#(<- like. a super quick doodle. but it counts)
sysig · 10 months
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I can’t stop drawing tiny Watchdogs (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Commander Peepers#Watchdog#Newsflash: They are all tiny#They're such perfect spacefillers I swear <3 <3 <3 No hells boxes here#They're all basically just stick figures with eyes in place of the head lol what more could I ask for#Or in the case of Fist Fighters then the obvious lol#Even if I do also already have some stick figures that I enjoy lol - they keep the page on-theme! Very important! Haha#Gave a go to a regular Watchdog to go with my Fist Fighter and hmmm yes this feels attainable lol - just gotta give 'em both names#They are very cute and sweet ♥#An actual full-style(? Full WOY style? Lol) for Peepers and a regular Watchdog!#Although afterwards I looked and I'm. Hm. There's conflicting information out there and I'm not sure what to believe#On the wiki he's listed as being shorter than most other Watchdogs but I did a quick screenshot comparison in The It and he was taller??#Not just taller - his eye was bigger - and I accounted for distance! The regular Watchdog was in front of him by just a few inches!#It's inconsistent enough for me to argue either way honestly#And all that not counting what Wander does to his shoes lol so all in all he's probably Slightly taller than the Watchdogs with his shoes on#Not counting special members like Moose or the Drill Sergeant - and definitely not Westley he's super tiny haha#Honestly surprised Peepers didn't take advantage of their height difference more he's a bit of a bully ♪#Rest abound as being silly little guys :) I do love how they're so easy to draw ''in colour'' haha#Red on black on red on black ♫ I suppose I could add in a yellow but pfsh don't even talk to me about the dark purple/red combo inside lol#Maybe at some point but I like them at full lighting for ease of colours haha#Cutest lads <3 Love 'em
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seagull-scribbles · 1 year
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A day after valentine's, but here's a simp
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heartbeetz · 3 months
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Posted this to my fandom blog also (don't wanna rb it here so I'm just reposting) but ummm... saw this image and decided it's extremely the type of photo Anton would take of his dog.
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Sweet Pea - Steve Rogers x Reader
Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratus) - Meaning: Thank you for a lovely time, farewell
Summary: While on the run, Steve comes to reader for comfort. What starts as a series of one night stands turns into so much more.
Pairing: Nomad!Steve x Reader
Word Count: 955
Warnings: Allusions to smut, Steve leaving notes and being sweet, domestic fluff, dirty notes and drawings, the Blip, angst, Steve freaking out
Day 14 brings us some fluffy angst with our favorite Nomad!
In Bloom Masterlist
Likes, comments, and reblogs are SUPER appreciated! ❤️
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You kept the notes squirreled away in a small box in the back of your sock drawer. Steve always left one, using whatever scrap of paper was nearby. After the first few notes you’d taken to keeping post-its and a pen on your nightstand, which he used from then on to leave you his sweet farewells. 
The first few notes were stiff, formal, things like ‘Thank you for a lovely time, Sincerely Yours, Steve’ or ‘I truly appreciate you, Best, Steve’ like he was thanking you for picking up his dry cleaning rather than letting him fuck you into next week. 
At the beginning of your relationship, he’d only come by your safe house after dark and would leave almost right after you passed out. The more times he visited, the more comfortable he got and the longer he would linger. Sometimes you’d wake up in the wee hours with him spooning you, snoring adorably, but he’d always be gone by morning, a note left for you stuck to your coffee maker, a full pot already made. 
He was sweet like that. 
‘Thanks for last night. You’re incredible. <3 Steve’
‘I’ll miss you, but I won’t be gone long. <3 Steve’
‘See you soon, beautiful. <3 Steve’ 
The little doodled heart next to his name made your heart stutter. 
His visits became more frequent, from once every few months to once a month to every other week or so. More often than not, you woke up next to him. The first time that happened you’d shaken him awake, afraid he was late to something or needed to go. He’d smiled his classically handsome smile and simply folded you back into his arms. 
“Go back to sleep, sweetheart,” he said, voice still thick with sleep. “I don’t have to be anywhere for a while yet.” 
A while yet turned out to be two full days with Steve. At first, you weren’t sure about his presence in your house, thinking he’d be bored out of his mind, but he found some home projects you’d been neglecting and did as much as he could in the time he had. The domesticity of it all was a new kind of intimacy that neither of you were familiar with, so there were some awkward moments trying to figure out each other's routines and particularities. But once that initial adjustment period was over, everything felt…natural.
You feared this would be the end of his sweet little notes, but instead of the end the notes started popping up everywhere. Sometimes it was a flirtatious note, sometimes a quick drawing of something silly or pornographic or a reference to something he now understood thanks to your pop culture tutelage. 
‘I love your tits in that top ;)’
‘Meet me upstairs when you’re done in the garden’
‘I definitely didn't use the last of the milk, it was a ghost. Who ya gonna call?’ 
The drawing he did of you pegging a suspiciously Steve-shaped Deadpool was probably your favorite. That one got taped to the fridge. 
While he was on the run, you were more than happy to provide him a safe place. His touchstone when he needed a reminder that he was still a human being. A place where he could fully shed the fugitive mantle and act like a normal person. 
He gets the call from Nat while he’s rehanging drywall in your upstairs bathroom. They needed him to get to Edinburgh, some weird readings were coming through whatever scanners she had. You were at the grocery store, so he grabbed the post-its from his side of the bed and wrote a note. 
‘Got a call from Nat, gotta go save the world again <3 Love you, Steve’
He stuck it where he’d be sure you’d find it, on the fridge, next to the naughty drawing that you loved, and made sure to lock the door when he left. 
A few days later, the truck he’d commandeered screeched to a halt in your driveway. His heart pounded in his chest as he thudded up the porch steps and threw his shoulder into your front door, busting it open — he’d fix it later, he had to know. 
He called your name and ran from room to room, searching for you desperately. Half the world was gone, and he couldn’t waste another second without knowing if you were one of them. 
He’d already lost Bucky. He couldn’t lose you too. 
Up in your bedroom he found his answer. On the bed, spread all over his side of it, were all the notes he’d written you. On your side, nothing but a hint of dust. His legs went numb, but they managed to bring him to the end of the bed before he collapsed, gripping the duvet and some of his wayward notes. 
Steve couldn’t hold back anymore, so he let the tears fall pitifully — first Bucky, then Wanda, Sam, T’Challa, so, so many others. And now, you were gone too. The one person who could have possibly helped him hold together what was left, had already done that once before after his schism with Stark. He’d come to you shattered and slowly, carefully, you’d glued him back together. 
“Steve?” your quiet voice asked. At first, he didn’t move, convinced he was hearing things until he felt your small hand on his shoulder. 
He turned, your name falling from his lips like a sacred prayer before he wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his wet face in your stomach. More tears fell, but these were from relief. 
“You’re alive,” he chanted, voice muffled by your tummy. You shushed him gently, running your fingers through his hair. 
“I’m here, Steve,” you promised, “I’ll always be here.”
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finchwingart · 8 months
its so, idk, reassuring? relieving? to see your art. not just the full, big, detailed and pretty and complex pieces you hold up as proof of your skill and talent and all, but especially the little ones you post occasionally, the little doodles and scribbles and quick and messy scraps or beginning bits. because usually all artists hand out is the first group, the big done skillful works and there's always this implication, that *those* are what /counts as art/ and anything less isn't. getting to see the little scraps & scribbles and all just.. reassures me that, hey, art isn't just the big painstaking detailed beasts of canvas and layers and detail. that the little ones, the starting, matters too. That you have to begin somewhere, after all, or that you don't have to throw your full effort all the time into what you do. that it's okay to.. not. So, thank you for showing the little things too.
aw man, that means a lot T^T I've always liked when artists show their rough work n sketches, and even silly little doodles, cause it kinda makes them feel more real? It's nice to see their dirty work and remind yourself it's ok to not have to make super polished stuff all the time, bc tbh I don't have the energy for super polished work these days, I just like to colour sketches and nap
Means a lot that you like them!!
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brandogenius · 4 months
hihihi!!! okay so hear me out i'm a barista so i had lots of thoughts and delusions about jb and barista!reader...
when jb comes in, reader definitely says the order at the same time as jb and smiles every time they accidentally talk in sync and jb is grinning and apologizing for talking over her and lowkey panicking while reader is writing her order on the cup and some doodles
i know DAMN WELL julien is giving hella tips, at my job our cash tips are split evenly between baristas so i just have the feeling jb is counting the visible baristas and doing the math for how much of a tip exactly she needs to give all together for reader to get the tip jb wants to give her (does that make sense??) + reader is always shocked at how big of a tip julien gives
reader giving her the cute/silly steam stickers that go on the hot drink lids + julien definitely has a little collection in her car on some random paper of every single one she gets (at my job rn we have valentines stickers and they're like conversation hearts with words on them...im imagining reader trying to shoot her shot and putting a sticker on her cup that say 'kiss me' or 'ur cute' or something similar and julien is about to frame this sticker on her wall)
after a certain amount of time (assuming the shop doesn't ask for names) reader learns juliens name and when jb comes in with the boys reader greets her by name and phoebe and lucy are like :0 and juliens grinning walking up to the counter with them and she's like "hiiii 😇🥰"
when there's a rude customer and julien happens to be there she stops reader when they bring her drink be she sees how overwhelmed and frustrated they are and she apologizes for the customer being rude and says something super nice about how important customer services jobs are and how employees deserve sm more than they usually get from those jobs (like that interview she had talking about how she doesn't tell waiters when her order is wrong esp if she can see they're stressed out) and accidentally starts rambling with her big girl words and reader is barely taking in what she's saying but is also on the verge of tears at how sweet jb is
julien comes in and orders her drink but orders something to bring to lucy or someone and reader is like "oh?" and jb is so quick to reassure that it's for her FRIEND not ANYONE in particular just her BESTEST BUD
could you imagine how cute it'd be if the place had themed drinks and stuff for pride month and jb is asking reader about said pride specials and reader is so excited about it all and julien is silently taking notes making sure reader is in fact gay and not an extremely passionate ally
one of these days jb comes in and it's not busy at all so reader and julien get to chit chat about random stuff until she has to actually leave so julien orders and reader writes her number on the back of the cup and says 'text me! :D' or something cute that tells julien she wants to keep talking and julien doesn't even realize bc the writing was facing away from her and when she does notice there's more on the cup than usual she like dies on the spot
OKAY IM DONE I COULD GO ON FOR FOREVER IM SORRY FOR YAPPING SO MUCH AHHH i just LOVE this hc and i can make it sososo accurate as a barista
learning juliens name because they talk so much and reader knows her order like at the beginning it might’ve been like “hey it’s ice latte girl, how are you?” to knowing exactly what time jb comes in she doesn’t even need to wait because you have the coffee just made by the time she walks in
reader listening to her ramble about customer service and the use of big words intrigues them, reader is like… woah
reader who started to draw little hearts on juliens cup 😭 when jb orders something for lucy and reader stops her drawings like “shit shit shit” and jb catching on like NO WAIT IM SINGLE!! bit of angst to add but maybe the next few times reader doesn’t draw any doodles on jbs cup and she misses them until jb is like “you don’t doodle anymore :(“ and readers like “sorry - i didn’t know if i was coming off as weird or something”
STOPPPPP!!! brownie points if reader has a lesbian cup in the corner with their own drink and julien looks at it like 👀 👀
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hiraeth-witch-11 · 1 year
Magnolia Jasmine Part 2
Part 2: His Very Own MJ
Warnings: canon typical stuff, nothing really
Word Count: 1300ish
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In the days that followed the wasp men’s attack, the media has gone crazy over the appearance of a new vigilante. Not that you have any intention of returning back to the hero scene, no this had been a one off. No one else knew that, though. They all assumed you’d be back after your heroic debut. Names were being flung around as different outlets scrambled to be the one who coined your official name. Some of them were quite silly like ‘The Wasp Whisperer’ and ‘Mother Earth’. Others you could admit had a nice ring to them. ‘Briar’ was fun, even if it was a bit of an insult in some places. ‘Queen Bee’ was cute. ‘Meadow’ was one of your favorites. You diligently avoid anything comparing you to your mother’s alter ego. The media is clueless to your heritage, but it’s an obvious connection to draw between 2 plant controlling women.
Business booms as children request flowers to be put in their hair, couples are reminded that it’s been a while since they got their S/O a bouquet, and displays are made by businesses to take advantage of the flower hero and their 15 minutes of fame. You exercise caution with your powers over the next week or two, aware of the potential for scrutiny.
You are closing up one evening as the rain is finally starting to let up, when a boyishly handsome man with a mop of brown hair comes jogging up to your door, just as you are about to turn the sign. 
“Sorry, I know you’re ‘bout to close. Do you think I could grab a bouquet real quick before you close? I promised my aunt I would bring her some flowers for dinner tonight, but then I got caught up in the rain and I’m already running super late,” he pleads.
You smile as he rambles, it’s not like you have anything better to do with your evening. A few extra minutes don’t bother you.. “Sure, come on in.” You hold the door open for him and watch him track wet, dirty footprints through the front of the store.
I really need a better door mat, you think to yourself.
“Thank you, you’re a lifesaver. I’m Peter, by the way,” he says as he grabs a small bouquet from the shelf and takes it to the register.
“I’m Maggy,” you offer though it may be obvious with the sign out front. You ring him up, carefully wrapping up the flowers and putting a loose bag over the tops in case it starts raining again.
“Well, Maggy. It was great to meet you. I totally owe you one.” Peter sticks some change in your tip jar and makes his way back to the door, noticing the footprints he tracked in.
“Oh jeez, I am so sorry. Let me clean this up.”
“It’s okay, you’re late to dinner. Go, I don’t mind,” you say honestly.
“If I wasn’t running so late I would stay and clean it. I’m so sorry, my aunt raised me better than this. You sure you don’t mind?”
“I really don’t. Go, enjoy the flowers.” You smile reassuringly as he gives you an apologetic look, dashing out the door and down the street.
You grab the mop and laugh a little. You try not to hope that you’ll see him again. It was a big city, you could go the rest of your lives without your paths ever crossing again. But you know what they say: it might be a big city, but it’s a small world.
A week or so passes before you see Peter again. It’s sometime in the afternoon and you’re doodling little flowers on receipt paper as you wait for another customer. It’s warm today, even in the shop and your red hair is pulled up off your neck with a claw clip. Your legs swing freely as you perch on the stool behind your counter. 
His hair is dry this time, though a bit messy, and in the sunlight, you can see how beautiful his chocolate brown eyes are. You can also see the gnarly shiner he has on his left eye. At the sight of him, you almost fall off your stool.
“Peter, what happened?” You blurt out in concern before you realize it would probably be more polite to ignore it.
“Oh, it’s fine, I just got mugged.” He says this all with a smile on his face, speeding past the whole ‘ and adding, “Anyways, I felt really bad about the other night and I wanted to come and apologize. I also feel like an idiot ‘cause I didn’t make the connection of your name and the shop.”
“It really is okay, Peter. I didn’t have anywhere else to be, I really didn’t mind. And yeah, Magnolia is a mouthful, it’s cool for a flower shop name, but I prefer Maggy or MJ.”
Peter looks at you with a mixture of surprise and awe. “MJ?”
“Yeah, my parents named me Magnolia Jasmine. You can’t even imagine how hard that is to get little kids to say. I went by MJ ‘til college.”
“Do you wanna get some coffee with me? I mean, obviously not now, I can see you’re busy, but some other time?” He’s all giddy energy, rocking back and forth on his heels, looking at you like you’re the moon and the stars. 
“I don’t even know you, Peter…?”
“Parker, Peter Parker. And isn’t that the point of a date, to get to know each other better?” He asks with a grin.
You aren’t necessarily opposed to it, you can’t deny the connection you feel, but you aren’t going to be stupid. Safe dating practices was something your dad has hammered into your brain since you were 13.
“Tell you what, I’ll think about it, and in the meantime,” you scribble your name and number on the receipt paper that is covered in various drawings of flowers, “here’s my number, Peter Parker.”
Peter takes the paper with a grin, glancing at it before pulling out his phone, an older model with an extremely cracked screen, and adding you to his contacts. Your phone vibrates in your back pocket and you check it in time to see a message from a new number that says ‘it’s peter parker :)’. 
“I gotta go to work, but I’ll text you later.” Peter ducks out the door. “Bye, MJ!”
Peter hasn’t been able to get you off his mind since that first night when he tracked dirt through your store. You were absolutely beautiful with your red hair hanging loosely and your bright, hazel eyes. You had been wearing jeans and a gray t-shirt with some floral pun on it and he swore you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, dirt smudge on your cheek and all. He had made a note to visit you again as soon as he could.
Today, he had rushed to your store on his break. You’d been focused on your doodling when you looked up. He completely forgot that he was still healing a black eye, he should’ve waited another day. 
Peter had been completely flabbergasted when you said your name was MJ. Ever since he got back from his multiversal adventure, he’s been keeping an eye out for his very own MJ. It’s not like he had been searching for you actively, there are far too many MJs in the world for that to make sense. But the moment you told him, he just knew that you were the MJ meant to be in his life.
Before meeting his pseudo-brothers, Peter would have struggled to come to terms with any sort of new relationship. The most he was comfortable with was casual flings and friends held at arm’s length. But when he caught Peter 1’s MJ, it was like he could finally forgive himself for what happened with Gwen. He’s been doing better, been lighter, something May had commented on. Peter is ready to at least get to know you. He’ll do better this time around. He will keep the lives of Peter Parker and Spider-Man separate. He’ll make sure you don’t get hurt. He can keep you safe if it comes to it. He’s certain of it.
Let me know if you want to be added to or taken off a tag list! Feedback is the spice of life, any and all thoughts are welcome.
Series Taglist: sunflowers-4, dark-night-sky-99
Peter Parker Taglist:
Everything Taglist: @kayhi808
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cosmicbrowniefan · 2 years
mocha with extra you
fandom/ship: stranger things, byler
summary: mike is the barista at a local coffee shop and he’s always had a thing for one of the regulars who comes in and gets his drink and stays at a table doodling. of course, being mike, he only admires from a distance and doesn’t make a move. what happens, however, when this cute regular shows up on mike’s tinder profile?
genre: one-shot, fluff, coffee shop au
warnings: swearing, mentions of tinder/sexual references, aged-up party (18), intentional lowercase
word count: 2,556
“don’t look now, but here comes your favorite customer.”
mike’s head shot up from the coffee grinder he was cleaning to look at the door.
“dipshit!” dustin hissed. “could you possibly make it any more obvious?”
mike blushed, but ignored him. he couldn’t help it. 
mike, and one of his best friends, dustin, worked as baristas at a small, independent coffee shop in hawkins, indiana. they had a pretty solid reputation, and, although the drinks were a little pricey, it was generally worth it. mike never felt entirely like he fit in or got the hang of it, and the pressures of morning rushes had gotten to him really badly in his first month there. he had honestly been considering putting his two weeks in- that was, until this adorable stranger turned up one day. the stranger- will was the name he had them put on the cup- was absolutely perfect, in mike’s eyes. he was just about the cutest person mike had ever seen, and was super polite and kind. whenever he came into the shop, he always ordered the same thing- a small, white chocolate mocha with extra whipped cream. will always tended to tip generously, but that wasn’t the only thing that made mike like him so much. every time he came into the shop, will took a seat at a table and drew in a sketchbook for a while. it was clear that he was working on something pretty significant, and mike loved watching will’s adorable face scrunch up with concentration. mike had never seen this specific drawing, but he had seen others. will always did a quick doodle on another piece of paper or a napkin or something and left it at his table before leaving the shop. it was usually an animal with a speech bubble that had some variation of “thank you” on it. no one knew, but mike had a small collection of these drawings at his house. will never gave them to him directly, but mike had taken his order every single time he’d come into the shop, and couldn’t help but feel like the drawings might be for him. all in all, mike was basically a whipped, pining bisexual, lusting after a guy that he had never even held much of a conversation with. not that that ever stopped mike from daydreaming.
“can you finish cleaning this?” mike muttered to dustin, shoving the coffee grinder at him and quickly going to the register before dustin even had a chance to respond. dustin rolled his eyes but took the coffee grinder and continued cleaning it as he watched mike out of the corner of his eye.
mike smiled nervously and waved as will approached the counter. he immediately regretted waving. ugh, that looked so stupid. everything about him looked stupid right now! why didn’t he spend more time on his hair this morning? why did his cheeks have to heat up RIGHT this second? and why did he do that stupid little wave?
will smiled back his cute little smile, the one that always made mike’s heart flutter a little bit and waved back. he had a sketchbook tucked under his arm and looked rather cozy in a blue hoodie and black skinny jeans.
absolutely fucking adorable.
“h-hi!” mike said, a little too eagerly when will came up to the counter. he immediately kicked himself for his excitedness and his stutter, but tried not to let it show on his face. he cleared his throat before continuing on with a question he already knew the answer to. “what can i get you?”
“one small white chocolate mocha with extra whip, please,” will said politely.
“sure thing,” mike said, punching it into the computer. “name?”
will giggled a little.
“i feel like you should know that by now,” he said, smirking and leaning on the counter a bit. mike immediately felt a blush creep onto his cheeks, from the comment, the smirk, the lean, and most of all, the confidence. will seemed so sweet and innocent when you first met him, but he had seen will’s confidence creep out sometimes. and mike wasn’t gonna lie, it was really attractive. “am i just not memorable?”
“what? n-no!” mike said quickly, widening his eyes and shaking his head quickly. “no, not- not at all! i just get a lot of customers, you know? you really are memorable. not in a weird way! you just- i don’t know, you have a really specific face? and your personality is really memorable and cute. wait, n-not cute. not in- not in a weird way!”
mike beat himself up with every word he spoke. what the fuck was he saying? shut the fuck up, mike.
will, however, was watching mike with amusement. he smirked and raised an eyebrow with each comment. how cute was this guy?
“i’m messing with you,” will finally said after a second. mike stopped mid-word and cocked an eyebrow, then let it fall, hid face somehow turning even more scarlet. “it’s will.”
“oh. y- yeah, i know,” mike said quickly, waving it off. “that you were messing with me, that is! not your name! i- i was just- i don’t know. ignore me.”
will smiled.
“anything for you,” he said, taking out his wallet as mike’s heart skipped a beat. stupid, stupid, stupid. it’s just a random comment, people say things like that all the time. “i’m sorry, what’s my total?”
mike smiled nervously and decided to be a bit bolder this time.
“i feel like you should know that by now,” he said. will laughed.
“fair enough,” he admitted. “here, keep the change.” 
mike smiled and nodded as will stepped over to the side and got on his phone, waiting for his drink. mike put the money in the cash register and grabbed a cup, scribbling “will” onto it, then began making the drink. as he began, dustin came over to him and set a coffee cup in front of him. it was empty, but had dustin’s handwriting on the outside. 
“smooth,” it read. mike sighed and rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he continued to make the drink. after another minute, he was done. he leaned over the counter.
“here you go.” will put his phone in his pocket and took the drink. he smiled and flicked his eyes from mike’s eyes to his lips and back again, a small smirk growing on his face. for some reason, it seemed like something had changed. like he knew something or was thinking something. hm. whatever.
“thanks, mike.”
mike blushed as will went over to a table in the corner and sat down, opening up his sketchbook. he had never said mike’s name before.
“dude, stop staring.”
mike peeled his eyes away from will and looked at dustin, who was watching him with a cocked eyebrow. “at least TRY to be subtle.”
“i’m being perfectly subtlel!” mike hissed defensively. dustin rolled his eyes and turned back to his work. mike did the same, turning back to HIS work- staring at a cute boy while pretending to wipe the counter.
will drew in his sketchbook for about 45 minutes, sipping his drink and making that cute concentrated look that mike had come to adore. finally, after almost an hour, will closed his sketchbook and sighed. he picked up a napkin and made a quick doodle on it, then headed for the door, throwing a small smile and wave back at mike and dustin.
the second he was out of the shop, mike bolted to the table will was sitting at. dustin raised an eyebrow.
“you’re whipped, mike.”
“shut up!”
mike quickly unfolded the napkin and stared at the drawing. it wasn’t the usual animal with a speech bubble that said, “thank you!” nope. that wasn’t it at all.
it was a drawing of a phone with the tinder logo on it. the phone had a little text bubble coming from it, and it read “mike_w- you’ve got some real nice pics, there. maybe we’re a match. -willbyerss”.
mike blinked and read the drawing again. and again. and again. he felt like he was going to faint. trying his best to hide his grin, he took out his phone and quickly opened his tinder app. after two quick swipes left, he saw it: will’s profile. there were a couple cute pictures of him with friends and at the beach, and there was one picture at the end that made mike blush. he scrolled down will’s profile and read through all of his information. if mike thought that picture was a little risqué, it was nothing compared to will’s BIO, which made mike feel faint.
“i don’t go to church, but you can find me on my knees any day of the week ;)” it read. who taught him to be so confident and flirty?
not that mike was complaining. honestly, he didn’t think he’d ever get enough of it.
mike jumped and turned back. dustin looked annoyed. 
“let’s go, i need help with these drive-through orders!” he said. “you can obsessively clean your boyfriend’s table later.”
mike blushed and stuffed the napkin in his pocket. he put his phone back into his pocket as he headed over to the counter.
but not before swiping right on will.
mike was in his room. he had been staring at will’s profile for a solid hour and a half. he was just SO cute. and his profile was perfect. it wasn’t so basic and incomplete that he didn’t learn anything, but it wasn’t so full that it was annoying to read. mike couldn’t stop swiping through the photos and feeling his face get hot. 
he wanted more than anything for will to message him. but knew that that was probably out of the question. will had put the ball in mike’s court, and he was very respectful, so if mike didn’t reach out, will would take that as a “no, thank you”, and move on.
sighing, mike opened his messages and stared at the blank page. he typed out several messages, but all of them sounded wrong. finally, he settled on one.
mike_w: how about that, looks like we matched after all
after typing it out, mike clicked his phone off and slammed it down. he vowed to himself that he would get to bed early and not look at any more notifications tonight.
a moment later, mike’s phone buzzed. he immediately picked it up and his heart leapt when he saw that the notification was from tinder.
yeah, okay. he’s breaking that vow. not even going to try and kid himself into thinking that he can wait.
willbyerss: well, well, well, look who it is
willbyerss: glad to see you got my doodle, was hoping your coworker didn’t pick it up
mike_w: i typically clean the tables and i especially do when you’re there
mike_w: i love your doodles
mike_w: although i would REALLY love to see what you’re working on in the big sketchbook every time you come in
willbyerss: well to tell you the truth i’ve been working on something for a while now
mike_w: which is?
willbyerss: i take a lot of inspiration from everything around me
willbyerss: so it’s a portrait of a really cute barista who works at my favorite coffee shop that i’ve had a little crush on for a while
mike_w: is that so?
willbyerss: mhmm
mike_w: well i bet this barista would probably want to see that drawing
mike_w: probably thinks your art is really great
willbyerss: that’s very sweet of him
willbyerss: although honestly i’d rather know how he feels about me instead of my art
mike_w: i’m willing to bet that he probably has felt the same way about you for a while
mike_w: probably noticed you the first time you came in and thought you were adorable and has convinced his coworkers to let him take your order every time you’re there
mike_w: hypothetically, of course
willbyerss: ah yes, all hypothetical
willbyerss: you know i’m actually messaging with this guy right now
mike_w: yeah?
willbyerss: oh yeah
mike_w: how’s that going
willbyerss: great, although he’s kinda surprising me a bit
mike_w: how so?
willbyerss: well he’s acting super confident and flirty but in person he’s a nervous wreck and the cutest dork i’ve ever seen
mike_w: there’s probably a good chance that he’s still acting like that right now and is smiling like a middle schooler who just had their first kiss
mike_w: just one of those situations where he can make himself look put together over text, you know?
willbyerss: makes sense. and warms my heart tbh, i always thought those mannerisms were super endearing
mike_w: well that’s good, i bet that those mannerisms have no chance at leaving any time soon
willbyerss: glad to hear it
willbyerss: so you say he’s probably smiling like a middle schooler who just had their first kiss?
mike_w: i’m willing to bet that, yes
willbyerss: damn, wish i was there, that sounds like the cutest thing i could possibly witness
willbyerss: wish i was there for a couple of reasons tbh
mike_w: he probably wishes you were there too, and he’s probably freaking out about your confident and shameless flirting right now
willbyerss: maybe i’ll just have to act this way in person so i can see it happen in real time
willbyerss: i mean i want to make him blush like a middle schooler who just got their first kiss
willbyerss: wonder if he’d react like that if i kissed him
mike_w: hmmm yes probably i could see that happening
willbyerss: perfect
willbyerss: maybe the next time i see him and we get a moment alone i’ll push him up against a wall and give him the best kiss of his life just so he knows how perfect he is
mike_w: will i can’t do this oh my god i’m fucking combusting
mike_w: fuck i’m so red right now
willbyerss: cutie pie
willbyerss: i’m gonna take that as a good thing and say that i’m probably allowed to do that the next chance i get
mike_w: hope you’re taking that as i’m BEGGING you to do that the next chance you get
willbyerss: anything for you lovely
willbyerss: when are you in next
mike_w: tomorrow morning
willbyerss: see you then handsome
mike_w: afsdhjk <3
willbyerss: so fucking adorable
mike clicked his phone off and let it drop on his chest. he closed his eyes, a huge grin spreading across his face, then squealed and kicked his feet in the air. 
for once, he couldn’t be more excited for an 8am shift.
mike grinned as the bell on the door rang and his favorite face came in. he felt some nervous energy, but not in a bad way like he usually did. now, it was more excited tension. will grinned back and came right up to the counter.
“don’t tell me,” said mike. “a small white chocolate mocha with extra whip, for will, and you’re gonna give me a $3 tip on an already too expensive drink?”
will smiled, gazing into mike’s eyes with a flirty expression. he hummed happily.
“look who’s learning,” he said. “guess i just had to make myself more memorable, huh?”
mike blushed and smiled.
“guess so.”
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vellichorsdesire · 3 months
📸 and ❤️ for this ask game
> 📸 for a random screenshot / picture i can gush about.
UMM UM UM ITS DOWN BELOW ITS A PRETTY LONG PICTURE IM SORRY LOL. BUT ITS THIS REAALLY REALLY QUICK DOODLE I MADE ONCE AND I THINK ABOUT IT QUITE OFTEENN….,,, its sooo not clear but its my f/o behind me and and arms wrapped around my neck planting a kiss to the side of my head and mny demon tail is just wagging from delight LOL its just them returning my usual affections for once and waaaahhh…. i love tbem super duper much i like the idea of them suprising me with hugs very very much
❤️ for a fact about our relationship.
we’ve known each other for 3 years now…!?! i just counted now and its such. an insane amount of time actually oh my goodness ????
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lunaviathan · 2 months
how did the april fools boop day go for you ? Do you miss the boop?
Hello stranger! (Lunav is trying out speaking in the third person and uses pur/purrself pronouns) Lunav's april fools was amazing, the boop started for Lunav a little early, somewhere around ten or eleven at night the day before but persisted until pur went to bed at midnight the next day! Also Lunav's boop-o-meter (but not the ability to boop) seems to be lingering, pur hopes that's not a glitch and it stays a while (: Lunav made three new mutuals and three new memes and booped probably just over 1000 times and received roughly the same amount, both of Lunav's meters say LOL and has two cats on it :D Lunav loved discovering the super-boops and evil-boops and spamming pur friend to opt-in when it started (:< and keeping purr internet-un-literate parents informed on the global boop count
Lunav doesn't think pur'll miss the boop as long as this post gains traction at least in the circle of tumblr that Lunav inhabits. Lunav is an artist and is sad to only get a handful of likes on purr works, but that's a well worn road so Lunav will tell anyone who's curious that you can quick reblog on desktop by holding ctrl E and selecting the blog you want it to appear on and move on.
Lunav is very happy to have made new friends and is planning to trawl through their archives a bit to see what they like and make doodles for those things like a housewarming gift.
Lunav is wondering how the boop went for you, and is curious about what led you to reach out to Lunav (and others?) and ask such a nice question (:
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juukeboxx · 1 year
General Headcanons - Michelangelo
Here we are with the last batch of general headcanons for the turtles. This time it's for everyone's favorite party dude Michelangelo! These have been a lot of fun to write, so I plan on going into iteration specific headcanons in the future :) Keep in mind that these headcanons are for no one version of Mikey in particular. Enjoy!
Word count: 674
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Mikey is a very creative turtle. His mind is constantly creating little scenarios with characters from his favorite mediums (usually comic books, movies, and video games) so he’s constantly doodling.
Ever since he was a kid he’s always doodled on himself with pen or marker. He still does this.
At one point he was also super interested in the culture around graffiti. Graffiti is a pretty common thing in New York and he's always wanted to try it himself. So he found some spare cans of spray paint lying around an alley and started practicing. Turns out he really likes doing it! Some of his art has gotten noticed by some big graffiti artists on social media and it makes his heart soar seeing much more experienced artists giving him praise.
Super super active. He loves skateboarding the most, but Mikey will play any sort of sport if invited. He has a lot of energy and sports just allows him to release that energy while having fun.
Absolutely the best cook in the entire family. He especially likes cooking with one of his brothers or even Splinter. Leo isn’t really allowed in the kitchen but Mikey has him do simple tasks so that his oldest brother is included. Baking is not necessarily his jam because baking is an exact science, but he can make a mean batch of brownies.
Everyone knows that Mikey is very experimental with what he puts on his pizza. Sometimes it will be duck a l'orange pizza, but other times it will be sardines and jelly beans.
Mikey loves being around people. In fact, he thrives when he's surrounded by his friends and family. It brings him a lot of comfort being with the people he loves the most.
The whole part of being a ninja is staying in the shadows. Mikey, however, has a pretty hard time doing this because his natural curiosity causes him to wonder off and explore. There have been multiple occasions where he's been seen by kids walking the streets of New York with their parents while he was out exploring.
It was Mikey's idea to do a game night once a week. They bust out the snacks and pop and it's the winner of the previous week that decides which game they play that night. He is currently undeafeated in Mario Kart.
Like Donnie, it takes a lot for Mikey to get mad. He just always has such a positive and bright attitude it’s really hard to find anything to bring him down. But where Donnie would rather talk issues out and use diplomacy, Mikey isn’t afraid of throwing hands and starting a fight. The worst thing anyone could do is insult his friends and family in front of him.
Mikey has a big heart and he wears it on his sleeve. He cares very deeply about people, but the consequence of that is that it hurts him immensely when they’re gone. It feels like the end of the world to him.
He admittedly has a bit of a problem with spacing out. Sometimes he'll get so lost in his thoughts that he'll stare off into space for a little while. It usually takes one of his brothers tapping his shoulder or calling his name a few times to help bring him back.
Mikey is super proud of his combat abilities. He's a quick thinker and moves fast on his feet which makes it hard for enemies to attack him. He gets incredibly excited if his brother's ask him how he pulled of a certain move since he gets to show off a little bit.
Mikey knows that he isn't the smartest, that he isn't much of a strategist or that he isn't the strongest when it comes to raw strength. But he is, in a way, the glue that holds the team together. His wealth of positivity and being able to look at any situation and see the glass as half full is what pulls his brothers out of even their darkest moments.
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icedtoastt · 1 year
A quick guide on how to help c!Quackity and your favs in the mcytblr polls
hi! seeing as how close quackity and joe hills are in the mcytblr sexyman polls i just wanted to make a list on things you can do to help boost quackity! this poll has such a grip on me
1. Make alts! - alts are extremely helpful and every vote counts. i admit it can be boring and time consuming. but when the votes have just a 30 vote gap it can really make a difference! tumblr doesnt check emails, so its quite
2. Fanart! - this one is really time consuming but it pays off. its wonderful to see more art for our borblos so please go ahead! and make sure to support other artists too!
3. Slides! - these ones are always super fun to see. personally i always found slides to be the most persuasive (and has changed my votes a lot) so please, go ahead and make some slides about how your borblo is clearly the superior mcytblr sexymen (i'm listening)
4. posters, memes, shouting, whatever! - any sort of posting can help get a long way for your borblo. even if its just shouting telling your followers to vote, go ahead and do it!
5. bribes! - bribes are a good way for accumulating votes. you can ask people so send proof of voting for your fav and in return do stuff like writing, or doodles.
6. reblog reblog reblog! - for the tumblr newcomers, likes don't boost the algorithm! if you want more people to see a post make sure to reblog it! this especially goes for art, make sure to support artists
7. tell people! - if you know anyone with a tumblr account who knows, maybe outing yourself as a mcyt fan could be worth it! I have seen people tell the wildest of people to vote for their borblo. every vote matters so even if its just telling your friend its worth it!
overall its been fun to see people supporting this favorites in this silly poll. still, remember at the end of the day this is all a silly poll (don't be a jerk guys) and even if your borblo seems to be losing, don't give up hope! this has been so fun and may the best mcytblr sexyman win! (quackity. go vote for quackity right now)
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mymelodyisme · 1 year
If I understood it right you have sdv oc's? I'd love to know a few fun facts abt them🤗
Hiiiiii :) I apologize now for the length this post will take upon your screen.
I really only have Mys and the few people in her backstory 😭 (I can come up with some fun stuff for them now though :D)
Mys is mostly a self insert because I’ve gotten really into making her one but here’s a few fun facts about her!!
1. Before she moved into the valley she was actually way less colorful and looked a bit more classy and put together. Her boyfriend was a bit of a minimalist and snob and wasn’t a huge fan of bright colors. So she wore pale clothes, lots of skirts and dresses, her hair was usually long and tied up neatly, etc. I’d argue she also dyed her hair a few times to make it look more like a natural color (it’s naturally that pink/red shade). Three days before moving she bought a pair of overalls and had a wild time just adding a bunch of details to them, even if it wasn’t super well put together ☺️ (the space halo heart is my own logo btw lol)
2. Mys came into the farm life clueless, friendless, and lonely 100%. It’s why she’s so eager to befriend the townies and comes off a little strong. It’s also why she can’t say no and so quick to overexert herself if someone asks her for help 😭 if she knew that most people in town had no faith in her based off the way she looked and acted when she first arrived, she would likely cry. She’s probably a little too nice sometimes too 🥺 if you’re mean to her she’ll take it and cry alone later on.
3. She talks A LOT. When she gets to know you well enough she’ll just start talking about something she’s really into and go on for hours always finding something new to point out (poor Shane lol). I once said if she was a real character in the game one of her heart events would be her holding the farmer hostage as she explained the entire lore of her show after she invited them in to watch it with her. (I have done this myself so many times.) 😭 She’s also a bit of thoughtless speaker sometimes. Saying things a little too quickly before her brain processes it.
4. On her slow farm days she’ll stay inside and catch up on tv. She really likes trash tv drama and novellas. Adding to that, she’s a huge romantic. She swoons and sighs and hopes that someone would love her so strongly. Especially after what she went though with her ex 🥹 Other hobbies include: gaming, journaling (she picked this one up after she moved), taking as many photos as possible of everything, reading (comics, romance novels, and mysteries) daydreaming, and collecting things (stuffed animals mostly)
5. She loves a good lemonade and pizza! She doesn’t really drink (at least not until she met Shane 😭) and will go into the saloon to chat with Emily over lemonade. To win Shane’s friendship she started buying a pizza to share with him, and she’d sit patiently at a booth until he came in (on easy days.) she also goes around and says hi to everyone at least once. If she’s just having me-time, you can find her in a booth writing + doodling in her journal with a bunch of candy around her.
6. I just think this little fun fact is really cute but when she found out Shane loved peppers she planted some in her greenhouse so she’ll always have some to give or use for food. 🥺 (I have that in game 🤭 and she only gives him high quality ones)
7. She’s magic babey! ✨ the day before she moved her mom gave her a red brooch. After her grandpa passed away, he sent it to her mom with instructions to only give it to Mys when she decided to move to the valley. She only found out about it when the wizard pulled it towards him and suggested that someone in her family must have arcane experience.
😭😭 sorry that was so long. I’ll write like two facts about the others
The ex: dark brown hair, brown eyes, suits (lol idk)
1. Has no name yet 😩 Can he even count as a character?? Literally the worst boyfriend ever. He and Mys dated in high school up until he ghosted her a month before she moved. He been sleeping with her best friend, Celia, and then proceeded to elope with her. This man kept Mys around with jewelry, promises, and guilt.
2. He was an executive for Joja. Mys worked for the company because of him, and ultimately had to leave for that same reason. She found out about the elopement at the office, and had a long cry in the bathroom stalls. (Btw he totally gets his butt kicked by Shane at some point)
Celia: Blonde, thin, very pretty and model-like, wears a lot of tight clothes and has that one fake best friend voice
1. The “best friend,” the betrayer. She clung onto Mys because Mys was really easy to manipulate. 🥺 Wasn’t very nice to her at all but made her believe she loved her like a sister. When Mys met Haley it was like meeting a younger Celia. 🥹 I guess mys still missed her because she tried to be Haley’s friend despite how mean she was. Luckily, Haley actually becomes pretty nice and apologizes for her rude behavior.
2. She would absolutely be a modern day influencer. Perhaps she is (if phones exist in this interpretation 🤔 I like to think they do but pelican town can’t host then or something 😭)
Todd: 7ft tall, thin but definitely works out, looks like he has money and works with money, very serious and classy 😭
1. Mys’s Boyfriend year 3? She and Shane are already pretty established as smitten by the town but they’re both stuck at the fork in the road of to be or not to be. (At some point Mys finally makes her move only for him to reject her out of fear 😭). Anyways!! She was asked by mayor Lewis to take an important business trip into the city to meet with an investor who wanted to open the land for expansion and more agricultural work. He figured Mys, as the local farmer, would have better input. Shane was supposed to accompany her into the city but they got into a bit so she left alone (Shane realized he was being stupid and ran to catch the bus but jsut barely missed it, his missed opportunity at love 😭). The investor turned out to be a guy named Toddrick Theodore Tapps. He was quickly taken with her because she was just so lively of a person. He could not believe she was the local farmer. He decided to head back into the valley with her to visit the land and ended up staying in one of Mys’s spare rooms at the farmhouse. He didn’t help her on the farm at all, mostly just walked around took notes, and inspected the quality of everything.
2. He’s very jealous. He and Shane are constantly at each other’s throats. Mys told him all about her best friend Shane :) and he knew immediately that Mys was in love with him. 😭 he did NOT expect Shane to be so dingy tho which is funny. He mentioned that to his face too. (It doesn’t help that Todd TOWERS over the both of them and looks like he comes from old money.) He polices mys’s friendships a bit commenting how some of the townies are rather immature, some seem like terrible people, and in particular, that Shane is a bad influence on those around him. When she gets upset at his obvious disrespect he apologizes for saying things that hurt her feelings 😭 the man literally only puts up with Shane for her. I do think he is romantic though, and definitely what Mys imagined being romanced would be like. He’s pretty rich so he spoils her, and buys the town’s approval with generous donations.
3. He’s a bit of himself. He’s not a bad guy, but he does think he’s a quality man and he loves what he does. So when he asks Mys to move to the city with him where he’ll spoil her for the rest of her life he’s surprised that she actually wants to be a farmer dealing with dirt, grime, monsters, and all the things in between. This man genuinely tries to convince her to give up the farm, and even tries to make a compromise that the farm will still be up and running but they’ll hire people to tend to it. (He probably also suggested changing the name to something more serious). He and Mys get into a fight over it, and he tells her what time his bus to the city will be leaving. She wishes him well, and a happy life with a wife who shares his values, and doesn’t show up that day.
4. I like to imagine years down the line Mys and Shane are in the city doing some work and play when they run into him. Both parties find out that the other is engaged/married. And they make up. He still can’t believe Mys chose Shane tho 😭 “I thought you would choose him, but I’m still surprised. You seemed so smitten with him, but he didn’t look like he was ever going to make anything of that.”
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maiji · 1 year
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From the Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game: https://maiji.tumblr.com/post/705739707798159360
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
Oh god yes. For me, facing left is definitely easiest. Facing right has gotten significantly easier over many years of forcing myself to do it, and sometimes when I flip the image to check I don't even need to make any changes! ...Facing forward is still really hard. Drawing symmetrically is excruciatingly difficult for me, and that’s probably why in my previous answer there is no fully facing-forward Hokushin.
Allow me to demonstrate. 
Here’s a quick base sketch for general positioning.
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[image: loose doodle of three heads facing the left, forward, and to the right. They’re little more than ovals with necks, and a cross through where the faces would be for roughly positioning eyes and noses.]
Next, first pass drawings, quick portrait doodles of three not-so randomly picked characters. 
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[image: quick digital ink brush drawings layered over the previous doodles. Hokushin from Yu Yu Hakusho facing the left; Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII facing forward; Raiden from Metal Gear Solid facing the right and gazing back over his shoulder/at the viewer.]
I’ve drawn Hokushin a bajillion times; I haven’t drawn Cloud Strife in probably at least a decade; and I believe this is my first time drawing Raiden. Not too bad, I think? Let’s flip to check them oh god what the heck aaaaahhhhrrrgggh
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[image: previous image flipped. Hokushin looks OK overall; Cloud Strife's face/jawline seems unbalanced/shifted more in one direction and his shoulders also seem unbalanced; Raiden’s features, in particular the bridge of his nose, seem a bit off.]
I imagine everyone has different levels of sensitivity, and I think it can be different looking at your own art versus looking at someone else’s art. In this case, it’s super jarring to me. There's also an aspect of subjectivity and perspective/brain processing information to it, as with looking at something in the mirror - I've had situations where a drawing looked very off to the point of being not-straight, lopsided etc., but when I actually used a ruler to check it wasn't. Here I drew Cloud in the middle hoping that his asymmetrical hair would help with the face forward symmetrical challenge; clearly it did not. 
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[image: previous image updated. No change to Hokushin; Cloud's jawline and shoulder, and Raiden’s nose/eye/hair/chin tweaked a bit and without the base positioning doodles.]
Retouched version flipped. That’s a little better, I guess!
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[image: previous image flipped. Again, no change to Hokushin; Cloud’s face looks a little more balanced; Raiden’s features a bit more natural.]
These drawings are significantly more confident, with much more minimal fixing, than I would have been able to pull off years ago. And still lots to learn!
(By the way, guess what these three have in common? They’re all voiced by Horiuchi Kenyu! Hokushin and Raiden are fairly obvious; the Cloud connection may be a little obscure. Cloud was played by Horiuchi Kenyu in his first-ever-incarnation-with-a-voice, a cameo in the arcade version of the Ehrgeiz fighting game, as I talked about here years ago.)
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
Hmmm… maybe clouds! The nature kind, not the Strife kind, since nature is counting as inanimate. They’re fun and low pressure (haha) to draw, and they can fill up spaces so nicely too! Super versatile, and can help make things look cute, or moody, or epic. Everything can be extra cool with swirling ink clouds! Although thinking about it now, these probably aren’t technically nature clouds either, more like cloud-shaped motifs… so perhaps flowers are a more appropriate answer. But again, I think I love them for similar reasons - forgiving organic forms, feels low pressure to paint or draw, wonderful pattern and environment/mood potential in art.
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
I really wracked my brain on this one, which is partly why it took so long to respond to this ask. I was going to assume or interpret "doesn't inspire you artistically" as meaning "doesn't inspire you to create something in that same medium", because otherwise my answer would be "there is no such media" since inspiration and ideas come from everything and everywhere! But then I realized there's actually another question that seems to address that (#7). And “media” could also be a specific piece of media that is consumed.
And… I’m still really struggling to think of something I love, that I thoroughly enjoy experiencing/consuming, that doesn’t have some kind of influence on how I perceive or think about the world. That to me is all part and parcel of inspiration and thus artistic creation. I suppose that is reflective of my worldview though; I guess it’s what happens with an “everything is empty of self-existence!” perspective! I’ll update this if I do manage to think of anything…
Thank you so much for asking these! So much fun (and also hard!) to think about; good opportunities for self-reflection!
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yandere-daze · 2 years
hello op i wanna say i absolutely love the self aware es yandere au its on my mind 24/7 or whenever i doze off HAHAHA its the thing ever. if i may.
i hope this does count as chitchat、but like something happened to me?? that's never happened to me before 😭 but basically i drew a few doodles on my drawing app of like leo、nagisa and mama and then it got super late so i also drew a small ibanyan there in a corner and went to sleep. next day when i opened it ibanyan was like?? gone?? but not completely. like there was the outline around him and the text i wrote below him that. just said ibanyan. and so i thought maybe i just accidentally covered him with white and didnt realize but then i saw it was erased within the outline as if someone just decided he should be erased. literally in all this over half a decade since ive been using this app it never happened for the outline to just remain there and the drawing within to magically get erased and while it was creepy it just made me think of the self aware yan au 😭😭 and it made me think、what if the idols could also mess around with the rest of your phone?
also the thems below (i hope they show、ive never added pics in an ask before lsjdkskg)
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Don´t worry, this is perfectly fine to send in ^^ First of all i want to start off by saying that your art looks REALLY nice?? Artists when they say they made quick doodles only to show you a pretty masterpiece😭 I´m just in love with how all of them look! They´re so shiny and pretty and I want to look at them for a few more hours please. Anyone reading this ask please check out those links because they´re very much worth seeing!
But help, you weren´t kidding?? Like Ibara just vanished, leaving only the outline behind? I didn´t know this was something that could happen, that´s so freaky sjfbs 😭
Leo, Nagisa and Madara looked at you drawing Ibara and went like " no you didn´t <3 Ibara who? He doesn´t exist" ljflsf Like they really just erased him from existence while you weren´t looking. It´s what they wish they could do in the actual game, if they´re being honest fujdh
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nosetoons · 2 months
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Is it me or does like very few stuff on Netflix I love/really like that have already been either cancelled or overshadowed isn't really worth the $16 a month? No, Squid Game doesn't count.
I miss The Midnight Gospel forever and always. But at least now I don't have to fork over money to a company that only cares about popularity because someone on eBay literally made a bootleg DVD that contains all 8 episodes of this show. And I would rather pay $25 once for a DVD I can watch over and over for free from now on than pay $16 a month for stuff Netflix ignores.
I'm not usually vocal about piracy and bootlegging, because that just seems to be the thing most people do because "skurew da compahnii" but the thing is this, Netflix isn't losing money. They're a billionaire company just like the rest. And they flat out refuse to do physical media copies of their own stuff unless they can outsource it to other home media distributors.
That being said, Netflix fumbling the bag for one of my all-time favorite shows is one mistake I can't forget, nor honestly forgive. It makes it even worse they straight up told its co-creator Duncan Trussell that they were happy with the show when it premiered. Fucking two-face liar. If anything TV show cancellations are very confusing to me. Because the thing is Netflix is a multi-billionaire company, if the show wasn't successful for them, they have like all the other shows that are super successful, why not put some of the money they earned from that one successful show to give to the people to work on a new season for that show, specifically for those fans. Not every show on there needs to be on the line like Squid Game, Stranger Things, or in animated terms, Big Mouth. Like at this point, what was even the point of opening up the animation division if you're not going to let the artists and animators in the division have their projects take off by letting it just die after one or two seasons? It makes no sense.
Not like it matters anymore, because it seems like to me Netflix's future of adult animation wants to line up with Fox's adult animation lineup; just nothing but soulless adult animated sitcoms. It's not even just Family Guy clones anymore. It's just the goofy quirky character goes on stupid adventures and says "fuck" and "shit" and there's TONS OF NUDITY AND POP CULTURE REFERENCES HAHAHA. It doesn't even help the fact Netflix's most recent adult cartoon is resulting in the company being boycotted by Black people because they thought using BLACK STEREOTYPES was a great way to make a show for black people. Meanwhile, shows like Midnight Gospel and Inside Job are left rotting away because Netflix didn't give it a chance but are literally looking for ways to make the next Big Mouth.
In other words, if you are wanting to do a cartoon, avoid both Netflix and Warner Bros. Discovery. They're not into animation for passion, they're in it to make a quick buck.
Anyways, here's my annual doodle for the show's 4th anniversary. Again, I know it's long gone, but it's still an amazing show that I highly recommend even if it's only 8 episodes. If you don't have Netflix, just buy the DVD off of eBay. It's worth the 25 bucks.
Happy 4th Anniversary, The Midnight Gospel! 2020-2024
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