sleepsucks · 1 year
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lonelyfrenchpoet · 7 months
We were 15.
It was messy,
really messy,
but it was beautiful.
We didn't know what we were doing.
We didn't know how to behave around each other.
We were so nervous.
But we did it.
Even though we are not together anymore,
I'm following you from a distance about what you're doing currently.
I hope you are doing the same thing for me.
We are now 22.
You are now a memory of mine,
and I'm glad about it.
I hope you are too.
By Val (18.04.22)
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louisshomesharry · 2 years
April 2022: timeline
01.04.22: harry is in LA // louis is MIA 02.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is in Amsterdam 03.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is in Cologne 04.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is MIA 05.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is in Paris 06.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is in Paris 07.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is MIA 08.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is MIA 09.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is in Zurich 10.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is in Milan 11.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is in Vienna 12.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is in Lodz 13.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is in Lodz 14.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is in Poznan 15.04.22: harry is in LA // louis is MIA 16.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is in Antwerp 17.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is MIA 18.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is in Glasgow 19.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is in Manchester 20.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is in Manchester 21.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is MIA 22.04.22: harry is in LA // louis is in London 23.04.22: harry is in LA // louis is in Doncaster 24.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is MIA 25.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is MIA 26.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is MIA 27.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is in London? 28.04.22: harry is in LA? // louis is MIA 29.04.22: harry is MIA // louis is MIA 30.04.22: harry is in London // louis is MIA
both the pics from 27th and 28th could be older than when they were posted.
you can find a recap of each day here
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zanysketch · 2 years
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Day 33/100 • 18.04.22
Drawing my cats! Cookie hides in the plants all the time.
Cookie is quite an introvert. She likes to have a peaceful time with herself hiding and sleeping curled up with plants. When we have guests over she will be hiding in several such places just like me. :D
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mizukitadakoyumika · 1 year
18.04.22 ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
* 2 wafle ryżowe 76kcal 🍚
*jabłko 100kcal 🍎
*pół ogórka 10kcal 🥒
* pół kotleta 150kcal 🥩
* cola zero 0kcal 🥃
= ~336~kcal 🦋💀💗🦋
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santoschristos · 2 years
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Samadhi Miles Toland
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cyberbubble99 · 1 year
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a lost rose
speedpaint here: https://youtu.be/hPBuza9DSI8
Commission me: https://tinyurl.com/kk2nddf
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Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/cyberbubble99
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/cyberbubble123
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royal-hair · 2 years
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Empress Masako of Japan at the 16th MIDORI Prize ceremony at the Parliamentary Museum in Tokyo - 18.04.22
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siemprecr7 · 2 years
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Gio via IG:
Bella Esmeralda 💚 18.04.22
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timurinankara · 1 year
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18.04.22 dünyanın tam burda duraksadığı gün, en güzel günlerimden
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Is this what love is supposed to feel like? (18.04.22)
Ahora que me toca estar al otro lado de la situación; puedo entender lo poco que me querías. Hoy me tocó ser la que decidió no amar; quizá nunca lo había entendido, pero hoy me levanté y decidí dejar de intentarlo; así como lo hiciste tu conmigo; nomás porque sí, sin dudas, supe como te sentiste esa primera vez que nos vimos, quizá lo quisiste hacer en el momento pero mi platica no te dejaba, quizá quisiste ver el lado bueno, pero al final no pudiste, te arreglaste aún sabiendo que sería la última vez que me verías; porque de alguna manera aún te importaba verte bien para mí, quizá pensaste en que si te quedabas mas tiempo era pasar otro cumpleaños conmigo, creo que hoy te entendí mejor que nunca; puedo entender lo poco que me quisiste y lo mucho que te querías a ti, me parece de admirar, que con tal firmeza, decidiste dejarme ir; jamás te arrepentiste, supongo que eso aún que no es conveniente para mí, es de admirar, te admiro por firme, pero te compadezco aun más por tu falta de sutileza.
0 notes
basilivo · 1 year
18.04.22 Bruxelles - In Brüssel dann die ganze Touriattraktionen, haben ein super Breakfast-Lokal entdeckt. Fotoshooting auf „la grande place“. Und div Kunstausstellungen mit unter anderem so richtig pädophiler, belgischer Kundt aus der Jahrhundertwende 😳 Elias und Oli gingen mit dem Zug heim nach Maastricht und wir blieben noch eine Nacht und assen zusammen im famösen Restaurant „les Briggittes“ wo auch Baptiste auf seine Kosten kam. Zuvor spielten Baptiste und ich in etwas angetrunkenem Zustand Schach, was allen sehr gefallen hat.
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0 notes
lonelyfrenchpoet · 9 months
Summer job (3/4)
That’s what I felt the entire summer.
I remember the first time we kissed.
It was during my second week of work.
We talked to each other a lot,
every time during work,
every time after work.
We were sorting books at the stock section.
I dropped one.
You wanted to pick it up, but I was faster.
As I grabbed the book, you took my hand instead.
We got up, we looked at each other, without a question, we kissed.
We kissed during the entire summer.
We knew that the summer will end.
Maybe our love too.
School started again.
We talked to each other, but it was not the same thing.
During the first month of school, your texts were getting rarer.
I told of course my friends about us.
They were really sad for me.
And one day,
I decided to go back to the store, 
I wasn’t you at the counter, it was an old lady.
I asked her if she knew you, she said yes.
I asked her where were you, she wasn’t sure, she told me to go to the stock section.
This is the place where we first kiss.
I assumed that I will find nothing,
but, I found you, crying.
You told me your story, your old story, the one that you never told me, and why you were afraid to be with me. 
By Val (18.04.22)
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gaelsapin-lostin · 1 year
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18.04.22 (A), 9.4 × 6 [cm], watercolour on paper, 2022
0 notes
bluefuryyy · 1 year
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1 - Messy art for my new oc
2. Art from art trade
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1voltage23 · 2 years
the calmness of winter
snow falling down onto your cheeks and everything feels so still you ok, you ok?
0 notes