#A Mock of Morality
glitzybunny · 1 year
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[Nero Reference Sheet!]
I wanna do The Hero's ref too, but I did this for a games art portfolio project!
(This sheet is also on Art Fight, I am very excited pfff)
I wanna try to do more finished art like this cause it turned out really good, and seeing how he looked when I first drew him to now is really cool IMO sdfgkfnbdjkg
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x-v4mp3y3lin3r-x · 1 year
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joeyclaire · 20 days
tumblr users be like “they’re so bi4bi t4t” and this is them
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dootznbootz · 2 months
You can horny post and thirst for Circe and Calypso without making fun of Odysseus, a victim of both, btw. 👍
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Hobie calls trans girl Miles 'Tinkerbell' in that one scene and the first thing she does in Beyond when they reunite after they hug is give him a light shock and snap 'I'm not THAT small!' for it but that was the poor guy's way of telling her he thinks she's pretty in an etheral way
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thegoldenhoof · 7 months
Izzy likers : We just wish Izzy had been allowed to actually make something of the growth and self discovery he was given, either a kind life or a meaningful death, preferably on his own terms.
Izzy haters: yOu JuST mAd he iS nOt thE mAin cHarACtEr yOU thOuGhT hE wAS
Actually considering I went from loving both Ed and Stede (Ed more than Stede to be fair) and being excited about their development to being horrified by how each wonderful aspect of their personality was chipped off by the finale till what were left were 2 self-centered shadows full of unresolved issues with little identity beyond their "great romance"...
Yeah, I'm actually glad Izzy was not the main character
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summerfullofsnow · 3 months
me when bl fans stop trying to find "the good one" to root for and learn to look at characters as multifaceted beings with their own motivations and personalities
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glitzybunny · 1 year
A Mock of Morality
or “You are my hero” (which was part of the prompt I think, or something close to that sdjhbgshjkdf)
Can’t really decide on a name for this short little thing dfkjhbgfdhbjg
Um parts of this are really vague but I would like to reiterate that it wasn’t supposed to be anymore than like something even shorter than this thing and was supposed to be for practice, however, I got carried away-
Well uhhhh here pffff AAAAAA
--- The battle was finally over.
What had felt like a centuries-long feud between the utmost good and the utmost evil had finally ended.
“How do you yield?” the villain stood over the hero’s limp and almost lifeless body laying flat on the ground, their face muddled in the dirt and ash, eyes closed. The villain, almost confused by the lack of response, nudges the hero with the tip of their long pointed boots. “Hello? I said, How. Do. You. Yield.” they said in a frustrated tone. Still no response.
The villain let out a long, drawn-out breath, pulling their face down in annoyance, “Come now, you’re better than that; don’t just leave me hanging here! This is history in the making!” the villain yelled in a mock of manic enthusiasm and hysterics, throwing his arms in the air, laughing crazily like no tomorrow.
As his laughter slowly pittered out, the villain looks down at the hero. He had still not moved a muscle; the villain’s eyes, once brimmed with mischief, were now filling with a touch of concern.
“I know you’re there...”
He crouches down, turns the hero over, and gently moves the hero’s head to face him with one of his hands, and they drop their sword in the other, checking the hero’s pulse.
‘Hmm, good... He seems to be alright.’ he lets out a relieved sigh. ��Just unconscious, they’re probably going to suffer from a nasty concussion once they wake up,’ the villain thought as they rubbed off the blood that had stained the hero’s cheek.
The villain looks around the surrounding area, the now abandoned part of the city covered in a flurry of flame, ash and rubble. The scent of burnt wood and the sound of distant police cars honestly gave them a sense of serenity and calm.
It looks like no one is around; better be quick before that changes.
The villain carefully puts his arms under the hero’s own arms and legs, picking them up into a bridal carry—time to get a move on.
The villain wasn’t sure what he was doing at this point; it was quite a feat to be able to defeat the hero like this. Despite officially achieving what could only be called ‘every villain’s best dream’, they didn’t really want to finish the job.
A part of them had become acquainted and fallen in love with the routine of creating ridiculous plans in order to face off against this world’s most powerful. To watch the effort of his arch nemesis go through the effort to take him down to save whatever place that had inevitably just been caught in the crossfire to face each other off.
Even though the villain had lost, a part of him was filled with joy; a part of him felt like he was the one that truly won. But now, now is a different story.
Now by the actual definition, he had won. But it didn’t feel right.
“You’re lucky that it’s just me and no one else. Had it been some other conniving maniacal villain, you may not have secretly made it out alive… hmm...” He quietly breathed out.
The hero quietly stirred in his arms. “Shhh shhh shhh, don’t worry, I’m getting there, hush now”, the villain cooed at him. A fancy limo with the villain’s signature dark red and purple hues pulled up before them.
“Sir! Congratulations on your big success!” They take a small party popper out of the front pocket of their suit and pop it, getting confetti all over the front passenger seat. ”I never doubted you for a second, boss! I knew that this was gonna be the one!” the villain’s enthusiastic henchmen exclaimed and whistled in delight; however, their expression dropped into confusion when they realised what, and more importantly, who, the villain was carrying.
The villain quietly and cautiously attempts to open the door with the hero in his arms, shifting slowly into the back seat so as not to further harm or wake the passed-out heroine. Not yet saying a word. He lays the hero onto the seat, letting his head rest on their lap.
The curious henchman looks into the rear-view mirror as the villain dramatically moves his finger to his lips. “Shhhh~” He exaggerates whilst winking at the henchman. The loyal henchman turns back toward the road and shrugs as she shifts out of park and goes into drive.
The villain supposed that they were probably to be asked many questions once they arrived safely at their destination.
The hero had finally arisen from his slumber, or maybe more so, from his small coma; for he had nearly been out for a week.
He was unaware of where he was or what he was doing here, but it was not because he hadn’t been here before.
The villain strolls in, full of enthusiasm, dressed head to toe in his best outfit. However, every outfit they had was really his best outfit. Despite the gusto, he had held quite a sombre expression.
He put his head in his hands, letting out the loudest sigh known to man; once he did so, he removed his hands, and he had wholly wiped any trace of sadness and concern on his face off like it was never there.
The villain slowly turns to the bed and jumps in shock. “Ah! You’re finally awake! I thought you were about to cross the border into the heavens. I’m glad you’re alright, sweetness~” he stifled a giggle, giving the hero a weirdly soft look. The hero looked around the room, confused.
“Oh, you might be wondering what you’re doing here in my guest chamber, I suppose.” The villain hummed. “Well, you see, I thought I would take matters into my hands and decided to take care of you instead of some petty old hospital.” He crossed his arms, distaste for hospitals marking his words. “They probably would have given you special treatment, but I think my treatment is a WHOLE lot more special~ Don’t you think?” He waited for the hero’s response.
“…Who… Who are you?” the hero said with a shake in his voice.
“I beg y- excuse me? Who am I? WHO AM I??? HOW DARE YO-” a tear drips down the hero’s cheek.
“I’m… I’m really sorry; it’s just- I’m having trouble even remembering who I am… Who- who am I? Are you my partner or something?” More tears streamed from his eyes; he felt so embarrassed and lost.
Was he joking? Did… Did the hero really lose all his memory after the battle?
What… What does a villain even do in this situation? What would anyone say in this situation?
The villain was at a loss for words. He adjusted his glasses as he walked over to what was supposed to be his arch-nemesis and sat next to him on the bed. “I-” the villain thought about his words carefully. What he says next could ultimately change everything if he so wished.
He could recruit them, but who would they fight? Would it be right to even lie to them like that? Why was he even questioning the morality of the situation? He was the villain, for crying out loud! He could be a non-stop evil machine! He could achieve even more than he already has. He could do anything he ever wanted!
But what did he even want?
“I guess you’re concussion has struck your memory… And here I thought you were completely alright or at least going to be… This is all my fault” All the sombre and sadness rushed right back.
“I’m sure it wasn’t your fault-” the once hero moved closer and softly rubbed the back of the villain’s back in small circles. The villain laughed at the comment.
“I see it hasn’t kicked your naivety. I liked that about you” they gave him a quick look before ultimately looking away. “You have no idea who I am or what I am capable of, not anymore, at least...” there was a long silence. A silence of contemplation. A silence of indecision. A silence of confusion and a flurry of mixed emotions.
“Perhaps we can get your memory back in due time, for now. Let’s get you some food. You’re probably starving! And very dehydrated!” the villain stands abruptly, making pace to the door. “Are you alright to get up?” The villain looks at him, and the hero thinks about it for a second.
“I think I’ll be alright, yes… But you didn’t answer my question. Who am I?” He replies, now sitting upright.
The villain stifles another laugh and beams a smile. “You are my hero.”
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mumpsetc · 14 days
The Way Redemption Works in MLP Where the Redeemed Party Has to Be Ok With Ponies Referencing Their Wrong Doings Like They're Fresh and Recent Forever and Any Frustration or Pushback or Response That Isn't a Placcid "Yes I Was the Most Evil Pony Ever" is Treated as Backsliding Kinda Sucks, Esp With How Nonuniformly It Gets Enforced.
Why Does Discord Get to Become a Whacky Cast Member Despite Continuing to Be a Weasely Cunt But Luna, Starlight, Sunset and Even Trixie Have to Develop Self Policing Guilt Complexes That Ruin Their Confidence and Constantly Put Them on Edge to Have the Dignity of Not Constantly Getting Their Past Behavior Shoved in Their Faces
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suncaptor · 14 days
people will find any way to denigrate and look down upon people who are doing literally anything they can to protest and take any actionable steps to try to support Palestine. like I am sorry if you're that uneducated or unprincipled but someone isn't uneducated or unprincipled to do something. Stop projecting.
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yardsards · 5 months
confession: i am SUCH a bitch behind the screen sometimes. i'll see an annoying post and then read it in a mocking tone and/or look at it and say "you obnoxious dumbass motherfucker, shut the fuck up" and/or give it the middle finger
(and then i just quietly scroll past the post bc they don't actually really deserve my rudeness)
am i the only one, or are we all secret assholes here?
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t4t4tclethian · 2 months
nobody understands empires s1 gem like i do btw just incase anyone was wondering
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jaythelay · 21 days
If ya really didn't like Somerton I think you'd move on but seems to me people wanna keep him in the limelight.
Dude ain't reaching his old plagiarised height, that's dead and gone, now he's trying to meme himself back into relevancy. It won't work, but assuredly, it has kept him continually more relevant than the plagiarised work he made harder to source.
If you don't like Somerton, move on, otherwise, ya like the drama that is Somerton, only he can produce, inherently, You like Somerton, move on if ya don't, otherwise, ya want more Somerton.
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meggannn · 9 months
(atsv spoilers)
jess's line to peter during the chase scene "if i haven't said it before, by the way, you're a terrible mentor" and miguel's "you're both equally terrible, does that settle it?" confirms a feeling i've had that everyone's been telling peter he's a bad mentor at the society, or there's maybe ongoing banter about who's better between them, and peter's insistence that he helped teach miles that/he's not that bad whenever miles succeeds in something is partly to defend his own reputation lol
ngl it would probably sting if you were one of, if not the, most experienced spider-man around but everyone made fun of you because your most recent proudest accomplishment is helping out a thirteen-year-old kid who's basically persona non grata around here and you can't show off how amazing he is and then they're like, "oh wait you taught the ANOMALY? uhhh that's not exactly something to be proud of, b"
it also would give peter's first line "go easy on [miles], he had a terrible teacher! he had no chance" more context because it was not only characteristically self-deprecating but i suspect he was riffing on an ongoing topic to take some heat from miguel off miles and onto him
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jce93 · 16 days
thry have the perfect sun/moon dynamic but u guys arent ready to hear that js yet 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫
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#something something kano being associated w nighttime/the darkness. like even his hoodie . or at least thats how i see it .#and#konoha is admittedly less tied to the daytime/summer stuff but LET ME FINISH#but theres even a few ties in the konoha no sekai jijou lyrics ummmm#(pretend i put that tiger deepfake gif here)#ok going to the vocaloid wiki for a moment BYEBYE#BACK!!!!!#“The sounds of a withering sun and the sweltering eyes of the blazing flare” / “The next two people saw such a pale-blue dream”#“The mocking sunbeams vanished somewhere” / “Even if the cicadas already start stridulating”#LIKE YA hes not as blatantly tied to it as kano but. i think ive proved my point#ALSO ALSO ALSO THE PHOTOS I PUT IN THE POST !!!!!!!#these arethe only two frames in this kind of “setting” in children record#and likeeee ya you can argue theyre not related but. i personally believe they are .#um#um.#where the buildings are cut off on the end of kanos side . they continue over on konohas#same w the sky that fades TO a dark blue on kanos into fading FROM a dark blue on konohas . in the same spot#idk yea im grasping at straws idk where the fuck i was going with this ummmmmmmm#kano is facing towards the light while . konoha is facing away from it#sorrry that doesnt really prove my point i just really like this scene#i think i doodled a small thing of . this scene and how i think it wouldve played out in-universe .#UM YA I DONT KNOW WHWRE I AAS ORIGINALLY GOING WITH THAT#moral of the story . konokano is sun/moon coded. thsnk u for coming to my ted talk#GIRL BYE I JUST REREAD ALL OF THIS WHY DID I TYPE THIS#oh also thatone kano valentines day/themed art where its all in konohas colour scheme and.the background is donutsGETS SHOT#BANG BANG BANG 💥💥💥💥‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🔫🔫🔫 BANG!! 🔫🔫💥💥💥🔫🔫‼️‼️💥🔫 GET HER ONE MORE TIME 💥💥🔫🔫🔫💥‼️💥 BANG BANG BANG💥💥🔫🔫🔫💥#rambles#konokano
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milimeters-morales · 9 months
Miles G. sneaking through some place and hearing giggles every now and then, so he assumes he’s either haunted or too stressed and just goes on about his sneaking, but then at the very end just as he’s about to escape Miles drops his camouflage and starts hollering and yelling while laughing, blowing Miles G. cover and ensuring a new fratricide case in Earth-42
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