lollitree · 1 year
Your tags under the pokemon poll are SO TRUEE and it hurts how many people dont understand that
I grew up in the change from pixel art to 3D and have nostalgia for bw, xy AND sm. So i think because of that, I can see the good and bad in all the games but don't feel like any of them 'peaked''. They're all different games, so they are really hard to compare.
On a related note tho, its so sad to see so many fans praise one of my childhood games and not the others. And like, I get it because gen 5 is more similar to what they grew up with.....but every time I say I love xy, sm and even swsh i get told they are terrible and usually imply that I shouldnt like them :/
That only happens online, though......irl all the fans ive met, no matter their ages, just say something like 'i didnt like it, but i'm glad you did!'. Growing up in irl fan spaces and having to move online during corona was AN EXPERIENCE omg
Yeah! It's super interesting how much we are affected by nostaglia.
There's usually a pattern you can notice with this stuff too. There are two lines that go up as time goes on. The one everyone talks about as being great and the newer one people hate on, usually to do with nostalgia of the now older original audience of the game.
My full reply got long so putting it under a read more skfjsh
My first Pokemon game was Colosseum, so gen 2/3 pokemon and gen 3 sound effects are pretty nostalgic to me.
Then I grew up mostly playing Diamond/Platinum/PMD2/Ranger2. I LOVED Team Galactic. I restarted the games so many times just so I could play through the story again with Cyrus and the Galactic Grunt theme. (I have also played through pmd2 many many times). I remember in my early teens seeing people on the internet hating on DPPt a lot and it making me sad. I recall someone saying that the gen 4 Pokemon sucked and I remember thinking "aw I guess they're right, some of these pokemon are really boring or annoying" and then I learned later that the pokemon I was thinking of were all gen 1 pokemon sdfkjsh
Gen 5 was hated when it first came out because it wasn't very fun for new players. I bet it also didn't help that the advertising for B2W2 was pretty poor and also came out after the 3DS did. I didn't even know it was a sequel until years later. That's why they went in the complete opposite direction for gen 6, and added gimmicks!
I have heard multiple people call the designs from gen 5 horrible over the years (And they're all wrong). Those comments are nowhere NEAR as frequent now, but they almost always come from people with nostalgia for the ones they grew up with.
I was 13 when BW first came out. I think I've only beaten it once, MAYBE twice. I'm not entirely sure why, because I was still replaying DPPt a lot. I would guess it's because the game is super linear in terms of gameplay and every playthrough will start exactly the same. You don't really get to make decisions on your team and how you play until later. Kid me loved the beginning of the main pokemon games the most because they were the most fun bits to play usually. So I suppose when you've already played it once, the beginning becomes quite boring.
And to compare. I did not like XY when it first came out. I was 16 and very against change and also my fav types at the time were dark and dragon so fairy type was the worst thing ever. I said previously that I really liked Team Galactic, so Team Flare was just a bootleg version of them to me. BUT I did immediately replay the game when I finished it. The character customisation plus the huge dex gives the game a lot of replayability. Because while I didn't like a lot about the game it was still fun to play, and it was the first time online was really accessible to me. I went back to 2013/2014 on my blog and there's SO much positivity about the game it's amazing! Over time people only remembered the bad parts and started hating it. I bet there'll be an influx of nostalgia for it before long. We can even see it in the hope people have for SV having Kalos DLC.
I need to replay sun/moon or play USUM because in my brain currently it sucks. But I'm very aware that that's because I only played it once, it's been years, and I played it when I started to grow out of Pokemon. So I'm excited to play it again now that I can appreciate it better. (Also the Sun/Moon anime is my fav so I have a lot of love for the characters now)
And finally, I loved SWSH! I didn't finish it the first time I tried to play it. Mostly because I spent HOURS trying to get a shiny hatenna before doing the fire gym skdfjhs. But then I SPED through the game with a bug type only run before Legends came out and I really enjoyed the story! One of those things that's more enjoyable if you're only focused on enjoying the story (and playing the game through with a joltik as the lead and trying to make sure they stay strong enough to beat the game with pfft) Also Leon was the first ever Champion I actually thought was cool and enjoyed seeing while playing the game (as ridiculous as his outfit is)
If I were to logically plot out the best for me based on how nostalgia works and taking into consideration that public opinion ABSOLUTELY influences me. I would have said BW was the best and XY(or SM) was the downfall, even though I had way more fun playing XY than BW as a kid
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I never tried the battle subway when I first got my bw and bw2 games, but I've been trying my luck with it lately just to see what the fuss is all about and how anyone manages to consistently get through the super multi line is beyond me. The regular lines are all do-able, though the later trainers and the bosses can be really irritating to beat. But the super lines are so hard. I've made it to Ingo twice, Emmet once, and both of them never. And I've only been able to beat Ingo once, Emmet decimated me and Ingo beat me the first time. The super multi line is excruciating. I have been trying for nearly a week and I just cannot do it, which maybe isn't too surprising since multi is by far my weakest of the three. I have a feeling the bosses would wipe the floor with me if I ever did manage it though. So much respect for the twins for being multi battle specialists, I could never.
to be fair you'd probably have a much easier time with multis if you were working with another like. human person that you had some team synergy with instead of an npc trainer who was just kinda doing their own thing. that's a bit of a hindrance. and a problem with singleplayer multis in the games in general, tbh. YEAH THO like to be clear battle facilities are generally endgame challenges for well-built teams, they're an investment in the way the gym challenge isn't. i don't think i'm stretching canon to say facility heads are better trainers than gym leaders as a general rule, and the subway bosses in particular since they're not even employing legendaries for the artifical boost.
to get into it for a minute tho i think that's part of the draw of multis in the actual game world, and the thing that makes them so unfavorable/tricky for most people: like yes it can result in a multiplicative strength increase and help beat trainers you never could alone, but you're adding this new unknown variable to the intricate bond between you and your pokemon. like consider that it isn't just about single player vs two player: you're already working with another entity in battle, your team, who you (are supposed to) have a very close bond with to the point of almost having your own coded language together. and now you're throwing in a second person and team that you have to work with, too, and unless you have as close a bond with them as you do with your team, it's going to be real hard not to be getting in each others' way! which is also why i think ingo and emmet should be so Fucking Scary Strong: they do have that intense close bond, and they share a pool of pokemon so they also aren't working with the Two Separate Teams problem so much, so much as they are sharing a Single team. they are perfect multis specialists. and given how rare it is, that's a scary thing to face!
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faithinlouisfuture · 2 years
Emmy talk to me about your concert!!!
OMG Sea. I’m forever changed 😭 I’m so glad you asked cuz this give me the opportunity to ramble to you about my track by track experience which I couldn’t include in my original show report! The show is paced so perfectly! Kudos to Steve and Louis for that!
From the get go We Made It live is just WOW. It’s perfect, it sets the tone for the entire night so perfectly! The drums feel so perfect with the wild beating of your heart that comes with finally seeing Louis live in person. It’s perfect in every way. Drag Me Down is definitely fun live, and also the crowd in Istanbul was literally 80% directioners so the energy of the crowd also added to it! DLIBYH is just so beautiful, he sounds so so so beautiful on it. I had to stop recording and just look at him and listen to him! Two of Us live is soulful, and feels like such a collective healing moment. Always You my beloved was made for a live performance! His voice sounds so sweet on AY, like it takes on this very different tone, I’m not a music or voice expert so I don’t know what the technical term for it is I’m sure you do please enlighten me as well, I just know there’s something different about his voice when he sings it.
He seems to have permanently axed TY but I’ve made my peace with it somehow, I thought I’d be more upset about not getting to hear it live but if Louis feels like it’s something that he no longer vibes with then fine, I’ll accept it (not that I have a choice but I was bitter about it before). Change/s live is EVERYTHING. It makes me so so so hopeful and hyped for lt2 that I can’t even explain. It felt like it was the one track that the entire audience didn’t know, not surprised being that there were probably a total of maximum 100 solos from a crowd of 12k plus people. 7 live Sea!!! He just turns into a different person altogether for 7 doesn’t he? Absolutely loved it. The mic riding?!? He was right in front of me humping that mic stand!!! I wanna post all of my videos but I feel like that would be madness, but OMGGG 🥵
Fearless!!! The theatrics he brought to Fearless with his little gestures, not once but twice! My little drama queen 🤍 the fearless musical solo live (not calling it the guitar solo cuz damn it the drums on that solo!!!) just on my knees for Michael Blackwell & Steve Durham honestly! What insane talent!!! And doing the Fearless claps with the entire crowd was so fun!!!
OTB, the very definition of quality > quantity. It ends too quickly yet it packs the most impactful punch. There’s so much detail that I could go in and want to write about OTB and the pride flags situation in Istanbul, but I think I’ll save that entire essay for posting with my OTB video. Habit, I couldn’t help singing along cuz you know what? I really used to enjoy Habit and no one is gonna take that away from me, the real meaning of the song is so beautiful as an artist and fan experience. I didn’t however record it, and took the opportunity to just stare at Louis for the whole song 🙃 Copyx3!!!! LOUIS GIVE ME A STUDIO VERSION PLS!!! During Copy was when I felt like I would actually lose my voice, screamed it back at him that loud! It’s insanely amazing live! I can’t even explain. Defenceless 😭 and the PURPLE lights and we had a fan project for it! It was perfect, everything I wanted it to be (minus the little technical issues they had with the mic during some parts of it, don’t know if that translated to live streams). The way he literally asks now for us to yell the “by you” at him 😭 cheeky beautiful boy! Beautiful War - I think that I’ve made my feelings about wanting to have that song (by Louis Tomlinson, KOL who?) inserted into my veins and made a part of life source very clear. It’s truly a soul cleansing experience live! And him sitting down to take all the lights in at the end really makes you emotional! I noticed that when he stars singing BW he keeps his eyes closed for the first verse, and then opens them for the second just to experience that moment of seeing all those lights for HIM.
LBD intro!!! Michael sir, kindly behave yourself! He got just the reaction he wanted out of Louis though and absolutely loved it too! Cackled on stage when Louis said “That’s Michael Blackwell and this is Little Black Dress”. During the ending of LBD right before the outro bit, is when I think Louis noticed my sign (it read “Flew 3381 miles to make sure you’re real”) 😭 there was an extremely tall person ahead of me who raised their hands literally at that time, and also my video of him got all shaky and messed up too cuz he looked right in the direction I was in, and I’ve been crying on Twitter for someone to send me the entire video of LBD if they have it so I can make sure if it actually happened or if it was wishful thinking on my end lol 😭 Walls - cathartic. That’s the one word. Cathartic for Louis to have written and for him to sing and honestly soul healing for me to scream “YOU WERE MY BECAUSE” at him. (I promise I will post my videos after I get some sleep, I have the best one of that moment)!
TTD is the one 1done song I really vibe with (Louis’ version though) so I had an absolute blast during it! And now for the crowning glory; KMM. My favorite track off of Walls since day 1 - and Louis’ devil awakening moment every night on tour! It’s palpable the way the energy in the crowd gets built up throughout KMM leading to that eventual moment when he jumps down from stage which is then absolute pandemonium!!! Once he jumped, I had to just let go of all agency of my body, and let myself be shoved and pushed where the force of the crowd took me. I was in the fourth row from the front barricade facing the stage & in the third row from the runway barricade on the side; which is what allowed for me have my LOUIS LITERALLY RIGHT IN MY FACE moment 😭😭😭 when I say that I will never ever forget what that one moment felt like. It lasted barely one second I think cuz he didn’t stay too long on our side, just hopped on and yelled and hopped off, but in my mind it’s all in slow motion! I would like to live my entire life in that one moment. I saw crinkles up close 😭 HE WAS RIGHT THERE!!! I wasn’t able to touch him cuz I had my phone in one hand and was trying to steady myself with the other hand, and also he hopped right off and jumped to the other side where he stayed longer, but no matter what - that one second made my entire year! 😭 It made the absolute torture or being in that line from 5:30 AM worth it. I honestly don’t have the words to describe it. I cannot believe that it happened, and that it happened to me!!!
Thank you for letting me ramble on! I feel like I could write an entire book on my one show 😂 Trying to contain myself! Will definitely post videos and gifs soon. Hope that you’ve been doing well, and now that Louis is back and Louis content is back we’ll have a more positive and enjoyable fandom experience than what went down during the break.
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kukutakos · 3 years
Yelena Belova x FemaleAvenger!S/O HCs
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Anyway, after the events of Endgame, Yelena decides to deign to help her sister out and "indefinitely" joins the Avengers.
She's a little awkward around the Avengers. A little awkward around people in general, you notice, besides Natasha. But you really like the more 'genuine' side of her when you catch them talking; sassy, witty, and maybe a little goofy (Y'all cannot take this from me, Yelena's entire personality is just very endearing).
Since you and Natasha are the only two women on the team, ✨naturally✨ you've created a coalition. But srsly, you're very close friends.
"You never told me your younger sister was so…" "Obnoxious? Smartassed? Quippy?" "…I was gonna say hot." "Oh, God-"
You push your budding feelings for Nat's very pretty sister away for the time being, opting instead to help her get more comfortable with the team.
She's confident and professional when you guys are running missions, which is where your bond starts. She's impressed by your level of skill as well, but also appreciates that you respect her own.
"You take the lead on this one, Belova." "What? But I'm-" "One of the best assassins in the world. I'll trust whatever call you make."
And that means a lot to her. Trust wasn't really huge in her upbringing, so that alone makes her really want to get to know you.
The BW movie kinda hints at how Yelena has maintained a few 'childish' qualities. For ex., it doesn't take much to please her (the whole vest thing was cute but a little sad when you really think about it).
She latches onto the kindness you continually showed her. You're an Avenger, you couldn't possibly have ulterior motives, right?
So she starts out trying to befriend you, because outside the other Widows, she's never really had a friend before.
She trains with you when you're in the workout room in the mornings, asks to be put on more missions with you, and allows you (hesitantly) to take her shopping.
"LOOK AT ALL THESE VESTS!" "I knew you'd like them." "THERE'S SO MANY COLORS... AND POCKETS!" "Lena, please, you don't have to yell. You're scaring kids-"
You two become close friends very quickly. Nat is a little salty that you two gang up on her now. You guys call her 'Poser' more than her actual name nowadays.
As you two start to spend more time together and develop a more intimiate friendship, Yelena doesn't quite register that she's developing romantic feelings for you. She goes to her big sister for advice.
"I held her in a hug for almost two minutes. Is that too long?" "Did she try and pull back?" "No." "Then nope. So when's the wedding?" "N-Natasha!"
Nat was an ass, as is the duty of the Older Sibling. But she did (eventually) help Yelena through her feelings and realize what they were. She wanted her to be happy, after all.
The next morning, you two are sparring as usual. Your enhancements usually give you the slight edge you need over Yelena, but she seems determined that morning to beat you.
And she does. After a hard-fought spar, she comes out on top, straddling your waist with one hand pressing down on your collarbone.
"You're... hff… really pretty from this angle," you managed to say, your exhaustion making you delirious.
Yelena searched your eyes for a moment, her hand not moving from your chest. Your hands squeezed her hips wordlessly, and she leaned down until she was only just hovering over your lips.
"…Can I, красивая?" "I'd be upset if you didn't."
And so she kisses you once. Then twice… until Natasha walks into the training room an hour later and wants to tear her eyes out. But you two are too wrapped up in each other to notice her running away from the training room.
"Could I interest you in a date, Agent Belova?" "…Can we go to the mall? I want more vests."
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Best of Friends
Summary: "Like they were in the red room together and they’re best friends and now talking all about stuff yknow and accidental confession of feelings OwO" is the actual note I left myself
A/N: sdaklfjsdsf fluffy it's just fluffy ok leave me alone I had the want to write it and so I did. I also have 2 more parts already (one almost finished, one half-finished). WC: 1.2k
my carrd masterlist
please reblog my posts!!! it feeds my soul and fuels my writing :)
CW: fluff :3; maybe minor bw spoilers?? don't think so but just to be safe; mentions of sexytimes; reader says no thanks to sexytimes and yelena is like ok that's fine :); reader was a widow but that doesn't mean they haven't since discovered that they are not in fact cisgender :)
“Have you ever had a crush on anyone?” Yelena asks you. You sit up and look at her. She sits up too, crossing her legs and adjusting herself on the queen-sized bed. You’d managed to snag an apartment with two bedrooms, but both were cramped and there wasn’t a common space to sit—just a bathroom and hallway-turned-kitchenette between the two rooms, so you both often ended up in one of your rooms to hang out. This evening, it was hers.
“Yelena, I’ve been in the red room since I was six, same as you, and it’s not like I’ve really met anybody in the past month and a half,” you say. “I’ve been mind controlled for all the years I would have a crush.”
“Well, we still felt things,” she said, looking at her lap. “We just couldn’t do or say anything.”
“Did you have any crushes?” you turn the question back onto her.
“Oh, of course. A few little ones, but there was always one that never left me alone,” she sighs. “I spilled my beans, now your turn,” she pokes at your knee.
“Alright, alright, I had one or two, too, mostly later on,” you admit.
“You were quite a late bloomer,” she recalls, making you blush. You were the last of your class to get the hysterectomy, considering they preferred to do it one you were “fully matured.” “I’m only teasing,” she assures you.
“I know, Lena,” you say.
“So who were yours,” she grins.
“No way!” you scoff.
“Okay, just the biggest one, and I’ll tell you mine too,” she says. “We’ll do it at the same time.”
“Alright, alright, fine!” You yield, heart beating so hard you swear it’s visible.
“3…” Yelena begins
“2…” you say.
“1!” you both shout.
“You!” you both shout in unison. An almost dopey grin spreads across her face as you slap your hand over your mouth in surprise, letting out a shrill laugh.
“Do you still?” you ask after a minute, your blush spreading down across your chest.
“Do you?” her question answers yours.
“Mhm,” you nod bashfully.
“I’ve crushed on you since we were 11,” she admits.
“I was 15,” you giggle. “I had all these dreams about kissing someone, and before I woke up I would see it was you, but only for a second,” you said softly.
“You used to throw your hand over the side of the bed, into the gap between ours. I always put it back when I saw, for your elbow’s sake, but sometimes I would hold it just for a second,” she confessed. “Oh my god, that’s so creepy,” she lamented.
“It’s okay, Lena,” you put your hand over hers. “We had so little comfort or contact there, I really don’t mind. It’s kind of nice to know, actually,” you say.
“So long as you don’t think I’m creepy,” she says with relief.
“Aw, of course I think you’re creepy. But not because of that,” you laugh, making her shove you with her free hand playfully. She interlaces your fingers and squeezes.
“You’re creepy too.”
“Thank you,” you hum softly.
You both sit there for a bit, holding hands and smiling at each other, basking in the moment you’ve both daydreamed about for years inside your mental prisons, a spark of hope and joy finally realized.
“What do you say about making your dreams come true?” she says, cocky and mischievous.
“Like, kissing?” you ask. She nods. “O-okay, yeah, that’d be nice,” for someone trained in keeping their cool, you’re failing fantastically at it in this moment.
“Still so innocent somehow,” she hums, bringing a hand to the nape of your neck, then sliding it to the back of your head to pull you in gently. She meets you halfway and then her soft lips are on hers, gentle and reassuring. You bring your hands to rest lightly on her waist, letting your eyes close and your body relax.
Without your surgery done until later, you never went on many missions that involved seduction, and you’ve never kissed a girl. Her lips are so fucking soft.
“So sweet,” she pulls back, resting your foreheads together. You press your noses together and smile. “Is it everything you dreamed of?” she smirks.
“And more,” you confirm.
“You want some more?” she teases.
“Yes please,” you say, trying not to sound too desperate.
“I’m more than happy to oblige,” her voice sounds a little husky as she pushes you back down to lay on the bed, settling over you before kissing you again.
“Lena,” you gasp between kisses. “How the fuck are your lips so soft?” you ask.
“Chapstick, dekta,” she says back when she can. You stick your tongue out at her, a little whimper of surprise making its way out of your throat as she takes it as an opportunity to slide your tongues together and gain entrance to your mouth.
You follow her lead, letting her explore and tentatively doing the same, trying to contain any more of your sounds. You’ve never kissed anybody like this before. You’re floating on cloud nine in the whole situation, hardly able to believe it.
“Let me hear you, dekta,” she says when you pull back for air. “You always sound so cute, I’ll bet you’re downright adorable when you whimper for me,” she says.
“Okay, okay, I will,” you say. “Just don’t stop, please,” you beg. She chuckles and goes back to kissing you, and now you let out all the little whimpers and whines that were trying to escape beforehand. She hums happily into the kiss.
“Absolutely precious,” she confirms. “So good for me,” she praises, you whine a little louder. “You like that?” she asks. You nod frantically. “Like it when I tell you how good you are? How about when I tell you that you’re my favorite?” she presses further. You hum happily, flushing red again.
“So cute,” she says, nuzzling her face into your neck. You run your hands up and down her back, enjoying the pressure of her body on yours and relaxing.
“I’m not cute,” you say. “I’m a trained killing machine.”
“Still cute,” she says. “Even if it’s just for me to see,” she kisses your jaw. You feel one of her legs slotting between yours. “Unless you want to keep it here tonight,” there’s no pressure or expectation in the question, so you answer honestly.
“Can we just kiss and cuddle?” you ask. “I’m just—it’s not you, it’s just a lot—“
“It’s okay, dekta,” she hushes you. “I know, it can be a lot. Don’t worry. There’s plenty of time for me to take you apart later,” she says with a smirk you can hear.
“Is that a promise?”
“Just you wait, mladenec,” she says. “But for now, come here,” she rolls you both to your sides and brings her lips back to yours. She doesn’t have to tell you twice.
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lunathewafflelord · 3 years
Yay I meant to do this sooner but haven’t.
I’m Luna M., a teenage artist who plans on becoming a professional animator someday. I’ve been working on the same story since I was three years old, and I plan on making it an animated series someday. 
I like posting my art here, but I also post other stuff here. Things like funny things that happened to me, things I’d like to see in video games, and other stuff about my interests. I like making stuff that makes people happy, so there’s probably gonna be a lot of memes here.
Right now, my main fandoms are Pokémon, My Little Pony, Animal Crossing, and Avatar: The Last Airbender. There’s other fandoms I’m a part of, but they’re not my MAIN fandoms.
I try to avoid making political posts on my profile unless it’s absolutely necessary. I’m going to say here, though, that I 100% support Black Lives Matter, Stop Asian Hate, the Palestine Under Attack movement, and other similar things. I just don’t want to put these things on my profile as I want my profile to be a safe space for people who are upset by these things. I may reblog or share things if they relate directly to me or someone I know, but in general I try to keep politics off of my profile. Please respect my decision.
Known languages:
English (native)
Japanese (can understand, not necessarily speak)
French (knows a few phrases, can’t necessarily speak complete sentences)
Spanish (same as French)
Latin (expert on root words and good at recognizing the origins of words, can’t necessarily SPEAK Latin but I know a lot about it) Stuff you should know about me:
-I am autistic, and I tend to talk about the things I really like a lot. I might make ten posts a day about the same thing. You’ll get used to it at some point, I promise.
-I really like beagles. If I’m ever feeling down, send me a picture of a cute beagle. It almost always cheers me up.
-might be obvious by my username, but I call myself the waffle lord. I don’t remember the exact origin for it, but it’s been a bit of a running joke for a while.  -Lately I’ve been really into Pokémon Black and White. I’ll probably be reblogging lots of Pokémon Black and White stuff. I also made a Pokémon BW meme sideblog called @unovamemes. But it’s mostly N stuff.  -I talk in caps lock frequently. Not because I’m angry, but because it’s a way of expressing excitement, such as “AAAAA I FINALLY BEAT THAT GAME I’VE BEEN STRUGGLING WITH FOR THREE YEARS”. Or, it’s a way to signify that I’m making a joke, like “HOW CAN YOU BE A COLRESS FAN IF YOU DON’T USE INTERNET EXPLORER” (an actual quote of mine).  -I really like talking about my original stories, mostly because I’ve worked so hard on them. One story I’ve been writing since I was 3 years old! If you ever need advice on writing, hit me up ‘cause I likely will be able to help you!
-I don’t swear, but I might reblog posts with swearing. If I do swear, that means something is up. I usually only swear when I’m REALLY mad about something, so don’t mess with me when I’m infuriated. It doesn’t end well.
DeviantArt (main)- M1m1kyu
DeviantArt (MMD)- MMD-Kyu
Scratch- M1mikyu
Bell Tree Forums- Alcremie
Twitter- Luna_Waffle
ToyHouse- LeWaffleLord
YouTube- Princess Tsuki (I plan on changing my user soon so this’ll be updated later)
Despite growing up with Nintendo consoles, I never played a Mario game until I was 13 and even then it was Mario Kart. It wasn’t until I was 15 that I started seriously playing main series Mario games, in the form of Mario Maker and the various games available through Nintendo Switch Online.
I never played a main series Pokémon game until I was 12, yet somehow I became an expert within a year.
I love drawing fluffy hair. Lots of my characters have creative hairstyles because of how much I love drawing fancy hair. I also like exaggerating floof on animal characters
Right now N is my favorite Pokémon character. He helped me cope with severe PTSD and thinking about him makes me happy. If you like N, or Pokémon BW in general, please message me. I need more people to talk to about it...
I love making puns, it’s one of my specialties. (Insert pun here) I also make lots of “dad jokes” despite being a girl who isn’t anywhere near old enough to be a parent to anything other than a cat or dog.
Water is my favorite element! I frequently have dreams about having water powers. I grew up with ATLA so I really had a long time to think about this.
I cannot be trusted with whipped cream. I will fill bowls with whipped cream and eat it with a spoon. I love the texture.
I absolutely love croutons but because I’ve broken my braces with them twice I can’t have them anymore.  (no more braces though, yay!)
-if you’re openly supportive of the usage of restraints on autistic or disabled children in general. This is a genuine trigger to me and I do NOT want to interact with people who think it’s okay to abuse children
-if you use “autism/autistic” as an adjective in a derogatory manner or as an insult
-if you’re openly racist, transphobic, ableist, etc. (can’t think of every single thing to list but you get the idea,,,) 
-yeah that’s it ig, just don’t interact if you think genuinely harmful things are okay and... stuff. just your typical DNIs.  I don’t want to exclude people, I just don’t want to be around people who are extremely toxic or hate people like me and my friends just for existing
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hattricks · 4 years
 okay I guess this could be salt?? my opinions about when people say a character is a “bad rival” --
the player characters are prodigies. they’re meant to win every battle – iirc, it wasn’t even until hau in gen 7 that it was possible for the player to lose a rival battle without the game sending you to a pokemon center. compared to you, every rival isn’t that good.
but every rival who makes it to the league is also much better than most other characters.
bianca bw? she has a team that can hold its own in the pokemon world tournament. hau sunmoon? He regularly beats the elite four. shauna xy has two pseudo-legendary dragons, and you only battle against her twice!
(side note in that I love that they gave shauna two goodra. my daughter is amazing)
it frustrates me to no end when people say that certain rivals aren’t good trainers just because they always lose to you. of course they always lose to you, you’re the protagonist! the games are designed for ten-year-olds to enjoy and have fun, so of course the rival characters are designed to make you look good. since they’re npcs, there’s no actual competition. the rivals are there to introduce you to things, to push you forward along the plot (and yes, even a poorly-written plot is still a plot), to make you look good and get you invested in the world.
in-universe, nearly every rival could be seen as an excellent trainer. they all deserve better.
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rocksinmuffin · 4 years
Answering a bunch of questions under the read more, you know the drill
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I’m a traitor. I ended up picking Sobble because out of the final evolutions his design was the one I liked the best. I still haven’t beat the game but I like the old silver fox-looking dude who runs the fire gym.
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You’re my favorite anon!
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Was there a tv series? I could write for the movie but if there is anything specific to the series then I wouldn’t know about it.
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Yep, that’s why I used them as an example when I made my post about not writing porn of characters who never appear as adults in canon. The turtles have been adults in enough media that I am okay with writing nsfw for them.
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I’m a fake gamer girl because I never played final fantasy 7 (FF9 was my first and therefore favorite) but anon you are valid.
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Thank you! Happy holidays to you too!
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Any character voiced by Keith David is immediately sexy and Elisa is the only cop on this bitch of an earth that I respect.
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Yeah dude I’ve seen both. It’s been a while since I watched either one but as far as I remember they were both good and the songs slapped.
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I only have one post but you can find it in my Trying Human tag here: https://rocksinmuffin.tumblr.com/tagged/trying-human
I’ve said this multiple times now and am probably starting to sound like a broken record, but this is all thanks to nsfw ban from last year.  Anything tagged nsfw (or even if there’s a curse like shit or fuck somewhere in the tags) do not show when you use the search function.  The way around this is to type in the url for the tag you want like I did above.
However, I think there is also something more to that because that yandere Getaway sequel I wrote here: https://rocksinmuffin.tumblr.com/post/189661134998/continuation-of-the-yandere-getaway-scenario does not show in my Getaway or yandere tag (at least not when I search it on any of my devices) though it is still clearly on my blog.  It’s not even nsfw but even so the workaround includes nsfw results so I don’t know what is going on. Tumblr is shit yo.
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Ahhh I’m sorry fam, I don’t know for sure. Despite being a request blog I don’t follow more than maybe one or two myself. You can check my promo tag though and maybe someone on the list will be open to bw requests. https://rocksinmuffin.tumblr.com/tagged/promo
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Thanks I like big stupid men and DBZ has some of the biggest and stupidest around.
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He’s a good boy!!!! I have a Low Key Form one on my main team and I love him.  Poison and Electric is such a weird combo but I am digging it.
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This is already on my masterlist.  While I am interested in Hollow Knight, I still haven’t played it so I can not write for it.
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I’m... I’m not sure why you think requests are open???  My blog says requests are closed in several places so I am not sure I understand the confusion.  Maybe because a couple of requests I answered had the anon mention they were open?  Because they were when the request was made forever ago lol.
If you aren’t sure if my blog is open for requests or not, when in doubt, check my header.  That is the first thing I change when requests are open or closed.
As for the fandoms, sorry but I do not write for Doctor Who or Star Trek.  Doctor Who I just could never get into and Star Trek I have only seen a little here or there; it’s cool but I haven’t seen enough of any series to write for it.
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Anon.... why...? Why would you want this?  WHY????
Real talk though I have yet to see the movie but I have seen off-Broadway versions of the musical twice and I STILL have no idea what CATS is about.
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Listen... I was raised in the 90s and those movies were a much as my childhood as any Disney movie.
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I never saw the original but I owned a vhs copy of Feivel Goes West as a child and that and Rockadoodle were two of my favorite childhood movies asdfghjkl. I don’t think anything of Cat R. Waul though, he’s a bitch.
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Yes and he looks cute now. I might actually go see it.
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I haven’t!  I still need to watch the first season!  It looks cute I just haven’t made the time yet but I’ve heard good things.
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doubleddenden · 5 years
You know its absolutely amazing how maybe a week ago Pokemon had done everything right. They had a badass knight raven, they had MOTHAFUCKIN WOOLOO WOOO and they had kaijus, interesting characters, and the wild area.
Now its practically in the gutter lol. I am a fanboy but yikes. They messed up. I wouldn't be shocked if they decide to add the rest of the pokemon they took out as a patch, but game freak is very stubborn and probably won't. They'll include all of them as a selling point in the next one tho, bet on that.
So since it's okay to talk about it now without getting death threats, we need to chat. I've actually had my grievances with Game Freak for a while and did defend them a bit, but no more.
Since 2013 they've shilled gen 1 with mostly gen 1 megas until the Hoenn remake where they still made more Kanto megas, and refused to make Alolan forms that weren't Kanto pokemon
They took out battle frontier in oras because Masuda thought mobile games would compete with it
They dumbed down LGPE because he seriously thinks mobile games are more competition and to appeal to fans that dropped after gen 1. Even with the shitty catching controls he calls it his magnum opus. What.
They've consistently refused to design at least 100 new pokemon for gen 6 and 7, probably 8 if we're being realistic. No, megas, variants, and forms do not count or else each unown and Arceus would be a separate pokemon.
While I enjoyed ultra sun, it should've been dlc.
LGPE also limits you to 153 pokemon, 2 of which you need shitty Go for.
Introduced walking with your mons, took it out, then added it back. And probably took it back again
Megas and variants are still cool. Refuse to make more and blame art block for no mega Flygon instead of hiring someone who CAN make one
Took out events where you got actual story and lore and actually got to fight and capture these legendary and mythical pokemon in favor of handing out codes or going to gamestop or just being HANDED these mythical beings because MASUDA thought the Azure Flute was too complicated
And while we're at it, some other grievances
2019, Gyrados and Steelix have to be dynamaxed to be close to their accurate sizes. Hmmm.
2019, these "better, more intricate animations" still has Scorbunny hopping once or twice to use Doublekick when Stadium and Battle Revolution had actual movements for the moves
2019, still no game like the beta footage for Battle Revolution where Groudon hyperbeams a battlefield and HALF OF DEOXYS APART.
2019, (at least as of now) we're still tweens (BW and XY being 16 and 18 if there's any exception) with the same faces and bodies and halfassed customization options for our trainers. Most fans that play are in college or older, or at least late teens. Just saying from my own experience. The character customization should allow us more freedom with that to look older or different.
Yeah, it's time to start calling them out for it. Space ain't an issue when you can use system and SD storage space or patch shit in, and ESPECIALLY an HD system that rivals the PS4 and Xbox One. Maybe instead of prioritizing a gamble that may or may not make it like Town, you should focus on your bread and butter! Just sayin!
I'm actually going to wait this time around to buy used because I can't justify paying $60 and more for games and services that won't even allow my favourites in after beating the elite 4. And I definitely can't justify Home simply because of this:
The only place Home can send pokemon to is SwSh. Everything else is one way to Home.
If SwSh doesn't have your favorite in the pokedex, its stuck in Home until they decide to make a compatible game for it. That's not fair to the consumers.
Bank will eventually stop service. At that point, if this issue isn't fixed, you either leave your pokemon collection in Sun and Moon/Ultra, or you imprison them in Home until they decide to include them. Also not cool.
Balance is bullshit for an excuse. Just ban Landorus, MegaQuaza, The Tapus or anything else you want to get rid of from competitions, but let us have them in the game.
They keep saying "we're working very hard to do X" and using all sorts of buzzwords but if this is too hard for Game Freak, maybe give it to someone who can take it seriously! I'd be down to see Sakurai or Monolithsoft try making a Pokemon game. Or give it to the Dragon Quest guys at Square Enix or the Digimon Story guys at Bandai Namco to let them make phenomenal games.
Listen, before you tell me to off myself for this or call me names, we deserve a better pokemon game. We deserve creators that don't just phone it in or are afraid to try anything new after piracy and ice cream/garbage "ruined" gen 5 apparently (it absolute did not btw and anyone who thinks so are fuckin morons).
This is the minimum requirement every pokemon game needs. The MINIMUM.
ALL POKEMON SHOULD BE AVAILABLE IN THE DAMN GAME. This doesn't mean they have to be caught! Doesn't mean there has to be a national Dex either! Sun and Moon didn't have it but had all 800+ pokemon in the files, and they were 3ds games! $90 billion, make it work.
At least 100 original pokemon that are not alternative forms or variations, none of which are legendary or similar. $90 billion company. Hire more artists.
That's it! If you can't even do that, then give it to someone who can. Simple.
When you get down to it, there's a reason #bringbackthenationaldex trended and the treehouse video plummeted with dislikes.
"We're making this game for long time fans" was a lie I guess.
Rant over.
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SNM 29, August 5, late
I’m a creature of habit. I’ll triple loop Porter if someone interesting is on and not have any regrets. Tonight, Parker was Porter, and I’ve never seen him in the role.  As I watched, I thought about the progression of Porter, if we follow the theory that Porter is an older version of Boy Witch or even if Porter is just someone in love with BW.  Parker is a hopeful Porter as @atoddswithmorning described or, in my mind, he’s “Just got broken up with but the ex doesn’t want you seeing other people” Porter.  I spent the better part of the night with him.
I also danced with Gage and was quite delighted. He spun me and spun me until I was dizzy after. When he bowed, I tried to curtsy and totally failed.
For a while now, I’ve been thinking that the show has been missing some of the (not really the right word, but…) visceralness of my earlier days.  Meaning to say, for example, during the BW/Porter phone booth, it was violent and cruel.  Porter was being beat up by BW.  Now he’s just being gently manipulated.  This was something I noticed especially during Banquo’s murder.  Sure, they were fighting, but it was all too pretty.  HOLY SHIT. Not when it’s Jeff and Yiannis. JFC. I watched it twice, and listened to the audience gasping through the whole bloody business.  It was just 100% amazing.  After reading @readwithjoy 's description of the rave with Jeff, I decided to do something I haven’t done in a very long time, namely, watch the rave. Jeff is truly a treasure in the Mckittrick. He is just giving his all every single time I see him, which I love.  Then I scampered out to watch the murder.  I actually came back and watched the murder again during the last loop because it was just so perfect.  And I was so impressed with Yiannis, someone I haven’t seen much of since I haven’t been around this year, that I watched the Luggage, Ballroom, and Crypt dances.  I wish him success, but I hope he drops by every once in a while.
One last thing about Jeff’s Macbeth. I almost laughed out loud when I caught a few moments of the bathing scene.  Some of the other Macbeths are surprisingly modest when they get into bed.  Jeff is like, “Gaze upon my works and despair!”  He is really fearless in all aspects of his performance.
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shadowwingtronix · 5 years
Sing Me A Story: Big In Japan--Twice
BW Media Spotlight's Sing Me A Story tries to be Big In Japan--Twice, with both Alphaville, and Martin Solevig & Idoling
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There are songs I enjoy more for the beat and music than the words because I can’t understand the words when I’m listening to it. That was one of the inspirations for this article series. There have been times when what we thought a song was about thanks to a lyric or two, or what was in the video, is not what the song is about at all, which is why I try to use lyric videos instead of the actual…
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hideandseaking · 7 years
What do you think are the easiest and hardest Pokemon generations to nuzlocke?
From easiest to hardest, in my personal experience:
Gen 6Gen 2Gen 1Gen 7Gen 3Gen 5Gen 4
Now I’ve put 7 in the middle because I haven’t fully done a SM Nuzlocke yet, but I am in the beginning of a wondertradelocke for Sun so ask me in June for a new list at that point ahaha
I’ll put some reasoning for each choice in a read more if you’re interested on the placements and why I put them where (:
Gen 6 (XY and ORAS):
Definitely the easiest in my personal opinion. I’ve done 3 different XY lockes (Wondertradelocke, Alphabet Wonderlocke, and a Tradelocke) and I’ve procured the least amount of deaths from the Wondertradelocke. I believe only 3 Pokemon died. The Alphabet Wonderlocke was harder because I was forced to use alphabetical order, which forces a lot more out of you. But by the time I went to the E4 with a team of 6, I have two level 100 pokemon from grinding up potential new teammates. It’s cute when Diantha mega evolves her Gardevior and you one-shot it with your Armaldo’s X-Scissor. The Tradelocke with Dan was the hardest of the 3 but that’s partially because he’s a jerk who gives me underleveled pokemon constantly fdasjfkld The EXP share is very enabling during it, so to make it harder I would suggest turning it off right at the beginning.
As for ORAS, I’m currently at the E4 with Dan in a Tradelocke of that. I’ve only lost like... 6 Pokemon, I think? I don’t have my 3DS on my atm. But even with the EXP share turned off starting after the 5th gym, it’s been painfully easy. Definitely a good game to start with if you’ve never Nuzlocked before, but for a seasoned veteran this isn’t fun to play as a nuzlocke
Gen 2 (GSC):
I’ve part-way Nuzlocked Crystal up to Chuck, and I’m almost complete with a Vietnamese Crystal Nuzlocke (almost ready for the E4 actually), and the death counts are consistently low in these games. I’ve only lost once in a Viet. Cry. Nuzlocke to Falkner due to really bad luck but other than that I’ve always prevailed. I’d say they’re the easiest if the EXP share wasn’t how it is in Gen 6. I always lose a Geodude to Whitney and then have a barren land of deaths until around Blackthorn. If everything goes smoothly in the Viet. Crys. Nuzlocke, then I’ll come out with 3 deaths?? I’ve also done a 3-way GSC Nuzlocke Stream where I was on Gold, and we made it to Jasmine without any trouble at all really. None of us had more than 2 deaths. They’re very easy games the Nuzlocke. Another good beginner set for anyone.
Gen 1 (RBY):
If you can’t tell already, I like to play hacks and ROMs instead of the real games, and alternate versions of Nuzlocking instead of traditional. My experience with RBY has been a Crazy Randomizer Version of Red and a partial tradelocke turned Nuzlocke with Blue. With the Crazy Randomizer, it took me 28 tries to not die before Brock, but after the 28thh reset it was smooth sailing and I made it to the E4 before my laptop threw away the file. I had a Moltres named Lucifer and everything RIP. But that isn’t to say that these games weren’t hard. There are a lot of deaths peppered in these games, as they���re unfair and the coding came from another dimension. When I was tradelocking with my brother, he died twice to which we had to restart. In both games I’ve been reduced to a party of 2 and nothing more. They’re a good standard of tough but not unholy unfair. A little boring to play at the beginning if you’ve seen it before, but honestly still fun.
Gen 7 (SM):
Now, like I’ve said, I’m only doing a Sun Wondertradelocke atm (though I have bidders for a Tradelocke... and a 4-way Tradelocke....) and thus it’s going in the middle. I’ve only gotten up to Hala? I’ve lost a few Pokemon already, and I know these games are going to be a little more tough than XY at least. ...If you turn off the Exp share. Idk yet tho. Nothing is too certain here until I complete that tradelocke. Like I said, come back to me in June when I’ve probably gotten a lot farther and can gauge the games more then.
Gen 3 (RSE and FRLG):
I’ve played these games so much just kill me. Ruby is my Nuzlocke for my comic, and I’ve made it clear before that the death count came out low for it. It’s a pretty easy game in all honesty. I’ve done an Omega Emerald nuzlocke where I quit before Petalburg. And I’ve done an Emerald 365 Nuzlocke where I died in that too. Maybe if I tried Emerald I would see harder results, but once you know how to play the game, Ruby is easy. I’d recommend trying Emerald for more toughness but I wouldn’t expect much from these games.
That being said, FRLG is a lot harder. Leaf Green was the first Nuzlocke that I ever completed and I almost filled a whole box. It sucks evolving your Eevee into a Jolteon to have it taken from you right away. Or having your Primape that’s 8 levels above an Ivysaur get demolished in one Vine Whip. It’s tough. Like??? Really tough?? I’d have to pick up one again to see if it was just my beginner aspects that made it tough or if it was the game itself, but that box count doesn’t lie. This is why Gen 3 is up higher in my opinion, because this game hurt a lot lmao
Gen 5 (BW and B2W2):
Pain and suffering! Pain and suffering!! I’ve completed a White Nuzlocke and only a White Nuzlocke out of these games. I filled a box. I was down to a team of 3 after the 5th badge and it didn’t fully replenish until after the 7th badge gym. I’d evolve something and it would get brutally murdered 30 minutes later. I’ve seen a Bisharp 15 levels under my Archeops take it down from full HP to 0 in one hit. This game is brutal. It’s terrifying. I fear the day I’m bored enough with the others to go and try these again.
I have a White 2 Nuzlocke somewhere but I’m afraid of this game too. I haven’t picked it up recently because my team got down to 1. I was relying on a Delcatty in Burgh’s battle. I’m at the 5th badge gym in it currently and I’m pretty sure I have a team of 5 in it. It’s scary and I’m afraid of going back to that game too. This is a super tough generation as a whole, but it’s so rewarding to beat one.
Gen 4 (DPPt and HGSS):
Y’all I haven’t even gotten close in a DPPt game. I die before the 4th gym every time. I don’t even know what it’s like to battle Wake in these games. Everything seems moderate and then you get to Solaceon town and you’re left for dead. Things kill you. You die. Not to mention, who tf wants to put up with the game speed in DP?? At least try Platinum for comfort but that’s just even harder. If I ever manage to beat one of these games, I’ll tell you. But honestly respect to anyone who has, because these are brutal games.
As for HGSS, I’ve beaten SS before and GOD it took me 2+ years. The experience climb is the most painful one I’ve ever had to deal with. These games test your patience and penchant for grinding. You can’t even get half the Pokemon you want until the game is over. I believe I filled a good portion of my box in these games too, but the fact of the grinding climb being so slight in the games is just sad and hurtful. Also seeing your Pokemon walk behind you and then they die can be a little more heart-wrenching than the other games. These are fairly tough as well because of Whitney but overall the gameplay is fair enough. Just a lot of patience and stamina required for these games.
Anyway, that’s all I gotta say from my personal experience. I hope you enjoyed this and if you’ve had a different experience, feel free to share it lmao
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