#And immediately attached himself to the first nice person he saw
moonlight-stalker · 11 months
# 5 Mha x Dp
After All for One killed the second and third users of One for All he went to the US and mourned his brother he found an abandoned city and stayed there for several days before he saw him it was a child that looked to be about 13 and had a very similar appearance to his Brothers.
He had white hair that fell to his shoulders and glowing green eyes. When all for one tried to talk to the boy he ran, he continued for several days before he changed his approach. He left for a little bit and then returned with gifs, after a while the boy started to get closer and closer to him, until one day as he was leaving he felt the boy grab him and beg him not to leave. He told the boy he had to go he can't stay, but he could come back with him and All for one would take care of him. He ended up take the back to Japan when he left.
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azullumi · 2 months
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a scripture on having a certain pretty gambler as your boyfriend ; aventurine
summary — radiant and gleaming, dating him feels like basking under the golden glow of the sun, with the promise of the serene and starlit night ahead.
pairing — aventurine (w/ gender-neutral reader)
tags — established relationship, fluff, him as your boyfriend basically, there are no spoilers dwww, i never proofread, 1.2k words ; headcanons
note — congratulations to honkai star rail for being the only game to have aventurine!! this is day 2 of writing for this man until i have him.
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Aventurine couldn’t abandon the person that he used to be so he carried him in his hands. Always hesitant, afraid, and seemingly detached from everyone he meets—this is why he seems so distant and disconnected from you at first despite being in a relationship with him. Although he lives his whole life gambling, believing that everything happens and the outcomes gained are due to luck, he’s meticulously careful and cautious just to not get too attached to you lest he gets hurt in the end (he has dealt with the sight of people’s backs as they walk away from him multiple times).
It will take time for him to completely warm up and be vulnerable to you. Although there are moments that he lets the facade slip and he lays himself bare, moments where it’s just you and him in the silence, moments where you comfort him after a nightmare that disturbs his sleep; he doesn’t ask for comfort nor assurance often but you always seem to know when he needs it.
Aventurine loves it whenever you gently comb your hand through his hair. Even if he wasn’t vocal about the matter, you’ll know from the way he immediately relaxes under your touch as you rake your fingers through his locks. It just gives him a sense of comfort, finding serenity and affection in such a small act of intimacy; it reminds him of how simple everything could be (oh, how he wishes it was) with just the loving touch of your hands.
He’s not exactly a morning person but would always wake up early, occasionally before you do. It’s either because he has to leave for work early or it just so happens that he woke up just as the sun was rising. If he has to get ready soon, he’ll take a few minutes of his time to admire you as you sleep, to trace the bridge of your nose slowly and carefully so as to not wake you, to draw and follow the outlines of your features with his eyes. But if he has no plans for today, he’ll stay in bed with you and eventually, fall asleep once more. He holds you so close and so tight (but not tight enough to suffocate you) that it’s hard to slip away from his grasp.
You feel a pair of soft lips on your forehead, the kiss lingering for a moment until you flutter your eyes open. “Are you awake now, sleepy?” 
“Mmh…” You grumble, your vision adjusts to your surroundings as you blink multiple times. You could see Aventurine getting dressed, putting on his expensive tailored-coat.
“You’re leaving already? Why did you not wake me up?”
“You looked like you were having a nice dream.”
MATCHING PAJAMAS (heck yeah!!). The time when he saw you wearing one of his pajamas, it felt like something had been flipped inside of him and the thought of getting you one for your own that matches his fills each and every corner of his mind. Although all of the matching things you have with him are not just limited to pajamas—it can range from matching jewelry, matching charms, matching clothing, matching glasses, matching everything. God, he goes into a store, sees something that he likes and asks the staff if they have another one but in a different color that you like.
Perhaps you have never noticed (or maybe you have) but he never wears his glasses whenever he’s around you—when there’s only you and him. There was no need to hide anything from you, not when you adore all parts of his being. He melts whenever you compliment him (he’s a sucker for such words of affection) especially when it’s his eyes, loves the way you look at him as if he was everything you wish for.
He’ll often play games with you or initiate a bet but somehow, he has more losses than wins. “You’re cheating!” You’ll say, pointing at him as if you were an attorney from a game that objects to a statement. Aventurine, however, would stare at you in disbelief (though he’s just feigning innocence) and would answer with a raised eyebrow: “How am I the one cheating when you’re winning?” To which you’ll respond with: “That’s because you’re letting me win. You’re not playing fair, Aven.”
SPOILS YOU A LOT and when I say a lot, I mean A LOT. Everything you'll ask for or even just mention in passing, he'll provide. He randomly sends you pockets of money, a notification on your phone lighting up your screen and the text says: You have received 100, 000 credits. You have to get used to it—it’s one of the ways that he shows his affection to you. He wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer whenever he gives you something either, so, you have to take it or else you’ll have to deal with a sulky man the whole day. 
Don’t worry though as he ensures that everything that he buys and gets for you is something you would like—expensive meaningless gifts will always be meaningless, he would rather give you a cheap yet beautiful charm that is of your favorite color or flower than an expensive shiny necklace made out of gold and adorned with diamonds which you’ll never wear because it’s too heavy on your neck or it’s not your preference.
On that note, he also likes seeing you wear the things he bought for you. Maybe it’s obvious, maybe it’s not, but he likes to dress you up, likes to see you put on the clothes he picks for you. Dates where he brings you to a boutique to pick clothes together (for both you and him), dress up, and ask each other if they look good is not so rare between you two. It’s silly but the two of you would end up giggling like children when the other would strike a ridiculous pose to show off what they're wearing (and also, with the intention to make one another laugh); he lives for and craves these moments with you.
Brings you together with him to casinos and lets you watch him while he plays as he regards you as his lucky charm (when he’s actually the one who is lucky here). Whenever he wins a game or a bet, he asks for a kiss from you—he taps on his cheek as an indication of his request but he will not force you if you don’t wish to express such affections in public, rather he’ll ask for something else instead like maybe a smile or ask that you hold his hand. Sometimes, if you’re curious enough, he’ll teach you the fundamentals of the game and what you can do to win. The look of pride on his face says it all as he watches you win and your opponent falls to the floor (you just put someone in debt).
The amount of endearing names that he calls you. If ever you get flustered whenever he calls you with those affectionate endearments, he’ll take the chance to tease you, to repeatedly call you with such names until you throw a pillow or any object at him—he catches it though but will apologize while laughing, saying that he won’t do it again.
You have to be understanding and gentle with him, careful as you tread the light, lest you fall into the dark and see that the tall and strong walls he built around himself is nothing compared to the broken and fragile pieces that are sewn on his skin, and he will leave (out of fear, out of anxiety, out of grief, out of self-hatred). But it’s alright, everything will be, you’ll embrace him even in the abyss and you’ll guide him back to your warmth.
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works
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gurugirl · 4 months
Next Door Neighbors | Part 2
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neighbor!harry x reader
Summary: Your neighbor, Harry, goes feral after seeing you sweating in your garden.
A/N: Read Part 1 HERE!
Word Count: 5k+
Warning: 18+ only, smut, slight breeding kink, descriptions of bodily scents and tastes (sweat and the like), fluff
. . .
Harry couldn’t help but peek over the fence to watch you when he noticed you were in your backyard gardening. Wearing shorts so short he could almost see your cute ass. And he knew you had a cute ass. Cute everything really.
Though, the longer he watched the more like a creeper he felt. Like an actual creep watching you bent over with your knees and hands in the dirt and sweat soaking through the back of your tank top while you were totally oblivious. But you sure were a sight to behold. He imagined how your sweat must taste and smell. There was something going off in his brain as he watched you that was nonrational, quite carnal when he got right down to it.
He hadn’t seen you in a couple of weeks. You’d both been busy with your separate lives and jobs. And it was always awkward for anyone to try and initiate another “get-together” when who knows what the other person is thinking? Maybe to you, it was just a fun one-night thing. Because in a way that’s all it was to him. Not that he wouldn’t have been interested in doing it again, he just didn’t know how you felt about some kind of ongoing, no-strings-attached thing. Or if you even wanted ongoing. Or no-strings. There were too many ifs in the equation.
But he knew one thing. He couldn’t just stand there like a weirdo and stare at your backside for too much longer. So he had an idea, returning to his kitchen he poured two glasses of iced tea then walked back toward the fence and cleared his throat putting a grin on his face, “Looks nice,” he called out to you.
You dropped your trowel and turned around to see your neighbor looking over the fence at you holding up two glasses of something amber-colored. You smiled, standing up, wiping the dirt from your knees and palms, “Hi, Harry. What looks nice? Not much to see yet,” you began to walk toward the fence to get a better look at him.
“Well I can see you put in brick around the beds and ya know… just looks nice.” He shrugged.
“It’s just gonna be easy to care for flowers and shrubs. Some lavender too, for the mosquitos. I’ve been out here for almost two hours. It’s so much more work than I thought it would be. Never had the chance to have a garden before so I’m going to take advantage of this,” you smiled and watched Harry’s pink lips curve upward as his eyes ran down your frame.
“I guess it is a lot of work. Two hours is a lot of time to be out in the sun. I got you a glass of iced tea if you’re interested,” he held it out toward you over the fence and you took it, the icy glass immediately cooling to your palm.
“Thank you, Harry. This is nice of you,” you took a drink because you were thirsty. Parched actually. “Come over if you want to sit with me out here,” you gestured toward the table and chairs that were set up on your back patio. And maybe you were more than just thirsty. Perhaps you wouldn’t mind spending a little more time with your hot neighbor.
Harry grinned and nodded, “Think I will if it’s okay.”
You watched Harry round the fence and then open the gate to yours to let himself into your backyard and you saw the way he looked down over your skimpy attire not meant for public eyes.
“Oh…” you looked down at your soiled white tank top and sweaty chest, “Mmm… maybe I should change first? I’m a gross mess.”
“You look great. Don’t worry. Come on let’s sit.”
And he meant it. You did look great. You looked quite like a treat if he were honest. A little sweaty treat but that wouldn’t deter him one bit.
Now you were feeling that bit of tangly excitement strum through your veins at just the sight of him. He was so good looking and it’d been, what? Two weeks since you’d heard from him? It was a little disappointing to you that he never called or texted or dropped in to say hi. Especially after that night you spent with him on his birthday. He had your number because you both swapped them before he walked you back to your house after you had sex.
Of course, you knew what you were doing when it was happening. It was unlikely that you two were going to suddenly fall in love and get into some kind of relationship. You were an adult and it was a fun night. Nothing more. And that was fine. Really, it was. A touch discouraging but nothing to be upset over.
You and Harry sat at your table with your glasses of tea in hand and you took another big gulp to cool yourself down.
“So what’ve you been up to?” He asked as he watched you wipe the sweat off your forehead with the back of your hand.
“Just normal stuff… work and I go to a book club once a week. Went out and bought all the stuff I’d need for the garden yesterday. Things like that. Nothing exciting. What about you?”
“Same mostly. Been working late this week, just got off actually. Today was an early day. Uhh… I mean that’s it really. Owning a small business means anytime anyone can’t work I’m doing their job for them. One of my guys is sick. He’s been out all week. Kind of sucks but I don’t want him going to a job and getting everyone else sick.”
You nodded, “Wow. That does sound like a lot. Does it happen often that you have to fill in for your employees?”
Harry shrugged as he took a sip from his glass, “Sometimes. It’s part of the gig. I knew that going into it. I really don’t mind it much. Does put a hamper on my social life, though.”
You weren’t sure why that somehow pleased you. Perhaps that meant he had little time to date around. Lack of social life but with a nice little neighbor next door who was always there when he got home… You swallowed a gulp of tea and grinned, “Makes sense.”
Harry tried to keep his eyes on your face but it was hard with the way your white tank top was nearly see-through where you’d sweated. Just under your breasts was wet and along the collar portion and down through the middle of your bra. He could tell you were wearing some kind of sports bra.
“So, uh…” Harry took in your face and realized that when you wiped the sweat from your forehead, you’d smeared dirt under your hairline. He placed his glass of tea down and scooted his chair toward you, cupping his hand at the back of your neck, “Here… you’ve got something…” he wiped his thumb over your forehead and your pulse immediately began to race.
Having his hand on the back of your neck to hold you in place as he used his other one to wipe your brow felt far more intimate than maybe was intended. You watched his face as he cleaned you up and then he lowered his gaze to yours, “You are a bit of a mess aren’t you?”
He grinned and licked his lips as he moved his hands away and you felt stunned as he lowered his sight to your tits. Maybe he did intend for it to be as intimate as it felt. Maybe he’d done it on purpose.
Looking down at yourself you saw how dirty your tank top was and how clearly sweaty you were. You hadn’t imagined anyone would see you like this but now here you were with your gorgeous neighbor’s green eyes on you.
There was definitely something in the way he was looking at you that made you feel extra hot. Even the sun wasn’t as searing hot as his eyes were on you, “Thanks. Sorry I know I’m so gross.”
Harry shook his head, “Not at all. Quite pretty actually.”
You laughed and looked out into your garden, “Not true. I smell like an unwashed trucker right now.”
Harry laughed with you and he took the arm of your chair and pulled you closer to him, your knees bumping into his as he did so, “Let’s see,” he looked down over the skin on your neck and to your clavicle, leaning in toward your throat you could hear him softly inhale, “Smells more like a sweaty girl who was working in her garden for two hours.”
His nose brushed against your jawline, “A little sweet-smelling, maybe a touch acrid,” he sat back to look at you, “But I’m not picking up any unwashed trucker notes on you.”
His smile was excruciating. You shook your head and balked with a laugh, “You’re crazy.”
He tilted his head and you watched as his seafoam green eyes landed on your lips, “Maybe a little.” He looked back up into your eyes and licked his lips with a soft grin spreading over his lips, “I happen to think you smell really delicious right now.”
Your eyes widened as you scoffed, “You really are crazy in that case. Delicious?” And even though you tried to sound like you weren’t aware of his sudden advances you could tell he wasn’t deterred one bit as he softly placed his middle finger over your knee and pushed up to your midthigh before bringing it back down toward your knee again.
“That’s what I said. Wouldn’t mind getting a better whiff, in fact,” his pink tongue pressed between his lips and you could see the tip of it slowly push outward as his mouth parted slightly, “A taste even.”
You gulped thickly and looked from his finger that was still working a path up and down the top of your thigh and up to his mouth and then his eyes. You could think of nothing you wanted more than to tear his clothes off and have another go with him. Except that you were stinky and even though he was hinting that he liked it you weren’t sure how that was possible.
Harry could smell you with the closer proximity. And he didn’t know what it was about your natural smell that was making his mouth water. He’d heard of pheromones and how sometimes body odor could be a turn-on for some people. He hadn’t ever experienced it until then. But you did smell incredibly sexy. Something primal in him was working its way to the surface and even making his cock twitch in his shorts.
“Do you want me to stop? Am I making you uncomfortable?” He asked.
You shook your head, “No. I’m just… a little surprised is all.”
Maybe Harry had a thing for sweat or something. You weren’t sure. But he was definitely coming on to you.
“So if I got onto my knees right now, pulled your shorts down, and then stuffed my nose right between your legs you wouldn’t be uncomfortable with that?” The grin on his face was facetious but somehow you believed him when he said it.
And what would your answer be? Would that make you uncomfortable? Or would that make you feel good? Would you enjoy Harry smelling your crotch?
“I don’t…” you laughed and looked down at his finger on your thigh, “Maybe it would be a little strange. I’ve just never… Like it smells bad,” you looked back up into his eyes as he scooted toward the edge of his chair closer to you.
“It doesn’t smell bad. I promise you. But would it make you uncomfortable?” The facetious grin disappeared suddenly and you were aware that he wasn’t playing around.
You laughed out a breath and blinked, “I don’t know.” You turned your head to look at the fence, “Oh my god this is so embarrassing.”
Harry took both of your hands in his and that drew your attention back to his eyes, “Let me do it. If you don’t like it I’ll stop. Okay?”
You couldn’t believe what was happening as you nodded and smiled shyly. You watched Harry scoot out of his chair and get onto his knees with his eyes on yours as his hands ran up your thighs to your shorts, “It’s okay if I take this off?”
You let out a woozy breath and nodded, “Okay.”
Harry smirked as he began to pull down the stretchy material to reveal your cotton thong underneath. The soft groan he let out when your shorts were placed down on the grass as he pushed your legs apart had your heart pumping hard in your chest.
You pulled your lips into your mouth and held your breath as he bent toward your thighs and his fingers smoothed along the plush inside part of your legs and up to your crotch.
He scooted in closer, tucking himself between your legs and then you felt his hands on the meaty part of your hips as he pulled you toward the edge of your chair before he tucked his face in between your thighs and moaned at your smell.
You couldn’t see his face. Only the top of his head and then his nose as he pressed it against the fabric of your sweaty panties. But when he did that he bumped into your clit and you gripped the arms of your chair at that little nudge. And he did it again before he looked up at you, soft green wandering up your body to your eyes.
“Let me eat you out. Y/n,” he swallowed, “my mouth is literally watering right now. You smell so good and I want to taste you. Didn’t get the chance last time.”
You bit your lip and screwed up your brows as you looked down at the man between your legs.
“Are you sure? You really wanna do that? I just can’t imagine that it’s going to be pleasant.”
Harry brought a hand to the back of your neck and pulled you in for a kiss. A sloppy, wet kiss that displayed just how much his mouth was watering, “I want to so bad. You can stop me if you don’t like it but don’t worry about me. I’m gonna enjoy myself if you let me.”
You huffed a breath and nodded, “Fine. But… Are you sure?”
His thumbs were pressing against the apex of where your thighs met your crotch, “Is that a yes?”
Rolling your eyes you nodded, “Yes.”
The grin on his face widened as his lips parted and he looped a finger into the fabric covering your pussy and pulled it aside. He dragged his middle finger through your crease and looked from your labia up to your eyes, “Relax.”
Harry bent down and licked a wet tongue over your pussylips and repeated, licking up and up until he pressed into your labia, spreading it apart and lapping through your folds.
He wasn’t sure why he loved it. He enjoyed the scent of women in general but your sweaty, natural scent, unwashed and concentrated had his mind going blank. Like he was an animal and needed to permeate himself with your smell. Needed to eat it and digest it and roll his body around in it.
And the tangy, salty flavor was so feminine and powerful and real… He moaned as he wrapped his soft lips around your clit and carefully tongued over your bud. You let your head loll back as you kept a grip on the arms of the chair you were sitting in when Harry lifted one of your thighs and draped it over his shoulder so he had a better angle of your cunt for his access.
You hoped the neighbors on the other side of the fence couldn’t see anything. If they did, it would just be your back with a man on his knees in front of the chair you were sitting in. But more than that it was the noises you were making that could pose a real problem.
Biting your lip to stifle your moans you looked back down at him. Soft curls on his head, eyes closed, pink lips smoothing against your pussy and lapping at the arousal he was creating. You could see your shiny slick on his tongue as you grew wetter and wetter. The angle at which you were sitting gave you the dirtiest view.
Harry tugged at the fabric of your panties again and ran his tongue along the outside of your pussy under the material of your panties and then he looked up at you as he brought his lips up to your clit and smushed them down onto you and kissed softly before parting from your pussy, “I need to have you riding my mouth,” he panted, “Need this all over my face. Can we go inside?”
You were in a daze. Harry had very efficiently worked you up in a frenzy and you’d nearly forgotten about your smell as you nodded and he pulled you up out of your seat, walking you into your house.
He was rushed as he pulled you along and into your bedroom where he gripped onto your hips and smeared his you scented lips against yours. You weren’t a fan of the smell in all honesty. It was too much. You didn’t mind your scent when you were clean but you hadn’t showered since that morning and to you, it just smelled like unwashed crotch.
His hands slid under the band of your thong as he pushed them down your hips, “Want you naked,” he breathed against your lips.
You moaned when he pulled your panties down your legs and then stood up to take off your tank top, slipping it over your head.
You reached under the elastic band of your sports bra and peeled it off as Harry stripped his own shirt off and then slid his shorts down his legs leaving him in only his boxer briefs.
He wrapped his hands around your middle and pushed you toward your bed before taking your breasts in his hands and running his thumbs over your nipples, “I’m just gonna say it, Y/n… I’m so fucking attracted to you. You’re gorgeous but the way you look right now and your taste… Kind of having a hard time thinking straight to be honest…”
You smiled at him in disbelief, but maybe you did believe him. He was acting like you were a long-awaited prize. Something he’d been saving up for and finally had the chance to have it. Could your smell be that much of a turn-on for him?
He pulled you with him into your bed, making you straddle his lap as he scooted himself into the middle of your blankets. His cock was already hard under his briefs as you brushed your pussy against the cotton fabric and you were reminded that you’d recently bought condoms. Should something like this ever happen again. But then that reminded you that you were ovulating. Big time. In fact, it was probably THE most fertile day for you in your cycle. You wondered if he could smell that somehow? Was there some kind of innate sense men had during a woman’s ovulation?
You felt his hands around your waist as he laid back and brought you up his chest, “Sit over my mouth,” he mumbled his words and his eyes were heavy as you tugged at you.
You laughed at his desperation as you pressed your knees into the mattress on either side of his head and very gently lowered yourself. You didn’t want to hurt him but he grabbed your hips and brought you down, making your pussy smother his mouth and tilt against his nose.
A gasp fell from your mouth at the sensation of his wet lips under you. He placed his hands on your ass and pressed you down further, making your clit run against his nose.
Harry would bathe in your scent. Use it as his shampoo and deodorant. Would bottle it up and make a perfume out of it. Yeah, he was losing his mind he was certain. In all his years of being sexually active, he hadn’t been so instantly obsessed with scent in this way. But it wasn’t just your scent. There was something else. Things were budding in him, like an instinctual impulse. It was something that felt ingrained, bestial. It was a base impulse that he couldn’t control.
He suctioned his mouth around your clit and looked up at you with your tits bouncing softly as you bucked your hips on him. Your pretty lips were parted and soft pants were falling from your mouth. He wasn’t sure what was happening but he needed more.
A deep, vibrating moan thrummed through your core, “Harry…” you breathed his name and looked down at him. His eyes were on yours already as he moved his mouth and tongue against you like he was a barbarian, a savage starved and heated… furious with hunger and you were his defenseless prey. A victim being fed on, eaten alive. It was filthy and so hot and he had your insides twisting and boiling with every suck of your clit.
“Fuck… you really like that don’t you,” you coughed a laugh before softly moaning as you placed your hands into his hair.
Harry’s brows were furrowed as he grunted and continued lapping and sucking. Like he had no time to respond to such a dumb question. It was obvious he liked it. No. He fucking loved it. He needed it.
His fingers pinched into your skin and you hissed at the sensation of it all. He was rough but it was good. It had you feeling like some kind of sought-after goddess over him. Like you were actually something special and he couldn’t get enough of you.
Your limbs started to quiver the closer you got. You rolled your hips down, pressing your pussy on his lips and bumping your clit against his nose as you moaned in ecstasy. The nearer your orgasm was the louder your voice became.
He drew your clit into his mouth and you felt his tongue slip up and down against it. The way you began to convulse and unravel over him nearly had you collapsing but he moved his big hands up to your waist to keep you steady as you cried out, rocking your pussy over his face.
You couldn’t control the way your body shook in your orgasm. It didn’t feel like you had full control of your movements as he continued to lick you through your release.
You jolted at how sensitive you felt, your clit suddenly feeling quite delicate and you pushed your hips up to separate from his mouth but he pulled you back down with a deep gravelly groan as he went in again, his mouth and tongue allowing no mercy.
“Harry! Fuck!” You giggled and pressed your palms onto his forehead and used your thighs to gain leverage to pull away from him, “Too much!”
You backed down his chest to move away but Harry sat up and grabbed your hips harshly, pushing your back down into the mattress after he crawled over you, “I’m going crazy or something…” he kissed down your neck and lowered his mouth to your breast and sucked the skin, swiping his tongue over every inch until he moved to the other side and delicately nibbled your nipple and pulled at it with a moan. When you felt his mouth begin to trail down your tummy as his hands began to spread your thighs again you snapped your legs closed and laughed, pushing at his forehead, “Are you serious? I’m too sensitive, Harry!”
He groaned and looked up at you, “I want more…”
You kind of loved this if you were honest. Loved how he seemed possessed by you.
“You can fuck me if you want. My clit needs a little break from your mouth, though,” you grinned at him, “Wouldn’t mind feeling you inside of me again. I have condoms this time.”
Harry sat back onto his haunches and you saw just how erect and hard he was. His cockhead was pushing at the top band of his underwear, begging to be let loose so you reached for it and pulled it away from his hips, letting his tip poke above the band, “Do you want to?”
He swallowed thickly and nodded, “Yeah. Fuck, okay.”
You pried his hands from your hips and moved to the edge of your bed to open up your bedside table, pulling out your fresh pack of condoms. Harry had removed his underwear quickly and then took the box from you as he moved behind you and tore the pack open to pull out a foil wrapper.
You bit your lip as you watched him toss the box onto your bed and rip the wrapper to bring the rubber out.
He looked up at you as he placed the condom on his tip, “Wish I could fuck you raw, Y/n. I know that’s a bad idea in my logical mind, but…” he looked down as he rolled his hand down his shaft and then back at you, “Something about you makes me want to do a really stupid thing,” he puffed out a laugh as he grabbed you by your neck and pushed you back into your bed.
You were completely caught off guard by his dominance but it did nothing but turn you on even more, “What really stupid thing?” You asked as he grabbed your thighs and pressed his palms to the back of them, pushing your legs out of the way of his hips as he pressed himself against you.
“It’s just a thing…” he looked directly at you as his crown pressed through your muscle, spreading you open gently, “Like lizard brain. Spreading my seed, claiming you…”
Your mouth dropped open as he plunged himself into you. That thick cock taking up so much space on your insides it ached.
“Oh fuck you feel so good, Y/n…” he growled as he began thrusting himself through your walls, getting himself good and deep, “Want to fill you up with my come is what I want…” he groaned, another stiff rut through your slick pussy, “Show everyone what I did… how I made you mine… fuck…”
You understood what it was he was saying. It was that primal thing most humans had in them to procreate. Especially men. And your ovaries were not opposed to what he was saying at that moment. But you knew that feeling would pass once you stopped ovulating.
You sighed as he rocked into you, his chest flushed and his arms flexed as he drove himself back and in over and over again until his rhythm grew brutal and he was hammering into you with deep moans.
You whined at the way he was punching into you, sliding through your cunt like he was going to die if he didn’t put his all into it. He was fucking into you like a madman.
“Oh shhhit, Harry!” You yelped out when his hips pasted against yours and he choked out a loud groan as his cock began to throb in heavy pulses inside of you.
“Fuck, I’m coming… Shit!” His face twisted up as he released into his condom, wishing he was coating your walls and letting his sperm seep into your ovaries. He felt a little bad that he didn’t make you come again, but he couldn’t hold back. He was in caveman mode, or whatever it was… completely blissed out and not thinking rationally.
You watched his handsome face scrunch up and then relax as his lips parted and he ground into you, swiveling his hips against you so hard it made your pussy clench with a pang of pain. The good kind of pain. This was the kind that was worth it. To watch this big man over you in ecstasy, soft gasps falling from his lips as his come drained out of his cock in relief.
When he finally opened his eyes and looked down at you he felt your hand on his jaw with your lips turned up in a soft smile, “Better?”
He laughed and nodded, “Yeah. Sorry. That’s… I don’t think that’s ever happened to me before.”
You gulped and pulled at him, both of you rolling to your sides, “I’m ovulating so I wonder if you’re like smelling the pheromones or whatever?”
He grinned widely and the corners of his eyes crinkled, “Maybe? I guess that’s a thing right? But… I’m sure I’ve been around other ovulating women. Never made me insane before.”
You raised your brows as you brought a hand to his temple and smoothed his hair back a little, it was all messy from you sitting on his face, “Maybe I’m just special.”
Harry licked his lips and his grin turned into something playful with an edge of lust, “Well you certainly taste special,” he lifted your arm up and leaned in, licking up the curve of your armpit and you squealed in shock and laughed.
“What on earth? That’s so gross!” You pushed at him but he pulled your arm around his middle so you couldn’t shove him too far.
“Mmm… I swear you have something in your sweat that’s making me crazy.”
You rolled your eyes with a smile, “I think it’s just lizard brain. Like you said.”
Harry shrugged and nuzzled in closer to you, “Maybe. The only way to find out is if we do this more often. Probably shouldn’t wait so long between seeing each other anymore.”
You were not disappointed by the turn this took. You’d be down to see him more often if he wanted, “Yeah?”
“Definitely, yeah.”
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impishjesters · 8 months
Pomni, Kinger, Caine & Jax's reaction to their s/o abstracting
warning(s): angst, hurt no comfort, self-blame, "death" of the reader, implied "death"/abstraction of another character (spoiler: Kinger), hopeful outcome note(s): There's nothing incredibly heavy or detailed, just tread carefully if "death" is something you are sensitive to, please. The "hopeful outcome" implies that Caine will at some point in time be able to fix those who've abstracted. A/N: I was feeling particularly cruel and wanted to write some angst, this came to mind and I'll be honest. I made myself a little sad.
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She never saw it coming, of course, you were acting different lately but she didn’t think it would… lead to you abstracting…
It took forever for things to get some semblance of normalcy, and you being with her was a major part of it.
Sure the relationship in a place like this was a bit, weird, but you cared about her, and she cared about you.
You kept her sane and grounded, so when you were found abstracted? It felt like she failed you.
Ragatha tries to assure her that you aren’t completely gone. Like Kaufmo you’re being kept in the cellar. Caine claims the abstracted are being kept there until he can find a way to “fix” them. (Whether he’s genuine or not though, none of them know.)
It’s all empty promises though, she still feels like she failed you.
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Not again…
Kinger silently promised himself not again, he was fine being friendly with everyone else that fell into the circus, but he had no intentions of being more than that.
But then you happened, and while he was still in shambles from the time and the insanity spent here, you were there beside him. Like a knight in shining armor.
He hadn’t been around when you abstracted, in fact, he didn’t know you abstracted until there was yelling, and boom an abstraction was causing chaos.
Kinger didn’t know who it was until it was sent off to the cellar, actually, he didn’t know who it was until he realized everyone was present except you.
There’s a high probability that losing someone again, losing you, is what ends up being his own downfall. The other’s (not including Jax) try their all to get him to calm down but it’s not enough, it’s too late…
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Of all the humans to be pulled in he never once got attached.
This was never supposed to happen, he’s incapable of love.
Caine does his best to keep the humans from abstracting, and as many eyes as he has over the place, there are always ones that slip through his grasp.
Of course, he’s not around when you abstract, it takes a bunch of hooting and hollering from everyone before he shows up and oh hey an abstraction.
At an immediate glance, he knows it’s you, abstractions never remotely look like the person they were before but he knows it’s you. You don’t recognize him as you lash out, of course you don’t, you can’t.
He’s unsure about tossing you with the others in the cellar, there’s nowhere else he can truthfully keep you without causing problems. So into the cellar, you go.
Caine visits you though, not for long but he does check in on you. Not that anything changes, but out of all the abstractions down there, he knows exactly which one is you.
You’ll be the first human he fixes as soon as he’s able to.
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His s/o abstracted? Nice joke, though it’s in poor taste. You’re completely fine, he just saw you earlier.
Jax doesn’t believe it until he sees it, and seeing it absolutely ruins him. He’s seen countless others get abstracted and thrown into the cellar, but why, why does it have to be you?
Why couldn’t it have been literally anyone else? He didn’t give a shit about anyone else, the one person he cared for, and you…
Similarly to Pomni, he feels it’s his fault like he could’ve, no should’ve done more. Was he so wrapped up in everything else that he didn’t notice the signs? Why didn’t you talk to him? You didn’t, didn’t do that on purpose, did you?
For the first time ever, the others are genuinely worried about Jax, they all saw/know how much you meant to him. The two of you even spoke fondly about what the two of you would do if you got out of the circus.
For a while Jax becomes even more irrational and unhinged, they try not to hold it against him too badly, even when he oversteps. He’s grieving and none of them know just how long that’ll go on.
Jax isn’t quite the same afterward, but he makes sure that nobody else tries to worm their way into his heart.
If it’s possible, he’ll make sure Caine fixes you the second he’s able to. Even if Caine can fix only one person, it’s going to be you.
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yoursweetwife · 1 month
hii haha i dont see a lot of topaz x reader so im gona req one hehe so you know the trope where like (character) introduces their pet to their s/o and the pet likes the s/o more than (character)? i wanna see how topaz would react if numby would rather chill with reader more than topaz, if u dont wanna write this then its okay have a nice rest of your day! :D
warnings: female reader (but no pronouns are used), jealous Topaz, Topaz needs a hug
p.s sorry if this is not what you wanted, but as soon as I saw your request, I immediately thought of jealous Topaz
Right now, Topaz was dismayed by the sight in front of her.
She witnessed how Numby lay on your thighs and rubbed against them as if it was the best pillow of his life (in fact, it was true).
Your fingers ran over the piggy's smooth skin, stroking him in every accessible place and cooing sweetly at his every joyful squeal. But once upon a time it was Topaz herself.
She's actually very happy that you two have become friends. Even at the first meeting, Numby began to feel a strange attachment to you. He tried to climb into your arms when they met him, squeaked happily and jumped, which was quite surprising, because it took him time even to let himself be petted. And you never missed a chance to play with Numby.
Despite your work, you remained a good person, and that's what attracted Topaz to you.
And she is glad to have such a wonderful lover, but now she constantly has the feeling that she no longer lives in this house.
But Topaz is partly to blame for not intervening. And she can’t even figure out who she envies more.
"Who's the good piggy here? It's Numby!"
You laughed quietly at the excited sounds Numby was making. It was very difficult to resist his charms.
"Agree Topaz. Topaz?"
She continued to look at you through her eyelashes, resting his cheek with one hand and frowning slightly. You looked at woman worriedly and called her name again.
Your voice seemed to bring her out of some kind of trance.
Topaz shook her head and gasped at the realization that you were calling her.
“Haha, sorry, I was lost in thought. Did you want something?”
She rubbed the back of her head and focused all her attention on you. You couldn’t help but notice the slight sadness in her voice, and even Numby stopped playing and began to pay attention to the conversation.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yes, eh...I"
Topaz couldn't find the words? If anyone had told her that, you and she would have laughed about it. You noticed how her gaze ran over Nambi lying on your lap, and without thinking twice you put two and two together. Oh, who would have thought...
"Topaz, are you...jealous?"
After your words, an expression of shock appeared on the girl’s face. white-haired woman began to actively shake her head, fervently denying your words.
"No no! Well maybe a little... But I like watching you and Nambi have fun, I really do."
You immediately realized that Topaz had received almost no affection lately. A guilty expression appeared on your face.
Numby looked at you and seemed to understand what you were thinking.
You and Nambi “looked at each other” and a smile immediately appeared on your face, while the piglet stomped around impatiently. Topaz did not have time to react when at the one moment two bodies knocked her down, pinning her to the sofa.
She felt your warm breath on her neck, tickling her skin, one of her hands held your waist while the other stroked Numby, who settled comfortably on her stomach.
A heartfelt, loud laugh burst from her chest, making you laugh along with her.
"What is this for?"
Topaz asked, stopping laughing. You moved closer to her face and quickly kissed her lips, a light blush appearing on her pale cheeks.
"doesn't matter."
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bad268 · 2 months
I love your writing so much!!
Can you kaybe do a Ralf Aron one where him and the readers parents go way back and they always thought that Ralf and the reader were going to marry each other?
Skip To That Part (Ralf Aron X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/WEC
Requested: Clearly (THANK YOU SO MUCH LOVE)
Warnings: None (no physical descriptions of reader)
POV: Second Person (You/you)
W.C. 1270
Summary: Let's just skip to the best part of the wedding (save me from embarrassment). + Song Rec
As always, my requests are OPEN
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Today was the day. Your wedding day. As cliche as it sounded, you were excited to start the new chapter. Sure, not much of a new chapter when you grew up with your future husband, but a step forward nonetheless. Ralf and you had been friends since primary school and together since you were teens. You were interested in engineering, so it was easy to follow him around everywhere. You were able to help with his karts, and it was only a matter of time before he put a ring on your finger.
The only thoughts that ran through your head as you stood at the altar were that you could not believe it. All that planning was finally coming to fruition, and so far, it was perfect. The skies were clear, the weather was nice and the wedding itself was small. You only wanted your closest family and friends since you were both pretty reserved. Plus, this was your day. Neither of you needed to justify your want to have a small ceremony or reception. 
There was one very important part of the ceremony, though. It was something you were looking forward to, and when you first told Ralf about it, he thought it was a great idea. You had heard about people having their parents or married family members give you advice or tell a story during the ceremony, and every video you saw of it made you want to include it in your day. 
Your concentration (or lack thereof) when your mom and Ralf’s mom stood before you. You chuckled nervously before they took the place of the officiant and faced the rest of your families.
“Before we get started with the advice,” Your mom started as a few of your families looked at your mothers.
“We thought now would be a good time for a story,” His mom finished off. Everyone laughed, but you looked at Ralf nervously, knowing this was probably going to be an embarrassing story. His mom waited for everything to calm down before gesturing to your mom and saying, “For some background, I have known her for years.”
“That’s right! At least 30 years!” Your mom laughed, playing along. “And we said that when we had kids, we would force them to be friends.”
“Well, lucky for us, our kids didn’t need to be forced!” The entire group erupted in laughter as you leaned to try and hide your face in Ralf’s shoulder. “These two were always attached. I don’t even think I ever saw you apart!”
“I can think of one time where I walked in on you two-” Your mom started, but by the glint in her eyes, you knew this was not a story you wanted to air out.
“Mom, please don’t embarrass me too much on my wedding day,” You cut her off immediately. No one needed to know that story. Some things just needed to stay between you and her, and this was one of them. 
“Ok, we won’t say that story,” Your mom conceded as she brought her hand up to fix a hair that had fallen in front of your eyes. “But I will say this. One day, we took them to the local karting track. This was back when they both wanted to be F1 drivers.”
“Oh right! To say Ralf got beaten to a pulp was an understatement,” His mom chuckled, poking fun at her son.  
“We were like 7!” Ralf defended himself with a laugh.
“Anyways,” Your mom dragged out before gesturing to you, “You climbed out of that kart so quickly and ran to Ralf. I don’t even think I’ve seen Lightning McQueen go faster than that!”
“You hit him with such momentum that it knocked him over! Good thing you both were wearing helmets,” His mom joked. The rest of the guests also laughed as both of your cheeks flushed from embarrassment. “I said right then and there you two would get married, so thank you for making me 100 euros richer.”
“You bet money on my love life?” Ralf gasped as his mom added the last part. “I should get at least half! I mean, it is my life!”
“And I get the significant other’s tax of 50%,” You joked with everyone, but once everyone calmed down, you turned to your mom and mother-in-law, “Did you really make a bet based on that one interaction?”
“Oh no!” They both said quickly, almost offended at the accusation.
“There’s plenty of instances that led to the bet,” His mom said.
“Like when you first met, and you grabbed his hand and said, ‘mine’ before dragging him into your room.”
“Or when you both raced against each other, swapped cars and immediately said each other’s cars sucked.”
“Or when you joined Prema just to travel with him during his F4 and F3 champaigns.”
“Or when you said you couldn’t stand each other after every other time you hung out.”
“Or when you both admitted to not wanting to ruin your friendships because of your feelings,” Your mom exasperated. “I had to listen to it for three years! We had to do something!”
“What do you mean you had to do something?” You and Ralf asked skeptically. You did not like the sound of that. Neither of you did.
“Let’s just say someone had to give you a little push but don’t shoot the messenger,” His mom replied quickly as she raised her hands in surrender. That’s when you realized what they were talking about.
You were 15 when you became official with Ralf. He slipped a note in your post box, and you knew it was him because it was his handwriting. You knew his handwriting like the back of your hand. It was a love letter that you still had to this day. As soon as you read his confession, you went to his house and admitted your feelings. The rest was history. 
However, the way his mom said, “Don't shoot the messenger” got you thinking. You never mentioned the letter to Ralf, thinking he delivered it, but the way she said it seemed suspicious.
“Did you give me that letter?” You decided to just bite the bullet and ask.
“What letter?” Ralf asked as he glanced between you and his mom confused. “What am I missing here?”
“Ralf, did you or did you not confess to me through a letter?”
“No…” He trailed off but picked it back up in a second. “I wrote a letter once, but I threw it away. I was going to give it to you, but the day after I wrote it, you came over and confessed. I didn’t need to give it to you.”
“Would it happen to have started with, ‘How about we shift our gears and drive into the sunset together? Because with you, every road feels like a scenic route’?” His face said it all as his eye snapped to his mom. “So the bet is invalid because the messenger interfered. I petition to just move on and never speak of it again.”
With a laugh, they sat back down, and the officiant stood between us again. Just as the officiant was about to call up the first couple to give us advice, Ralf stopped them.
“Can we just skip to the part where we kiss? We can do the advice during the reception, but that story took forever,” Ralf pressed as he tried to pull you closer. The officiant looked at you for approval, to which you nodded with a sigh.
“I think it’s time we skip to that part.”
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mangekyuou · 1 year
HIIII it’s me again!!! I hope you well, it’s nice seeing you!!
I was hoping to get headcannons for Franky and Jinbei if they were dads to a girl?? Like a teenager (14-17) joins the crew and they act as like, fatherly figure?? I hope that makes sense!!
✩༄  headcanons ,  being a father figure to a teen crewmate !
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☆ — characters! . . . franky. jinbei.
☆ — cw(s)! . . . platonic. implied teen f!reader. no pronouns used. not proofread.
☆ — notes! . . . YOUR MIND !! i literally have a dad!jinbei au in my drafts because i have so many thoughts. plus im a sucker for healthy father-daughter dynamics. so when i saw this request I GOT SO EXCITED !! thank you so much for requesting this !! LOVE YOU TOO AND YOU BE SURE TO DO THE SAME AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF !! <3333
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franky has this unexplainable soft spot for children and those younger than him
so when you showed up seemingly out of nowhere, he was attached to you immediately
he is the embodiment of “i’ve only known them for a day and a half, but if anything happened to them, i would kill everyone in this room and then myself”
he is the terrible influence father
he encourages nearly everything you do
you wanna run around blasting the canons into the water just to see if they explode ?? he’s right there beside you, helping you shoot
you wanna take the brachio tank v out for a spend on the prairie ?? go ahead and take the keys. just make sure you bring it back all in one piece
he surprises you with aloha shirts so the two of you can match each other !! he even gets them personalized with your names on them and everything :,)
he will throw a fit if you don’t want to match with him at least once. he is not above giving you the silent treatment
but he can never stay mad at you long. the second you give him puppy eyes or start to cry, he gets all about it
he hates when you’re sad, it makes his heart wrench. especially if he caused it ?? he can never forgive himself
now franky is no walking bank by any means. but for you ?? he will happily go broke. whatever you want, he’ll buy it for you
those expensive clothes in the window of that shop that you were looking at ?? he’s already got them in the cart
he loves when you help him out in his workshop. whether you’re acting hands-on working on a project or just passing him the tools he needs
you always get first dibs on testing the gadgets he makes, much to the dismay of luffy, usopp, and chopper
having daughter privilege sure does have its perks
is also an embarrassing dad
he definitely wants you to do his signature pose with him. he’ll literally hold it for an embarrassingly long time…in public, until you join him and say “super!” like you mean it
you have said “dad…please stop” more times than you can count
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jinbei absolutely adores children so much. he’s already such a dad. he wants his own so bad
but with the life he’s lived up to this point, he knows it would be dangerous to bring a child into this world
that is where you, his lovely adoptive daughter, come in to add some sunshine to his life
when you first join the crew, jinbei is quite quiet. outside of his usual good mornings, good nights, and making a bit of small talk with you, he doesn’t say much
but it doesn’t take long for him to become fond of you. it starts to show when he unconsciously guards you when there is an enemy nearby
he knows you’re more than capable to take care of yourself, but he doesn’t want to take any chances
he realizes he thinks of you as a daughter after you join in on one of his meditation sessions, where you struggled to focus
watching you struggle, he gave some very helpful tips that you applied to your technique
your eyes were closed so you couldn’t see, but his eyes were wide open, looking at you with the proudest dad smile the world has ever seen
jinbei teaches you some basics in fishman karate, should you ever need them. he would be THRILLED to teach you more if you want to
he’s so happy inside being able to share his techniques with you
he becomes even more protective of you. he keeps you in his sight usually, worried that if you slip off you could be in danger
such as the one time you left his eyesight for five seconds and followed luffy off to a house rooftop and NEARLY FELL
he has never experienced such panic in his life. he was screaming, crying, a second away from throwing up
when you turned around to give him a thumbs up that you were okay, he sighed in relief. you almost gave him a heart attack that day
his heart melts when you fall asleep on his shoulder. he will not move because he does not want to wake you. he’ll stay there for hours if he has to
he likes to pick up pretty seashells and bring them back to give to you
if you ever turn any of them into a necklace or a bracelet, he’ll cry tears of joy
if you ever refer to him as your dad to other people, he’ll sob a little
he’s so precious and he loves you so much :,)
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© MANGEKYUOU — do not copy, repost, or translate my works.
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mothxmoons · 1 year
All for you
Wesker loves his rookie, even if they don’t like him like that…yet.
Tw: mind control, Stockholm??? Depends on how you see it.
Years ago, back in 1996-1998, back when Wesker was your captain and you his rookie, things were certainly different than they were now. Back then, you didn’t care much for him, that was mainly because you already knew who he was. This world was not your own. You knew him. However, he did not know you. That didn’t stop him from having a crush on you though. Even though you never even gave him the time of day, he couldn’t stop himself from liking you. He treated you differently from the others, that’s for sure.
When you began to warm up to him, it was horrible timing. He had planned on betraying the team a week later, but he couldn’t help but bask in the warmth of you being nice to him. It hurt so much though. Him and you. The moment you want to warm up to him and he does that. But not even that could stop him from seeing you it seems.
You had started to investigate Umbrella in a certain area thereafter the incident, no one saw you as you investigated, no one knew you were there. However, one person did.
You were investigating umbrella in certain areas just to see what was going on. While they didn’t know you were there, someone else did catch on quite easily. Wesker was ecstatic that you were the one to investigate these areas. Because that’s where he is! So he simply…led you to him. It was a short, bittersweet meeting.
Bittersweet as in you wanted to see him again, but hated what he did. Short as in…he knocked you out after a few minutes of staring at each other and talking.
Although you did not think you’d be taking the place of Jill in the story, especially so soon, you can see why she absolutely hated it. Killing people, infecting them, whatever he asked it went and you had to do so without any question. The device on your chest was horrible too, it hurt a lot when he first attached it.
However, he still treated you as though you were still his rookie and he your captain. Treating you gently, even respectfully. He had given you everything you needed too. Food, water, a room to yourself, privacy when needed. It felt weird, like you weren’t controlled by the device. Had you two been closer…you might’ve just came along if he asked.
Wherever Wesker went, you followed. He seemed happy to have you follow him around everywhere unless asked to be somewhere else. Although there were times he expected to quip back at him and you never did, and he seemed saddened by it, forgetting about the little device he attached to you.
You were accompanying him to Spencer’s mansion, the old croon had it built to be almost exactly like the Arklay mansion, trying to relive his glory days in his old age. However, Spencer had said some things that really pissed Wesker off. As to be expected, being told you were a child experiment taken from his parents, one of 13 children that Spencer didn’t even care about enough to give them graves. Just a number. That’s all he was.
When he had killed Spencer, the man who raised him, he turned to you. You still stood by the window, waiting for him, watching him. Wesker said nothing and rejoined your side, staring out the window. The blood on his hand dripping on the floor, but neither of you cared.
That’s when Chris and Jill found you two. Immediately wondering why you were there and firing questions at Wesker.
“Rookie? What did you do to them?!” Chris cried in outrage, Wesker didn’t respond, and neither did you.
He merely rushed forward at the both of them, you standing by the window. He always knew what Chris and Jill were capable of, he’d prefer it if you stood there. But when Chris was being held up by the throat and Jill slamming into him, she slammed him into you, breaking the device with a loud crack. Electricity sparked from it, you clutching your head as the pain from it sparking thrummed in your head.
When Chris and Jill realized you had a device on your chest, you regained as much control as you could and grabbed Wesker. Jumping through the window, sending the both of you to safety below. The pain all but caused you to black out though, and Wesker took the two of you back to base.
He was miffed to say the least. The damage done to the device would’ve been enough for you to regain your own control. But the way you had held him, retreated instead of trying to take off the device? Did that mean something? He could only test to be sure. He removed the device slowly, surgically, as to cause as little pain as possible. Now he just has to waits for you to wake up and maybe…maybe you could answer why you protected him and retreated with him rather than going back to your old friends.
When you awoke, he was hovering over you. Waiting by your side. The first thing you noticed, however, was that your chest felt way lighter. You looked down just enough to see that your chest was free from the device, only small, already healing holes from it were left in its place.
“Wesker?” You asked, your voice sounded raspy. You didn’t feel any strength to sit up, all you could do was stare up at him.
His attention was on you in a instant, happy that you’ve come to. His hand coming up to brush away any stray hairs before resting on your shoulder. A familiar gesture from back in STARS.
“My dear, you’re alright…” He said softly, looking at you with such soft eyes. They were a familiar sight to you. You smiled softly at him, as best as you could with the pain in your chest, your eyes closing in content.
“…why?” His voice asked you, your eyes opening to look at him. “Why did you retreat with me? You could have gone back with them..”
“I don’t know.” You replied, looking up at him. “I…just wanted to make sure you were alright.”
Device or no device. It seemed that you had fallen for him. Maybe you had always loved him. You did in your own world, maybe it was just repressed because you had to deal with him for real. Whatever the reason, it didn’t change the fact that you had done something for him without the device. You don’t need it.
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sissy-xo-ix · 10 months
Hotel Hijinks - my first try at a story. And really only part of a story. All characters are over the age of 21!
Allan was tired. Delayed flights meant a whole day was wasted when he should have been landing at noon. The only benefit to all day at the airport was that was an easy excuse to drink all day. He’d paced himself, well, he wasn’t “drunk drunk.” He also had the upgrade, a few more drinks. “Well, I guess am a bit drunk,” he thought. It didn’t matter. It was Saturday, the hotel bar would be full but the hallways would be quiet until after he was asleep. The ride to the hotel was quick. He checked in and rushed to his room. He had to pee. He was so focused on his one task, he didn’t notice he dropped one of his keys on his rush to his room. He also didn’t notice who picked it up.
Brit was tall and athletic but was not intimidating Very ‘girl next door’. Tonight she was wearing her dark brown hair straight, just past her shoulders. She wore a very tight red dress that ended right at her thighs, and a very cute pair of matching heels. She was already tall, in her heels there were only a few men at the bar who could meet her height let alone beat it. That was okay though, there’d be more time to pick up cute guys later. What she was after was something much different, and lucky her he had just dropped his key right at her feet and didn’t even realize it.
Allan finished relieving himself, and decided there’d be fun tomorrow, but tonight it was time to rest. It wasn’t outrageously late, but the hassle of traveling had tired him out, and the alcohol hadn’t helped. He threw on the tv, kicked off his pants, and plopped himself on the bed. There he zoned, not hearing the lock disengage or the beep of a keycard at his door.
Brit had quickly closed her tab, she’d spent enough time there tonight and there was fun to be had with someone new. She quickly walked up to her room and grabbed her suitcase. It was a hot pink one with butterflys on it and it hadn’t yet even been opened on her trip. She also grabbed a matching backpack and threw it over her shoulder. She’d be needing those soon, the boy looked like he’d had a good bit to drink already. She checked the number on the keycard: 419.
Brit opened the door quietly. She could hear snoring, “wow,” she thought, “he was out fast.”
She debated on whether or not to wake him, settling on letting him sleep. She did take a few precautions, she carefully attached rope to each of the bed corners and to each of his arms and legs. He wouldn’t be going anywhere without her knowledge or approval. Then she sat there, waiting for him to wake up.
Allan thought he could hear the flush of the toilet, but he was sure it was a dream. His limbs felt heavy, and his bladder heavier. Maybe he was just dreaming about going to the bathroom. He tried to get up but quickly discovered the restraints attached to himself and bed. He opened his mouth to shout, but it was immediately filled with something rubbery. He didn’t get a good look at whoever was in his room, all he could see was the silhouette of a person, and that person had a very nice body in a cute little red dress. Brit finished attaching what Allan would discover to be a pacifier gag and backed up. He tried to shout but couldn’t make a sound. He tried to struggle but could not, the ropes made sure of that. He was cute, Brit had to admit. On any other day she’d consider going out with him, despite his smaller and nerdier stature. But tonight she had other plans.
“Wakes wakey sleepy head, oooooh I can’t believe you just fell into my arms little one” she said sweetly. Allan immediately felt like a baby the way she talked to him. It wasn’t condescending or disrespectful, but she spoke with a very motherly tone.
“Hehe when I saw you in the lobby I thought you were cute, but I didn’t think you could be THIS cute. And I can’t believe you’d just drop your key right in front of me. Ohhhhh sweetie you need some help keeping track of your things, that’s where a big strong Mommy like me comes in!” She smiled, a little too happy. Her positivity radiated off her in stark contrast to Allan’s terror and confusion. She continued, “so here’s the deal. I’m going to tell you what I want and at the end you will get one opportunity to say no. But if you say yes, you’re stuck with me. Okay? So first, are you single? As much as I’d love to keep you no matter what, I can’t just take you from someone else.”
Allan shook his head no. He had never had much luck with the ladies. It wasn’t that he wasn’t good looking, but he was awkward, a little unconfident, and always felt the need to move up in his job than go out and meet people.
“Good!” Brit said and beamed. She already knew that would be the answer, but she had to ask anyways.
“So I’ll tell you what I want. I haven’t always had luck with the boys, I’ve always been a bit more motherly than they would like. The problem is, I can’t have a baby of my own. And I realllly want to be a mom. That’s where a cutie like you comes in. I want you to be my baby, and my boyfriend. My “littler” half if you will.” She giggled.
“I would take care of you, you’d never have to worry about make another decision, you could quit your job. But you’d stay in diapers like a little baby. I would change you, feed you, bathe you. Don’t worry, we will go out and do big kid activities too. You’re such a cutie I couldn’t NOT show you off a bit. But even when I let you wear your big boy clothes, underneath will be a thick thirsty diaper, Mommy’s reminder to you that you still belong to her. Behave and do what I want and you’ll absolutely be rewarded. But don’t do what I like and there will be punishments. Oh some of the punishments I’ve thought of are soooooo fun I hope you’ll rebel just a little bit hehe! So. Now I have to let you choose. You know what I want, nod your head yes if this is something you’d want. No, and I’ll let you go and you’ll never hear from me again.”
Allan sat there for a bit, thinking. This was insanely humiliating. He wasn’t a baby, or even a child. He was a grown man with a job and a life! But, this girl was paying attention to him. Was this really the price to pay to not be alone? To not be alone with a total hottie. And she said she’d reward him and he could still be big sometimes. He made up his mind. Or his loneliness did. Either way, his fate was sealed as he nodded yes…
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yandere-daze · 2 years
Congrats on reaching 2k! You absolutley deserve it :D
Could I request a Shu and Mika headcanon on how they would try and make the reader forgive them in the imposter self aware au?
Thank you! I assume you probably just made a typo and put 2 instead of 3 there jfsn
And yes, I´m always happy to write for Valkyire, you know me too well ☺️
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, mention of bad previous treatment of the reader, mention of murder, self-deprecation ( Mika), self-dollification ( Mika), mention of verbal abuse, unhealthy mindsets ( both), overworking ( Shu)
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How would Mika try to make the player forgive him in the imposter self-aware AU?
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With how far Mika is willing to go for the people he loves, he was probably pretty nasty to you when you first were transported into the game and everyone thought that you were responsible for the disappearance of their beloved player.
Mika gets attached so easily to the point that it´s kind of scary so that obviously means he´s also super obsessed with the player, who spends so much time taking care of him and looking out for him. He´s so starved for love that he soaked up every little bit of attention he was getting from the player, even if he didn´t feel worthy of it
But then one day, the player simply left him and you appeared instead? Mika wouldn´t call himself the smartest person out there but he can figure out just fine that you must be responsible and it´s an understatement when I say that he isn´t very pleased
Honestly? Good for you for even surviving because there´s no doubt in my mind that Mika would resort to killing you out of anger and desperation because you´re the “reason” the player left him
Other than that very extreme scenario he also isn´t all that nice to you, which is kind of rare to see from him. But how can he be nice to someone like you that took away the most important person in his life? How dare you?!
Which is exactly why he´s shell-shocked when he finally finds out that you actually are the player and he´s been so cruel to you all this time. Immediately gets on his knees and bows his head while breaking out into sobs, apologizing profusely for treating you so cruelly and saying all of these mean things as he clings to your legs
He truly is so sorry! How can he ever make up for this grave mistake?
Honestly almost throws in the towel at first as he doesn´t think that there is any way to make up for what he did. From the very beginning, he already believed that he wasn´t worthy of being in your presence, of receiving your kindness and warmth. He was dirty and would only taint your saintly body
But now? Oh, it´s simply hopeless! How dare someone like him, who is completely beneath you, treat you like this? He truly has done something completely unacceptable and he´s unsure of what to do, he just knows that he has to atone for his sins somehow
Mika is so scared that you´re going to abandon him now, throwing him away like the piece of trash he is. And he understands why you would, he really does, which is why he´s all the more desperate now. He feels that he has to prove to you that he still has his uses, that he´s your pliable doll completely devoted to you and willing to do anything you ask of him
So his way of making it up to you is basically becoming your servant, willing to complete whatever task you ask of him because he thinks that if he proves to be useful, you might find it in your heart to at least tolerate his presence, even if you can´t forgive him.
And as long as he gets to stay by your side, Mika is more than happy to let you control him as you please, all while obsessively thanking you for granting him mercy
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How would Shu try to make the player forgive him in the imposter self-aware AU?
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While not physically violent or downright murderous like Mika, Shu definitely wasn´t kind to you either, to say the least. He´s already pretty rude and snappish to the other idols he holds no grudge for so just imagine the amount of verbal abuse you must have suffered at his hands when he saw you as the reason why his muse left him behind
At first, Shu might have assumed that the reason you left was that his efforts weren´t enough to impress you, which led to him throwing himself back into work to try and make something new that would please you, but the more time passes, the more he thinks that it´s strangely convenient timing for you to appear right around the time the player disappeared
While he was gruff to you before, now he outright takes some sort of pleasure in talking you down as it only seems fitting for what you have caused. And he just gets worse the more you try to be friendly to him, asking you how you dare show your face in front of him. How he finds you reprehensible
Naturally, there´s a nagging feeling of guilt hidden deep within him when the truth finally comes to light and he realizes that he´s done you a great disservice. All this time, you were his muse, the light of his life, and yet he chased you away when you had greeted him with open arms of your own volition. Oh, how he wished to slap his past self now!
You were the most divine creature walking this earth, blessed by the heavens itself, and yet he said all these horrible things to you
He wants to make it up to you to get back in your good graces but he doesn´t really know how to proceed. Shu has a lot of difficulties with being honest and conveying his true feelings to someone because deep down he is still scarred by his childhood and the rejection he felt due to his family never supporting him in his passions. He has long since closed off his heart and so only with a great deal of effort from both sides is he able to open up
But now that you most likely despise you for treating you so horribly, Shu is all the more reluctant to approach you, fearing that you might flinch away as soon as he extends a hand towards you.
He has many discussions with Mademoiselle where he spills all of his worries to her and she tries her best to comfort him all while giving him some advice. She had always been there for him and that´s also true now.
Mademoiselle tells Shu that she´s more than happy to talk to you on his behalf if he doesn´t feel ready to do so just yet. She reasons that it might help break down the barriers that he had created between you. She´s also just very excited to have a proper chat with you!
Meanwhile, Shu goes back to what he knows best to try and make you forgive him: creating wonderful and awe-inspiring outfits.
Though he´s horrible with words, Shu hopes that his feelings will get through to you with this outfit he´s making just for you. He spends days upon days working on the outfit until the late night hours when it´s already gotten dark outside. He´s barely even taking care of himself, instead tirelessly working as if his life depended on it
And well, to him it did. Having his darling forgive him is the only thing he wants. He truly doesn´t know what he would do if you would still reject him after all of this
Maybe this is why he´s even more of a perfectionist than he usually is, nearly ripping out his own hair when he sees even the slightest imperfection that no one else aside from him would even notice. No, this has to be absolutely perfect for you and he won´t rest until it is!
It´s like he´s possessed, never even giving himself a break until he is finally satisfied with the final outcome
Of course, the outfit fits you absolutely perfectly in the end and you can´t help but wonder wherever Shu got your exact measurements from
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wackulart · 1 year
May I get some jealous Belos x male reader a silly man is starving for some kicking his feet and twirling his hair
shaking ur hand, my good man
for this ur a scout in the emperor's coven but have been dating belos for a while at this point
Jealous!Belos x Male!Reader
At first you could chalk it up to the Emperor simply doing his job. When he adjusted your schedule around his hours and you happened to catch him more often in the halls, it was a nice coincidence. Even when he asked you to join him for lunch rather than going to the cafeteria with the other scouts, you could tell he was doing it so you two could spend more time together.
Then you began to feel something off when he started waiting for you after missions, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, leading you beside him. He even made a show of bringing you gifts during your shifts, which consisted of large bouquets of flowers to expensive decorations for your staff. It wasn't that the attention bothered you or anything, it was just that he wasn't usually so openly affectionate. He preferred to kiss you only when you two were alone, hold you in your shared bed, listening to your heartbeat against his ear as he fell asleep. Belos had always been a rather secluded person when it came to your relationship.
You had finally been able to put together what was going on with him when you were walking down the halls of the palace to meet with him in his throne room. He had called you personally which most likely meant he was in need of some company after a long day of meetings. On the way there you ran into one of the other coven scouts, a rather good friend of yours. Unintentionally, you struck up conversation and got distracted discussing some of the insane things that had occurred on your last mission. It was already too late before you realized you had been talking for ten minutes straight and the sound of someone clearing their throat had come from beside you two. The both of you turn to see Emperor Belos, arms hidden underneath his cloak as he looks down with the blank yet intimidating expression of his golden mask. The other scout jumped and whispered to you. “See you later, man.” Before they bowed in a panic and shuffled off quickly. Belos kept his eye on them as they left only to look back and to you as you stared back with a tilted head. “Couldn’t wait to see me?” You teased, knowing Belos didn’t tend to come check on delays himself. He folded his arms and you could hear him huff underneath his mask. “I certainly hope I wasn’t interrupting your important conversation.” Despite how frustrated he sounded, he still held out his hand for you to take.
You snickered and took his hand, walking along side him. “Can you honestly say that you called me for something detrimental and not just to cuddle on your throne?”
There was a long pause before he let out another grumble, embarrassed that you had seen through him. No one knew him better than you did which made it near impossible to hide things from you.
Not that he usually would.
“Perhaps you might enjoy that scout’s company. Seems like you two have been getting along rather well lately.” He muttered as he pushed open the door to the throne room and let go of your hand, only to place down his mask on a nearby desk.
You locked the door and stopped for a moment.
“Belos, are you jealous?” You asked as you placed your own mask on your hip, attaching it to your belt.
He turned back to you quickly, his face flushed as he found himself unable to look you in the eye. Belos immediately looked away from you, now rushing to his throne as he let out a stuttered response. “That’s p-preposterous!”
The second he sat down on his throne and saw the look on your face, he only grew more embarrassed. He turned from you, leaning his head on his hand and staring at one of the walls like a guilty dog. You melted at the sight and ran up to meet him at his throne. You stood above him and took his face in your hands, even then he tried to focus anywhere but your eyes. Who knew the Emperor of the Boiling Isles, the most powerful and feared wish could get jealous? You leaned in closer to his face, the second your foreheads touched was when he finally made eye contact with you.
“Belos.” You sang. “Were you getting jealous over little ol’ me?”
He pouted as his hands went to hold onto your hips, his fingers fidgeting with the sides of your uniform. “And how could I not?”
“Perhaps it would be best to be more official about this relationship. The world should know you’re mine.” Belos added.
Your eyes softened as you sat into his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. “We can do that if you want, but you know you don’t have to worry about me.”
You took a strand of his hair in between your fingers and twirled it. “You know I love you.”
He couldn’t fight the gentle smile on his face as you kissed his nose and he let out a chuckle. “And I you, my dear.”
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lollytea · 2 years
if we're talking Huntlow: ASIAS makes me lose it bc like. Willow not knowing Hunter was the Golden Guard and Hunter not knowing Willow was associated with Luz/Eda meant they like. met each other as they are. with no attached judgement. Hunter met Willow and saw a girl who's kind and fierce and powerful and determined and smart. Willow met Hunter and saw a boy who's intense and socially awkward but skilled and good-hearted and just trying to prove himself. they SAW each other, y'know?
YEAH YEAH EXACTLY!!! This whole thing drives me absolutely insane. That episode aired and I was immediately possessed by something demonic and churned out a whole fic about them in like two weeks with the central theme of what it means to be truly Seen because I could not get all of their stupid symbolism to stop eating my skull from the inside out.
First impressions can be everything sometimes. They can be the foundation of how you view a person. Which is why it's so interesting that they became acquainted having no idea who each other were. They don't know their stories yet. They're perfect strangers.
It's not like Willow's relationship with Hunter is, in any way, superior to the bonds she has with her other friends. They're just. Different. Different circumstances. He sees Willow differently as a result.
There's too much about Willow and Amity's relationship to get into but the basic jist of it is that once the girls begin to repair their friendship Amity only sees bits and pieces of Willow. She sees her kindness and her wisdom and her bubbly personality. But she's still not getting the full picture and this frustrates Willow. With her history in mind, the way she's seen as she currently is means everything to Willow's sense of identity.
Obviously Luz and Gus both adore Willow. And they understand that she's not the person she used to be. They recognize her strength. Luz once described her as "tough as nails" and Gus referred to her current confident personality as "the real [Willow]." They hype her up endlessly. They're fantastic friends. They do not look down on her, not even a little bit.
But maybe every so often Willow tires of being reminded that she's always gonna be viewed as an inspirational story to them. In their eyes it's "Wow Willow, look at what you've become." So maybe it'd be nice to meet somebody who instead thinks like "Wow Willow, look at what you are." It's good to have friends who have known you from your rough beginnings and can understand how you got this point but it's also nice to make friends who you have a clean slate with, yknow?
Willow makes it clear during the intro of ASIAS that she's still not entirely satisfied with her current self. She likes it just fine but there's still quite a bit of climbing to do before she can truly see herself as the witch she wants to be. Willow is reaching for the stars.
It must mean something that ASIAS was the debut of Willow's new look. She had the pigtails near the end of Follies, but it's them paired with the new glasses that makes the whole statement.
The hair was braided by Amity. It's the hair she used to braid for her when they were little. It's an old part of herself that she's reclaiming. It's to symbolise that Willow refuses to define herself as her trauma caused by Amity Blight anymore. She is trying to mend bridges and move forward.
And the glasses? They're not really linked to anyone in particular. At least nobody she knows yet. The glasses are something brand new, something different, something to establish that Willow is turning over a new leaf in terms of her identity. There's this cooler, more confident version of herself that has been growing lately and this is her fully embracing it. She wants to be perceived as this new (real) Willow and the new glasses reflect that. She wants somebody to see her the way she wants to be seen. So isn't it a cool detail how she starts wearing them in this episode in particular? Isn't it interesting how her frames are gold? Doesn't it make you go batshit how she began wearing those glasses wishing for somebody to see her and then somebody does? Because it makes ME go batshit.
In Willow's mind, she's still reaching for the stars. In Hunter's mind, she's already caught them.
Hunter on the other hand, goes in the complete opposite direction and yet still ends up in the same place. While Willow strolls into Hexside that morning to establish her true self, Hunter arrives in "disguise." In his eyes, he's not portraying the version of himself that he wants to be seen as. The Golden Guard is who Hunter wants to be. That's his whole motivation in the episode. But when he shows up at Hexside, he's unmasked. It's revealed in a later episode that he feels significantly less confidant when his face is bare, which adds a funny bit of irony to all his recruitment tactics. Hunter tries to put on an act, to become somebody else, but the moment that mask comes off he can't help but become the messy, awkward, moody yet energetic and painfully sincere person that he tries so hard not to be.
Hunter very much does not want to be seen as his true self. In fact, he is trying to completely dismantle his true self and lose himself entirely to the Golden Guard persona. But Willow sees the person underneath, completely unaware that this person she's meeting is supposed to be a shameful secret and she likes what she's seeing. She likes him.
And the absolute kicker here is that it was because of Willow that Hunter first started to like himself outside of the mask. I think the Flyer Derby game was the first time we ever saw unmasked Hunter so happy and confident. Willow took his hand to help him cross the first stepping stone into accepting himself for the person that he's been trying so hard to stomp out all this time.
So it's like. They see the best version of each other. Hunter sees the version Willow wants everyone to see. Willow sees the version Hunter doesn't want anyone to see but it's the version that helps him grow in the long run.
And that's only the foundation. But sometimes foundation is everything. The respective pasts do end up crashing into this tentative relationship. Willow learns Hunter is the Golden Guard. Hunter learns that Willow has weaknesses too. However, the foundation will always remain the core of how they see each other. At the end of the episode, Hunter reaffirms just how he sees Willow by referring to her as "Captain." And Willow, in turn, decides to believe in Hunter's capacity for good and keeps the friendship door open. If they hadn't met each other in the way they did they may not have really seen each other as clearly and it's possible the series of events that followed may have gone much differently. Who knows if they'd even have become friends. Its all about foundations, yknow??
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fullybooked · 2 years
For You
Title: For You Pairing: Dabi x Reader Word Count: 2.4k Warnings: A little suggestive at the end? Bad writing (I hate this) Summary: Dabi leaves for long periods of time, and you're growing tired of it. He sees that.
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Sat at the edge of the bed, curled in on yourself, and he stops walking. His first thought was that you were hurt, that someone had found out about you and needed to get back at him. 
But there was no blood. You weren’t crying, and you were looking up at him with no pain in your eyes. 
“Doll,” He says, “you hiding from me back here?”
You don’t respond for a moment, just looking at him. Sometimes, he would come back bloodied and bruised. He was okay, this time. Another wave of relief washed over you. And you hated that you wanted to run into his arms and tell him you missed him. He didn’t deserve that from you and you knew it.
“You're back,” you acknowledge out loud and immediately look away from him, “for how long this time?”
“What’s that mean?” He asks, approaching the bed and setting himself on the soft mattress behind you. You expected him to lay back and fall asleep and wait for you to join him in bed. But you didn’t hear him laying back.
“You’re leaving soon,” you remind him, “tomorrow morning? Tomorrow night? You’re never here for long.”
A stretch of silence. Did he hear you? Did you want him to? 
“We have a job tomorrow morning,” he answers.
You nod and your emotions go unseen by him as he sits behind you. At least, you think. But he sees your shoulders slouch and your head almost fall forward in defeat. 
Dabi didn’t like to think about the effect he had on the people around him. Even if the only person he was around outside of his job was you. He knew that there would be a toll taken on your relationship because of who he was and what he did. Most of the time, when that thought crept into his mind, he didn’t humor it. He told himself that it would happen, and he would move on when it did. He told himself that he had no emotional attachment to you.
So why was his chest constricting when he saw the toll being taken? This isn’t how he told himself he would handle it when it happened.
“Dabi,” You speak the name he gave to himself, and he hums to show his attention has been caught, “do you care about me?”
His throat closed immediately. And he didn’t respond. He didn’t know what he would say if he opened his mouth. He was a villain, a horrible person, wanted throughout the country. He didn't deserve to care about you, or about anyone. He bites his lip and makes himself scoff.
“What the hell brings that on?” He asks coldly. 
He expected you to flinch, or at least visibly react to his harsh words. You usually did. But this time you looked back over your shoulder, exhaustion covering your face, and sighed at his response.
“I’m not asking if you love me,” you explain, “I’m asking if you care about me at all. Not a hard question, I don’t think.”
“And I’m asking why you’re asking it,” he rolls his eyes and finally lays back on the bed that smelled of your shampoo. He hated that his stomach twisted when the scent hit him, as if answering the question for him.
“Because I’m getting tired, Dabi,” you say and look back ahead of you, “you’re here one day and gone the next. If you’re just using me, admit it. I think I deserve that after this long.”
This long. He wonders exactly how long you’ve been putting up with this. Months? No, it was at least a year. He met you when there was snow on the ground. It had melted and new snow was outside of your window today. For at least a year he had been sneaking into your apartment and sliding into your bed. Was he using you? For food and a place to sleep? 
No. He had a room at the hideout. It wasn’t nice, but he’d slept in worse. And he could get food anywhere. So that wasn’t the reason he kept coming back. He rolled his head against the bed and looks towards you again. You had yet to move, and he expected you to do so quickly. To start yelling at him, demanding that he give you more than he has to offer. You deserved that.
But you only shake your head at his silence, “I picked up a night shift,” you say as you finally begin to uncurl from the end of the bed and onto your feet, “in case you came back. I expect you’ll be gone when I get home.”
Dabi opens his mouth to ask why you didn’t want to be around him. There had been a few times when you switched shifts with someone because he came back. To spend the night with him. Now you were switching to get away from him. He closed his mouth, telling himself he didn’t care why. It was only a matter of time before you grew tired of him and the life he led.
He watches as you walk from the bedroom, closing the door behind you and moving away from him. The warmth that filled the apartment went with you, and he was left in silence that was louder than usual. 
Dabi found it annoyingly hard to fall asleep. Even after eating and taking a much-needed shower, he was still wide awake. In a bed that felt cold despite his high body temperature. He knew the reason, as angry as he was about it, but he also couldn’t change it.
Maybe he should’ve stopped coming around after a few months. Maybe he should’ve stopped thinking about you after a few weeks, maybe he never should’ve spoken to you in the first place. But he couldn’t dwell on what he should have done. He did it anyway. He kissed you first, he watched you make breakfast in the mornings, and he still crawled into bed to be near you. 
He regretted every decision that led him to this moment. Wondering if he had finally pushed you away and wishing he hadn’t.
The front door opened and he didn’t react. He didn’t jump up and run to you like you did to him. 
Your keys loudly jingle as you set them by the door, and he hears you sliding off your shoes. He wondered if you would sleep on the couch since he was already in bed. A pang of hope went through his chest that you wouldn’t. He hadn’t slept beside you in days…
He cursed himself for caring about that fact.
Your footsteps get closer to the bedroom, and you open the door quietly. Dabi’s staring at the ceiling and turns his head to watch you come through the door. You were pulling off your jacket, he could tell in the darkness. But he couldn’t see your face. He wanted to see you. 
“Doll,” he says and begins to sit up in the bed, “come here.”
“You’re awake,” you say in a whisper, and make no move to follow his instructions. 
“Doll…” he watches your figure turn towards the dresser in the dark, illuminated by the street lights in your bedroom window. Still no response to his nickname for you. Desperation was starting to sting his fingers. Would you leave? Would you change the locks? Would you block his number and forget about him? All things he deserved, and yet he hoped there was still a chance for him somewhere in you.
“Y/N,” he uses your name again. A rare occurrence that seemed to make your movements a pace slower, “come. Here.”
He watches as you begin to change in the dark. Your work uniform is discarded on the floor, to be washed over the weekend that was approaching. He liked to watch you walk around the place in his clothes when it was laundry day. Were there anymore days like that left for him with you?
You put on your pajamas before approaching the bed, probably going to ignore him further. But Dabi reached out, his stinging fingers soothed only by the feeling of your skin underneath them. He pulled you away from your side of the bed, and on top of him.
Stradling his waist, hands setting on his shoulders to stop from colliding with him entirely. His fingers are digging into your hips and you can tell that he’s got something on his mind. Usually, you would ask. You would want to know what was bothering him. But tonight you didn’t question it, no energy left to deal with the long road it would take to get an answer.
“Dabi,” you sigh, “not tonight.”
He leans back against the headboard of the bed, fingers tapping against your skin. He doesn’t respond and you can hear the wheels turning in his head.
“Not what I was aiming for,” he admits, and then ads, “this time.”
“Then what do you want?” You ask, hands going limp on his shoulders and prepared to pull away from him, “it’s not to talk, I know that.”
You hated the way his hands felt like warm wax on your skin, and the way you wanted to melt into his touch and never let go of him. He would be gone in a matter of hours, and you would be left alone. Again. For the millionth time, it seems, you hadn’t learned your lesson. You should be pushing him out the door and telling him to get lost. To find another sorry soul to keep him company. 
Dabi’s hands clench down on your hips, rooting you in place, and his head moves up just the slightest. His lips are against yours, rough and salty. With as much fervor as he was capable of, he dragged his teeth against your bottom lip and tried to pull you as close to his body as he could. You hummed against his lips, allowing the rare affection to be soaked up into your bones. 
His kisses are always intense and fleeting, like dreams you can’t remember when you wake up. But this one was different. He kept going, even after he would usually pull back. His tongue was trying to memorize your own, and he kept pulling at your body. He was making up for lost time with you, it seemed. Or maybe that was your own wishful thinking.
You hated how you melted into it.
“I’m not going,” he says against your lips, the words almost lost in the darkness around you, “I’m not leaving.”
You try to pull away a little further to hear him better, “what?”
You can only get so far away with the way his hands are clinging to you, “Not this time.” 
You listen to his words, playing over in your head. It wasn’t much to other people. He was missing one job out of millions, giving you an extra day with him. But it was a step, it was progress. He was staying with you. For you. He was saying for you.
That thought alone was enough to bring a smile back to your face. He was staying for you.
Dabi isn’t good at admitting to anyone how he feels. And even if he’d come to realize that he does care about you, he couldn’t bring the words to his lips. So he could only try and show you. The way he felt your joy return to the kiss, returning his passion, he knew he was in deep with you. 
There was no changing what he wanted to change. He wanted to stay away from you, to give you a chance with someone better. But he couldn’t. So he could only try and be a little better for you.
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geminimoon14 · 8 months
In Our Code AU Part 2: Family Shenanigans
Read on: AO3
Sun’s family would swear up and down that he seemed to attract more trouble than them all - including the twins. Sun thinks they’re all liars. Neither side of the argument was necessarily wrong.
After a while of Moon and Killcode being stuck together, Lunar was the one who asked why they couldn’t just make Killcode a body. Moon tried to say something about not being sure that it was something Killcode wanted. Killcode immediately agreed with Lunar’s suggestion as long as he got some say in its appearance.
With no real reason to object - both Killcode and the twins had found an ethical food source - Moon started construction. He estimated it would take a while but with some nanites and some late nights working over time - which Sun vetoed and threatened to sic the twins on him - it would be no big hassle. The main issue was Eclipse and the Creator.
Neither had been seen in weeks, except for the nice Eclipse Lunar liked visiting, and it usually meant trouble was brewing. 
During the construction, the twins volunteered to guard the daycare from outside during active hours. Moon would focus on building while Sun and Lunar did their normal routine. When Sun was distracted after the agreement, Lunar was secretly designated Sun’s bodyguard. They all decided it was best to keep Lunar’s job a secret or risk Sun rebelling.
His siblings did not think Sun was incapable, not in the least, but they hated seeing him hurt. Sun was quite clever, as demonstrated by his idea to get the twins a remote controlled car so that they could get some of their energy out. It seemed silly at first but the twins were eager when they realised Sun had attached an almost raw piece of meat to it.
(After that, it wasn’t strange to see the twins chasing after a remote controlled device after hours. One particular night, they had convinced Sun to use a drone which led to a particular incident* none of them wanted to repeat.)
While waiting on a new body, they decided to put Killcode inside the computer. He had suggested it himself, stating that he wanted a way to look over them all and being in the computer would allow him to reach out if danger showed up.
On one particular occasion, Killcode got to enjoy both saving one of his boys and using Moon’s arsenal.
It was after the daycare had closed and Sun was going through his nightly routine when a security alert went out.
Sun could hear the alarm just fine but the communication of where the intruder was going came out fuzzy. Sun was at the security desk listening when he heard a couple voices by the entrance. 
There was no chance for him to investigate as someone barreled into the daycare and him. Sun, not prepared for an adult to charge him, went down with flailing limbs. The person on top scrambled off of him and reached for his waist. 
Sun’s code went cold as he noticed the firearm at the intruder’s side. A second one rushed in and ordered, “Get those damn doors shut! They’re right behind us!”
The first intruder pointed their gun at Sun and gestured for him to move. While he was made of metal, Sun was not bulletproof and getting shot could be just as dangerous for him as it is for a human. Hands raised in surrender, Sun slowly walked towards the doors. The second intruder pointed to the door, “Get on with it!”
Sun could see a couple security bots coming towards the door and closed it when he saw that they had seen him. 
Once the doors were shut, Sun found himself wishing he had slipped through the doors but he was programmed to stay in the daycare when security alerts went out.
Alone with the intruders, Sun found himself hoping that Killcode would send an alert to Moon. The one with a gun pointed at Sun waved him away from the door and commanded, “Move back, it would be a shame if we had to shut you down.”
Heeding the not-so-subtle threat, Sun moved closer to the center of the daycare. The second intruder seemed a little nervous as they ordered, “Tell it to sit down and keep your eyes on it. I don’t want that freaky clown thing fighting back.”
The one with the gun gestured for Sun to sit as they watched the animatronic for any weird movements.
About that time, there was a loud bang at the door as a familiar voice called out, “SUN! ARE YOU OKAY?! ANSWER ME!”
Sun winced at Moon’s frantic attempts to get in, noting how the intruders tensed. The first intruder tightened their grip on the gun as Moon called out, “If he doesn’t answer I’m busting in there!”
The second intruder, noticeably more jittery than before, told Sun, “Answer the damn thing.”
Sun, afraid that his brother might get hurt if he burst in, called back, “I-I’m okay, Moon. No one’s done anything yet!”
“I swear if even a single part of him is hurt I will haunt your nightmares!”
The second intruder, still shaking, warned, “If you go busting in here, first thing we’re gonna do is plant a bullet in this freak’s head! So don’t try anything!”
When the alert went out, Killcode had been monitoring the daycare’s perimeter while the twins were on a hunt. Because he had been watching the cameras, Killcode noticed the intruders stumbling into Sun and heard the threats they made. 
While he had taken an oath to not kill, when a gun was turned on Sun, Killcode found himself facing the familiar urge to protect; the code screaming for him to do something. He found the wire, hardly used anymore due to Moon’s teleportation, and started working.
Moon was already at the door, pounding on the door as hard as he could, the sound masking the movement of the wire. 
Killcode waited until he heard Sun call back that he was okay before slowly lowering the wire down. 
He managed to get the wire down close to Sun when one of the intruders rounded on the solar animatronic. 
Sun flinched as the gun was pointed back at him and Intruder One demanded, “What are you up to, freak!”
“N-Nothing! I’m not doing anything,” Sun winced as they scoffed, “I’m just standing here!”
There was a quiet click as something latched shut around the loop on Sun’s back.
The intruders turned their attention fully to Sun as Intruder Two ordered his partner, “Shoot it! It’s trying to make a run for it!”
There was a loud whir as the wire went taut and dragged Sun up towards the balcony. The solar animatronic yelped as he was carried away from the intruders but not before they managed to get a shot off.
The daycare’s defense system activated at the sound of the shot and Sun screaming. 
Outside, Moon heard things kicking off and shot towards the teleportation pad. He hit the button just as the intercom activated and Killcode’s voice growled, “Move and I end your insignificant lives. Security will arrive soon. Be thankful I keep my promises or you’d already be dead.”
Moon, already prepared for a fight, was not prepared for Sun to come barreling into him. They both screamed as they collapsed on top of each other which made the wire tangle in their struggle.
Moon was able to get free first but not without yanking on the wire a few times in the process. Everytime he did, Sun would yelp and tell him to stop pulling so hard. 
Moon nearly snapped at him a few times but a look of teary-eyed pain stopped him each time. He’d sworn to be kinder and not repeat his mistakes (something all of his family would call him out on).
Moon was especially glad when he got loose and looked over his brother. Oil leaked from a cracked opening on Sun’s side. A piece of his casing was missing, the delicate inner mechanisms exposed but still functioning.
Immediately, Moon was grabbing a rag from the floor and pressing it against Sun’s wound. His brother hissed in pain as Moon soothed, “I know, I know, it’s gonna hurt until I can get my hands on my tools. I need to stop some of the leaking before I can start.”
Sun let out a quiet whimper and asked, “Is it bad?”
Moon’s first instinct was to lie but Monty (if you could believe it) warned him that lying about serious stuff was going to make everything worse. Instead, he sighed and answered, “It’s pretty bad but not as bad as it could be. I’m gonna fix this but for now I need you to stay calm.” 
Sun nodded weakly, still nervous but Moon could see him trying to calm down, and stated, “I-I’ll try to relax. Anything else you need me to do?”
Moon podded the opening and sighed, “I’m gonna need to cut off the flow so I can get a good look at it. You may have to power down for a bit.”
Sun, trembling slightly, nodded. Moon moved a hand away from the opening and placed it on his shoulder as he whispered, “You’re gonna be okay. We got the guys that did this and they’re gonna pay. Okay?”
“Good,” Moon leaned his brother back against a couch, “Let’s get this started. Computer, start monitoring Sun’s vitals while I work.”
The computer let out an affirmative noise and Sun powered down. Carefully, Moon guided his brother’s limp form to the floor and he began to work.
 About halfway through repairs, Killcode reported, “Security took the vermin into custody. How’s our Sunshine?”
Moon growled as he replaced the tubing that had been leaking profusely and answered, “Stable. In pain, probably. Lucky they didn’t hit anything too important.”
There was a hum as Killcode asked, “How long until my body is complete?”
Moon grunted as he attached the part, “Like a day or two more. Why?”
“I wish to hold Sun. This encounter has disturbed me.”
“You and me both KC.”
“KC? A nickname?”
“You’ve earned it. Do the others know about this yet?”
“I alerted the twins when the alert first went out. Lunar was with them. They wished to show the little one something. I didn’t ask for details.”
“Good news,” Moon pulled his hands out of his brother’s body, “repairs are just about done, just need a new casing and he’s all set.”
When the twins finally arrived with Lunar in tow, Moon had already cleaned up. Sun was resting on the couch, charging, still powered down as Moon explained what happened. The only thing that kept the trio from storming out was that Killcode had access to the security system and threatened to use it if they left their brother. Grudgingly, they settled in with their unconscious brother and whispered about how they wanted Killcode’s body to be done so he couldn’t trap them so easily.
Since Killcode had chased him off, the Creator had been fairly quiet. At the very least, he was smart enough to not approach them directly while Killcode and Moon were present. 
Bloodmoon had been on a hunt, partially fed, and looking for their next meal when an unfortunately familiar voice commented, “Magnificent kill.”
Bloodmoon whirled around, eyes narrowing at the sight of a familiar gray doll. The twins let out a low growl as the Creator told them, “Oh do stop that. It’s not as if I’ve come to hurt you.”
Huffing, they remarked, “Doesn’t matter. You’ve proved a threat already.”
With either great confidence or utter arrogance, the Creator approached them. On guard and highly offended at his impertinence they kept their distance.
The Creator seemed to not really care as he announced, “I’m only here to deliver something before you return.”
Bloodmoon tensed as the doll threw itself at them, creating literal sparks through the contact, and something invaded their system. 
With a cry, they collapsed in the dirt, writhing and screaming as the foreign code tore through their systems. Even with the taste of a recent kill still in their mouth, their stomach seemed to grow empty and their want for blood turned into an all consuming need. 
Their nanites pulsed, contorting their body to the new code’s specifications. 
Claws sharpened. 
Teeth lengthened. 
Their body grew slightly larger.
They pulled themselves onto their hands and feet, a low growl rumbling from their chest as they lost themselves in their new desire.
The Creator hummed approvingly, their new form perfect for his plans. With a flat tone, he commanded, “Hunt.”
The twisted form roared and sped off towards its hosts’ home. The two minds trapped beneath the code’s purpose screamed and fought as they realised its goal.
Sun was once more cleaning the daycare while Lunar played upstairs with their new game and beanbag - being on best behavior had its perks. Normally, the computer would be monitoring any incoming threats or entities but Killcode was in the final stages of transferring to his new body.
Unfortunately, this meant that when something burst through the metal security door to the pickup area, there was only a few seconds to react.
Sun heard the shredding of metal, a roar, and the heavy tread of something rapidly approaching.
He had just enough time to turn towards the sound before he was pinned to the padded floor of the daycare. With a shriek, Sun was pressed against the mat, arms pinned beneath clawed hands as they flailed uselessly. 
He barely heard Lunar’s concerned shout as the face above him came into view. Sun let out a small gasp as he recognised the face above him. Red eyes widened in fear and their face crumpled up in pain as they gasped, “Sun! Run! Please!”
Sun squirmed, trying to use his legs to push his siblings off as they pressed on top of him. Their new form twitched as their eyes betrayed how hard they were fighting for control. 
The code pressed on as it forced the head lower, fangs bared in hunger, and eyes fixed on its prey.
Weight vanishing from his body, Sun curled into a ball on the floor. Shaking, he covered his face as the creature controlling his siblings growled. 
A new presence hovered over him and returned the growl. Chancing a look, Sun peered up and exclaimed, “Lunar?!”
Lunar had heard the crash and paused their game. Immediately, they called out for Sun (Moon was with Killcode during the download and Bloodmoon was out hunting) and heard a scream.
As soon as they got to the balcony, they saw the creature on top of their brother ready to kill. Without thinking, they were leaping into the pit, body shifting, and hurtling towards the threat.
Bloodmoon had been practicing with Lunar. After Eclipse had gotten his hands on Sun, the twins started to teach Lunar how to protect themself. 
As the only other animatronic with a nanite body, Bloodmoon had shown them how to push their form into something bigger. Over the last few weeks, they had been practicing how to picture the form they wanted and turn it into reality. 
Lunar had definitely made themselves bigger. They often enjoyed their shadow form and their new form drew inspiration from it. Towering over any of their siblings and crouched on their haunches, Lunar’s feline form sheltered Sun.
Lunar’s sleek tail lashed as they spat, “I don’t know what you are but you’re not touching him!”
Sun untucked himself a bit and called out, “Lunar, wait! It’s Bloodmoon; something’s wrong with them!”
Lunar turned their glowing eyes towards the creature, disbelief in their eyes. They, much like Sun, met the creature’s gaze as the twins croaked, “You must stop us! Please!”
Lunar whined as they put themself between Sun and their corrupted sibling. Eyes pinned on the twins’ twisted form, Lunar ordered, “Get Moon. I’ll keep’em busy. Go!”
Sun shuffled towards the door and the creature pounced. Sun shrieked as the twins were knocked away from him again and Lunar roared, “GO! NOW!”
Sun stumbled a few times as he sprinted towards the teleportation pad. Behind him he could hear his siblings crying out in pain and desperate pleas for help.
When Sun finally teleported into their space, he almost fell in his haste to get down, screaming, “MOON?! MOON! HELP!”
“-!? -un!? Sun!?”
Barely aware of hands on his shoulder, Sun was turned so that he was looking into his brother’s worried gaze. 
Gasping Sun managed to stutter, “Lun-Lunar! B-Bloodmoon! I-It’s bad, it’s bad! They, they-!”
He was pulled against his brother’s chest as another voice rumbled, “Calm yourself. I will handle this.”
Through blurred vision, Sun saw a very familiar tall form. Apparently, Killcode’s body, though shorter than it had been, reflected the form he’d taken in the mindscape. With just a few strides, Killcode was already gone. 
There was still roaring and growls that managed to be heard from the safety of Moon’s room. Moon was focused entirely on soothing his brother as he sobbed and wheezed. 
Thankfully, Moon was willing to learn from the past and started guiding his brother through some grounding exercises. It only took a moment or two before Sun was calm enough to explain what he knew.
Moon dragged his comforter off his bed and wrapped it around Sun. A little confused, Sun watched Moon pull away to grab a stuffed version of himself. He shoved it into Sun’s hands as he whispered, “I’m going to fix our brothers, okay. If you start getting scared, just give me a squeeze.”
He demonstrated by covering Sun’s hands with his own and gently squeezed the plush toy. Sun let out a choked laugh and nodded as his brother slowly pulled away. Before leaving, Moon ordered, “Computer, if he needs me tell me. Immediately.”
With a small wave, and a brief, “I’ll be right back,” Moon left.
With Sun safely tucked away in his room, Moon looked for his other family members. 
The fight was ugly. He watched as a shadowy form and Killcode attempted to subdue a red animatronic that was practically foaming at the mouth. 
Moon cursed under his breath and leaped into the ballpit. As he waded out he shouted, “Who’re we taking down?!”
Killcode pinned a flailing arm down and answered, “Bloodmoon’s code has been altered! They’re not in control of their body!”
Moon felt his mind freeze as his body moved towards the feral, screaming creature that his brother had become. 
The fury that surged through his frame allowed him to approach the scrabbling form. As the twins’ body jerked to the side and rolled over, Moon hauled himself onto its back and wrapped his legs around its neck.
It bucked in an attempt to get him off but Killcode and Lunar managed to grab hold of its arms and pin it back onto the floor.
Cursing the whole time, Moon plugged into Bloodmoon’s head.
Their mindscape was flooded in a black ichor as far as the eye could see.
Buried under what had to be the code savaging their system, the twins’ hands just managed to reach out, desperate for help. 
Moon trudged towards them, grabbed both hands, and pulled. Their faces broke through the surface, coughing and spluttering, and frantically grabbing hold of their rescuer. Moon placed their hands on his shoulders as he reached down and, arms wrapped around each twin, gave another yank.
The code tried to pull itself back over them but now that they had an opportunity, their protective code and rage at being used started to clear the ichor away. 
Still clinging to their older sibling, Harvest and Bloody poured their all into purging the invasive code from their system. Moon held his footing as the ichor drained away, somehow it shrieked, and held his siblings close to his chest.
When everything looked cleaner, Moon pulled away and told them, “Nice. We’ll be waiting for you guys out there. I think you got it from here.”
Before he left, two different hands grasped his wrists and two voices asked, “Is Sun okay? Please tell us we weren’t too late.”
Moon gave them a quick hug as he assured them, “He’s safe. I’ll bet he wants to make sure you two are okay though, so let’s go back.”
As he pulled away and out of the mindscape, he saw the sky pulse with a soft blue light and heard them sigh in relief.
As moon blinked his eyes open, he saw Lunar back to normal and Killcode cradling him and Bloodmoon - thankfully returned to normal.
With a loud groan, he lifted his head and struggled to his feet. Killcode offered some help as Moon declared, “Hate, hate, hate that! My head’s still kinda sore.”
A little woozy from forcing himself into the twins’ mindscape, Moon only just noticed a familiar gold and yellow shape by the security desk. Sun still had the Moon plush in his hands as he asked, “Are… Are they okay?”
The twins were already shifting and opening their eyes when he asked the question. Moon chuckled as he answered, “Why don’t you ask them yourself?”
Spotting that the twins were awake, Sun rushed over to them and nearly crashed into them.
The twins eyed Sun nervously as they asked, “You are okay? We didn’t hurt you?”
Sun’s eyes, previously clear, teared up as he wailed, “I was so worried about you two! I’m okay. You didn’t hurt me. Are you two hurt?! The others had to pin you down and-!”
Killcode cut in, “We should all rest. Today has been… a lot.”
Sun wrapped the twins in a hug as Killcode offered to carry them all and agreed. Lunar, small again, climbed onto Killcode’s back while Sun held the twins in his arms. Killcode stood up with no difficulty and grabbed Moon as well, setting him on top of the twins and Sun. 
Feeling awkward because of the sudden closeness, Moon grumbled but didn’t squirm. Sun laughed and settled in as they all headed towards the teleportation pad. Worn out from the day’s ordeal, Moon started to power off and mumbled, “We’re closed tomorrow, I don’t give a shit!”
Sun’s agreement came with an outraged, “Language!” This caused all his brothers to start rattling off every curse word they could think of to see who could get Sun to shriek the loudest. Moon faded out just after Killcode scolded them for antagonising their brother. Their apologies lacked sincerity but the warmth of them all cuddling on the impromptu nest they made was absolutely real.
Lunar became more clingy after what happened to the twins. Bloodmoon was rather proud of their youngest sibling (even if the situation sucked for them) for defending Sun. They handled their new form really well for their first time. 
Because it was their first time using it, there were still a few lingering changes surfacing even after they returned to their usual form.
At times, Lunar’s struggle to focus became worse. Shiny objects, quick movements, and sudden noises were twice as distracting than before. If any of his brothers left the daycare, he would become restless. Until they returned, he would pace and hover anxiously near the closest relative. When they finally did return, Lunar would cling to them like a barnacle to a ship for the next day.
Lunar also struggled with features from their newest form randomly surfacing. 
On one occasion they had scared both Sun and Moon one night with their glowing eyes and teeth. 
Another night, they had managed to sneak up on Bloody and sent them scrabbling like a cat through the space above the daycare. 
Killcode had even witnessed Lunar’s tail reappear just to express annoyance when a parent demanded a refund after their child had spent the day terrorising everyone. Killcode had to signal Sun to intervene when their claws had surfaced and started flexing them.
It wasn’t until after an incident with the portal that the family intervened. 
Bloodmoon had been playing with the settings on the computer while Lunar helped Sun after hours. Lunar had just gotten Sun to take a break, pulling the barrel away so that he could practice, when there was a flash of light.
Before Sun could ask what had happened, something coiled around his middle and he was lifted into the air with a scream. Lunar grabbed one of Sun’s hands as a black tendril waved him around. Moon rushed in at the ruckus and was snatched into the air.
While whatever had them waved them about, Moon shouted, “TURN IT OFF!”
The twins peered over the balcony at the chaos and split apart. Harvest ran for the controls as Bloody leapt into the fray.
Moon was cursing as a toothy maw pushed through the portal and the tendril holding him lowered.
Lunar had partially shifted and was trying to pull Sun free when the latter screamed, “MOON!”
Lunar’s head spun so fast that if they were organic their neck would have snapped. Moon struggled, spitting curses and kicking his feet uselessly. He looked towards his brothers and called out, “I can’t get loose! I-I can’t get away!”
Bloody slid down a nearby tendril, narrowly dodging being grabbed themself, and clasped their free hand around one of Moon’s. 
The creature growled as it tried to pull Moon closer and Bloody strained to keep his older brother from the gruesome outcome. Moon used his other hand to reinforce his grip on Bloody as the latter hollered, “The time to act is soon, unless you want it to eat dear Moon!”
Bloody’s arm trembled with the effort to keep the creature from succeeding and their anchored arm was slowly being pulled away. 
Apparently a little intelligent, the creature began to lower Sun as well. 
Sun shrieked as he and Lunar were pulled towards the creature’s mouth. Sun tried beating on the tendril with his only free arm as Lunar grabbed Sun and pulled.
The shadows on their face deepened and spread as their form grew bigger. Claws dug into the tendril and ripped.
With a shriek, the creature’s grip went slack and Sun plummeted towards the gaping maw. 
Before he fell too far, a gray and white hand wrapped around his wrist. Sun gasped as the hand hauled him towards a broad chest, guiding his arms around their neck. 
Once sure Sun was holding on, Killcode leapt towards Bloody and Moon.
Lunar’s new form tore at the tendril they had sunk claws into, causing the creature to flail wildly as several tendrils were redirected to getting them off.
Moon was dropped like Sun had except Bloody had a strong grip on him before he fell. It was only because KIllcode had arrived that he didn’t try to fight Bloody pulling him onto their back. 
Arms and legs around Bloody’s neck and legs, Moon shouted, “LUNAR! GET OUT OF THERE!”
Deaf to their brother’s call and lost to their anger, Lunar continued their attack. 
Moon pointed to their youngest sibling, “They’re not listening! We need to get’em out of there!”
He could feel the tremble of Bloody’s body as they prepared to leap down to help. Instead, Killcode barked, “Get yourselves out of here! We’ll retrieve our youngest!”
Moon tried to object but Bloody was already in motion. Before Moon knew it, they were weightless in the air before tumbling onto the foam mats of the daycare. 
“Hold tight, Sunshine. This will be difficult.”
Sun held on for dear life as Killcode launched them towards Lunar. 
Their youngest family member was tearing into their attacker with a ferocity that Sun had never seen from them. 
It wasn’t until they got closer that he realised Lunar wasn’t the one in control. Instead of the light blue, bordering-on-white, glow there was a deep red that clashed with Lunar’s normal coloring. 
Killcode crept close, avoiding attacking tendrils and Lunar’s blind attacks, and grabbed at them. 
Lunar growled and shifted away, fangs bared. 
Killcode tried to get closer but hesitated as Lunar’s form crouched in preparation. Their tail lashed and a low hiss escaped closed teeth. 
Sun watched Killcode struggle to approach, worried, and barely caught sight of a tendril poised to strike. 
Partially letting go, Sun reached towards his youngest brother and screamed, “LOOK OUT!”
Lunar’s eyes flashed back to white as they dodged. Killcode stumbled from the impact, barely getting an arm around Sun’s back before he fell.
Sun watched Lunar shake their head as their glow flickered from red to pale blue. A realisation slowly dawned on Sun as they watched Lunar struggle.
He looked up at Killcode nervously as the taller animatronic weaved through the flailing limbs. With a wince, Sun declared, “Sorry, about this. It’s really stupid but I can’t let you stop me.”
Killcode only had a second to process his words as Sun yelled, “LUNAR!”
Their head turned towards the noise as Sun let go of Killcode and fell.
Something took hold of them, screaming and pulling them to their brother. Lunar galloped down the creature’s limbs, eyes turning blue, and vaulted to another tendril.
Midair, Sun had closed his eyes and waited for his fall to stop one way or another. He heard the heavy gait as Lunar approached and only let out a small gasp as something snatched his neck ruffle. 
Lunar carried him away from the mouth, climbing and dodging flailing limbs. 
Seeing the Lunar escaping, KIllcode followed their lead and yelled, “You must close it now! We can’t keep this up forever!”
It came to an end as quickly as it began.
One moment Lunar and Killcode were running up the tendrils trying to pull them in, the next, they were falling into the ballpit with the remaining tendrils. 
Thankfully they were already dissolving by the time Killcode and Lunar came out, saving Sun the stress of cleaning it out. 
Lunar approached their family, teeth firmly clamped on Sun’s ruffle with a sheepish brother attached. Killcode shot him a blank stare as he scolded, “Using yourself as bait for your brother is not an acceptable plan.”
Sun let out a weak chuckle and quietly offered, “I’ll try not to do it again? At least it worked. Lunar wouldn’t let me get hurt.”
Moon’s eyes went wide and snapped, “Sun did what?!”
Bloody crossed their arms as they chided, “Never again, Sun. Losing a brother is never fun.”
Sun curled into himself further (a feat considering he already reassembled a scruffed kitten) as he mumbled, “I’m sorry. I just wanted to get Lunar out of there.”
Attention was suddenly turned on the giant, shadowy, cat-like creature that had yet to release Sun.
Killcode approached slowly, remembering the animosity from before, and coaxed, “We’re safe now, Lunar. Can you let your brother go?”
There was a tense pause as no signs of a response came. Then Lunar walked towards the door. 
Moon followed, calling out their name, and watched as their youngest brother bounded upstairs towards their room. Bloody and Killcode followed the rest as Sun tried convincing Lunar to put him down.
Once Moon caught on and pressed the teleport button for Lunar, they jumped down and settled on the floor. 
Lunar tucked Sun against their chest and let out a rumbling purr. Sun spluttered as he was shoved against the thick fur and a rough tongue pressed against his face.
Moon walked over (whether to laugh or help was unclear) but as soon as he was in range, Lunar caught him too. At the subsequent yelp, Harvest came to investigate.
By the time Killcode and Bloody arrived, the rest of their family was trapped against Lunar’s furry form. 
Their tail was wrapped around Harvest and holding them against Lunar’s side. Sun had given up struggling and allowed himself to be pinned by a heavy head on his lap. Moon refused to surrender and was currently being groomed against his will by a large pink tongue.
Killcode pinched the non-existent bridge of his nose and groaned. Bloody smugly watched their twin try to wriggle free and smirked, “Need help?”
Harvest flipped them off and demanded, “Try to reach them. They might be stuck.”
Bloody snickered but made their way to Lunar’s front.
Moon was flopped over one large paw and glaring at the space in front of him when Bloody sat on the floor, just out of reach. Lunar noticed the movement and lifted their head, ears swiveling forward.
Bloody made eye contact and crooned, “Time to come back, little one, the danger is done.”
Lunar whined, eyes twitching as though struggling with an invisible pest. Bloody recognised the expression, one they’d seen on their twin, and reassured, “I know it can be difficult to change but we need you back. We need to discuss this latest attack.”
 Slowly, like wading into cold waters, the extra features melted away and left Lunar’s usual form behind.
Sun patted their head as they hunched their shoulders and refused to meet anyone’s gaze. Moon got off the floor with a groan and rolled his shoulders. Harvest started brushing fur off their pants and mumbled, “Not bad for a second use.”
Pulling Lunar into his lap, Sun offered, “Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Not really,” they shrugged, “but I guess we should.”
Bloody hummed, nodding in agreement.
“Losing control isn’t unusual. We-” they gestured to themself and Harvest, “-have lost ourselves to new forms before.”
Moon scooted over, pressing against Sun’s side in a rare show of affection, and explained, “We’re just worried because you’re usually pretty good at controlling it. What happened?”
There was no accusation in his voice but they flinched all the same. They huffed and reluctantly tried to describe what they could recall.
“I remember trying to pull Sun out. Moon nearly got ate-” 
“Ate,” they reaffirmed, “ and then we were being pulled down too.”
Lunar looked at their hands like they weren’t quite theirs, “I know I wasn’t like normal but I was still in control until you guys were in danger. Then everything went red.”
Sun rested his head on top of theirs as they finished, “Next thing I know, Sun’s falling and I grabbed him.”
Harvest and Bloody hadn’t moved or commented during their explanation. When Lunar finished, they shared a look with their twin and revealed, “Sometimes, the nanites will react to your emotions. Usually it helps when you’re in danger, but- it can also leave you vulnerable.”
Each twin took one of Lunar’s hands as they continued, “You have to learn to control it or else- something like this will happen again,”
Lunar’s eyes took on a wet sheen as the information sunk in. They let out a wet hiccup and rubbed their face as Sun pulled Lunar against his chest. 
The weight of his larger hands on their back forced a cry from their mouth. 
That’s all Sun needed. 
He started rocking them and gently hushed their cries with soft reassurances that it would be alright. They responded by clinging to him and letting out long wails. Sun simply continued rubbing circles on their back as Moon fetched their favorite blanket and Killcode grabbed Spigot.
When the other’s returned, Sun expertly bundled their youngest and handed them their stuffed reindeer. He didn’t stop the rocking motion as he switched from words to singing in low tones to humming.
Eventually, they calmed down enough to notice that the lights had been dimmed and they had moved onto the couch. The twins were merged again and playing on their switch quietly. Killcode was working on his latest crochet project (a hobby picked up after randomly scrolling through videos on the internet) and trying not to curse when the yarn fell off the hook again.
Face feeling warm, Lunar burrowed closer to Sun’s chest. The older animatronic simply asked, “Do you wanna play some games or cuddle for a bit?”
Lunar made grabby hands at him. Answer received, Sun tucked him close and pulled out a phone. A few quick taps later, and they were scrolling through cat videos. 
At some point Moon joined them on the couch. He occupied himself with a laptop that Sun was pretty sure he hadn’t had that morning. 
The quiet and relative peace (especially if you ignored the twins’ malicious giggling as they committed video game war crimes) only lasted an hour or so before they heard Monty scream, “WHAT THE FAZ ARE THOSE THINGS!”
Lunar, who had been sleeping, stirred and grumbled. Thankfully, Sun was well practiced in getting people back to sleep and the small animatronic faded back out with a couple of whispered assurances. Moon glared at the opening to the balcony and hissed, “I’ll strangle them.”
Sun shot the twins a look and told them, “Don’t. They probably came to check on us. We weren’t exactly quiet.”
Bloodmoon stuck their tongue out at him and sulkily returned to their virtual mayhem. Killcode set aside his project, started climbing the ladder, and stated, “I’ll talk to them. And clean whatever remains.”
Sun started to protest but Killcode warned, “If you move, you’ll wake our little one. I think they could use the rest.”
Sun pouted as Moon snickered at him and Killcode left. 
Glancing at his chest, Sun couldn’t find it in himself to regret it. Letting himself fully relax, Sun drifted into recharge with the absolute certainty that things were going to be just fine.
Lunar was worried about Eclipse.
Not the one from their universe but the nice one. Nice Eclipse’s Moon had been getting more aggressive. Without a Lunar to suppress the kill code or being separated from him, Moon’s hostility had shot up.
This is where Lunar’s brilliant scheme came in.
Lunar visited the dimension under the pretense of wanting to play more games. 
Around their neck the twins were in cat form, purring and content. At first they weren’t confident in the plan, but Lunar convinced them. The promise of the chaos that would come alone, was more than enough.
So when Eclipse went to greet Lunar, the twin’s pounced. Eclipse flinched, half-expecting claws to sink into his casing, and was caught off-guard by wiry arms wrapping around him. 
Confused, he didn’t struggle as Bloodmoon carried him towards the ball pit while snickering.
He almost forgot to struggle until he realised their plan and hissed, “Kid! This is not a good idea!”
Lunar, with a faux confused face, innocently asked, “What do you mean? I’m just making one of my brothers take a break.”
Eclipse tried to break free but the twins had plenty of time to secure their grip in the time it took for him to process what was happening. Plenty of practice wrangling their brothers and regular hunts meant Bloodmoon was an expert in capturing wriggly things.
With a cackle, the twins dragged the flailing animatronic with them through the portal. Lunar spared a sad look to the balcony above before following his brothers.
Eclipse burst through the plastic balls with a loud curse. Nearby, Killcode jumped at the unexpected shout as the twins swam around with an evil giggle. 
Eclipse trudged through the ball pit after them, muttering viciously under his breath. The ensuing chase was wholly undignified and eventually Eclipse gave up and started throwing the balls at them. 
When Lunar finally surfaced, Killcode could hardly believe his eyes as Eclipse stopped in his tracks and scolded, “You can’t just kidnap me from my dimension! What if someone saw and freaked out?!”
Choosing to make himself known, Killcode loudly cleared his throat.
Eclipse’s eyes went wide and he fell back in shock with another loud curse. On instinct, Killcode reached for their guest and pulled him out.
Eclipse was silent as Killcode set him on the daycare’s mats and asked, “Are you alright?”
The question snapped him out of his thoughts and he answered, “I’m fine. It’s just… uh, who are you?”
Killcode chuckled and sat on the floor, beckoning the (as dubbed by Moon) Gremlin Trio over.
The twins carried Lunar over on their shoulders as Killcode introduced, “I am Killcode. It is nice to meet the one Lunar has been talking about recently.”
Killcode offered a hand, shocking no one when it dwarfed Eclipse’s own when they shook, as their guest returned, “Nice to meet you.”
Shooting the others a look, Killcode smiled. “Though the circumstances are not what anyone expected,” the twins pointed towards their youngest brother accusingly, “feel free to stay as long as you wish.”
Eclipse nodded as the larger animatronic warned his children to tell Sun and Moon about the visit. 
The twins rushed off to tell Sun. Since he was recording a game with Moon upstairs,  they would both know at the same time.The twins did not bother mentioning that they wanted to see if Moon would swing when they startled him, knowing that Killcode would interfere.
Lunar took Eclipse’s hand and walked him over to the security desk. Shaking his head, Eclipse asked, “Why the sudden urge to kidnap people, Kid?”
The smaller animatronic shook their head, pointed to one of the chairs, and ordered, “Sit first, then talking.”
With a sigh, he complied. He leaned back against the, admittedly comfortable, chair and opened his arms in a ‘spit-it-out’ gesture.
Lunar sighed, “So a little while I had a bit of a freak out.”
Eclipse sat up in alarm, more attentive as Lunar continued, “I lost control of a new form. It was pretty bad. Moon almost got ate. Sun and I almost got ate too.”
There was a shout from the area above the daycare as Moon’s voice carried over.
Lunar chuckled. 
“Bloody and Vessie have been helping me but the instincts can get pretty bad. After the whole ‘situation’ I wouldn’t let’em go. They had to talk me down but sometimes my brain still gets itchy.”
Eclipse followed so far but his confusion must have been obvious if Lunar had to clarify, “I need my brother’s safe with me or my brain feels bad. Your Moon has been getting mean like my Eclipse was.”
Abruptly, the meaning of Lunar’s words sunk in and Eclipse’s rays whirled around frantically.
Face heating up and rays out of control, Eclipse stammered out, “I mean- I mean I’m fl-flattered but- isn’t that a little- I mean you’ve got your own problems!”
Lunar laughed at the flustered response as something crashed into the ball pit. “Better get used to it, Clipse. If KC hasn’t adopted you yet, I’ll eat Moon’s hat.”
It was about that time Bloody came scrambling over on all fours like a feral cat, a fuming Moon chasing them. There was also an obvious dent in their faceplate that made it clear they had succeeded in scaring the naptime attendant.
Mid-chase, Moon caught sight of the familiar face and jumped back. Lunar, on the desk even though Sun would have a fit, waved and presented, “Meet Clipse! He’s nicer than the jerk we know.”
Blindsided, Moon slowly shot him a thumbs-up and offered a quick ‘hi’ before going after Bloodmoon again. 
Before he was able to process the awkward exchange, there was another clatter as a familiar voice admonished, “Moon! Stop chasing the twins! You already decked them and I don’t want-!”
Sun’s voice cut off as he saw Eclipse sitting with Lunar, still on the desk which made Sun’s rays twitch. Clearly trying to demonstrate his rapidly vanishing patience, Sun asked, “Lunar, what have we talked about when you’re on the security desk.”
Playing coy, Lunar tilted their head, “Dunno.”
“M’not doin’ anything”
“Lunar, I swear…”
“Anyways,” they hopped down, “this is Clipse! I’m makin’ him take a break!”
As soon as Lunar’s feet were off the desk, Sun groaned. With a sigh, Sun offered a wave and extended the same invitation as Killcode.
For his part, Eclipse was frozen. 
Even though he knew it wasn’t his Sun moving and talking to him, the similarities were obvious. The way he spoke and shuffled awkwardly in place was so much like home that Eclipse was just… lost.
He didn’t snap out of it until he realised that Sun was talking to him, rays spinning worriedly. As soon as he recognised that he was being spoken to, Eclipse stammered out an apology.
Sun waved it off and told him, “I do it too. Feel free to get comfortable. I’m glad you’re here to help with Lunar’s problem!”
Eclipse nearly forgot the reason he had been kidnapped and managed to offer, “Well I can’t say no to the kid when he really needs my help.”
“Don’t I know it!”
“Can-” Eclipse shuffled his feet nervously, “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure, what’s up?”
“Would it be too weird to ask for a hug?”
“Oh, not at all! Here!”
Sun was warm. It wasn’t exactly like home but it was just close enough that tears started rolling down Eclipse’s cheeks.
When he realised what he was doing, he tried to pull away. Sun was not about to let that happen as he pulled him closer and hushed his cries. Eclipse, after so long without his brother and his open affection, collapsed in Sun’s arms.
Like he had with the rest of his brothers, Sun guided Eclipse into a more comfortable position out of sight and held him close. He rubbed circle’s on his back and crooned familiar songs that dragged the buried pain to the surface in the best way possible.
They stayed like that for who cares how long; nothing but gentle words and comforting gestures in their own little world.
When the pain was less, (not gone, never gone) Eclipse pulled away from Sun. The latter allowed him to move, not without noting that he didn’t go far, and waited.
Eclipse rubbed at his neck, shooting Sun odd looks, and offered, “Lunar said something about a new game you guys were going to play?”
Sun helped their new brother to his feet and confirmed, “Yeah. Here let me get it set up for you.”Even if he wasn’t the original, Sun was still someone dear to a lot of people. If Eclipse had any control in this universe, nothing was ever going to happen to Sun like before. Eclipse didn’t care what it would take, no one was ever going to suffer like that.
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sleepytime-fics · 1 year
Whatever You Do, Don't Get Attached - Chapter 3
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Warnings: N/A
Summary: You just wanted to get through the day. Why did your friends dare everyone to try that fruit?
Maybe it had chemicals that made you hallucinate. Yeah, that has to be right. There's no way that you're in a kids show about mutant turtle teens that just so happen to be trained in ninjitsu. Yeah. Definitely.
But life liked to throw curveballs at you. And now you're stuck. Now all you have to do is not get attached. Because they're not real.
And maybe.... You're not real anymore, either...
Previous 💚 Next
The fact that the kid from school didn’t run away screaming was very, very strange to April.
Actually, the more that April thought about it, they were pretty strange in general. Not to be offensive, of course. But it was strange enough to have April wondering about them while laying on her bed, instead of doing her homework.
Those brutes were kicking their butts, and everyone knew it. Leo was on the ground, Mikey and Raph were all beaten up, and Donnie was still smashed into the rubble. But worst of all, they were all coming for the weird little dog thing that April was currently carrying.
Backing away, April kept her gaze on the strange armored men. What surprised her, though, was when one of them turned around to grab something.  She tensed up, afraid of what it could possibly be.
Ew! No, it was wriggling! No way she was dealing with that, nope! April narrowed her eyes, and grimaced as it slowly came into the light. It was… fuzzy? No, wait, that’s rope. Did they have some wild, rabid animal? Oh, they were done for. She held the creature tighter, anticipating to get mauled by a small bear or something when she got a clearer sight of it.
Wait… that’s not a bear!
That’s a person. Phew. Wait…
They had a person?!
April gasped loudly, flinching as the person was knocked unconscious by a large fist to the head. 
“Uhh… Guys?! I think we have another problem!” She alerted the others,slowly backing away. If they didn’t hesitate to knock someone out, would they hesitate with the rest of them?
“I swear if there’s another- HOLY TRUFFLE MAC AND CHEESE!” Donnie exclaimed as he sat up slowly. He grimaced, noticing how the person hung limp over the shoulder of one of the brutes.
“Huh…? Oh, they’ve got a human… Nice…” Leo muttered out, winded from his crashing onto the ground.
“THEY’VE GOT A WHAT?!” Raph exclaimed suddenly, springing to his feet before immediately falling over again. Mikey quickly followed suit, but he managed to stay balanced.
“It is simple. Give us little creature. If yes, we only smash you eh… tiny bit!” The first brute offered, holding up his thumb and pointer finger a small distance from each other to emphasize. “But not, we smash you large bit! And tall creature, too.” He continued, making his hand into a crushing fist. The group gulped, now more intimidated than ever. Except for Leo, who was still a bit loopy.
“Man… they are ugly.” The aforementioned turtle chuckled, making everyone’s attention turn to him. Including the brutes. Gulping, he tried to himself as he attempted to slink away. Unsurprisingly, the brutes began to march towards him. Looks like Leo wasn’t escaping their beatings this time.
April sighed, rolling over in bed. Leo had complained the entire time she saw him the next day. She was going to mess those brutes up the next time she saw them. And not to avenge Leo, no, but for putting her through all of his wailing.
She pulled out her phone, sighing as she opened up Leo’s contact. He may be more annoying than a toddler who got told that they couldn’t call Dora the explorer, but she did care about him and his well being.
She quickly typed up a question to Leo, asking him how he’s doing. She chuckled to herself, feeling a bit of amused pity for the brothers. If she was only there for a few hours, how would Mikey, Raph, and Donnie be doing?
As she sent her text, a cyan-cased phone pinged with a new text.
Leo had finally begun to rest, something he was quite eager to get. But when his phone buzzed, he groaned as he reached over to see who texted him. He blinked a bit in surprise when he saw April’s contact… he thought her sleep schedule was better than his.
4th Month: Your shell still messed up? April asked him, letting a small chuckle escape him. He situated himself on his bed, quickly typing up a reply: Nothing I can’t handle. Just the cost of being a hero
Leo sighed, lowering his phone. He had been a hero today, right? Or was it just that strange cat-dog thing? He liked to think that he helped save that person… Why else would they help him?
"We can still catch these lame-o paper crooks, and be heroes." Leo said, trying to convince his brothers. He could tell that they were discouraged, and it was reasonable, they had just gotten beaten by the lamest thieves around. But they couldn’t just give up so easily! He couldn’t let them. He gulped a bit, wondering for a moment on what he could do next.
"He's uhh… he's right, you know…" A voice suddenly spoke up. He looked over in the direction of the voice, and blinked in surprise as he noticed the person they had saved from the other day was… still there? They had seemed pretty afraid of them back then, were they only shaken up a bit?
"Just because you failed one time, doesn't mean it's over…You still have another chance. Don't let failure hold you back… ya'know?" They continued, looking a bit nervous. So, he was right, they’re still scared. But as he looked closer, they didn’t actually seem afraid of them… so what was it? He at least felt a bit better about that.
"Well, that's going to be hard, that was the last paper store in town." Donnie muttered from behind him, making Leo’s attention turn back towards his brother. Slowly, he gained a smirk as he got another idea.
"Hmmm or… was it?" He said, going into that classic thinking position.
"Yeah it was uhh, I literally just said that." Donnie said, making Leo playfully roll his eyes.
“Well, I think we could change that.” Leo crouched down to the ground, closer to Donnie and Raph as they sat on the ground. He waved Mikey over, and was yet again surprised as the new person followed behind his little brother. Nonetheless, he huddled his brothers together.
As he explained his plan, he couldn’t help but notice how the new person didn’t seem surprised in the slightest.
Leo was brought back to reality as his phone pinged with a notification. Checking it again, he saw that April had replied to him.
4th Month: Oh yes, that seems so stressful. Go get your well earned beauty sleep, oh great hero
Leo smiled, reacting to the text with a thumbs up before turning his phone off again. Maybe he should try and sleep again.
woops surprise update! (its an intermission because its all i wanna do rn)
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charliedawn · 1 year
hi im just wondering how would the slashers react if they saw a yautja like we captured them then bring it and there's reaction plus the yautja if you write it thank u sorry if it that confusing
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Penny and Pennywise :
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*start a whole conversation with only little clicking noises and notices people staring at them both* : "....What ?"
Penny is fluent in all alien languages and would hence be able to play the role of a translator. But, be careful. He's not always reliable.
You : "...Are you sure that he said he would kill everyone ?"
Penny *shrugs with a smile* : "...Or, he could have also said he's here to save us all ? I'm not sure.."
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Pennywise : "AH ! Big bug. Nice to meet you, buddy."
The translation would be a bit more reliable here, as Pennywise wouldn't miss the opportunity to remind you every single second of his intellectual superiority.
But, he could also be difficult and remain unresponsive.
You *sigh* : "Come on, Pennywise. Please. Translate. I can't do this without you."
Pennywise *smiles smugly and rolls his eyes : "Fiiiiine. If you're that desperate."
It would be a big ego boost for him and he may even learn about the alien in itself, useful things he may or may not keep to himself.
Michael :
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Michael stared at the creature who stared back at him. He didn't actually know what to say or do.
They both evaluated each other as threats and once they acknowledged their mutual interest in communicating, Michael started learning the language of yautjas.
He wouldn't let the language barrier be a problem and try to learn how to write down and understand. They would soon bond on the fact that they are both protectors.
Michael *writes down in the yautja language* : "Friends ?"
Yautja *nods and responds* : "Friends."
Jason :
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Jason wouldn't actually approach the yautja at first.
He would observe him from afar and take pictures—pictures that would become a valuable part of the yautja file.
Jason always prefers to see the person before actually trying to start a conversation. He would observe his interactions with the others and take notes on his behavior patterns before taking any initiative.
Jason *stands before the yautja*
Yautja *looks up at him and tilts his head*...You have been observing me. I was wondering when you would finally show yourself ?
Jason *stays silent before answering in sign language*: "Jason."
Yautja *lowers his head in greeting*
Jack Torrance :
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Jack : "....Cigarette ?"
Yautja *looks away in disinterest*
Jack *huffs a laugh before retrieving one for himself* : "Suit yourself."
Jack is an author. He would probably find inspiration in it.
He would start typing about the yautja. Make observations. Hypothesis.
He'd try to find out information about it and be mind-blowed by his story for sure.
Jack : "...So wait, you come from that big species of alien warriors whose only purpose is to hunt down other aliens ? And you ended up here because your ship got wrecked ?"
Yautja *nods*
Jack : "...Shit, man. Talk about bad luck."
Brahms :
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Brahms *looks sad* : "You must miss your family so much..."
Yautja *stays silent*
Brahms—as the big empath that he is—would immediately feel bad for him and try to convince you on either releasing him, or at least of his good nature.
Brahms : "He's a good person."
You : "...Based on ?"
Brahms *smiles* : "On my feelings."
The yautja would also get attached to him and his kindness.
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*live interaction between Freddy and the yautja*
Freddy called him ugly.
The yautja threw him out the window.
Norman Bates :
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Norman : "Trust me. Get out while you still can."
Norman opened his cage and made sure to leave an opening for the creature to escape.
Norman knows what happens to people in St Louis. They usually never get out. He barely made it out himself and even though he was smiling when he warned the yautja—his warning was very real.
"They'll tell you they want to help you, but soon enough..You'll be trapped here until they either kill you, or find a way to get rid of you.."
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