#2024 (late) - 2025 (early)
saltpepperbeard · 5 months
so i was complaining talking to my dad about the suffering that is the renewal void, and he agreed that it would be a bit nonsensical for max to-
push physical merch on their site
create a bunch of custom icons for users on their site
put so much effort into marketing s2, to the point of putting spots on tv, hanging up gigantic billboards, and spreading teasers all across social media
-if they had no intention to see the show all the way through.
which was ✨validating✨ coming from an outside party, because it's something i've been thinking this whole time. now, granted, i don't trust streaming services, and stranger things have happened, buuuuut idk. it really seems like there's a part of them that realizes ofmd is a large, important property to them, but we shall seeeeeee,,,
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 3 months
Proof that Huskerdust have feelings for each other
• In 1x04 Throughout the entirety of the song Loser, Baby Husk becomes consensual , gentle, and chivalrous with Angel (who pretty much joined in after being accepted for who he is with a “Baby, that’s fine by me”
<> Husk protectively told Angel to “stay down” (very boyfriend-coded if you ask me 😏) and then seconds later became awestruck by the fact that he could defend himself (whilst showing his true colours)
<> However at the end of the episode the tension of sexual attraction between them is definitely there
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• In 1x05 it’s a little bit harder to tell since the episode “Dad Beat Dad” was mainly focused on Lucifer’s father/daughter and Charlie’s relationship.
But we do see two snippets of Angel and Husk on the sidelines comically eating popcorn as Alastor defended the hotel later on (after Lucifer caused it) and another scene where Lucifer and Charlie are arguing.
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<> Husk makes a pre-drink for Angel without being asked whilst he talks to Mimzy (which I thought was actually really cute ☺️)
• In 1x06 When at the club Consent first off Angel listened to Husk’s advice after Cherri suggested they get “fucked up” by doing drugs
<> After Niffty gets drunk Huskerdust literally become her parents 😂 (also Husk praised Angel for standing up to Valentino before placing his paw on back)
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• In 1x07 Again, similar to “Dad Beat Dad” there’s a brief Huskerdust moment where two things happen; 1. Angel wraps his arm around Husk. 2. Husk frowns shortly at Vaggie before it changed to a smile and his eyes dilated (slightly) after Angel embraced him
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• In 1x08 Before the war with the angels (Exorcists) Angel decided to spend his last night at the hotel with Husk who had flirtatiously acknowledged that he had really changed
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You can also hear the instrumentals of Loser, Baby in the background!!! (Like… come on you cannot tell me THIS isn’t a romantic atmosphere. The Husk’s tone of “you really have changed” that’s held with so much sexual tension! Their song — literally — playing in the background?! Angel’s Anthony’s soft and hesitant “Hey…”)
<> During the amidst of the war Husk makes a social faux pas about “too many fucking angels coming” only be teased by Angel in response (which come on, let’s face it, they definitely were flirting 🤭)
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<> The minute Angel got knocked down by one of the exorcist (after selflessly saving Frank one of the Egg Boiz) Husk looked feral at the person who had harmed the latter ~ like were talking “you just hit my boyfriend , how dare you.” level of protectiveness
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There are hundreds of meanings of the word “Likes” in this list down below (just to show evidence that it can mean “find attractive” etc as well)
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Season 2: (late 2024 - early 2025)
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wikitpowers · 4 months
me when i see anybody mentioning how far away tlkof release date is:
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alfairy · 3 months
Can you believe that Beyond the Spiderverse was originally supposed to come out next week?
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Thoughts on this?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but 2024 is even a little optimistic in terms of a release for Stranger Things 5.
I know right now there's been this assumed expectation that it will release in 2024, and that's definitely still possible! But from what we've seen, no one from the production, neither the Duffers, the cast, nor Netflix themselves have said 2024 will be the year s5 releases, definitively. (If I remember correctly, when asked in an interview about s5 coming out in 2024, Noah dodged the question and said that they want it to be really good and are going to try to get it out as soon as they can... if anything he was trying to hint here that fans should be prepared that it might not be 2024, but that's okay bc that means that quality is being considered over a speedy release).
Again there have been talks about it, and I'm sure that's what they're shooting for. But they don't seem to be making any official statements about 2024 being a for sure thing. Because I mean, how could it be?
Covid did a really big number on the industry, especially production for ST4. Not only that but workers are starting to unionize and fight back against long hours, shitty wages and unsafe working conditions.
And so there's this unknown looming. Could the global pandemic reach a point that causes the industry to come to a halt again? Could there be a strike that stops productions from filming, including ST5? There's just a lot of unforeseen factors to keep in mind.
Our perception of how fast shows should be cranking out between seasons, are from a rose-tinted lens and honestly a little bit naive. We're not taking into account that those same expectations we have are based on an industry that has thrived off of malpractice for decades.
So, would I be mad if ST5 came out in 2025? No.
Also important to note that this is the end. I know that a lot of fans are impatient and just want the final season ASAP, but even so, when we do get it, it's over after that. There's nothing else to look forward to for fans when it comes to these characters. Arguably, hiatus will be the time we'll look back on and miss most when this is all over. So enjoy theorizing and analyzing during the wait while you still can!
And again, let's keep in mind, a sooner release means they might have to rush and make quick decisions that impact the story negatively, with them settling for results that could have been better had they had more time. Whereas a later release, or at least later than we may have hoped, will probably mean they got the essential time they needed and therefore a lot better quality for the final cut.
David Harbour said late last year that filming will start in the summer. Noah just mentioned a few times recently that he starts filming in May. But it was also mentioned in an interview promoting WYFSTW with Finn that filming would be starting in March.
Who knows for sure right now, it'll probably require us getting closer to the start to know. But the good news is once filming starts, they'll tell us! However, this does bring up an important aspect of all of this that fans also don't seem to take into consideration, which is scheduling.
The main cast are all hot commodities now, with most of them having multiple productions to film in one single year. And so, imagine trying to get about a dozen A-B listers schedule's to overlap? It's not easy.
Though from what I've read, David is dealing with schedule issues because he's filming another movie at the same time as s5. And Noah specifically mentioned school being a factor when he brought up filming starting in May for him. And so it's possible overall production for s5 could be starting sooner than we think, with some main cast-members starting earlier/later than others.
I think the main good news (everyone cheer) is that we have no new characters for s5. And so I think that will allow filming to take a little less time. S1 was a lot smaller scale in terms of the characters focused on, with production going from September 2015 to early 2016 and with a release in July that same year. But s1 was also very very small scale in comparison to what s5 will be. While filming for s5 will definitely be shorter than s4 in terms of over overall running time, it'll still be longer and just in general bigger than s1.
I'm gonna take an educated guess and say at least 9 months for filming s5, but it's possible they could run up to a year because of scheduling issues, unexpected delays, unforseen events, with some cast-members potentially working earlier/later than the majority of the production. Best case scenario, filming could be done by December 2023, and that's taking into account filming may indeed not start fully until May 2023. This would give them roughly 8-10 months of filming.
And that's not even including post-production for VFX, which is likely going to take upwards of 6 months at least, because the upside down is expected to be a main setting for the story in s5, meaning a lot more time spent working on visual effects despite filming already being complete. Then there's editing and all that good stuff. And don't even get me started on marketing (they're watching us rn taking notes for ST5 social media promo... Smile and wave boys!)
Again, I do think 2024 is possible, though it would have to be later in 2024. Summer 2024 is still a little too optimistic, but I wont rule it out bc they love summer releases.
March 22nd on the other hand, is very much pushing it, as they'd only be like 2 months into VFX at that point.
Though, I could see the vision of this, assuming it released in 2025 (lands on a Saturday that year, but still according to new theories March 21st is potentially an important date related to Henry/Vecna and it's the day s4 started the story off, so that's possible!)
March 21st 2025 would be my ideal date if they had to push it further out to a 2025 release. And that is a big possibility, which is why I think they're not out here comfortably sticking to a year right now.
It's also likely that when we find out the official year of release, we'll get a poster potentially or some kind of short teaser hyping up the final season.
ST5 2025 is kind of iconic. But I guess we'll just have to see!
Even though I don't think March 22nd 2024 is possible, it would be cool to get some major news on that day, like an exact release date for the final season maybe? That would be birthdaygate proof in and of itself.
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bisexualrapline · 2 years
ok but 2025 means that at least a few of them will be enlisting at the same times right? we obviously won’t Know until we know but what are y’all’s thoughts
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wri0thesley · 1 year
Also costco food court pizza is so good, it's like the super cheesy pizza in cartoons
adding to my list of Things To Try in the US, anon! i think us breakfast food was so good. i dream about pancakes. i love breakfast...
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heartofaspen · 1 year
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oh my god kill me
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gwen-tolios · 4 months
One of the things I'm doing this year is serving as an editor for a workshop-anthology project. It's pretty labor intensive because it is a 6-month asynchronous writing workshop that leads into a 6 month hand on publishing process to result in an anthology. Stories get critiqued multiple times, and authors get an understanding of all the steps that go into producing a book.
We're at the slush pile stage - people start by submitting summaries of the short stories they're planning on writing. The idea is that it's better to catch misalignment to the theme (journey to adventure) before an author puts in the work of writing the story. (Summaries can also be a useful brainstorming activity.)
Some of these ideas are just gold:
A couple escaping a nursing home to get to the courthouse.
A party of adventurers hired by a wizard to trash his ex's tower.
A woman being told to solve a 'hunt the killer' box, unless she wants to be the subject of the next one.
A group of teens discover a ghost town they're exploring isn't actually empty.
I can't wait to read more than the summaries!
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dreamed-for-not · 9 months
Looking at old pictures of Alex got me feeling some kind of way today
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gb-patch · 21 days
Hii, hope ur doing well n staying hydrated n eating yummy food! So I wanted to ask a question but don't feel pressured to answer immediately.
So! I already looked through ur page to make sure that nobody already asked this question to make sure, are the step 4 designs for olnf kinda ready-ish? If so are u going to publish it somewhere in 2024-2025? But if they're not ready and that you guys haven't seen it already that's okay! I just wanted to ask cuz I saw a post about step 4 designs n it got me thinking :3
That's all!! And again, hydrate urself n feed urself well, take breaks whenever needed and have a great day /afternoon /night :3
From ur fav
Han or Hannie :3
Thank you for the well-wishes! I have nothing planning for their Step 4 designs so the artist has had nothing to work with, ahah. I'm not gonna think about that for as long as possible. So, it will take until late 2025, if not early 2026, for that to be revealed.
[The main story of OL: N&F is planned to release in Fall 2025, but the Step 4 epilogue might not be included from the start. That's what happened with the first Our Life.]
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kithtaehyung · 6 months
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[ 231214 ] hey, loves. thought about this a lot over the past couple months or so, but this week really sealed my decision (nothing scary, but work just got immensely overwhelming in a short amount of time):
after 3tan12 and these holiday fics—whenever they are posted—i’m gonna take time to recharge.
could be a month, could be more. but i definitely wanna focus on studio stuff, shop things, and getting some actual rest in general.
what do 2024 plans look like?
resting/shop work/working on organizing the physical copies of 3tan!
uploading 3tan in parts to wattpad. started the process on friday and will be posting parts 1-3 times a week until it’s caught up👍
3tan, 7days, mami, and hush yeah should all be regulars on the ryen show :)) afyt, and lie should also be posted within the year, so we will finally have real jimin fics on the mlist🤍 + the relief requests.
it’s possible 3tan will wrap up. though i won’t actively think about it bc it already makes me want to curl into a ball and cry, i think the series could have a natural close by the end of 2024 or early half of 2025🍊
still making content for y’all, both written and otherwise. after three years, i just finally feel some burnout and would like some time to myself for a bit while dealing with some life changes.
think that’s it for now. of course i’ll be here to talk to y’all—and we have the discord!—so you’ll still see me around. but if there’s less activity lately, this is most likely why🧡
thank you to everyone that has been here, whether you just got here or if you’ve been around for quite some time. it’s been so fun making bangtan content, and this community has become part of my everyday life. but rest is finally needed. so let’s have some holiday fun and then i will be sitting back and hopefully doing nothing🤣
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 4 months
HH Season 2 predictions:
• The Vees will be the main villains (confirmed by Viv)
• Alastor’s character will be further explored and his former relationship with Vox (confirmed by Viv)
• Alastor will be singing a solo song (confirmed by his VA Amir Talai)
• Husk will be more involved with the people of the hotel and sort out their problems (confirmed) — both in S2 and future seasons
• Lilith / Eve (?) will be paying a visit to Charlie (implied)
• New characters will appear and ones from the previous episodes will be more involved
<> Cherri Bomb (recurring) (confirmed)
<> Andras (new) (confirmed)
<> Arackniss (new)
<> Henroin (?)
<> Baxter (new)
<> Lucifer (recurring)
<> Lute (recurring)
<> Roo (?)
<> Adam (?)
• Vox or Velvette might want to redeem themselves? (Before confirming that the Vees were going to be the main villains)
• Valentino pulls some strings to get Angel Dust away from the hotel (oh god I hope this actually doesn’t happen 🙊) because he’s slowly turning more and more into Anthony than Angel Dust
• Someone — most likely Alastor — bribes Husk he can make him an overlord again if he helps him out (or something similar along those lines)
• Angel Dust Anthony sings a lament song about his growing feelings for Husk (theory)
Theory: Similarly to what Stolas did — only a little more positive and less angsty. Either that or maybe it’s his turn to sing to Husk who is upset about something (most likely about how he thinks Angel’s feelings aren’t real because he’s a “pornstar��� so of course he’d sexualise everything just to bed him etc which leads to this ⬇️)
• Huskerdust will be separated (whether that’s in Hell or Heaven)
<> I mean this would make sense if Angel and Husk’s relationship is growing rapidly only to be separated (similar to S2 of Outlander) much later on; probably at the end for another cliffhanger. I mean can you imagine that Angel Anthony gets redeemed much earlier than we expected but the twist is he doesn’t necessarily go to Heaven yet — for some unknown reason maybe because Sera is covering up the whole “Sinners can’t get into heaven or be redeemed” thing
• Valentino slowly loses control over Angel Dust over in S2 (and for the rest of the seasons)
<> Which technically if that actually happened that would mean Angel would go from “Angel Dust” to “Anthony” (I mean it makes sense doesn’t?)
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valyrfia · 1 month
People are freakimg out about lestappen lore but the real ones know that this 'lestappen lore meltdown' didnt exist before like... 2023 where they decided to be out and open??? I support you guys but... we used to be a community built on fleeting touches and literally just racing on track... where is all this content coming from!! Yall need to get a room!! (The closet is glass)
I honestly think if you explained the last third of 2023 to a 2022 lestappie they would collapse to the floor. I can only hope the 2025 lestappies say the same about us 2024 lestappies.
I’ve said it before on here, but a major lestappen turning point was the 2022 championship fight. Not only were they forced to be in close proximity to one another more, but I maintain that Charles expected Max to react completely differently than he did. In early 2022 when Charles was leading the championship and Max was floundering far behind, well, Max was obviously disappointed and expressed that in the media but he also started his trend on congratulating Charles on good drives (Bahrain! When Max DNF-ed but walked up to Charles in the media pen fully dragging him away from Canal+ in order to discuss the race!) ultimately culminating in Austria 2022, where Charles snatches the win from Max but Max is the one who looks utterly radiant.
2022 is when Charles started to actually like and respect Max, but the two of them were stuck in a weird limbo for a year longer where both of them really wanted to be closer than they were but they were completely unsure how to go about it. Then the padel date happened, they started seeking each other out a deranged amount, and the rest is history. Late 2023 was the flush of a new friendship with someone you’ve wanted to click with for so long, and they’ve continued that insanity well into 2024.
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sensualnoiree · 27 days
heyy baee can u please talk more about Jupiter entering Gemini for each ASC 💙💙
hey hey loves! I'm definitely looking forward to this transit especially as a gemini sun ✨ so much to consider! jupiter's entrance into gemini brings with it a profound shift in astrological energies, really spotlighting the tension between order & chaos, coherence & incoherence, faith & doubt. jupiter, symbolizing cosmic order and coherence, now finds itself navigating the realm of mercury-ruled gemini, a sign associated with chaos, change, and life's unpredictable facets. this juxtaposition sets the stage for a dynamic interplay between these two archetypes, really challenging our perceptions of universal workings and how we maneuver through its intricacies.
ancient astrologers considered planets in signs opposite their domiciles as being in exile, not as negative but as highlighting the tension between their natural tendencies. jupiter's sojourn in gemini heightens the tension between zeus (jupiter) and hermes (mercury), accentuating the contrast between the longing for order and the reality of chaos.
throughout jupiter's transit in gemini, from late may 2024 to early june 2025, we are encouraged to embrace the dialectic between these opposing forces. this period may test our beliefs and understanding of the world, potentially leading to breakthroughs in our thinking and perception. it's a time to welcome new ideas and perspectives, even if they challenge our existing beliefs.
on a personal level, jupiter in gemini may evoke restlessness or a thirst for change. there might be an inclination to explore new ideas, undertake new challenges, or seek fresh experiences.
jupiter's transit through gemini really beckons us to embrace life's fluidity, recognizing that coherence is not static but is achieved through the dynamic interplay of opposites. this transit encourages us to strike a balance between order and chaos, faith and doubt, acknowledging that true wisdom lies in understanding and integrating these opposing forces.
aries rising (gemini in the 3rd house): with jupiter transiting your 3rd house of communication, learning, and local travel, you may find yourself eager to expand your mental horizons. this is an excellent time to take up new studies or projects that stimulate your intellect. your communication skills may be particularly persuasive now, making it a good time to share your ideas with others. short trips or interactions with siblings and neighbors could also bring opportunities for growth and learning.
taurus rising (gemini in the 2nd house): jupiter's transit through your 2nd house of finances, values, and self-worth may bring opportunities to increase your income or expand your financial resources. you may feel more optimistic about your financial future and more willing to take risks to improve your financial situation. this is a good time to reassess your values and priorities and make changes that align more closely with your true self.
gemini rising (gemini in the 1st house): jupiter in your 1st house of self-expression, identity, and appearance can bring a sense of optimism and confidence to your personality. you may feel more outgoing and enthusiastic about life, and others are likely to be drawn to your positive energy. this is a great time to focus on personal growth and development, as you may be more open to new experiences and ways of thinking about yourself.
cancer rising (gemini in the 12th house): jupiter's transit through your 12th house of spirituality, hidden strengths, and subconscious mind may bring opportunities for inner growth and spiritual development. you may find yourself more interested in exploring your inner world through meditation, dream work, or other spiritual practices. this is a good time to release any old patterns or beliefs that no longer serve you and to embrace a more compassionate and forgiving attitude towards yourself and others.
leo rising (gemini in the 11th house): with jupiter in your 11th house of friends, groups, and social causes, you may find yourself expanding your social circle and getting involved in new group activities. this is a great time to connect with like-minded people who share your interests and ideals. your social life may be particularly active now, and you may find that your friends are a source of support and inspiration.
virgo rising (gemini in the 10th house): jupiter's transit through your 10th house of career, goals, and reputation may bring opportunities for advancement and success in your professional life. you may feel more optimistic about your career path and more willing to take risks to achieve your goals. this is a good time to focus on long-term goals and to take steps towards achieving them.
libra rising (gemini in the 9th house): with jupiter transiting your 9th house of higher education, travel, and philosophy, you may find yourself drawn to exploring new ideas and philosophies. this is a great time to expand your knowledge through study or travel, as you are likely to be more open to new experiences and ways of thinking. your worldview may undergo a positive transformation, leading you to adopt a more optimistic and expansive perspective on life.
scorpio rising (gemini in the 8th house): jupiter's transit through your 8th house of transformation, intimacy, and shared resources may bring opportunities for deep emotional growth and transformation. you may find yourself delving into your innermost desires and fears, and confronting them with courage and openness. this is a good time to let go of any emotional baggage that is holding you back, and to embrace a more authentic and empowered way of being.
sagittarius rising (gemini in the 7th house): with jupiter in your 7th house of partnerships, relationships, and marriage, you may find yourself attracting new and beneficial relationships into your life. this is a great time to strengthen existing partnerships or to form new ones that are based on mutual respect and understanding. your relationships, both personal and professional, may bring you opportunities for growth and expansion.
capricorn rising (gemini in the 6th house): jupiter's transit through your 6th house of health, work, and service may bring opportunities for improvement in these areas of your life. you may find that your health improves, or that you are able to find more fulfilling work. this is a good time to focus on self-care and to make positive changes to your daily routine that support your overall well-being.
aquarius rising (gemini in the 5th house): with jupiter in your 5th house of creativity, romance, and children, you may feel a surge of creative energy and a desire to express yourself more freely. this is an excellent time to pursue creative projects or hobbies that bring you joy. you may also find that your romantic life is particularly fulfilling now, and that you are more open to new romantic opportunities.
pisces rising (gemini in the 4th house): jupiter's transit through your 4th house of home, family, and roots may bring opportunities for growth and expansion in these areas of your life. you may feel a strong desire to create a more nurturing and supportive home environment, or to strengthen your bonds with your family members. this is a good time to focus on building a solid foundation for your future and to create a sense of security and stability in your life.
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meowcats734 · 2 days
This article is about the rogue planet. For the mythological figure, see Icarus (mythology). For other uses, see Icarus (disambiguation).
Icarus was an icy rogue planet discovered in 2024. It is thought to have been ejected from its unknown home star 2.6 billion years ago. From early 2071 to late 2075, Icarus was present in the solar system, and was often visible to the naked eye. Of the lifeforms endemic to Icarus, only four hundred and seven species—an estimated .000005%—were documented by scientists. Of Icarus’ sapient lifeforms, only one living Singer (Icarus Sapiens) has been successfully returned to Earth.
Initially, interest in Icarus was predominantly limited to the scientific community once it was announced in 2025 that Icarus would not directly threaten Earth as it passed through the solar system. However, after the 2031 CLARITY mission, when liquid water and potential biosignatures were first detected beneath Icarus’ cryosphere, funding towards the exploration of Icarus rose significantly.
First Contact
Before the 2052 Daedalus landing site was established, popular consensus was that the first alien lifeforms humanity met would be technologically superior. However, the first Singer settlement discovered by the Daedalus crewed submersible was a tribal society formed within the decaying corpse of a Large-bodied Tenor (Mellifluus Civitas). The settlement, best translated as “Distortion of Sound in Warm, Rising Water”, was chosen due to its proximity to the Daedalus drill site; gas bubbles in the body caused by decomposition allowed Distortion to float approximately two kilometers above the surface of the ocean floor.
Although initial protocol for the Daedalus crew was to avoid contact, the crew did not anticipate the precision and sensitivity of Singer echolocation, and were swiftly detected. Despite initial concerns of conflict, with the assistance of the Daedalus AI’s linguistic analysis, tentative contact was established. By 2053, the Daedalus crew had established a basic understanding of Singer biology and the culture of Distortion.
The largest barrier to communication was the nature of Singer language. The primary Singer sense was their echolocation; as they evolved sapience, Singers learned to communicate by mimicking the sounds they heard when echolocating certain objects. Several Singer “words” well-known to popular culture include: the sound of a pod of Singers migrating (lit. “family”); the faint echoes produced by calling into empty water (lit. “loneliness”); and the high-pitched hum of the Daedalus propellers (lit. “impotent gods”).
The Massacre of Worms
Of utmost importance was successfully communicating to the Singers that Icarus was on a collision course with the Sun, and would be entirely destroyed by 2076. Even in 2053, the ice sheet which covered Icarus was already beginning to sublimate under the increased temperature. As there existed no word for fire, sun, or stars in the Singer language, a warning that their world would soon decay (lit. the sound of flesh devoured by worms, growing louder and coming from all directions) was transmitted to the citizens of Distortion of Sound in Warm, Rising Water.
In what is now known as the Massacre of Worms, the entirety of the Singer village immediately attempted to attack the Daedalus submersible. At the time, the mechanism by which Singers communicated was still poorly understood, but interviews and brain scans of the Last Singer have confirmed that Icarus Sapiens experience a species-wide condition similar to human synesthesia. In order to convert the feedback from their echolocation into useable information about their spatial environment, Singers evolved the ability to “see” sounds as hallucinated physical objects. As such, every word spoken by a Singer produces a corresponding illusory image in the mind of every Singer who hears it. Unfortunately, the warning delivered by the Daedalus submersible manifested as an imploding sphere of rotting flesh centered on the village of Distortion, and was interpreted as an attack. The Daedalus submersible sustained little damage, but out of fear that the Distortion villagers would sour relations with other Singer societies, released hypochlorous acid clouds to calm the attackers; it was believed that high concentrations of hypochlorous acid would cause the Singers to become lethargic and contented, as if they had recently consumed a filling meal. Unfortunately, due to a poor understanding of Singer biochemical sexual dimorphism, the chemicals released resulted in the deaths of nearly half of the Distortion villagers.
Through great difficulty, it was conveyed to the surviving Distortion villagers that the Massacre of Worms was a mistake, but the remaining Singers refused further contact with the Daedalus crew. Although a second attempt to halt the spread of negative rumors in Singer society was considered, the disastrous failure of the first attempt caused no action to be taken.
Termination of the Daedalus Mission
Swiftly following the Massacre of Worms came a breakthrough in solar magnetohydrodynamics, and with it, the alarming discovery that the collision of Icarus with the sun would cause a solar storm, which would deal trillions of dollars of damage to the economy. Negative press surrounding the Daedalus crew, as well as the importance of hardening the global power grid against the solar flare, caused funding for the Daedalus expedition to be cut, and the mission slated to end in 2060.
In an effort to preserve as much of Icaran life and culture as possible, the Daedalus crew attempted to make contact with and offer salvation to as many diverse Singer settlements as they could. At the peak of their efforts, in 2059, they had made contact with nineteen different Singer settlements around the planet, and although the Daedalus crew’s claims of planetary destruction were met with widespread skepticism, sixteen of them agreed to send representative Singers back to Earth. Unfortunately, four weeks before the launch date, when the Singer representatives were brought together, hitherto-unknown cultural conflicts between the Singer settlements the Daedalus crew had contacted caused the Singers to devolve into physical combat. A still-shoddy understanding of Singer biology led to the Daedalus crew being unable to save most of the Singers injured in the brawl. In the end, only one Singer survived the destruction of Icarus.
See also:
National Icaran Zoo
Icarus in popular culture
Consumption of Icaran lifeforms by country
Death of the Last Singer
(psst, I write more stuff here!)
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