#Ahsoka appreciation
chanelslibrary · 7 months
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🤍𝗔𝗵𝘀𝗼𝗸𝗮 𝗔𝗽𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻🤍
That’s all.
🤍Now that all the episodes are out for Ahsoka it’s time to BINGE! lol (before Loki)
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do u like ahsoka? I think shes neat
I think she's neat too!
(too lazy to go grab some more pics, so just from what I've got on hand:)
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love her earnest face and lovely color scheme
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and how relatable she always was! I just feel those poses
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she was lovely as a kid and she was lovely with kids
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obi-wan thought she was neat too! (and obviously obi-wan's opinion is the important thing in any context)
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Her fighting style was always awesome.
To go more into it, I love TCW!Ahsoka. I'm slightly more ambivalent towards her Rebels self (mainly because it can be a bit hard to connect the two since they have pretty different designs and stories), but this girl right here? She's the absolute best.
She was always spunky, sassy, smart and extremely compassionate, and she had a plethora of great character flaws to go with all her amazing qualities. She was reckless, stubborn, naive and impulsive - all perfectly normal attributes given her age - and it took nothing away from how likable she was.
Her presence in TCW was a great way to supplement Obi-Wan and Anakin's relationship, and I always loved what we saw of the Order through her connection with so the Masters, Knights and younglings (wish we'd gotten more of that tbh). She matured very believably over five seasons, and every time she got to do something a little more badass it felt like a big victory. She's also great for kids to connect with. (My younger bros and cousin absolutely love her, and they're watching the show in French, where she has the most incredibly annoying voice. If they can love her even then, she's really dang loveable.)
Now, it's gotten just a tad tiring how big of a deal she is now. Imo, blowing her importance out of proportion and trying to slip her into every major project has considerably undermined the strength of her character because she's all over the place and her story is in pieces - plus live action is a completely different tone from animation and she just doesn't feel the same at all. But while I may not like the direction newer content has been taking, it never in any way lessened my love for her in TCW. Even in season 7 (which handled her extremely badly imo) I feel for her and my heart just broke watching the finale.
So yeah. I do like her. She is neat.
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kanansdume · 8 months
It's continuously frustrating that this show REFUSES to condemn Anakin for the things he's done or even really explicitly call him out on them, and they even go so far as to basically decide none of it even MATTERED.
But all they can say about the Jedi is that they failed.
When asked what Anakin was like, all Huyang says is that he was "intense."
The worst Ahsoka says is that he was "more dangerous than anyone realized" and then two episodes later she's calling him a "good master" despite everything he did to her and the rest of the galaxy. She never ONCE condemns him for committing a genocide against the Jedi and hunting them down for over two decades. She never ONCE condemns him for enslaving the clones and betraying their loyalty and using them as weapons against the Jedi they loved. She never ONCE condemns him for trying to personally kill HER.
He jokes with her, he gets to say that he wants to protect her, he gets to guide her into choosing to live, he makes recordings for her that she still uses years later. Anakin gets to be "more" than just his failures.
But the Jedi, somehow, do not. The Jedi are ONLY EVER their failures. Ahsoka never mentions them otherwise, she never remembers them fondly at all, she has no stories or connections about any of the other Jedi, she constantly disregards Jedi protcols as foolish and ridiculous at best.
The best thing they can say about the Jedi is that the "idea of them" had merit. But Anakin gets to be a GENUINELY good Jedi Master, more than just a good IDEA.
And this just feels like the WORST of double standards to me.
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jedi-valjean · 26 days
Guide to Jedi Ranking Terminology
I see a lot of confusion about this in fic, so I thought I’d make a post about it. I hope it’s helpful!
Youngling refers to a child— not just a Jedi child, but any child. A child who has been inducted into the Jedi Order is called an initiate. A Jedi initiate is generally addressed by their name, without a title— though sometimes they will be referred to as “young [Name]” by their elders.
A Padawan, Padawan learner, or Jedi apprentice is an initiate who has been apprenticed to a master for formal training. Padawans are not always teenagers; for example, Obi-Wan Kenobi was a Padawan well into his twenties, while Ahsoka Tano, at fourteen years of age, was still considered a youngling at the start of her apprenticeship. They are generally addressed as “Padawan [Name.]”
A Jedi Knight is a Jedi who has been knighted— that is, completed their apprenticeship. The term Jedi Knight refers to any fully-trained Jedi, whether they have attained the rank of master or not. They are generally addressed as “Master [Name,]” not “Knight [Name.]”
A Jedi Master is a Jedi Knight who has been officially recognized as being especially proficient in the Force, typically for training an apprentice to knighthood. They are generally addressed as “Master [Name.]”
A Grandmaster or Grand Master is a Jedi who has been named head of the Order. There is usually, but not always, only one Grandmaster at a time. The Grandmaster is typically recognized in an official capacity as the wisest and oldest member of the Order. They are generally addressed as “Master [Name.]”
Master of the Order, also known as Master of the Council or Grand Master of the Jedi High Council, is the head of the Jedi Council. Prior to the Clone Wars, this title was distinct from that of Grandmaster. For example, Yoda was head of the Order, but Mace Windu was head of the Council. As such, Yoda deferred to Windu on Council matters, such as when the decision to train Anakin Skywalker as a Jedi Knight was ratified by the Council. During the Clone Wars, Windu stepped down from the position to take a more active role on the battlefield, though he remained on the Council; the position was then filled by Yoda. The Master of the Order is generally addressed as “Master [Name.]”
All Jedi above the rank of Padawan are addressed as “Master [Name.]” When one does not know a Jedi’s name, “Master Jedi” is used, such as when Taun We greeted Obi-Wan Kenobi on Kamino.
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omaano · 7 months
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Rex meets R4 once he's somewhat recovered from his 200 years of dying-not-dying in the vacuum of space. I cannot wait for you all to read @dharmaavocado's The Old Guard AU fic they wrote for the @rexobibang!
If I Ever Leave This World Alive
Out in the vast well of space, Obi-Wan dreamed a man. He drifted from system to system, eternal and endless. Time and the cold had rendered the durasteel shackles around his wrists and ankles weak and brittle, and he had snapped them at some distant point in the past. Arms and legs free, he curled inward, knees drawn up to his chest. The man died. And then he lived. In which Obi-Wan and Rex may never leave this world alive.
Check out the other fantastic art pieces by @flowerparrish HERE and HERE and by @inqorporeal HERE !!
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cienie-isengardu · 4 months
Ghost Anakin
Can we please take a moment and appreciate that Legends and Disney-Canon's Force Ghost Anakin confronted member of his family (Cade Skywalker) and/or friend (Ahsoka) when they were in trouble and he decided to show up to them as a Jedi to pass the warning/advice
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but when they weren't willing to listen, he changed into Vader
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to trash them as the Sith Lord
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I don’t know why he is like that but I bow respectfully to his ghost’s communication skills.
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antianakin · 9 months
I think it's so funny that there's this widespread headcanon that Anakin loves droids and droids love him because it just... has no basis in canon. Anakin likes ONE DROID throughout all of the time we see him and that's R2. He barely manages to tolerate C-3PO despite having literally programmed him, and Padme treats C-3PO with more compassion and respect than Anakin generally does. When R2 is thought lost, Anakin treats the replacement droid like shit (yes, that droid ended up a spy but Anakin doesn't know that and that's not why he treats the new droid like shit). Anakin is also shown to be a lot quicker to mow down battle droids that aren't attacking him than Obi-Wan is. He's never shown actively caring about droids in general, just ONE droid. There's nothing to prove he cares about droids as a matter of principle, either, he just happens to like R2.
By contrast, the Jedi are often headcanoned as being dismissive of droids (and sometimes as dismissive of Anakin for caring about them), when there's multiple examples of this being untrue. Ahsoka obviously also likes R2 and considers him a friend, but she's just as quick to treat his replacement well and with the same level of kindness she gave to R2. Mace makes an offer of peace to the battledroids after THREE YEARS of battle with them. And of course then there's Master Huyang, who literally holds the rank of Master within the Jedi Order because they value his knowledge of lightsaber construction so highly, and all of the Jedi are taught to treat him with the respect that deserves and they initiates all work really hard to ensure that he ALSO makes it out of Hondo's attack alive and refuse to just leave him behind.
So I feel like we should be seeing fewer storylines involving Anakin being the only person who cares about droids and the Jedi chastising him for it, and more storylines involving the Jedi literally having to remind him to respect and care for other droids, yes, even if they're annoying sometimes, yes, even if they seem broken or useless, yes, the Force flows through them too even if it feels different.
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9 days until I get to showcase this at Fan Expo in philly!! 🥳🥳
I'm so excited about how this is coming along! I'm super passionate about it and excited to get to show him off!!
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rmstitanics · 8 months
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— yoda’s lineage (the “disaster lineage”) as tarot cards
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jessicas-pi · 8 months
From the moment I met lost you all those years ago...
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...not a day has gone by when I haven't thought of you.
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I'm in agony.
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The closer I get to you, the worse it gets.
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The thought of not being with you—I can't breathe.
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You are in my very soul, tormenting me.
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What can I do?
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I will do anything you ask.
(Anakin being bad at flirting + Sabine missing Ezra)
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
Ok, I know that I already reblogged @antianakin's post about why Anakin didn't need to murder an entire Tusken village because 2-3 of them killed his mom (original post here), but I just feel the need to talk about one of the most damning examples of why Anakin has no excuse for that response.
Post Order 66 Jedi/Clone interactions.
Let's just say, for the sake of the argument, that the entirety of the Tusken village--including the literal babies and children--all took part in the torture/murder of Shimi Skywalker. No exceptions.
Anakin's response to his mother's death is to murder everyone with no remorse or a second thought. Even when he confesses what he did to Padme, the RotS novel clearly shows that he doesn't actually feel bad about what he did. Most of his worry is about what others will think of him and, ironically, about how he's a "good Jedi" that should be better than this.
Now let's move on...
Every clone took part in Order 66 in some way.*
The clones murdered every single Jedi they could in cold blood (albeit without a choice), including the children, with only a miniscule few survivors. How many do we canonically have right now that didn't get captured and become Inquisitors? Obi-Wan, Quinlan, Cal, Caleb/Kanan, and Gungi are all I can think of at the moment.** That's 5 Jedi, out of thousands, that survived--and that's not even mentioning the destruction of their places of worship/cultural artifacts and the shitty propaganda spread about their culture.
* I'm not including the Bad Batch because, my own opinions about the show/characters/writing/etc. aside, we can all agree that the only reason their chips didn't activate was because they're Filoni's beloved OCs and he has a habit of trying to make his OCs "special" in some way.
** I'm not including Ahsoka in this because, like she says repeatedly as of Season 7 of TCW onward, she isn't a Jedi and doesn't see herself as such--and for the same reason I'm not including Grogu, since he's like...a Mandalorian apprentice now and not technically a Jedi. I'm also not including Luminara because she eventually gets captured and killed pretty early on and I'm trying to only include Jedi that are alive for a significant amount of time in the Imperial Era.
So, how do the Jedi treat the clones after they murder their entire family and destroy their culture? Let's look!
Example One:
Obi-Wan Kenobi never learns about the inhibitor chips, as of current canon. He is 100% under the impression that Cody and the 212th (as well as all of the other clones) just up and betrayed him and the Order for no reason. He also watched the security tapes that, yes, showed Anakin killing children, but also would have shown the clones killing Jedi as well.
In the Kenobi show he runs into a clone veteran of the 501st--a veteran who, in all likelihood, probably stormed the Temple and was a part of its destruction.
Does he spit in the clone's face? Call him a murderer? Kill or harm him in any way?
He gives the veteran some of his credits, even though it's made a point in the show that Obi-Wan is now working with limited funds and is very poor at this point in time. He doesn't have credits to spare and he is supposed to be looking for Leia, but he takes a moment to give some to someone who took part in the genocide of his people.
He also routinely thinks about Cody and the 212th in the comics! He remembers them fondly and still connects Cody to the feeling of hope, even though they tried to kill him! Even though he has no idea that they never wanted to!
Example Two:
Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume knows about the inhibitor chips, but in Rebels it's made very clear that he thinks that it's just something the clones made up so that they didn't have to take responsibility for their actions.
In Rebels, Ahsoka makes the (objectively bad) decision to send Kanan out to find her "old friends" to help the rebellion.*** Kanan then finds out that her "old friends" are three clones, only after he gets there and sees them. He reacts in a panic and ignites his saber, clearly freaking out a bit.
*** I'll probably expand on this later, because I have a lot of opinions on this particular decision of hers, but anyway-
Does he try to hurt and/or kill them? Do they have to fight him off? Does he even lunge in their direction or deflect Wolffe's blaster bolt at him?
Again, nope!
He steps in front of Ezra in a defensive position and, when shot at by Wolffe, deflects the bolt into their ship. Then, when Ezra steps in and says that Ahsoka said to trust them, Kanan de-ignites his saber and they all have a conversation about them helping in the rebellion--even though Kanan clearly doesn't trust them at all and is dealing with his PTSD while being there. Eventually he even comes to get along with/trust Rex, albeit in later episodes.
Example Three:
Gungi, in the Bad Batch, meets up with the Batch and immediately recognizes them as clones. Now, we don't know his opinion on them and their betrayal because it's never really expressed, but it's safe to assume that he has no idea about the chips (at least, until Tech tells him) and it's clear that he's very scared at that point in time.
What does he do?
He hides in the corner of the ship and is wary about the food they offer to him.
That's literally it.
And then later in the episode he works together with TBB and trusts them enough to let them help defend his village.
So, even with most of the Jedi either having no idea about the chips or likely doubting that story, we're shown over and over again that the Jedi never seek revenge against the clones or try to kill them after Order 66. Even though their lives were ruined by what the clones did/took part in, they're never shown to be actively trying to cause them harm.
So there is literally no way you could possibly justify Anakin killing an entire village of Tuskens because of his mother's death, when--in arguably the same/a worse situation--the Jedi are actively shown not doing that.
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lovisus · 1 year
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slay (your enemies) queen
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field knighting
(because those don't always have to be tragic, right?)
for @jedijune Week #1: Knighting
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cyareclones · 1 year
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Jesse Charms (PREORDER)
Ahsoka (Season 5 and 7) Charms (PREORDER)
(Merc) Locks Charms
JUMBO Urudyk Charms
(ARC) Locks Charms
Fives Charms
Cody Charms
Rex Charms
There will be an automatically applied discount for charms purchased in groups of 2′s AND a sitewide 10% off discount that can be found when the update goes live! I ship WORLDWIDE! Get excited <3
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illuminatedquill · 6 months
Sabine’s Thoughts During This Scene
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Sabine: Ezra’s alive. He’s safe. It was all worth it - wait. He’s hot as hell; when did he get so hot?
Sabine: And I felt something in that hug. Is that - I gotta check it out. Just be cool about it Sabine.
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Sabine: GOD-DAMN. That is hard as a rock. Am I drooling a little? No, can’t be. Please tell me that’s just sweat.
Sabine: I can’t stop smiling like some love-sick school girl. Take a breath, Sabine. Gotta focus on getting us home.
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Sabine: . . . Okay, just one more look for the road.
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skywalkerrtno · 13 days
I love having such specific interests with people.
Like, who would think people who like the bad batch and star wars also like Hamilton, Taylor Swift and drawing?
Im sorry, my group of friends irl share NONE of these interests😭
(We also live because and for copy and paste men.)
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