#lunav talks
lunaviathan · 24 days
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help prove Lunav right guys
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random-mailbox · 1 year
Random-Mailbox's Favorite Sailor Moon Fics - Week 35 - Medical Assistance
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Since it is nurses week, it felt like the right timing to post about "Medical Assistance". This post is a lengthier one and is a mix of multi-chapters and one-shots with both Mamoru and Usagi taking on the role of the helper to each other and those around them. 
As always, my apologies in advance for spoiling some of these for you (Fic Titles are linked to either FFN or AO3 entries).
Is It Wrong To Thank The Youma? - LunaV-chan
Usagi stumbles upon Mamoru getting attacked by a vicious youma, unable to fully defeat it. This sets off a chain of events with our duo discovering each other's secret identities, as Usagi does her best to help Mamoru get better. 
One Less Lie - Marronett
After Sailor Moon gets hurt in battle yet again, she Is beyond frustrated about needing to come up with yet another lie to tell family and friends about what caused this injury. What if this time someone with magic healing powers steps in?
Shadows - rosa lunae
In this post Galaxia set story, Usagi's health keeps getting progressively worse - with shadows they can't explain appearing on her lungs. Is it some sort of a disease or an enemy trying to get revenge?
Leg Pain - @ninjettetwitch
After a difficult battle Sailor Moon follows Tuxedo Mask to make sure he is ok, offering to help him heal his injuries. Her only request? He has to continue talking to keep her out of her own head. 
Wandering Soul - Serena530
Due to a series of events out of her control, Usagi gets hurt on the way to school, with her spirit left to wander around aimlessly. That is until Mamoru of all people sees her, when no one else can. 
Love and Other Drugs - @linlamont
With a backdrop of a gastrointestinal virus wreaking havoc in the community, Usagi asks Mamoru for a favor - to let her stay at his place for the weekend while her family is away. 
5 Weeks of AUs: Chapter 1 - @idesofnovember
In this non-senshi AU, elementary school teacher Usagi keeps bumping into very handsome new school nurse Mamoru. That is until she ends up in his care trying to make sure one of her kids doesn't get hurt. 
And They Were In Quarantine! ...Separately D: - @smokingbomber
This is a quintessential COVID fic that is equal parts adorable and heartbreaking, with Usagi and Mamoru making the call to spend the start of the pandemic separately.
[side note: make sure you are logged into your AO3 account to access this story, it has been locked down with all the scraping and reposting on other platforms without writer consent]
Snippets: Chapter 3: Accident - @uglygreenjacket
Minako (being Minako) tells Mamoru to meet her at the hospital because there was an accident with Usagi, both sounding panicked and not giving any usable information at the same time. 
Day 4: AU - @tinacentury
Mamoru being afraid of needles is definitely part of canon. In this cute story, he has to get his flu shot from a hurricane of a nurse who fascinates him more than he could have imagined.
Moving In - @daikon1
Everyone told Usagi that things would change once she and Mamoru finally move in together, something she adamantly denied was possible. That is until Mamoru starts acting oddly in the morning and she can’t figure out what’s going on.
Paging Dr. Mamo-chan! - @midnightdrops
One of the newest additions to the list! Adorable series of connected one-shots that show Mamoru going through his residency and how it impacts him and people around him. (Hopefully we will get more of their WIP soon, so I can finally do my College AU post *hint-hint nudge-nudge* 😘)
That's it for this week. Next week we will cover "Sex Pollen" as a trope based on a suggestion from @lilliebellfanfics.
Here are the links to the previous Tumblr posts in these series to explore more amazing works based on different themes - make sure to check them out if you haven't had a chance! (Click on title name to go to the post) - I will keep updating the list every week as new posts come up:
Week 1 - Groundhog Day
Week 2 - Established Relationships
Week 3 - Sex Positivity
Week 4 - Unfinished Stories
Week 5 - Darker Stories
Week 6 - Potions 🧪
Week 7 - Reveals
Week 8 - 👻Halloween🎃
Week 9 - Wrong Perceptions
Week 10 - Non-Senshi AU
Week 11 - In-Progress Fics
Week 12 - Mutual Pining
Week 13 - Enemies to Lovers
Week 14 - Slow Burn
Week 15 - Christmas Part 1 - Ugly Christmas Sweaters and Santa!
Week 16 - Christmas Part 2
Week 17 - New Years
Week 18 - High School AU
Week 19 - Slice of Life
Week 20 - Coffee shop AU
Week 21 - Huddle for Warmth
Week 22 - Friends to Lovers
Week 23 - ❤️Valentines Day❤️
Week 24 - Do a Grouch a Favour Day (or Cheer Up Fics)
Week 25 - Soulmate AU
Week 26 - Amnesia Fics (and resources)
Week 27 - 🍀St Patrick's Day
Week 28 - Fix it Fics
Week 29 - Prompt: Mug
Week 30 - Flowers
Week 31 - Traditions
Week 32 - Dreams
Week 33 - Friends
Week 34 - Body-Swap
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queercapwriting · 5 years
Oh! JAY! I forgot to tell you that I, in super small judgey town, /Made a Bi Friend/!!!!! She caught me oogling someone at the fair (my defence, she was bull riding. That was a bit wow *shakes head slowly*) and I now have a new gay person to talk to! I also bought her a copy of Lunav as a gift!
Ahhhhhh yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
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What are some important things to remember as a white person writing characters of color?
Hey my dear! Such an important question! For me, I think there’s a few basic things to keep in mind, and then, of course, many specific things that are dependent on multiple aspects of your character’s identity, etc.
In terms of basic things: are you writing a person or are you writing someone whom you’re writing just to have a person of color? Of course, most of us will say the first: but, examine your character (both the way you’re imagining them and the way you’re writing them). Are they a fully fleshed out person? Do they have multiple interests, desires, obstacles, and passions? Are they multifaceted? Are they a plot device to advance the character development/teach white people (either other characters or white readers) something? Is the only way you’re conveying that they’re a person of color is a physical description (of skin color, perhaps)? Do they have/want community? Do they speak multiple languages? Is their storyline torture porn for white people?
Obviously, if your answers (and there are many more questions to ask yourself, as well!) add up to an unintentional plot device rather than a person, we need to take it back to square one, hardcore.
Of course, constantly being aware of and challenging our white privilege – and the ways that white supremacy operate in publishing, in writing, in our own lives and bodies, in the worlds we’re constructing on paper, etc – is a process that never stops.
Writing With Color is a great resource for specific questions, and I would encourage you to peruse it intensely!
Finally, beyond the writing itself: as white people, we do not get to advertise our books as being about POC, even if our main characters are POC. We do not get to steal that space from authors of color. My main characters are Black in LUNAV, for example, but it is never my place to use that as a “marketing hook” when talking about my book. I want to leverage my privileges in a white supremacist market to secure representation, including on book covers, but that doesn’t mean I get to advertise it as such. Can I – and do I – talk about my book as a lesbian faerie tale, as genderqueer, and focusing on characters with dis/abilities? Sure, because I share those experiences! But am I all, ‘yo my MCs are Black buy my book’? Nah, because I’m not trying to take that space.
Beyond the writing itself, it is our responsibility as white writers to boost the work of authors of color, hardcore, and every opportunity we get. (Speaking of which, if you’re not reading C.B. Lee, Malinda Lo, Daniel José Older, or Jacqueline Woodson, you’re missing out!) Making sure the panels we speak on, the gigs we book, etc, also predominantly feature authors of color, is so damn important.
Feel free to ask more of The Things!
Happy writing, and thank you for engaging with such an important question!
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So random update because ranting helps right... So this year has been really bad for me, particularly these last few weeks and I started this account to motivate myself to do something. To create, which is what I love doing, even if I’m not good. But as I said, it was bad and I almost gave up on everything. I even did the thing that scared me the most and I sent a thank you to my favorite writer ever @queercapwriting (btw I cannot wait for their novel Lunav. Check it, it looks amazing). This was gonna be that weekend and I haven’t been on the net for a few days and coming back just changed everything. Now I am meeting Melanie Scrofano at the con where I am and my god that alone made me alone got me close to tears. She is one of my favorite actors and it is just gonna be awesome to actually meet someone who is so epic in person. Then I think what the hell let’s get on tumblr for a bit.  Cap responded to my thank you, and my god it is such a lovely response and they are so amazing check them out please. But it just gave me so much hope for the future. Like in a month and a bit I get to meet someone who inspires me so much and the nicest, loveliest person takes time to respond. The world can work sometimes. You just gotta fight, so I’m gonna do better now. I am going to get better. So sorry for the rant and everything (ha I am pretending I have followers) but yeah. So soon I am going to post a short thing from the first part of the book I am writing for NaNoWriMo and hopefully, you like it. Hope everyone is doing amazing and if anyone needs to talk please don’t be afraid to reach out to me. I am always willing to help in whatever way I can. Be strong guys.
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oceanthenoot · 7 years
dear best friend,
Dear best friend…
I have many! Many best friends! More than one!
And I’m gonna write to all of y’all ! c’:
@attackongravityfalls : You’re one of my jo-bros; we’ve known each other for about a year now and I’m still tryin’ to go to Canadiddle one day so we can chill and drink maple syrup :u
@cloudywithachanceofparanoia : You’re a Cool Cat™ (eheheh inside jokes) and one of my best friends; I’m so glad that we met and became bros over dirtygravityfallsconfessions uwu
@estrill : aaaaaa we really need to talk more my dudeee ;-; but i’ve known you for a while (since 2012??), and you’re a pretty rad dude my dude uvu
@lunaves : aaaaaa we also need to talk more my friendo ;v; aaa,,you’re one of the best people i’ve ever met and you got me into many many things ;u; (Danganronpa bein’ one of them ;w; )
 @thefunkygrunkle and @overheim : you’re my Icelandic Meme Dudes™ and ya both are some of the coolest people I knowww ;v; one day once i get Overwatch up and working we gotta play >:3c
 @laughie-saffy : You’re like a lil’ sis to me my dude,,,we also gotta talk more and i hope things are goin’ swell for ya ;v; aaaaaaa 
 @mrpiesplosion : yOU. aRE. a hella hELLA cool dude and one of the greatest and we need to go on drawpile more and aaaa,,,please never forget that ;w; 👌 
 @thejigglerlives : YOU’LL NEVER SEE IT C O M I N G 
(naah you’re a cool pal and i’m glad ya got into joaje :u hope you’re enjoyin’ part 4 >:3c)
Seriously, thank y’all for bein’ by my side,,,you’re some of the greatest people I’ve ever met and I hope we’ll still all be talkin’ to each other in the future /w\ aaaaaaaaa
In case anyone else wants to send me another one of these prompts
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lunaviathan · 1 year
I want Sarah’s (labyrinth 1986) ballgown and hairdo so badly it was gorgeous
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lunaviathan · 2 months
booping you all gently? yes. Booping you all like a life-or-death pillow fight? yes
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lunaviathan · 8 days
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For the weekly drawing poll, here is Lunav's Zeldas meet AU! With a spotlight on botw Zelda, Scholar, and tp's Zelda, Huntress :D
For Scholar, Lunav has decided not to include totk in the continuity of this au, but pur still enjoyed some of totk's ideas in isolation, so Lunav decided to transplant some of those features into botw, like light dragon Zelda and the depths. Lunav hasn't decided how exactly to integrate the dragon transformation yet, but pur knows that Scholar has spent her time since the events of the game intensely studying Hyrule's natural world, often disappearing into the wilderness -with and without Link- for days at a time, until she reappears in Hateno to clean up and give impromptu lessons at the new schoolhouse. Scholar is especially intrigued with the recently discovered Depths, and is researching ways to stay healthy in the darkness to facilitate longer observation periods alongside Link and Josha.
(A quick aside, Lunav hasn't played many of the games yet, and would like to at least watch playthroughs of them before making concrete decisions about how they'll be in the au. With that said, please take Huntress's bio with a grain of salt, and if you have a favorite playthrough/letsplay of Twilight Princess please tell Lunav about it :D) Huntress, despite being newly crowned queen, has been shirking her once coveted duties to search for the shards of the Twili Mirror scattered across Hyrule alongside Link. Huntress and Link have a truce, that they will assist and protect each other while they search for the shards and repair the mirror; but once their quest is completed, they understand that all bets will be off, and they will be neck and neck to win Midna's affection first.
And here is the doodle page that Lunav spent most of this week making before pur thought of doing a spotlight on two of the most developed Zeldas (: it features Loz 1 and 2's Zeldas in color, (Lunav doesn't have nicknames for them yet, feel free to suggest(Lunav's naming scheme for the AU is professions and roles(with some exceptions))) and a doodle of Tetra pushing Blue (alttp Zelda) and an attempt at a logo.
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lunaviathan · 21 days
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lunaviathan · 2 months
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@mayfly-maycry HOW
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lunaviathan · 2 years
Crying over the mars rovers
oh to be a little robot sent to another planet to learn and learn and sing yourself happy birthday until you can’t anymore
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lunaviathan · 2 months
how did the april fools boop day go for you ? Do you miss the boop?
Hello stranger! (Lunav is trying out speaking in the third person and uses pur/purrself pronouns) Lunav's april fools was amazing, the boop started for Lunav a little early, somewhere around ten or eleven at night the day before but persisted until pur went to bed at midnight the next day! Also Lunav's boop-o-meter (but not the ability to boop) seems to be lingering, pur hopes that's not a glitch and it stays a while (: Lunav made three new mutuals and three new memes and booped probably just over 1000 times and received roughly the same amount, both of Lunav's meters say LOL and has two cats on it :D Lunav loved discovering the super-boops and evil-boops and spamming pur friend to opt-in when it started (:< and keeping purr internet-un-literate parents informed on the global boop count
Lunav doesn't think pur'll miss the boop as long as this post gains traction at least in the circle of tumblr that Lunav inhabits. Lunav is an artist and is sad to only get a handful of likes on purr works, but that's a well worn road so Lunav will tell anyone who's curious that you can quick reblog on desktop by holding ctrl E and selecting the blog you want it to appear on and move on.
Lunav is very happy to have made new friends and is planning to trawl through their archives a bit to see what they like and make doodles for those things like a housewarming gift.
Lunav is wondering how the boop went for you, and is curious about what led you to reach out to Lunav (and others?) and ask such a nice question (:
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lunaviathan · 1 year
wait wait, genuine question. When is Hylia specifically associated with gold/yellow? The first thing that comes to mind is botw Zelda’s sealing magic but otherwise I can’t actually think of many examples, and especially not any that aren’t from the triforce itself rather than Hylia. Which could easily be because she’s only been in like two games.
Because I just saw a post pointing out a lot of items in skyward sword relating to her, specifically have a purple-ish iridescence instead and it got me thinking.
Plus, Din, Nayru and Farore being called the Golden Goddesses makes gold seem pretty exclusive to them, what with the triforce being their ‘golden power’
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lunaviathan · 2 months
Considering picking up the royal We or speaking in the third person. it just seems neat. I dunno I was just testing out headcanon-ing a specific character as speaking in the third person and I went Oh i'm enjoying this in the exact same way as when I hc a character as genderqueer (a thing that I know I am)
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lunaviathan · 14 days
If Lunav doesn't have the energy to draw any of these things this week, Lunav will find some old ready-to-go art related to the winning prompt to post instead (:
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