#bw spoilers
heather-m-quigley · 2 years
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so maybe The Gay is getting a little more official (at least by Japanese standards) and bitches like WTF
meanwhile Aoi like "i'll never wash this cheek again" 💞
yeah i lied about not stopping the whole.. gonna pause to make gifs and liveblog the episode every 5 seconds. i'll focus now. really. surely there will not be any other moments that make me do this for the rest of this finale episode.
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thegreymoon · 8 months
Black Wedding
I am taking a break from C-dramas. TTEOTM was such a massive disaster for me that I now find myself reacting with visceral revulsion to seeing the actors from that show even in other dramas (most notably Bai Lu, whose tag and any mentions of her have now been indefinitely blocked on my blog). This is decidedly not healthy, so some distance is required until I regain some balance and perspective. A show being objectively bad should not have affected me to this extent, I should have just stopped watching, but I feel like I was already sliding into a bad place mentally when this dropped and was maybe subconsciously counting on LYX in a costume drama to provide me with the dopamine I needed to crawl out of this state. Well, that clearly did not happen, the show brought me no joy, just more disappointment and frustration, so I slid even further, and here we are. It's been weeks since I've been able to watch anything at all.
So, for something completely different, I am turning to dramas closer to home. I'm normally allergic to ex-Yu productions, everything about them bothers me, from the themes and narrative choices to the actors and their acting styles. I tried to think of a single ex-Yu drama I like and the only one I can think of is a comedy (?) from the 1980s. However, Serbia has had some interesting releases in the last few years that look like they might cater to my interests, so now is as good a time as ever to give them a try.
Starting with the Black Wedding. I am going in unspoiled, hoping for the full effect. Let's see if I'll enjoy it or if it will make me even angrier than TTEOTM.
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Wish me luck!
I'm not from Serbia, but sad, miserable places in various states of disrepair like this one here are soooooo familiar to me 😔
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I can leave my house, walk for ten minutes, and find a building that looks exactly like this. It's... unsettling. I remember, years ago, I went to the cinema to watch Hostel. They had a train at the beginning identical to the one I took every week. It immediately soured the whole movie for me (not that the rest of the movie was enjoyable in any way, but still).
Oh, these are those wax church candles?
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Interesting! I like religious horror. Hoping for a demonic possession or two now 🙏🙏
The intro is promising. Very promising.
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The music is excellent, expectations are rising.
Familiar small town is familiar.
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I always thought I was lucky I had the chance to live in other, bigger places, but it was all temporary and in the end, I always had to come back to this. No wonder I'm depressed.
Ah, Belgrade.
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I've always had the worst luck with this city.
Concrete jungle.
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Oh, me too, my dude. Me too 😔
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Oh, abortion debate? On my Serbian drama? It's more likely than you think!!
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This can go either really well, or really badly.
In my humble opinion, all priests can just die.
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Detestable class of sub-humans. I break out in hives whenever one of them opens their mouth to spout their garbage opinions where I can hear them.
LMAOOOOO, and of course they have her use the two-minute break in the debate to snap a picture of her cooch 🤣🤣
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Of course. Of course!! Why did I even expect them to do anything but try to paint the powerful, educated, liberal, pro-choice woman as some kind of sex-crazed deviant who doesn't even wear underwear? OF COURSE!! She can't even restrain herself from indulging in promiscuous behaviour in public, while debating the right of women to murderize ~innocent babies~ 🙄🙄 How dare.
I spoke too soon when I said this show was shaping up to be good.
Ten minutes in, and already we have the first strike.
It was narratively very important for us to see him adjusting his dirty ballsack 🙄🙄
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Ahahahahaha, her name is Natasha 🤣🤣
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I cannot even 🤣🤣
We've had a spate of horrific femicides in the last few weeks here. One especially hideous case that was followed by a mass shooting also included law enforcement and the judicial system protecting the perpetrator when the wife reported the violence, even though he was a known criminal. He left their baby in a pool of her mother's blood when he went off to murder more people. It was so outrageous, it triggered protests across the country that will, of course, change nothing. Men will continue to abuse and murder women with impunity because the state allows them to.
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A flashback to the 1970s? OK, let's see where that goes.
Oh, so they are Romanian?
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And the husband isn't?
Granny sound unhinged.
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So much hate in this family. Goodness, it's palpable!
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Jesus. He just up and shot them both.
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I cannot with men like this. You don't like your wife? You don't like your MIL? PUT YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND JUST LEAVE.
Oh no. Oh no. He is shooting everyone.
How prophetic, in light of all the shit that has gone down in Serbia this year.
He spared the child.
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He murdered everyone else, tho.
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This actor is fantastic, btw. He has been around forever, acting since he was a child. He is a living cultural icon at this point.
He is also mentally unwell.
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From the hints we've gotten from the state of his apartment, something happened to his son? Also, his wife's (?) picture is still in a prominent place, but there is no wife around. I'm expecting some serious shit there.
OMG, it's been years and years since I've heard the Black Rose mentioned 🙄🙄
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It's a murderous Satanic cult (allegedly) but I've never been sure if it's real or if it was just sensationalistic reporting combined with Satanic panic. I never really believed the stories I read in garbage tabloids that usually reported them.
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What do you mean the shooter has no children?
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So, who were those two who were apparently working day and night and never talking to each other that the crazy MIL was moaning about?
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f1uckinghell · 1 year
Not saying I don’t appreciate the chapter, 😂♥️ cuz I love the little fill in for how max got rescued and Charles getting Christian’s help with Dan & mikey but omg I was so looking forward to max & Daniel reunion and now I’m back to anxiously waiting for another chapter. WHY DO YOU TEASE ME SO 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Next chapter it's coming, I gotta keep the suspension up until the last moment 😎
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homosexualratchet · 1 year
Dinobot & rihnox deserved better and to live, also if they did get revived what do you think their beast modes would look like in Beast machines. Also what’s your opinion on beast machines
rubs my little paws together
Im so glad you asked
For Dinobot its interesting because he would have to have his spark in a new body since Megatron took over his corpse in that episode where he made an amalgamation beast mode using the parts of all dead characters from BW.
I don't remember the time period they were in beast machines so I assume he is unable to obtain a beast mode similar to his old one unless he goes fossil mode, and if he does i think he gets mixed up technoorganically so hes a mix organic fossil reptile and machine and wants his beast mode which is like a fuck you to megatron as well
I also think a harpy eagle or a condor would be a good one as well
It would have been interesting considering how he ended a SECOND time saving Primal, his beast mode being much more robotic and asymmetrical than before. Yes, Ik hes technically not fully dinobot but he is enough of him to care for Primal and the others in the end.
I really love Dinobot II's design.
With Rhinox being Tankor, I think Tankors body suits him fine but I think Rhinox would have an updated, more robotic and stylized rhino beast mode if he so wished to get a beast mode again. Perhaps his horns/tusks are larger too.
As for Beast Machines overall, I LOVE how fucked up and insane Megatron becomes post beast wars, I also love that Strika and Obsidian are the greatest power couple of all time, yes I'm biased bc I love Strika. Theres a ton of little things in beast machines that i love, but theres also a lot I could go into that angers me. I wish jetstorm wasn't silverbolt and that they didnt change ba's character to just moping over silverbolt
Jetstorm was much cooler and his design was top tier only to become an Asian stereotype which i CoulD go into but I won't
Also what about Thrust he lost his boy bestie :(
That being said I actually think the take of Rhinox not going back to the maximals was a fun idea lol i think it could have been done so much better but hey, whatever
Btw i love blackarachnias design, creepy asf and i LOVE IT
Ok enough rambling teehee
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westruun · 8 months
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The scene is this: you and I stand in the room that is the center of my universe.
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shysheeperz · 1 month
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buddiebeginz · 27 days
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ojamayellow · 8 months
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Transformers Funnies [Beasties Style]
1 / 2 / ?
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a horrible, terrible, awful, no-good realization
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Think about it:
Mullet-y hair (N's sort of resembles a ponytail but upon closer inspection he doesn't seem to have a hair tie or anything)
They have a legion of loyal followers
They are royalty (N is the "king" of Team Plasma)
They have special powers that no one else does (yes, I'm counting N's ability to speak with Pokemon here)
They team up with a legendary dragon to force the world to comply with their own vision (Malleus's OB is Maleficent's dragon form, N forms a partnership with either Reshiram or Zekrom depending on the version you play)
They see themselves as benevolent even when they're doing questionable things or using force to achieve their goals
They're lonely as fuck largely due to how they were raised in isolation and with the sole purpose of "ruling" over others in the future (assume that the senators are the equivalent to Ghetsis)
They act somewhat distant and are socially awkward/don't know how to interact "normally" with others
They have a limited views + understandings of the world until they actually go out there and are exposed to different points of view
They both have buttloads of yumes/j
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skyistheground · 3 months
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lyric comes from "won't be slain here", a STP fansong by musiclide
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jbbarnesdeservesmore · 6 months
Homelander’s racism really popped out a bit there. “What kind of animal are you?” Like dude, you were called in to save humans from supes, maybe the supe hurting another supe is not the one you should be fighting
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thegreymoon · 4 months
Black Wedding
Moving on to the last episode!
With that said, I googled this show today and, apparently, there is a second season coming out this year, which means that this one will probably end on a cliffhanger and nothing of consequence will be resolved 😢 Now, while I did enjoy this show immensely, I am very sceptical that it can hold out for another 10 episodes. Most of the fun here was the character expositions. The demon hunt itself has been very boring (and the "black wedding" and Vlach witchcraft turned out to have absolutely nothing to do with the actual plot) so I am not convinced they have enough here to keep me hooked for another season.
But let's see. So far, this drama has exceeded all my expectations (which were admittedly pretty low to begin with) and it might just continue to do so.
I take it the exorcism didn't go well?
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Having the kid go full evil and not being saved would be a very appealing twist, ngl, but I doubt they had the guts to go there.
I knew he was just a lackey.
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Such a beautiful man but such a pathetic character. It kills all the attraction.
Anyway, he's reporting to a woman? Is this Vesna? Or someone else? Am I wrong about the aunt?
Lovely puppers, though. Pity they mutilated their ears.
LOL, she's losing her everloving mind.
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Much scarier than demon masks and poor attempts at CGI.
Is this a dead body?
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Father Tihon's dead body?
LOL, she's speaking in tongues now.
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I am so unable to take this seriously.
I think the only possession/religious horror movie that ever truly scared me has been The Skeleton Key. Truly unparalleled and terrifying. Everything else is just play-pretend in comparison.
I love that the best insult even a demon can come up with for a woman in this show is "whore" 🙄
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LOL, here comes this moron to ruin the exorcism.
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LOL, he literally rescued the devil 🤣🤣
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I love it, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving asshole.
LOL, did you come to kill the child, or did you too come to rescue the devil from exorcism?
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Shouldn't have interrupted that exorcism, eh? 🤣🤣
I am having so much fun! This is why I always cheer for the devil in these things.
Is Saruman genuinely here to really fight the devil?
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Like... him not turning out to be an actual force of evil would be the biggest plot twist of all for me in this show.
LMAO, if you are the one with the brain cells here, then neither God nor the devil can help us 🤣🤣
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I knew he would return home to find her dead.
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I just imagined it would be self-inflicted.
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Seems a bit too young, though. But she might have sold her soul in return for eternal youth or something, idk.
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WTF. Didn't they say the devil skipped her?
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And I was wrong about the aunt 😔
So, he is a devil worshipper too.
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So, she's been the Black Duke all along?
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Disappointed. I had hoped Ida would be it.
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Smh. Let women be sexual and feminists and atheists and NGO activists without confining them to a nunnery in the Year of Our Lord 2024 😭
*** The goddamn doctor is also devil worshipping 😒
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So... another mass shooter?
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WTF SHE'S ALIVE???????????????
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Yeah, nothing got wrapped up. Yeah, massive cliffhangers abound. Second season is inevitable 😔
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f1uckinghell · 1 year
idk if i was being dumb but i didnt expect the new chapter to go that way, I'm so glad it did! every Charles/Daniel moment was gold.
I was wondering how did the four of them explain this all/their dynamic/ what they've been through to new (potential) members? and on a side note I would like to think they sometimes get nostalgic and spend a little quality time as a four even now
I think that talk was very needed! :)
And yeah, they explained their dynamic, but more in a "haha remember back then" way. And yes, I think they would really enjoy getting together as just the four of them sometimes, for old times' sake.
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o-wild-west-wind · 6 months
y’all out here saying Izzy’s death made no narrative sense because it’s a comedy show clearly haven’t seen the Shakespeare post…I’m sorry I really am but death immunity only applies to the romantic leads the genre has not changed babes
(I don’t mean this to be patronizing, but genuinely: critically analyzing and engaging with art is a skill, and an important one. it’s a tool that will help you in the real world, for real current events. use this as practice not to take everything at face value. sad art does not equal bad art!)
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westruun · 8 months
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Let's do it your way then. As long as it's with you.
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shysheeperz · 25 days
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