cassmouse · 2 months
Okay but... Comparing a person to some kind of historical art. A Lord Byron poem. A Chopin piece. A renaissance painting. It makes my heart absolutely flip it is one of the most beautiful expressions of love I could POSSIBLY imagine
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bo0tleg · 3 months
"The jacket! The famous jacket that pulls women, pulls men, pulls the world!"
"Oh look how hot~ he looks on that motorcicle. He's even pracing his ass!"
(Maverick, on screen: "Well... He's not here yet.") The mans madness has begun."
"He lasted two months at Top Gun? HA. He probably was a bigger piece of work than the students."
"From what I can tell, Maverick tamed Iceman. In the first one he was the little annoying bitch and Maverick saw a challenge."
"I mean, at least these two (Penny and Mav) have chemistry. They hooked up in a plane, after all."
"Iceman solves his problems, Iceman keeps his job, what a simp. That's dog behavior."
"Maverick doesn't look likes he's flirting with her, he's just confused. His confused face looks like his flirting face, and people assume. I know this because people do it to me."
"Yeah, he's kinda like that one Olívia Rodrigo song that she gets confused when she sees her ex... What was it again?" ('bad Idea right?' by Olivia Rodrigo)
"I like him (Bob)! He's pathetic like me!"
"Oooohhh they're (Phoenix and Bob) gonna be besties! I can feel it."
(When Phoenix racks Rooster with the cue) "OHOHOHOOOO I LIKE HER ALREADY."
(Didn't notice Hangman taking Bob's cue, I relayed the information) "Aaaahhh don't steal Bob's cue. Bob's cool, Bob's nice."
(After rewinding the scene) "NO, NO, NO! WHO IS THAT? NOBODY CAN STEAL BOB'S CUE! I don't like him (Hangman)."
(Hangman, on screen: Bradshaw! As I live and breathe!) *Slowly turns towards me with dead eyes*
"That's not enemies to lovers, that's just enemies."
"With just this scene, I can tell this guy (Hangman) comes and goes. 'Sometimes I flirt with you, sometimes I hate you.' He's like a tsudere."
"Oh, got it. Phoenix is adopted into the man's group. She's a bro."
"I wouldn't say that they're his support system, but those two are the people that know him the best. Hangman is paying attention because he wants to be the best and needs to defeat Rooster. Phoenix is demonstrating a more sibling like worry."
"Hondo is like Mavericks babysitter."
"Oh. Oh, now Mav's flirting with her."
(Following the 'Baby on Board' comment) "Don't talk shit about Bob! I don't like Hangman."
"Maverick is like a step father to Rooster. Not in the 'HAHA I FUCKED YOUR MOM' kind of way, but in the way that he helped raise him."
"Where is Iceman? I'm here for the two of them, I don't give a fuck about Aeronautics."
"I think Ice and Maverick had a long relationship, but they're not together anymore. They maintained a friendship, but their lives probably went in different directions. I'd say they were together for 10, maybe 20 years."
('I ain't worried' by OneRepublic starts playing) "This song is from 2022? OH MY GOD THE SCENE"
*Started chanting "BOB! BOB! BOB!" When he got picked up*
*Eeriely quiet during the bird strike, until Maverick starts talking to Rooster* "OH THEY'RE NOT DEAD. THEY COULDN'T HAVE KILLED BOB! IF THEY KILLED BOB I WOULD STOP AND NEVER WATCH TOP GUN EVER AGAIN!"
"Definitely 20 years. Ice is probably the only person Mav actually loved. Like, not a fling?" "Yeah, probably." "He's been with lots of women, and men, but Iceman is the only person he was ever in love with– maybe still is."
"I think his (Ice's) wife knows. That's probably why she recognizes Mav and is kind of friends with him." "That's probably why she just let him go up to see Ice." "YEAH GO AHEAD, FUCK MY HUSBAND!"
"It's pretty easy to notice that Snowman– No, ICEman."
"That is the face of a man who just lost the love of his life."
"Damn, the mans a beast. If It was me I'd already have cried, alone, in a room absolutely destroyed, never to come out again."
"He's got nobody, dude! I just want his step child to come back, because If he doesn't that man's gonna kill himself!"
"Why does it always have to have a romantic ending. Just leave him with his adoptive son. Go away."
"They (Penny and Mav) aren't going to end up together."
"I have a theory! Fanboy is obsessed with women! Cus he's 'Fanboy'." "But wouldn't he be called Simp, then?" "Ah, then he's obsessed with men." "... simp can be for men too."
"There's gonna be a Top Gun Three? Who's it gonna be about? It ain't gonna be Maverick, that man has a foot in the grave already."
"Bob is my favorite in the second movie. I have no favorites in the first one because everybody is very macho and very gay, and that's boring."
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Gilbert + some bishop-related facts off the top of my head from cursory googling just now
Pls take with grain of salt
Gilbert and Clavis spoilers and annoying speculation ahead
Bishops can only move diagonally and only on the color they start on. Each side has two bishops. One starting on a white square and the other on black. they cannot diverge from their assigned square color (a fact which makes them weaker than a rook for example).
Connection to Gilbert? This might allude to how he plays the role of the villain and cannot diverge from that path publicly (which makes him instead resort to using others to accomplish things that would go against his carefully crafted reputation, such as using a certain prince to handle a corrupt Obsidian nobleman?)
Bishops represent the clergy in some forms of the game (and elephants in others). We often see Gilbert inside a cathedral. Passing judgement (I still have to read the event where he meets with those people in the church) perhaps? Praying? On the day he was feeling unwell that is where Emma finds him.
Maybe a religious party crowns the emperor instead of whatever equivalent of the Belle System they have in Obsidian.
Of the two bishops on each side, one stands between the king and his knight and the other between the queen and her knight.
Is our tiger the black bishop on the black squares or the black bishop on the white squares? Is that a thematic question for his route?
Bishops have a connection to the feminine and to Jupiter according to one site I skimmed.
Another said bishops are considered the wisest piece on the board.
The black bishop on the king's side starts on F8. February 8 route release? Jk that's a stretch XD
Aaaahhh I'll come back with citations later.
really this could all just be a huge nothingburger lmao
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migeviellardi · 3 years
Out Of Comfort
Genre : Adventure, Action, Humour, Hurt/Comfort
Summary : 2 years after the 'you-know-who’, Donnie struggles to adjust with the new way of life. The precarious science blocks are back haunting him, putting him in total stress while he tried his best to keep up with the new team play and co’ord.
Chapter 2 A New Start
Welding felt relaxing, the sound of tiny sparks are like a music to Donnie’s ears. It might not be a real music, but it’s melodious nonetheless. Donnie lifted up his googles, leans back to catch a break. He almost done fixing the hover shell, not the one from yesterday, the one that he kept fixing and fixing away, despite there’s nothing wrong with it.
The one he used last night was a prototype of a new model. It still looks the same as the old ones, but he did made a few upgrades on them. It was definitely frustrating when it got busted. He’s planning to use it more since it felt lighter than the old one. But, now he needs a new shell to wear on a patrol.
He looks at the battleshell charging station. What left there was his worn down Spider-shell. Below it was none other than his wrecked and broken shells that he hadn’t repair, yet. He let out a sad sigh, he looked around him to find that his lab are somewhat cleaner, much cleaner than he remembered. Usually the lab was littered with piles upon piles of inventions, blueprints, scattered metal parts, and energy drinks. 
Now, it seems as if it was untouched. The sleek metallic purple walls with LEDs are still looks fresh and new. The floor was free from dust due to the roombas roam freely without bumping into any tech pieces. And the workbench,....empty. Only his old battleshell that he kept tinkering that are currently there. Also, a cup of coffee.
Donnie about to take a sip when he realized it was ran out. He inspect the glass and saw small coffee drips down the mug got frozen in place due to a long time exposed to the AC. How long have he been there without refilling his coffee? Does he been getting the science block again?
Putting down the mug, he rubbed his tired eyes in frustration. Was he being unproductive on purpose? What is he doing here? Why can’t he finish anything? 
“Hey.” the voice made him jumped, he looked back to see Leo stood on the doorway. “Whoa, it’s okay. Just a little old me.” Leo held his hands out. Donnie frowned, he turned back to his hover shell.
“What do you want, Leo?”
“It’s training time, Don. Better not coop yourself up in the lab, or I’ll let Raph drag your shell to the Dojo.” Leo ordered as he left towards the Dojo. Donnie sighed heavily, he stood up and followed him. He admit, there’s nothing else he would do, science blocks are the worst and it became a daily routine ever since their Lair was smushed to smithereens. And, the fact that he hate to obey the words Leo told him to.
He wasn’t questioning his leadership skills. If Donnie allowed himself to be honest, the Slider actually knows what he’s doing, good at it in fact. Raph at first had a hard time to adjust, now the former leader putting his trust to Leo, even Mikey approved. Donnie, however, still adapting. 
It wasn’t because that he hate to admit it, it just doesn’t sits right putting the leader role to the one who usually pulled some poor one-liners out of spite and keeps bugging your work with some pranks, jokes and poking on things that could cause explosions like it was some kind of a job, because if it is, he good some pretty good records he might get himself some promotions.
And now, the true color of the team seems to emerge. We got the Leader, The Muscle, The Heart and The Brain. Although, The Brain more likely The Brain-Dead one. Stupid science block keeping him from thinking straight, not much idea that pops out other than upgrading, or upgrading the upgrade, or upgrading the upgraded upgrade.
It might be some improvement for anyone, but for the one with the giant science head-cannon looming inside his head, that’s barely even an add-on. He’s unproductivity hurts him, as if the genius inside suddenly just wanted to stop, no more mad scientist mambo-jumbo. He felt it once again, the feeling that he had gone rotten, expired, outdated.....useless. 
Seriously, what will he be for the team without his big brain? What can he do other than getting kicked in the booty several times that let your little brother saves your sorry butt?
If once again, he got knocked down and having Mikey, of all people saves him, he’s going to lose his mind.
“Alright, my sons. Now, let us begin to--Purple, where’s your battleshell?” they stared at Donnie in his bare-shell. He rolled his eyes, dejected.
“I’ll be fine, Dad. I’m not going to hurt myself.”
“Nono, my son. I believe you, it’s just....weird seeing you without one.” Splinter simply said, trying not to offend his purple son.
“Well, it’s in repair, and my shoulders are getting tired. So....” Donnie didn’t have to finish his sentence to earned a nod from his father.
“Verywell, then. Let us start,....now!” as on cue, the whole Dojo became dark. The brothers immediately forming back to back formation, weapons at their hands, full caution. “Hamatos carries essence of life, the Ninpo. Or what most common people called them, mystics.”
Raph sense a movement to his right, Splinter came in with a kick. Mikey saw the offense, he blocked the kick, swung his nunchaku to Splinters head. The rat dodged it with ease. Upon landing, Raph coming in clutch with his fist. Splinter jumps back into the darkness. “Some may think that it is the most essential in fighting.” 
The turtles back to their formation, listening to every sound to pinpoint the next attack. “Others, prefer something else.” a tail emerge from the darkness. Donnie shielded himself with his bo, the tail wrapped around the wooden weapon. Donnie expected the attempt of pulling, he pulled harder, forcing Splinter to show up. Leo anticipated Donnie’s strategy, he swung his sword at the same time Donnie ducked. 
Splinter didn’t expect the timing between the two, but he flawlessly avoided himself from being cut in half. Splinter pulled out a smoke bomb and threw it onto the ground. The smoke caused them to cough, which means distractions. They have no choice but to bail on their formation.
“There will be a time where mystic powers will do no good.” Leo sense presence near him. He ducked down to escape another kick. “So, you must focus on your own ability.” He tail swipe Leo’s katanas, leaving him unarmed. 
“Agility.” Splinter increases his speed, offering punches and kicks towards the turtle. Leo dodged every attack, seamlessly evading and parrying every blow. He counter-attacked Splinter’s punch, delivering a fist to his face. Splinter caught his hand and kicked Leo away, disappearing into the dark.
“Strength.” Raph blocked a powerful kick out of Splinter, pushed him back a meter. Another tail swipe, Raph let it wrapped on his hand and threw his dad away.
“Speed.” Splinter took a punch from what seems to be Mikey’s fist. Splinter blocked his next punch, only met with a swipe kick a second after. Mikey swung his nunchakus with unimaginable speed. Splinter steps up his game to blocked a series of attacks that his youngest son often called it ‘Razzmatazz’. He manage to grabbed both nunchakus and threw orange from the fight.
“And, Instinct.” Donnie dodged a powerful kick launches towards him. He swings his bo just in time to meet Splinter’s punch. Once again, he disappeared. Donnie waited, trying to hear the footsteps. Behind you! He turns to blocked another powerful kick, this time it was too much to hold, it sent Donnie flying to a nearby wall. He winced and panted, adjusting his weight to his bo.
The lights turned on, Splinter ran towards him. “I’m fine!” his voice sounded a bit too loud. Splinter flinched, he’s unsure if the pain was bearable, but he knows well how stubborn his purple son can be. He decided to let it go, “You did better, my son. If you did not block that last kick, you might get yourself hurt even more.” He thought that he should apologize, but he didn’t think purple would appreciate that.
“Alright, take a break all of you.” he put both of his hands on his back, cracking it forward. “Ugh, while I tend to my bad back, you may have some spar with each other.” he walked away while rubbing his back. 
“Hey, Raphie. Wanna spar with me?” Mikey asked excitedly. Raph smiled, accepting the challenge.
“Sure thing, Mikey.” Raph readied up. Mikey activates his mystic chains and whips the nunchaku to Raph, wrapping his whole body. Raph blinks before he was pulled away.
“AAAAHHH!!!” a lod crash was heard. Leo smirks at the scene. Donnie gathers back his bearings and prepared for the sparring.
“Leo?” the slider slowly turns with his smug face. Donnie’s on his pose, “Care to join?” giving him the serious look. Leo kept his usual expression as he readied himself. Donnie strikes first, jabbing his bo to his head, Leo tilted his head to dodge. Donnie swings, Leo parried them with his katanas. He gave more barraging swings, Leo’s agility gives him the advantage. He dodged, parried him with literal ease. 
Leo still using the same face. “What’s wrong, Dee-man? Can’t catch little Leo?” Donnie frowned. He swung, Leo blocked and kicked him in the gut. Donnie yelped, Leo sent another kick to the face. Donnie fell to the floor, shaking his head from the mild headache. Leo knelled down, “Aww, had enough already?” 
Donnie growled. He swung to his leg, Leo had expected that. He got up and sent more swing barrage, this time a lot faster and more frantic. Leo parried a lot more on this one, but didn’t change the expression on his face. Donnie downward, Leo blocked it. Eyes meeting eyes. “Come on, Don. Is that all? I can definitely fight you blind-folded.” 
Donnie’s patience grew thin. He didn’t have to tell him that. He knows he can, and he might will one day. 
Donnie pushed him back, now anger are definitely involved. Leo step up his game some more every time Donnie pulled off some new combos and new speed and variety. Donnie looked at him in the face. 
Shut up.
He was parried by another sword.
Shut Up!
He can’t beat him.
Shut Up!!!
He’ll never catch up to them.
Shut UP!!!!
He’s not good enough.
“SHUT UP!!!!!”
Leo flinched. Donnie panting hard, hands gripping tightly to his bo. Eyes fixated at Leo, as if he’s ready to kill. Raph and Mikey stunned by Donnie’s shouting. 
Donnie growled for real, this time. The deep reptilian growl filled his throat with his fang showing up menacingly. Donnie engaging his predator side, Leo held out his hand. 
“Okay, calm down, Dee. There’s no need to continue this with violence. Okay?”
“GRRRR!!!” Donnie attacks Leo with full intention. Leo no longer wanting to fight, he dodged every move Donnie makes. It was fast and chaotic, more like trying to hurt rather than spar. 
“Donnie, STOP!!!”
Raph blocks Donnie’s bo. “Donnie, knock it off!!!”
“Please calm down!” Mikey plead. Donnie ignored them all, he charged at Raph with blind rage. Raph dodged the jab, throw his fist at Donnie. He didn’t dodge, letting it hit his face. Donnie growled deeply, eyes as sharp as needle. Raph was stunned, he didn’t expect Donnie to accept the hit. He felt guilty for hurting his little brother.
Splinter ran back after being called by Mikey. “Purple!!”
Donnie saw an opening on Raph, he charge in while Raph refused to move. Leo tackled Donnie and pinned him to the ground. He refused to back down and squirmed his way to freedom as Leo gripped his limbs for dear life.
Leo, Raph and Donnie startled by his father’s voice.
“Enough!” Leo froze for a little while, he let go of Donnie once he felt no resistance. Donnie layed down, panting. He suddenly really exhausted. All that anger took too much energy out of him. He slowly hoist himself up to a sitting position. Splinter approached his purple son. Carefully assessing the damage around the turtle. There’s a bruise on his right cheek, might be caused by his oldest son as when he meets his eyes, he can see the guilt he’s facing.
“Purple? What is up with you?” Donnie refused to talk or making eye contact to his father. Splinter can still feel anger looming around him. Did one of the brothers ticked him off? What provokes him? 
“I DON’T KNOW, OKAY!!!!” he yelled. Splinter jerked up by the sudden loud voice that felt louder to his rat ears. Donnie noticed that he went too much. “I...I just--” Donnie can’t hold back the tears that began to form in his eyes. He looked down to obscure it. 
Splinter was surprised seeing his son cried. The brothers reacts the same way. Devastated seeing their usual emotionless turtle broke into tears.
Splinter held out his hand, “My son,-” Donnie swatted away his hand and ran straight to his lab. Not even the call of his name from his family can get his attention. He closed the iron-forced door of his lab, locking it immediately. Donnie sat under his desk, hugging his legs to his chest as he burst to tears. The lab was eerily quiet, the only sounds that are presence are his and the sound of his family trying to reach for him from the other side of the door. 
He felt vulnerable having to broke down like this, he hates it. The way the others desperately trying to get him to open the door made it worse. He wasn’t supposed to show his weakness at the time, he’s a Hamato, a descendant of heart o’ steel. And steel has a lot influence with tech, his thing. He supposed to be able to control his feelings. 
Now, his meltdown would definitely stuck in the topic for a while in this whole family situation. He knows he’s having trouble, yes he does. And he knows he needs to keep up with the others. He knows, he’s the smart one. 
He tried his best, to keep up, to adjust, to be stronger, for everyone’s sake. But he can’t let his family help him with that, they all helped enough. He can’t let them once again drag their butts to fix his problems for him, no. Fixing is his thing, and he can fix his own problem by himself. Just uh, not now. He needs more time, to figure things out. His family just need to be patience, they can handle the waiting game. They’ve done this before, just like waiting for the drill out of its beta version.
He also, needs to be patience. Everything’s going to be alright, he’ll figure it out. He have to. For everyone’s sake.
The rest of the day passes by, quietly. Donnie had refuse to talk or eat, he sent Shelldon to grab some drinkable sustenance for him. He can handle being hungry, but thirst must be dealt with. As he recalled some research he found out that living beings can survive hunger for at least a week as long as they have enough supplies of water. Although, he can’t say the same about coffee, but not like it’s bothering him.
He waited for Shelldon to come back with a drink, his lab door still close but no longer locked. Once in a while his brothers visited him as he succumb to his depressions in his favorite purple hoodie, concealing his swollen eyes as a result from the earlier’s mental breakdown.
They talked, though they tried not to bring up of what happened in the Dojo. Leo, most of all, had a hard time keeping it cool. The red-eared slider guiltily apologized for making fun of him in training. Donnie might not talk about it, but he willing to forgive him. It wasn’t Leo’s fault that he had problems, he needs to stop playing the Blame Game.
“We love you, Don. And nobody can change that.” Leo said.
“I know.” Donnie simply replied.
His thought was broken by the sound of whirring from the purple drone who he manage to salvage, thankful that Shredder didn’t think twice and explode his core memory.
“Yo, Dee. I got the coffee for you.” the drone informed enthusiastically.
“Thanks, Shelldon.” he quietly accepted the coffee and took the first sip before once again continuing his currently favorite activity, staring an empty desk. Shelldon’s cheery attitude turned into worry as he watched his creator’s constant solitude. Slumping his upper body further back into his gaming chair, holding the coffee mug in both hands.
“Dude. You okay?” he asked for what seems like the tenth times by now. The response stayed the same.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Shelldon wasn’t happy with the answer, but he shrugged it off. He took out his lanky robot arm and grabbed something that sitting on top of him.
“Mikey told me to give you this.” he held out a box of pizza at him. “You should at least eat something, Donnie.” he plead. Donnie stared at the pizza then at Shelldon. The look of worry annoyed him. Great, even a robot is worried about him. But he knows better that Shelldon is not just a robot. He’s a family, part of the Hamato, the drone has feelings and conscious of its own. 
Donnie accepted the package, he took a slice and eat it. Shelldon--although not quite visible--beaming away that he had accepted the offer.
“Thank you, Shelldon.”
“You’re welcome, Dee!” Shelldon flew off to the other side of the lab, knowing that he’d done his job. Donnie chuckled quietly as he gone. It’s weird to think that the drone behaving like a kid, which was the intention of installing the emotion-settings in the first place. He can’t remember the last time he acted like one, those days of constant playing, troublemaking and have no care in the world. He said it before; it was messy but gosh, it was fun.
Then, he heard the lair suddenly began crowdy. He didn’t realized that the door was opened, did Shelldon forgot to close the door? How could an AI forget something? Donnie have no mood to stand up or command anything for now, so he let it be. He heard a distant sound of clip-clop from hooves in the lair. The only mutant he knows that is involving hooves is Baron Draxum. What is he doing here? And the sound of chit-chats heard along with it as well, especially some faint female voices and his dad. 
They all having a chat out there. How long they’ve been in this states? Why haven’t anyone informed him about visitors? Then again, he’d been cooped up in this lab and desiring for some temporary isolations, of course they haven’t inform him. 
Not wanting to bother with anything about it, he continued sipping his coffee and chomped down more pizza into his throat. Not much he can do for now, other than listening the distant inaudible voices. Not even bothering to look up to the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer to the lab.
“Hey, big guy. How’s it going?” April leans her body to the door frame, keeping it cool.
“’m fine.” he answered again, too often now that it sounds more like a chanting spell. April offered a sad smile as she bring herself to sit beside the purple genius. 
“Wanna talk about it?” she asked softly. Donnie sipped his mug as a sign that he refused her demands. “I see. Well, we wanted to hang out together as family to the hidden City.” she told.
“Last time we did that we got thrown in jail.” he bluntly respond.
“Well, yes. But things are different now. Now that we stopped that ‘you-know-who’, they pretty much removed the bounties from our heads.” she added, definitely sounding more excited than before. Donnie still can’t trust the sudden change, although he does agree the treatment for doing so after that horrible incident, he didn’t expect anything from the Yokais but pay some respect for sparing them from the devilish evil claws they called Shredder.
“Still, I’m not sure that’s a good idea. Remember that time where we trust that spider lady for taking care of ‘you-know-who’, and look what she did, total havoc, everywhere.”
“Well, at least she did help out with locating the....uuuh....”
“Yeah, that. If it wasn’t for her, we might not be able to save the day and,... You know what I mean.” she reluctantly continued her sentence. Donnie can tell why, he also didn’t want to think of what happen if they can’t find where Shredder had kept their father hostage. Can’t probably sleep knowing if they were too late, Big Mama was indeed offer a huge help even though she’s only can help telling them the location.
Although, the point still stands, she wasn’t a type of person that can be easily trusted. Things happened because of her, and they suffered the most of it. Can’t believe he wished that he should’ve listen to Leo the first time, probably one of the reason why he can be such a good leader.
“Look, I know it’s hard to believe it that way. But I promise, I got some good hunch today. Everything will be fine. You can blame me if anything goes wrong in your way, okay?” And there it is, the classic humble April. The very things he envies the most out of her, dare enough to take the blame and always be there with positive attitude. 
And, yes, April always had a strong hunch, it never failed them and they all knew that. If she thinks everything will be fine, then it will indeed. 
“So, do you trust me?” she stood up with a big confident smile on her face. It somewhat contagious and made him smile as well.
“Of course, you’re the only human that I trust in this world, April.” he responded, with less tense or sad tone.
“What, you still don’t trust Casey?” as on cue, a loud non-feminine female voice shouting in the background, followed by what sounds like his brothers shouting back at her. Donnie grimaced at the behaviour of that girl. Ever since the former Foot-clan helped out with defeating Shredder, the group immediately warmed up to her. Except for Donnie.
He still respected her for saving his father, however he never had any connection with the girl. Her risk-loving-fight-adoring attitude giving his big bulky brother, Raphael a worthy friendly match. She didn’t even flinched by his loud thundering roar, if by chance she roared right back. And her chaotic energy is enough to keep up with Leo and Mikey. 
Donnie didn’t share much with such connections, in which he easily-predicted, the girl hates science. Although, she does find his inventions as cool and awesome, she might thinking about exploding it in place though. Leo would be proud.
Also, she’s terrifying, not as much as April, but she gave him too many goosebumps for the past years.
“In theory, she might be the last person to be trusted when it involves ‘safety’. Please don’t tell her that!” he semi-whispering, not wanting her to charged in and wreck something explosive in his lab.
“Your secret safe with me.” she gestured a zipping motion across her mouth. Donnie chuckles, “Now, come on. Everyone’s waiting. You don’t have to take your hoodie off if you don’t want to.”
Donnie smiled at that, he stood up and let April grabbed his hand leading him to the group. “Thanks, April.”
“Anytime, Dee.” she grinned at him.
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twokinkybeans · 3 years
The Arachnoids: ROCK BAND AU [Starker] - Chapter 3: “WORLD TOUR WISHES”
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Other Chapters: Prologue Chapter 1: Soundcheck Setback Chapter 2: Roadie Rush (To be continued)
Taglist: @crystallinecrimsonmoth​ & @staticwhispersinthedark​
Find the fic’s Masterpost here ^^
Chapter 3: World Tour Wishes
The show is on fire. Not literally, of course, but Peter can’t stop smiling and jumping around the stage. The audience is super enthusiastic and responsive, much better than most of the crowds they played for so far. It’s the blessing and the curse of being an opening band when people don’t know your songs yet. It’s a great shot at promoting your music, but sometimes it results in an audience that sells you off as background music while they keep chatting to their friends. Peter doesn’t blame them, before he was in a band himself, he did the same thing.
Not this crowd. Some of the teens squeezed together in the front even wear some of their merch. Peter is 99% sure that all of this is a dream. That he’ll wake up any second now and sigh when reality comes crashes down on him. But then, he also knows that all of this is in fact very much a real thing and it has his mind blown. 
“This is our last song for tonight,” MJ breathes into her mic. She gracefully accepts one of the other roadies handing her her bass guitar for the final piece of their set. Quickly, she puts the strap over her head. “But that doesn’t mean the party is over! Who… Is ready for The Avengers?!” 
The crowd cheers and whistles and it’s a sign for MJ to continue while the energy is at its high. She nods, Ned brings his drum sticks together four times to count down to the beginning of the song. Peter’s fingers easily travel their way across his guitar and he stalks over to Ned, playing towards him. Ned laughs and adds a little more energy and the crowd breaks into yet another wave of cheers. 
“We were The Arachnoids, you’ve been amazing for us. Thank you so much and enjoy the rest of the show!”
The second they set foot backstage, the three of them break into a series of squeals and a very uncoordinated, jumpy group hug.  “Holy fuck, that was-” Peter rushes out and shakes his head in disbelief. MJ squeezes both boys into her sides and chuckles, just as amazed as the others.  “This, this is what I want for the rest of my life,” Ned states and Peter bumps into him a little more. “Yes, please, I don’t want this to ever end.” “Crazy, it was absolutely-”
MJ never gets to finish her sentence when suddenly there’s a scoff coming up from behind them. Peter turns around. “So,” none other than Tony Stark mumbles as he stares them up and down. “I didn’t know you’d be this young. You legally drinking yet?” Peter frowns, unsure what to respond.  “We’re young enough to not crash after one shot, unlike you,” MJ retorts. Tony huffs dismissively and shakes his head. “You must be… Venus.” “Pleasure to meet you.” “Mmmh,” is all the famous guitarist responds. He sniffs and looks around, clearly trying to find something he can use as an excuse to get away from them. Peter feels his heart sink. During the show, he’d somehow forgotten about the mood-killing presence that was Tony, and now it hits him right in the face.
“Alright, we’ll get going. Wouldn’t want to mess up your precious extra time to set up the stage.” The man raises an eyebrow, clearly not expecting that. He laughs. “Go on then, little spiders,” he sneers at the boys. “Follow your Queen.”
MJ keeps her head up proudly when she walks past him. Peter and Ned quickly follow. Peter can hear how Tony diverts his attention to someone else and he lets out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. “Fucker,” MJ mutters under her breath. “God, I didn’t know I could hate someone this bad. Seriously, what’s his issue?” She takes off her bass and sighs, carefully placing it in the designated standard. Peter does the same with his guitar. 
“I should go help the roadies with my drum kit” Ned whispers apologetically. “I’ll meet you back here to watch the show?” “Yeah!” Peter confirms. He feels a tad bit conflicted about having to watch The Avengers now. He still likes the music, obviously. He should just enjoy it as much as he can “I saw a bottle of champagne in the trailer by the way. We should celebrate after their set ends!” “Oh my god yes,” Ned piques up with newfound interest. “Well, they better hurry up then!” “Ha, gotta wait till midnight, honey,” MJ teases and she waves as Ned walks over to the stage again to help with the drum kit. Peter finds the cases of his guitar and MJ’s bass, and together they put them in there. 
“Guys!” Harley comes rushing past and he gives them a double thumbs up. “I don’t have much time right now, but you were absolutely amazing out there. I fucking loved it! I’ll talk to you after the main set, ‘kay?” With that, he’s gone again. MJ stares after him and Peter grins. “Harley’s nice, isn’t he, MJ?” “Oh, fuck you,” MJ snorts and shakes her head, her eyes sparkling playfully. “I’ll take back what I said earlier.” “Which part exactly?” Peter teases. MJ nudges him and wraps her arm around his shoulders.  “That, little spider, is anyone’s guess.”
Peter smiles and presses a quick kiss onto her cheeks and then grabs his guitar case. “Let’s get these back to our trailer and then we watch the show?” “Solid plan.” Together, they walk back to the trailer. Peter’s mind is still buzzing with a post-concert haze and he loves it. Tony Stark may not like ‘em, but everyone else seems to have a different opinion and that’s all that matters. 
The Avengers’ show is amazing. It’s very different, watching them play from the sides rather than the crowd. Peter never imagined his first time actually seeing the band live would be from this angle. He enjoys every single second of it. Ned found his way back to them easily and the three of them are vibing, singing along, and having lots of fun overall. At one point, some of the roadies and crew join their little party and Peter loves it. Loves this; meeting new people within the industry. He finally feels like maybe, maybe, this is what his future might look like. 
Just as with the soundcheck, as soon as Tony sets foot on the stage and starts singing or playing every trace of his appalling behavior has vanished. He looks like a true rock star out there. He is a true rock star. He owns the stage fully; pacing around with big strides, playfully cracking a joke here and there between songs. Even Natasha and Steve seem to loosen up slowly but surely. The redhead smiles wide when Tony walks over to her for a little guitar vs. bass play-off, and Steve’s motions become grander with every single hit on the drums. 
The stage lights, the smoke, the gravely warm voice coming from Tony’s throat combined with the audience singing along every single word… It’s magical. Marvelous. 
“Aaaahhh, thank you so much, everyone! Woah, what a way to end this beautiful year!” Tony breathes into the microphone, slightly out of breath after ending a particularly fast-paced song. He raises his hands and bathes in the cheers from the crowd. “Now!” He continues and looks behind him where there is now a projected timer, indicating it’s no more than one minute until the new year starts. “I want us all to count down from ten to one together! Anyone got any good resolutions… Nat? Steve?” Natasha laughs and she leans in a little closer to her mic. “What about a world tour, Tony?” “Ah!” Tony exclaims and bounces on his toes. “What a good idea! We’re definitely doing that! Should we drop the tour list after our show? Steve?” “Why not!” “Alright, that’s settled then!” Tony stops moving and cocks his head, glancing at the timer quickly. It’s at 00:00:13. He rubs his hands together and raises his mic towards the audience this time.  “Ten!” Everyone screams. “Nine!” “Eight!” “Seven!” “Six!” “Five!” “Four!” “Three!” “Two!” “ONE!”
“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Everyone fucking loses it at this point. The pyrotechnics detonate the stage gerbs and it sets off in fountains of sparks. Peter grabs Ned and MJ and pulls them in for a tight hug. “Happy new year, and may it bring a series of life-changing events for our band!”
Harley stalks over towards the band and the other roadies with a large plate filled with long champagne glasses. He hands them out to everyone, wishing them a happy new year too. After he’s handed them to the backstage crew, he makes his way onto the stage to give the last three glasses to The Avengers. Tony raises his glass.
“Who’s ready to mosh?!”
It feels so utterly surreal now that everything’s over. Peter can’t quite understand the feeling. Happiness flutters inside him, but a hint of sadness clouds his brain as well. He wishes the night would never end, but it already had. The band had their little after-party in the small trailer with some random people from the tech crew and now they were packed up and ready to go home. It was only a short ride. They could’ve stayed here and slept in the trailer, but honestly, they were all longing for their own beds to crash in. “I’ll go get the van,” Peter says with a smile and grabs the keys. He’d only had one glass of champagne at midnight, and that’d been two hours ago so the alcohol has left his system already. He’s good to drive. 
The van is parked not far from the stage terrain, but he makes sure to dress up warmly to face the outside world. It’s not freezing at all, but cold enough to want the comfort of a good winter coat. He jumps out of the van and starts walking. He passes the stage and shakes his head. It looks so massive from down here, and he can’t believe he was on it. 
“Howdy, space boy?” 
Peter freezes, startled. He immediately realizes who spoke to him, though. Peter grits his teeth together and slowly turns to face The Avengers’ guitarist. He’s so done, so utterly done with the man’s cocky behavior. And you know what? Peter’s got nothing to lose anymore. They played, they had their fun out there, it’s time he stands up for him and his band. They might be young, and new to the industry- but he’s proud of what they’ve built so far.
“Seriously, what’s your problem with us?” Peter clamps his teeth together right after he’s said it. The surprise sparking in Tony’s eyes is worth it, though. “I beg your pardon?” “Everything we do, say, or even look at is reason enough for you to humiliate us over. I looked up to you, big, big time. Guess I was wrong about you.” Somehow, that’s enough to silence the other man. He simply stares back at Peter, clear astonishment written over his face. It confuses Peter.
“You got some nerve, kid,” Tony says, finally. His voice wavers. Peter shrugs, unsure what else to do. He expected Tony to fight back instantly, but the man looks truly thrown off-guard. Tony sniffs. “I gotta admit, I admire that.” “You what?” “I’m serious. People don’t talk back to me unless they know me. Until you and your band came hopping along apparently.” “Still doesn’t explain a thing.”
“Look, Bambi-” “Bambi?” “Spiderling, then. See, it’s nothin’ against you- or your little band. On the contrary, I think you kiddos got something unique going on out there.” Tony pauses for good measure. “The thing is, I’m just having an incredibly shitty day.” For the first time, Peter believes he can see through the cracks of Tony’s persona. He doesn’t look annoyed. No, it’s definitely no annoyance. It’s fear. “Oh?” Peter asks quietly, not sure how to handle the different turn of this conversation. Not sure which boundaries he might be overstepping.
As soon as the cracks showed, they’re gone again. Tony straightens his shoulders and presses his lips together into a thin line. “Right.” The man sniffs once. “I forgot how clueless I was when I was your age.” Peter snorts. “You got issues man, I hope you sort them out soon. People are fed up with you.” “You don’t know me. Or them.” “No, that’s true. But I do know that simple annoyance can turn into resentment real fast. Don’t be a dick.” “Oh, fuck off. You’re too young to be wise like that.” “And you’re too young to be so cranky.” Peter says and he sighs. He shrugs, feeling a little bit helpless. It’s actually rather pathetic how Tony behaves. It’s not Peter’s problem to solve.
“My band’s waiting for me. I gotta go.” Peter starts to turn around again but Tony stops him. “Wait, kid, what’s your name?”
“Peter. Peter Parker.”
And with that, he walks off.
Read The Next Chapter: 4 - Coffee Confusion
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Blake’s helpless leader
A commissioned piece for a very nice fan who wants to remain Anonymous~! Apathetic, Mean/Rude Blake x Futa Ruby~!
A bit different from my usual stuff, but I get to branch out a bit for commissions since that’s what the client wants~! Please do me a favor and let me know what you think~! Enjoy~!
Usually open for commissions, prices vary, but be warned that I am expensive! And kinda picky!
Ruby’s rapid breathing and small whimpers echoed in the small, quiet dorm room, one hand brought up to her mouth to try and keep her silent while her other furiously worked her large, aching, throbbing cock, her fingers wrapped tightly around her shaft while she jerked herself into bliss.
“B-Blake~” Ruby was sat on Blake’s bed, the rest of her team having gone away to do their own things, leaving small cute redhead time alone to finally blow off some steam, and she was doing it the best way she knew how.
In her hand, wrapped around her throbbing prick, and rubbing up and down her flesh pillar like a makeshift fleshlight were Blake’s panties, the particularly lewd purple thong Ruby had spied the Belladonna beauty wearing under her midnight wear every so often, the one she dreamt about Blake wearing while she bounced on her cock.
Ruby thanked the gods by name that she was allowed into the twerking classroom with Blake, cause almost every single day she got to see her calm and collected friend bounce and twerk her massive, round, fat, creamy pale globes of bubbly booty meat like a cheap slut, those two mounds of flesh clapping and quaking together perfectly while Ruby tried not to cum in her panties from just the sight.
Ruby’s hand moved faster as she remembered every vivid detail of Blake’s slutty ass jiggling and rippling while she bounced and swung her hips, the little redhead’s cock dripping precum and making a mess of her friends panties as she stroked herself to completion. Dust what she wouldn’t give to have the beautiful brunette twerk her big bouncy booty on her girlcock till she came all over it~!!
“B-Blake~! Y-Your ass feels so GOOD~!” Ruby could imagine every second of it, her hand squeezing tighter as she imagined those cheeks wrapped around her cock instead, so close that she could feel her balls tighten.
“Are those my panties?”
Ruby stopped on a dime, going dead silent, her eyes shooting open in shock as sweat dripped down her forehead, her eyes shooting to the very familiar figure in the room with her. Standing right there in front of her, practically between her legs was Blake, her eyes half lidded as she looked at her team leader with barely a raised brow, seemingly unbothered by the sight of her precum covered thong wrapped around her leader’s cock.
“Ghk-! I-I-Uh-!” Ruby couldn’t speak, her entire face going as red as her hair at the mere thought of Blake seeing her like this. Ruby just wanted to die, just wanted to disappear and never come back. Her cock was still steel hard and throbbing, and only twitched when Blake looked down at it with uncaring eyes, as if she was looking at an unfunny joke rather then a fat veiny dick.
Blake was dressed to impress, having just got back from the gym, the beautiful cat faunus was wearing a tight sports bra, and an obscenely small, tight pair of little black booty shorts that rode between her hungry cheeks like a thong, her smooth, creamy, perfectly round globes of pale bubble booty pouring out of them to perfectly jiggle with every step she took. Blake didn’t mind the fact that her massive, slutty, jiggly Bellabooty was perfectly framed for all to watch as she walked down the halls either, the light shine of sweat dripping down those wobbly, jello like planets of ass and down her thicc, juicy, meaty thighs, She even put her hair up into a high ponytail, completely uncovering every inch of her ass.
But, Blake wasn’t worried about that, instead looking down at the throbbing monster tangled up in her panties with boredom. Reaching down, Blake grabbed her panties, slowly and roughly sliding them up Ruby’s sensitive cock while the smaller girl thrashed and squealed from friends uncaring hands before finally pulling them free and bringing them up to her eyes to get a closer look. They were ruined, wet, and smelled of Ruby’s cock. “Ugh, stupid bitch.” Blake blinked at the sight before dropping them to the floor, her eyes moving back to the redhead sat on her bed, annoyed.
Ruby looked up at Blake, breathing heavily, her cock still rock hard and needy, her silver eyes tracing every single inch of Blake’s beautiful, toned, curvy body while her hands slowly inched back down to her own cock. She couldn’t take it anymore, her balls ached, her cock was on fire, and Blake was watching her silently as she finally grabbed her cock and started jerking off harder then ever, completely turned on by Blake’s cold stare.
“B-Blake~! Pl-Please~! I-I can’t- I-I can’t- Aaaahhh~!” Ruby furiously beat herself off, unable to control herself until she was stopped once again by the apathetic beauty, but this time with a little less care. Ruby suddenly found her throbbing hard cock under the sole of Blake’s sneaker, the brunette woman’s eyes scanning and inspecting Ruby’s cock as she shifted and moved it side to side with the tip of her shoe.
“What a pervert.” Blake almost sneered, looking down her nose at the girl.
“Pl-Please Blake~! I-I’ll do all your homework wh-whenever you want~! J-Just help me c-cum~!”
Blake looked down at her for a second, eyes unreadable, the silence in the room deafening as the woman removed her shoe from Ruby’s cock.. Until finally Blake sighed and answered with a “Ugh, fine.”
“Wh-What?” Ruby was stunned, expecting the girl to yell at her or tell her to pull her clothes on, not just agree like nothing! She was about to question the cat faunus more when all of a sudden Blake turned around and reached into the gym bag hanging off her shoulder, her massive, jiggly, squishy, sweaty ass facing Ruby’s direction and filling her vision with nothing but pure, beautiful booty.
Ruby was just about to jerk off again when hefty bottle of liquid was thrown over Blake’s shoulder and landed on her chest, breaking her trance long enough to see the bottle had a nozzle on the end and had two big bold words printed on the front. ‘Oil Lube.’
“Wh-What? Wait, you want-!” Ruby looked back up from the bottle just in time to see Blake bend over at the waist and push that massive, round, bubble booty back inches from Ruby’s face, her booty shorts riding up between her cheeks even deeper while she looked over her shoulder, still emotionless. Ruby realized then what she was supposed to do, looking down at the bottle in shock, then back up to that glorious ass in front of her face.
“Hurry up, you dumb slut.” Was all Blake said, the last bit said under her breath, and Ruby fumbled into action, frantically fighting with the nozzle to open it up with shaking hands, the cap finally popping free for Ruby to use how she needed to.
The little redhead couldn’t believe this was happening~! Her hands were shaking as she finally lifted that bottle up high and started squeezing that thick, shiny, slippery lube all over Blake cheeks, the shining droplets drizzling down the swell of those massive globes, down her juicy thighs, and right down her warm, hot, sweaty valley, all for Ruby to watch with a gaping mouth.
Blake didn’t even care, chewing a piece of gum she got from her bag while looking through her scroll, picking a song to blast through their dorms speakers, but ultimately looking through her social media. With a pink bubble pop, Blake called back again. “Just spread it around already.”
Ruby was much more then happy to comply, her shaking hands raising up slowly before both of them grabbed two, massive, meaty handfuls of those doughy, soft, wobbly cheeks and spread that shiny lube around all over every expansive inch of the bubble booty. Ruby was on cloud nine, her hands sliding around that perfect, velvety smooth flesh before her thumbs snuck in deep between her cheeks to spread it everywhere. Ruby looked up just long enough to see if she was touching somewhere she wasn’t supposed to, but was only met with the back of Blake’s head as her finger slipped underneath those booty shorts and thong to rub lube around the outer rim of Blake’s little pucker.
Ruby was about to stuff a finger inside when all of a sudden Blake bounced her wide, sultry hips to the beat of the music, twerking her massive, rippling cheeks right there in front of Ruby’s face, right between her fingers, both giant, shiny, slippery globes slowly building in speed before finally they met with a meaty clap right in front of Ruby’s nose, continuously slapping and clapping together with wet, loud, hefty claps while Ruby tried not to cum right then and there.
She couldn’t believe it, she had to be dreaming, she had to be hallucinating, or Emerald was playing tricks on her, or-! Ruby’s train of though promptly smashed into a concrete wall the moment Blake leaned even farther back and shoved the little redheaded leader’s face right between her sweaty, oiled up cheeks, grinding and twerking up and down to make sure her features were stuffed as far in between those globes as could be. Ruby’s entire world turning into a hot, sweaty, lewd pillowy soft dream.
Blake looked down between her legs to find Ruby’s cock still steel hard and waiting, and she knew the girl would need to be lubed at some point as well, so grabbing that cock with one hand, Blake started jerking and spreading her team leader’s precum as best she could, looking down at it for just a second before spitting right down on the tip, mixing in her saliva with Ruby’s precum.
Ruby was ready to cum from the handjob alone, the feeling of Blake’s hot, wet saliva splashing down just about sent her over the edge as it was~! But, suddenly, Blake pulled away from her cock, and her face, leaving Ruby with an empty feeling as she though Blake was going to walk away without letting her cum. That turned out far from the truth.
“N-No wait~! Blake I-” Ruby just couldn’t speak today, but this time she was interrupted by heaven itself. Suddenly, with a nice, meaty clap of flesh meeting flesh, Blake dropped her heavy, squishy, jiggly cheeks right down into Ruby’s lap, her fat cock slipping between those cheeks in one, fast, fluid motion, hotdogging her slippery, hot, sweaty buns before she even realized she was doing it.
Ruby’s toes curled, her hands gripping the sheets in a white knuckled grip as the intense pleasure of Blake’s fat, round, jiggly, slippery ass wrapped around and squeezing her girlcock made her squeal loud enough for the whole hall outside to hear.
Once again Blake blew a bubble with her gum, not even flinching at Ruby’s volume before lifting her massive cheeks up and slamming them back down just as fast, twerking so hard and fast she was beating the smaller redhead off with nothing but her fat globes. Over and over her ass met Ruby’s hips with a slap, the tip of Ruby’s cock just barely poking through Blake’s cheeks at the top before getting swallowed right back up between those hungry cheeks.
“What a disgusting pervert.”
Ruby’s world was spinning, precum pouring out of her angry red cock tip before dripping down between Blake’s cheeks. She couldn’t believe it~! She never wanted this to stop~!! Ruby was drooling and thrashing as she was jerked off by that bubble butt, right before her eyes crossed from a sudden, stinging pleasure she’s never felt before.
Blake suddenly twerked hard enough to clap her cheeks once again, slamming that meaty member between her hefty globes over and over again with harsh slaps. Blake twerked, and jiggled, and bounced her ass in every way she knew how, clapping along Ruby’s shaft without a single change of facial expression. She even moved up, her ass cheeks clapping up, and up, and up until just Ruby’s tip was getting sandwiched between those jiggly cheeks with each, harsh, meaty clap.
The small redhead squealed and thrashed at the intense mix of pleasure and pain, her fat tip throbbing and dripping precum at those massive cheeks crashed together like two boulders made of delicious, juicy, meaty pillows around her too sensitive cock tip. The tip of her cock grew angry, red, and sore from the strength and weight of those cheeks clapping together so harshly, Blake taking the time to flex and clap as hard as she could around that tip that so easily ground against her shorts with each clap.
Blake looked over her shoulder at the small redhead as she tried to keep still, her teeth grit, and Blake stopped for just a second, letting the girl look down at her ass as she pried those fat cheeks apart, her poor, sensitive, angry red tip right between those two massive globes right before Blake let go and let the crash together one last time around Ruby’s bulbous helm.
Ruby couldn’t handle it anymore, thrusting her hips to meet Blake’s twerking and clapping, her eyes crossed with pleasure while her tongue hung out in a practically fucked stupid expression until finally, with a last squeal, Blake slammed her hips down to the base of Ruby’s cock while the little redhead let loose jet after jet of hot, sticky, stringing cum all over those perfect, jiggling cheeks. Each line landed perfect across Blake’s plump ass, staining her shorts white and even reaching her lower back, marking her with ruby’s girlcum until finally, with one last spurt, Ruby fell back into Blake’s bed, staring up at the ceiling only half conscious.
Blake looked back at the girl, lifting her ass up and sliding Ruby’s cock out from between her cheeks, still chewing her gum and staring at her still as bored as when she got there. The Bellabooty beauty looked at her cum covered ass for a second before sneering with a small “Gross.” and grabbing her things, her hips swaying as she walked out the door to leave Ruby alone, uncaring of the stares her cum covered ass was getting as she walked through the halls.
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cadaceus · 4 years
Hello, hello! Here are my thoughts, liveblogs and WORRIES about Campaign 2, Episode 98 of Critical Role (”Dark Waters”). Yes, I am almost caught up and yes, this moment is bittersweet  😭 Also this episode was so tense especially that ending! I’m still?? Reeling?? Someone send help immediately please  😭
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- Jester suddenly realizing that she left her agoraphobic mother alone at a party, I was thinking about that last time and I hope Marion is doing okay!! Maybe she is still performing
- Caleb: “If you are wrong, and things go pear-shaped on us, I hope you are willing to work with your friends to survive it.” / Essek: “To survive it, yes.”  💀 Oof, I love my neutral evil son
-  The symmetry of Veth saying to Caleb “your people did this” vs Veth saying later “Essek’s people kidnapped my husband” is also making me So Tense, there really is no winning in this situation is there... also I always do wonder about Veth’s point of view of things, how she so often finds justice to be synonymous with revenge, it’s very intriguing
- For my own notes, The Algan Trust(?) = the Empire’s spy network and The Lens = the Dynasty’s spy network
- “The only thing that I have found truly brings closure is when everybody is finally in the ground.” Caduceus not pulling any punches here tonight and we’re less than 30 minutes into this 5-hour episode I’m--
- Is there any fanart of Jester’s tarot cards that she’s made? Because they sound amazing!
- VETH GETS A 26 ON A NATURAL 1?!?!!? legends only
- Jester and Beau eating clay after Yasha does to test it’s saltiness dfghdjkld but also I loved this entire moment between the three of them, and the serious conversations that they had were so good too
- Caleb saying “And Yasha... I have never met anyone who craved a family so much” that’s fine, just tear my heart into pieces  😭 Plus Ashley’s facial expressions during that were So Good
- Fjord: “[I learned that] I don’t have to do things in the way they were done to me.” / Caleb: “I understand you.” / Fjord: “Of course you do... (quieter) Of course you do.” God these two always have such good conversations as well, I’m emotional again
- “They are not black, but feathered.” YASHA  😭 😭 😭
- Fjord saying “Let’s roll with the Wildmother” and bamf-ing out of the ship is such a power move 
- This fight is so epic and cinematic and tense but also so frustrating at points like just now with Caleb and the Polymorph spell aaaahhh 
- “You said you were leaning over the railing...” oh no that’s never a good way for the dm to start a sentence
- GOD, Fjord falling from the Crow’s Nest and losing a death save and Beau screaming out his name and the members of the Mighty Nein who are still below decks just hearing the chaos of battle above them, and the desperate, anguished cry of their fallen Captain’s name.....
- Okay, I’m glad Matt clarified about that armor point because I was wondering throughout the battle why Fjord was the only person who slept without his armor on and everyone else did!! But it makes sense that he’d forget, there was a lot going on after all
- Fjord’s death is hitting me so hard right now, I don’t even know what to say I’m just  😭 😭 😭
- ORLY’S DEAD TOO WTF !!!!!!!! I HATE IT HERE !!!!!!!!!!
- God, everything about that was so stressful....... it left two of their crew dead, and the orb that they were after is still in Fjord’s chest so it’s possible that they could come back in the future.... I can’t imagine what would have happened if they had successful Dimension Door-ed Fjord out of there??? YIKES
- Okay, so I’m getting overly emotional about the fact that after the next episode I will fully be caught up with Critical Role which is something that I kind of thought would never happen? Also this group of friends playing D&D has been single-handedly keeping me sane throughout quarantine so I’m not sure what I’m going to do after I’m all caught up?? I guess I’ll find out after the next episode!
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Part Two
Shios quirk. Fear Touch if she has skin to skin contact with someone she can make them see scary things causing them to be terrified. Their eyes get as big as hers abd a Grim Reaper can get inside their heads and lead them to their death.
The walk home was a little long plus a subway ride to the far end of the city. Shio sat down on the mostly empty subway with her bag on her lap, the tips of her shoes touching rubbing together thinking.
Did she waste her time in General Studies? What if she pushed herself to focus more, would she be in the Hero Course? Shio leaned back closing her eyes listening to the rails. Could she.. be a Hero? She already had a sketch of her costume; it was a corset piece with a special black robe tied around her neck that traveled down to her feet to hide her exposed skin. A small smile appeared on her face just thinking about it. Sometimes Shio could see her quirk in her head, a little dog with stitches all over it running around excited. He wasn't scary. None of the images were, at least not to her.
Her eyes shot open to see a man looking at her. “I think the last stop is next”
“Th..tha..” she got up running off the train as soon as it stopped, heaving hard.
“I almost fell asleep ..” Shio flipped her hair to one side and started her walk home.
Shio was greeted by her family's seven cats , all meowing loudly to show how happy they were to see her. Only one would let her pick them up though, it was a white cat with one green eye and one blue one. “Baby.. how are you?” She asked petting the cat. . “Mom and dad are not home yet..?” They always got home late..
Shio set the cat down on her desk and pulled off her uniform and leggings for some blue high waisted shorts and a t shirt with cats on them. She turned her laptop on to see that the MMO game was done installing. As soon as she clicked the icon Baby jumped onto her lap getting comfortable. Shio shifted to sit indian style to accommodate her and the cat.
The game was a MMO fantasy type with character creation and tons of quests and of course skins to buy or roll. She was just starting out and she the choice of Healer,Attacker, or Witch/Wizard. She chose Healer and a giant purple hat with a matching purple robe and curly black boots with big gold buckles on them , her hair was down to her back and black in one long braid. Since she chose Healer she started off a little far behind everyone else in her party. It was random till you reached level 15, then you could make a guild or join one. Everyone was nice to her in the chat but she did not say too much, she used the emotes more than anything.
It was a few hours later and she had only reached level 10 , Baby was still on her lap and her parents were home now. They peaked into her room and Shio said Hello, answered the endless questions till they were satisfied and left.
Most people in the party left, it was just her and one other person whose username was Dust. Their character was an Attacker in what looked like really rare gear; it was armour that had a shine to it with a gold crown on its head tilted to the side. They played together till about 9 at night. She even saved him a few times.
🧂No problem! Thank you for the exp help
🗡mhm. You did good , can I send you a request?
🧂sure heh.
🗡is that you?
🧂huh? Yeah , heh.
It was a medium circle above her profile that displayed her character info with a picture of her in it. Sitting criss cross with Baby on her lap sleeping.
🗡Hmm. Pretty
🧂o-oh uhm.. thank you!
Shio felt her heart jump in her chest
🗡Will you be on tomorrow?
🧂yes around 4 maybe.
🗡ah, okay then.
🧂ill catch you tomorrow!
🗡. Sure.
Shio clicked off the game and placed her hand over her chest, she leaned back trying not to giggle at the thought of making a friend .. but still.. it was nice.
Meanwhile, Shigaraki was still playing the game, pausing every now and then to look at her picture till he actually saved it.
Shio felt nice for the first time in a long time. Her heart all aflutter over meeting someone even if it was online. Now she had something to look forward to everyday besides leaving school. Shio cuddled her pillow in bed falling asleep with a dumb smile on her face.
In the morning she was woken up by her mother.
“Shio , honey.”
Shio rolled over , her hair falling in her face.
“Time for school”
“Uhnn..” she pulled herself up in bed on her arms giving her mother a tired/annoyed look. “Fine..”
It always took Shio a long time to get ready for school, everyday she was losing motivation to even show up. She was sitting on her floor in front of a mirror braiding her hair thinking about it. Could she even drop out? She rolled her eyes at the thought. As if her parents would allow that. ‘Find a nice Pro Hero at UA and settle down’ is what they would say. But that was easier said than done.
The subway ride was crowded this morning and Shio was forced to use one of the handles in the middle of the walk way. It was okay for the most part.
Shigaraki stepped onto the subway in all black taking a seat in the corner of the subway . Looking all around he spotted a purple haired girl who seemed to be leaning on her arm looking sad. Hm. A UA student? Was that her? He tilted his head watching her while pulling his burner phone out to look at the picture and then her a few times. Same hair, same eyes. It was her. Well his day just got interesting.
Shigaraki kept his eyes on her the whole ride , he was getting off at the same stop so why not. He had a little plan for UA…
Shio was still leaning on her arm looking at her phone scrolling the internet . Her search list consisted of:
Touch based quirks
Skin to skin quirks
How to control skin to skin quirks
Quirk Marrages
Her parents wouldint actually do that tonher right..? She was their daughter. Maybe Aizawa could help her with her quirk today. The subway screeched to a stop and Shio put her phone in her bag getting off the stop and making her way up the long hill to UA.
Shigaraki followed her close by watching her posture, her movements. That uniform was too big for her. The sleeves were too long . Was she in the Hero Course? What was her quirk? So many questions. He hung back when he noticed a group of kids all huddled together , they seemed to be waiting for someone.
Popular huh? Well look at you. He thought to himself tilting his head.
Shio walked past the group stepping into the UA grounds and Shigaraki clicked his teeth in annoyance. Okay maybe not. Well he would see you again soon enough. He pulled his burner phone out again , this time dialing Kurigiri. “Im here, be ready in a hour or so”
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kittymaverick · 5 years
It’s that time again. MCF: Black Crown commentary
 I’m actually watching AdventureGameFan8 this time instead of Pazu first. (I intend to watch Pazu later for his commentary.) Anyhow, spoilers under the cut...
1. Skulls... skulls everywhere... HELP. Note: Kitty has a chronic fear of skulls since childhood. It’s bad enough that she still can’t finish 13th Skull even after all these years. 2. Her Majesty: You remember what happened last time... MD: ...A ghost drowned some people that were holding me hostage, and then I drowned that ghost again with the help of his crew? By the way, are you sending me on this case again just so I can come back with a good story? Her Majesty: Now why would I ever do that? *plays innocent*
3. Chapter 0. XD I like how it straight up acknowledges it’s a chapter 0. And we’re collecting... CRABS this time. (Better than skulls!)
4. Huh, interesting, for once this is a puzzle I would have needed to solve with a piece of paper nearby. I don’t think we’ve had that either forever, or for ages.
5. MD: Huh, so the asylum’s benefactor is Crown Estate Holdings... ...Is there such a thing as pissing off the descendants of a ghost you came across??? MD: I guess I’m about to find out...
6. I still don’t trust this Dr. Norton, and I SWEAR we’ve heard the name Nathaniel somewhere... MD: I should have kept a notebook of names just in case...
7. This patient file is giving me so many warning bells. MD: shiny round object-- MUST BE THE CRYSTAL BALL. *Paranoia max*
8. That’s a lot of lollipops you’re carrying doctor. I expect them to show up later. MD: Also, this pocket watch, if you so much as put them in yourself... Dr: ...I see you are still incredibly paranoid, much like you were on your last visit. MD: Can you honestly blame me given my line of work?
9. WAIT A MOMENT THE MD SIGNED THEIR NAME LEMME SEE IT I CAN READ CURSIVE-- MD: NEXT. If that actually says Phineas Crown I’m going to scream because WHERE IS THE REAL MD THEN.
10. Dr.: The last thing we need right now is the whole wing getting agitated. Me and MD: And then the whole wing got agitated... *sighs*
11. MD: Speaking of, I swear I did some property destruction while I was here last time. Has that been fixed? I’m starting to see why the Crown Estate might have a beef with you.
12. Dr.: I’ll be right back! MD: Really? You’re really going to just leave me here in the dark?... Good thing I swiped a torch from the table earlier. I was wondering why you just took that...
13. MD:...Okay seriously, if the WHOLE WING OF PATIENTS is in on the puzzle I seriously thing we’re doomed. You don’t know that. It might just be a game they like to play together. :P
14. MD: I just got chills. Something isn’t right, all of a sudden. Wow, understatement of the year. Glad to see that paranoia finally kicking in. MD: ...I did always have a late spider sense...
15. How convenient it is that there’s a museum to visit-- Um, MD?! MD: WHO TOUCHED MY BUGGY AND TAMPERED WITH THE BRAKES??? I TOLD YOU THE MUSEUM STAFF WERE BAD NEWS!!!! MD: And they even left a postcard telling me about it. Okay, they’re just taunting me now.
16. Um, MD, is your buggy technically the company’s? MD:................. They’re going to dock your pay for this, right? MD: That thought ALMOST made me just want to just stay in the car and go with it. 17. Ah, getting keys from other people’s incompetence. MD: If only all doors and puzzles were like that... To be fair, the last time the main antagonist was somewhat incompetent, we nearly broke space-time, and also almost got stuck in their hallucination. MD: ...Yeah, on second thought, never mind.
18. MD: Wow there, boy! Calm down. I’ve just notice that you’re not very good with animals. MD: You would think I would have learnt to keep a bag of treats handy by now, but alas. ...Wait, is this why you were never allowed a pet? MD: ...*changes subject* Hey look this map over here’s very interesting!
19. Another fact about the MD learned: They can rock-climbing. Somewhat. MD: I almost joined my car... People usually take their gloves OFF and put CHALK on  for a reason, you know. Like, the chalk you just used 5 seconds ago. MD: If I grounded up the whole thing, then it’ll be obvious someone has been here. No duh! As if the open lock and dog in cage didn’t clue them in! /8D
20. This whole “let’s follow the most-definitely not evil artifact” is REALLY doing wonders on your chance of survival. MD: ...Look, it’s an occupational hazard... Mh-hmm. MD: ...And okay I do get a bit too into the mystery. So more like an occupational addiction.
21. Oh no, a person! Gotta stay hidden! MD: Uh, I think I’ve failed that already, with the fountain now 2 stories high and what not.
22. OH NO THE DOCTOR AND NURSE ARE HERE. RED ALERT! RED ALERT! MD: I’m armed with my fists and a sharp badge, don’t come closer. Doctor: Actually, we’re here because the patients all broke out during the black out... Nurse: And they took the girl with them here, using a stolen ambulance. MD: ...As much as it was the reason I managed to get out myself, your asylum REALLY needs better security. Also, how did you get in with the front door locked? 23. Doctor: By the way, they were screaming about a crown. Can you keep an eye out? MD: And I just all of a sudden remember a story about some villains who tricked me into finding something for them while I was on a case. Would you like to know what happened to them in the end? 8D (Spoiler alert: they drowned.) Doctor: Anyway, let’s split up. MD: That sounds like a “Let’s get the MD to do a the work while we just sit back and relax”... but sure, I’m in. Also doc, can you just give us one of those lollipops already? Like, it’s so obvious we’re going to need it later...
23. MD: Man, this watch sure is handy-- Um, did you already forgot what all of your supernatural/mechanical fancy gizmos have done in the past few games??? MD: ...Look, we detectives need our companion cubes, okay, especially the ones who can’t handle animals. Who happen to also VANDALIZE historical paintings. My GODS. MD: There was a THING, okay?!
24. SHADOW FIGURE DETECTED. ALERT, STRANGE PRESENCE DETECTED. MD: Yeah, it’s probably the doctor. They all end up weird sooner or later. You are REALLY to calm about this.
25. MD: Haha, funny note. Curses aren’t real! ... MD: ...Okay that was out of character. Yeah... let’s open it anyway though. 8D
26. ???: The last time we met, you killed my parents! MD: ...Oh, it’s you. Should have guessed, though I thought you were dead too. Phineas Crown: WELCOME TO MY HOUSE. MD: And YOU, are most definitely dead. Seriously, didn’t you get dragged back under water?! You REALLY have a lot of crime families coming after you, don’t you? Also, CAN WE NOPE OUT OF HERE?! MD: Yeah, prime time to be stuck in a corridor right now. So, um, HELP? Dr.: I got this! This way! MD: Wait, YOU?! Nah, ah, I’m not falling for-- okay, fine, you better not get possessed later thought!
27. Doctor: We better find the nurse and get out of here, so... I’ll hold the door, and you... figure a way out for us. MD: It’s so strange having an ally so early in the game. I’m so suspicious... *Finds a way out* Doctor: Is that... you car in the distance? MD: *sob* yes... Doctor: I’m sorry, it was a nice car. Oh for once someone compliments the car! Doctor: At least you didn’t go over with it. ...MD, I think you have competition in the sarcasm department now.
28. Nurse: HELP! Dr. and MD: ...welp, better find her quick. *Dog shows up* MD: AAAAHHH! *Dog whines* MD: ...good doggy, nice doggy... please remember me giving you treats and not me locking you up... Hey, maybe you WILL get a pet after all!
29. So, we probably should avoid the patients and that women-- *MD walks right back into the building* REALLY?! Doctor: ...I do believe that our detective hasn’t been the most self-preserving after all those traumatic events in their life. MD: Look, if I don’t take some risks, I’m not going to earn enough money to eat, okay? Doctor: True enough, that said, let’s go into this maze and look for the nurse. MD: Now hold on, that’s way too dangerous! ...You two are perfect for each other, in the worst of ways. 30. MD: Well, thank god for that dog. Aaaand the Doctor’s lost. Bet you he’s the one going to be in distress next. MD: ...On account of him calling my car nice, I’ll highly consider rescuing him in a moment. 31. Skull patient: ... MD: ...Um, hi? *Skull patient attacks!* *MD uses block! It’s super effective* *MD uses punch! It’s also super effective!* MD: I personally prefer not to use violence, but oh well... ...Since WHEN have you been able to knock a guy out with one punch?! MD: Violence is a last resort, okay? Says the person who would have probably gotten out of MANY MANY situations if you’d had thrown more punches in the past! 32. Another unconscious patient?! MD: Not me! Nurse: ...That was me, sorry. Also, they said something about what was up here before you knocked them out. Might help before the police get here. MD: You guys keep on saying police like they will actually show up in time to be helpful, when usually, that’s not the case... 33. MD: Aaaand got the starchart-- WAH! Doctor: Hi, I’ve rescued myself from the maze! I also know the way back now though. MD: ...This is SO new to me. Tell me about it. People actually saving themselves now? What is this?! Nurse: Well, there’s still the girl, if you want to rescue someone. Doctor: Yes, I agree wholeheartedly with that. The two of us would only get in the way, but you should rescue the girl, detective. We’ll wait outside! Bye! ...Wait, so we’re rescuing the villain now??? MD: ...again, this is SO new to me. [Part 2 coming soon.]
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absolutelaw-blog · 5 years
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full name.  kristoph gavin.  pronunciation.  kris-toff gah-vin.  nicknames.  the coolest defense in the west. the coolest killer in the west. kris. (   caution on this one  :  if you call him this and your name isn’t klavier gavin, he’ll go above & beyond to make you miserable. he’ll tolerate it from his brother, but no one else   ) . height. 6′1″-6′2″.  age.  32 years old (   in canon  ;  age is verse dependent.   ) . zodiac. capricorn. languages. german (   mother tongue   )  ;  english (   learned pretty much concurrently with german, and so he’s about equally fluent   )  ;  japanese (   passable. living in aa-universe california necessitates knowing at least a little   ) .
hair colour.  platinum blonde.  eye colour.  grey-blue. skin tone.  pale, freckles easily.  body type.  lean. he’s tall & broad-shouldered enough to be intimidating if he’s trying, but outside of that, he’s not very physically imposing. he is, apparently, strong enough to kill a man with a wine bottle in one hit, though, so i guess he has to have something of a swing.  accent.  pleasantly transatlantic, tinging on somewhat british. it’s how he learned english, and while he could have easily adopted an american accent after living in california for such a long time, he insists on ‘ speaking properly. ’ (   he’s pretentious.   ) he usually does not speak with a noticeable german accent -- but when stressed, upset, angry, frustrated, flustered, or otherwise not as in-control of his emotions as he usually is, the accent will slip out. he despises this. dominant hand.  right hand. posture.  confident, almost regal. shoulders back, hands clasped behind his back or arms crossed in front of him, chin up, looking down his glasses at you. there may be no crown on his head, but that won’t stop him from holding himself like he’s a king.  scars.  one, along the back of his right hand. can, in the right light, take on the appearance of a rather horrid face when he twitches his hand. despite its peculiar qualities, he doesn’t think about it much anymore. he got it as a child  ;  it’s been there so long it’s no longer notable to him.  tattoos.  none. he thinks they’re rather distasteful.  most noticeable features.  height, long hair, self-assured posture, eyes hidden behind glasses, that scar. 
place of birth.  berlin, germany.  hometown.   los angeles, california.  birth weight / height.  – manner of birth.  . . . the usual one ? first words.  his parents used to joke that his first word was ‘ cross-examination. ’ this, of course, was only after he got into themis legal, and proved he could be an asset to the family name. kristoph always sort of resented it. and so, he’s not actually ashamed to say his first words were the usual ones. ‘ mama, ’ ‘ papa, ’ ‘ puppy. ’ that sort of thing.  siblings.  klavier gavin (   younger brother   ) .  parents.  oskar gavin (   father   )  ;  emilie gavin (   mother   ) .  parental involvement.  oskar and emilie were minor political figures in germany  ;  they had children more as attempts to maintain a family-friendly image in the face of mounting scandals than they did out of any actual, genuine interest in raising said children. as such, kristoph (   and later, klavier   ) was pretty much handed off to a series of nannies & otherwise left to his own devices. his parents’ actual involvement in raising him was . . . minimal. they died in an accident while he was completing his junior year of college. he played the part of the grieving son perfectly well, but he wasn’t really all that aggrieved about it. (   he always sort of wondered if the accident was an accident or if it was some political move, but to investigate that, he’d have to actually care about what happened to them.   ) 
occupation.  defense attorney.  current residence.  a rather posh high-rise apartment building in los angeles. a rather posh solitary confinement cell.  close friends.  why, his dear friend phoenix wright, of course !  (   hah.   )  partners.  what, legal partners ?  uh, he’s got a student -- oh, you mean romantic partners ?  ugh. pass.  relationship status.  single. not looking. (   verse dependent.   )  financial status.  let’s just say he’s in a very comfortable income bracket. (   --- & how did he get there so fast, what with his parents losing most of their fortune to constant legal battles, leaving him to make money himself ?  best not to ask.   )  driver’s license.  yes. he doesn’t like to drive, though. he’s more the ‘ hire a driver ’ type.  criminal record.  prior to the events of apollo justice ?  clean as clean can be. too clean. suspiciously clean. after ?  one count of evidence forgery, two counts of first-degree murder, one count of attempted murder -- and that’s only what we know of. 
sexual orientation.  bisexual / demisexual. maybe a slight preference for men, but functionally, it doesn’t matter -- he’s very, very demisexual, and it’s extremely rare that he’s actually genuinely attracted to someone. nine out of ten times, if he sleeps with someone, it’s going to have been because doing so conferred some kind of material advantage on him -- i.e., they had something he wanted.  romantic orientation.  biromantic / demiromantic. again, though, it tends not to matter, because it’s so incredibly rare that he feels real attraction of any kind towards someone. if kristoph is romancing you, it usually means he wants something from you.  preferred emotional role.  Submissive | Dominant | Switch |  Unsure preferred sexual role.  Submissive  |  Dominant |  Switch |  Sex repulsed libido. low. unless he actually likes you. then about average ?  turn ons.  if i answer this question, my kristoph muse will physically manifest IN my home and poison me with atroquinine, killing me within fifteen minutes of ingestion. turn offs.  unless he actually likes you, don’t try to make him be genuinely emotionally vulnerable with you. ugh. disgusting.  love language.  in the very rare case he actually likes you, he appreciates them all. however, he especially likes acts of service. he knows better than anyone else that pretty words are often lies  ;  actually going out of your way to assist him with something isn’t so surface-level to him, and is deeply appreciated.  relationship tendencies.  generally, he thinks they’re a waste of time & a potentially dangerous vulnerability. to be avoided. 
character’s theme song(s). i know i put my go-tos (   where i want to be from chess & choke by idkhw   ) on the last meme that asked a question like this, so i’m gonna try to go for some different ones  :  severed by the decemberists (   gonna leave you all severed   ) & nice day by the romanovs (   nice day for a murder !   )  hobbies to pass the time. playing the violin (   & occasionally writing a piece or two   ) , cooking, keeping journals, reading, taking walks (   usually with his dog   ) , shopping (   shush.   ) . mental illnesses. none that are formally diagnosed. he clearly has quite a number of problems going on in that head of his, but he would define them less as problems and more as strengths, so it’s not like he’d seek help.  physical illnesses.  other than being blind as a bat without his glasses, he’s physically healthy.  left or right brained.  left brained.  fears.  nothing at all. failure. being forgotten. being wrong. that he isn’t the best, always & at everything. IT’S OVER, KRISTOPH. YOU’RE NOT NEEDED ANYMORE.  self confidence level.  unreasonably high. you could say he has a bit of a god complex.  vulnerabilities. his academic intelligence and logic may be above & beyond that of your average person, but he never matured emotionally, so he still has the emotional intelligence of a child. his solution to fearing that he might not be perfect was to repress it until he had five black psyche-locks, for god’s sake. and it was his hatred of wright that blinded him to the idea that phoenix might formulate a plan that could stop him -- he saw wright as a naive idiot because of that hatred, and as such underestimated him. his inability to process or even acknowledge his own emotions means that he has no way of telling when his analyses are objective and when they’re tainted by how he feels about them, and his arrogance means he’s convinced they’re all accurate. so, sometimes, no matter how accurate his formula is otherwise, he forgets to factor in emotion -- and he miscalculates. 
Tagged by: @smoulderingsilver (   aaaahhh thank you so much !!   )  Tagging: again, anyone who wants to do this, consider yourself Tagged By Me. 
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Mads!! I was wondering if you had some thoughts on Bi!Wyatt because you write him so well and he is, uh, at least 50000% more interesting than I Am Wyatt Logan And I Am Definitely Straight!Wyatt. I JUST HAVE A LOT OF BI!WYATT FEELS
Oh. Oh you wanna know about Bi!Wyatt. Oh ho ho. This. This is gonna be fun.
AKA the Why Wyatt is Bi Meta That I Probably Should’ve Written a Year Ago But Didn’t Because I’m Lazy. BUCKLE UP BUTTERCUPS. THIS IS A FUCKING MANIFESTO.
This will be in two parts. The first will be my arguing why I think Wyatt is bi (pointing out examples that support my argument) and the second will be musing on why taking a character like Wyatt and making him bi is a more creative and interesting writing choice and gives him depth and complexity as a character.
Okay before we get started, people are probably wondering why I’m putting so much goddamn effort into writing about the possible sexuality of a character that managed to royally piss us all off for two thirds of an entire season.
Two reasons:
The first is that as I’ve mentioned countless times previously, Wyatt Logan isn’t a malicious person. He’s not a villain. He’s had genuinely good and loving moments. His toxic behavior actually makes him a wonderful example to people watching because it shows how otherwise good men can exhibit this behavior, and in my fiction I love to give him a chance to overcome that behavior and be the good and loving person that he can be and was meant to be. @brassmama once said I should start tagging all my fic “The Emotional Redemption of Wyatt Logan” and frankly, she’s right. That’s what I set out to do. Because to me, just hating on Wyatt and wanting to set him on fire is fucking boring.
also the amount of hate some of you show is concerning me are you guys okay?
Why hate when you can stretch your writing skills and give a character a thorough and well-earned redemption arc? Because shocking news, a lot of the toxic people we meet in our lives are not one-dimensional villains that we can dismiss. It’s not our job to fix them but by golly don’t you hope that they grow past that and become better people? I know I do.
Second, my anger at Wyatt isn’t actually mostly at Wyatt. It’s at the writers. It’s at the shitty boring writers who decided to just hand him his happy ending instead of taking the golden opportunity before them to give him a nice deep and complex redemption arc. It’s at the writers who decided to make him a toxic asshole in the first place instead of taking all his potential in season one and putting it to damn good use and making him a character who was interesting for all the right reasons instead of making him one who was interesting because he pissed us off. Two strikes means you’re out in this particular game, writers.
So. I didn’t come onto this goddamn blue hellsite in order to adopt Wyatt motherfucking Logan of all characters but since I am his mother now I am going to make him interesting and I am going to give him his emotional redemption and one of the best ways to do that is to make him bi so without further ado, here is a) why I think he’s bi and b) why that matters.
Before we get into this, I suggest that you quickly read my meta on why I see Wyatt Logan as submissive rather than dominant. It touches on some moments I’ll be mentioning here and helps to further round out how I see his character.
Let’s start at the beginning, shall we? With our favorite British spy, Ian Fleming, in 1x04. This is Wyatt’s reaction when he learns that it’s Fleming they’re dealing with:
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“Oookay that’s hot, he’s hot.”
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“Oh oh oh he’s funny and cute aaaahhh”
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What’s important to note here isn’t just Wyatt’s reaction, but Lucy’s. Lucy is looking at Wyatt with a bit of fond exasperation–she’s saying “seriously?” Rufus has a similar reaction a moment later (although it was too quick for a screengrab, dammit). It’s like they’re annoyed, in a gentle friend way, by Wyatt’s behavior.
Note that Lucy’s geeking out and hero worship is never greeted with suspicion or fond annoyance by Rufus, Wyatt, and later on Flynn. Lucy’s hero worship and knowledge of historical characters is considered one of her strengths, because it allows her to get close to them. So why are Lucy and Rufus reacting this way when Wyatt hero worships someone?
Maybe because it’s not hero worship but, rather, a crush. Lucy and Rufus’s reactions much better fit friends dealing with their friend and the object of his affection.
We see this again in 2x2 with Wendell Scott. Scott makes what can only be described as a ‘sexy entrance’, throwing a man out of his tent and striding out while rock music plays, the camera panning up his body. *fans self* Oh hello sailor.
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And the camera goes immediately to Wyatt who has THIS expression on his face right before saying breathlessly, “that’s…”
Wyatt then rushes in to defend Scott (who is just… hhnngghhh… sorry I need a moment that man is a Lot…) and shakes Scott’s hand with this look on his face:
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If this isn’t the definition of heart eyes I don’t know what is.
When Scott compliments Wyatt, Wyatt blushes and looks away, pleased and embarrassed. Wyatt then spends the entire episode gooey eyed over Scott, and in a telling moment, tells Scott about his abusive father–private and intimate information that not even Lucy, Wyatt’s official love interest, knows about. It would make far more sense for Wyatt to tell Lucy about all this since she and Rufus are clearly wondering why Wyatt’s so knowledgeable about cars, and Lucy is Wyatt’s chief confessor at this point. Out of everyone, you’d think he’d be most comfortable telling Lucy about something like this.
But instead, he tells Scott about his father, clearly wanting to connect with Scott and be closer to him. This is something you see people do all the time when they have a crush on someone or are attracted to them: we tell them intimate details about our life in order to grow closer to them, intended to speed up the relationship process and stimulate them to be intimate with us in return (since we want to know everything we can about the people with whom we are infatuated).
Moreover, Wyatt’s reactions to Scott contrast Rufus’s reactions. Rufus also greatly admires Scott, and their growing connection as two black men despite their differences based on the times they live in is central to the emotional plot of the episode. But once again, Lucy and Rufus are basically telling Wyatt to “cool it.” Why Wyatt and not Rufus? Because with Wyatt, they’re not telling him just to calm down, they’re telling him to keep it in his pants.
Another thing to note about Fleming in 1x04 is that Wyatt is envious of his interactions with Lucy. Here’s his reaction when Fleming kisses Lucy’s hand:
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Not the best screengrab but he’s trying his damndest not to roll his eyes.
Now, we the audience are probably supposed to make the jump in logic that Wyatt is envious of Fleming i.e. Wyatt is attracted to Lucy. But in the previous episode, 1x03, Wyatt tried to use the telegram system at the Vegas hotel to warn Jess of her death and save her life. He’s still hung up on his dead wife and wants to save her (we see this again in 1x06 when Flynn states outright from the journal that Wyatt is ‘obsessed’ with Jess and bringing her back). At this point in the series, Wyatt is still in love with his wife and wants her back. There’s no reason for him, therefore, to feel possessive of Lucy in any way.
But Fleming is Wyatt’s hero, not Lucy’s. So if Wyatt is attracted to Fleming, his envy makes sense. He’s envious of Lucy for getting all of Fleming’s flirtation and attention.
However, conversely we see that Wyatt is uncomfortable around other men who might show him interest. In 1x16 at the gay club, we see that Wyatt is extremely discomforted and stated that he “feels like a piece of meat.” Wyatt has so far been perfectly comfortable with LGBT+ people such as Denise, and then he’s comfortable with Ethan Cahill later on, so this doesn’t stem from homophobia but specifically from gay men thinking Wyatt is gay. I admit I’m drawing from personal experience here but in said personal experience, men who react with such discomfort tend to be suppressing a few things themselves–most straight men I know would laugh it off or roll their eyes.
Wyatt, however, is outright skittish. He’s acting like he’s got something to hide. Our first indication is when Lucy says, “This is 1954. You could get arrested for being gay.”
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I couldn’t get a good enough shot of Wyatt’s reaction but here’s the tail end of it. Wyatt reacts to this assertion with discomfort and self-consciousness. Why would he do that? It’s not like they’re talking about him… unless Lucy’s reminder that people think being gay isn’t okay has painfully reminded Wyatt of himself. Wyatt grew up in a small town in Texas. I doubt they were all that kind to LGBT+ people there.
This is Wyatt right after a guy checks him out:
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Check out his face. Wyatt’s avoiding the guy’s eyes, shifting uncomfortably, looking at the ground. Look at those puppy eyes. He’s scared–but why would he be scared? He’s not going to get jumped or anything. What could he possibly be fearing? The only thing that makes sense is he fears being outed, somehow, by another gay man who might be perceptive enough to metaphorically back him into a corner and force Wyatt to reveal something that he’s not ready to reveal.
Wyatt then tries to blow it off, “he’s looking at me like I’m a piece of meat,” but if we actually look at the onceover the gay guy gives him… it’s not actually that objectifying. The man looks down, then looks Wyatt right in the eyes and smiles at him flirtatiously. There’s no sloooooow drag up Wyatt’s frame, no wink, no outright leering. It’s quite tame compared to how most men look at women. But Wyatt’s response is that he feels like a piece of meat. His discomfort is actually disproportionate to the action that sparks his reaction.
But of course, all of these examples pale in comparison to the main one. The piece de resistance, the most compelling set of reasons yet, I give you… (drumroll, please)…
Wyatt’s reactions to Flynn are… extreme. Rufus and Lucy have more reason to dislike Flynn than Wyatt does, and yet Wyatt’s the one storming all over the place and acting like just being around Flynn gives him an allergic reaction. He’s constantly going out of his way to push Flynn away and show Flynn just how much Wyatt hates him. It’s like Wyatt needs to prove to Flynn–and to everyone else–just how much Wyatt dislikes him.
Like this moment in 2x06 when Wyatt demands that Flynn “keep them safe”:
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Note that Flynn winks at him:
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was this wink scripted Goran Goran hey hey was this wink scripted or did you do it in the moment because Certified Mess™ Flynn can’t resist flirting with Wyatt to knock him off his game Goran inquiring minds need to know GORAN I HAVE QUESTIONS
And Wyatt is caught off-guard by the wink and then has to turn around and collect himself, taking a deep steadying breath:
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Or take this moment when Flynn walks into the bunker in 2x03…
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…where Wyatt literally stands up and storms out of the room upon Flynn’s entrance, saying to keep Flynn on a leash. Wyatt can’t even handle being in the same room with Flynn, while Lucy and Rufus (y’know, the guy Flynn got shot in 1x15) manage to stay in the room and have much smaller reactions to Flynn.
Note: Flynn definitely checks out Wyatt’s ass as he leaves I’m just saying–
We get even more of this in 2x07 when Wyatt gets extremely aggressive and tells Flynn to stay away from Lucy:
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…and they were roommates.
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(Oh my God they were roommates.)
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…I mean do I even need to talk about the homoerotic subtext in these screenshots?
Wyatt, however, has more reason than anyone besides Lucy to connect with Flynn. Not only because they mirror each other, but because Wyatt gets to see a vulnerable and personal side of Flynn that nobody else does. Flynn doesn’t tell Lucy about his family’s murder–he tells Wyatt. Lucy doesn’t see Flynn risk his own existence to save his brother’s life, Wyatt does. Why does Wyatt get to see these moments if not to set the two men up as a parallel, a mirror for one another, and frankly why does he keep insisting Flynn’s an asshole when Wyatt is privy to moments like these:
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Quote: “He just saved your son’s life.”
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Quote: “Every memory I have of you, you were always sad. I know what it is to lose a child. I didn’t want you to lose your son, not if I could stop it.”
Moments where we clearly see Wyatt realizing Flynn’s not such a bad guy and understanding that Flynn is complex and has layers and weaknesses and powerful, understandable motivation. Why would we a) get to see Wyatt with Flynn in these moments of vulnerability and intimacy but then b) see Wyatt go out of his way to continually push Flynn away more than anyone else?
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This has no bearing on the whole bi thing but frankly, this is one of Wyatt’s best looks. 10/10 suit. Pretty pretty puppy.
There’s only one reason: he’s scared of Flynn getting too close to him. And why would he be scared of that? Same reason he’s scared of the gay men in the bar hitting on him: Flynn might see a secret that Wyatt isn’t ready to look at.
1x08 is Flynn at his third lowest point (second lowest being his suicide mission in 1x16 and lowest of all being the end of 1x10/beginning of 1x11 when he kidnaps Lucy). He is ready to erase his own existence to save his brother and make his mother happy. It would make the most sense for Flynn to be seen like this by Lucy, who is the only character who’s made any attempt to understand him or connect with him and is the one he’s making the most effort to reach out to, the one he says he’ll “make a great team” with someday. Not to mention that given the disappearance of Amy from existence, Lucy’s the one most poised to understand what Flynn’s doing: saving a sibling. And Lucy’s the one (prior to 1x16) with a good relationship with her mom, just like Flynn, and would feasibly understand wanting to do anything to make one’s mother smile. Wyatt’s mother is never even mentioned in canon.
But it’s not Lucy who sees him like this and gets this intimate glimpse into Flynn’s past and home life. It’s Wyatt. Wyatt gets to see that–and usually in fiction writing, the character who gets to see that is the romantic interest or the character who at least has some sort of romantic feeling for the person.
But before the Space Race, there was an even more prolonged and intimate moment between the two men–the first real interaction they have and one that, for me, cemented Wyatt as a closeted bisexual.
I’ve left this one for last, since it’s our biggest piece of evidence: The Watergate Tape.
AKA Wyatt Logan Has a Brain Glitch, AKA Wyatt Logan Has a Bi Crisis and Discovers a New Kink, AKA In Which Wyatt Logan Realizes He is Kinkier and Gayer Than He Originally Planned
thank you to @extasiswings for the second title
So. In this episode, Flynn captures the Time Team and sends Rufus and Lucy to get information for him while he holds Wyatt hostage.
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I think I’ve seen this porno.
Flynn then spends his time with Wyatt telling him about Lucy’s journal and how Lucy writes about Jessica Logan’s death–in fact this is how the audience finally finds out how Jess died–and that Wyatt is ‘obsessed’ with Jess’s death and needs to learn to move on. In return to earn Wyatt’s trust, Flynn tells Wyatt how Flynn’s wife and child were murdered by Rittenhouse (again, this is how the audience also learns the story).
It’s a startlingly intimate moment between the two men. Like with Scott, we’d expect to hear the story of Jess’s death through Wyatt talking to Lucy, the person to whom he is closest and the person who at this point he is starting to show sexual attraction towards (I personally think Wyatt started to really be attracted to Lucy in 1x05 after she steadies him at the Alamo during his PTSD attack but anyhow). But instead, we hear it in a painful and intimate exchange between these two.
Pay attention to how Wyatt gets super uncomfortable when Flynn gets close to him, how he looks up at Flynn through his lashes, how very submissive Wyatt is being with his body language.
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“Raise my chin even more to look Flynn directly in the eye? Nah. Gonna do a half-head tilt so I’m giving him a sultry side-eye.”
Wyatt also throughout their exchange (before Flynn pushes Wyatt’s buttons and makes him angry) routinely gives Flynn these looks:
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Hmm, where have we seen Wyatt have that facial expression? At Fleming, for one, and at Lucy, for another. It’s a flirtatious expression.
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There’s no reason for this screencap I just think it’s preeeetty. Mmm. Bask in the pretty.
Actually this screencap does a good job of illustrating the use of this scene to parallel the two men’s lives and storylines and show how they mirror each other.
Also? Look at how Wyatt’s positioned.
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He’s not just in a hugely submissive position, he’s in a sexually suggestive position. He’s tied to a chair, and Flynn is looming over him, both of which are submissive. And look at how his legs are spread. His feet aren’t tied, by the way–Wyatt is doing that subconsciously, which puts, ah, certain aspects on display and in another situation it might be manspreading but given the positioning of the rest of his body and the situation he’s in, I sure as hell wouldn’t be manspreading. Manspreading suggests confidence and relaxation. His life is in danger and when we’re in danger whether we like it or not we instinctively go to protect our ‘vulnerable bits’ including, especially for men, our junk. By spreading his legs like this, Wyatt isn’t asserting his relaxation or confidence, he’s displaying himself.
His legs are spread, he’s tied up, he’s looking up at Flynn through his lashes, and he’s wearing a shirt that’s stretching across his chest, drawing attention to it. Now, in day to day reality, we sometimes wear shirts that do this and it doesn’t mean anything. But this is fiction and that means a costumer put that actor in a shirt that they knew would stretch across his chest in that way and therefore make him look even more sexually suggestive and exposed, and they chose to undo his top buttons and expose more of his throat, making him look more vulnerable and suggestive through that as well.
If Wyatt was, say, hanging from his wrists, that would be submissive, but not sexually suggestive. This, however, is both. The way the two sit together, the way Flynn tries to get on his level, the soft lighting, the way the two are wearing a pastel version of each other’s colors (Flynn’s signature color is burgundy and Wyatt is wearing pink, Wyatt’s signature color is blue and Flynn is wearing pastel blue)… if Wyatt was a woman there’d be no doubt that we’re seeing a prelude to a romantic connection here.
Throughout the whole confrontation with Flynn, up until the point where Wyatt’s angry over Flynn bringing up Jess’s death, Wyatt is in a suggestive, submissive position, he’s giving Flynn flirtatious looks, he’s uncomfortable in a not now boner way when Flynn gets too close the same way he was with Fleming. The whole time Wyatt is acting like he’s uncomfortably aroused.
Wyatt then takes great pains to shove away any connection with Flynn. There’s no real attempt to reason with Flynn, or acknowledge their similarities. Instead he denies any connection between them and calls Flynn a sociopath. Why? Because you can’t let any man to whom you’re attracted too close or he might figure out those dark feelings you’re trying to deny and/or hide. Wyatt is practically allergic to Flynn’s overtures or even to Flynn’s presence, as we already covered in 2x03, 2x06, and so on. But he keeps being given reason to think Flynn isn’t such a bad guy (1x06, 1x08). His shoving Flynn away like this only makes sense if Wyatt is scared of what will happen if Flynn gets too close to him, physically or emotionally. And it all starts here with 1x06.
It was this conversation that led me to go hmmmm and then re-examine 1x04 and take a closer look at Wyatt’s behavior in subsequent episodes.
So, to recap:
Wyatt shows in 1x04 that he is capable of being attracted to a man given his behavior around Fleming and Lucy and Rufus’s reaction to Wyatt’s behavior (”ugh get a room buddy,” etc). This is seen yet again in 2x02. In 1x06, Wyatt has a long conversation with Flynn where it is in a vulnerable position emotionally and physically and is furthermore in a sexually suggestive and submissive position in relation to Flynn. In 1x08 he gets an intimate look into Flynn’s psyche and childhood and family. In 1x16, we see Wyatt is uncomfortable in a LGBT+ setting suggesting he is not comfortable with his own sexuality and is scared of being found out. For all of season two, he then goes out of his way to show Flynn and everyone else how much he absolutely hates Flynn, despite having the least reason to do so, since his only reason is vying for Lucy’s affection and Flynn doesn’t become a true threat to that until 2x06. But in 2x03, 2x06, and 2x07, we see Wyatt making sure Flynn knows he’s not wanted.
Conclusion: Wyatt is bi. Wyatt is uncomfortable with being bi and has not accepted that about himself or perhaps even admitted it to himself. Wyatt is attracted to Flynn, as seen in 1x06, and has tentative romantic feelings for him developed in 1x06 and 1x08 based on seeing Flynn in vulnerable moments and learning intimate details about Flynn’s life. Wyatt then pushes Flynn away in order to push his own bisexuality away and avoid confronting it.
Wyatt being attracted to Flynn is the only logical conclusion for Wyatt’s behavior towards Flynn pre-2x06, given that Lucy and Rufus have more reason to dislike Flynn than Wyatt does, and that Flynn is not a true contender for Lucy’s romantic affection until 2x06 (he is, but Wyatt has ZERO reason to know this until 2x06 when Wyatt sees Flynn and Lucy smiling and joking together and walking down the hallway together, presumably towards one of their bedrooms for a private conversation, and Lucy tells Wyatt how great Flynn was on the mission). Wyatt has no reason other than being attracted to Flynn.
Wyatt being bi is the only logical conclusion for his behavior towards Fleming and Scott, given that Lucy and Rufus also have characters they hero worship and are not treated by the other two the way that Wyatt is when he ‘hero worships’ Scott and Fleming. Compare and contrast Wyatt’s behavior towards Scott with Rufus’s behavior towards Scott.
Wyatt being bi is the only logical conclusion for his behavior at the gay club, given that he is otherwise shown to be comfortable with LGBT+ people and seems not only uncomfortable but genuinely afraid, which as a Delta force-trained man who can more than protect himself physically, he has no reason to be–unless he’s hiding his sexuality and is scared of exposure.
The proof is in the pudding. Wyatt is bi. At least, according to my headcanon he is.
We can’t say for sure what the writers intended for Wyatt’s sexuality, and I’m not saying with any of this that they were secretly writing him as bi the whole time. I’m certain that some of them definitely didn’t write him that way *cough* Arika *cough* but either way I would never presume to know about the secret or hidden agendas of the creative team. This isn’t me saying “the writers were going to reveal Wyatt as bi in season three!” or “they secretly wrote Wyatt to be a closeted bisexual!”
Rather, this is me showing you through screenshots and a breakdown of Wyatt’s behavior in the episodes that it is perfectly possible and even logical to conclude that he is bi, and that I can use the actual source text (in this case the episodes) to back up my assertion.
This got annoyingly long so you can read the rest here!
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the-canary · 6 years
A Million Stars - B.B. (4/8)
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Summary: It’s a whisper in the night, a promise to disappear forever. Don’t trust the Goblin King – it’s just that some princesses never learn. (Labyrinth/Royalty AU!Reader/Bucky Barnes).
Prompt: “The kind of smile that would be cruel not to kiss.”  
A/N: This is for @sweetboybucky 1k writing challenge. So, this might be longer than I originally thought, but I am trying to juggle everything I have in my head.
Feedback is always appreciated.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Make sure you do not ever regret the choices you have made, Morgan. There is nothing sadder than a regretful king -- all that power and you still couldn’t achieve your heart’s desires.
King Morgan can hear his first wife’s voice echoing in the hallways to the library as the darkness settles in. It had been days since his children disappeared and all he can do is wonder what he had done wrong for both of them to be sprited away. He had always tried to be a fair and just king, but he had weaknesses like any other man with power -- he took in more than he should in terms of wealth, loved more than one woman that wasn’t his wife.
I may leave you, Morgan. But, our daughter -- she is half yours, but should you play with that temper of hers, fae blood always burns everything in its path. Do not call for it.
His first wife, the one he married more out of obligation to nobility than anything else, had told him before she spirited away. Her family had been said to be connected to the old fae that lived in the land once, that she could see things that normal humans --like him-- couldn’t and he would laugh at her, scorn her heritage for years until their daughter was born, the heir he needed. The Old Queen watched her daughter grow for 5 years before she left -- without a word and in the middle of the night with a letter from one of Morgan’s lovers on her desk. Morgan was sure that’s the moment his kingdom fell into ruin.
War, famine, debt were all that followed his kingdom on the footsteps of the Queen disappearing. Morgan struggled stopping everything from being destroyed or worse have the people going into a full on rebellion, while raising his only child, his bright princess. However, he made sure that she knew nothing of the old stories, of the ill that might run through her veins -- she grew skeptical of the very thought of it instead.
Years passed and Morgan married once again, more due to love this time to a lady-in-waiting to his daughter, though of a lesser nobility compared to his first wife. The happy couple married and welcomed their son, Marcus two years ago and in his new happiness, Morgan forgot his first wife’s warning. He pushed his daughter aside, took away her birthright, and prepared to marry her to a man that was more brute than prince.
Fae blood always burns everything in its path.       
War, famine, debt -- he had called on all of those once more after his children’s disappearance days ago, it was only a matter of time. The people were angry and mournful, his younger brothers were surely watching the shadows and waiting to see what was going to happen next. His wife hadn’t stopped crying.
As he sits in the darkness, in her favorite high chair within the library. Morgan can’t help but call out: “ Why do you curse me, Gwyneth ?”
An invisible wind shutters throughout the library, as if answering back.
You called for it.
“Are you sure we are heading in the right direction?” you can’t help but ask as the teddy bear gives you the best glare that it can, only for you to laugh. You didn’t know where Sam was taking you, but after surviving those “blades of death” back in the the bottle dungeon, you were starting to warm up to your guide -- even, if he hadn’t.
“Don’t forget your end of the bargain, Smellington,” the Goblin King chuckles before disappearing with a flick of his cloak. Before you could ask what he meant, a flurry of blades rush in your direction as you screamed and started punching the walls along with the teddy bear until one push forward and you both fell into the clearing below.
You were weary of why the Goblin King knew Sam and where the bear pirate was taking you, but you had to take it one step at a time. You had to play this a certain way to get the information you wanted, however that wasn’t one of the things you were very good at.
“Why did the Goblin King seem so familiar with you back there?” you can’t help but ask, as the bear just shakes his head.
“Don’t ya get tired of asking so many questions?” he remarks back, only for you to shake your head. He groans, not knowing what he has gotten himself into, though Sam couldn’t help but think it was better than all those times that visitors were silent or even treated him negatively when he was just trying to help. You wouldn’t shut up with all your questions, but he was starting to get used to it -- as scary as that was.
“ James knows everyone in his kingdom,” Sam explains, as your ears perk up at the sound of the Goblin King’s true name -- rather ordinary, if you had a say so, “He likes make sure everyone is under his palm and reminds them in awful ways.”
“Oh, that isn’t very nice for a king,” you can’t help but huff out in annoyance as Sam nods in agreement, “A good king cares of his people and the kingdom. This James must not be a very happy fellow.”
“Oh if you--”
Before Sam can say anything else, the two of you hear an angry growl. You jump, but curiosity has always been your downfall, as you head towards the sound completely ignoring that Sam has run the other way. You hide for a moment to see a large green beast being attacked by goblins in silver armor. It lets out desperate cries as it tries to fight back. You look around on the ground, to see that there are smooth pebbles around you and doing what you can -- you begin to throw them, unaware of the sparks coming out of the things you throw, as each pebble lands on their intended mark and electrocutes the creatures until they run away screaming and smelling like cooked chicken.
Brown eyes turn towards your direction, as you can’t help but laugh at the aftermath. The green beast gets up and makes it way over to you, but instead of being scared you look up at it and grin.
“What’s your name?” you question softly as the green beast looks at you wearily, “I just want to be friends. I helped you out, no?”
“Yes,” he manages to say in short burst, as you nod, “Hulk.”  
“Well Hulk, I think we should find a way out of here,” you declare as the beast agrees in its own way. The two of you head out of the clearing and that’s when it happens.
A sparkle catches your attention, as you stand there for a moment. The barren wasteland of the labyrinth quickly changed to a castle much like your own, but different with stained glass windows and smooth marble, as you see a long piano in the corner of the room. The melody is sad, perhaps even lonely as you try your hardest to move forward and see who might be playing such a haunting piece.  
I dreamt of you last night –
as if I was playing the piano
and you were turning the pages for me.
The familiar voice echoes and your eyes widen.
“ AAAAHHH ,” Hulk yells, which breaks whatever daydream you were just in as you go back to staring at him. He grunts before motioning at you to keep moving within the labyrinth with a new companion and slightly more confused on who the Goblin King is.
The clock strikes eight hours left when he hears it. Over the baby’s giggling and his goblins’ cheering, it sounds like a godsend.
James. James. James.
The first time he had heard his name being said by someone similar to him, like a hymn that boils the magic in his blood. It isn’t said in disgust or malice like when he hears it from Sam, but rather curiosity maybe even a teasing tone, as he sees your lips quirk just a bit, like there is something funny to his name, but it is the brightest way anyone has ever said it.
James , that’s all it takes for his heart to slowly be won over by all too stubborn, tempestuous princess that is slowly defeating his labyrinth.
 It takes the warriors only a few hours to reach the kingdom across the mountain path. Queen Rebecca feels their arrival before anyone else comes to her room saying that there are warriors coming into the capital, she is already waiting for them in the throne room when they ask for an audience with her. There are five before her -- three men different shades of silver, gold, and blue. A woman is standing in the back of all of them with her hand to her weapon, but the one commanding the most attention is the man in all gold armor and eyes to match.
Pure fae, Rebecca thinks as her old bones tremble at the thought of what they could want with her, of what her long-lost sibling has done. However, she is the queen of this land and that will not be ignored as she begins to speak in a commanding voice.
“And what do you warriors need of me?” the Old Queen asks from her high chair, as golden eyes turn to look at her.
“Your sibling has taken our country’s princess,” Heimdall explains, as Rebecca gets up in her chair in sudden distress over this new piece of information, “We need your help to get her back.”
“How?” she can’t help but ask, since she can faintly feel the magic coming off from all of them -- more so the man with golden eyes in front of her. It looks like he could see both the past and present all at once. Rebecca could only imagine all that he had seen and experienced, but she could see how strong his loyalty ran in the cautious timber of his tone for said missing princess.  
Maybe, that’s what won her over so quickly.
“What exactly would you need from me?” she questions, as she sees the woman behind the man frown.”
Part 5
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johnny-writes · 6 years
Dr. Danny’s Unlucky Day
(meme source; with cameos from muses from @neet-lucifer, @mors-resistis, @rachel-of-slaughter, @refined-silva, @savagewolffury, @thenarratorsgalaxy)
Danny’s plan of global domination had succeeded. Now he sat on a throne of gold, adorned with sculpture of eyes; a flag of the planet having an eye flaunted the wall of his castle. Right above his throne, Rachel’s head stood there, like a hunt trophy, with her lifeless peepers preserved forever.
“Can I go now, doctor?”
The hall entered, with the news: Dr. Danny crowned President of Empire Earth and sexiest man alive.
“I’m such a lucky guy.” Danny said. The moment he said it, the chandelier that hanged above his throne, with candles shaped as eyes, fell over him.
“Ah!” When he returned to his senses, he saw her was on his bed and his Christmas globe, which had an eyeball instead of anything Christmas-related, fell on his head, breaking into it, wetting all of his bed. The shards didn’t hurt him much because they were low quality.
“Such bad luck, all those wonderful images were all just dreams…” he grumbled and went to the bathroom. He dried himself with a towel and brushed his teeth.
“Ouch!” he brushed too strong and his gingiva started to bleed a bit. He ignored this and went to wear his work outfit. He didn’t realize there was a huge mark of iron on its back and didn’t notice the hole under the shoe.
He went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, drinking from the bottle like the slob he is.
“PFFT! The milk is spoiled!” He said, spitting the rotten contents. He looked for more in the refrigerator and realized that it wasn’t cold – the refrigerator had broken so everything was spoiled and nasty. He was so hungry, he went to his cupboard and grabbed some stale bread.
After that he went to check his emails. He was sad: his article had been rejected from the journal, after two years and without possibility of resubmission. Science cried that day (not really).
He heard the doorbell ringing. Again, the mailman didn’t wait for him and just left his package. Dr. Danny smiled and said, “Ah, the Birth of Rachel has arrived and…WHAT?”
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Rage couldn’t describe what Danny felt when he saw the crude doodle. “I pay a good money and that’s how he pays me back, AAAAHHH!”
The walk to his work was even worse, from being pelted by water balloons to being attacked by vultures. Dusting himself from the vulture feathers, he arrived at the jail. Only to find Yuri and Silva waiting for him at the door.
“Oh, so, you changed your mind and now will allow a professional take care of your brother?” He asked, in a rather smug tone.
“You mean, former professional.” Yuri replied, his arms crossed and a stern expression on his face. Silva said nothing, but kept a slight frown on his face, and tried to copy Yuri’s stance by crossing his arms.
“What do you mean?” He said, and realized that some workers were removing his stuff from the office.
“I told you I’d look for another medic,” Yuri explained, “And, after a long sidequest, our party discovered you committed fraud in your grades.”
“Everyone does that.” Danny huffed, a grimace starting to form at his face, making Silva clutched to Yuri tighter.
“And we also discovered you didn’t pay your monthly register to the medical association for three months and, for that reason, you’re getting kicked out.” Yuri said, with a ghost of a smirk forming on his face.
“You bastard!” He cried, although he knew he was forgetting something.
“Geostigma.” Silva said, stepping in front of Yuri.
“AAHHH!” The Earth magical spell erupted under Danny, sending him flying away.
“This day is boring.” Zack said, while eating a piece of jerky in an alley he found in the trash (luckily for him, it still had its wrapper). At that moment, he heard something falling into a garbage can. The garbage can tilted aside and rolled to him, revealing a battered Dr. Danny.
“Now this is my lucky, I get to beat up a nerd!” And then Zack started to trounce and whack Dr. Danny, like a bully hitting a nerd in a stereotypical high school setting.
“And I just don’t kill because you’re a piece of shit and that’d be a way too nice thing to do you.” Zack said, giving him the middle finger and leaving.
“Argh…today isn’t my lucky day,” he said, bruised, with his glasses broken, his clothes dirty. He walked away, using the wall as a support. He started to notice the wall had the consistency of paper. It was just posters placed in that location. But when he turned to see, he felt he was to burst a peeper.
“That cunt! The Whore of Babylon, the peeper destroyer! Why do my enemies prosper? This is bad luck!” Danny lost it when he saw a poster, with the date of a show of the new rising idol star Rebecca, with a photo of her in a beautiful idol uniform; she smiled, while holding a microphone close to her mouth, as if singing. He hated Rebecca. He hated her so much that he tossed his glasses against the ground, shattering into a thousand pieces.
“Oh, I needed that…” he lamented and sighed. When he was ready to leave, he stepped on a shard of glass and it hurt because he stepped with his shoe with a hole.
“AAAHHHH!” He cried, jumping around in pain.
More vultures attacked him (it was a local problem that time of the year) and made him run headfirst into a tree in the middle of a park. It was an old tree, so when he crashed it fell over him. It was enough to ward off the vultures, but he was stuck, the tree had fell on his legs.
“You have fallen…”
“This voice,” he turned his head and saw his savior, “Rachel!”
Lifeless eyes stared at the doctor. She just stared at him, immobile, like a doll in the cupboard.
“Save me again, Rachel!” he begged, with his tongue outside his mouth.
“I could kill you now.” She said, while getting out of her bag a grenade. Where did she get it? Have no idea.
“You won’t, I need you, Rachel!”
“I don’t really need you,” she said, while still holding the grenade on the level of her head, with her finger ready to take its pin out.
“Your peepers, they’re so beautiful…”
“You are nothing to me, Doctor Danny,” she said, her voice cold, as her eyes, “But I promised that I wouldn’t kill you.” Her finger relaxed, “You are a pain, but I decided I want to be human and-“ Before she could continue, something interrupted her.
“Ah, that was the wrong turn!”
“Get out of my face!”
A portal appeared, revealing a small fairy holding onto the face of a person wearing a trench coat and a hat. She latched to their face like a facehugger. They kept walking in circles, complaining about how each other was messing their interdimensional trips.
They both accidentally hit Rachel and entered through a portal as if they were never there. But they were there and made Rachel accidentally remove the pin and drop the grenade. The grenade rolled right to Dr. Danny, who stared wide eyed at the explosive.
Rachel just blinked twice and ran away as fast her legs could, far away from the explosion.
“RACHEEEE-” A loud explosion followed. Not even Dr. Danny could survive that.
After a while, Danny woke up in a hellish landscape. Everything was fire, he turned around and saw a certain demon sitting down in a chair, behind a table.
“Hey, fellow angel.” Danny waved.
“Shut up!” Hanzo said, “Let me get this straight to the point, so I can return to my videogames: you died and I have to decided where you’re going!”
“No, I can’t be dead, I’m too awesome and…wait, aren’t you too lazy?”
“Look, I hate you so much that I temporarily stopped being NEET to decide your fate: you can either go to the Second Circle of Hell or become a god, there’s a planet that we need someone to be a god.”
“Oh, of course I want to be a god!” He said with a smug smirk on his face.
“Good, I expected you’d choose this, Daniel Dickens, God of the Peeperland!” He said, and he slammed a button on the table.
“I love the name!”
In a blink of eyes, Danny was transported to a barren world. The sun was too far and there was nothing but the dark night. Humanoid creatures roamed the planet, but something in them made Danny scream.
“Where are their peepers?”
“I don’t know, ask Darwin,” Hanzo’s voice called from a cellphone, “This is a solar system stuck in the middle of a cluster of black holes. It’s on a sweet spot, so it won’t be eaten by them for a billion years, but the gravitational pull is so strong that nobody will ever want to go there. The black holes also make this place invisible, so you’re stuck here for a while, o Lord God of Peeperland.” The cellphone turned off and immediately turned on, “Oh, you didn’t pay the celestial cellphone bill, so now you’re completely cut off from every place in the universe. Have fun!”
Such bad luck. This is so sad, Alexa play VITAL.
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lizardscuddling · 6 years
MCC Live!
Earlier this month I had the awesome opportunity to fly to London to see my favorite band, MCC. It was their first show in nearly a decade, but you couldn’t tell. Both nights the atmosphere was charged with nervous and exciting energy—both the audience and the band were more than thrilled to be there. Here’s how it went down.
Saturday night I hung out at the bar for a few hours before the show. Fans began congregating by the door about an hour beforehand so we could get a good spot. Although the ticket lady almost didn’t let me in because my tickets apparently didn’t get added to the will-call list, I managed to make it to the 2nd row on stage right: directly in front of the microphone.
Quickly after the opener ended (True Moon, who was awesome and totally worth listening to), MCC ran out and helped to set up their gear.  They were all nervous but super stoked to be out there, and as soon as Martin appeared to set up his gear pedals (idk anything about music lol) the entire audience flipped out and cheered for him. His response was to lovingly shush us; “It’s a fucking line check!”
The performance itself was amazing. After the sound check they disappeared and soon ran back out with beer in their hands and smiles on their faces. The audience had great energy; everyone was really excited to be there, and for the most part pretty engaged in the set. Martin made quite a few drunken quips throughout the show. At one point his microphone stopped working and he remarked, “I’m obviously not a singer, so we have to do a lot of things to make my voice sound good, and when tech breaks down that becomes a problem.” He introduced the band, and referred to Arvid as his “Kid brother, who hasn’t played drums since he was 6, and vowed never to pick it up again.” The job of being a frontman is obviously pretty new to him, but he took it up well.
The music itself blew my socks off. Fia Kempe from The Great Discord came out every few songs to lend her voice, and it sounded amazing. She and Martin were not afraid to get up on the barrier and play in front of the crowd, which was a real treat for us at the front. My favorite song was probably Demon King. When played live the band finishes the song with a powerful, uplifting solo. Attending a Midnight Screen was also dope, as was Sway. Honestly I can’t think of a single song that I didn’t think was amazing. The biggest surprise of the night was when MCC played “Sleepy Eye June.” Martin introduced it as “the only love song (he) ever wrote… which turned out kind of dark.” They recorded it on a three piece demo, he said, and the final version will be appearing on their next album, due “2027.” That was an amazing surprise to end the night on—they even kept the voice sample from “Excalibur!”
Shortly after the show I had to run outside to grab money for merch. By the time I came back the band was hanging out at the stage signing things for fans. I first went up to Fia, who was chillin’ and told her how much I appreciate her work. Soon after I made my way to Martin, where I overheard him ask a fan, “was my set too short? I was worried about that, but I was thinking ‘if it were me, I wouldn’t want to hear myself perform for very long. Just in and out.’” Another fan urged him to go to France, and he replied that they had plans to—but they’re secret, so he can’t disclose more than that. I later heard from another fan that MCC plans to tour more in Europe later this year and, hopefully eventually, North America. When it came time for me to get my stuff signed I Introduced myself and told him I was from Seattle. He said that was cool and he loves Seattle; he also really loves Oregon, because of the Goonies.
Eventually I made it outside and hung out with some fans. I found Niels standing at a doorway and joined in on the conversation. Someone asked him if he’s going to continue playing with In Flames, and he replied that he wasn’t sure. It can be fun playing on a huge stage, he remarked, but he prefers the vibes of smaller venues. He’d like to continue playing with MCC, if he can. I told him I really liked his music, his solo stuff too, and was super stoked to see him—especially, being from Seattle, I wasn’t sure if I would ever be able to. He told me he thought Seattle was awesome, and that when he came there with Dead Soul and Ghost their friend from the area drove them around the city and he fell in love. He’d like to return one day. I asked him to sign my poster, and he pointed to a random building in the design, remarked “that’s where I live,” drew an arrow to it, and signed it. At that point another fan asked him to sign his ticket, but he kept talking to me—he poked me with their ticket!—and told me to listen to listen to an American band he likes (sorry Niels I was too drunk I totally forgot who it was). He traveled from Sweden to London to see them when he was young, and asked the band manager if he could meet the singer. He was told no, but got tickets to see them in Sweden. The singer killed himself right after that show. I probably looked at him like “wtf?” and he assured me that he isn’t planning on killing himself. Good!
             The vibes of the first night were really mellow. Martin hung out outside and smoked but the fans left him alone; a surprising show of respect.
~round 2~
             Night two was even better! The band seemed way less nervous and more sober-- Martin even remarked to the audience, “you seem less drunk than last night. So are we.” Their sobriety was reflected in a much better sound overall. The audience, while less smashed, was still awesome. During a lull in the set a man with a thick Scottish accent remarked “Martin, I fucking love you man!” to which he replied, “I love you too!” Near the end of the set Martin’s announcement that they had one more song to play was met with an “aaaawwwwuuuuuhhhh.” He reminded everyone they’d be back. I yelled, “I’ll miss you!” and he said, “I’ll miss you too!!” It was really sweet and I literally died. At a certain point he invited fans to yell out where they were from. At the end he remarked, “you’re from all over the place! We’re from ten years ago.”
Niels was over the top all night. He started the show by standing on the barrier for a long ass time. After Dollhouse Decoration Niels wouldn’t stop playing the end notes, to which Martin remarked, “that’s Niels Nielsen for you everyone!” During the Sway solo he couldn’t get his pedal to work so he performed the entire thing on the ground, which was pretty cool. Martin kept looking over at him with a smile on his face; you could tell they’re real homies. At the end of the set when Martin was introducing Sleepy Eye June as a love song he wrote, Niels started to play the beginning of “Run To The Hills” by Iron Maiden, and Arvid helped out with the drums. Martin was like “wtf” but it was all in jest.
Soon after the set the band had to kick everyone out to close up shop. I waited around for a big and talked to some cool homies; eventually, the band all came out to talk to fans and sign stuff. Niels recognized me from the night before and asked how I was doing—I told him I was chillin, but it looks like he was going to have a fun night (he was holding a big bottle of wine and some water). Niels told me the water was just for looks, the wine is what he’s really there for. I vibe with that.
Arvid and Par were both really sweet. They genuinely tried to have conversation with all their fans. When I told Arvid I was from Seattle he remarked “Oh! You’re the person he told us about.” (which honestly holy shit that was really cool. Martin told him about a fan from Seattle??? Whaaat??) and wanted to know what it was like to live in my city. Apparently, Martin is always talking about how much he likes the Pacific Northwest and wants to visit. I told them the weed was great. They were really really nice and attentive, and I’m super stoked to see them in future shows.
When I walked up to Martin he was signing some ghost photos for some fans. He looked at an old picture of himself and remarked “Aaaahhh… that’s him, the infamous Omeega.” It was kind of sad watching him look through all these old photos of Ghost, but he seemed to enjoy it. He pointed out which shows he could remember, and his tone was nostalgic. A fan offered him some beer which he declined until the fan told him it was Polish beer; at that point his choice was to chug it. He tried his best to make quips in fans’ native languages to watch them laugh. He’s a pure bean.
When it was my turn I told him, “when I saw you last night I forgot to show you my tattoo!” and stuck my arm out for him. He replied “whoa, let me take a look at that,” and grabbed my arm. I can’t explain it any other way than he held my arm and felt my tattoo with his fingers for a bit. I kind of astral projected through the entire thing; it was surreal. He soon grabbed a sharpie and drew a smiley face into the eclipse. I’m glad he thought it was impressive! He signed my ticket and patch and gave me a hug. Martin’s a super chill dude and was really enamored by all the attention he was getting from fans.
Overall, starting this trip I didn’t know what to expect, but MCC blew me away. They’re all a great group of people and I really look forward to seeing where they go in the future.
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shuuniji · 7 years
abridged meme sentence starter. pt 1. 
“sup, what’s going on mortal?”
“i came here to test your skill at basketball.” 
“yes--- he is the one we have been looking for. yessss, he is the one.”
“you shall be the next of my victims!”
“yeah--yo! (knees the other ) kneel before _______”
“it’s time to drop you bitches like the bass.” 
“holy shit this isn’t basketball ; it’s madness!” 
“i’ve put a spell on you.” 
“i’ll make sure no one will stand in our way.” 
“mission to swallow: granted.” 
“sounds interesting, what’s the catch?”
“you are to become-- my -- new -- bitch.”
“that’s odd. it’s like an old part of me just died just now.” 
*spits milk everywhere*.
“he’s a man with words.”
“make sure the peons are worthy of my impending glory.” 
“meet at the school’s roof in 15 minutes for a special treat.” 
“last one that enters becomes the towel boy!”
“AAAAAHHHHHHH!! oh jesus christ !”
“haha ; i haven’t been called that in quite some time.” 
“calm your simpleton fears, ____”.
“he can’t be as bad as i think he is.” 
“last one to the roof is a towelless bench warmer!”
“you guys wanna know why i wanna join the basketball team?” 
( inhales deeply ) “because i love balls man!!! i love cleaning them , and gripping them , almost as much as i love the p--”.
“i, ____________, am in possession of a new team.”
“from this day, from this moment forward, i will become victorious. now i command you-- all of you!!!-- curses, the battery died.” 
“wow i’m surprised you decided to show up, o mighty one.” 
“listen squirt, i don’t like you and i get the feeling you don’t like anyone.”
“ah yes, the simpleton finally said something intelligent.” 
( sighs ) “well my dear idiot, i’m already way past you, i’ve done something more than you ever could.” 
“how the hell did you ever pull that one off?” 
“you may need to reveal your neather-regions too ; to make this arrangement take place.” 
“what masochistic piece of shit told you to do that !!!”
“well shit guys, it looks like we’re gonna have to train our asses off for the next two days.” 
“you can say that dunk was purrrrrrfect.”
“wow you guys are really good !” 
“mind if i practice with you all?” 
“aaaahhh, _______________, what a treat to see you here.” 
“be there in a minute.” 
“okay girls! i’m gonna go play basketball now.” 
“okay , okay it’ll take a little bit longer.”
“okay you fucking women, get the fuck out of my gym.” 
“sorry, sorry, sorry-- but thank you so much. i was this close to having to sign someones titties.” 
“so _____ , it’s good to see you’re still as big of a bitch from when i left you.”
“according to this article, ________ , was the gayest player on the team.” 
“oh ______, i missed you so much!” 
“i told you not to call me that.” 
“ouch, that hurt.” 
“that wasn’t me guys. not me.” 
“why don’t you 1 on 1 me.” 
“how rude.” 
“it should be because i’m from MERICA.”
“i didn’t know that he had like the sharingan.” 
“silence fool before i blow you.”
( GASPS ) 
“i know you hate us all, but can you at least call us once in a while? we all miss you.” 
“you see i don’t think you understand. there is nothing that i hate more than you all..” 
“wait what are you talking about?” 
“i’ll show you why i choose, _____ , over you.” 
“you know ______ ever since i been around you, i’ve been getting this odd feeling. it’s like i’ve been getting stronger and stronger by the second.” 
“stay with me and you’ll reach far beyond your boundaries.”
“great so another one has been taken.” 
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ivycreativewriting · 7 years
Graded Piece 1st Draft
Sisterhood Thinking there's no way is a lounge chair on the lower plaza of an all-girls high school. Sky Weekler stares at the chair, envisioning herself sitting gracefully in a long white gown, like a swan sitting on a lake. She watches herself flash a thick, dazzling smile at Evan Jenkins, the most famous talk-show host in America. Legs crossed, hands folded, teeth bared with an unfamiliar confidence, a confidence that could only accompany immense success, Sky falls deeper into her all too familiar daydream. “So Sky, what is new in your personal life? We have recent information that you may or may not be dating a certain Jack Marshall, only Hollywood’s most decorated young actor!” Evan asks with as much eagerness as a yellow lab puppy. Sky blushes. She almost grimaces. First question of the night is not whether I like the role in my new movie or how I plan to be philanthropic, she thinks to herself, comically annoyed. Nope, it's about Jack. It's always about Jack. “Yes, yes, Jack and I have been seeing each other recently,” Sky replies cautiously, hoping her nosy friend Evan would get the hint of ask-no-more. A hushed oooo and aaaahhh escapes from the crowd as hundreds of women gasp in excited jealousy. Sky smirks. She's never thought so many people could care about who she dates. Evan claps her hands together in a slow rhythm, as if each clap stings a little bit more than the last. Sky remembers how Evan had dated Rich Marshall, Jack’s father, a couple of years ago. She remembers the tabloids reading “Evan Jenkins: Most Dumpable Talk Show Host In America” when Rich had gotten bored and ended it. But Sky knew the truth of why the two of them hadn't worked out. Sky had seen Evan. Ouch. Evan looks at Sky, a pleading look of agony darting across her eyes. Sky nods. It lasts not even a second, but Sky appreciates the shared thought passed naturally between the two strong but sad women. Let's move on, Evan’s eyes had said. It hurts. Evan quickly rebounds to her next question. “Sky, as most of America knows, you will be starring in the upcoming film Sisterhood. Please, tell us what this role will entail for you,” she asks. Sky replies. “Ah, yes, this role is very special to me. I will be playing a whimsical senior attending an all-girls Catholic high school in Hermosa, California,” she states, more than happy to finally focus the conversation on her acting. She winces slightly as she remembers Jack’s hurtful words on the subject, practically ripping her apart last week. “You? Playing an eighteen-year-old Californian? You have ivory white skin and could easily be thirty-five. Good fucking luck,” he had said, slamming the front door shut. She shakes her head out of the flashback, instinctively rubbing the bruise on her right forearm. Keep it together, Sky. She looks up confusedly as Evan begins laughing a shrill, evil villain kind of laugh, as if she had been watching Sky’s flashback along with her. To Sky’s dismay, the audience joins, each woman cackling at her and pointing at her bruises as if each were a funny joke. Sky covers her ears and shakes her head. Stop she thinks. Please stop. She falls back into reality and looks around. Five barbie-looking freshmen with long legs and blonde hair giggle at her as they walk by. Sky checks her watch. 2:45 pm. She had been standing in front of her chair staring for at least twenty minutes. Shit! She runs clumsily to the top of the stairs and out the tall gate. Great. 20 minutes late. Wonder what new mark this will earn me today she thinks as she slides into the passenger seat of Jack’s new truck. She looks at him and sees the familiar clenched jaw and veiny muscles. She gets nauseous. “It’s 2:45. What the fuck Sky? Jesus, were you fixing your makeup for twenty minutes? Flirting with a teacher?” Jack screams. Sky doesn't answer. She desperately looks back at her school through the window as they speed away and Jack’s lecture continues. She pictures her chair again, empty, sitting on the lonely floor of her dainty old high school. She sighs, this time not out of longing but with the realization that no matter how “famous” she could ever be, she would always be stuck with him. Maybe one day things will change...she sulks, one alligator tear slipping down her face, one gargantuan hand gripping her wrist. No...there's just no way…
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