#4. Shipment monitoring
adeelseo · 1 month
Roadrunner Tracking
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gmbencompetence · 2 years
Arcana Fans,
Can we talk about the Tarot Decks? The Arcana Tarot Decks. I’m proud of them. It also ends in a painful memory. They are, all in all, the high and low of my time at Nix Hydra
In short: I’m one of the main people that made Arcana Tarot Decks a reality.
My job was answering emails, monitoring the Arcana social media tags, and generally having my finger on the pulse of the community. I knew that, by a wide margin, Tarot Decks were the biggest request. My coworker (who shall remain nameless for their privacy) was part of the team that made the Arcana and knew how much Tarot resonated with fans. This co-worker and I fought for about 1-1.5 years getting them greenlit.
In all honesty, they were a completely audacious idea. Nix Hydra didn’t make much money from merchandise. Maybe $100 a month. The cost of an *initial* run of Arcana Tarot Decks would take something like $25,000 to get going. This is because of creating the art, securing people to help package/ship them, actual costs of packaging/shipping itself, and more. Also, my partner on the project was very insistent that we work with a company that produced them at an extremely high quality with gold trim edges. Gold trim edges was important (they were right).
So, the Nix Hydra merch store made less than $200 a month, and my coworker and I were trying to pitch something that would COST $25,000~ to get started. If it made $25,000 back, that’s still a waste of time because it means we would have made the same money just skipping the whole thing.
This next part is fuzzy, but if I remember right, we tested the waters with stickers. We stocked Arcana stickers to see how quickly they sold. They sold fast. Like… fast. This was good. It was our test case to at least prove that “People want Arcana Merch”. It heated the iron, and my coworker and I struck. We got the approval!
So here’s the most nerve wracking moment of my career here. I’ve been in the game industry 12 years, but I’ve never run a merchandise store Nix Hydra. Even after that, I sent out a few sticker sheets every month. Forget about convincing a company to invest $25,000~ into my mad idea. And then… if they DID sell. What, then!? I always have a lot of anxiety, and I kept thinking of ways it could go wrong. What if I broke some international shipping law? What if I did the math wrong and operated at a loss? What if the site charged people the wrong amount? I KNEW the Tarot Decks would sell, but that was scary, too!
The day came that we flipped the switch. I was so excited. I was so excited! I was so… scared. At this point, all that was left was to see if we could make above the starting amount…
We made about $200,000 in the first 24 hours. Now, this was 3-4 years ago, so I may be SIGNIFICANTLY off. But my point is that we made six digits very quickly. By this same time tomorrow, this went from “Gunpowder and Coworker’s brassy, sassy idea” to “Merch is a hit! What’s next?”
Over the next few months and weeks, we had a joyful hectic hell of the best anxiety. Problems would come up. We’d knock them down. We’d run out of storage space in the office and it would look almost comical. We’d have truckloads of shipment issues. I soon found out that simply taking the packages to the post office was its own complicated project. All of this expanded into hiring people to help with merch. These people were extremely passionate about The Arcana and began to be advocates for what merch to add next. I could gush about how amazing they are for hours, but for privacy’s sake, I’m refraining from saying much about my coworkers.
So like that, we went from “Merch doesn’t sell” to “We need a merch department” in a few months. By the time I left the company, the CEO (you’ve seen his name around) projected the Merch alone to be a $1M a year revenue stream. I don’t know if we ever hit that goal. My point was that he felt it was possible, which made me happy.
… which brings me to how the story ends painfully. I have moderate ADHD. I personally think it’s severe, but my doctor says moderate, so hey. I tend to fall behind on assignments a lot. I also tend to get distracted super easily. It can ruffle feathers in a work environment. I did not realize how much. See, this project was in full swing, my work was going well, and I had also designed all the gameplay of Heart Hunter (that was me! I’ll write a post on that later). I felt good about all of this. I had a meeting with the CEO and was going to ask him for a raise.
“[Name], just so you know, I sometimes sit and my desk and go over the pros and cons of letting you go.” He said it conversationally. It was casual to him. My stomach fell out. I asked him why, and it turned out that he was being very, very literal.
See, he made a pros and cons list of every thing he likes about me and every thing that he doesn’t. I’ll spare you the whole list, but in the Cons side was “Doesn’t focus on work all 8 hours of the day”. I was flabbergasted and told him “But… I do a lot of projects. And YOU said the merch store is estimated at $1M a year!” At this point, it is extremely important to note that nothing about the merch store was in my job description besides “Ship stickers and answer emails”. Literally everything I mentioned above were things I did in my spare time without being asked. Out of love for the company.
“Yes, I agree that you’re very passionate and creative. See, I put that on the list!”
He points to the Pros and Cons list. “passionate and creative” is cancelled out by “doesn’t focus all 8 hours of the day”. It was a tie. The project I co-led started a whole new department and seven-digit (estimated) revenue… it wasn’t even the only one I did (Heart Hunter was also a side project, albeit one I was assigned). And all of that, in his mind, was cancelled out by “doesn’t work all 8 hours a day”.
I never got a raise. I never got a bonus. I never even got job security. None of it mattered to him.
I started looking for a job the next day.
There’s more to the story, but I think this is the main point. This is the best and worst of Nix Hydra. It was a place where people like my coworker and I would make extra time to work on new things simply because we believed in our work that much. Where players joyfully supported our work because it resonated with them. Where new employees would be so passionate about their work that they would keep an entire department afloat on their own fantastic ideas. It was also a place where none of this could even amount to job security or recognition. It was frustrating, and it was joyful.
I meant every single smile at a public event. So did every member of the team that was there. It was never “just PR”; it was people who were over the moon to get to help create these stories and worlds and moments. We loved it. But management never loved us back. And that stung.
Thank you, every single person who posted their tarot decks. Who put them into your cosplays. Who did readings.
Thank you everyone who posted your Heart Hunter moments. Who shared the postcards I fought tooth and nail to see in the game (It was SO difficult to convince some people that “postcards would be the type of reward players want”).
My entire life, I’ve had joyful moments in games and game communities. My lifelong dream was to help make those moments come alive for others. When you all celebrated this game and those aspects of it, that was very genuinely a lifelong dream come true.
Thank you for reading this. And also The Arcana.
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bittersweet-in-boston · 3 months
Rules: list the first lines of your last ten fics and see if there’s a pattern!
1. Bucky and Yelena are chattering rapidly in Russian as they walk through the lobby of Stark Industries, so they’re not really paying attention to the people around them. (Like shadows turning red)
2. “OK, Bob. Thanks for expediting that shipment to La Mesa last week, you’re a lifesaver,” says Steve at his computer monitor. (You cannot hide behind disguise)
3. The shiny metal platform standing in the middle of the woods, red-lit pillars glowing on the corners and Thor’s hammer tilting jauntily in the middle like some semi-drunken little sculpture, does nothing to ease the anxiety in Bucky’s gut. (This could be the end of everything)
4. “It’s cold as balls in here, Jesus Christ.” (Amid the cold of winter)
5. “What have you done?!?” (You feel the sweet breath of time)
6. The Soviet icebreaker Murmansk glides easily through the water. (When you stop being a ghost in a shell)
7. The darkness keeps receding and returning, and Steve has the impression of trudging a long way down gloomy roads and through deserted city blocks before he finally finds what he’s looking for, a tall 1930s-era building not far from where he grew up in Flatbush. (Down in an earlier round)
8. The start-time of the fight is only half an hour away when there’s an unexpected knock at the dressing room door. (We’re going down swinging)
9. “Hey Buck, I’m off to the studio!” calls Steve from the living room. (Safest)
10. Oh my god. (Underestimate him at your peril)
I guess I like variety?? The first sentence of a fic is always hardest, imho. Thanks @thisonesatellite for the prompt! Anyone else feel free to do their own lists, no pressure. 💕
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techniktagebuch · 1 month
Montag, 29. April bis Samstag, 4. Mai
Wenn man die Schwerkraft mal braucht!
Am Montag komme ich nach einer Pause an den Schreibtisch zurück und der Laptop ist aus. Der Akku ist leer, weil das Ladekabel nicht drin war. Als ich es einstecke. höre ich seltsame Britzelgeräusche und dann bald gar nichts mehr. Der Laptop geht nicht wieder an.
Etwa eine Stunde früher habe ich beim Teeeingießen auf meinen Monitor geschaut und den Tee statt in die Tasse auf die Schreibtischplatte gegossen. Dass das überhaupt passieren konnte, liegt nur daran, dass ich seit ein paar Tagen nicht mehr im Liegen auf einem Sitzsack arbeite, sondern an einem Tisch, weil ich durch die Liegehaltung Knieschmerzen bekommen habe. Am Schreibtisch ist meine Arbeitshaltung noch unergonomischer, aber durch die Abwechslung plane ich meine Körperteile gleichmäßiger abzunutzen.
Der Tee hat sich auf der Schreibtischplatte ausgebreitet und ist unter den Laptop geflossen. Aber doch nur unter den Laptop, denke ich, der Laptop steht auf kleinen Gummifüßen, wie soll der Tee gegen die Schwerkraft in sein Inneres geflossen sein. Sicher liegt es an was anderem.
Ich recherchiere, teste verschiedene Ladegeräte und lese nach, dass beim Einstecken des Ladegeräts eine LED leuchten soll. Wenn sie nicht leuchtet, ist wahrscheinlich das Mainboard kaputt. Bei mir leuchtet nichts.
Ich schraube den Laptop auf und gucke rein. Die Lüftungsschlitze sind auf der Unterseite, und um dort hinzusehen, müsste ich das Mainboard rausnehmen. Das ist mir zu kompliziert, außerdem kann sowieso kein Tee im Laptop sein. Wegen der Schwerkraft.
Nach einer Anleitung führe ich einen Mainboard-Reset durch. Danach geht es immer noch nicht.
Nachdem ich noch mehr recherchiert und an Kabeln gewackelt und "aber es KANN kein Tee drin sein" gesagt habe, suche ich die Framework-Anleitung zum Ausbau des Mainboards. Es ist eigentlich nicht schwierig, man muss nur vorsichtig sechs Verbindungen lösen und fünf Schrauben rausdrehen. Dann kann ich die Unterseite des Mainboards betrachten, und, naja, es ist nass. Außerdem gibt es da eine verschmurgelt aussehende Stelle.
Ich trockne das Mainboard ab und schließe es direkt ans Ladegerät an, das geht nämlich beim Framework. Jetzt sollten eigentlich ein oder zwei LEDs leuchten. Es leuchtet aber nichts.
Ich mache mich auf die Suche nach einem neuen Mainboard. Das ist erfreulich einfach. Ich kann erst nicht glauben, wie einfach, und muss es mir anderswo bestätigen lassen: Man kann jedes beliebige Mainboard einbauen, das es im Framework-Shop gibt, alte, neue, sie passen alle. Es ist, als könnte man eine passende Hose einfach noch mal kaufen! Ich nehme das billigste Mainboard, das immer noch sehr teuer ist, aber dafür irgendwie besser als mein voriges zu sein verspricht.
Mein Plan ist, es einzubauen und zu schauen, ob dann alles wieder geht. Wenn das nicht der Fall ist, muss ich leider auf die hervorragende Reparierbarkeit des Laptops verzichten und einen ganz neuen kaufen, so blöd das ist. Denn nach so einem Gebritzel könnte ja sonstwas kaputt sein, keine Ahnung, wie ich das diagnostizieren soll. Außerdem ist man mit den Einzelteilen sehr schnell über dem Gesamt-Neupreis.
Von Dienstag bis Samstagmittag arbeite ich am guten alten Chromebook, das sich zum Glück gerade im gleichen Haushalt befindet wie ich. Alle ein, zwei Stunden sehe ich im Paket-Tracking nach, wo mein Mainboard gerade ist.
Am Dienstag um 8 Uhr morgens wird es in Amsterdam abgeholt.
Um 2 Uhr nachmittags ist es in Milton Keynes.
Am Mittwoch um 2 Uhr nachmittags ist es wieder in Amsterdam.
Ein paar Stunden später ist es zum zweiten Mal in Milton Keynes und wird importiert ("International shipment release").
Am Donnerstag um zwei Uhr morgens wird es in Milton Keynes noch mal importiert.
Am Freitag um acht Uhr morgens macht es sich auf den Weg von Milton Keynes nach "Unknown".
Am Freitag um 11 Uhr abends noch mal.
Und am Samstag um 8 Uhr morgens noch mal.
Am Samstagmittag finde ich es unangekündigt im Fahrradschuppen.
Ich baue es ein und setze vorsichtig alles wieder zusammen: Lautsprecherverbindung, Audioboard-Verbindung, Verbindung zum Monitor, Verbindung zur Webcam, Verbindung zum WLAN-Modul, RAM einbauen, SSD einbauen, Verbindung zum Akku, Kabel zur Tastatur, fertig. Das klingt mühsam, ist aber wie Lego, nur mit kleineren Teilen. Am Ende bleibt nur eine einzige Schraube übrig.
Dann schalte ich den Laptop ein, und alles geht wieder. Sogar meine 239 Firefox-Tabs sind noch da. Ich fühle mich wie Matt Damon am Anfang von "The Martian", nachdem er sich selbst die Antenne aus dem Bauch operiert hat, und bin sehr zufrieden mit den Reparierbarkeitsversprechen von Framework. Gut, die Lüftungsschlitze müssten nicht unbedingt auf der Unterseite sein, wo Tee hineinlaufen kann, aber Mia Culpa wendet ein: "Ich glaube, es ist egal, wo die Lüfterschlitze sind, es wird immer eine Freak-Accident-Variante geben, durch die Tee hineinläuft. Und wenn es keine Lüftschlitze gäbe, läuft Ketchup durch die Tastatur, irgendwas ist immer."
Das ist leider wahr. Ich nehme mir vor, in Zukunft beim Eingießen von Tee immer hinzuschauen.
(Kathrin Passig)
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ecommerce-yourguide · 7 months
What are Some Tips to sell on Black Friday Sale 2023?
Here are 6 tips to sell on Black Friday Sales 2023:
(1)Demand Forecasting and Preparation of Inventory: 
Ensure you have enough stock of popular items. Anticipate the demand and create enticing product listings with clear images and detailed descriptions.
(2)Perform Competitor Analysis & Offer Attractive Discounts: 
Price your items competitively and offer appealing discounts to entice shoppers. Highlight the discounted prices prominently in your listings.
(3)Perform Thorough Optimization Your Shop: 
Update your shop banner, profile, and policies with Black Friday content. Make sure your shop looks professional and trustworthy to instill confidence in potential buyers.
(4)Promote Early and Actively with A/B testing: 
Start promoting your Black Friday deals well in advance through social media, email newsletters, etc. Create anticipation and buzz around your discounts.
(5)Provide Excellent Customer Service & Order Handling: 
Be prepared for increased inquiries and orders. Respond promptly to customer messages, provide excellent service, and ensure timely acceptance, shipment & delivery by using the Integration App to enhance customer satisfaction.
And, here's the big news: CedCommerce, a renowned integration app provider is providing heavy discounts this festive season. Hop on to - https://bit.ly/3SjomGG
(6)Monitor Your Shop Analytics & Adapt for the remaining festivals: 
Keep an eye on your shop analytics to understand customer behavior, popular products, and sales trends on Black Friday. Use this data to make informed decisions during and after this sales event.
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carlosfruitsnacks · 2 years
"lies for love" - part 5
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PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3, PART 4 , PART 5
— Camilo and Carlos' lies resurfaced as conflict ensues, threatening both theirs and your life. You're cornered, will you save Camilo and Carlos' lives or put them in further danger?
— mafia-au & aged-up
— female reader. I do not speak fluent Spanish and all of the Spanish here is translated from google, feel free to correct me.
— foul language/cussing & mentions of violence
— the final part of this series! thank you to all the people who stuck along with the series <3
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It was a typically busy day for Señor Fernando, being the head and leader of the entire mafia family wasn't simple and required many things. Such as keeping an eye out for owned properties, making sure people were paying debts, monitoring shipments, and other responsibilities that required commitment.
Señor Fernando had built this family from the ground and up, however, when he met the Madrigal brothers, things changed. He took them in and treated them equally and close to a son. Fernando liked how Camilo and Carlos grew up to partake in the mafia family affairs. The twins may be different in personalities but they shared one thing in common; honesty.
The man was reassured that Camilo and Carlos wouldn't have the nerve to tell him a lie. After all, why should they?
The phone on Señor Fernando's desk rings after he tucks away his important papers, he casually answered the call.
"Sir, something has gone wrong"
"Where? In the property? Shipments?"
"No sir, it's...it's about Camilo"
The voice on the other line sounded nervous that which caught Fernando's interest. He raised a brow and frowned.
"What about mi chico?"
"He...he didn't complete his mission. Camilo lied to you sir"
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Camilo's eyes fluttered open and he was greeted with a pounding in his head, he lets out a groan as he lets his vision focus. He finds himself in a dimly lit room, he makes an attempt to move but he was restrained to a chair.
He cursed as he began to pull on the restraints but to no avail. He can feel liquid pouring down his nose and realizes it was blood. Camilo shuts his eyes and tries to remember the events prior.
It was a lazy afternoon when he hears a knock on his hotel door, he goes to answer and sees Carlos giving him an uncharacteristic smile.
"Buenos tardes, hermano"
"You're awfully cheery this afternoon, Carlos"
"Oh, I just thought to give my little brother a visit"
Camilo raised a brow but let his twin inside, he treats him to home-cooked lunch and chatted for a while until he brings up a topic that made him drop a spoon as well as make his blood run cold.
"How's [Name]?"
Carlos shoots him a bitter smile and stops eating. Camilo can feel sweat forming as he stared intently at his brother, not knowing what to say.
"How is she doing? I barely heard a word from her in days"
"I don't know what you're talking about, Carlos..."
"You know fucking well what I'm talking about, Camilo. How does it feel sneaking off unto midnight to kiss her behind my back?"
Carlos could barely control his rising temper, his eyes were filled with sheer rage that it catches Camilo off guard but he frowns at him.
"Don't act like you never pulled the same shit"
"¡Tú maldito idiota! You're supposed to kill her not kiss her!"
"Oh wow! Shouldn't you be the one doing it in the first place?!"
Camilo shouted back and it was enough to make Carlos pounce at him with a punch. They come crashing to the floor, beating each other's faces until one of them gets the gun. Carlos points it against his brother's head with gritted teeth.
"She's supposed to be mine but you don't know how to keep your hands to yourself, hermano"
"I'll tell Señor Fernando, Carlos. I'll tell him how much of a dirty liar that you are"
"Not if I get to him first"
With that, Camilo's eyes went wide as Carlos lunges at him to hit him with the butt of his gun. Everything turns black.
The sound of the doorknob rattling pulls Camilo back to the present. He starts to panic and makes another attempt to break free but the door bursts open revealing a group of men and the last person he wanted to lock eyes with.
"Se-señor Fernando..."
"Why must you disappoint me this way, chico? I can't believe I have to hear it from your brother"
"¡Por favor, señor! Let me explain!"
Camilo pleaded. Somehow, Fernando couldn't bare to hurt him so he gives him the chance to explain but he was not prepared to know more lies that resurfaced.
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The pressure holds you in a chokehold as you sat next to Carlos in his car. Every time you stole a glance at him, it reminded you of Camilo and you had to hold back your tears. After the fight with Carlos, he insisted on pulling you with him to flee to another country. He wanted to start a new life with you, he was willing enough to change his whole identity just to keep you close to him. A part of you was endeared by his dedication but the remaining left you terrified.
I'm sorry Camilo
You wished you could say that to him in person. There was nothing you can think of to save Camilo now from the doom you placed him in, you knew you could never have him back. As the drive to the airport continues, you hear Carlos sighing and giving you a soft glance.
"I...I'm sorry for doing [Name] this. I just...I'm worried Fernando would come for you"
"I know, Carlos. But why do you have to do this?"
"I can't stand the fact you're falling for Camilo too. I don't want you to leave me"
This gives you an aching pang in the chest, you faced Carlos with watering eyes. You reached to cup his cheek and look into his eyes while stuck in traffic.
"Carlos I..."
"I love you, [Name]"
Carlos tells you but as he reached in to give you a kiss, the car shakes and starts to topple over. You let out a scream as you tried to hold unto Carlos as the car flips over after another vehicle collided with it. You nearly lost consciousness as you blinked to feel several injuries, and your head starts to hurt. All of a sudden, the car door was broken open as a pair of hands pulled you out of the broken vehicle.
"No, no, no! Carlos!"
You called out for Carlos who groaned in his seat with a bleeding head, fighting to stay awake. You cried when a group of men also pulled him out of the collapsing car. As you tried to break free from the hands that dragged you and held you in place, you notice the car that crashed into you and Carlos. A man steps out, you recognize him as Carlos' boss.
"And here I thought the twins got rid of you"
He says to you with a scowl. You glare up at him but you were worried about what he would do to Carlos. A figure approaches behind Fernando and your face turns pale.
"I see you two have grown accustomed to each other. Hold him"
Fernando snaps his fingers and in a blink of an eye, Camilo was also held back by a pair of hands. He starts squirming and screaming at his boss.
"I thought we had a deal! You lied!"
"It's fair that I tell a lie too, chico"
Camilo gazed at Fernando with disbelief. He was pulled to be tied roughly against Carlos who was badly injured and half awake. Fernando makes his way to you and grabs your jaw.
"None of this would've happened if you were dead right now"
He spat. Honestly, he was right. Any of this could've been prevented if you were dead but you weren't killed by Carlos or Camilo. Your eyes dart to them, they were whispering to each other.
"Lo siento, for everything, Carlos"
"I...fuck, I should be the one saying that"
"We're...we're still brothers right?"
"Not like we have another choice, Camilo"
The two shared a chuckle, they turn to look at you and they equally crumbled within. Both were hopelessly in love with you but they couldn't help but feel it would only cost more harm. All these lies Camilo and Carlos spurred weren't enough to keep everything together, if anything, they shattered everything apart.
"Look, this doesn't have to get violent"
"Oh [Name], I wish it's that easy. Finish her off"
Fernando said and a man approached you with a gun against your head. You take one last glance at Camilo and Carlos before drawing in a deep breath. You think to yourself, you remembered every single lie to told and it was all for the purpose of love. You told lies for love, yet it was never enough.
Meanwhile, the twins were frantically trying to remove the ropes that kept them trapped. Camilo and Carlos screamed your name in unison when a gun was aimed at your head, the scene was hysterical. Unbeknownst to them, you had a plan.
Swiftly, you kicked Fernando by the shin and broke free from the hold with pure force. Suddenly, you start to run as the men follow you with their guns. It was your reckless last resort.
Camilo and Carlos called for you as you disappeared into the nearby woods. A gunshot rang in the area and the twins were sent clutching each other, in sheer shock. You were gone, it was over. What have they done?
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Time sweeps by, it takes a while for one to get over the things they've done in life. After all, there's no other way but forward. The city was jam-packed with people, all heading to different destinations. Some destinations may feel familiar to some.
"Hurry up, hermano"
"Chill, I'm right behind you"
Two men entered a building located at the heart of the city. Several people were going on and about inside, and both of them approached the receptionist. A woman typing on her keyboard catches them and smiles.
"Good day, how may I help you?"
"Hi, we just want to check in for tonight"
"Sure, your names?"
"Just put Madrigal"
The woman freezes monetarily and gulped, she peeked through her thick lashes and takes a good look at the two. They were twins, one had brown and the other auburn hair. One was wearing a yellow jacket while the other had a maroon sweatshirt. She turns to focus on the keyboard and ignores the tears forming in her eyes.
"Here's...here's your keys sir, room 505"
She hands the keys to the man with auburn hair, her hand briefly touching his skin as he flinched. The other twin raised a brow at her with a finger tapping his chin.
"You look familiar, miss. Do I know you from somewhere?"
He asks her. She chuckles nervously and waved her hand, dismissing his assumption as quickly as possible.
"You might be mistaken, sir"
"...Hey don't you agree with me, Carlos?"
"Camilo, can you stop pestering her? She's clearly busy"
"Fine. Thank you miss!"
She nods at him in acknowledgment but she can see the doubt in his eyes that she chooses to brush off. As they walked away, the man with the maroon sweatshirt looks back at her, tilting his head but shrugging to himself, convinced that he was just having a deja vu moment.
At the receptionist, the woman wipes the tears in the corner of her eyes. She gains her composure with a deep inhale. She knew she told another lie but it was all for the right reasons.
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taglist: @pochi-moochika , @cahmilo , @vanevafu , @irisia-ckzkb1109 , @elegantkidfansoul , @candykamikun , @justzei , @try-cry-why-try , @nanaisheretomessupthings , @eichenhouseproperty ...join here
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qbonevt · 1 year
╔═══════Six Of Crows═══════╗
Here is my review/reaction and “Spoilers” of the book ‘Six of Crows’
Orange = Names
Green = Cities
Blue = Places
Purple = Gangs
Red = countries
Six of crows is a book that is divided into 6 parts
- 1: Shadow business
- 2: Servant and Lever
- 3: Heartsick
- 4: The Trick to Falling
- 5: The ice does not forgive
- 6: Proper Thieves
In this post I will be discussing the first three and I will make another part talking about the other three
PART 1 ꧂
Chapter 1 ⸻ ꧂
Here we take the POV of Joost which is a solider in Kerch, Ketterdam. There was an incident in which the ambassador was assassinated so now more guards have been sent to guard Hoede a renounced merchant. This world has those used by merchant seen as slaves and valuable assets called Grisha, these Grishas have powers either to control the wind, textile and others can heal people by controlling blood flow and speed or reduce the speed of heartbeats. Joost kept visiting this Grisha he has a crush on called Anya, only this particular night she was not in the place she works in neither is her supervisor ‘Yuri’. Instead Retvenko was there and he informed him that Yuri disappeared while Anya has been taken by Hoede. Later he witness Anya being in a room located inside the Boathouse, while they performed a drug experiment on her, he witnessed her controlling their minds and saved the child that was in the room being experimented on with her. Before the chapter ended she asked the kid to close his eyes despite what he would hear and asked Hoede to grab a knife.
The chapter left at a sort of a cliffhanger and it left more questions than answers, which is to be expected from a first chapter. Is Joost the main character?
❀ What was that drug?
❀ What happened to Hoede and the guards? Did they die?
❀ Was she able to control minds from before or was that the effect of the drug?
Chapter 2 ⸻ ꧂
Inej POV. A shipment of Jurda that was supposed to come to the Fifth harbor owned by The Dregs was stolen. Per Haskell which is the leader of the Dregs sent Kaz to deal with this and he agreed to meet Geels from the Black tip gang in a neutral ground monitored by two soldiers to make sure it stays neutral. Each of them were asked to bring two gang members with them to the meeting place Kaz choose Jesper and Big Bolliger. While Geels brought Elzinger and Oomen. Each of those two were supposed to check the other team if they brought any weapons thus breaking the neutral ground rules in which both teams found non. During the meeting it was established that the guards were bribed by Geels and that Big Bolliger had betrayed the Dregs and Geels did indeed have a weapon on him. Through sheer luck, Kaz anticipated all of that and one of the soldiers shot Big Bolliger who had betrayed The Dregs while Inej intercepted the other guard and Geels was threatened enough not to shoot Kaz. At the end Kaz asked them to bring the shipment back and that he will take it with added interest for raising a gun on him and for breaking the neutral ground rules.
This chapter shows you exactly how resourceful Kaz is and explains why Per Haskell thought he would be up for the job. As well as a small introduction towards the gangs that resides in the Barrels in Ketterdam (Wanted to attach a map of Ketterdam but could not find a clear one). None of the old questions were answered yet.. some new characters were introduced. Yet the stolen Jurda made me wonder, in the first chapter Anya which is the girl that they experimented the drug on, said that it tasted like Jurda so..
❀ Were The Black Tip working with the merchants?
❀ Did they steal the Jurda to help make more of the drug?
❀ How did Kaz manage to find all the information?
Chapter 3 ⸻ ꧂
In Kaz’s POV, he decided to go walking on his own to show that he is not scared of the Black Tip. But instead he got snatched by a person who can turn into shadow, that injected him with a syringe that put him under, when he woke up he was tied in a room that was far too luxurious to belong to the Black Tip, soon realizing that the manor belonged to merchant Hoede, and the person that kidnapped him was another merchant called Van Eck who wanted to hire Kaz to retrieve a man named Bo Yul-Bayur who he told him is the guy that created the drug Jurda Parem that was mentioned in the first chapter. According to the public the house of Hoede was under quarantine due to a plague that infested the area, when Kaz tried to cover his face Van Eck told him that whatever illness they caught cannot be transferred to them.
He took Kaz to the boathouse and the experiment chamber where Anya was and everyone else, all the soldiers were standing there, waiting and one of them ‘Joost’ dropped dead, the soldiers were waiting ever since the accident because Anya while controlling their mind asked them to wait so that is what they have been doing ever since. As for Anya she escaped and managed to board a ship but then tried to come back swimming but died before she could reach shore, she wanted to come back because the Jurda Parem drug is too addictive and she needed a second dose. The merchant explained that if Bo Yul-Bayur formula became public this will start a war, and that they must capture him and make sure he does not give the formula to anyone else, he also said that this experiment was made on two other Grishas the one that can pass through walls and ‘Yuri’ the fabricator, in her case she can turn led into gold, that he gave to Kaz for him to inspect.
By the end he told Kaz that Bo Yul-Bayur is in the Ice court in Fjerda. This explained why they offered a lot of money since the Ice Court has never been breached before, still Kaz asked for 30 million Kruge. He thought this would be enough to pay the debt even after paying 20% to Per Haskell.
This chapter made me wonder is the money worth being exposed to that drug? Or facing people with that drug? This mission is suicide, and Van Eck probably does not trust Kaz as much as he led on, my assumption as of now is that he hired every guild leader or strong member to see who will be able to bring Bo Yul-Bayur back but doing so will mean more people are exposed to this particular news. thus, more rumors which will mean more people that will know about the drug, this seems like a chaos in the making. Another possibility is that he hired two of the strongest clans? Still doesn’t explain why Geels stole Jurda.
This chapter has also answered a lot of the old questions that were raised on the first chapter, as to what happened to Hoede and Joost and whether Anya could control minds or was it the effect of the Jurda Parem.
❀ why choose The Dregs for the job ?
❀ Van Eck said someone broke into his safe house before so why not look for that specific person, unless it is Kaz?
❀ why not just kill Bo Yul-Bayur ? Or do they want him alive as a proof it is him before killing him themselves?
❀ If Bo Yul-Bayur is against using the drug why distribute it in different countries ?
Chapter 5 ⸻ ꧂
Kaz spoke to Inej and Per Haskell and told them about the big mission that pays a lot of money, after that he went to the White Rose to meet Nina, and he told her about the Jurda Parem drug and how dangerous it is since she is a Healing Grisha, he also informed her that he will be breaking Matthias out of hellgate since he knows the layout of the Ice court. She got fussy about her begging him for months to get Matt out but he refused yet now that he needs Matthias he is going to do it.
This chapter introduced two more characters that we barely know anything about I wonder if they’ll ever explain any of them, also paints Kaz as someone who would not do something without knowing for sure that he absolutely needs to or would benefit from this said action.
❀ Why is Nina in the white rose which is a pleasure house if she deals with mentality and peoples emotions?
❀ What makes Matthias so special? Would Kaz trust him so easily or is it another mind game?
Chapter 6 ⸻ ꧂
Nina, Kaz, Inej, Jesper and Muzzen went to Hellsgate to break Matthias out, they snuck in disguised as people who are interested in the brawls that happen between the prisoners and the monsters that the merchants capture and bring to the prison. Matthias was participating and at the time he was to fight against three wolves which Nina was visibly against saying that to Druskelle (drüskelle, one of the Fjerdan witchhunters tasked with hunting down Grisha to face trial and execution) wolves are sacred, this also showed in his performance and because of his reluctance he was injured badly. Kaz and the rest reached Matthias’s room as soon as the guards and healer left his room then proceeded to tell Nina that she should heal Matthias enough so he can walk and she should injure Muzzen in a way where they would not recognize that it is not Matthias in that cell. Then they tried to rouse Matthias only for him to lunge for Nina and try to strangle her.
Wow Matthias’s introduction is amazing, he seems like a misunderstood person who’s way too loyal.
❀ What did Nina mean when she said “You made sure he can never be healed?” Did she hurt him when they were together before?
❀ I wonder what the history between these two are, to the point that he wants to kill her so badly
❀ Is it love turned hate? Betrayal? Or where they always enemies ?
❀ How long would Muzzen be in that cell pretending to be someone he is not?
PART 2 ꧂
Chapter 7 ⸻ ꧂
They get Matthias out and he agrees to help them in exchange of giving him Nina to kill in which they all refused but Kaz gave him a better offer that he couldn’t refuse, He offered to make arrangement for Kerch to drop all charges against him and that his freedom meant that he can be a Druskelle again and go back to his previous life, before Nina ruined his life for him. He eagerly agreed but it was short lived since he was told about their objectives and the drug that can make Grishas even more powerful than they already are he planned to betray them and kill Bo Yul-Bayur as soon as they stop suspecting him, without anyone noticing in a way that would make it look like an accident. Kaz introduced him to everyone and told them about Wylen and how he is going to join them in their travels and this mission even tho all of them objected until Kaz informed them that Wylen is their insurance to get paid since his father is Van Eck.
At this point it feels like everyone is planning to betray one another, I wonder if anyone is being honest or if this time they’ll blindsight Kaz or will he see it coming and plan for it. Wylen did not realize that Kaz even knew about his father but the Wraith knows everything and reports every detail she finds to Kaz since it is her job as a spy.
❀ How does he plan to get the pardon letter while betraying Kaz?
❀ will he give up one thing for another ?
❀ Which is stronger his hatred for Grishas or his need to be back amongst his people?
Chapter 9 ⸻ ꧂
Nina informed Kaz about a Druskelle celebration that will be held in which they will invite performers into Fjerdan land and that could be their way in but Kaz said that this will be too obvious and that the Fjerdan people will be to too focused on who will be coming in. So he created an entire plan that starts with them being captured by the ice court and be tossed in the prison, and plan a breakout when they’re too focused on who is going in, making everyone who comes out nearly invisible and inconsequential.
More druskelle ? I already dislike Matthias imagine more of that insufferable wolf. The way Kaz thinks about things makes me wonder what else will he be doing in the next chapters !!! He avoids going in the way most people would, the way he keeps thinking outside of the box, looking for weak points that he can exploit for his own gain.
❀ Yet, isn’t being a prisoner there worse than being a mere performer in an impenetrable fortress?
❀ Nina is actually a Grisha, she got lucky the first time but would luck be on her side a second time too?
❀ What if because of the Druskelle event they escalate her trial and they end up trying to kill Nina? If so would Matthias allow that, or will he stand idly by as a form of revenge? What would Kaz do?
Chapter 10 ⸻ ꧂
Inej went to pick supplies after arguing with Kaz and him telling her that if she did not want to join them in the quest she is free to go and she is not the only spider available for him to hire , he made it very clear that he can easily replace her if the time comes. She went angry to buy the supplies that he asked her to and when she came back she found the bodies of the two men that were supposed to be on the ship so she yelled “KAZ!” To warn him but as soon as she did the ship the team was on exploded.
Inej and Kaz have such a complex relationship. He told her she’s replaceable but from their past interactions he told her “it is a difficult mission if you don’t want to come or join us then don’t” and now he’s telling her that if she left he can find other spiders I am led to believe that he hopes she’d choose to stay back but still acknowledge the fact that he needs her so he cannot tell her head on that she should stay back. At least this is what I think.
❀ Did they die?
❀ Who caused the attack?
❀ Weren’t the Black Tip broke?
❀ is it rivals who want to reach Bo Yul-Bayur before them?
Chapter 11 ⸻ ꧂
Jasper was firing at enemies after he barely dodged the bomb and he helped Wylen when he saw him struggling and then gave him a gun, after awhile of them firing and cursing Kaz came up to them letting them know that this ship was a decoy and gave them the location of the actual ship, which they tried running to then saw Nina and Matthias working together with Nina freeing Matthias’s hands, gave him a gun and told him to defend himself while she stopped some mercenaries hearts with her powers. They reached the new ship and Jesper went up to the crow’s nest but he was shot before he could get up there, he ignored the injury and pain focusing on the attack and proceeded shooting anyone trying to get into the new ship despite them being very outnumbered. Yet at some point Wylen asked Jesper to close his eyes and then he proceeded to throw a light bomb that blinded everyone except for Jesper and that turned the tides in their favor.
Jesper is a funny character reminds me of Kenji from the shatter me series they have the same vibe and the fact that he’s a different person entirely during battle and he carried the battle for everyone yet if not for his shooting skills they all could’ve been killed decoy ship or not. Jesper did mention internally few times how disappointed he is that Kaz did not trust him with these details yet the wraith knows everything, despite her being the one giving Kaz the information he needs to come up with said plans.
❀ Though, what happened to Inej he mentioned not finding her anywhere? And we know she was there when the place exploded.
❀ will they find Inej or think she abandoned them and leave her as explosion collateral damage?
❀ Or maybe Kaz will think she actually left them, and decided not to show up?
Chapter 12⸻ ꧂
Inej was taking down mercenaries from the back finding out that some of them were Black Tip while others were from the Razorgulls. While she kept killing her way to the front she was stabbed by Oomen one of Geel’s second men who showed up, he wanted her alive so they weren’t shooting her when she climbed up the barrels and onto the second and third one yet she was stabbed and was struggling so when she felt like she couldn’t climb any more she decided that it is better to kill herself than be captured and used by the enemy but before she could stab her heart Kaz stopped her telling her not now Wraith and carried her to the ship telling her that he takes care of his investments (He bought her from a peacock lady).
Kaz an investment? Seriously!? I like the way he thinks and all but calling someone an investment? By what she said he asked Per Haskell to buy Inej and said that she will benefit them. Inej was owned by a female with peacock feathers around her neck now Inej locks up whenever she sees her.
❀ How did Inej end up there?
❀ Why did Kaz choose to buy Inej from everyone else with the peacock lady?
❀ Kaz trained her which means she wasn’t athletic before hand.. so why ?
❀ how did Kaz find her on top of the barrels ?
Chapter 13 ⸻ ꧂
Kaz brought Inej onto the ship and took her under deck to Nina so she can heal, and when that was done Kaz went on deck asking them to bring Oomen for questioning who ended up telling them that they were hired by Pekka Rollins after getting the information out of him, Kaz killed Oomen and threw him off deck. Wylen was against it but Jesper stopped him and told him that “Maybe your tutors didn’t cover this lesson, but you do not argue with a man covered in blood and a knife up his sleeve.”
Kaz going crazy because Inej’s hurt that he even asked Jesper to just leave so Nina can take care of Inej is adorable! Yet I know he won’t admit it, he even had no mercy on Oomen and just threw him overboard after interrogation. I wanna know why does knowing Pekka Rollins is behind the attack affected Kaz that much. Did Rollin hire the Black Tip to get the shipment of Jurda in order to create more of the drug? Does he not want the merchants to have Bo Yul-Bayur because he already has the formula. Kaz also kept wondering what did Inej want him to apologize for, he said which of the things I said hurt her so much that she requires my apology for it.
❀ What is the history with Pekka Rollins?
❀ What is actually between Kaz and Inej?
❀ Is that really the end of Oomen he did not kill him he just plucked his eye out and threw him overboard?
Chapter 14 ⸻ ꧂
This chapter talks about Nina’s struggle to heal Inej and her past with Matthias or part of it about how she was raised as a solider and not a healer and that she would kill to be able to study for even a week extra to learn how to heal. After that she went thinking about her past as a solider saying how they went around looking for Grishas to hire for the war as well as give them a safe place to stay in Ravka but then she was careless and entered a druskelle camp and was captured by Matthias, who then transferred her to a ship where she found other Grishas 15 to be exact all hand bound so they cannot use their powers.
Nina spoke about how she had to speed up her learning because there was a shortage in warrior, During her training there were two routs to study they either learn how to destroy a body and stops a heart or to be a full on healer you cannot learn both. Yet, while trying to heal Inej she wishes she could learn more to know more to be better at healing Inej. It is funny how we want to change only when our life choices affect those close to us.
❀ Will she start learning healing from now?
❀ Will Nina at some point take the Jurda parem to heal one of them while knowing the risks?
Chapter 15 ⸻ ꧂
In this chapter they talk about Matthias giving information to Waylen in order for him to draw a map of the Ice Court, which was described as a tree trunk for the levels and to tell them everything else they need to know to escape that place and understand the layout better, they asked Matthias about what is contained within each prison level, to which he told them there was an incinerator at the bottom where Kaz informed them later that Inej would be the one to climb.
Matthias feels that by giving up information he is betraying Fjerdan and all the teachings of the Druskelle. Which is fair knowing he was raised to protect and follow the ice court’s rules and traditions. I like how everyone is together but I wonder if at any point these differences in beliefs and traditions would cause the group to dispatch and turn into multiple different groups
❀ Will Matthias betray the group or will he find a reason or a purpose with them other than the pardon that he wants?
❀ Will Matthias give up the pardon and kill Bo Yul-Bayur or does he want the pardon badly enough to let him live?
PART 3 ꧂
Chapter 16 ⸻ ꧂
Inej woke up and she asked for Nina to not tell anyone about her getting up and spoke about how she has bad memories about a ship and that she needs her to stay beside her so they kept talking and keeping each other company. While Inej took us through the memory of her childhood and how she was kidnapped from the tent and was sold. She also asked Nina to sing for her and those two friends started singing together.
Inej was captured as a child, did by any chance her and Kaz have a childhood memory that they’re not talking about, maybe Kaz knows that they met once upon a time while she doesn’t.
❀ why did she not want Kaz informed of her recovery?
❀ will she ever realize Kaz cares for her beyond the investment facade or will she keep thinking of herself as nothing more than an investment?
Chapter 17 ⸻ ꧂
Jesper spoke to Wylan who expressed his concern over the Ice court layout saying that the thin ice rests on water but it is atop a hill so where does the water come from!? Jesper also expressed that he goes to visit Inej every day. But this time she was actually awake which made him happy, and he helped Nina in putting her shoes on and helped her up and walking on the deck where she asked if Kaz has ever visited her and Jesper said never. He also told her that Kaz went crazy when Inej was injured.
Wylan asked a very good question that they glossed over is this a form of foreshadowing ?? Jesper cares even though he hides everything behind jokes and he went on this job to pay his debt he told her that his father believes that he’s studying here and he put his father’s farm as collateral while he shouldn’t, so the money from this mission will help him pay back for his father’s farm and give back what he’s owed. He did mention that he has a gambling problem.
❀ Will Jesper be able to pay the debt if they kill Bo Yul-Bayur ?
❀ Everyone have a lot of stakes resting on this single mission, will Matthias really take that from everyone?
❀ Everyone treats Wylan like a child regardless of his viable concerns.
❀ Does Jesper have feelings for Kaz?
Chapter 18 ⸻ ꧂
After two days Kaz finally had the courage and made up whatever subject to talk to Inej, still he had a lot of internal dialogue colliding with his harsh and hard exterior, he wants to tell her and show her he cares but his pride is against him confessing anything he actually feels. He also told her about his brother and that Pekka Rollins killed him, though he did not disclose any other information
Kaz has a lot of conflicting feelings, a part of him is killing him to tell her that he wants her and he needs her to be okay. Yet, his words are contradicting his own feelings, kaz is too used to being detached that he does not know how to deal with his feelings to Inej, it’s just something too foreign that he probably haven’t experienced before and the fact that even tho he is busy in his office he just feels her presence says a lot about his feelings. It’s like just her just existing and minding her own business is suffocating him because he doesn’t know what to do with all he is feeling.
❀ is he ever going to tell Inej what’s in his heart?
❀ Is he ever going to be able to let go and confide in her ?
❀ how long would it take for him to understand what those feelings mean?
Chapter 19 ⸻ ꧂
In Matthias POV they reached shore and they were freezing and wishing they could go back to the warm ship, while they were going on top a hill Matthias stoped them from going any further because of what he was looking at explaining that it was something they shouldn’t see, the thing was a Pyre which is what they used to do to Grishas, burn them alive, when they saw that he tried to explain to them that this is illegal now and that Grishas are taken to the Ice court for a fair trial, he even tried to explain to Nina directly when she strayed away from them but she simply asked “Then how come no Grisha was ever found innocent?” He then had the audacity to tell her “Did it ever occur to you that maybe you’re not supposed to exist?”
Yikes Matthias, like I understand people being barbaric and all and living by a code but just because you don’t understand something does not mean it shouldn’t exist. I would’ve slapped him, Nina has way more self control than I would’ve ever had. Matthias has so much growing up he needs to do, so much learning about Grishas too.
❀ will Matthias ever start considering Grishas as human beings?
❀ When will he realize that his own court have been gaslighting him into believing that just because someone is different doesn’t mean they should die?
Chapter 20 ⸻ ꧂
Matthias revealed to everyone that Nina betrayed him the story goes as follows “The ship sunk and she saved him to which they went to shore after and they survived three weeks together until they reached harbor and she went to a Kerch merchant and reported Matthias as a slaver he then was chained and taken to Hellsgate”. Soon after they were attacked by two Grishas that have taken Jurda parem and they ended up being Nina’s old friends, she tried to save one but he asked for another dose saying he did not need any help, he was too weak to survive. She said maybe The Shu are now using the Grishas for experiments on Jurda Parem and war which was unlike them. She insisted they bury the bodies in which Kaz refused and said they don’t have the time for it. So, Matthias stayed behind to help her, while doing so he spoke to her about actually killing Bo Yul-Bayur instead of taking him to the merchant and that it will be for both the Fjerdan and the Grishas benefit that the drug formula did not come out of get exposed to more people, and now they have a truce to betray Kaz. She also told Matthias that two Grishas wanted to take Matthias as a hostage and she had to get him out away from them as soon as possible and that the only way was for them to sail to Ketterdam, she also informed him that she tried to take back her words and free him but no one paid her any mind, which is why she turned to Kaz for help.
There is so much to unpack here.. one what the fuck Nina seriously?? Jurda Parem is not similar to you having powers. Jurda Parem harms those who take it and make them uncontrollable, basically slaves to the drug itself and they cannot be freed, taking free will away from them. Yet, you having powers given to you by birth shouldn’t alienate you just cause they’re scared of you. The other part Matthew helps her burry her friends then tells her that she should help him kill Bo Yul-Bayur right after telling her The water remembers and the ice doesn’t forgive doesn’t give me a lot of faith in whatever he has planned. It feels like he’s setting her up to betray Kaz while he ends up taking the pardon anyway despite him saying it’s not important for him. I mean it’s fair game since she betrayed him first regardless of the fact that she did it to save him
❀ Is he trying to set her up and betray her the way she betrayed him??
❀ Did he really give up on the pardon? He attacked Kaz for it.
❀ Is this what he meant by the water remembers and the ice never forgets?
Review ꧂
Final review of the first three parts, I was very skeptical on whether or not I will find a book that will get me hooked to find out what happens next and get me too invested, this was the first book that I actually created a document for and I realized that there are a lot of hidden messages and sub plots, history and depth to each character. They showed us Jesper being hurt by Kaz hiding information and the way they typed it made it seem as if he has something for Kaz, to the point that regardless how much Kaz hides from him he still sticks around and carries the battlefield saving everyone.
On the other hand we have Kaz’s hidden feelings for Inej to the point that gets him to care so much, yet he cannot show them and he justifies going crazy in helping and protecting her by claiming she is an investments. Will his love for her blinds him to the fact that Nina and Matthias are planning to betray them? Or did he anticipate that and this is why he left both of them behind? What if what Wylan expressed is actually important and they end up being caught off guard by this fact?
Does Matthias actually plan to help Nina take off Bo Yul-Bayur or does he intent to shoulder her the blame as a form of revenge? Will he actually go on with it and get pardoned while leaving her at the mercy of what he described as a Demon despite the fact that he now knows why she did what she did by throwing him in the fire in hopes for him to avoid being tossed in molten lava? So many possibilities and so many things can go wrong but all will be revealed when they actually reach the Ice Court.
╚═══════Six Of Crows═══════╝
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lunaavaa · 9 months
The Best Guide to GPS Location Software Systems
Whether you're a logistics company tracking shipments, a parent keeping an eye on your child's whereabouts, or a traveler exploring new destinations, GPS location software can enhance your daily life. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of GPS location software systems, exploring their features, applications, and the top options available.
Understanding GPS Location Software Systems
GPS, which stands for Global Positioning System, is a network of satellites that orbit the Earth. These satellites transmit signals to GPS receivers, which then calculate their precise geographic location. GPS location software systems harness this technology to provide real-time tracking, mapping, and navigation services.
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Key Features of GPS Location Software Systems
Real-Time Tracking: GPS location software can track the movement of people, vehicles, or assets in real time, providing up-to-the-minute location data.
Mapping and Navigation: These systems offer detailed maps and turn-by-turn navigation instructions, making it easier to reach your destination.
Geofencing: Geofencing allows users to define virtual boundaries on a map. When a tracked object enters or exits these boundaries, the software sends alerts or triggers specific actions.
History and Reporting: Users can access historical location data and generate reports to analyze past movements and trends.
Customization: Many GPS location software systems allow users to customize their tracking experience, including map views, alert settings, and reporting parameters.
Applications of GPS Location Software
1. Fleet Management:
GPS location software is a vital tool for businesses with vehicle fleets. It helps optimize routes, monitor driver behavior, and enhance overall operational efficiency.
2. Personal Safety:
Parents use GPS location software to keep tabs on their children's whereabouts, ensuring their safety. It's also beneficial for elderly family members or individuals with cognitive impairments.
3. Outdoor Activities:
GPS software aids hikers, campers, and outdoor enthusiasts in navigating unfamiliar terrain, preventing them from getting lost.
4. Asset Tracking:
Businesses can use GPS location software to track valuable assets, such as construction equipment, containers, and high-value shipments.
5. Emergency Services:
GPS location is crucial for first responders, as it helps them locate accident scenes and people in need of assistance more quickly.
Top GPS Location Software Systems
Google Maps: Widely used for navigation and location sharing, Google Maps offers a user-friendly interface and real-time traffic data.
Waze: Known for its community-driven features, Waze provides real-time traffic and road information based on user contributions.
GPSWOX: A versatile GPS tracking platform suitable for both personal and business use, offering customizable maps and geofencing features.
Geotab: Ideal for fleet management, Geotab provides comprehensive insights into vehicle performance and driver behavior.
Life360: A popular choice for family tracking, Life360 offers location sharing, safety features, and driving reports.
Garmin: Known for its GPS navigation devices, Garmin also offers a range of software solutions for various applications.
Traccar: An open-source GPS tracking platform, Traccar is highly customizable and suitable for businesses looking to build their tracking solutions.
GPS location software systems have transformed the way we navigate the world and manage our assets. Whether you're a business owner looking to streamline operations or a parent concerned about your child's safety, the right GPS location software can make a significant difference in your daily life. By understanding the features and applications of these systems, you can choose the best option to meet your needs and make the most of this powerful technology.
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7 Skills to Become Proficient in Logistics: Everything You Need To Know About
Logistics is essential in ensuring the smooth flow of goods and services throughout enterprises. Logistics competency is critical for optimizing operations, driving cost efficiency, and increasing customer satisfaction. This blog from Larry Savage Jr Birmingham- 7 Skills to Become Proficient in Logistics dig into seven critical abilities in improving your logistics competence.
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7 Skills to Become Proficient in Logistics
If you want to become a proficient logistics personnel, here are seven vital skills that you need to acquire first:
1. Supply Chain Management: A good comprehension of supply chain management is a prerequisite for successful careers in logistics. This ability entails managing the transit of commodities, information, and funds from the point of origin to the point of consumption. Good supply chain management necessitates excellent coordination, handling of inventory, and the capacity to improve procedures.
2.  Critical Thinking: Daily, logistics personnel face various challenges, including delays, transportation concerns, and inventory anomalies. It is necessary to have strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills to resolve these challenges quickly. Logistics specialists skilled at analyzing complex scenarios, identifying fundamental causes, and developing innovative solutions that reduce interruptions and maintain an uninterrupted flow of commodities across the supply chain are in high demand.
3.  Data Analysis and Technology: Data analysis and technology have become essential in logistics in this digital age. Professionals must be prepared to evaluate vast volumes of data, detect patterns, and use technology to enhance logistical procedures. It is critical to be familiar with logistics applications, transportation management infrastructure, and data analytics tools to make educated decisions, improve efficiency, and improve the overall performance of the supply chain.
4.   Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication and teamwork skills are essential in logistics. Logistics workers must be able to communicate clearly and concisely with suppliers, vendors, warehouse staff, and delivery partners. They must also be skilled in relationship development and maintenance, contract negotiation, and dispute resolution.
5.  Time Management: Time management and organization are vital in the fast-paced logistics business. Professionals must be skilled in prioritizing activities, setting timetables, and managing many projects simultaneously. Shipments are delivered on schedule, inventory is correctly handled, and deadlines are met with effective time management.
6.  Financial Acumen: Logistics professionals must know the financial consequences of their decisions and activities. Budgeting, cost analysis, and comprehending key performance indicators are all examples of financial aptitude. Competent individuals can contribute to the company's financial well-being by monitoring spending, discovering cost-saving options, and streamlining logistical procedures.
7.  Flexibility: Logistics workers must be agile and versatile in an ever-changing sector. This skill enables employees to adjust promptly to changing marketplace dynamics, technology breakthroughs, and client needs.
If you are starting a supply chain and wondering how you can become one of the market leaders, the blog by Larry Savage Jr — The 3 P’s Formula for Entrepreneurial Success, can guide you to a great extent. You can succeed in the industry while contributing to the seamless development of your business by constantly developing and improving your abilities.
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newengen · 10 months
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Update: On July 25th, UPS avoided a workers' strike by reaching a labor deal with the Teamsters Union.
Negotiations between UPS and Teamsters-represented workers have stalled, with both sides accusing each other of abandoning talks. If the current contract expires on July 31st without a new agreement, a strike involving 340,000 unionized UPS workers is highly likely. This potential 10-day strike is projected to be one of the costliest in a century, with estimated losses of $4 billion for UPS customers, according to the Anderson Economic Group. The last UPS Teamsters strike occurred in 1997 and had significant economic consequences. Since then, package shipment volume has surged, with an average of 59 million daily packages sent in the US in 2021. With a 24% market share, a walkout by UPS workers could cause substantial delays affecting millions of shipments. Competitors like FedEx are urging UPS customers to switch, but experts doubt their capacity to handle the resulting backlog. Although UPS has started training its nonunion workforce (around 100,000 employees in the US) to manage operations during a strike, it remains inadequate for handling UPS's entire volume.
What Does It Mean for Brands?
A strike will cause significant disruptions for businesses relying on UPS for inbound shipping and order fulfillment. While there is some indication that consumers are becoming less fixated on fast shipping and prioritizing factors like Free Shipping and Easy/Free Returns, it's important to note that nearly all customers (91%) still expect their orders to arrive within 7 days. Furthermore, 70% of customers expressed discontent if their orders failed to arrive on time. In situations of fulfillment disruptions, effective communication is crucial.
Businesses affected by the strike should consider the following actions:
Explore alternative shipping providers, giving preference to regional or local options to avoid overwhelming major competitors who may experience a surge in volume. Recognize that 58% of consumers prefer retailers offering flexible delivery options (such as varied shipping speeds, in-store pickup, curbside delivery, etc.). Thus, even in the absence of a strike, providing multiple options will remain important.
Plan for appropriate messaging on order checkout and shipping pages, such as informing customers that their orders may be impacted by labor disruptions. If multiple shipping options are available, consider highlighting non-UPS fulfillment options on the order page.
Develop a strategy for handling return windows if customers attempt to return products during the strike.
For Marketing Teams:
If you anticipate being unable to fulfill orders, consider pausing or reallocating marketing budgets. Focus on upper-funnel activities such as audience growth and engagement to generate momentum for lower-funnel spending once normal operations resume.
Narrow your targeting to markets where you have physical stores and emphasize options like BOPIS (Buy Online, Pick Up In-Store) or in-store shopping. Monitor and analyze changes in sales volume across offline channels during this period.
Similar to high-volume sales periods or holidays, closely monitor inventory levels. Keep a close eye on out-of-stock items and be prepared to prioritize products that are available, adjusting your creative to feature them. Collaborate with your agency or internal team to develop playbooks for how to respond to out-of-stock products.
If you sell wholesale and your retail partners are capable of fulfilling orders faster than your direct-to-consumer (DTC) e-commerce business, consider prioritizing retail media spending.
Prepare email campaigns for affected customers, maintaining transparency about the status of their orders and keeping them informed about any additional delays. Consider sending proactive email campaigns specifically for loyal customers, addressing the potential for delayed shipping. This is particularly important for brands offering auto-replenish or subscription-based products that may be impacted.
Temporarily adjust loyalty incentives for customers willing to tolerate delays, expressing gratitude for their patience and loyalty with a message like "Thanks for riding with us."
This is a developing story. Stay on top of the news by following us on LinkedIn and subscribing to our newsletter.
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thejewitches · 1 year
places a kiss on your foreheads. shipping to nz and aus i am begging
There is nothing we would love more...But here is the thing:
We've been monitoring the prices and it isn't getting any cheaper--We tested out a recent small shipment that was less than 1 lb. It was a small box (6x4.5x4.5) and the shipping for Priority International (which comes with insurance & total tracking, as the cheaper option only tracks when USPS has it and will not track all the way to you, plus takes between 1-4+ weeks) costs a whopping $57.98 when going to NZ or Aus.
The original price for the order being shipped was $34, so you would be spending nearly double on shipping. Here are two more examples:
Our smallest package, say for a single deck, still came out to $57.98 in shipping.
For a larger package that weighed about 4lb 15oz, 12.75"x 6.5x6.5", it came out to $101.42
If you are wondering how other businesses are able to ship internationally without being so astronomically expensive there are three answers:
Eating the cost. Some businesses are willing to lose money in order to maintain a monopoly on your business and maintain brand awareness and popularity. The money, however much it is, is made up for in brand awareness and whatever business they may get by you posting about it, sharing with friends, etc. We simply cannot do that at this point in time.
Access to Shipping Secrets. It sounds sketchy, but it isn't really--it is just not something we have access to. Brands like Shmamazon have their own trucks, but so do many, many others--and if they don't have their own shipping methods, they have access to companies that provide massive discounts on their shipping.
Shipping Money Baked In. We try to keep our prices as low as possible and our products as accessible as possible. Our prices have stayed nearly the same over the last two years, even though prices around us are rising. Very early on we asked our customers "would you rather have cheaper pricing and pay for shipping or higher pricing and no shipping" and the answer was clear. Despite the marketing thought process of hiding the pricing in the product, we decided we wanted transparency by simply charging for shipping...Even though there are still times we end up paying for shipping, even if it is just a small portion.
Bottom line: We have opened up shipping...but it is expensive and we more than understand if it isn't in your price range!
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lifecarelogistic · 1 year
Optimizing Your Transfer Process for Faster Delivery Times: Insights from a Top Logistic Company in India
In today's fast-paced business landscape, optimizing the transfer process is crucial for logistics companies aiming to provide faster delivery times. Efficient transfer processes not only enhance customer satisfaction but also contribute to overall operational excellence. In this blog, we will explore practical strategies to optimize your transfer process and improve delivery times, drawing insights from a Top Logistic Company in India.
1. Streamline Documentation and Tracking Systems
Implementing a streamlined documentation and tracking system is essential for efficient transfers. Digitize paperwork, invoices, and delivery notes to minimize manual errors and save time. Utilize advanced tracking technologies such as GPS, barcodes, or RFID to monitor and trace shipments throughout the transfer process accurately.
2. Optimal Warehouse Organization
An organized warehouse layout is key to expediting the transfer process. Implement efficient storage systems, such as bin locations, to ensure easy accessibility to goods. Utilize labeling and signage techniques to enhance visibility and minimize the time spent searching for specific items. Regularly review and update your inventory management system to prevent delays caused by inventory inaccuracies.
3. Embrace Automation and Technology
Integrating automation and technology can significantly accelerate transfer processes. Utilize automated sorting systems, conveyors, and robotics to streamline material handling and minimize manual intervention. Implement a robust transportation management system (TMS) to optimize route planning, load optimization, and real-time tracking. Utilize predictive analytics to anticipate demand patterns and proactively allocate resources.
4. Collaborate with Reliable Partners
Establishing strong partnerships with reliable suppliers, carriers, and logistics service providers is vital for efficient transfers. Choose partners known for their commitment to timely delivery, transparency, and operational excellence. Collaborate closely with them to align processes, share data, and jointly optimize the transfer process. Leverage their expertise and network to ensure seamless transfers.
5. Continuous Process Improvement
Regularly evaluate and refine your transfer processes to identify areas for improvement. Conduct data analysis to identify bottlenecks, delivery delays, and areas of inefficiency. Implement a continuous improvement framework such as Lean Six Sigma to drive process optimization and eliminate waste. Encourage employee involvement and feedback to foster a culture of innovation and improvement.
6. Conclusion
By implementing these optimization strategies, logistics companies can significantly improve transfer processes and achieve faster delivery times. Streamlining documentation, organizing warehouses efficiently, embracing automation and technology, collaborating with reliable partners, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement are key steps toward operational excellence. As a top logistics company in India, [Insert Top Logistic Company in India] has successfully implemented these strategies, resulting in faster delivery times and enhanced customer satisfaction. Adopting these practices can position your business for success in the dynamic logistics industry.
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dollsonmain · 1 year
omg lemme fix it
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chicago-geniza · 2 years
I have a doctor's appointment at 10.25 am tomorrow. Going to finish this horrible night, get home, do T shot, hang shower curtain, shower, go to the doctor, get bloodwork, and after that I will sleep for 24 hours, edit J's paper, email [redacted], pay Internet bill, file both freelance invoices, figure out where trash and recycling are at new place, start taking out trash, and start unpacking. Then I will make a list of things I need! One friend is bringing dishes since many of mine were lost to The Creature From the Black Mold Lagoon, mom is bringing linens and spare bedding since most of mine was lost to The Great Logan-Humboldt Bedbug War 2017-2020 (Combatants: Bedbugs, Humboldt House Tenants. Victors: Bedbugs. Casualties: 75% of Raya's Worldly Possessions, Any Semblance of Sanity Raya May Have Had), also looking for bookshelves (for fate of my bookshelves, see aforementioned entry on Great Logan-Humboldt Bedbug War, subsection: Casualties). Another friend is sending me the Star Trek wine in the kanar bottle as a housewarming gift. :D My cousin who has the same birthday and similar autoimmune disease is also sending me something, I think either decor or accessibility-related. Another friend has a spare table from her roommate moving out, and a computer monitor. Basically as noted elsewhere feel like Quark on that DS9 episode when the FCA repossesses his bar and everything but the clothes on his back and the crew oh-so-casually meander in denying any allegations of charity, but Jadzia just happened to have this hideous glassware--a gift, non-returnable--so might as well pawn it off, and Sisko seized a shipment of Saurian brandy from smugglers, but can't stand the stuff, so why not restock the bar?...and there are all these spare stools what with renovations on the Promenade, temporary, you understand...
Star Trek is Social Stories 4 Autistic Adults, or, It Took a Ferengi Parable 2 Make Me Accept Help From My Friends,
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
6:00 AM- Get back from nightly tasks, navigate way back to Freddy’s room, eat something and recharge/sleep
11:15 AM- Wake up, feed and play with the stray animals that have wandered into the Pizzaplex
11:30 AM- Perform equivalent to daily exercise- rock climbing, marksmanship training, obstacle course practice, self defense and martial training, agility and speed training, et cetera. (cheat code for my custom combat simulator module in Mazercise: ‘Flareblitz’)
12:00 PM- Lunch, afternoon nap
12:15 PM- Daycare with Sun and Moon, the possible activities are as follows:
1.) Naptime 2.) Arts & Crafts (sculpting figurines) 3.) Strategizing (reading, worldbuilding, catching up on the general state of affairs, comparing strategies, etc.) 4.) Drawing 5.) Attempting to play with the other children (I already shudder at the thought, respectfully)
3:15 PM- Leave, attempt to beat high scores on arcade game machines. Screw with the ticket machines via the crappy magnets earned from the prize counter- pack supplies for nightly tasks if supplies somehow run out.
3:20- Get started on filing through bills and paperwork. Most common include:
1.) Grocery and department store bills, courtesy of Vanessa and Luis 2.) Maintenance and repair materials bills 3.) Merchandise shipment and purchase bill 4.) Ventilation, sanitary and plumbing inspection bill and contract paperwork 5.) Security equipment paperwork 6.) Electricity and water bills ((more to be added to the list soon))
4:00 PM- Once done, have an afternoon snack- explore Pizzaplex, possibly eavesdrop, check server rooms, climb down elevator shafts and take the most convoluted paths possible just to kill time
5:15 PM- Examine collected evidence from the search parties of S.T.A.F.F bots sent- examine news footage, recently recorded security footage, collected classified documents, and other tidbits of collected evidence to discern a possible conclusion- refer to the board and tape/pin all existing evidence to said board for further reference. Use hacking+ audio and video editing software to search for hidden, possibly subliminal messages hiding between the lines!
5:30 PM- Reunite with Michael and the gang- try and ease your frayed nerves by relaxing with them.
6:00 PM- Charging station maintenance for all Glamrocks- use incoming reports to try and see which stations are faulty and which ones are not
7:00 PM- Dinner, nightly tasks start
7:30 PM- Prime and run usual tests on security systems before closing hours
8:00 PM- Try and entertain guests during the last hours?
10:00 PM- Nearing closing hours, begin navigating way to server rooms for inspection- use the vents if you must (parts and service will be going on for animatronics)
11:00 PM- Server room inspection: check for loose cables or software issues within the servers themselves. Clean database of any potential threats or vulnerabilities from which a breach can possibly occur, monitor and verify employee security clearance, reinforce firewalls and Zero Tolerance Infrastructure, record any possible issues with login or clearance, etc. Repeat until 6:00 AM for all server rooms. IT trainees/students enrolled in Fazbear Entertainment’s program may come to help.
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sokoviareports · 2 years
ultron tech recovered; friendly RH encounter; more recon rec’d
[Note: The Question’s additions are in italics.]
AGENT(S): Hawkeye LOCATION: 44°30'18.7"N 23°09'43.0"E. Novi Grad, outskirts. Barn repurposed for smuggling Ultron bits.  DATE / TIME: 25/04/2021; 2315 HRS IS THIS A FOLLOW-UP? Y BRIEF: Recovered Ultron tech as a follow-up to word around town at Payak. See info recovered below. Smugglers treated for injuries and tied up and dropped off in Lyon. Red Hood assisted in infiltration. 
MISSION REPORT: Stationed at determined location pre-shipment to stop it and collect smugglers; solo mission with Oracle in comms and TWS on-call for assistance. Waited for shift change. Caught RH in crosshairs; approached as a friendly. Had a good feeling about him. Based on? Said he had same goal of taking out smugglers. Tracked with his history; informed to try to avoid leaving bodies. 
RH invaded barn from roof window w/ smoke bomb. 7 ran out; shot through the shoulders, knees, etc. to incapacitate. RH took out 6 in the warehouse. 13 total, no casualties. Let RH leave for assistance. Dressed wounds and tied up/tranq’d smugglers. Smugglers then taken to Dr. Mid-Nite’s clinic by TWS to keep from bleeding out. Drugs given to induce short-term memory loss re: infiltration/attack. Attached med report for full extent of injuries and ID info.
Various tech recovered, both Ultron tech and weapons. Weapons have laser capabilities and sonar blasts. Note high level of vibranium mix metal. Evidence of recycling of salvage metals; success of process, coupled with rarity of vibranium and alloys, suggests highly informed professional(s) with access to modern, specialized foundry, tooled for advanced industrial production. See compiled lists of potential sites of interest in Sokovia and neighbouring nations likely to provide necessary facilities, and known vibranium smugglers, dealers, and manufacturers currently at large according to Wakandan authorities. Attached report of all tech/weapons/etc. and damage. 
**Most smugglers were NOT Sokovian citizens.
After smugglers treated and stabilized, dropped off in warehouse in Lyon. Instructions sent to Interpol HQ where to pick them up. Monitored with TWS from a distance to ensure pickup.
SCOPE: Originally presumed that the Ultron bits on black market/at Payak were from Sokovian smugglers/regular citizens trying to make bank on scavenged tech. 2/13 smugglers were Sokovian citizens. 2 Bulgarian, 1 German, 2 French, *4 American*, 2 English. All linked to different organizations, along national lines. Attached info on each, incl. criminal records, police reports. # of Americans involved might be indicator of epicenter. Sokovian and Bulgarian smugglers in area are common. German, French, English presence unusual in area - theories? UN/ISA/etc. connection, or coincidence? Will pursue individual leads and attach results. 
INTEL GATHERED: [medrept.docx]  [reconrept.docx]  [andrejdukic1.pdf] [andrejdukic2.pdf]  [elmirandrov.pdf]  [mariastoyanova1.pdf] [mariastoyanova2.pdf] [mariastoyanova3.pdf]  [viktorpetrov1.pdf] [viktorpetrov2.pdf]  [eliasmuller1.pdf] [eliasmuller2.pdf]  [eduarddumont1.pdf] [eduarddumont2.pdf] [eduarddumont3.pdf]  [denisrobert.pdf]  [jasonjacobsii1.pdf] [jasonjacobsii2.pdf] [jasonjacobsii3.pdf] [jasonjacobsii4.pdf]  [christopherlee.pdf]  [rockwilson1.pdf] [rockwilson2.pdf] [rockwilson3.pdf]  [francisriccijr1.pdf] [francisriccijr2.pdf] [francisriccijr3.pdf] [francisriccijr4.pdf] [francisriccijr5.pdf] [francisriccijr6.pdf] [francisriccijr7.pdf]  [richardbudd1.pdf] [richardbudd2.pdf] [richardbudd3.pdf]  [julianbennett1.pdf] [julianbennett2.pdf]
FOLLOW-UP: Good idea to keep an eye on RH. Seems to be staying around the area, reasons unclear. 
Smuggling happening in NG area likely linked to wider (American-based?) web. Will monitor and follow up. 
Advanced weaponry capabilities and access to Ultron tech. No way to be sure how much of the tech left Sokovia before we heard about it. 
Further investigation into identified traffickers and possible Ultron scrap processing sites will be conducted; fieldwork necessary, likely international. 
Forwarded to Batman, without comment. 
Forwarded to Captain America, with vibranium content of Ultron-derived weaponry highlighted, and attached message:
Have Avengers maintained secure Wakandan contacts? If so, suggest escorted delivery of samples and/or complete weapons for expert assessment and to support investigation into possible vibranium smuggling. 
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