#Angel being a big brother to everyone tbh
Angel: Let me see what you have-
Niffty: A KNIFE! 🔪
Angel: N O !
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cherrygenshin · 1 year
Obey Me! Rut HC's - pt.2
Warnings: NSFW, SMUT. Minors DNI. Again, no special warnings, just breeding.
GN reader.
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His rut is average, lasting up to a week.
He's not too big on nest building, he finds it gets too stuffy in his room with too many items in it (let's be real, it's really cause it won't fit due to all his damn books)
Actually remains kinda the same? Just touchier?
Won't let you leave his room once you enter, if you do leave he won't let you back in, no matter how desperate he gets.
Snaps VERY quickly, but will try his best to keep his cool around you. He's just so worked up, he can't handle the pressure.
In post nut clarity he will be very smoochy to you, thanking you for putting up with him and giving you the best food he can find.
He's not great at regulating his emotions at the best of times, but now instead of 'ANGRY ANGRY ANGRY' his mind is full of 'BREED BREED BREED'.
Enjoys bending you over so he can pound in to you and groan lewdly in your ear.
PLEASE scratch him up, your marks on him means he's fucking you just right, he wants to see them.
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Longest rut out of everyone, tbh he kinda always wants to breed and be bred so it's not that different for him.
He will seek you out the moment he feels it coming. He normally has demons lining up around the block for a chance with him, but he'll choose you over anyone else. Of course, if you're down to enjoy his rut with more people, then he's down for that too.
Prefers being bred over breeding, I HC that he's got both a juicy cunt AND a nice dick. He uses both, but definitely prefers getting his pussy filled.
You think Levi was loud? Try Asmo. He LOVES the sound of his voice, and he knows you love it too. He will moan the house down.
He's ridiculously sensitive and very bratty, will try and push you further in to him/push himself further in to you, he's very needy.
Unlike his brothers, he's actually not very clingy during his rut, and enjoys his personal space, like taking nice long baths before the next wave of horniness overcomes him.
Overall he's very casual about the whole thing. You wanna breed him? Okay. You want him to breed you? Easy done. As long as someone gets to enjoy him, he's happy.
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Another vote for average rut length, lasts about a week.
Enjoys making a lil nest for you and him to spend the week in, takes pride in his nest building abilities.
OKAY so, Beel wants a family. Idc what anyone says, he's a family man through and through.
Being that he wants a family, his rut hits him very hard. His desire to breed completely overwhelms him, he becomes the most animalistic out of all his brothers.
He will FOLD you like a deck chair, just to shove his cock as far into you as he possibly can.
Grunts and groans, will also grip you tight enough to leave bruises, he just loves u so much he wants to be as close to you as possible
"Gonna cum in you darling", "gonna make you a parent", "Fuck- you're gonna be so hot carrying my child."
Will literally carry you to impale u on his dick if you get too tired, he is not stopping until you're pregnant.
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Lucky ass bitch has the shortest rut, lasting only two or so days.
Probably will sleep through it ngl wet dream city
If he happens to be awake, he won't ask for help directly, he'll just expect it.
He kinda already has a nest in the attic, won't really add much more to it. He'd rather preserve energy to be able to fuck you properly.
Another for 'I don't really want kids but damn nutting in u is kinda nice'
Gets more whiny during his rut, when he's close he'll let out the most angelic soft moans and whines you've ever heard.
Although he isn't super energetic on the best of days, being in his rut really saps all his energy. He's got a cycle of fuck, sleep, fuck, sleep.
Unfortunately you will have to feed him as he really does put his all in to fucking you, he doesn't even have the energy to feed himself afterwards.
Big on show, don't tell. He won't tell you how much he loves you (he's getting better at expressing his emotions, but he's getting better!) But the way he holds you close as he sleeps says more than words ever will.
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selfishmachinez · 3 months
this request was inspired by someone else who wrote it with Adam but idk I can’t find the post I think they may have deleted it or smthn😔
anyway- reader x Lucifer , Adam, and mammon (romantic, seperately) who plays that “best brother ever ” prank on them in public? i just think it’s really funny😭 if you don’t know what I’m talking about this is what I mean: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLevxYyu/
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notes: STOPP I SAW THIS ITS SO FUNNY😭 this trend kills me everytime omg
also hours after posting this i realised it was flopping cause i didnt add any tags someone bury me😔
warnings: adam and mammon being themselves (assholes😇); mammon being a bitch (kinda nsfw for him? idk you'll be the judge of that); not proofread
word count: 339
Lucifer 🍎 —
okay so for all 3 lets say your relationship isnt out to the public yet, but people just kinda figured it out already
poor baby was so clueless😭
i dont think hes very up to date with pranks/trends/all that
"well youre not an angel NOT LIKE THAT youre TECHNICALLY not an angel so we cant really be,, siblings,, BUT im glad you think of me like that i just thought we had more going on???"
if you keep the prank going he'll gen be hurt
you had to sit down and explain the joke to him
all you got out of him was a nervous chuckle and a "oooohhhhhhh..."
give my man some time ok hes old as hell (pun intended) 🧍‍♀️
Adam 🪽 —
first of all how DARE you
hes usually the one pulling the pranks on you
bro was flabbergasted 😭
he gives you that stare he gave lucifer after he said "and now i am going to FUCK you >:)"
second of all he kissed you back ok but when you said THAT???
"dont say that, you crazy bitch."
"i love you big bro, cmon."
he pushed you after that one ok🥰
after you tell him you were jk he was like "fuck was that for??? you wanna ruin MY reputation???? do you know who i am" bla bla bla
hes not gen mad just a little pissed at best
Mammon 🃏 —
"youre the best big bro ever!"
his reaction is fairly close to adam's imo
except hes not mad and actually plays along
"you into that stupid ass roleplay thingy now, eh?"
shit got heated for a second😨
"is it now?"
had you genuinely panic
that horny bastard istg!!!!!!!
he saw the trend already so he knows youre just playing
the kiss kinda threw him off tbh, he didnt want your relationship being public yet (cause he outed asmodeus and fizz and didnt wanna be seen as a hypocrite etc)
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libraryraccoon · 3 months
Ok I request Azrael x archangel gn reader please (romantic pls)
Gender : GN
Pronouns : None
Message from Raccoon : it's honestly a little hard to write for Azrael because we know nothing of him-
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You and Azrael have known each other for a long time, before the Earth was created.
You had to watch over Heaven and make sure everything was okay. Azrael often accompanied you in your task because he wanted an excuse to escape the paperwork.
He often tells you what some souls did when they were alive and how they died, like this demon killed by a hunter and dogs because they thought it was a deer.
You got closer, and what was supposed to happen happened.
You start to date him.
Now that was fun.
Do you know what the “50 questions to see if we approve you for dating our brother” archangels/family of Big G version is ?
No because you felt like you were being questioned for a serious crime and not dating their brother.
3 hours.
All right ? 3 hours of suffering an interrogation for a crime that wasn't a crime. In the end, they accepted you, apparently it went pretty quickly because you knew them..
You don't even want to know how long it would have lasted if you didn't know them before dating Azrael.
You and Azrael flying together is canon.
You fly at least once a week, and when you don't people think there's a problem.
Literally you and Azrael might just don't want to fly the week, but people will think you've broken up.
There are always angels to come and find out why you don't fly together, even after you tell them to stop.
Although it also helps a lot, in the sense that when you argue there are always angels to help you resolve the problem.
Personal/private life who ?
You know how Viv sold us Lillith x Lucifer ? Not what it's like on the show, but how she sold it, the loving couple everyone wants ? Yeah. It's you and Azrael.
Azrael always plays jokes on you, and you play jokes on him in return.
I can just see you starting a never ending prank war, you creating new jokes so it never ends.
You created most of humanity's jokes, Big G once asked how you had so much imagination for this sort of thing.
Hugs. So there, three possibilities :
If you are shorter than him then you are the little spoon,
Or you are the same size and always change from small spoon to big spoon depending on your mood,
Or you're taller and he's the little spoon.
The one who makes the big spoon must always put their wings around the other.
Whenever one of you is sad, the other always puts their wings around the one who is sad, because it's just comforting and brings a kind of sense of security.
Gabriel is your number 1 shipper. You can't tell me otherwise, he was literally the one who managed to bring you together in the first place.
Lucifer wondered how his brother managed to find someone, especially since Azrael had never seemed interested in love before.
Michael threatened to kill you if you ever hurt his brother... you didn't feel like it was a threat but more of a warning.
You’re glad he never heard about your little arguments.
Despite your little arguments which are rare, you and Azrael are THAT couple that everyone wants.
I just know that some angels come to ask you how you manage to have such a perfect/good couple.
I can see Azrael being sarcastic, so if you are too, know that you are the threat couple from Heaven.
(Second) Message from Raccoon : Writing for a character that we haven't see/know anything about them is so hard ?? I never suspect it to be that hard tbh.
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crushedsweets · 5 months
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hi >.<
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this is so fucking sweet i remembered how happy i was when i first got my car. i cried everyday for a week straight because i was so happy. very glad yall got to watch me get my first car. i spend over an hour in her every day commuting now. LMFAOOO (i named her lindsay btw) ((after tdi lsinday)). im so sorry im late but thank you so much this meant sm !!! <3
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you asked me this in august im evil oh my god. anyway i aagree. but i am always inclined to forever think he's a midwest emo guy. twin sized mattress forever
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im immediately inclined to say clocky or toby the second i see time and fire mentions. so ticciwork. my clocky is often a bit messy so she'd be pissed and angry and upset over the sort of war she's found herself in, especially as she sees toby just falling deeper into it. 'my god, was i oblivious?' when she finally realizes toby will always, always put Slenderman before her. frustrating. 'hell stays hungry for a world so weak' natalie is hungry for a good world, but she thinks everyone is too weak for goodness, meanwhile toby is hungry for power so he can make everyone else seem weak. etc. 'they only want you to bleed' they being slendy, operator, zalgo, etc etc etc... power, being a pawn, fighting, using humans as toys in a battlefield, etc etc.. yeah
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i genuinely think nina is a really good influence on so many of the creeps. like theyre all assholes, traumatized, refuse to believe in the good in the world, etc etc. but nina is traumatized and still kickin. she comes in like ^_^ hello chat. and i think that, while its still important to feel the shitty feelings, it's really grounding to see someone whos just so .. able to be happy. idk. someone who SEEKS joy, rather than expects it to fall into their lap, and blames the world when it doesnt
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this si perfect idk why i forgot about bats for him. gotta get back into this idea
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AHHH OK I WILL DO MORE EVENTUALLY i just wanna say thank yewww i think theyre such a good sibling dynamic. like little brothers and big sisters and both being little assholes to eachother but would die for the other. idk. ugh. important to me.
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actually this sounds really sweet..... thats funny cuz i was JUST talking to a friend about who i would have EJ go endgame with if i had to, but i couldnt settle on anyone. but liu seems like a good fit for ej. i think they'd be super sweet
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AH THANK YOU!!! he reminds me of my little cousins HAHA theyre like 10-14 right now and theyre all cuties.... just playing roblox and being mischievous...
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THIS IS ABOUT THE BLUSHING NAT DRAWING ISNT IT AHAH OMG THANK YOU!!! i think shes so cute. i know she cant handle compliments. she's either deadpanned 'thanks' or just covers her face and says 'shut up' cuz she doesnt know what to do.
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GOOD NEWS THEN ive drawn her a handful of times since u sent this HAHA TYSM
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you sent like... natobina i think... ok tbh kinda slaps
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OK REAL but also when i read it i keep reading it as 'cochina' and i cannot bring myself to name the throuple that </3 HAHA
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i want jeff to ache in his loneliness
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i need to draw connie asap but also THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN FOR THE CAR CONGRATS I REALLY APPRECIATE IT IM SO HAPPY I LOVE MY CAR SO MUCH i gotta go vaccuum her..
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shes such a cat to me. feline. of sorts, if you will
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also good news for you anon, i have also drawn her an ungodly amount of times since youve sent this. LOL
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literally the second that people tell me i made them start to like clocky i am overwhelmed with joy. i feel so much ache when people aren't fond of her bc shes so fucking cool and such a good character and so much fun. so sad that 2015 era creepypasta fandom destroyed her. but im here to fix it...
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incredibly. happy. to do this to u.
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nope! im not too interested in the 2021 nina just cuz i feel like i've seen that character concept many times (not just in jane), BUT if i had to do my own intepretation of her, 2021 nina would be INCREDIBLY immature in like. not a childish way, but an entitled, angry-fueled adult who cannot comprehend anyone else's thoughts/feelings. and thus, would despise OG nina (although within reason, OG nina idolizes the person who killed her family) . but even if there wasnt a good reason to dislike OG nina, she'd be mean. and OG nina would be mad and bitch. and theyd theyd fight. HAHA
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I-IF...???????? ANON?
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l3viat8an · 1 year
diavolo: 7’9 big big boy, but what were u expectimg from the demon prince ?? were u wxpecting him to be tiny ?? towwrs over EVERYONE n is pretty threatening even whne hes actively not to be, even more so in demon form when hes closer to being 7’11-8’1 excluding his horns, n 8’4-8’5 including horns
beel: 7’8 another big boy, again what were u expecting from this brick wall of a man ?? gentle giant when it come to his loved ones but is v scary when it comes to everyone else, is closer to 7’10 in demon form excluding his horns, 7’11 including horns
barbatos: 7’4, big big prince calls for a tall tall butler, is v Aware of his height whenever hes w luke due to to how yiny the young angel is compared to barbatos, he tries not to crush luke under his shoe next je bakes w him (sorry snout ur toes luke </3), 7’6 in demon form excluding his horns, 7’10 including horns
asmo: 7’4 we all know hes a twunk (essentially just in between twink n hunk; too muscular to be a twink but still too slim to be a hunk) so ofc hes gitta have the height to compliment that, u know asmo uses his height to his advantage, in what way ? idk, but hes definitelyusing it to his advantage, is closer to 7’6-7’8 in demon form
lucifer: 7’0, it definitely hurts his pride that his three youngest brothers are taller than him but he’ll get over it eventually, but hey ! at least hes taller than the other 4 (which is all he git at this point LMAO), 7’2-7’4 in demon form excluding his horns, 7’6 including horns
levi: 6’10, also pretty chubby n only uses his height n heaviness to be annoying towards mammon when mammon refuses to pay him back, nost dont jnwo how tall he is cause hes always slouching tho, 7’0-7’2 in demon form excluding his horns, 7’4/7’5 including horns
satan: 6’10, tall tall boy, unlike levi, satan has the perfect posture so everyone knows that hes tall, hes only using used to using his height to threatening ppl during angey rampages tho so he might get flustered if hes w someone whos sexually into bigger/taller partners, 7’0-7’2 in demon form excluding his horns, 7’4/7’5 including horns
mammon: 6’8 is definitely ghe shortest person in his family 🤧, he absolutely HATES it n wahtever ego he has left is forver gone due to the fact that his own baby broghers are taller than him, 6’10-7’0 in demon form excluding his horns, 7’2 including horns
simeon: 6’6, is pretty short when it comes to angels tbh, w angels usually averaging 7’8 or taller, so poor simeon got the short end of stixk 🤧, is closer to 6’8-6’10 in angel form
solomon: 5’6, slightly shoeter than averahe height, definitely not the tallest in the room but itll help him get stuff off the shelves or out of the cabinets
luke: 5’0, tiny tiny child, looks absolutely bitesized when it comes to the demons, especially when it comes to beel or diavolo or barbatos, prau for him that a demon doesnt mistake him for a tiny snack 😖
~ t4t anon
I feel very, very short all of the sudden-
Size kink going wild tho~
And I really love the idea that they’re taller in their demon forms!! I never really thought about that before but it makes so much sense honestly!!!
The only silly thing I want to add is Solomon give off ‘5’ 9” and says he’s 6’’ vibes to me and I will forever stick with that lmao
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kintrojects · 8 months
Hiiiiii we're Olive this is our system blog I GUESS. Check replies for individual sys member sideblogs 👍
more below
🕊 Rainy: 21, nb gay trans man, he/him and sparingly she/her maybe, been around the longest, neku sakuraba kinnie (also leafeon). resident catboy, current main fronter but it was formerly joshua and please god i want him to take over again
🪶 Joshua: 21, gnc gay trans man, he/him, irl angel, second oldest, joshua kiryu introject, aka Jorts if you're a friend of ours
🌠 Starlight: 15, transmasc, he/it, dragonboy with angel-ish wings, rainy and joshuas Gay son
🌘 Eve: 23?? identifies as a guy i tjink but not specifically trans nor cis due to being in a brain and not a physical being. or maybe masc presenting bigender he answers differently every time. he/him, sort of a nezumi no.6 introject but msotly just in appearance, NEVERRRR fronts but he has stuff to say sometimes
🪻 Delphinium: 26, male but not in a human way, he/him, COOL DRAGON!!! starlights big brother. hes very swagful
🕯 Ghost: ageless, genderless/gendervoid ghostthing, it/its ONLY, a fucking ghost, kazehiki utau introject
🌼 Clementine aka Chrysanthemum: 19?, gender weird because system is overall transmasc but shes fem aligned, she/her, chill 👍
🗝 Regal: ageless immortal thing, masc agender, he/him, another never fronting sorta guy also he sucks tbh
🌙 Aether: age who knows, masc-ish agender, ae/they/it, big fuckin uhhhhh dragon plushie
🕳 [no name]: no identity no anything if its ever out please send help (or just talk to us and force us to be social that usually banishes it.)
🍒 KK: 20something, he/him, gay guy?? kariya kouki introject and pretty chill Tbh
FEEL FREE TO ASK FOR GUYS except the unnamed thing we can't get through to that one except in Dire fucking emotional circumstances. but we like giving everyone a chance to hang out and feel like they have a place in our Brain and Life and talking to people helps with that 👍
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idkhowtoread-ink · 5 months
Guys my head is flooded with au ideas and I don't have enough time to draw all of them so I'm just going to talk about it.
Religious!Dreamswap (+Lust!):
Dreamswap but everybody is religous and Dream + Nightmare have severe religous trauma and are gods of love and lust but they both reacted differently.
Nightmare(Lust) grew up to hate Christianity and even became a Satanist. He was constantly hated as lust was seen as a sin against god.
Dream grew up believing everything the church told him, he was praised for his ability to give love. Whenever Dream tried to protect his brother, he would be forsed to watch Nightmare being punished by the cherch, causing Dream to be unknowingly scared all the time of sin. He was scared others would go though this because of lust, thus makeing the Anti-sin Home of God (Very creative verion of JR)
Little does anyone know, it's also Dream's job to break people up, he doesn't like doing it and knows if it ever got out he would be thought of differently.
Scene style Swapdream!Nightmare:
I just like the thought of Swan dressing as a scene kid! Nothing else to it. (Maybe ds Nightmare and Swapfate Nightmare too lol)
Under-construction au:
I was originally going to make this au but there was too much to make my idea happen so I just accepted it would never get posted.
So basicly, it's an Undertale au where its not done yet. Constant changes happening to designs, storys, personalities, ect. It looks like Inks abandoned au tbh. And the bodys will be half way done. Like, the rest of the head and chest will be fully drawn but the arm will be a stick with a circle on the end.
Sometimes there are double the amount of characters because the creator is stuck between two disigns.
I also had this idea where the characters are desperate to be completed, so they may try to steal anything from a completed au and stick it on to themself such as completed clothing and sometimes a soul.
Biblicly accurate Dreamtale:
So the whole thing sumed up, is that it's Dreamtale, but when Dream and Nightmare eat an apple, they turn into these big 15ft angels with wings and rings, protecting the tree of feelings from mortals.
I also had this idea that Nightmare is littrally invisable when he's not near Dream in this AU, because you know, tge moon only shows in the sky because of the sun's light!(I'm so smart)
Trans MtF Ds Dream:
I'm actually making a short story abt this but I may not finish it>3<✌
Dream wears Nightmares dress at a young age(yes, Nightmare is trans FtM), and secretly likes it.
MDream is in denial abt it and distracts himself for 100+ years untill he finally takes a break and finds out that she's trans and curses herself out for ignoring it for so long.
"You are me and I am you?" Dreamtale au
Basicly, the normal story of Dreamtale but the twins are jelous of what the other has.
Dream is jelous because he wishes he could have a break, to have some time to himself instead of helping the villagers all the time because "thats what he's supposed to do as the gaurdian of positive feelings".
Nightmare is jealous because he wishes to have friends and to be liked by everyone like his brother is. He doesn't want to be bullied and hated anymore.
Out of jealousy he kills his twin and absorbs his soul using the magic of the apple tree. He then becomes the guardian of feelings, but forgets who he was.
He remembers being jealous of his brother but since their thoughts are now combined, he can't remember who he killed or who he once was. Causing him to go insane.
(This was inspired by a song I can't remember the name of)
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lavenderjewels · 6 months
Read the unofficial translated JJK 244 chapter because im procrastinating on homework, so thoughts below
Liked this chapter! It was wordy and explained some of the things we already knew or are kind of moot points, but I appreciate a chapter of characters interacting and being smart (ish) about what to do with sukuna and kenjaku. And the characters looked SO cute this chapter
Miwa’s comically big eyes are hilarious
Kamo is out of the picture, which makes sense. I’m not sure who else will be involved or leave. Despite what Kusakabe said about sending Miwa to her death alone if she goes first, her vow is limited to katanas, so I can see her using another weapon and joining the fight. Love kamo, but out of all the Kyoto kids, he’s always been the one I can 100% see leaving for family reasons, but I can see Miwa staying as a person who “thinks she doesn’t care about dying” or on the bench. Tbh I would rather have her deal with the aftermath of whatever Kenjaku had a backup plan for, since her revenge failed. It would be neat since she brought that up again this chapter. Do I know how she could help? No, but im not the writer so who cares
I do think everyone has been constantly underestimating Kenjaku at every turn in this series. Sukuna is such a presence and Kenjaku flies under the radar, so they make their death and the possible merger seem too simple
For the others, I can see Momo maybe leaving too, but if Miwa stays, I don’t think she’ll leave and she can be good for scouting like Mei Mei. Mei Mei is absolutely staying, same with Ui Ui, Choso, Shoko, Maki, Ino (imo). Not sure about Inumaki since I don’t know if he already did something with Yuuta. There’s no way panda could survive, but idk if he’d leave. I would say Hana would help, but somehow I feel like Angel could stop her, since she was the one that said Hana can’t fight. I don’t think they’ll leave unless Sukuna is dead (Angel) and Megumi gets help/dies (Hana) either way. NO clue about Kusakabe or Utahime joining any fight
Strange that I couldn’t find Utahime among people in this crowd too. Is this taking place around the start of the Gojo fight because it seems like it, so maybe she was preparing for that with Gakuganji and Gojo.
I’m still so stuck on the fact that Todo is completely gone for zero apparent reason. He doesn’t even use his technique on special grades, so even though he wouldn’t be much help here, he’s still incredibly strong and with his personality, its weird he’s not butting into these conversations. I just want to know the excuse that gege ends up giving for this. If it’s because he’s now besties with Nobara and they’re training together, all will be forgiven ✨
OKAY SO. Kamo and Choso training yuuji! Good chance that this is going with the implication that yuuji ate his brothers and got some blood manipulation from it. I already thought this was the likely case, although I also think Yuuji has a thing with souls (whether that’s related to that scene that made it seem like he switched bodies with kusakabe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).
Choso’s face when Yuuji said he was a bad teacher was adorable. One of the issues with these flashbacks after a time skip is that I wish we had more of these natural character moments, but it’s instead all plot-relevant to the scene it’s flashing forward to.
I’ve talked about this before, but I like the idea that if yuuji is getting a power up, then it’s as a result of his treatment as a vessel/cage that he can then turn on the people that have mistreated him. Hope im phrasing this right, but that would be more meaningful than suddenly becoming as strong as sukuna with his powers.
Continuing with that, I don’t think Yuuji just becoming Gojo’s successor in matching in strength like Yuuta is the way this is going, or would be a good way to go. I like the idea that he has to be smart about this fight and it’ll likely involve something with the soul. Having overwhelming power does get boring sometimes and it can lead to fights like the Sukuna and Gojo having to work around explaining how an overpowered character loses a battle of strength. This fight already has more strategy and stakes, which is a plus
Even outside of that, pure strength is not everything and Gojo has always represented that. While his desire to raise allies and those with potential to surpass him is nice, that’s not some perfect solution and doesn’t really change things. It’s very in character for Gojo, but I hope this series does more than just ending it with the villains gone and all the main characters in power and overpowered, while nothing actually gets addressed (if this makes sense lol). It kind of reminds me of when Gojo told Gakuganji things would be better if he ran the circle of higher ups, like nice sentiment but a small and ineffective bandaid onto these bigger problems. It’s why I like Yuki a little more of Maki’s destruction of her clan. I’m just rambling at this point, but yeah im just interested in seeing how this story resolves its themes—with the younger generation and whatnot—and if it’ll lean into tragedy or hope (or will be more generic “yay defeated the villains so who cares about everything else!” Ending).
However, power ups can coincide with or represent character development, like with Gojo and Maki’s enlightenment. It’s just not necessary to be a good character and I’ll always be a fan of how “weak” Yuuji has been in comparison over this series no matter where his character ends up.
Good on Yuuji for being the one to introduce the retrial!! And I just love Higuruma and watching him go on these lawyer tangents while Yuuji and Miwa and listening, but confused.
Sukuna being stuck in court on trial for the devastation he’s brought is genuinely one of the funniest sights to see in all of JJK. And in his original form
I need this trial to lead into sukuna backstory and Heian era flashbacks. Only asking gege for this and nobara,, please
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riderofblackdragons · 10 days
Day 31: Choose Who Lives
Ok so I'm taking very liberal use of the word "lives" here, and focusing more on the choose part tbh, although ig both are there. But this is the final day of May! Thanks to everyone who joined me through this, and I hope you've had a good time!
This is the fic most likely to be out of character, tbh, and it takes place in my supernatural AU, When You Cannot Hide.
Thanks for reading, and as always, hope you enjoy!
You must choose.
It wasn’t as if they didn’t know, alright? Lucifer knew they had to choose, to decide who’s life they valued more. With Dean gone, it was just them and Sam left, and technically, it was just Sam, because Lucifer wasn’t doing much on the actual possession front!
Bu they were still somewhat tuned into the Heavenly network, a bonus from all those years trapped in Heaven, they presumed. Thanks, big brother, they thought ironically. And immediately regretted it. What if Michael did actually hear that thought, and found them through that? They couldn’t bear it.
Unlike most angels, who were fine with taking on the pronouns of their True vessel, Lucifer was finding that they disliked sharing their pronouns with Sam, as well as everything else they had to share anyways. ‘He’ was overrated, in their opinion.
And besides, Dean had struggled with differentiating between his brother and the angel inside said brother, when he was younger. It had been an easy way to distinguish, and then they’d never really given it up.
But they were never going to see Dean again, they realised. Not if they left. And they had to leave, to flee. They couldn’t be caught, but Dean was going to come back, and Lucifer wasn’t exactly the most discreet angel out there, his grace would easily give him away.
The angel had been sent to bring dean out, the heavenly network told him. It was only a matter of time. Sam and Dean would hate it, though. Lucifer was aware of this. They shared everything with Sam, an open connection was the best way to achieve resonance with his vessel, and limit how badly having Lucifer in him would damage Sam’s body.
Either Lucifer died, he knew, or Michael did. It was either they flee now, or either Sam or Dean, as their true vessels, would die in their fight with Michael.
And at the end of the day, it was an easy choice.
Sam woke up the next morning, emptier than he could ever remember being. His head was his, for the first time since his mother’s death, and it hurt like never before. There was an apology note on the table next to the bed and, with some trepidation, Sam reached out, and began to read it.
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onlyjaeyun · 4 months
hi zadie love!! wanted to start off this ask by saying that i hope you are taking breaks for your health baby!! :(( i saw you said how work and uni are catching up to you especially since it’s exam season so pls pls pls make sure to take it easy my love🥺🥺 your overall health is the most important thing so pls don’t be too hard on yourself, you’re doing amazing and i’m so proud of you🩷✨
now onto the recent chap!!! omg yn breaking things off w/ fuma rlly shows that she truly cares for riki and is willing to give anything up if it meant to protect her brother from being in the middle of these weird ass students talking shit about his sister. i love the nishimuras in this smau so much🥺🥺
THE WAY YN AND HOON HAVE BEEN FUCKING ALMOST EVERYDAY OH THEY’RE DOWN BAD YOUR HONOR‼️‼️ but the fact that yn cried when hoon hit it from the back made me feel for her poor baby :(( i could definitely tell where her mental state is at the moment bc it’s like she’s just going through the motions after the previous events that happened to riki, i hope our girl is ok🥺 AND IM SORRY BUT HOON’S 0 FOLLOWER TUMBLR ERA IS SO FUNNY LIKE HE’S JUST LIKE ME FR😭
thank you for your constant hard work and dedication zadie!! pls pls take it easy on yourself baby sending you a big kiss💞💞🫶🏻🫶🏻
- 💌
MY ANGEL BABY!!! I missed you sm :(
thank you so so so much for being so sweet baby, I love and appreciate just how much you guys care about me, it means the world to me :( ngl work and uni have been a little difficult lately bc studying is just so exhausting me and everyone always wants something from me like can I live ??? but yeah, only two more weeks of exams left and then im done, so read for it to be over tbh </3
I'm honestly so glad you guys are all enjoying these past few chaps and I kNOWWWW my baby y/n being so sad and stressed and overwhelmed hurts me the most..like fuck hoon (not literally) but rn she's my main concern, I just want her to be happy :((
thank you for this baby, I hope youre feeling better and are having a good time with packing your stuff!! pls take care of yourself, ilysm!!!!
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lupuslikethewolf · 1 year
Wordvomit on Lucerys Velaryon
I have… many, many thoughts about all of these characters. I will now be screaming them into the void. Enjoy, maybe. Possibly. If not, I thrive of people’s disappointment in me :D
I think there are two main interpretations of Luc that people tend to see/say: Luc as either a sweet, protective, all-around angel who made mistakes he will never be able to face in fear for his life, or a bitter and vindictive little bitch who’s desire was to inflict pain on Aemond for whatever reason. I would like to say:
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One thing that stays the same is that Luc, as both a child and a slightly-taller child (6/7 & 13/14), loves his family, looks up to his grandparents, especially Corlys, and wants to be the person he thinks everyone expects him to be: a perfect prince, a perfect warrior, a perfect sea-farer, a perfect son, and most importantly a perfect Valyrian. Now, whether people actually expect this of him is a completely different sorry, but it is evident in what little screentime we get of him that he is well-fucking-aware of the pressure of his station (a completely different story than his mother, tbh) and does not think himself able to live up-to that.
What happens with Aemond’s Eye is, in either interpretation, is a turning point for the character.
To start, there is this little boy with hopes and dreams and the idea of a big, happy family, with no idea yet that the actions that make him, jace and aegon laugh, hurt aemond more than they know.
He, alongside the cousins and brother he looks up to as his idea of perfect, discover that, on the night of their aunt’s/mother’s funeral, someone stole laena’s dragon! On top of that, it was the dragon ‘meant’ for rhaena! Then, out walks aemond, who then taunts them (very lightly, this is not anti young aemond) about it. In her grief, rhaena (who is too fucking young to know how to handle grief, and her father is not the best example of it in a million years) attacks what she believes to be the boy who stole her mother’s dragon. He deflects. No one is hurt.
Then Baela attacks. Then Jace. Then Rhaena again. And Luc, watching, joins in, despite being half Aemonds fucking size. Aemond is, for lack of a better word, under attack, by children at least four years his younger and emboldened by their grief.
This is the point where the characterisations start to become clear:
There is one Luc, who watches, sees that Aemond might hurt or even kill his older brother, and uses Jace’s dropped knife to defend them both, enraged by Aemond calling them bastards and by Ser Harwin’s death being mentioned in such a callous way. Later, he hides, scared of his own actions and unable to face himself because of it.
In his mind, he just tore their family apart: Aegon won’t speak to them, both Aegon and Aemond believe them to be bastards, the queen now want’s his eye and he is petrified. The actions he was once told were okay and funny are now being used against him, he is being told are bad and wrong, and he has no idea who he should be listening too, or even what the fuck just happened.
Fast forward years later, he is seeing Aemond again for the first time in nearly ten years. The first thing Aemond does? Stand around menacingly, vaguely threaten them, and wear the colours declaring war against them and their mother. Fun. And most definitely not a safe environment to bring up the incredibly traumatic event that turned Aemond into this person.
Then The Roast Pig happens at the family dinner. Luc watches Aemond, and when Aemond doesn’t outwardsly react, laughs. This… I genuinely don’t know why he does. Best guess? He thinks that, since Aemond now has a dragon and making dragon-less jokes won’t hurt him, the old jokes are funny again.
Aemond does not react how Luc thought he would, and instead insults them all, and eggs on Jace to attack him. A fight breaks out. And just like that, Luc is swiftly reminded that his family is broken, and Luc is the reason. He blames himself. Maybe it would have been different, maybe he could have fixed it, maybe there was another way.
Or, there is another Lucerys:
This Luc, instead of being driven by any urge to protect, it is instead to avenge. This Luc, who watched Aemond call them bastards to their face, attacks because he wants to. He wants this Aemond to feel that pain. He is hurt and he is angry.
This Luc, sees everything in the aftermath, and doesn’t give two shits. He called them bastards, so he deserved it. Luc watches their family get torn apart by the actions of (unsupervised) angry children and can only think that those who got hurt? They deserved it.
Then he sees Aemond after ten years, and Aemond is better than him. Despite being one-eyed, this Aemond is confident and cocky in a way Luc never could be himself and Luc hates that. This Aemond is talented and rides the biggest dragon in the world and still threatens them, makes fun of them, and openly wears the war colours of their would-be usurpers. That makes him fucking angry. Bitter. Hateful.
So when The Roast Pig happens, Luc sees the perfect opportunity to get back at this new Aemond. So he laughs, and he makes sure Aemond sees him do so. Because he wants to hurt Aemond. And he does. But Aemond can now hurth them back, and Luc wasn’t expecting that.
Then a fight breaks out, which was not a good thing, but, shit happens. Aemond got punched. The divide got deeper. Luc stands by his family.
So, in conclusion:
Luc can be a sweet boy who made terrible mistakes with no idea how to address or solve them, especially because at the time, those around him told him it was okay (i.e. the bullying and aegon, and the eye incident and rhaenyra). Luc can also be a hateful and bitter little shit who wants to hurt the man who is out to get them, for reasons it is up to the reader to interpret as either valid or not.
Either way, he most definitely is a Mama’s Boy, who loves his family in one way or another, and most definitely has self-worth and self-image issues rooted in his “bastardry” (which aemond absolutely did not help, but neither did anyone, really) and his own need to be perceived as perfect.
(Final Note: Aemond’s obsession with Luc was definitely gay. No I will not take criticism on this. Hate is not the opposite of Love, indifference is!)
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jianlol · 6 months
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hiiiii (it me, angel) so genuinely wasn’t planning on taking up a 4th muse but this lil shit happened and i fell in love but what can i do ? creating his personality was so much fun like i had to bring him to life :’) anywho,, discord is always available to plot and chat as well as in dm’s here and any of my muse blogs (somi, ren, chaerin) !
i’ve got his stats, kprofile, plots, & pinterest ♡
— welcome to infinite entertainment! it's LIU JIAN, who is the LEAD VOCALIST of PHOENIX. i’ve heard whispers that the 25 year old is pretty DETERMINED but lowkey JUDGMENTAL. also, doesn’t he remind you of XIAO DEJUN (XIAOJUN)?
jian was born on march 27, 1999 in shenzhen, china
his family is his world, his mother and big brother, basically part of the only few people he’d hold back on his eclectic personality from
being a single mother, his mom raised them the best she could with the help of her best friend (his godmother). so growing up, he was determined to help out as much as he could when he was older
he isn’t quite sure where his dad is, he left when jian was born. doesn’t really have any memories of him anyway so he didn’t seek him out or try to delve into that
he didn’t start off as a singer or dancer, didn’t quite find his soon-to-be “love” until his teens
his first passion/hobby was ice skating, what was supposed to be a fun family outing had sparked a fire nobody was expecting
he learned when he was 5 but after years of keeping at it, he started competing in competitions here and there at 10, ranking high but never reaching first place
singing was something he’d never thought twice about, only a silly thing he did in the shower or doing chores/homework
even if he was told repeatedly by his family members how good he was, chalking it up to them just saying that because they were supportive like that
in true jian fashion, he didn’t even have intentions or plans of being an idol, it just happened
he actually went to an audition at infinite entertainment to support his friend, not wanting him to go through it alone
jian never expected a positive response much less passing through to the next round
he was reluctant to keep going though especially since singing was never part of his planning for the future but after seeing how excited his family was for him, he had to go and make them proud (this was also his chance to be able to take care of them)
and after considering with his ice skating career in mind as well, he eventually chose to accept the offer to go through with training
he found himself really enjoying singing and dancing and soon performing on stage, getting the same feeling as when he was on the ice
he debuted at 19 with phoenix after properly strengthening his skills and he’s thriving tbh
jian’s very dramatic on stage, pulling out all the theatrics and acting like he’s really trying to take out the government
ice skating has pretty much shaped his personality, ambitious and driven to reach the top and be the best
while also being very judgmental, picky and critical of everyone and everything and the whole world basically, but mostly himself, he’s carried that into everything he does
but jian’s also loyal, witty, impulsive, and a huge smart ass like he just has a Big mouth (sorry in advance, way too sarcastic for his own good)
will argue back just to piss u off always
loves his friends to death, super protective and has major little brother energy where he just wants to have fun with u
kind of a priss
he’s more eccentric in front of cameras/fans and just a little less in private :’) either way, he’s a handful
very. . . odd lil guy (atp i think i’m only capable of creating gremlins help)
nasty side eye
sneaks off to the nearest ice rink to skate when he’s angry or sad
takes those gg tiktok challenges WAY too serious (comes with having xj as his fc)
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ka1t0-s · 1 year
I've been loving nightbringer so much so far-- I think it's the first time in obey me history I've caught up to the last lesson that's out (which will probably change w due time, I'm terrible at keeping my cards lvled up) and the story has been fun for me so far. I havent played obey me since like early 2022-- so this is quite nostalgic yet fresh for me.
but anyways, the music battles r fine, controls weirded me out at first but I can manage. it was more jarring how the songs used were remixed and nightcored ver. of obey me songs. rlly putting the night in nightbringer I see.
however, speaking on the plot, I find that it had some missed potential? like no one else would care tbh and I can understand why but. THE DOMESTICALITY?? THE BROTHERS SETTLING INTO HOL??? missed opportunity may I say I'd EAT THAT UP!! 
like screw (affectionately, I dont hate this game) the "oh we had it modified to suit our tastes" and now everyone's room looks exactly like how they do in present time. I do understand why they do, and this isnt a case of me being like "grrr they are using the same assets!! they're so lazy boo blah blah blah" as for how rarely weve seen their room in the main story it doesnt matter. its just been a few messily scenes.
but NO. show me asmo fretting over how his room isnt pretty enough. how he needs flowers decorating his room, or vines, or gahh-- anything with some life and freshness and beauty in here because his pink bedsheets are NOT enough.
give lucifer considering his room fine and then instantly stumbling across a cursed item shop, buying some if not most of the stock and then spending a solid hour or two muttering to himself about how this should go here, or how disappointing it is that an item's too big for the spot he pictured it.
let me watch as satan buys up half the bookstore and instead of placing them on his half full shelves, start to slowly pile em up on his floor. LET ME SEE SATAN SLOWLY START THE BOOK PILE PROIR TO HIS ROOM BEING COVERED END TO END IN BOOKS!!!
or mammon. like cmon this man did NOT always have a pooltable or car in his room. show me how he gets a car, or more importantly how it ends up in his room. I'd always assumed his room was connected to a garage of sorts, but seeing as his is on the second floor I doubt that to be the case anymore. fr tho how did he get it in there? magic or smth? have barb teleport it in??
the twins... well I think they have the most believable room of the boys. they're twins, they want to share a room, they have it modified to look both red and purple, compared to whatever colors it was before. overall, they dont do much in that room, beel works out and sleeps there(obv) and bel also just sleeps and naps in there. they dont have it cluttered or stuff. however, I've always wondered what the area above the beds is. a way to the balcony? a balcony in general? or just a small lounge area? I like to imagine it's a small lounge area w a window for bel to look out of, but hey. their room is fine otherwise, unless i missed something.
and leviathan... ah... levi... first of all. NO WAY HE HAD THAT MANY FIGURES. even if he bought them in the castle he did NOT have that many. the collection in present time is after YEARS UPON YEARS of collecting. I feel like they missed Levi's mark the biggest out of the game. I'm rusty, so bear with me, but I'm positive that celestial realm isnt big on technology, hence simeons utter lack of any. Luke's easy to teach as hes young and it sticks, but not simeon. that and, lucifer is the reason he got into it(according to barbatos on the homescreen in OG!bey me!). plus in the angel event or whatever, they went vagely back to how they were as Angel's, or at the very least how they should of been like as Angel's, that parts in the air as I disliked the event and it was how long ago? so all signs point to him not being a shut in until post fall. but otherwise, I firmly belive that levi woudlnt of found anime until they were in devildom, of which lucifer is tired of seeing him mope about and introduces him to something light hearted and childish (only for him to later slightly regret that decision). I wouldve adored that sweet moment between the two, but alas I'll settle for what I got.
however, I'd live for the game to show me HOW and WHY he sleeps in the tub, ik its cause hes comfy but until I find out why he doesnt have a bed I'm going to firmly belive that HoL only had 5 bedrooms plus the guest one downstairs, and that levi was content taking over the "smaller" of the two washrooms, because he didnt want to be close to the kitchen or downstairs, plus fishtank. like that washroom in that romeo and juliet movie. fishtank washroom. if you know what I mean.
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visualsandvoices · 2 years
So I’ve been wanting to get around to Wuthering Heights properly for an age and
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I just finished it and these folks were AWFUL
These kids were just trying to hang puppies...for fun/spite????? It’s mentioned two or three times and if I’m not mistaken it was different ✨offenders✨
What do you mean you dug up her grave, Heathcliffe??? Huh??? And then insisted you be buried next to her in between her and her husband. Not cool, man.
What do you mean you assault people who simply...kinda annoyed you like to the point they’re spitting blood. Be it your brother in law, your soon-to-be daughter in law (oh yeah and everyone stop marrying your neighbours cause it’s only 2 houses ... yuck)
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What do you mean you locked someone in the house for days on end while her boss was slowly dying. And follow up what do you mean you couldn’t be bothered to check on your son oh whoops took to long he’s dead now.
And it’s not just heathcliffe oh no no no
Adopt child? Check. Abuse everloving heck out of child I dragged into bumcrack-nowhere northern England? A-check.
Cathy is the epitome of hot and cold behaviour like emotional manipulation dialled up to nine. Loved Heathcliffe more than herself but...married...*checks notes*...Edgar Linton? Unclear why lol
Unhappy with life choices so pulls a Padme as dies of The Big Sad
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In general I think the narrative framing is kinda funny like this rando shows up to the neighbourhood and Nelly (the long suffering maid) is like lemme tell you about these fools buuuut...it does kinda mean you’re kept at arms length from all of the characters since everything is like 2nd or 3rd hand info. So like...why are we supposed to be onboard with everyone being an insufferable bag of rotten apples for no freakin reason ??? Just holding grudges to pass the time I guess
The next generation finally start mingling and Cathy 2.0 rips her cousin a new one for never learning to read. We spend a good chunk of the book with Nelly telling us how angelic and sweet and light of spirit she is and then she meets new people one (1) time and becomes a colossal turd. Oh ya then she marries him. Decided it was an oops and says he’s the ass if he won’t forgive her after like a year of nonstop torment.
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Tbh it’s been a day since I finished and I feel like I have a book-hangover. How am I supposed to move on? Emily Brontë, you doing ok? You alright?
This book served as propaganda for city life. If this is what living in the country is like...
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rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
lia/ dolameon dynamic? :D
LIA????? OMG??? IT HAS BEEN SO LONG HOW ARE YOU!! ;w; I hope life is going well for you dfhkjdhgdfg omg!! And DolaMeon.............. Did you ever see that one ask I answered from Naamah where I talk about a timeline where Dola ends up with Simeon instead of Satan because I think about it sometimes and I go a little feral >w<
But anyway!! Dola on Simeon...
To be honest, I think they hit it off quite well right from the first meeting? Which for her is right after she meets Solomon, who then invites her to lunch with the other exchange students right after saving her from demons who didn't give a shit that she was the exchange student and were set on having a feast of human flesh for lunch. Simeon noticed that she still seemed a little shaken up despite how much she was trying to play it off as no big deal and offered her some of the sweets he'd made with Luke and helped distract her with light chatter. And well, I like to think that Celestial Realm sweets have an inherently comforting feeling to consuming them, so couple that with Simeon's genuine concern it's a bit easy to find yourself trusting him.
And, well, he's dormmates with the guy who just saved her, takes care of a kid, and is also an exchange student. They're also all classmates in the next two subjects for the day so it's plenty of time to get comfortable.
Dola and Simeon end up being pretty good friends for the entire year. There really is a viable friends-to-lovers path since she was often in Purgatory Hall to study with them, usually with Satan joining them, sometimes with Asmo tagging along if he felt like he needed to cram. Like... If she ended up moving to Purgatory Hall post-Incident I can really see her developing a Thing with Simeon? Who'd mainly beat Solomon to the punch because he's so forward and flirty when he wants to be sjkdfgf
Their relationship's honestly pretty comfortable, though there are times when she can see there being an angel has given him a superiority complex and calls him out on it when it shows too much to let slide. She isn't really a fan of his very hands-off approach with Luke either, which eventually has her being the one to talk to him about his attitude towards demons sometimes. For the most part, things are like... Almost veering towards something that looks like a romantic relationship but isn't? She gets used to his casual friendly touches, finds herself helping make meals at Purgatory Hall when she's over or baking with him and Luke, and has a lot of fun when he starts being playful and teasing. It doesn't take too long for her to find out that he wrote TSL, and in no time they're talking about the creative process, the differences between writing and making visual art, his process and inspirations, her own inspirations.
There was a bit of distance for a while when Dola started withdrawing from everyone during the immediate aftermath of Lesson 16's events, and it took a while before things were normal between her and Simeon again (and also Solomon and Luke tbh--the sudden change in her demeanor and her attitude towards the royals had them stumped, and it was clear to them that something happened that none of the demons could talk about.)
There's like a few things that really put a strain on their relationship. One was the Angelic Demons event where Dola struggled to find it in herself to forgive him for a while and, and the established grudge from that lead to her lashing out and slapping him when he started getting dictatorial during the musical preparations in S2. It didn't help that his demanding and controlling nature brought up a lot of bad memories, and eventually had her quitting the production despite her being a main character (though that wasn't the only reason; the brothers being on bad terms with each other and the rest of her insane workload pushed her to her very limit, which was already much lower than usual because she was unknowingly dealing with the effects of the Ring.)
Eventually though she and Simeon do reconcile, largely because he basically saved her life and all three realms with stealing the Ring of Life and giving it to her. From there they were able to talk things out and slowly go back to the dynamic they used to have, though Dola could tell that something was off? And that feeling remained even as she was reunited with him and Luke in the human world several months later.
Stopping here because I'm not entirely sure what I want to do with Simeon in Dola's canon after finding out what happened to him in S4. I like the idea, but I'm not sure what to do with it or how it'll affect his relationship with Dola. For sure she'll be upset, but not at him.
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