#80s dads
contac · 2 years
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audhd-nightwing · 2 months
things in DC canon i’ll literally never get over
1. dick finds out batman replaced him as robin (without asking him) from the NEWSPAPER and simultaneously finds out bruce adopted a new kid without telling him (to make things worse: bruce didn’t even adopt dick)
2. dick finds out jason died from the newspaper (AGAIN? REALLY BRUCE?) and bruce had the fucking funeral WITHOUT HIM while he was still in space
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pencilscratchins · 1 year
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i have reached the part of the steddie hyperfixation where i make them domesticated men in their 50s. having a blast! (twitter) [ID in ALT text]
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Good People - Final Part
Part One🦇Part Two🦇Final Part
It is not often that Wayne is happy with the monotony of work. Tonight is one of those nights, if only because it allows him to think about where he went wrong speaking to Eddie. He had never meant to imply he thought Eddie was like Al; he'd meant the apple and tree comment to for Richard and Steve. However, he does acknowledge why Eddie drew the conclusion that Wayne might have thought Eddie would follow in Al's footsteps.
Wayne's being a hypocrite, applying the logic to one boy, but not the other. And even though he never, not once, thought that Eddie would become Al, he'll never be able to take that thought from Eddie's mind that he had. He can apologize until he's blue in the face, Eddie might even forgive him, but he's not sure Eddie will ever believe him. Not truly.
And how could Wayne expect him to?
No. That's a shame Wayne will take to the grave.
Next strike to Wayne's conscious; the misjudgment of Steve Harrington, and how it ties into the fact Eddie accused him of not trusting his judgement, and, moreover, Eddie being right. Wayne hadn't trusted in Eddie's trust of Steve.
He should have. It's been years since Eddie came home crying about a boy, but what father doesn't see their kid crying over their first heartbreak and doesn't grow protective? And with Eddie, it's even more terrifying. Getting mixed up with the wrong boy could mean bruised ribs, black eyes, or worse.
In a town like Hawkins, a boy would just have to claim Eddie made a sexual advance and his murder could (would) be justified.
Now add the manhunt and being suspected of murderer to that. Well, Wayne's scared for Eddie's life almost every minute of his day.
But it's no excuse. Or if it is, it's a poor one.
Wayne doesn't know the full story but he does know that Steve was with the group of people on Eddie's side; that he was there with the Henderson kid, the Buckley girl, and Nancy Wheeler, digging Eddie out of the rubble from the earthquake, getting him to the hospital as fast as they could.
Steve Harrington was part of the group that saved Eddie's life, and that should have meant more to begin with. Instead, Wayne's been waiting for a shoe to drop that very well isn't coming.
He's going to fix this.
He'll give Eddie his space to be angry with him, and he'll try again in a few days.
When Wayne gets home, around 6:30am, Eddie's van is gone. He's not surprised. He probably left shortly after Wayne did, not leaving sooner just to avoid him.
There is a note on Wayne's bed when he makes it there. Says he's at Steve, and instead of letting Wayne know when he'll return it just says the words 'be back' followed by a bunch of questions marks. He ends it with 'call if worried' and leaves a phone number that must be for the Harrington residence.
Another hurt Wayne can't blame on anyone but himself.
Wednesday passes. Wayne eats breakfast, goes grocery shopping, pretends to care about his shows before sleeping the afternoon away to prepare for another graveyard. Eddie has not returned when he wakes, and two short hours later, he's off to work.
Eddie's van remains gone.
Returns from work Thursday morning and repeats Wednesday. He replaces grocery shopping with laundry and cleaning out the leftovers for trash day tomorrow morning. Goes to work.
Friday morning he returns home. No Eddie. He waits for it to be a more appropriate time, a little before 10:00am to call the number Eddie left.
It rings, rings, rings, then, a voice he hasn't heard in years. Richard Harrington's voice sounds as cold as it always was as the answering machine recites, "You've reached the Harrington's. We are not available. Leave a message."
"This is Wayne Munson. I just wanted to make sure Eddie's- that's he's alright. Let him know that I called. Checked on him. He doesn't need to call back but I'd appreciate it."
He hangs up the phone, lump in his throat. He misses his boy, and he wants to make his right, but he can't force that. Eddie has to always want to make it okay between them.
He's usually off Fridays, but he asked to pick up a shift. He can't face Linda without having fixed this. He spends the morning and afternoon doing all the small fixes he'd been putting off. Anything to keep him busy. He goes to sleep at his usual time, and wakes up two hours before his shift like normal.
Check's his answering machine but if anyone called while he was asleep, they didn't leave a message. There's still no van when he heads to work.
The plant tells him to leave an hour early. He tries to argue to stay but he's just waved off, told to go get some sleep because he's been looking a little worse for the wear.
He gets back to Forest Hills around 5:40am and finds there is another car parked at his home. Not Eddie's van, but the sleek maroon BMW that belongs to Steve Harrington parked where the van usually is.
When he pulls into his spot, the headlights of his truck light up Steve, sitting on his steps, wrapped in a coat. It can't be more than 50℉ outside right now.
Steve stands as Wayne cuts the engine and climbs from his truck. He gets to the front of his truck and Steve speaks.
"Eddie's okay," Steve says, hands shoving deep into his pockets, "I tried to get him to call you back yesterday but, well, you know Eddie."
Wayne nods, because he does know Eddie. "I appreciate you tellin' me. But you coulda just called."
"I could have."
They look at each other for a moment, and just as Steve opens his mouth, probably to tell Wayne he's going to go, Wayne speaks first, "you wanna come inside and have a cup of coffee to warm up?"
Steve tilts his head slightly to the left before he says, "are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
"Alright," and then Steve steps away from the stairs so Wayne can climb them and let them into the trailer. Steve follows behind silently but with familiarity. He's spent so much of his time here since spring break- the shame crawls through Wayne again. He'd assumed, once upon a time, that Eddie and Steve spent more time here than at Steve's because why would Steve want the trailer park boy in his big fancy house? Now, though, he wonders if it's because this place felt more like a home, even with Wayne's cold shoulder.
Steve sits at their little kitchen table, a luxury they didn't have before because there was no room in the single wide, one bedroom they'd had before. The new double wide (with three bedrooms) offered them a bit more space for a dining area.
Wayne's still suspicious of the government's offer to replace their destroyed home, but he wasn't foolish enough to deny the offer when it was made to him by Jim Hopper (newly returned from the dead back then).
"How do you take your coffee?" Wayne asks, once the machine finishes filling the carafe.
"Oh, I can fix it-"
"Nonsense," Wayne waves him back to sitting, "just tell me."
"I like it with just enough milk to take the scalding heat out of it," Steve says, and while Wayne's not sure just how much that it, he tries anyway.
He sets a cup in front of Steve before taking a seat across from him. "I really do appreciate that you came to tell me Eddie's okay. I want to give him his space but...."
Steve sips his coffee before shooting his cup a small smile. Wayne must have got the ratio right. Then, he looks to Wayne and the smile drops, a more serious expression taking its place and he says, "Eddie wouldn't really tell me what your fight was about, other than, uh, me and that you... overheard some of what I said last time I was here. I don't, like, want to come between you and Eddie, but I'm not, I'm not going to let you scare me away. So, just tell me what I have to do to get Eddie to believe we're cool, and I'll do it. Anything, except for getting out of Eddie's life. 'Cause I won't."
"I would never ask you to do that," Wayne says. Steve squints at him, a look of suspicion now. Completely warranted, given what Steve has known of Wayne thus far. "I owe you an apology, Steve. For how I've been treatin' you."
Steve's eyes go wide, "Oh. What? Why?"
"You've been nothin' but good to Eddie. For Eddie. And I refused to see that. I made a judgment about you without knowin' anything but your name." Steve let's out a soft 'oh' at that, but Wayne plows on, "And that weren't fair, and it weren't right. I can't undo it, but I want you to know I regret it. I'm sorry."
"Okay," Steve says, after a moment. "I forgive you."
It's Wayne's turn to be surprised. He's a bit speechless. So much so, he takes a page right out of Eddie's book and asks, "are you sure?" which is a question he's never asked after having an apology accepted before, but one Eddie had asked a lot when he first came to live with Wayne, and they were learning to co-exist.
"Yeah. I get it."
He doesn't like that answer. Doesn't like the he contributed to the mind set that gave Steve that answer. "You're allowed to be mad at me for it."
"I think Eddie's mad enough for both of us."
It doesn't feel like closure. It doesn't feel like forgiveness, but Wayne doesn't know what to say. He can't just start sprouting all the bad things he thought about Steve; there's no reason Steve should have to listen to that. But without hearing it, Steve doesn't even know what he's forgiving Wayne for. "I'll be honest with ya, Steve. It feels like you shouldn't."
Steve frowns at him. "Why?"
Why? Why? For all the reasons Eddie yelled at him, and all the things Linda said, and all the agony he's felt these last few days. The guilt and the shame that still eat at him, even as Steve Harrington says he forgives him. "It's too easy."
Those three words have Steve leaning back against the chair. His eyes dance around Wayne's face before taking in the whole of him. Or, what Steve can see of him with from across the table. When Steve meets his eye again, Wayne sees recognition there. "If you can't forgive yourself, I get that. I do. I-I've spent most of my life as one big apology. And I'm not saying that I, like, don't still feel like- what I mean to say, is that, I forgive you. I'm not, like, gonna hold it against you that you were just trying to look out for Eddie, man. Like, two years ago your fears would have been justified, so."
"Don't make it right," Wayne argues, but he doesn't know why.
"No," Steve agrees, "but I'm forgiving you anyway. You think you're the first person to hear the name Steve Harrington and assume you know everything you need to know about me already?"
Steve's words sound like they could be confrontational, but his tone is light. Teasing? Wayne says, "no. Suppose I'm not."
"Every person I love has done that," Steve says, and the ease of which he says that has Wayne feeling some sort of way. Eddie's words echo in his mind 'you made me help him feel that way'. How many other people have made him feel like he's a bad person? "Even- even Eddie. He made a point, during spring break, to, uh, well, he didn't apologize for anything because there was nothing to apologize about, but he made a point to tell me I was very 'metal' and a 'cool dude' so.... I know my name comes with, like, a shadow or a curse or whatever. I think it will for as long as I live in Hawkins, but that's," Steve flaps his hand in the air, as if that fills in for the word he can't find, and it's a move so reminiscent of Eddie. "Anyway, if you aren't actually, like, ready to accept an apology, you shouldn't be making one."
Wayne sits in that for a moment. There's a lot more to Steve Harrington than he'd ever thought. So much he doesn't know, actually, but he thinks he's okay with learning more. This boy told Eddie he was half-way in love with him earlier this week, and while Wayne never heard Eddie say it back, he knew anyway. It's why he was so protective. "You're pretty wise for your age."
Steve grins and shakes his head. "Nah, that last part was all Robin. She says it all the time to me."
"Well, then you best stop apologizing when you ain't ready to accept the forgiveness," Wayne parrots back the words.
Steve throws his head back and laughs.
They finish their coffee with silence and small talk. Steve tells him about how he never thought he'd miss his job at the video store but working at Melvald's is making him long for the days when the biggest complaint was late fees. Apparently, there's so many more things to complain about in retail.
Wayne talks about working at the plant and how the tasks are repetitive and a bit labor intensive, but the graveyard pay is worth it. Steve asks him a few more questions about working at the plant that Wayne's happy to answer and the more Steve asks, the more Wayne becomes aware that Steve might be looking for a change of occupation. He makes a mental note to put in a good word to Floyd, just in case.
Steve leaves with the promise of returning with Eddie, as soon as possible. As he was heading to the door, Wayne asked why he showed up so early.
"Eddie can't stop me if he's not awake," was Steve's answer, a mischievous grin on his face.
Wayne watches from the porch as Steve backs out. Steve shoots him one last little wave with his fingers before heading away.
He goes back inside and washes the dishes. Even dries and puts them away, a feat usually done once a week; he and Eddie have no qualms with using dishes directly from the dish drainer. His only other chore for the day is leaving for work a bit early so he has time to stop at the gas station and fill up the truck.
Grabbing the remote from its spot on the coffee table, Wayne plops onto the couch to spend his day as mindlessly as possible with some TV.
He goes to sleep at his usual time and wakes up at 7:43pm according to his alarm clock; a little over two hours before his shift is to start. It's time for more coffee, he thinks as he dresses for work before heading to the kitchen.
He jerks to a stop when he sees Eddie and Steve sitting on the couch, leaned close and talking softly. He's not about to repeat a past mistake, so he makes his presence known. "Evenin' boys."
Eddie pops up from the couch quick as lightning, taking a few steps towards Wayne before stopping. "I don't like being mad at you."
Wayne nods, "I don't much like you bein' mad at me, either. For what it's worth, I am sorry."
Eddie closes the distance between them, then, and pulls Wayne into a tight hug. Wayne returns it instantly, how can he not? He hears Eddie say, softly, "it's worth an awful lot, you terrible old man."
They part, and Eddie speaks first, "but if you ever pull shit like this again, I won't be so quick to forgive."
"I won't," Wayne says, at the same time Steve says, "he won't."
Both Munsons look at Steve, who grins back at them.
"You think you know my uncle that well already, from one shared cup of coffee?" Eddie asks, sounding amused.
Steve shrugs, "no. I just, uh, plan to stick around, y'know. Kinda hoping there's no dude after me for him to be an angry dad about. I would appreciate it, though, Mr. Munson, if you'd skip the shovel talk bit of all this?"
Eddie sucks in a breath and Wayne's a bit shocked by what Steve's implied. What Steve's admitted, really, out loud in front of another person. Wayne wonders if any boy Eddie's ever liked before would have done that.
"What good's a shove talk when you've already told me you ain't goin' anywhere?" Wayne says, hoping his tone is as light and teasing as he wants it to be.
"Glad we're on the same page," Steve agrees, "but, uhh, do you want me to go? So you can have a real talk?"
"No," says Eddie.
"No," says Wayne, at the same time.
"Oh. Okay. Uh, in that case, you got anything to drink here besides coffee?"
Wayne nods and they all pile into the kitchen to get a beverage before settling in the living room. There will be time to talk later, Wayne realizes. He's going to apologize properly.
Later, though, when he'll really be ready to accept Eddie's forgiveness, because there's no doubt Eddie'll forgive him. So, he's going to sit in the living room and chat with his boys until he has to go to work.
By the time Friday comes around again, he'll be able to tell Linda she was right, everything's going to be okay one day, and maybe ask her on a date he's been putting off asking for since high school.
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Done!! I hope the ending is sufficiently cheesy.
I'm so sorry if I missed you! There were a lot of people asking to be tagged haha
@i-less-than-three-you @nburkhardt @afewproblems @skepsiss @unclewaynemunson @kaij-basil-lionelli88 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @mugloversonly @limpingpenguin @krazyperson @acrolius @salisbury-at-the-stake @littlebookworm86 @savedbytheirmusic @wxrmland @myownworstenemyyy @thelittleclare @awkotaco24 @djohawke @wrenisflying @croatoan-like-its-hot @actualwakingnightmare @krowepoison @jamieweasley13 @yourmom-isgay @irregular-child @oldwitcheshat @abstractnaturaldisaster @wishiwasacasualfan @vinteraltus @zerokrox-blog @warlordess @stevesbipanic @steveshairspray @slowandsteddie @samsoble @waelkyring @just-a-tiny-void @saramelaniemoon @halfadoginatank @nightmareglitter @scarletyeager @hellfireone @rovia2312 @munsonslure @a-little-unsteddie @soaringornithopter @eddiethehunted @starlight-archer @dryptid @inkjette
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koitosoup · 6 months
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just got to water seven and fell in love with this wet cat
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deadrocks · 10 months
I’m excited to subvert the “good drow players are all just Drizzt superfans” thing by making a good drow that is herself a Drizzt superfan.
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is-this-yuri · 4 days
my dad is a boomer born in the 60s. he had a preacher father, served in the vietnam war, then spent the rest of his working life in a cushy office position for a good company. he was middle class, and it showed in his spending habits as well as his values and what he tried to teach me.
i always, always considered him out of touch, even from a young age. i could always see that he didn't know what he was doing with me, so his parenting often rolled off my back and i sort of raised myself. i could never meet his expectations of becoming a Good American Citizen with a Degree and a Career. he didnt understand how hard it is to get a job. he told me multiple times to just walk into a warehouse and ask for a job, to which i always replied 'that's tresspassing and they'd just tell me to go to their website and apply.'
now my dad is retired, and now he's poor. i can't imagine how much of a disappointing shock it is to get to his age thinking you're gonna retire into a nice RV and travel the country with your wife, only to be bogged down by unreasonable medical bills and abandoned by the company you worked decades for. not to mention TWO of his kids are homeless. he's having a hard time.
and part of me really wants to rub it in his face and go 'i told you it aint easy out here! i told you your spending habits were horrible! i told you im not terrible with money. i TOLD YOU things are fucked!'
but honestly, he gets it. it didnt take him very long at all to understand my position and start praising me for my survival skills and resilience. that kind of praise isn't something i'm used to hearing from him.
even though he's never really going to be liberal (not that he was ever really all that conservative) he understands now that things are fucked in this country. poverty does that to people. it doesn't matter who you are, or what you believe. you are always at risk of being a victim to the system, and once it happens you can never trust that system again.
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24bughours · 3 months
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Inspired by how spotify only plays Lowe's ads when i listen to my toshi playlist
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letulthi · 4 months
Wow y'all really like the gay bugs here at Tumblr dot com
Me too, so I drew more of the goobers :>
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Science buddies doing science things together! (Quirrel is doing science, Hollow is actually just there to listen to him ramble and get kisses)
Yes, Hollow is too big to sit at a desk. Yes they are using that fact to be at perfect smooching height. They're too tall otherwise, so they've gotta take all they can get while it lasts :P
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blowjob-horseguy · 4 months
Rip eddie munson you would have loved system of a dooown- post canceled had a vision of a middle aged eddie with a grey poneytale at the back of the metal show drinking a watered down beer wearing his battle vest with so many more patches on it because he lived to see so many more shows and now I'm gonna cry.
I love all the Rockstar eddie stuff but what if he was just that metal head dad that makes you listen to dio and black sabbath and he plays in a cover band on the weekends? what then? What if he gets to live a slow sweet life that makes him happy? What if he travels around the country with Steve and six little nuggets? What then????
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rustboxstarr · 4 months
🖤 The babysitter doesn't leave for another hour 🖤
Summary: You and Eddie aren't ready to go home just yet
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Mom!Reader
Warnings: smut, slight handjob, fingering, P in V, semi public sex (car sex).
Wordcount: 1.7 k
A/N: This is so bad, ya'll I'm so sorry, I'm just trying so hard rn to get out of my writers block because I miss yall!!! I just can't fricking write 😭
Anyway, love yas!
Check out my other works!
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“You have no idea how much I missed this” the smile you bore was adorable droopy as you stared up at your husband, eyes swimming with adoration as you hung around his arm. “Just sad it's over” he rolled his eyes softly, a small tug gracing his lips. For once you had finally managed to find a sitter and indulge in dinner and a movie all cozied up with Eddie, but the night had to come to an end at some point right?
Eddie's steps were slow as he led you out of the double doors to the car, taking care to stretch the time however he could. He didn't want this night to end, sure you both loved your kids but some time with just each other was a quality of life that was dearly missed. 
You sigh in a strange mix of contentment and deflation as you sit down in the passenger seat. “Good movie though” your head rolls on your shoulders to find Eddie settling in beside you, “It was wasn’t it?” Your eyes gaze out towards the dark parking lot. Neither of you were really ready to head home and as a result you found the both of you just sat next to each other staring out the window, neither of you making a move to start the car and make your way back to the house. 
“To be honest…” you whisper before finding the sharp jawline that you always loved to press your lips to, “I don’t even know what it was about” you snort as he finds your slack figure next to him. “Me neither” the chuckle that sounds about the car has your chest heating up.
“Yeah, got a bit… intense” you giggle, “To say the least” his laugh has your body fluttering as he speaks. His lips find yours as you both laugh at the fresh memory of what could only be explained as a PG 13 grope session. His nose nuzzles against yours as your eyes travel down to his watch when he runs a strong hand up and down your thigh. “You know.. the babysitter isn’t leaving for another hour” anything above a whisper wasn’t needed, he could practically hear your heartbeat in the silence of the night. 
You mimic his movements as he leans back in his seat, “What do you wanna’ do?” He smiles, placing his hands on the steering wheel ready to take you wherever you want to go. 
You scan the parking lot, it’s practically empty, save for a few cars on the other end. A wicked grin spreads across your face before you push yourself up on the seat and try to smoothly swing your leg over the centre console. Callused hands find your hips as you get situated in his lap, “Why don’t we take advantage of a whole kid free hour with no one to disturb? Make up for some lost time?” Your fingers dance along his neck, playing with the loose strand of curls that hangs free from his bun.
“I like how you’re thinking” his lips find yours is a soft but feverish kiss, hands squeezing your hips tight as if you were about to slip away from him. “But how about we take this to the back?” He whispers against your lips. You bite your lip in a smile and nod, eagerly clambering off of him as you open the door.
He grins wildly as he follows suit, opening the back door and with a small bow gestures you in “after you mi’lady” you giggle as you sit down and scootch your way over to the other side. You try to be patient as he scans the parking lot for any bypassers but when he’s finally made himself comfortable in the middle you all but pounce on him. Thigh swinging over his lap, attacking his lips with sloppy kisses while his hands wrap around you.
Your black satin bodycon dress has already ridden up your thighs but Eddie needs more, lips still attached to yours he forces the fabric over your ass and lets it bunch up around your waist as he grabs two hefty handfuls of your ass, pressing you down against his throbbing cock, encouraging you to roll your hips against him.
“Oh fuck” you whine softly as his zipper catches your clit which only has him forcing you down harder. It’s all a delicious mix of hot breaths and tongues as the stars shine bright in the night sky behind you. 
You can’t take it anymore, the sensation of his thick cock pressing so deliciously against your heat has fiery tingles prickling around your thighs. In a hazy haste you manage to find his belt buckle below you and with a second of your fingers grazing his stomach Eddie's hands are there instantly to assist you. You kneel back to watch as he’s revealed to you. Precum dribbling from his painfully hard cock but before he gets a chance to release himself of some of the ache your hand wraps around him. Delicate hand pumping him slowly as your lips reattach.
His tongue feels like heaven against your own, he’s desperately grabbing at anything he can get his hands on before he finds what he’s looking for and sinks his fingers into the meat of your ass.
You gasp as you feel a hand move between the backs of your thighs to feel thick fingers running down your folds over your dark cotton panties.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you’re distracted from your task of giving both Eddies lips and his cock attention. He's quick to move your panties to the side and slip a finger inside your dripping cunt. Having no trouble getting a second in as you're practically gushing for him. 
All you can focus on is the feeling of his fingers pumping in and out of you before you find his eyes and find him eagerly watching every twitch of your face. Your own hand starts up again and you revel in the sight of his own eyes rolling to the back of his head. 
As if trying to one up you, his hand moves faster, you smirk down at him silently competing with him as you too begin pumping his cock faster. 
“Shit, shit” he pants “okey okey, I’m gonna cum if we don’t stop soon” he slowly opens his eyes to find your lips tugging down and accompanying doe eyes “Isn’t that the point?” The pout is instantly replaced with a wicked smirk. 
“Not just yet” he grins and pulls his fingers away from you, replacing his hand on the globe of your ass and harshly pulling you towards him. Your hand is being pushed away before you know it and you gasp loudly when you feel his tip running through your folds.
He has lined himself up with you and is pushing you down before you can even utter a word, all you can do is let out an obnoxiously loud moan as his cock stretches you open. You hear him swear loudly in the distance as you sink down. 
God you should have date night more often because this was unbelievable. Eddie's thick head almost probing at your cervix, his shaft gliding so easily against your wet walls, his fingers digging into your flesh, bound to leave marks.
You were too desperate to really soak up the feeling of his thick cock pressing at your walls, instantly kneeling back up again to feel him slowly slide back into you again. A loud moan that had Eddie throbbing spilled from your lips as he watched you set a slow pace of forcing yourself up and down his cock. 
But he knew that if you continued like this there was no way he wouldn't be shooting his load up into you within a matter of seconds. If even possible his fingers sunk further into your skin as he nudged you to go slightly faster. You took his hint and sped your hips up slowly, each loud groan rumbling from his chest spurring you on as you felt your wetness begin to pool at the base of his cock. 
“Shit babe” Eddie huffed as you began bouncing in his lap, short, loud moans filling his ears, each getting more high pitched the faster you went until you finally found the quick pace that had your thighs burning and the leather creaking with every move. You were most definitely shaking the car right now, not making your action discreet whatsoever but you couldn't care not when his cock felt so delicious inside you. 
“Fuck, yeah thats it, ride me baby. Shit, look so sexy bouncing on my dick” he groaned as his hands helped guide your movements, listening to every moan you gifted him with. “Fucking love bouncing on your dick baby” you whined as your head fell back, eyes rolled to the back of your head, solely focused on chasing your own release.
It was a scrumptious mix of loud moans, groans, incoherent babble from your fucked out husband, sloppy kisses and hands grabbing at anything and everything. You suddenly felt that familiar knot in your stomach tightening, “Shit Eddie” you breathed “Eddie I’m about to cum!” Your movements only increased in speed as his words fell on deaf ears until finally the knot snapped and you felt your cunt gush around him. 
It was all a blur as your ears rang and your vision went completely white but finally you managed to regain your consciousness. Your hands found his shoulders to steady yourself as you let Eddie guide you up and down, abusing your overstimulated pussy until you felt yourself being forced down all the way, his forehead finding purchase between your tits. The head of his cock buried deep within you as a loud groan vibrated against your chest while hot spurts of cum painted your walls. 
You slumped against him and it felt like forever as you tried to catch your breath again. 
“Shit” he chuckled, planting a kiss to your lips. “We should probably get home” you whispered, “Yeah, we probably should” he sighed. 
“I don’t wanna’ leave just yet. Can’t we just stay like this for a little?” he whispered against your lips, “Yeah” you smiled.
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nico-moist-moses · 5 months
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Please don't take mental health advice from the emotionally constipated man, Dipper
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itsagrimm · 9 months
hilarious how the series treats Thrawn like this demi-godlike being who's return will bring utter destruction to the galaxy.
Meanwhile the original author and creator of Thrawn depicts the grand admiral as this very autistic art snob, who also happens to be good at military strategy but is all in all just a blue guy who has a hard time making friends and loves playing dress up.
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drizztdohurtin · 2 months
Rolan's First Day As a Father (blurb)
pairing: Rolan x afab!reader ("she", "her", "wife" used)
Okay, I wrote this in the "Rolan: fatherhood" headcanons but erm.... it got really long and turned into a blurb, so I'm releasing it separately so that I can add more actual headcanons to the post (I love when my own thoughts make my stomach hurt)
〚 Masterlist | WIP List 〛
Warnings: this is hella angst, and a little comfort, please buckle in
would recommend reading my 'deciding to start a family, and conceiving' post before continuing
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His attention had been only on you, a never-ending string of loving encouragement falling from his lips as you labored to deliver your baby; your strength and persistence only fueling his own, not allowing the anguish he felt from seeing you in so much pain to get the better of him.
The second he hears those first big cries when your baby is finally born, every single cell in his body is flooded with the parental bond he had been so utterly desperate to feel while you were pregnant. He focuses his attention on helping you get a little more comfortable now that the hardest part is over, praising you for how incredible you did as the doctor and cleric checked over you and your baby.
Rolan looks up with wide eyes to see the cleric carefully handing the newborn to you; a weary but thrilled laugh leaving your mouth upon seeing his beautiful red skin and adorable little tail for the first time.
Rolan goes motionless, staring at you cradling your newborn through the tears beginning to trickle into his vision. Time slowed as the overwhelming waves of love crashed into him - every single fear that he had while you were pregnant going out of the window, never to return again. He hadn't even held his baby and yet he already knew that if he had to take an ice knife to the chest every second of every day until his last day to protect him, he would in a heartbeat.
That night while you slept, he'd sit and rock his newborn, eyes full of adoration, tracing over every one of his features as he slept peacefully in his arms - trying to commit the image of his son to memory as if he'd never see him again.
He eventually works up the courage to gently graze the pad of his thumb over the baby's delicate features that mirrored his own: the light red skin, the bright yellow eyes, the black nails, the long pointed ears, and the tiny ridged tail that was barely the length of his own hand - wondering if his horns would be black like his, too.
If anyone had been watching Rolan at that moment, they'd see an expression of deep contentment and affection gracing his features as he traced his son's face - but then they'd see his smile fade, his eyes widen, and his lip begin to quiver as he fights back tears.
They'd watch as Rolan realized: this was the same sight his own parents had seen before they abandoned him.
When Rolan looked down at his baby boy, he saw the most perfect being in the world, the ultimate testament of your love, a blessing from the Gods that he did not believe he deserved.
And tears began to fall from his eyes as he tried to imagine it.
He tried to imagine watching the person he loved most in the world carry his child for months, laboring every day and night to create their son out of nothing.
He tried to imagine watching you go through hours of pain - pain that would bring even the strongest to their knees in surrender - to give birth to their son.
And then he tried to imagine looking down at his child and seeing anything but perfection.
He tried to feel hatred and disgust for the very being that he'd burn cities to the ground to protect
He tried to feel anything but unconditional love for the perfect angel that you had gone through so much pain to create.
And, obviously, he couldn't.
His head started spinning with emotions - the fire of his anger and pain being doused by the tranquility of his love and adoration for the tiny tiefling in his arms. He did his best to wipe his face without disturbing the sleeping boy in his arms, but it didn't work.
The bittersweet cries rang through his ears, momentarily erasing his own troubles, consumed by the singular desire to provide comfort - offering gentle kisses as he drew his son closer to his chest. He allowed himself to soak up the moment, gently leaning his cheek on his son's head as he rocked him back and forth - only realizing once his son's cries diminished that he had been purring.
Rolan had never been fond of that particular part of his lineage - though he had become less self-conscious about it when he had found out how much you loved it years ago. And now, witnessing how his body had instinctively reacted to calm his crying child, he had never been more thankful for it.
He softly pressed his nose and lips to the top of his son's head, giving him more gentle kisses and breathing in the heavenly newborn smell - before pulling away to look at his sweet face once again.
Rolan knew he'd always love him, that there was nothing his child could do that would make him stop loving him - and he promised this to his son in the gentlest whisper he could muster as tiny, bright yellow eyes peered back into his own.
He promised that he'd always keep him safe; that he'd always keep him fed, healthy, and warm.
He promised that he'd always take care of him and heal him when he was hurt.
He promised that he'd never leave him, that he'd never know the pain he felt growing up.
And Rolan took great solace in knowing his son would never feel the pain and abandonment that he felt as a child - in knowing that he would do everything for his son that his parents didn't do for him.
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gouldblogger · 11 days
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feel this in my bones ….
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