#((mostly because lucas doesn't wear makeup or anything like that))
campbyler · 11 months
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alright to you lovely people who sent us asks about the party's eras tour outfits, i present to you:
The Eras Tour (Party Version)
el - el is a speak now girly through and through!!! i mean come on, the purple aesthetic of it all, plus the fun, whimsical vibe you can go with to dress up on the tour! and you know she has 13 painted on her hand and song lyrics written on her arm.
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max - reputation EASILY. let’s be serious, max is such a reputation girly, so you know she’s going all out with her black outfits and the snake jewelery and some killer makeup (think smokey eye and dark lipstick).
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lucas - LOVER!!!! we are firm believers that lucas is a lover fan, and it’s a fun opportunity for him to do something different and wear some sequined or more colorful outfits. plus max as rep and lucas as lover is absolutely iconic.
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dustin - i think dustin decided to go to the tour because all his friends are going, so he’s not really going all out for a costume! but he did snag a shirt like one of these which was simply iconic of him
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mike - mike also doesn't really strike any of us as a flashy guy, so he's probably not going to wear anything too fancy or out there. mike goes with rep and wears some leather pants with a button down top plus some slightly heeled boots. (he did, in fact, enjoy being even taller than will than he normally is, but that's besides the point.)
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will - will decided to go full debut. i’m talking country overalls but paired with a mesh t-shirt underneath. he mostly does it just to fuck with everyone but also maybe mike especially. no noah schnapp hat though, thank goodness. (also apparently mesh shirt + overalls combo is impossible to find so use your imagination)
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
More eddie asks!! Maybe doing his eyeliner before a show?? And/or you bringing the kids and surprising him during a show ❤❤❤
so much fun with this one!! thank you for being patient, i hope you like it! <3 | 1.5k, fem!reader, fluff, fun tidbits for the whole crew
"Hold still, Eddie." He pulls a face at you and you grab his chin gently to force him to settle. This is routine by now. Before every Corroded Coffin show at The Hideout you put on his eyeliner -- something he is fully capable of doing himself. But he likes when you do it, likes when you're in his space like this, tongue out as you concentrate.
"Thanks for coming, sweetheart," he says. He always does, like he can't believe you're still coming to his shows even though they're the same every single time. But how could you miss a chance to see him so excited? He's alive in a really special way at The Hideout, all smiles and loose laughter. He's the way he is when you're alone but for the world to see. Even if the world is just a handful of regular bar-goers.
But tonight you have a surprise for him. You managed to get the entire crew (minus Erica because she refused to stay out past 10pm for anything) to promise to show up to the show just for fun. They've all been saying they'll come for ages, and Eddie never minds that they're not there, but this time you made an actual plan. And you're barely keeping it a secret from him.
"You're bouncy tonight," Eddie says as you finish his makeup. "Did you have a drink already?"
"I'm driving, remember?" You swipe your thumb under his right eye to catch some stray color and grin at him. "Just excited." He stands from the table he was sitting on as the door opens and the rest of the band piles into the green room after setting up.
"See you out there?" He tugs on your ear just once and you squirm away from him.
"You'll have find me in the crowd, Eddie."
"Easy," he says. "Just gotta look for the prettiest girl in the room."
"Ugh." You roll your eyes wrinkle your nose at him. "Gross." But you dart back into his space to give him his quick good luck kiss. "Give 'em hell, rockstar."
The bar isn't crowded, which you expect. Some of the regulars wave to you and the small but devoted gaggle of fans -- friends of the rest of the band, mostly -- amble around in front of the stage. It's fairly quiet besides their chatter and the clinking of glasses. Until the door bursts open and the kids spill into the space, fighting to get through first. It's so strange to see them there, huge sharpie Xs on their hands and eyes wide as they take in the room. Robin and Steve tail them, laughing at something the bouncer yells as the door closes. The longer you look at this rag-tag group the bigger your heart gets.
Dustin has written Eddie across his forehead in...something red, and every single one of them is wearing one of the homemade band shirts you and Eddie did last summer. Max has cut the sleeves off of hers and Lucas's and Robin's is definetly more cropped than everyone else's, her stomach flashing as she moves. Even Steve has his on under his jacket and -- is he wearing eyeliner too?
"You all look amazing! Steve, what is on your face --"
"I did it," Robin interrupts you, smushing his cheeks. "Doesn't he look pretty?"
"Damn, I could use a beer right now," groans Mike.
"Hilarious, Wheeler," Steve scowls, batting Robin's hands away. "Go ask for an apple juice."
"Bars have less lighting than I thought they'd have," Dustin says.
"Thanks for coming, you guys, seriously," you say, grinning. "Eddie has no idea you're here and he'll be so excited."
"We're so excited!" Lucas is practically bouncing. "I've never been to a concert before." Max hooks her fingers through his belt loops to keep him from floating away and rolls her eyes at his excitement.
"It's gonna be lots of fun." You clap your hands together. "And lots of screaming. So get ready!" Steve mutters something about earplugs and you corral them to the bar for sodas.
"What're all these kids doing here?" one of the bartenders asks you.
"They're Eddie's fanclub," you smirk at her. She barks out a laugh as Dustin shows her his face makeup.
"Munson is a lucky guy," she shrugs.
"Oh, he knows," Dustin says.
You chat with Steve and Robin as the bar starts to fill a little more than usual. You keep your eyes on the kids as they explore but you know that they're fine here. And they're having fun. All of the people you love in one room is all you ever want, even if that one room is The Hideout.
As usual, when the show actually starts it does so with little fanfare. The lights don't dim, the crowd doesn't get quiet. But when Corroded Coffin files on stage and Eddie takes his place behind the mic you and Robin clutch each other and scream with the kids.
"Let me on your shoulders, Steve!"
"Fuck off Henderson, no way!"
Eddie's eyes run over the crowd and when he sees you with the entire crew, he sticks his tongue out and howls before winking at you. You scream back.
As is routine, Eddie sings a few songs and the rest of the band members take turns. When he's at the mic you all jump up and down and dance and you cannot believe that this boy is yours. He sings every word to you, as always. When it's over -- they only have like, five songs and a few covers on the setlist -- you think Eddie might grab the mic to say something but he just rushes offstage as fast as he can.
"That was so metal," Dustin cries. He's still shouting although the music has ended. Your own ears are ringing a little.
"Dude, volume!" Steve tells him, but he's grinning too. You are all buzzing, actually, full of the energy of live music and love for Eddie.
"We have to come again," Lucas says.
"You can come any time, Sinclair, especially if you keep wearing those shirts!" Eddie says from behind you. He's sweaty and bright eyed, eyeliner smudged and his dimples distinct as he smiles at you. You go to hug him but Dustin beats you.
"That was sick," he yells. The boys pile onto him and Max offers him a high five and a genuine smile.
"You having fun, Red?" he asks her, always gentle with her without being condescending. "Love the sleeves."
"It was pretty cool," she shrugs. "Worth all the noise you make back home." He sticks his tongue out at her and tugs on her braid.
"I'm impressed, dude," Steve says, offering his own high five as Eddie extracts himself from the kids before going in for that weird half-hug thing that guys do. He looks like he's going to ask about the eyeliner, but Robin practically throws herself at him.
"That was so cool! I didn't even know you could sing and how did you do that one thing with the like, high notes that were so fast and then when you spun around and made it sound like it was wobbling how did you make the music sound like that --"
"Thanks, Buckley," Eddie laughs, pulling away from her. "Gonna turn you into a metalhead, just you wait."
"Oh, good luck with that." She flicks his bicep before looking at you. The kids have started to talk amongst themselves, wandering back to the bar for some more sodas. "Steve, let's go flirt with the bartender."
"Robin--" She drags him off with a meaningful look at you that has you laughing. You never mind waiting for Eddie -- you'd wait forever for just a moment with him and it would still be worth it. Plus, you're the one he gets to go home with.
"And there's my baby," he says, finally wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you into the air for just a second. You cling to him without an ounce of embarrassment. He sets you down and eyes your t-shirt. "Do I have you to blame for unleashing these freaks into The Hideout?"
"They've always wanted to come," you remind him. "So we organized it. I think they're all having fun bothering the regulars." Eddie looks at you for a long second before smacking a kiss to your cheek.
"Thank you, really," he says, softer now. "It was really something to look out and see all of you cheering me on."
"You're the coolest person we all know."
"Really?" He scoffs but you know that he's happy, that he's proud of himself. "Don't think anyone has ever said that to me before."
"Yeah, I mean you're a rockstar. Which I knew, for the record, but now everyone else has seen you in action."
"Thanks, baby," he says, pulling you back in to kiss you properly this time. Your hands curl into his damp t-shirt and you're smiling too big for it to be a good kiss.
"You smell, Eddie," you say against his lips.
"Can we go get some food now?" Dustin says, the others falling into line behind him like ducks in a row.
"Hell yeah we can," Eddie says, pulling away from you. "Let me go help with tear down then we're out of here. Being a rockstar is hard work."
tags: @ruinedbythehobbit @superflannel @eddiussy @greenclues @sunlitide @gloryofroses19 @carpediem1219 @themarvelousbee @sunshinehollandd @katsukis1wife @imherefortea @spideyboipete @lonelywidow @louderfortheback @actual-mom-steve-harrington
want to be added to my tag list? send me a message and specify for steve, eddie, or both!
reblog, send feedback, requests open, masterlist here!
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ariendiel · 10 months
LITG S2 Colour Seasons
Summers (cool)
Lottie: Light Summer (we can see this executed perfectly in her hair dye options, and her lipstick. However black is too strong for her, it makes her a bit yellow-ish, but that just makes her "pop" more, which adds to the Gothic style)
Gary: True Summer (his hair is so yellow aka springy, his skin is so pink and purple, an his eyes are a vibrant bright blue... unrealistic design but I did my best to translate him to real life)
Bobby: Muted Summer (cool-neutral. The neutral tones come in with his season being a neighbor to soft autumn, he as some warmth but leans cool overall, and has an olive tone, low contrast)
Henrik: Light Summer
Arjun: Muted summer (his hair also has ashy tones)
Winters (cool)
Marisol: Deep Winter
Hope: Bright Winter (each color of her makeup actually compliments her, but it's just too many all at once)
Lucas: Clear winter (icey pastels King)
Carl: Clear Winter
Kassam: Bright Winter
Winters are easiest to spot for me,very distinct from the other seasons in thier electric and dramatic colours.
Autumn's (warm)
Priya: Deep Autumn (warm-neutral. Anything deep and rich. She can wear gold best, followed by rose gold- a deep autumn specialty, and even silver is it's not a very cold type)
Blake: Soft autumn (warm, low contrast, and can wear gold mainly, copper, metals and silver If they're brushed or patina finished. Her hair is a bit intense, so maybe she has a bit more warmth that leads her into true autumn...)
Noah: Deep Autumn- true neutral (I've struggled with him, true neutrals are rare irl, but based on the fact that he's rich, and can wear neutrals and navy like no on else I've settled on this or now.. he just has so much red undertones but also has medium contrast.. im not 100% satisfied, so any input would be appreciated)
Rocco: True Autumn
Elijah: Deep autumn (I don't have a quality screenshotnof him so this isn't confident, but he's warm-neutral, low contrast, and muted)
Springs (warm)
Hannah: Warm Spring
Chelsea: Light spring (her natural tan is very springy)
Jo: Soft Spring (neighboring the summer season, she has some coolness)
Shannon: Warm Spring
Rahim: Clear Spring (warm and bright, and he so happens to be blessed to wear violet... love that for him)
Elisa: Light Spring
Felix: Light Spring (he's wearing mostly summery colours, maybe to accommodate his dyed hair?)
Jakub: True Spring
Graham: True Spring (hes bright and his hair is warm.. I considered True Autumn.. do we really care about him? lol)
OK, my theory is that there are so many springs in litg because these colours are juicy, fresh, trendy, bright and eye catching. Which is perfect in a summery, hot setting like the villa.
In the colour season theory, things like overtone (freckles, tanning VS burning, and blushing, eye colour) aren't indicators of a specific season, however they can give clues to a person's place on the dial within thier base season: Soft, bright, true, Muted, deep, clear.
This art style doesn't add eye texture or patterns-probably due to size, space and distance-but those are the best tell-tale of someone's season, so obviously I couldn't work with that.
Anyways, it was fun to do this, I find it interesting how some characters don't always wear their best colours, just like real people :) overall, thier chosen clothes give insight into thier personalities! I'd love any feedback or corrections from anyone who's also into this x
This is so, so good! I'm in awe, anon 🤍
Absolutely loved reading the analysis for the different characters, and I'm definitely trusting your judgement on this one. For people not familiar with all this, here's a reference photo for you. It doesn't match the categories you mentioned perfectly, but I think it's close enough:
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Noah is definitely tricky, as he does wear deep blues and neutrals and warm colours well (at least in my mind). We love complex characters though, even if it's "just" about colours 😌 My ideal colours for him are definitely these, but I'm not sure which category they fit in:
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oceanblueeyesoul · 2 years
If it's okay, I would like a (romantic and platonic) ship from Stranger Things please?
My pronouns are she/her/they/them and I'm pansexual demigirl.
Physical appearance:
I'm White (very pale for that matter), brown hair in a low ponytail, 171cm/5"5 and brown-green-ish eyes, my eyes are perceived as "cold or unwelcoming".
"Spoon" body type. I tend to wears a lot of jeans outfits. I don’t wear makeup, like never. I have a tiny scar on my right eyebrow arch
INFP, Chaotic Good, zodiac sign Cancer. I tends to avoid social interactions since im autistic. I will only try to befriend people if i knew we got interests in common.
I love rain and fantasy novels. I'm also a History nerd, i love everything war History (battles, sieges, random acts of bravery etc) and mundane History (how and what peoples used to eat, read, listen to, anything.) I'm a loyal and secretive person (you can trust me at keeping secrets). Not easily shocked anymore (saw too much bullshit as a kid).
Bullies, mold (scared af of mold), uncaring peoples, peoples who lack imagination, ableists.
Video games, Roleplaying, writing, baking (mostly cupcakes, cookies and French pastries) and im a Greek Mythology nerd.
Thank you and have a good day!
Hi Emma, you sounded so awesome and I can do this thing justice for you!
Your platonic Stranger Things ship is...
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She would protect you from all the bullies! Trust me the girl does have telekinesis and would kick their ass down.
She is autistic hands down! She would understand you completely and doesn't like to talk to a lot of people also.
She is loyal and she needs someone to keep her secrets on the low-key.
ISFP x INFP platonic soulmates
Pisces x Cancer BFFs
Your romantic Stranger Things soulmate is...
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He would understand that you don't like to be bullied because he was bullied in his whole life.
He would give flowers and listen to you ramble about Greek Mythology because that's what you are passionate about.
He would love to roleplay with you because it reminds of DND and to spend time with him.
He loves to see you happy all the time and when you're sad he will give you the biggest hug of all time.
ESTJ x INFP chaotic sweethearts
Capricorn x Cancer partner and husband duo
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timebranded · 5 years
TAGGED BY: nobody! I swiped it from the dash bc I’m a dash game thief. TAGGING: If your URL has a vowel in it, consider yourself tagged.
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APHRODITE. laughter-loving,  sweet  smiles,  dressed  in  silk  and  satin,   flower  in  their  hair, sees  the  world  as  a  runway,   the  sea  washing  their  ankles,   in  love  with  love,    stirrer  of  passion,  cunning  concealed  (by  painted  lips), secret  daggers,  doves,     revolution  in  their  kiss,   delighting  in  the  waves,   strolling  along  the  beach,     staring  wistfully  from  a  balcony,  this  is how  to  be  a  heartbreaker,   wants  to  be  adored
APOLLO.  glitz  and  glamour,  art  galleries,   turning  the  volume  up,  being  made  of  gold,     neatly-organized  music  sheets,     notebooks  filled  with  poetry,   bathing  in  the  sunlight,  the  powerful  urge  to  create,   collecting  vinyl  records,    beautiful  cover  of  Wonderwall,     playing  multiple  instruments,  healing  touch,  speaking  in  prophecies,  smile  mingled  with  wrath,   shunning  lies,  sporting  shades,   hanging  out  at  music  festivals  with  their  friends,   arrow  to  the  heart,  paint  brushes
ARES.     armed  for  battle,  soft  spot  for  children,   gives  piggyback  rides,    scarred  body, blood  on  their  hands  and  face,  willing  to  fight  the  world  for  the  ones  they  love,  fights  against  injustice,  warm  hugs,    well-worn  combat  boots,  boxing gloves,   bandages  wrapped  around  bruised  knuckles,   fist  raised  in  protest, ignites  revolutions,     fear  is  a  prison,   more  sensitive  than  what  their  tough  shell  would  have  you  think,    exhausted, damaged  goods,   force  to  be  reckoned  with,     red  roses,  curses  under  their  breath.
ARTEMIS.    keen  sense  of  a  hunter,  freckles  like  constellations  on  their  skin, piercing  eyes,  disheveled  braid,  moonlight  peeking  through  the  shadows,   the  calm  of  the  forest  at  night,     lying  on  the  grass  and  staring  at  the  stars, mother  doe  and  her  fawn,   protecting  their  kin,  the  moon  shimmering  on  a  still  lake,  quiver  full  of  arrows  resting  against  the  bark  of  a  tree,    running  with  wolves,   bonding  while  circled  around  a  campfire,   not  being  much  of  a  people  person,   arrow  hitting  a  target,     popping  egos,   patience  on  3%,  touches  heaven  and  returns  howling.
ATHENA.     discerning  gaze,    unreadable  face,  quiet  museums,   owl  perched  on  their  finger,     armor  that  intimidates,     eye  for  architecture,    plays  the  sims  for  the  sole  purpose  of  building   houses,   studied  the  blade  while  everyone  else  was  busy,  big  fan  of  logic,     loves  brain  teasers, ancient  buildings,   sweaters  in  neutrals  and  cool  colors,    hair  done  up,    can  kill  you  with  their  brain,  heads  to  the  library  often  to  research,   sharpened  pencils,  abs  that  can  cut  steel,  stoic  statues,  pottery classes.
DEMETER.    soil-covered  hands,   smile  that  can  bloom  flowers, skin  loved  by  the  sun,   being  the  mom-friend,   can  lift  you  and  your  friends,  flowers  kept  in  the  pockets  of  overalls,   takes  pride  in  their  beautiful  garden,  speaks  to  their  plants, leaves  rustling  in  the  wind,   stalks  of  wheat,    picking  fruit,   greenhouses,   heart  as  strong  as  a  mountain,   values  simplicity,    daisies  dotted  across  a  collarbone,    curls  crowned  with  flowers,     folded  pile  of  sweaters  in  warm  hues,  pulling  out  fresh-baked  bread  out  of  the  oven  and  the  smell  wafting  through  the  air.
DIONYSUS.     drunk  shitposter,  on  their  sixth  glass  of  wine  before  you’ve  even  finished  your  second,  untamed curls,   rich  fabrics  on  dark  skin,     sleek-furred  panthers,   theater  masks,    stage  productions,   receiving  a  standing  ovation,     rose  caught  between  their  teeth, ��being  the  baby  of  the  bunch,  wild  parties  that  last  from  sundown  to  sunup,  creeping  vines,   inspiring  loyalty,  grandopera  houses,  masquerade  balls,  rolls  of  film,    shattered  chandeliers  with  broken glass  scattered  across  the  wine-spilled  floor,   pouring  champagne  into  flutes,     lives  for  the   applause.
HEPHAESTUS.   the  calloused  hands  of  someone  who  knows  labor,  sweaty  brow,  flame  burning  in  their  eyes,   inventive  mind,   broad  shoulders,     steampunk  goggles,    nuts  and  bolts  stored  away  in  little  boxes,  ashes,  striking  a  match,  blueprints  for  future  projects,  fixing  up  a  busted  up  car  and  giving  it  cool  upgrades,   wrestles  with  bitterness,  work  boots  have  seen  better  years,   wrinkled  plaid  shirts,    iron  melted  in  blazing  fire,   huge  jackets,   crafting  masterpieces,   greased-stained  overalls, fascination  with  robotics,   pain  is  fuel,   stack  of  weaponry,  even  their  muscles  have  muscles.
HERA.     resting  bitch  face,     dressed  to  the  nines,   cows  grazing  on  a  pasture, cool  rain, loving  and  hating  fiercely,  hand  clutching  a  string  of  pearls,   large  chandelier  with  glittering  crystals,   plays  the  sims  for  the  sole  purpose  of  killing  off  their  sims,   romance  to  realism,   pictures  of  the  sky  while  flying  on  a  plane,  downs  glasses  of  wine  as  they  relax  with  a  scented  bubble  bath  and  netflix,  like  their  selfie  or  you’re  grounded, knows  57  convenient  ways  to  murder  a  man,  dark  eyes  that  penetrate  your  soul,  marble  and  gold.
HERMES.    devil-may-care  smile, always  up-to-date  on  the  latest  technology, will  steal  your  french  fries,   does  it  for  the vine,   shitposter,   puts  googly  eyes  on  everything,    meme  hoarder,  long  drives  on  the  highway,   ma  and  pop  diners, spontaneous  road  trips,   folded  maps,   fingers  dancing  across  the  keyboard  of  a  laptop,  shooting  hoops  on  the  basketball  court, chatting  up  strangers  as  you  all  journey  to  your  own  destinations,  goes  jogging  in  the  morning,  mixes  redbull  with  coffee,  menace  on  april fool’s,  hoodies  and  sneakers.  
POSEIDON.    storm  with  skin,  colorful  coral  reefs,   waves  crashing  against  the  shore, stroking  the  soft  fur  of  a  cat,   their  heart  pounding  as  their  horse’s  gentle  trot  speeds  into  a  gallop,     tousled  locks,    clothes  smeared  with  paint,  owns  several  sketchbooks  yet  always  yearns  to  own  more,   leather  jackets,  fondness  for  diy  projects, handwriting  that  flows  across  the  page,   nimble  fingers  playing  the  strings  of  a  violin,  velvety  singing  voice  that  haunts  your  dreams, mood  as  ever-changing  as  the  sea,   the  roar  of  a  motorcycle,  compass  with  a  spinning arrow.
ZEUS.  thunder  in  their  heart,  running  on  coffee,  flash  of  lightning,  natural  charisma,    eloquence,   badass  in  a  nice  suit,   aficionado  of  history, force of nature, lenny  face,    nightmare-filled  nights,   high-rise  buildings,     planes  soaring  through  a  cloudless  sky,   technician  on  the  piano,  maintains  order, strong  handshake,   juggling  multiple  events  on  their  busy  schedule  with  ease, expensive watch
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spectracully · 3 years
crash the crush.
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pairings : senior student!xiaojun x sophomore student!reader warnings : profanity, underage drinking, mentions of drugs genre : fluff, a bit of crack? highschool!au word count : 4.3k
summary : what are the odds of crashing into your crush during the neighborhood-friendly run and mutual friends party?
You were pissed off when your mum said you need to work your lazy ass off. Well, if it's on the summer break, you'll most likely agree with her. But it's only the weekend, and you've been studying your ass off these days. A lazy weekend is something you earned, but your mum decided to rain on your lazy parade.
With all those groans and deep sighs, you storm off your house wearing your workout gear. Not much, only a windbreaker jacket paired with shorts and running shoes. Popping your airpods on both of your ears to blast some jams, you take some light jogging steps on your neighborhood. It's only 4.30 pm, and kinda windy, why the fuck are you doing this? That's right, because mum literally compared you to your neighbor's daughter, Giselle, who recently won a karate tournament. Now mum won't even shut up how much she wants an active daughter, not the lazy one. Yikes.
Back to the streets by Saweetie & Jhene Aiko plays, and you hear a message notification on your airpods. Still on your light jogs, you glance at the notification.
yeri<3 : yo yeri<3 : wyd
You stop jogging for a while to write your bestfriend back. It's saturday, she's probably asking you to hangout along with the gang. Yeri gets easily bored at home and in constant need of hanging out.
y/n : running  💃 💃 💃 y/n : mum said i need to be giselle
You continue your pace while waiting for her reply. You can see your neighborhood clearly now, seeing the details, since you always go to school in a sleepy state, not really noticing the environment, and also going home from school mostly sleeping in your brother's car.
The notification rings again. It must be Yeri.
yeri<3 : bitch thats a dancing emoji yeri<3 : running in a weather like this? yeri<3 : damn straight u wanna be giselle
You chuckle as you’re about to type the messages once more, the weather is fine, what the hell is she talking about? But then Yeri is still typing. 
yeri<3 : n e ways yeri<3 : party at lucas' 8pm yeri<3 : be there or be fucking square 💀 💀 💀
You sigh. There she goes. No other option than tag along with her, but it's not like you hate it anyway. Lucas' party is always awesome, you and your friends also will get a VIP pass because he's a good friend of yours too, despite the fact that you're not even in the same grade as him, he's one year above you and Yeri.
y/n : weather is nice dont jinx it y/n : fine but pick me up y/n : cuz doyoung won't let me drive his car
You send the messages to Yeri to prove her the weather is fine, and indicates that you agree to go to Lucas' house tonight, it's a great night to probably get wasted after all those tiring run mum decided to toss on you. It's gonna be fun, anyways. But the thing about hanging out with Lucas and his senior friends.. You might've developed a big fat crush with one of Lucas' closest friends, Xiaojun. 
You barely had an interaction with him, though, because he's usually the quiet and calm one in Lucas' closest friends group. Lucas himself is already so fucking loud, not to mention Hendery, the good-looking clown and moodmaker. There's also Jungwoo, the one who looks very calm but actually won't shut up once you talk to him. Mark too, the giggly one with some lame jokes. Well, going to Lucas' party tonight means you can see Xiaojun, probably getting the chances that you'll have some interaction over some boozes or something is also quite high.
After feeling all warmed up, you decide to give yourself a run around the block. Yeri's right, it's a funny weather to run. It's windy, but the more you stay outside, the cloud is getting darker and darker. You also knew that you're not really alone, who's doing this athletic bullshit in this kind of weather, you noticed that a boy is also doing this silly run when you were typing messages to Yeri. Probably just another neighbor's child being scolded by his mum of how Giselle is so athletic that his mum also wants an active son? Welp, you didn't see his face anyway, you were glued to the phone when you saw the figure running from the side.
It's not even a minute after you started running, Yeri already replied again. Is she really that bored that she doesn't have anything to do?
yeri<3 : ok i'll pick u up at 7 yeri<3 : um.. its fucking raining, y/n yeri<3 : go home and take a shower yeri<3 : pick ur clothes and put on some makeup instead yeri<3 : its saturday night, activate your hoe protocol yeri<3 : mr xiaojun is going to be there tonight
You stop running and stare at her messages. Raining? Is she drunk or what? It's not even 5pm yet and here she is, hallucinating-
Oop. There it goes. You feel some water drops on your head. Your hand. It was slow at first, but then the raindrops are getting harder and harder, it's pouring. 
"Motherfu-" you let out a curse, you should've trusted Yeri on this. As an intuitive homo sapiens with XX chromosomes, you scan through the streets, looking for some shelter to wait the rain to stop. Spotting a bus stop with a large steel canopy, you run like your life depended on it, avoiding the rain.
Finally arriving, you sigh and sit on the installed chair, typing messages to Yeri.
y/n : omg bitch ur right its raining y/n : should've pretended im dead in my room so mum wont bug me y/n : u know what after the rain ends im gonna sprint back home and take a fucking shower y/n : the universe doesnt like it when im trying to be giselle, it gave me rain instead
You sigh as you shuffle through your playlist, looking for some fun jams to pass your time through the rain, when somebody suddenly approaches you.
"Hi, do you mind if I take a seat here?" a boy asks, pointing to the chair next to you. You look up, and suddenly the next thing you wanna do is ascend your soul the fuck out of your body to the sky. 
Oh boy. It's Xiaojun. The boy you won't shut up about. He’s wearing a white loose tank and grey sweatpants, drenched in his own sweat. Oh god. This is truly an attack for you. What the fuck is he doing here? And why must you meet him at your mess like being all salty because of those running fiasco and the rain? While wearing your not-so-fashionable workout gear and not-so-tidy ponytails? Oh god.
You can feel your heart is about to explode when you realize that he is actually the person who is also doing the stupid running at this very weather, you just didn't notice it sooner because you were on your damn phone. Damn, mum was right, everything happened because you were always on your damn phone.
"No, of course! Take a seat!" you answer him, trying your best to crack your sweetest smile although it's more like sweatiest not sweetest.
He smiles back at you, taking a seat next to you, then his eyes get back to his phone, completely glued. Damn this is the only cardio that is worth it, no running, no jumping, no huff that huff this, only sitting next to Xiaojun on a rainy day on a bus stop. Wonderful.
You quickly whip up the messaging app to type all kinds of gibberish and send it to Yeri. She knows what shit is about to go down when you speak gibberish to her.
Lucky you, Yeri has nothing to do than respond to your messages, she stays put on the chat room.
yeri<3 : ASKJSJSKSK WHAT yeri<3 : HOW
y/n : KAHSKSJKS omg bitch y/n : i was sheltering myself from the goddamn rain y/n : im in bus stop rn y/n : this angel came to accompany me y/n : HE WAS RUNNING TOO OMG y/n : omg yeri just so u know if im not there when u pick me up y/n : its bc im in church getting married with my man xiaojun
yeri<3 : BITCH OMG SKSKSKSKK yeri<3 : GET MARRIED RN yeri<3 : WAIT dont waste the chance yeri<3 : talk to him rn!!!
You swear you're about to scream when Yeri sends that. She was actually right, this is your chance to talk to him, considering that you didn't really interact that much with him. But really? He didn't even say a word when he sat, probably didn't even remember your name? The disappointment slowly gets into your head.
You freeze on the spot. torn between wanting to talk to him and just let it slide, you'll see him again tonight as Lucas' house, right?
Just when you decide to give up and not say a word, he turns his head to you.
"Hey, I didn't know you live in this neighborhood too," he starts.
Oh god. If every time your heart beats fast you get a dollar, you'd probably have your own private island by now.
You try to play it cool when actually on the inside you wanna scream I LIKE YOU to his face rn. "Oh? Oh yes, my house is number 13." you answer calmly,
He cracks a smile, “13? You’re Doyoung’s little sister?”
Oh god. What the fuck is this clownery? He knows Doyoung? Why and how? At this rate you just wanna evaporate to the rain, what if Doyoung actually knows that you liked Xiaojun and he spills it? Oh god. 
You smile back at him, holding the panic you’ve been keeping since he mentioned Doyoung’s name. “Yep. I’m his sister.”
“Oh god, why didn’t I notice that earlier? I could’ve taken care of you at school!” he exclaims, and you sure you just wanna evaporate to the rain. Him? Taking care of you at school? YES PLEASE!
You let out a small giggle, trying to be as calm as possible when in reality you’re very sure you just wanna melt like a goddamn popsicle on a hot summer day. “So, how do you know my brother, actually?”
He laughs a bit, wiping away the sweat on his forehead. Oh god, he’s just so beautiful. “Well.. Doyoung and I used to be a dynamic duo in the school's choir, until he graduated.”
Oh, that. Doyoung is pretty serious about his career in the school’s choir, but you did not expect that Xiaojun is actually a part of it. Of course, he has the face of an angel, the voice is included.
“Now I know why Doyoung never let me come to his house. Turns out he has a cute- I mean, h-he has a sister, and that’s you! M-Maybe he’s afraid I’ll bother you or s-something.” he continues, stuttering a bit, and letting out an awkward laugh. You laugh again, feeling the blood rushing to your cheeks that you can’t hide no more. DID HE JUST SAY DOYOUNG HAS A CUTE SISTER? DID HE JUST SAY YOU’RE CUTE? DID HE-
But then, good things always come to an end. The goddamn rain stops. Oh fuck, no more chitter chatter with the dear crush. Just when it is the fucking time you need to hear the goddamn wedding bells, the rain decided to stop on your rain parade. Fuck.
He looks up, and seems like noticing the rain has stopped. “Well, Y/n. Lucas is having a party tonight, are you coming?”
You can feel your cheeks are still heating from his words, you shyly nod to him. Welp, maybe the rain has stopped, but this stupid crush? No. It goes on. Very much.
He stands up, straightening his white loose tank, getting ready to probably sprint back home. “Okay. See you tonight then, I’m going home. Have a good run!” he says as he walks away from the bus stop, leaving you dumbfounded. And lovestruck. That’s a win, alright.
Xiaojun slowly fades away from your view, and you’re still drowning on your pool of love. Yep, that’s it. You can’t even hold it, you quickly dial Yeri’s number to break out the news.
“What is it, Y/n? You literally left me on read for like 14 minutes straight and now you-”
“YERI LISTEN I’M GETTING MARRIED TONIGHT AND THAT’S A FUCKING FACT!” you shout to the phone, you can picture Yeri is probably goggling out her eyes right now.
“Girl, just because Xiaojun just asked you why the fuck were you running at times like this it doesn’t mean-”
“HE CALLED ME CUTE!” you blurted out,cutting her sentences for the second time,
“-you’re getting married- WHAT?? HE CALLED YOU WHAT?” Yeri yelled from the phone, now it’s pretty clear that Yeri is probably jumping her ass off right now.
You sprint your way to home, while holding your phone to your ears, continuing to give Yeri the details about the bus stop conversation you had earlier. Now she’s just yelling at you to pick the right dress and pamper yourself up, the probability you’ll marry Xiaojun at Lucas’ party is increasing. Sure it does.
It’s 11.28 PM, 3 hours and a half since you and Yeri just arrived at Lucas’ house, escaping from Doyoung’s warning to you, to get back in one piece, and most importantly, sober. As if you’re gonna leave Lucas’ house sober, that’s funny, alright. You and Yeri were greeted by Yangyang and Donghyuck, who are currently setting up the table for snacks and drinks. That was probably the first time you saw Donghyuck ever setting up something, because if not, Jungwoo would’ve set his ass on fire.
The party madness has started, seems like everybody already has enough alcohol running on their system. Lucas is already losing his shirt and starts twerking in the middle of his house along with Jaemin and Jungwoo. Ah yes, the thot trio already started their thing, and all you have to do is just stay back and avoid getting dragged to the dance mess, because the chance of Jungwoo and Jaemin will start grinding at you is kinda high right now.. Considering their.. Twerking fiasco.
You sit back on the couch and watch your friends getting crazy over the playlist Yangyang made just for this event, sipping on your cocktails that Donghyuck put god-knows-what in it, he said it’s just cherry juice mixed with gin and brandy, but somehow it tastes kinda citrusy. You glance to the right, only to see Yeri making out with some random guy (probably one of Lucas’ friends named Changbin but oh well, that’s Yeri’s business).
Slightly grossed out and sad because apparently you’re not making out with Xiaojun right now, you make your way to the patio, and find the crowd that circle around a spinning bottle. Interested, you join Jeno, Mark, Renjun, Yeji, Hyunjin, Sungchan, Karina, Vernon, Hendery, and of course, the (hottest) most important person right now, Xiaojun.
“Welcome! As a newly joined member.. Truth or dare?” Jeno greets you as you take a seat between Mark and Sungchan. Well, you’d love to sit beside Xiaojun, but apparently, that seat is already taken by Hendery and Vernon.
You silently glance at Xiaojun, who is wearing a denim jacket with light-yellow knit top underneath, paired with white trousers. Damn, he looks so damn good that you wanna cry a river.
Your head comes back to the question Jeno asked. Today’s your day, be bold or bald. It’s time. “Well, I’m not gonna put my drunk antics to waste. Dare then.” you answer boldly, earning a few ‘ooooh’s from your friends.
Jeno snickers. Well, fuck. Guess you’re a bit too damn bold tonight, the realization suddenly hits you like a fucking trainwreck, Jeno is kinda extreme for games like this. Wrong choice, y/n. You gulp as you wait for Jeno to come up with something.
“I dare you to kiss Xiaojun!” Jeno exclaims, clapping both of his hands like a goddamn happy seal. Mark and Hendery are high-fiving right now, throwing whistles around Xiaojun, who is silent as a fucking rock.
Oh god. Things you’ve said about not putting your drunk antics to waste should’ve stayed in that goddamn draft. This is where Jeno takes you, even though you’re secretly happy that you finally get to kiss your goddamn crush, that shit is EMBARRASSING. If you wanna evaporate to the waters, then it’s probably the right time to do it.
But why Xiaojun though? Is your big fat crush on him too obvious?
You freeze on the spot as you awkwardly smile and stare at Jeno. This shit can’t be real. Jeno is goddamn crazy. You can feel the air is getting hot, whether it’s because the alcohol starts kicking in, or just because the blood is rushing through your head.
“Scared, aren’t you?” Jeno taunts you, sipping his beer as the rest of the group laugh except you and Xiaojun, who is currently staring at you with a questionable expression. Is he pleased? Or is he pissed? Oh god.
“I-I’m not!” you answer him, leaning to Xiaojun, gulping once more before asking him, “You’re okay with this though?”
Xiaojun smirks, “How can I say no to you?” he asks back, accompanied by a few ‘ayyy~’ from the boys, sending butterflies to your stomach. Your face is probably as red as a tomato by now.
Good god. Is this the same Xiaojun who is quiet, calm, and collected among his friends? Why suddenly he is so bold? Oh, he’s probably just drunk and won’t remember this kiss anyway.. You lean closer to him, closing the gap between his face and yours by sealing the kiss. His lips are soft yet firm, almost like a grape jelly you had earlier this afternoon, with a hint of vodka, of course.
After a few seconds, you finally pull out and linger your eyes on him. It’s beautiful, and mesmerizing. You just wish that you can see it again, and only for you, no one else. As you get back to your seat, you take one more last glance at him, that is currently also glancing at you, with his cheeks red.
Okay. You definitely heard the wedding bells, thanks Jeno. That’s probably one of your dreams, and thanks to Jeno, it came true. But unfortunately, Xiaojun probably won’t feel the same, or worse, he’ll probably forget about it tomorrow.
Everyone claps, exchanging happy exclaims and cheers as if you just said ‘I do’ to Xiaojun lol, when in reality, you were just doing the dare Jeno gave you. You gulp bitterly as the game goes on and on.
It’s an hour past midnight, 1.12 AM to be exact. Thank god you’re not that shitfaced, but Yeri is. She is not even capable of doing anything anymore except being all smiley and shit, Changbin already drove her home like fifteen minutes ago, leaving you behind in Lucas’ lair. You suddenly felt the urge to thank god that Yeri made a fantastic decision last minute before picking you up, she used a taxi instead of driving. If she hadn’t, you’re probably stuck driving her home right now.
You scan through the house while leaning through the stair railings, looking for an easy target to get a free ride. Finally spotted your friends, you now have 3 choices : Donghyuck (who is currently seducing some random girl), Yangyang (who is now playing mobile games with Jaemin and Chenle), or Mark (who recently just hit a goddamn blunt, but he’s very capable to drive).
You sip your glass of water, making up your mind for your ride home. But then, suddenly someone taps on your shoulder.
“Do you wanna go home? Like, right now? I can drive you- I mean, our house is like, near.” you hear Xiaojun speaking to you, holding his car keys on his left hand.
Good gracious, is this even real? Like, Xiaojun, is actually asking you to go home with him? Is this real? Or are you just hallucinating from the goddamn weed you take 10 minutes ago from Lucas?
You stare at him blankly. He bit his lip, “I mean- If you wanna stay longer- or probably-”
“Yes, of course! Let’s go.” you smile at him, cutting off his words.
3 times in a day. Good job, Y/n! The wedding is up ahead!
He smiles and gives you a gesture, “Ladies first.”
The drive is not as awkward as you thought. Turns out, Xiaojun is full of surprise though, you nearly choked when he said he once formally apologized to Doyoung before he stood up to defend the dignity of Mint Chocolate Chip flavored ice cream. It’s delightful to find out that he has similar tastes as you, from ice cream flavor to music and school subjects.
Xiaojun also told you the reason why he was on the run earlier, he was bored. Damn, look at it, the difference between a forced daughter whose mum wants an active child, and a bored model-student. He said he didn’t expect to see you because he was embarrassed, he was drenched in sweat.
You can feel the butterflies on your stomach grow wilder and wilder from every word he said, or maybe it’s just the way he smiles when he talks to you? Welp, if it’s anything to do with Xiaojun, you’ll most likely get butterflies.
Just when you thought he was drunk, he is not. He’s capable of driving you home and carrying on some fun convos, also remembering little things. So.. perhaps, he is not going to forget the kiss you shared because of Jeno’s dare?
As you keep on exchanging conversation with him, suddenly it’s time to get off his car and get back to your house, get ready to deal with Doyoung’s nags and scolds for getting home this late.
You giggle as you take the seat belt off, smiling at the brown haired boy.
“Thank you for driving me home, Xiaojun. It was fun.” you say to him, waving him goodbye as you open the door. He smiles and waves back at you.
Just when you’re about to open the gate of your house, you hear the sound of slamming car doors. You turn around and see Xiaojun standing in front of you, eyes sparkling like a goddamn star. Unfortunately, it’s not Christmas.. If it is, all you want for Christmas is to stare at Xiaojun’s beautiful eyes all day, and probably get married to him.
“Um.. Y/n.. I don’t know how to say this but.. The kiss you gave me earlier, it’s kinda..” he starts, smiling sheepishly.
Oh god, what now? It’s kinda what? Gross? You swear you’ll kill Jeno if you hear that from Xiaojun.
You gaze at him as you wait for him to complete his sentences.
“It’s kinda.. Making me feel.. Things.” he finally continues, rubbing the back of his neck while looking away from you, flustered. It’s pretty cute.
You giggle at him a little, the butterflies come back, or maybe they never even left?
“Don’t laugh, Y/n. I’m being honest, I was pretty embarrassed to run into you during sheltering, and now you’re laughing at me for-”
You let out a big laugh before you pull him to another kiss. This one is a bit longer, more passionate and intimate, unlike the one you had before. He cups your cheek as you feel him smiling during the kiss.
“I’m sorry if I invaded your privacy- but your fast typing was very.. Intriguing.. I might’ve seen you texting Yeri at the bus stop.” he giggles after you pull out from the kiss.
Yikes. You feel like you’re about to burst now. He saw you texting Yeri? What kind of clownery is this? Did he see you typing- oh god, that’s too embarrassing to remember.
“No! That’s too embarrassing!” you cover your face, he laughs once more.
“Now, which church are we going to? I’m pretty sure you said we’re getting married tonight, right?” he takes your hands off your face, grinning widely.
You pout and lightly hit him, only to be attacked by his hugs a second later. Aww, finally, dreams do come true. You stay on his embrace for a few more minutes, no talking, just comfortable silence and realization that you’re on Xiaojun’s arms right now.
You glance at your watch, Doyoung would be furious by now. Telling him that you really have to go before Doyoung can rise from his sleep and beat your ass, you finally wave goodbye to him as he gets back to his car.
Finally entering the house, you’re greeted by Doyoung who’s standing in front of you, holding a bowl of salad on his right hand.
“So, kissing Xiaojun in front of my salad?” he raises his eyebrow.
You stick out your tongue as you make your way upstairs. Technically, not in front of Doyoung’s salad, because the door was closed. He’s probably looking through the window, such a nosy brother. You laugh at the thought of Doyoung getting furious while eating his salad as you get a message.
Xiaojun : so, see you at school? Xiaojun : can’t wait to hold your hand on monday ;)
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Gender and pronouns
Greetings, if you are reading this it may mean you are or know someone who is either genderfluid, agender, nonbinary, trans etc. And you don't want to use the wrong pronouns.
Well, if you or someone you know are trans. Whichever gender you or they have transitioned to would be your pronouns to use. For example. A female has transitioned to male. The pronouns are now he/him/his and such. Even if they have not undergone surgery, taken T or any thing else than binding, even without binding. If they tell you they are a he, then it is good manners to respect that and call them such or at least they them.
For thee opposite, a male that has transitioned to female. Same thing in reverse. Even if she has not started taking estrogen yet, even if she isn't wearing makeup. If she tells you she's a she, then she's a she.
Another way to help is asking. Seriously, as long as it doesn't come off as rude.
I.e. "What are you?"
That is a no-no. It's like you're referring to them as an object.
More so try "Pardon me, we have just met, but I would like to know if you have preferred pronouns?" It may seem a little weird and you may think it's presumptuous. My friend's who are both cisgender male and female do not mind at all when asked by members of the lgbtq+ community. But, it's always better to try to read the person and then decide the best approach.
Most people who are comfortable with their gender identity will inform you of the pronouns in the first few conversations you have with them. You may forget sometimes. My friend Lucas, who is a ftm transgender, used to have a very feminine name. I often forget to refer to him as Lucas only because I knew him longer as his deadname, but I usually correct myself and refer to him properly.
I am genderfluid and even on my 'guy days' as my boyfriend likes to call it, I may not wear a binder. Mostly because i have breathing issues and a binder exacerbates that. I simply wear more masculine clothing and enjoy more masculine activities. I'm still a he on those days, even if I still have a woman's chest. It's all about asking. My friend's constantly ask and if they aren't sure they just refer to me as a they or them which is perfectly fine.
So, whether you are trans, know someone who is trans or genderfluid, just follow along there and also look at this nifty chart I found on a college website.
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(Above are supposedly all gender neutral pronouns)
Anyways, hope this helps people, if there's anything someone wants to add or correct. Please feel free to do so in a reblog.
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