#Angels Football Academy
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Blue Angels over the USNA stadium, Annapolis
97 notes · View notes
trickphotography2 · 8 months
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It was just supposed to be a football game. But then Hangman took Syla up on her invitation to watch the Blue Angels perform at the Miramar air show. A month after meeting and facing the last home show of her career, the history making Naval Aviator invited Hangman to visit her in Pensacola. She didn't actually expect him to accept. Payback definitely wasn't happy.
A continuation of First and Goal. This got away from me at 5.1K words. No physical description of the reader, callsign is Syla (pronounced like Cilla) and she's a Florida State fan.
Cross-posted on Ao3.
The humidity hit Jake in the face as he exited the Pensacola airport. His eyes darted up and then to the line of cars. “I’m under the Delta sign.”
“Okay, I’m pulling out of the cellphone lot,” Syla said. He heard her humming and felt his lip twitch. Over the month they’d been talking, he’d heard it many, many times, usually when she was focused on something. Once, when they’d done a video call while she was in Oregon, he’d asked her if she hummed while flying and was promptly flipped off. “I...think I see you.” The call disconnected as a blue convertible Mini Cooper stopped in front of him. Payback scowled, elbowing him out of the way as Syla got out and circled the car. 
“Reuben!” she squealed. Jake rolled his eyes, grabbing the other man’s bag as he hugged Syla, lifting her off her feet. Payback hadn’t been thrilled to find out he wasn’t the only one who had requested leave to head down to Florida for the Blue Angels homecoming show. Hell, Syla had been surprised when Jake had quickly accepted her half-joking invitation.
Jake had gone to the show in Miramar. It was his first time seeing them since their flyover at his Academy graduation, which he’d only half paid attention to back then. The Blue Angels were good PR for the Navy but had never caught his attention - pilots stuck repeating the same maneuvers every time? Sounded almost as bad as being assigned to desk duty. He'd take dog fighting every time if given the choice between it and the flying equivalent of synchronized swimming. But, after going through flight school and some experience with formation flying, he had a new respect for the Angels. 
The way Syla filled out her tight blue flight suit definitely didn’t hurt matters. Jake had managed to get close enough to watch the team march in a line to their jets and climb in, trading out their caps for helmets before taxiing and taking off in formation. For an hour, he watched them execute loops, inversions, pitches, and breaks. After the show, he’d joined the queue for her autograph and grinned at her surprised look. As she signed the team picture, he asked her about not wearing a g-suit that helped keep blood from pooling in the lower extremities and forced it toward the brain. From his estimation, they were pulling at least 7Gs at points.
“Can’t,” Syla had shrugged. “We have our right arm on our thigh for stability and to help with the 40-pound spring tensioned on the stick. Air bladders would inflate at the worst time and ruin the maneuver. ‘Sides, since we fly it constantly, we know when to tense to avoid G-LOC.” Sliding her aviators down her nose, the Blue Angel smirked and slid the picture across the table to him. “Good to see you again, Hangman.” 
Her phone number was under her loopy signature. 
“Hey,” Jake said when she turned her attention to him, eyebrow raised over her sunglasses. Crossing her arms over her chest, forcing her breasts higher into the tank top she wore, Syla cocked her hip. 
“I have so many questions. First - what the hell is with the pornstache?” Grinning, Jake ran a hand over his mustache. 
“Don’t like it?”
“You look like the other guy in your squad… um…” she snapped her fingers, glancing at Payback.
“Rooster! That’s right. He can pull off a mustache.”
“I make a mustache look good,” he chuckled, dropping the bags into the open trunk. Shaking her head, she stepped closer, wrapping her arms around his waist. 
“Jury’s out. Also, people are gonna think you’re a Gator or Canes fan in that orange.”
“Hook ‘em, baby.” Over her head, Jake caught Payback’s eye roll.
“Alright,” Syla said, stepping out of his loose embrace and slamming the trunk closed. “Get in so we can go grab dinner. I’m starving.” 
“Please tell me we’re getting some seafood,” Payback moaned, beelining for the front seat. Jake rolled his eyes, following Syla around the car and pulling open the door for her before ducking into the back seat. His knees pressed into her seat, and he shifted to try and get more comfortable. 
The two aviators chatted while Syla pulled out of the airport and drove through Pensacola. It had been years since Jake had been back. Like many Naval aviators, his career had begun at a local flight school while stationed at NAS Whiting Field, just across the bridge and a couple of miles down I-10 in Milton. While he’d enjoyed his time at Annapolis during the Academy, it had been fun to cut loose and spend weekends on the white sand beaches, flirting with tourists and drinking at dive bars. But after he’d moved on to Intermediate Flight Training, he’d never looked back. North Florida had little appeal for him. If he had to be stationed in the state, he would go for the Keys.
“You good back there, Hangman?” Syla asked, pulling him from his musing. She’d twisted in her seat, strands of hair that had escaped her regulation bun framing her face.
“All good, just looking at how much it’s changed.” She smiled, turning back around when the light turned green.
After grabbing dinner by the beach at a local spot called The Oar House, the trio made their way to Syla’s place. It was a cute little white house with a red - “garnet,” she’d corrected - door. As another condition of his coming, Payback claimed the one guest bedroom while Jake was relegated to the couch. 
It helped to know that Payback only had the bed for one night and would join him in sleeping in the living room when Syla’s parents arrived the next day. 
So, while Payback went to bed early to call his kid, Jake and Syla hung out. At first, there had been some initial awkwardness, trying to navigate a friendship conducted mainly over the phone. It didn’t take long until Jake found himself itching to tuck her hair, free from the tight bun and damp from her shower, behind her ear. 
“Okay, I have to know,” she said, setting her glass on the coffee table before facing him. Propping her elbow against the back of the couch, she buried a hand in her hair and smirked. “What’s with the mustache? You weren’t deployed, so it’s not a deployment ‘stache. Or is this like a normal thing for you?”
“Definitely not a normal thing for me,” he chuckled, setting his beer on the coffee table and turning to mirror her. At her cocked eyebrow, he shrugged. “Payback.” 
“Are we talking Reuben or revenge for something?”
“A bit of both. He’s real protective of you and wasn’t happy to hear that we’ve been talking. Or that I was coming here.”
“Oh god, are you telling me you look like that because of me?” She let her head fall back at his shrug while taking a deep breath. The move pulled her sleep shirt tight against her chest, and he could see her pebbled nipples through the material. “I’m gonna kill him.” 
“It’s fine.” And it was. It was worth it if this was the penalty for violating the bro code - as the rest of the Daggers had ruled when they found out about his contact with Syla. 
“Your pretty face shouldn’t be sacrificed for his petty male ego.” 
“You think I’m pretty?” Jake teased. Syla lowered her head and gave him an unimpressed look. With a huff, she ran her thumb over his mustache. 
“When you don’t have a fuzzy caterpillar on your face.” Amusement sparkled in his green eyes when Syla raised hers from his mouth to meet his. Her fingers rasped on his stubble as they glided across his jaw. Jake watched, biting back a groan when she played with the hair on the nape of his neck. Gentle pressure guided him closer as her tongue darted to wet her lips. A smirk curved his mouth as his gaze narrowed to hers. 
A throat cleared, and Syla jumped, her hand falling to her lap. Payback stood beside the television, arms crossed over his chest. “Am I interrupting something?” he asked. 
“Absolutely,” Syla replied, even as pink dusted her cheeks. Payback’s eyes darted to Jake, who shrugged. “Oh no - this is not… If you have a problem with me talking to Jake, you’ll talk to me about it, Reuben.” 
“Okay. I don’t like it. You don’t know Hangman.” 
“Cool. Good to know. That’s part of why we’re talking - to get to know one another.” He groaned her name, running a hand down his face. 
“He’s got a reputation in Miramar.” Jake flushed with embarrassment. Sure, he enjoyed a one-night stand, but he hadn’t had one in a while. Definitely not since he’d started talking to the pilot beside him.
“So you’re telling me he knows what he’s doing and can probably find the clit. That’s great to know.” Both men sputtered, and Syla laughed. “In case you haven’t noticed, Payback, I’m not the 22-year-old girl you met. And as much as I appreciate you looking out for me, I’m a pretty good judge of character. So if I want to talk to Jake, kiss him, and maybe have sex, that’s our decision.” Patting Jake’s shoulder, she stood and gave Payback a sweet smile. “And with that, gentlemen, I’m going to go to bed since I have work in the morning. You know, where I’m a history-making Naval aviator whose judgment is tested and proven every day that I’m in the air flying inches away from other aviators, where one small deviation could mean death for either of us. Night boys.”
The two men watched Syla walk to the hallway, pausing to pat Payback’s chest and closing her bedroom door. 
Jake fell a little bit in love.
“Morning,” Jake said, his voice rough with sleep. Syla smiled and waved, continuing towards the kitchen where the coffee pot gurgled. Scrubbing a hand through his hair, he joined her, taking the mug she slid across the counter and leaning against the stove, scratching his bare chest. 
“How’d you sleep?” she asked.
“Not the worst place I’ve bunked.”
“It’s a step above the carrier.” He smiled over the rim of his mug. He’d never dated a woman in the military and never would have even thought about pursuing another aviator. Sure, he enjoyed flirting with Phoenix to get a rise out of her, but their careers overlapped too much for him to ever think about pursuing anything. Plus, Rooster would kill him if he ever worked up the nerve to admit his feelings about his “best friend.”
But there was something comforting about talking with Syla. Over the last month, he’d enjoyed not having to explain things in his daily life. No explanation was needed when he rescheduled calls because he was doing late maneuvers. Honestly, she was the one doing the rescheduling more often than not. She was also the one who fell asleep when they were on the phone. He’d never admit it, but Jake usually stayed on the line for a few more minutes, listening to her soft breathing and half-heartedly hoping she’d wake before hanging up. 
“What’s your day look like?” he asked. Syla frowned and stepped past him to look at the calendar hanging on the refrigerator. 
“We’re briefing the show this morning and then going to a middle school. Not sure if we’re doing the interview there or if the camera crew is just getting footage. Then final dress rehearsal over the Gulf.” There was something sad in her eyes when she turned to meet his gaze. 
“I just…” To his surprise, tears gathered in her eyes as she looked up at the ceiling and swallowed. “Sorry, just kinda hitting me that this is it.” Setting his mug down, he opened his arms. Syla rested her head on his shoulder, palms flat on his chest. Jake's hand ran up the back of her flight suit, tugging her closer as he brushed his lips against her temple. When she lifted her head, he kissed her cheek. But when he tried to do it again, she turned to meet him.
Their first kiss was a sweet one. Syla’s hands drifted up his chest to wrap around the back of his neck and tug him down as she surged onto her toes. He steadied her with hands on her hips, gripping the blue fabric tightly as she licked into his mouth. A groan escaped him as she smiled. The mustache prickled against her skin. 
“It’s too early for this.” 
“Morning, Reuben,” Syla sighed, dropping back onto her heels and resting her forehead against Jake’s chin. Slowly, she pulled away and looked at her friend. “Sleep well?”
“Other than a nightmare, yeah.” Chuckling, she stepped out of Jake’s arms and grabbed her travel coffee mug. 
“Duke is gonna pick me up so you can have my car for the day. I’ll be home around 5:30 or 6:00. My parent should be here around that time, too, so we’ll go out for dinner. I have to have an early night for the show tomorrow, but we can take two cars so you can have fun downtown.” The flight leader was happy to help her with a ride, seeing as he lived down the street. 
“An early night sounds good to me,” Jake nodded. 
“Great. Duke’s pulling up, so I’m headed out.” With a quick peck to both men’s cheeks, she left.
“You’re an ass,” Payback grumbled while opening the cabinets for a mug. Ignoring him, Jake returned to the couch and grabbed his cell phone, quickly pulling up their text thread.
Can confirm I know where the clit is
A few minutes later came her reply.
Seeing is believing
Syla woke early and pulled on her running gear. It was hard to sneak out of the house with the two aviators crashing in the living room, but she managed it. After slipping her earbuds in, she started her pre-show tradition of a five-mile run while mentally practicing the flight maneuvers. Hands clenched in front of her, she imagined Duke’s voice and positioned the stick and throttle. Deployed the smoke that allowed the crowd to follow them as they climbed. She would have the privilege of a sneak attack on the beach, buzzing the crowd who watched her wingmen fly ahead. 
Even after three seasons, every show made her nervous. And performing in front of the hometown crowd, while amazing, brought its own level of pressure. North Florida was the home to a huge military population. These people saw them the most - they practiced over the Naval Aviation Museum twice weekly and signed autographs. Hell, there was a sign as you got into town that said ‘Home of the Blue Angels.’ Pensacola had the Blue Angels, Corry Station, and Whiting Field, where many aviation careers started. The Air Force had three bases just an hour up the road - Hurlburt Field, Duke Field, and Eglin. Eglin had its own place in military aviation history, as it was where the pilots of the Doolittle Raid - the US’s retaliation on Japan following Pearl Harbor, where modified bombers had launched from the USS Hornet with no fighters as backup - had trained. The Air Force had their own fighter and test wings stationed there, and the Army was training special forces.
Further out were the two bases in Panama City - the Naval Support Activity Panama City and Tyndall Air Force Base, which housed their own fighter wing. That wasn’t even considering all of the veterans in the area. Syla had briefly dated someone who worked for the Veteran’s Administration, who had told her that the Gulf Coast was one of the fastest-growing areas for vets. 
So yeah, hometown shows made her nervous. And her dumb ass had invited a certain Lieutenant, who made her even more nervous. Who she outranked. As a Lieutenant Commander, she was responsible for ensuring they didn’t break any fraternization rules. And even though Jake wouldn’t be under her command - the Daggers were stationed at Miramar under TOPGUN but were not instructors - they might still get some looks.
Which was presuming that Jake even wanted something other than a fling. Panting, Syla stopped running and bent, wiping away the sweat on her brow. Even this early, the humidity was killer. “Fucking focus,” she ordered herself. 
There was nothing like an airshow. From the moment Syla stepped onto the tarmac, the energy was electric. For her last home show, they’d picked the theme of Celebrating Women in Aviation, focusing on the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPS) that began in WWII when the US needed pilots. Women could join the military to ferry, test, and deliver planes for repair. 
From the civilian aerobatic pilots to the Air Force’s Viper and F-35 demo teams and the explosive Tora Tora Tora reenactment, there was something for everyone. She joined her parents, Reuben, and Jake after the Angels’ morning briefing. While her parents and Reuben stayed in the tent, she and Jake did a quick walk around, pausing so she could sign autographs and take pictures. She was glad her sunglasses were on when a little girl traced over her embroidered wings and said she wanted to be a pilot, too. Jake’s fingers brushed hers as they walked, and she fought a smile. 
And then it was show time. Syla forced herself to focus on the moment. Doing anything else would endanger the team and her aircraft. So, she focused on saluting her flight crew and doing her checks. She wasn’t part of the diamond take-off formation but would be doing a high G vertical climb into an inversion. And then she thought about Duke’s final order - “Have fun.” 
So she did. She allowed herself to smile as she fought against gravity, admired the beautiful ocean she flew over, and laughed at the startled crowd as she executed the sneak pass. 
And yes, she did hum while doing it. 
Sunday was harder. Syla woke up early for her run and was surprised to find Jake awake in the kitchen, shirtless and wearing running shorts and sneakers. He joined her, her extra reflective belt wrapped around his bicep. It was still dark, their way lit by streetlights and the occasional passing car. Jake glanced over as she ran through the show, hands at her stomach moving the imaginary stick and throttle. 
Everything for her last show needed to be perfect. 
“You’ve got this,” he said when they turned back into her cul de sac. Feeling like a teenager sneaking around, she tugged him around the side of the house and pressed him against the siding. His hands wrapped around her hips, holding her tightly as her hands slid up his sweat-slicked skin to wrap around the back of his neck. It was still dark out, the sun not due to rise for another hour. If her neighbors looked out the glass door in their living room or someone drove past, they would easily be spotted. But that didn’t stop her from pressing against him, feeling his heat through her sports bra and running shorts. 
Jake pressed teasing kisses to her forehead, nose, and cheek before Syla gripped his hair and kissed him hard. His hand slid to her ass, squeezing and tugging her closer. She could feel his cock through his jogging shorts and dug her nails into his skin to keep from touching him. Nothing in the world would make her jeopardize her career with a public indecency charge. 
When his attention shifted to her neck, licking the salt from her skin, Syla forced herself to push against his shoulders and step back. His grip tightened, not letting her go too far. “Everything okay?” he asked. In the semi-darkness, she could barely make out his confused expression. 
“I need to know,” she said, biting her kiss-swollen lower lip. “I know we’ve only known each other for a month, but am I pissing off one of my best friends for a fling?”
“A fling?” 
“I outrank you, Jake. If there’s blowback, it’s gonna come back on me. Not only because of rank but because I’m a woman. I will always have Blue Angels in my bio, so I will always be held to the highest standard. So I have to know - is this just having fun? Or is this something we want to pursue? Because I’m fine either - ”
Jake’s lips silenced her, his tongue insistently licking into her mouth as he turned them to pin her against the siding with his hips. With his hands braced by her head, he pulled away, smirking when she chased his kiss. One knuckle traced from her temple and swept across her jaw before tilting her head up as he tutted her name. “You think I’d risk pissing off my entire squad for a fling? If I wanted that, I would have just waited for you to get to Miramar instead of coming out here, annoying Payback, and meeting your parents. This is my first vacation in years, and I wanted to spend time alone with you. If you want this to be a fling - ”
“I don’t.” 
“Good. Cause I don’t either.” They stood there, smiling at one another for a long moment until they heard a dog bark. Shoving him away, Syla turned and waved at her neighbor as he stepped out of the house across the street, dressed for his own morning run. Taking Jake’s hand, she tugged him back towards the front door, enjoying how he pressed himself against her back as she unlocked it. “Just wait until we’re alone, and I’ll show you just how well I can find your clit,” he growled in her ear as she gripped the doorknob.
“Just out of curiosity,” she said, glancing at him over her shoulder. “Did you tell Reuben that you were staying for a week? Or does he think you’re flying out tonight, too?”
“Now, where would the fun be in telling him?” Jake asked. Syla laughed, turning in his embrace to pat his cheek. 
“It’s your funeral, Hangman.” His grin was blinding as he leaned down to kiss her.
“What a hell of a reason to go.”
Emotion nearly choked her as Syla drove down Blue Angel Parkway toward the base. She’d left her parents to drive the other aviators in, wanting some time alone that morning. The squad had invited her guests to watch the last briefing of the season so they wouldn’t be too far behind. Reuben or Jake would be able to get her parents on base. While the air show gates didn’t open until 8:00AM, a few cars were already waiting at the Visitor Control building’s parking lot. After flashing her ID to the gate guard, she made her way to the hanger to quickly inspect her plane. Their flight mechanics were among the best in the world, and Syla trusted them with her life, but you could never be too careful. Once assured that everything was fine, she made her way to the briefing room, pausing to talk to some of the other early birds and to grab a shitty cup of coffee from the break room. Rather than take her seat, she took the opportunity to read the plaques that decorated the walls, running her finger over her name engraved on the list of pilots. 
“Big day, Syla. You ready for it?” Duke asked, coming into the briefing room and standing beside her. She glanced up at him and rolled her lips together, swallowing hard against the lump in her throat. 
“As I’ll ever be,” she replied hoarsely. 
“One more flight, and then you’re back in the greens,” he chuckled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and tugging her close. 
“I look so much better in blue,” she smirked, glancing down at her flight suit. After three years, going back to a green suit that didn’t have her name and plane number embroidered on her chest, that had a different squadron patch, would be strange. This wasn’t the first time she’d left a squad, but it definitely was the hardest. Their team, from the flight and ground crew to the Marine pilots that flew Fat Albert, the C-130J that carried the crew show to show, spent so much time together. From January to November, they saw each other every day - on Thursdays, they flew out to the show location and returned to Pensacola on Mondays; Tuesdays and Wednesdays were practice days. For three years, Syla had celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, new babies, and graduations with these folks. She’d babysat for their kids and hung out at their houses. They had gotten her drunk to celebrate her promotion before dragging her to the beach and tossing her into the Gulf in her whites - she made sure that they also got drenched - and teased her relentlessly whenever she dated someone. 
The other squad members slowly filed in, and Syla was subjected to brotherly teasing. When her guests arrived, she introduced Jake and Reuben by their callsigns. The looks her squad sent her when Hangman shook their hands were priceless - they’d seen his name pop up on her phone more than a few times. The corner of Jake’s eye twitched at every shake, making her wonder if they were squeezing his hand harder than necessary. Payback looked happy at the cooler welcome the other pilot got. 
“Alright,” the flight leader said once everyone had taken their seat around the table, him at the head. Crew and her guests sat along the wall. “We’ll leave the sentimental stuff for the boat party later, but as you all know, this is Syla’s last flight with us. And while we’re excited to welcome Lieutenant Commander Reyes in a few months, she will have big shoes to fill. So we’ll be perfect today, not only for Syla but for our hometown crowd. I want the debrief to be short this afternoon so we can go celebrate another successful season and get some downtime. Now, conditions today allow for the high show…” Syla opened her folder and retrieved the aerial map of Pensacola as he read out the wind and view data. The tip of her pen traced the maneuvers they would go through, as he called them.
She could feel eyes on her as they pushed away from the table and did a chair flight, Duke’s comforting cadence helping her block out everything else. Her own eyes remained closed as they talked through the flight, visualizing and practicing the throttles and stick positions, where they would have pull on the stick, tensing to fight the Gs, her calls on the radio, turning to check the alignment of their synchronized ascent into the loop, deploying smoke - every second of the 45-minute show.  
And when she opened her eyes, they caught on a pair of green ones that stared at her from across the room. The corner of Jake’s mouth twitched as he gave a curt nod. Beside him, her parents beamed. Payback sat back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest and grinned. 
Syla couldn’t help the tears that fell as she taxied back into position. Even over her engine, she could hear the crowd cheering as they announced her name and thanked her for her years of flying with the Blues. As the canopy rose, she swiped at her face and took a deep breath. 
It was over. 
After three years, she was now returning to the fleet. She would be assigned a new Super Hornet, grey instead of bright blue, with her name and callsign painted below the canopy. The next few months would be spent reviewing tactical and weapons updates, and she’d have a few weeks to refresh her air combat skills before taking on her first TOPGUN class. She was pretty sure that she'd spend some time with the meatball, the machine that helped baby aviators learn the dimensions of the ship's flight line; she felt rusty even with over 600 carrier landings under her belt. 
Thankfully, she was sure there was an active-duty pilot who would be more than happy to help her study.
“You good?” Syla looked up at her crew chief and nodded at the woman. Quickly, she handed over the helmet, realizing it would be one of the last times she wore it. Soon, she would be back in her garnet one with gold arrows - her nod to her alma mater. After smoothing down her hair, she put her cover back on and prepared to exit the cockpit. 
Three years. Over 900 days on the road. Hundreds of hours in the air. 
It was over.
A Week Later
Fanboy glanced at his phone, frowning at the text from Hangman. The Miami game was on a commercial break, so he quickly opened it and saw it was a video. 
He recognized the place immediately - Florida State’s football stadium. Doak Campbell. Fucking Hangman was at the Miami-FSU game. Hangman panned the camera around the stadium, and Fanboy realized he was standing on the field. In the endzone. The announcer’s voice was a bit muffled but became clearer as Hangman refocused the camera on Syla. 
“Callsign Syla made history as the first female aviator on the Blue Angels, carrying on the proud FSU tradition of excellence. Let’s give a loud welcome home to Syla!”
The crowd roared, chants of “USA” echoing as Syla held up her hands and waved before doing the tomahawk chop. In the background, he saw that she was being broadcast on the jumbotron. As it cut away, she held her hands up again. She brought her thumbs together to form the University of Miami ‘U’ symbol before dropping all but her middle fingers. The student section started a chant of ‘Fuck U’ as she laughed. 
“Fuck Miami!” Syla grinned. 
“Fuck Miami!” Hangman echoed, swinging the camera around to show himself flipping off the camera, that god-awful mustache still on his face. For once, he wasn’t wearing Texas gear but had swapped it out for a Seminoles cap and t-shirt. 
Oh, Fanboy thought. He was definitely gonna have to deal with way more bro code violations once he got back. Especially after he forgot to turn off the recording before kissing Syla. 
Fanboy debated forwarding it to the group chat but decided against it. Having a bit of blackmail was never a bad thing.
The group chat started popping off in the 4th quarter. 
What the fuck is this? Payback fired off, sharing a picture of Hangman with his arm around Syla and their back to the field. Her hand rested on his stomach. 
Damn, Rooster replied. Phoenix added a gif of Stephen Colbert eating popcorn.
Looks like fun, Bob added. 
Fuck the Noles, Fanboy typed out.
Is no one bothered by this??? Payback demanded. The chat went silent until Hangman’s name popped up.
Syla here. Two things - 1) Fuck Miami, and 2) I’m begging you to let the man shave the fucking mustache. Facial hair is not my thing.
Note: I didn't expect to write a follow up to First and Goal, but I also didn't expect the engagement with it. Thank you to everyone who read it. A major thank you to @mayhemmanaged for helping talk me through this fic and reading a rough draft of it. And @dreamlandcreations for saying she wanted a part 2.
The North Florida panhandle has a huge military population. I recently moved away from the Gulf Coast, after my dad was stationed at Eglin AFB. That is where I first got to see a jet engine up close and see how beautiful the afterburner could be. It's where I went to my first stateside air show. I completed an internship at the VA in Pensacola, and was able to see the Blue Angels fly every week. Like Jake, I didn't really appreciate the panhandle until I left. There's nothing like shifting from pine trees to an ocean view as you cross the I-10 bridge, going from Whiting Field to Pensacola.
Like Syla, I'm a diehard Seminole, graduating from there a total of 4 times. I actually stole her flight leader's callsign, Duke, from a guy I went to high school and college with, who flies for the Air Force.
So long story short, this fic was inspired by aviation and Lieutenant Commander Amanda 'Stalin' Lee, the first female Blue Angel. Thanks for reading ❤️
Tagging those who reblogged and commented on First and Goal:
kmc1989; gigisimsonmars; starset21; the-slytherin-library-12; ssa-sadboi; fanficfandomlove; shanimallina87; myfaveficrecs; roosterforme; thefandomimagines; dreamlandcreations; topherwrites; roosteraloha; tgmreader; love-in-light; starlightmoon2020; clockworkballerina; bibissparkles; top-hhun; just-in-case-iloveyou; scarlettwidow19; themusingofagothicsoul; milani-marie; rooseresintg; lets-turn-and-burn; bellaireland1981; shanimallina87; sydthekid1518; gspenc; mimi-8793; novagreen04; fulla02reads; alldaysdreamers; atarmychick007; onceupona-happilyeverafter-love; rosiahills22
162 notes · View notes
Angel by the Wing - TWENTY TWO
Chapter Warnings: discussion of child abuse and domestic violence, discussion of the possibility of miscarriage, allusions to homophobia
A/N: I’m nearing graduation so I’m in the final rush to get work done so updates will be going sloooooow for a bit. sowwy. love u.
Series Masterlist OR Mobile Masterlist
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There is a reason why Jacob “Hangman” Seresin is such a dick.
He was seven years old the first time he saw his mom cover a black eye with concealer and a smile. Ten when he pushed himself in between Jennifer and Daniel Seresin and took a well-aimed smack to the face. Thirteen when Daniel stopped making his wife his main punching bag and started turning on Jake.
He was fifteen when he realized that he wanted to kiss Tony Garcia as much as he wanted to kiss Lisa Kelley. The words of his father haunted him at night. Things like how he didn’t raise no fucking fairy. How Jake was too much of a fucking sissy. How he needed to man up and take each hit like a champ.
Jennifer knew something was different about her son. She saw the way he gazed at the front cover of Tiger Beat magazine no matter who was on it. Daniel would beat her black and blue if he saw her giving his son that “sissy shit” but she would pay in cash and slip it under Jake’s pillow to find when he came home from football and baseball practice.
Jake grew thick skin in that house. He had to in order to survive. He loved his mom dearly and he wanted to keep her and his little sister as safe as they could. He was sixteen when he threw a punch back at Daniel and knocked him out cold. Jake was six feet tall and pure muscle thanks to being a double sport athlete. Daniel was on the fast track to alcohol induced cirrhosis.
He knocked his father out and then told his sister and mother to pack their bags. They would get out that night.
That same rough attitude got him through the last few years of high school. He had to protect his sister at her new school, his mom from the specter of his father, and himself from the world. By the time he entered the Naval Academy, DADT was well in effect. Being bisexual meant he could still flirt with women and kiss a few of his other female classmates, but there was still this gut-punch feeling he had every time he felt a flush rise to his cheeks when he saw some guy throwing a frisbee out on the quad.
And then he graduated and entered flight school and met Bradley Bradshaw and for fucks sake, they shared a bunkroom. What was he supposed to do? Bradley was charming and funny and his patience drove Jake insane. He thought that there were moments Bradley saw past that veneer of arrogance he held in front of him as a shield.
Jake always had to be the best. If he was the best athlete on the field, then his dad would be proud. If he was the smartest kid in class, his mom would be proud. He had to be the best in order to get the attention of Naval football recruiters. Five years of service in return for free tuition, a load off of his mom’s shoulders. He had to be the best to be a fighter pilot, a job that would take him away from his mom and sister, but wouldn’t put him in a submarine with no way to contact him for a year.
Letting people in was a risk, he learned, and one he tried to avoid at all cost. Letting people in gave them a chance to see the ugly, jagged, imperfect parts of him that he was terrified to let people see. So he pushed people away with his cocky attitude and jabbed words.
Bradley Bradshaw didn’t care because Jake wasn’t speaking when they were making out in their empty bunkroom.
But then the Navy split them up to deployments across the world. They attended Top Gun at various times, occasionally seeing the other at a base for a few days before they were sent off again, but Bradley had grown more serious and less impressed with Jake’s attitude. He knew it was inevitable. He pushed people away so he really couldn’t act surprised when they left.
He was stationed at Lemoore with Phoenix and then down to Miramar to help train some new pilots when the news of the special detachment came. By then, he was quickly sinking into the bright smile of the bartender of the Hard Deck.
And here he was sitting on his couch with Bradley Bradshaw’s head resting in his lap. His fingers ran through the brunet’s curls and he scratched his nails over Bradley’s scalp a few times, eliciting a satisfied hum from the man who was drifting between the veil between sleep and awake. How the fuck had he ended up here?
“Hey,” you said as you emerged from the bedroom. You were tucking one of your black Hard Deck t-shirts into a pair of jean shorts when you looked up and saw Bradley half-asleep on Jake’s lap.
“Oh sorry.” You lowered your voice and winced but Bradley waved you off.
“I wasn’t sleepin’,” he grumbled.
“Okay, that’s a bold faced lie but whatever you say, bear.” You came around the side of the couch and leaned down to run your hand over Bradley’s hair before straightening up and laying a kiss on Jake's cheek.
“I have to leave to help get the bar ready before we open. Penny took Amelia out on a boating trip to north Cali so I’m opening and closing tonight. I figured you two will want to get shitfaced tonight so I can drive you home and we’ll go get your cars tomorrow morning. Sounds good?”
The two men sent you a thumbs up and you grinned. “Okay, perfect. Item two on my list…”
Bradley sat up with a groan, his ribs protesting the move, and Jake slid his hand down to support his back until they were both sitting up and staring at you.
“There’s a chance.” You worried at your bottom lip and sighed. “There’s a chance I could miscarry. The risk dramatically drops after eight weeks and is extremely rare after twelve weeks, but there’s always a possibility.”
Your hands dropped to your stomach where that near invisible bump rested. “Would you be alright if we waited before telling people? I already told Penny, but that’s because I was freaking out and needed someone to screw my head on straight.”
“I told Mav too,” Bradley added. “But I’m okay with not telling anyone else until you think it’s good.”
Jake cleared his throat. “I’d like to tell my mom. I was hoping to have her and Liz come down to visit soon, maybe this month. Would that be okay?”
A smile grew on your face and you reached out to cup his face. “Of course. It would be really nice to meet your mom. I’m sure she’s got a bunch of embarrassing baby photos of you.”
He rolled his eyes but settled a kiss against your wrist as your grin brightened. You leaned down to drop a kiss to each man’s head and then hurried over to the front door to put on your shoes and grab your purse.
“Okay, I’ll see you both tonight. Be good while I’m gone. Jake…” Your gaze flickered between the two men. “It’s not my place to tell you what to do, but I think you should tell him about your dad.”
His heart sank into his stomach at the confused glance on Bradley’s face, but he knew she was right. If they wanted this to work, Jake would have to be honest about the fact that he didn’t know how to be a good father thanks to Daniel Seresin being a raging piece of shit.
As soon as the door shut behind you and the sound of your car drove off, Jake leaned back against the couch and sighed. Bradley kept those warm brown eyes fixed firmly on him and then Rooster surprised him by reaching out and carding his fingers through the soft strands at the base of his neck.
Jake let out a shaky breath and began to tell him.
A few hours later, Jake joined the rest of the Daggers at the Hard Deck. He sat across from Bradley, their feet hooked together and their heads occasionally turning in the direction of the bar where you were focused on making drinks. The team were all intent on getting sloppy, piss-faced, “holy shit we lived” drunk tonight. Warmth suffused his veins, both from the bourbon and from the laughter of the team as they all swapped stories from their earlier days in the Navy.
“What’s everyone doing for their leave?” Halo asked once the conversation started to die down.
Varying responses came, mostly people saying they were going home to see family. Others were staying in California, like Phoenix who would be going back to Lemoore with Sofia, and Bob, who had been practically adopted by the two women and would be joining them for the first half of leave before he went to see his family.
“I’m going to be here for a bit,” Bradley answered. “Enjoy the sun. Weather’s nicer here than in Virginia.”
The others were too drunk already to recognize the heavy gaze Bradley laid upon the man seated before him. Jake grinned into his beer just as you appeared at their table with a tray of shots.
“On the house,” you announced as you laid it down in front of the aviators. “You better have a designated driver planned out or I will be sticking your ass into an Uber and praying you get home.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Bob replied meekly. You grinned to show him you weren’t all that serious and nudged your knee against the interlocked ankles under the table.
Jacob “Hangman” Seresin never expected that he would have the chance to feel like this. He was thirty-three when he let two people into his life and found that flying wasn’t the only adrenaline rush.
Tag list: @mizzzpink @xoxabs88xox​ @dreaminglandsworld​ @khaylin27​ @loveforaugust​ @phoenixssugarbaby​ @atarmychick007​ @mak-32​ @itsmytimetoodream​ @krismdavis​ @emma8895eb​ @startrekfangirl​ @hangmandruigandmav​ @lunamoonbby​ @startrekfangirl2233​
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snowviolettwhite · 2 months
Several Sentence Sunday
Tagged by the lovelies @anewkindofme and @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
This is from my upcoming 9-1-1 early 2010s Alternative Universe Fan-Fiction.
It is going to be called "don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up" from the song Matilda by Harry Styles
Where Buck, Eddie, Shannon and baby Christopher runaway from home to California. Buck and Eddie join the fire academy and soon after the 118, Shannon is studying to be a therapist and they are all roommates barely, adults at eighteen years old and raising Chistopher and coming into adulthood together.
There will be bi Buck, demisexual Eddie and bi Shannon and yes I will being making them neurodivergent .
don’t have to be sorry for leaving and growing up
Made a mood-board too, look how cute teen Buck, Eddie and Shannon and baby Christopher are.
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It is June of 2011. Public schools across the nation of The United States are all out for summer vacation from Hershey, Pennsylvania to El Paso, Texas.
Evan Buckley, Buck is the blonde, blue eyed rascal. He is always getting himself hurt and in trouble. He was on the football team and got straight As. He made a lot of friends but never got close enough to let his walls down. He is the baby of the family but the only person who ever pays attention to him is his big sister Madeline, Maddie Buckley. He does not know what he wants. He just wants to be happy and be loved and find his passion and stability.
Edmundo Diaz, Eddie is the young teen dad who got his best friend turned girlfriend pregnant. He is the middle child and is the only boy in his family. He was the sanest compared to his sisters which, pulled away the attention of the fact he struggled a lot in school. He excelled in other areas like sports and arts and a lot of hands-on things until this past year. He just wants to be left alone in peace with his best friend and baby boy.
“Edmundo, how could you let this happen? You and Shannon are still kids. You cannot even take care of yourselves. How are you supposed to take care of a baby?”
Shannon Macdonald is the young teen mom and upcoming psychology major freshman at University of California, Los Angeles. She wants to be therapist when she grows up and hang out with her best friend and baby and start a new life and make new friends and find new interest away from all this chaos and stress. She is the best friend of Eddie Diaz and mother of Christopher Diaz and in another state for college orientation. When she gets back to Texas, Eddie and she are going to try to talk like mature grown adults about what they are going to do without his insane overbearing family. She thought maybe she bring them with her. They can stay with her mom until they can afford a cheap apartment.
They say if you want to be treated like an adult act like an adult. How are supposed to act like an adult at eighteen years old, haven’t been out of high school even a month, being dragged home by the cops and being scolded at the front door or being at by your parents yelled in your childhood bedroom to the point of tears and clutching your clutching your worn-out stuffed animal dog or getting into screaming contest with two middle aged adults to the point your voice gives out and wanting your mom to make it better.
“You’re too soft! You need to grow up!”
“You’re too soft! You need to grow up!”
“You’re too soft! You need to grow up!”
Sometimes this makes you want to run away.     
Inspired By This Photo:
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Tagging But No Pressure:
@lochnesswriter @kingofdarkness00 @aroeddiediaz @lemonzestywrites
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tooneys-russo · 6 months
Boots and Broken Hearts
A/N: A new fic that I have been thinking about, it'll follow Alessia Russo and original character Willa Conti as they navigate their lives at UNC.
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Chapter 1:
The right person, but always the wrong time, maybe one day they can get their timing right. Alessia grew up in the South of London, she had two older brothers and a football obsessed Father, Mario. Her weekends were filled with football, either her playing, her brother Gio playing, her father playing for a local side. Alessia had to play with boys up until the age of 12 due to there being no local girls team she could join, but that was the best thing that could have happened to her. Playing with boys had given her a hunger to be better, stronger and faster than the boys to make sure they wouldn’t have anything to say about having a girl on their team. At school she would often be picked first by the boys because they knew exactly how good she was. Her talents had her noticed by the England Development Team, she went to her first camp for the under 14 team at the tender age of 12. There she met her best friend Ella, they were inseparable from the first moment they met. They both featured in elite football academies although for opposing teams, Alessia for Chelsea and Ella for Manchester United, they would play against each other but nothing would change between them off the pitch no matter the result. When it came time for the two to take on professional contracts Ella was offered a full time contract at her junior club, Alessia made the biggest decision of her young life, well the biggest one at that time, she decided to leave everything she knew and went to college in the United States. Alessia made her stamp on the collegiate football world when she made her first start with North Carolina University.
In comparison Willa had a slightly different road to North Carolina. She was raised in Newcastle Upon Tyne in the North East of England. She was chosen at the tender age of 8 to sign her first contract with Sunderland’s Junior Academy. Willa was tagged as an up and comer, he was a 12 year old playing in the under 16 side, and was placed into the England under 17 side by the age of 14. Willa had an outstanding junior career until she was 16, she was playing in the Under 19 European Championships, it was the final, the game she dreamed of. She stood in the opposition’s 18 yard box waiting for the corner to come in. As the ball soared towards her, Willa readied herself. The ball made contact with her head, then she felt a sharp pain to the right side of her face, then darkness. The Spanish Captain had attempted to clear the ball from the box, but instead she had kicked Willa in the face. It resulted in Willa being knocked unconscious, as well as slicing the right cheek, fracturing her cheekbone, eye socket and breaking her jaw. At that moment Willa had scored the winning goal and had her short career ended. She had her jaw wired shut for 2 months, headaches and concussion symptoms for 4 months and multiple surgeries to fix the shattered bones in her face. By the time she was cleared to play again Willa was 17 and without an academy contract. Her final year of high school was frustrating, she was surrounded by her friends from the academies who were on track for professional contracts, while she was playing division 4 women’s. Willa needed to escape from what could have been, so he sat the SATs and was on a plane as soon as she finished school, playing football (now soccer) at University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA. For four years she studied hard for her MBA while also being the star player of the UCLA Bruins Women’s Soccer Team, Captain from her Sophomore year onwards. She had a passion for analytics and would run reports of all stats for coaches each game, she knew she may never make it pro but she could make a difference on the sidelines. In her Senior year she played in the National Championship game and with 8 minutes until the end of the game her knee gave way. She knew exactly what it was, her ACL.
There were three years between Willa and Alessia, she had stared at UCLA and she had now made the decision to step off the field and begin her coaching and analytical career, her knee still gave her trouble after the reconstruction, each time she kicked the ball it felt different and she knew she was done at the tender age of 22. North Carolina was her lifeline and she took it with both hands. Alessia was away on an England Camp when Willa started. Willa had begun working with Anson Dorrance, the coach of North Carolina on their current team list, looking at game footage from both North Carolina and every other team that they were facing. Willa had never watched so much football in her life as she did now. By the time she met the players Willa knew everything that she could about the technical abilities of the players, she noted that Alessia had not arrived yet as she was still at the National Camp. Both she and Anson had begun working on the pre-season preparation for the team. Once August came around Alessia was back at North Carolina and at training. “Willa this is-'' Anson began. “Alessia Russo, 9 goals, 2 assists in your first collegiate season with a conversion rate of 43 percent, well 43.28 percent to be exact. Very impressive.” Willa had a bright smile and held out her hand to shake. Alessia was surprised by the woman in front of her with the Newcastle accent that sounded familiar, she seemed to know more about her than she did. Their blue eyes met as they shook hands. “I’m Willa Conti, pleasure to meet you Alessia.” She smiled and bit her lip gently. “Pleasure to meet you too, Willa. You seem to know a fair bit about football.” Willa laughed and let go of her hand.”Hope so. Might be disappointing if I didn’t.” Anson patted Alessia on the back. “Get on the park and join the team.” Alessia ran to join her teammates who were ecstatic that she was back.
After training Willa was going through the data from each player’s GPS and footage from the session. Her phone rang with a familiar name on the screen, her girlfriend, Jennifer. “Hey babe.” She sat back in her chair and ran her fingers through her long chestnut hair. Jennifer was not pleased at all that Willa had moved all the way to North Carolina away from her in LA, where she had just been recruited into the Orlando Pride Wave NWSL team. “Hi, you haven’t texted me back in hours. Too busy with all those North Carolina girls?” Willa could hear the anger in Jennifer’s voice and sighed knowing what was coming. “I have been running training and doing the analysis ready for this week’s first scrimmage.” Willa was being drained each conversation with Jennifer knowing that it would quickly become a fight. “Of course, well I have a game this weekend and I got you tickets. Are you able to come?” Willa looked up at the schedule on her office wall. “Yeah I should be able to. Will be a good game against Portland.” Jennifer hummed in agreement. “Yeah it will be good to see you, I miss you.”
“I miss you too, I will see you this weekend. Love you.” Willa’s tone was as happy as she could make it. 
“Love you too babe.” Jennifer sounded a lot more upbeat than when the call had started. The two had met when they were both on the UCLA football teams, Jennifer was a local LA girl and they seemed to be pushed together instantly. Willa found her comforting but did admit that at times she was so focused on football that she did neglect their relationship, it was lucky that they were on the same team. But Jennifer didn’t seem to mind as long as Willa was at all the parties with her, all the games and on her arm when she needed it. Jennifer was gorgeous and could have easily gone into modelling, she had flowing brown hair that had a slight curl, bright green eyes that matched the trees when they would go hiking around California. Her skin was permanently sunkissed and a rose tattoo graced the side of her forearm. As a couple they complimented each other perfectly, Willa had mid back length chestnut brown hair that was usually in a high pony tail, blue eyes that were like a royal blue, her facial scars were only noticeable in particular light like a lion had scratched down her right hand cheek. Willa’s skin was tanned after being in the LA sun for four years, her Italian background had been particularly beneficial. On her left ribs she had a tattoo of the Newcastle United badge and the UCLA Bruin. The Newcastle badge was important to her, they were her team but they never had an academy, the only one close by who had a girls academy was Sunderland, her natural enemy. Jennifer stood at 5 feet 7 inches and Willa who stood at a comfortable 5 feet 10 inches. The two were the IT couple of UCLA Athletics and he sat next to her when she was drafted to the Orlando Pride Wave, it was everything she wanted and more, Willa opted to not go into the draft, not wanting to be disappointed. When Willa received her offer to coach and be technical analyst at North Carolina Jennifer’s response left a lot to be desired, her focus was on their future in Orlando Pride and what it would mean to do long distance how hard it would be. There was no consideration for what Willa wanted, which was all too common in their relationship. 
Willa walked into the athletes dining room ready for another early morning session, she didn’t expect to see Alessia sitting by herself with a textbook by her side. Willa filled up her plate and sat next to the blonde Brit. “Good morning.” Willa smiled warmly, Alessia’s blue eyes looked up at her. “Oh hi.” She sat back and put her fork down on her plate. “What are you doing here so early?” Alessia glanced at the bag on the ground. “You know training isn't until later right?” Willa nodded, “Yeah I know, I just wanted to go for a run at the field, test some things out.” She laughed softly. “Test some things out? Like what the grass length?” She looked back into the older girl’s eyes. “Well depending on the grass length it would change the time that it would take the ball to -” Willa noticed the joking nature of Alessia’s question and the grin she was now wearing. “Ah, um no not the grass length just wanted to check the drills we had planned. Wanting to make sure we are improving on particular things.” Willa looked down at her plate embarrassed slightly about her first answer to Alessia’s clearly rhetorical question. Alessia smiled and bumped gently into Willa’s side. “Sorry, sometimes my sarcasm doesn’t translate. Is it possible for me to come with you to see the drills?” Willa smiled and nodded, unable to answer with her mouth full of food. The rest of their breakfast was filled with casual conversation, Willa discovered that Alessia had gone through the academy system just as she did, she also discovered that she wasn’t a huge fan of the tea available to her in the dining hall. Yorkshire tea was clearly the most superior tea, although with her time in America, Alessia was now very coffee focused, Willa noted that an oat flat white was the younger girl’s order.
Willa and Alessia made their way to the field, she made Willa feel comfortable with no judgement or expectations on her. Alessia felt an instant connection to the young coach, Willa took an interest in what she had to say and never once questioned why she would leave a professional contract behind for college halfway across the world. Willa and Alessia worked on multiple drills for around two hours, by the end they were both trying to catch their breath. “How were they? The drills? They alright?” Willa looked at the blonde next to her. “Well I am absolutely knackered, but I feel good and got to work on my first touch. What did you think?” She fixed her blonde ponytail. “Your touch is bloody good already, I just need your shot conversions a bit higher.” Willa laughed and she smiled. “Oh yeah? As a Sophomore I am out-scoring some of the Seniors.” Alessia put her hands on her hips and looked at the taller girl. “You won’t be playing against these girls in England, or at a World Cup. You are going to play in the best league in the world. The NWSL is dropping in quality and that's the league these players want to end up in. Not you, you have to play in Europe.” Willa said it casually as she grabbed her drink bottle. Alessia stared at her expressions, there was no mistaking that Willa was serious, she was almost matter of factly the way she spoke. Alessia was about to reply to the quite nice comment before they heard Coach Dorrance calling out. “Willa don’t keep the players from class! She is here for an education not just to kick a ball around, if her grades drop you will be tutoring her!” Willa nodded, “Yes Sir, sorry Alessia. I will see you tonight at training,I think we will be looking at some footage after the session. I want to chat to you about some plays.” Willa handed Alessia her drink. “Thanks Willa, appreciate it.” 
Alessia counted down the minutes until training, it isn't that she hated her classes, it was just that she couldn’t stop thinking about getting back on the field. Her aim was always to get better, each session added to her knowledge. The second class was finished for the day she was walking to the field, after warm up she watched as Willa explained the drills that she did with her that morning. During the drills in the hot sun, the girls began complaining about getting tired, their shots got more sloppy and their passing became wayward. Coach Dorrance called training and they all came into a group together, Willa had a grin on her face as some girls sat down and others caught their breath. “Well, that was a fantastic session. Willa has been doing some work on what we have been lacking and how we can improve. I know you girls are tired but I will let her chat to you about what the aim was.”
Willa stepped forward half a step. “Each game goes for around 90 minutes, give or take with additional time. The training today was medium to high intensity for 120 minutes. That gives both Coach and I an idea of what level you can maintain and for how long. Your disposals and shots only became detrimental to the function of the drills in the last 5 minutes. We now know that you can last 115 minutes, at a very good intensity. This is going to give us an advantage, we will also be doing lighter sessions after game day and doing recovery but these punishing sessions will give you a mental and physical edge over our opponents. In those moments when the other team is fatiguing you will remember this training and other after this and you will know you can push further. Great session, have a shower and we will meet you in the theater for a film session.” Willa grabbed the drink bottles and passed them around to the players, when she got to Alessia he looked into her eyes. “Feel a bit better with more players?” Alessia took a large drink from her bottle and nodded. “Yeah I actually got a rest.” She said slightly out of breath after her drink. “Good, you did really great.” Willa went around to other players and chatted to them, giving them tips on their movements and positioning. Alessia noticed that Willa genuinely wanted each player to be better than they were at the start of the session, she seemed excited to be involved even if it was picking up cones or organising everything for the coach. 
As the girls got ready for the film session a few of them talked about Willa and how nice it was to have a cute girl coaching them and how they wouldn’t mind getting a few one on one sessions with her. Alessia laughed along with the girls, she was very attractive physically but it was her personality that seemed to be the best part of the Geordie. The girls made their way to the theatre and out the front stood Coach Dorrance, Willa sat up the back with a notepad, Alessia saw her and made her way next to her. “Can I sit here?” She paused as she looked at the girl. “Oh yes of course, I want to show you something.” She moved down a seat. “I will be going through with as many players as I can like this to make sure I cover everyone's game.” Alessia noticed that she flicked through her notebook which was divided for each player, she got to her and the first page was full of notes on her past season. “Last season you played as a very solid number 9, the player that would be the main option for goals, I don’t want that to change but I do want to have a look at your off the ball work.” As the game footage played, Coach Dorrance showed what the opposition did that North Carolina needed to address and work on for the off season. Willa focused on Alessia’s movement and where she would prefer her to move, “It is just as important what you do off the ball as what you do on it.” Alessia was captivated as she talked, Willa was captivated by the way Alessia played. They both admired each other's passion for the sport and their drive to make either themselves or their teams better. At the end of the film session the girls started leaving Willa and Alessia walked out together into the car park. “The scrimmage game in two days, I want you to focus on getting into those looser positions, drag those defenders out of the danger areas to allow a player to come through. They will want to follow you and not be aware of the danger that is coming. Trust me, then on the next play you come around the back and get to that back post for the cross and just knock it in. Easy as you like.” Alessia stared at her. “That easy?” She nodded. “They all know you, you will be marked tighter than a compression sock. Use it to your advantage. Goodnight Alessia, great work today” Alessia watched Willa walk back towards her car, she changed her line as she got closer and walked towards a black BMW parked with its lights on. Willa’s head dropped as she got into the car, Alessia watched and got into her own car. She had no idea whose car Willa had gotten into but it appeared she knew the person.
Chapter 2
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goldenhxurs · 1 month
Fire station 118
Chapter one — Starting over
Pairing : Tommy Kinard x original male character named Braxton Kingsley
Summary : After that disaster of a night, Braxton packed his belongings and flew out of New York.
What if Braxton Kingsley’s the one to take over Tommy’s spot at the fire station 118. And what if instead of becoming a firefighter, Evan “Buck” Buckley was the proud owner of a bar in downtown Los Angeles.
Ratings & warnings : Explicit 18+, minors dni.
Words count : 1.8k
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Tucked away in the far corner of a certain bar called Heaven’s on earth with his hand curled loosely around a glass filled with their cheapest whiskey, Braxton Kingsley’s looking around, avoiding anyone’s gaze. His eyes trained on the tiny television playing an old football match, the poor signal gives the picture a grainy quality and breaks up the audio—not that it actually matters—with the classic rock blasting over the crackling speakers and a few of the customers screaming the lyrics at the top of their lungs.
Karaoke bar. This was definitely not a place where he imagined himself sitting in two years ago.
“Hey.” Braxton glances up to stare into the sparkling blue eyes of the owner of this fine establishment, and unfortunately one of his closest friends, Evan Buckley. “You seem more miserable than usual. Bet you could use another drink.”
“Good evening, Buck. I’m doing just fine, thanks for asking, asshole.” He dramatically pushes the glass towards the other man with one finger, and Evan fills it up with a smirk. “I just drove over twenty five hours, I’m fucking starving, need a goddamn shower and a much needed good night of sleep.” As the owner pulls the bottle back, Braxton snatches up the glass and guzzles as much of the burning liquid as he can without choking.
God, how he misses the taste of a good bottle like the English Sherry Cask. This Jack Daniels is hideous, he thinks.
“It’s a good evening indeed, right. The weather was really nice today.” The man sucks his teeth and gives his friend a sympathetic look. “Was it really that bad? I mean come on, last time I checked on you, you were living the American dream.” Evan Buckley has never been one to ponder his words before speaking. He’s more of a speak now, think later kinda guy. And Evan’s still fairly young, he has so much more to learn and experience as a person, Braxton could never truly be upset about his behaviors.
The ex-businessman groans, letting his head fall onto the sticky table with a thunk. “That was over two years ago, you dumbass. And I had to leave that shithole, couldn’t bear the thought of staying up there mother minute after the truth was out.” Buck makes a sound in the back of his throat, suddenly uncomfortable and very aware of what he just said, a feeling of guilt settling deep in the pit of his stomach. He should’ve reached out more often, or sooner in that case, especially after the multiple articles he read on the internet. He should’ve been a better friend, he thinks. But like everyone, he got caught up with his responsibilities as a new owner and the lady of stable employees didn’t help. That and the dozens of failed relationships he went through in the last year. “Spent the last two years in Arkansas, signed up to the fire academy over there, recently graduated and got assigned to the fire station 118 over here.”
“You can stay at mine as long as you need, y’know. At least until—” Braxton suddenly sits up and waves a hand at his friend, silencing him with a simple gesture. Evan shrugs, playfully rolling his eyes. “Alright, fine. But you can’t say I didn’t try to help your stubborn ass.”
Braxton shoots him a glare, sipping on his whiskey again. “You know I have enough money to buy a house right? Hell, with the amount that I have in my bank account I can definitely book a nice and luxurious hotel room for the next forty years.” He softens his voice at the look in his friend’s eyes. Evan Buckley isn’t one to openly admit when he’s hurt, but Braxton knows him well enough—they’ve been friends for over ten years—to read those beautiful eyes. He gives the man a tight lipped smile, his jaw tight and heaves a sigh. “It’s not about bragging, nor—look, it has nothing to do with you. I love you, you’re like a brother to me and you know it. But I’m too old to sleep on someone’s couch.”
Buck cuts him off with a wave of his hand too. “Yeah, I know. S’fine.” He then gives him a small smile—one of the ones he reserves for the rare drunken nights spent on Braxton’s couch while visiting the big city, when the sun was set and all that was playing on television were bad n’intimes sitcoms reruns, and that feeling of being the only two in the world enveloping them both until the next day—“But if you need someone to show you around, or anything at all really, I’m your guy. You can call me at any time of the day or night and I’ll show up like the knight in shining armor coming to rescue the damsel in distress. I’ll try my damndest to make your wishes come true, city boy.”
How Braxton wants to believe every single word his friend just said. But it’s out of the question, because Braxton’s deep desire right now is to be able to go back to the man he once was two years ago. “It’s a damn shame though. That you went and signed up to the fire academy. You could’ve worked for—with me. We could’ve been work-married.”
That seems to put back a smile on Braxton’s lips, not the ones that reach his eyes, but enough for both men to laugh at Buck silliness.
And Braxton’s thankful for it.
The newly recruited firefighter shakes his head and reaches over the table to clink his glass with the almost empty bottle of Jack Daniels that Buck’s still holding. “To new beginnings, you dickhead!”
“Welcome home Braxton.”
Twiddling his ballpoint pen between his fingers, Braxton lowers his gaze on the local newspaper in front of him. Jaw tickling as he’s trying not to direct his frustration at the mother beside his table—whose daughter can’t stop whining because she didn’t get the chocolate chip muffin she’s se desperately craving—he resumes his reading, circling in a dép shade of red the houses that seem decent enough.
And there isn’t a lot, strangely, considering the fact that he’s in Los Angeles.
He’s pulled from his thoughts of the horrifying and non successful house search by someone calling out his name and he looks up to see a joyful Batista holding a plain iced coffee. Relief. Smiling back a bet like she’s the savior of the day, the man rushes to the front to grab the cup and makes an escape outside, not wanting to hear another minute of the little girl’s tantrum.
Sighing, he shoves the one and the newspaper in his backpack as best as he can while holding his iced coffee. “I fucking hate kids.”
Braxton shuffles through the back pocket of his pants until his fingers touch a cool metal box. He pulls it out of the soft material and flicks the cap—thumb runs itself down the side of the lighter—a small flame explodes from the top. The smell instantly dances around him, the scent of thick smog enveloping his every sense. Like a puzzle piece, the cigarette seems to fit perfectly between his thin fingers, like two old friends reconnecting, making up for lost time. The man touches it to hula lips, letting the art flow into his breath—his breathing grows relaxed—with every inhale follows an exhale of wondrous patterns. His eyes close with ease and he continues to breathe in the silence.
He can’t remember the last time he was able to just take a walk around the block and enjoy the rays of sunlight hitting in face.
“Ah, there you are, city boy!” Buck appears out of nowhere, a brown paper bag tucked under his right arm. “I told you I would be your knight in shining armor.. even got the weapon.”
“What’s in the bag, loser?” Another exhale, the smoke finding its way with the wind.
“Kinda ironic that you’re about to save lives, put out fires and what not, and yet you’re smoking. Is it even legal for a firefighter? Anyways, I bought some pastries from that shop a few streets away. I swear they're the best.” Evan seems too excited, matching the energy of a golden retriever. “How’s house hunting going by the way?”
Braxton pouts, dropping his head. “There’s nothing. At least nothing that’s close enough to the station and fits my criteria.”
“Knowing you city boy, you might want to lower your expectations. But it might change real soon. How about you come with me, there’s places we need to go and a special someone you need to meet.” And Evan doesn’t bother waiting for his friend as he turns on his heels, whistling a familiar melody.
“What the fuck you mean by lowering my expectations? I’m not looking into buying a mansion. I’m simply asking for something located in a nice area that’s close enough to the station so I don't have to be stuck in traffic every damn time I gotta go to work.”
Braxton’s a grown man, for god’s sake. He dealt with misogynist assholes on a daily basis for five years and was the proprietor of one of the biggest corporations in North America. And yet here he is, standing in front of the fire station 118 with sweaty palms, a heart rate running a mile and an uncomfortable feeling sterling deep in his guts.
“You can do this, motherfucker. You’ve been training for this shit show for twenty months.”
The show must go on, as they say. But Braxton can’t seem to move, feet glued to the sidewalk.
Tightening his hand on the strap of his shoulder bag, Braxton tries not to let the anxiety win over his entire being, even if it feels like it already did. The newly recruited firefighter closes his eyes, taking a few deep breaths to calm the pounding of his heart against his ribcage.
“You got this Braxton.”
“You look like a lost deer that’s just been thrown into the lion’s den. You must be the new probie. Name’s Howard Han, or Howie. But everyone around here’s calling me Chimney.”
Chimney, what an interesting name, he thinks.
“Oh, umm—names Braxton Kingsley. Pleasure to meet you Howie.” Both men shake hands, Braxton’s nerves instantly calming at the sight of the reassuring smile Howard’s giving him. A silent I know how it is, I was in your shoes once too. Everything’s gonna be fine. “Alright probie, how about you stop looking and actually walk in so I can introduce you to the team.” Howie’s walking back inside the station, hands in his pockets and laughing loudly.
Braxton gathers all the courage that’s left in him and follows the shorter man. “Bobby, probie’s here!”
He definitely feels like a five years old kid on his first day at kindergarten, looking everywhere and not knowing where to look at the same time. Braxton’s inspecting the trucks and their vibrant red colors, the second floor where everyone gathered to welcome him properly, the gym area he can’t wait to use and the lockers room. He’s amazed by all of it.
“I’m Bobby Nash. Welcome to 118, Braxton.”
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croimilis · 2 years
Seeing as all the first pieces are now out, here's how all the YNs in the Fly Me To The Moon series got their nicknames.
It started when you were younger, specifically in middle school before Bradley hit a growth spurt and bulked out from playing baseball. You're 12 years old and a little taller than Bradley, you've got a mean right hook and a bad temper. Some older kids from the next grade up were bullying Bradley about he was too small and scrawny to be a pilot, how he would never live up to his dads legacy, and you just see bright red and swing for them without thinking. You break 2 of their noses and the other runs away before you can land a punch. You end up in the principals office, your mom at your side and though she's acting strict in front of the principal as she's dishing out hour week long suspension, she's sending you a wink so you know she's not actually mad at you. Its later that day when you're home, Carole and your mother drinking wine in the kitchen while you and Bradley stargazing out the back, that Bradley says your like his guardian angel always looking out for him. He makes little comments about you being his guardian angel, or simply just being an angel ("God (YN), you're an angel" is a frequent saying), throughout your middle school years but it doesn’t really evolve into a nickname until freshman year in high school and he starts to call you angel unconsciously saying things like "thank you angel" when you hand him a water bottle after baseball practice, or letting out a begging "please angel?" as he begs for help studying for a test, even starting to greet you with a "hey there angel". You stop blushing at it after 2 months, your heart stops racing after 3 and after 6 months you barely even register that he's calling you it anymore. By the time senior year rolls around, people are convinced Bradley doesn't even know your real name with how often he calls you angel. After you and Bradley start dating, the dagger squad also start calling you Angel stating it is now your honorary call sign. 
You grew up with Jake Seresin, your family orchard and vineyard only a few miles down from his family cattle ranch. When you weren’t helping around the Orchard and Jake wasn’t helping around the ranch, you would often spend time on each others land, either running around the wild flower field on Jakes ranch or star gazing on top of the barn, or climbing the apple, plum  and peach trees in the orchards or going horse riding through the vineyard and out into the open land your family owned. You were best friends throughout your entire childhood and moving into high school you were the typical pairing of the star football player and cheerleader that were rarely seen apart, to the point that everyone thought you were dating and you constantly had other cheerleaders asking you if Jake was available and other footballers (as well as guys from the other school sports teams) asking if you were available. It was your sophomore year when Jake started to realise he may have thought of you as little more than a friend he also noticed you always smelled like peaches, most likely from your body wash or shampoo. He also realised that your lips tasted like peaches after a game of spin the bottle at one of your friends birthday where he finally got to kiss you. After that he started to call you Peach or Peaches and when you asked about it he simply shrugged with that cocky grin of his on his face saying “because you smell and taste like peaches”, causing a huge blush on your face, which only caused him to continue using the nickname throughout the rest of high school and into your adult life. When he finally introduces you to the dagger squad, they only know you as peaches as that what Jake used when talking about you so they all call you peach as well and you don’t mind it. 
You and Bob had known each other since the naval academy, meeting on your first day. He was ever the wall flower, probably more so back then, and it was the classic trope of the introvert (Bob) being adopted by the extrovert (You). It was good for Bob, you instilled a sense of confidence in him that he didn't have before and he came out of his shell little by little (mostly just around you). You were attached at the hip and followed each other to Top Gun, where you were considered to be top of your class. It was on a night out with your class, at the Hard Deck (before Penny took over), that you got your call sign. The Hard Deck was doing a karaoke night and the other members of your class had made a bet that no one had the balls to get up and sing, all putting in $20 each for the brave soul to go up and sing. Never being one to back down from a challenge, and being confident in your singing talent, you wink at Bob before going up to the karoke machine and belting out a killer version of 'Hit Me With Your Best Shot' that leaves everyone in your class shocked, and Bob absolutely mesmerised as he watched you perform. Its after your performance that someone makes a comment that you had Bob in a trance (causing a blush to flare up on his face), like a siren luring a sailor to their death, and thus your callsign was born.
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scotianostra · 7 months
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Happy Birthday Scottish actor Alec Newman, born November 27th 1974 in Glasgow.
He may not be a household name, nor has he been in any real blockbuster films, but Alec Newman has quietly made a name for himself with roles in some very good dramas on both sides of the Atlantic.
Alec’s dad was in the Sandy, was in The Chris McClure Section, and since 1973 has been the lead singer and guitarist in Marmalade, Alec’s brother, John James Newman competed in the 2012 season of The Voice UK. Newman considered a life as a football player before breaking his leg playing for Wokingham Town as a youth.
He started out acting with National Youth Theatre aged 16, before enrolling in The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. Straight out of there he began cropping up in stage shows and impressing in guest appearances in TV shows like good old Taggart, of course, Heartbeat, Peak Practice and Dangerfield.
In the year 2000 he landed a leading part in Frank Herbert's Dune a three-part based on the novel of the same name, this got him noticed in the US and guest roles in shows there included, Angel, Star Trek Enterprise and Tru Calling, Flitting between stay at home and in the states he has continued to appear in some of the top shows, at home and abroad. Outlander fans might remember him as Joseph Wemyss in Down the Rabbit hole two years ago.
Alec is probably best known at home for playing Headmaster Michael Byrne in Waterloo Road when the series decanted to Scotland. Judge, John Deed, Spooks, Call the Midwife and Casualty at home, 24 Live Another Day, Victor Frankenstein, Shetland Rogue and The Bastard Executioner among many others, as well as stage roles has kept Newman busy in a career spanning around 25 years. Add to that he has voiced numerous commercials, audio books documentaries and Video games.
More recently Alec starred in four episodes of the ITV crime drama Unforgotten, and in the Scottish detective series Karen Pirie, based on the books by Val McDermid. Alec is next on the big screen in The Boys in the Boat directed by Hollywood A lister George Clooney.
Alec Newman married production co-ordinator Heather Stewart after meeting on the set of Waterloo Road. They married in Ayrshire in 2014 and have a daughter together. Newman is a huge football fan and has indulged a love for the outdoors, twice trekking in the Everest region of Nepal.
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d999666 · 4 months
Galactik football S1 ep3 review - (1/3)
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S1 ep3 : The Challenge review
> Comment : It's interesting that each organization has its own planet. Does having a Flux Society Headquaters planet mean that there are also spots? > Comment : The committee's outfit is purple. Each planet appears to have more than one Flux representative. The master of the Flux Society appears to be a man on the xion planet.
Master : "Our circle is here to impede the flux from being used outside of galactik football."
> Comment : They're discussing Aarch and Akilian's flux. Breath seems to be treated as a weaker flux than other fluxes. (But when Snowkids used it, it seemed very destructive.) Some commissioners seem to doubt the relationship between Aarch and Technoid, but Simbai defended Aarch. Technoid seems to be disliked by everyone.
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Snow Kids group shot. > Commen t: We can see how they stand. We can figure out each character's personality through their standing pose.
>Comment : All six children are mentioned to have been born after Akilian's Ice Age.
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a training scene
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MICE is looking at Mei and getting hit in the head by a ball!
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Tia uses Flux. And D'jok looking at her with an amazing expression.
D'jok : We gotta get a closer look maybe she has wings on her back.
> Comment : When I was young, I saw this scene and thought D'jok fell in love with Tia. Whenever Tia uses Flux, it's good that her Flux afterimage is depicted like an angel's wing.
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Mice : you got it all wrong guys, That's not the angel. the angel is over there.
> Comment : I think Mice really has a strong crush on Mei. What's interesting is that D'jok was interested in Tia in the beginning and not Mei.
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Hard training 2(ball control training)
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Ahito : Why don't we ever get to play a match so i could take a nap.
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Sineed : well, well, microice you are such a goof Mice : I don't know what stops me from strangling tha guy. D'jok : Fear most likely.
Mice : That's what real friends are all about they always find the right words to male you feel confident….Has she spoken to any of you guys?
> Comment: Sinedd will definitely pick a fight with Mice. And I don't think Tia has talked to the guys yet except for her roommate, mei. Tia is too passive. (She's definitely an I personality in MBTI.)
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Clamp : I Finished installing the massage room this morning.
Mice : Hey! that's the first good news of the day!
>Comment : But the massage machine hurt so bad! Look at their betrayed expression on their face!! And Ahito is sleeping calmly under the painful massage.
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The inside of the academy is still under construction.
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Aarch called Tia.
Tia : My parents are important diplomats. they're always traveling. I was raised by a governess.
Aarch : They at least know you're here.
> Comment: Tia stole her dad's spaceship and came to the Akilian planet. And look at these bad impostor actors. They're back in Season 3.
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indynerdgirl · 1 year
Topgun AU Ideas
As I was scrolling through the Topgun tag on AO3 the other night, I realized that I was starting to see the same tropes and AUs over & over again. And while not a bad thing at all, personally, I'm just starting to get a little bored of reading the same story over & over.
So I started thinking about what kind of AUs I would love to see in the Topgun fandom and then I started making a list and it kind of spiraled out of control. Oops. 😆
I now present to you all my somewhat organized list of AU ideas! And feel free to use them for any fandom, I was just thinking about Topgun as I came up with them all. It's also by no means an exhaustive list so I probably missed some obvious ones.
Military AU ideas: Pentagon/Joint Chiefs/White House Advisor (think The West Wing but for the military - this is the one I've been dying to see someone tackle!) Navy JAG NCIS Blue Angels Air Force Instead of Navy Astronauts/NASA Test Pilots Naval Academy Instructors Adversary/Aggressor Squadron Office of Naval Intelligence Sailors Instead of Pilots Submariners Instead of Pilots Naval Flight School Instructors (Aviation Preflight Indoctrination, Primary Flight Training, Intermediate Flight Training, and/ or Advanced Flight Training)
Character AU ideas: Natasha is Maverick's daughter/niece  Bob is Maverick's son/nephew  Natasha is Ice's daughter/niece Bob is Ice's son/nephew Maverick is Amelia's father Penny Is Also a Pilot Penny’s Father Is An Air Force General Obligatory Goose/Carole/Ice Lives AUs Maverick’s Dad/Mom Lives Any of the younger pilots is the kid of one of the other 86 boys
And a whole lot more under the cut!
American Historical AU ideas: Colonial/Revolutionary War Post-Revolutionary War Lewis & Clark War of 1812 Mexican-American War/The Alamo Wild West (good guys or bad guys) Organ Trail The Gold Rush (California or Alaska) Pony Express Civil War/Reconstruction Transcontinental Railway Cattle Drives Industrial Revolution/The Gilded Age WWI Bootleggers/Rum Runners/1920s Jazz Age Great Depression/Dust Bowl WWII Korean War Vietnam War 1950s/Greasers Moon Race/1960s NASA 1980s/The Cold War
Other Historical AU Ideas: Ancient Greece/Rome Middle Ages Renaissance Tudor Elizabethan Georgian Regency Napoleonic Victorian Edwardian
Fandom AUs: The West Wing Firefly The Avengers Agents of Shield Star Wars Star Trek Harry Potter Percy Jackson Ocean's 11 Mission Impossible Bourne Tom Clancy/Jack Ryan Jack Reacher John Wick Friends New Girl Supernatural How I Met Your Mother Chuck Downton Abbey CSI Jurassic Park Indiana Jones The Office Parks and Rec Pacific Rim
Other Profession AU ideas: Coffee Shop Book Shop Bakery/Candy Maker Winery/Distillery Restaurant/Chef Bartender/Bar Mechanic/Car Repair Shop Doctor/Medical/Hospital Firefighter/Police Officer/Detective Wildfire Firefighter Florist Tattooist Gardener/Gardening Horse Racing Motorsports (NASCAR/F1/Motocross, ect) Professional Sports (baseball, football, hockey, soccer, basketball) Rodeo/Bull Riding Olympians Air Racing (it’s a real thing!) Actors (movie or stage)/Celebrity Ballet Dancers Teachers College Professors Lawyers/Judges National Park Ranger Cruise Ship Pet Groomer/Veterinarian Farmer/Rancher Banker/Financial Bodyguards Zoo Museum/Living Museum Musician/Band Mall (everyone works at different stores at the same mall) Marketing Archeologist Spies Reporters/Journalist News Anchors Lifeguards Assassins Criminals/Thieves/Heist Bounty Hunter
Misc AU Ideas: Royalty/Lost Royalty Time Travel Fae/Fairy Mermaids/Selkies Witch/Wizard Werewolves/Vampires Fantasy/Magic (including modern/urban settings) High Fantasy Dragons Soulmates (color blindness, first words, timestamps, matching marks, can share emotions, Red String of Fate, can share dreams, can see/talk to each other in dreams, can write on each other's skin, telepathic, Soulmate Goose of Enforcement) Omegaverse/ABO (not everyone’s cup of tea, just putting it out there!) Roommates Pirates High School College Mob/Mafia Fairytale Arranged Marriage Accidental Marriage Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage Superhero/Villain Apocalypse/Post-Apocalypse Forbidden Love Boarding School Space/Sci-Fi Road Trip Summer Camp Immortal/Reincarnation Hallmark Movie Amnesia Pen Pals Resurrection Animal Shapeshifter May this list inspire all of you amazing fanfic writers out there! 💜
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loeyshandtattoo · 10 months
hindsight (chapter 2) | park chanyeol x reader
a/n: it took me awhile revising this chapter and i had to have a clear vision and connect the dots of the rest of the plot that i had already established, but here it goes anyway and is a bit longer than the previous one, and has more chanyeol appearance compared the last time it was sort of like the pilot episode. i hope you all love this, to all who where anticipating for a new chapter and i hope i served you all justice today
warning/s: alcohol consumption, mention of cuss words, some angsty shit i guess
word count: 4.2k words
IT STILL BAFFLES me how and when Baekhyun learned of my puppy love for his best friend. Admittedly, I have liked him ever since Baekhyun introduced him to me, and it only grew when the teasing part started; he would call me ‘cute’ for some reason because he likes seeing me turn red in embarrassment.
Back in my last year of Middle School, I learned that Chanyeol was dating the new girl from our school. I just thought that any guy like Park Chanyeol would just kiss and drop her, until I discovered that it was serious. I could still remember how broken I was that night. After attending the academy, I went straight home, moped around my room, and cried for days. Even though Angel and I were the best of friends, that was one secret I never told her.
Because Chanyeol dated my best friend.
She was the new girl.
When Angel was just starting out as a freshman and he was a sophomore while I was already in my last stretch of middle school, that was also the time that I had a chance to befriend the girlfriend of the guy I was going through my entire teenagerhood because I was the younger sister of Baekhyun, and I admit that I befriended her so that I could see the bad side of her, and just like the namesake herself, she was the purest and kindest person that I have ever met, and she deserves someone like this man she is with.
For the past two years that Angel and I have been friends, she still has no idea.
When I finally surpassed the feelings that I had for Chanyeol, the timing also had its ways, just so happened that was also the perfect timing to break up, and that was when I was already midway my freshman year, and as I have entered real high school, I also learned how much important of a phase it was and through my first years of high school, I had figured out that the football team was chasing after me, and they were taking turns on trying to court me and luckily, with the help of Baekhyun, he told me to turn them all down as they were only placing bets on me, which I learned the next day, Chanyeol had to beat all the athletes from the socccer team for that reason, which had Baekhyun skeptical as well, and while I just thought it was his older brother instincts that came out.
"Young Miss, You may finally rest now; I have removed all your makeup." Annie spoke with the most comforting voice. The room was dimmed, which turned my room into a relaxing ambiance. My mother was very strict with bedtime procedures, especially with me since I am her only daughter, and she was concerned that the next two years of my life would be filled with nothing but debut preparations. Upper Elites practiced this debutante ball every year as a symbol of family presentation to the world of Aristocrats of the Upper East Side, and it was one significant thing that Lower Elites did not have aside from inherited wealth, which is a debutante ball. Aristocrats have admired the same European practice, as takes us back to the reign of Queen Charlotte of UK, although debutante balls are a symbol of matchmaking functions, it also serves as a function that a woman is ready to take her place to become a lady and prove it by attending different galas, functions and charity events as well as the talk of her future, and even so the event will merely take two years later, the madhatters are preparing for it because of mother’s connections, and since our family is one of the nine dukes, it was important to make a presentation—to build image and I was representing the House of Yangban—the Korean Aristocrat, and the roots of the Secret Royal Family, the most important figure of the Elite High Society.
"Did Baekhyun leave?" I asked her. She nodded, bowed her head, and walked straight to the door to finally leave me alone.
He had to return the Rolls-Royce to him anyway.
"The bouquet does not reflect Sweet Sixteenth, Charity, Mother complained as she went over the selection of bouquet setups, and here I was following her around since I should also be concerned with the preparations for it, but the majority of the plans were made by Mother, and even so, the slightest bit of opinion does not qualify for it.
I was about to open my mouth, gathering up my courage to say that I would also like tulips and that they would also be a good addition to the bouquet. "If you were thinking about tulips, dear, it won’t go absolutely well with the rest of the flowers that I think suit the best." I just seriously gave up.
"You can do it next year," Mother added.
But she said the same thing last year, and Mother went all out with the Lily of the Valley, which had me wondering if I was already getting married at that time as it was a White Party, she said.
"Cali, dearest, I’ll have the driver pick you up and pick up the custom-made Vivienne Westwood dress that I had requested for you. I bet you will love the black, and don’t worry, there are lace embellishments and different trendy stuff that I had mixed there for you." She spoke happily.
Well, that would have gone better if she had consulted me before naming her price. As I was waiting in the foyer for the driver, I dialed Angel and decided to ask for company. "Yeah, sure, I was just sitting at home." I smiled as I heard the honking of the limo as I held my Dior saddle bag, checked the time, stood up straight, and exited the building.
I entered the limousine, "Upper West Side, please," and opened my phone.
"Your Mother outdid herself again, I could say." Angel chuckled as she admired the party venue. This time, my mother chose a high-rise and rented the entire penthouse for my birthday. Men were wearing their tuxedos, and women were wearing their a-line dresses that vary in length. As I was a girl of morals, they said, it ended until my knee, but Angel and I had different plans earlier, especially when we picked this black dress.
A blank expression was maintained on our faces when the custom-made dress was presented to us. "This is your birthday dress, or am I stand- corrected?" Angel quizzed. The hem reached below the knee, and the sleeves ended at my wrist. "This was the dress my mom was praising earlier?" I sighed.
"That is it; I am going home." I had lost all hopes for everything for my birthday.
"Oh my, Calista. It does not look that bad at all. Tell you what, I have a plan tonight." Angel convinced me to do as I was told, and here we are rotting away in this dreadful party filled with people from the Yangban house and the Upper Elites, exclusively, and Angel was my request plus one in the guest list, and Mother was still a bit skeptical about it since I was inviting a lower elite, and she will only be the only Upper Elite in that party.
I saw Baekhyun drinking his scotch whiskey again. "Good. There you are; I was stalling time." Baekhyun spoke.
"Huh?" I quizzed.
Then he dragged me out of the party venue and into the elevator that was obviously going down. "My little sister won’t be spending her birthday like that, Baekhyun said, and as we were nearing the ground level, the door opened, and outside the building there was a limousine waiting. That took a lot to process; I breathed it in and exhaled it out again.
"Mind telling me where we are going?" I asked Baekhyun. The limousine was not yet moving, meaning we were waiting for someone.
"We are going to show you how we really celebrate our birthdays, Lower Elite style." Angel spoke as she and Baekhyun high-fived across me. My jaw slacked as I saw their proud faces and decided that we should just go ahead with whatever they were planning, and I hope it does not involve something troublesome.
The neon lighting and the loud sound blaring into the party venue were enough information to take me to where I was taken by Angel and by Baekhyun, where I saw that they had taken me into a club. "You idiots brought me into a club?" I was so ready to scold them, and they assured me that everything was fine.
"Come on, I’m here anyways, so drink like you know how." Baekhyun assured me that everything is under control.
"Do they serve wine here?" Baekhyun laughed at that thought. "Hope not," He said as he entered the club and disappeared into the crowd of people.
I glared at Angel, and she smiled. "Don’t worry, your brother assured me that he limited the drinks you can take, and all of the people from school are here; many are from lower elites, but for sure they won’t talk around, especially since your brother is there, Angel said as she grasped my elbow as assurance.
Then I saw Angel bring out a skimpy-looking black dress and say, "I demand you wear this, birthday girl." She winked at me, and I widened my eyes at the look of the dress. This was the backup plan that she was telling me earlier.
Roaming around my birthday party was difficult; it turns out Baekhyun invited the whole school into this club for my birthday. Baekhyun feared that I was a bit old for not being open to alcohol, and so here I was sitting on a bar stool as I watched Angel turn into the polar opposite of how I used to think of her before. "Bitch, you drink?" I saw her on a totally different level, and she smiled and dipped her thumb and index finger into the bowl of salt and grabbed a pinch and consumed the shot glass of tequila and grabbed a lime wedge from the bowl and sucked onto the acidic fruit.
"Yeah, and this bad boy is called Tequila." Angel proudly spoke as she downed another shot glass.
"You only knew me two years ago, Calista. After dating Chanyeol, I learned how to drink," she narrated.
Yeah. They both dated, but that was ancient history.
"Here, drink one glass, and let's say that you have passed the test." Angel encouraged me, and I kept refusing, but still she was continuously offering me the glass, and I just gave up, and I looked at her as she eyed me, anticipating as I tasted the liquor down my mouth and burned my throat.
"The fuck! It’s bitter; you guys actually like these?" I asked her, and she nodded.
"You grow to like it, Cali," she said as she sipped her mocktail and offered me hers. "How about this one? Try it!" She offered me her glass, and this time I wanted to try it again, and it was sort of tolerable and much better now. Angel clapped for me happily and ordered from the waiter: "My friend here says that she’s also ordering the same thing that I am having." Angel spoke.
As the barista prepared the drinks, I glanced at the situation and saw that everyone was partying their guts out, and there I saw Baekhyun with his best friend, of course, dressed in his tuxedo as well and drinking his whiskey, and they were all going berserk, and I laughed at how silly they were behaving.
"Here you go, ladies." The barista offered us the drinks, and I politely thanked the barista, and I heaved a breath before taking a shot. "Don’t take it that way!" Angel scolded me and passed the lemon and salt. "You drink it like this, Angel said as she grabbed her lemon and demonstrated what she claimed to be the right way, which led me to do the same thing.
Which had me take a lot more, and I could still remember blowing my birthday cake and everyone singing happy birthday, and then all went black.
Happy Birthday to me, I guess.
"Good morning, Young Miss." Anne wished me a good morning with a smile.
There seems to be no headache at all, and that got me suspicious. I was heavily drunk last night, and the least I could expect was an excruciating headache next thing in the morning, which I didn’t seem to have. "It was very unlikely of you, Young Miss, to wake up this late, Anne said as she arranged all the mess on the floor. The contents of my clutch that matched my outfit last night were scattered around the bedroom floor.
"Your Mother was expecting you earlier to join her for breakfast, but you did not seem to respond earlier this morning, Anne added.
It hits differently when something so insane like being drunk hits you, but one thing’s for sure: I love the feeling, and now I feel something for Angel.
"I’m really sorry, Anne. I sort of had a bad sleep last night, and all the slumber is still kicking in." I spoke to Anne with a smile as she left for my privacy, and then I heard Baekhyun calling me from the hallways of the house with a panicked tone.
Then I dazed at him as he stood by my door, and he rushed inside the room, closed the door with a slam, and locked the door. "Where were you last night?" He asked me.
"What do you mean where was I last night? I was with Angel and you the whole night in the club?" I tried to knock some sense into him, and he scoffed. "No, I was not; I was with my classmates, and I was looking all night for you after the party, but Angel told me you just vanished." He spoke.
If Baekhyun did not take me home last night, who else did?
"And why in the world do you smell like man’s perfume?" Baekhyun quizzed, and I was taken aback and took a whiff of my hair as I tried to recollect from my mind’s memories of last night who I possibly was with last night.
"Please..." I mumbled and prayed, hoping that it was not someone that I did not know and someone that could have possibly molested me. As I closed my eyes, I recalled the memories; however, they were blurry, but some familiar voice spoke to me.
"I’ll take you home." It was a man’s voice, and it was oh so familiar, but the face was something that I couldn’t distinguish.
"Your Royal Highness, we have to be discreet as much as possible; this lady has an aristocratic background, and we must not raise suspicions." A man possibly in his fifties spoke with the man from before.
"Were you sure enough?" Angel asked me as we walked down the school hallways. As we conversed about that night’s events, she could hardly believe that the man that I was referring to could possibly be someone from the secret royal family. The Secret Royal Family of Yi was the one that established all the luxury lives that we are benefiting from, and all of the aristocratic houses are very thankful to the family for giving honor to our heritage as royalty. "I am sure that the man addressed him as ‘Your Royal Highness," I exclaimed.
"The only people in our world who address them with an HRH title are members of the secret royal family, even if we don’t see them at all. It’s like God to us," I added.
Then, as we walked through the hallways, I saw Baekhyun and Chanyeol, and they had their books in hand. I looked over at Angel, and she was admiring him. From the very start of their breakup, I knew Angel still had the deepest feelings for him, and through her actions, there was no question. The way her eyes still glimmer with hope when she sees him along the hallways and everywhere just pains me enough to just sacrifice what I have left because I don’t want to be suspicious anymore, but what Baekhyun said that night as we went home from the charity event was also convincing.
"Calista, you know about these situations. You should learn how to gamble your feelings away even if it means not ending up with your feelings being returned," He said as he held on to the wheel.
That night was extremely windy, and the way our hair flew and the fabrics of our clothing reacted to the gush of wind as Baekhyun drove hastily—even though I told him to slow down, he just never listens anyway.
"How about Angel? I can’t hurt her." I cried to Baekhyun, and he sighed, "Calista, if Angel is your true best friend, she will understand you no matter how much it hurts, just like you have always understood and sacrificed your feelings for Chanyeol. I bet she will do the same." He explained.
I scoffed. The rules of the girl code are strict but simple: the ex of your best friend is off limits. "Either way, Chanyeol will clear it up for the both of you; just trust me and him," He added. Chanyeol, as I have learned and experienced through my years of childhood with him and my brother, was the gentlest man ever known to mankind until he reached the point where popularity took the best of him. We rarely had interactions, which made me miss his attention when I was young, and I rarely see him because I started attending the academy when I entered middle school. The yearning to see him again made me realize how much I had fallen for him.
Then we bumped our shoulders, which earned a painful groan from both of us and elicited a quick ‘ouch, and we looked at each other. "Sorry, I mumbled, and he assured me it was fine, and I looked over to Baekhyun, then Angel.
She looked down to her feet, and from that moment on, I felt bad for Angel. She is my best friend, and I don’t want to hurt her feelings. From the start, I knew how much feelings she harbored for Chanyeol even more than I do. What they had is something that I can’t penetrate my way through, but still, even if their relationship is no longer valid and I don’t like the way my best friend is clinging to her last bit of hope that they will come back together as a couple, it is something that I can just do for her and not hurt her anymore.
Then, after that, we simply walked away and looked at Angel. "Hey, are you still affected?" I asked Angel, and she nodded. "I just can’t believe that he just called it quits with no valid reason," Angel explained. I just tried to be there for her, console her on the spot, and assure her that everything would be fine, even if it cost me my feelings for him.
I should not be talking about him at all.
"No, I am not going to any stupid party, you dipshit." I told Baekhyun, and he continued to plead that he go with me to that year-end party for seniors, and I kept refusing. "And I am not a senior, so that means I am not invited!" and here I am still reasoning out with my brother why he should not bring me to a party filled with throwing questions here and there about which university they will be attending next year, and how can you just say that you are Baekhyun’s younger sister and you’re just a High School sophomore?
Baekhyun scoffed. "But you want to drink, am I right?" He offered. "Done and done!" Baekhyun agreed. After the incident one night, he refused to let me consume alcohol anymore, and here he was saying that the alcohol ban on me was lifted. But here he was, walking towards me and sitting on my bed.
"If you fear seeing Chanyeol, I think it’s the perfect time that you become honest with your feelings about him, even if there is nothing there; he deserves to know whether or not he accepts your feelings; it is something that you have let out of your system, and in that way, you have no regrets." Baekhyun spoke.
"Because what I want you to do is choose yourself; let your heart win this time."
"Now go and do your thing where you dress up for ten minutes even when it is not." Baekhyun joked and made me chuckle. One thing about Baek is that he has this force that makes me want to always be with him, the relationship between the both of us, and how it will always be the two of us.
He asked me to dress up and do my makeup. Now, what kind of girl could ever disagree with that? And even if I did not, I could not miss the opportunity to play dress-up.
The year-end party was taking place at Chanyeol’s place, and of course his having the most solid reputation known had urged him to do this, and the fact that we are here in the Upper West Side is like a crime for us aristocrats, but since we feel like we have some sort of entitlement over everything, it does not matter at all, and here my brother is ditching me again for the people he knows as if he does not go to school almost every day.
Then I looked around the place as I wonder that the place has not changed ever since, and I grabbed a mocktail that was being served, and I saw the huge flight of stairs and decided to do a bit of exploring around the house as if I have memorized every nook and cranny of this house, which actually I do, and as I have finally landed on the second floor, looking for someone that I have been looking for all night. However, my search was cut short when I heard someone talking along the dimly lit corridors of the house. "What do you mean you have fallen in love with someone else?" Some girl spoke.
"I liked her ever since the start; I needed to date you at that time," The guy answered.
"That is extremely unreasonable to call it quits with me two years ago with no valid reason, and my mistake was letting you get away with that, and now you claim that you have fallen for someone before you even met me. How far can you go with all your stupid excuses?" She yelled at Chanyeol, and I know who the girl was, and it was Angel.
"Because she’s aristocratic and I needed to let go of all my feelings for her, is that enough proof for you, Angel? Is that already valid for you?" He replied with pent-up frustration, and I saw Angel go teary-eyed. "That night when I said I love you and when you did not reply, did you even mean it when you said that you’ll grow affections for me so that you can return it?" Angel was getting desperate at this point, and she clutched Chanyeol’s chest, and he sighed, "I did mean it. Then she cut him off and kissed him.
"Please, mean it when you say that. I love you so much, still." And continued doing it right in front of me.
I clutched my chest, where my heart is located, as I watched them do it right in front of me as the session got heated. I decided to go back down where everyone was and wanted to escape right at that moment. I should be happy for Angel for finally earning his love back, but when she is already at the point where she is happy, it just comes down to me being the complete opposite, and I decided to escape here and just cry my heart out.
Chanyeol pushes her away. "I like Calista, Angel. I’m sorry." He apologized, and Angel looked at him with tears that were threatening to fall.
"You could like any girl, but why does it have to be my best friend?" Angel sobbed and covered her face with her palms.
"That is why you wanted to talk to me?" Angel asked.
"My intentions were pure, Angel. I told you that I liked someone else, and here you are feeding your delusions when I already told you the reason why I called it quits two years ago," Chanyeol reasoned.
Chanyeol recalled that time when Baekhyun told him that if he loved his sister that much, he should do what a man should and settle his issue with Angel, which he did because he respected them both, and before he proceeds with anything with Cali, he should do what he feels is right—to be brave enough to recognize his feelings and settle it with Angel, but the night turned out to be different than what should have been.
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allwaswell16 · 2 years
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This is a fic rec of One Direction friendship fan fics, so ones without a romance as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
⭐ straight for your heart (wolfpack au) (series) by foreverkneeld, foundfamilyvevo, nothanksweregood
(NR, 96k, OT5 friendships) Niall wasn't...in the best shape, when he met Louis.
⭐ Somewhere Only We Know by HowToKillAMockingbird
(NR, 62k, OT5 friendship) AU where Harry and Liam are both archaeology students who win much sought after seats to a special archaeology conference attended by the elites of the archaeological world.
⭐ pokémon au (series) by @dearmrsawyer
(G, 22k, OT5 friendship) A Pokemon AU featuring OT5 friendship, the ethics of Pokemon training, and a few possible extra-terrestrials.
⭐ Walk Away, You're Messed Up by green_feelings / @greenfeelings
(G, 21k, OT5 friendship) AU, in which a jobless model, a retired footballer, a struggling singer-songwriter, an underrated actor and a failed popstar move into a house together for a new Reality TV format.
⭐ Like it was at the start by wordsnnotes / @quelsentiment
(T, 14k, Louis&Liam) A platonic soulmates AU set in Lake Louise, Canada.
⭐ You Didn’t Say You’re Sorry (You Don’t Care That You Hurt Me) by @slashter
(T, 13k, OT5 friendship) the one where Niall comes out to his bandmates but doesn't get quite the reaction he hopes for from one of them
⭐ faith, trust, and... by orphan_account
(T, 12k, OT5&Nick Grimshaw) Harry needs a favor from Nick. Namely housing his best friend, Louis, who just so happens to have green skin and glittery wings.
⭐ bad luck to talk on these rides by wordsnnotes / @quelsentiment
(G, 10k, Louis&Liam) Liam just started dating Zayn and is desperate to make a good impression on Louis, his best friend. But things are off to an awkward start.
⭐ Becoming by @homosociallyyours
(G, 8k, Harry&OCs) There's always been a part of Harry that's a little bit different. 
⭐ For One of the Least of These by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(G, 6k, OT5 friendship)  the one where Harry, Liam, Niall and Zayn are witches and Louis is the fox with a curse.
⭐ dark blue by safetyfilm / @larrieblr
(T, 5k, OT5 friendship) Two nights before MITAM is released, Harry has an unusual dream. But it might be more than that.
⭐ wherever i go, whatever i do (stay by my side) by asinfastmovies / @lisafremonts
(G, 5k, OT5 friendship) The boys go on break and get headaches whenever they are too far away from each other; cuddling ensues.
⭐ To Be Gathered Round by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(G, 4k, OT5 friendship) Liam Payne is the worst witch at Mossbridge Boarding Academy and he absolutely knows it.
⭐ octolou (series) by @dearmrsawyer
(G, 4k, Louis&Niall) Louis is a menace, no matter what form he takes.
⭐ Rising to the Occasion by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(G, 3k, OT5 friendship) “We’re One Direction,” they say, with cheesy grins and almost in unison. “And this is The Great British Stand up to Cancer Bakeoff!”
⭐ From the Depths by @fallinglikethis
(T, 2k, Niall&Liam) When a new resident moves to town, the creature in the lake is curious. 
⭐ The In-Between by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(G, 2k, OT5 friendship) “You wake up in a desert with an angel, a demon and a grim reaper-”
⭐ I hope you never look back but you never forget by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(T, 2k, Zayn&Louis) It's 2022. Louis thinks he's finally mature enough to have that chat with Zayn.
⭐ Sofa So Good by SunTomato / @sun-tomato
(G, 2k, OT5 friendship) The sofa will fit, Louis decides. It will!
⭐ never too far by annemari
(G, 2k, Niall&Louis&Zayn) The one where Niall's sad, and Louis and Zayn look after him.
⭐ Virginia is for Lovers by @haztobegood
(G, 1k, Niall&Harry) Harry and Niall go hiking in the Appalachian Mountains.
⭐ Far Away (Beside You) by sitandadmire / @louistomlionson
(NR, 1k, Louis&Liam) A Space AU. Inspired by Ad Astra 
⭐ Candles and Clocks by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(G, 1k, Niall&Louis) Niall is homesick on the X Factor tour. Louis helps.
⭐ these days I watch you from afar by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(T, 666 words, Louis&Harry) “You can see me?”
⭐ The Costume by @homosociallyyours
(G, 666 words, Niall&Harry) Harry gets a brilliant idea for a perfectly punny, boner-inspired Halloween costume. 
⭐ Put Down Your Arms and Wrap Them Both Right Around Me by @wabadabadaba
(NR, 613 words, Niall&Louis) Niall is afraid of storms and Louis comforts him.
⭐ What's Mine is Yours by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright
(G, 499 words, Niall&Harry) Niall is settling in for a relaxing evening at home when his new neighbor pops by.
⭐ It's All About the Driver by @laynefaire
(T, 100 words, OT5 friendship) Liam and Harry trust Zayn and Louis to behave on their golf outing. Niall knows better.
⭐ Something Wicked by @laynefaire
(NR, 100 words, OT5 friendship) Niall tries a new twist on an old tour tradition.
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joe9cool · 2 years
It has been said for ages that opposites attract. However, Justin Herbert didn't believe that one bit.
He was quiet, shy, guarded, and hated confrontation. People questioned his abilities based on that. It pissed him off, but not in a way he would mention to the media.
Justin's friends and family often joked that his soul mate would be a spitfire, someone who was the life of the party. He found that ridiculous, any girl he went after was the same way he was. Maybe that's why his relationships never worked out, they were both afraid to be vulnerable. Though he knew that wasn't the case. His girlfriends told him he was too closed off, not emotionally available, and always focused on the ball. Which was fine, Justin lived and breathed football, plus at 24, he wasn't looking for a soul mate.
July 16th, 2022 was the night his life changed forever.
A few years ago, a famous actor by the name of Joseph Grant befriended Justin. Joseph was on a popular television show, he couldn't tell ya that name of it. It was a college drama he wasn't interested in.
Joe was a big fan of the Chargers growing up in Los Angeles and when a new promised QB gets drafted he had to befriend him. They would talk on Instagram, and Justin kept up with him a little bit. He knew that he was getting married to another Hollywood starlet. What he didn't expect to receive was an Invite.
His immediate reaction was to not attend and maybe send a gift. His mom could help him with that. There was too much going on with trying to get the Chargers in a playoff spot, plus a Hollywood party was not appealing to someone like him at all. He stuck the invite to the fridge.
A month later when his playoff hopes were dashed and he was done sulking. He had Mike over for dinner.
"Shit I forgot to rsvp to Joe's wedding."
He stared at the invite on his fridge, in disbelief that he would forget something like that.
"Oh don't worry, I told him we were going"
Justin whipped his head around so fast that he almost stumbled. "You what!"
Mike shrugged. "Yeah Joe asked me about it and I said we will be there."
He was going to kill his wide receiver "why the hell would you do that! I'm not going to a wedding full of famous people I don't know!"
"Relax man, I am going with you, plus it's intimate like 60 people at the most."
"Yeah and 57 of them I don't know," Justin grumbled under his breath.
July 16th, 2022.
The wedding was beautiful. Justin had to give that. Mike was right, there were only about 50ish people there. Still, he didn't know them and Mike, who was supposed to be by his side the whole night, disappeared as soon as dinner was finished. Now it was just him alone at the bar. He had already spoken to Joe and his new wife, who joked that they would be at So-Fi every Sunday since she wrote it in her vows.
He sat there and nursed his drink. He was not going to get even the slightest bit intoxicated in a room full of strangers. Bad enough he was sure he was caught in the background of a few photos that were taken and circulating on social media.
"Hi! You're Justin Herbert!" He sighed and turned around, beginning to put on his media face when he was at a loss for words when he met the face with the voice
It was none other than Sara Wozniak, the star of the TV show Joe was on. He didn't know many current celebrities, but he knew her. The "It" girl. For being 26, she had an impressive amount of roles under her belt. Including an academy award nomination. She was beautiful, and every guy in Hollywood and beyond lusted after her.
And she was talking to him. He remembered he had to speak. "Um yes hi I'm Justin. You're Sara right?"
She smiled. "Yes! It's nice to meet you! Joe talks about you a lot. I've been to a few of your games last season. Sucks about the playoffs though."
"You've gone to games?"
She smiled brighter. "Yes, I love football, though I'm from Steel city."
Justin had to laugh "and how is being a steelers fan going for you?"
She smacked his arm "okay you don't have to gloat Mr. Rookie of the year"
The two continued their conversation for what seemed like forever. It has only been an hour since. He didn't even feel like he was talking to an A-list star. Sara was intelligent. He had no idea She held a bachelor's degree in psychology Amid their conversation about mental disorders a slow song came on. Justin saw her face brighten up when she heard the first few notes and she grabbed his large hand and began to pull him to the dance floor. Or at least as much as she can considering she was about 5'7 standing in high heels and more than likely half his weight.
" I love this song!"
Now normally Justin wasn't the type to hit the dance floor, the last time he slow danced was at senior prom. He couldn't say no to Sara though.
It felt right, being close to her though. She had wrapped her arms around him as much as she could while he wrapped around her back and they began to sway.
"You know this song?" Justin broke from his trance to look down at her.
"Um no I'd never heard of it."
"It's collide by Howie Day. Such a beautiful song." He'd have to look up the lyrics later.
The night seemed to fly by, and Justin found himself not caring where Mike was until it was time to send the newlyweds off.
Sara stayed by his side as they watched the couple drive away signaling an end to the night. Everyone began to head towards the parking lot and Justin saw Mike waiting by the car watching the couple.
"Well, I had a lot of fun. It was nice meeting you." He wasn't sure where to go from there.
Sara held out her hand "gimme your phone"
"Just give me it"
He took out the sleep iPhone and she snatched it from his hands. After a few minutes of typing. She gave it back to him "call me"
She headed in the opposite direction, but not before blowing him a kiss before she joined her friends who all watched the interaction
Once Justin reached the car Mike slapped him on the back "DUDE! You got Sara Wozniak's phone number."
"Yeah she just gave it to me"
"Dawg! You already got a touchdown and the season hasn't started!"
His cheeks turned red at Mike's ribbing "Shut up and let's get home. We have a workout tomorrow"
"Only you would suck the fun out of getting a hot girl's number"
Once he was home and laying underneath the covers he typed in Sara's name in Google. Immediately her Wikipedia page came up, once he read that he went to her IMBD page, and he felt his eyes start to drop during an interview clip for vogue.
Before he shut off his phone, he got an Instagram alert
SaraCWozniak is now following you
As happy as it made him to see that. He thought about her number on his phone, despite the good time they had. He had no plans to call her. An athlete and a movie star were a recipe for a disaster.
*so this is going to be a short story. Give me some feedback and let me know what ya think!
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papermoonloveslucy · 1 year
Part 3 ~ The Movies of “Here’s Lucy”
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In “Here’s Lucy,” Lucille Ball had a new character, a new family, and a new show - but one thing remained constant, her love of movies!  Here are some of the movies (real and imagined) of “Here’s Lucy.” 
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“Lucy and Carol Burnett” aka “The Unemployment Follies” (1971)
Carol and Lucy stage a tribute to Hollywood using unemployed actors. The films mentioned and/or feted include:
42ND STREET (1933)
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The set is decorated with posters from:
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“Ginger Rogers Comes To Tea” (1971)
Ginger Rogers leaves her purse in a movie theatre where she's gone incognito to see one of her films for the first time. Lucy and Harry discover the purse and hope to get to meet the star in person by inviting her to tea. Instead of working late, Lucy tells Harry that she wants to go to a Ginger Rogers Film Festival. They are showing Tender Comrade (1943) and Flying Down To Rio (1933), two films made at RKO, which eventually became Desilu.  
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Rogers tells Lucy she has done 73 movies. Rattling off some of Rogers' hits, Lucy adds a sugar cube to Ginger's tea for each title: Top Hat, Roberta, Flying Down To Rio, Follow the Fleet, Shall We Dance, and The Barkleys of Broadway.  When Lucy realizes she's put six lumps of sugar in Ginger's tea, Rogers says she only wanted Top Hat and Roberta (two lumps).  
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Trying to impugn the taste in films of the mystery woman (a disguised Ginger Rogers), Lucy tells her to try back next week and they might be showing Beach Blanket Bingo (1965). This was the fourth of the light comic films set on the California beach starring Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello.  
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After dancing the Charleston with Lucy and Kim, Lucy asks Rogers to do a scene from Kitty Foyle, Ginger’s Oscar-winning role. Rogers graciously declines, asking Lucy to become a Katherine Hepburn fan instead!  
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“Guess Who Owes Lucy $23.50?” (1968)
Lucy loans Van Johnson money to fix his car – but the man turns out to be an impostor. This episode is written for Van Johnson to work in a not-so-subtle plug for their latest film Yours, Mine and Ours (1968) starring Henry Fonda.
VAN IMPOSTER:“I loved working with that kooky redhead.” LUCY: “Personally, I thought she was much too young for Henry Fonda.”  
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Lucy says she remembers Johnson from his appearance in The Romance of Rosy Ridge (1947).  She later tells him she saw the film 17 times!  When Lucy is escorted out by the studio guards at Van’s direction, Lucy says that now she’s glad he got court martialed in The Caine Mutiny (1954).
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“Lucy and Aladdin’s Lamp” (1971) 
When Lucy holds a garage sale, she discovers an old lamp that she believes may be make wishes come true. Lucy pulls out a fur-lined jacket she says was worn by Joan Crawford in Mildred Pierce.  The 1945 film won Crawford an Academy Award. Craig says that judging by the shoulder pads she could have worn it in The Spirit of Notre Dame, a 1931 football-themed movie starring Lew Ayres.  
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“Lucy and Flip Go Legit” (1971)
Lucy takes a temp assignment with Flip Wilson in order to answer his fan mail. When she is caught sneaking into Wilson’s office to ask him a favor, she gets caught and fired.  The favor is to appear  in a community theatre production of Gone With The Wind (1939) – as Prissy. Lucy plays Scarlett O’Hara, Harry plays Rhett Butler, and Kim takes the role of Melanie Wilkes. 
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“Won’t You Calm Down Dan Dailey?” (1971)
Lucy gets a job working for Dan Dailey. When he starts to dictate a letter to Paul Newman at Universal Studios, Lucy says she saw Newman on the late show in Winning, a 1969 film about a race car driver.
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“Lucy and Rudy Vallée” (1970)
Famous crooner Rudy Vallée is waiting tables to pass the time until his music comes back into style. Lucy convinces Kim to help update his look and sound while Harry gets him a booking at the local teen hangout. When a life-size portrait of Vallée in a raccoon coat is revealed, Vallée says he wore the coat in his first picture, Varsity Hero, a silent picture where critics raved about his singing!    
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In reality, Vallée’s first film (aside from two shorts playing himself) was The Vagabond Lover in 1929.
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“Lucy and Chuck Connors Have a Surprise Slumber Party” (1974) 
Harry rents out Lucy’s home for a movie shoot. After causing several re-takes, Lucy is banished from her own home. When she returns early, she doesn’t know that Chuck Connors is staying overnight – in her bed!  
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Jerry, the film’s director, tells Chuck that his film Good Morning, Miss Dove starring Jennifer Jones is on television that night. Connors says the film was one of the few times he got to nuzzle something besides a horse. Released in 1955 by 20th Century Fox, the film co-stars Mary Wickes, a frequent guest star on all of Lucille Ball’s sitcoms. It also features Jerry Paris, who directed two episodes of “Here’s Lucy” before being fired, and Robert Stack of Desilu’s “The Untouchables.” Other “Lucy” alumni in the film include Herb Vigran, Hal Taggart, and Arthur Tovey – all appearing uncredited.
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“Lucy Meets the Burtons” (1972)
The hotel manager tells Burton that the back door is mobbed by the Elizabeth Taylor Fan Club – Glendale Chapter. Membership to the club requires seeing National Velvet 10 times!  National Velvet (1945) was made when Taylor was just twelve years old.  
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“Lucy’s House Guest, Harry” (1971)
As Harry is finally is finally about to leave, Lucy has a horrible thought: what if he is like Sheridan Whiteside in The Man Who Came to Dinner and falls on his way out and must stay with them even longer?  The play, by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart, opened on Broadway in 1939. It starred Lucille Ball's good friend (and “Here's Lucy” performer) Mary Wickes as Nurse Preen. Wickes was one of several actors who recreated their roles in the 1942 film adaptation.
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“Lucy, the American Mother” (1970)
Craig makes a film about Lucy, a typical American mother. During the episode, Kim does impressions of Katharine Hepburn in Stage Door (1937), a film that also featured Lucille Ball, Maurice Chevalier in Innocents of Paris (1929), and Bette Davis in The Great Lie (1941).  
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The title of Craig's movie will be “A Day in the Life of My Mother.”  When Lucy can't seem to act natural in front of Craig's camera, she suggests he get someone else to play his mother; someone like Raquel Welch, Carol Burnett, or Don Knotts.
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“My Fair Buzzi” (1972)
Kim’s shy and awkward friend Annie (Ruth Buzzi) comes out of her shell in order to audition for a 1920s revue, only to find the director was looking for someone shy and awkward in the first place! The episode title and story of transformation were inspired by the 1956 Broadway musical and 1964 film My Fair Lady, which, in turn, was inspired by George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion. Both are mentioned in the dialogue of the episode.
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“Dirty Gertie” (1972)
Lucy gets a surprise fruit basket and heads downtown to share her good fortune with her hairdresser. On the street she is mistaken for Dirty Gertie, an apple peddler who just happens to be the good luck charm of a local gangster. This episode was inspired by the 1961 Frank Capra film Pocketful of Miracles in which Bette Davis played Apple Annie, a poor woman reduced to selling apples on the street. The film featured previous “Lucy” co-stars Edward Everett Horton, Jay Novello, Ann-Margret (film debut), Sheldon Leonard, Jerome Cowan, Fritz Feld, Ellen Corby, Benny Rubin, Hayden Rorke, Bess Flowers, Vito Scotti, Bert Stevens, Arthur Tovey, and Romo Vincent.
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“Lucy Runs the Rapids” (1969)
The Carters take a road trip in a camper. The episode opens with the soundtrack playing “Breezin’ Along”, the theme song from The Long, Long Trailer (1954), a film starring Lucy and Desi as a couple honeymooning in a trailer. 
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“Lucy Cuts Vincent’s Price” (1970)
Price is filming a new horror film titled Who’s Afraid of Virginia’s Wolfman? He says it has the best title since he starred in The Giant Chihuahua That Ate Chicago.
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“Lucy, the Cement Worker” (1969)
In Pierre’s the knife thrower’s studio, there is a handbill on the bulletin board for ‘Cherokee Jim’s Rodeo and Wild West Show’, which is a direct reference to the 1945 film Incendiary Blonde starring Betty Hutton as Texas Guinan. The film was directed by George Marshall for Paramount, the same director and studio producing this episode of “Here’s Lucy” 25 years later!  
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“Lucy in the Jungle” (1971)
When Harry sees baby chimps Fido and Rover, he reminds Lucy and Kim that King Kong started out as a baby, too!  King Kong, Hollywood’s tale of a giant ape, was first filmed in 1933, then re-made in 1976 and 2005. Fay Wray, one of the stars of the original film, also made The Bowery that same year, one of Lucille Ball’s first films. 
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“Lucy and the Ex-Con” (1969)
Lucy and Rocky (Wally Cox) go undercover as little old ladies to catch a crook.   When Lucy and Rocky pass out (as planned) one of the crooks says to the bartender “Give me a hand with arsenic and old face.”  Arsenic and Old Lace is a 1944 film where two elderly spinsters serve lethal glasses of elderberry wine to unsuspecting older gentlemen and bury them in their basement!  
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“Lucy and The Generation Gap” (1969)
Lucy and Uncle Harry help Kim and Craig stage the school musical. In the first act of the musical set in ancient Rome, Lucille Ball is reading a magazine called 'Roman Scandals’. Roman Scandals is also the title of Lucille Ball’s uncredited film debut in 1933.     
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“Lucy and Shelley Winters” (1968)
Hired to watch over dieting movie star Shelley Summers. On the mantle of Summers' apartment is a photo of a svelte Shelley Winters from the 1950 film Frenchie. She glances guiltily at the photo when she is about to overeat. 
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“Lucy Carter Meets Lucille Ball” (1974)
Although Lucille Ball's dressing room wall is lined with photographs of Mame and the soundtrack plays the title tune by Jerry Herman, the name of the movie is never specifically mentioned. The film was given its world premiere on March 7, 1974 three days after this episode first aired, and released nationally three weeks later. As Mame, Lucy failed to ‘charm the husk off of the corn.’
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ssarkosghost · 2 years
Arkos Week DAY 4 - First Kiss
And a late Day 4 for @arkos-week-2022, still hope you’ll enjoy this modern AU of an Arkos First Kiss.
Shoes slammed into the pitch as the various players chased the football as the Beacon Bells’ star player, Pyrrha Nikos, led the charge. The game had been rough, with Haven’s Hellions having constantly been pressuring the Bells’ goal much of the game. However, the Bells’ defense held, keeping the score 0 to 0, and now Pyrrha had a chance to seize the lead for her team.
It had been a running joke that Beacon Bells should really be the Beacon Bottoms due to their fall from the top team in the world to the bottom of the Remnant Academy Football rankings. However, this latest squad of players had gone on a rampage. Tearing through their opponents, they were on the run for the first undefeated season for the Bells. Almost nothing could stop them, almost nothing, except perhaps Cinder Fall.
The Hellions’ controversial powerhouse, Cinder had somehow set a fire underneath the normally mediocre team of Haven, having them win the Vytal Cup the last three years. She was not going to let some upstarts take her senior year victory lap away.
She had already dealt with the Bells’ veteran leader, Coco Adel. Double teamed by her and Emerald had caused a collision and Coco’s ankle twisted badly in the scuffle. It had stopped the Bells’ opening attack and let the Hellions begin pummeling their opponents’ goal. That is until Pyrrha stole the ball. Now it was a race as the Hellions’ defenders found themselves on the back foot. In her head, Cinder swore and knew she would have to take a yellow to get this game back under her pace.
Pyrrha was obviously unaware of Cinder’s plot. No instead she was dealing with her own issues. She knew she hadn’t been in the game mentally for long. She had been approached by the Argus Angels with an offer for a ride straight out of Beacon and into the pros. She knew it was bound to happen; her parents had mentioned that many teams would seek her out for her skills.
She had been inundated with several letters, and she had dreamed of going pro. However, things changed when she started to attend Beacon. Her roommate, Nora had shattered all of Pyrrha’s expectations for roommates. The orange-haired girl had dragged Pyrrha out of their dorm and introduced her to all her new friends, some of whom were now trusted teammates.
However, that wasn’t the main reason for her worry. No, that honor was held by her heart. Pyrrha had no idea how Jaune Arc, the so-called King of Nerds, wormed his way to her heart. Perhaps it was his kindness, as he often offered to help care with anything when someone was struggling. It might have been his goofiness as he effortlessly made her laugh, though she knew it was mostly accidental on his part. Then there was the fact that he always seemed to just want to talk to Pyrrha and not Ms. Nikos Beacon’s rising star.
In fact, she was pretty sure he didn’t even watch football, as no one had seen him at the games. Even when invited he always seemed to have an excuse for not being there. Still, he was her friend off the pitch, and well it wasn’t like he would reciprocate her feelings. It was well known that he was attempting to woo Weiss Schnee.
So Pyrrha finally made a decision, she would accept the Angels’ offer and hope she could keep in touch with them all. Granted she knew she had to help her teammates win the Vytal Cup and to do that she had to focus on this game right now.
This is why she had to focus right now as the final Hellion defender came charging at her. Pyrrha knew her opponent was going to try and bullrush threw her in an attempt to get the ball away. It was a bold attempt but Pyrrha knew the best way to counter that. Dropping her speed, a bit in preparation—
“PYRRHA!!” the voice of Jaune echoed through the throng of excitement, worry tinging his tone. Something was wrong, and she needed to react now. Immediately she but a burst of speed, juking to the side, and just watched as Cinder slid right through where she had been. Of course, now that she wasn’t there Cinder instead slammed into her own teammate’s legs. As the two became a tangled mess on the ground, Pyrrha renewed her drive to the goal. From there, one on one with a goalie it was almost too easy.
The ball hit the back of the net with ease and the stadium exploded in celebration, for Pyrrha’s drive had finished up in the final seconds of the game. Pyrrha barely had time before she was swarmed by her teammates, who tried to hoist her up. However, she needed to be somewhere else. Tearing herself from her teammates, she made her way to the stands. She caught sight of Nora and her boyfriend Ren, who also was Jaune’s roommate. The two knew exactly who she was looking for and pointed the way.
Sprinting past the stampeding students who were rushing the field, Pyrrha quickly found the retreating form of her friend.
“JAUNE!” she shouted, causing the boy to turn.
“Oh, hi Pyrrha,” the blonde said as he says who announced his name. “Ah great game, sorry I missed most of it,”
“Why?” was all Pyrrha could ask so many questions hovering in her head. Jaune ducked his head away at her pleading stare.
“Well, I mean it’s just that…it’s your world out there,” he started gesturing back to the stadium, “you don’t need me there to get people asking questions.”
“Jaune,” Pyrrha said her voice tinged with melancholy at how Jaune thought he was just a bit of grime.
“No, it’s fine really,” Jaune tried to ease her, unaware that she was moving closer, “you can tell me all about it—” his voice cut off as Pyrrha grasped his shoulders.
“Jaune you are always welcome to come to any of my games,” Pyrrha started, “and I would feel great if you hung around afterward,”
“Wh why?” Jaune now pressed, and again Pyrrha was struck with a choice. Give the basic answer or perhaps go for it.
“Because I like being around you Jaune, you are kind, funny, observant, and I just…” Pyrrha’s words died in her mouth as she saw she had gotten her face much closer to Jaune’s. Both blinked as blushes formed across each other’s faces. Yet neither moved. Something held them in place, with only their eyes talking. For a moment silence held before the two smashed their lips together.
For Jaune, he couldn’t believe that this was happening, and couldn’t stop the warmth that the kiss was giving him. The butterflies in his gut just wouldn’t stop and yet neither did he want this to end.
Pyrrha was having a miniature celebration in her head. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she would have this moment. It may have been spontaneous and in an empty walkway, but it was a moment she was going to remember forever. 
It was the perfect kiss for the two, no matter what their friends would say when they found the two still kissing.
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wwfshow · 1 year
NWSL to the Bay: An Interview with Leslie Osborne 
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As you know Women's World Football Show is the premier podcast on women's soccer, featuring interviews with top players and personalities from the sport.
In episode 215, I was honored to interview former USWNT midfielder Leslie Osborne about her soccer journey and her new venture as co-owner and co-founder of the newest National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) team taking flight in the Bay Area in 2024.
Leslie, who played for the Boston Breakers and the Chicago Red Stars in the NWSL, discussed her experience of being part of the first professional women's soccer league in the United States. She talked about the positive aspects of the league, such as the high level of competition, the camaraderie between the players, and the support of the fans. 
It’s so interesting to hear Leslie touch on some of the challenges that the league faced in its early years, such as a lack of financial stability, and how the NWSL has grown. As women’s soccer fans, it’s definitely a journey we’ve all lived through together. 
Leslie’s energy is contagious! Listening back to this interview got me all pumped up again! I’m excited to see how Leslie’s past experiences in the SIX leagues she’s played for, as well as her experiences as a businesswoman and current role as Director of Coaching at the San Jose Earthquakes youth academy, will serve her in her next journey as co-owner of an NWSL team.
In this absolutely killer episode, Leslie talked about the unique opportunities that the Bay Area has to offer, such as the high level of competition, the great weather, and the passionate soccer fans. Osborne also discussed her how her career-altering injury helped prepare her for her next role as an entrepreneur and sports broadcaster, as well as her work in the Earthquakes academy, where she has helped develop the next generation of soccer players.
Throughout the interview, Leslie is so open and transparent, sharing valuable insight into the NWSL and the Bay Area. She spoke about the importance of having a professional soccer team in Northern California and how it will be different than the two Southern California teams (Angel City FC and San Diego Wave FC), and how it will help to raise the level of competition for women's soccer. 
Along with co-founders and former USWNT stars, Brandi Chastain, Aly Wagner, and Danielle Slaton, Leslie shares invaluable insight into their new Bay Area team’s mission and expectations.
Women's World Football Show podcast continues to be a great source of information on women's soccer, and this episode with Leslie Osborne is another entertaining addition to our library. Take a listen and share with your friends! 
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