#And also worked on the developments from Sane route
blastthechaos · 5 months
I like to imagine that in the Sane Route (since it's implied Andrew and Julia get back together, although even if they don't it's fun to imagine), Andrew and Ashley eventually cross paths with Julia again while trying to keep a low profile, they end up sorta kidnapping her so she doesn't blow their cover.
Julia is understandably a bit crossed since her ex and the person she hates the most in the world just took her against her will and it's a bit fearful about what they're going to do to her next...
Except that Andrew apologizes for what happened and explains to her the situation, they told her they're not gonna cause her any harm if she pretends she never saw them.
Julia noticed that Ashley didn't make single annoyed face or shown any sign of jealousy that she was close to Andrew, something she would recognize on sight if she did.
Then Julia seems to be in agreement and taking the chance, Andrew apologizes for how things ended up, that he should been a better boyfriend and he wishes her happiness.
Julia is like in shock, it wasn't that Andrew was an awful boyfriend but the fact that he acknowledged all the wrong that had been inflicted on her was new, she always thought he dismiss what Ashley did to him as nothing important.
But the finishing blow came when Ashley did a casual mean comment towards Julia (lacking any of the usual bite that she often threw at her) and Andrew told her to fuck off and insulted her back, which caused her to back down.
Julia was suddenly wet as fuck.
She hastily told them that if they wanted she could hide them in her house and work it out from there, because she needed to know more about this Ashley that didn't seem to hate her very existence and this Andrew that admitted his fuck ups and stood up to Ashley...among other things
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yuikomorii · 7 months
Let's judge fairly. Yui had her development too. It's not like she didn't have any development.
// I wouldn’t necessarily call it development, I would rather say the story itself advanced and she grew accustomed to the circumstances. Over the course of the games, she got better at managing the Diaboys since you get to know someone after spending a lot of time with them and well… she also started acting more cheeky and bolder with them, for the reason that they started dating. She didn't know Karlheinz well in HDB and MB, so she didn't have any opinion about him, but in DF and CL, she called him out after Karl revealed how much of a jerk he is. It's not like she wouldn't have done that earlier if she had known the truth about him from the beginning—she called out Cordelia in the first game, after all.
However, I do think there are two particular scenes where they tried to highlight some major (?) development.
One is from Ayato's MB route, when she acknowledged acting in a selfish manner and concentrating solely on her feeling rather than on Ayato too, who was also having difficulties. She came to the realization that Ayato isn't perfect, despite being cute and giving her pleasure, and learned to accept him for all of his good and bad traits.
The other one is from Laito’s LE route, in which Reiji tries to make her understand that not believing in your lover can be very painful and that it’s not okay talking like that behind his back.
The message itself was good but this is the type of forced character development I have mixed feelings about. They didn’t have to make Yui act like that because it only portrays her as the bad one here. Yui is the first person Laito has ever opened up to and she was well aware that Laito hates Karlheinz, so getting his powers would undoubtedly damage him, yet she kept failing to understand that, despite the fact that they’ve been dating for some months and should have known better. The scene in which she says that Laito knows everything about her, yet she knows nothing about him only makes her appear so foolish in order to generate conflict. Like… come on, how can the heroine claim such a thing after dating a guy for SIX games?? Plus, the reasons of Laito’s actions were OBVIOUS that not even Reiji could entirely put the blame on him based on his situation.
As for Ayato’s MB route, I can’t entirely put the blame on her; I mean… Ayato is super good-looking and could probably pull anyone, but I can’t comprehend how she failed to realize that he has negative traits too?? It should be crystal clear that nobody is perfect and that everyone has their own issues, so you can’t beg someone to consider you special if they don’t feel like it.
It would have been 10 times better if Rejet actually tried to overcome her weaknesses, instead of adding new flaws. No, writing the heroine to suddenly have a shallow or selfish mindset only to make her “become a better person after realizing her mistakes” was not needed at all. And it’s also not fun making a character learn the same lesson in more games.
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Credit to: dialovers-translations on Tumblr
The best scene, in which they could have genuinely made her evolve as a person, was in Carla’s LE route, when she admitted wanting to help him and the ghouls. It would have been nice seeing Carla putting faith in her and giving her an important yet hard task. Seeing Yui try her best to do it right, even if she was struggling at first, would have been such a cute moment. But nope, they decided to push her aside instead.
Other than that, idk if becoming a masochist and less sane as in the beginning count as development, lol, but if it does then it works like that too.
I get that it’s an otome game and most people play it for the guys but I feel like the heroine deserves to have her own storyline where she discovers herself and improves. DL feels more like the Diaboys' journey than her own, which is ironic because she’s the HEROINE, and in her most recent appearance, Rejet literally described her as “Ayato’s lover” without even using her name. I don’t really think the developers care that much about her, otherwise I doubt they’d be ok with all her character inconsistencies.
Yui is my favorite heroine because I find her really cute and likeable, plus I relate to her, but I’m aware of the fact that a likeable character does not equal a good one. She’s your average early 2010s heroine, who could have been indeed better written but serves her purpose, which is still good.
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esoxy · 9 months
So let's get into the nitty-gritty technical details behind my latest project, the National Blue Trail round-trip search application available here:
This project has been fun with me learning a lot about plenty of technologies, including QGis, PostGIS, pgRouting, GTFS files, OpenLayers, OpenTripPlanner and Vita.
So let's start!
In most of my previous GIS projects I have always used custom made tools written in ruby or Javascript and never really tried any of the "proper" GIS tools, so it was a good opportunity for me to learn a bit of QGIS. I hoped I could do most of the work there, but soon realized it's not fully up to the job, so I had to extend the bits to other tools at the end. For most purposes I used QGis to import data from various sources, and export the results to PostGIS, then do the calculations in PostGIS, re-import the results from there and save them into GeoJSON. For this workflow QGIS was pretty okay to use. I also managed to use it for some minor editing as well.
I did really hope I could avoid PostGIS, and do all of the calculation inside QGIS, but its routing engine is both slow, and simply not designed for multiple uses. For example after importing the map of Hungary and trying to find a single route between two points it took around 10-15 minutes just to build the routing map, then a couple seconds to calculate the actual route. There is no way to save the routing map (at least I didn't find any that did not involve coding in Python), so if you want to calculate the routes again you had to wait the 10-15 minute of tree building once more. Since I had to calculate around 20.000 of routes at least, I quickly realized this will simply never work out.
I did find the QNEAT3 plugin which did allow one to do a N-M search of routes between two set of points, but it was both too slow and very disk space intense. It also calculated many more routes than needed, as you couldn't add a filter. In the end it took 23 hours for it to calculate the routes AND it created a temporary file of more than 300Gb in the process. After realizing I made a mistake in the input files I quickly realized I won't wait this time again and started looking at PostGIS + pgRouting instead.
Before we move over to them two very important lessons I learned in QGIS:
There is no auto-save. If you forget to save and then 2 hours later QGIS crashes for no reason then you have to restart your work
Any layer that is in editing mode is not getting saved when you press the save button. So even if you don't forget to save by pressing CTRL/CMD+S every 5 seconds like every sane person who used Adobe products ever in their lifetimes does, you will still lose your work two hours later when QGIS finally crashes if you did not exit the editing mode for all of the layers
So let's move on to PostGIS.
It's been a while since I last used PostGIS - it was around 11 years ago for a web based object tracking project - but it was fairly easy to get it going. Importing data from QGIS (more specifically pushing data from QGIS to PostGIS) was pretty convenient, so I could fill up the tables with the relevant points and lines quite easily. The only hard part was getting pgRouting working, mostly because there aren't any good tutorials on how to import OpenStreetMap data into it. I did find a blog post that used a freeware (not open source) tool to do this, and another project that seems dead (last update was 2 years ago) but at least it was open source, and actually worked well. You can find the scripts I used on the GitHub page's README.
Using pgRouting was okay - documentation is a bit hard to read as it's more of a specification, but I did find the relevant examples useful. It also supports both A* search (which is much quicker than plain Dijsktra on a 2D map) and searching between N*M points with a filter applied, so I hoped it will be quicker than QGIS, but I never expected how quick it was - it only took 5 seconds to calculate the same results it took QGIS 23 hours and 300GB of disk space! Next time I have a GIS project I'm fairly certain I will not shy away from using PostGIS for calculations.
There were a couple of hard parts though, most notably:
ST_Collect will nicely merge multiple lines into one single large line, but the direction of that line looked a bit random, so I had to add some extra code to fix it later.
ST_Split was similarly quite okay to use (although it took me a while to realize I needed to use ST_Snap with proper settings for it to work), but yet again the ordering of the segments were off a slight bit, but I was too lazy to fix it with code - I just updated the wrong values by hand.
The next project I had never used in the past was OpenTripPlanner. I did have a public transport project a couple years ago but back then tools like this and the required public databases were very hard to come by, so I opted into using Google's APIs (with a hard limit to make sure this will never be more expensive than the free tier Google gives you each month), but I have again been blown away how good tooling has become since then. GTFS files are readily available for a lot of sources (although not all - MAV, the Hungarian Railways has it for example behind a registration paywall, and although English bus companies are required to publish this by law - and do it nicely, Scottish ones don't always do it, and even if they do finding them is not always easy. Looks to be something I should push within my party of choice as my foray into politics)
There are a couple of caveats with OpenTripPlanner, the main one being it does require a lot of RAM. Getting the Hungarian map, and the timetables from both Volánbusz (the state operated coach company) and BKK (the public transport company of Budapest) required around 13GB of RAM - and by default docker was only given 8, so it did crash at first with me not realizing why.
The interface of OpenTripPlanner is also a bit too simple, and it was fairly hard for me to stop it from giving me trips that only involve walking - I deliberately wanted it to only search between bus stops involving actual bus travel as the walking part I had already done using PostGIS. I did however check if I could have used OpenTripPlanner for that part as well, and while it did work somewhat it didn't really give optimal results for my use case, so I was relieved the time I spend in QGIS - PostGIS was not in vain.
The API of OpenTripPlanner was pretty neat though, it did mimic Google's route searching API as much as possible which I used in the past so parsing the results was quite easy.
Once we had all of the data ready, the final bit was converting it to something I can use in JavaScript. For this I used my trusted scripting language I use for such occasion for almost 20 years now: ruby. The only interesting part here was the use of Encoded Polylines (which is Google's standard of sending LineString information over inside JSON files), but yet again I did find enough tools to handle this pretty obscure format.
Final part was the display. While I usually used Leaflet in the past I really wanted to try OpenLayers, I had another project I had not yet finished where Leaflet was simply too slow for the data, and I had a very quick look at OpenLayers and saw it could display it with an acceptable performance, so I believed it might be a good opportunity for me to learn it. It was pretty okay, although I do believe transparent layers seem to be pretty slow under it without WebGL rendering, and I could not get WebGL working as it is still only available as a preview with no documentation (and the interface has changed completely in the last 2 months since I last looked at it). In any case OpenLayers was still a good choice - it had built in support for Encoded Polylines, GPX Export, Feature selection by hovering, and a nice styling API. It also required me to use Vita for building the application, which was a nice addition to my pretty lacking knowledge of JavaScript frameworks.
All in all this was a fun project, I definitely learned a lot I can use in the future. Seeing how well OpenTripPlanner is, and not just for public transport but also walking and cycling, did give me a couple new ideas I could not envision in the past because I could only do it with Google's Routing API which would have been prohibitively expensive. Now I just need to start lobbying for the Bus Services Act 2017 or something similar to be implemented in Scotland as well
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gascon-en-exil · 2 years
the thing edelgard and dimitri have story wise is outside of their own routes theyend up falling to their personal darkness dimitri ends up falling ot the "boar king" problem edelgard ends up having to rely on agarthians and becoming colder and harsher than she was before byleth acted as a light saving them in the route where they are the main heroes ( and rhea in cf goes out of control and her worst issues excaberating while in other routes she spends 5 years out of power 1/2
being forced to think about what she has done (and I imagine edelgard would visit and talk to her to get information when she took garegg mach she scrounged as much information as possible and tried to decipher the truth behind all the stuff the church hid) 2/2
What is even the point of this? I'm sure you copied this from somewhere, distinctive misspelling and all.
Also, the parallel doesn't work with Dimitri in CF because he's sane there, either because he didn't have a full psychotic break (more likely, because Dedue is there) or because he underwent his character development offscreen. I really don't know how there's wanky discourse that seems to miss this completely, when the game even provides an easy visual shorthand for his clear-sightedness in his lack of an eyepatch. Then again, these same people frequently act as though Dimitri is raging and vengeful all through AM and never undergoes his character development, so you're clearly just ignoring portions of the game that you don't like.
You'd be in good company with the Khalidstans; they ignore large chunks of Claude's development where he learns to sympathize with Rhea, and think IS is racist for writing that.
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cavilliciousness · 2 years
Omg I just saw that you’re a psychologist?? Which is so freaking awesome to me because I’m going to school to become a psychiatrist!! Any words of advice 🤔
Hey darlin,
This is so so so so so delayed. I am so sorry.
Just a bit of clarification I'm not a Clinical Psychologist. I am in MFT {Marriage and Family Therapy}. I'm getting close to the Clinical Psychologist part though. So Close. LOL
Thank you! It's a fun field with so many rewarding aspects but can be oh so draining.
Advise school-wise? Let's see....
-Keep ALL your books, papers, and even notes. They do come in handy sometimes.
-Develop relationships with your professors and fellow classmates. I can't tell you how many times I have reached out to a past professor who I felt close to that ended up being a mentor to help not only with thinking through a case but also keeping you leveled.
-Organization is so important. Calendars, post-its, a clear plan, it will save you from wasting time and or veering off track which is so easy to do.
-Find a way to maintain a life away from studying because it is easy to become overwhelmed and burned out. friends, family, hobbies, significant other. Do not get so engulfed in the education you neglect yourself and others. The same goes for when you get into the field, it is even more so important because it is easy to want to give, give, give, and actually give, give, give when you have not much to give. It is dangerous.
-Never bring your work home with you. EVER. Leave your clients/patients at the office. Try not to think about them once you leave your place of work. It will be easier said than done but if you fail in this it will be detrimental to you and your work/life balance and mental health.
-Find a therapist for yourself either now or when you've entered the field. I found this piece of advice I got in school so bizarre. I was like look I want to help people I don't need therapy. Then I realized why. It is easy to take on the baggage of others without realizing it. It is easy to get affected by a case and when that happens you need to ensure you separate yourself from them. After all, your job is to be there for them and give them unbiased and helpful solutions without injecting yourself. It will also help you keep yourself sane.
-Find mentors in your field of specialty. If you are going into primary substance abuse, sexual health, marriage, family, etc, find a mentor who has already been in the field for several years. This could be hard to find someone willing to take it on but the right person will.
-Always stay current in your knowledge especially alternative routes and methods, especially in the world that is changing so rapidly with the variety of clients you could encounter. I have known providers who refuse to go the extra mile to be inclusive or educate themselves about the strife of today's population.
-Find ways to broaden your worldwide view. This one is so important. This goes past reading articles and or watching a particular tv show/interview. This is a lifetime/career-long task that mainly means experiences and interactions. I think it separates the good therapists from the amazing therapists that have found ways to bridge the gap with who they treat.
There is so much advice I can give and I would take up the entire character-allowed limit here. I'm around if you want more. Feel free to drop me a line and I'll try to get to you as soon as I can unless life gets crazy again.
I wish you nothing but luck and success in your path!
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lowrymartin91 · 5 months
Producing Your Next Home Improvement Task Have An Attractive Appearance
Home improvement has so many alternatives to what you can utilize, do, and how you can put it to use to your own house. It is rare to get another person that may do exactly the same issue while you, why then not create a task that really works for just your home? This post will help you. You can use drywall mud to add feel and graphic interest to your wall surfaces. This can also mask any nicks or blemishes. It is really simple to complete. Implement drywall mud and, using a remember to brush or even a sponge, add some structure to the soil. Painting your floor in portions corresponding together with the route in the planking. If you paint the surface of a big room it is easy to paint on your own in a part or to accidentally prevent usage of all of those other house till the color dries out. When you paint in sections you may keep trails running alongside certain panels. Once you fresh paint the adjacent portion everything will complement completely. In relation to redecorating, modest developments including strength strips and spike protectors can be extremely valuable. Energy strips permit that you can very easily shut off teams of electronics, spending less on power. Most spike protectors will protect your gadgets from super happens and power surges. A simple home improvement hint would be to declutter. Begin with this simple project: If you have kids, you might be responsible for cluttering your freezer making use of their work and tiny style magnets. Keep the kitchen appliances obvious by fixing some of your children's graphics and only a few magnets at the same time. You can swap these materials out each week. Place a engagement ring on the strength tool plugs! To help keep young kids from plugging these most likely harmful tools in to a potential wall socket, just fall an integral ring through the pockets around the ideas in the connect prongs. For larger plugs you can also use s modest padlock to guard the instruments towards probably unsafe use. Minimal home remodeling work may be taken care of by the home owner without having to entail a licensed contractor. Simply by making minor improvements and improvements a homeowner can enhance the value of his or her home with a shocking volume. Depending on the house owners own capabilities will make renovations less expensive, since there is no profit reduce for extraneous building contractors and experts. Stickers are a great facelift for uninteresting home furniture and home appliances getting them off is actually a different tale. If you're from tips on how to remove older decals from surfaces the following suggestion will definitely aid. Spray the decals you intend to eliminate with WD-40 mist. Attempt to lift the sides to have the liquefied underneath. Let it sit down inside the option for any moment or two and then gently scrape the decal by having an old bank card or even a plastic-type knife. Also you can boost the appearance of your house by landscaping design with mature plant life and blooms rather than planting from seed. Grown plants give a quick ignite of shade. If you will find any vacant places in your landscape designs, these flowers can complete the gaps. Seedlings nevertheless require time and energy to expand, and may not put in your landscape for a couple a few months until they produce blooms. Potential buyers might be incredibly affected by a "finished" garden that may look wonderful with minimal effort on the component. An incredible redesigning tip is going to be as adaptable that you can. Whilst it is best to establish an occasion body, often you just won't be able to help make your due date. You might like to invest some dollars, but often you might want to pay a tad bit more. Therefore, to help keep oneself sane, be versatile at times changes must be created. When you start to plan a home advancement project make sure you check with local representatives on which makes it possible for you require. If you do not accomplish this all the work which is completed is usually necessary to be torn lower and also the task started off over again on account of legislation infractions. It is perfectly normal to evaluate the performance of a residence in accordance with the variety of restrooms accessible. The quantity of bath rooms a home has is vital for the house benefit. You can boost the selling price of your residence by the addition of an additional restroom or two. Before you start painting an area it is important to set down drop outfits or older bedding on the ground. When painting an area it is rather possible to have painting drip or leak on the ground. Regardless of the sort of ground you might have it can be tough to get color up once it can be over a surface area. Spend money on some hurricane stockings living within a area that is known to have severe weather or floods. The design of these textiles enables them to process huge amounts water. Place these at entry details for example windows and doors. The homes with the most up-dates are the type that regularly market quicker. One of the more successful selections that you can make is always to upgrade and upgrade your property ahead of sale. It is going to make possible buyers believe that there is a minimal amount of work to be done right after the acquire. While looking to save cash on electricity, introducing new energy efficient fixtures is an easy redecorating that you can do without having a contractor. Introducing energy efficient ceiling fan will not likely only add more beauty, and can lessen your cooling expense. Merely investing from the old incandescent lights to much more power efficient phosphorescent versions will save you on power costs. When concentrating on a property improvement task, it usually is crucial that you be accommodating together with your money and time. If you think it is possible to finish off a task by two weeks, plan for it for taking 3 or 4 days. Also, ensure your financial budget is a little larger than you expect the job to set you back. Isn't developing your home improvement work enjoyable? As you may have experienced in the following paragraphs, there are tons of ways this can be done and no two tactics or goods will produce the same outcomes. There are a lot of custom possibilities that could deal with your home and finances.
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worldwidesitespeed · 2 years
Steam crash bandicoot n sane trilogy pc cortex power crash
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The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Coloured gems work a little differently in Crash Bandicoot 2, but they're no … If you're a fan of gaming, wrestling, and soccer, give him a follow on Twitter However, collecting Gems will allow you to get a different ending to the story, the true ending. The original three Crash games were remastered and bundled together as the N. Road To Ruin is a secret warp room level in Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back. To reach … There were times when I thought it wasn't worth it. This level once again sees Biker Crashracing on a motorbike across 1950s-era highway somewhere in the glamorous Southwest America, late at night. Fun Fact: This was an unintended bug in the original version of Crash Bandicoot 2 which has been left in by the developers.
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1 secret portal (unlocks Hot Coco hidden level). I pressed on on, day after day until I reached the end. My completionist brain got the best of me, though. It’s difficult, but there are no tricks … Valuable information - If you have trouble with performing precise jumps and other moves with the left analog stick, try using d-pad.The stick has a very large "dead zone" and some moves might not be correctly recorded when the stick is moved too lightly. Music to the 2nd skull route in the the game, Road To Ruin. Below you can find a listing of controls for each title that is a part of Crash Bandicoot N. Save a character: Crash Bandicoot 1-3 levels. Road to Ruin Out: Orange Asphalt Lights Out Hot Coco Ski Crazed Stormy Ascent The Great Gate The Lab Gee Wiz Hog Ride Cold Hard Crash Slippery Climb’s challenge comes in its moving platforms, but what makes it so odd compared to others is that this is… Road to Ruin Boulder Dash Upstream Dino Might! Deep Trouble High Time Road Crash Double Header Sphynxinator Bye Bye Blimps Tell No Tales Future Frenzy Tomb Wader Gone Tomorrow Orange Asphalt Flaming Passion Mad Bombers Bug Lite Ski Crazed Area 51? Th… The days wasted. Road Crash Spaced Out Bone Yard Ruination Crash Dash Flaming Passion Jaws of Darkness Totally Fly Whole Hog. Sane Trilogy.The room contains five portals, accessible in any order. This chapter is dedicated to the Alpine Warp Room, one of the warp rooms found in Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back as seen in Crash Bandicoot N. Crash must win the race in order to get the level's crystal.
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Here is a video guide of myself doing it. Diggin' It also contains a hidden portal to the Sixth Warp Room, where the portal for a section of Road to Ruin will be unlocked. In Crash Bandicoot 2, you can collect Gems alongside of the Crystals you find to complete the game. A level in which Crash is tasked with making it from one end of a rickety bridge to the other. However, collecting Gems will allow you to get a … NEXT: Xbox Admits Series X Shortages Could Go On For Months. Warning - It is better to unlock Hot Coco hidden level during your second playthrough after destroying all crates and getting a Purple Gem.The level is unlocked by hitting one of road signs and more information about that can be found in the page with the walkthrough for that … Nowadays, he splits his time between his PS4 and his Switch and spends far too much time playing Fortnite.
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Cassandra x Maiden----Anonymity Ch.3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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Your quiet days in castle Dimitrescu met their end the moment Cassandra took an interest in you.
You should have known. Perhaps you did know and just didn’t want to admit it.
The woman –vampire, mutant, what even are they— is a bipolar sadist.
One night she may be walking down the halls sending you a sexy wink under her hood as she passes you by, the next she could show up out of nowhere and cut you ‘hello’ with her sickle, scoop up the blood with her thumb to taste, then disappear again. The evening after that, she may not even give a damn about you, may not spare you a single fleeting glance, like even the notion you could be worth her time is laughable.
And it is, isn’t it.
Humans are nothing to them. Your significance is below that of a pet. You may as well be livestock. It doesn’t matter, though, so long as you continue to breathe and remain intact. They’re the two essential factors to escaping. All else is secondary.
It doesn’t matter how Cassandra views you.
You don’t even like her.
What is there to even be drawn to? She’s covered in blood more often than not. The scent of iron usually drowns out her perfume. She’s capricious and cruel and the living personification of an unsheathed knife. You prefer your routes safer. Playful, creative pretty girls that are good for you and most importantly, sane.
Whatever weird tricks your brain and hormones are playing where she stars –you hate it, what is wrong with you— they’re just delusions, you reason, born from her questionable flirting and your time in captivity. It’s just a really bothersome case of Stockholm Syndrome you’re developing. And it has to stop.
Another week passes. You don’t see her.
You are on another night shift when you hear the telltale buzzing of insects down the corridor. Hervoice reaches your ear afterwards;
“Ugh, Bela, you never complain about anything. It’s so annoying.” Two pairs of heels steadily tap towards you.
“I leave it to you and Dani to cover for me, since you complain about everything.” The quieter sister drawls. You can easily picture her roll her eyes as she says it.
“You know, you really should sound more thankful I came with you in this unearthly cold.”
“I gave you the option not to—”
“Just to have you rummage through that bookshop for what was definitely the most boring twenty minutes of my life.” Cassandra continues.
From the fleeting glance you steal at them, the entirety of her attention is on Bela. You don’t think she’ll notice you as you continue polishing the corridor’s decorations. It’s just another one of these nights where you don’t exist and you’re deeply glad for it. Not just for yourself, but also the other maids.
“I thought I was going to die of frostbite.” she growls, shaking the elder sister’s arm.
“Technically, you can’t.” Bela shakes hers back.
It would be… cute, if they were any normal family. But you are quick to remind yourself of what they really are. Devils in human form. Monsters that took you from your home and trapped you here, to clean after their mess, with the threat of death looming over your head every second.
Their steps pass you by. You can almost breathe normally again, when—
Cassandra stops.
“Not even going to tell me hello?” The hurt in her voice can’t be genuine, you tell yourself as you turn around to face her. She’s closer than you thought, enough for you to be able to make out the tiny melting snowflakes caught in her long lashes.
“Um—hello.” you say, awkwardly.
“Cassandra.” Bela lets out a soft sigh.
“Bye, Bela.” The brunette pointedly speaks over her shoulder.
And to your horror… “Just keep in mind what mother said about the maids.” the eldest sister leaves you alone with her.
Each further step until the blonde disappears from view fills you with dread. Cassandra has that spark in her eye that you’ve learned to not associate with anything good. She’s completely still until she’s sure the two of you won’t be overheard or interrupted.
Then, she moves.
Her hands all too easily shove you against the wall. It’s more startling than painful, you realize, when your back doesn’t protest much at the collision.
Cassandra maintains eye contact with you as she tugs at the fingers of her gloves. You cannot fathom why it looks that sexy, the way she pulls them off, whether it is intentional or not.
“Plaything.” she says. Another new nickname for you. Not that you ever expected her to care to know your name. “I’m terribly cold.” she doesn’t seem to be lying, though the soft pout that curves her mouth is surely for effect.
It’s a test and your wellbeing depends on it.
Only, you have no idea what you’re supposed to do. Ruling your nerves under control, you decide to start slow. “Shall I light the fireplace in your room, my lady?”
“Maybe I want something more… immediate.” she replies, raising her hand to your neck.
The second her freezing skin touches your flesh, you cannot help but flinch. It feels like a slightly softer block of ice. Cassandra’s eyes creak at the corners. Of course, the sadist is enjoying your torment. Slowly, her fingers move under the collar of your black button-up shirt, which only makes it worse. The cold spreads, a peculiar tingle at your stomach with it.
“Well?” she asks. You get the memo that just sitting back and letting her have her way isn’t going to work, this time. You call upon all the willpower you possess and act.
Carefully, your hands rise to meet her own. You aren’t looking at her in the eyes –you don’t think you could— as your fingers wrap around hers and bring them in front of you, close to your body, warmed from hours of work. Instead, your gaze locks on the golden jewel decorating the chocker at her throat, before falling down, to your point of contact.
It is not the first time you see her hands without gloves on, but it only now hits you just how dainty they look. Her nails, filed round, are dyed a darker shade of crimson, stark against the white of her skin. There isn’t a single blemish or uneven spot you can feel on her palm. It is a princess’ hand you seem to be holding, not a killer’s.
But appearances can be deceiving.
The very corner of Cassandra’s lip curls up, amused or pleased or both. She then reaches forward, at the lowest clasped button of your shirt… and frees it open. You’re sure you aren’t breathing. Two more buttons are released. Her fingers, at least now considerably warmer, splay against your stomach. Something inside you quivers like a flickering candlefire.
You don’t want her touch.
But a traitorous, weak part of you has already decided that it does.
“You work out?” it is merely a whisper between you. She presses a little closer, entirely unashamed to be feeling the contours of your middle up while you’re burning with embarrassment.
“…probably the days of working in the fields.” you say, voice low because it cannot be trusted any higher. She’s doing a little thing with her thumb over your skin that you desperately want to deny turns you on.
Thanks to her you’re now freezing and burning at the same time.
Cassandra just stays like that for a few more seconds.
“Draw me a hot bath.” she eventually orders and extracts herself from you as if she’s not remotely happy with her own decision.
You don’t really know how she likes her bath and she doesn’t tell you.
All you can do as you test the water on your hand is pray. Your mind isn’t really working right after the touching at the hallway, but your survival instincts are strong still. Strong enough to remind you that Cassandra likes to be treated like royalty above all, so bubbles are your best friend in this. The more, the merrier.
The Dimitrescu daughter does not ask if the bath is ready when she comes in. You aren’t used to her being so silent, so you turn to see if something is wrong –but immediately regret it when the heavy robe clinging to her body drops down. The only glimpse you catch is of the fabric pooling at her feet like a shadow.
Your eyes stay glued on the queen-sized bathtub, even when she approaches. They turn to the side as she enters it.
You want to ask if the water is fine, but you can’t find your voice. You lose even your train of thought when she lets out a small hiss as she sinks in, replaced by a moan once she’s completely settled back, neck tilted and eyes closed in bliss. The polite thing is to let her bathe in peace, so you move to do just that.
Cassandra has other plans.
Her hand shoots out of the tub to wrap around your wrist, inescapable as an iron shackle. Those intense yellowish eyes are on you again and they seem to be glowing under the dim lights.
“No.” she says. “Massage. Now.”
Ah, great. You think. You’ve spoiled her. But if giving Cassandra massages is what is going to keep your hands attached to your body, you won’t complain. It’s just that… you can’t really focus right now. None of your thoughts are right or remotely what they should be. You need time off from her, rather than touching her.
Thankfully, the moans are kept to a minimum and there is no teasing. She is utterly relaxed, only giving the occasional command for higher or lower. It does kind of kill you when at one point she whispers “Right there.” but you are able to move past it.
You leave fresh towels beside her when you’re finally allowed to leave. Back in her bedroom, you light the fireplace in a way that you make sure will last through the day, while she’ll be asleep. The plan is to leave before she returns, but she’s already there by the time you’re finished with the preparations.
And –you’re trapped.
Because, again, she’s changing and you have to look away to preserve your sanity and probably your eyes. “No peeping, now.” she calls over her shoulder. You know better than to dare.
You keep your hands busy arranging bottles and boxes at her vanity until she’s done. Cassandra does that ‘flashing’ thing where she’s on one side of the room one moment and right behind you the next. You only then notice a little insect flying back into her form. It was spying on you.
“You didn’t even look near me, huh.” she says it like ‘congratulations, you passed’, but there’s a bitter undertone of disappointment in her voice.
She’s only feeling down that you didn’t give her an excuse to slice at your face, you think. Then again, does she really need one?
“I wouldn’t, my lady.” you assure. “If I may be excused—”
“Did I say you can go?” she turns you around, none-too-gently, her hands on your biceps tight. You’re effectively pinned against her and the vanity, but you have much bigger problems to worry about, when you take in what she’s wearing.
Cassandra is clad in a flimsy nightrobe that leaves little to the imagination, the fabric nearly see-through. You can see the edges of her lacy underwear underneath it, how nicely it sits against her perfect curves. To make matters even worse, the robe ends at about mid-thigh and your eye catches the expanse of creamy skin on display.
Your brain nearly melts.
“I don’t know what it is about you, plaything, but you’re working up my appetite.” she confesses, pressing into you, pressing you harder into the furniture. You try to think of literally anything else than how well her thigh is slotted between your legs.
If you’re supposed to look away from her lidded eyes, however, you can’t. And if you’re not supposed to feel the echo of her nails on your arm all the way down to your center, you can’t. You are definitely not supposed to be so achingly curious about her bow-shaped lips. But you just can’t.
“You’re working me up.” she breathes, so close you can feel the ghost of her lower lip on yours.
And then –her mouth is on you and you forget how to breathe. Your eyes close and just feel, instead. If this is how you die, maybe it isn’t such a bad way to go. It’s been too long since you kissed anyone, seems like ages ago now, but you gradually remember how to move once you allow your muscles to unlock.
Not looking at her makes it easier. Her lips are balmy and smooth and slide so good on your own you can’t think at all, much less of what she’s capable of. You would have guessed her to be aggressive, but Cassandra is oddly hesitant, the only thing hard about her being her grip.
You’re not sure what you’re doing or how you get so bold, but your hands trail up to her waist and pull her in. The little hitch in her breath threatens to break you. It provides the perfect opening to part her lips with your tongue. As soon as it touches hers, she moans low in her throat and slowly drags her hips against your thigh.
Oh. God.
There’s a hollow ache in your stomach. You’re shamefully wet for her. The voice of reason is mute in your head, until you’re forced to break your liplock to breathe and it only then hits you what you’ve just done.
Cassandra’s lips are insistent on your jawline, on the vulnerable spot under your ear. Her open-mouthed kisses are just hard enough, at first, but then start to border on painful. Your heart skips a beat when you feel the press of teeth, yet she rips herself off of you before she bites down.
“Ugh. I’m… so thirsty.” she says it lightly, but her voice is hoarse and something about her body language gives you the impression she’s hurting. “You should leave. Fast.”
You almost make the mistake of reaching for her. Almost.
Cassandra turns away from the temptation of your veins.
For both your sakes –mostly for yours— you hurry out of her room and never stop to look back.
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allandoflimbo · 4 years
Ashens (Part 3)
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Summary: She falls in love with Bucky Barnes from the moment she sees him. Bucky, still in love with a woman from his past, hates Y/N and plans to make her life miserable. To both their dismay, they are assigned together to go undercover into The Capitol for six months. There, they develop a heartbreaking friend with benefits agreement. Dystopian.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 3,036
Rating: M for Mature, E for explicit. Enemies to lovers trope, sharing a bed trope, friends with benefits trope, temporarily unrequited love, heavy angry sex, heavy on the angst, and very strong language.
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Month: February
Year: 2021
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It had been three years since you saw your parents being murdered in your living room and since the civil war started.
Society had fallen.
First, it was the fight for the cure, then it was the fight for protection. Next, came the riots, the fight for food, and eventually, it all became a survival of the fittest.
Electricity and communication were no more. You don’t even remember the last time you saw a working TV. Family was no more. Violence and dishonesty were now the brutal answer.
These days, protection came in the form of clothing you owned and how much you had of it. After it became apparent that this virus was actually a bacteria born and flesh-eating disease, everyone did what they could to try and keep their skin protected as much as possible. It ate through the skin and took over your body like a plague. Heavy clothing equaled less chance of being infected. It didn’t take very long for clothing stores to be looted along with the grocery and drug stores.
Eventually, you’d have to make use of any clothing you found on dead bodies that were killed by assassination and not by the virus itself. You couldn’t risk that.
But even that was rare to come by. Everyone jumped at the opportunity of a clothed dead corpse. Whether it was for the scarf, the pants, shoes, or socks.
During the riots, most of the homes had all been destroyed either by fire or vandalism. Some tainted by dead bodies; murder scenes. Some eaten by the virus. You didn’t want to live in a home that was infected. Destroyed homes were ruined by the winter’s harsh snowstorms and the summer’s heavy rainfall. Because of their collapsed ceilings mixed in with the weather, it all eventually began to mold and collapse.
Life was no more, happiness and serenity were gone, except for in The Capitol.
No one could get inside The Wall. You heard rumors that it was guarded by heavy military and machine guns, and all of Hydra.
The Capitol was a place where your parents had planned for every single one of you to make use of to help you survive and live a happy life. It was supposed to be a safe haven, not this.
It was now the place that had been savagely stolen by Hydra and the evil rich. The migration into The Capitol had happened very soon after your parent’s death. The rich, elite, privileged, and only some certain politicians, were taken in.
The other politicians, you heard in rumors, had either killed themselves or were killed by other government officials, just like your parents had been. You heard rumors that this had been an undercover mission for years. They all knew how to take over the moment it was necessary.
Even the doctors and scientists had been taken with them. And you wondered if it was at their own will. Meanwhile, everyone else - people like you and Will and simple middle-class families with children - were forced to fight each other to stay alive.
A bloodbath.
The first few months you and Will had refused to fight anyone for food. That wasn’t in your moral plans. But it had eventually come a day when neither of you had eaten in three days, and the only thing left, in a dirty store off Route 95, was a loaf of bread. You, Will, and this random girl all argued until you eventually agreed on splitting it into three pieces.
The girl had been chewing her piece, devouring like she hadn’t eaten in days when her eyes landed on the tattoo on your neck, and immediately you knew she knew who you were. Her eyes grew dark and she jumped at the chance to attack you when Will came from behind, hitting her on the back of the head with a heavy bucket, making her pass out.
You knew that no one really knew what happened to your family. They all think it was your parent’s intentions for all of these horrible things to have happened. They blame you and your family for this. This only made you want to avenge your parents even more and even Will knew. This life wasn’t what they wanted, and it’s not what you wanted either.
You had been sitting one night, in the middle of a forest in Connecticut around a blazing fire, eating a fish you had just caught with your handmade spear. It had fed you both for many months. Will smiled over the fire at you, licking the meat off the bone clean.
“We’ll get there, Y/N.”
You stared at the fire in a daze. You hadn’t lost hope. Or at least you don’t think you did. Your feet had been bare for weeks and they were starting to chafe and bleed.
You wouldn’t admit it, but part of you did lose a little hope. You feared the first snowfall of the year. It was almost comical to you how your last worry at the moment was frostbite.
You took a deep breath, enjoying the taste of the Tilapia. You wrapped your heavy scarf over your shoulders.
“I know, I’m just tired. I wish I had more strength, I wish we had more strength. There’s two of us and thousands of them, Will.”
It was the first sign of doubt you had shown in months, and it surprised Will slightly.
“I know, but we can do it. I know we can.” he licked his fingers clean and then laid down on the wet and cold grass, his hands behind his head.
Could you do it? You weren’t sure anymore. You knew you wanted to kill Hydra and you wanted to overtake The Capitol. But were you two really capable of doing that? Have you two been delusional this entire time?
“Its been three years. Three years.” You said softly. Exhausted.
“True, but we’re young. And we’re smart. We have an advantage they don’t. That.” He bent one of his legs and stared up at the scars, a small smile tainting his lips, “We could always call The Avengers.”
You scoffed, running your hands through your hair as you threw the bare spine into the fire. You were a bit sad you finished it, your tummy still turning in hunger.
“What Avengers? Hydra destroyed their home, everything. They tried to fight and they lost. Worst than when Thanos beat them. And to make matters worse, this is a virus, it’s not something they can necessarily control. They’ve become overpowered, even the damn Avengers are overpowered now by Hydra. This is like a horror movie that will never end. It’s time we face the facts.”
Will smirked.
“I don’t know if I buy it. You mean to tell me even Bruce fucking Banner couldn’t break that damn wall?”
You gave him a glare.
“I don’t think the goal here is to break The Wall. If anything that would ruin the purpose, don’t you think?” you picked up a small and harmless rock and threw it at his chest, making him cringe, “dipshit.”
Will continued to stare up at the stars.  The night was midnight black, and now since there was no longer any electricity, you could even see the milky-way.
“I don’t see this ending badly.”
You wish you had his good heart and good soul. You furrow your brows at him.
“What do you mean?” You ask.
“This whole thing. We’ll fix it, I know we will. I don’t know how, but it will happen. I’m sure of it.”
You consider his words and nod. You slowly take your time to get up and walk over to where he is. You pull your heavy apocalyptic-style hood over your head and scooch over closer to him. You cross your own arms behind your head, also looking up at the stars. They looked beautiful, and for the first time in a while, you allowed yourself to feel even a little bit serene.  This is why you enjoyed Will. He was your best friend and your guardian angel.
“You really think so?” You ask.
Will turned his head over and looked at you. You did the same thing, staring back into his eyes.
You were suddenly afraid; afraid of losing your friend. What would you do without a good soul like him to keep you sane and strong?
“I do.” There was no trace of doubt in his voice.
Still, you tried to believe him, you really did.
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You and Will began to fend for survival. You often thought of killing your parent’s murderer when you would both be laying under a tree in the cold of the night trying to fall asleep. You would never forget that face.  You and Will would both alternate between being watchmen to guard your food and weapons. You mostly used the weapons just for hunting, but you never knew what could happen. Still, you remained alert and vigilant.
You both never ventured too much into the city, trying to stay on the outskirts as much as you possibly could. But one day you had cut your hand while trying to spear more seafood in a riverbed, and the cut ended up being deeper than you could manage. Not only did you fear it to get in the way of your hunting, but you also didn’t want your blood seeping in through your clothing, making it more versatile to the virus.
You both found a looted, but in not-too-bad-of-a-condition, dollar store just off the freeway. You both climbed over some of the abandoned cars, making sure to look in each one just in case there was something worth taking.
You got to the entrance of the store, and Will told you he would be outside waiting and keeping guard while you looked for some bandages.
The store was almost completely empty, yet you found your way into the med isle, stepping over fallen light fixtures and useless items like beanie babies and dusted up Happy Birthday cards. You were rummaging through some boxes when you heard it.
A scream.
Your heart jumped into your throat and you acted on autopilot. You didn’t second guess, you ran through the doors and over the fallen cable wires without hesitation. Your eyes searched the eery and abandoned parking lot. You didn’t see him and you screamed Will’s name over and over again, running around the deserted parking lot. You knew it was dangerous, but you had to find him. You heard a groan and you quickly saw him lying against the curb off to the side of the highway, his arm wrapped tightly around his waist.
You feared the worst.
“No, no,” you repeated to yourself. You tried to be careful to not slip on the black ice beneath your leather boots.
You ran towards his fallen body and the first thing you say was how pale he was. His face was emotionless. Most likely shock. You crouched down next to him and you pulled his arm away from his chest. You saw a knife sticking out from his upper abdomen and blood.
A lot of blood.
He was panting and it didn’t take you long to look up across the street. There was a man faced down into the pavement. You swallowed thickly, knowing there was a fight and Will had gotten hurt.
“He saw you and he kept saying he wanted your coat, he was a loon and he had a machete, and he — and he—” Will panted.
“Shhh, shhh.” You hugged him tightly to your body as you rocked him back and forth.
“I wanted to protect you.” “I know, Will. I know.” You cried, closing your eyes tightly together and holding him closer.
He barely coughed out, his eyes rolling back.
“It hurts.” He cried.
You saw heavy tears cloud your vision and you felt a sense of impending doom.
“I got you, Will, I got you.” You don’t know if you were speaking to him or yourself.
He stretched his arm up and grabbed yours, pulling your embrace tighter around his body.
“We’ll get them, Y/N. We’ll avenge your parents, I promise. I’m too strong for this.” He squeaked, “I won’t die.” He said through clenched teeth.
Tears ran down your face as you watched him grab his own open abdomen.
“You are, Will. You are so strong.” Your face tilted to the side as more sobs racked through your body, “Please, don’t leave me. I can’t be alone. I can’t do this alone.”
You felt his nimble fingers dig into your elbow, smearing you with his blood.
“I’m so sorry.” He whimpered, some blood escaping his lips this time.
“Please, please.” You cried over and over again, holding him tighter to your chest.
It didn’t take much longer for you to feel him go limp in your arms. Your body shook with your cries when you repeated it back to yourself: Will was dead.
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You didn’t allow yourself to cry for too long. You wanted to but you knew you needed to keep moving, and being this exposed could only cost you your life.
You quickly found a nice area, the nicest you could possibly find in an arena of death, and you carefully laid Will’s body down. Ironically, it was in a field of dead daisies. You delicately draped his arms over his chest and you whispered your goodbyes to him. You took a moment to cherish who he was. He was a lonely son of a construction worker and an accountant. His bother died two years ago after being infected. He had been in pain for a long time, but he had a good heart, and he strived to stay at your side to help you. You let your tears fall on your hands as you held his for just a few more minutes.
No more than a half-hour later after finding some bandages, you were back in the woods, continuing your journey south. You pulled out the compass that Will had given you, just to be sure. It was close to dusk when you heard the sound of a river running down below. Your stomach grumbled, suddenly feeling very hungry again. You had been out of luck today, finding not even one squirrel or deer. Not even a bird.
You hadn’t eaten since that morning when you and Will had split a couple of spare pumpkin seeds. Your chest tightened at the thought of him again. You felt awful for just leaving him in the field like that. You knew someone would find him soon and take the clothing off his body to keep for their own. But you had no choice. And there was no time for a proper burial, at least not in the middle of a city like that.
You continued your walk more and more, the boots that you had stolen off a girl’s body, squishing in the mood and dirt beneath your feet. You were thankful it hadn’t snowed yet this year. The cold was already unbearable as it was, if there was snow it would only make your journey worst. You couldn’t take it for granted.
You don’t know how much farther you walked since you had no watch. No one had watches anymore. Time didn’t exist anymore. But, it would help in order for you to estimate your location and how far you had left in your journey. You were guessing, realistically, it had been about an hour, judging by how much darker the sky now was.
You knew you needed to find a corner to settle in and build a fire. You needed a place to sleep for the night. Food would have to wait until tomorrow, you would go to sleep hungry again.
You take a deep breath and rest your hand on a large tree. You were extremely fatigued, in desperate need of water. You had been dehydrated for a while. You knew your canteen was running low so you had to savor as much as you could.
You took necessary sips here and there.
You drift your eyes over the horizon and through the broken branches until your gaze lands of a patch of grass that looked decent enough for a rest stop. You would lay your dirty rag you call a blanket there and get some rest.
You slowly started your walk, tucking your canteen back into your bag.
You heard owls in the sky around you and you grew worried as you began to realize that with Will now gone you were truly alone. There was no way you could avenge your parents alone. You couldn’t go into The Capitol alone.
You had no chance.
Your hands grew clammy and you started feeling worried sick, your mind now in overdrive.
You were screwed. You were all alone and screwed and there was no chance in hell you were going to come out of this alive. Suddenly, you find yourself angry at Will. Angry for lying to you and saying that everything would be okay.
How could he say that? How could he lie to make you believe it was true? You wouldn’t be capable of doing this alone? Even the Avengers couldn’t do this, even the Earth’s mightiest heroes could not win against Hydra, yet here you were trying to overthrow an entire city filled with them?
You remember the people talking about how their compound had been bombed and destroyed. They didn’t have a home anymore. They had three missions where they tried to overthrow it and failed miserably. It pained you to see that your parents hope for the future had become a living hell of blood and war. How could Will have so much faith in you? You remember the feel of his limp body in your arms and your sadness is unbearable.
More tears found your eyes and you rubbed your wet nose over the back of your sleeve. Something heavy caught the tip of your boot, and with a shriek you found yourself tumbling down and down.
Then, everything went dark.
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citadelspires · 4 years
Ducktales AU Concept Because My Brain Runs On Concepts I Can’t Finish:
Dewey actually waits for the signal to start the boat and they actually leave for Cape Suzette without Donald finding out. He believes they’re ready to be left alone for small periods at a time and while he is still hired on with Glomgold the obvious complications there happen and he simply just goes back to whatever he was doing, because Scrooge wasn’t reinvigorated by the kids and never ended up going to Atlantis in the first place. Cut to the ambiguously set point of over a year later, and we get the return of Della from the moon, but to a drastically different world than the one she comes back to in the show. (For the sake of the au I’m just gonna say the moon invasion doesn’t happen cause the point of this is to focus on the characters and the imminent and impossible to stop moon threat would actually be impossible to stop in this au). I’m just gonna go through the characters and where they’d be at in this setting.
The first, and arguably one of the most affected is  Scrooge: He never got back into adventuring due to the absence of the kids pushing him back into the business. He continues to be profitable and avoid Glomgold’s attempts on his life but he’s generally less cheery and interested in the world than he is in the show. He cares about money and he only cares about money. Everything and everyone else are a second thought to him. Like she does in canon Della makes for McDuck Manor immediately upon return to earth only to find that the only one waiting for her is Scrooge. He opens the door to find her and his initial reaction is joy at seeing her but a secondary reaction he feels poking at the back of his mind is one of shame that this is the state he’s in for her to return to, particularly when she asks him where her kids are and he just tells her he doesn’t know. There’s a look of betrayal in her eyes when she realizes that he just abandoned everyone and cut off every aspect of the life he used to have and she doesn’t even try to hide it. Scrooge wants to offer to come with her to find them but something holds him back and he doesn’t. She runs off to find them herself and despite everything he wants to the contrary Scrooge just goes to his office like he would any other day, knowing that the person he’s been missing for over ten years now is finally returned after he thought she was dead and here he is acting like nothing is different.
Launchpad is fun because he never has any reason for Scrooge to find out he’s a pilot. He tries to mention it to Scrooge occasionally, like we see in the first episode, but just like in that episode he’s always ignored. Not that Scrooge would have any adventures for Launchpad to take him to anyway. So Launchpad continues being nothing but Scrooge’s driver. And that’s enough for him because he’s Launchpad you know? And he still looks up to Scrooge a lot, but he’s never given the opportunity to grow close to him, or anyone really. Fittingly enough for Launchpad, he’s just been living life on autopilot for a couple years, not really expecting anything to ever change.
Webby has two distinct directions you can go and I chose to go for the sadder one. She continues to be shut in the mansion. I choose to take her speech in the first episode about how she hasn’t ever left literally and say that Beakley kept her there her entire life. The possible other direction I mentioned is one where she only grows more anxious and hopeful to see the outside world and she’s basically just even Webbier than she already is. But that’s less angsty and enjoyable for me to mess with so instead I’m gonna go with she hit this wall at some point in the year or so between when she would have met HDL and when Della comes back from the moon. The weight of being alone starts to get to her and she starts to wonder if all her optimism and hopes are just a poor defense system put up to let her pretend she’s gonna have a better future than the life she’s got. She also makes continuous attempts to interact with Scrooge but the more he lets age settle in and distance himself from adventures the less she feels engaged with his existence. He starts to feel to her not like an idol or a model to live her life by but like a living, breathing symbol of how her hopes and positivity are shallow and baseless. Cause Scrooge McDuck was the only thing that kept her going for years and this is nothing like the hero she read about. But that’s the thing. She’s only really read about him. As far as anything heroic goes. So she reaches the final breaking point of all of this and decides that Scrooge is a fake and leaves behind her signature bright, bubbly attitude on life. This is the state she’s in when the story starts, to the point where a scene happens at some point after she gets drawn into the plot where she’s been outside of the manor now and Dewey offers her a hamburger and she says it looks disgusting.
Lena never got the chance to become friends with Webby and get her route into McDuck Manor. But that also means she never got the chance to learn about being good from the literal goodest person in the universe. She isn’t interested in doing the right thing and not hurting Scrooge or anything she’s just following Magica’s orders cause that’s what she’s being forced to do. But as part of the whole thing where she hasn’t got an in route into the manor she also hasn’t gotten any means of being successful in really any capacity in this endeavor. As a result Magica has... not. been kind to her. So while she isn’t evil she’s been living as magica’s meat puppet with the witch constantly in her head tormenting her for her failures for months on end and she was already morally ambiguous to begin with. So she’d take out Magica in a heartbeat if she could but there’s nothing that says she wouldn’t just explode afterwards.
Mark Beaks never had his B.U.D.D.Y. contested because Launchpad was never told about the self driving car and even if he had been he didn’t have the standing with Scrooge to make a difference and he didn’t have Dewey to help him make the declaration. As a result the product went up without any hitches. It was a massive success until BulbTech kicked in, turned evil, and suddenly it wasn’t. Anyone who could afford a B.U.D.D.Y. was using one, and the results were catastrophic. Not even Beaks had enough good press and money to pay for all that. He narrowly avoided prison but he was never taken seriously or given any chances to build up a company again. He still lives his life stealing technology and messing with inventions as he always did but now he does it a lot more illegally, a lot more dangerously, and a lot less sanely. Most devastatingly though, he gets like, no good press. People won’t even be caught dead following his twitter. He’s living his worst nightmare and he’s going to do whatever it takes to change that.
Gyro fires Fenton for leaking BulbTech on the internet and never looks back. He continues the work that Scrooge wants him to do and Fenton never drives him to push the envelope or do anything even close to what Gizmoduck becomes. He continues with his own dangerous projects and ideas but he does play it safe for some time. He’s content to just be making stuff, and Scrooge is content to just have stuff made for him. But he also never really gets to unleash that, well, part of Gearloose where he’s got a gear loose and it seems like he might just snap and make something really wild any day now.
Fenton never had to become Gizmoduck that iconic first time, so he just. Didn’t. The armor was left in its development phase as it was, and Fenton was never even considered to be the man in the suit when it reached testing. And it was only used for the menial tasks Gyro originally designed it for, as Fenton was the only one who had come up with the idea to use it for Gizmoduck at all, and he’s not there anymore, not that Gyro would listen to him anyway. Though it wasn’t as if Scrooge was in any state of mind to be hiring any superheroes in the first place. So Fenton continues trying to find some way to make a difference in the world with his intelligence but it... never really pans out.
Drake gets the role in the Darkwing movie, as in canon, as Scrooge is still interested enough in money to listen to the proposition for the film and try it out. The visit Launchpad has with Jim goes as his visits always do, and the fact that Dewey isn’t there to assist with Launchpad and attract Jim’s attention means Jim just gives up and leaves as soon as Launchpad faints, not even listening to what Drake is trying to tell him. So Jim never finds out about the movie until it’s already released, and Drake experiences no opposition in the filming, barely even remembering his one interaction with Launchpad at all. Scrooge cuts the budget for the finale but lets the movie go through anyway, despite his better judgement, mostly because he already spent the money. It’s a commercial and critical disaster and Drake’s acting career never gets off the ground, and he never has the inspiration to become Darkwing for real.
Donald continues to live just as we see him in the first episode, doing his best to support his kids while bouncing from job to job because he just can’t hold one down for any length of time. Life is hard for him but it’s the same as he’s always known it for the past ten years so he’s used to it, and having the kids with him is always enough for him.
Huey continues to make a name for himself in the Junior Woodchucks (i.e. robotics champion four years running) but he never really gets the chance to light the fire under his curiosity and love of knowledge. He learns as much as he can but it’s only as much as he’s ever been told he can. He learns within the boundaries of school and the Junior Woodchucks and that’s kind of enough for him because he never considers how much he could learn beyond the boundaries of how things have always worked. 
Dewey is as desperate to be famous and appreciated as he always is, and Dewey DewNight is most certainly still a thing, but it’s even less viewed and interesting than it is in canon. He’s not letting himself get disheartened but he looks at the way Donald lives on a boat and can’t hold a job and wonders if that’s what he’s gonna be someday. If despite all of his efforts and aspirations he’s going to end up falling at every turn and there’ll just be nothing he can dew about it. He doesn’t let it weigh him down too much but he’d be lying if he said it didn’t keep him up at night sometimes.
Louie is actually doing amazing. He’s living his best life. He’s lazy and scheme-y, still doing things like plotting that venture to Cape Suzette we see in that first episode, but he never has to wonder about his usefulness or place in the family, cause it’s just him, Dewey, and Huey, along with Donald. Donald is unemployed half the time, Huey is gonna be some big genius scientist guy sure, and maybe Dewey’s gonna get big someday but right now they’re just kids, and there’s absolutely nothing that makes Louie feel like that’s not enough. He doesn’t do as much here, there’s not any schemes that will make him rich or any Louie Inc, but the seeds of those ideas are still in his soul somewhere, he’ll find them when he needs them he’s pretty sure.
And that’s all the characters that I can think of to get into off the top of my head. I really just did this for fun so I don’t know if I’ll ever be doing anything else with it but these are all the ideas I got. Feel free to ask me about them or anything I’m just havin fun with it.
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kdramachitchat · 3 years
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The Devil Judge - The Finale
A dystopian law drama w/a good concept that ended up underwhelming due to terrible writing. The star studded cast made up that fault with the likes of Ji Sung and Park Jinyoung.
Min and Jung has a previous conversation about the live show court trial. They team up so that they could stop this madness with the Supreme Court and with the SRF Foundation. Jung request that Min should keep an eye on someone and that someone is Ga-On. He requested Ga-On during their early meetings to be the Judas for Yo-Han. Min hated Yo-Han for ruining the country so he wanted to attack him by revealing his family affairs. He wants to drag Yo-Han down. He affirmed it when he was at the hospital and Jung visited. But Min didnt know how crazy Jung was and killed Soohyun. He said that Soohyun is like a daughter to him. Min said didnt he want to stop Yohan at all cost, that includes Soohyun too. Jung said that there's no going back now and they're close to ending the chaos, and questions if he wants to be remembered.
Min needed to become a monster to stop Yohan. Gaon then calls him a dirty hypocript and Min calls the security. Gaon is in pain that he just let Soohyun die just like that. Gaon was taken away by the security. Gaon tells Jinjoo that the foundation has set this all up and she wants to help.
The SRF team congratulates Jung for having Min to their side and Heo is in silence waiting for her instructions. He's literally her dog. They then talk about Yohan's mental mind now that he's in prison, he's out of his game. If he disappears quietly, they assume that everyone would be happy. Jung thinks otherwise, if he continues to say things she threatens him to step down. The SRF team continues to praise Jung. Jung discussses with her righthand woman on how Heo changed his personality completely and finds it fishy. She probably underestimated him and there's something else. She then request to check the status of the moving of the residence to the Dream Village.
Chief Ward meets Yohan to have discussiona t the office. Yohan disrespects the Chief  but the Chief warns him that this is not a live court show and that he's in prison.
Lawyer Ko talks to Gaon and how much of an idiot he is. He doesnt know if he can continue to trust Gaon with what he's done. Gaon is asking for help. Gaon wants to go expose the Dream Village and plans to go alone. Lawyer Ko warns him that there's tone of security but he can go to the Medical Center, but no way he can exit out. Gaon says just let him in. Also warns him that the media is on their eggshells and it's not anymore a free media. Gaon though has come up for something and request to get him 1 thing.
Gaon explains to Elijah in a letter that she didnt do anything wrong and promises that Yohan will return and that it wouldnt take long. He tells her to eat well to not get sick so that Yohan wouldnt worry. She then cries and eats her food to recover.
At the prison, Yohan and Juk breaks out a fight at the courtyard.
Gaon then enters through the Dream village by using the food truck inside a box. He then observes the restricted area and records using a small video device. He sees alot of people lying down sick surrounded by nurses and guards. He goes through the wards and surprisingly sees Ms. Han, the woman who sided with Yohan during the live courtshow. All of a sudden the President arrives at the facility. Theyre testing a new vaccine and the number of people that survived is 182. President requests about the behind payments of all the countries. Clinical trials are in high demand. President tells them when a person dies through the trials they collect all the well organs and export them as byproducts. Nothing goes to waste. Gaon silently watches them laugh maniaclly in disgust. The SRF and Heo talks about Jung behind her back, they plan to outs her. Gaon plans to escape with Han but was got caught with a nurse but saves himself that he's checking her vitals. The nurse recognizes him and actually helps him. She has been waiting for some help and said that their phones have been taken away. Also said that there's some sane people in the center too. She promises to help.
Breaking news that Yohan has been arrested for instigating murder is dead. He was stabbed by a assailant. Both co-judges are left in shock. Same goes to Jung. She's in shock but calms herself that it was done because of her. Jung will be President and Min would now be Chief Justice. He did a press conference instead of a inauguration. Oh was able to catch up with Min and tells him that Jung wants to meet him at her office, this is a set up. Gaon tells her to leave the building and requests her to go. SRF team celebrates at the live court set with Jung at the top of the judges seats. Gaon then captures Min and ties him up at the office with a bomb around his body. Since when did Gaon become so violent. Its a plant and the media will receive news about exposing the Dream Village with his name on it. Yohan suddenly appears and saves Gaon on time. The death news was fake and that Yohan had to dig out to save him. He reminded me of Batman at some point here. Yohan was able to get out by threatening the Chief with his corruption and crimes for the last 30 years. Mentions the Chief that the money is not with him anymore. Yohan tells him to save himself is by doing his specialty for swapping prisoners. Just give him 24 hours. Lawyer Ko enters and tells him that he couldnt tell Gaon everything. Yohan tells him that he was able to return the Chief a favor but not in the form of cash but through charity.
While the SRF is celebrating the lights and the screen suddenly went on with Yohan on the screen. Jung realizes that he is alive and so does the rest of the team. Its revealed as a solemn trial. Yohan starts a live trial and its the final trial with the entire SRF team being exposed with the Dream Home Medical Center. Looks like Jung doesnt know anything about it and asks the team about it. Even the conversation Heo had with the team regarding the citizens. They also show that Jung has killed innocent people in the way to fulfill her ambitions and to attack him. Min is attacked too as a betrayer.  Min is let go by Gaon but tells him that his name is tarnished forever and he will live awfully for the rest of his life. That's a better punishment and more realistically given too. 
There was a proper punishment given and Yohan announced that there's a bomb then leaves to go to the trial set. Yohan reveals that Gaon was the one who helped exposed and will testify to tell the whole truth. The bomb is planned and Yohan will sacrifice himself along with the foundation. Yohan asks them if the moment reminds them of the fire incident. All of them trying to escape. Only the fastest person survives. Jung calmly comes up from her seat with a gun on her hand. Heo complains that he is the President and Jung shots him due to annoyance. She also tries and aims the gun at Yohan. Yohan tells her that its the both of them till the end. Tells her to come with him till death. That's the only way she'll be with him, which is quite tragic. Jung says her final goodbye to Yohan and shockingly shots herself to death, like how Ms. Cha did. Gaon then appears at the end, tells Yohan to stop and think of Elijah. Gaon in the end will be the hero and Yohan pushes him out. Will Yohan survive the bomb explosion? He needs to be alive or Gaon will end up with nothing. Well he still has Judge Oh and Elijah at least. Gaon wents back to the mansion and ses the blueprint of the bomb explosion, there has to be a escape route for Yohan. Yohan tells him that Gaon must do something for him. Housekeeper tells Gaon that Yohan stopped by and tells her she's fired and asks for Elijah. Yohan tells Elijah that they're going to move out to somewhere safe and its a rehabilitation center in Switzerland. Gaon then finds out that Yohan is actually alive.
Gaon was set in a trial with the comittee. Gaon inwardly thinks that nothing has changed at all and is confused on what to do now that the country doesn't need Yohan. Yohan secretly bids goodbye to Gaon and he then quickly realizes it. Captures him on time from afar. The 2 men bid each other goodbye which then ends the drama.
Thoughts: If you like stories like Batman or The Hunger Games this would be the drama for you. The writer seem to took inspiration from both works. I think Yohan is like Batman/Katniss while Gaon is like Peeta. Oddly reminds me of the finale alot with the similarities of the characters. Or sometimes Gaon acts like Katniss/Peeta both. Just remove the whole romance aspect of The Hunger Games. There's quite a few angst moments of Yohan and Gaon. Gaon all of a sudden cares for Yohan. The writer tries to include those similiarities with the 2 characters. Yohan wants nothing more than revenge. Then the rest of the SRF are like the trial players or could be the government too. They try to copy the brutality of the hunger games the games itself with the fire incident and the finale of the drama. All trying to save themselves from death.
Messed up the ending. What I wanted most from this drama was for people to rise up to protect their country, because its the job of people to protect their country not the job of one or two people like Yohan and Ga On. Also they didn't even show the aftermath of the last trial. What happened to that dream house project and what was the people's reaction about the live trial? Assuming the whole time it was filmed. What did they think of Yohan after that? Alot of afterthought was left out.
Rating: Story: 3 (Great until episode 12 onwards) Production: 2 (Locations and the offices were ok but not meant for the dystopian feel they were trying to sell. Could've been more modern looking set) OST: 1 (BGM is spot on and fills the scenes well, dont like the rock portion of the OST) Acting: 4 (Mainly because of Ji Sung) Character Development: .5 (Main cast are 1 sided and no room or little improvement) Overall Enjoyment: 1 (The drama's tone is consistent throughout despite the bad writing) Total Rating: 2.5/6
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sweet-mahalo · 3 years
She's running around the compound, step by step she continues trying to keep her composure. It's supposed to look like she's jogging, but her nerves are slowly getting to her. Feeling eyes on her back. The weight of the operation is on her shoulders today, in 5 minutes warfare will explode and the outcome of her comrades will depend on how she follows her role.
3 minutes left now, her pace is more focused, she has the mental image for success, her eyes are scanning her peripherals, looking for movement. In 2 minutes she'll have to make the best sprint of her life, her speed will mean saving the operation.
1 more minute to go, she traces the route on her mind, she studied the terrain for two weeks, she knows where she'll go next. One breath later and she's fully focused, feeling how her body prepares for the sprint, energy moving to her tights and stomach.
A loud explosion 500 meters away is her signal to give her best, running as fast as she can. She passes by the exercise lot, takes a bag hidden in between two dry bushes, and takes it with her. Gunshots now seem to come from everywhere, apparently, inmates have escaped too and worsened the situation. She manages to get past the distracted guards and inside the building, time continues to tick, there is danger everywhere, guards fighting inmates trying to get to the west wing where the explosion managed to crumble the sturdy wall taking away their freedom. She's running opposite to them, her goal is the right-wing of the facility, where the crowd-control vehicles reside. Her legs are burning, and her heart is at maximum capacity, one, two, one, two, is the tempo that is keeping her sane. The hallways seem to be longer today, especially with the chaos.
Finally, the right-wing comes to view, but not without danger. She sees one big burly guard keeping his place in front of the doors leading to her final destination. He looks fearless, even among the destruction of the prison. Doubt settles in her stomach. Was it too late? Were they prepared for the attack? She feels like stopping to consider another strategy.
However,  a voice in her head tells her that it's best to follow the plan she's spent so long developing so she does not slow her pace.
The guard noticed her from afar and prepared his gun in anticipation of an attack on their security. Now her mission has become fully suicidal. The Gun that was supposed to be smuggled with the bag got lost in the process. The only way is to continue running in a straight path and hope to tackle the obese guard and come up victorious to at least survive.
Predictably the guard fires away without any warning. The sound and smell of gunpowder are too close for comfort. The man fired five consecutive rounds until she reached him. She prayed that her height and speed gave her a chance to come out alive as she decided to tackle the guard.
Feeling lucky, she prepared for the takedown while the man fired a final round. Lowering her body, she finally got to the takedown.
She did it, her speed generated enough force to throw the man on his back, the gun sliding away from him. Recovering quickly from the impact she got up on her feet, and ran toward the gun, securing the threat by shooting the man in the head. Blood splattering everywhere around him. With the gun she no longer had to force the doors to open, firing one last shot to the electronic lock, the doors opened and revealed the end of her path. She now knew they'd succeeded.
Looking at all the military vehicles and seeing the time on her watch, she saw she had 6 minutes to spare. However, in her head, she could visualize military boots approaching fast.
Opening the bag, there was a set of prepared bombs that she set in the middle of the compound that held the 70 military vehicles for this section. She started the countdown after putting them under one of the gun trucks.
Taking the remnant tools of the bag and the gun, she went to look for the exit and escape route.
Smiling, she knew she made it, another successful mission.
At last, she was at their meeting site, in the city's underground recounting today's success. They had managed to take down more than half of the artillery of the military without many losses. The planning for the mission had begun months ago and had started with her getting into prison for a petty misdemeanor, and culminating a day before she was supposed to be released with the attack to the military forces. The plan was more than a success, due to the age of the building, it had crumbled down after the explosion she started at the warehouse. There was very little to save.
The commander had even come to congratulate her after his discourse. Her heart swelling with honor
-"Zoe Hanji, the future of humanity looks hopeful with warriors like you on our side... Congratulations." He said while tapping her shoulder.
This was it! Hanji was so happy she could barely contain her jitters, there was no way the smile she had could be removed from her face. She was now making a difference within the fireflies and within the shithole that was the district. She had always been optimistic, but this step was a concrete embodiment of what they could do. The vision for a better future for the citizens of District 5 seemed really close now. Hanji got lost in her musings of a better future that looked to be far far away these days.
Soon the meeting was over, only the high commands left discussing the future of their operations.  Hanji was nothing but an outstanding recruiter with abilities for creating strategies and managing research on their not-so-legal fertility clinic.
Another recruit would've been discouraged by this arrangement, after having done so much for the movement and for so long but staying only as a regular soldier. However, she was one of the few members that still had a clear image on the outside, and a semblance of a job. There was no record officially tying her to the fireflies. If things had gone smoothly today, her record is still good enough within the eyes of the regular folk. In other words, she was a key peon to infiltrate the military's barriers and manage to snitch useful information to her team.
Feeling satisfied with herself, she started the 40-minute walk to her place. Hanji lived in district 5, one of the biggest districts, it managed to be one of the few that were over 150 km, with approximately 600.000 citizens. Descendants of the few survivors that managed to stay alive after the outbreak that happened 60 years ago. Her grandmother was the sole survivor of her family, a young 24-year-old military medic that was lucky enough to hide in a  convoy with the few people that had enough money to pay for protection against the infected. The remaining segments of the government and military officials were able to save some land and organize a few sectors that could hold off the infected and let humanity's last survivors.
There were around 30 official districts in what used to be North America. She knew South America and Europe had more districts, resources, and places to live. But all communications and solidarity had been shut off since the plague started. Asia and Africa had been decimated at the beginning of the pandemic, the political warfare ended up with an atomic bomb that ruined most of the countries.
All are connected by the same dictatorship. A few of them managed to strive even in the apocalypse, but many of them, including hers, were slowly collapsing under the strict military censorship, lack of resources, disease, nepotism, and inequality. Her particular worry was the pummeling birthrate and infertility within young women in district 5, adding hunger, she knew all was soon to collapse. The military was greedy and corrupt, she had been hopeless working full time at the local hospital trying to reach someone that would realize the seriousness of their situation. Nonetheless, all was fruitless.
This was her situation until a guerilla movement that started brewing in district 10 reached them and recruited her when they noticed her efforts to help.
Finally, a much-needed fertility clinic was born, as it was financed by the fireflies it had a rough start. But soon the rich families took interest and research took off. Within two years 75 babies had been born using hormone therapy and the eggs of the few women that still could reproduce.
Her research team also discovered that the cause of infertility was due to the water of the nearby river. The water plant they had been using was useless at cleaning the mercury present in the water. A huge scandal took place once her research was published, so for this, she knew the military could have an eye on her.  Thankfully she was also protected by the rich who had gotten healthy offspring due to her efforts.
Still, 7 out of 10 women are infertile. The few babies that are born have deformities and die soon after childbirth. Then,  considering the number of people that are dying of disease and hunger every day makes the Child mortality rate much more gruesome. And still, there are no efforts made to fix this from the ruling party.
Walking up the streets filled with rats, criminals, homeless people, and rugged houses, Hanji looks up at the sky and exhales a huge sigh. Today she does not feel like looking at the depressing scenery. At least she has the stars to clean her mind.
By the time she reaches the dusty one-bedroom apartment she collapses on her trashy bed. It feels like heaven after months of sleeping on the jail cell floor. Soon, she drifts into a restless sleep.
Sun and heat are enveloping her whole body, she's woken up by the sweat covering her all around. Her short hair and bangs sticking up her face. She puts a hand up to clean off the sweat accumulating at her neck. She next touches her chest,  it feels like fire. Hanji inhales, but it feels as if there was no oxygen in the air, as if she was breathing through a wet rag in a desert.
Finally, she opens up her eyes to see that she'd left the windows closed and the curtains open. Sun shining down directly at her face. Her crappy fan was moving slowly, doing barely anything, looking as nasty as her.
-What a happy, sunny day- She says sarcastically. Taking off the borrowed blouse they had given her at the meeting.
Walking to the bathroom she could finally see herself in the dirty mirror in front of her small hand-washer.
-Shit- is the only word that comes from her mouth.
Putting her hands on her cheeks she saw that her face looked gaunt. Hanji had always been naturally slender, but not this much. Flexing her arms she noticed she had lost muscle mass too. Ribs were poking through her lean abdomen, her small boobs almost imperceptible at the lack of fat and wide shoulders. Dark bruises lining all over her torso and back. She didn't even know how she got them.
To be honest, she felt as bad as she looked. Greasy hair and all.
After taking a thorough shower she opened up the windows and took off to look for Eren first. She was fuming and starving, but mostly wanting to strangle him for being an idiot. The bratty teenager was supposed to clean the apartment up and restock her fridge for her return. She was going to take back the money she paid him and give him a beating to top it off.
Walking down the street she took long strides toward the place he always was. The shitty-looking boxing gym where they met. No pleasant memories this time, as she saw his coconut head laughing with his friends while she was dying.
Using her height advantage, she was able to easily sneak up on him and put him in a chokehold. The teen managed to strike a few weak punches and pull her hair a little, but her anger was stronger.
-"You little shit! Give me my money back."-
The weakened punches and gurgling alerted her that the lesson had been enough. At the end of the day, he was like her child, so her anger diffused quickly. Pushing him away, he struggled a bit to regain his breath and he looked at her with wide eyes.
-Hanji? What the fuck?! - he said while still coughing. -You almost broke my neck!-
- it's me who should be asking you that! Why is my fridge empty? My house smells like death!-
- What did you do with my money all this time?!-
Looking embarrassed after recovering a little, he looked her in the eye: - ... I forgot-
Her anger returned -Forgot what?! How? Didn't you see yesterday's mess? - she said while getting closer to his face, putting her chin down to look him in the eye.
-I thought that your release was tomorrow, I swear! I have it on my calendar! -
Looking at her with his green wide eyes, there was not much she could do. She knew he was not lying. The kid was loyal like a puppy so she only sighed, averted her gaze, and looked back at him with a bit of mirth and disappointment.
-You're hopeless you know?- Putting her hand on his head she messed with his hair.
-...It hurts me more to know that you forgot about me, actually-
He smacked her hand away -I didn't! The date was tomorrow! I'm telling you, I have it written.
Hanji put her arm back around his shoulder, and whispered in his ear -Yes, but I also told you, and I gave you a note about my unofficial release date you know?- 
-... I lost it... I promise you, I was sure it was tomorrow- Eren said while looking away.
-Hm, it's ok... Go clean it now, and fill up my fridge you brat- looking thoughtful she continued - or I'll beat you up, just like I did now- she ended while laughing -I thought that you'd grow up a little and get better at fighting, but you still suck man-
He pushed her away and took her by surprise as he managed to move her. So he was finally becoming a man, after all, hanji thought.
-You look like a skeleton, I can beat you up whenever I want- With a smirk he said - I only lost last time because you have a height advantage, but that is all, I'm stronger and younger at the end.
-Well... whatever, I'm not here to destroy your ego. Now, feed me-
After an unfulfilling breakfast, Eren left to go clean her apartment, finally apologizing and promising to accomplish what he had promised. So she took off to the military police department to report herself in, and make her release official before any corrupt officer beat her to it.
Considering yesterday's events, the elevated amount of military presence in the streets was something hanji expected. Even knowing this, her heart was beating fast, and she was sweating off her breakfast quickly. She knew the security cameras had been disabled, that the mask she had on, plus the chaos was enough to rule out any trustworthy witness. But this was paranoia, an irrational, emotional reaction that made her want to sprint out of the street and hide in a corner.
She fought off the urge and tried to appear nonchalant. If she does not get to the office soon, she won't have protection against being imprisoned again for escaping.
Perhaps if she hadn't been so nervous, she wouldn't have heard the yelp coming from the alley next to the sidewalk she was on. Her senses focused, behind the humidity and natural grime of the air, she smelled the distinctive scent of iron and egg. For her to be able to perceive this, and from this distance, she was sure that someone was bleeding out in the alley. The smell was too familiar to be anything else.
Slowly, hanji turned her head in the direction of the smell and started walking. Keeping her eyes on the floor as if to appear inconspicuous. Looking at her worn-out tennis, she got into the alley and tried to make as little sound as possible, in case there was danger around.
Hanji didn't have to wait for too much to see the source of the smell. There was a dead man with his throat cut out in front of her, but a dead body could not make a sound. Turning her head she saw that in front of the body there was a big dumpster, and behind it, there was some shuffling and the source of the sound.
Suddenly, a black boot became visible from behind the dumpster.  She recognized the military boot immediately. The person hidden by the dumpster seemed to be convulsing and even with the risks, she made her choice. With the determination that she had been missing a few seconds ago, she sprinted toward the soldier.
This was a view she was not expecting. A tiny, tiny... girl dressed as a military recruit was lying half in the ground, covered in blood while struggling to breathe. Her hands clutching her neck while her feet kicked under her, eyes wide, and face red. Her hair was untied and her movements had increasingly become more and more frantic. Next to her was a scratched helmet and a bloody knife.
Quickly she took the girl's hands away from her neck, she touched and probed the skin around it, to check if the trachea had been damaged. A clear picture of the dead man choking the girl came to view. However, no hematoma had formed yet, and her neck was full of blood, so she could not see the skin to assess the damage. Stupidly, she asked.
-"Why can't you breathe?"
The girl seemed to move increasingly faster. Her breathing was forced, but still present, and she was now again touching her neck.  Hanji could see her ribs going up and down, indicating she was breathing still. Quickly, she turned her so that the girl laid on her side, right hand up, and down her head, while she prodded her back to check for any injury to her lungs.
This prompted the silent answer to her question. The girl had been choking on her own blood. After being put on her side, she spits the dark liquid and took a big gulp of air. It seemed like, in her panicked state, she was choking herself without realizing it. Hanji looked at the side of her face and tried to touch her face to continue her check-up. Despite her efforts to help, the girl stopped her hand in a gentle, but firm grasp.
-"I'm not hurt"- The girl barely said, while continuing to spit blood.
-Wh... You bit your tongue- Deadpanned Hanji. She tried to reach out to her again. However, the soldier no longer had fear in her eyes. Instead, a steady gaze replaced the previous one, implicitly preventing her from nearing her any further. Hanji took this as her signal to flee the place. Knowing that at any time she could be processed or wrongly linked to the scene.
She waited a bit until the soldier sat more comfortably, and slowly started to move away from her,  crouching back on the tip of her toes. Swiftly, Hanji stood up, and took a step back, planning to flee.
The sound of a gun being unlocked stopped her movements.
-"Where do you think you're going?"-
A low, raspy voice coming from behind her interrupted her plans. She could almost taste the anger lacing the words. A shiver ran down her spine. She was fucked.
Putting her hands up, she didn't dare to turn around. It seemed like her body decided that the best course of action was to freeze.
Could it be that the dead man had a friend? Or even worse, was this an ambush? Had they caught Eren in her apartment? Did they kill him?  Did he snitch on her?
-You okay?- The voice said again, but not to her.
Suddenly, relief flooded her system. Had it been an ambush, the guy would not have worried about the soldier. She could get out of this easily.
Before the girl could say anything, Hanji turned her head around and answered on her behalf.
-"I found her choking, she seems to be fine, but I think she bit her tongue"-
From her peripherals she could not see anything, the guy was on her blind spot, hidden completely. She figured his question was answered in silence when she looked back at the girl sitting on the floor, who had her eyes directed at the figure behind hanji.
-"Turn around, slowly. Make a sudden movement and I'll shoot you"- Perhaps it'd not be that easy to leave, hearing how the menacing tone had not changed.
She did as she was told, and was surprised to find a short man behind that mighty voice.
Looking at his eyes, however, was a different story. Grey, and dead, was the only way she could describe them. The bags down his eyes framing the macabre picture together. His eyes seemed more dangerous than his gun.
-"State your name, age, and identification"- Again, tone dry and menacing.
-"Zoe Hanji, 28. And I don't have to tell you anything else, I have not done anything wrong."
-"Identification"- He repeated, moving the gun as an indication for her to answer.
-"How do I know you're not one of these gangsters?" She pointed at the dead body with a tilt of her head. -"This is not a regular procedure for an officer, you didn't even announce your presence!" She finished, faking anger.
-"I will not repeat it again. Give me your identification, or you'll come with me".
Pure dread settled in her stomach. She had just tasted freedom and was going to be back at the gutter for being careless. Her commander would not be happy with her. Another month without her working at the clinic, meant losing more clients and cash for their movement. At last, she looked at the sky again and accepted that this was all her fault. Sighing, she gave the man his answer.
-"She helped me out"- Stated the girl behind her, sounding better, and closer now. The girl walked to stand next to the man, and spit out more blood. -"I panicked"-
At this, he lowered his gun, but still glanced at her with suspicion. She put her eyes down, and then looked around while he looked for her id number on his device.
In times like this, she wished she could take refuge in religion... Perhaps a God could take pity on her dire situation. Briefly, she distracted herself thinking that the Gods had punished her enough by making her human. The disabled children overpopulating the local orphanage seemed to be happier than anyone else by having little intelligence and basic awareness. When she was feeling particularly pathetic, thoughts like this swam freely in her mind.
-"Huh..." Said the man -"Seems like you're going with me after all, four eyes".
Another sigh.
-"No thank you... I don't date short men"
Hanji knew it was a lost cause. That's why she had said it. It was temporary relief to her distress, so why not? The girl, Petra, who now had a name, had looked at her in pure surprise. She was nowhere to be seen while hanji stayed in the temporary prison in one of the newest commando units. It looked fancier than it should be, she thought and expressed this out loud to the soldier that had turned her in.
After being ignored again she focused back on him. He was finishing paperwork with the local officer, who now that she noticed, had a baby face and seemed to be more afraid of the soldier than her.
-"Hey, where are you guys getting all of these kids to work with you? Petra looks pretty young. How old is she?" - She answered herself - "17?"
She continued after the silence, moving a bit to let blood flow to her cuffed hands.
-"And you, officer? I apologize, but you don't seem to be older than 15. Why is that?"
At last, she managed to get a reaction from the soldier next to the young officer.
-"Keep talking and I'll make sure you rot in this hell  for more than you have to"
-"You can't do that, you're nothing but a soldier"- She stated with confidence.
The officer flushed and looked down at his paperwork. The soldier only glanced at her, as stoic as ever.
After this brief encounter he left, but neither he nor the offer gave any indication of what would happen to her. She knew for the experience that once she was in, there was no way of communicating with the outside world before the supposed trial. A corrupt facade where the accusers played as the judge, and the defense. Hanji was going to be sentenced to a year in jail for escaping. Another 4 months for disrespecting authority. And this was the best-case scenario.
More than 6 hours had passed. And she was in pain all over, grunting to relieve some of the discomfort caused by her now swollen wrists and for her previous injuries.
She was currently the only prisoner. The officer's desk at the center of it all.
-"Excuse me! Officer, the cuffs are too tight. My hands are numb. Could you lose them a bit?"-.
Now that the man was gone the little officer had gained some confidence.
"-Be quiet. I won't fall for that trick, I know I put them well-"
"-Yes, well.. we all make mistakes. I'm telling you, they are too tight-"
The sudden outburst was unexpected. The rookie had stood up from his desk, and smashed his baton loudly against her cell.
-"Shut up, or I'll do it for you"-
So this was a little man trying to appear big. Hanjo thought this idiot was dangerous, but not for his own merit but because he'd do anything to save his fragile ego. Still, something within her wanted to rile him up, to see how his toddler tantrum would end up. So she pushed him a bit more.
-"What? You'll snitch me with your teacher?... Did they take you straight out of the kindergarten?"
Now the kid was fuming. His pale face is all red again, eyes watery, just like Hanji predicted.
She couldn't help but laugh at his expression. But this was the wrong move as the kid smashed the bars again, and moved to open up the jail cell.
-"Yeah? You think you're funny? We'll see who laughs last, bitch!".
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flambazz · 3 years
Pantheons: Hermes
Author: Balsam
History: Ancient Mediterranean; Greek Pantheon
Which god in the Greek pantheon do you see the most of in your everyday life? If you had anyone who wasn’t Hermes in mind, you’re wrong. You’ll find images of him just about everywhere from his caduceus carved out of the stone of a hospital, to his head being shown on a car’s logo, to his winged sandals painted onto Goodyear tires. He’s literally everywhere. We even have a planet and a heavy metal, both existing under his Roman name Mercury. But who is he, really, in the scheme of pantheons? 
Hermes, known to Rome as Mercury, was the Ancient Greek god of roads/journeys, travelers, merchants, trade/commerce, athletes, thieves, and trickery. His name shows up in Mycenaean scripts like Dionysus’ does, but in the pantheon itself he is rather young. Predominantly, he was recognized as a messenger god, but in a similar sense to Mycenaean Dionysus he was also revered as an underworld god due to being a psychopomp and being responsible for guiding the souls of the dead in addition to being responsible for guiding dreams. In his myths he has a habit of helping out the mortal heroes when they run into issues of some kind. Now, to understand his characterization and historical context, we need to understand where exactly in the realm of Ancient Greek mythology Hermes stands. Let’s get into it.
Hermes is incredibly young in Olympian standards, with Dionysus being the only one canonically younger. Born to the pleiad Maia and the son of Zeus (like just about everyone else), his birthplace is a cave in the mountains of Arcadia. He sets himself apart from other Olympians by getting into trouble literally the day he’s born. According to Homer’s Hymn to Hermes, the first thing to happen after being born was his finding a tortoise and turning its shell into a lyre. He gets hungry and decides the only sane thing to do is steal 50 of Apollo’s sacred cattle, turning their hooves backwards to attempt and prevent Apollo from noticing they’re gone. Stowing the cows, he sacrifices some to the gods and then shows up back in the cave to pretend to be a helpless baby. Maia doesn’t buy his bullsh*t so instead he takes his time and explains to his mom that he’s attempting to get the Olympians to notice him, and that he’s trying to get the respect and honor they deserve instead of being stuck in a cave for the rest of his immortality.
Meanwhile back in Narnia, Apollo can’t find his cows so he plays Sherlock Holmes and finds Hermes back in the cave. While Apollo tries interrogating him, Hermes basically pulls a Miles Morales and says “What cows?” So, Apollo drags him up to Zeus, who’s cackling like a madman and then tells him to show the way to the cows. On the way, Hermes starts playing his lyre and wins Apollo over. Apollo is enchanted by it and promises Hermes will be messenger of the gods, promising he and his mother will be honored among the Olympians. Hermes and Apollo exchange the lyre for the role of herdsman and return to Olympus, where Hermes promises never to steal from him again and gets his caduceus (small staff with two snakes around it; symbol of heralds/messengers). And so, Hermes makes an arrival as a trickster and underdog wrangling an improbable victory via cunning and tricks. One who, despite winning untold power/fame, still comes across as the underdog for multiple centuries following.
Hermes regularly appears in the mythology, playing a support role in the Iliad and the Odyssey. In the Iliad he is allied with the Achaeans for the majority but protects King Priam when he went to the Achaean camp to retrieve Hector’s body, and in the Odyssey he regularly provides help and advice for Odysseus including how to get Circe to break the enchantment on his men and then later guiding the suitor’s souls to the afterlife. This might have been because Odysseus is actually Hermes’ great-grandson (son of Autolycus).  One of Hermes’ most well known accomplishments is killing Argus, a hundred-eyed giant hired to watch over Io after she got turned into a cow. Zeus asks him to free her, so Hermes shows up as a shepherd and bores him asleep with the story of panpipes then cuts his Argus’ off. This is what gave him the epithet of Argeiphontes (slayer of Argus). He’s also got a bunch of other appearances in Greek mythology, frequently helping out heroes like Perseus and Orestes by giving them the means to succeed. This trickery is one of Hermes’ major characteristics as the god of liars, thieves, and the other stuff in his purview. While these seem like things that maybe shouldn’t be attributed to a god, most Greek heroes were underdogs or tricksters in some way and trickery was well respected when used in moderation.
Before we get into the rest of the history, we have one kind of wacky thing about Hermes: The Herms. The Herms were boundary/border markers commonly found along roadways, usually with a depiction of Hermes’ face and always with a carving of a dong on them. I don’t know why that’s what was non-negotiable either but I wish I did. With Hermes being a god of borders and boundaries, it makes sense that he’d be the one to show up on most of the border markers but it’s also a little weird (not because of the dong). So we’re going to shove that into a corner for a bit and get into the history.
First off, Hermes used to be Pan (not pansexual, the god Pan). Let me explain that. Pan is a mysterious figure due to how old he is. Because of his age, we don’t have much clear information on his origin or development. As he was characterized in Ancient Greece, Pan is the god of the wilderness, shepherds and flocks, nature, mountain wilds, fields/groves/glens, sex and fertility, and theatrical critisism. He was a companion to the nymphs, is responsible for panic (as a concept and word), and he’s literally the legendary dong. His worship was almost exclusively in the mountains of Arcadia, which also happens to be the birthplace of Hermes. Arcadia is known for being inland, mountainous and forested, and extremely old compared to the rest of Ancient Greece.
As a wild god, Pan wasn’t worshipped in manmade structures. He was mostly worshipped in natural caves and only ever had two built temples (one in Peloponnese). In the mythology, Pan is older than the Olympians are, and is credited with giving Artemis her hunting dogs and Apollo the gift of prophecy. Most commonly, he is known for two things that bear his name: panpipes (syrinx) and panic (panikos). He created the syrinx when a nymph he was chasing became reeds to try and escape, and then he turned her into the syrinx so he could put his mouth all over her like a weirdo. As for panic (for people who don’t know what it is), it’s a kind of fear that is intense enough it borders madness. He is credited with it as, supposedly, he would yell in the wood and anyone who heard it would be inflicted with said panic, which could rout entire armies. And while we know some stuff about him, there’s even more that we either don’t know or it’s vague and fuzzy. For example, his parentage is incredibly vague and varied, which suggests he’s very old since that kind of myth takes a long time to drift.
In fact, it’s highly likely that Pan is older than even Mycenaean Greece. Comparative mythology scholars that are working on reconstructing Proto-Indo-European religion that spawned from the Vedic, Norse, and Greek mythologies theorize that Pan is an offshoot from the god PÉH2USōN (no I don’t know how to say it), whose only other offshoot is the Vedic pastoral deity Pushan.
The Rigveda mentions Pushan, and may be as old as 1700 BCE. This means that if Pan is an offshoot from the same deity, he also predates Mycenaean Greece (age started in 1600 BCE). However, due to lack of written sources, we don’t actually know how Pan was characterized at any point before the Mycenaean age, but we can learn by proxy by looking at Pushan.
Pushan is the Vedic god of roads/journeys, marriages, cattle herding/feeding, and the sun as a guardian figure. Like Hermes, Pushan also served as a psychopomp, but is associated with goats and got all his teeth knocked out that one time. So, the generally accepted theory we have is that way, way back before or during the Mycenaean age is when Hermes split from Pan, and before even that, the original Pan was incredibly similar to Pushan, a liminal god of navigating between places like roads, general wilderness, and the journey to the afterlife. When the original Pan got subdivided, current Pan retained the pastoralist and herding connotations, but the roads and journeys stuff went to Hermes and left Pan reduced. It’s worth noting that Hermes also has herding connotations. 
Now, this isn’t just based on the fact that Hermes is somewhat similar to a Vedic deity. There are also some other, stranger connections the two have. For one, both of them have an origin in Arcadia along with their centers of worship. In some versions of mythology, Pan is Hermes' son for some reason. Which is a weird connection, but at the same time it does make sense to link them in a reverse way. It’s also surprisingly relevant; Hermes and Pan are both notorious in the mythos for having large dongs (I wish I didn’t have to talk about it but here we are). So, time to go back to the Herms mentioned earlier. 
The word itself translates into “piled stones”. So Hermes’ name isn't even a name. But the concept of Herms is an extremely old concept in the region, older than Ancient Greece and Hermes both. Back before Herms were sculpted, roads were marked with large piles of stones. Lack of human features didn't make them less sacred, though, and Herms were revered. Custom was to put another stone on the pile or to anoint it with oil, and messing with them or defacing them was a horrible thing. Pan, as the old god of roads and journeys, was likely the god who was revered through said Herms. Now, remember how I said Hermes had an epithet because of killing Argus? Well he isn’t the only god who had them, in fact most if not all of them did and they described the capacity a god was worshipped in. In Pan’s case, the one I’m going to mention is ‘Pan Hermes’ (although we aren’t really sure) or ‘Pan of the piled boundary stones’. What we do know is that around the time he likely had this epithet, he got split into current Pan and the god Hermes. This happened at a very early time, and so we aren’t quite sure why Pan got separated from his epithet and Hermes got to be his own god.
What’s likely is that old Pan was a fairly specialized deity and so his worship was having issues expanding beyond rustic areas and wild lands. Whatever the reason, we know Hermes shows up in Mycenaean Linear B writing (or a word like Hermes), meaning he split from Pan before proper records. By the time we get to the 800s, Homer is writing epics and Hermes is firmly seated in the Olympians as is shown by his role in the Iliad and Pan is simply a wilderness god. 
Oh, and for the people well acquainted with Greek Mythological esoterica or the Percy Jackson books; Pan is (technically) canonically dead. According to Plutarch writing from around 100 CE, a handful of decades earlier during the reign of Tiberius, a divine voice supposedly called out from Paksi to a man named Thamus telling him “The Great god Pan is dead.” Thamus then told everyone and they were reasonably bummed out about it. But for every sense that matters, Pan didn’t actually seem to die since his shines were still frequented and worship of him continued as usual. So what the hell? 
Well, it’s likely that this is a big misunderstanding. See, the goddess Ishtar had a dead boyfriend named Tammuz who had a cult that got bright over to Greece. And in the Ancient Greek language, the sentence “Thamus, the Great god Pan is dead” is read as “Thamus panmegas tethneke”, however due to ‘pan’ being both the name of a god and the prefix meaning all, the sentence can also be read as “Tammuz the all-great is dead”. So this whole ‘Pan being dead’ thing might have just been some dude overhearing the cult of Tammuz praising him for his sole achievement and thinking they were talking about the god Pan being dead. So yeah.
Back to Hermes. In early Ancient Greece, Pan and Hermes didn’t look too dissimilar,and between 800 and 500 BCE Hermes was shown as an older man with a beard. But in Classical and Hellenistic Greece, he is shown the way we recognize him now; a young, beardless, mostly naked athlete. Dionysus also underwent a similar change but this isn’t about him. Time to talk about Roman Hermes; Mercury. 
Most Roman and Greek deities started as gods in their own right. Mars, who is Ares’ roman counterpart, started as a god of war and as an agricultural deity and was treated notably better than Ares is. And for the most part Rome’s other gods were also fully-fledged deities, though sometimes other gods got mashed together like play-doh. For example, Pluto (Roman Hades) was accidentally the god of wealth, Plutus, and the god of the underworld, Pluton. But Mercury didn’t even exist. The name has sketchy etymology, but likely comes from either the Latin root for ‘merchant’ or a much older word for ‘boundary’. In either case the name is a descriptor of one of Hermes’ divine duties and nothing farther. He did absorb the Roman Dea Lucrii, a handful of minor deities in charge of immoral profit coming from bad sources, but Mercury was basically just Roman Hermes. 
During the Roman era, Hermes was extremely popular. And since Rome was the expansion kings, Hermes’ status as a trade and merchants god saw a bunch of use. He showed up on coins, imagery of him is in Pompeii, and he has another quirk making him so popular. Rome had a policy of taking and incorporating the gods of places they conquered into their pantheon in one way or another, finding the Roman god closest to whichever god it was and insisting they’re the same. This happened with the Greeks and the Celts where they likened Mercury to Lugh/Lleu who was a big deal seeing as he was the creator of all arts along with being a warrior-hero-king. Rome saw him as a commerce god and so he was equaled to Mercury. And when Rome dealt with the Germanic peoples, Mercury god likened to Odin, of all people. The Ptolemaic Greeks (oh god) equated Hermes with gods like Thoth and Anubis. 
Hermes was all over the place, which is very appropriate, even showing up in Aesop’s fables for some reason. But for being such a versatile deity, why is he so (literally) iconic? We don’t know. Perhaps his mobility and speed resonates with our modern society? Maybe it’s because he’s one of the few of the Olympians to combine likable traits with a lack of distractingly terrible character flaws? Maybe it’s because medicine, communication, and capitalism are central qualities of many societies as well as his character. But his liminal status gets him in most every society and kind of just stays forever, turning up in places centuries later down the line. 
If you read all of this, thank you and please reblog so more people can see and learn!
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the-river-person · 3 years
Any interesting world-building tidbit that wasn't included in your tales? This is a very interesting world you've got
I have three major bits that I desperately wanted to include in the story but never could find the right moment for. 1. (This hilarious dialogue snippet from Gaster and Alphys that never made it into the story but I decided was too funny to not save.) Alphys: (laying on floor) I’m nothing. Not a scientist. Useless. I’m just garbage. Gaster: (glances down at her briefly, looking thoughtful).... you’re recyclable. Alphys: !?!?!?!?!?? 2. I wanted to better explore the area below Waterfall, the deep pits that all the falls plunge down into, where once Alphys stood and considered throwing herself down into. The concept of it was a sort of transformation for Alphys and Undyne. They return to this place that might have been a place of tragedy, and they make it the start of something amazing. The cliffs below were riddled with caves and openings, an entire city carved straight into the rock, with grand staircases that lead down, and elevators that see a lot of use for those who don't want to walk (or can't). Can you imagine the place? Beautiful caves where every window opens up to the underside of the cascading, thundering waterfalls. And because they had hundreds of years to develop it all, the Lower City had gardens and fascinating landmarks to visit, a gallery devoted entirely to the art of Alphys' favorite animes (and oh boy were there some truly gorgeous works there. For some reason there was also a portrait of Mettaton as God and Alphys as Adam in a lovely oil painting that is a sort of imitative transformation piece of Michelangelo's very famous "The Creation of Adam". Nobody really knows who painted it, nor why, but the gallery director informed the public that it was donated anonymously as a gift to commemorate the gallery's Grand Opening.) Because Undyne had a huge part in the City's inception, there ended up being several small schools for various physical activities such as: Wrestling, Ballet, Clogging, Modern Dance, Taekwondo, Spear fighting, Sword fighting, and Water Aerobics. Also one very tiny school for Piano that consisted of Undyne herself and whoever she was teaching to play at their lessons three times a week. Down below are the Depths, the deepest and darkest part of the Underground's caverns. A massive lake that the falls plunge into. Most of its life has been spent without light of any kind, and even now it's still very shadowy. The Lower City of the cliffs sort of spills out between waterfalls to drift around the shore of the lake. But even 300 hundred years later it hasn't all been explored and the Lower City hasn't expanded much more (even with the Underground populous trying their best to spread out, they can't possibly fill every space. I'm working with an upper limit of 1,400-2,000 monsters total in the Underground, with a lower limit of 322 for the souls visible coming from Asriel in the game when he breaks the barrier. Due to the fact that Ghost Monsters were excluded from the soul snatching event, and the fact that there is literally no way to estimate how many spiders are in the Underground, both have been excluded from this counting.) At the far end of the dark lake a lonely outpost sits, home to a very very few monsters who either prefer the total solitude and darkness, or have come there for reasons of science. To study the pools of super-heated water and geysers, or the aquatic life somehow managing to thrive in the pitch black lake that is swimming with garbage from humans and monsters alike, or even geological strata that possesses very interesting formations this far down. There are numerous guidelines in place that prevent Monsters from staying at the Outpost for more than two months at a time for Mental Health concerns. Both Royal Scientists tried (separately) to use their position to override this rule. Undyne was sent to retrieve Alphys and bodily carried her back despite protests, and Queen Toriel herself came to order Gaster back to the Upper Underground (there were fireballs thrown before he finally gave up). 3. And finally, I actually fully intended to have a scene in the story where Sans demanded that Gaster tell him exactly how long they spent trapped down there, after all, he's the only one who kept track of it if you recall. But I completely spaced it when it came to writing those last few scenes. So I'll tell you my final calculations here. We know that Determination had a strange effect on the magic of the Barrier. Whenever a Reset happened, time in the Underground would move a tiny bit slower than time outside. The time spent inside the Barrier, counting both the truly ridiculous amount of time wasted in resets by both the Human and by Flowey, as well as the 300 years afterward that this story covers, comes somewhere around the area of 51,967,952,715 years. Or Fifty One Billion, Nine Hundred and Sixty Seven Million, Nine Hundred and Fifty Two Thousand, Seven Hundred and Fifteen. An insane amount of time. What’s my explanation for how the minds of various characters remained intact? Well, Gaster spent long long periods of time sleeping. He wasn’t fully himself yet as his assistants hadn’t managed to collect enough pieces of him. So unstable and having a warped perception of time kept him from actually going insane, instead letting him sleep for centuries at a time. Sans actually didn’t start to become fully aware until quite a long ways into the resets, and then spent a while trying to figure out what was going on, fought with everything he could for a while in endless genocide routes, and then eventually lost hope entirely and sort of... went on automatic for a long time before he woke up enough to change something (a single question was all it took). And Flowey stayed in a similar state for thousands of years, quietly repeating the exact same conversations, the same actions, the same patterns. The only times he was even aware enough to notice the passage of time was when something new happened. These are not in any way realistic ways of reacting to such a vast period of time. From what science we understand about the brain, it would barely last more than a couple hundred years at the very most, but probably less than that. And that’s if you can keep it in perfect condition without any decay. Memories would begin to go long before that, only fragments remaining and the brain keeping only what is relevant to you now. But lots and lots of old stories depict supernatural and magical beings as sleeping for centuries in forgotten temples, under castles, in sealed magical caverns, in caves on beds of treasure, and a thousand other variances. So I wanted to explore that in the way of a part of the Monster Soul that would act as a self defense mechanism to the Mind of the Monster who was somehow living and living and living without possibility of dying and needed to be able to stay sane throughout that. So it either makes them sleep, or in severe circumstances it can put them on a sort of automatic mode where they repeat a sequence ad infinitum. Both have their roots in folklore, but the way it works is my own interpretation of the idea. Outside the barrier, however, is a different story. The full total of time that has  passed out there is 10,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000. Known as Duotrigintillion, or also as one Googol. While the Underground got slower and slower and slower, the rest of the Universe continued on at its usual pace. The planet earth was destroyed by the Sun going into its Red Giant Phase, and then it became a White Dwarf. Then a Black Dwarf. Galaxies and super-galaxies went slowly dark, matter was dissolved or eaten by black holes, even black holes eventually began to decay due to Hawking Radiation. And because the light, garbage, and air being let into the Underground were the exact same stuff that was being let in at the beginning and was just on repeat forever, the Monsters never noticed. It was only when a run went on a little longer than usual, when the Barrier started trying to correct itself by syncing up time again, when you could see the darkness beyond. A darkness without stars and without life. Only cold and shadow, forever. The absolute and inexorable Heat Death of the Universe. Is it the only Universe in the Multiverse that has lived its full possible lifetime from beginning to end? Possibly. Ink would know. Whatever the case, its certainly a very very old Universe indeed (It probably is one of several branches off the original Universe, a stray timeline become a Universe in its own right).
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mst3kproject · 4 years
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Imagine Creature from the Black Lagoon but made by the creative (for lack of a better word) team behind The Giant Spider Invasion.  That’s Bog.
Bog Lake is the type of little nowhere town that looks as if it ought to have a local cryptid, like the Flatwoods Monster or Mothman… and sure enough, tourists who come to fish in the lake are getting drained of blood by some creature with a chitinous proboscis!  The police are baffled, the locals are buying guns, and the coroner straightfacedly suggests it might be Count Dracula.  The only person who seems to really know what’s going on is The Old Hag of the Woods, and she claims that the swamp monster is some kind of ancient god.  Once awakened, it must feed on blood before it can return to the slime at the bottom of the lake and sleep for centuries more.  At this point, the viewer is probably expecting something like the Giant Leeches crossed with Cthulhu, but the truth manages to be even cheaper than a Corman film and, unfortunately, infinitely rape-ier.
Why does this movie remind me so much of the works of Bill Rebane?  The main reason is probably the 70s soft focus and the midwestern accents, but there are quite a few points that spark specific memories of The Giant Spider Invasion.  The movie’s heroes are two people in at least their forties, in which the woman is a more qualified scientist than the man.  The married couples we see are totally dysfunctional and dissolving in booze. A shotgun-wielding mob forms and chases the monster towards the instruments of its demise.  There’s even a middle school chemistry classroom that stands in for a laboratory (I particularly enjoyed the fact that this, which presumably represents a room in the town morgue, has a map of the moon on one wall) and science that starts out grounded in reality but then dives headfirst into bullshit while hollering “cowabunga!”
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On the other pedipalp, there are also ways in which Bog is notably better than The Giant Spider Invasion, most of which have to do with the characters.  Admittedly, these do not get off to a good start.  The first people we can really be said to meet are two assholes who have come for the camping and fishing, and their wives who have come to complain.  The couples clearly hate each other and we can’t imagine why they ever got together in the first place, and each individual is kind of an idiot.  I won’t complain too much, though, because the crabby wives get eaten almost right away and the asshole husbands fulfill their plot function by bringing it to the attention of the authorities and then follow their spouses out of the movie.  Good riddance.
The real characters are the Sheriff, Ginny the Coroner, and Brad the Doctor.  None of them are exactly likable but they come across as the sort of very ordinary people you’d probably meet in your day-to-day life and while they’re not your close friends, you don’t dislike them.  Ginny is of an appropriate age for her position of authority, and her colleagues treat her with the respect she is due.  Her romance with Brad is clearly something that’s been going on for a while now and doesn’t suddenly develop over the course of a weekend, and the two of them are close in age.  All three of these characters behave in a professional manner and seem to have good working relationships, which is a breath of fresh air.  Far too many movies try to insert unnecessary drama by having characters who hate each other for no reason.
The best of the three is actually the Sheriff, who is one of a very few small-town movie sheriffs who actually seems to take his job seriously.  Aldo Ray used to be a real actor, and you can tell – he plays the Sheriff a with nice everyman quality and a great deal of integrity.  This unfortunately makes it all the more puzzling when the character suddenly runs off to fight the monster with fisticuffs and gets killed for it. Brad says it was in the Sheriff’s nature to do this but it doesn’t seem to match the sensible and down-to-earth characters we’ve seen so far.
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I got the impression, actually, that the Sheriff was what was keeping the movie sane because after he dies it starts getting weird.  Ginny does some scientific tests that consist mostly of pouring coloured liquids into Erlenmeyer flasks, and determines that the monster is made of cancer and molybdenum. If either of these facts have any effect on the plot I missed it, although I did imagine Crow deciding the monster was his long-lost relative.  Then we get into how it reproduces and things go right off the deep end.
You see, there’s only one of these monsters, and it’s a boy.  Fauxilla got around this through hermaphroditism, but the monster from Bog prefers the Humanoids from the Deep route.  If you’re lucky enough not to have seen Humanoids from the Deep, its fish monsters have decided they need human genes to speed up their evolution.  The monster in Bog does kind of the opposite, devolving humans to make them compatible with itself.  It does this by injecting a dose of its own blood into the victim and the result is a huge clutch of transparent spawn that Ginny describes as ‘not really a seed, not really an egg’, whatever that means.
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This, we later learn, is how the Swamp Hag knows so much about the creature – she’s apparently been its mate for hundreds of years! She dies attempting to warn the monster that it’s walking into a trap, which leads Brad and an ichthyologist to conclude that one effect of this infusion of monster hormones is that ‘the victim becomes willing’.  That is icky and I hope it doesn’t reflect the writers’ feelings about real-life situations of sexual assault.  The idea is intended to add urgency to the need to rescue Ginny from the creature.
Creature from the Black Lagoon never did give a reason why the titular monster was interested in kidnapping human women.  It was obvious enough that the Creature was supposed to be a sexual threat, but its quest was clearly doomed and it was not apparent why the women were attractive to it.  Humanoids from the Deep appears to have arisen from the brain of somebody who spent way too much time thinking about these questions and trying to come up with answers to them.  Bog decided its monster simply didn’t have any choice – there aren’t any other bipedal things around for it to mate with.  What neither of these movies realize is that the questions didn’t need answers to begin with.
There are things movies need to be explicit about, and slimy swamp creatures raping women is not one of those.  A lot of times, horror works better when the details are left to the viewer’s imagination, and the fact that Creature from the Black Lagoon doesn’t understand that it cannot get what it wants from its captives actually makes it worse. The writers of Saturn 3 did something similar with Hector the robot’s crush on Alex and while Saturn 3 was not a good movie overall, that aspect worked fine.  Going into the details just gives the audience an opportunity to think about how stupid it is.
It is worth noting that neither Creature from the Black Lagoon nor Saturn 3 felt a need to use the words the victim becomes willing, either.
The monster’s silhouette resembles a man in a fish costume he probably bought on Amazon, and it sounds like it doesn’t want to get up in the morning. I suspect that hidden in the poor lighting is something that would be a shitty movie monster classic on the order of The Giant Claw or the spidermobile from The Giant Spider Invasion, if only we could see it.  There are very few things I enjoy more than movies that are loud and proud of their abysmally cheap monsters, but sadly Bog doesn’t want to show off.
This is doubly a shame because a lot of this movie just drags. The bit with the scuba divers takes way too long for the payoff it gets.  Brad and Ginny’s makeout scene lasts way after we’ve gotten the point, whether or not it bothers you that the people doing the kissing are middle-aged. And anything with the two fishermen and their wives is not only slow, but annoying.  The movie is at its Giant-Spider-Invasion-est here, when everybody on screen is a repulsive caricature of a human being and you can’t wait for them to die.
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There may be a slight 70’s Nature’s Revenge angle to this film, in that the monster is apparently awakened by some idiot fishing with dynamite, but Black Lagoon is evidently the primary inspiration.  Unfortunately, all the things that made that movie enjoyable are missing here.  The monster doesn’t look particularly realistic or well-adapted to its environment. Attempts at suspense are just boring and the movie is unnecessarily explicit about things that should remain implied. Bog is not a complete write-off as bad monster movies go, but it’s not all that great either.
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
Your view on fandom is fair enough. I'd like to add that while Edelgard would make a good villain (and does on two routes), Dimitri, in his madman phase, makes an even better villain. I didn't enjoy his redemption arc because it was clumsily done and an absolute drag to actually play through, so instead I enjoy the idea of a formerly kindhearted man losing himself to the point of becoming an irredeemable beast.
This doesn’t work very well however, in large part because, like Claude, Dimitri just isn’t important enough to the plot outside his own route. 
In VW it’s treated as a major reveal that he’s still alive at Gronder, but after you defeat him he’s killed offscreen by Edelgard’s forces and that’s that. He’s an almost random obstacle and not even the focal point of that chapter, and his motivation is then posthumously validated by Dedue taking it up and reappearing in Enbarr to help Byleth’s army and take his revenge. In SS Dimitri’s only Part 2 appearance is Byleth (probably) dreaming/hallucinating him being remorseful for his behavior after the offscreen Gronder battle, which is even less villainous and more tragic because he never opposes the player. It is considerably more random however, and as such Dedue carrying out the same role that he does in VW feels less natural although one could infer the same events happened to trigger it. 
CF has Dimitri fully sane, with the easy visual symbolism of him still having both eyes, as he was never separated from Dedue and forced to go on the run by Cornelia. It would be overly generous to call him a hero antagonist however, as - again like Claude - he’s only relevant to the one chapter and gets no development outside it. There’s a symmetry to Edelgard getting to finish the hit she ordered in the Prologue by killing both of the other leaders, and Dimitri gets to shine in the tragic role of a leader defending his homeland from conquest via his reactions to the deaths of the other Lions and especially his secret death scene with Dedue, but he’s still not important or developed enough to be an antagonist much less evil enough to be a villain. One of CF’s structural problems is that its conflict lacks focus, with only Rhea even somewhat established as an overarching threat outside of the chapters where you fight her. That’s exacerbated by the route’s short length and breathless pacing, not to mention the hype for the postgame war against the Agarthans which is narratively unsatisfying to say the least. It really is just Edelgard and her precious teacher vs. the world, with Hubert having the supervillainous time of his life in the background.
With all that in mind I don’t see where Dimitri works as a villain. The opposition between Byleth and Edelgard is always front and center because the concept of an Avatar and lord fighting was the basic concept the game was built around. Even in AM where Byleth matters least and the protagonist/antagonist relationship works much better because Dimitri and Edelgard are both actual characters, the self-insert still plays a disproportionately large role in shaping events. This is a much bigger issue with AM than its pacing, which is easily the best of the routes and ends on a much stronger note of finality compared to VW and SS which have to keep going after Edelgard dies even though her war drives the plot of every route. That’s why she’s the antagonist for 3/4ths of the game, and why her being the source of the main conflict makes her villainous through her methods and the methods of her allies. 
Dimitri and Claude are bit players outside their respective routes, but one of the big reasons that people praise AM’s writing is that Dimitri’s character arc directly ties into the opposition between him and Edelgard through their history and her alliance with the people who perpetrated the Tragedy of Duscur. (This stands in contrast to Claude whose arc and motivations have nothing whatsoever to do with Edelgard, leaving her as only an obstacle to his ambitions with awkward implementation on account of VW being mostly a copy and paste of SS.) Parts of Dimitri’s development are rushed, but there’s an appreciable back-and-forth between him and his advisors as well as his established support network of full characters (read: not Byleth) who can criticize his actions and facilitate his growth. There’s also his framing, which is that of a traditional FE lord from start to finish with the subversive detour in the middle through his mental deterioration and eventual recovery. In their ending tapestries Edelgard is the red-draped conqueror with the smirking sorcerer in black behind her throne, Claude the yellow (in FE terms, neutral) statesman, and Byleth literally deified as the full realization of the self-insert fantasy - but for Dimitri the blue lord his ending involves playing with orphans in an image as benevolent as it is mildly saccharine.
And at least Dimitri has an arc; Claude has the aforementioned problem with his goals not aligning with the main conflict of his route, whereas if Byleth or Edelgard ever change at all they’re done by the end of Part 1 and after that they’re just seeing their stories through to the end. Another common critique of CF is that no one ever seriously questions Edelgard’s actions or challenges her in a meaningful way: Randolph and Ladislava’s death are almost comically unimportant, her response to the nuking of Arianrhod pivots not on the people who died or the betrayal from within but on her immediately lying about it to the Strike Force to further scapegoat Rhea*, and while before the final battle she raises the potential for conflict with Byleth being connected to the goddess and her children nothing comes of it other than Sothis’s Crest stone disappearing at the end for no apparent reason and Edelgard still getting her happy ending with Byleth anyway. While all that may be preferable for a power fantasy compared to AM repeatedly beating Dimitri over the head with his failings until he grows as a person, it’s not great for characterization. I also maintain that Hubert is a better center for CF as a power fantasy anyway, as he’s much more straightforward about his morally bankrupt actions and lacks the tonally dissonant scenes Edelgard has that are intended to play up her romance with Byleth. (He has comparable scenes of course, but they’re all confined to the support system where that sort of thing normally occurs and aren’t part of the main story.)
So to sum up, everything in FE16 outside of CF frames Edelgard as its main antagonist, and even in CF despite some commitment issues the signs of her villainy are still present. Dimitri by contrast is too secondary a character outside AM to ever be a proper antagonist, and too morally undeveloped and tragically framed in them to ever be a villain either.
*While CF Chapter 16′s title, “Lady of Deceit,” superficially refers to Cornelia, there’s some heavy irony in that it could just as easily apply to Edelgard herself considering it contains the most blatant instance of her lying to her supporters. Even before that, the chapter only happens because she feints toward Fhirdiad but secretly plans to besiege Arianrhod instead, to the confusion of several in the playable cast.
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