trobeds · 8 months
hey if jeffannie is canon in the movie im gonna punch smth btw. its just so weird my god
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c-kiddo · 11 months
caduceus should get free pass from th narrative and dice rolls to hit ludinus with a hammer, for what he did to his home
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dixons-sunshine · 14 days
The Importance Of Secret Keeping | Daryl Dixon x Fem! Reader
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Summary: When Rick brought in the former Woodbury residents, Daryl tried to stay away from them. However, a little girl had made him her unofficial best friend, and she revealed some pretty interesting things to him about you.
Genre: Fluff.
Era: Prison, pre season 4.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word count: 1.3k.
A/n: This isn't the best because I couldn't really focus while writing this, but I wanted to get this done. I hope you like this nonetheless!
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“Daryl, are you a tree?” Hazel asked innocently, skipping alongside the archer who had just returned from his run.
Daryl raised his eyebrows in surprise at the six year old's question. He sent a nod in Rick's direction, before extending his hand to the little girl to help her bound up the stairs that lead to the cell blocks.
“No, I ain't a tree,” Daryl replied to Hazel's question, pushing open the door that lead into the cell blocks.
“I didn't think so,” Hazel responded instantly, using her hand that held Daryl's to swing their arms in a childlike manner.
Daryl's lips twitched up into a small smile at the girl's antics, allowing her to swing his arm as they walked. “Then why'd ya ask, kiddo?”
“Because Mama said you have arms like tree trunks,” Hazel replied, before giggling and shaking her head. “Silly Mama. She thinks you're a tree. You should tell her you're not.”
Daryl's eyes widened in shock at Hazel's confession. He stopped in his tracks and withdrew his hand from the small girl's grip, making her turn around and look at Daryl in confusion.
“Yer mama really said tha'?” the archer questioned in surprise.
“Yeah! Mama says a lot of things about you. She talks about you with Michonne all the time,” Hazel happily told him. “Her thinking you're a tree is silly, though.”
Daryl hummed in acknowledgement, willing the blush spreading across his face to go away. He started walking again and Hazel bounded next to him. “Wha' else does yer mama say 'bout me?”
“She says you have a cute butt,” Hazel began, before making an over exaggerated disgusted face. “Butts are gross.”
“Yeah, butts are gross,” Daryl chuckled, leading the six year old into the cellblock and up into his own cell. “Dun' know why yer mama would think mine s'cute.” He allowed Hazel to rush into his cell, her attention instantly going to the boardgame they had been playing the day before.
“Are you going to be my new daddy, Daryl?” Hazel asked suddenly, eliciting a confused scoff from the man.
“Why ya askin' tha'?” he inquired, sitting down on his bed. He toed off his boots and grabbed some jerky he had made, before flopping down onto his back, the thin mattress offering some form of relief for the tired archer. He began chewing on the dry meat, turning his attention back to the young girl.
Hazel climbed onto the bed, making herself comfortable by his feet. “Because Mama said that you have daddy vibes.”
That caught Daryl off guard. He choked on the jerky, his airway cut off. He sat up and hit himself against his chest, soon successfully ridding his airway of the thing that almost killed him. He looked at Hazel in shock, the little girl looking back at him in confusion.
Catching his breath, Daryl shook his head at Hazel. “Nah, I ain't gon' be yer new daddy. Yer mama must've been talkin' 'bout someone else.”
Hazel shook her head in disagreement. “No, Mama was talking about you, Daryl. She said your name when she said that.”
Daryl looked at Hazel in shock and slowly nodded. He had a hard time believing that you, the no-nonsense lady who was one of the very few Woodbury residents who actually knew how to handle herself against the dead, had taken an interest like that in him. There was no way that the woman he had taken an unexpected liking to, a liking that had soon morphed into something that wasn't platonic, liked him like that. He just couldn't believe it.
“Mama also said she'd look better in your shirt,” Hazel said, interrupting his train of thought.
Daryl inhaled sharply. He thought about her words for a moment before nodding to himself, picturing you in his shirt. “Yeah, she would,” he mumbled to himself.
“What?” Hazel asked, tilting her head in confusion.
Daryl quickly shook his head. “Nothin'. S'nothin'.”
As if appearing out of thin air, you showed up at his cell, quietly knocking on the doorframe. Hazel's attention shifted towards the door and she quickly clambered off the bed. She excitedly sprinted towards you and you caught her in a big hug, placing a small kiss on top of her head.
“Hey, Baby,” you greeted her, looking up at Daryl and sending him a shy smile. “Hey, Daryl.”
Daryl, now cursed with knowledge about what you thought of him, could feel his cheeks heating up. He sent you a small nod. “Hey.”
You looked down at your daughter again, about to usher her out of the cell with you, but she saw someone walking outside, and she wiggled herself out of your arms to run to that person. “Michonne!”
“Hazel!” you called out to her, peeping out of the cell just in time to see Michonne embrace the girl in a hug.
Michonne looked up at you and waved you off. “I got her. I'll get her settled down for the night. You say goodnight to your crush.”
You ducked your head in embarrassment and sent her a crude gesture with your middle finger, eliciting a laugh from her. “Fuck you, Michonne,” you mouthed to her, watching her leave with Hazel.
Shaking your head, you turned back around and almost ran into the archer. Daryl steadied you, and you could feel the heat seeping from his hands to your arms.
“Ya alrigh'?” he asked you, his blue eyes gazing deeply into yours.
You nodded, your breath leaving you due to the close proximity you had with the man. “I'm good,” you whispered in confirmation, your heart speeding up.
Daryl, overcome by a rare sense of confidence, hummed and smirked slightly. “Ya sure? My tree trunk arms didn't chaffe yer shirt or anythin'?”
Your eyes widened in surprise, and you took a step back. “What?”
“Ya need my shirt instead? I bet ya will look better in it than any of yer own shirts.”
Realization dawned on you. “Hazel—”
“Yeah,” Daryl cut you off, smiling slightly at the way your eyes widened. “Said ya think my butt looks real cute, too. She said other things too, but m'not gon' embarrass ya any more.”
“God, she really exposed me, huh?” you laughed shyly, ducking your head to avoid the archer's eyes.
Daryl moved forward and cupped your chin, lifting your head to look at him. The air between the two of you shifted, an unexplainable electricity forming. His eyes flickered between your eyes and your lips, silently asking for permission.
However, before anything could happen, Hazel came bounding into Daryl's cell again, Michonne hot on her tail. Daryl quickly pulled away and took a step back, and you straightened yourself.
Michonne looked between you and Daryl with a knowing smirk. Daryl blushed and ducked his head, while you pursed your lips and sent her a warning glare. “Don't even think about it,” you mouthed to her, moving away from Daryl to pick up your daughter. “What are you doing here, Baby? I thought auntie Michonne was putting you to bed.”
“I want you to do it, Mama,” Hazel explained, lowering her head to rest on your shoulder. She waved at Daryl, giggling into your shoulder. “Goodnight, Daryl.”
“Nigh',” Daryl greeted her, sharing a shy nod with you. “I'll, uh, see ya tomorrow, righ'?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, casting your eyes away from him. “Goodnight, Daryl.”
With that, you turned and walked out of the cell with Michonne, leaving Daryl alone in his cell. The archer, confused by everything that happened, sat himself down on the bed. However, he chuckled to himself when he heard your voice from down the hall.
“Hazel, how about for tonight's bedtime story, I teach you about the importance of keeping secrets?”
Yeah, Daryl thought, Hazel definitely wasn't lying. And he took that as an invitation to finally confess to you.
Which he did, that very next day, while you were on watch duty.
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
@henderdads posted this about domestic fluff and I realize that I love this trope and I just don’t write enough of it, and I wanted to give her a little treat to read. Mostly because her tags when she reblogs on my post give me absolute joy, I laugh every time.
Two things might come as a surprise when getting to know Steve Harrington. The first being he didn’t actually like parties. He likes making other people feel good, wants to make them happy. Hence why for years, he lets Tommy and Carol wreak havoc on his house. It makes them happy and, for a short while, makes most of Hawkins High happy. Steve, in retrospect, has learned to regret this since he has now gained a reputation for being a party king, despite not throwing one in years, but he knows all too well how hard it is to let go of a high school reputation.
The second surprising fact is that Steve Harrington hated his birthday. Well, maybe hate wasn’t the right word, but he has incredibly low expectations for his birthday. Either everyone forgets his birthday, or somehow Steve is reminded that he is an inconvenience.
“Sorry sweetie, your dad has a business meeting that day.”
“Dude, I have a baseball game in that night could we do something another day?”
“I’m late! I know, we stayed up all night playing D&D. I even forgot to call Suzie!”
Steve isn’t necessarily hurt per se when these things happen. He knows that some people, more than others, are really trying. That it’s human to make mistakes. But Steve doesn’t like to get his hopes up; that’ll be much better than that.
There is also the more commonly now known fact that Steve doesn’t like being the center of attention. And birthdays come along with a lot of that. Sure, Steve wants someone to pay attention to him, really listen to what he has to say, but he has long since out grown the desperate need to have everyone look at him.
It is why it is such a surprise the upside down crew throws him a 24th birthday party.
Steve always thought something like this would upset him, but he is delightfully warm at the sight of all his friends, all of his family, inside Robin and Nancy's apartment screaming,
“Surprise, Dingus!”
Steve can’t believe she got everyone to say that.
After the shock of seeing them all packed like sardines wearing party hats, Steve can’t help but smile.
Eddie walks up to him, placing a hat on his head and a soft kiss on his cheek. “I tried to stop them,” Eddie whispers. “I know you don’t like parties, but they just wanted to show how much they love you. It was hard to say no.”
Steve turns to Eddie, a man who knows him inside and out and knows he can’t lie to him. “I thought I would hate this, but I don’t. It’s perfect.” He kisses Eddie on the lips, just as soft as the one before.
“Good, because I really didn’t try to stop them.” Eddie smiles into the kiss.
“Get a room!”
Various shouts across the room cause the couple to giggle and pull apart. Eddie flips them all off, “It’s been four years, assholes! Grow up.”
Eddie runs off to particularly chase Mike, who actually hasn’t said anything but did make a face, and Steve can’t help but be overwhelmed by joy.
Hours later, after the cake has been cut and the presents have been shared, and his kiddos are definitely way too drunk, the party doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. And Steve, who is having fun but growing antsy since he slowed down on drinking years ago, isn’t quite sure what to do with himself.
He doesn’t want to ruin the fun or make anyone think he didn’t have a good time. This is one of the best birthdays, if not the best one, he’s ever had. But Steve is getting overwhelmed and worn out. He isn’t really tired, but being social has reached its capacity for the night.
Even so, he can’t help but laugh at Robin as she tells a story about the most recent disaster of her sign language class, where kids keep accidentally swearing instead of the proper words.
Eddie catches his eye across the room; he looks happy as he talks to Hop and Wayne. But even mid-conversation, across the sea of people, he tugs his helix piercing over his right ear twice.
It’s their signal for, “Do you want me to come over?”
Steve rubs the scar over his left eye twice, “Yes please.” It means.
Eddie excuses himself and makes his way to Steve. “Hey, baby.” He interrupts Robin mid-rant, who makes a sound of drunken protest. “Did we feed Mrs. Pierson’s cat today?”
Another signal, which translates, “Do you want to go home?”
And Steve knows he can just tell Eddie yes, and they can stay at the party, and Steve will have fun, and he’ll be happy, but it isn’t what he wants. What he wants is to be at home with their own cat Beelzebub, snuggled up in their bed. So Steve says, “Shit, I don’t think we did.” Yes, please. Let’s go home.
Eddie acts quickly. They make their rounds, say goodbyes, and make their excuses. Everyone lovingly pokes at their forgetfulness. The couple insists everyone stays and enjoys themselves. Steve thanks everyone with individual hugs.
Steve and Eddie hold pinkies the entire walk home, down the streets of Indianapolis. The dark night blanket of night, and the never-ending sound of the city, keeping them safe enough to risk the intertwined digits.
When they make it home, they say nothing. They unwind slowly. Sharing kisses, delicately take off each other's clothes, hum into each others mouths. There is nothing rushed, or rough; they have time now. There will be moments for that later.
And in their journey from the front door to the bed, Eddie kisses the place where Steve’s shoulder and neck meet. It’s his signal for “I love you.”
Later, when they are tangled up in the sheets, heavy breaths slowing down, Eddie’s arms wrapped around him, Steve leans up and kisses the tip of Eddie’s nose. It’s his signal for “I love you more.”
Eddie’s smile back says, “that just isn’t possible.”
“Thank you for today.” Steve finally speaks out loud, playing with Eddie’s fingers.
“Oh, it isn’t over yet, baby.” And Eddie jumps out of bed naked, running out of the room.
Steve can’t help but cackle at his boyfriend's antics. There is a sudden thump on the bed; Steve peeks down to see their cat making his home on the end of their bed like he knows they are finally done for the night. “Hey, bee.” Steve scratches him behind his ear, earning a resounding purr from him. A little to the left, it means.
Eddie comes back into the room and dives back into the bed, bouncing Beelzebub but not startlingly him enough to move. Steve supposes he’s used to his father's antics. “Okay, I would tell you to close your eyes, but I know you’re not going to listen, so I’m just going to hand them to you.”
Steve giggles and grabs the pieces of paper in his hands and his heart stops. “Eddie.”
“Steve.” Eddie’s grin is wide.
“These are three tickets to see Madonna.”
“Yup.” Eddie pops his ‘p’ clearly proud of himself. “One for you, one for Robs of course, and one for me.”
Steve whispers in awe, “But you hate Madonna.”
Eddie brushes the hair out of Steve’s face, “Please, no one can hate Madonna.” Eddie’s eyes turn soft, “Besides, you love her, and you love me. It only felt fair to have us both in the same place. And you’d worry the entire time if I wasn’t there.”
Steve throws his arms around Eddie, squeezing him tight. Hoping he can translate how much he loves this man through it. Steve loves making other people happy, but no one has loved making Steve happy, quite like Eddie. “I love you so much,” Steve says once he leans back.
Eddie kisses the place where his shoulder and his neck meet. I love you. Eddie kisses the tip of his nose. I love you more. Finally, he holds Steve’s face and says aloud,
“I love you too.”
Was this perhaps inspired by the fact I turn 24 in a week and a half? Maybeee. I’m a lot like Steve in this where I have such mixed feelings about my birthday. I’m feeling a lot of anxiety about it if I’m honest, and I don’t have high hopes.
Unlike me, I don’t have a partner like Eddie, but Steve deserves the world and I wanted him to have some loving and domestic fluff. The idea that these two have secret signals is an important headcannon to me, and I would love to see others take on it.
I hope @henderdads you enjoyed this if you made it this far. It was a lot of fun to write. :)
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austajunk · 1 year
One of my favorite things about Ultra Despair Girls is listening to the kid characters talk.
Like Jataro and Kotoko especially just ramble on and on about weird shit because their attention spans are still at this young age. Even Monaca just automatically gets bored with something if it fails to properly catch her attention. Nagisa doesn’t typically display this trait out of all of them because of his childhood and how he was pretty much raised by abusive parents to be an overachieving perfectionist to even get any scrap of worth or acceptance from them.
So many kid characters in anime are boring or there to be all cutesy. I really love that the Warriors of Hope are just… really gross and absent-minded. It’s not that they aren’t clever or anything, but their imaginations are at the age of just being on overdrive and so they go on tangents or lose interest and think of something better, cutting off their current thought processes…
Like Kotoko just has to tell everyone what her favorite food is and also what her least favorite food is and what she thinks about giraffes or eggs… and that’s just funny and cool of her. Hell, I love it even when the kiddy stuff covers up darker things like Masaru’s design of this standard shounen-esque kiddo with the little bandaids and scratches look is really hiding an outwardly and physically abused child.
It’s just really neat is all.
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littlespacereader · 6 months
Is it the first of December? Yes. Is the Halloween fic finally finished? YOU BET! I apologize for the wait but here it the long awaited Moon Knight Halloween Fic!! I rewrote the story a couple of times but I hope you all enjoy the Fic!!🌙👻🎃
The Little Protector of the Night🌙
A Moon Knight Halloween Special🎃
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Caregiver!Marc Spector & GN Little! Reader (SFW)
Tags - Marc Spector saves the reader, some mean things said about regression, pacifiers, sippy cups, stuffed animal, pull-up (mentioned), dress up, hand holding, hugs
Nicknames - kid, kiddo, little moon knight
A month ago I was walking back from a night class when I came across a group of people. It was almost as if they were waiting for someone to stumble upon them so they could cause trouble.
I tried to just walk past them to no avail. They kept standing in front of me, trying to grab and push me around.
“Go away!” I yelled, looking for my chance to run.
“Aw! Come on! It’s not every day we get to see walking by this time of night.”
One of the members of the group grabbed my backpack and ripped it off me. “Well, well, well, what have we got here?”
“Give it back!!” I rushed forward to grab it back but one of them shoved me back onto the ground.
They proceeded to dump all of my belongings inside onto the alleyway floor. Scattered across the payment fell my school books and such but also my little things like my pacifier, my favorite stuffie, a pull-up, my crayons and coloring book, and some fidget toys.
The group paused only for a second seeing the items. Then they bursted into laughter.
“What are you three?”
“Awwww! Just a little baby are you?”
“Isn’t it past your bedtime baby?”
They inched their way back to me, though not without stepping on all my belongings. I started to crawl backwards and they started towards me.
“No! Stop! Please!”
Tears sprang my eyes as they approached. I just covered my face and wished they would disappear.
And in a way, they suddenly did.
I felt a gust of wind blow past me. Then the sound of the men falling onto the ground 5 feet away. I lifted my head to see, and what I saw widened my eyes.
This god like figure appeared from the night sky and started attacking everyone. One guy got hit into the alley wall, another smashed down to the ground.
I froze in place, watching the man dressed in all white take on the group of people. Where did he come from? How did he know I was in trouble?
Sure, I knew superheroes existed but they were mostly in America. Was he a superhero? He didn’t look like an Avenger. He looked different, but in a good way.
With the last guy taken care of, he stopped and looked at the scene, at all my belongings scattered around, my backpack thrown to the side and me still sitting on the ground with my legs pressed to my chest and on the verge of hyperventilating.
He looked almost like a mummy the way he was wrapped up. A long cape behind him, his face shielded with a mask and a hood. In his hand he held a crescent shaped dagger of sorts. He looked intimidating but so cool.
His mask disappeared and suddenly he was just real. More real than he was before. Before he felt like something from another world, almost god like. Without the mask he was just a person, just like me.
Once his eye caught my own and I think he could see that I was still in a bit of shock because he put the dagger away and held his hands up.
“Hey kiddo, it’s alright now. They’re not going to hurt you anymore.”
His voice sounded surprisingly calming despite being someone who just appeared out of no where and beat up a whole group of people. His voice also sounded surprisingly American.
“Are you an Avenger?” I asked before I even had a chance to think about it.
The man chuckled, “No. Far from it. But I’m a good guy, I promise.“
He began to walk over to me but paused. His eyes caught the sight of my stuffed animal bunny laying down on the gross ground. He picked the stuffie up and walked over towards me.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner. I’m sorry for what these people did to you and your belongings.”
He crouched down on my level and held out my stuffie to me. “But it seems like your bunny made it out unharmed.” He smiled.
I carefully took my bunny back into my arms and held it tight to me, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. What’s your bunny’s name?”
“Fluffy,” he smiled again. “That’s a nice name fluffy. Fits them perfectly.”
“What your name? I mean your real name and your superhero name?” I asked so curious to who the mystery man was.
“My superhero is Moon Knight, but you can call me Marc. I’m the protector of the travelers of the night just like yourself.”
He stood up and offered me his hand to help me stand. I gladly took it, standing up on legs a bit wobbly. He quickly realized and came over to my side, helping me for a moment till I was okay.
“Thank you. That was scary. I don’t know what would’ve happened if you…” the thought started to make me upset.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay! There’s nothing to worry about anymore. You’re alright and safe now.”
He held his hand in mine for a little comfort. “Let’s get your belongings and take you home okay? I don’t want you out any longer tonight. You shouldn’t be walking home at night by yourself.”
I nodded my head and squeezed his hand. He squeezed it right back before letting it go to help me.
He picked up all my belongings, well, the ones that weren’t destroyed and put them back into my backpack for me. My sippy cup and my pacifier were two of the thing that they destroyed but were replaceable.
Then with my backpack zipped he flung it over his shoulder and took my hand in his once again. “Now, let’s get you home.”
He held my hand the entire walk back to my flat. I thanked him again for everything and just like that he left. And I haven’t seen him since.
The only sign of him from that night was a package I received a few day later. Inside was a new sippy cup and pacifier. I looked at the box confused. I didn’t order anything. But then it hit me who sent it.
No note or anything, just a new sippy cup and pacifier wrapped in tissue paper. The cup’s had a beautiful moon and star design to it and the pacifier had a little moon charm on it.
That was a month ago and yet it feels like yesterday. I can’t shake the idea of him from my mind. He wasn’t like the Avengers, no he was so much cooler than them.
Yet he was so gentle with me. Unlike the group that was trying to hurt me, he didn’t judge me for regressing, in fact he didn’t even mention it. He just noticed and started to help me.
It was weird to say but I missed him. When he held my hand and walked with me back to my flat I almost wished that he was going to stay and make sure I got settled okay. He made me realized maybe I wanted a Caregiver in my life.
But I shook that thought away. No. He was just some guy who knew about regression and was kind to me. I mean that was a month ago! The chance of me seeing him again were slim to none.
Halloween arrived and everyone in London dressed the part…literally. Everyone walking around was wearing a costume and it was fun to see.
This year I opted not to buy a costume but make my own. With the help of some medical bandages and hot glue I made a replica of the costume I saw Moon Knight wearing. It wasn’t a copy of his costume but I think it was close enough. I even made his crescent moon daggers out of cardboard.
My friends invited me to their house for a costume party. I stayed for a little bit and hung out. Obviously no one knew who I was for Halloween. They just assumed I was a mummy and I was alright with that. The costume was for myself more than anyone else.
But as the night dragged on I could feel myself starting to get tired and starting to regress. So I said my goodbyes to everyone at the party and called it a night.
I don’t live far from them so it wasn’t a long walk. But my quiet night walk was interrupted by someone yelling behind me.
“Hey it’s that moon freak!”
I turned around to see who was yelling and my heart dropped. It was the same group as last time. How? I have no idea.
They must’ve recognized me too but I didn’t give them the chance to comment on it. I took off running. I was close to home, maybe I could make it.
But the group was fast on my tail trying to get me. My feet and their feet echoed down the alley way towards my apartment.
I grabbed the door and was about to enter when they grabbed me and pulled me off. The group pulled me away despite my struggles to break free.
“Can you imagine our luck! The baby from last time. And look, they’re dressed up as that crazy man with the cape.” One said.
I tried to pull my arms away from their grip but I couldn’t. “Stop!! Go away!!”
“It’s a shame he isn’t here to join us in our reunion! Oh well, guess we’ll just have to go on without him.” Another laughed.
Suddenly a mental crescent dagger hit the man next to me, then suddenly another.
We all looked up to see Moon Knight flying from the roof top down to the alley way. I stepped back as he started to take on the group for a second time. Like the last time it was interesting to see.
But as he was fighting I could see one of them grabbing something to hit him with. So armed with my two cardboard crescent moons I threw them at the guy. It did nothing to him, but it did distract him enough for Marc to take him down.
“Nice shot kid!” He yelled out.
I smiled back, proud to help the fight. Then, like the last time, everyone was laying unconscious on the ground. Then it was just Marc and myself.
“What did I say about walking alone at night?” His mask disappeared again so I could see the eyebrows raise.
“I was right around the corner! I didn’t know they would be here!” I argued. I’m
Marc smiled, dropping the tough guy act. “I love your costume this year. You look exactly like me. It’s almost uncanny. Did you do that yourself?”
“Yeah! I made it myself! I really wanted to be you for Halloween! You look so cool.” I smiled.
“Well I think you look cooler. Plus my costume isn’t homemade, making you’re the coolest.” He winked.
He walked over to me, “Where’s fluffy tonight? Didn’t join you for Halloween?”
I shook my head, “I didn’t want to lose them at the party.”
Marc hummed. He looked around and sighed, “Listen kiddo, I don’t feel safe with you going back to your flat with these idiots laying unconscious outside. But I also don’t want you to be alone with your headspace right now. So, if you feel comfortable with it, I can take you back to my apartment and keep an eye on you there. Sound good?”
I smile broke out across my face, “Yes!! That would be so much fun!!” I was practically jumping up and down.
Marc smiled back, “Alright good. Let’s go to your apartment and get your things and then we’ll head to my place.”
Running up the stairs of my apartment, I quickly brought Marc into my flat and introduced him to every stuffie I had, all of which he shook their hands, paws and fins. Then he helped me pack a bag and grab whatever I would need for the night.
With my apartment door closed and locked the two of us started walking towards his apartment, strolling through London together hand in hand.
Problem was his apartment was a bit of a walk across London. So as the walk went on I could feel myself starting to get more and more tired. At one point it felt as though he was dragging me along.
Eventually he turned and picked me up, holding me on his hip. “There we go. Tuckered out from all your crime fighting my little moon knight?”
My little moon knight. It sounded so nice.
“Can I be your little moon knight?”
My heart was beating out of my chest. It’s wasn’t just anything…it was asking if he was a caregiver and wanted me as his little one.
Marc smiled, “I would be honored to have you as my little moon knight. My little sidekick in both life and now crime fighting.”
I smiled back and rested my head against his shoulder. I can’t believe Moon Knight is now my Caregiver. I’ve never felt more safe and happy.
I drifted on and off while Marc walked through London. After the the third time waking up in his arms I lifted my head up and looked at him confused.
“Are you going the right way?”
“Yeah…yeah I think we’re going the right away…I have to ask Steven.” Marc said talking to myself more than me.
At first the comment went over my head, blame it on the tiredness. But then it hit me.
Who the hell is Steven?
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honeypiehotchner · 2 years
Gravedigger’s Daughter (Hangman x Fem!Reader) -- part one
Holy shit I think I might be slowly coming out of my writing slump. Here’s the beginning of this mini-series about this fine ass man🤪 (Yes there will be smut later on)
Summary: You’re finally back in Fightertown to visit Penny and Amelia, but there also happens to be a group of aviators back at Top Gun. One of which who seems dead-set on wooing you.
WC: 3,996
Warnings: none, I think, unless you count Hangman’s shameless flirting
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When Penny told you to come home, back to Fightertown, you should’ve known she had ulterior motives.
But what did you do? You drove down for the weekend anyway.
You’re currently living in the heart of San Diego, so you aren’t too far from Fightertown. You grew up there, but after your dad died, you and your mom had to move somewhere else. It hurt a little too much to be there right after the accident, but you never could move far.
Your mom passed away last year from a cancer that the doctors had found three years prior, just a few weeks after your dad’s death. The punches kept coming that year.
Now, you’re coasting. There isn’t much that a person can do when they’re in their twenties and have already lost their parents. Life feels…different without your mom. 
Penny has been trying every second she can to get you to come visit, but you’ve had a litany of excuses. Until today.
The Hard Deck doesn’t open to the public for a few hours, but you walk right in, sneaking up on Amelia who does her homework at the bar.
“Aunt Y/N!” Amelia knows your tricks too well. She spins and throws her arms around your neck, hugging you tightly. This embrace alone is enough to tell you that it’s been too long.
“Hey kiddo,” you murmur. “I’ve missed you.” You hug her back just as tight, shaking her a little.
“I’ve missed you too!” Amelia pauses, looking over your shoulder before whispering, “Guess who’s here.”
“Maverick,” Amelia says. “He’s outside with Mom.”
“What?” you nearly shriek, whirling around to look down at the beach. Holy shit. “What the hell is he doing here?”
“I have no idea,” Amelia shrugs. “But they’ve been talking for a while. Do you think they’ll get back together?”
Penny has no idea that Amelia knows about her and Maverick. You told Amelia it’s best to keep it a secret between you two that she knows. Penny will say something when she’s ready. Maybe.
But the idea of them getting back together? You scoff. “He’s gotta wait for Hell to freeze over first,” you chuckle. “Let’s go save her, shall we?”
Amelia grins. “Race you.” And she takes off.
“Oh shit.” You bolt after her, nowhere near as fast as you used to be, and Amelia seems to have just gotten faster.
“Mom!” Amelia shouts as she darts across the sand. You jump off the deck and roll, popping up on your feet. “Look who I found!”
“When did you get so fast?” you yell, loving the bewildered looks you get from Penny and Maverick. You clearly interrupted something, but you’re not sure yet if it’s a good thing.
“When did you get so slow?” Amelia fires back, her hands resting on her hips.
“You’re lucky you’re my niece,” you laugh. “Hey Pen.” You wrap your arms around her, squeezing tightly.
“I’m glad you could make it,” Penny says softly. She glances awkwardly at Maverick. “Uhm, you remember--”
“I can’t believe it,” Mav says. “What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same,” you reply. “You get into trouble again?”
He laughs. “Yeah, something like that. What about you?”
“Just missed these two,” you say truthfully, pulling Penny and Amelia into you by your arms. “You missed Penny, I’m presuming-- Ow!” An elbow to the ribs shuts you up real quick.
Maverick answers anyway. “I did. I really did.”
“Gross,” Amelia comments, wiggling out from your arm. “Can we get ice cream?”
“Have you had dinner?” Penny interjects.
“We can get dinner and ice cream,” you offer. “My treat. That okay?”
“Of course,” Penny nods. “You should come back to the bar later.”
“Alright,” you say, a little skeptical. She never outright asks like that unless she wants or needs you to be there. “I’ll put this rascal to bed and then head over.”
“You don’t need to tuck me in,” Amelia groans. 
“Yeah, yeah,” you ruffle her hair. “Race you.” And you take off, hearing Penny and Maverick laughing as you and Amelia kick up sand.
Amelia spills everything over dinner and ice cream, catching you up with lightning speed.
Her dad (the Jackass, as you call him when Penny talks to you about him) has a new wife now, all cozy in his stupid Hawaiian home. You’ve never rolled your eyes so hard.
School is as boring as ever, but she’s managing. High school is new and weird but she has friends and seems to be doing okay. It’s hard not to when Fightertown is so close knit.
Too close knit. That’s part of why you and your mom had to move.
Amelia says Penny is still hung up on Maverick. “I’m not dumb,” Amelia says. “I can tell.” And that makes you laugh. Nothing gets past this kid. Granted, Penny and Maverick are painfully obvious about their feelings.
Speaking of that, when Amelia asks how you are, she follows it up with “And don’t say ‘good’ because you look rough.”
“Wow,” you chuckle, licking the ice cream off your spoon. “Thanks, Amelia.”
“Sorry,” she grimaces. “Mom says I don’t have a filter.”
“It’s okay,” you smile. “I am okay, though. Don’t worry. I’m sorry I don’t come see you enough. I really should visit a lot more.”
“You’re just twenty minutes away,” she murmurs. And that breaks your heart.
“I know, kiddo, I’m sorry.”
“Why don’t you move back here?” she asks. “Mom would let you stay with us until you got your own place.”
“I know she would,” you frown. “But my job is in San Diego. I’ll try to visit more, I promise. Seriously.”
“Okay.” You can tell she doesn’t really believe you, and you don’t blame her.
After talking with Amelia, you kind of need a drink. You’re kicking yourself the whole drive back to Penny’s, and then the whole walk over to The Hard Deck. The guilt will eat you alive if you let it, and you can’t. It’s all so complicated, why you couldn’t come visit as often as you should. 
You hear the music loud and clear before you’re even close, and you can’t help but grin. You missed this a lot more than you’re willing to admit.
The door is opened for you by a good looking man in uniform. And the entire Hard Deck is filled with others just like him.
Penny, you son of a bitch.
There’s a running joke between the two of you that you’re a bit of a loner while she’s the romantic. Between your dad’s death and your mom’s cancer diagnosis and eventual death, dating has never been on your mind. 
But clearly Penny has other ideas for you. Her grin when she spots you is a dead giveaway.
You approach the bar and shake your head. “I’ll get you back for this.”
“A beer? Perfect,” she winks, pouring you your favorite. “It’s on Maverick.”
To your left, Maverick waves his cellphone.
“Ah,” you smirk, picking up your glass. “Someone didn’t read the rules.” No cell phones at the bar. You take a sip, whistling at the taste. “Damn. That’s good.”
“I’m glad,” Maverick deadpans.
“Come on, old man,” you grin, slapping him on the back. “Let’s see if it’s good enough for me to wipe the floor with you at darts.”
“Not a chance,” Maverick says quickly, hopping up and high tailing it to the dart board.
You get there first, though, but it’s occupied, so you have to do some good old fashioned sweet talking.
“Hey boys,” you grin. “Mind letting me and the old man in for a round?”
“Wow,” the one on the left says. “Maverick, wanna introduce us to your friend?”
Dammit. “Of course you know him,” you roll your eyes. “Fine, introduce us, Mav. I forgot you know everyone under the sun.”
“Y/N, this is Fanboy,” Mav points to the left, “and Payback,” he points to the right.
In the midst of these introductions, though, a crowd of others in uniform have joined the group, so Maverick continues.
“That’s Rooster,” the one with a mustache, “Phoenix,” the only woman, “Bob,” he looks shy, “and Hangman.”
“Pretty good call signs,” you nod. “Not bad. I’ll try to remember them, but no promises.”
“You got one?” Phoenix asks.
“Oh,” you chuckle. “No, not me. My dad was Gravedigger.”
“The Gravedigger?” Fanboy (you think) asks.
Here we go again. “Yep. Anyone wanna play darts? Loser buys me another beer,” you grin, taking a sip for effect, locking eyes with each of them.
“I’ll bite,” Hangman says, stepping forward. He hands off his pool stick to Rooster who rolls his eyes and walks away.
As does everyone else. It doesn’t take an idiot to see that the group’s Resident Playboy Charmer thinks you’ve fallen into his trap.
“Alright,” you act cool. “Let’s see what the Hangman’s got, shall we?” You grab your favorite darts, the ones with the red ends. Your dad always picked the red ones, at least. You used to go for blue before he died.
Maverick gives you a look, muttering, “Go easy.”
“Me?” you point at yourself. “Go easy?” You toss a dart at the board without looking -- and it hits the bullseye. “Never.”
Hangman stares at the board then looks at you. “Damn.”
“Good luck, Hangman,” Maverick says with a laugh. “Hope you’ve got money for beer.”
“You might should stay, Mav,” you chuckle, throwing your other darts, hitting each one with precision. “He might need your help.”
“I’ll be fine,” Hangman quips, grabbing the silver darts. “Don’t get too ahead of yourself.”
“Mhm,” you nod, calculating up your points before removing your darts from the board. “Go ahead.”
Hangman does his best, but he ends up buying you a beer. As you expected.
He gets himself another as well, following you back to the dart board.
“You didn’t learn your lesson, huh?” you ask, sipping, watching him pick up his darts. “Want me to beat your ass again?”
“If that’s what it takes for you to let me buy you a drink, then sure,” Hangman grins. “I’ll play darts all night, sweetheart.”
“Ah,” you raise your eyebrows. “Charming. If you wanted to buy me a drink, all you had to do was ask.”
“Good to know,” he says. “What if I want to take you out to dinner? I just have to ask?”
“You’ve gotta do a lot more than that,” you deflect. He can buy you drinks, he can play darts with you, but dinner and dates are where you draw the line. He’s shit at darts, though, so to lighten the blow, you say, “Win a round of darts, then maybe we can talk about dinner.”
Hangman nearly chokes on his beer. “Sounds good to me.”
You beat him round after round. You played ruthlessly, and he noticed, but he didn’t say anything. 
You let him buy you two more beers, only drinking half of the last one. It wasn’t your plan to spend the entire night playing darts with a naval aviator, but it happened anyway.
Most everyone has gone home, including all of the other pilots. Penny is cleaning glasses at the bar and Maverick is keeping her company, glancing your way every now and then. The loud music has been replaced with slower, softer songs as 1am creeps in.
Hours of deflecting personal questions end with Hangman asking the biggest one that you know he was holding onto.
“So…your dad was the Gravedigger?”
You toss a dart clumsily and it lands just below the bullseye. “Yeah.”
“I’m sorry for your loss,” Hangman says softly.
“It was years ago,” you shrug. “But thanks. I appreciate that.” You throw one more dart, lazily, it barely lands. “I should go.”
“Alright,” Hangman says. “Need a ride? Or company on the walk?”
“No thanks,” you smile. “I’m staying with Penny. But um, thanks for the darts. And beer.”
“Sure thing,” Hangman nods. “Goodnight.”
“Night,” you say, waving.
He dips his head respectfully, his southern roots coming out, as he turns and walks away.
You head up to the bar where Penny is smiling, smugly cleaning a glass. “What is that face?”
“What face?” Penny asks.
“That one,” you reply. “You ready to go?”
“Just been waiting on you,” Penny sings.
Maverick snickers to himself and hops off the stool. “Hangman’s a damn good pilot.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Okay?”
“Just saying,” Maverick says with a shrug, and an all too knowing smile. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Sure,” you reply slowly, watching the wistful look Maverick gives Penny. Seriously, he’s like a lost puppy.
Once Maverick is out the door, Penny starts in on you.
“Hangman, huh?” Penny says. “He’s attractive.”
“He’s shit at darts,” you laugh. “But I got free beer all night, so that’s nice of him.”
“He’s smitten.”
“He’s not,” you argue. “Maverick is, though.”
Penny scoffs and grabs her purse. “The past--”
“Is the past, I know,” you finish her sentence, despite the look she gives you. “Looks pretty present if you ask me.”
Penny hums, but says nothing else.
You sleep on the couch at Penny’s and wake up early enough to have breakfast with Amelia before Penny takes her to school. Penny has to run some errands for the day, so you accompany her.
Later on, the two of you return to the Hard Deck for lunch, where the beach is…occupied.
“What the hell are they doing?” you ask. You can see clearly what they’re doing, but the question still slips out. 
“Looks like football,” Penny says, cracking a smile. “Why? You wanna join them?”
“No,” you reply. “But I wanted to get in the water.”
“I’m sure you still can,” Penny grins. “And you should.”
“Shut up,” you laugh. “Where’s the bread?”
After making your sandwiches, Penny insists that you eat outside. You could say it has something to do with the fact that even Maverick is out there, shirtless, sweating and playing football, but you don’t. 
Reluctantly, you follow her outside to a picnic table, watching her wave to Maverick. Which means everyone else has probably looked your way, including Hangman. 
Penny confirms it for you. “Y’know, if you’d look, you’d see Hangman waiting for you to turn your head.”
“Exactly why I’m not looking,” you retort. “How’s Mav look?”
Penny glares at you, but she can’t hide her grin. “He looks good. You know the exact kind of good that I mean, too.”
“Oh, Christ,” you grimace, trying to get the image of them two having sex out of your head.
“That’s what you get for teasing me,” Penny chuckles. “By the way, he’s stopped looking. They’re playing again.”
“I don’t trust you.”
“Fine, suit yourself.”
The curiosity nearly kills you, and you finally look. Penny was right; they’re playing again. But that doesn’t stop Hangman from finding your eyes and grinning. He doesn’t wave, but locking eyes is enough, and so is the wink he sends your way. And then he keeps playing, showing off his abs, his skills, and—
He looks the exact kind of good that Penny was talking about.
You quickly snap yourself out of it. Too bad it will never happen. 
Your mother always told you to never fall in love with a man like your father. Not because they’re bad men, in fact, they’re very good men. But the heartache that is left behind is too much to bear. The anxiety when they’re alive, wondering what day might be their last, will rot you from the inside out. It is difficult to stay sane. Staying sane is the hardest part. Next to grieving the loss. 
You went through it enough with your dad. You can’t do that to yourself again. 
“I’ve got some umbrellas in the back if you want,” Penny says out of nowhere.
“If you want to sit on the beach for a while,” she adds, smiling softly. “Might make you feel better.”
She reads you too well. “Yeah,” you say. “Maybe. I might take a walk.”
“Okay,” she nods, standing up with her plate. “I’ll be here if you need me. Amelia’s going to a friend’s house after school.”
“Okay,” you reply. “Thanks.”
“Anytime,” Penny smiles. “Take care of yourself.”
You look down at your half-eaten sandwich and contemplate tossing it. You decide to just leave it. You might want it later, or not, but you don’t have the energy to decide what to do with it right now.
You hop down the steps to the sand, walking in the opposite direction of the football game. There’s a lot of yelling, so someone must’ve done something good. Who knows. 
You should’ve known being back here would be this hard. This is exactly why you haven’t been here, and yet, you thought maybe it would be fine. Maybe enough time has passed. Maybe, maybe, maybe. 
You still remember walking this exact stretch of sand with your mom while your dad flew above. You’d always wave to any planes, hoping he was one of them. Or one of his buddies. Sometimes he’d tell you that he waved back, but you don’t know if he was saying that just to make you smile.
He did that a lot.
You find a shady spot and decide to sit down. You’re far enough from the football game that their hooting and hollering is quieter.
You lean your head against the tree and shut your eyes, letting the warmth envelope you.
A few moments of peace are all you get before you hear someone jogging toward you, the sand and shells crunching beneath their feet.
Opening your eyes, you see it’s none other than Hangman.
And you’re 99% sure everyone is watching.
“Hangman,” you call out, smirking a little. “There’s no dartboard here.”
“My wallet is relieved,” he teases, smiling back. He’s still shirtless. It’s hard to focus. “What are you up to?”
“Napping,” you reply. “I thought you were playing football.”
“Ah, we’re taking a break.”
You look behind him and see the game is still very much going on. Maverick has sat down and so has Hondo, but…everyone else is still playing. Meaning, Hangman should be back there, but instead chose to come talk to you.
“Sure,” you nod. “What do you want?”
“I can’t ask a pretty girl how she’s doing?” 
“Not this pretty girl,” you chuckle, accepting his shameless flirting. You shut your eyes once more. “She’s sleeping.”
“Well, I’ll wait for the sleeping beauty to finish getting her rest, then.”
He’s too much. He’s too good. Laying the charm on thick, layer after layer. His perfectly toned abdomen and smug smirk. You can’t help but open your eyes.
“Alright,” you say. “She’s awake. What did you really want, Hangman?”
“Just to say hi. And my name’s Jake, by the way,” he says. “I realized I never told you my legal name, just my call sign.”
“Nice to meet you, Jake,” you reply, smiling a little. “You probably answer more to Hangman now, anyway.”
“Yeah, it stuck hard.”
“I used to call my dad by his call sign when I needed to get his attention,” you say, not sure why you decided to share this memory. “Nothing like a twelve year old yelling out, ‘Gravedigger!’ in a grocery store.”
Hangman laughs. “I can practically hear it myself.”
“Me too,” you murmur.
“Mind if I sit?”
You gesture to the spot next to you. “Go ahead.”
Hangman sits, bending his knees and resting his arms there. He looks out at the water before looking back at you. Underneath the tint of his sunglasses, you can just barely see his eyes scanning your entire face. “What do you think your call sign would be?”
“I dunno,” you shrug. “I’m not a pilot.”
“Oh, come on, darlin’,” the pet name rolls off his tongue with ease. “You of all people are allowed an honorary call sign.”
“I’ve never thought about it.”
“I think you’d be… the Mortician.”
You raise an eyebrow. “You’re real proud of yourself for that one, huh?”
“My call sign ideas are great.”
“Hangman is clever!”
“I’ll give you that, it is.”
“Thank you.” He grins. “I appreciate that.”
“Anytime,” you reply. It slips out too easily. The slight desire to let there be another time. Or anytime. Why does it feel so easy? You nod toward the football game. “Looks like they’re playing without you.”
He glances over and shrugs. “I’ll let them have it.”
“You done playing?”
He shakes his head, feigning contemplation. He raises one hand, “Football with a bunch of aviators I see all day long anyway,” he pauses, raising the other hand, “or talking to you.” He looks over, shrugging. “I’ll pick you.”
“Wow,” you raise both eyebrows. “Pretty bold considering we just met and all I did was kick your ass.”
“Maybe I’m a glutton for punishment.”
“You’re something.”
“Oh yeah?”
“What am I exactly, sweetheart?”
“Let’s see,” you start counting on your fingers. “A flirt, a player, a pilot -- that’s at least a good one.” Hangman laughs. “God awful at darts, a sweet southern boy, yet somehow, also a love ‘em and leave ‘em kind of guy.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Come on,” you give him a look. “It’s all over your face. It’s all over your friend’s faces. I get it, you’re the one who always gets the girl. But if you’re trying to woo me, it’s a lost cause, Jake.”
“Who says?”
“I do,” you murmur. “I went through enough having a dad in the exact same profession.”
He nods, understanding now. “Right, I see.” He pauses, looking a bit sad. “Am I still allowed to talk to you or…?”
“Yes, oh my God, it’s not that serious,” you laugh. “I just wanted to let you know it’s um… You’re fighting a losing battle and I don’t wanna lead you on. I’d rather be upfront about it now.”
“I appreciate that,” he says. “I guess I should get back to the game, huh?”
“Before Mav comes looking for you, yeah,” you reply. “Have fun.”
“Oh, I will, sweetheart,” he says, standing to his feet. He tilts his sunglasses down to wink at you. “I always do.”
You roll your eyes as he jogs off, waving his arms so someone will toss the ball down to him. Surprisingly, he catches it, and takes off, almost getting tackled before he reaches the end.
You take a few more minutes to yourself before beginning the trek back to The Hard Deck.
Penny is waiting inside in the AC, cleaning glasses and preparing for tonight. With all these aviators back at Top Gun, it’s bound to be another busy night.
“Hey lover,” she says, grinning. “I saw Hangman hunt you down.”
“Yeah,” you chuckle. He is persistent, that’s for damn sure. “He did.”
“So… How’d that go?”
“I let him down easy.”
“Mm,” Penny nods, expecting that. “How’d he take it?”
“He’s fine,” you say, chuckling. “I’m not banning him from speaking to me. I just let him know it’s never gonna happen, so he doesn’t waste his time.”
“What?” you huff.
“Nothing,” Penny shrugs, putting a glass away. “I just remember telling Maverick the same thing, and yet here he is.”
“Well, that’s you and Maverick,” you say, ready to be done with discussing this. She’s making it a much bigger thing that it needs to be -- or is. “Do you need help getting ready to open?”
Penny accepts the subject change and backs down. “There’s some extra glasses in the back, can you grab them? And check for any chips in them, please.”
“Sure thing,” you nod, ready for some mindless work.
Through the window you can see the football game is still going strong. Maverick has joined again, and narrowly misses being tackled by Phoenix. 
Hangman looks your way and locks eyes with you, but you quickly look away.
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frankenkyle19 · 1 year
Taking the Evan’s to a waterpark
Tate Langdon:
•is grumpy at first
•wants to just stay at home and snuggle 
•doesn’t like being around a lot of people at once
•once you convince him, he does end up having fun
•doesn’t really want to wear a swimsuit, not wanting everyone to see his scars on his arms 
•ends up staying out of the water as much as he can (kinda impossible)
•he does have a fun time watching you though. Seeing you happy makes him happy too.
•he’s very clingy so he wouldn’t want to be away from you for even a second
•You go to get you both some food and he follows after you like a lost puppy dog
•holds your waist, just leaning against you as he tickles your neck with kisses
Kit Walker:
•agrees instantly 
•takes the kids with you, so most of your time is spent watching them 
•he is super protective over them and doesn’t take his eyes off of them for a second
•still gives you plenty of attention, not wanting you to feel left out
•gets you all ice cream 
•keeps kissing you because ‘your ice cream tastes better’ 
•”Just have some then!” 
•”I prefer it from your lips”
•cheesiest mother fucker out there. Like for real
•his kiddos shake their heads and mumble out some ‘ewwws!!’ And ‘daddy that’s gross!’
•once you’re all packed up and in the car, the kiddos fast asleep, he leans over and kisses you once more 
•”Thank you for the idea, the kiddos loved it and I loved it. I hope you had fun too.” 
Franken!Kyle Spencer: 
•has no idea where you’re going or what it means
•is excited nonetheless because anywhere with you is fun for him 
•he isn’t a huge fan of the heat or the sun, but the water helps him cool down
•doesn’t like going down the big slides, prefers keeping his feet firmly planted on the ground (same Kyle. Same)
•goes on the lazy river floaty things, wants to share one with you and gets upset when you tell him he can’t
•you let him hold your hand from his float as you two float down the river together 
•wears himself out pretty quickly. Probably had asthma when he was alive and I dunno if he’d still have it after he was reanimated or not. But yeah. 
•is out once you get back to the academy. Like doesn’t wake up till the next morning, super groggy but happy
Jimmy Darling: 
•doesn’t want to leave the camp but you manage to convince him
•splashes you because he’s a little shit
•challenges you to go down all the big slides 
•tries to get freaky with you in the pool
•”Jimmy! There’s people around!!”
•”if they watch, that’s their problem, doll”
•is super self conscious about his hands per usual, tries to wear gloves into the water :(
•”baby, don’t wear those.”
•”people will stare if I don’t”
•”Jimmy people will stare more if you wear them”
•he’d stubbornly take them off, keeping his hands behind his back unless he was in the water
•Overall, he enjoyed it, the water keeping him cool as you kept him company.
James March: 
•so let’s say he can leave the hotel for more than just Halloween
•if he could, you’d find a way to get him to go to a waterpark with you
•he wouldn’t wear swim attire and wouldn’t want to get wet
•He's such a diva. It’s actually ridiculous at times
•”I will absolutely not get myself wet nor take off any article of clothing.” 
•eye rolls on top of eye rolls
•stays dry while he smokes, just watching you
•he’s definitely a people watcher, just sits and examines everyone around him
•bides his time until you two leave 
•doesn’t particularly enjoy it, but went through with it seeing how happy it made you 
Rory Monahan:
•is totally down for the idea. Like super super excited 
•wakes up super early to get ready and on the road. Wants to spend as much of the day there as possible
•total dork, pretending to ‘drown’ to see if any lifeguards would come to his rescue (they didn’t) 
•He also likes to grab you and pull you under the water, which makes you mad, but he cracked up. The way you screamed when he grabbed your legs from behind.
•gets a shit ton of food for the both of you but ends up stealing yours too. Bro’s a snacker
•whines and complains when you tell him it’s time to go, begging like a child for ‘five more minutes’
Kai Anderson: 
•keeps putting it off, telling you he’s too busy
•when you finally manage to get him to agree, you’re ecstatic. 
•He acts all stoic and just watches as you go down the slides and swim around.
•you end up shoving him in to the pool, knowing you’ll pay for it later. 
•He just kinda chills in the water after that. Just watching you, as well as other people around him, seeing if there were any potentially good cult members.
•You try to get him to just relax and enjoy the day, but he’s so in his mind that he can’t. He can’t rest, leaders didn’t rest
•You still tried your best to get him to enjoy his time there, and maybe he did, but he didn’t really show it
Mr. Gallant:
•Complains that he doesn’t want to get sunburnt, so you promise to put sunscreen on his back every half hour 
•He also didn’t like wearing plain swim shorts because it was boring. He wasn’t boring. 
•He sat at the water's edge for a bit and just dipped his toes into the water, eyes closed as he relaxed.  
•Eventually jumps in once he gets too hot. Bobs around in the water, getting mad when kids or other adults bumped into him
•goes down the lazy river with you, trying to use his feet to flip you over out of your float
•Hates when his hair gets wet because he doesn’t like the way it looks when it dries naturally (hair stylist thingsss)
•still ends up getting sunburnt and swears he's never going outside without a shirt on ever again 
Peter Maximoff:
•So excited to get you all to himself for a day just relaxing 
•tries to use his mutant powers while in the water and ends up splashing water absolutely everywhere 
•his powers don’t really work in water, it slows him down to an almost normal speed
•get snacks first. Food, food, food. This boy is always thinking about his twinkies. Doesn’t go an hour without eating something
•goes down the slides and absolutely cannonballs into the water. 
•his hair sticks to his face and covers his eyes when he comes out of the water, making him huff.
•some people do recognize him, but luckily it doesn’t cause too much of a commotion and you’re able to enjoy the day 
•such a little shit. Doesn’t matter where you take him, he will always act out. 
•maturity level of an eight year old boys 
•When you tell him it’s time to go, he runs away and hops back into the water, swimming away from you as fast as he can
•once he finally comes back to you, he’s still wet, fingers and toes wrinkled from the amount of time he’d been in the water.
•”look at me I’m so oldddd” 
•he’d chase you back to the car 
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sixhours · 2 months
Firsts - Crawl
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Anna learns to crawl.
Rating: Everyone Series tags: The Last of Us, The Last of Us (HBO), Joel Miller x f!OFC, soft!Joel, no really super soft!Joel, Joel is a sap, mostly follows canon, fluff, fluffy baby stuff, no really this is sickeningly sweet, tooth-rotting, don't forget to brush your teeth Word count: 1.3k
Notes: I promise it's just fluff this time. Sickly sweet with a dash of humor, nary an angsty cloud in sight. Joel thinks of Sarah but it's not sad.
You can also read Firsts on AO3.
The first rays of morning sun are just peeking into the living room where Ellie sits cross-legged on the floor, entertaining the household’s happiest early riser. Anna, recently fed and changed, has been whisked downstairs to give her mother a rest.
Ellie should be asleep right now, too, curled up in her bed in the garage, but sometimes the nightmares come back with a vengeance. The baby’s solid weight in her lap is a comfort.
“Good thing you’re cute, kid,” she signs as she speaks, interrupting the movement of her hands to cover a yawn.
Joel, up for an early patrol shift with Tommy, is making coffee in the kitchen, one good ear trained on his daughters’ one-sided conversation, soothed by the sounds of Ellie’s voice and Anna’s occasional coo.
When the coffee is done, he settles into the armchair across the room and waits for the caffeine to kick in. 
Ellie gently sets Anna down on the floor. The baby frowns immediately and turns with a soft whine of protest, reaching for her sister, rocking back and forth as she tries to get back into Ellie’s lap.
“So clingy,” she sighs, picking the baby up and plopping her back down on her legs.
“She’ll be crawlin’ any day now,” Joel says, sipping at his mug.
“You think?” Ellie looks up at him, then back at her sister with wonder. “Just think of the trouble you’ll get up to then, little crotch goblin.”
Anna giggles and pats Ellie’s mouth to feel the air of her sister’s words. A bubble of drool pops at the corner of her tiny bowed lips and Ellie wipes it away with her sleeve.
Joel winces, surveying the room with fresh eyes. He sees every sharp corner, every hard surface, every uncovered outlet. He’d forgotten about this part. They really need to start baby-proofing.
After a thought, Ellie stands and places Anna on her favorite blanket a few feet away. She steps back and sits down, then makes the sign for come here .
Anna leans forward on her hands but doesn’t make a move to go further. Instead, she finds a tassel on the blanket and grabs at it, trying to grasp it in her chubby fingers to pull it into her mouth.
“C’mon, bug,” Ellie beckons, tapping the floor to get her sister’s attention, then signing and speaking at the same time. “You can do it, kiddo.”
Joel watches, lips quirked in a smile, as Ellie continues to encourage her sister to cross the distance without much luck. After a while, he eases himself down onto the floor, setting his mug on the coffee table.
“Lemme try.”
“Think you can do better, old man?”
He shrugs. He’s pretty sure Ellie is the favorite, but he won’t tell her that.
“Tell you what,” Ellie says. “She comes to me first, you have to take my stable mucking rotation for a month.”
Joel snorts. “Yeah? And what do I get if she comes to me?”
“I’ll…do the dishes for a month.”
He shakes his head. “No deal. You’ll just eat at the caf.”
“Ugh, fine, I’ll…I’ll take diaper duty whenever you ask. No whining.”
“S’a deal.”
Ellie hesitates. “You agreed to that way too fast, dude…”
“She’s on solids now,” he grins. “An’ I have a good feelin’ about this.”
“Oh, gross. Asshole.”
He ignores this and reaches out for his youngest daughter. “C’mere, li’l bug. Show us what ya got.”
Anna looks back and forth between her father and sister and flashes a gummy grin, pleased to find two of her favorite people at her level. She rocks forward, makes a soft, happy noise, and doesn’t move further.
Joel grabs the TV remote off the couch, forbidden fruit, and taps it on the floor to get her attention.
“C’mon, baby girl. You know you wanna play with this.”
“Hey, no fair, dude,” Ellie protests. “That thing is like baby crack.”
“Never said we were playin’ fair, kid.”
Ellie groans and looks around, finding a stuffed giraffe in the basket of baby toys. She holds it out with one hand and makes the sign for giraffe with the other. Anna coos and grins, waving her arms in recognition…but she doesn’t budge.
They go back and forth, each trying to tempt the baby, neither having much success, although Anna remains enraptured by the attention.
Just when Joel thinks he’s got it–Anna is on hands and knees and pointing in his direction–Charlie’s sleepy voice carries from the stairs.
“Are you playing fetch with the baby?”
Joel and Ellie exchange a look.
“She’s not a dog you guys,” Charlie sighs, stepping between them and reaching down to pick Anna up. 
“Hold on,” Joel says, stopping her with a hand to the side of her thigh. “She almost had it. She was comin’ to me.”
Ellie scoffs, “Yeah right, dude. You were about to owe me a month's worth of stable duty.”
“Joel,” Charlie says slowly. “Are you betting on our kid?”
“No!” he protests, then relents. “Maybe a little, but we’re just encouragin’ her.”
“Right,” she scoffs. She frowns, then backs up a few feet and kneels, signing, “Anna, come to Mama.”
“That ain’t right,” Joel grumbles. “Smart girl knows where her food comes from.”
Charlie shoots him a look and quotes him verbatim, mimicking his drawl.
“‘Never said we were playin’ fair.’”
“Hey, you have to make a wager if you want in,” Ellie says. “I have diapers and Joel has stables.”
“And I pushed her out of my vagina,” Charlie says dryly. “I’m exempt from extra chores.”
Ellie grimaces and fakes a gag, but doesn’t argue.
Pleased to be the literal center of attention, the baby bounces on her diapered bottom, makes a raspberry with her lips, and rocks forward on her hands again. A thread of drool escapes her chin and drops to the blanket, and she zeroes in on it, oblivious to the competition around her.
Soon the three of them have exhausted an arsenal of toys and trinkets in their efforts, and Anna is starting to lose interest. They’re so caught up in the little game that they barely register the front door opening, the thud of boots on the living room floor. The vibrations capture Anna’s attention, though, and she turns to find her Uncle Tommy frowning down at them in confusion.
“The hell–?”
They’re settled in a perfect triangle with baby Anna at the center, failed temptations scattered in a loose circle around them, like they’ve performed some kind of sacred ritual and summoned a baby in the process.
Anna gives a little burble of delight and takes off, scooting across the floor on hands and knees like she’s been doing it her whole life. She bypasses Ellie and Joel and reaches her uncle before the rest of her stunned family can utter a word.
One chubby hand reaches out to pat Tommy’s boot, and she looks up at him with big, gray eyes. He bends down to pluck her off the floor.
“Ain’t that a fun new trick,” he smiles as she smacks his cheeks in her tiny hands and blows a raspberry in his face. “When’d you learn to crawl, li’l bug?”
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You're all I need to get by
Also on AO3! FINALLY!!! I FINISHED THIS!!! I can't believe this was meant for Sicktember of last year, I feel so ashamed 😭 Anyway, the original prompt was "But if you stay, you'll get sick too". Just a fluffy sickfic with some tiny bit of angst :)
“Mr. Stark?”
Tony feels like he has just returned to reality. Was he sleeping? Was he awake? Was he not even here?
Either way, Peter is shyly appearing in his room.
“Oh, hey kiddo,” Tony sniffs, unable to move without everything aching and burning. He checks his phone on the bedside table. “Shoot, sorry I’m late. I’ll get ready and we’ll fix your suit.”
“Actually… I brought you hot chocolate.”
Tony freezes, right when he’s about to remove his blanket. Peter is gently holding a customized Spider-Man cup that the kid made for him. Hopefully, Peter won’t know that it’s Tony’s most treasured cup.
“I noticed you weren’t feeling well yesterday,” the teen explains. “So… I thought it might make your day a little better.”
The man feels like he could cry. Peter is so shy. So adorable. It doesn’t help that he's wearing one of Tony’s old MIT hoodies.
“Gee, thanks, bud,” Tony smiles, taking the hot chocolate like it’s a precious invention. Anything Peter Parker creates is indeed revolutionary.
Peter grabs his chair and puts it next to the bed, sitting next to Tony.
“Wait, you’re staying?” The latter questions.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”
“If you stay, you’re gonna catch whatever gross thing I have.”
“I’m not gonna get sick, I’ll be fine.”
“I mean,” the teen suddenly grows nervous, “do you want me to stay? Because it’s okay if you wanna be alone.”
Peter is already standing up.
“No, no,” Tony stops him, “you can stay if you want.”
The other is sitting again. He stays quiet for a moment, watching the sick man.
“You don’t usually get sick, do you?” Peter asks.
Tony shrugs, muttering, “I’m just good at hiding it.”
Peter obviously hears it and doubts him, even if he doesn’t verbally say it.
“Did you take any medicine?” The boy asks instead.
“Yeah. I’m still feeling like shit, though.”
Peter hums. “Can I help with anything else?”
“I dunno.” Tony takes a sip of the hot chocolate. “I miss my lab,” he whines.
“Maaaaaybe I could bring DUM-E here?”
“And have him fire extinguish me to help with my fever? No thanks.”
Peter blinks. “Did- Did that happen?”
“Yeah, when I was doing the first flight tests for my armor. I wasn’t even on fire.”
The kid snorts, wanting to laugh really badly. Tony glares at him.
“Oh, you think that’s funny?”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Yeah, yeah, you little shit.”
“Jesus, Mr. Stark. You’re so grumpy when you’re sick.” Peter then lowers his voice, “More than usual.”
Tony’s glare becomes a face of betrayal. “Well, why wouldn’t I be grumpy when literally everything hurts?”
Peter smirks, “Okay, that’s fair. Sorry.”
Tony sighs.
“But you know DUM-E loves you, right?” The teenager reminds him.
Tony’s face softens. “Yeah,” he says. Like a liar.
He briefly faces the hot chocolate before taking another sip, feeling it warming his soul, before he gazes at the sun again. The brightest smile of all. It’s impossible not to smile back.
“Yeah.” This time, Tony sounds a little more confident.
Peter’s grin becomes brighter, somehow. The man doesn’t hide his eyes behind his loyal sunglasses, instead welcoming the warmth.
They share this moment in silence, but a comfortable one. Tony finishes the hot chocolate, taking a relieved, deep breath. There’s still too much snot inside him, but it helped, a lot.
He wishes he didn’t get sick, because he’s the one who should look out for the kid, and he misses working to keep his active mind busy. Still, Peter convinces him to relax and stay in bed with delicious hot chocolates and those big puppy eyes.
“I think I’ll have one more, please,” Tony requests, handing the empty cup to Peter.
“Wow, really? I didn’t think you’d like it that much. I mean, the chocolate is super fancy, but…”
“It’s because you made it, Pete. It’s special.”
Peter blushes. “Um… thanks. I-I’ll be right back.”
Tony smiles and watches him leave, waiting patiently.
It’s a quiet, easy day today. Things haven’t gone as planned, but that’s not all that bad.
Peter is eating now mostly due to Tony’s insistence. He’s checking social media in the meantime, and with his spider-powers, he makes sure Tony is doing okay even from afar.
That’s how he realizes his mentor has fallen asleep, judging by the loud snores coming from his room. They might sound a little stuffed, but it shows that it’s a heavy sleep.
He smiles to himself, glad to know that Tony is finally getting some rest. The hero is the kind of person who can’t stand still, not even when he’s sick. He didn’t stop working last night and Peter didn’t mean to pry. Knowing how stubborn he is, Peter admits he’s a little surprised that Tony is complying.
The teen decides to go there and check on him, doing as little noise as possible. Tony doesn’t seem to have noticed him. Peter then realizes three things: one, Tony drank all the hot chocolate given the empty cup on the bedside table. Two, there are many dirty tissues around the cup. Three, the blanket is on the floor. Peter throws the tissues in the small trash bin near the desk, then he uses the tiny hand sanitizer to quickly and carefully tuck Tony in again, hoping he’s not feverish. To confirm that, Peter lightly touches the older man’s forehead. It’s mild. That’s a good sign, he thinks.
Tony quiets down at the touch, like he’s relaxed.
Peter grins.
He bends down…
He doesn’t really notice what he’s doing until Tony lets out confused noises.
“Hm…? Wha?”
Peter is…
He’s kissing Tony’s forehead.
Peter doesn’t know what came over him. It was completely automatic.
He, unfortunately, is not quick enough to run away before Tony catches him on the doorstep.
“Pete?” His mentor calls, sniffing.
“H-Hey, Mr. Stark! I just came to get your cup, nothing important!” Peter can’t contain the nervousness in his voice. “Sorry for waking you up, y-you can go back to sleep! Okay, bye!”
He leaves before the conversation goes any further, and he runs to his bedroom with the empty Spider-Man cup. Leaving it on his bedside table, Peter takes his pillow and screams in it, still not wanting to be too loud.
“Why did you do that?! You stupid idiot! That was so creepy!” He curses at himself.
Uggghhhh. He can only hope that Tony wasn’t too conscious when it happened.
Why? Why is he like this?
Walking on tiptoes, looking behind to see if he’ll get caught, Peter approaches the bed and the stuffed breaths in the half dark room.
“... Uncle Ben,” Peter whispers. “Hey, Uncle Ben!”
“Eh?” Ben moves around, smiling when he sees the boy. “Ah, hey sport. You shouldn’t be near me, or you’ll catch my bug.”
“It’s okay, Uncle Ben, I don’t mind. I just wanted to give you hot chocolate.”
“Aww, thanks, Pete. You can leave it here, I’ll drink it soon.” Ben grins like his nephew is the whole world to him. “You’re an angel.”
Peter grins and puts the cup next to him, but he’s quickly busted when the door opens behind him.
“Peter, I told you to let your uncle rest,” Aunt May scolds him. “And you’re going to get late for school!”
“Ah, it’s alright, May. He just wanted to look out for me,” Ben argues. “But really now, you should get going. I’ll be fine.”
“Okay. I hope you get better soon, Uncle Ben.” Peter approaches and plants a little kiss on the man’s forehead. “I’ll see you later!”
“Alright, kiddo. I love you.”
“Love you too!”
Peter, already in school uniform, is walking away to follow his aunt, who despite being initially stern, seems to have softened.
But before he leaves…
Except it’s not Uncle Ben calling for him.
… Peter has been staring at the Spider-Man cup for what probably feels like hours, when he sees that his door is open wide (though it was never actually closed), and Tony is gazing at him with his big concerned eyes. Peter has been sitting miserably at his bed this entire time.
Apparently it’s dark out.
Tony looks a little better now, no longer pale or dead-looking. He still sniffs every now and then.
“Are you okay?” The man asks.
Peter puts the cup aside, on his bedside table, and completely ignores Tony’s question.
“You look so much better, Mr. Stark!” He comments, forcing a smile. “Do you want anything? You’re probably hungry, right? I could make more hot chocolate too–”
He’s on his way to the door when Tony goes in, not allowing him to leave.
“Kid, you’ve been looking after me all day. Obviously, I’m glad you’re here with me, but you don’t have to push yourself aside to take care of me.”
Peter looks down, not sure what to say.
(He keeps wondering if Tony remembers the forehead kiss. He’s scared of bringing it up.)
“... I’m sorry.”
Oh, that wasn’t supposed to come out.
“I mean…” Peter sighs. “I-It was automatic, y’know. I can tell when someone isn’t doing great, a-and I- I have to help them. I want to help! And I know you don’t rest a lot, so that’s why I thought…”
He’s kind of rambling, not really knowing where he’s going with this.
“But what about you, Peter? Did you eat? Did you rest?”
“Well, I ate breakfast.”
“But not lunch?”
“I wasn’t hungry–”
“Look, I’m sorry! I’m sorry I did- anything, and I’m sorry I kissed your forehead!”
Truly he understands why everyone else tells him to shut up.
“... oh.”
Tony doesn’t actually sound surprised, but maybe he thought he had imagined it. He was half-asleep, after all.
“I don’t know what came over me,” Peter says, when he knows what did. “It was stupid and probably creepy and- and maybe we shouldn’t bring that up again–”
“Hey, kid, I’m not mad about that.”
Peter covers his eyes with his hands. “Ugh, it was so dumb.”
Tony sighs.
Defeated, the teenager sits on the bed again, glancing at the cup watching them.
Suddenly, Tony is kneeling down in front of him.
“Peter,” he begins, “you have a big heart. You have so much love to give, it’s no wonder why you’re a hero. And I’m glad to know I’m worthy of your love.”
The boy sees the hidden tears in his mentor’s eyes.
“I don’t want you to feel that I don’t want you here,” Tony insists, “I just don’t want you throwing away your needs to focus on me or anyone else. Sure, you have responsibilities… but you’re still a kid.”
He doesn’t mean that pejoratively.
“Seriously, thank you for everything. But you’re important too. You’re important to me, kid,” Tony affirms, smiling sadly.
He gently cups Peter’s face with both hands, gazing at him for a few seconds before Tony stands high enough to kiss the teen’s forehead.
“Sorry for getting my germs on your head,” the man jokes. Still, he looks at Peter like he’s Tony’s whole universe.
Peter can’t even react properly. He thought he ruined everything between them, and here is the man he’s admired for years acknowledging and praising him, and reminding Peter that he’s worthy of love.
Tony is not outright saying he loves Peter… but does he have to?
The boy wraps his arms around Tony, who hesitates, probably because he doesn’t want to get Peter sick. Then his mind must say “screw it”, because Tony is hugging him back.
Peter never imagined he needed to hear Tony’s words this badly.
They stay there for a while, before Peter’s stomach rumbles, and Tony decides to do something about it.
“Wanna order something?” He suggests.
“Oh, that’s a good idea.”
“Yeah, you choose, kid.”
They order burgers and fries. Part of it is because Tony loves them, but Peter has been craving some all day.
They watch some TV, and this time DUM-E is here. The bot is happy to join them.
Tony mostly keeps some space between him and Peter, though he eventually wraps an arm around him to lightly squeeze him.
“Nothing better than spending time with your kids at home, right?” Tony smirks.
Peter blushes and smiles. “Yeah.”
DUM-E agrees.
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doppel-dean-er · 1 year
thought I'd give a comprehensive list on why I personally dislike JeffAnnie because I got called idiotic for it and I see that as a top tier compliment. I go more in depth at the end, but if you just want the quick stuff (since I know y'all like the quotes!!) here you go, but please read the rest of it!! this is an open discussion.
also I get pretty gross in my descriptions of Annie, be warned
season 2 episode 1: "since you have clearly failed to grasp the central insipid metaphor of those twilight books you devour, let me explain it to you. men are monsters who crave young flesh, the end."
season 3 episode 1: "we can't keep doing this forever, kiddo." "Can't we?" "no, that's gross. I feel gross."
season 4 episode 3: "I was just daydreaming. I mean, I've married you at least a half a dozen times. and Troy. and Zac Efron. Mostly Zac Efron."
season 3 episode 16: "but, we love Jeff." "no, we don't. we're just in love with the idea of being loved. and if we can teach a guy like Jeff to do it, we'll never be unloved. so we keep running the same scenario over and over hoping for a different result."
season 6 episode 13: "are you okay?" "is this really what you want?" "of course. I mean, I'd be fine with a dog too, but whatever you want." "do you have any idea what I want?" "yes?"
season 2 episode 20: "the general atmosphere of 'would they?' 'might they?'" "Annie, I think you're reading into some things." "oh really?" "oh, give me a break. I mean, you could do the same thing with Pierce and Abed!" "yeah, let's be honest, there's more between you and Annie than between me and Pierce." "Abed, it's called chemistry, I have it with everybody."
season 5 episode 11: "I'm 40."
I'd like to actually argue with a personal opinion based on a fact, and some anecdotal hypotheticals
first of all, I'm 17, a year younger than Annie in season one. I know people who are 19, 20 even. the concept of them or myself dating someone who is (not only fully developed in the brain, but) at least ten years older than ourselves-
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-is gross, no? if Annie got held back at all, if she didn't drop out, if she and Jeff met in a different way, same age difference and her still in high school, one might say that is a little uncouth, one might even go so far as to say it's gross.
but, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt; make them closer in age, say Jeff is in his 20s instead of his thirties, say 25 (the lowest we can go for him to still be a lawyer). still, Annie's brain wont fully develop until she is 25, meaning Jeff will already be in his thirties by that point, if he dates her any sooner he will be dating what is medically considered an adolescent (10-24) while himself above 30. "but chrissy, chimbo, my love, you're legally an adult at age 18!" if we start bringing the law into this, the post will double in size, to make it simple, just think for a moment why that makes you legally an adult. why is a legal adult not allowed to drink? why would the United States want people who are not fully developed making decisions, and how does that affect their country? food for thought.
another benefit of the doubt! take age out of the question, just look at them as people and their experiences, not by a number! age ain't nothing number, right? like Aaliyah, right? Yeah, did you know R Kelly, the convicted sex offender, wrote that song? Crazy, right? sorry, off topic. Silly me, silly little baby brain. haha. let's look at their dynamic:
Jeff is a man who values the women he dates - rather, sleeps with - very little. "I'm Jeff Winger, and I would rather look at myself naked than the women I sleep with!" he states, so confident and proud of himself. "I asked this woman out 30 seconds ago to prove a point!" he shouts. "I'll be back with booty!" he sneers. does this seem like the kind of person that would think of women in the long-term? that is Jeff.
Annie on the other hand, as the boy-crazy girlish urchin she is, sees every man that comes her way as Christ incarnate. Annie is obsessive, she enrolled in nearly all of Troy's classes to get some sense that someone, anyone, no matter how bad they treat her, has to rely on her for something she knows. Annie is fresh and inexperienced, she can't say the word 'penis' because it makes her uncomfortable and squirmy. pure, untouched porcelain. so impressionable, don't you think? so untainted, virginal. looking for a father.
describing her like that makes you a bit uncomfortable, doesn't it? feels a little yucky in your tum tum?
that's because if you take away their ages, their experiences speak for themselves. Annie is young, obsessive. Jeff has more experience than her and will discard her quickly in favor of someone younger or better looking. if you're into the 'born sexy yesterday' trope, go ahead. I'm not one to stop you from doing what makes you feel good! We all know what you really want, you don't have to hide it, Humbert- sorry, Jeff. slip of the tongue. scream it loud! scream it on the rooftops, or on the streets: "I want to fuck a teenager!!" see how people look at you!
Oh, they're not smiling, are they? yikes.
i'd just like to leave you with a personal opinion.
is the pairing of Jeff and Annie iffy and pretty gross? yes, scroll up, read this post again if you aren't convinced. at the same time, should it be removed from the show entirely because it's problematic and horrible and everyone who supports JeffAnnie is a meth-addicted pedophile who eats babies and fucks sticky flashlights with the mouthless faces of their classmates taped to the rim? while I would prefer that JeffAnnie didn't happen, yes, I just think those of you who are into this are just uneducated and stubborn. some of you, one of you in particular, i'm sure is a sweaty neckbeard with a fedora and a 4chan tripcode. but not all of you, and for that I have hope.
JeffAnnie is legal, yes. JeffAnnie is by far not the worst, too. and we, as mature half-adults, can admit that. I for one believe that you should be able to ship anything that is both legal and non-blood-related. that's the magic of fandom! enemies to lovers is one of the most popular genres! the toxicity of the relationship is not the problem, it is the predatory nature and unsavory implications that are the problem. I think the relationship as a whole is not something to be looked at with positive emotions, but I also don't believe that this type of screen representation is bad. just because something is put to screen does not mean it is acceptable. I think that's something we all learned in second grade, yes? good. glad we're all on the same page. you're looking wonderful. I hope you have a great day.
also, just to cover all my bases, it's just a matter of preference. it makes a lot of us uncomfortable to see relationships like that, especially those of us who are around Annie's age. like, imagine being her: you're fresh out of rehab and ready to start your life. this guy who is more than ten years older than you, who you think is kind of cute maybe, starts to look at you the same way. imagine having the knowledge that every time he looks at a woman he just sees a pair of tits and a vag on legs. imagine what he sees when he looks at you. imagine that guy having a conversation with your dad, they might even be closer in age than you and him. that's uncomfortable, to me at least.
plus, Britta and Jeff are a better couple.
and if anyone responds with that whole "Dan Harmon DVD season 6" copy paste I hope you all know it makes me kick my feet and giggle. papa needs an ego boost, go ahead *bats eyes* *gets hit by a car*
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thestobingirlie · 10 months
Instead of all these fics where everyone else moves on and is incredibly good and successful in what they do and they're all at the top of their fields of work. But Steve is just Steve.
I want everyone moving on to college or trying to make it, and realizing that they're a dime a dozen. That there are so many other students who want to be a journalist. So many other wannabe rockstars that play in shitty bars. So many other language nerds. So many other photographers. So many other science and AV nerds. They may get a job in their field, but they don't instantly become massive success. They're the everyday workers in the field. They have to come to terms with the fact that what made them special or different in Hawkins isn't a big deal in the wider world.
And Steve is the only one who actually gets his dream, he settles down and married someone and they have a bunch of kids and he is basically dad of the year all the time.
i think this whole ‘everyone but steve is famous’ thing is actually really sad. and not just because he’s my favourite character, but because it really just exemplifies the way people in the fandom look down on others.
steve’s going nowhere because he works a minimum wage job. he’s already failed at life because he didn’t get into college. his dreams are disregarded because all he wants is a family. he doesn’t have a dream career, so obviously his life is just… useless.
it’s gross imo.
but anyway!! yeah. they always have the jobs they dreamed about as a child, they’re always world renown even if that doesn’t make sense (most people don’t know the name of a random photographer).
also, not directly relevant, but most of these kids aren’t getting all the way through college lmao. nancy is having a first year freak out for sure.
anyway again. steve dad of the year ❤️❤️😭😭🥺🥺🥰🥰 i know he loves his kiddos so much, and they love him back. he dedicates his life to making them happy. he’s finally getting all the love he missed out on.
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justmochi · 1 year
pairing :: eden x evelyn (ft. her brother in law)
word count :: 1.8k
synopsis :: eden catches up with her sister when coming back to korea.
time :: may 12, 2023
warnings :: mentions of pregnancies. pregnancy scares and fertility issues
a/n :: for those of you who don’t know, evelyn is eden’s older sister and noah is her brother in law. also let me know what you guys think of this bc im projecting 🥲
taglist :: @cafemilk-tea @cixrosie @moonlight-additions @cosmicwintr @astraw-astro @ateezjuliet @fromfreesia @succulentmom @kimhyejin3108 @enhacolor @multiplums @meginthebuilding27​ @kang-ulzzang @hybesunstone @allthings-fandoms
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Watching the door open, Eden was met with her sister’s beautiful smile. It had been a while since they had seen each other, due to Blackpink still being on tour. She wanted to catch up and spend some quality time with her sister before she had to leave again.
Evelyn pulled her in for a hug, squeezing her tightly and swaying them back and forth. “I’ve missed you so much!” 
“I missed you too, Evie.” They both pulled away, the woman inviting the girl inside her home. Eden was carrying a gift bag in her hand, showcasing it to her sister. “I got you a couple things while on tour.”
“I’m gonna have to buy a glass case to showcase all the things that Lee Eunhye has bought us.” Her sister joked as the two girls walked to the kitchen. Eden set the gift on the counter and sat down on one of the bar seats. It seemed that she had interrupted her sister who was making dinner for everyone.
“Where’s Noah?” Eden asked the woman with her eyebrows furrowed.
“He should be here any minute now. He had to drop some paperwork off at work.”
“It smells so good.” The scent filled the entire kitchen. She always wondered where her sister learned to cook, because they never learned from their own parents.
In no time, Evelyn’s husband entered the kitchen, approaching Eden to rub the top of her head with his knuckles. “Hey kiddo.”
“Hey bro.” He messed up her hair, wanting to return the favor but he walked out of her reach. He approached his wife, kissing the side of her head as he wrapped his arm around her waist. Eden felt her cheeks heat up by seeing her sister so happy.
“Could you help set the table and maybe get Eden something to drink?”
“Of course,” He turned around, pointing to Eden. “What do you want to drink?”
“Do you guys have wine?” She asked, pursing her lips when looking at him.
“Yup we do.”
“Give me the whole bottle.” She snickered.
“I guess touring has been exhausting?” Evelyn spoke up, looking over her shoulder briefly.
“Just a little. I haven’t been sleeping well.” She sighed. “Are you guys gonna have a drink too?”
The kitchen grew quiet for a few seconds. It felt like minutes had passed.
“I’ll drink with you, yeah.” Noah cleared his throat, grabbing two glasses from the cabinet.
“I haven’t been able to drink anything ever since I got plastered and threw everything up.”
“Oh, I remember that.” She cringed, looking back on the time her sister went AWOL. Her in law had to tell her himself why she was absent. She was sick for a few days, not being able to pick up her phone.
“Yeah, never again.”
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They had just finished dinner, Eden and Noah having a bonding session while doing the dishes. After that, they all gathered on the sofa to watch a movie. Once it ended, Eden put down her third glass of wine on the coffee table.
The couple were sitting across from her, stretching their limbs while complimenting the movie. Eden and Evelyn giggled together when Noah took it upon himself to start massaging his wife’s feet.
“What’s so funny?” He pouted, looking between the two girls. “Doesn’t your boyfriend rub your feet?”
“He does. You two are just so cute. It’s almost gross.”
“Ya, we could say the same thing about you and Seokmin.” Eden flattened her lips, rolling her eyes while standing to her feet.
“It’s time to open my gifts. I’m getting impatient.” She felt really warm from all the alcohol she consumed, but not feeling completely drunk yet. She skipped to the kitchen where she left her gift bag and brought it back to the living room.
Eden had gotten the two of them many things from visiting all the different countries on tour. From house decor to jewelry, it felt like they were opening presents on Christmas morning. She got her brother in law some headphones that were trending these days.
“Wow! Thanks kiddo.” Evelyn looked at how his eyes lit up. He was a responsible, grown man but he still had his moments where he acted like a little boy.
“Don’t mention it.” She smiled, sipping more from her wine glass.
“Speaking of gifts…” Evelyn looked intently at the man beside her. “We got you a little something.”
“But you didn’t have to get me anything!” She feared that they would one her up with their gift.
“Oh hush. Honey, it’s in my closet. Can you please get it?” She smiled, watching him bite his lip as he was on his way to their bedroom.
“Evie, You really didn’t have to get me anything.”
“Stop being so humble and accept the gift. Or I will give you everything you just got us back.”
“But I like the headphones!” He returned with a big box, setting it down on the coffee table in front of Eden.
From the familiar name, she knew it was going to be an expensive bag. “Evelyn.”
He sat down next to Evelyn, holding her hand while admiring his new headphones. “Don’t make me scold you in front of Noah. Open it.”
“It’s a gift from both of us, by the way.” He raised his eyebrows to remind her, knowing that if it was a gift from him she couldn’t possibly refuse it.
She had plenty of handbags that have accumulated over the years. Now she wasn’t going to use any other bag than the one in the box in front of her.
She lifted the lid off of the box, being met with pink tissue paper. Pulling the paper back revealed the beige crossbody bag. It seemed like the perfect size for her and she loved all the embroidery on it. She turned to Evelyn, pouting while her sister simply smiled at her.
Eden walked over to hug the two of them quickly before sitting back down across from them. She pulled the bag out of the box and admired how nice it was.
“It’s so nice, thank you guys.”
She didn’t see the way they looked at each other as she started going through all the pockets, unzipping them all and removing all the wrapping paper they put inside.
She set the balls of tissue paper next to her, a grin on Eden’s face as she reached down to the deepest part of the bag. She picked up what she thought was a strap that came with the bag, looking down at the pregnancy test in her hands.
It took her one second to process what she was holding, seeing the two lines to indicate that it was positive. Eden gasped loudly, slapping her hand against her mouth before shooting her eyes over at them.
“Shut the fuck up.” She felt her heart drop to the depths of her stomach, her muscles becoming jelly and feeling her hands start to shake. It wasn’t too long before the tears started to pool in her eyes.
“Surprise!” Her sister had a devilish grin on her face.
“Are you serious?” Eden’s voice climbed a few octaves, muffled against the palm of her hand.
“Yes! I’m pregnant.” She nodded, Evelyn trying to hold back her own tears.
“You’re pregnant?” Her voice cracked into a whisper, still in disbelief.
Over the years, she watched her sister fall in love with the man sitting next to her now. The two had always confided in each other their entire lives. Evelyn had been there for all Eden’s ups and downs, especially when she had many pregnancy scares. Their support for one another was what made their relationship so special.
After their wedding, they knew they wanted to get straight to business. But it took more time and a toll on the couple as planned. She was there for every negative and false positive so she witnessed how frustrating and painful it was for the two. She tried her best to comfort her even when they started considering doing IVF.
Knowing everything they went through to get to this moment right now only made Eden more emotional.
She set the test down on the coffee table, getting up to hug her once more. Evelyn held her head in her hands, rubbing her back as the youngest sobbed onto her shoulder.
“I-I don’t know what to say. You’re really pregnant?”
“Yes!” She told her again, hugging her trembling body. “I’m 8 weeks along.”
She was still crying so hard that her makeup began to run. When she pulled away, Evelyn’s eyes were teary too. She wiped Eden’s tears away, rubbing the smudged makeup on her pants.
During their moment, the man started tearing up too. He laughed at himself, pulling the ultrasound pictures out of his pocket and handing it to her.
“Look, you’re gonna be an aunt.” It looked as if she just found the news out all over again. She was so caught up in feeling overjoyed for her sister finally being pregnant that she completely forgot this meant she was going to be an aunt.
She widened her eyes, covering her mouth with both of her hands as she shook her head. “I’m gonna be an aunt?” She wept quietly, squeezing her eyes shut as her whole body shook. “There’s really a baby in your belly? Why did you wait so long to tell me?”
“So we could have this moment of course.” Evelyn wrapped her arms around her neck, pulling in Noah to hug her too.
“Oh my god, I can't believe this. I’m so happy for you!” Her voice was once again muffled on her shoulder. “Does mom and dad know?”
She nodded. “We told them over a video call last week. Surprisingly, dad cried more than her.”
“Did he really?”
“She’s so excited. She’s already bragging to everyone about being a grandma.”
Once Eden was finally able to calm down, she found herself staring at the pregnancy test again. In the past, she hoped she wouldn’t ever have to see one of these again. Today, all she could feel was happiness.
She cracked a joke to lighten the mood. “So I can keep the bag right?” She sniffled as they busted into laughter.
“The bag was my idea.” Noah raised his hand with a smirk on his face.
Eden chuckled, hugging the woman again but being extremely gentle this time. “I’m so happy for you. You don’t even know.”
“Thank you so much.”
“You’re gonna be an amazing mom. I am certain.” She had cried so much that her nose was stuffed and her eyes were red. Because of her words, the woman’s lips started to quiver.
“Wait, you gotta help me tell the girls. And Seokmin!”
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fandomwe1rd0 · 9 days
I swear Rickdepedence Spray is such a horrible episode like oh my fucking god. Angry rant about this nightmare episode under the cut! TW for inc*st because well we're talking about this episode
Oh my fucking god this fucking episode is so fucking horrible like oh my god fucking god. I love Rick and Morty but why just so much why!? Like why does the episode exist, DAN WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!? My major problem with this episode, well my two main problems is Morty's sexualization and the fact that it has WAY TOO MUCH incest like WHY!? Wait that would imply that there is ever the right amount of incest- But yeah there is a LOT a LOT!
Butttt every Rick and Morty episode has positives! And I refuse to not mention the ones in this one! Don't worry there's not a lot! Uhm...I uh...laughed at like...1 of the jokes. Uhm...Beth, Jerry, and Summer were...ok. The President was also okay...they weren't at their best, but they certainly weren't at their worst, so uhm that's...fine. Butttt I REALLY LOVE RICK IN THIS EPISODE LIKE OH MY FUCKING GOD :D Yeah him uhhh with a CHUD is weird, but I mean they are sentient and she seems to be of age, so I can't judge. (Also I assume the age-inappropriate thing isn't talking about Princess Poneta being underaged, but talking about Rick being literally 70) BUT HE'S LIKE ACTUALLY NICE TO MORTY IN THE EPISODE! Like I give him WAY too much credit but the "Oh, hello kiddo, how's your Saturday" IS SO FUCKING CUTE LIKE AWWWWW! HIM ACTUALLY BEING NICE TO MORTY WHEN HE GOES IN THE GARAGE AND HIM HOLDING ONTO MORTY PROTECTIVELY THE SECOND THE PLANE STARTS GOING DOWN AWWWW HE LOVES MORTY SO MUCH!
Okay time for me to stop foaming at the mouth over Rick not being a complete ass to Morty and start suffering when I list everything bad about this episode!
Here's a fun drinking game! Take a shot everytime they say "incest"! Like I understand that Morty and Summer didn't DO anything (Thank GOD) But why was the incest baby thing even needed??? Like why??? Who in the writer's room was like "Hey y'know what would be GREAT for this episode?! What if Morty and Summer had a baby!" And everyone else in the writer's room were like "Yeah! What a wonderful idea! Let's bring it up mutiple times because why not?! Besides all the OBVIOUS reasons why not!"
Alsoooo the humor isn't even that good, like I will admit I did laugh at one of the jokes. It was the "He (The sperm monster) had a gun!" I dunno, I found it funny, but the rest of the jokes are incest jokes or sexualizing Morty, incest and sexualizing minors isn't funny. Moving on!
So, the elephant in the room, well the other elephant in the room besides all the incest, all the sexualization of Morty! I mean literally all the episode was started from Morty...uh...ahem...let's just say...enjoying himself with animal equipment. (Gross) I mean it doesn't SHOW anything, but still. ALSO! Later in the episode, it barely covers him uh...ahem...with the animal equipment again! As we hear him...uh...making noises no sane person wants to hear come out of a minors mouth, ik the voice actor is an adult but still, STILL! He's trying to sound like a child, which makes this soooooooo distrubing. Ik it's not supposed to uhhhh make anyone excited, but STILL! Nobody wants to hear that, like that scene is SO awkward like ughhhhhhhh. I hate it
Anyway, that's it! Fuck this episode!
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sansundertale14x1 · 8 months
This is absolutely disgusting.
Please do not click the keep reading button if you are in a little headspace- Kiddos, this is a big person deal :(
and before I get explainin, PROSHIPPERS LEAVE. Door's on the left, LEAVE.
It's not very often I'm physically repulsed to media. I mean, everybody says "That makes me want to puke" sometimes as an exaggeration, Even I do. And, I'd never think that I'd actually have the PHYSICAL response without joking.
Today, I posted a video on YouTube talking about the Object Show ships I hate, as I've seen many other people do the same. The opinions expressed in the video, I stand behind strongly. Most ships in the video which I dislike are Proships. (EX: Steve Cobs x MePhone4) I dislike them for this purpose, as shipping abusive relationships, family, and minors x adults is disgusting.
I then scroll through shorts for a while, proud for posting today instead of putting it off to tomorrow. And, I come across a Bluey edit. I smile, because I find Bluey a very fun show, despite it being 'childish'.
I notice something is off. The audio is speaking of how someone doesn't know of a sexual relationship. (I can't find the song, and I will edit this if I find it) I find this peculiar, as Bluey is made for children. And, this isn't even the last of it. The edit is directly implying that Bingo (a 4 year old CHILD) and Uncle Rad (Speculated to be a 38-40 year old MAN) are having a sexual relationship.
To assure this wasn't some disgusting shit post, I went onto the channel to investigate.
Edits shipping Bluey and Socks (COUSINS, BOTH MINORS), Muffin and Stripe (DAUGHTER AND FATHER) and Muffin and Socks (SISTERS!!!!)
Under most of these videos, the comments are turned off, or there are none. But the videos WITH comments...MAKE ME FEAR FOR THIS FUCKING GENERATION.
They state things such as: "You're so brave for this!" "So real! <3" and "I love this ship!"
I also decided to not hide this fucking weirdo's identity. I'm exposing them for the disgusting shit that they have done.
This is their @ on YouTube: CharCharluv
I watch Bluey in a little headspace, yet, I can not fully regress- Also known as a Semi-regressor. Therefore, big thoughts are always sort of there. THIS EDIT IS ALWAYS GOING TO SIT IN THE BACK OF MY BRAIN WHERE I TRY TO COPE.
AND if you STILL need convincing that Proshipping isn't okay, please watch this video from Drama Kween, as she explains how this shit is gross.
Sure, it doesn't speak on the Bluey fandom, but still explains that this is NOT OKAY.
I hope my fellow Anti-Proshippers have a wonderful day, and that Proshippers think about how their actions affect actual people.
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satashiiwrites · 3 days
Snippet Sunday/Summer Fic Preview
Wasn’t tagged but getting some writing done now that my social calendar is more open on this lovely Sunday morning. If you’d liked to be tagged when I post/update this fic, please like, comment or reblog and I’ll take that as permission to add you to the tag list for updates.
Happy Pride!
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Title: Welcome to the Jungle
Fandom: 911, Jumanji
Pairings: Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Robbie Nash/Danny Buckley, past Eddie Diaz/Shannon Diaz mentioned
Fic Summary:  From the concrete jungle to the actual jungle, five players will be summoned to Jumanji to save it from the wicked Van Pelt.
Rating: Explicit (sex, stereotyped villain, implied/mentioned child neglect) 
Tags/warnings: explicit sex, canon-typical violence, Jumanji AU, time travel fix it, slow burn, long fic, pod fic welcome, deviating from canon where it suits the story, canon timeline is a mess and we’re just not going to stress about it, author doesn’t do straight up adaptations, eventual happy ending, mention of divorce and canon character deaths, aged up Robbie and Brook, mentions of child neglect/abuse from the Buckley parents,
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Mom is off somewhere, supposedly talking to his doctors, when the play therapist Tiffany stops by, announcing her presence with a happy little series of knocks and a smile. “Danny! How are you doing today?”
Danny likes Tiffany—she always remembers to call him Danny instead of Daniel, like Mom insists everyone call him because she detests nicknames. Tiffany also always has a smile for him when he’s having bad treatment days. She’s the one who snuck him in his favorite stuffed animal, a golden eagle he’d dubbed Aquila after one of his early babysitters had read him a book about constellations. Aquila is currently standing guard over Evan’s crib since Danny can’t be there, which is more important than being with Danny while he’s in the hospital. 
“Hey, Tiffany. I’m doing okay.”
Tiffany’s blue eyes narrow as she inspects him playfully before she breaks and winks at him, and the smile returns. “Just okay?”
Danny shrugs. He’s stuck here, and they’d had the first hint of spring weather this week. He can’t wait to make a flower crown for Evan like Maddie had made for him last year. 
“Aw, buddy, I get it. Hopefully, the doctors will let you fly the coop soon.”
“Mom’s talking to them.”
“Well, I got a great selection of things to keep you busy while they talk. We even got a donation of a few of the new Game Boys yesterday. How’d you like one of those?”
“What? Really?” Danny perks up. “Which games do you have?”
Tiffany hands him a brand new Game Boy. “We’ve got a few games. Zelda, Mario, Kirby,” she says idly as she sorts through the cartridges. “We’ve got multiples of those but only one of this jungle adventure game, so it’s the only one if you want that one.”
“Jungle game?”
“Ju…man…ji? I’m not sure if I’m saying that right.”
“Let me see it. You said it’s an adventure game?”
“I think so? The label looks adventurous.”
“Give me that one and Zelda.”
“Here ya go. I’ll be back tomorrow to switch you out if you beat both of them by then. Stay out of trouble, kiddo.”
Rolling his eyes at Tiffany’s playful admonition, Danny puts Zelda in first as he’s heard a lot about it. Soon, he’s joyfully adventuring as Link and spends a few hours running around Hyrule. Mom comes back and leaves again, which she’s been doing more and more. She’s spending a lot of time with that one doctor—Dr. Barnes. 
Dr. Barnes is young and has been the biggest advocate for Danny getting a stem cell transplant. He also has the same blue eyes as Evan. 
Danny’s heard the nurses say that more than once. 
Link’s adventures prove to be preoccupying through the dinner hour, and Danny manages to eat a few chicken nuggets before refusing more food (hospital food is generally gross, but even they can’t screw up chicken nuggets). Mom checks in on him briefly before saying something about going to call Dad and then disappears again, leaving him alone.  
There aren’t any good cartoons at night, so he picks up the Game Boy again and decides to try the other game—Jumanji. The screen blinks, and drums echo through his room, startling Danny. It sounds like it’s coming from the walls, not the game in his hands, which vibrates synchronously with the increasing tempo as if the drums are coming closer. 
“Wow,” he says as the drumbeat climaxes and abruptly cuts off, the room silent around him. “This game is wicked.”
Text scrolls across the screen, and he reads it aloud, faking a British accent as it seems to fit the game’s mood. “For those who seek to find a way to leave their world behind, choose your avatar.”
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