kisuga · 1 year
emi ur beautiful brain came up with the kyo idea, any other hcs?? i wanna write but have no ideas 😭😭
- daichi built you a car for your guy’s one year anniversary. he brought you to the junkyard after dinner and that’s when he showed you it. it didn’t have a roof since it was still a work in progress, so you guys sat and watched the stars in it. (based off a gilmore girls ep)
- terushima is a TRACK STAR. he has so much energy, he easily wins all of his races. he definitely points or winks at you as he is about the cross the finish line. all the girls swoon over him but you’re it for him.
- you once brought a fake plant to your apartment. being the sweetheart that he is (and not knowing the plant was fake) asahi watered it every. single. day. he was beyond embarrassed when you broke the news to him, but it gave you enough confidence to get a pet (or child) with him.
- the prep/jock x loser trope with atsumu makes me swoon. either that or the bully turned good. imagine one day he gets in a fight and just sees your disappointed expression in the crowd surrounding him. he automatically regrets making you upset.
- ok but roles reversed, imagine you being the popular one and akaashi being the shy nerd. he literally can’t believe how he managed to bag you. y’all study together and everyone is jealous of him :(
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inoreuct · 3 months
undercover op with sanji in a dress?? i think judge would be pissed asf if he picked a backless one and decided to own that metal spine bcs he’s a badass 😏😏 (unless cyborgs are discriminated against. are they? are they common in this au?? or are sanji and his sibs the only ones?? I’M SO INVESTED PLS 🤲🏻)
ooooh anon anon anon,,, YOU READ MY MIND WITH THE BACKLESS DRESS also cyborgs are pretty uncommon but they aren’t really discriminated against— more seen as things to be put on pedestals and not people, though. some see them as feelingless machines, and sanji’s siblings definitely aren’t helping that rep :((
there are other cyborgs but the vinsmokes are the most well-known, and their power + skills and apathy (save sanji) have people kissing the ground they walk on with a mix of fear and reverence. sanji just wants to be a Normal Guy, though, and zoro treats him like one, and it both pisses sanji off and makes him immeasurably happy. make of that what you will 🤭
“Found him.” Zoro frowns at his monitor, double-clicking with his mouse to zoom in. “Grey jacket, next to the beer taps.” 
“Yeah, I see him.” 
He tracks Sanji over the security camera, watching the blond slink through a crowd that parts for him effortlessly without even seeming to realise. Zoro can’t blame them, seeing as he looks good enough to stop traffic. “Remember, he doesn’t know what’s—”
“Going on, I know, I know,” Sanji mutters under his breath, weaving around a woman who gawks with her mouth slightly open as he flashes her a soft smirk and a wink. “Keep him unaware and get the drive. I could do this in my sleep.”
“I know,” Zoro echoes, even as he holds back a scoff and an eye roll. He’s in a bad mood and he knows exactly why. 
He’s scrunched up in his chair in sweatpants and a ratty tank top, a half-drunk can of beer steadily forming a puddle on the desk next to his keyboard as he watches Sanji sidle up to the bar and order a drink. Their target sneaks a look to the side before ducking his head and taking a gulp from his own glass. 
The man’s a small-time photographer who looks clean-cut but understated— Insignificant. He’d been chosen precisely because of that fact; GERMA66 had deemed him acceptable as an oblivious carrier of a thumbdrive that supposedly contains plans for whatever the hell Judge is up to next. 
Their job is to intercept it before it gets to Charlotte Linlin, or anybody she’s affiliated with. 
The bartender returns with Sanji’s drink and he takes it with an elegant incline of his head. “Old fashioned?” he asks, gesturing to their target’s glass, and there’s a pause before the poor man looks around quickly. 
“A-Are you—?” he starts, pointing to himself. 
Sanji laughs, silky and soft. Zoro takes a controlled breath. “Who else?” He raises his own glass to his lips, and Zoro knows what’s in it. A rum and orange cocktail with Kahlúa and cacao nibs in the egg white foam on top. “That is an old fashioned, isn’t it? Yeah.” The blond’s lips curl up behind the crystal rim, a bold red and sharp at the edges. “You seem the type.”
“You seem the type,” Zoro mocks silently, scowling at the screen. He doesn’t even try not to scoff this time; his chair complains with a loud creak when he throws his weight back, sullenly crossing his arms over his chest. 
Look. He’s not sulking, alright? It’s just— difficult. Sanji twists sideways, leaning one elbow on the bar, and the back of his dress dips low enough for his entire spine to glimmer silver-wet in the dim lights. Where was he?
Right, difficult. Sanji’s over there buttering up a literal nobody, and Zoro has to sit here, in his apartment, in this shitty rolling chair with no back support where he’s close enough to go in if Sanji needs backup. He listens to his partner flirt over the comms and grits his teeth as he tries to consciously keep his fists unclenched. 
He’s not jealous. It’s just that he’d gotten used to the idea of there not being anyone else, he supposes. Neither of them have any time for romance outside of their jobs, and at some point being together had just become routine; and Sanji’s a flirt, sure, but at the end of the day it’s always Zoro that he ends up with. They have toothbrushes at each other’s places. Sanji has weights by his shoe rack and Zoro has a block of chef’s knives tucked into the corner of his kitchen counter.
Sanji’s laughter grabs his attention, and Zoro realises that at some point he’d lost the thread of the conversation. The blond pinches the collar of their target’s grey windbreaker between his thumb and forefinger, running down the length of it, and their eyes meet through the camera as Sanji pushes off the countertop and the man scrambles to follow. 
His dress drags along the floor. The red satin is made heavy by crystalline beading, draping down to just above his hips as he makes his way to the lift lobby, and the man trails behind hanging onto his every word like a starstruck fool; Zoro suspects he himself isn’t much better. The lights of the lift lobby are harsh as they make their way up to the hotel above the bar, and Zoro switches from camera to camera all the way until the man’s sliding a key card into a lock and disappearing when Sanji shoves him into the room with an exaggerated giggle. 
His expression sobers when looks directly at the camera across the hall. Strands of hair are drifting out of his chignon and catching in his lashes. “Sorry, mossy. Gonna have to sign off for now,” he whispers, and Zoro can hear the soft smile in his voice before he pulls his earpiece out and shuts the door.
…Yeah, Zoro’s jealous.
It’s enough to have him finishing his beer in two chugs, leaning back to drag his hands over his face and groan. He knows what it looks like. Knows what it’s supposed to look like; a hookup, plain and simple. Judge can’t know that Sanji’s the reason the drive won’t make it to Linlin. It’s risky, sure, but they’re banking on the fact that he doesn’t know that Zoro knows anything about how Judge still has Sanji under his thumb. And if Sanji gets some fun out of it, well— Zoro can’t fault him. 
It doesn’t change the fact that he feels sick to his stomach, and it’s pissing him off because he has no right. None at all. He isn’t entitled to anything; Sanji doesn’t owe him, or anyone, anything. It doesn’t matter how he feels. It doesn’t matter how close they sit when they’re falling asleep in the middle of a movie on Sanji’s couch. Sanji’s already been backed into a corner by his bastard of a father— Zoro refuses to complicate things for him any more. 
He’ll get up in a moment. Grab a bottle of something stronger this time. The apartment will be his till morning, anyway, so what’s the rush?
And then he hears the front door beep as somebody enters the passcode, and he nearly falls out of his seat sitting up straight. 
Zoro glances at the clock as footsteps echo through the entrance; it’s only been twenty minutes, give or take. 
Multiple hard somethings clatter onto his desk, and he looks up to find Sanji leaning against the doorway. “Help me out. I’ve got a screw loose,” he says, grinning, and then there’s a moment before Zoro groans.
“If you think that’s funny then you clearly do,” he replies tiredly, standing as Sanji sits on the other side of the table.
He picks up the screwdriver he’d been given, reeling a little. Sanji isn’t supposed to be here, and yet— Here he is, pulling pins from his hair left and right and dropping them all over Zoro’s desk as his chignon untwists itself. A weary sigh leaves Zoro’s lungs. “Where?” 
“L4, R6, L12 and 16, and… R23.”
“23?” He frowns. “That’s lower than usual.” 
Sanji grimaces. “Slept wrong last night, I think.” 
“Hm.” Zoro flips the tool in his hand as Sanji gathers his hair over his shoulder; it’s gotten long now, enough to dust the tops of his shoulder blades with soft, shimmering gold. He rests his thumb at Sanji’s hairline and drags down gently until he gets to the first corresponding vertebra and he’s careful as he fits the screwdriver head in, turning slowly until the joint tightens.
“Did you sleep with him?”
Sanji makes a pfft sound and doesn't even turn, used to Zoro’s straightforward questions. “‘Course not. What, not confident enough in my abilities?” 
“No.” Zoro clamps his mouth shut when he realises how defensive he sounds. “No,” he amends, voice marginally less tense, four fingers wrapped over the edge of Sanji’s ribs as he moves down. “I just thought… You were having a good enough time. He liked you. No reason not to.” 
“I didn’t want to. That’s the reason,” Sanji says, and it’s flat enough that Zoro knows to ease off. “When we got into his room I knocked him out before I nicked this,” he taps the thumbdrive he’d tossed onto the table with the screwdriver, “out of the lining of one of his jackets.”
Zoro narrows his brows. “Knocked him out how?”
Sanji shrugs a shoulder. “Compressed his carotid. Pretty sure the poor guy was enjoying it, honestly.”
They’re quiet for a while after that. Zoro holds Sanji’s side, elbows digging into the table as he crouches down to see what he’s doing. He resists the urge to press his nose to Sanji’s skin. Beading digs into his knuckles as the screw clicks into place.
He stills. They rarely use each other’s names. “Yeah?”
“Did you—” Sanji’s breath catches, the moment suspended until he shakes his head. “Nevermind.” 
He’s beautiful, Zoro thinks. The scarring that frames his spine is smooth under his thumb. “Did it hurt?”
“When he…”
“…Yeah.” Sanji puts the heels of his palms on the table, fingers curling over the edge, thumbs pressing into the sides of his thighs. “He said it was my fault, anyway,” he sighs, letting his weight drop so his shoulders hunch up to his ears. “That I wasn’t even supposed to feel pain, but I ruined it before he could… perfect me.” 
Zoro lets his eyes flick up, gaze falling on the elegant curve of Sanji’s nape before he focuses on the last screw. 
He’d made a promise to himself on that fire escape. The metal melded to Sanji’s back is a constant reminder to both of them that he’s a double agent. Everything they do is a risk; hell, they both lose sleep over it. Zoro’s used to his phone ringing in the middle of the night. Sanji’s finally starting to allow himself to call. 
The blond’s head is hung low as the strap of his dress slips off his shoulder, and Zoro slides it back up and lays it in place. He’s done with Sanji’s spine. “How’s that feel?”
“Hm?” Sanji blinks as he looks up, before rolling his shoulders back. “Better.”
“Alright.” Zoro barely stops himself from drumming his fingers on the table as he bites his lip. He turns around under the guise of readjusting random things on his windowsill. “It’s late. You staying over?”
“…Oh, fine,” Sanji relents, waving a hand. “Too tired to go anywhere, anyway.” 
It’s second nature to leave a set of pyjamas on the bed; Zoro usually takes the couch, if only because the springs are hell for the tactile sensors in Sanji’s spine. He’s just leaving when Sanji steps out of the adjoining bathroom with a wash of warm air with a towel around his waist. 
“Pretty sure your bed’s meant for two,” he says lightly before grabbing the clothes and disappearing back through the door, and Zoro blinks. Sure, he’d splurged on a queen-sized mattress, but he’s never shared it. 
He ends up lying down anyway and swiping through his phone mindlessly until Sanji comes out again, hair brushed back. The covers pull as Sanji climbs under and he stretches to turn the lights off, before they’re laying there in silence. 
Zoro’s half asleep when he hears it. 
“We didn’t do anything in that room.” 
“It doesn’t matter if you did.” 
“But we didn’t,” Sanji insists, and Zoro hears I didn’t want to do it, any of it, and he doesn’t even realise he’s reached for Sanji’s hand until their fingers brush. 
“I know,” he says, gentle. Their hands lay in the space between them until Sanji threads their fingers together, rolling onto his side. 
“Just, uh,” he begins, clearing his throat gruffly. “Just wanted to clarify.”
Zoro laughs against his will. His shoulders shake with it, and he hisses when Sanji kicks his shin. He finds the knuckle of Sanji’s thumb as he brings their hands up between their pillows, rubbing over the bone. “Go to sleep, curly. We’ll go through the drive tomorrow.” 
Sanji’s lashes flutter before he swallows. “Okay.”
“Goodnight, marimo.”
He turns his face into his pillow. He smells like Zoro’s body wash.
Zoro stares at his ceiling and wonders just how much he’d be willing to give to protect this man falling asleep next to him.
(He wakes not long after sunrise the next day. 
Sanji’s ribs rise and fall against his palm, the corner of his borrowed shirt riding up. He’d rolled over Zoro’s arm sometime in the night; his other hand is tucked close to his chest, his ankle skin-warm and pressed to Zoro’s shin. His hair is all over the place and Zoro’s pretty sure he’s drooling. 
He smells even more familiar now, like cheap lavender detergent that Zoro buys on a discount, leftover hair wax and orange from the night before. Just a hint of mint toothpaste. There’s the slight rasp of stubble when Zoro drags the heel of his hand across Sanji’s jaw, and the man mutters in his sleep, flipping over to face the other way and hug Zoro’s arm to his chest.
Well. Zoro doesn’t usually sleep in. He’s a busy man, he’s got weights to rep and evidence to process— But seeing as his arm’s trapped, there’s not much he can do, is there?)
(The next time he opens his eyes it’s past noon. He smells caffeine and hot butter, and it drags him out of bed to the kitchen; Sanji’s standing over the stove, hair shoved up into a haphazard bun with a blue ballpoint pen, spatula in one hand and Zoro’s laptop balanced on the other.
“About damn time, you log,” he huffs, jerking his head towards the table. “Coffee’s ready, help yourself. You won’t believe what bullshit Judge is trying to pull.”
Zoro raises both eyebrows and decides to save himself an ass-kicking by keeping his mouth shut. He pours himself a mug of coffee and sits down. “S’that my pen?”
“It’s—” Sanji frowns. “I picked it up off the floor.”
“Hm. I was wondering where it ran off to.”
Sanji rolls his eyes, leaning over to put the eggs down. “You’re fucking horrible. Are you telling me you only have one pen?”
“No. I was just looking for this,” Zoro reaches up and yanks it from his hair, “pen.” He yelps a laugh when Sanji swats him over the head and drags a chair out. “It looks better down, anyway,” he chuckles, wrapping a curl around his finger and tugging before he lets go. “Now run me through what’s going on.”
The blond gives him a stink eye and sighs, turning the laptop so it faces them both. “Okay. So…”)
(Zoro settles in, drinks his coffee, and he still hasn’t figured out how much he’d give. He’s starting to think there isn’t a limit.
He thinks he’d be okay with that, though.)
(part 1 | part 2)
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mercyedes · 4 months
     ❤︎   💌 gossamer
buck cleven/harry crosby || 5.2k words || rating: teen
crosby suffers from crush on blonde man syndrome (it's actually mutual pining sshhhh).
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lkluvsu · 2 months
ik i said i’ll shut up but it’s technically not tmr yet for me so like… anyone here watch barca femini
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ghostfacd · 6 months
pairing. tom blyth x fem!actress!reader
summary. where one comment could lead into an internet feud between tom blyth and yn avocot, resulting in them falling inlove ?!
author’s note. [ THIS TAKES PLACE BEFORE YN AND TOM STARTED DATING ] thank you to the nonnie that said yn gives off scream vibes bc they’re the reason i even made this post in the first place! 🤭
installment of this au | read for context
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ynuser scream bts (you’re welcome!)
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jennaortega did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
➥ jackchampion no but it might’ve when she stabbed u in the movie
➥ ynuser JACK 😭😭
user1 jenna flirting, jack teasing, I LOVE THIS CAST YOUR HONOR
user2 okay but literally your performance was just chefs kiss 😭 PLEASE tell me you’re starting in other movies as well bae
➥ ynuser oh thank you!! im so honored you enjoyed it ❤️ I will get back to you on your question!! 👀
➥ user4 well actually 🤓☝️ she was one of the ghostface in the film which means she actually was a killer
user5 @/user4 bye
tomblyth amazing film
➥ ynuser thanks
➥ user6 THANKS?? THANKS?! girl that’s tom blyth
➥ ynuser @/user6 who?
user7 no way this girl just asked who tom blyth is
➥ user8 well can u blame her tho?? he’s in like what, billy the kid or whatever? it’s not that known..
➥ user9 nah girl stars in one film and thinks she’s all that 😭
rachelzegler YOU DID SO GOOD GIRL 💕
➥ ynuser rachel my love 😭😭❤️
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tomblyth who am I? well now you know
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user10 oh he’s so fine
user11 LMFAOO is this a jab at yn not knowing who you are
user12 show that girl 🤭🤭 she thinks she’s all that after getting one acting gig
➥ user13 y’all are so obsessed with her hello..
ynuser sure. now i know
➥ user14 oh im having so much fun watching all this go down
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ynuser more bts because i love scream 6 and so should you!
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tomblyth yeah the movie’s cool and all but how abt i treat you out for dinner?
➥ user15 HELLO???
user16 enemies to lovers era ?
user17 pls lord get these two together
jackchampion say yes to the dinner invite and bring me back steak
➥ ynuser 🤨🤨
➥ jackchampion and a vanilla soda too please
user18 i love jack n yn’s friendship
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ynuser and tomblyth both posted a story!
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ynuser eating sushi and then putting on some comfy pjs is a great way to spend a day
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user19 the way tom also posted sushi pics very similar to what she’s eating…
user21 pjs TOGETHER?! im afraid we’ve lost her
user22 everybody knows.. everybody knows
jackchampion splendid way to spend the day
➥ user23 what if it’s jack?? tom and yn don’t even fw each other LOL
➥ user24 true. he did ask her for dinner tho
➥ user25 who wouldn’t? she’s yn.
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Eclaté_Mode On this new episode of BTS With Your Favorites, Tom Blyth dishes on his skincare routine, how he keeps himself productive during breaks, and his internet rivalry with actress, Y/N Avocot. Full video linked in bio
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user26 THE WAY HE COMPLIMENTS YN this is definitely enemies to lovers
user27 “me and yn have exciting need to share soon” excuse me
user28 so they inlove or what
user29 yn fell inlove with a brit man it’s over for US
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tomblyth well surprise. enemies to lovers much?
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ynuser nice pic send me it
user31 WAITT RACHEL HIM AND YN IN A FILM?? did not expect this..
user32 hold awn..
user33 is this confirmation they’re dating
➥ ynuser we aren’t dating.
➥ rachelzegler yet.
➥ user34 RACHEL???
rachelzegler you’re welcome for this crossover, i encouraged both of them to audition for the role
jennaortega take care of my gf 😽
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pierregazly · 2 months
smile kisses ꨄ oscar piastri
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oscar piastri x reader
warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, a lil steamy towards the end [751 words]
request: if possible can you do a mix of 3 and 10 from the 🫶🏻 prompt list with oscar (if not, just 10 is fine 😽) [3. SMILING during a kiss & 10. "tell me what you want, baby." in the deepest, nearly inaudible murmur]
note: this was so cute!! the prompts??? i died 🤭 this is part of my 1.5k celebration! feel free to request away!!
There wasn’t much that could be said about the way Oscar spent his mornings. He was an early riser, always had been; his breakfast’s pre-planned and pre-made for him; a routine that hadn’t seen change in years.
Until you came into his life, of cour
Oscar had, more than once, affectionately commented about how you had blown up every routine and regime he followed. He would always finish off the joke with a soft kiss and the reaffirmation that he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Winter breaks for the Australian had especially changed. While before he could’ve been found back home, enjoying the summery, hot weather of his hometown; this time around he was found wrapped around you in bed, eyes following the streaks of rainwater that littered the window and gave view to the dreariness that often overtook London this time of year.
He wouldn’t change it for anything in the world, though. Lazy mornings in bed with you on a cold, dreary day was exactly the type of change he was alright with. Especially when your body moulded against his own so perfectly.
Tracing shapes on your bare shoulder, he placed kisses against the imaginary spots after the completion of each one. A smile gracing his lips with every press of them against your skin, as small giggles erupted from inside you at every action.
It was like heaven, hearing your reaction to his ministrations, to the way he professed his love for you. He wasn’t great with words, but he knew how to make you feel loved, how to make you feel wanted.
“Having fun, Osc?”
Murmuring a soft agreement, he continued the game of bringing bumps to your skin as shivers consumed your body. A soft smile continued to grace his face, difficult to keep at bay whenever he was around you.
Tapping at the hand that was placed delicately against your stomach, you gestured for him to let you turn around to face him. Which he begrudgingly did, a mock glare directed at you before a smile broke across his lips as he traced the shape of your face with his eyes, a hand gently cupping your cheek, rubbing a thumb across the skin.
“You’re so beautiful, you know that?”
Feeling your cheeks warm at his words, you pressed your head into the junction of his neck to stifle the giggle of adoration that was bubbling out of you. The beat of his pulse was so delicate against your lips as you pressed a loving kiss to it, a smile still stretched across your features.
“And just so adorable, really,” emphasizing his words, he pressed a finger into a known ticklish spot that instantly prompted you to flinch away from him.
You were easily overpowered by him, Oscar’s body hovering over yours as his fingers dug into your sides, loud squeals of laughter left your lips. It was hard to focus on anything as you tried to maneuver your body out from underneath him, but the large smile on his lips was infectious.
“Osc… oh my god, please. Enough! No more,” you begged, using all your weight to shove him off.
Relenting, the Australian held himself up with his now unoccupied hands, looking down at you as you caught your breath.
He couldn’t help the urge to press his lips down to yours, unable to keep the smile from his face. You couldn’t express in words how much he meant to you, but the feeling of the smile pressed against your lips was really all you needed to know how much he loved you. You couldn’t resist smiling back into the kiss, your fingers weaving into the locks of his hair, trying to show the love he was giving you, right back.
The passion in his kisses, in everything he did, was wondrous. It always felt like he was trying to form every thought, every feeling, every emotion, into the connection of your lips; especially through the never-ending smiles he always had for you.
Practically mewling into his mouth as he deepened the kiss, you felt him start to press his lower body against yours, a soft groan leaving his lips.
“Tell me what you want, baby,” he murmured, his voice deepening from the arousal coursing through his system.
You couldn’t help the small whimper that was let out as you looked up at him; eyes hooded and clear with his intention, lips plump, practically begging to be kissed more.
“You, Osc. Always want you.”
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AH this isn’t as long as i would’ve liked, but i just wanted it to be tooth-rotting fluff with a lil spice of an ending. i hope you all love it, and thank you to everyone that’s been requesting and celebrating with me 🫶🏻
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pathetic-sapphic · 8 months
Helloo, I just thinking about a dom!abby and sub+coquette+shy!reader without any specific kink, It's more bc I love this dynamic sm, with the reader being all pretty and cute and Abby having a very different style to her
[Of course, if you think it's nice, feel free to add any kink 😽]
Dom! Abby with a shy sub! S/O
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Abby's type have always been cute and shy girls. The way the blush adorns your cheeks when she gives you an ounce of affection never fails to make her day.
She likes the way your styles contrast one another. Especially if you're the type to wear cute dresses, frilly skirts and pretty blouses. Spoils you by taking you shopping whenever she can.
When you're trying out clothes, she always makes you twirl so you can show off how well it fits you. Calls you her pretty girl and likes to stand behind you whenever you're doing your makeup so that she can stare at your reflections in the mirror.
Feels so proud whenever your kisses leave lipstick marks on her face. Encourages you to wear bolder colors just for this.
Another contrast that she likes is if she has a partner who is on the softer side. She loves chubby and fat girls, loves how wonderful they are to hug and hold.
Expect her hand to rest on your thigh whenever you're sitting next to her. She knows how shy you get when it comes to PDA, which is the only reason why she resists pulling you into her lap whenever she can. Instead, she settles for kneading the soft flesh of your thighs, pinching you teasingly every now and then.
If she catches you trying to hide your blushing cheeks or smile, she'll gently pull your hands away, ''Nuh-uh princess, let me see that pretty face.''
Isn't against fingering you in public, under the table. Another reason why her hand always rests on your thigh, so she can sneak it up and under your skirt, her fingers playing with your sensitive cunt through your underwear.
Abby is a sucker for cute panties, with the little ribbons and all that. Thinks it's adorable and will tease you by licking your pussy through the fabric, enjoying the way you whine and beg for more.
Is always teasing you, anything to see the pretty red color adorn your cheeks. Makes you hold eye contact with her as she tells you all the things she'll do to you.
If you ever wear lingerie to surprise her, Abby is basically ready to propose to you on the spot. You just look so damn perfect, like an angel. Remind her to be gentle, else she's ready to rip the expensive fabric clean off of your body.
Abby is a soft dom who is very attentive to you and your pleasure. Definitely a service top who simply wants to make you feel good, as much as she likes it when you reciprocate, her main way of getting off is by getting her girl off first.
Praises you to heaven and back. Abby has a filthy tongue, always telling you how perfect you are, how well you take her strap, how pretty you look underneath her.
Mirror sex? Mirror sex. She loves making you watch as she fucks you all the while she's whispering praise and the dirtiest words known to man into your ear. Holds your face firmly so you don't look away, chuckling at your shy demeanor.
Hope you have plenty of foundation because you're gonna need it. Abby always feels the need to mark what is hers, and you're just so cute and perfect, of course there will be some idiots who think they can have you! So she takes preventive measures by marking you up whenever she has the chance.
All in all, you're her perfect girl and she loves showing you just how much you mean to her. Abby loves your shy personality but also likes getting you out of your comfort zone every now and then.
a/n: anyone want a pt 2?
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taetr4ck · 2 months
my baby congratulations on 500 followers !!! you deserve it so so much im so proud of you😽
for the event i want to request ‘heaven is a place on earth’ by belinda carlisle + lee know<3
again, im so so proud of you !!! take care, i love youuu🫶🏽
heaven is a place on earth — lee know
lee know x reader, reader is exhausted — fluff, comfort. taglist form.
a/n : aaaaah thank you so much my loveee !! i'm proud of you more than you ever know, i love you so much 💌 i hope this is to your liking !
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They say, 
In heaven, love comes first. 
But to you, all you crave is your personal heaven— longing to be part of something greater, to be embraced in something that sees you as a single thing. 
You ache with the warmth of belonging in someone’s heart— you crave to be seen. 
“Everything is so tiring.” 
You plop down on the couch, a long sigh escaping your lips. 
“Long day?” Minho sat by your side, softly caressing your hair. You relaxed in his gesture, closing your eyes in exhaustion. 
“Long week, or month, or year. I don’t know. I’m just so tired I want to sleep forever,” you feel your chest hurting after saying that. 
“Ah, my baby…” he looked at you with worry. His eyes reflected a hint of sadness and empathy— one full of genuine worry. 
Minho stood up, looking at you in awe. 
He then offered his hand, unsure of what to do. 
“Let’s do something,” he uttered. 
You grasped his hand without hesitation, your body completely surrendering to him. He started to sway you in the fall of the night, with the stars watching both of you dance under the midnight sky. 
“When you walk into the room…” he sang softly. He coasted you in a tranquil sway, making your body melt in his touch. 
“You pull me close, we start to move…” 
To be loved means to be consumed. To love means to radiate with inexhaustible light. To be loved is to fade, while to love is to persist. '
“And we’re spinning with the stars above…” he looked at you with a smile, continuing to float together in the silence of the night. 
He stopped. He looked at you solemnly, and his eyes seemed to soften with the natural hues of the night. His eyes shone at you as if they were the brightest stars in the sky— but those stars belong to you, only you. 
He tenderly pressed his lips against yours, a gentle caress following your delicate dance. 
To you, you have already found your personal heaven; where he never made you feel alone— he waits for you and you come around— he reached for you and brought you love. 
“...and you lift me up in a wave of love.”
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⋆ taetr4ck, est may 2023.
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harmoonix · 1 year
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Astrology Sweet Notes Part III ❦❦❦
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❦ Moon - Pluto aspects are having very powerful emotions and feelings, they are very intense and can feel everything every single change of attitude, and these natives can have trouble with opening their feelings just as a shield in case they hurt.🫂
❦ Saturn - Sun aspects can feel very restricted to be themselves, their true version, they can feel restricted of their feelings/emotions and they can feel they don't fit in this World. If you have these aspects please let me give you a big hug because is not easy ⊂⁠(⁠◉⁠‿⁠◉⁠)⁠つ, i wish you all only the good things and many blessings to come for you🫂
❦ Mars - Neptune aspects can make you obsessed for your partners, obsessed enough to have erotic dreams with them or to fantasize or daily dream about them 🫂💖😍
❦ Sun - Venus aspects can give you such a beautiful grace and presence, a lot of good vibes and very warm energy, you are like a diamond who shines brighter in the light
❦ Mercury at the Pisces Degrees (12°, 24°) makes you romantic enough to write love poems about your love partner, these people are so romantic while communicating with their partners make them feel like heaven ⭐
❦ Pluto in the 1st house is such a beauty 😍 these people can have such a powerful magnetism towards others and because of that they can also attract a lot of jealous people
❦ Venus - Neptune aspects can sacrifice very much in their love relationships and they can feel they give too much love and they don't recieve the same amount of love back, it can be draining ☹️, please be careful over what people you feel in love you with 💖🫂
❦ Moon Prominent people look very angelic and pretty they have such a beauty and they look fascinating, their aura is magnificent, mesmerizing, i don't even have enough words to describe is just amazing 🌘
❦Sun Prominent people are having such a attractive energy towards others, they can attract so many good people and they have such an amazing presence they crave for luxury and expensive 🏆
❦ Venus in the 9th/Sagittarius house can make you a lover for traveling and discover, also a lover for spirituality and your beliefs, you can fulfill your dreams for traveling far away, here Venus is a bless the 9th house is the "House of God" and these people can experience many blessings in their life🥇🥇🥇
❦Mercury in Scorpio\Leo\Aries\ they are talking dirty 24/7 and they are also very flirty in their words but they can get horny very fast 🤣 take care if you are around them they can think at naughty things 24/7 and even in the bad situations 🤣🤣🤣
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❦ Jupiter in Libra/Scorpio/Sagittarius can really have a very funny laugh, and these natives laugh are full of life to make others to laugh too and also is something very mutual for them to be funny around other people they can joke about things 24/7 and have a pretty big humour
❦ Taurus Rising are having a very very very big love for expensive things and for living a rich life they see their lives as "🤑" they can crave luxury a lot
❦ Leo Risings love to make drama, not much but a bit of drama enough to get people attention because they need it, these people can use their power in attracting others attention very fast
❦ Uranus - Ascendant aspect can have a very unique thing in their appearance, and they like to be different, to be out of the crowd, these people are in their own world because this world failed to make them feel good.
❦ Neptune - Sun aspects can often attract a lot of animals around them, because their energy is a Disney Princess 24/7 i see them as Snow White singing with birds around them, i think the animals can feel their good souls and come at them 💙😽
❦ Mercury Retrograde in a chart can represent that when you feel to talk for something, do that 100%, don't be restricted to talk, do what your hearts says and fight for your dreams, talk for others too if you want because you can be very good at giving speeches.🔥
❦ Saturn in the 5th house, at some point you will met the right person for you to love you for who you are and to respect you and your feelings, boundaries. Don't be scared that you will never find a partner, the right person will come at the right time 💝
❦ Saturn in the 7th house is a very karmic placement if we talk about love relationships these people can have very karmic partners and a lot of karmic lessons involving love relationships. Trust me besties i know what i talk about i have this placement in my Vedic Chart and Sidereal 🥹 Saturn wants to teach you a lesson about love 🥹❣️
❦ Scorpio Moon/Moon in the 8th house can get very posesive of their partners, these people love 100000% intense and when they get attached...You should feel the luckiest person on earth if someone with those placements gets attached to you because they will love you no matter what and stick with you til the end they are very very very loyal in their love relationships.🔥 Treasure for others for sure 10000%%%
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❦ Jupiter - Sun aspects: can be very lucky and attracting many opportunities due to their very optimistic personality
❦ Moon in the 5th house can make someone a "romantic hopeless" here the Moon is in a very romantic position and can make the native very romantic and in love with a lot things
❦ Never make a Water Moon ANGRY seriously, natives with Water Moons/Moon in water houses (4th,8th,12th) can get you very scare when they are angry, most times are very calm but if they get angry the situation can be very explosive
❦ Mars/Mercury in Fire Signs can scream a lot and very loud, usually when they get angry these natives tend to get very furious and angry and they can have very volcanic personalities
❦Scorpio Risings/Aquarius Risings/Pisces Risings can have very sleepy/tired eyes, please make sure to rest enough and always a good long sleep is very welcomed 🥹🛌
❦ Sagittarius Risings are very honest people, i observed a lot of Sag's Risings being very honest with everyone around them, and is very admirable because these people don't tend to lie, if you want a honest opinion about something i think those people are very good alongside with Capricorn Risings who are the same they can be very honest, Capricorn Risings can be brutally honest sometimes but i think a good motto for them it will be "Better a hard truth than living in a illusion"
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With muchhhh love Harmonix ❣️💞
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oddballwriter · 10 months
HEYAA. I’ve been so obsessed with ur MK stuff lately it’s insane. Wondering if I could request a little blurb with Steven? 🙏 Maybe artistic reader who uses Steven as a muse of sorts? 🎨 Maybe Steven finds reader’s sketches of him and Reader is like embarrassed 😨 that he may be uncomfortable with it? Add and change up anything you’d like!! 😽 ur my fav writer thank you ���🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼❤️❤️
Your Drawings Look like Heaven to Me
Summary: Steven always enjoys your drawings and art, big or small, painting or simple sketch and doodle. But he's a bit surprised when he discovers that you have a habit of drawing a certain muse that you have. 
Warnings: There's nothing that I can actually thing of other than it's mentioned that the reader draws Steven when he's unaware, but I don't think it's that bad. Also 'Y/n' is used once. 
Author’s Snip: This was meant to be just a little blurb but I got the writing equivalent of zoomies. You asked for a cookie and I made you a cake with layers, frosting, and toppings. This is insane how did I do this. I think it's because I've been drinking a monster while writing this. I have paused the video that I was previously watching in the background because I am so focused. I'm not even joking this shit is 1517 words long and that is before I proof and grammar checked it. I think this might be the longest writing I've done thus far. Enjoy your free cake, anon.
Notes: This is written in the lens of a world where it's just Steven, so none of the actual events in the show happen.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Steven always knew you drew. You met at your jobs at the museum, at the time, you were working the front desk while he of course worked at the gift shop. The two of you weren't all too familiar with each other since you only saw each other in passing. You knew him as Steven from the gift shop, and he knew you as Y/N from the front desk. You did learn more details through others. Steven was a chatty guy who had an impressive knowledge about Egyptology and mythos. And you were the person at the front desk who did nothing but sit there and draw all day when not granting visitors entry, or in most cases, taking a second to scan a preprinted ticket and check the schedule.
Steven heard talk that you were really talented in your art. You were able to draw what were basically pictures of things you saw or even made up. He hadn't seen your actual art till one day he found you sat where he usually did for lunch, drawing the statue man that he talked at everyday. And wow, were they right about how well you could draw. Though while you talked to each other you laughed "Well of course I'm able to draw him perfectly. He doesn't move.".
That lunch break was a long time ago. You two started dating between then and now. Steven managed to leave the museum for a new one that actually let him be a tour guide. You eventually managed to find work that let you use your skills in art instead of using it to beat the boredom of your job. And you also moved in with Steven in his little flat, in which he cleared out some of this clutter to make a space for you to work and make your own.
You would draw little doodles for Steven to have. Like Gus swimming around. An Egyptian god that you made using his books as a reference. You even drew him a little alligator with a speech bubble saying "Later" on a sticky note. He still has it by the way. He laminated it using clear tape and has it in his wallet as a pick-me-up when he's upset or as a lucky charm of sorts. You always made drawings for him. But never once had he thought that you would make drawings of him. Let alone how many drawing you made of him.
Steven isn't a man who likes to snoop around regularly, feeling a massive sense of ruining someone's privacy. But you said that he could always look through your sketchbooks and art pieces if he wanted, as long as it wasn't a commission that was still being worked on, which he respected. You, like any other artist, had a plethora of sketchbooks of different sizes that served different purposes. There were your personal sketchbooks, outline and testing sketchbooks, practice sketchbooks, a lot of sketchbooks with a lot of different things they were for. It amazed him just how many you had and how you were able to remember which is which.
He knew which ones were ones he gifted you though. Steven was never confident when it came to gifting you supplies. He wasn't an artist himself so he didn't know what was perfect and what was something you would say thank you for out of courtesy. One of the things he used as a safe play were sketchbooks. The bookstore he frequented had a section of art stuff and found that the sketchbooks were not only great quality but also had various designs on their covers. So he'd get you one almost every time he went.
When he looked at them on the shelf next to your desk he realized that he had never actually seen inside of those ones. He was a bit hesitant to grab one since he didn't know if you would want him to. It's not like he could ask you right now. You were out running some important errands and he didn't want to bother you. However, they were on the part of the shelf that you put all your regular personal sketchbooks, which he was allowed to look at so he took a one random from the collection and flicked through the pages.
Out of some coincidence, it was the first sketchbook he got you, which was admittedly one he got you before he learned what pages were good for actual art. The first few pages were doodles that were likely from testing how the paper held up with the actual process of drawing which soon stopped and the rest of the art was actually taped on like they originally belonged to another sketchbook.
Steven thought of that as a clever use for the pages. You would sometimes make art you thought was nice on miscellaneous papers and would simply take the piece with the art out and stick it somewhere else. But he soon notices a theme amongst all the doodles and drawings, which then follow into all of the other sketchbooks he gifted you.
Most of the drawings in these sketchbooks were of him.
They were all different. Some were him lounging around or taking a nap. Something that would have made him unaware of you creating a drawing of him. There was one that was him asleep laying in bed from what would be your side of the bed. His face was calm, the limpness of his arms and body was captured perfectly, the sheets drawn with the most accurate wrinkles, and the lighting gave the impression of the light of the morning that came in through the curtains. It looked like you simply took a picture of him while he slept but it was clearly a sketch drawn using a pen and pencil.
There was these bust and face portraits that spanned through out the books, of course of him. The first were already so good in detail considering these had to be drawings of him from memory. But they only got more detailed as they went on. You managed to get his amount of stubble right. You had the little baby curls that lived along his hair line. The crease between his eyebrows he had since he always had a slight anxious expression. That tiny little dimple that he had next to his nose that he didn't know existed until you pointed it out one time.
Steven's mind was boggling to him to see such detailed drawings of him that looked so carefully done even when they were simply quick sketches. They were life-like. They were him. They were Steven. To be honest, how could it not? You see his face all the time. So why wouldn't you have him completely memorized. It was just the fact that you had taken time and pages to draw him and him alone.
It was a bit jarring, for the both of you, when you walked through the front door with a hand full of groceries and other things from your errands and he was seen looking at all the drawings of him. You were embarrassed that he finally saw all your drawings of him and worried that he would think it was weird. He thought that he crossed a line and breached your privacy.
You two avoided talking about it till Steven finally did during dinner later that evening.
"You, uh, draw me... a lot." Steven spoke. "Yeah. I do." you blush as you avoided eye contact in case his eyes showed that your fear of him finding your habit with drawing him was strange was correct. "Why do you draw me so much?" he questions. You sighed, "It's sort of a habit I formed." you confess. You proceeded to explain how it started,
"I first drew you as an exercise to get rid of some art block. I usually draw faces of people I know as a means to do that. So I drew you. It was okay. But when I looked at it a couple days later I thought that I could do it again to improve on detailing some more. Then I used you as a study for lighting and colors.".
"Then, sometimes, I would just draw you when I thought you looked pretty or thought of you. And that's sort of what I've been doing." you explain further. "I thought you would find it weird if you saw all the times I drew you and so I just put them in the books you got me and hoped you wouldn't see them." you say in a timid manner.
"I don't think it's strange. I think it's actually quite flattering." Steven clarifies. "I was just surprised that you think of me as something worth drawing. Especially with such detail." he remarks. You breathe a sigh of relief at that.
"If I'm entirely honest, love," Steven spoke up, "Never tell me that you're drawing me from where I am. I'll get nervous and possibly ruin the position that you're drawing me in." he remarks.
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kisuga · 1 year
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whrsmym1nd · 1 year
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pairing: john wick x f!reader
warnings: smoking, unprotected piv, creampie, praising (i think that’s all 😽)
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it was early in the morning. the sun has just risen, starting to warm up the land, the breeze sending chills through your body, wind in your hair, bare feet laying on the cold ground of your balcony, the big shirt you were wearing along side of a pair of panties doing so little to keep you warm, a cigarette between your fingers waiting to be lit as you rested your elbows on the fence.
you were just about to bring your lighter to light your cigarette a hand covered over yours, a body pressed at your back. the lighter was taken from your hand, the body behind you turned you around. your eyes met johns sleepy ones. his hair was messy, eyes sleepy and puffy. he lit your cigarette for you and watched you take a long drag of it before handing it to him. you wrapped your arms around his waist, holding him tight as he smoked.
john lives for love, he loves violence and his baby too. and this was one of the moments he showed his love for you. he didn't have to say it out loud, you could tell by the was he held you or looked at you. as you stayed in his arms you thought about life, your relationship...
he had you by your heart. he loved you with every beat of his heart. he let you know that he loved you. he admires every little thing you do, says it feels like heaven to him. like you are a fallen angel.
cigar hanging from his lips, he said "hon..." and placed the cigarette back between your lips, his dreamy eyes admiring you. he leaned forward to place a soft kiss on your cheek which, then, moved to your lips. you placed the cigarette into the ashtray and gave all your attention to your boyfriend who was peppering kisses on your neck.
you were both sleepy but needing each other. his hands traveled lower and stopped when they reached your ass. he gave them a light squeeze to signal you to jump. when you did he held you by the back of your thighs, with your pussy pressing on his bulge. he moved your panties to the side and his own boxers down. he slid himself into you slowly not to hurt. the way he stretched you out hurt because he didn't prep you first but it felt so good. the burning sensation of his thick, hard cock felt like heaven.
he pushed his hips up to thrust into you. you wrapped your arms around his neck to support yourself. he was thrusting into you but making you move by guiding you with his hands on your ass to increase his speed.
"you feel so good, baby... squeezing
his dick was moving faster in and out of your pussy with every second that has passed. his strong arms holding you close to him, dirty words leaving his mouth, voice still raspy due to the fact that he has just woken up.
you hard nipples pressed against your shirt, making them visible. he took your covered nipples in his mouth, sucking on them through the fabric, covering the shirt in saliva.
"mphh— gonna come, john..."
"can feel you squeezing my cock, baby... come on my cock, sweetheart."
you let go and came around his dick like he told you to. his thrusts became slower and sloppier as he was chasing his own orgasm.
"cum in me, john... fill me up, baby."
he grunted at your words as he started to pump his cum into you. you felt his warm seeds covering your walls, marking your insides as his.
he walked back inside without pulling out, keeping his spending inside you, and placed a kiss on your forehead.
"let's go back to bed, baby..."
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Black Hole Sun copypasta please🙏
On it
In 🙅📥👏 my 👩🏻🤚 eyes 👀 Indisposed In 🌅 disguises no ✨ one 😬 knows 💭🤔 Hides 🙇 the face 👧 Lies 🤥😜 the snake 🐍 And the sun ⛱ in 📷 my 🙋🏻‍♀️ disgrace Boiling 😬 heat 😳 Summer 🚤 stench Neath the black, 🖤 the sky 🤡 looks 👀🌚 dead ☠ Call 📞 my 😀 name 🙏 Through 🔛 the cream 🧴🧴🛁 And I'll 😃❗🌓🌛👍🏿💈 hear 👂 you 😇 scream 😱 again 😬 Black 🖤 hole ⛳ sun ☀️ Won't 🃏 you 😴 come 💦🍆 And wash 🧼 away 🤠 the rain? ☔ Black ⚫ hole ⛳ sun 😩 Won't 💪🆗 you 👶 come 😽💦 Won't 🦆🦆🦆🐦🐍 you 👈 come 🤣 Won't 💪🆗 you 😊 come 💦 Stuttering Cold ❄ and damp Steal 🏃🏿‍♂️💨 the warm 🙀💦😍 wind, 🍃 tired 😩 friend 😤👯 Times 🕔 are gone 😨 For 👏🍆 honest 😳 men 👯‍♂ Sometimes, ✨ far 🌌 too 🐝 long ⌛ for 👏🎁 snakes 🐍 In 🙈 my 🎂👵🚟 shoes 👟 Walking 🚶🏼‍♂️ sleep 🛏 In 🍑 my 👆 youth, I 🙀 pray 🤲 to keep 😣 Heaven 😍😫💦 send 📩📬📮 Hell 🔙🔙 away 😐 No 😨 one 🙀 sings 🦊 like ☀️ you 👈🏼 anymore 🔥 Black 🖤 hole 👄 sun 😩 Won't 🦆🦆🦆🐦🐍 you 🔴😣🔧 come 💃 And wash 🧼 away 😂😂 the rain? 🌧 Black 🖤 hole 🤫 sun 😎 Won't 🆗 you 👈 come 🌽 Won't 💪💪 you 💯👉 come 💦👅😩 Black 🖤 hole 🕳 sun 🌆 Won't 🚫 you 💯 come 📷 And wash 🧼 away 😇 the rain? ⛱ Black ⚫ hole 🦫 sun ☀ Won't 🆗 you 👉🏼 come 😌 Won't 🦆🦆🦆🐦🐍 you 👈 come 💦 (Black 🖤 hole 🕳 sun, 🌥 black 🖤 hole 🙄🤡🙃 sun) ☀️ Won't 💪💪 you 😊 come 🧸 (Black 🖤 hole 🙄🤡🙃 sun, 😎 black 🖤 hole 🤫 sun) 🌇 Won't 🚫 you 😀🤟 come 😌 (Black 🖤 hole 🤫 sun, 🌤 black 🖤 hole 🙄🤡🙃 sun) 😩 Won't 😌 you 🆗 come? 💃 (Black 🖤 hole 🕳 sun, ☀️ black ⬛ hole ⛳ sun) ☀️ Hang 👜 my 😊 head 🌜💖💖 Drown 💓🧚‍♀️💗 my 😖🙄😤 fear 😱 Till 🍆 you 🙇🏻‍♀️ all 💯👺 just 🕛👀 disappear Black ⬛ hole 🙄🤡🙃 sun ⛅ Won't 💪💪 you 👈 come 📷 And wash 🧼 away 🔚 the rain? ☂ Black ◼️ hole 🤫 sun 🌄 Won't 💪🆗 you 👥 come 🤣 Won't 🃏 you 😊 come 💦🍆 Black ⬛ hole 🤫 sun 🌆 Won't 🚫 you 👈 come 👋 And wash 🧼 away 🤔 the rain? 🌧 Black ⚫ hole 🤫 sun ☀ Won't 🆗🆗 you 👊 come 🤣 Won't 🃏 you 👈 come 🍆💦 (Black 🖤 hole 🤫 sun, ⛱ black ⬛ hole 🙀 sun) 🌦 Won't 😧😏😏 you 💞👑✨ come 😽💦 (Black ⚫ hole 🙀 sun, 🌞 black 🖤 hole 👉🏼👌🏼 sun) 🌦 Won't 🦆🦆🦆🐦🐍 you 👈😘 come 🚶‍♀️🏃‍♀️ (Black 🖤 hole 🙄🤡🙃 sun, ⛱ black ⚫ hole 👉🏼👌🏼 sun) ☀️ Won't 😧😏😏 you 👈 come 💦 (Black ⬛ hole ⛳ sun, 🌆 black 🖤 hole 👄 sun) 🌅 Won't 😌 you 🦎 come 💦💧 (Black ⚫ hole 🙄🤡🙃 sun, 🌄 black 🖤 hole 🙄🤡🙃 sun) ☀️ Won't 🚫 you 👈 come 📷 (Black ⬛ hole ⛳ sun, 🌻 black ⬛ hole 👉🏼👌🏼 sun) ☀ Won't 🚫 you 👉 come 💦🍆 Won't 🆗 you 🤟 come 🕺
Oh boy why are there so many snakes
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jikjinz · 11 months
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requested? yes, for anon! 5, 18, 22 with Dobby pls 😽💕
❝stop staring.❞ ❝i can't, you're so pretty like this❞ ❝i can't help it, darling. i just want you so bad❞ ❝i will make you feel so good angel, trust me❞
from this list !
TAGS/WARNINGS: k.doyoung x fem!reader; kinda dom!reader and kinda sub!doyoung; tying up (doyoung), praise, attempts at dirty talk ig, edging??? grinding, mention of lingerie, unprotected sex (dont be silly wrap yo willy or get ready to be stomped on), lmk if something should be added
891 words yall better be ready
a/n: the fact i wrote this in like an hour with few smol breaks only shows how down bad i am for this fool, especially after t5 and move mv. also if there are mistakes yall just pretend that they don't exist. it's liek 1:30am, instead of exist i almost typed axist and i really couldn't have cared less about anything rn. peace out
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the view before you was breathtaking. you could stare at it for hours. unfortunately, the main character of the beautiful view was extremely impatient, wiggling and squirming under your stare, too flustered to say anything.
“stop staring!”
“i can’t! you’re so pretty like this.”
doyoung only whimpered at your words, his breath stuck in his throat when you got closer to the bed. dear heavens, he wanted to touch so much.
yes, it was his idea. it was his own mind that came up with such torture for him. wanting to try something new, doyoung suggested tying his hands to the headboard of the bed. it wasn’t the first time you took control over the situation, though it was the first time you could take your time with him, tease him, and enjoy the prettiest view you ever seen.
doyoung liked to be in control, or more like, liked to feel your body, your reactions, in general feeling you. sometimes it was hard for him to believe someone so precious loved him back. the thought of you, being in love with him, always made him go a bit dumb. and the fact that you were real, that you were under him, naked, in his bed just seemed like a fever dream. yet it was all real.
until now, where he could only look at your beautiful body, wrapped up in a cute lingerie, without the ability to touch your skin, to feel the weight of your body in his hands. but the mere sight of your heart eyes stuck on him, your mouth practically salivating at the sight of his naked body, and the way you pressed your thighs together at the slightest whimper he made… it all made him even more dumb.
“you look so- scrumptious right now.”
to say you were in awe would be a major understatement. you could stare at him like that for hours, he was just so- ugh! beautiful, gorgeous, stunning! and all of it only for you! and if you weren’t so needy for him, you probably would just stare at him for a whole day if not more.
sitting on the edge of the bed, you ran your hand through his messy hair, then cupping his face as you placed a loving kiss on his lips. his doe eyes, stuck on you and on you only, looked at you with that dreamy stare, the one you loved to see and the one playing with your heart, pride, and feelings.
“i love you, so- so much,” you started, caressing his biceps lightly as you finally straddled him, your ass so close his length it made him gasp for a sec. “and i want you so, so, so- much as well.”
doyoung was about to lose his mind. he wanted to scream, to break out, to finally fuck you properly, but shit, this stuff you did was addicting. he loved that, but if he had to wait even more, he would go crazy.
“doyoung, you are so impatient!” with a chuckle, you tapped his chest with your fingers as some kind of warning. though in reality, you were about to go insane any minute as well.
“i- i can’t help it, darling. i just- i just want you so bad- ah!”
you were a menace. a big one. doyoung was about to get off only by grinding your plushy ass, and yet you destroyed that!!! as you got up from him, doyoung whined, tears slowly forming in his eyes but when he noticed how hastily you’re taking off the lingerie (thankfully it didn’t have fancy clips), he smiled so brightly, like a sun after rain, reflecting in the puddles and wet leaves.
“i’ll make you feel so good, angel, trust me, but please, please, pleasepleaseplease just-”
the groan he let out at the end of the sentence was so hot your brain malfunctioned. and the fact that you were the cause of this heavenly sound got your mind run laps. so big laps that your pussy clenched around his length on its own, while your mind spiraled down and replayed that beautiful sound.
“fuck- angel you’re so- fuck, fuck! ah, shit-” that was all doyoung could say. his mind fogged with overwhelming pleasure, sudden yet so comforting tightness of your gummy walls had him choke on his words, moans, groans and the most beautiful sounds you ever heard.
you babbled nonsense, as your focus went only to the way his dick felt inside you. bucking your hips, bouncing up and down, it all was so… much.
“doyoung-! doyoung, i’m close, ah- fuck!” you were on fire but something was missing. somehow, the flame missed its match, which in this case was doyoung’s touch and his hand all over your body. as you hips met his half-way, your wobbly and slowly weakening hands clumsily managed to untie his.
the moment he touched you, the moment he touched your heated body, it was over you. as you screamed, moaned, and gushed over his length, doyoung only held you closer. as you chased after the last bits of that blissful moment, his lips managed to clasp with yours, ready to swallow every moan and whimper you made while he made sure to paint and mark your insides with his seed.
“we have to do this more often, darling.”
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glowingbadger · 2 years
Ooh, for your kink prompts ask game, could I please request cockwarming (#33) with Rohan and a female reader? 😽
FINALLY a Rohan ask- I love that fucking weirdo so much.
Also this is too long and they will not all be this long but no one ever asks me for JoJo stuff so I got carried away lmao
Rohan (JJBA) x fem/afab Reader
Kink prompt list #33 - cockwarming
NSFW 18+ V
Your face burns warm as you nuzzle into the crook of Rohan's neck, shifting awkwardly on his lap as he works, yet he hardly pays you any mind. One hand rests forgotten at your upper thigh while his other is busy drafting the next chapter of his manga, moving with awe-inspiring precision. You know his dedication to his craft to be unwavering, but you're still shocked and impressed at the extent of his unshakeable focus. Even as his thick, hardened cock fills you, grinding into your clinging inner walls when you move even an inch, he hardly takes his eyes from the page before him.
"Rohan... please..." you softly whine, clinging to the front of his clothes. Your cunt squeezes around him, your overflowing arousal dripping down his shaft. He sighs.
"Getting impatient already?" his gaze never falters, lines flowing from his pen like practiced formulae as he speaks, "If I remember, you were the one who insisted on disrupting my work to begin with."
It is true enough that you'd hoped to tempt him away from his drafting desk for a little while. You hadn't anticipated that he'd instead pull you onto his lap then and there.
"But... this is too-"
"Too much?" he scoffs, and finally deigns to set down his pen. Turning his arresting gaze on you, his hand at your chin forces you to face him. "Do you even realize how many would beg for the opportunity to serve the great Kishibe Rohan like this?" the curl at the corner of his lips makes it seem like a joke, but you know he's at least partially serious. A single elegant finger traces the curve of your bottom lip, and his voice lowers, "You should be grateful I haven't decided to use Heaven's Door to keep you still, with all that pathetic squirming you've been doing."
Your eyes dart to the side, but your lower body clenches and clings around his length at the idea- and you know he notices. His eyes darken, his slanted grin widens.
"Oh, is that what you want? You should have just said so- I could have done without all of this distraction."
With that, Rohan activates his stand, the front of your chest opening into written pages before him. The momentary discomfort still causes you to shift a little, grinding his cock into you even deeper, but you've become somewhat accustomed to Heaven's Door by now. Heart pounding with anticipation, you watch as he writes on your pages,
Y/N cannot voluntarily move her body below the waist.
You think he's done at first, then he adds,
Y/N experiences an intense sexual climax when commanded by Kishibe Rohan, and only when commanded.
You part your lips to speak, but Rohan closes the pages, watching them fold back into your body before meeting your eyes once more.
"There. Now we can manage your needs as I work. Aren't you grateful, Y/N?" he urges you closer to him, nearing until his lips brush yours as he speaks, "You must feel so lucky to be with someone who can satisfy you like I can."
You lean in, anticipating his kiss, but it never comes. Instead, he's already returning to his work, eyes turned to the clean sheet of paper at his desk. You pout uselessly at him, and mutter,
"You're incredibly cruel..."
He makes no reply at first, but levels his gaze on you once more. Then, his words low and deliberate, he says,
"Cum for me, Y/N."
You hardly have a moment to consider your fate before hot, urgent pleasure explodes at your center. Panting and whimpering, you paw at your lover's chest as you cum hard around his cock, your pussy gushing with arousal, your clit aching and quivering. Without control of your lower body, you're simply made to endure relentless ecstasy, and the way Rohan's member throbs in response. Yet through your blissful haze, even as your head tilts back and your vision blurs, you finally hear it- his soft but earnest groan of pleasure.
He must realize how unsteady you are in the wake of your sudden climax, as he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you forward to his chest. The tenderness of the gesture catches you off guard, but perhaps these bizarre contradictions are what you've always adored about Rohan. As he returns fully to his work at last, you nestle against him and resolve not to interrupt him again. At least, not until the next time the delicious pressure of his cock buried deep inside of you makes you beg to cum.
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Can you write something about Helaena targaryen x male uncle targaryen reader.
Where instead of marrying Aegon she marries the reader and they have children while being happy together ( Helaena deserves heaven ) 💕😽
AN- I have never written for Helaena but I love her so very much. She deserves way better than Aegon. But alright, let's give her what she deserves here...
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
Ecliptic Wedding
Helaena Targaryen x Male!Reader
Summary- In the presence of the solar eclipse, the dragons wed in love...
Warnings- None
GIF Credits to @bonniebird
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The preparations to welcome the long gone prince granted the Red Keep a new life of joy and relief. The heavy tensions between the two fractions of the House of Dragon had soften on to a slight as the Queen and Princess worked together to welcome the King's second brother.
The Kind; they called him. But that didn't do any justice to his other virtues. The prince was am excellent tactician, mostly away to win wars for the crown or to aid a house which is sinking into dirt. The edge of his sword could only rival his brother's Dark Sister.
The Green Siblings had only heard of the mysterious person they were related to. Only seen him in an old portrait of their family; where he stood beside Daemon with a proud smile and a posture which was too kingly for a prince. But then again, they knew that he was one of the contenders for the Iron Throne when the Old King died.
He had gave up the throne for his brother Viserys and sister Rhaenys; pledging fealty to whosoever sits upon it and rules the Seven Kingdoms; pledging that his life and death belonged to them and so did his sword.
"Have you ever met him mother?" The dear daughter of the king asked her mother with a dreamy edge to her smile. "I have, quite a lot of times, dear. He is everything they speak and more." Alicent could see the glaze in Helaena's beautiful eyes, the admiration she held for her uncle.
Honestly, she thought that Helaena desired the best in the realm. Her gentle soul too pure for the entire world; and she needed to be protected, at any cost.
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A moon had passed since the arrival of the Kind Prince and the realm has been celebrated since then. The joy on Viserys and Daemon could not be contained as they united with their brother; reminiscing old memories and sharing laughter and drowning cups of wine.
Alicent was happy, to see her husband doing well now that his dear brother has returned. Viserys might not have improved but he showed no signs of discontent in the last few days; instead he was quite healthy.
But the Queen's happiness had other reasons as well. She saw how well the prince mixed with her children. He would tell Aegon and Aemond stories of victories and glorious battles; practicing sword with the former as well.
Helaena and the prince were the most close. Their sweet conversations and fleeting touches and discreet glances couldn't hide from Alicent.
"Maybe we should marry your brother to our Helaena." She had proposed one fine evening to her husband as she carefully scrubbed his hand. The stink of blood had clinched to him when he came back from the hunt along with his brothers.
"A fine idea, Alicent. But I must speak to my brother as well."
Only if they knew that both the prince and princess had already flew to Dragonstone on their dragons. A priestess waiting for them with a burning fire while the dragonblade needed for the ceremony was kept safely in the Prince's tunic.
"Are you sure you wish for this, my princess?" He whispered once they landed on the ancestral seat of their family, aiding his princess down with a gentle hand.
Helaena only smiled, turning to him, "I have only waited for you all these years, my prince. I only want you and nothing else."
"The ceremony might hurt you a bit, but the sting will go away soon," he whispered, nodding to the priestess who started the ceremony with the string of Valyrian words leaving her throat. But her words were drowned, for the prince and princess had only the sense of their intertwined hands and amethyst eyes.
As the eclipse began, the dragons bounded to each other with the gods watching from the sky and the dragons growling softly; nuzzling into the others as they watched their riders swear their lives and loyalty to each other.
Forever and after.
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