#i think i doodled a small thing of . this scene and how i think it wouldve played out in-universe .
miru667 · 14 hours
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The whole Once-ler family is working full tilt!
Here's my full piece for the VK Onceler Zine! I was very lucky to get to be a part of it...🥹 I used concept art as my inspiration this time: [link] Keep reading below for my process vid and all my director's commentary!
Thank you for being curious! Here's a video of my WIPs:
Deadlines were TIGHT for this zine! We were given only 2 months (compared to the 6 months I had on the previous onceler zine), so to make sure I could finish on time, I decided to do only base colours and lighting, with almost no shading anywhere. Still, trying to balance all the colours took the longest for me, as you can see in the vid. xP
Also idk if anyone noticed, but for the face I chose to use an already existing onceler doodle: [link] Why? Well, why not! I really liked that doodle and I didn't want it to go to waste. 😆
Things that I enjoyed sneaking in:
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-the golden spiral! Vaguely, at least! At the very least I hope your eyes can follow the order of thneed production, from the fallen tree at the window to the tuft harvesting to the thread spinning, to knitting the thneed and then drawing up plans for bigger and better things, and then ending with him pulling on his iconic glove to show he's going to take control now
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-15 cents, a nail, and a great great great grandfather snail, as well as a tin pail since that's where you're supposed to deposit your payment
-combining things from the 2012 movie and concept art, the 1972 movie, and the 1971 book (e.g. that funny wrench he uses to fix pipes)
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-Miss O'Schmunce-ler! You can see from the vid that I added the bracelet pretty late, because it was a late decision to have a Miss O'Schumunce-ler somewhere. I chose her to be the one picking up the pencil in the end, since she's pretty good with a pencil in the movie hehe
-a thneed, a seed, and a (grickle grass) weed on the floor. The thneed is just the first of many that will soon create a giant pile. The seed lies forgotten in the corner. The weed is foreshadowing the future.
-hinting that Lorax and Once-ler were actually good friends, like they were in the Lorax musical stageplay. 🥺 I kept this part of the script in my mind for this piece:
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This was aftermath Once-ler talking to the Lorax, reminiscing on their good times...and also being stupid and inconsiderate because the Lorax was in fact there all along as his friend, trying to warn him of what was going to happen. 😔
So in my zine piece we're witnessing a peaceful time before all the real biggering really starts. I like to think that in this scene, the Lorax had been sitting on the Once-ler's lap, holding his gloves for him and having a nice chat together with maybe some harmless bickering, but then the Once-ler gets a phone call so he cuts their convo short and rolls his chair over to the window to answer it. Putting business over friendship as usual, of course. Inspo for the lap sitting comes from this fanart by Emi that I love: [link]
What else...the parts that I'm proud of the most are the stool (I spent 2 days just drawing this stool), the curtains, and the Once-ler's pose. I was close to giving up on that pose because I had no idea how to draw it but I'm glad that I tried again. I wanted to show him at ease during a stage in his life that we never got to see much: the happier and more innocent days of his biggering when he only had a small shop. 😊
That's all, I think! Thanks for reading if you did! Once again it was an honour to be part of this zine!!
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jce93 · 16 days
thry have the perfect sun/moon dynamic but u guys arent ready to hear that js yet 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫
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#something something kano being associated w nighttime/the darkness. like even his hoodie . or at least thats how i see it .#and#konoha is admittedly less tied to the daytime/summer stuff but LET ME FINISH#but theres even a few ties in the konoha no sekai jijou lyrics ummmm#(pretend i put that tiger deepfake gif here)#ok going to the vocaloid wiki for a moment BYEBYE#BACK!!!!!#“The sounds of a withering sun and the sweltering eyes of the blazing flare” / “The next two people saw such a pale-blue dream”#“The mocking sunbeams vanished somewhere” / “Even if the cicadas already start stridulating”#LIKE YA hes not as blatantly tied to it as kano but. i think ive proved my point#ALSO ALSO ALSO THE PHOTOS I PUT IN THE POST !!!!!!!#these arethe only two frames in this kind of “setting” in children record#and likeeee ya you can argue theyre not related but. i personally believe they are .#um#um.#where the buildings are cut off on the end of kanos side . they continue over on konohas#same w the sky that fades TO a dark blue on kanos into fading FROM a dark blue on konohas . in the same spot#idk yea im grasping at straws idk where the fuck i was going with this ummmmmmmm#kano is facing towards the light while . konoha is facing away from it#sorrry that doesnt really prove my point i just really like this scene#i think i doodled a small thing of . this scene and how i think it wouldve played out in-universe .#UM YA I DONT KNOW WHWRE I AAS ORIGINALLY GOING WITH THAT#moral of the story . konokano is sun/moon coded. thsnk u for coming to my ted talk#GIRL BYE I JUST REREAD ALL OF THIS WHY DID I TYPE THIS#oh also thatone kano valentines day/themed art where its all in konohas colour scheme and.the background is donutsGETS SHOT#BANG BANG BANG 💥💥💥💥‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🔫🔫🔫 BANG!! 🔫🔫💥💥💥🔫🔫‼️‼️💥🔫 GET HER ONE MORE TIME 💥💥🔫🔫🔫💥‼️💥 BANG BANG BANG💥💥🔫🔫🔫💥#rambles#konokano
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gaypirate420 · 9 months
Stars // Jasper W. Hale.
Jasper Whitlock-Hale x gn!reader.
Summary: You're bored in class and doodle on Jasper's arm.
Fluff. Jasper's Battle Scars.
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A yawn scaped your lips as you stared down at your teacher as she gives a lecture that is not registering on your mind at all. She's talking something about the history of Forks, you don't care, she's boring and it's making you sleepy.
You stared down at your notes, empty except for today's date, your eyes travel to your right to find Jasper actually paying attention and writing down what he finds useful.
"Isn't that a bit useless?" You whisper to him, Jasper's eyes meet yours and he smirks, he raised an eyebrow.
"Writing down notes for history, I mean, I don't think you need notes, you where there." You explained, whispering very low the last part, Jasper lean over closer to you.
"I don't, but you need them, darlin'." He whispered back with a small smile. You smiled and felt your cheeks warming up after hearing the nickname. Your hand went up to his messy hair and brush it down with your fingers, he smiled at your action and let you be.
He quickly stealed a kiss off your cheek and kept paying attention to the class as if nothing happened while you felt your cheeks burning.
Jasper saw how your attention went to anything but the class, you took your pencil case that's full of scrunched up post its and colorful pens and started doodling on your notebook.
Jasper doesn't mind helping you, he gets to spend more time with you and you get a handsome vampire tutor to explain you what you missed over and over if necessary and never gets angry.
The vampire looks back at the teacher, as he hears your pen moving all around the page.
He feels you lifting the sleeves of his sweater and cursing under your breath when you found his dress shirt.
"So many layers, can't even get cold." You murmur teasinly, if it wasn't from his increased hearing he would miss little things like this. Jasper smirks and continues to write before he feels the pen against his marble skin.
He stayed still for a second, his eyes moved to look at you.
You can't see them, his scars, not all of them. But the ones you do seem to be treated with extreme care as you started doodling on his pale arm.
They don't itch, they don't hurt, but, for him, it felt so nice, so important.
Jasper felt flustered, almost like his dead hearth skipped a beat at the sight of the tender scene.
You drew stars, it felt right. You smiled widely as you keep adding more and more, along with little hearts and even a flower on his forearm.
"Do you like your tattoos?" You whispered with the cutest smile he's ever seen. Jasper nodded.
"You're very talented, pumpkin." He could feel your heart skipping and of course your emotions going wild. He smiles as your happiness rub off on him.
"Now you do mine." You offered your pen to him, Jasper looked back at the teacher who spoke nonsense by now, he could make the teacher look like fool on another day for now he smiles and picks up the pen.
His icy cold fingers gently grabbed your arm, bringing it closer to him, you felt a shiver down your body at the sensation.
Your felt the tingly sensation of the pen against your arms, making you giggle silently.
Jasper drew flowers, some skulls that matched your wristband and of course, stars. Your eyes admired him, his blonde hair falling on his face and his furrowed eyebrows showing the absolute dedication to this task.
"There, sugar." He spoke gently, you looked at your arm and grabbed his hand. You saw his wrist and with your free hand you passed two of your bracelets from your wrist to his.
Jasper smiled again, it's odd for him to doing that so many times on so little time, he's getting giddy in the best way possible.
"Now we match." You spoke with an excited whisper. Jasper nodded, your eyes went wide with an idea.
"We should wear matching outfits one day." You smiled wider at the thought. The vampire nodded in agreement.
"That's a great idea, dear." His golden eyes looked at you before he leaned and kissed your lips.
"Mister Hale." The teacher called his name and he pulled away from you, your cheeks were burning again and you looked at the floor in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry, Miss." Jasper spoke with a victorious smirk as the teacher's frown disappears and turns into a smile, and of course the rest of the class magically turning their heads from you and Jasper.
"Don't worry about it." The teacher spoke with a following chuckle before returning to give her lecture. You giggle softly and shaked your head in mocking disapproval.
Jasper steals another quick peek on your lips before focusing back to writing notes for you.
A/N: Little fluffy one shot for y'all, I'm working on the requests do not worry. Hope you like it!
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superblysubpar · 3 months
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The Boy Is Mine (Taylor's Version Edition):
eddie munson x fem reader
summary: a romantic night in at your trailer full of fluff, a dash of spice, and an..."Alien invasion"? | main menu | this is fairly SFW, but my blog is 18+
the song: The Boy Is Mine by Brandy & Monica
1675 words
This is my submission for @carolmunson The Boy Is Mine Challenge! The scene, props to include, and dialogue to use as well as all the details on how to participate can be found here - come join in and write your version of Eddie and celebrate everyone else's. 💛
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“Son of a-” Your shoulders tense beneath palms that soothe. The chuckle beneath your ear rumbles deep in the chest your cheek is pressed to when you whine, “Gets me every fucking time.”
Despite the eerie music and the jump scare on the glowing screen, you dare someone to tell you this isn’t the most perfect night, the most perfect life. 
A pizza box with a few slices left sits on your new - well new to you - coffee table next to shitty horror and gore VHS tap - wait, doll, how’d Pretty in Pink get in the stack? There’s a candle burning, its warm orange glow competes for a chance to light up the space with the small flickering TV. 
Activities from earlier in the day litter the room that’s meant for living, but barely able to be made out in the growing darkness. His acoustic guitar next to loose pages of doodles and lyrics, dragons and elves and stories and songs about fighting and finding love erratic and unorganized next to your small notebook, a stack of books and several applications. 
There isn’t much else, not yet anyways. A collection of records and a stereo, cassettes un-alphabetized strewn about the wobbly bookshelf and milk crates. A few boxes with labels for unimportant things that haven’t found their new home yet. The rain that falls outside the open window above the couch and onto the roof of the metal trailer pings and echoes in the sparse room, making you snuggle deeper into the black cotton beneath you, squishing your cheek to a firm, but comfortable chest. 
The most perfect night, the most perfect life.
The most perfect guy. 
“Do you think,” he starts softly, his fingers running down your spine and back up before he asks, “I’m as much of a badass as Ellen Ripley?”
The noise of protest he makes beneath you at your immediate and confident response has your lips twisting, fighting a smile as his legs close around you tighter. Bunched tube socks brush your calves, thighs and hips covered in soft gray sweats shift beneath you as he grumbles something about showing you just how wrong you are. 
One arm stays relaxed behind his head against throw pillows propping him up, the other restless but content to fiddle with and roam over your body that’s draped across him. 
The rhythm of his heartbeat beneath you and the scent of old spice around you, everything Eddie, has you humming at his “threat”, eyelashes fluttering from the peace. His fingers massage over the back of your neck, lighting up the skin beneath it and you huff out of your nose, upset about the bubble that’s about to break. Your whine lost in his worn band t-shirt. 
“I have to pee.”
“So go pee.”
Your head shakes, chin resting on his chest so you can look up at him with narrowed eyes. 
“If I get up and go pee, you’re gonna do something stupid when I come back out.”
Eddie looks down at you, innocent doe eyes blinking as his hands rub over your shoulders. 
“I’m always gonna do something stupid, so enlighten me, what is it you think I’m gonna do this time?”
Your hand reaches up and pulls at a dark brown curl that frames the cheeks his dimples are trying not to show in. 
“Oh, I don’t know, turn off all of the lights, jump out from around the corner, attack me from behind…”
“Baby, I always wanna attack you from behind.”
That earns him a fake stern look and a smack to his chest with the back of your hand. 
Pink lips pout and twist in the fight of a mischievous smirk, his eyebrows bunch together and wrinkle his forehead as he tries to scoff around a laugh.
“Aw, don’t be like that. I would never scare you.”
“That’s not even remotely true,” you counter. 
“Sweetheart,” he catches your chin with thick fingers, cradling your jaw as he vows, dramatically, “I promise I would never, ever let the aliens get-”
You catch his other wrist before fingers could find their target just below your ribs. Raised eyebrows to his big, brown eyes that glint with trouble, not even pretending to be ashamed he was caught. 
The eye contact you’re sharing pulses, accompanied by the musical score of the thriller on screen. His thumb swipes over your bottom lip as his tongue licks over his own. The seconds of time slowly ticking by aren’t a luxury, but big, pounding, booms of your imminent fate right on your tail. 
“Eddie,” you warn, lips fighting a smile. “Don-”
He screeches like the aliens, fingers digging into your sides and legs, grabbing at your thighs and pulling you closer so his mouth can pretend to bite at you as you give a shriek worthy of a Ridley Scott flick. 
You can’t help but laugh though, as explosions happen on screen and Eddie gets louder, yelling your name dramatically like he’s fighting off the aliens, trying to save you despite it being his own fingers that have you wheezing and gasping for air. 
“Eddie! If you don’t stop, we’re gonna have a real problem!”
“Oh honey, I know! This thing means business! But don’t worry! I’ll save you, Ellen Ripley’s got nothing on me!”
He doubles down his tickling efforts, screeching and grunting out a “Not my girlfriend you monster!” dramatically into your neck before he nips at it. Quick bites and kisses mingled with alien noises until you’re swatting at his chest and wiggling off of him, shouting about how he’s the monster on your way to the bathroom. 
It’s suspiciously quiet while you're gone. And when you open the bathroom door, you take a timid step out into the dark hallway and call out, “Eddie?”
“Baby,” he laughs from the living room, “I swear on Jonesy that I’m sitting on the couch, and I’ll keep my hands to myself for the rest of the movie.”
And well, swearing on Jonesy’s life is like swearing on Henderson’s mom, so you’re satisfied and confident enough to travel through the dark to return to the menace you call your boyfriend. 
He sits, cross legged on the couch now, smiling. You kind of can’t believe this boy exists, that he’s yours. 
Eddie gestures to the bottle of wine that’s replaced the pizza box, the large Garfield and Snoopy mugs joined by a bag of pretzels and a tub of vanilla frosting. “We don’t really have like, nice cups, this okay?”
Is it okay? Is this guy real? He’s straight out of a TV show, a favorite movie, the thing all the songs are trying to tell you about but just don’t seem possible. 
He blinks at you, cheeks growing pink as you continue to stand at the edge of the living room and stare at him. His smile relaxes down to a shy, tight lipped thing as the silver metal on fingers that tap on his knees glints in the TV’s glow. 
“Doll?” Eddie coughs, eyebrows raised at you when you still don’t say anything. 
“Sorry,” you make your way to the couch finally, “Yeah. Really okay.”
“Cool,” he says quietly as you sit, ears peeking out through thick waves turning as pink as his cheeks. 
He grabs the pretzels and you grab the frosting, popping open the lid with a grunt, and managing to get a decent amount of it in the curve of your thumb and forefinger. 
Before you can scoop it up with a pretzel, Eddie’s fingers are tugging on yours, bringing your hand up to his mouth. His lips mold around the space, sucking before his tongue traces it and the room turns unberably hot despite the cool breeze and rain drifting in. 
Eddie clocks the way your hips shift and thighs press together, the way your mouth parts and head tilts. The way your eyes turn a little glassy when he looks up at you. 
He removes his mouth from your hand slowly, grinning and absolutely pleased with himself as he murmurs, “Oh, we like that, huh?”
Words escape your clutches just as Ripley does the Alien’s, and Eddie drops the bag of pretzels back onto the coffee table. He keeps eye contact as he grabs the tub of frosting from you, and dips his finger into it, slowly. 
“Eddie, I-”
He’s smearing it on your collarbone and up your neck, your jaw and cheek as your fingers grip the couch cushion. Your chest heaves with quick breaths, a gasp slipping past your lips as he leans forward, tongue sweeping over your throat. 
Eddie licks over your skin, slow, patiently, weight falling over you as you fall backwards on the couch and arch underneath him. The way his mouth travels over you is nothing like the quick nips and fast kisses from earlier. It’s slow licks, soft presses of his mouth, open and wet and breathy and dirty as he travels higher and higher. 
His path leads him over your jaw and cheek now, both of you gasping for air as his fingers dig into your hips that roll against him and yours curl in the soft material on his shoulders. 
He pulls away when he reaches the corner of your lips, smiling at the whine that leaves them when you don’t get the kiss you’re aching for. 
“Guess you were right afterall,” he whispers, the tip of his nose tracing up yours as he does. 
Eddie grins, his mouth hovers over yours, sweet and sticky vanilla flavored lips just close enough to almost taste. 
“That I was gonna do something stupid.”
“The only thing that’s stupid is that you haven’t kissed me yet, Munson.” Your eyes roll as his grin grows even wider. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” he laughs, reaching for the frosting again. “I’m just getting started.”
Rain falls, and Aliens are killed and the candle flickers on a perfect night. Your new favorite flavor of anything is vanilla because of the perfect guy. 
Eddie Munson gets you every fucking time. 
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ballcrusher74 · 3 months
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Reference image for Four's high-vis suit that was given to him by Faux, purposefully resembling Inspector's suit and a side by side comparison
Inspector and Doc moment from a small larp session, in which Doc had cornered Inspector and questioned his true position at the company ( Fun fact : This resulted in Inspector actually being fucking scared and running out of the ship. This is the only time he's gotten visibly startled and felt powerless. Fun! )
Small little Dopey design
Scene from season 2 of CC (Waltz of the Alter Ego) in which Faux punched Four, trying to silence him
Inspector's freaky ass eye
Small Four doodle that was from a scrapped mini-comic
Four and Inspector design parallels
Bnuuy Dopey. that is all
Doodle when I was in character for Inspector on VC and my friend was asking him questions ( hi wes )
Inspector and apparatus. I'm gonna be honest I forgot the context for this one
Really dumb Deacon doodle
Deacon teaching Lieutenant how to kill an eyeless dog and that going horribly
Loose doodles of Faux and others that were made when season 2 was first beginning ?? I think ?
Rookie 👍
Faux and a totally normal deck of playing cards
Inspector carrying Rookie's corpse, based off a small bit from season 1 of CC (Smoke and Mirrors)
Scene from the ending of season 1, in which Inspector has a full breakdown and murdered Dopey
Render based off the question "How would Faux react to seeing Rookie's suit being a little grey?" ( or smth along those lines )
Render based off of another scene from season 2, in which Four almost crumbles Faux's whole cover after he killed Brain ( saying "Where's Brain? You told me to go back to the ship." )
Unfinished render based off another season 2 scene, where Faux hushed Four ( I believe he was questioning Four some things and he heard people were coming back to the ship )
CREDITS FOR SOME OF THE OTHERS SEEN HERE : Rookie - @personalizationai Dopey - @blegsbag Doc & Four - @wesblr Lieutenant - @moss-244466666 Specs (even though he's only in one drawing) - my friend Kris. Idk if they want their socials out there but hi Kris
anyways ok that's my super brain blast . have fun with this all !
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your-girl-mj · 10 months
whiney when drunk [1610!miles × drunk!reader]
summary: [name] drinks too much, and miles has to face its consequences.
warning: mention of skintone, but i think it was harmless. kinda cringe, but she's drunk, so what can i say?
note: based on a scene from "Hidden Love" when the girl got drunk. she/her for reader, he/him for miles
created: august 7, 2023
published: august 9, 2023
first part | second part
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miles were in the middle of his homework, and the paper is consist with equations and small doodles on the side. his head booping at the music from his headphones, tapping his pen every now and then.
his work came to a halt when his phone rang and the music stopped. the device moves the slightest as it vibrates on the hard surface of his desk.
checking the caller id, a smile tugged his lips, seeing it was his girlfriend. "hola, mamí." he greeted his eyes, caught the clock, and it was already nine, almost ten. "are you finished hanging out? want me to pick you up?" miles asked, already standing up from his seat.
miles knew it was [name] and her friend's outing since they all passed their finals. she asked him to come as well, but he still needs to finish his homework for college. "..hello?" a slur voice erupts from the device, making miles frown his brows in confusion. he struggled to put his suit on with one hand as the other held the phone.
"[name], are drunk?" he frowned. It's not like he's not allowing her to drink. he just doesn't want her to get drunk and feel horrible in the morning after. and of course, especially when there are boys in her friend group. "you said you don't drink."
"...i don't." she answered before a little giggle followed right after. "i miss my boyfriend..." her hand was leaning on a table. her vision is blurry, and her body seems to be disobedient today and does not help her balance. "my... adorable spidey—"
"okay, okay!" he cut her off his nervousness are rising up at the thought of his girlfriend exposing his identity because she's drunk, quickly putting his jordans in a bag as well as things he knew she'll need, then rushing to get his keys. "don't drink anymore, okay?"
"mm.." she hummed, looking around the restaurant. picking a food from her plate and eat it. her head is too fuzy to think straight and following the first thing that comes to her mind.
"can you tell me where you are?" miles rubs a hand over his face, a little disappointed that she drinks a little too much than she couldn't handle.
"[adress.]" she said in a slow and low voice. her eyes were dropping as it was only two hours before midnight.
"wait there, I'm on my way." he puts on his mask and jumps off his window. his other hand still cling on his phone.
"whhhyy?" she squint her eyes, tilting her head before she soon feels like her head is weighted two times heavier and presses her temple on the cold surface of the table, resting it there.
her friends calling her name in the background, but she paid no mind to them, wanting to only hear her boyfriend's voice.
"because I'm going to pick up a drunkard." with that miles hangup. leaving a very confused [name] on the other side.
"a what?" she sat up straight, migraine swirl in her head making her massage her head. "miles? hello?" looking at her phone, the girl only saw her lockscreen of her and miles. [name] clicked her tongue, "you can come here and you'll see me, but when i come there, i won't see you." she frowns at the image of miles in her phone. "you're so weird..."
"i'll be off," she announced to her friend group, taking her bag with a drowsy action. as she stood, her feet were giving her a hard time to walk straight.
a series of goodbyes are heard as she slowly walked her way out. pushing the door with all her left out strength, it didn't budge as she thought it would. "girl, how much did you drink?" the voice of a friend came to her side, helping her pull the door open.
"i don't know.." she blurb out, "miles is going to..pick me up, you don't have to come.." [name] lightly push her friend back to the entrance. "have fun in there.."
"no, no, no. I'll get back when your boyfriend shows up," her friend insisted, holding her arm to steady her body. "you okay?"
"no," [name] answered, getting out of her friend's grasp and crouching down with her head leaning on her knees. "i feel like throwing up..." her voice coming out as mumbled, her friend slowly rubbing circles on her back.
miles, finally in his civilian clothes; jogged up to where the said place is. a sigh left him as he saw his girl sitting down on the floor with a friend by her side.
"oh, hey! you're here," her friend greeted, noticing miles, standing up straight. [name] leaning her body into her friend's leg. "it was a mistake to make her drink, we're sorry."
"nah, it's good." he nods, then meets his girl's eye level. [name] slowly lift her head up and meet his disappointed face. the girl only scoffed at him, frowning.
"who are you?" her eyes squinted as she tried to look harder and tried to figure out why he looked familiar. miles couldn't stop a chuckle to get out.
"your boyfriend." he answered, his negative feelings are now gone. he waved back to her friend as she made her way inside.
"no, you're not." huffing, she turned away from him. still sitting down on the street.
"then, i'm a friend of your boyfriend."
"no, you're not... i only know one."
"and who is it?" he started to get along with whatever she had in her mind. slowly taking her hands, and tried to pull her up.
"ganke, and he's asian.. and white." she mumbled, standing up as he pulled her. miles came to a conclusion that she'll be an easy target for kidnapping. "and you're not white..." she leaned her body into his, taking a short nap. her voice is now talking nonsense.
"no, i'm not." he laughed, slowly taking her arm and guiding her on the way to take a cab. his other hand held tightly on her waist, not wanting her to fall. "you're whiny when you're drunk." shaking his head, a smile still plastered on his lips
it only took a short while before she protested, "don't touch me," scolding him, [name] pulled away from him and sat down once again, "i have a boyfriend. and i'm waiting for him.."
miles are smiling ear to ear as she refuses to take his hand because she thinks he is a stranger, "but i'm your boyfriend." he sat down as well. it was a good thing they stopped in a park with no people around.
"you are..?" she tilted her head, looking at him clearly now. miles only replied with a hum, nodding. [name] took his face and observed it carefully. miles thought she's getting more adorable as second pass by. "miles!" she broke into a grin, squeezing his face.
"hey!" he lightly greets her, mimicking her beam. "you finally recognise me," placing his hand aboves hers, he caresses the back of her palm.
"i missed youuu!" [name] whined, the alcohol is taking major effects. as tears coming out of her eyes, pouting at him, "but you don't miss me.."
"aw, mamí.. i missed you every day. " bring her hand to his lips, and he kissed her palm. smiling at her with a lovesick grin.
"you don't..." she cried, taking her hand away; wiping her eyes. miles blink at her, confused why would she think that way.
"i do, [nickname].." he took her hands again, rubbing it gently.
"you don't." her face is flushed, hazy eyes are fighting for consciousness. "you said we're gonna— we're gonna have a date and then... you cancelled..again!" she started to cry for the second time tonight. her voice cutting off on its own as it was hard for her to talk while sobbing. "you don't love me anymore..!"
what makes it worse, her sobs made her migraine throb much more. miles can only feel guilt in his chest. he chose not to explain it tonight since he knows she'll not remember anything and that he can focus on taking care of her. but how?
his head was in a fuzz, not knowing what to do. is this why she doesn't drink? "i do love you, [nickname]." she cried even harder, making miles in a full panic. "don't cry, don't cry, baby..." he pulled out wipes from his bag and wiped her face gently. "...how much did you drink?"
"dunno'... it was on a small cup. hehe, cute cup.." [name]'s face is red from her cries and the effect of the drinks. she stays still as miles clean her face, "i feel sick..."
"i know you do, let it out. you'll feel better," her boyfriend pulled out a plastic bag and held it for her.
"no! it's disgusting..." her eyes are now close, her head bopping before miles catching and made her lean into him. "i love you..." she mumbled, nuzzling on his chest. a pout is still present.
"i love you too, [nickname.]" he kisses her forehead, giving her a tight embrace, rocking her back and forth in slow motion. the guilt is still present.
"kiss?" she perk her lips up, wanting to give her a peck. miles waste no time to fulfil her wish and give her a short yet sweet kiss.
"you taste like booze." he commented. she's so wasted that she can't even feel her own feet.
she suddenly opened her eyes at him, her lips started to wobble and started to cry again, "i'm sorry...! i didn't mean toooo!" she sobbed.
miles could only blink at her, and a chuckle escaped him. "it's okay, mami. you're okay," a snort followed.
[name] looked at him betrayed, "you're laughing..." this made miles purse his lip, taking all his might to not laugh. "you're making fun of meeee," she then layed down on the cold floor, lazily swinging her arms.
who knew booze can change a whole person's personality?
miles did his best not to laugh, "no, i'm not laughing, [nickname]," he took her hands and carry her to her feet, the boy is biting down a grin as she kept looking at his face, "i'm not making fun of you, it's okay you got drunk."
"but you're mad!" she throws her head back, huffing. her head feels heavy all of a sudden, and everything is blurry like before. miles was quick to put a support behind her head, confused by what she meant.
"mad? why would i get mad?" Scooping her by her hips and back, miles carried her like a princess. he made sure his girl was comfortable before walking, doing his best to not sway too much.
[name] snuggled into his arms as he carried her, "on the phone.. you're mad because i got dru...nk ..." her voice trailed off, slowly getting others taken by sleep, "but i love you so..." with that, she's finally sleeping soundly on his chest.
miles smiled at her, she looks so beautiful even with a rough night like this. kissing her forehead, he replied to her words. "yo tambien te amo, mi vida." [i love you too, my life.]
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should i make a "morning after" part?
edit: morning after part <3 here
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quasar-kaiser · 5 months
Mm how about Ruin? I think the poor guy needs a lil love~
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the shark man 👍
just small doodles because wow I have gotten a lot worse and am very sick, but I really wanted to draw this guy since for some reason I hadn’t yet
the first thing is inspired by @damien-candle’s art, though that’s a scene I’ve been wanting to draw ever since it happened – I adore his creepy moments :]
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annymation · 5 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 4- The King and Queen
Chapter 3
Asha is surrounded by a thick cloud of green smoke. She feels dizzy, like she just been spinning for hours, but really that’s just the natural feeling one gets from being magically teleported for the first time.
As the smoke clears, Asha coughs a few times and rubs her eyes. Things start coming into focus and she realizes… She’s inside the castle.
She sees in front of her a huge flight of stairs that goes spiraling upwards for what seems to be forever. The walls are adorned with intricate and perfect details.
The last remaining lights of sunset entered through the large colored glass windows, creating what Asha could only describe as a light show with an array of colors that painted the walls.
She and the royal couple were in front of the main entrance, the door is open and they can hear the fireworks and people celebrating the Wish ceremony outside. The king and queen are standing right behind her, watching as she takes everything in.
As Asha looks up she can only whisper:
(It's exactly like this by the way)
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“Marvelous, is it not?” The queen asks in a sigh while walking to be in front of Asha "It's not everyday we bring guests in here. You are quite fortunate, dear."
Asha can't help but notice how it's... Empty. Not in details tho, there's plenty of that all around, but there's no sign of people besides the 3 of them.
"It really is incredible your majesty but umm if you don't mind me asking... Where are the guards? Or the cleaning staff?" Asha asks looking around while taking a few steps forward
"Oh all the guards stay outside only.” Magnifico explains nonchalantly, as he also walks to be next to his wife “As for the cleaning staff, or really any other servant, we have them all leave when the sun starts to set"
"We prefer to have some... privacy in here at night time, if you know what I mean" The queen lets out a laugh as she and her husband gaze passionately at one another.
... "Wow… they not only need to get a room, they need a whole castle" Asha thinks
(Although she's right, another reason they empty the castle at night is so they can be their true selves without witnesses)
“But enough about us, right? Tonight’s about you.” The King smiles, as he playfully boops Asha’s nose “Now, what we want to know from you Asha iiiiiiis-- What in the blazes is that on our window?”
The king looks in bewilderment at something coming out of one of their glass windows that is closer to the ground
(they can be opened when pushed slightly, to let some air come in.)
Asha turns to see what the king is looking at. She sees coming out of the lower window two little… baby goat legs.
Followed by the sound “Maaaaa! Maaaaa!”s she knows so well
“VALENTINO!” Asha screams in surprise, running to get him. “What are you doing here?! I told Dahlia to keep an eye on you!”
Dahlia is unfortunately too busy discussing with Gabo about why they can’t just break in the castle, so she didn’t notice the baby goat went missing.
The two royals silently watch this scene play out, quite unsure how to react, this girl really never ceases to surprise them.
"hehehe- Sorry about that umm your highnesses, this is my baby goat, Valentino" Asha says with an awkward smile while holding Valentino in her arms
"Maaa!" The goat bleats to them cheerfully, but mostly he's just over the moon that he managed to find Asha.
"He says hi too" Asha says while waving one of his hooves to them.
The king smiles, giving a small wave back, finding this quite entertaining so far.
The queen is trying her hardest to keep her fake smile while thinking "please don't let this disgusting thing near me"
"Haha how charming! Say Asha, does he follow you everywhere like that?" The king asks, sounding intrigued.
"Oh yes, since the day he got the hang on how to walk hehe- Last month I went to doodle some animals in a farm, and I found him all alone after his parents were sold out. Sooo I adopted him" She hugs him tightly "And we've been inseparable ever since hehe" the girl says gleefully
The queen can't hold it in any longer and just asks quickly "That's wonderful my sweet, but would you care to leave him outside? A castle is really no place for farm animals"
“Specially THIS castle” The king says while turning his head side to side through the room like he’s looking for something “I believe it may be safer for him to leave, Asha” he says in a warning tone.
Asha tilts her head to the side with a puzzled look "Huh? Why would he not be safe here?"
As if on cue, Asha hears a throaty, low and predatory growl come from behind the stairs
“Because goats just so happen to be OUR pet’s favorite meal” the king explains, smirking ever so slightly, thinking "how ironic" since Asha is their prey as well.
Asha turns to the source of the sound quickly and she sees
An Iberian lynx
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(I have a whole post explaining why I choose to give them a lynx instead of a common house cat: Here)
With grey fur covered in spots, and green predatory eyes. Walking slowly towards them, as he approaches, Asha can tell it’s about size of a medium dog.
The wild cat sees Valentino and… now it’s running- FAST-
Asha screams and embraces Valentino tightly.
She closes her eyes and…
Nothing happens.
She looks back, and the cat is frozen mid air, covered by green magic, the king managed to save them just in time.
He uses his staff to levitate the feline closer to him.
“Now now Bravo, is that any way to welcome our guest?” The king says, in a clearly faux reprehending tone.
(I’m aware that the concept art book said their pet cat would be named “Charo” but I opted to change it)
Bravo looks at his owners very confused, isn’t that dinner?
The queen takes the wild cat into her arms, like he’s her baby “Aww my poor sweet pet, you must be starving, but we both know you deserve a meal with more meat on its bones than that.” She carries him to a different room so he won’t interrupt them.
(Please do keep in mind a lynx is huge, and the queen is carrying him with relative ease, because she’s actually physically stronger than one might expect)
Asha is still a bit shaken by the scare.
Meanwhile Valentino is just smiling and wagging his tail, seeing Bravo as a potential new friend, oblivious to the fact he was in danger just a moment ago.
The queen places their pet in a different room and closes the door quickly “Well… How’s that for a welcome commitee huh? hahah” She jokes.
“I… I never knew your majesties had a lynx”
“It's probably for the best he stays a secret, unlike us he's rather... Shy” Shy is a nicer way to say he hates people. "So, will your pet be accompanying us?" The king asks, not really caring what option Asha chooses.
Asha looks at Valentino and thinks for a moment "I'm pretty sure if I did leave him outside he'd just find his way back in anyway. I’d like keep him with me, if that’s okay."
"Oh well, as you wish... And speaking of “wish”, let's talk about the wish that grandfather of yours made, shall we?" The king get's them back on track
(Now, I know this whole animal introduction scene may feel pointless but trust me, these two lil guys will be important later)
The king places a hand on Asha's back and starts walking with her to the huge set of stairs "Now, tell me Asha, his name, what he looked like, what he did for a living" He walks a step of the stairs with each topic he lists off “Anything might help me remember his wish”
All three of them are walking up the stairs, Magnifico and Asha side by side while the queen is behind them.
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Asha really doubts the king will remember her Saba’s wish just like that, but might as well give it a shot "Well, his name was Sabino Lucero, he was pretty short, had a big nose and-"
"Sabino you say? hmm... Sabino, Sabi- OH YES! Sabino yes yes of course- yeah I remember him" The king lies, like he has been lying pretty much the whole afternoon.
"Wait re-really?" Asha eyes are wide.
"Yeah really ahaha! Why, I remember the wish I granted to him like it was yesterday!" Magnifico claims excitedly.
Asha is ecstatic, she jumps with joy with Valentino still on her arms "That's great! Then what was it?" She simply can't wait to find out.
"Hahah it's funny how you of all people don't know, since what he wished for was... You" He carefully places his hand under her chin
Asha enthusiasm slowly faded, she kept smiling but she was confused
"Me? What do you mean?"
"He wished to have the most caring, intelligent and graceful granddaughter one day. And now, would you look at that…" The king holds her chin gently and turns her face to one of the many mirrors on the walls "He got exactly what he wished for, didn't he?"
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Now, I'm kinda repeating myself at this point saying this is a lie too, but I wanna just add this is a lie he’s veeeery used to telling people, whenever someone comes to him asking why their loved one seemingly passed away without getting their wish granted he just says "Oh they wished for YOU to be in their lives" and that just makes the person content.
Asha isn't like other people though.
She stares at her own reflection... Confused.
"You seem troubled mi rosa, is that not what you expected?" The queen asks, with a fake worried gaze.
What she expected was to get answers, but now she just had more questions: What kind of wish is that? Didn't the king just tell her earlier that a wish is something that defines you? How does that defines Saba? Why didn't he seem fully content? Was she... Was she not good enough?
(Let me just say real quick that if this was a movie this whole paragraph would just be Asha staring at the mirror looking lost, we wouldn't actually hear her thoughts, I'm just telling yall this so you can get a glimpse on where her mind's at)
She could ask those questions to them but... To be fair she really just wants to leave and enjoy the rest of her birthday with her friends, not to mention these two would most likely not know the answers to her questions anyway.
So she just turns to them with a thankful smile "I'm just surprised, it’s all. Thank you for telling me your majesty, I really needed to know, and... I'm sorry for assuming you didn't grant my saba's wish" she gives him a small curtesy
"Oh that's quite alright, people who come here believing the same thing are more common than you'd think" He says with a serene smile, but as Asha lowers her head to give him a curtesy he speaks between his teeth "Though they certainly don't make a scene quite like you did about it."
Asha couldn't quite understand what he mumbled "Sorry, what was that?"
"*cough cough* Sore throat"
"Heh well, this was definitely a crazy birthday experience, thank you again for welcoming me" Asha says as she begins to walk down the stairs towards the exit while still looking at the king and queen "I'll be sure to tell all my friends about-"
The main entrance that was previously opened slammed all by itself... Well actually not by itself, as Asha realizes it's glowing with green magic...
Oh... They're not done yet.
"And where do you think you're going?" the queen asks in a sing-song voice "We have not dismissed you just yet, my flower"
"I-I'm sorry, I assumed now that I got the answer to my question I-"
"I invited you to dine with us, remember?" The king explains simply "But that will only be about an hour from now. That leaves us with plenty of time to get to know you better"
"Oh- you were actually serious about the dinner thing? I didn't think-"
He cuts her off again"Aaaand now that we've proved that I DO grant all my people's wishes... Perhaps we could find out what your wish may be, yes?"
Asha looks up to him from the lower steps of the stairs, quite frustrated that they’re back to this subject, she sighs as she says:
"Your majesty, to be honest I wasn't afraid you would't grant my wish. What I'm afraid of is not being the one who controls my own life, the one who achieves my own dreams." She speaks patiently and determined.
Oh the girl has spirit, they can tell.
They just gotta find a way to break it.
And Magnifico might just know how to start.
"Walk with us, will you?" Magnifico says as the two royals start walking up the stairs once more.
Asha follows them, apprehensive.
"Do you know who you remind me of, Asha?" Magnifico asks with a contemplative look in his eyes.
"My father?" She asks, kinda already expecting where this is going.
"No- Well, actually yes him too- but no, that's not where I was getting at" the king corrects her "You actually remind me of my brother."
That is in fact NOT where she expected this was going.
She almost trips on the stairs.
"Wait- K-king Florian? Really?? Tha-thank you! I heard a lot of good things about him" She says feeling flattered, but quickly her eyes lower as she remembers the tragedy of the king's situation "And I'm really sorry for your loss, your majesty."
Asha may've been surprised by the king's statement but the queen was downright dumbfounded that Magnus brought up his brother so casually, she knows how her husband avoids that subject like the plague, specially when they speak with peasants.
Magnifico just winks at his wife as a signal for her to just follow his lead.
"Thank you, Asha. That wound is nothing but a scar of the past now... I say you remind me of him because, much like you, he wanted to make his dreams come true only through his own hard work, even if that meant not taking short cuts or accepting others help, even MY help."
The queen realized where her husband was going with this... And she loved it.
Asha did not tho.
"What was his dream?"
"... The same as mine, to keep our people safe and happy. But he stretched himself too thin, doing everything by himself." Magnifico stoped and turned to look at Asha in the eyes "And look where that got him."
Magnifico worded that to sound like a warning but both him and the queen know it's more of a threat.
"Your majesty... I'm not sure I follow"
"He exhausted himself, worked for this kingdom non-stop until he couldn't take it anymore, and then... I think you can guess." The king fakes an expression of sorrow that could put hollywood actors to shame
"... That's what lead to his passing? I never knew that" Asha says
"We do try to keep it a secret, the truth is far too upsetting." the queen comments, also with a sorrowful expression.
"So you see Asha, THAT's why I grant so many wishes, more than any of the other king that came before me, because I don't want ANYONE in my kingdom to feel the same pain that my brother felt... And I don't want that for you neither, do you understand?"
Queen Amable is actually impressed, her husband just fabricated a whole sob story right then and there on the spot, surely now this girl will consider-
"I understand, but your highness has no need to worry about me." Asha says simply with a smile.
He seems taken aback by that, Asha continues
"I'm sure my wish won't turn out to be something that exhausts me, it'll be something I feel passionate about and that only brings me joy. Thank you for your concern though, I promise I'll be careful to not get carried away in the future.” She explains calmly to reassure him, innocently believing that the king worries about her well being.
Magnifico was rather disappointed, that was his best shot.
Since that didn't work, it's Amaya's turn.
"Something you're passionate about, hmm? How quaint, and what may some of those things be?" The queen says while they keep walking, they’re getting close to the end of the stairs "Anything you're particularly interesting in, a hobby perhaps?"
Asha was actually dreading this subject.
The one thing that she doesn't want to give away for even a second is her passion for drawing.
She can't let them know about it. So she just starts rambling:
"Oooh ya know haha I like umm astronomy, I've actually been pretty studying the constellations a lot lately, and philosophy too, I also love to dance and sing-"
"And you draw, correct?" the queen asks with a confident smile.
Asha is so caught so off guard by that she misses one of the steps and almost falls down the stairs, that doesn't happen only because Magnifico catches her with his magic.
"Should we take that as a yes?" he asks sarcastically
Asha turns to the queen in disbelief... HOW DID SHE KNOW?!
"H-how did you know??"
The queen laughs at her reaction "You told us yourself, my dear"
"I- I did? When?"
"Just when your goat entered, you explained to us how you met him: “I went to doodle some animals at a farm”” the queen quotes Asha, making a slightly more high pitched voice.
"... Ah... Yeah, I did say that." She sounds defeated.
Now it was the king's turn to be impressed, he didn't even pay attention to what the girl was saying at that time. His wife always had a knack for reading people like an open book, and use that to pick up on their weaknesses.
"Well now, that's something we can work with, isn't it my love?" The queen says looking at her husband with an malicious glee.
"Why, yes indeed, I don't understand why you didn't tell us sooner Asha" The king says enthusiastically "Say, why don't you wish to be a great art-"
"No" she says firmly "That's the one thing I can't wish for, your majesty"
She can’t see the king’s face because he’s still walking up the stairs, so she doesn’t see him roll his eyes"... And why is that, Asha?"
Asha thinks about the promise she made for her grandfather, she thinks about how this is important to her, and how her friends said she's been improving a lot by herself... Wait... HER FRIENDS!
"My friends know I wish to be a great artist! So umm guess I can't give you that wish, because of the rules haha" Her voice is a bit more nervous but also relieved she can safely keep this wish with her.
"Ah I see, what a shame really, guess it's back to square one" The king says as they keep going up the stairs as they approach a large door
"I suppose it's for the best, would't want waste a wish on something so trivial as scribbling on paper like a child, now would you?" The queen states bluntly.
Asha frowns at that comment.
"Excuse me my queen, but drawing is way more tha-"
"We're here!" The king exclaims, as Asha realizes they're at the end of the stairs now, and there's a huge door in front of them
The king opens it, revealing a dark room that is only illuminated by faint bluish lights, and at the center of the room there’s
A miniature of Rosas
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“… And what is “here” exactly?” Come to think of it, she never asked where they were guiding her to.
“Our treasure room, where we keep our most prized possessions, gifted to us by grateful adventurers or neighboring kingdoms” Magnifico explains as his voice echos through the large room.
Asha lets go of Valentino, she’s quite tired after carrying all the way up here.
Valentino happily hops away to explore.
The queen sees Asha letting him down and worriedly tries to intervene “Umm actually Asha dear, this may not be the best place to-“
Valentino slams his head on a pillar with a pair of glass slippers, making one of them fall and break into a million pieces.
The queen can only sigh in frustration
“Sorry sorry, I’ll get him back" Asha tries running to catch him but the king grabs her by the hand quicker and pulls her closer to him
“No no no, it's fine, let him play, I can fix these with magic later anyway” He rests his arm on her shoulders and brings her closer to the table with the miniature kingdom of Rosas “Now Asha, I know we’ve been rather… pushy with this whole wish thing.”
“That’s an understatement” Asha mumbles to herself.
"BUT- and hear me out- I think all you need is a bit more... Perspective on what Rosas really is all about"
With that said, he snaps his fingers, making a bunch of wooden dolls appear on the miniature Rosas, Asha recognizes some of them as citizens of Rosas she has seen before.
(They look like Quasimodo's wood figures)
"Oh wow" Asha takes one of the dolls to give it a closer look, admiring the craftsmanship "Did you make these?" She asks, sounding very impressed.
"Why, yes I did." He affirmed proudly.
(With his magic, in the snap of his fingers, but hey semantics)
The queen approaches them "You see, each and every one of our subjects are a little piece of art, that we want to see evolve into their fullest potential." She says with a passion in her voice.
"And... That includes you, Asha." The king says as he manifests in his hands a little wooden doll that looks just like Asha.
(Because that's not creepy at all)
He hands the doll over to her, she looks at it with downcast eyes.
"*sigh* To be honest, I don't know how other people my age manage find their way so quickly... I just really don't know what I could wish for, you know?"
While she's lamenting to the doll the queen walks to the entrance to close the door...
Magnifico is toying around with some of the puppets as he says with a smile "Aww I know child, I know. It can be sooo hard for some of us to find our way in this life... luckily though, you have us to..."
Queen Amable closes the door with a slam.
All the lights in the room go off.
It's all dark now.
Asha let's out a gasp
The king snaps his fingers, casting a light only on him and the queen, who's now right by his side.
"Enlighten you."
I promised this chapter would have a villain song, didn't I? :)
Welp, I was inspired by a deleted song from Equestria Girls 3… because of course I went to look for inspiration there, Equestria Girls have banger soundtracks!
Here’s a link to my blog with only the lyrics without me describing what’s happening in the scene, as well as the song that inspired it, “Free the Magic (Demo)”.
I’ll do my best to be brief describing what’s happening during this sequence, so without further ado
It’s villain song o’clock
Lines in green- King Magnifico 🫧
Lines in Blue- Queen Amaya 👑
Lines in bold white- Puppets 🎎
Lines in purple- Asha ✨
Lines in orange- Me (commentary)
Wish Away
You've been an outcast in this land
For far too long
It's time you show to them
That Rosas's where you belong
There's a wish in you
That just cannot wait to soar
So tell us, Asha
What do you wish for?
(Not much happening here besides them just singing in front of Asha melodically and looking pretty angelic with the light shining on them.)
But before you answer
Look around and just see where you're from
From a kingdom with no sadness, no pain or dismay
And it's all because they
Wished away
(When the king says “Think” he boops her nose, and with the same finger he raises her head to look at him while saying “But before you answer”. When he says “See where you’re from” he guides her to look at the kingdom’s miniature, as he lists off all the bad things that the kingdom does not have he makes a spell that brings all the dolls to life)
(aah-ah, aah-ah, aah-ah)
(He holds three little puppets on his hand, right in front of Asha’s face, Asha is surprised to see them singing and dancing now, going side to side on the king’s hand)
I give a suggestion?
What you lack might be just
Some self reflection
You don't know who you are
So how could you ever go as far
To know what's your purpose in life?
(When the queen says “May” she scares Asha by showing up right behind her out from the darkness. “Some self reflection” the queen places a mirror in front of Asha’s face, she caresses Asha’s face while looking sorry for her. Asha also looks upset)
(aah-ah, aah-ah, aah-ah)
(Asha is staring at the mirror before Magnifico takes it from her, takes a quick look at himself, then throws it away before he starts singing his verse)
Strife and hard work is fine, dear
But it's oh, so much easier
If you give me that wish of yours
Think just how far you'll go
Once that wish is mine-
I mean ours! I mean yours
(He waves dismissively at what he says in the first line. Asha tries to distance herself from him, so he pulls her closer to him by her arms at “give me that wish of yours”. At "how far you'll go" (ha! Moana reference) Asha manages to struggle out of his grip and walks a few steps away from him, with an annoyed expression (Like what is it with this creep and touching her?), she has her back turned to him until she hears the slip up “That wish is mine”, she turns back in confusion, but the king promptly corrects his mistake, letting out at the end a laugh, not a nervous laugh tho, more like a playful one. Also when he says "ours" he means him and his wife, that wish won't be Asha's at all.)
And what about your future?
Will it be just some doodles, my dear?
There's much more you can achieve (thanks to me)
So forget with no-
Forget with no regret
(The queen takes Asha's sketchbook from the purse she carries on her belt, at the second line she's practically bullying the poor girl now, flipping some pages and looking at it like it’s worthless trash. She throws away the book, Asha runs to catch it, but when she crouches down to grab it there's a hand coming from the darkness who does it first, the king get's illuminated by his own spotlight as he says "Thanks to me" and offers Asha her sketchbook back, Asha pulls it away from his hand and hugs it tightly. Asha goes to talk to the queen, she looks quite angry, but at "So forget with no-" when her voice is about to come out the queen places a finger in front of her mouth, demanding silence, she's not finished, so after Asha closes her mouth again the queen looks at her pleased and continues what she was saying "Forget with no regret"... The kingdom's memo)
I don't know what I want, I've never knew
Too many pains to count, so much I've been through
But I know a wish will be for me to grant
So thanks for offering, but I need no enchant
(Asha says the first line with a thoughtful and sad gaze as she looks at the small kingdom on the table, she's hugging her sketchbook tightly. As she says "Too many pains to count" she opens her sketchbook on a page showing her and her grandfather together, and with "So much I've been through" she caresses the page fondly. She puts herself back together, no longer looking sad but determined, and puts her sketchbook back in her purse as she turns to face the royal couple, who are now just standing next to one another just smiling at her serenely. She looks at them and explains once more "A wish will be for me to grant" which makes their smiles drop slightly, and as she says the last line she starts walking back to the door they came in, she's DONE with them, and she wants to leave)
(Oh... But they were only beginning, just singing to her is not working? Then it's time to bring out the big guns...
Magnifico's eyes glow green, as he casts an illusion spell on her)
Little one, I don't think that you comprehend
(Asha hears the queen sing and feels her world spinning for a second, she blinks a few times and now she's no longer in the treasure room with them, she's IN THE KINGDOM'S MODEL, and as she looks at her hands she realizes... She's now made of wood, and her hair is made of brown wool strings.)
(Your wish will be the king’s command)
(Asha hears voices from behind her, she looks back and see a group of wooden dolls of citizens of Rosas approaching, now they're just as tall as her, or rather, she's as tall as them, because once she looks up she sees...)
With my magic I can make all that pain
(The king and queen are now giants looking down on her, smiling in what can only be described as expressions of fake pity. King Magnifico's eyes are glowing green)
(You can be one of us)
(The dolls keep getting closer and closer, she starts to run away from them, understandably terrified, she runs to one of the miniature houses)
If you let us help you
Just wait and see
(The queen sings melodically, very entertained by the girls suffering. Asha tries to open the door of the house but ...)
(You should be pleased)
(once she does, there's more dolls inside, they all sing in unison, smiling at her as they try to grab her, she tries to look up at the royal couple with pleading eyes, begging them to just stop whatever this is)
I have a hunch this wish
Shall set you free
(The king shrugs with a smirk on his face, he looks directly at her pleading eyes, as he's basically saying "Give me your wish, and I'll make this go away")
(free, free, free)
(More and more dolls pile up to catch her, Asha manages to struggle her way out of their grasp, and goes back to running somewhere, ANYWHERE)
Is this really the hill I'll die on?!
(Now, this expression means "An issue to pursue with wholehearted conviction and/or single-minded focus, with little or no regard to the cost." and that quite perfectly summarizes Asha's conviction to grant her own wish, but now, for the first time, she's starting to question if it's really worth it)
(Wish a-way, wish a-way)
(Asha keeps running... This situation actually reminds her of how she often felt in Rosas, like she didn't belong, she just wishes she could make people happy... wait...)
There is no hope for you No stars to wish upon
(Okay this line is the one I'm less confident in, since in previous scenes I didn't find a natural way to fit in them talking about stars, but gosh darn I'll keep this in here because its ironic, also JUST YOU WAIT UNTIL STAR BOY LEARNS ABOUT THIS AMAYA)
(Wish a-way, wish a-way)
(Does what she's thinking about count as a wish? She thinks as she's now climbing the base of the castle, trying to get away from the dolls)
Should I give up on my integrity?
(This line ends on a long high note btw, she's running for her life but by gosh she's gonna sing her heart out... Also yeah she's questioning if she should give up on her principles)
(Give it away, You cannot get away)
(The dolls are climbing after her, there's nowhere else to go until... Magnifico's hand pushes the dolls away, but it's not to help her oh no no... He lost his patience.)
I am the ONLY ONE
Who'll end your MISERY
So come on! Wish away
(The king looks and sounds deranged, much like Chris Pine sounded like at the end of "This is the thanks I get", he's yelling a lot more than he's singing, and as his hand goes to catch Asha she sees no other choice than to yell)
(She closes her eyes tightly, waiting for the impact of the king's hand...)
Her eyes are shot open, she blinks quickly like she just woke up from a nightmare...
A nightmare she can't remember.
She can tell that something happened... Something really scary, but she can't remember what.
All she feels now are the effects of having your mind bend by dark magic.
"W-what happened? Uhg... My head… It hurts..." she stumbles to the side, Amable catches her just before she trips over because of the overwhelming dizziness. Amaya holds her still by the arms… Asha notes that the queen has a pretty strong grip.
“Oh you poor thing, you must be tired, that’s all.” The queen coos in that same motherly tone she so commonly uses, Asha was about to ask them why would she feel so exhausted all of the sudden, but the queen interrupts “So, are you ready to tell us sweetheart?”
Asha looks at her puzzled, still feeling slightly dizzy.
“… Tell you what?”
“Your wish.” The king says a few steps away from them, sounding slightly out of breath.
Asha looks at him and notices his hair is now messy and he’s supporting himself on the table to stand up, he’s breathing like he just ran a marathon.
(Dark magic can mess you up, don’t do it kids)
He takes a deep breath and very quickly puts himself back together, slicking his hair back to it's original look.
“Come now, don’t tell me you already forgot? You’re supposed to forget it only after you give it to me.” He chuckles darkly.
What are they talking about? Why would Asha know wha- wait… But she does know. The idea pops in her head like it was already there, she remembers now.
“… Yes… I do have a wish.”
Chapter 5
Final Thoughts
Boy oh boy, I sure wonder if that diner they promised is actually gonna happen or if it was just a lie, I’m sure you all can’t wait to find that out!
Guys, please believe me when I say hurting Asha is hurting me too! But I swear I’ll make it up to her once Aster comes down and brings all the serotonin she needs!! Aster is currently kicking his feet and screaming that he’s not in the story yet and can’t bring some much needed wholesome vibes.
Okay, oh my god, this chapter was so hard for me, I had a bunch of ideas I scrapped because I realized they would take too much time, but it turned out perfectly. We have the two villains try their own methods of manipulation, Magnifico trying to make Asha feel sorry for him, and Amaya using Asha’s own words against her. Both failed, so they resort to the method all Disney villains use to get what they want from the protagonist… VILLAIN SONG:
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I got soooo excited when I had the idea of making this whole chapter take place on the same stairs Movie Magnifico goes through in “This is the thanks I get” and then get them to the room with the little puppets! AND THEN HAVE ASHA BE TURNED INTO A LITTLE DOLL TO REPRESENT HOW TO THEM SHES SMALL AND INSIGNIFICANT IN THE GRAND SCHEME OF THINGS AND HOW THEY HAVE THE WHOLE KINGDOM IN THE PALM OF THEIR HANDS AND SHE'LL SOON JOIN THEM-
Ya know I think it was neat :3
But anyway what do you think?
Try guessing what Asha’s wish was, no it wasn’t anything to do with drawing, don’t worry... Actually do worry, worry a lot, things will still be dark in the next chapter as Asha learns the truth about what the king and queen really do with the wishes... BUT HEY AT LEAST AFTER THAT SHE WISHES UPON A CERTAIN STAR SO THERE'S A LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNEL WOOOH!
Oh also, I'll probably not be posting as frequently from now on because I'll start working after tomorrow.
Thank You For Reading!
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baby-jaguar · 4 months
Meeting Johnny
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Western AU; Mail Order Spouse Trope
WC: 2,726 CW: None
AN: I'm alive! Sorry this is so short, this was a good stopping point and I need to work on my world-building for Soap before getting to the next part. Just know- I haven't given up on this AU (It's literally my firstborn, blood, and soul, but I will be a bit slow until my brain juices stay flowing. I hope ye enjoy <3
Please see the Introduction for the explanation and precursors to the scene.
Introduction, Biography
Johnny’s proposal to you was quick in terms of a few letters exchanged; three letters in, he invited you to come out and sent you enough money to figure out accommodations to get to him. As soon as you read those words at the post office, you ran home high on endorphins and adrenaline began packing your bags without grandiose care in the world. The fire inside you licked at the bottom of your heart, anger at staying in this shithole for far too long and feeling a sense of belonging- the sense of feeling wanted to make you have an ulterior purpose in life as if a phoenix reborn and spreading its wings while nose-diving into the unknown. When your parents came home as you zipped your bags, you sincerely couldn’t give a flying fuck as you shoved past them and began berating your parents with a grand show of a public yelling match for the neighbors to hear. 
Good for you! 
You had already planned how to get to him after receiving his first letter back; First step, buying a train ticket that led you to Santa Fe, New Mexico. From there, you had to embark on the Gila Trail, before having to buy your horse and head out on the San Diego Crossings wagon road by yourself. 
This trip was a long haul, and you prayed that Johnny would trust in your quickly established faith to wait out for you. The promise of a strong and loving man is all you could think about...
While in your adrenaline-filled escape, you hadn’t plucked the book in your room that hid his photo as a bookmark, but thankfully had grabbed the letter that gave you his directions. While you scavenge your mind to have a solid image of him, you think over his features and re-read the letters countless times.
Johnny has a background of all sorts, having grown up in a family that held their bond strong, especially after his father had passed in a mining cave-in, which rendered him the man of the house from a young age. Even in his brief telling of these events, you could tell he’s moved out to California to find a deeper meaning of himself, create the line in concrete for it to harden as he ages. 
That isn’t to say that he has lost his sense of boyishness, not at all in fact. His stories that he wrote even contained small doodles along the borders to better depict what he was writing about, and it was half your mind to cut them out and keep them as little bookmarks or place them in your wallet as a keepsake. He was playful, writing jokes about the smallest things, even letting you in on some secrets about the people in his town before you got there.
While the sense of his flame burned hot in multiple directions, deep in his hearth was a passionate man. Just as he seemed so sweet, with a flick of his wrist the writing would turn into something hot enough to make you blush, averting your eyes as your mind ran wild with his thoughts. He seems to enjoy a bubble bath… but maybe only when you’re in it with him. Even writing about the future and him stating he wants a family by any means, you could only imagine a deep possessiveness inside of him to claim you as such. Even if you were able to have his biological children or not, he’d still make sure you felt like you did.
But back to your journey. 
The course of the trains provided you an oversight of the new lands you had yet to ever see, as it was the beginning stages of territories turning into states. The rides were long, and adjusting to the set time zones was a large throw-off to your circadian rhythm. Having already traveled two states west, it was difficult to decide on which line would grant you the fastest access to Johnny. Luckily enough, a kind person in the Denver station helped point out that taking the route from northern Nevadah into California would grant you the fastest time, and ease your solo traveling. 
The kind person stated that they were in a similar situation and now waiting for the train, having a bit of time to offer some advice while making it toward their end goal. Thanking them with bountiful wishes and good luck’s in their journey, you were on your way.
It took four more days to find yourself in Temecula, California. An astonishing change from the desert lands that reflected the sun so brightly now showed the capabilities of a plush environment of greenery and clouds. The train station was reached as the sunlight began pouring in over the mountains; being quick on your feet, and from the other settlers being far too tired, you found a deal on the last remaining horse available. 
Traveling by horseback prompted challenges with reading Johnny's directions, and you did not want to admit that you were lost. The lack of directory and signage left you getting flustered already by noon and being left alone in such a rural area in between towns felt far more daunting than any part of this trip. Passing by stagecoaches who all seemed to know their way around, you filed in line through a secondary road filled with houses in the valley of the small mountains.
Three hours later and a small urge to cry while having given up on re-reading the letter, you accepted defeat when you saw someone sitting on their porch down a dirt road with his house being the only one there.
“Hi! Excuse me, sir?” The sound of your voice breaks through the stillness of the settling valley, enough to make the man look up from the table he is currently hunched over.
“Would you mind helping me out by giving me directions?” Willing yourself to not blush or shrink into your large coat, embarrassment running through your chest while in the new environment.
For a moment, the man doesn't seem to acknowledge you, having to do a double take before his eyes widen in surprise. The toothpick that was delicately hanging on his lip falls to the ground, less he even notices before he sits up straight readjusting his hat, and clears his throat.
“‘Course, my dear. How can I be of service.” His accent is rich, leading you to believe that he’s been raised in the West, and has a perfectly smooth twang to his speech as it leaves his side smile.
“I’m looking for the country store… There’s supposed to be an old Coke sign on it.” The words leave you in a higher pitch than you’d normally speak, having a handsome stranger stare at you with a wide-eyed stare as he watches your lips move. “And to be honest- I wouldn’t know if I’m in the right place to begin with.” 
As if snapped back to reality again, eye contact cut short as he blinks before looking down the road and then back to you. “Ah, store’ way down yonder with a crossing sign. If yer’ headed west then a left will take you to the interstate,” A nod confirms his sense of confidence in his directions, explaining it plain and simple as the roads that his house lies on.
The smile that crosses your face lights your eyes, and it's the most relief you’ve gotten ever since getting on horseback. “Thank you, I really do appreciate it.” Your hands pull on the reigns of the horse, already turning around to try and beat sunset before it's too dark to ride alone.
Before you’re out of earshot, “When you’re in, you gotta stop and ask Ms. Bell for somma’ her sweet tea. But remember, take a right, and you’ll end up right back here to me.” The wink that leaves him makes you question if you’re seeing things in the late light of the day, but you’re sure he can see the blush that burns your cheeks.
A laugh leaves you before nodding in response, now clicking your horse into a quick trot while you’re high on the adrenaline from the interaction. Well… at least you have a backup plan in case your bachelor doesn't work out.
Arriving far too quickly than you’d expect, the store was only a few minutes down the road and concealed by a line of trees. Hitching your horse and walking into the store on stiff legs, you plan on following the stranger's advice to get some sweet tea.
The bell above the door jingles as you walk in, catching the attention of the older woman behind the counter. Here eyes take in your form, surprised such a fresh-faced person has arrived this late into the day. “How can I help you, sweetheart?” Her voice rings out a bit rough, someone who knows how to pull her weight if trouble would arrive.
“I’m actually looking to get to someone's home near town, but I was told to make my way from this store to not get lost.” A pause as your eyes take in the scenery of the rustic store; A layer of dust settled onto the wooden floors as shelves are stocked with an assortment of canned goods, spices, and a few refrigerators labeled as eggs and milk. “Met a stranger on the way and was told I should get some sweet tea here, too.”
Her eyes, still studying you as you speak and noting your accent, or lack thereof, bring a small quirk to her face. “Well, lemme get you some of my tea while you get yourself found.” Leaving her seat she makes her way to a wall in the back, pulling out two large mason jars with a light brown liquid. 
“That stranger you met- was he small ways up north fr’mere?” The smile on her face grows as she walks back to her seat at the register as you walk forward to meet her.
“Yes… A lone house down a single road. Blue eyes, brown hair, and some stubble.” The answer is pulled from you automatically, reciting the mental image of him.
“Toothpick in his mouth?”
The question is almost absurd in how spot-on she is, but then again this is a very small town. “Yes.”
The answer makes her laugh, somewhat un-ladylike when compared to the women from your home, and the noise makes you startle in place for a second.
“That damn Johnny makes me work my ass off to keep this tea in stock. He’s been so stressed waiting for his person to come ‘nd has been drinking me straight out of this stuff.” She levels when calming down for a moment, now placing the jars in bags.
She has yet to look back up at you and fails to notice your limbs seemingly frozen in place as the air leaves your lungs. That was Johnny?
“I’m so sorry ma’am. Did you say that was Johnny? As in MacTavish?”
The rustle of the brown paper bags stops, her eyes darting up to find yours. “Well, I’ll be damned.” She murmurs lowly before a sly smile takes over her face. “You’re here, and you’re damned too good from what you made yourself out to be, sweetheart.” 
Still frozen with your mind reeling, adrenaline begins to pump back into your bloodstream while a jolt alights your muscles. “Oh- I’m so sorry ma’am, I must get going its getting late and-”
The sliding of the jars on her counter interrupts your rambling, “Ah ah, its Ms. Bell dear, and you best be taking this with you to him. Don’t worry bout nothin’ but I’m happy to welcome you to the town.” 
If you looked now, you could notice the tremor in your hands. Nodding and taking the bag, a rush of endless ‘thank you’s’ and an elated smile seats itself permanently before loading the bags on the saddle and turning back around to start galloping forward back towards where you once were.
The sound of horses and wagons isn’t a constant to Santa Ysabel during the night hours, usually only occurring after the dayshift ends. As Johnny sits on his porch, his mind muddled with confusion as he stews over his soon-to-be partner arrives, thoughts of the stranger asking for directions makes him confused.
Fresh toothpick in his mouth as he widdles away at a bar of tallow, working to pull off glycerine for work. Surely that wasn’t a coincidence, right? The picture you sent was muddled down with water stains, and he blamed it on the damn train that sent your envelopes out this way. It was beginning sunset, and though he couldn't make out most of your features because of the coat you concealed yourself in- 
The bar of soap drops to the ground and he curses, now jumping out of his mind and into the present. 
The sound of hooves beating and approaching make him look up.
There, Here, you’re back again and the whites of your teeth are illuminated by the fading sun to show your smile.
Slowing down your horse to a stop, breathing in a slight pant as compared to your horses, the smile never leaves you.
“Figure you need some more directions, sweetheart?” His drawl leaves him, standing to make his way towards you. 
“Take off your hat.” The response is curt, and demanding in a way, but that glimmer of excitement makes it sound so sweet.
Johnny himself is befuddled for a moment, eyebrow cocked but complies anyway. Now raising the hat off of his head and holding it to his chest, his eyes answer for him. This what you wanted?
A small sound of excitement leaves you, nodding before your leg swings over your saddle, dismounting with a small jump and walking forward.
“Johnny, it's me.”
A swear leaves his mouth, accompanied by a rush of air before he drops his hat to the side and plucks hit toothpick out with it. The smile that coats his face makes him appear so young and boyish at heart as he moves forward with arms open to wrap around your hips with a low growl, “C’mere you,”
You could be embarrassed by the small squeal that leaves you, but you couldn’t give a rat's ass on anything right now. He spins you around for a quick moment, arms around your body as he lifts you easily with his strength.
Staring down into his eyes, you grab a shoulder while the other hand cups his jaw. “Didn’t know it was you until Ms. Bell said something.”
He laughs, head tilting back in bewilderment at the situation and excitement. “Talkin bout her sweet tea?” He asks while setting you down on your feet, hands never straying as he pulls you against him and traverses over your body.
“Yes, gave me some to bring home.”
The use of home sparks his heart with a bright thrum, butterflies encasing his stomach while he rumbles out a laugh. The texture of his hands is both soft and ruff, his thumbs rubbing over your cheekbones before one hand moves to brush over your hair, cupping the back of your neck.
“Well, in that case, welcome home, sweety.” The rumble sends a shiver down your spine, eyes darting over his face before settling on his lips. A breath settles before you look back into his sharp blue eyes, as he looks at you seemingly waiting for permission.
A small nod of your head and gently pulling him towards you, the band on the back of your head pulls you forward as he brings your lips together. The taste of him has a spice to it, the favor of cinnamon cotes his lips and brings a slow burn over yours while his body’s warmth brings another wave.
The stubble of his beard rubs your face- and it's a welcome feeling as compared to the winds of the valleys whipping past you. Something you’d gladly leave your skin bright red and raw from hours of the feeling.
Before growing too heated, you part with a small gasp and trail him slightly before blinking to find his smirk growing as a low rumble vibrates against you. “Let's get you settled in, then we can celebrate s’more.”
[Who do you all think the reader met at the train station? If you get the song reference for their meeting you get two gold stars! I hope yall enjoy.]
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peripypo · 4 months
The Tri[MMM]ings: Delicious in Dungeon Missed Manga Moments (Episode 1)
This is the first of a series of posts where I chronicle the small tidbits/character interactions that were cut during the transition from manga to anime, for the series Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi by Ryoko Kui! All screenshots from the manga will be taken from Mangadex/#EverydayHeroes Scans, so please check them out! Also, a shoutout to @dungeon-meshi-leftovers, a blog that's doing a very similar thing but more focused on archiving every single little thing cut, with detailed image descriptions for those needing them!
Now, lets get into it!
I was happily surprised with how little content the first episode trimmed out! The first cuts come in the opening fight scene with the red dragon. When Laios mentions how his party got lost and almost fell into traps, there's actually a handful of drawings that show them getting into the hijinks! It's understandable that they cut this out, but I'd love to see more of Laios's old party before they had been separated.
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Speaking of them being separated... the next thing cut was the two party members talking to Chilchuck and giving him the notes themselves. I wish this was put into the anime. I'm keeping their names unrevealed, as they haven't been said in the anime yet, but this cut makes them feel less personable and more like side characters, sadly.
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The next cut does not happen until Laios and friends begin to enter the dungeon. This little doodle of Marcille reading the paper is missing in the anime, which is a shame. Again, it just gives a bit more personality into the characters. Understandable, but still sad!
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These next three moments that were trimmed fall into the same boat that I feel like I'm going to have to call out a lot; both Laios and Senshi have a tendency to go into great amounts of detail when talking about monsters/food in general, and a lot of it gets understandably cut out. However, it's a shame, because not only is it a great piece of world building, but it also really shows how passionate and knowledgeable each of them are about their hobbies.
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This next part is what I believe to be the BIGGEST CRIME that the anime has committed. Yes, the food is animated and colored beautifully, but both the ingredients list and the nutrition chart are nowhere to be seen in the anime!! I absolutely love these little details Ryoko put in about the food, and it's so sad to see them not in the show. A shame!
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There's also going to be a lot of cut out ingredient spotlights. For example, there's a little drawing of where each separate fruit came from and their names in the manga. Definitely hard to translate to a video format.
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Finally, there's a little gag that's cut out of Chilchuck hitting his head on a branch. Completely understandable why they cut it out, again, but still sad to see it go.
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And that's all for episode 1!! Thank you so much for reading! Feedback in the replies or in my dms would be appreciated; let me know what you guys liked and what I should include in the next ones! And also, please reblog with any other moments from the first two chapters that you think deserve some spotlight or anything else that you think I should've added!
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creedslove · 9 months
Hear me out on this! Marcus is coming home from a terrible day at work, he is expecting his wife and daughter to be busy with their own stuff (Marcus is a girl dad and I will die on that hill) but he comes in to see his small child wearing one of his suits, and she is pretending to be him. Marcus cannot help but feel emotional, but even more when his daughter says he is her hero and she wants to be just like him. Marcus is totally asking for another baby after that. ~🌹Anon
Marcus Pike x f!reader
A/N: 🌹 anon this is beautiful ❤️🥺
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• Marcus is a man who leaves home to work already thinking about the time he gets to come back, because we can barely wait for it, he is happy man who's got a beautiful wife and daughter and finally work isn't the only substantial thing in his life
• But he still needs to work his ass off, because he's the head of the department and he's a good agent so good results are expected from him, some cases end up well and some don't, some are easier than the others and some are simply a nightmare
• the thing he hates the most in the world is having to get home late, he hates to arrive after dinnertime because he misses important moments with his family
• one of his favorite times to spend with his daughter are the meals because he finds so cute how his toddler eats, she is like a little princess, eating off her beautiful colorful plate, chewing things up slowly like she was taught by you and being overall adorable
• he doesn't have a reason to why he likes that so much, but he does and he loves his daughter and he's the best dad in the world so that's awesome
• not to mention that whenever he gets home after hours, his beautiful princess is already asleep
• he watches her sleeping, stroking the same beautiful hair she inherited from you but it pains him that he can't listen to her sweet voice and having her watching him with attentive eyes
• and your daughter on the other hand misses her daddy all the time, he is all she ever talks about, and she waits by the window every single evening, in hopes to see his car parking in the driveway
• Marcus had been so stressed out you decided to leave that out and not mention it, it would only break his heart and make him feel guilty, but his absence was also something you hated and you missed your husband too
• when it was laundry day, you separated Marcus' business suit to take them to the dry cleaner in order to get them perfectly clean but you were so caught up in other activities, you left them on the couch and forgot about them
• when your daughter saw her daddy's clothes, she immediately got curious and went to check on them, giggling as they smelled like her daddy
• she hadn't seen him for a couple of days, since Marcus left before she was up and got home after she was in bed, her little heart missing him too much, she had the idea of putting the jacket suit on
• and that was exactly how Marcus found his daughter once he got home: a tiny little toddler with a huge gigantic suit jacket on pretending to be him in a work meeting and doodling on a paper while you made dinner in the kitchen
• Marcus' head hurt from the stress and the unpleasant moments he spent at work, but all of it just disappeared and went away the moment he spotted that scene, it made his heart overwhelmed with love
• he walked to his daughter who widened her eyes the moment she noticed her dad and dropped everything she was doing, in order to rush to him and snuggle him tight
• the way she squealed 'daddy' and ran to his arms was too much for him, lifting her up and placing kisses all over her beautiful face, he snuggled his daughter
• when Marcus put her down, she grabbed the drawing she was working on, it was a drawing of him, in a suit and a cape, and she explained to him he was her favorite hero because her mommy had told her daddy's job was to catch bad guys
• he was at a loss of words, he felt tears coming into his eyes as that sweet innocent little girl meant the world to him and she wasn't even aware of it
• Marcus decided to talk to you later, perhaps it was time for you two to have another baby, life was perfect with one adorable kids, but he would love to have a second one, a little baby who would have the best big sister in the world and the prettiest mommy too
• he also knew that he would have to find a way to be more present and get home earlier because he was missing out on a lot of things and that was not how he wanted things to go
• Marcus took the drawing with him to work the next day and kept it in the office so it would give him motivation to work more and more, after all, that was the most precious work of art he could ever have
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good-beanswrites · 4 months
Hi Beans, I’m finally here. Diluting the sad with fun and very OOC.
I don’t really have a lot of ideas about what to write, but I remembered that I shared my idea of Es with the chivalrous Argenti's personality. So. AU in a vacuum (maybe an actors AU, maybe not), where Es thought that it would be funny to surprise the prisoners with the behavior of a knight(maybe Jackalope came up with that idea, maybe just strange sense of humor). What about the prisoners' reactions? (gallantry and compliments to plants attached) I think Mahiru would have joined the drive even if she didn’t really understand what happened. Fuuta would probably say "ugh, cringe" and that would make him a great target for the rest of the day.
YESS ahahaha, this is such a fun idea! I wrote a little scene with a few characters, but honestly it's hysterical picturing any of them trying to figure out how to react to this new and sparkling Es... I went for a version where not even Jackalope was prepared, but I can certainly see him suggesting something crazy like that to shake things up omg. Thank you so much for the request! The original meme was made by Mug, and I couldn't help but do a doodle myself ✨🌹
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Amane was the first to witness it. She fled as soon as possible, finding sanctuary in the common room. The others were surprised as she stumbled in, face pale and eyes wide. Very little could frighten the girl; it was not a good sign.
Yuno moved to comfort her. “What’s wrong?” 
Her eyes went distant with the harrowing memory. “It’s Es,” was all she said. 
“Did they do something cruel?”
“No. Worse.” Amane shivered. “They were… nice.”
“They were what?”
Amane opened her mouth, but paused at the sound of heels clicking down the hallway. 
She stiffened. “If you need me you can find me in my cell.” She disappeared as quickly as she came. The others, who had been listening in on the odd conversation, gaped after her. They tried to piece together what had been so unsettling. Still, Es’ boots approached. 
All eyes landed on the doorway. 
And Es appeared. They looked very normal. Jackalope hopped up behind them. All shoulders sagged in relief. Es surveyed the room, slightly surprised to find everyone staring. 
Then, they smiled. 
It was a genuine, bright smile. The blue-gray of their eyes sparkled with a new light. Their lips parted to release a lighthearted laugh, unlike anything the prisoners had heard from them before.
They glided through the room, heels clicking lightly behind them until they came to Muu. The others stood frozen in place.
Es swept their cape aside with a grand flourish of their arm. They held both her hand and her gaze with warmth.
“Why, hello, Muu! You’re looking as positively lovely as always. Has this fine morning treated you well?”
“Um…” She looked to everyone, her face pleading for a little guidance. They were too busy looking eagerly to her in astonishment. “Uh… yes?”
“I’m pleased to hear it.” They reached behind themself. The room let out a soft gasp as they produced a pale pink flower from underneath their cape.
“For you, my dear.”
They didn’t wait for her to finish stuttering a confused ‘thank you’ before they turned to whoever was standing closest. Mahiru’s own face lit up as Es turned their glimmering gaze her way. Fuuta scoffed, muttering something about this being the lamest, cringiest thing he’d witnessed. Es pretended not to hear.
“Shiina Mahiru… a smile like yours is rare to find in a place like this. I thank you for it.” They pinched their chin and angled their head, thinking. “The meaning of your name has to do with light, correct?” 
She nodded, unable to keep the giddiness from her face. The others watched as Es moved their glove behind once more. Surely there was no room for any more flowers hidden there…
Surely they were all mistaken – Es flicked their wrist to present a small gathering of yellow blooms.
“Something radiant for someone as bright as you.”
She fell over herself with gratitude and giggles. She tried to tuck it into her hair, and Mikoto stepped over to help her. The pair raised their eyebrows at each other in disbelief. 
This time, Es retrieved their gift before turning to their next victim. A classic red rose. They caught a prisoner’s gaze. 
“Oh, no. Nope. No way.” Fuuta held up his hands, as if it could ward them off. “I don’t want your stupid-ass flowers.” 
“Now, now, I see you’re playing hard to get, as usual.” They brushed their thumb along the thorny stem. “You know, the rose has a very similar approach.”
Fuuta’s face now matched the flower’s color. “Wha–” He stumbled backward, then took off running to the door. “I don’t know what weird mind games you’re trying to pull, but I’m staying out of it!” 
Es only clicked their tongue gently when he disappeared. “Always making things difficult, that one. All part of his charm, I suppose.” 
They followed to the entrance. Turning briefly, they flashed their smile once more.“It was wonderful to see you all! I will await our next meeting eagerly.” 
With a fluttery wave, they vanished. 
Everyone’s attention shot to Jackalope, who had paused in the doorway. No one could understand his voice, but his little rabbit face seemed to say, Hey, don't look at me. I have no fucking idea.
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📚 🔮 🎨 i love u
Love you too!!! 😍💖🌸
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend? Aaaargh, you know that I forget any opinion I've ever held the second anyone asks me for one! There's so many incredibly talented ppl in this fandom, and so many fantastic fics, how am I to choose one??? Here's some I've read and loved recently:
hunter's moon by mourningshowers: a very intriguing werewolf AU with a cool, unique spin on pack dynamics, and stunning prose - the descriptions of ppl's scents in particular stuck with me, they're so vivid and evocative! butter, sugar, and northern mockingbirds by @thefreakandthehair: the most perfectest, soft, mushy, sweet bakery AU. If you're in need of a fic that will leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy and happy inside, this is a definite rec! Never coming down (with your hand in mine) by @eyesofshinigami: the latest instalment in their omega!Eddie series, which I adore. If you're into a/b/o and omega Eddie, give this one a read!
🔮 Any advice for writers working through burnout or writer’s block?
Some things that work for me, personally:
Just write! I sit myself down, set a word count (100 words, 200 words, doesn't matter, it's about getting started) and don't get up or hop on socials before I have written that word count down. Maybe I'll find my flow and keep going, maybe I'll think it's garbage and leave it for the day. I never delete what I wrote, even if I hate it. Instead, I come back a day or two later and look it over with a fresh pair of eyes. Most of the time, I'll realize that it doesn't suck as bad as I thought it did.
Write something small! If my large WIPs seem too daunting atm, I'll try a microfic or drabble - something small and relatively low effort. Those also have the added bonus that I can yeet them out immediately after they're done, and the reactions I get usually give me the serotonin boost I need and motivate me to write more. (Bc I'm an attention whore like that! XD)
Let the brain run idle! I take a walk. I craft or doodle something. I play with my kid. I watch a movie or go out with friends. The main thing is, I don't write. I try to not even think of writing. That's often when my best ideas hit me out of nowhere.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I am blessed enough to have a bunch of incredibly talented mutuals who have made so much wonderful, gorgeous, incredible art of my work. I look at it daily, it makes me feel so incredibly loved and cherished. I couldn't wish for more! That being said, if someone asked me, I'd probably pick for a scene from Someone who cares because that's my oldest fic (my baby, my firstborn, etc.) and it doesn't have any art yet.
Fic writer asks
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ineffable-suffering · 9 months
A Small Nugget of Appreciation for the Good Omens Cinematography
i‘m by far not the most qualified person to analyse cinematographic details and the way shows are shot, BUT: upon re-watching S1 for the quazillionth time, i finally figured out what it was that always made me so horrendously uncomfortable about that One Scene in S1E3, when Aziraphale goes to Heaven to tell the archangels what he figured out about the Antichrist (who‘s not actually the Antichrist, whoopsie-doodles).
it just always made me feel so uncomfortable because, well, the way they’re having this conversation is absolutely awkward, as per usual, but it‘s not just that. i took a closer look at how the whole scene is shot and then the metaphorical lightbulb (let there be light!) went up over my head. okay, so, here‘s the deal:
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at first, we get this extremely wide-angel shot of Gabriel and the other archangels walking into the room. (sidenote: Azirphale is already there and waiting, so they absolutely made that dramatic, weirdly lined-up enterance on purpose, probably to Assert Angelic Dominance, lol). like, you almost have to squint to see them in the massive, empty hall that is Heaven. it gives you an immense feeling of distance. coldness, even. angels are always described as "beings of love and light" but this shot, among many other things that happen in this show, shows us that that‘s not actually true when it comes to each other (and to humans too, let‘s be real: the archangels don‘t give a goat’s rat's ass about what happens in and to the World).
so anyway, this shot immediately let‘s us know two things:
they rudely let Aziraphale wait for them to do their little runway walk with all the attention being on them
there is no closeness, friendliness or warmth between any of them and least of all towards Aziraphale
you can see this very well in one of the other shots while they‘re all still talking:
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you‘d think this was a candid from 2020, mid-pandemic, with how far they‘re all standing apart from each other. and they‘re all facing Aziraphale like a wall. a clear statement: you‘re over there, we‘re over here. you‘re not one of us. (also notice how they‘re not facing him in a centered way but that it‘s actually only really Gabriel who‘s opposite of Aziraphale? despite being the first one to have entered from the right? again: hirarchyyyy)
and now comes the part that stands in such stark contrast to these wide, open, distant shots: the extreme, almost fish-eye-like close ups:
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these scenes of then talking are what made me feel so uncomfortable and sort of out of place. i don’t know about you, but they almost make me want to take a physical step back from the screen to get some distance. it‘s like Gabriel and his squad are really distant but in the next second they’re invading ones personal space and– oh, hm. well. that’s exactly it, isn’t it?
it‘s firmly established that they don’t care about Aziraphale, least of all see him as an equal. both by the opening shot and the way they speak to him. but then that feeling is being interrupted with them absolutely crowding Aziraphale up against the figurative wall (aka our tv screen) and interrogating him. they‘re all up in his business as soon as he reveals he has information they might want. they’re nosy, inquisitive and they make both Aziraphale and us feel very uncomfortable and invaded in our space.
in all the ways, this scene conveys on both a dialogue and cinematographic level, that Heaven and the archangels are extremely distant and cold towards each other (and Aziraphale), while at the same time getting way too uncomfortably close and up in Azi‘s business as soon as they suspect he has information they may want.
and one last observation: during this whole conversation, none of the archangels are ever filmed together in one shot (unless it shows all of them vs. Aziraphale):
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which is just another way of showing: they’re only "united" when it‘s them against whoever they see as inferior/a threat to them. but when it comes to the archangels as a group just by themselves, they‘re no less distant, weary and unliking of each other than they are with Aziraphale (or Muriel, for example, in S2).
in S1E1 hastur and ligur make a this whole big deal about „demons not trusting each other“ and we‘re made to believe that it‘s probably different with angels. but it‘s not. they‘re nothing short of untrustworthy themselves and proper assholes to everyone within and also outside of their own ranks. same thing as demons, just in neat suits.
except for Aziraphale, of course, God and Satan bless his heart.
alright, that's it. crappy cinematography analysis over. see you again when my hyperfixation catches on another one of the ten million details in this show, xoxo.
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hyperfixated-on-cod · 10 months
✨Christmas with 141✨
(Because I really love this photo) (this is assuming they celebrate)
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John Price
(I’m gonna preface this by saying I don’t think he’s very religious; he celebrates bc that’s what he grew up doing)
He’s the dad of the group, so he’s going all out.
He’ll drag you AND all the others to get a real tree and he’s so serious about it, like if anyone mentions they got a fake one for their home he’s legitimately offended.
Makes a big Christmas dinner and invites the whole team over every year.
Even though there won’t be kids around, he still dresses up as Santa.
He puts mistletoe in every doorway.
Makes his own eggnog.
(Right here is where I’d say he goes Black Friday shopping but then I remembered he’s not American💀)
Get him socks and he will be the happiest man ever.
He’s AWFUL at buying people gifts tho so if you don’t give him a list he can choose from, he’ll give you a preloaded gift card you can use anywhere (that would be Visa for the US but idk what the UK equivalent would be).
Will absolutely respect you if you don’t celebrate Christmas and will go out of his way to learn about and help you celebrate your religion’s winter holiday (if you have one).
He’s spending an entire day “baking cookies for Santa” and he lets everyone believe he still believes in Santa, but he doesn’t and the cookies are for Price.
LOVES ugly sweater contests.
Complains the most when Price drags everybody out to get a Christmas tree with him.
INSISTS on sitting on Price’s lap when he dresses up as Santa, even though Soap knows it’s him.
Everybody dreads opening gifts from him because nobody knows if he decided to get gag gifts or not this year.
Get him a Tamagotchi and he’ll cherish it like it’s his real life child.
If any single one of them make gifts, it’s him. He’ll either give you something small like a card with cute lil doodles on it, or he’ll go bigger and like sew some patches on a jacket for you.
Not really fond of the holiday because of his past, so he either does the bare minimum or straight up doesn’t celebrate at all.
He’ll go to Christmas dinner at Price’s house tho because he appreciates the energy but he’s still very reluctant about participating in that energy.
He’s a man of tradition though so his ✨gift to the host✨ is a bottle of brandy for the egg nog.
Speaking of egg nog: the man LOVES the stuff (with or without brandy).
Giggles a little bit when Soap sits on Price’s lap bc he finds it adorable, but tries not to think about it for too long.
Steals no less than TWO (2) of the cookies Soap made for “Santa” and doesn’t tell him. If Soap catches him with the cookies, Ghost looks at him like Po in that one scene in Kung Fu Panda.
He gives gift cards and honestly prefers to receive them as well, and will show you every single thing he buys with the gift card you get him. If you get him like a restaurant gift card, he’s taking you to eat there.
✨fashionably late✨ to Captain’s dinner because he forgot to get presents AGAIN.
Doesn’t go shopping for trees with Captain because he overslept bc Captain wanted to go at like 7am😭
If anybody is gonna get the team into the proper party spirit, it’s Gaz. He’s pulling out holiday themed drinking games, wanting to play any board game available, etc.
Gives Price a bunch of shit for making his Christmas tree “too normal.” Like the tree he has in his own home is one of those like bright pink plastic ones and it has all kinds of colorful ornaments on it.
Since he always forgets until the last minute to get presents, he gets everybody something small that still shows he cares, like a card with each person’s favorite candy. In the card he’ll write out a paragraph about how much he loves and appreciates you.
Suggests that they do a White Elephant or secret Santa type gift exchange for next year.
Will literally treasure anything anybody gets him. Price gets him a coupon for a free oil change.
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otaku553 · 9 months
How goes the fma x albedo fic? I hope that doesn't sound pushy, I'm genuinely curious. And in that vein, do you have any little drabbles you may have written or want to write? Especially with your recent kny ocs/yourself and your siblings. That'd be super fun to read about! Your art AND your writing is so freaking good, the moment I see you've posted something new on your blog I'm clicking it so fast. Same with your ao3 account ❤️
Thank you for the kind words!!! Currently not working on any fics, since I just came out of 10 weeks of summer research where my days began at 8 am and ended at 9 pm for probably less than minimum wage hahaha (doing research is a Bit Sad but I get a whole month to relax before classes start again so thank goodness for that)
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I do however!!! Have a lot of plans!!! If you’re interested you can read more below!
Plans include but are not limited to:
Finally working on Homuncular Nature again!! I definitely do have a lot of plans and cool scenes playing out in my head for the next chapter, it’ll just come down to when I actually put pen to paper (or stylus to iPad) to actually organize and write them all. The road block I think is that I have seen neither Albedo nor fmab very recently and all my concrete ideas are for around the 30 episode mark for fmab, the turning point with the first actual confrontation against father and the subsequent Briggs arc.
Rewriting Ten Thousand Maple Leaves! A lot of people have been very kind but I think I missed the mark with my first chapter to be honest. My writing has gotten a lot wordier and less succinct, which feels like I’m filling a chapter more with fluff and unnecessary description than actual content. I think I also dislike how I characterized Sanemi and how quickly Kazuha was willing to agree with things. Writing both of them is kind of a difficult challenge tbh! I think in rewriting it I want to give back to Kazuha more of his vagrant role in the games, where he is avoiding the law for reasons somewhat out of his control.
Ebisu siblings content! I think it might be fun to try having them interact with more of the canon characters in kny but I also think there’s some value in a complete sort of outsider point of view when inserting characters into a piece of media. I feel like whenever I see self inserts I see a lot of ocs making themselves indispensable and making meaningful relationships with existing characters that way and that’s totally valid! That’s a lot of what I do for crossovers as well. I think when it comes to my own ocs though, I want them to feel grounded in some form and the reality of it is that none of the characters I make based on myself or real people are that impressive or remarkable. But I also think there’s a lot of value in showing smaller scale things outside of the main interactions and plot to show that even though we aren’t remarkable, we still have our own meaningful connections and ideologies and stories :) in the end the Ebisu siblings are a lot more visual though so I may just continue making doodles and art without writing anything haha
Kirby & Meta Knight ageswap AU: I was mostly doing this on my ask-gikabi sideblog in short form comics, but I lost sight of what I wanted to do after making the discord and starting to interact with some of the people who followed it. I think a lot of people are inspired and have their own very cool ideas that I wanted to take into account but then eventually it was no longer my story or the story I wanted to tell, which is why I’m thinking of restarting it as a fic. This one is still in very rough idea stage though, I have honestly no clue how I’m even going to begin organizing it
Yanfei ace attorney crossover: this one’s just pure crack lmao I would definitely write it as crack taken seriously but I think this is fun to explore just for small ideas that pop up every now and then, i.e. yanfei is semi-immortal because she’s half adeptus so it would be Really Funny to me if she showed up in dgs era, got her attorney’s license, went into hiding after it became obvious that she wasn’t aging, and then re-emerged after rebranding herself as her own daughter or granddaughter. That, and I have a lot of fun imagining someone as pragmatic as yanfei trying to get through the sheer chaos of aa despite being otherworldly
Continuing winter weather advisory: I got to a really good point in that fic and was rereading it today like,,, damn I wrote that? And it would be fun to see where I planned on going with it so I do want to also try working on that a bit if I can
Kazuha & Kunikuzushi role swap au: this is something I posted about a Long While ago but it’s an idea I continue to be fascinated with :) I especially enjoy how these two characters could have had completely different roles and personalities depending on how their pasts happened (with wanderer being so nice and turning so bitter and kazuha growing up so spoiled (for lack of a better word) and turning out so weary and yet kind
Link click and mha crossover: this one is honestly just a very recent idea but I think it would be fun to make a drabble on how lightime photo studio would be able to continue operating even in another world and the trouble they might get into for illegal quirk usage and what using cheng xiaoshi’s powers in a world where being able to tell the future is canonically possible would entail
I have!! So many ideas!! And not enough time or motivation to actually write any of them most of the time :’)
But I’m very glad to hear that you enjoy them and look forward to my posts!! :D I really hope I can work on some of these over the last month of summer vacation that I have :)
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