#(i went a long time not even allowed to watch disney but also i was 13 by then and it wouldve been fine)
dashiellqvverty · 1 year
whenever people start talking about a show being lost because theres nowhere to watch it on streaming and stuff everyone is always like “wow have these people never heard of piracy” which like, yeah, but also. have these people heard of DVDs and libraries
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thecurioustale · 9 days
My Thoughts on Jenny Nicholson and the Star Wars Hotel
I watched Jenny Nicholson's four-hour "The Spectacular Failure of the Star Wars Hotel" video essay that YouTube showed me recently but which till now I couldn't bring myself to construct a day around. She's in great form here, and I'm pleased to say I go back as a fan of her work all the way to her Friendship Is Witchcraft days. (Blows my mind that she voiced all Mane Six characters, and others, so well.)
Anyway, long story short, Disney built a Star Wars hotel at Disneyworld in 2022 that was themed as a voyage on a spaceship, then proceeded to charge thousands of dollars per person per night, the most expensive publicly-available Disney theme park hotel experience by miles and miles, and then closed the hotel in 2023 after having spent hundreds of millions of dollars. Jenny went into the experience as a member of the core target demographic and spent four hours talking about all the ways it was an underwhelming or outright disappointing experience.
Her video reminded me of Hasbro's own misadventures in corporate greed with Magic: The Gathering, which has suffered in recent years from price increases, disengagement from the fan community, and a huge proliferation of product spam—i.e. more products overall, more ways to buy a given product (e.g., the proliferation of different boxes, which eventually killed the original draft booster box that had powered Magic for 30 years), and more variants of individual cards within and between products.
Hasbro and Disney are very similar in the economic space they operate in, and also utilize similar business strategies. Disney is essentially the S-tier megacorporation to Hasbro's B-tier, and we have seen many of the same corporate trends play out in both companies.
When it comes to Disney theme parks, they have massively increased ticket prices over the years, well beyond the rate of inflation, and have also implemented advance-scheduling systems for faster access to rides that has made the process of exploring a Disney theme park much less spontaneous and a lot more regimented and stressful.
Disney realized, years ago, that their limited number of theme parks—they only really have two, not counting the various sub-parks: Disneyland on the West Coast and Disneyworld on the East Coast—together with Disney's entrenched status as a cultural icon with lots of goodwill and brand recognition among the public, are vastly underserving public demand, allowing them to inflate the price of a single trip almost arbitrarily, well into the four digits—or even the five-digits if you're taking the family and spending several days.
The Star Wars hotel was Disney's "Magic 30": a product so ludicrously expensive as to incur immediate and universal condemnation by their own fans. It's clear to me what Disney was doing: They'd happily turned the conventional price knob up and up and up for years. Now they wanted to experiment with a fundamentally more expensive product class, basically five to ten times more expensive. They wanted to see if the market could support it. Because the growing disparity of wealth in America, together with America's obscene wealth as a nation relative to the rest of the world, means that it's definitely possible: There are definitely millions of people out there who could book a stay at the Star Wars hotel if they wanted to. And Disney was like "Let's see if they will."
And you know what? I think it could have succeeded. Because there really is an obscene excess of wealth in this country, even though most of us don't have any access to it. And we are a culture whose zeitgeist is ever ravenous for the next big, flashy experience.
But instead the venture failed spectacularly. Why? Because such reckless corporate greed is, itself, usually a sign of deep organizational rot and incompetency among the board and executive leadership. In other words, their hotel failed for the same reason they tried building it in the first place: Disney has grown stupid.
The way it failed, going by Jenny's video, is down to two independent reasons:
An outrageous degree of "penny-wise, pound foolish" thinking;
A fundamental failure to anticipate the comfort and pleasure of the guest.
The former is the more obvious of the two, and what really stood out to me as emblematic of it in this whole boondoggle were two simple thing: 1) The hotel rooms didn't have complimentary Disney+; and 2) the free loaner umbrellas for hotel guests visiting the Star Wars Land in Disneyworld were either so worn-out or so shoddy to begin with that, unless it was a big coincidence, both Jenny's and Jenny's sister's umbrella failed while in use. This was in the context of Disneyworld's most expensive customer experience ever, by a lot, and Disney was nickel-and-diming them. Jenny's video goes into a great depth of detail on the dozens if not hundreds of corners they cut; it was basically everything but the food. The result was an antagonistic relationship between Disney and their hotel guests where almost everything interesting cost more money (usually a lot more money) while almost everything included in the main ticket price was of cheap quality or stingy in its allotment. Every aspect of the whole process, from the scammy vibes of booking a room in the first place, to the pathetic after-care for customers who reported a problem after their stay, was likely to leave a sour taste in the customer's mouth.
When you're paying the most expensive prices in the history of a product category, you really just need to be given an up-front price that includes all or nearly all of it. You'll know what you're in for, and you can make an informed decision, and then it's really just down to the host to provide an experience and level of service that matches those high dollar outlays. But instead, as Jenny pointed out, it's like you're dealing with Spirit Airlines, where you're gonna pay a fee for literally everything beyond sitting your body quietly on the airplane.
Mind-boggling hubris. Disney needs to be broken up for the monopoly that it is, and this is just one more example of how convinced of their own inevitability and supremacy Disney has become.
The other main failure on Disney's part is the subtler one.
Jenny focused on how the Star Wars themed choose-your-own-adventure game, which was at the heart of the hotels' central conceit of "live your own personal Star Wars story," was irreparably dysfunctional. Not only was the app, through which most of the "experience" was conveyed, horribly designed; and not only were the tasks delivered through this app mostly busywork to anyone other than young children, consisting of little more than walking around and scanning inanimate objects; but the storyline's entry points and decision points were completely impenetrable through reasonable means, to the point of seeming arbitrary. Jenny proactively tried and failed to get into her preferred storyline; then tried and failed to get into any storyline; then was automatically sorted into one the next morning; and ultimately ended up having only one (dubiously) interactive story experience over the whole weekend.
She talked about how the tightly-regimented and incredibly full schedule was so mentally and physically draining that on the final night she fled her dinner table fearing she would vomit and had to stand in her hotel room staring at herself in the mirror for a while, to understand her illness (which turned out to be stress-induced exhaustion) and center herself.
She talked about how she didn't get to see a much-coveted music show during dinner on her first night because she was seated behind a giant column.
Really, these things are manifestations of the larger and more fundamental failure on Disney's part to anticipate the comfort and pleasure of the guest, as I put it.
As I was watching her video, two thoughts came to me in this vein:
First was that this whole experience really needed to be "playtested," as we might say in Magic. I mean, I'm sure there nominally was, but whatever playtesting they did was completely ineffective. Good playtesting would have brought most of these issues to light.
Second was that the Disney of today has completely lost touch with the namesake of their industry: hospitality. This would never have happened at a new luxury resort by an established world-class hotelier a century ago. Because they understood the basics. Little things, like hot towels.
I could tell just from Jenny's video that this whole hotel was decided from the top-down by soulless, disconnected corporate suits who blatantly disregarded whatever good suggestions I'm sure the Imagineers® came up with. For the failures to be as expansive and ubiquitous as Jenny's video documented, no doubt the institutional rot extends down at least as far as the project manager level, if not down to individual Imagineers® and beyond, but there have to be at least some good ones, and clearly they were overruled early and often. Whenever Disney's leadership was faced with a decision between anticipating the comfort and pleasure of the guest, and saving a couple bucks on a guest who was literally laying out several thousands of dollars to be there, leadership chose the latter.
They were so arrogant that they believed, without noticing or questioning it (unless Disney's leadership is in fact cartoon evil), that they would tell the customer what constitutes a good experience, and the customer would pay top dollar for it. And so you get a guest experience where customers who are actively trying to pick a given storyline can't get any storyline and are later seated for the dinner show behind a giant fucking column.
It's sad, and we should all be glad that their hotel failed. Not that Disney is likely to learn the right lessons from their failure, but the long-term solution here is for leisure dollars to be directed toward other companies. For the several thousand bucks that Jenny paid, she could have had a true luxury vacation in most parts of the world—and for longer than two nights.
One thing that I noticed during the four hours of her video was that Disney, or at least the people in charge of developing this hotel, didn't seem to understand what constitutes an enjoyable story experience. I am forgiving of the low level of complexity in the various puzzles, since the public is famously stupid plus a lot of these guests are going to be children. But there was so little imagination in the actual plot beats: Chewie sneaks in, gets arrested, and busts out. You get to help some Resistance fighters smuggle their luggage. Like, it's insipid. I mean, ultimately, most pop storytelling is insipid, but what I mean is that the dressings were insipid too. Dressing a story up is what makes stories great, at least at the mainstream level. There was no pomp and flourish; no clever interweaving; no electric events that put people on the edge of their seats. Just walking around on your phone for two days scanning crates and occasionally being in the same room while somebody busts Chewie out of the clink—assuming you even make it to the story events in time, since they often fired early.
The whole thing smacks of rule by committee, too many cooks, and suits suits suits all the way down.
I think it's a sign of the times that this is happening. We are once again in Robber-Baron territory in this land. The big corporations and the oligarchs who run them have become so obscenely rich and so utterly disconnected from ordinary life, and their corporate cultures have become so masturbatory and so officious, that they are increasingly creating products for idealized, phantom audiences. They increasingly don't understand real people or real life.
And we can and should bring the weight of the government down on them, more to break up monopolies and allow new and established competitors to seriously challenge them than to actively punish these companies for making money, but even more so we just need to spend our dollars elsewhere. I mean, I'm speaking hypothetically here; I am poor so none of this even applies to me in the first place.
Hence why, even after inflation, this is still just my two cents.
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armins-used-qtip · 6 months
Armin finds your tapes
(This isn’t my best story but I didn’t want it to go to waste so I’m posting it :)
Armin had been staying with Eren for the past month due to renovations on his apartment. It wasn’t surprising he went to Eren since they’d been friends for as long as they could remember. You personally got along well with Armin and considered him to be your friend, rather than just your boyfriend’s friend. It also helped you were both film students.
Now that he was temporarily living in Erens house you saw a lot more of him. Often you two would hang out. Even when Eren wasn’t there, discussing your passions for filmmaking.
On this night you were in Erens room waiting for him to get back from his part time job. It was about 6:00pm and he got off at 10:00pm
Armin was in the living room, flicking through the large collection of dvds and tapes you had collected over the years. Unlike Eren, Armin also appreciated the older forms of entertainment and preferred DVDs over Netflix or Disney+.
Armins shuffling fingers stopped at a tape he didn’t recognise
“What’s this ‘Eren and me’ oh is this Y/N’s new project?” excitement filled him up as he pulled the tape out. He felt a feint sense of pride. That’s just the type of person he was, he cared so much about others goals and aspirations.
“She was probably going to show me this at some point, might aswell watch it now” he giggled to himself as he walked into his room with the tape in hand.
He sat down, turned his laptop on and slid the DVD in. He patiently waited as the video loaded. When it finally loaded he looked closely, turning the brightness up to really see the screen.
‘Ngh~ E-Eren fuck…’ the image of you getting fucked senseless came on Armins screen. His cheeks were blazing as he scrambled to shut the laptop. Suddenly he was so aware of his breathing- no it was more like panting.
Even after a few minutes had passed he couldn’t shake the lewd image from his mind. He wasn’t entirely sure how to react. It wasn’t like he hadn’t heard you two going at it through the thin walls before, but actually seeing it was so different. Especially since it was in such an intimate way. It wasn’t just cheaply recorded on a cellphone, no. It was filmed with a camcorder and put on a DVD. It was something to be cherished, and yet he had just invaded any privacy the tape held.
Armin had never regarded you in any other way than a friend. But he still couldn’t help the way his pants tightened and his face heated at the sight of you in such a vulnerable position.
As if something possessed him he opened the laptop again. The video had paused and it was a still image. Your mouth agape and eyes half rolled back. Eren had a fistful of your hair as he yanked your drooping head up, forcing you to look at the camera. Armins finger hovered over the space bar. He knew this would be pernicious to your friendship, the smart thing to do would be put the tape back and pretend he’d never seen it.
But sometimes ‘the smart thing’ doesn’t win. He pressed down and allowed the video to play.
Armin wasn’t particularly well versed, sexually speaking. He had only a few sexual experiences. Each time he had sex or engaged in anything of the sort he felt underwhelmed and disinterested.
This was not like those other times, his entire body felt like it was on fire. He forced his mouth shut as he intently watched. You were getting pounded at an ungodly pace. Tears were forming in your eyes. Suddenly Eren pulled out of you, the whine you emitted at the loss of contact made Armins pants grow even tighter. Eren walked out of the frame only to return with a lit candle. Is he trying to up the ambience??
An audible gasp left Armins mouth when Eren poured the hot wax onto your back. Your yelps of pain only seemed to up Erens ambition as he placed the candle down and began spreading the hot wax with his hands. The unholy sounds leaving your mouth left Armin gobsmacked. Surely you couldn’t be enjoying that? It looked so… painful.
He felt deeply ashamed at the way his dick practically jumped at the sight of you in pain. With lack of better judgment he unbuckled his belt and started pulling his pants down his thighs.
He shuddered at the contact between his sweaty palm and his dick. Then he positioned the laptop on his thighs so he could watch as he touched himself.
As Eren wiped the now solidifying wax of your back, your knees began to buckle from the intense and prolonged ecstasy you had been denied so many times. “Please… Eren” you panted in a desperate tone “I just want to cum” you pleaded to your boyfriend.
Erens face contorted into one of reassurance, a misleading smile plastered on his face. “Cmon sweetie, you can hold out for a bit longer” Eren said as he lifted your limp head to face the camera. “You have to put on a show for the camera, right? Fucking slut” he whispered in your ear, still holding that smile. You weakly nodded your head, making Eren smile even wider.
Armin blushed furiously as you looked straight into the camera. It was almost as if you were staring into his soul, like you knew what he was doing. This sent a wave of guilt through him, causing him to still his tugging hand.
Eren went back behind you and began pounding again at that ungodly pace. The lewd sounds of skin slapping and squelching drove Armin crazy and he started moving his hand up and down.
Armins hips were bucking, he desperately needed something more than his hand. He took his thumb and ran it over his throbbing tip. Pathetic whines left his mouth. It truly was a filthy sight to see. THE Armin Arlet jerking off to his best friend’s sex tape.
He kept his hand at the same rhythm of Eren pounding into you. His own Broken whimpers covered the sound of the tape.
The pressure was building too fast, he had to throw his head back to stop himself from cumming immediately. The deep pleasure in his gut started spreading through his whole body. At this point he was spasming like a mad man, biting on his free hand to stop himself from moaning. Although it was pretty ineffective as his whimpers filled the room. Armin wondered what you must think, hearing all the obscene noises he is making from the other room.
The thought of you catching him sent him over the edge. The scene was similar to a balloon exploding. His wild hips bucking as he shot ropes of hot cum from his cock. incomprehensible sentences were being spat from his mouth as he emptied himself all over his bed and chest.
After about a minute of cumming and shaking, he gradually calmed down. Minus his irregular and heavy breathing he was finished. His laptop was still open but the video had finished. He wasn’t sure when the tape had ended. Grabbing the box of tissues next to his bed, he wiped his lower abdomen. ‘I should put this back’ he thought as he looked at the DVD that was poking out of his laptop.
The end xx
I take requests or anything (as long as they’re AOT men 🙏🙏)
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rrenzwrld · 4 months
secreto de amor IX
chapter 9! read chapter 8 here
i’m sorry yall!😭we’re slowly getting back to business
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after you finished, you had decided to let connie take you to your appointment with his car. you’ve never been in it before but it looked really new, even had the smell and everything. but that could’ve also been because of the car fresheners he had strung up on the mirror.
once you got there, you texted the braider to let her know you were there. you’ve been to her quite a few times so the interactions were routine.
“welp, i’ll be back in about.. 8 hours.”
“8 hours?”
“it probably won’t take that long, she braids fast. i thought you didn’t have anything to do though?”
connie cleared his throat. “i don’t.” you didn’t really want him waiting in the car all that time so you asked if he could come in and sit with you. the braider approved before allowing you to enter the small shed.
you introduced connie to your braider as your friend and the two of them conversed while she started on your hair. since you weren’t much of a talker, you only had input for the conversation occasionally. when you hair was finished and it was time to leave, you reached in your purse to give her the cash but connie beat you to it.
“why did you do that?”
“do what?”
“pay for my hair. i didn’t ask you to do that.”
“i know, silly. i just wanted to do it.” you felt bad because you knew you would want to do something in return. when people did stuff for you, you just had a desire to return the favor even if they don’t ask or expect it. “i don’t want anything in return by the way. you have that guilty look on your face.”
“thank you.”
connie shrugged. “no problem. you hungry?”
the two of you decided on a burger place and since you didn’t wanna eat inside for some reason, connie parked in an abandoned parking lot and you two ate in his car.
“can’t believe you let me eat in this nice ass car. i must be special.” you smiled as you put fries in your mouth.
“you are.” you were joking but he wasn’t. you didn’t know what to say exactly so you looked away from him and out the window as you sipped on your sweet tea.
“anyways, you going home after you drop me off?”
“depends. do you want me to go home?”
you shrugged. “don’t really care. do what you want.” a smile crept into connie’s face.
“i guess i’m not going home.” he took another bite of his burger and a sip of his drink. you nearly smiled but fixed it right when you couldn’t realize why you were smiling. you probably knew why but didn’t want to admit it.
after eating, the both of you went back to the apartment.
“i hope you know i’m going to my room sooo, i don’t know what you’re gonna do.”
“we can’t hang out?”
“hang out?” you turned to him. you were about to be mean until you realized that you were working on being nicer to him because he wanted to get to know you more. sometimes you really hated making new friends.
“yeah, like watch a movie or sum.” you looked around before agreeing.
“sure. what movie?” connie took off his shoes by the door before plopping onto the couch and grabbing the remote. you followed suit.
“encanto!” you looked at him like he was crazy. you thought he’d say something you know kids haven’t seen a billion times.
“really?” his smile faded and you immediately felt bad about your reaction.
“yeah…what’s wrong with encanto? you’ve never seen it?”
“i have but it was a while ago—“
“well we’re watching it again c’mon.” he wrapped his arm around your shoulders to pull you in closer. you were gonna resist but you accepted it, resting on his chest throughout the movie.
you and connie sat through an unintentional disney movie marathon with one movie after the next. while you were awake and paying attention to princess and the frog playing on the screen, connie was steady dosing off.
“connie.” you nudged him and his eyes opened slowly. “you wanted to sit up here and watch movies and you falling asleep?”
“i-i’m not sleep…just resting my eyes.” you rolled your eyes as you looked back up at the tv.
“you wanna lay d—“ you were interrupted by his soft snores. you watched a bit as his chest silently rose and fell. his long eyelashes still and his left arm draped lazily over you while his other propped up his head on the armrest of the couch. you got up to go get a blanket before sitting back down and carefully moving connie’s body to where his head rested comfortably in your lap and you placed the blanket over the both of you before watching the rest of the movie. you fell asleep too after a while
you woke up the next morning before connie because you had to go to work that afternoon. connie was still sound asleep in your lap so you were careful not to wake him as you moved his head from your lap to a pillow before adjusting the blanket over him. although you weren’t too sure about connie and the person he was in the beginning, now you were starting to realize that he wasn’t that bad. just like he claimed.
you took a shower and did the rest of your hygiene stuff before putting on your clothes for work and heading out. on the way, you called jean.
“hey, i tried calling you last night.”
“what happened to hi? hello? good morning?”
“sorry. good morning, my darling sister!” jean raised the pitch of his voice and you instantly winced.
“don’t ever do that again. i was watching a movie with connie and we fell asleep.”
“…together?” maybe you should’ve kept the falling asleep with connie thing private.
“um.. we were on the couch and we just fell asleep.”
“together though?”
“did you do anything else?”
“nope. just a movie.” jean had no choice but to trust you. if something happened, he couldn’t do anything about it until he got back.
“what movie?”
“encanto.” jean laughed.
“i bet he picked it out.”
“he did. but we watched a bunch of other movies too.”
“cool, i’m glad yall are getting along. you miss me yet?”
“not really.” you joked just to hear his reaction.
“liar.” you and jean continued your conversation until you arrived at the workplace.
you got home later that day to see connie still in the apartment, laying on the couch.
“why are you still here?” you asked as you took your shoes off by the door.
“why did you leave me on the couch last night like i was some whore?” he whined and got up from the couch, walking towards you.
“you were sleeping so good, didn’t wanna wake you.” connie didn’t know if you were trying to be sentimental on purpose but he liked it.
“sure. well if you want me gone so bad, i go to work later on tonight.” a part of you was relieved that you’d finally have the place to yourself again but the other part of you was a little sad because you were starting to like having him around a lot. which was weird because you thought you didn’t like him like that. thought.
“like actual work or…?”
“actual work. i work at amazon, remember? thought you were a good listener.”
“i am. want some noodles?” you offered, getting out bowls and noodle packs out on the counter.
connie shrugged. “sure.”
you and connie sat down and ate, then after you ate, you talked and watched tv with him until it was closed to the time he had to leave for work.
“y/n…” connie nudged you softly as you slept on the couch while he was on the way out. “i’m gone.” and with that he left. connie didn’t wanna leave you and all he could really think about was coming back to you when he got off.
by the time he came back to the apartment, you had gotten up from the couch to get in bed. he went to your room and knocked on your door before opening it slightly when you hadn’t came to it. you were sleeping hard so he went to jean’s room to sleep himself.
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royalsy-queen · 4 months
Okay absolute crackpost time, bear with me
Recently I made a lil post about how the party would react to the classic "when life gives you lemons" situation but even before I wrote that there's a super silly idea that's been on my mind forever.
I desperately want some Wheeler siblings interactions that include Holly now that she's a bit older, so an idea came to me.
Halloween of '87, Karen and Ted had allowed Holly to go trick or treating without them, as long as she stayed close to Mike and Nancy. Mike really didn't wanna babysit his sister, especially not on halloween, when he had plans to watch some scary movies with the party (and maybe use it as an excuse to get close to Will when he got scared), but deep down he loves his sisters and he has a soft spot for Holly. He's her big brother, so it's his mission to always be there to protect her, so he eventually agrees to go with them and Holly gets super excited about it, she can't and won't stop talking about it.
Holly is the Wheeler's little princess, and she's a sucker for dressing up and putting on her fake tiaras and make up that barely has any pigment. Nancy was a bit to old to play dress up, but in some occasions she did her make up with her real products, it was a nice bonding moment when her plastic fake family felt a little more real, after Holly went downstairs to show how pretty she looked, with barely any reaction from their father and a small photo session by Karen Wheeler.
She had managed to pull both Nancy and Mike into her dress up moment, and she was gonna take that opportunity and run with it. Holly had her costume planned months ago, she was gonna be Sleeping Beauty with that pretty and sparkly pink costume dress her Nana got her for her birthday, and she was decided to keep up her theme. She talked with Nancy about how they should be the trio of Disney Princesses, and since she was the going as the most recent princess it only made sense for her big sister to go as the first princess ever, and that's how Nancy Wheeler ended up dressed as Snow White as a twenty year old. Jonathan found it pretty adorable when she told him, reminiscing how he also had some matching costumes with Will when he was little.
But convincing her sister to dress up like a princess with her was easy. Now came the hardest part of her little master plan. She and Nancy went to talk to Mike, who was in his basement, as usual. Holly started explaining her idea, and while cheesy, Mike thought that dressing up as a prince for her little sister wasn't the worst thing that could happen to him.
But Holly didn't want a prince. She wanted her trio of princesses. And the second princess' spot was reserved for the second child.
"Absolutely not!" Mike's response was immediate. He wasn't gonna go around Hawkins, trick or treating with his sisters in a ballgown dress. No way. But Holly didn't fret, she expected that reaction.
"But Nancy is dressing up too! We need the middle princess!" Holly begged. Mike was still shaking his head. "...And I know blue is your favorite color, so I kept that one for you."
Ouch. Holly was using her puppy eyes stare, the one that melted mom and dad even in the toughest situations. Mike knew it was on purpose and he didn't wanna back down, but he'd be damned if he was gonna let his baby sister be sad on halloween night. Her first proper halloween night. Some of Mike's fondest memories were of previous halloweens, laughing with his friends and having way too much sugar in one night. But dressing up in a sparkly blue dress all night? It was too much.
"Do you remember that time I dressed up as an elf for one of your D&D games? I did that in front of your friends, and I stayed in character the whole time. If I could do that for a whole day, you can spend less than three hours in a princess dress." Touché. This was Holly's second weapon, Nancy making sassy remarks right into Mike's ego. If one thing was clear is that Mike never backed down from that. Making sassy comments was his thing, and both girls knew how to use that in their advantage. For a seven year old, Holly was suspiciously smart and skilled in getting her way, she knew exactly where to hit, and that tiny soft spot Mike had for her eventually made him surrender.
"Fffffffine... I'll do it. Just for one night though." Holly's smile was huge, and Nancy had a smirk on her face. "You only need one night. After that your carriage is back into being a pumpkin." Nancy laughed, going up the stairs. "Hilarious, Nance. Really funny." Mike's voice was monotone, knowing this was only the first of many jokes to come. Holly went up to Mike and gave him a hug, planting a small kiss on his cheek. "Thanks, Mike! This is gonna be so much fun!" Holly went up the stairs too, with a skip in her step. Mike heard how she immediatly went to tell their mom, clearly not trying to keep her voice down.
He let a out a defeated sigh, collapsing back into the sofa. And that is how Mike Wheeler ended up dressing up as Cinderella as a sixteen year old.
Wow okay this was supposed to be just a silly idea but ended up as a whole ficlet but tbh I'm kinda proud of how it turned out.
This was barely scratching the surface, I still have the idea of the party's reaction after they find out Mike is dressing up as a princess for halloween, and how in an attemp to definetly not miss that glorious moment they decide to scrap their costume ideas and do something Disney related so they can blend in with Holly and also laugh at Mike right to his face (affectionately). But I'm having waaay too much fun with this so I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna pick this idea and run, turning it into a proper fanfic because I desperately wanna write the dialoge of Max, Lucas and Dustin laughing their asses off, Eleven being geniuenly excited to dress up as something Disney as I imagine Max introduced her recently to the classics, and most of all I wanna write Will's internal struggle of realising the boy he likes is about to dress up as a princess and how insanely funny that is, but also not wanting to laugh too much about it so that Mike isn't too upset about it. Mike is already regretting the moment he opened his mouth suggesting to accompany Holly and the party CANNOT wait for halloween night to come, because they already know it's gonna be one of their best ones.
Yeah so that's it, if you managed to reach all the way down here hi omg ily <3 and it would mean the world to me if you reply or tag this saying what you thought about it, it's the first time I actually upload any of my fanfics and I don't expect many people to see it but still, ily <3
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Random thought but what if someone (Maverick or Cyclone) had a daughter in her late ish teen years and the team are all like a family to her. Like there’s a certain person she’d go to in situations if that makes sense?
A/N: Ooooh, I never thought to write something like this! This seems like a lot of fun and I hope you enjoy it!
Edit: I forgot the warning! Sorry! Let’s be real though, when it comes to where the drinking was mentioned, Mav would totally be like that because he knows he can’t stop it but he can teach his kid to be responsible unlike him.
Also went back and proof read this/fixed mistakes!
Warning: Mentions underage drinking!
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Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell had never seen himself being a father, he was a figure like that for Bradley but never saw himself actually being one. When he got older, he saw it less and less, that was until you were born. You had become his world, he would do anything for you. Whether you wanted to cuddle on the couch to watch Disney movies, play dress up and have tea parties, or ‘help’ him with the plane, he let you. You also had Bradley wrapped around your little finger from a young age, you became his little sister. When you needed him, he was there even when he wanted nothing to do with Maverick. As you grew older and your interests changed, your father grew with you and supported you every step of the way.
Now you were his nineteen year old daughter and he still loved you more then life. He fully supported you when you told him you were going to go to college instead of joining the Navy. You had begun to work at The Hard Deck for Penny under the table, just stocking for her but it was good money. You had known Penny through your life and she loved you each time you got to meet her again. You also loved Amelia, you were helping her whenever she needed the help in school whether it was boy talk or helping her with her homework.
When the team met you, it was a hilarious interaction. They learned you were just like your father, protective, quick witted, a bit on the reckless side, and truly a good heart. They all grew protective of you, knowing how young you were, Maverick was a father figure to them so they needed to watch out for you. They knew you were an adult but there were still many things you needed help with in your life. Besides Bradley, you gained three new older siblings, Natasha, Robert, and Jake.
The four of them were protective, on days you worked and you were taking breaks, you would hang out with them by the pool table, working on some quick assignment. A young pilot came up to you and began to flirt, you quickly turned them down. They wouldn't let up and Jake and Bradley took over.
Once they were shocked because you had been drinking a beer at your dad's place. When they went to yell at you, you raised a brow. "Dad let's me drink. I have been since I was 16. He taught me to be responsible, I'm allowed as long as it is on his property or around those he trusts, hence the beer my hand" you said before walking away. Pete was chuckling "You guys need to remember she isn't four" he said, handing them their own beers. “And Bradley? You did a lot worse. I picked you up when you were wasted from one too many high school parties” he said. Bradley nodded and the others remembered what they were like underage and knew this was better.
There was one thing you knew you could always do, you could always go to them for help for anything. One night, you had gone on a date and they just ditched you. It had been a good friend and they had driven you there but now you had no way home. You were also heartbroken because you really liked this guy. You called Phoenix, not wanting to be lectured and she came immediately. You were sitting on the curb of the restaurant, arms wrapped around yourself and shivering. They had closed before and you had to sit out and wait. As soon as she got to you, she cranked up the heat and then took you out for junk food and take out. You both went back to her place and watched bad romance movies. You made fun of ones that were military based movies but also talked about how hot they were in scenes where they played sports all oiled up.
Bradley was always the one to cheer you up when you were down, he would literally drag you over to the piano and taught you how to play Great Balls of Fire. He then made you sing with him every time, making a smile go on your face.
When you were having guy troubles, Jake was actually the best. He was your number one wingman, helping you figure out the situation. If they were total assholes to you, he went and managed to take them down a peg or town when needed.
Bob on the other hand, he was your best friend. He was there for you for whatever you needed, you want to talk about your day? He's there. You need a hug? He's got you. You need advice with school work, he's helping where he can.
They were all there to cheer you on no matter what. Maverick was extremely proud and happy knowing you were surrounded by so many people who loved and cared about you as much as he did.
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spaceumbredoggos · 2 months
However fucked up Alex reveals Bill and Ford’s relationship is revealed to be in The Book Of Bill, Kenz and Bill’s is a hundred times worse.
Disclaimer: I am not glorifying abuse in any way shape or form. I myself have had nightmares similar to this despite never being sexually abused, both Bill related and otherwise. Some of these are based on personal experience (such as the nightmares), whilst others are a device used to show how fucked up shipping Bill with pretty much anyone is. Not even the Axolotl is safe in my opinion. If Bill was real, I’d guarantee he’d probably be a massive creep and with how thirsty his fankids are (and I’m calling myself out here) he’d probably use his magic to g*oom those kids like a church pastor. The thing that scares me the most about Bill being canonically real is not that he could catastrophically end the world, it’s his oversexualization in the fandom that got so bad, Alex himself had to make him unattractive. This will be along the lines of a Yandere Bill Cipher x Reader headcanons. With that being said, here’s a few content warnings:
G*ooming, Pedoph*lia, s*xual abuse and assault, physical and psychological abuse, mind control, cult-like things, psychosis, and general paranoia. I’m not saying these things actually happened, but knowing Bill’s character and his powers and history, if he was real, I’d generally be afraid for anyone in the Gravity Falls fandom. Especially minors.
This could be my most controversial post yet, and it could jeopardize any potential of getting into some colleges. This may sound like paranoid rambling, but I know that Bill is just a cartoon character. That being said, Alex like the blur the line between our world and the world of gravity falls with Bill’s character, dicing around the fact that he’s influenced history and wrote all religion on the basis of a lie. I’m not scapegoating him as “controlling global politics on a massive scale” because that would be stupid and I’ll sound like those tin foil hat rednecks that snort moonshine and burn pride flags. My heart goes out to all those who have been impacted by all forms of abuse as an abuse survivor myself. Alex, if you see this post (or any other of my posts/ read my fanfics), just know that it’s a critique on the fandom and the canon lore, and a cautionary warning to avoid lawsuits in case The Book of Bill Cipher causes mass psychosis.
As a kid (ages 7-9) I would watch Gravity Falls casually. At that age, the only thing I consumed online content wise was Skylanders and Minecraft content (Skylanders until age nine, then it was pretty much a lot of Team Crafted, Popularmmos, DanTDM, and other Minecraft YouTubers.) I didn’t invest in the Gravity Falls fandom until I was eleven (that’s when I first started writing my fanfics. The drafts are long gone because they were on school computers that were crammed with viruses due to kids installing Minecraft mods (this was just before chromebooks became mainstream. I went to a special ed middle school specifically for autistic individuals (it was pretty ableist, gonna make a post on that.) so the rules on what was allowed in school were pretty loose content wise. It didn’t have to be educational, as long as it didn’t have blood or guns. There were no safe search filters or Go Guardian (I remember one of my friends accidentally finding Iris from Pokemon black and white vore. I also found Pacifica vore.)) Before that, the February before my tenth birthday, my dad took my TV out of my room due to behavioral issues (undiagnosed autism go brrr). Around that time, there was talk in my town that the Disney channel was “rotting kids minds” with bad attitudes and crude humor (this could be said about any child’s television network (I mean, look at Nickelodeon.) but I lived in a pretty conservative area of Southern California and had a pretty conservative dad. So naturally, Disney was the scapegoat (this was way before the “woke” era of Disney.)) All of this talk of Brainrot made me stop watching the Disney channel during the peak era of gravity falls (2015 as a whole) and I didn’t watch gravity falls again until summer of 2016 when my tv was put back in my room (with intense parental controls so that I couldn’t watch my vet shows.) That’s when I had my first gravity falls dream about Bill cipher. It had to do with getting unicorn hair to protect my house from Bill Cipher. I had an interest in dreams previously due to warrior cats. It was at that moment when Gravity Falls was added to the obsession list.
As a neurodivergent eleven year old surrounded by other neurodivergent preteens and teens, we found common ground talking about Gravity Falls at school. I also would, whenever I didn’t feel the prying eyes of the grown ups or my peers would go off outside and act out my gravity falls x pokemon x warrior cats fanfiction (I’m not sure if those are signs of maladaptive daydreaming disorder or I simply had an intense imagination that would consume my body and make me want to just act out my fanfictions outside. I don’t do this anymore, mostly because of my own embarrassment and I can just write it out.) Yes, there were times where the discussion or action played out Bill Cipher being real. A lot of my “play” as I called it back then was me being kidnapped or possessed by Bill. I even wrote some really cringey fanfics involving my friends and Bill Cipher. To this day, I still involve my family in my fanfiction, but more final drafts will have their names changed. Weirdmaggeddon was a common topic, as well as Bill Cipher possession.
As time went on, I had more dreams about Bill Cipher, fueling the obsession and the fact that Bill could be real. During my middle school years, I never had a crush on Bill Cipher, despite what my friends seem to think. My parents just took it as whatever and as long as I was happy and just working towards going to a neurotypical non-sped school. My crush on Bill Cipher didn’t start until I was in high school. I remember it specifically being Valentine’s Day 2020 when I learned that I have a crush on the triangle. My dreams of Bill would only get more frequent and worse from here (involving the typical horny teenage dream that I don’t want to elaborate because I feel weird doing so (you’ll see why later on.))
Now there’s typically nothing wrong with having a cartoon crush. Given any other cartoon character that doesn’t have a canon history of influencing this world (Bill’s history of influence is vague but it still counts) I would excuse this as another silly cartoon crush like PurpleCliffe simping for Cynthia and the like. However, given that it’s in the show’s canon that Bill could be real and he crossed over to our world, do you understand what implications this could have? Bill is trillions of years old, he’s likely seen every timeline to ever exist. Meanwhile, there are whole armies of fankids who are down bad for him (including me.)
Notice how when I first started getting into Gravity Falls that I didn’t have a crush on him. How many other fankids felt the same way? It wasn’t until years of obsessing over Gravity Falls did I develop feelings for him. And of Alex says in the Book of Bill Cipher what I think he’s going to say (that Bill probably ab*sed Ford sexually with possible g*ooming involved), notice the pattern that is being presented here? Alex, if you blur the lines between fiction and reality with a villain who may or may not have canonically g*oomed and abused someone, possibly using mind control given his powers and his role as a dream demon, could it really be so far fetched that… (I’m not going to say it because it’s leaving a sour taste in my mouth, but use your imagination.)
If we take Alex’s word that Bill has crossed over to our world, then we can only assume that there are vulnerable kids and adults being… You get the picture. I’m not explicitly saying that it is happening right now, but this is problematic because revealing that Bill ab*sed Ford in that way means that Alex would probably imply that Bill is doing the same to MINORS. I may sound paranoid and this may just be a ramble, but considering the show’s canon and how mythology is filled with cases of degenerative acts from deities, this is a really fucked up situation.
It may be funny to say “haha, evil triangle man is sexy” but at the end of the day, Alex stated that Bill has crossed over into our world. For all we know, he could be taking advantage of the fact that people thirst for him, probably not in pleasant ways.
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boxfullaturtles · 1 year
What is your kingdoms heart au
Please I wanna know info dump everything to me pls
Hee hee hee! Okay!!!! So!
Originally I just wanted to do character designs and Keyblade designs 'cause I love doing that stuff. But then I got Too Into It. As you do.
Raph, Leo, Donnie, Mikey, and April (and Casey Junior when he shows up) are all Keybearers in training. Dunno who's training them, because it's not Splinter. Actually played with the idea of the boys losing Splinter to Darkness but dunno if I wanna do that to them,, >> I'm still working on the profiles for Raph, Donnie, April, and Casey.
Anyway! They're all in training, learning how to work as a team, properly wield their Keyblades, use magic, the power of the Heart and all that jazz. They pop around to different worlds to expand their minds and be heroes and everything. I don't have a solid plot or anything, just vague ideas and snapshots of moments.
Like Casey Jr comes from future where their World fell to the Darkness--specifically the Krang. The Krang command legions of Heartless on top of the body horror shit they already do, so they're double the danger. In Casey's timeline, everyone fell one by one. Donnie went first, then Leo, then Raph, then April. Mikey was the only one left. Time travel in Kingdom Hearts is funky and has some weird rules about only being able to travel along your own timeline or something. But screw that. Mikey's a badass mage. He sacrifices his own heart to tear open a portal and send Casey back in time to stop the Krang invasion and the spread of Darkness.
And then I just got little ideas like, Donnie built the Turtle Tank Gummi Ship (and its Teenie Ships, the Shell Hogs). He has a space entirely to himself in the Gummi Garage that Chip and Dale just kind of gave him. He...tolerates them, at the most. Donnie's also got a lab in KH AU, but absolutely NO ONE is allowed in it. If he locks it, not even a Keyblade can open that baby up. He doesn't let anyone in there and he's extremely protective of whatever it is he works on. The others do eventually find out what he's doing and it's not...great. They'd be angry with him were it not for how they find out.
Leo doesn't actually get his Portal Chopped ability until after they stop the Krang invasion. I dunno how those events played out, probably drastically different from the movie lol, but I'm feeling the kind of "end of KH1, I will lock myself in the Realm of Darkness to spare my friends" kind of thing? Buuuuttt while he does think being able to wield two Keyblades is boss as fuck, he does not like Before the Fall. So he doesn't use Portal Chopped a lot. Maybe he should get over himself a bit.
I also like to think about them going to Disney Town and making an absolute menace of themselves. Mikey gets himself sick eating too much ice cream, Leo keeps trying to sneak into Disney Castle, Donnie probably pisses off the wrong people, Raph's gotten too excited about something and broken a few things OR he chases after Leo and they get into a friendly spat and cause a huge mess. April gave up trying to wrangle them a long time ago, she just watches the descent into madness with tired resignation.
KH Leo is extremely competitive and if something's got a score or record, he's got to beat it. He will absolutely be number one in everything on every world. It drives everyone else nuts.
So yeah it's just bits and bobs and ideas floating around. Mostly KH AU exists for me to play with designs. I love Keyblade design so much like holy shit it's so cool
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queenaryastark · 7 months
The Marvels wasn't as bad as the reviews made it seem. There was a lot good about it, in my opinion. Just a few things:
Carol as a character was far more complex and interesting in this than she was in Captain Marvel. She was more of a grey character who made mistakes and even darker choices. I just wish we had seen her make her darkest choices, which led to her destroying the living conditions for an entire planet, in more than just a couple flashbacks.
Kamala and the actress who played her, Iman Vellani, were flawless. She was completely believable as a teen superhero with hyper-fixations. This type of character can easily be annoying, but she never got close to it for me. She was consistently adorable and realistic. Vellani's acting choices when it came to reactions were so authentic. She played Kamala's responses the way a real person would respond in these scenarios. Now I have to watch her Disney+ show.
I loved everything about Monica, which built perfectly off of the character's appearances in both Captain Marvel and Wanda Vision. She was incredibly intelligent, with "mommy" issues regarding Carol that also allowed her to be very human and vulnerable. Her choices at the end of the movie created the best cliffhanger I've seen with Marvel in a very long time. I went in not caring about the movie one way or the other and left wanting more specifically because of Monica.
The dynamic between Carol, Kamala, and Monica was perfect. I could have watched a TV series of them having adventures. Their contrasting personalities worked well together and the way their connected powers kept making them swap places was so unique. I will say that the Carol/Monica dynamic felt more like a mother-daughter relationship than an aunt-niece one.
Kamala's family was so lovable and realistic. Getting more of them is my main reason for checking out Miss Marvel.
So, for me, there was a lot to enjoy in this move. What weakened the story were two incredibly silly moments that should have been cut and the lack of time spent developing the main villain, Dar-Benn. She could have been a lot more interesting had we really seen all the harm Carol did to her people. Had we gotten a Captain Marvel 2 where Carol made her darkest choices, which in turn caused her to harm her relationship with Monica and gave Dar-Benn her villain backstory, this film would have been a lot stronger. As is, I don't think the movie was that bad.
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disneywizard · 1 year
The Best Animated Series of 2022
2022.  Another year of Animation has come and gone, and so it is now time to do the one thing that I do on this site: make my top 10 list. This year should be an interesting mix, since I am allowing myself to put adult animated shows on the list for the first time.  But only if they are exceptional.  While this definitely made making this list harder this year, due to more content, it wasn’t as bad a deluge as I feared.  
Before we unveil the list, I also wanted to give a shout-out to the best thing that happened in 2022: the return of Gargoyles in comic form.  From Dynamite Publishing, written by series creator Greg Weisman.  Gargoyles is my favorite show of all time, it’s the reason I became enamored of Animation in the first place.  So I highly encourage everyone to check the comics out, if you can.  
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And now for the list: Honorable Mentions: Green Eggs and Ham, Dragon Age Absolution, and Paranormal Park were all fantastic shows, I just thought that the following ten series were slightly better.  But all three of these shows ALMOST made the list as I was working on it, so I thought they belonged here.   And without further ado:
10) Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
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The French Action Adventure show about two superheroes in love with each other continues to go strong for it’s fourth and fifth seasons, which have included some of the best episodes of the show.  
Available on: Netflix (S1-3) Disney+ (S4 & 5*)  
9) Legend of Vox Machina
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Man I wish someone would animate my D&D campaign.  
Available on: Amazon Prime.
8) Kid Cosmic and the Global Heroes!
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Craig McCracken’s amazing superhero show is the first one on this list that officially ended this year, and went out quite strong.  I cried at the end of the series.  Definitely worth a look.
Available on: Netflix
7) Tales of the Jedi
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I’m not much of a Star Wars fan.  It’s hard for me to even care outside of the Rebels series.  But this anthology series was so good, I’d be remiss to exclude it from the list.  
Available on: Disney+
6) The Dragon Prince: The Mystery of Aaravos
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If I’m being honest, TDP was a bit weaker this season than previous showings.  We’ve had a time skip and the characters are now all in different places, which made it a little harder to get back into a groove with them.  But the story was still fantastic and I can’t wait to see how the next 4 seasons unfold.  
5) The Owl House
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Why are you not watching this show?  You definitely SHOULD BE, it’s FANTASTIC.  The top four-through-two shows on this list were, IMO all so good, it was impossible to objectively place them in any order, so I’m listing them by my favorites.
Available on: Disney+  
4) Star Trek: Prodigy
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This show taught me to love Star Trek again.  Everything from the voice work, to the animation, to the story is an absolute treat.  The easter eggs aren’t heavy handed, but will excite you trekkies when you see them, and the plot kept me fully excited and engaged all season long.
Available on: Paramount+
3) Amphibia
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Another show we said goodbye to this year, the series finale had me in tears.  I just love these characters so much.  Everyone should watch this show, especially if they want something more from the property, and the defictionalized Marcy’s Journal hinted at some interesting future possibilities...
Available on: Disney+
2) Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous
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Another show that we said goodbye to this year, Season 5 was an excellent close to the series, especially following the slightly weaker season 4.  The epilogue hinted at the possibility for further hijinks with these characters, and I hope we get them.  This is my favorite entry in a Movie Franchise that I already love.
Available on: Netflix
1) Young Justice Phantoms
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WOO-HOO!  It’s here!  It’s finally here.  I can finally actually put the show I actually thought was the best of the year on my actual list, instead of just being an “Honorable Mention” like in past years.  This season was an incredible well written roller coaster of character and story arcs, that kept my attention and interest from beginning to end.  I cannot emphasize how good this show.  There was never any question where it was going to fall on my list, unlike the rest of the shows on here.  It was always going to be #1 because it was the best.  Watch it on HBOMAX while you still can, because given what has been happening over there lately, who who knows how long that will be.
Available on: HBOMAX, for now.  
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Whats your favorite Non-MLP Media?
Would it crossover well with MLP?
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of course the horribly americanized version i watched was called “Star Blazers”. but as an adult i have watched a sub.
now i am not nearly that old. i had a very sheltered, homeschooled childhood. so most of the tv i watched was tv from my dad’s childhood that he burned onto dvds. which meant a lot of loonytoons and fucking gijoe. and the old astroboy. not the old old astroboy, just the old one. my favorite thing we were allowed to watch was star blazers.
it’s an old as balls scifi anime. the earth gets nuked by aliens until there’s only a few million humans living underground. some different alien sends down spaceship blueprints and says if you come pick it up, i have a cool machine that will turn your planet back to normal. so humans build a spaceship out of a sunken wwii ship and travel to the other side of the galaxy fighting aliens the whole way.
it’s full of a bunch of cool spaceship fights and military porn that kinda? counts as? dieselpunk? the whole story resonates with me so awesomely. and the characters are stuck in my brain. even tho it’s a bit misogynistic. i wanted to BE the female lead. long before i knew what that meant. and they went hard with the music.
sadly, fandom spaces for this show are full of military diehards, and the sort of people who collect figurines of the characters half naked. either that or they’re just super old. so i’ve pretty much given up on having any kind of fandom experience
i do not recommend this show lol. i’ve revisited it several times and it simply is not as good as i remembered. don’t get me wrong i still love it, but i love it the way i love an aging pet who sleeps most of the day
you know what is as good as i remember it being is THE REBOOT
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2199 is everything i remember the original being as a child. its so cool and fun and the characters are amazing and they fixed a lot of the misogyny. and its beautiful and the music is amazing and i love it so much and honestly yeah i do recommend this. if you like apocalypse scifi
my little pony might honestly be the first time my siblings and i were allowed to just watch tv. and of course i got a smart phone around that time too so that was the end of the TV famine. before that it really was just stuff that dad had burned on DVDs. There was like a year or two that we sort of watched Nickelodeon? But there were several shows we weren’t allowed to watch and we stopped getting cable after that year or two was over. also, there were several Disney TV shows that we could watch on the family computer like Zack and Cody and Kim Possible but I don’t think we were actually allowed to watch those? And they didn’t have all of the show online. 
Space Battleship yamato is followed closely by Nichijou, and the Homestarrunner cartoons. to which i owe the majority of my sense of humor. i recommend nichijou to anyone. it’s only one season long and its non stop quality. it’s an absurdist comedy from japan. i recommend homestarrunner, but its much harder to get started on that. there’s just so much of it and im not even fully convinced ive managed to see all of it. various factors such as the death of flash have made it hard to access. kinda like homestuck
as for how well they would crossover with my little pony, I will MAKE them crossover with my little pony. I honestly want to do more crossovers. I’ve already done Star Wars and Star Trek, but I’d like to do some more of my favorites. And even more stuff that I like. Like let’s get some girly shows on there too. I really want to do strawberry shortcake. I also think it would be fun to do kim possible or Winx club. my sibling actually designed a bunch of ponified Percy Jackson characters, and I’ve been wanting to draw those. god if i weren’t about to head to work
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samynnad102687 · 8 months
Marauderstober Oct 3rd
Valkyries- Fall Movie Night
1536 words
Lily was getting everything ready for their first fall movie night of the season and she was having trouble debating on which movie they should start with. They could go cute and fluffy Disney movies and work their way into the horror movies or they could start with the horror movies and work their way back into the cute and fluffy Disney movies. Personally, it made more sense to build up to the horror movies.
Mary and Marlene would be coming over after work and she had already told all of the boys that they were not allowed to come over or call them about anything unless someone was dying in the hospital. Sirius complained about it but that was about it.
When Lily looked at the clock, she still had an hour to set everything up. She went into the kitchen to grab the drinks and start making the popcorn. She had grabbed the sweets as well since you can’t have popcorn without chocolate to mix into it. Lily had also planned some alcoholic drinks for after they got started. Luckily, it was Sunday and they all had the day off tomorrow. 
Lily brought the tray of drinks and snacks into the living room and cued up the first movie option. Mary showed up around twenty minutes later and Marlene was ten minutes after her. They both took off their boots and jackets and hung them up before plopping down on the couch next to Lily and Marlene grabbed a drink.
“You couldn’t have waited five more minutes to dig into the food and drinks?” Lily asked exasperatedly.
“No. I’ve had a long day and people have been stressing me out. Why is there no alcohol in this?” Marlene complained.
“Because it’s too early to start drinking. I have the other drinks ready but not until after the movie starts.”
“Ugh. What movie are we watching anyway?”
“I was thinking about Halloweentown,” Lily said hopefully.
“The first one?” Mary asked.
“Well, yeah. Whoever thought of starting a series in the middle.” Lily shook her head.
“How many are there again?” Marlene questioned.
“Four but they changed the main actress for the fourth one for some stupid reason,” Lily said, annoyed.
“Hmm. Okay, do you have the first one ready?” Mary asked as she grabbed the bowl of popcorn.
“Yeah,” Lily replied as she picked up the remote and turned toward the telly.
Halloweentown started and Lily was happy. It had been a little while since she had last seen this movie but she still remembered most of it. Marnie was complaining about not being able to go out trick or treating and her mum refused to tell her why. It kind of reminded her of when she was younger and Petunia refused to take her trick or treating and refused to tell anyone why. She found out later that she was trying to hook up with her boyfriend at the time. Mum was not pleased when she found that out.
Around the time that Marnie and her siblings snuck onto the bus to go to Halloweentown was when Marlene got up to get the alcoholic drinks from the kitchen and make some more popcorn. She must have really had a stressful day if she couldn’t even wait until the movie was half over to start drinking. 
“Anybody else want anything since I’m in here?” Marlene called out from the kitchen.
“Grab the pretzels,” Mary called back.
Lily figured it was probably a good idea to have a bathroom break since they had already paused the movie. The first couple drinks apparently wanted to completely skip her stomach. When she got back to the couch, Marlene was back with more snacks and her drink which was already half gone.
“Good god, Marls. How stressful was your day?” Lily asked as she laughed a little.
“It was exhausting and I’m going to enjoy my day off tomorrow.”
“Same, honestly. Are we ready to start again?” Lily asked as she sat down.
“I’m ready,” Mary said at the same time that Marlene said, “Yep.”
Lily turned the movie back on and they settled into their new positions. Mary had moved to the floor in front of Lily and Lily started to play with her hair absentmindedly. Marlene had moved to the armchair and was laying in it with her head on one arm and her feet hanging over the side of the other arm. She also had a bowl of popcorn on the floor by the chair so she could reach it easily.
When the movie ended, Lily was ready for a drink and made her way into the kitchen. She had found a recipe online to make her drink look like brains and she wanted to try it. Lily pulled out her phone and pulled up the recipe again. It seemed simple enough. After she made it and walked back into the living room, Marlene saw her drink and immediately crossed her arms.
“Why didn’t you make me one?” Marlene grumbled.
“Did you ask?” Lily countered.
“Well, no but still. You could have made us one when you were in there.”
“And you could have asked when you saw me going into the kitchen.” 
Lily had already made them both a drink but left it in the kitchen on purpose.
“Well, fine. I’ll just go and make my own then,” Marlene huffed as she pulled herself off the chair and stomped into the kitchen like a petulant child.
It took longer than Lily would have expected before Marlene grumbled again about being lied to.
“Thought you said you didn’t make me one.” Marlene appeared in the doorway of the kitchen with her arms crossed over her chest.
“I never said I didn’t. You just assumed I didn’t.” Lily shrugged as she fell back onto the couch. 
“I- I but I, oh nevermind.” Marlene sputtered before going back into the kitchen and grabbing both of the drinks for her and Mary.
“Thanks,” Mary said when Marlene handed her the drink.
Now that everyone had a new drink and they were stocked up on snacks, Lily was debating on if they should start another movie or just start talking shit about the boys. Lord knows they could get into trouble doing practically anything. 
“Do you guys want to watch the second one? It’s still pretty early and then we can order some pizza or something for actual food instead of filling up on popcorn and sweets,” Lily suggested.
“The second one has Kalabar’s son, right?” Mary asked curiously.
“Yeah, did you know the actor who played Kal and the actress who played Marnie got married in real life?” Lily supplied the random fact that she had read at some point during her set up for their movie night.
“Really?” Marlene asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah. I read it earlier.”
“That’s cool. Yeah, let’s watch the second one and order some pizza. My body is going to hate me if I just snack all night,” Mary said easily.
Lily laughed lightly before pulling out her phone and putting in the pizza order. Once she had that set up, she started the second movie. They could always talk about the boys later, even though it is typically more fun with Peter since they can get the inside scoop from him. 
The pizza came quickly and all three girls sat around the table as they dug in and continued watching the movie. They had got a little distracted talking about how fit the actresses and actors were and none of them could agree on any of them. Which was probably a good thing, then they wouldn’t go for the same person if they were to ever break up with their current partners.
By the time the second movie had finished, they had finished the pizza and Marlene had gotten up to make another drink. Lily wasn’t sure how many they had each had but she was starting to get a little tired and wired at the same time. She didn’t know what to do with the random bursts of energy. When she looked over at Marlene, she could see that she was getting into her sleepy phase as well. Mary was the only one who seemed relatively alert.
“Do you guys want to watch the last two next time or start the third one now?” Lily asked and she was hoping they chose the former instead of the latter.
“Next time sounds good. I’m getting kind of tired,” Marlene said sleepily. “Do you mind if I crash here tonight?”
“That’s fine. Do you want to sleep out here or in the guest room?”
“Guest room sounds good.” Marlene practically fell out of the chair when she tried to get up.
Mary helped Marlene get to the guest room while Lily cleaned up the snacks and empty cups from earlier. She would have to plan for the alcohol next time and she hoped that Marlene wasn't as stressed. After everything was cleaned up, Lily turned off the telly and headed up to her room before Mary came in. All in all, it was a good first movie night for the fall season.
@seiworf @thebibutterflyao3 @cazzythefrogking @clementinewoolf @lavenderhaze @literally-the-prettiest-star @maladaptivewriting @multiimoments @emjayeingray @heartsoncover @remusregulusrosekiller @accuratewhereabout
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orchideous-nox · 17 days
1, 9, 10, 11, 15, 18, 23, 26, 36, 52, 91 and 99 for the ask thingie < 3
yay good, this will keep me busy for a while
1 - do you carry around a bag when you're out and about? if so, what's usually in it?
I am a backpack bitch but in that backpack I keep a tote bag in case I need to be more gay. I also always have chewing gum, lip balm, an umbrella and every receipt from the last month just in case I need it.
9 - who is your biggest inspiration?
I don't think I really have someone who I could categorise as an inspiration for me. I get short bursts of inspiration from everyone around me I guess, from my friends, my family, people on the internet. That feels like such a non-answer 🙃 Alex inspires me a lot though < 3 (sorry to be gross but he's my best friend so it's allowed)
10 - any unusual fears?
Fun bit of Katie lore, I don't personally think this is unusual but I have megalophobia which is a fear of large objects. I get an physical reaction just thinking about those pictures where they use people as perspective for how big something is like the Statue of Liberty or the anchor chain on big ships, it makes me feel sick.
11 - favourite myth?
I am so glad you asked. I have Greek Mythology autism so this is difficult and I am deciding to do a top 3 because this is my blog and I can do what I want.
First is The Odyssey, I love Odysseus and his journey and the way he changes as a man on his way home. I am classing this as one myth but if I had to be even more specific I would go with Odysseus and Polyphemus. I studied the Odyssey at school when I was 14/15 and I would mark it as the start of my special interest in Greek Mythology. I would love to visit some of the places along his journey (not the Underworld though).
Second, Ariadne, Theseus and the Minotaur. I have always loved Ariadne and especially her links to Daedalus and Icarus who haven't made the list but were so close. It was an early introduction to mythology for me and I'll always love the stories surrounding these events.
Third is difficult but I think it is the Labours of Heracles (again, I am counting this as one but you're being picky the Cretan Bull). I could talk about him forever, about the people who came and went during this time, about the lasting effects of these labours. Heracles is such a fascinating character and Disney did not do him justice even if I love that film.
Special mentions to Apollo and Hyacinthus, Daedalus and Icarus, Medusa and Atalanta.
15 - favorite font?
I normally write in Calibri, however I am fond of a Garamond.
18 - what's your most controversial opinion?
I don't like the Prisoner of Azkaban film. I won't be elaborating.
23 - what's popular with the people around you that you can't seem to get behind?
Bridgerton. I've never watched it, I have no intention of watching it. I have a few bones to pick with the books from what I have heard about them and while the show might have got rid of them or has changed things, I'm just not vibing honestly.
26 - would you enjoy being famous?
Would I enjoy having more money? Yes. Being famous, however, absolutely the fuck not. There's so much pressure behind fame and public influence and the idea of people watching every move Imake and critiquing everything I do fills me with anxiety. I'm quiet happy being of little importance to the world.
36 - what's the most expensive thing you've ever spent money on?
I'm going to exclude holidays which would take the top two spots, and my rent doesn't count either. I guess my laptop but that's not any fun.....my film degree that I've done nothing with.
52 - what the best anon hate you've ever received?
I can't remember any of the specific wordings and it would take too long to scroll back and find them because tumblr is homophobic and isn't showing me any of them if I search jegulus on my blog but there's always anti-jegulus anons that are like "but jily is canon". The last time I got one, I just sent them a link of one of my jegulus fics and said it was a petition to have jegulus banned form the internet.
91 - what's a common misconception people have about you?
That I'm intimidating or that I am grumpy/pissed off/hate everyone. I just have that thousand-yard autism stare which on me kinda looks like rbf. Humble brag but I actually think I'm lovely.
99 - is there anything you would consider yourself an expert at?
Expert? No. But I would love to actually be an expert on Greek Mythology and there are probably people who do consider me an expert but I'm just an enthusiast.
Thank you for the endless list of asks my darling loser husband < 3
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jonathantaylorthomas · 7 months
Hollywood heritage...
Andy Reid draws from California roots, and now brings his masterpiece of a Chiefs offense to face the Rams in L.A.
Kansas City Chiefs head coach Andy Reid grew up in Los Angeles and has frozen Tommy’s burgers flown to Kansas City. They’re “good for your joints — the grease. Keeps you lubed up, man,” he says.
(David Richard / Associated Press)
NOV. 13, 2018 4:40 PM PT
Reporting from kansas city —  
Every so often, the artist comes out in Andy Reid.
It has nothing to do with coaching, instead those times when he puts pen to paper and allows his mind to wander.
“One time when we were talking on the phone, and he was telling me how much he remembered about when we were growing up,” said his brother, Reg, nine years older than Andy. “While we were talking, he sketched a picture of me, then emailed it. It’s just a sketch of my head, but it’s pretty realistic.”
Fans of the Kansas City Chiefs have a deep appreciation for Reid’s creativity. He draws up the offense for one the NFL’s hottest teams; finds new ways to harness the spectacular talent of quarterback Patrick Mahomes. Even now, in his 20th season as an NFL head coach, Reid remains a pigskin Picasso.
That figures. His dad, Walter, did jaw-dropping work as a scenic artist in Hollywood, creating backgrounds and props for film, television and stage production.
“My dad worked on all the Broadway plays that would come to the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion,” said Reid, 60, sitting behind his desk at Chiefs headquarters. “They had these huge backdrops they’d lower from the second floor, whether it was ‘Annie Get Your Gun,’ or ‘The Wiz’ back in the day. My dad went down and worked on ‘Hair.’ It was unbelievable. You’d stand up there and look over the edge, and if you took a wrong step, you’d go down like a mile.”
The Chiefs too have reached toe-tingling heights. They’re 9-1 heading into Monday night’s game against the 9-1 Rams at the Coliseum, moved there by the NFL on Tuesday when field conditions in Mexico City became unsatisfactory. On paper, at least, it would have been the most compelling international game the league has staged. Now it will be the Rams’ first Monday night home game at the Coliseum since Nov. 19, 1979, when 54,097 watched a 20-14 victory over Atlanta.
Reid has been in plenty of huge games throughout the course of his career, including coaching Green Bay’s offensive line when the Packers won the Super Bowl in the 1996 season. Reid coached Philadelphia from 1999-2012, led the Eagles to five NFC title games and a Super Bowl, then took over in Kansas City in 2013.
There’s still a lot of Los Angeles in Reid, who grew up on Holly Knoll Drive, just around the corner from John Marshall High, his alma mater, and Walt Disney’s first California home. Reid still eats Tommy’s burgers, and not just when he’s at his offseason home in Capistrano Beach. He has frozen ones delivered by mail.
“I love those things,” he said. “It’s good for your joints — the grease. Keeps you lubed up, man.”
Comically gruff and unrevealing with the media, Reid is beloved by his players, who refer to him as “Big Red,” his hair color at an earlier age.
“He’s actually more funny than you would think,” running back Spencer Ware said. “Most people think of him as just serious. I can kind of relate to him because I always kind of have a serious look on my face and people think that I might be mean mugging. Maybe I’m joking around. So I can kind of relate to Big Red in that area.”
Reid might show his lighter side to his players, but he also gets to the point. They appreciate that.
“The biggest thing is he treats us well, treats us with respect,” tackle Mitchell Schwartz said. “I know he’s got a hard training camp and practices are long and all that. But we don’t have 20-minute meetings every day with rah-rah speeches. It’s just, ‘These are the goals, these are the expectations. Now, it’s on you to go do them.’ So he doesn’t have to be up there every day trying to get us to work hard.”
Reid, a onetime offensive tackle at Glendale College and Brigham Young University, developed his work ethic at an early age. His mother, Elizabeth, was a radiologist, and his father got him occasional work in the entertainment industry. Once, young Andy got a job serving food in the green room of a popular TV talk show, and his rule-following ways clashed with one of Hollywood’s biggest stars.
“I’m not sure whether it was the Merv Griffin or the Johnny Carson show,” he said. “But they put me in charge of dishing out the sweet-and-sour meatballs — they were unbelievable — and I was told I could only give three of them out to people.
“You name it, all of Hollywood would come through those shows. I knew all the athletes, so if it was Wilt Chamberlain or one of those guys, they’d get as many meatballs as they wanted.”
But when John Wayne asked for more than three, the kid had to break the bad news.
“I found out later he was a great athlete,” Reid lamented. “Maybe I should have given him a few more meatballs.”
Reid was enormous for his age. There’s a hilarious video clip of him in a Punt, Pass and Kick competition in the early 1970s. He’s a 12-year-old man-child in a Rams uniform, with a line of kids behind him no taller than his beltline.
“The kid behind me was 8,” Reid is quick to note. “I was like 12 or 13.”
Whatever. The YouTube video leaves his players doubled over.
“Damn, that boy was huge,” Chiefs receiver Tyreek Hill said. “He’s the size of Justin Houston.”
Well, maybe Reid wasn’t the size of that 6-foot-3, 258-pound Kansas City outside linebacker, but he was big enough that when he was a waterboy at Marshall, some of the varsity players asked him why he didn’t join the team.
“Mike Haynes was between my brother and me,” recalled Reid, referring to the future Hall of Fame defensive back. “He and his buddies were riding me, ‘How come you’re so big and don’t play?’ I said, ‘Listen, I’m in sixth grade.’
“They go, ‘No way!’ It’s like, I’ve been doing this waterboy thing longer than you guys have been around. I’m like the professional waterboy.”
Haynes recalls that, and more.
“I remember that when our kicker would kick the ball through the uprights, our field was so small that the ball would leave the school property and go across the street,” he said. “Andy would go get the ball and bring it back. He’d wear his youth football outfit.”
Nowadays, Reid wears shorts to practice, even when the temperature drops below freezing. He’s spent most of his adult life in cold-weather cities and is hardy like that, an artist whose medium is now Xs and O’s, a Southern Californian in spirit only.
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clockwork2018 · 2 years
Lab Rats rant? in 2022? more likely than you think!
ok let's get started. also I apologize in advance I'll probably get carried away and start talking about Marcus a lot
why did the Lab Rats kids ever forgive Douglas
and before anyone comes at me I don't have an issue with Douglas but that man did some pretty fucked up things ESPECIALLY to his kids??
he experimented on them when they were literal babies and wanted to make them bionic soldiers and rent them to the highest bidder?? like i don't know about yall but if I ever heard my dad wanted to sell me as a kid i would get as far away as possible
he proceeds to fake his death and build an android to "befriend" and capture the lab rats so he could take control over them with the triton app and make them do whatever he wanted. also don't even get me started on Marcus oh my god.
he makes an android and then realizes "well shit he's not gonna last long with all these bionics in his body". he probably doesn't really care at first but then oops! turns out his android son has feelings! who would have seen that coming!!! and before anyone comes at me yes Marcus does have feelings like cmon. he could have easily fooled Leo if he wanted. in the ep "Concert In A Can" at the end he could have apologized to Leo and maybe he would have bought his lies after a while! but he didn't apologize! this guy went at Leo for NO REASON. he would have had an easier time fooling the others if he befriended Leo too but he didn't cause he's just a kid! he wanted some drama in his life and what's more dramatic than having an arch nemesis? also he's literally in drama club. come on now.
plus he mentions he has pizza nights with Douglas which would be kind of weird to have with an emotionless android just saying...
and you can say "oh he's programmed to fake emotions!" or whatever. no he isn't. or maybe he was but then learned to have real emotions from Douglas or whatever. the point is this boy has emotions!! just watch the episode in season 4 when he confronts Douglas and tell me he doesn't have emotions.
anyway back to Douglas he lies to Marcus about him DYING before 16 and even says he's gonna buy him a car at 16?? he didn't HAVE to lie if he was emotionless, why would a robot care? but Marcus does have emotions and the news would give him psychological torment and Douglas KNOWS that and that's why he lies. anddd I don't know about you but that's pretty fucked up!
he also just. allows Marcus to attempt to kill Leo. he doesn't say "hey maybe don't kill my brother's brand new kid" he just lets Marcus do his thing. and Marcus does his thing because Douglas is his only parental figure and Douglas is Fucked Up™
then he allows Marcus to kill Leo again!! and when his plan fails and the lab rats escape he leaves Marcus to die even if he knew to some degree he had emotions. so that's fun!!
anyway I have a love hate relationship with Douglas. I think he's a fun character and the episodes with him are great it's just that HOW IN THE HELL DID HE GET A REDEPMION ARC OH MY GOD. I'm not saying people can't learn from their mistakes and grow as a person but this guy tried to sell his own kids!! and kill Leo who's very much a kid!! I have no idea how or why the lab rats crew forgave him but it's probably cause it's just a Disney show for kids and I'm looking too much into it. but that's why it's fun!
at the end of the day as I said it's just a silly children's show from 2012 and I have way too many feelings about Marcus to not be biased lmao. this is all /lh and its totally fine if you disagree :) also it's like 3 am so if there are any mistakes no there aren't
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ineedtoventchrissy · 3 months
To continue with my ventting.
I can't remember which blog said this, but they said something along the lines that it will take time for Chris to rebuild his career once this shitshow is over. They were talking about how this shitshow has gone on for so long and how bad the situation has gotten that it is now even starting to affect the general public's opinion of him.
This shitshow has gone on for far too long and is so bad that personally, I don't know if the fandom will ever recover, but it will definitely not ever be the same. The fandom was divided into many factions because of this mess that Chris created. Chris willingly chose to allow his fandom to be used, to be gaslighted, and to be labeled as crazy by his team. He allowed his POS, lazy ass leech of a brother to call his fans crazy. Chris has used his fans for many years, but this time, he went too far. I honestly don't know if he will have as large and as devoted fandom ever again. The fan base that supported him through thick and thin, that went to bat for him when the leaked dick pic was accidentally released and pretty much saved him, I believe that is gone for good. Chris will never have that support from the fandom ever again, in my opinion. There has been too much hurt, too much disrespect, and too much division for there to be the level of loyalty that once existed when that dick pic surfaced. I blame Chris and his team for that.
I'm waiting for this crap of a PR stunt shitshow to end. After that, who knows. I will say this it will take a long time for Chris to build his career and his fan base. He may successfully rebuild his career, but I highly doubt he will have the fan support he once had. And that is on him. He has no one else to blame but himself.
I hope that when this is over and done with, Chris will seek out a highly qualified and reputable therapist and has done the help he needs. I also hope he fires his entire team, CAA, Meghan, and especially Ilaria. I hope he finds a really good, decent agency to represent him and an agent with a strong moral compass who won't let this shitshow happen again. I hope he gets rid of all of his friends who are leeches, starting with Tara,Jamie Chung, and Mark Kassman. I hope he sets boundaries with those friends he chooses to keep in his life. I hope he financially cuts off his brother Scott. He's done way too much for that POS. At the very least, I hope he has it out with Scott and sets a timeline with Scott, telling Scott to move his ass to NYC, go to auditions on Broadway, and has 2 years to make it on Broadway and then he will cut him off. I really hope Chris does the hard work to better himself as a person and as an actor. Chris has no excuse not to get therapy. He comes from a financially affluent family. He is a millionaire several times over, thanks to his days with Marvel, so he has the means to get therapy. He has dealt with his issues by drinking too much, smoking tobacco cigarettes, smoking weed, and has been rumored to have tried cocaine or used cocaine. These aren't healthy, helpful, or productive ways to deal with his anxiety or other issues he may have. He needs to get help. More importantly, he has to want to get better. I really hope he chooses to get better and gets help. I also hope that one day, he publicly admits what he has done and sincerely apologizes to his fans.
As for me, when this shitshow ends, I will be relieved to finally see the end. After that, I don't know. I do know that for now and for a long time to come, I won't be spending any of my hard earned money on any of his work, nothing. As of right now, the last film of his I watched was The Gray Man. I have never been to a CC, and I doubt I will go to one he's involved in. I don't know if I will ever watch or support any of his future works.
I always side eyed Chris. I never truly bought into the image that Disney and his team created, especially when he got involved with his married Gifted Co star. I refuse to say her name because she is a POS. if you know the history of their relationship and what her SM media was like before the cleanup, you'll know why I don't like her.
I understand that Chris is a loyal person to his friends and family, but at some point, you have cut off toxic people. I have had to do this with many of my aunts and uncles, first cousins, and other family members. I'm the process of distancing myself from my sister because I've had enough of her disrespectful attitude towards me. So, I understand how hard it can be to set boundaries with family and friends and to cut ties with toxic people, but he is going to have to do that if he is going to lead a healthy life.
I am a fan of Sebastian Stan. He is #1 for me. Chris has always been second place. Sebastian, in my opinion, has always been the superior actor of the two. He has also, in my opinion, been the better human being of the two. I am so happy that all of Sebastian Stan's hard work and dedication to his craft is finally getting him the recognition he so richly deserves.
Thank you for creating this safe space to vent. It is very much appreciated.
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