#Afro witch
indigaux · 1 year
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Naomi Native depicted as Oshun, Yoruba goddess of love, beauty, and fertility
Created by A.J. Hamilton
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fermentedcherries · 7 months
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🌙🦋hoodoo inspired witchy moodboard✨🔮
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damonblack966 · 3 months
How To Master Witchcraft Even Having Little Spare Time
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When Life Makes Practicing Witchcraft Difficult
Are you finding it hard to make time for your daily magical practice? Do you feel overwhelmed by all the other obligations of life, and have no idea how to fit one more thing into your already crammed schedule? You’re not alone! This is one of the most common things that I hear when I chat online, what’s stopping them from really pursuing the craft. It always comes down to too many responsibilities and too little time.
The truth is that the flashy witchcraft practices you see online are often staged, exaggerated, or even entirely made up. Comparing yourself and your practice to what you see other people doing online simply isn’t reasonable. Why would a mom of three who also works full time have a witchcraft practice that looks the same as a university student on TikTok who has no job and very few responsibilities? The answer is, she wouldn’t! That would be insane!
The thing that is actually causing such a major block in your ability to practice witchcraft isn’t a lack of time, it’s actually a lack of self-compassion. By constantly comparing yourself to other people and getting down on yourself about how you can’t, or you’re not good enough, or you’ll never be a real witch because… you’re adding a huge amount of judgment and shame to your life and your craft.
In all honesty, this kind of negative self-talk takes up a ton of time and energy! That’s time and energy that you could be putting toward literally anything else, like, ya’know… witchcraft. Rather than spending a bunch of time and energy beating yourself up for not being a good enough witch, why not make ANY amount of witchcraft a win?
The key is to start small. Instead of fitting an hour-long ritual into your daily life, try sneaking in a few minutes of magical activity here and there. Regularly writing down your thoughts in a journal that you keep near your bed or planning out a few quick spells can be just as powerful as doing full-fledged rituals. Just because it’s not big or flashy doesn’t mean that it doesn’t count! Start counting absolutely every magical moment, even 10 seconds of tuning into the energy of a room, as real witchcraft and you’ll likely find that you’re already doing way more than you thought.
You can also try to make small tasks magical. Channeling your energy toward something small can help increase the power of your spellwork and ritual work significantly. Even doing ssimple things like taking care of plants or wearing particular colors or jewelry that have special meaning for your practice can add an extra layer of magic to any activity.
Most importantly, give yourself permission to take breaks from witchcraft when needed—it’s ok if you don’t always find time for it! It’s more important that you take care of yourself first—and will ultimately help maintain stability and balance in both your magical and mundane life.
Where to Find Magical Time in Your Schedule
You don’t need to give up on living a magical life just because you don’t have the time to focus on witchcraft. With some creativity, you can find a few moments here and there to fit in magical practices but again, the key is to approach this with self-compassion. You may not be able to find time every day. Even one extra moment of focus on your craft during the week counts as a win!
Start by mapping out your weekly schedule. Take a look at the hours you spend on work and other responsibilities. Think of what small changes you can make in order to create space for witchy activities—even if it’s only five or ten minutes here and there.
For example:
Wake up 10 minutes earlier for a morning tarot card pull
Take a short meditation break during lunch
Spend half an hour listening to an audiobook or podcast before bed or during your commute
Fit in manifestation sessions or spell casting during study breaks
You’ll soon find that you are able to fit in small doses of ritual and these small moments can really add up!
Finally, if even these small moments still don’t seem to be enough, look into creative ways to practice and immerse yourself in the world of witchcraft. From joining online communities to taking classes or workshops, to learning from books, there are plenty of ways to enrich and add depth to your craft that don’t have to take up a ton of time.
At the end of the day, carving out a successful magical practice requires a bit of ingenuity and flexibility. Don’t feel bad if you can’t meet the expectations of a glitzy witchy lifestyle—start with small changes and over time, you’ll be able to gradually create a more grassroots and fulfilling magical practice.
Establishing a Daily Practice
You might not think you can make time for a daily practice of witchcraft, particularly if you have a demanding job or too many responsibilities. But it’s actually easier than it sounds—you don’t need to do something elaborate. All it takes is a little bit of effort and the right mindset.
To establish a daily practice, start by carving out just a few minutes each day for yourself. This could be during your lunch break, when you wake up, or before bed—it doesn’t matter when, as long as it works for your schedule.
Here are some simple steps to get you started:
Choose something that resonates with you—this could be divination, writing, or meditation.
Create an easily accessible space where you can set up everything you need for your chosen practice. Not having to do any setup or put things away every single day takes a LOT of the burde out of this process and makes you much more likely to return to it regularly.
Be flexible. If something in your life changes, let your practice change with it. Consistency requires that you keep the reality of your life in mind! Sometimes schedules change, your energy levels change, and what you need and want from your practice changes. Switch from mornings to evenings when you need to, let yourself do a tarot pull instead of meditation sometimes, and build ease into the practice.
Finally, BE COMPASSIONATE WITH YOURSELF. Did you miss a day? That’s fine, life happens. You missed a week? No sweat, that’s life. Get back to it when you’re ready just stop agonizing over not doing things exactly right all the time. You can become a perfectly good witch even if you get it “right” less than half the time! You are good enough.
What Do You Do If You’re Short On Time And Not Sure Where To Start?
I get it. You’re busy, you have a million responsibilities, and finding time to practice witchcraft is one thing but you don’t even know what to DO with that time when you manage to find it.
Make Figuring It Out The Goal
If you have no idea where to start, the first thing you should do with the time you do manage to carve out is figure out where to start. Literally. That is a perfectly good goal to begin with. This could mean something like spending 15 minutes a day reading about witchcraft or spending a few minutes writing about what you actually want to do with your craft. It’s ok to spend a few weeks or even months just getting the lay of the land and figuring out where you want to focus your energies first. Witchcraft is a huge and incredibly varied subject and nobody expects you to just jump straight in and know exactly what you’re doing.
Start With What Interests You
It’s important to focus on what really resonates with you when it comes to your craft. Pick one thing that speaks to you the strongest and start there—maybe you begin by studying astrology or learning spells—and go from there. This way, you don’t feel overwhelmed with all the options out there and can concentrate on mastering that one thing first before moving on to something else. It doesn’t really matter what you pick as long as it’s something that piques your interest, there’s really no “correct” order to learn things in.
Learn from Others
No one ever said that mastering a magical practice had to be done alone. Reach out to experienced practitioners and those knowledgeable in witchcraft to pick up tips and learn from their experiences. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and to open up about your own struggles—not only will it help you to get perspective on things but it will also create a sense of community among those who have similar interests and goals.
If you want someone to help you learn witchcraft in a more structured way that takes a lot of the guesswork out of it, look on a site like Udemy.
Track Your Progress
Finally, make sure to keep track of your progress. This doesn’t have to be complicated; it can take no more than writing a few words in your journal each day or creating a spreadsheet or digital document to track your spells, rituals, divination, and other activities related to your practice. Write down all of your wins, big and small. In fact, especially write down the small wins! Remember that those little moments add up and they DO count.
By tracking your progress, you’ll be able to easily refer back to your successes, what worked and what didn’t. And on days when things seem to be hitting a dead end, you’ll be able to look at the progress you’ve made and remind yourself of how far you’ve come.
By integrating these tips into your magical practice, you’ll be well on your way to mastering witchcraft despite life’s little hiccups and obstacles.
When life gets overwhelming, don’t forget that you can still practice witchcraft. It doesn’t have to be an in-depth practice or a lengthy ritual – it can be a five-minute positive affirmation every morning or lighting a white candle every night before bed. While it’s important to build a strong foundation of knowledge and practice, a lot of times the simplest techniques are the most powerful.
Remind yourself that you are in control and have the power to shape your life. Invest in yourself and create a personalized practice that works for you, but remember that a little bit goes a long way. No matter how busy or stressed you might be, a few simple steps can take you a long way on your journey to mastering witchcraft.
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3oclockoccultis · 1 year
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This is the best tip I’ve read
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chocoqtelle · 2 years
What does your future spouse find cute about you?
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Pile one Pile two
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Pile three Pile four
Pile one
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Your future spouse finds it cute that you're always eager to learn new information. You may also try to be playful or come across as strong but they don't really see you as physically strong so they find it funny. They find it cute that you try to get aggressive with them when you don't have the physical strength to back it up. This is just playful, so if someone is trying to hurt you and finds your resistance cute/funny, then this is not the person. You have the balance of cute and "violent." Your future spouse finds this cute. You might try to play hit them and they find that specifically adorable about you. The last pile may be for you if you felt drawn to it.
Pile two
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Your future spouse notices you are a bit of perfectionist and they see it as cute. They don't understand why you focus so much on little things when they see every part of you as perfect already. You over analyze things often instead of looking at the big picture. Then you over think an the big picture becomes about 70 million other small pictures that don't match up to create the big picture anymore. Basically, you over think and create a new idea in your head of things instead of focusing on the big things. They also find it cute that you have a lot of duality. You can change up from scary to cute quickly or mean to nice or something along those lines.
Pile three
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Your future spouse finds it cute how you like making cute little crafts. They also like how you are super romantic. You might make them cute romantic cards or foods. You're a very creative person. They like seeing what you can come up with. They have fun trying to convince you that your work is good even though you're stubborn. They genuinely enjoy what you make even if it's childish/childlike or bad to you. They love how dedicated you are and how much passion you have. You might be an artist. They love how stubborn you are. They find most things about you cute, overall. You could like baking/cooking. DDLC may be significant, especially natsuki.
Pile four
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Right off the bat, I'm getting that they love how unique you are. They like seeing how unpredictable and "crazy" you act. It's like you always keep them entertained or busy. I'm hearing that you keep their hands full. They find you crazy in a cute way. They think you being as emotional as you are is cute, especially considering how you act all crazy all the time. You're very emotional and you enjoy expressing how you feel, even if the ways you do so are seen as odd. They find it cute that you throw little "tantrums" and have little mood swings. They think it's cute that you get cranky and need naps all the time. They find you being so protective/possessive adorable as well. You may use yandere stuff to cope (like #bpdyandere or something). If you felt drawn to another pile, especially pile one then check them.
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blacklocsdeux · 1 year
Can the Hoodoo Practitioners , Obeah Practitioners, Black Witches, and anyone who is black and does magic reblog this post so I can follow y’all?
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blackmagichour · 1 year
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theblasianwitch · 2 years
Trying to train myself to not waste food.
I've mainly been doing well with fruit and veggie waste and I'm open to anything else. But here's what I do know.
Storing fruits in airtight jars keeps them fresh longer to prolong the process it takes to spoil
If and when your fruits are starting to soften (before they start developing mold) blend them into a smoothie. The sugar content is higher at this stage and once mold starts forming it not only becomes unsafe to ingest but start to turn tart and sour.
Put fruit cuttings into a pot and fill with enough water to cover all the scraps. Put the pot to boil then turn it off. Keep the pot on the heat until it slightly cools then strain. You can add sugar, lemon juice, and or ginger and you now have a great tasting fruit juice.
Let me know if you have any other tips. I'm still learning and with all the seeds I've saved I've even started germinating some seeds and have some seedlings to plant soon.
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BONUS: Some planting tips I also learned that isn't well known
Mango seeds have a seed within the seed that looks like a large bean. That's the seed you can germinate/plant
Mint, rosemary and thyme can live on just water and don't need soil. You may need water soluable plant food to help it sometimes though. This also applies to pathos plants and lentils.
The pH balance of water can affect how plants absorb nutrients. You want a balance or at least a pH between 5.5 and 7
Trees can grow in pots but will just need a little more care. I found this one extremely helpful as someone who hasn't found their forever home yet
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rottenlittlefink · 6 months
I got some glittery gel pens for my book of shadows :3
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✨I went all in for this Halloween✨
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jeneka · 1 year
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The Ancestors
I really want to tell y'all something really validating, especially as a Black witch though it's a little sad too. 
You know how we just choose our ancestors? We decide that on these people of the past, the Black people we remember and such, they're our ancestors now?
They do the same to us. 
I was 13. Walking the same footsteps that many slaves had on Washington's plantation. Seeing these little shacks that could barely hold up. Those were where our people slept, spoke of freedoms, whispered fears. That is where they stayed and we're forced to reside. I looked at the fields that our people used to be in.
Spirituals rang in my head that day, songs I've never heard before while I was lingering behind the group. Sounds of whispers and the feeling of eyes laid on me.
Eyes of wonder, amazement, curiosity. They didn't know me, I didn't know them. But in that moment, they understood we had prospered, we were thriving. In that moment, I was their child, I was beyond their wildest dreams. 
Small black girl, cuddled up in warm clothes, not confined to labor, free of chains. Staring back into how far we have come.
As far as I know, I have no connection to that plantation. I don't know where we came from, and I doubt I ever truly will. 
Understand that they had to deal with their friends and families being split apart, sold to another who would brutalize and torture our people, creating hell on earth for us. 
They know we can't find our specific ancestry! They know and just as we reach out to them without a care of how they are connected to us, whether we are truly related or not, they don't care either. They see us, and call us kin and cheer on our prosperity because we are their legacy regardless. 
 We do not claim them. They do not claim us, we just reached and grasped the other side. So if you're willing, reach.
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Ahem. Dipping my toes back into the realm of reviewing books.
Working the Roots by Michele Lee
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This is a wonderful book for all the Black and African American folks interested in herbal remedies used throughout the south during the last...I want to estimate most of the century. The cover claims for longer, but the interviewees were all alive when the author went out to gather information for the book.
Before the modern medical movement became accessible to Black people, families had to rely on their knowledge and their agricultural skills to make it when someone fell ill. Lee does a wonderful job of hunting down the oldest folks she can find to tap their brains about how they survived and what they used to do so, and the elders involved seemed very eager to pass on what they knew on their land and in their homes before it was forgotten.
I would tap this more as an herbal book rather than a spiritual book, although I use it as both. (I think I got the title recommendation from @biglizconjure's online course, but it's been a whole year since then so what do I know.) It goes biography by biography, detailing whose information comes from where and from what backgrounds, and the compiles to a glossary-by-symptom in the back. I've reviewed a lot of folk herbalism books and I have never been a big fan of poorly substantiated information, but this book is a well-organized historical record of folk remedies more than it is straight up declaring all recipes as fact. I wouldn't try all of them without serious research (there are a LOT of folk remedies that work, but, like, with really dangerous mechanisms, like using foxglove to stem bleeding on serious cuts), but a lot of the ones I've put a few other modern herbal research texts against have come out clean.
@ancestralmedicinemagic actually helped me tidy up one of these for a cramps tea a good while back. So, cheers! 🥂 10/10, do I recommend this title! I remember it being a touch expensive, so try asking your library to buy a copy if you can't afford a personal one. That way it's accessible for you to borrow and your library has one more interesting book to set out this February 😛
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chocoqtelle · 2 years
Your FS's love language
Pile One
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Pile Two
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Pile Three
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Pile One
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Your future spouse is likely more experienced than you with romance and relationships and may take on a more nurturing and teaching role. Your fs shows love through being protective and nurturing. Your fs struggles expressing love through words so they often use touch and acts of service to express how they feel about you. They wanna shower you in gifts and make you feel safe. They see you overwhelmed or upset and want to calm you down. Your fs likely will be the one to make the first move. Your fs likes seeing you smile and may use humor just to see you laugh, even if they make a fool out of themselves in the process. They value you much more over their reputation.
Signs: long walks, rain or after the rain, partly/mostly cloudy, romantic comedy kdramas, oversleeping, 15, 9, 6, pottery, being picked up/piggy back rides.
Pile Two
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Your fs commonly shows love through gift-giving, especially cash. Your fs may feel like a burden very easily and be very sensitive This person may be avoidant of love and relationships. It seems like heavy commitment issues out of fear. Channeling "Don't wanna fall in love" by kyle. They want you to show them how you feel first. They had a bad relationship before with arguments and chaos and a lack of trust. They want you to show them how you feel first. They often hold their own past against them. Once they put their walls down, they're a caring and considerate partner who brings many gifts and material items. This could be a friends to lovers relationship.
Signs: virgo, cancer, big cats/tigers, cafes and coffee, webtoons, shaded areas, nostalgia, 777, 444, 333, bisexuality, covering eyes, itching, zoning out.
Pile Three
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This may be a study-buddy thing where you become partners on a project or start studying together and then end up being with each other. Your fs may be a sapiosexual (someone sexually attracted to intelligence). They see you as someone mature and skilled. They see you in an elegant manner. They show their love by being aggressively flirty or by messing with you. They might find little things to tease you about to avoid admitting that they study every little thing about you and have feelings for you. This could be someone you met before or already had a relationship with for some people. If you're hurt after they tease you, they of course will try desperately to make you feel better even if they don't directly tell you they're doing trying to. They try to close themselves off and not tell you about themselves and just listen to you talk about yourself instead.
Signs: subliminals, crystals and stones, moss equal/even, blur, purple, stars and the sun, hyperpigmentation, sleep deprivation, increased spiritual abilities (especially clairvoyance), slow breathing, 888, 8, infinity, money growth.
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damonblack966 · 3 months
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6 Things That You Don’t Need To Be An Effective Witch
You get people who are otherwise preaching a philosophy of oneness and being in tune with yourself and valuing nature and peace, becoming utterly irate because someone else is doing something different. Am I the only one who sees the huge contradiction here?
What Is Witchcraft?
Here’s the thing, witchcraft isn’t a set of rituals. It isn’t the worship of a particular god, it’s not a religion, it’s not even the methods we use to cast spells. Witchcraft transcends all of these things because witchcraft is about doing what works. And if the massive diversity in magical tradition speaks to anything, it’s that there are a LOT of ways to do magic that work!
What witchcraft really is, at its core, is the manipulation of the energy that makes up everything from the tiniest microbe, to massive sequoias, this wonderful planet that we live on, every star, every breath we take, and every god we may or may not pray to. Magic is literally everywhere. It’s inescapable because it IS us. It’s everything!
Why So Many Things Are Optional
This base nature of magic and our universe is exactly what makes so many things in magic optional. Since magic is everywhere and everything, there are basically infinite ways to take advantage of it. And the vast majority of these methods work given the right circumstances!
Think of it this way, if magic could only be accessed in one way, we would see the exact same magical structure repeated over and over and over again in every culture and at every point in history. That is not the case, though! All you have to do is look at the amazing diversity present in our current magical culture. You have ceremonial magicians summoning demons and performing long and intricate rites while housewives practice folk magic involving nothing more than a whispered incantation and some spices from their cupboard. Both methods work. How can we claim that there’s only one way to practice magic when Hoodoo, Santeria, Wicca, Appalachian granny magic, and so many more traditions exist simultaneously and all seem to work? The answer is that we can’t. They DO all work because they are all taking advantage of the exact same universal forces in a myriad of ways.
So What Is Optional?
There are so many more optional elements than I could possibly list here, but these are some of the most common elements of the craft that I see being touted as non-negotiable.
1. Gendered Energy
The use of gendered energy (i.e. masculine and feminine energy) is an incredibly prevalent part of modern witchcraft, and this is largely due to the widespread nature of Wicca. Wicca teaches this gender split as a core part of its practices and, because of this, such methods have filtered down into the collective consciousness of neo-Wicca and nondenominational witchcraft as a result. The widespread nature of this concept does not make it mandatory, however. There are plenty of forms of witchcraft that do not teach or use any form of gendered magical energy, and some (like Feri) that actively teach that one should strive for the freedom of energy that comes from releasing oneself from such limiting concepts in magic.
If the idea of gendered energy makes you uncomfortable, if you find it difficult to work with, or if it simply doesn’t resonate with you, you don’t have to use it! You can simply omit that part of the craft without suffering any ill consequences. Your magic will still work, it won’t be any less powerful and in fact, by removing an element that didn’t resonate with you personally, your magic might become even more effective!
2. Specific Tools
You can find a list of “beginner’s tools” in pretty much every book and website about witchcraft out there. Everyone seems to have an idea of what tools are must-haves for practicing magic and often, these lists of tools don’t match up with each other! One source will tell you that you absolutely must have a wand, while another doesn’t even mention wands, but says that two knives rather than one are essential. Some sources use herbs, others essential oils, still others make no mention of such things. You’ll find everything from bells to cubes, mirrors, chalices, and candles on these lists. So what’s a witch supposed to think?! Which tools are really necessary?
The reality is, none of these tools are necessary. Sure, they all have their uses and can help you in harnessing your inherent magical power, but these tools don’t give you magical power and you can certainly access that innate connection to your energy without them. The best thing to do is to only use the tools that speak to you and make you feel as though your magic is working. If you’re short on resources and can’t afford tools, makeshift tools, DIY altarpieces, or nothing at all, can suffice as well. Magic can be done with nothing more than your will and intention, no tools, no words, and no outside trappings of any kind, if you so choose.
3. Divination
Divination methods like tarot, pendulum reading, and scrying are incredibly prevalent in modern witchcraft. They’re so prevalent, in fact, that many people feel as though without these elements they’re only practicing half the craft! This simply isn’t the case, though. Divination is a wonderful form of magic and can add a lot to your daily workings, but your witchcraft is still witchcraft even if you don’t use it. Some people really hate divination. Some people don’t want to know the future. Some people just find that they’re not very good at divination. There’s nothing wrong with accepting that divination just isn’t your thing if you don’t feel that it’s beneficial to you! 
I’m not very fond of math and you know what, despite the warnings of every grade school teacher, my life has suffered very little for my avoidance of math. I simply choose to focus my efforts on those things that I’m actually good at! In the few instances where I might need some math, there are always people in this world who have the skills that I do not. I can seek out people whose strengths complement my weaknesses. You should take this same approach to witchcraft (and possibly the rest of your life too). You have developed a set of skills, talents, and strengths that are unique to you. Why would you go out of your way to average yourself by becoming mediocre at those things that you have no natural aptitude for when you can spend that same energy becoming truly great at those things that you’re naturally good at?
4. Spirit Work
In much the same way as divination, spirit work is everywhere and is often seen as a completely necessary part of witchcraft. One of the most common questions I get from beginners is about whether they have to work with spirits. Many of these beginner witches are considering giving up the craft entirely because spirits scare them and they’ve been led to believe that they won’t be able to practice the craft without spirit work! How terrible to think that someone might give up their own power simply because they’re afraid of something that they never have to deal with unless they want to.
It’s true that spirits are everywhere and that becoming a witch will get you in tune with your own capabilities to see and interact with these spirits. That doesn’t mean that you have to work with them, though! If you feel unsafe around someone, you don’t force yourself to spend time with them simply because it’s expected of you. You do something about it! You get away from them, you choose not to live your life in their presence, you can even take out a restraining order if you need to. Spirit work is the same way. If you don’t like spirits, you can just avoid them! Put up wards to keep them away from you and your home, tell spirits that ask for your help that you’re not the right person to help, give stubborn spirits the boot with a solid banishing spell. If you don’t want to work with spirits, then DON’T. There are plenty of people out there who will do the spirit work that you don’t want to do. Let them deal with the spirits. Protect your space and your peace of mind if that’s what feels good for you.
5. Gods & Religion
Has anyone else here noticed how hard it is to find non-religious witchcraft? Because I have. The thing is, gods and religion are not mandatory in the craft. No matter how many spells you see invoking a deity or how many witchy sources you find that involve the horned god and triple goddess, you do not have to work with any god that you don’t want to. That includes gods that show up and want to work with you. You have every right to say no to them and not work with them if you don’t want to. Personally, I’ve told Odin to get lost more times than I can count. Do I have something against Odin? No, not necessarily. I just don’t think that working with him will further the path that I’ve chosen for myself. I respect him, but I don’t want him all up in my life and my witchcraft. You have every right to do the same. Pick and choose those beings that you allow into your life carefully. Remember, witchcraft is about claiming your power. Do not give your power of choice up just because the being contacting you is a god. 
You also do not have to believe in gods at all. If you find yourself in the atheist or agnostic crowd, you’re still a totally valid witch. Your power is still real, your magic still works. Don’t let overzealous people force their beliefs on you or make you feel that your personal path is wrong. There are many paths that lead to many places in this life and no two people will walk the same path. We are all here to learn and experience something different. It’s only natural that we will each need to choose our own path to fulfill that.
6. Being a nature obsessed person
I know, I know. We should all care about the planet and love mother nature and blah blah blah. And that’s all great but you know what, even if someone does care about not harming the planet, that doesn’t mean they’re going to be an outdoorsy, tree-hugging, garden planting kind of person. Or even if they are into being outdoorsy, that doesn’t mean they’re actually going to be able to. Plenty of people have limitations that prevent them from being able to go outside a lot. Sun sensitivity, physical disability, anxiety, introversion, and just plain old not wanting to can keep people inside year-round and you know what, that’s fine. A witch who never works a single spell or ritual outdoors is still a witch.
The truth is, your craft should be tailored to you as an individual. Intuitive magic is guaranteed to be more powerful for you personally than any other form of magic on the planet. It’s like the difference between wearing clothing off the rack and wearing clothing that has been tailored to fit your body precisely. The off the rack stuff might feel fine and look good but it will never compare to the look and feel of something tailor-made for you. In the same way, magic that you find in a book or through a teacher might work well for you, it might feel good and give you the results you want but it will never compare to the feel and the power that you can attain through intuitive magic.
If you only take one thing away from this post, let it be this: Stop worrying about whether you’re doing witchcraft “right” by other people’s standards. The only yardstick you should measure your craft by is whether what you’re doing works or not. Do what works. Forget about the rest.
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blackmagichour · 1 year
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