age flirt with him? I can imagine that she is very secure in their love and she knows what she wants, but you wrote that Anthony worries a bit, that she is not ready for the things he is ready for, but is it also the other way round? That Kate worries, that anthony will get tired of waiting for her?
Oh absolutely.
Kate loves Anthony, she knows she wants to spend the rest of her life with Anthony. That’s what she wants. But she’s 22. She knows one day she wants to have a family, or she would if she was with the right person but it seems pretty set in stone now that she’s with Anthony. But sometimes she worries that Anthony’s ready for things she’s not. She sees how happy he is with his nephew and nieces and she loves that. She loves how happy he is, but it makes her chest ache sometimes.
“Do you want to have kids?”
Anthony drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, watching her carefully, “Um… I wasn’t sure until… I’m the only one of my older siblings that doesn’t have kids and I… felt like I sort of missed my chance probably. But now I… yeah I want to have kids. Do you want kids?”
She nodded slowly, “Yeah, one day I want kids. My kids would be cute, feels as though I should bless the world with them.”
Anthony smiled, leaning over to kiss her gently, “Your kids will be cute.”
It felt warm in her chest, that he wanted the same thing she did, but it made her nervous as well, that he would want it sooner than she did. That that would be what ruined them in the end. And it truly wasn’t that she didn’t trust Anthony, it wasn’t that. She knew there were men who thought it was good for their ego, to date younger women then cast them aside and tell them they were too young, too immature. That wasn’t Anthony. He made her feel so secure in who she was, in their relationship all the time. But still she wondered.
She wondered when she saw him with his nephew and nieces and she wondered when she saw other women batting their eyelashes at him. Not that she blamed them. He was handsome, made more handsome in her opinion by the salt and pepper patches at the temples of his hair, and the self assured smile he gave the journalist as she leaned into the microphone. It annoyed her, the way the woman was smiling at him, her hand on his bicep as though he wsn’t wearing a hat with Kate’s name splashed across the front, and his sneakers weren’t printed with her name: the first pair of men’s shoes they’d ever made in her line. And part of her wondered if he wouldn’t be happier, with someone he didn’t have to wait for. With someone he wouldn’t have to leave space for, because he was scared that they were too young.
“Enjoy the Australian open Anthony!” The woman said and Anthony waved as he stepped back, grinning at the camera. “ One last thing: Who are you tipping to win?”
“Who else? SharmaRama all the way!”
“And the men?”
“Oh! No bloody idea!”
“Hey you.” Anthony grinned at her as he caught her around the waist, kissing her cheek.
Kate nodded as they walked away, his arms still around her waist, back towards where her car was waiting for them, and she hated the jealousy that was still rippling through her.
“Everything okay?”
Kate nodded again, “Fine.”
Anthony eyes narrowed as the car pulled forward and he opened the door, sliding in behind her, “In my experience people only say they’re fine when they’re not. Want to talk about it?”
“Would I have to squeeze your bicep while we do?” She hated how childish it sounded, thrown at him. Something that wasn’t even his fault and she sighed as she blinked at him, “I’m sorry that was… dickish.”
Anthony took her hand, squeezing it gently, “I didn’t think that would bother you, I’m sorry.”
Kate rolled her eyes, “That didn’t bother me. You’re cute, and charming and you’re wearing my sneakers and I feel like I’m taking something from you because I’m not ready for everything you are.”
Anthony wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her tight against his chest, “I’m… not really following the train of thought but I’m sorry if you feel like I’m pressuring you but I… only want to do things you’re ready for. When I told you I knew I wanted kids now I meant because I met you and you’re the only person that I’ve ever seen myself having a family with. I am ready when you are and until then: I’m perfectly happy with our relationship.”
Kate relaxed against his chest, tucking her face against his neck, “I don’t think you’re pressuring me, I just… I love you and I’m really happy and I’m sorry I was a dick to you: You look very cute in your Kate Sharma tennis shoes.”
He kissed the top of her head, “I love you too: And seriously Nike needs to be making these in Men’s sizes for sale: I have had at least 4 men ask me if I’d sell mine.”
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togrowoldinv · 2 years
Baby Fever
Chris Evans x Reader
You and Chris go shopping for a friend’s baby’s birthday party. A conversation about expanding your family results from it
Note: This is based on this request. I went more with the fluff genre for it. It’s very soft. I hope you enjoy it!
Chris Evans Masterlist, Main Masterlist
“Babe, look at this!” Chris says excitedly as he holds up a baby onesie. It’s got a Captain America shield on it.
“Oh my god, that’s adorable!” you reply. “Want to get it for Scarlett’s baby?”
“Yes, absolutely. Should we give it to Mackie to give to her, since he’s Cap now?” he asks.
“For sure, babe. Here let’s find one from us,” you say.
You and Chris look through the baby clothes together and hold up ones you think are cute. You lose track of time and end up spending way longer than you intended in the baby clothes.
“Oh, we gotta get home to get ready for the party,” Chris says as he looks at his watch for the time. The two of you make your way to the checkout with probably way too many baby clothes and toys and to your car.
When you get home, you wrap the gifts and start to get changed. You notice Chris’ eyes on you on as you change.
“What?” you ask him with a smile.
“I’m just thinking about us. And about babies,” he says the last part a little shyly.
“Oh yeah?” you ask, and he nods. You walk to him and wrap your arms around his middle. He pulls you closer. “I’ve thought about it too.”
“Really?” he asks excitedly.
“I sure have. Especially with our friends having kids. I’ve always wanted a few of my own,” you explain.
“Me too, baby,” Chris says. “And since I married you, I’ve been wanting to have a few of our own.”
“Same. Our kids will be great, Chris,” you say.
“They sure will be,” he agrees. He leans down and kisses you softly. You deepen the kiss, and he starts to take off the clothes you just put on.
“Chris,” you mumble, “we are going to be late for the party.”
“I’m okay with that,” he says, his voice dripping with passion.
He continues to kiss you; one thing leads to another and you’re decently late for the party.
“Nice of you to join us, y/n, Evans,” Anthony Mackie teases you two as you walk up to the party.
“Hey, at least we come bearing many gifts,” Chris jokes as you enter the house together.
Scarlett’s daughter runs to him and hugs him and then you. Chris has a huge smile during the whole interaction, and it makes your heart skip a beat. You two find Scarlett and the baby. She hugs you both in greeting and Chris holds the baby in his arms.
Scarlett catches you watching your husband in awe and she nudges you playfully. “He’s a natural, huh?”
“He sure is,” you reply with a smile. She smiles too.
Chris walks closer to you with the baby and you take him in your arms. He watches you with the same awe that you were watching him with. And you both know this is what you want for your future, to make your happy family even bigger.
Tag List: @gracebutnotgraceful @i-wished-for-you-too @idkwhygregg @be-missed @mythosphere-x @hehehehannahthings @likefirenrain @mrswidowjohansson @natashasilverfox @rach2602 @cordyandbilliehavemyheart @raajali3 @sarahdonald87 @pandaxnienke @mrspeacem1nusone @wandas-slut-heart @patzammit @charmingprincess
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janesociety · 1 year
the interviews
marvel cast x teen!reader
summary: you and the cast have a day full of interviews for Infinity War and you spend the day worried about one in particular
notes: like the other one, kinda cringy and a few years old. also this is based off how i expirience dyslexia and may be different than your experience!
marvel masterlist
✩ ✩ ✩
The whole cast knew you were dyslexic. It was hard to not notice sometimes. It had first been brought up in one of your first Marvel movies a few years ago. It was when you were quite a bit younger and not as good at reading allowed and connecting words to objects.
It was your first read through and you kept mispronouncing “Fury” as “Furry” and were confused as to why the Avengers were fighting a furry. Eventually, Scarlett had leaned over and corrected you. You were embarrassed, but the cast found it endearing, if anything.
It was now time for the Infinity War press tour and you were nervous. You and the cast had just finished up the small LA portion of the tour and were now off to New York for the first full week. The New York portion was always the hardest for you- mostly because of the chaos of it all.
The New York portion was where all the late night show or morning news appearances happened and the “major” interviews such as Buzzfeed and Wired. And there lied your problem.
Your day started bright and early at 6:00 in the morning so that you and the cast could be ready to go on Good Morning America.
“Hey, kid,” Robert said, walking up behind where you were sitting and placing both of his hands on your shoulders. “You ready?”
“For this? Yeah,” you laughed. “Everything else? Not so sure." He shook your shoulders.
"You'll do great, kiddo, I promise," he said, giving each shoulder a squeeze before walking off again into the chaos.
It was only a few more minutes before you and the rest of the cast were sitting down in two rows in facing an interviewer. The crowd of people watching the show clapped as you all walked out and took your seats.
"And we're back in..." a producer held up three fingers, then two, then one, signalling the end of the commercial break.
"Alright, we're back now with our special guests: the cast of Avengers Infinity War!" the interviewer said. "Hello, guys, it's great to see all of you!" There was a chorus of greetings from you all. "Okay, so let's get started...."
The interview went without a hiccup and you and the cast were off to your next set of interviews- which happened to include the ones you were worried about.
Your agent handed you your time table for the interviews you were going to be doing and your heart started to pound. The Buzzfeed interview you had been warned about was on there, first, however, you had to sit through nearly three hours of other interviews. Interviews normally put you on edge, but knowing what was coming after just made it worse.
You found the room that your morning block of interviews was in and sat to wait for the other two people you'd be with. When Sebastian and Anthony walked in, your face lit up, knowing the interview would be 10x less stressful with them there to entertain/distract the interviewers.
And so your long morning started, the three of you bounced off each others energy and jokes. Most of the interviews went well, although there were ones here and there very obviously spoiler fishing.
"I take about what 60% of what he says is true," Sebastian told the interviewer, making you laugh.
"60% of the time, I am right 5% of the time," Anthony said, confusing the interviewer and making you laugh harder.
"What he's saying is that he is only right 5% of the time, over half the time, which is generous, in my opinion," you said upon seeing the confusion on the interviewers face that did not clear up after your comment.
"So, Y/N, we know this movie is a big game changer for Marvel, and people have been wondering what your, as the youngest cast member, future looks like in the MCU?" they asked, trying to move on from the previous conversation.
"I don't even know what my present in the MCU looks like," you answered. "Am I even in this movie? I don't even know- I just show up where they tell me to."
"Same, I don't get scripts until the week after we film the scenes," Sebastian said.
"A week? Damn, I still haven't gotten mine," Anthony laughed.
"I think that's all I have for you guys today," the interviewer said, obviously somewhat disappointed that they couldn't drag any spoilers out of you. "Thank you!" he said, his voice sincere but his expression sarcastic.
Anthony clapped as they left the room, jumping up out of his chair excitedly. "Alright, lunch time," he said, turning to smile at both of you. While you were grateful for the break, it only meant you were closer to the interviews where you had to read on camera.
"Gotta eat something, kid, gotta long day still," Anthony said, watching you stare at your sandwich. You looked up, nodding and then taking a bite. Just focus, you'll be fine.
"You okay?" Sebastian asked from next to Anthony. You forced a weak smile as you finished chewing.
"Just nervous," you answered, wiping your hands on a napkin near you.
"Why? You're great at interviews," Anthony said.
"I have to read in the next few and I'm worried I'll mess it up," you said, playing with the sleeve of your shirt. "I know it's dumb- I just get nervous about it."
"You got nothing to worry about, kid," Sebastian said. "If you mess up, just play it off as a joke- people will love it it'll end up in one of those 'Y/N being the best MCU cast member' compilations."
"Thanks," you said with your mouth full.
"Chew your food," Anthony said, throwing a napkin at you.
"I'm Tom Holland," Tom said from beside you.
"And I'm Y/N L/N, and we're going to be taking a quiz to see how easily we can identify Marvel movies-" you cut off, waiting for Tom to finish.
"That had been terribly described," he said.
"Alright, first one," you said, pushing your nerves out of your mind. "A boy destroys his planet because he doesn't want to share it with his sister who broke his favorite toy." You read slowly as to not mess up, and it worked.
"Is that the one Guardians of the Galaxy movie?" Tom asked, thinking out loud. You hummed in thought, trying to figure out what it was.
"None of them have sisters though- except for Gamora but it says him," you said.
"It's Thor!" Tom shouted. "Thor: Ragnarok." You smiled, looking back at your computer, realizing you had to type your answer. Great.
"How do you spell Ragnarok?" you asked, raising your eyebrows.
"It's exactly how it sounds," Tom said, already moving on to the next question. You raised an eyebrow at him.
"Tom, I'm dyslexic, I don't know how to sound things out," you said, him going red remembering it.
"R-a-g-n-a-r-o-k," he spelled out for you and you laughed as you typed it.
"'A boy solved daddy issues with the power of friendship'," Tom read. You both looked stumped.
"Tony had daddy issues," you thought out loud. "So does Loki- maybe it's one of the other Thor ones."
"Would they put two Thor ones in a row?" Tom asked.
"Maybe it's to trick us?" you offered. You both shrugged and started typing.
"Ah! This one is Guardians of the Galaxy," Tom groaned.
"'A dude made a wormhole to seek attention'," he read, moving on to the next one.
"I have no clue," you laughed, leaning back in your seat.
"I don't either," he laughed. "Give up?" he asked, cursor hovering over the button. You nodded doing the same.
"Avengers?" you read out, confused. "Did Loki make a wormhole in that or something?"
"Maybe? God, we're such bad Marvel fans," Tom laughed.
"'Small guy who likes committing international war crimes becomes a him- a himbo who still likes committing international war crimes'," you read aloud.
"Ant-Man," you and Tom say at the same time, laughing as you type the answer in.
"What?" you yelled as it the screen reads Wrong!
"Captain America?" Tom asked, confused.
"We were so confident!" you said, smacking the table.
"'Someone just got out of prison commits more crimes, but now with inces- insects'," you read.
"Did you almost say incest?" Tom laughed/yelled. You burst out laughing too, covering your face.
"Oh my god," you wheezed with laughter. "Can we both agree it's Ant-Man?" you asked, both of you still recovering from laughing, the question only sending you into more fits of laughter.
"'A surgeon gets operated on by his ex-girlfriend'," Tom read. "See, I think this one is Dr. Strange, but that's not actually the plot, so I don't know."
"Want to guess it?" you asked. He nodded, both of you typing it in and getting it right.
"'Man had to face his consequences after ignoring a- a weird guy 2- years before, while adopting a kid who owned the garage he broke in?'" you read, not so sure of the ending. "Was that it?"
"Yeah, that's it," Tom nodded, his brows furrowed. "'Garage he broke in,'" he repeated.
"Oh, Iron Man... 2? Maybe 3?" you said.
"I think 2?" Tom said. "Let's go with that.
"Goddammit, 3!" you groaned.
"Okay, last one," Tom said. "'An orphan fought his teammate (who tired to run away because he hated the American government) with his best friend who murdered the orphan's parents when he was younger.'"
"Okay, I'm almost positive this is Civil War, but we've gotten a lot wrong that I've been sure of, so I don't know," you laughed.
"I think it's Civil War- orphan Tony, teammate Steve, killer Bucky," Tom said, explaining his thought process.
"Alright..." you said typing it in.
"Yep!" Tom yelled but you looked up at him confused.
"I got it wrong?" you said, showing him your laptop. He read what you typed and tried to hide his laughter.
"Y/N.... it's c-i-v-i-l, not c-i-v-a-l," he said chuckling. You turned a bit red and glared at him.
"I hate you," you mumbled, closing your laptop and rolling your eyes.
"We're terrible Marvel Fans," Tom said, looking at his 38% and your 25%.
"Wanna go binge watch every single movie now and redeem ourselves?" you joked. He smiled.
"Sure why not," he chuckled.
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John and Julian (and Cyn) through the '70s
Last edited on 8 October 2023. All edits listed at the end. Text in between [ ] are my thoughts.
Since John and Yoko had moved into Tittenhurst in August '69 Julian often spend weekends with them there.
"And then I'd live for the weekends I spent with my dad and his new love Yoko at Ascot. My feeling toward their relationship was helped by the way I was treated. I was given incredibly expansive toys to play with and there was always something happening." Julian, 1982
Cynthia describes that she was relieved that Julian got on reasonably well with Yoko, but she was concerned by some of the more bizarre stories of what was going on at Tittenhurst park.
"One of the hardest aspects of letting Julian visit John was accepting that Yoko would presumably look after him when he was there. I didn't know what he would make of her cool manner. But in fact he seemed fine with it, and perhaps it was better for him to have a rather distant step-mother than one who was all over him. He never told me that she was unkind in any way, which was a relief. After that first weekend Peter rang regularly to arrange visits for Julian. Much to my amusement Julian had started to call Yoko Hokey-Cokey." Cynthia Lennon: John, p.314
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Photos of Julian at Tittenhurst in 31 January 1970. [John and Yoko only returned from Denmark January 27th, so Julian came to see them the first weekend back.]
Rest of the timeline including pics, quotes and audio behind the cut because it got ridiculously long.
23 February 1970
An article is published in the Evening Post talking about Julian and Kyoko. It mentions that in 1969 there were four months that father and son didn't get to see each other and also spent Christmas apart.
Some quotes from John:
"Julian, last time I saw him, was a bit too protected, like all kids are. It took him two weeks to unwind, when he was last with us." "I'm not a daddy with a set of bricks to play with. When I'm with the kids, they just come along with me and be with me, whatever I'm doing." Link to article
March 1970
Over the New Year John and Yoko had spent some weeks in Denmark with Tony Cox, his new partner and Kyoko. That arrangement had worked quite well and it seems it motivated John and Yoko to try to get closer with Cynthia and Roberto also. It seems in the end not much came of these good intentions.
Up until now, when Julian came to spend the weekend at Tittenhurst Park, it was Les Anthony who shuttled him back and forth between his parents. However, shortly after their return from Denmark, John and Yoko made a conscious effort to spend time with Julian, Cynthia and her fiancé Roberto Bassanini. John later remarked: "All five of us ate together and we saw to it that the children see us all together. Maybe six of us will go on vacation with Kyoko. Julian, Cyn and Roberto, so that everyone feels secure. That's very important. In order to have peace, it's necessary to start inside the family." Lennonology, source L'Express [3/23/70]
Instead John and Yoko left for LA 23 April 1970 to undergo Primal Scream therapy with Janov. They stayed for almost five months in the US and returned to England 15 September 1970.
June 7th, 1970
While John and Yoko are in LA doing their therapy with Janov. One of the topics discussed was John's troubled relationship with his son.
The meeting, which Vivian Janov describes as 'a very strong emotional day for him,' had taken place in April, and John was making an effort to maintain communication with his son. From Los Angeles, John posted a card to Julian today: 'I'm sorry I haven't called or written much. I've been a little sick. We miss you a lot, and send you our love... won't be long till I see you'. Lennonology
After the return from the US in September Julian continued to regularly visit Tittenhurst. During those visits he usually played a lot with Les Anthonys four stepchildren, who at the time were also living on the estate.
"Once Dad had a little white shed built on an island in the middle of a lake on the grounds of the house. He had bought these little white amphi-cars that sped across the lake. The three of us all dressed in white to spend the day there. Crazy, but wonderful."Julian, 1982
In this interview Julian describes going over to Tittenhurst just to be an idiot with his dad but also how scary the big house and his bedroom situation could be to him at night.
[The floorplan of Tittenhurst (LINK) actually shows Julian's room just across the hallway from John and Yoko's room but half a stairway down. There's not really a closer bedroom and he may have been put there, so that he has his own bathroom. It being so far away, small (somewhere he or Cynthia call the room a closet) and scary are after all the memories from a child's point of view.]
For the most part the visitation arrangements seemed to have continued in 1971. In the summer, when John and Yoko were filming for the imagine documentary, Julian can be seen roaming the property with his friends.
Saturday, July 17th, 1971 With the cameras rolling, John and Yoko roamed the Tittenhurst Park grounds in a golf cart with Jill Johnston. As promised, Blue Pools delivered the new lake house, and the Lennons spotted location. More footage was taken of the house under construction, the Lennons and Johnston rowing on the lake, and Julian and the neighbor children reading excerpts from Grapefruit on camera and running amok in the fields. Lennonology
Julian Lennon: Tittenhurst was this enormous palace-like place with 99 acres, golf-cart buggies, a lake, a little island in the middle of the lake. It was like a house of fun. It was wonderful. I loved the place.
LINK to a longer version of the quote but in German. Not adding much just both John and Julian sharing a mutual love for Dr. Pepper at the time, playing the mellotron and the children daring each other to enter a 'haunted' building on the property.
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It's also at Tittenhurst that Julian meets May Pang, who had started working for John and Yoko as an assistant through ABKCO in NY and had come to England as a messenger to bring film rolls.
"There were a lot of great moments at Tittenhurst that I do fondly remember, you know, giggling and laughing with Dad. And, as they say, shooting the shit. But it was difficult to know, you think, 'OK, well, is this going to stay? Is this what it's going to be, now? Can I count on this? Can I be here next weekend or the weekend after? Is that going to happen?' That was one of the, obviously, the hardest pill to swallow, was the constant change. You know, you thought things were going to settle down, but they just never quite did." Julian, 2018
"I lived an ideal life between then [Cyn and Roberto] and John and Yoko, but it all ended when Cynthia's marriage broke up and Dad and Yoko moved to the States." Julian, 1982
The big cut happens when on August 12th 1971 John and Yoko leave for NY and take up residence in the St. Regis Hotel.
At first their plan was to search for Kyoko, so that she too could come for visits at Tittenhurst like Julian. In September John and Yoko appeared on the Dick Cavett show and briefly talked about their wish that both their children could be with them.
Maybe a Christmas present:
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Christie's auction
[In her Lost Weekend doc, May talks about Julian calling and Yoko not allowing her to put the call through to John. She says at that point they hadn't spoken for a couple of years. Then a few weeks later she is in the audience for George Harrison's appearance on Dick Cavett. The show is aired in November '71, so if there is anything to her anecdote she may mean they hadn't seen each other for two months instead of two years.]
26 May '72
"Lennon admits that he is scared to say too much publicly about the case, because it was the initial publicity that had spurred Cox to vanish. He talks about how hard it is for Ono to see pictures of her daughter: I have to hide them. Asked about his own son, Julian, he says: I don't have that 'where the hell is he?' bit. But he reveals that when they were in England, and Julian visited them every weekend, it was difficult for Ono to be with him when her own daughter wasn't there: It was killing her." source
28 May '72
Cynthia quoted in a Sunday paper: "John hasn't seen Julian since he went to America. It is rather a long time. He seems to be occupied with Yoko's daughter now. He does write to Julian, just normal letters, asking how he is getting on at school and things like that. And he sends him presents. He sent him a toy truck at Christmas. I don't keep in touch with John anymore. It's purely through Julian that we keep in contact. Julian loves his father. He follows his career in the newspapers. He goes to a private boys' school where people don't bother who he is. He went to a state school but he had problems there."
14 June '72
Cyn's complaints are repeated in the LA times, where it said that John hadn't seen Julian in eight months. "He seems to be occupied with Yoko's daughter now."
On 22 September '73 John and May leave for LA and only a few days later on 2 October '73 it is reported in the newspaper that Cyn separated from Roberto Bassanini.
Cynthia gave some interviews on her recent separation and the fact that she and Julian moved back to Hoylake, where Julian goes to private school.
"Unhappily Julian misses his father, which is only natural. We only hear from John at Christmas and when the birthdays come around." 7 October '73, Sunday Mirror
"Julian is always asking after him but of course John is in America now. It's been hard for him not seeing John for several years. This sort of thing is naturally upsetting for a child." 7 October '73, Sunday People
According to May's book, while John had broken up with her, she went to the Dakota to be with Yoko. Yoko there told her that she had decided it was time for Julian to come for a visit and May should at least reunite with John for that period to help him with it. May agreed to go back to John for two weeks, but it ends up being more like a year.
Christmas gift '73
To Julian from Daddy Christmas 1973
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[Julian has sold an NFT of the black guitar. LINK ]
Shortly after Christmas '73 Julian and Cyn travel to LA to spend his school holidays with his father. They stay at least until the Happy Days taping they visit together on 5 February '74.
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During the over a month long visit May writes, that they went to Disneyland three times and had brunch together the first morning. Meanwhile John is still having some wild times. Since Julian is staying with Cynthia, he goes out with May. The Kotex incident and nearly killing Jesse Ed Davis happen at the same time of this visit. May also places Cynthia asking John to have another child together during this trip.
As the visit ends May makes John promise to call Julian regularly.
"It is the right thing to do. I promise you, Fung Yee." He was silent for a while, then John said suddenly, "I really would like to keep in touch with me son." May Pang, Loving John p.168
Julian too, took a lot of positive out of the meetings around this time.
"Mum and I flew out to the States and stayed at the Beverly Hills Hotel. At least Mum did, I spend every minute of every day with my Dad and Yoko. " Julian, 1982
In later recollections Julian correctly puts the first visit in the time-frame that John was with May.
“Dad and I got on a great deal better than,” recalls Julian. “We had a lot of fun, laughed a lot and had a great time in general when he was with May Pang.” Julian in The Times, June 13 2009
May Pang: Loving John. About this visit and how it was set up.
In April 74 Julian sends a Thank you tape to John and Yoko for his birthday gift. Even though John is with May at this time, the present it seems was sent from the married couple.
The present in question according to Julian was a guitar, decorated with a mirror, writing and other stuff:
John writes to Cyn 22 June '74 a typed letter asking about Julian's holiday plans. Interestingly as the return address he gives the Dakota. He wants to send May to bring Julian.
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19/20-25 July 1974 Instead of being collected by May, Julian sails with Elton John, Tony King, and Cyn per boat from Southampton to New York.
[In her book Cynthia wrongly remembers this as her first visit with John in the US. She also claims this visit was completely her initiative, which as proven by the letter wasn't the case. The whole anecdote is interesting however because she says that it was never the plan to stay with Julian, John and May but stay in NY with Jenny Boyd. Jenny apparently wasn't told about that plan, because in the end she wasn't there to home Cynthia. (May on the other hand remembers that Cynthia was staying with friends but they left without her and she was lonely, so she ended up coming with them.) In the end (and to John probably rightly or wrongly suspiciously) what was planned as just a trip for Julian with his dad turned into Cynthia coming along most of the time.]
Cynthia'a account about how this meeting was set-up and why she was with them during the trip.
Tony King in The Tastemaker simply writes: “John Lennon wanted to see his son, so I took Julian and John’s ex-wife Cynthia along with me.”
August 6th '74
John, May, Cyn and Julian return to LA for John to record Goodnight Vienna with Ringo.
In the summer while working on Walls and Bridges Julian visits the studio. He records Ya Ya with his dad.
Little interview bit with Julian about being in the studio.
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August 19th, 1974
John and May take a trip to Denver. Instead of coming with them Julian stays with Cyn in LA.
When the whole vacation is coming to a close, it is decided that Julian should come for another visit for Christmas. John is clear that he wants him to come alone.
Both May Pang and Cynthia wrote about this visit in their memoirs. [Cynthia is clearly mixing up and merging the first and second trip together in her recollection of it.]
Cynthia's account.
May's account.
December 19th, 1974
Julian, accompanied by Apple staffer Steve Brendell, arrived in NY on this day for Christmas with John and May. Mimi was also invited but declined to come.
While they were in NY Yoko also came by because she wanted to greet Julian.
John, May and Julian flew to Florida on December 22. Lennon said he accepted Levy's Florida invitation "because I was so worn out anyway" from back-to-back studio projects "that I didn't know what to do with my son Julian." John figured that at Disney World, "I could sort of sit in a room or something and Julian could play with Morris's kid." John's quotes are from his trial testimony Big Seven Music Corp, 75Civ, 1116; In Stan Soocher Baby You're a Rich Man, Suing the Beatles for Fun and Money
Until 29 December they spent time in Palm Beach and later returned to Orlando (Disney World).
During this visit, Julian was helpful in influencing John and George making up and the thus the dissolution agreement of the Beatles coming along.
Julian remembers his Christmas visit with John and May fondly: “My memories of that time with Dad and May are very clear - they were the happiest time I can remember with them.” Julian in The Times, June 13 2009
May Pang in Loving John on this visit.
Cynthia writes about this visit in her book.
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Video from May Pang's Lost Weekend documentary. [She says Long Island but I guess it's Palm Beach.]
In early February 1975 John moves back into the Dakota and resumes his marriage with Yoko.
John gives an interview to SPIN magazine in early spring 1975. In it he is asked about his private life, his recent return to Yoko, what his relationship with May is like now, and also about Julian:
How about you as a father? How old is your son [Julian] now? He is 11 now. All I know is that you took him to Disneyworld … right? Yeah, that was hell. Disneyland was better, the first time, in L.A., I took him there. Because I went with a gang, and there were a few of us who were flying a little. But Disneyworld — I was there on the most crowded day of the year, around Christmas or something. Seeing him is good. What we do is irrelevant. I went through a period of, “What are we gonna do?” and all that crap. It doesn’t really matter. As long as he’s around. Cause I don’t see him that often. How is it for an 11-year-old boy to have John Lennon as a father? It must be hell. Does he talk about that to you? No, because he is a Beatle fan. I mean, what do you expect?? I think he likes Paul better than me … I have the funny feeling he wishes Paul was his dad. But unfortunately he got me … It must be hard to be son of anybody. He is a bright kid and he’s into music. I didn’t encourage him, but he’s already got a band in school. But they sing rock’n’roll songs, ’cause their teacher is my age. So he teaches them “Long Tall Sally” and a couple of Beatles numbers. He likes Barry White and he likes Gilbert O’ Sullivan. He likes Queen, though I haven’t heard them yet. He turns me on to music. I call him and he says, “Have you heard Queen?” and I say “No, what is it?” I’ve heard of them. I’ve seen the guy … the one who looks like Hitler playing a piano … Sparks? I’ve seen Sparks on American TV. So I call him and say, “Have you seen Sparks? Hitler on the piano?” and he says, “No. They are alright. But have you seen Queen?” and I say “What’s Queen?” and then he tells me. His age group is hipper to music … at 11 I was aware of music, but not too much.
Link to the SPIN interview
March 11th 1975
John is interviewed by Bob Harris on The Old Grey Whistle Test. He sends greetings to Julian, Mimi and the rest of his family in England.
30 July 1975
About Julian ... I'm lucky if I see/hear from him myself. She allowed him over here twice last year ... but insisted on coming herself! You can imagine how thrilling that was ... she thought she could walk back in coz I wasn't with yoko!! Now we're back together again she stops him phoning me ... which he did a lot last year ... once a week. He's a bright little boy ... a bit 'sneaky' like his dad ... but he's gonna need that to survive his mother! Our relationship is pretty good --- he knows where I am and what my life is like ... he thinks of me a litlle too much in terms of 'money' etc ... which is what cyn and her mother (so called) have taught him (by example). He will run right to me when he's older ... we all run somewhere ... so I can wait. I got him well hooked on America ... which isan extraordinary place to say the least ... more on that in other letters perhaps. Oh yes the baby is due in November! Conceived feb 6. I tried to send Julia to see julian ... she was given the cold shoulder. When I get to England I'll show you them both. I would love to see yours. Letter to Leila, John Lennon Letters edited by Hunter Davies
After only five months being back with Yoko, communication with Julian has become more sporadic again. To his cousin Leila John complains that it's Cynthia keeping Julian from calling and about her tagging along the previous year. He also claims that he sent Julia to check in on Julian.
Julia Baird in a '83 interview confirms John's claim to Leila, that he hadn't heard from Julian and sent his little sister to check up on him.
"He kept asking in letters and on the phone, 'Please will you go and see Julian? Will you go and see Julian? Will you go see and see Julian? I haven't heard from Julian. His mother's got a cob on. Can you please go and see what's going on?' [...] Anyway eventually Aaron persuaded me that I should go. He was the one that when we got another letter asking, 'Have you been to see Julian yet?', he said, 'Look, he's never asked you to do anything. I think you should go.' [...] We went and John had given us the address, I didn't know where it was. And she seemed very embarrassed to see me. In fact so much so, that I backed off. I just said, 'Is Julian there, please? I'd like to see him.' And she said, 'No, he's gone out.' And I just said, 'Well goodbye, then.' It was very odd, very bizarre."
In her memoir Cyn doesn't mention John sending family to check on them but has an opposing recollection of who was unreachable:
"Initially he did: he phoned Julian as before, every few weeks. But the calls became less frequent, and all too often when Julian tried to phone John he couldn't get through. Yoko, or one of their employees, would tell him that John was sleeping or busy. Discouraged, Julian would wait weeks before trying again. " Cynthia Lennon, John p. 346
1 May '76
Cyn marries John Twist. John and Yoko send a telegram: "Congratulations, good luck, God bless the three of you, John and Yoko.”
According to Cynthia a few weeks later John calls her to invite Julian over for a visit during the school holidays to meet his brother. Yoko and John take the children for a holiday to Long Island. Cynthia also writes that Julian was mugged during his stay in NY, when John told him to go out by himself to buy a harmonica he wanted.
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Photos of Julian with John and Yoko in summer 1976.
The only other person I have read mention the '76 visit is John Green in Dakota Days.
As the apartment at the Dakota grew more crowded, John retreated to the quieter and more spacious southern shore of Long Island. He took Sean with him and brought Julian over from Britain. Yoko kept him posted with a barrage of phone calls. "How goes the war, Charles?" he chimed into the receiver. "No casualties so far. How goes the peace?" "Great. It's absolutely beautiful. I've got a bit of sea and a bit of green and my sons, and even once in a while I even have my wife. You should come out here and get some of this. It's delightful." Dakota Days, p.97
[Aside from Cynthia's and Green's brief mentions of the trip, there is very little information on this NY visit. Even Robert Rosen, who supposedly read John's diaries multiple times, has nothing to say about this or the '77 visits. He even claims repeatedly that Julian and John first reunited in 1979 and hadn't seen each other for four years at that point.]
One of Julian's memories that most likely fits this visit:
Julian first played piano when he was thirteen, visiting his father and Yoko in Montauk, Long Island, after Sean, his half brother, was born. Their next-door neighbor had a piano, and Julian and his father went there one day. Lennon played a couple of tunes, then Julian asked, "Can I have a go?" Julian to Rolling Stone, 1985
Another one that Julian doesn't connect to a date but he remembers the new situation after his little brother was born:
[Yoko] was very loving towards me, even after their son Sean was born. Right at the beginning I felt a few pangs. They were there with their own son. Where did I fit in? But every time I went over Dad would lay on amazing treats, and Yoko was always loving towards me." Julian, 1982
In the same interview Julian also tells the story of his dad offering him a joint when he was about 12, so that might have also been the '76 visit, or the '74/'75 Christmas visit.
Cynthia claims she had trouble getting the money she was supposed to use for Julian's school. She asked John to split the trust fund, so that she can withdraw money from it easier. John agreed.
Cynthia publishes the letter in her book John and calls it "cautious, polite and to the point":
"I explained that, as he and Yoko were out of the country, it was impossibly difficult for me to get at Julian's money: 'Nothing can proceed without your signature - it means I'm forever overdrawn at the bank and have to wait on the convenience of your lawyers ... I want the best for Julian, and his standard of life shouldn't suffer because of lack of good management on your part, which has been happening since the fund was set up ... The money, instead of having doubled through good investment, is dwindling through lack of interest on your part ... It's just so important that this whole arrangement is sorted out without animosity or aggravation ... The way things are going Julian's financial prospects when he is 25 will be virtually nil and he is going to want to know why... It is one thing fighting for your rights but totally ridiculous fighting against your own son's interests, which is what seems to be happening.' "
[She says she ends the letter with thanking them for arranging the Concorde flight for Julian last summer. However according to wiki Concorde didn't fly to NYC until November 1977. (That years Christmas John and Yoko do indeed book a Concorde flight for Julian.) So I suspect that her supposed letter is specifically written for her book and not an actual document as the presentation suggests.]
In mid-October Cynthia gives an interview to Woman magazine that also got picked up in multiple newspapers. In it she talks about their relationship splitting after their first LSD trip, John getting upset with Julian when he couldn't eat with a knife, alleges that she was being followed by a private detective in Italy,...
A report on the article in the Burton Daily Mail from 19 October '76 also quotes Cynthia as saying:
"Since then their relationship has been beautiful," she says. "They talk a lot on the phone, there've been other visits and he's going again this year. I believe now that John is completely off all drugs, has been off them for years, otherwise I'd never let Julian go."
[He's going again this year indicates that there was another visit planned in 1976. If that happened or fell through, I haven't found anything about that.]
October 25th, 76
John sends Julian a postcard from Singapore. “What happened to ya?”
Even though the previous few months there was a visit and positive communication about the finances, Cynthia's decision to publicly complain in the papers angered John. He responded on November 26th 1976 with an open letter in the Daily Mail.
"Lennon tells first wife: Stop blaming Yoko," it read: "As you and I well know, our marriage was over long before the advent of LSD or Yoko Ono. Your memory is impaired to say the least. Your version of our first LSD trips is rather vague. You seem to have forgotten subsequent trips altogether. You also seem to have forgotten that only two years ago, while I was separated from Yoko Ono, you suddenly brought Julian to see me in Los Angeles after three years of silence. During that visit you didn't allow me to be alone with him for one moment. You even asked me to remarry you and give you another child 'for Julian's sake.' I politely told you no and that anyway I was still in love with Yoko. Finally, I don't blame you for wanting to get away from your Beatle past, but if you are serious about it you should try to avoid talking to and posing for magazines and newspapers. We did have some good years so dwell on them for a change."
Cynthia answers to the press after this, saying she doesn't want them to throw mud at each other and repeated "All I want to do is forget the Beatles and enjoy my present life". Still, only a few months later in 1977 she starts to write A Twist of Lennon (allegedly gleefully on a typewriter Yoko had gifted Julian). In her later memoir John she writes she was persuaded to do it by her husband John Twist who believed it would make their fortune.
Julian is sent to boarding school for that time. [In her book John Cynthia explicitly remembers that she moved to Ireland to write. However newspaper reports from the time suggest that the move happened later. So, probably Julian wasn't boarding at this time but those months in '78.]
At the same time communication between John and Julian was happening regularly and according to his diaries he got excited by the idea of buying Julian a keyboard.
July 14th, 1977
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December 25th 1977
Julian comes by Concorde to stay at the Dakota during his school holidays.
[At the time of Julian's visit John and Yoko were still helped by the FBI to deal with the kidnapping threat and extortion attempt that had been going on for weeks and scared them badly. Also, Tony Cox had made contact by phone and agreed that Kyoko could visit for these holidays but then disappeared again and John would never hear again from Kyoko. I don't know if Julian was told any of this but I assume it probably was one of the more tense christmases.]
Going by Giuliano because neither Cynthia nor Robert Rosen mention this trip by Julian at all, John was very excited about Julian coming getting up early and baking bread for him. Julian gets close to Nishi and thereby brings forth John's competitive streak. John tries out the parental philosophy of wanting to spend time with Julian instead of giving him material goods, Julian goes 'oh, really' and John caves in. When he leaves John draws a portrait of Julian. Source
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[Since Robert Rosen, who also read the diaries, doesn't even know about the '76 or '77 visits (and Giuliano too thinks they saw each other last at Disney World), they may not be the source for the above. I thought it might have been from Dakota Days but it's not. John Green mentions the '77 Christmas visit but says the family were going to Florida to meet Julian there because of the security threats. I think Green is confusing this and a later visit, so I will insert his account of what John told him on returning there.]
Julian stays most of January. Goes to see the musical The Magic Show with Yoko and the band Riff-Raff with John. 
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In February of 1978 Cynthia and her husband sell their house and move away from Ruthin to Eire to avoid a 'wealth tax'. They leave Julian to be a boarder at his school. Cynthia and John Twist return in December, probably because they missed Julian.
April 1978
[It's not actually dated aside from being from 1978, I just assume the guitar was Julian's birthday gift.]
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GIBSON Les Paul 25/50 guitar
"Dad gave me this special order rare model - it was always exciting to receive something like this from my dad. When I visited Dad we would sit down together and he would teach me a few chords and help me improve my technique." Julian in Beatles Memorabilia. The Julian Lennon Collection.
May 19th 1978
A conversation with Cyn and excerpts from her memoir A Twist of Lennon are published in News of the World.
John, Yoko and Sean are in Japan for their summer vacation. Through his London lawyers John tries to stop the publication of Cynthia's book as a serial in the News Of The World.
Tuesday, June 13th, 1978 Having been telephoned in Japan with the details of Cynthia's memoir excerpt in News Of The World, John instructed his solicitors to issue a High Court injunction in an effort to prevent the publication of a planned second installment. Frere Cholmeley & Co., Lennon's attorney in London, described the piece as 'a salacious and gribby little article,' although it was qualified with the statement: 'He does not deny that he held parties or took drugs, but he deplores the publication of intimate details of his married life.' Friday, June 16th, 1978 In the case of Lennon v. News Group Newspapers Ltd and Twist, Lord Denning rejected John's application for an injunction in London's High Court today, permitting the publication of more excerpts from A Twist Of Lennon. For his par, Denning was not impresses with John's argument that the article's publication was a breach of confidence of the marriage: 'I cannot see that either of these two parties have had much regard for the sanctity of marriage ... It seems to me as plain as can be that the relationship of these parties has ceases to be their own private affair. They themselves have put it into the public domain.' Sunday, June 18th, 1978 Having successfully defended the right to publish excerpts from A Twist Of Lennon, today's edition of News Of The World featured part two of their series: 'How Yoko stole my husband.' " Lennonology
When the book actually was released feelings turned out to be much softer than expected. Cyn ends her first memoir with the words :
I still feel very proud of the Beatles and their accomplishments. My life during that period was an education, an education I wouldn't have missed. It has left me feeling enriched, not embittered, enlightened not blinded. All I can think to conclude my story is to say, 'Thanks for the memories, and in the words of the I CHING, no blame.'"
After finishing reading his ex-wife's book, according to Robert Rosen, John was relieved and enjoyed the nostalgia. He said a prayer for Cyn: "Dear God, please show her The Way. Thank You. Thank You."
Postcard to Julian:
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[I can't make out the date on the card. Julian's Beatles memorabilia book says it's from '71 but that's obviously wrong with Sean being included and Julian's Ruthin address on it. John makes the reference to being a farmer. They bought their farm in February 1978, so I put it that year. May be wrong though.]
March 21st 1979
Julian is supposed to join John, Sean and Yoko's visiting nieces in Palm Beach.
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[John taking a photo of Julian in '79]
There are multiple, very different accounts for this visit, that includes Julian's 16th birthday celebration.
John bought Julian a motorcycle for his birthday.
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At one point they went to Disney World, (which none of the accounts of the trip even mention), where this photo of Julian and Yoko's nieces was taken:
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Accounts from:
Robert Rosen [Rosen writes that Dan Richter's children came for a visit. Correction: I said before that that because Dan wrote in his book that he never saw John again after 1974, it seemes unlikely to me that his kids would be sent out to John and Yoko five years later. However Dan Richter does confirm that in his interview on the Podcast Glass Onion: On John Lennon episode 16:
"My kids would go down, they had a place down in Palm Beach or whatever it was down in Florida. And they were there at Christmas and bring Julian and they would fly my kids down to play with Julian. And everybody, the sense we got was they were happy!"
This visit doesn't happen over Christmas but it sounds like he is talking about more than one occasion that happened and probably Christmas is one example. Could also mean that Rosen is mixing up the occasion for that anecdote.]
Cynthia Lennon
Fred Seaman
Geoffrey Giuliano
John Green [Green puts this actually to the '77 holiday visit, where he wrongly writes they went to Florida. I think (if his stories are to be believed at all) he confuses John's anger and disappointment upon return with this visit of Julian's. It also fits with being in Florida.]
[I recommend to read all of them. Lots of drama. I may one day make a comparison post between all the account because they are fascinatingly different.]
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April 9th 1979
John writes to Mimi saying Julian would be welcome to live with them if he so chose but there had been no arrangements made.
Q: Did you ever plan to go and live with him [John] in New York? Julian: "When I was in my early teens we'd spoken on the phone about the possibility of me going to college over there. I think it was wishful thinking on both our parts because I felt uncomfortable about the situation and I believe he did, too." Hello! Magazine, 1995
April 25th 1979, Postcard to Julian from NY:
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Julian declines to join his dad, Yoko and Sean for their family's yearly vacation in Japan.
[July 1979 In the context of getting one of his guitars Julian said that John bought him a Sony Walkman as a gift when they were brand-new. He puts around '73-'74. However according to wikipedia the Sony Walkman was first sold in July '79, so that present would have been sent to Julian around this time, maybe directly from Japan.]
December 1979
On 3rd-4th December there is a two part feature in the Daily Mail called "The Sons of the Beatles" on Julian and Zak.
"When I'm in New York, we go out quite a lot together round some of the art galleries, or to his house at Long Island. When we stay in we have musical jam sessions together singing out latest songs to each other. I still listen to Beatles music. Although I quite like some of my father's solo albums, I much prefer what he did with the Beatles." (quoted from Lennonology p. 508)
Also that month:
"More disturbing to John were the ongoing trials with Julian. The sullen teen continued to vex his father with his on-again, off-again plans to visit over Christmas. At first Julian said maybe, as long as they didn't go to Florida. Then it was a flat no, using school exams and a new girlfriend as an excuse. At the last minute he called saying he would come to New York only if he could bring a friend, but Yoko turned him down. As usual John didn't challenge her. Julian retaliated by sending his father a tabloid article about rock stars' sons, which focused on both him and Ringo's son Zak Starkey, and went into detail about the trials of being the offspring of a Beatle." Lennon in America by Giuliano p. 218
On the other hand John Green does write that Julian spent Christmas '79 with John, Yoko and Sean. He even says that Julian stayed until February. ("John stayed in the Palm Beach house until February, luxuriating in the sun and sea, forging new ties with Julian and delighting in rediscoveries of himself." p.229) [This can't be true however because John was definitely in NY for Christmas and New Years. John and Yoko did buy a house in Palm Beach late January however and were spotted there a few times in February. I can't find a mention of Julian being spotted with them, so it may or may not have happened. I do think between the two of them Giuliano's account is probably more accurate. The Daily Mail article he mentions of Zak and Julian had come out on 3 or 4 December, so that is also believable that it had come up in pre-christmas discussions. But of course it's possible that a visit happened anyway.]
Julian called in February 1980 to set up another meeting with his dad. This time John denied him, surprisingly because he was worried about Julian's schooling. Through Cynthia he had learned that Julian was failing his O-levels, had started smoking, staying out at night drinking, had gotten in trouble with the police for setting up fires and racing through town on a dirt bike. "John just prayed that Julian didn't hurt himself." There is also continued conflict over money. John felt that Julian every time they spoke asked him for more money. "And though John continued to feel guilty about having abandoned Julian and Cynthia, he'd be damned if he was going to be like every other rich asshole father who'd abandoned his family and then used money as a poor substitute for love and companionship." source
In March 'A Twist of Lennon' gets its paperback release and new reviews are printed in the press.
Summer 1980
When John sat for a portrait painting with Sean for the artist Nancy Gosnell, he wondered if she could also do one of him and Julian from a photograph. He wanted to give him a father and son portrait for his birthday, according to Fred Seaman.
September 1980
PLAYBOY: "Your son, Julian, from your first marriage must be in his teens. Have you seen him over the years?" LENNON: "Well, Cyn got possession, or whatever you call it. I got rights to see him on his holidays and all that business, and at least there's an open line still going. It's not the best relationship between father and son, but it is there. He's 17 now. Julian and I will have a relationship in the future. Over the years, he's been able to see through the Beatle image and to see through the image that his mother will have given him, subconsciously or consciously. He's interested in girls and autobikes now. I'm just sort of a figure in the sky, but he's obliged to communicate with me, even when he probably doesn't want to." PLAYBOY: "You're being very honest about your feelings toward him to the point of saying that Sean is your first child. Are you concerned about hurting him?" LENNON: "I'm not going to lie to Julian. Ninety percent of the people on this planet, especially in the West, were born out of a bottle of whiskey on a Saturday night, and there was no intent to have children. So 90 percent of us... that includes everybody... were accidents. I don't know anybody who was a planned child. All of us were Saturday-night specials. Julian is in the majority, along with me and everybody else. Sean is a planned child, and therein lies the difference. I don't love Julian any less as a child. He's still my son, whether he came from a bottle of whiskey or because they didn't have pills in those days. He's here, he belongs to me and he always will."
Playboy: I was under the impression that you still weren't seeing Julian much. Lennon: Well, no, he's comin' here over shortly now. I see him whenever he get's off school. Playboy: Has it been hard for him to be John Lennon's kid? Lennon: Yeah, he has his own... Everybody has a cross to bear, and Julian has that cross, and he'll deal with it. He's a clever boy, and as he gets older we can communicate and he'll understand.
[I wasn't sure what upcoming visit John is referring to since I couldn't find one mentioned anywhere. However there is an article in the Daily Mirror from 8 October 1980 including interview passages with Cynthia that mentions Julian currently being in New York. So without any photographic evidence, he isn't in any of the birthday photos, or anecdotes about it, there still might be the possibility that there was a (pre-)birthday visit from Julian to John and Sean in 1980. Julian himself hasn't been completely consistent on when he last saw his Dad. He has said that his '79 birthday visit was their last meeting (which I think is most likely correct), but he also claimed that he was flying out regularly.]
"According to Cynthia, Julian, now 18, plays guitar better than his father. He has left school and is off to New York to stay with his famous dad." Link to the article
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In an interview with Jonathan Cott on 5 December John reflects more on the troubles of being a Beatle's son and on how mistakes in his decision for Julian's schooling changed his outlook on his plans for Sean. [Julian had been going to private school since at least 1973.]
"[...] because he can't possibly be an average child, being the son of famous parents. I tried that game with my son Julian, sending him to a comprehensive working-class school, mixing with the people, but the people spat and shit on him, because he was famous, as people are wont to do. So his mother had to finally turn around and tell me to piss off: 'I'm sending him to a private school, the kid is suffering here.' "
Cynthia writes that by the end of 1980 Julian felt a breakthrough in his and his father's relationship. John played Julian songs from his new album over the phone, asking his opinions. source
Julian himself reflects on his and his dad's relationship by the time of his death like this:
"I know that dad's presence will be around for a long time. He was always joking, always sounded happy, which made me think more of him as a friend than a dad. My earliest memory of my father was when I was about three and he sang happy birthday to me. We were living at Weybridge, Surrey, and dad threw a birthday party for me and brought in a long cake shaped like a train and festooned with candles." Sunday Mirror, 5 April 1981
As early as 1982 negative feelings would influence Julian's memory, saying he didn't get to see his father for five years, that he only heard on Birthdays and Christmas from him or that after the first US visit it was again years before he got to go another time, when it was merely months.
"The Beatles sang 'All You Need Is Love' - and that is all I wanted from Dad. It is difficult to explain why I should feel so strongly, when we shared so little. Never once in all the years he lived in America did he even think about coming to see me. Apart from rare visits, I lived from birthdays to Christmas just to hear from him." Julian, 1982
[Those false memories/presentations may have been the result of his beginning break from Yoko around that time and the conflicts about money, or maybe his memories just adapted to the way it was talked about in his family.]
"It was more of one man to another than the usual father and son relationship, because he had been away from me a lot, and he said he realized that. I was just getting through to him and growing up myself and growing out of the silly giggling I did as a young teenager that really annoyed him, when Dad was killed." Julian quoted in Ray Coleman's John bio, pp.620
"Dad was such an influence in my life, it must have been hard on Mum. She'd do her best with presents at birthdays and Christmas, but I always waited for that special present that was bigger than anything else - from him. Yet he never sent anything spontaneously. He'd phone up and ask what I wanted, and it would arrive. I don't think he was trying to buy me in any way. It was just a chance for him to do something for me. He knew I wanted to be a musician and kept telling me to take a long time to get it right. He removed a lot of the stress I suppose other kids might feel. I didn't do very well at school. I don't think I'm dense, but I suppose I'm a bit lazy. There's only one thing I want - to know for sure that Dad loved me as much as I loved him. Or maybe to have him back." Julian, 1982
Edits: 29 April - December 1974 John trial quote added; September 1980 Playboy interview quote added 6 May - added Julian quote about relationship to his father by the time of his death 7 May - added Old Grey Whistle Test clip March 11th 1975 18 May - added info about 3-4 December '79 Daily Mail feature on Julian and Zak, added all the info I could find on any visits in John Green's Dakota Days and multiple notes on to those mentions. 20 May - added Cyn's quote for 28 May 1972. 23 June - added the Tittenhurst floorplan and the link to an extended quote from Julian about being there in German 8 July - added quote from 5 Dec 1980 to Jonathan Cott 20 July - added Julia Baird audio on trying to see Julian for John 1975 22 July - added info on a possible 1980 visit, 1973 interviews, 1976 info, 1980's quote 30 July - Spin interview '75 added, Cynthia quote from Burton Daily Mail '76 added 1 August - added bits from Julian's 1982 article throughout, transcribed some of the jpg quotes, so that I may add more photos, some photos added 4 August - correction in my comments about the likelihood of Dan Richter's children being with them in 1979 19 August - Box of Smile 8 October - Added some postcards, the guitars, reset some photographs because of the picture limit 12 November - Added the video clip from May Pang's doc
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
Hey not sure if your requests are open as I’ve had an idea based on this picture. The reader could be having an extremely stressful day and tommy comes home to find her looking out their bedroom window and he gives her a cuddle knowing it always calms her down. Or you can do whatever
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Hello Chloe! Thank you so so much for sending in this beautiful photo! I hope you enjoy this (is longer than a drabble but shorter than a one shot) ☺️
🎉 I wrote this little piece to celebrate my dear Aimee @dandelionprints 100 followers congratulations darling!! You probably have more now, I’m just so glad that I found your blog here, thank you for the beautiful stories you share!
Close your eyes, make a wish
Modern Tommy Shelby x reader
This is pure fluff 🥰
Taking off the jacket of his suit, Tommy discarded it over the bed, his eyes roaming across the bedroom finding you looking outside, leaning on the window frame. His eyes stopped for a moment in the dandelion he bought for one of your anniversaries.
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It was beautifully captured in a resin crystal ball, the smile you gave him when you opened his present was priceless.
In silence, he wrapped his arms around your midsection, earning a little jump of surprise to feel him suddenly.
“Is everything alright?” He asked. His breath fanning over the skin of your neck.
“Yes… it’s just a bit overwhelming with the wedding, the guest list and I don’t have a dress yet.”
His lips stopped kissing your neck, a smile replacing.
“But why are you so worried, darling?” You found his eyes looking at you in the window reflection. “I’d still marry you if you show up wearing a potato sack.”
That made you chuckle before turning around in his arms. “I know you would.”
“Then it’s all set.” Tommy winked squeezing his hands on your hips slightly while you shook your head. “No? Fair enough… as I can’t and won’t be doing the wedding planner’s job, my only suggestion is forget about the wedding for one day, Charlie’s coming tomorrow to spend the weekend with us, so why don’t we have some fun?”
“Oh! You know how to?” You joked earning an eye roll from your fiancé.
“What kind of fun?”
“Family fun, I don’t know you’re the creative one from us.” He added playfully bumping his nose with yours before pulling you to the en-suite bathroom.
“Hi Y/N!” Charlie shouted you from the door, a big smile decorating his face as he saw you waiting in the queue.
You waved at him and immediately felt his positive energy bring you back to life, all other worries melted away.
But his teacher made you go through a hard time when she mentioned they didn’t get a call to notify that Tommy wouldn’t pick up Charlie from school. As if they were friends.
“Is alright, Y/N and my Dad had a sleepover and-” But you covered his mouth before Charlie could continue with his explanation, while a soft blush covered your cheeks.
“I understand, let me call my fiancé.” You stated taking out your phone, flashing your engagement ring at the teacher. Your Tommy asked last minute if you could pick up his son from school.
A few minutes later, you were giving Charlie a little speech of how important safety was, and how only Grace, Tommy and sometimes you were the only ones allowed to pick him up. Kids could get tricked so easily, get taken away in a blink, besides taking care of Tommy’s son was a huge responsibility.
But Charlie, being a kid, he quickly changed the topic.
“Yes sweetheart?”
“Can we make a water balloons war for my birthday?”
“But it will be in winter, it’s going to be cold...”
“Oh.” Charlie looked down, his happy bubble was deflated.
Anthony, Tommy’s new driver looked at you through the review mirror, he suddenly felt concerned. “Mr. Shelby instructed to drive you straight home.”
“We’ll be quick, I promise.”
“If I get in trouble...”
“Don’t worry Anthony, I will tell Dad it was Y/N’s idea.”
“Hey!” You protested, but then went on to tell Anthony to stop at the shopping mall. You only needed a few things.
After all Tommy asked you to think of something fun, didn’t he?
“Mr. Shelby, you got back earlier.” Frances frowned, but took his suit jacket from his hands.
Frowning back, Tommy stopped to look at her. “Y/N texted me, said something important came up.”
Squinting his eyes at her, Tommy tilted his head confused. Why was Frances acting like that?
In a reflection, he moved his hand to the holster, to take his gun.
“You might want me to keep that one away and use this instead.” Frances explained, offering him a piece of paper and a plastic gun.
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But before he could react, Tommy got a shot of water straight in the back of his head.
Time seemed to stop right there. Frances was holding her breath.
Slowly, Tommy turned around to find you pointing your water gun at him.
Even Charlie stopped laughing.
His eyes were covered by his Raybans, but you had an idea of the dead look he was giving you.
“Pum pum!” You imitated the sound of a gun. But as a mischievous smile appeared on his face, you added: “Shit... run Charlie!”
Frances was worried about the decorations, terrified of a flower vase falling to the floor, but felt more relieved when you and Charlie took the water war outside.
Tommy was used to guns, all kinds. Apart from horses, he had a massive collection of weapons, yet he had never used a water gun.
“Charlie get down!” You advised, shooting Tommy again, failing this time.
Tommy laughed, a deep and contagious sound that took him by surprise.
Charlie rolled over the grass in a very dramatic motion, as if with that Tommy wouldn’t point his weapon and shoot Charlie straight in the forehead.
“Hey that's not fair, he’s only a child!” You scolded him coming from behind a tree.
But it was a mistake, because Tommy took the chance to shoot you straight at breasts-level. Now you had two wet circles that made your bra visible.
Making a face and giving him a dead stare, you asked him; “Are you kidding me?”
“You are the one who came up with the idea, love.” Tommy winked at you and for the first time in a very long time, you noticed he was having fun.
“Yes you need to relax.” Splash. “Urgently.” Splash.
In response you shot him straight in the face.
Taking his handkerchief from his pocket, Tommy stared into your eyes intensely.
“You know you’re going to pay for this later right?”
Biting your lower lip, you nodded. Excitement running to the spot between your legs.
Heart beating fast, happiness pouring, deep laughs was all could be seen right there in that moment. Even Cyril joined the outside fun at some point, but soon he preferred a quiet time and went to rest under a tree.
“All against Charlie!” You shouted directing the water gun to Charlie’s back.
The kid squealed in delight and ran off to hide behind his father’s car.
Tommy stared at the scene before him, how did he become so damn lucky?
Charlie would spend the entire weekend with the two of you, so you would be able to enjoy some time together, and with you hanging around, Charlie surely would be having a good time granted.
After calling for a truce because he was really tired, so the three of you went to sit on the picnic blanket Frances set up thinking Mr. Shelby would want some rest, she really thought of everything; setting a jar of cold lemonade, sandwiches and some cookies. She knew listening to Mr. Shelby laugh was one of those very rare moments that doesn’t happen everyday, so she thought of prolonging it as much as possible.
As spring started to blossom, the flowers around Arrow House got impossibly gorgeous, the clean fresh air from the country house combined to the incredible weather relaxed her.
You needed this, after so many days planning, worrying, you couldn’t take it anymore.
“I don’t know how you will be able to make me move from here.” Tommy joked too content resting his head on your lap.
“We can camp out!” Charlie proposed.
“I can get a snake bite here.” You made a terrified face to Charlie.
The kid chuckled, dimples showing just like his father’s. “There are no snakes around Y/N and if they are, Dad can defend you.”
You chuckled. Starting to run your fingers through Tommy’s hair, the longer parts at the top anyways.
Opening one of his eyes, Tommy found a dandelion right next to his body. Taking it into his hand carefully he placed it in front of your face.
“Make a wish.” Tommy requested.
“Do you remember?” Your face was full of surprise.
“Of course I do, that’s how I got you to accept be my woman. I wished for it.”
Closing your eyes momentarily, you remembered the afternoon when Tommy asked you to be his girlfriend, he showed a dandelion and said he made a wish, he wanted to get to spend the rest of his days with you.
“Should we make a wish?” Tommy proposed.
Wrapping a hand around the one in which he was holding the dandelion, you and Tommy blew watching the small piece flying away.
“Charlie I want to ask you something really important.”
That caught the Shelby’s attention. Both father and son looked at you intensely.
“You know how I don’t have anyone to walk me down the aisle… would you like to give me away to your father?” You tried to fight the lump that had created in your throat.
Tommy held his breath, he didn’t expect it, but deep down he knew how much it would mean to you.
As seconds passed by, Charlie’s smile grew bigger until he threw himself into your arms squealing a loud yes!
“This is the bestest day ever!” Charlie beamed, wrapping his arms around each other, bringing their heads together. “Do I get to wear a tux just like Dad?”
But he couldn’t wait for a answer and immediately took off running telling Cyril what you just asked him.
You looked at Tommy touched by his son’s words.
Knowing that Charlie was a happy kid was all your fiancé wanted.
“Can I ask what your wish was?” You asked resting your head on his shoulder.
A/N ☺️ thank you for reading! I hope you liked it 💕
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gaiaseyes451 · 2 months
A Little Life - Chapter 4 - Blink and You'll Miss It
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Rated: E, Words: ~24k/~71k. 4/12 Chapters. Read the tags!
Chapter Excerpt (Read on AO3):
Satisfied Adam was asleep Anthony stood carefully, swaying side to side as he crossed the nursery and laid Adam down in his crib. He paused with his hand on the baby’s chest just for a moment, a settling movement and a silent goodnight by a new father. He startled when he saw Ezra standing in the doorway, a gentle smile in his eyes.
Once back in the hall, Adam’s door shut softly behind them, Ezra took his hand as they walked toward the kitchen. “I knew you’d studied piano, but I didn’t know you could sing.”
“Ah, was in chorus as a kid. Not much time to keep up with it, once in Uni.”
“Do you miss it? Playing and singing?”
“Sure, a bit. Did it ‘cause I enjoyed it. Not much time for it now, though, not with the kiddo and the lab. Maybe I’ll get back to it when I retire.”
Ezra frowned, “That’s a long ways away.”
Anthony shrugged, “That’s the way of it, though, innit? Spend your youth doing things that don’t matter, by the time you realise what you want to do with your time, there’s not enough of it left.”
When Professor of Botany Anthony Crowley met bookshop owner Ezra Fell one November afternoon both knew their lives had irrevocably changed. From that moment forward, Anthony and Ezra’s existence was intertwined. Their story was written in the moments and memories they created as they moved through life’s chapters of coming together, building a family and facing the challenges of being human. This is a story of unconditional love and the joy and humour, obstacles and grief that inevitably come with choosing the same person, day after day, over and over and over again.
A huge thanks to @goodomensafterdark for the writers community. And an extra special thanks to @hakunahistata and @the-literal-kj for beta'ing this story. Finally, a huge thanks for @fuzzygoblin for the song prompt that inspired this work.
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