#✘ - Such a pity to die alone; IC
goresugarsxx · 10 months
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✘ - " Inosuke calling Zenitsu stupid? The pot calling the kettle black..."
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lewisvinga · 3 months
norman fcking rockwell pt. 2 | daniel ricciardo x fem! reader
part one.
summary; y/n decided to confront daniel after he embarrassed her at dinner.
warnings; cursing
word count; 685
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1
note; requested ! tbh i didn’t know how to write this bc i originally wrote pt 1 as a stand alone 🤒🤒so this lowk sucks my bad yall😞🤕🤕
‘born to die’ masterlist.
masterlist !
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“Sunshine!” Daniel called out after closing the front door when the last guest had left. The tone in his voice was back to the happy clingy guy Y/n knew behind doors.
“Why’re you cleaning everything now?” He questioned as he saw her standing by the running sink in the kitchen and cleaning the last of the pans, “Just clean it tomorrow. I wanna cuddle with ya’!”
“Not now, Daniel.”
Her cold tone made him almost flinch. She never spoke to him like that. He furrowed up his eyebrows in confusion. “What’s up with you, my love?” He questions, wrapping an arm around her waist.
She scoffs and shoves his arm away. She turns off the sink, quickly dries her hands then walks away from him. The Australian further furrowed up his eyebrows as he followed her to their shared room. “Babe?” He questions as she heads to the bathroom to wash her face and do her skincare routine.
Daniel was confused. He didn’t know why his girlfriend was suddenly all upset. He sat at the edge of their shared bed, lost in his thoughts.
“Are you about to start your period or something?”
His question earned him a glare instead of a verbal response as she poked her head out of the bathroom. Moments later, she appears in her pajamas. “C’mon, sunshine, just tell me what’s wrong? Did the food make you sick?”
“The wife has you tied down?” Y/n says in a high-pitched tone to mock his friend, “Well you know the Missus. Always bein’ clingy and wantin’ me around.” She scoffed, sitting on the opposite side of the bed and far from Daniel.
“What are you saying-“
“Now why don’t you be a lady and get us a couple more beers and more of those potatoes.” She finishes off, rolling her eyes at his interruption. “Seriously, Daniel? You’re ridiculous. Why should I expect anything different from a man around his guy friends.”
“You’re mad ‘bout that?” Daniel asked with a chuckle. He tilts his head to the side and continues, “It was just a silly joke, babe. No need to get angry about it-“
“It was humiliating, Daniel.” Although her voice was soft and quiet, he could hear the hurt in it. “Their girlfriends all looked at me with pity while their laughs sounded like it was mocking me. It was embarrassing. You humiliated me in front of your own friends and for what?”
He stayed silent, finally recognizing how his words had hurt her. Each word she said emphasized how hurt and upset she felt.
At his silence, she scoffed and continued. “But you’re just a man. I wouldn’t expect you to understand.” Y/n sighs, her fingers fiddling with the ends of her hair. “Y’know, you’re fun and wild, especially with your friends. But damn, you don’t know how that shit felt. I felt blue.”
Daniel scoots closer to her and reaches over to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Darlin’, please forgive me.” His voice came out in a genuine whisper. “Those types of jokes are the ones my friends make. I know it isn’t an excuse for me embarrassing you because I don’t need to make the same jokes as ‘em. I should’ve thought twice ‘bout my words.”
“They were stupid.” She mumbles, keeping her eyes on him.
“Yeah, they were stupid jokes. I was stupid for it.” He says with a chuckle. “I know it won’t erase what happened or how you felt, but ‘m sorry. Truly. Believe me, darlin’.” He said the last sentence in a southern accent which was something that always made her smile.
And he was right because she threw a pillow at him as she failed to hide her smile. “You’re on thin ice, Daniel Ricciardo. And I’m going to be listening to Norman Fucking Rockwell by Lana for a long time! You hear me.” She said in between chuckles.
“Promise, I’ll never do or say anything stupid again.”
“But you are just a man…”
“Darlin’, not those types of stupid jokes. But you do make me act stupidly in love.”
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thesightstoshowyou · 8 months
Week 1
Prompts: Fire. Wound(s). Suburbs. Bondage
Keywords: Acrid. Malignant
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Au Courant
(Part 1)
Asa Emory x AFAB Reader
Summary: Meeting your soulmate doesn’t quite go as you’d hoped.
Warnings: Soulmate AU, angst
~ Aeons ago, I answered this ask and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. So, here’s a fic ~
The automatic bell above the door chimes as you enter. The grocery store bustles with activity, people fresh from work hurrying to finish their shopping before returning to their sleepy suburbs. It’s barely-controlled chaos.
Retrieving a basket, you check the post-it note list in your pocket. Just a few things.
Aisle 3 first.
You’re slower than the rest as you scan the shelves, eyes unfocusing at random, the different brands of aluminum foil failing to hold your attention. Your mind is elsewhere.
Shelly found her soulmate today.
You knew the moment she walked into the office this morning. The sparkling eyes, the lovesick grin, they way she seemed to float with each step; it’s a look you’ve seen on others before. So, so many others.
Try as you might, you had not been able to avoid her for long. Pairs, as they’re called, could never keep it to themselves for long, seemingly intent on torturing you with their newfound wholeness.
They’d met on the train. She’d been running late and had to take a later line than usual. It was fate, she said. They never would have met otherwise.
Blah, blah, blah. You wanted to puke.
Everyone in your office had found their soulmate, one way or another. Everyone but you. Shelly was the last, the only coworker to whom you could relate. Now, you’re alone in more ways than one.
It would happen, they all told you. One day, your eyes would meet theirs and you would feel it: That spark, that final puzzle piece snapping into place, that pure feeling of absolute plenitude. It’s not something you could comprehend until you felt it, they said.
They’d meant to help, to give you hope, but their words only served to deepen the wounds of isolation. The malignant ache of loneliness festers a little more every year you go without meeting your other half. You’ve almost resigned yourself to a life of solitude.
It has been known to happen. Some unfortunate people go their whole lives without meeting their soulmate. It’s heart wrenching to see them out and about, a single, lonely figure in a sea of Pairs.
Would you be one of them?
Hastily, you shake your head, coming back to yourself and swallowing the acrid tang of self pity creeping up your throat. You slink to the next aisle over. A quick glance at your sticky note prompts you to retrieve a jar of pasta sauce. Bread is next.
You round the corner, eyes on your list. Bread, waffles, maybe you should get some ice cream—
You run headfirst into a solid chest, the impact so jarring you drop your basket. The glass jar of pasta sauce shatters, marinara splattering all over your shoes and the other’s scuffed boots. Strong hands seize your upper arms to keep you from toppling backward.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry—
The words die on your tongue when you meet the dark eyes of the man with whom you collided. His expression is one of cold fury. It chills you to the bone, freezes your soul, invokes a terror so deep in your mind you cannot draw breath. Then….
Your eyes widen. Fear dissipates instantly, replaced with unequivocal certainty. A spark ignites within you, warms your heart, sends a thrill racing up your spine.
It’s like that final puzzle piece snapping into place. No terror, only perfect completion.
Now, you understand. Now, you see.
You stare in stunned silence at one another, his now shocked expression mirroring yours. A tremulous exhale spills from your lips. The grip on your arms tightens.
You take him in, as much as you can while keeping your gaze locked with his. He’s tall and broad-shouldered. “Powerful” is the first word that comes to mind. His strong jaw is peppered with stubble, the barest hints of gray flecking it and his brown hair. With your eyes, you trace the thin, white scars littering his face: One through his eyebrow, one through his lips, more slashed across his cheek and the bridge of his nose. His eyes…. His eyes are so dark—black?—and they glitter like beetle’s wings.
You inhale, part your lips to say something, to break the tense silence, but then his expression changes. His brows furrow, his lips press into a thin line. The cold scowl returns.
He releases your arms like you’ve burned him. Stepping away from you, he spins on his heel and quickly strides away. Incredulous, you watch the back of his jean jacket as he retreats, acutely aware of the knowing looks your exchange has garnered.
“Hey! Hey, wait!” you call, slipping a little in pasta sauce as you hurry after him. You pass a disgruntled employee and murmur an apology, you’ll help clean it up, you promise, you just need one moment….
The door chimes again as the man—your soulmate—all but flees to the parking lot. You pursue, half-jogging to catch up
“Stop! Please, why are you—
He turns to face you so fast you barely register what’s happening. A palm returns to your upper arm, another wrapping around your throat as he seizes you, spins, and shoves you up against the nearest vehicle. The noisy thud as your back collides with steel disturbs the muted hustle of post-work suburbia.
You gasp, equal parts shocked and impressed by the show of speed. You’re bewildered by your feelings, heart thudding in your chest, face hot. He just slammed you into a car and you’re blushing for chirst’s sake.
His own expression is pinched, strained. His voice, so pleasantly deep and rough, is terse as he speaks through his teeth, “You do not want to go down this road with me.”
You blink, your frenzied mind racing to process his words. “I…yes, I do. You’re—
“Forget this happened. Forget. It.” You flinch like he cut you, his words stinging like alcohol in a wound. You shake your head.
“…How?” you whisper. Your eyes burn. There’s no way you could ever, ever forget him now, not in any sense of the word. You’re connected on the deepest level, your very souls entwined. How could he say something like this? How could he want this? Does he not feel this bond like you do?
His jaw clenches. He pushes you away, not hard enough to make you fall, but firmly enough to make a point. Keys jingle as he retrieves them from his pocket. They rattle against the truck door—the one he’d pushed you against—until the lock clicks. He doesn’t look back as he slides into the driver’s seat, slams the door. The engine roars to life.
You watch, frozen to the spot, adrenaline and distress thrumming under your skin as the vehicle pulls away. It ambles through the parking lot, makes a left turn onto the street, disappears into traffic.
Your eyes burn.
Slowly, like your arm weighs a ton, you reach up to touch your cheek. It’s wet. You’re crying, you realize.
A new wound opens up, settles into your chest next to the loneliness:
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idkfitememate · 1 month
So anyway this is the newfound brain rot because I got to many ideas, not enough for a fic, but it’s gonna distract me from others so here we go lol-
(Also yeah Grandpa I’m in a manly mood)
Note from weeks later: Nah this bitch a fix tf-
“Tell me about my Дедушка*.”
Capitano looked down at the ginger with contempt. It was often now, since Dottore had let it slip - curse that bastard - that Tartaglia’s Grandfather was a Harbinger. Apparently the boy had been raised to think that great man was simply a lowly solider, not one of the most powerful men in Snezhnaya.
When he heard that, Capitano had never wanted to kill a family more.
They hid your legacy from their kids, how dare they keep living as thought they had any right!?-
He sighed.
The boy continued to bother the much larger man at any chance he got, borderline begging - or now was he? Maybe he crossed that line ages ago - the man to tell him anything about his grandfather.
War stories, tall tales, hell even DRINKING stories, the 11th would take any.
It wasn’t like his Grandfather wasn’t alive, Childe could leave the palace right now and go ask you, seeing as you lived with his family.
But what Childe wanted was to come home one day in a boisterous manner and shout at his parents:
But he held to much respect for both them and you, even if his father sent him off as thought sending his blood thirsty son to join the Fatui would do anything. It was like sending a polar bear to a penguins nest, he had no clue what his father was thinking.
No matter, because you were there, showing him moves and teaching him tricks and giving him tips. Though, he still felt a bit betrayed at the fact that you even hid the fact that you were one of the strongest men in Snezhnaya.
“You truly wish to know boy?” The sharp voice of his superior snapped Childe out of his head. A quick nod was enough to bring Capitano to a nearby chair and sit, Childe quickly following.
“He was brave, I can say that much… He was around before me and had made a name for himself long before I even dared touch the Fatui, let alone graced its ranks.”
Childe took in the information like a sponge, absorbing everything the man said.
“They called him Большой хищник Севера*, a powerful title I’m sure you can see. It is said that before his accident, he had not lost a single man in war or battle, but after, he only lost seven men, one of each nation.”
Childe looked on in wonder. Only seven men… in the entirety of his Harbinger career? He knew the Doctor could never account for that.
“Wait… his accident? Do you mean..?” “Yes, when he first received that scar across his face, marring it, that was the first time he lost a man, someone near and dear to him as I’ve heard. I was only then truly climbing the ranks when this happened… a pity. But he wore that scar, and his friend’s Vision, with pride.” Childe gaped.
“Wait, you mean to tell me that-“ “Yes, Tartaglia, that Vision he carries in his eye, as well as arm and ear, back and finger, even his heart, they all work. They are the last pieces of his closest comrades. He’d rather die than give them up, I’ve heard. Unfortunately the strain of using them forced him into retirement, but he comes when we call.”
Childe’s eyes widened as he screamed.
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Ajax looked on in awe at his Дедушка. The nearly ten foot tall giant of a man, with a full beard and furry body hair to boot had just pulled a huge fish out from beneath the ice sheet they currently stood on while ice-fishing, bare handed.
Your roaring laughter echoed through the tundra as you held the fish up proudly. You grabbed the then four year old and hoisted him onto your shoulder, that which he could fully sit on and still have some room. His hands latched onto the side of your face but that didn’t seem to phase you, as you continued your loud laughter. The cause of your laughter, being that the fish was the same size as Ajax.
Ajax’s entire body shook as you continued to laugh, giggles beginning to bubble up from his own mouth.
He watched as your Hydro themed earring bounced around as your body gyrated up and down from the mere force of your laughter. His laughter grew until the two of you were basically screaming out through the tundra.
You sighed and - while still chuckling - wrapped an arm around the boys waist and began walking back home. Of course, not before grabbing the bucket filled with other fish from your fishing trip.
Ajax didn’t want to say anything, on account of the fact that it would’ve been disrespectful of course, but your arm that was wrapped around him was bumpy and hard and cold, not unlike a certain place on your chest, though it was just super cold.
The arm was usually covered in more layers or a bunch or bandages wrapped around it to soften its shape and surface, but Ajax could still feel the sharp points and edges, though he never minded.
Eventually you both made it back to the house you shared with his family, and ducking under the doorframe quickly alerted the family of your presents.
“ГРАНДФАТЕР!!!!” Ajax’s two younger siblings - a third was on his way, Teucer would be his name - ran up to you jumping at your feet. You chuckled more and let their heads, greeting each.
“Tonia, Anthon, calm yourselves!! We were only gone a few hours hah hah!!” The two only cried out in joy louder, wrapping themselves around your legs. You stumbled for a moment before walking forward as if they weren’t there.
A man and a woman watched as you walked into the kitchen and subsequently the freezer - ironic considering where you lived - to drop off the fish before waltzing into the living room. You plopped down in the couch, first removing Ajax’s coat and then your own.
The two on your legs let go and smiled up at you, the man and woman - Ajax’s mom and dad - walked over a gave you smile, a hand landing on your shoulder.
Your smile widened.
Archons you fucking loved your family.
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Archons you fucking hated these enemies.
These fuckers from Natlan were resistant little fuckers. You chop off a hand and they’d still keep fighting.
You were growing annoyed after hours of fighting, blood drenching your uniform and absolutely caking your hair, something you knew would be a bitch to get out from experience.
Your right hand of the time, a Natlander by the name of Eztil, was beside you through the whole fight. He wielded large war hammer made of various precious metals and stones, as well as prettified wood; it swung through the skies, heating up the air as his Pyro vision burned bright. Much like you, his battle-hungry smile was long gone, replaced by annoyance as he squished another enemy beneath his hammer, blood spraying across his already bloody face.
“UGH! I’m getting bored nouehuepo*!! When are we going to be finished?? I am growing hungry and wish to challenge you to another eating contest after this!!” He shouted, completely ignoring the man running at him with a knife, whom was taken down by another Fatui member.
“I do not know приятель*. But let us continue until no other man stands but us!” And with that, you both continued swinging. You with your fists, sickles and hammers, him with his war hammer and bursts of flame.
Your movements were in sync, almost like a dance as you ravaged the battle field. You had each others back, making you both the most dangerous force on the battlefield.
If only it could’ve stayed that way.
It was a second. A second to look back at your friend to make a mental check.
Then you felt a searing sensation on the side of your face not looking at him. Eyes quickly looking back, a knife was embedded in your skin and a man had his foot on your chest. He smirked, then dragged the burning hot knife up, towards your eye, but before you could fully react.
Everything went white in that eye, then black.
Then, the most searing, burning, awful sensation you had ever felt.
Your scream silenced the battlefield as you bat the man away with the knife still embedded in your flesh, his body skipping across the land like a stone on a lake. Eztil’s eyes landed on you, which was just enough time for another attack.
“EZTIL!!!” You screamed.
A sword embedded itself through his chest. Both your eyes widened as your hand left the knife in your eye, reaching out to your now falling comrade.
You refused to cry, because he’d live.
That’s what you said to yourself as you rushed over to him, not minding your injury.
“Eztil, don’t you DARE fucking close your eyes, do you understand me?!?” Blood bubbles from his lips as his breathing slowed. A tear slipped from his eye as one of his hands pressed against your cheek.
“Nouehuepo… take it.” He whispered. Your gaze became confused as you stared at the dying man.
“What..?-“ “My vision. Take it. She shall be of service to… y-you.” He let out a harsh cough, his blood not staining your skin, making you flinch.
“No. It is yours приятель, I could never-“ “It is my last wish. Y-you wouldn’t deny a d-dying man his last wi-sh, would you?” You sighed, smiling at him.
“I don’t want you to die of enemy hands, so would you allow me to do the honors?” His grin widened, a glint in his eyes as he laughed, which quickly turned to hacking up his lungs.
“O-of co-urse!!” He smiled, and you smiled as well. Your hand flew up to the knife in your eye, and tore it out, not caring for the fountain of blood that squelched out. You also didn’t mind the large flap of skin that fell from your cheek, revealing the musculature of your face and your gums and teeth.
“Goodbye, my friend. May you find many fights in the afterlife to satisfy your bloodlust.” He grabbed your hand with the widest smile you’d ever seen in him.
“And ma-y I see you I-in that place!” Your hand came down onto his head, knife imbedding itself into his skull. Then, you raised your arm and planted the knife tainted with you and his blood now into his chest, striking his heart head on.
The light died from his eyes and his vision, but you quickly picked up the small red jewel which had been attached to his hair. Wiping it off, you leaned back and held your hand forward, before slamming the damned thing into your eye.
The battlefield suddenly felt as though it was atop a volcano itself, the air heating up and ash seemingly falling from the sky. You gripped your friend’s weapon, testing it in your hand and grip, swinging it slightly. Your hands pressed to your waist and your hand tilted to the sky, and finally, you laughed.
Your laughter shook the world, men falling in their asses as you showcased your joy. the air grew even hotter as the vision grew even brighter. Your entire body shook as the ear hammer in your hand heated up to a point where the metals were turning white in heat, though they didn’t melt.
You turned to your men, a wide smile on your face and tears, one trail of water and one of blood, streamed from your eyes.
You continued to laugh as you knocked down tens of hundreds of soldiers in one swipe, the sky nearly turning red at the mere sight of your bloodlust and rage.
That night would go down in history. The night the sky cried blood, the fall of a nation of soldiers, the day Natlan would forever regret.
‘The Night Man became a God”
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You stared at the bloodied Tartaglia- no. You stared at your grandson, Ajax’s bloodied form.
He only looked back at you.
“Well, Дедушка? Have I become a God?”
Holy shit this sucked the shit outta me-
This ain’t the best but I hope you enjoyed might go back and make another of these lmao-
Дедушка - Grandfather
Большой хищник Севера - The Great Predator of the North
nouehuepo - my friend
приятель - buddy
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qqtxt · 11 months
[🌸] a star in my eyes w/ txt
✿ pairing: ot5 x reader / silly, cheesy 🌸🧀 / idol!txt / non.idol!you /minor cursing (none with ill-intention!) / mentions of extreme measures in a light-hearted manner... (don’t call me out on my coping mechanism) ✿ mini-fics with each member for the same situation / less than 500 words for each member / altogether, word count: 2,131 words ✿ regardless of how you feel (good or bad), you’ll always appear to be a star in their eyes (as cheesy as that sounds...) ✿ note: i’ve submitted my submissions for my master’s!!! so i’ll be more active now, hehe! ✨ [masterlist 🌸] / other members under the cut! / @kflixnet​ ⭐️
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there are days where you take the toughest days god throws at you like a champ. an absolute champ. to the point where even the most difficult of obstacles or mishaps can’t bring you down... but... some days, the smallest of inconveniences makes you want to wallow in the pit of self-pity until the world swallows you as a whole. you’d gladly welcome the black hole to gulp you in and allow the teeth to sink into your heels to bring you to the unknown. that resembles itself in the form of you face-planting deep into the pillows, arms spread out wide and willing for the earth to open up and...
[🐰] soobin  soobin tries not to laugh at the sight even though it’s endearing to the core. when he coos your name softly, you barely move, only groaning back a let me die... soobin makes himself known when the bed beside you dips down and you feel a hand rubbing your lower back in gentle pats. “augh, and let me suffer living alone? no chance. if i’m alive, you have to be alive,” he taunts, almost effectively granting the view of your side profile when you turn the cheek, blowing part of your hair away from your face to blow a raspberry at him. he snorts and reaches out with his other hand, brushing the hair back as he looks at you with the concern in his eyes that sparks through even if he’s trying not to show it.
“hit a wall?” he asks, calmly.
“metaphorically? yes. physically? i’m about to.”
the way he laughs could be viewed as cruel, but he just enjoys your humour that it makes you laugh in return even though you had absolutely nothing to laugh about in the first place.
“laughing at my misery? asshole.”
“i’m not laughing at you, i’m laughing with you.”
“...if i buy you ice cream, will that cleanse me of my sins?”
“...get me the double scoop with the waffle and you’re cleansed for the week.”
“deal. get over here,” he stands up and extends his hands out to you, wiggling his fingers (as if he has to entice you–he is). with a sigh, you roll over and soobin grabs ahold of your hands to tug you to your feet. you nearly bump into him but he catches you with ease, dimples appearing the wider he smiles at you and that alone melts you on sight. well, nothing like a sweet treat with a sweet treat couldn’t hurt.
[🦊] yeonjun yeonjun intended to be more... discrete with his approach but he finds that he can’t when he bellows your name as he steps through the door. when he sees that you remain unmoving, laying flat on the bed with your face-deep into the pillows, you hear him huffing as he storms over, door left ajar as the bed dips down as a signal he’s sitting right by your side. he taps your bum, his voice soon follows: “yah,” he whines, “not even going to turn to face me?”
“just let me be miserable alone,” you groan, voice muffled into the sheets. you hear him letting out a sigh before he starts to chuckle. with light ruffles you feel against you and the bed dipping even more, you now notice he’s squeezed his way through to lay down next to you. despite you buried face deep into the pillow and mattress, yeonjun’s arms are slyly making their way beneath your stomach so he can curl against you.
“i can’t even be miserable on my own?” you mumble, finally turning the cheek to see the way his eyes sparkle at you with a grin. he wordlessly shakes his head, fringe brushing over his eyebrows that accompanies the handsome, cheshire smile that lines his lips. the words already echo in your mind without him needing to say it: i’m gonna be here with you regardless.
knowing you can’t push him away, you let out a deep sigh before you turn your body to cuddle into him. might as well give in if you can’t get rid of it. your hands are pressed to his chest but you’re able to snuggle your face into his neck as he cocoons you in.
soon, he feels the way your breath evens out from deep breaths to shorter, calmer ones with your eyelids fluttering shut. he continues his ministrations of keeping an arm around your waist while the other reaches up to stroke your head, down to your arm and over and over again until he lulls himself to join you to sleep. (ah, a small nap to recharge couldn’t hurt.) ((yeonjun’s most certainly not complaining...))
[🐯] beomgyu beomgyu does what beomgyu does best and it’s–”if you’re gonna kill me, at least make it quick and painless!” your voice is muffled, but mostly because beomgyu’s laying on top of you has effectively rendered you breathless. nearly compressing your lungs until all air is pushed out completely. his hearty laugh is almost enough to make you die happily but it’s not with the way his weight is close to knocking you unconscious.
“augh, can’t have that,” he snickers, sliding to the side and effectively clinging onto you before you can start kicking at his direction. his arms manage to sneak around your body, pulling you flush to his chest as he positions his face as close to your as possible; merely inches apart when you turn your cheek to face him with a huff. “i can’t let you leave me all alone in this big, scary, crazy world.”
“funny how you just described yourself in three words,” you mutter under your breath, using a hand to messily reach out to punch his thigh. he feigns pain with a choked breath but quickly recovers with his gummy grin; eyes crinkling to a smile that somehow... eases whatever misery that’s making you... you know, miserable.
“what’s bothering my golden nugget today?” he asks, in a voice that somehow eases the nerves chewing you up. it makes you rest in his hold and scooting a bit closer to close your eyes, getting a bit of a breather before you respond with: “life... life’s bothering me. just don’t wanna do life right now.”
“then don’t do it,” he states simply. in the kind of voice that makes you curiously raise a brow at him. before you can even ask, he snuggles closer to you with a small grin, “just be you, here with me. we can do everything else except life.”
“you know that makes absolutely no sense, right?”
“yeah, but sometimes life doesn’t have to make sense.”
“...so, shall we go for boba? clear your mind a little? have a walk?”
when you don’t answer, eyes moving to stare at a spot at his shoulder then back to his eyes, it’s the way his eyes soften at the way you quietly submit. he leans forward with his lips brushing along your cheek for a quick kiss before he nudges you to–”c’mon, up up up! let’s go!” (on a day that got difficult to get through life, beomgyu made it so effortlessly to guide you along the waves, hand-in-hand–with the other holding onto yeonjun’s card)
[🐿] taehyun taehyun didn’t intend to laugh but he just couldn’t help himself when he pushes the bedroom door, seeing how you’ve successfully buried yourself in the fluff blanket, hair askew, arms lifelessly laying by your sides. you know you’re not alone when you feel the bed dipping down, along with an arm along your back. you turn the cheek towards the door, noticing its left slightly ajar but no one is there. it makes you frown and turn the other way, noticing a pair of eyes that’s awfully close to you with a pearly grin.
“what’re you doing?” you huff, noticing that he’s mimicking your position by face planting his face to the mattress but he has his face turned to face you directly. he shrugs and uses his eyes to point at you, “following you,”
“i don’t even know what i’m doing,” you mumble under your breath, eyes trailing down to the small space between your bodies, staring at the bedsheet. if you had been looking at taehyun, you’d notice the way his features soften as he shifts closer towards you with a small frown. but you weren’t. all you could do is feel his aura near you and it’s the way his calm nature soothes over your nerves like a welcoming blanket.
“you don’t have to know what you’re doing all the time,” his voice enters your ears, like a gentle reminder; a soft kiss to your eardrums. and an actual kiss you feel by the side of your head when you notice he’s crawled into your bubble of self-pity. 
you sigh and lean into his embrace, feeling the way he moves his body to invite you in. it makes your heart swell, warming in his hold with how he turns you a little so you can slot your face in his neck. his arms come around you to cocoon you in, his chin tucked atop of your head to keep you close, just staying like that as he strokes the back of your head as you cuddle into him and part of his cheek leaning against you.
“what if i don’t figure out what i’m doing?” you mutter against his chest, arms giving him a small squeeze. he doesn’t need to look at you to know you’re feeling anxious. he continues his ministrations of distracting you (it was working at least) and plants another kiss to the side of your head before responding with: “then we can figure it out together.” (and though you know that it really means that taehyun would be by your side as you figure out what you wanted, knowing he would be by your side made things feel a bit lighter)
[🐧] kai  kai thought it was funny, initially, anyways. with the way he can only see your back with the way you’ve plummeted yourself into the sheets makes him giggle as he pushes the door wider to step through but the lack of acknowledgement that he’s here with you, half-pokes at his mind if you’re still alive.
“earth to y/n, are you there?” he sits down on the bed by your side, with the little space that’s available due to your body being sprawled out like a starfish but kai always make do to be close to you. 
“hey,” he huffs, using a hand to tap your bum, “are you ignoring me?”
“just–”your voice quips back with a sharp intake of air-”leave me alone to die,” you groan with your voice muffled by the pillow beneath you. if you had been looking at him, you would’ve seen how he begins to pout and actually considers if he should leave you alone to have some space. but when he plans to get up and exit the bedroom, he can’t physically do that so instead, he decides to...
at the sounds and shuffles around the bedroom, you can tell kai hasn’t left you to your demise. it makes you curious, so you at least turn the cheek on both sides to see how he’s not anywhere beside you. it takes all the strength in you to flip around and sit up, now noticing how dim the room has gotten, left with the gentle flickers of ember before the scent of sandalwood and mandarin sifts into the air. you’ve caught the culprit redhanded when you see he was setting up something to play on the laptop (presumably a comfort re-run show you both enjoy) and you notice the packet of snack by the lit candle.
“oh,” he chuckles awkwardly, “i was gonna pull you out of the blackhole when i was done setting things up–”
“–and–hm?” he stops his tracks, train of thought halting with the tilt of his head when you call his name to cut him off. kai visibly stiffens but everything melts away when you stretch your arms out with your legs folded on the bed, a wordless cry of hold me.
he ditches everything he was intending to do and comes right to you. he may or may not have tackled you down onto the bed to hug you properly with a couple of oofs! and sorry! here and there interlacing with each other but... it was perfect. kai watches as your eyes flutter shut, curling into him, breath fanning his neck with your arms meekly around his waist. it was cheesy, but thank goodness no one can hear his thoughts when he’d rather be watching this than the show he had intended to play for the both of you.
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nanamimizz · 10 months
tags: 18+ minors dni, fem reader, age gap, arranged marriage, fingering, f! oral impiled, dubcon, virginity- set in a greater universe in my mind @saintshigaraki here u go
synopsis: its the first time with your new husband, he’s much more given than thought.
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pierro is uncharacteristically gentle with you - it makes your back arch against your will as he leaves delicate kisses down your back, the scruff of his beard making ever kiss burn. you hide your face in the pillow, face tacky with tears and you sniffle weakly when you feel a big hand cupping at the fat of your breast.
“little bird,” the rough skin of his palm cups and soothes over the curve of your chest a his thumb flicking at the tight nub of your teat before pinching at it,” why do you hide from me?” pierro asks, voice rough like gravel and ice from above you in turn your whine like a struck dog when his other hand cups at the fat of your ass.
there his thumb follows the lines of your stretch marks, ice chips and diamond pupils hum at the sight - you are perfect, warm and full in all the ways that make men lose themselves. even when he first saw draped in finery and snowy furs he knew he had to have you.
and he did.
pierro, the director and first harbinger of her majesty is not without his sway in the pools of nobility. you’re father was eager to send you off despite your pitiful and frightful eyes - he must scare you, pierro thinks from above icy eyes watching with some satisfaction at how you peer up at him from your twisted face in the pillows with wet eyes.
he coos, “pretty bird, worry not. i will take upmost care to be gentle.” assurances do nothing, not right now when you are alone and naked in the arms of the most powerful man in all of snezhnaya
the most frightening man in your snowy, icy, winter world.
you aren’t even ready for it - the first finger into your virgin cunt that makes you gasp his name, your husband’s name in a way that makes him smile from above you. despite your sniveling your body is quick to accept him, pierro hopes that your heart will too. it doesn’t matter how long really pierro is nothing if patient.
one finger feels like so much, he can feel how your cunt struggles and pulses ; pierro hums from above, your hands are smaller than his. he is quick to grunt at the idea of you on your bed, legs spread fingers playing at your cunt in the clumsy and uncoordinated way that all virgins do and moans in time with you when he manages to get his second in finger inside of you. pierro curls them rhythmically, slowly and gently - and soon your cries of uncertainty turn to pleasure as you weep into the pillow you clutch so dearly.
girlish sounds leave your bitten lips, soft and airy as your cunt leaks and pools down his fingers into his palm. you feel him burying his nose into your hair, kissing your head and groaning when you let out a squeal at the first touch at your clit from his other hand. you cum with a squeak, shivering and trembling as if pierro left you out in the cold.
he sucks his teeth, watching with the eyes of an avian raptor at how the strings of your cum - warm like a fire cling to his fingers and your fluttering lips. pierro is quick to soothe you, pressing more candied affections onto your body as your heart hammers in your chest like a rabbit caught by the wolf. you sniffle, hoping to that this was the end of it only to have such a hope die when to your ear he says,
“next is my mouth - i hope you can manage that.”
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hilkaro · 6 months
I've played through the DLC for TPoF countless times. Eventually, after some time, I unlocked an achievement I had no idea existed - called Real Simp. I completely forgot about it, but when I wanted to play the game again next time, alongside the memelord mode, another one called Simp Mode appeared. I turned it on, and OH MY GOD, IT COMPLETELY CHANGES THE GAMEPLAY! I don't know about other characters, but with Fox, everything is better.
At the beginning, of course, there's the auction where you beg the announcer to take you every time you have the chance. Then you wake up in a bunker, and that's when the real rollercoaster begins. From my experience, I can immediately say that Chat doesn't matter at all, only Fox's points matter. I'll give you a brief walkthrough in case you haven't unlocked it yet.
Warning: spoilers ahead!
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You wake up in the bunker, it's dark, you're tied up. You make noise and catch Fox's attention. Nothing changes here, but your thought process is… significantly different. Someone is in front of me. I focus my gaze and see my favorite beastkin. He looks great, only he wears a mask covering his handsome facial features. Too bad, a great pity.
Fox asks how you feel and if you remember anything. You get several options, including a new one to click on: I meant your bedroom. This leads to a dialogue: You: (sigh), I don't want to be rude, I really appreciate that you fulfilled my request and took me, but I meant your bedroom more than this musty basement. He is silent for a moment, looking at you, then bursts into laughter.
It's the standard text about not worrying because you made the choice to be his co- star. You look around, see cameras, he says no one has ever asked to go with him before. Then you notice the lingerie he chose for you, praise it, and he's happy, standard. For a while, nothing changes; you choose the option to Stay quiet, then Put it back. Fox turns to the cameras and talks to Chat.
This wasn't what I expected from our first night. I'm a little disappointed, you think bitterly.
Let's move on to the foot and there's a slight difference here. Fox: She's gotten nice and wet… What do you think Chat? You (smiling weakly): I'm nice and wet, not only there But Fox rudely interrupts you by sticking his finger into your wound.
Still nothing changes. When you get a choice, you click on Beg him to stop. He cuts you with a knife until you bleed, you cry, standard. At WoundFucker's request, Fox starts choking you, but before you choose the Please, I don't want to die option. He chokes you with a cable until you pass out, then he smashes your face on the concrete, great.
The next game is a gun blowjob and here you have to click Obey confidently, because this time Fox forgot to do the poll. So you do your thing, looking deep into his eyes, he touches himself , nice time. Everyone is impressed by your skills, so you survive, but it's not over yet, because the icing on the cake awaits you. AND THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Once Fox holds your poor eyelids, a new narrative emerges. I know well what will happen next…. And you can select the Open Mouth option, but it only lasts for a few seconds, so you have to be quick. Once you manage to click it, this appears: I open my mouth and stick out my tongue. He must be surprised by my reaction, because the grip of his claws on my head weakens and I manage to squeeze my eyes shut at the last moment, just before his cum lands all over my face and hair. But not in DAMN EYE! Fox is a bit surprised, ends the stream and you pass out from blood loss.
You wake up in a cell. He speaks to you with ordinary words. You look around and express the hope that now that you've performed so well, Fox will finally take you to his home. He just laughs and states that you now work for him. He's about to leave when you stop him and choose the option: Please stay, I don't want to be alone. Fox tilts his head, with a half-smile, remains silent for a moment, and exits without a word.
Then, you sit in the cell and contemplate. All narratives about the eye are, of course, omitted. You worry that perhaps you didn't try hard enough, considering Ren didn't want to take you home. Since you care so much about him, you decide to give it your all the next time you see each other.
Finally, they come to you. You dress up in a sexy mesh outfit and decide firmly that you'll survive this stream too. When given the option, you choose: Please go easy on me, and Fox likes it. He's about to start when someone asks: What happened to her? And Fox tells and shows everything. Fortunately, your eye is intact.
You move on to the soldering game, and when he asks you, you confidently reply that it's a soldering gun. You're not stupid, duh. Fox burns a heart on your back, and when he shows it on the camera, you comment aloud: You: Wow, it looks great, much better than a tattoo. Fox: I'm glad I fit into your tastes, darling.
Then you let him set up your arm without any protests, standard.
And the sex scene. Not much changes here except when Ren wants to put a tentacle dildo in your mouth, you have a time-limited chance to click: Open your mouth. Probably just to score points with Fox. Of course, while you're at it, you're pushing against him with all your might, in fact, you've been dreaming about him fucking you. It's a bit shame to be in front of the camera and with that collar with needles, but you don't complain, you take what they give you.
After everything, perhaps the biggest change. Because there's no longer an eye operation. Instead, there's a game with a nail gun for questions and answers. The first question is, of course, about Fox's name, and here, a window appears WHERE YOU CAN TYPE YOUR OWN ANSWER! There's no other option; you type REN HANA, all in capital letters, because you're so excited to finally let it out at this moment. He looks at you carefully, averts his gaze, and… shoots!! Shocking. Here, I think there may be several reasons for doing so. Firstly, theoretically,you don't have the right to know his name as MC, and maybe it unsettled him, put him on high alert or something. Or it could be an option that it was a warning shot. Ren didn't want to reveal his identity to Chat. Generally, the matter is a bit strange because if you answer all the questions correctly, he shoots a nail into the middle of our forehead, killing you. Okay. Some sample questions: What is today's date?, Whose father is my most loyal patron? And the question about the last letter of the alphabet, but it's time-limited. If you answer this incorrectly, Fox mocks you. After this wonderful game, you are forced to remove the nail from your body, which is quite painful but concludes the second show. You lose consciousness.
You have various dreams, when a touch wakes you up. Fox strokes your head. The beginning of the conversation is the same, there are no texts about the eye prosthesis because you have that eye. You ask: Why are you helping me? He explains that Chat loves you, but it is picky, and you may not survive for long. You relax and gaze at him, and he points out that it's not very polite. You ask, Who did this to you? He responds in the usual way. But your reaction is different. You: Are you sure? Fox: About what? You: That if it weren't for that person, you would be in exactly the same place doing exactly the same thing as now? Fox measures you with a probing look from half-closed lids and says it's time for him. Then you have the option to click: Hug him. You do it, and he looks at you surprised. You ask him not to leave yet because you don't want to be alone. He also lightly hugs you and strokes your head. After some time, you drift away.
And the ending. THE BEST.
You wake up in a bright room. Apparently, someone's bedroom. You feel an electric collar around your neck. Fox appears, wrapped only in a towel, wet hair, bangs falling on his forehead. He pins you to the wall, his eyes glowing, and says: I decided to keep you for myself. You're mine.
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three--rings · 8 months
OFMD and Rime of the Ancient Mariner
I have to shout out @nonsensicalramblings79 who wrote their own analysis of the connections. It's very worth reading. But I want to talk less about symbols and more just bits of the poem that vibe with the season so far.
The "impossible bird" that Ed references in ep 1 immediately made me think of an albatross, because there was a sailor legend that albatrosses always flew across the ocean and never stopped on land.
And because there's a strong connection between sailors and albatrosses, most famously as a result of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1834).
So because the other post linked above didn't quote the actual poem much, that's what I'd like to do to point out WHY it feels like this is an actual connection.
First of all, the poem takes place At a Wedding, in which the Ancient Mariner is a fairly unwelcome guest. We learn at the end that he is cursed for the rest of his life to forcibly spill out his story to people when he sees someone who he's Meant to tell. So he's talking to a Wedding Guest in the middle of a wedding party.
It is an ancient Mariner, And he stoppeth one of three. 'By thy long grey beard and glittering eye, Now wherefore stopp'st thou me? The Bridegroom's doors are opened wide, And I am next of kin; The guests are met, the feast is set: May'st hear the merry din.'
This is how it begins. The mariner has a "long grey beard and glittering eye." Okay, Ed-core. He's at a wedding and stops this bridegroom's next of kin, who complains why are you making a fuss, the party is going on right now, they're going to hear you. Definitely evoking Ed crashing the wedding in ep 1.
So the Mariner was on a ship, a storm came and blew them off course, then they saw an albatross in the sky and were able to get free of the ice. I find it interesting that the albatross:
It ate the food it ne'er had eat, And round and round it flew... And a good south wind sprung up behind; The Albatross did follow, And every day, for food or play, Came to the mariner's hollo!
The albatross ate the food it had never eaten, it flew around and came everyday when they called it for food and play. This evokes Ed and Stede in their honeymoon days on the Revenge, Ed trying new food, them playing different roles and eating good meals...
Then more fog and ice came and so the Mariner shoots the albatross. Everyone is happy about it because they think it brought bad weather until they become becalmed. We get the most famous lines of the poem:
Day after day, day after day, We stuck, nor breath nor motion; As idle as a painted ship Upon a painted ocean. Water, water, every where, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, every where, Nor any drop to drink.
That has nothing to do with OFMD it's just Good Poem. I do find the next stanza evocative:
The very deep did rot: O Christ! That ever this should be! Yea, slimy things did crawl with legs Upon the slimy sea.
Very Kraken-y. It will come up again. The crew decides the Mariner did this to them by killing the albatross that had been their friend and good luck. They tie the bird around his neck as a mark of his crime.
It goes on to describe them all dying of thirst and how then Death comes on them and all the men on the ship, 200 of them, die EXCEPT for the Mariner. All of them die looking him directly in the eye, cursing him in death.
Alone, alone, all, all alone, Alone on a wide wide sea! And never a saint took pity on My soul in agony. The many men, so beautiful! And they all dead did lie: And a thousand thousand slimy things Lived on; and so did I.
So I said the slimy things would be back, the Mariner is relating himself to them, again like Ed and the Kraken. Here we get to the part of the poem that is about the Mariner's inability to die. He's been cursed and so he cannot die, despite his desperate situation. This is where it really resonates with Ed in the early eps of S2. He desperately wants to die. He feels he is a curse on humanity, which he acts out in his violence, and also a curse on his crew, who he is ruining. He wants to die but cannot, despite all his attempts at getting someone to kill him.
An orphan's curse would drag to hell A spirit from on high; But oh! more horrible than that Is the curse in a dead man's eye! Seven days, seven nights, I saw that curse, And yet I could not die.
He tries to pray, but his heart is "dry as dust" and he cannot. But after seven days he starts watching the snakes in the water and enjoys the beauty of the world around him, and the albatross falls off of his neck and he can pray. He prays and basically a spirit or God or Mary answers him. It rains and he drinks water and then the corpses of the crew, which have not rotted at all, stand up inhabited by spirits and begin working the ship again. Wind carries it back to his home.
Yeah zombie sailors, dead men crewing a ship, WAY before Pirates of the Carribean.
So anyway, eventually he hears two voices speaking on the air.
'Is it he?' quoth one, 'Is this the man? By him who died on cross, With his cruel bow he laid full low The harmless Albatross. The spirit who bideth by himself In the land of mist and snow, He loved the bird that loved the man Who shot him with his bow.' The other was a softer voice, As soft as honey-dew: Quoth he, 'The man hath penance done, And penance more will do.'
I find the lines about the spirit who loved the albatross, who loved this man, who shot him. So the Mariner killed something who loved him, and that was his sin that brought the curse on him. But now he's done penance and will do more and that's why he can be saved.
Could make a connection to Ed shooting Izzy, but also it feels like Stede is also the albatross, but rather than Ed killing him, the albatross failed to love him? IDK Maybe Stede is the spirit who loved Ed the albatross and Blackbeard killed the Ed that Stede loved....that fits best. And it's the spirit who saved him ultimately. As Stede in mermaid form saves Ed.
Getting to that, the boat approaches land.
Oh! dream of joy! is this indeed The light-house top I see? Is this the hill? is this the kirk? Is this mine own countree?
Lighthouse imagery, of course. So a boat approaches this ship, with a "Good Hermit" in it. The ship however basically cracks in half and sinks right in the bay, and they fish the Mariner our of the water and think he is dead, but he wakes up and scares the crap out of them. Then he starts to row for shore.
'Ha! ha!' quoth he, 'full plain I see, The Devil knows how to row.'
They call him The Devil, which I point out because Ed calls himself that.
Basically he tells his whole story and here is where we learn he's compelled to tell his story when he meets the right people. He closes by talking about how alone alone alone he was and how he appreciates being with people and walking to church with them, going to a wedding. And also learned how important it is to cherish all creatures in the world.
And finally the Wedding Guest who heard this whole story:
He went like one that hath been stunned, And is of sense forlorn: A sadder and a wiser man, He rose the morrow morn.
IDK I just like this image of being sadder and wiser when you wake up in the morning, which again feels evocative to how Ed is going to wake up maybe?
IDK. I don't think we can say "oh clearly they had this poem in mind while writing these episodes", but they feel to me like they were written with this somewhere in the back of their minds. The reference to the impossible bird feels very much like a literary reference to an albatross, which would immediately conjure the "what happens if you kill an albatross" from this poem.
If you're still reading, hope you enjoyed this little journey into poetry. I'd encourage you to read the whole thing. It's very very weird and unique.
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Once again, Tumblr fandom never ceases to amaze me with the lack of reading comprehension regarding Endeavor. Let’s count the ways
“Endeavor failed at another thing. He’s gonna get people killed because he apparently drew Touya to civilians”
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Did people seriously forget that Endeavor was trying to lure Touya away from people so he wouldn’t burn anything? He just learned that Touya was gonna explode in a matter of minutes. Also its like people keep overlooking that Endeavor has this uncanny coincidence to be near the point of exhaustion and passing out when he encounters Touya. He just came out of a battle with AFO that took his arm and part of his torso. He had no way of taking him farther away.
“Endeavor still doesn’t care about Touya”
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Man is not throwing hands with his own son, he’s pleading for him to turn off his flames so he doesn’t blow himself and everyone up nearby.
“Touya was the perfect child all along. Endeavor failed again”
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Did people miss this? Endeavor knows he didn’t awaken here. He’s about to die and the ice trait manifested like so. Endeavor’s horrified that Touya had ice powers all along but he could only do so by being pushed to near death. That’s pure irony.
“He still hasn’t accepted responsibility for what he’s done”
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Fucking perfect. Endeavor, no matter if he fumbled here or there during his arc, knows he fucked up. He never once tries to blame any of his victims for what he did despite people thinking he’s like abusers out there who try to gaslight, deflect, etc. No, fuck you. Man here is accepting that the shit going down is his fault. Idc if you hate him, man here has my respect for accepting that the consequences are hitting him here and he doesn’t turn away. If you still think he’s the same hate-filled man from the Sports Festival I’m sorry but you don’t accept character growth it seems.
“He’s taking the coward’s way out”
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My “friend”, did you miss the part where he’s 800m away from the other heros and who knows how far away from nearby cities? He has no method of cooling his son off. Shoto’s not here and he has no way to reach Rei, Fuyumi, or Natsuo who might have a way to cool off Toya. All he knew, he’s effectively alone here about to see his son turn into Hiroshima 2.0. He’s willing to die with his son all while making sure no one gets killed. How is that him being a “coward” and not shouldering responsibility? If he was truly a coward, he’d say fuck everyone and fly away while Touya blows up. This is him being a father right here.
And finally Rei...
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Do people seriously think she’s willing to only save one of these 2? The same woman who while still being in the psych ward said that she knows her husband is changing and knows he wants to make amends. The same woman who went to her injured husband and not only told him to stop pitying himself but also gave him the strength to not quit and get back out there to save their son and civilians. Why do people still have this headcanon that she wants her formerly abusive husband to die? She wants Enji and Touya both to live.
I swear, every week on here it's like the takes for Enji just tank and tank so hard its not even funny anymore. Its sad. 
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bourbonificould · 2 months
I noticed that you have Arvo like last on every tierlist, and no im not saying i like him or anything but how do you feel about how kenny treated him?? because i felt like that was downright abusive and wasnt right, hes just a kid :(
Ok so first point, yea i fucking loathe Arvo. I think hes the worst piece of shit in the entire series, hes a nothing burger that just turns into the most 'i wanna kill you so much' character.
BUT I do agree with the fact that Kenny definitely overdoes it when he kicks his ass 😭 Obviously in my mind I'm like "fuck Arvo" and all that, but he didnt deserve all that. I do wish we had the option to kill him tho😭 he gets to do all that and SURVIVES. SMH.
What I don't agree with is the common misconception that Arvo is a scared kid or some shit. He definitely has some control over what hes doing. He brings the Russian group with and antagonizes you regardless of if you steal or not, they get into a standoff when he couldve easily just been normal about it, but no, he says "i wish i couldve met you differently, clementine" or something of the sort, and then all his people die and im supposed to feel like its my fault? 😭 he does it to himself! His sister dying is a by-product of the shootout which... he initiates. I feel bad for him there for sure, but again, just LOOK at it.
The same thing with the river, Arvo definitely knows that the ice is thin, he couldve easily gotten them to walk on the sides but no he chooses not to, (KEEP IN MIND THAT WHEN HE FALLS INTO THE WATER, KENNY PULLS HIM OUT) and then Luke and possibly Bonnie die. Big whoop that Kenny is mad at him there in my opinion, but again, the whole beating wasn't worth it, just tie him up and leave him alone. Just makes Kenny seem even more out of control.
Idk Im definitely a little biased towards Kenny, but it depends on what your outlook on him is. TLDR, in my opinion, Arvo doesnt deserve that much pity that some of the fanbase gives him. He's smart enough to get his group to surround them and to get the group to walk across thin ice. He's not like Ben or Sarah or Tenn. He has an idea guys.
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urbanflorals · 3 months
chapter 1 of shattered innocence
one of my videos is based off this :)
It happened on September 24. 
The day my already crumbling life fell apart even more. 
And all because of 
H E R.
I push the school doors open and walk inside ignoring the stares that follow. They burn into my neck and brand me. 
I walk past the whispering students, the resentful teachers, everyone. 
I used to be not popular but not an outcast either. I was known, teachers smiled at me, people waved and said hello. Not anymore. The only hope for a word from anyone now is a teacher telling me I have homework. But even then it isn't more than a few sentences.
When I reach my locker, I don't bother to look at the hateful words written, taped, stuffed on and inside it. 
Just one more.
One more step.
One more day.
You can do it.
Just one more.
I pull out my books and wish to every god that has ever existed to bring back Emerson. She is my best friend. My ride or die. My everything. And she had left for an overseas trip to France, a eight week ballet workshop, just before the incident. Emmie deserves it though. Its her dream to go to one of these workshops and she had finally made it happen. I'm proud of her. She texts me relentlessly, making sure I'm okay, but no matter how much she wants to come home, I refuse to let her give up her dream. 
So I wait. Wait for her to come home. Another two weeks and she'll be home and I doubt I'll ever be let out of her sight. 
I smile softly and look at the photo - slightly crinkled but still bright - of me and Emerson standing out the front of the local ice cream shop with sundaes and goofy smiles. We were twelve. 
"Why is she even smiling? Planning her next murder?" That wipes the smile of my face. Because when you've been accused of murder you can't be happy. Can't even smile. Why should a monster be able to be happy? 
I shut my locker and turn to walk to my homeroom the crowd of students parting like the red sea when I walk by. 
One more class. 
I silently walk into the classroom head down hugging my books to my chest like your average nerd in the movies. The room quiets, and the whispers start. The bells rings.
The homeroom teacher Mrs. Owen quiets the class and starts role call. 
And then she arrives. 
Lacey Burgess walks into the classroom with a bright smile on her face, waving at the teacher. "Sorry Ms. I dropped all my books and it took a while to pick them up." Anyone with their head screwed on right would see that that was a lie. But Lacey being Lacey Mrs. Owen just smiles and nods her head continuing role.
Lacey smiles and makes her way to the back of the classroom where her seat was saved by her friends. Her eyes flick to me once almost in pity. But I don't want it, not from her anyway.
The interesting thing about being framed for murder is that everyone hates you - that's fucking obvious - but usually they hate your family as well. It doesn't apply to Lacey apparently though. As soon as it was said I was a killer, people were reaching out to her to say they were sorry she was even half related to a monster. They were saying sorry to her. 
Her Mom, even my fucking Father. They were sorry he had unwillingly raised a monster. 
But he is the monster. 
Lacey is  the monster. 
Pippa  is the monster.
But no one would ever believe the girl who killed Mr. Winter; the richest man in the state let alone the town. Not when her supposed "family" are supporting the Winters. Telling them that I'm the killer. That they'll do anything to help. 
Not then.
"Ezra?" The sound snaps me out of my hateful thoughts. The bell must've rung already because the classroom was empty. 
"Yes?" I say my voice quiet, I'm still looking at my battered converse.
"Are you all right dear?" My eyes fly up, thinking that Mrs. Owen was actually asking that. But instead I'm met with my second favourite person on the planet. Mrs. Barnes. My singing teacher and the only person who - though not publicly - doesn't think that I'm a killer. 
I take a deep breath. 
One more smile. 
"I'm fine, just lost in thought," I say, looking over her shoulder to see Mrs. Owen tapping away on her computer. 
"Okay, let me walk you to your next class alright?" I don't have the energy to respond so I just nod and smile weakly. 
Collecting my stuff we both walk out of the classroom towards the science block. Its comfortable silence. Her presence is nice, reminding me that at least one person here didn't hate me to the core. She still gives me lessons every week in her music room after school as not to be caught by anyone else. 
I don't know why she does it. Or why I still like her. She only supports me in private - but I guess it's better than nothing.
Mrs. Barnes drops me off at the classroom and I walk in finding my seat at the back of the class with what I call the Ezra bubble. A certain amount of seats and desks that will remain empty unless a teacher asks someone to sit there. 
I zone out when the teacher starts to talk. Somehow still writing notes and reminders down. Science is fun - when you're doing the crazy shit experiments - not the theory. 
The rest of the day is a blur of whispers and stares, hiding in the library at lunch, forfeiting food for quiet. 
When the final bell rings. I practically launch out of my seat to get out of here. Grabbing everything from my locker and getting on the bus - do you remember that one scene in the Lego Ninjago movie when Lloyd is sitting on one side of the bus and everyone else is on the other? Just imagine that, but a hundred times shittier. 
I look out the window and watch as Lacey flirts with some jock I can't be bothered to name and gets in her car driving off. Lacey gets a car. I get a whole side of a bus. Who's winning now Lacey? 
Still her. 
Our relationship dynamic is like that; Lacey, the golden child the one everyone likes. And me; the child that's just there, and now is a murderer. 
One more stop. 
I just want this shitty day to end so I can call Emerson and hear all her gossip about France. She'd had taken a particular liking to a french boy the last time we talked. 
The bus pulls up outside of my street and I quickly get off, ignoring the fact that as soon as I got off everyone went back to their normal seats and that the bus driver seemed to shut the door quicker than usual as if he's stopping the air around me from staying in the bus.
I walk down the street and... yes the driveway is vacant no one is home. My so called "family" are all out somewhere. 
I'd never thought of Stefan Charleston as a Dad figure much. Before I found out about the cheating and shit he did, he was never around so it was just me and Mom. Then Mom died and Pippa and Lacey moved in. And to top it all off, Lacey was my half-sister who was the same age. I had lost all respect for Stefan Charleston that day. Three weeks after Mom dies you invite your mistress to live with you, the same mistress you've been hooking up with for the last fifteen years before Mom died. Its shit and I seriously hope he knows it. 
Once I'm inside the house and away from the hateful glares of the neighbours who come outside to make sure Lacey gets home safely everyday. I run up the stairs and collapse onto my bed throwing my bag across the room not caring if the books inside are ruined. 
School is shit. 
And everybody knows it. 
Heh, that rhymed maybe I should run away to Paris and become some big time songwriter. I pull out my phone and dial Emerson's number, she answers on the first ring. 
"Hey babes!" Its so nice to here the voice of someone who doesn't hate me. 
"Hey, Emmie! How are you?" I ask a smile already creeping onto my face. 
"You remember that french boy Pierre?" 
"Yeah, was he the one who had the paint all over him?" 
"Yes! And anyway he asked me out! I said yes of course because he was hot- who wouldn't? And he took me to the Eiffel Tower at night! It was so romantic!!" I roll onto my stomach and listen to Emerson as she rambles about her date. Its funny how one person can calm me so much with their voice.
"Oh and he also took me onto his mother's balcony to stargaze! It was so romantic and we had to sneak out at dawn." 
"So you like, like, him?" I ask a smile fully overtaking my face. 
"Yes! It was so romantic!" Emerson is most definitely a little puppy when it comes to love. She gets excited and her energy is infectious. Its quiet for a few moments before she asks. "How are you doing Ez?" 
"I'm doing good," I lie. 
"Catastrophically in danger of being thrown off a bridge?" 
Emerson sighs, "Will you let me come home yet? The last two weeks are honestly nothing special, we're just showcasing the skills we've learnt. I can come home and showcase my skills to you, I don't need some judgemental Parisians to do it." 
"Emerson Morgan. No. You have worked way to hard to let this dream go and I'm not going to let you give it up. Not even for me." 
"You're being accused of fucking murder. So yes I can give my dream up for that. Because its currently fucking you against the world Ezra. And I'll be damned if I let you go through this alone. You're my best friend. I don't give a shit if the town hates me I'm not letting you do this on your own. And I will-" 
"Emmie," I say softly. She quiets. "I love you, but please don't do this, just finish the course then come home, please do that for me. Stay in Paris for two more weeks I'll be fine." Lie. I won't be fine, but I can make it through. "Go on another date with Pierre, I'm sure-." 
"I made him up. Well not entirely, I just wanted you to think I'm actually doing well and having fun instead of worrying about you every spare second."  
We're quiet for a few minutes. 
She sighs, "Okay, I'll stay. But that doesn't mean this is over Ezra." 
"I know. We'll have this exact same conversation tomorrow." 
We talk for a bit longer before I hear the front door jingle, Lacey's home, we say our goodbyes and I hang up before walking over to my desk and opening my school bag and pulling out books, shoving them onto my desk and starting on my math homework. 
I swear to god whoever put letters in math needs to have a conversation with whoever decided to give women's clothes fake pockets, maybe they both have the same evil thoughts about torturing the human race. 
"Yes, I know Clara, its soo gay." Lacey's voice appears outside of my door, on the phone to one of the girls in her posey. "No, because they were making out, I don't know why some would be making out with another guy and then as soon as they're caught say that he's not gay."  
She talking about Josh Hunters the captain of the lacrosse team. He's definitely gay - just in his denial era. 
"Okay C honey, I'll call you back I've got to talk to her now. Yes, I will be safe don't worry. No, you do not need to let the police know where I am. I'll be fine." She hangs up and walks into my room. 
Lacey is the stereotypical popular blonde girl. Fake everything, extensions, nails, personality (I'm pretty sure I've heard her talking shit about Clara before), everything. 
"Whatcha working on?" She asks.
"Ugh I hate math, I got Peppa to do the homework for me." She looks around my room. "Have you ever though about re-decorating in here?"
"What do you want Lacey?" 
"Oh yeah right, Mom and Dad want to have a talk when we get home tonight, to go over the story again. You can't have any cracks in your performance." 
They want me to lie in court. Aren't they just the best?
"Great see you later Ezra make sure you get that homework done." 
I think if I spend another day in this house I'll actually murder someone. 
I pick up my phone and look at the texts I had sent. Seven of them, one to my grandmother, and the others to my Aunts and Uncles. We have all met before and used to go on large family day trips with my Mom. No responses yet. So now I wait.
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goresugarsxx · 11 months
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✘ - "I am hungry..." He sips blood from a blood bag like a capri sun.
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joprompts · 4 months
natasha, pierre and the great comet of 1812 lyric starters. *starters from the 2021 movie. adjust as necessary.
god, don’t let me die while i’m like this!
there's a war going on out there, somewhere.
you are at the opera.
i can hurt you.
they say you can see your future in the long row of candles, stretching back and back and back into the depths of the mirror. in the dim confused last square, you’ll see a coffin or a man. everyone sees a man.
one thing i beg of you, consider me your friend.
i know you might just run away.
i will stand here, right outside your door.
if you ever need help, or simply to open your heart to someone, not now, but when your mind is clear, think of me.
these dresses suit you.
i know you so well, my friend.
what am i to do if i love him and the other one too?
don't speak to me of that when i tell you that i am madly, madly in love with you! is it my fault that you're enchanting?
did you love that bad man?
you don't know what love is.
i will stand in the dark for you.
don't lower your eyes. i love you. i am in love, dear. i am in love.
is this how i die? was there ever any other way my life could be?
i wish i were there, with death at my heels.
none of us are great men we're caught in the wave of history. nothing matters. everything matters. it's all the same.
i pity you.
i pity you, i pity me, i pity you.
i have no friends. no, never go anywhere, never invited.
i must love you or die. if you love me, say yes and i will come and steal you away, steal you out of the dark. i want nothing more. just say yes.
now, you know we love one another.
what am i to do? who do i ask for help?
i am betrothed i love another.
i love you, trust no one but you..
was happiness within me the whole time?
they say we are asleep until we fall in love and i’m so ready to wake up now.
bury me in burgundy i just don’t care.
will i ever be anyone's wife?
but then why am i screaming? why am i shaking?
i will kill him one day.
we won't speak of it anymore.
i know you are capable of anything.
he spends his money on women and wine.
the war can't touch us here!
the rudeness of that man! i'll straighten him out.
all is over for me.
first time i heard your voice, moonlight burst into the room.
i know they'll like me. everyone has always liked me!
how goes the war?
i’ll take you where you must go.
do you struggle too?
keep drinking, old man!
it means that you are kind, noble and splendid and i could not help loving you.
i'm so frightened. i don't understand anything tonight.
vodka and wine are dangerous for me, but i drink a great deal.
it's dawned on me suddenly and for no obvious reason that i can't go on living as i am.
you empty and stupid, contented fellows, satisfied with your place.
i sit at home and read.
don't speak to me like that. i am not worth it.
i will make love to her!
all the things i could have been but i never had the nerve.
but i can't bear this waiting.
how else could we have kissed?
you can't love her!
drink with me, my love, for there's fire in the sky and there's ice on the ground. either way, my soul will die!
we were angels once, don't you remember?
you're hurting my hands!
do you hear what i'm saying or not?
but it’s not nice to enter a family against a father’s will.
i see nothing but the candle in the mirror, no visions of the future, so lost and alone.
just as a duck is made to swim in water god has made me as i am.
i'm different from you! i'm different from you! i still want to do something!
from the things that might have healed me how long have i been sleeping?
all of my life i spent searching the words of poets and saints and prophets and kings and now at the end all i know that i’ve learned is that all that i know is i don’t know a thing!
bring me my slippers!
did i ever look up and see the moon and the stars and the sky? oh, why have i been sleeping?
i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you.
i'm married but not in love.
but if i die here tonight, i die in my sleep.
i used to love, i used to love, i used to be better.
where to now? where can i go now?
i've aged. i've aged so very much. i fall asleep at the table, my napkin drops to the floor.
there's a ringing my head.
god, to think i married a man like you!
you dirty, nasty wench of a thing.
gonna drink tonight.
how did i live? was i kind enough and good enough? did i love enough?
here's to the health of married women and their lovers!
i feel like putting my arms round my knees and squeezing tight as possible and flying away.
i shall never be happy again!
there's a sickness in the world and everyone knows, but pretends that they don't see.
i used to be better.
i forget things and live in the past.
if i were not myself but the brightest, handsomest, best man on earth and if i were free—i would get down on my knees this minute and ask you for your hand and for your love.
i challenge you.
i will protect your name and your heart because i miss my friend.
is this how i die?
they say we are asleep until we fall in love. we are children of dust and ashes. but when we fall in love, we wake up.
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actrixquadras · 2 months
So Far Away AU Part1
Chapter 0: Prologue
The moon, as a sentinel, stood in the silent expanse of the cosmos, where the stars twinkled like a distant memory. Ever glowing, ever moving, and in its long existence, it had seen everything. The birth of the world that it orbited, the creation of life, the creation of Grimm, the rise of magic, the rise of civilizations, their subsequent fall, the departure of its creators, mortals imitating its creator. It had seen it all. 
But throughout its eternal life, it could never understand one thing. Why didn’t the living give up? Its creator before leaving the land below and before scarring its body, along with his brother had killed off the living, and yet the living came back. The living fell victim to her creator’s creations yet they doubled back and thrived. They went to war with each other, and some had their souls forcefully merged with the beasts, yet they held onto their short lives like a natal seeking to cling to its mother. 
The moon questioned it a lot. It sought the counsel of the sun, the only other body that held onto this land in this celestial space, and even it didn’t know the answer to the living’s tribulations. The living were stubborn, they were tenacious, and that very quality of their made them a joy to watch, and yet their pain ached the moon the same way the shattered pieces of itself once did.
The situation that was going on below it now was also not helping. From the vantage point it sat, the moon could see the battle that was currently going on. It witnessed the tumult below, the clash of steel, a symphony of war cries echoing through the dark forests her creator once called home. The living and the Grimm collide, their struggles etching upon the canvas of the land. From the experience it had, it was clear what the living was trying to achieve. A way into the castle that loomed over the dark horizon, fenced behind the walls of the creatures of darkness. 
It was a battle against the living and the being of old times. A being who was cursed by the moon’s and her fellow celestial body’s creators to live eternally. It was a war against impossible odds. The being who wanted nothing but to die but take the world with her as an act of revenge and resentment.
The amount of explosions, blood, and sweat flowing there was enough to fill a lake. The strewn flesh and buzzing of flies that surrounded them made the lunar entity nauseous. It was pitiful, it was painful. It could have been short if the living just gave up.
The moon’s eyes wander as its gaze catches action all over the battlefield. One unlucky man was facing off against a madman who had his soul merged with a scorpion at the time of his birth. There was a standoff between two maidens, one fond of fire and the other fond of ice. The only difference between them was that the fire-crazed maiden stood all alone while the woman touched by the frost was protected by the knight of rust and two of his close comrades. 
But there was one entourage of warriors that caught the lunar entity’s eyes the most. 
It was a group of four women and one young man steadily breaking their way through the enemy lines. Their first major advance was pushed by the maiden of frost and the knight of rust before they were halted by the maiden of flames. Their second breakthrough was achieved with the help of the man with automaton legs and two shapeshifting damsels. The moon looked at them with bated breaths as they fought its creator’s creations just to reach the abode of the sad witch. 
The heft of those punches, the twirl of those ribbons, the precision and grace of those stabs and dust, and the swing of that scythe all made the metaphorical heart of the shattered celestial shudder. Such grace, such bravery was admirable. But the moon knew better. The moon knew well. It was for naught. No amount of bravery would let them come out of this place alive. No amount of grace would allow them to come out of the place unscathed.
Some of them will perish, dying a hero’s death. Others will be left to pick up the pieces, forever stuck in the cycle of mourning. All the moon could hope was that the ones who would be left behind could make something out of their life, for they still had a long life to live.
The moon lost sight of those warriors as they entered the witch’s keep. It might be a celestial that orbited the land below, but there are certain places where its gaze couldn’t reach. It never knew what goes on behind closed doors. 
Its gaze goes all over the battlefield. At first, it fell upon the group of soldiers who were holding a line of defense. The soldiers consisted of groups of different uniforms. From leather to cloth. From the knightly armor to carbon kevlar. From flesh to automaton. From humans to the beast people. All of them came together to defend their right to live.
Few warriors held the lunar entity’s eyes longer. There was this one man who was touched by the spirit of the monkey, if that’s what his tail meant, bouncing around from one Grimm to another, spinning his weapon with such force and athleticism that it would make any person with an eye for such things swoon. One woman simply smiled with her black glasses on as her weapon tore through the beowolves. There was also this one rabbit woman who seemed to change weapons on the fly, but for some reason, her weapons looked transparent. Was it the result of the so-called ‘Dust’? It was pretty, yet the moon understood how vicious it could be. Did her creators intend the so-called dust to be this powerful?
But the moon couldn’t help but sigh. This unity would come to an end once the war was over. That is how it always was. Every single time the living would come together for a common cause, then when they achieved that cause, they would go back to being enemies. It was nothing new to the moon. Like how birds needed to fly. Like how animals had the urge to feed. Like how the sun and moon had the instinct to always orbit the land below, the living always had the instinct to fight. Maybe it helped to give them a purpose to live, maybe it was a thrill… the moon never knew.
The moon’s mind found itself wandering back to the warriors back at the castle. It glanced in its direction, and it could feel the ripple of whatever was going down at the castle. But the walls that surrounded the stand-off between the warriors and the ancient witch protected them from the lunar entity’s peeping eyes and like a fickle being it was, its gaze went back to the battlefield, but this time to the likes of the unlucky man.
The fight between the man cursed with bad luck and the crazed beast-man was uneventful for the moon’s taste. To be specific, it was the way it ended that left a bad taste in the orbiting celestial’s mouth. Those two warriors bounced around the battlefield, decimating everything around them. Any Grimm that got caught between them was reduced to dust and the moon didn’t know whether it was because of the bad luck emitting from the curse man or the sheer intensity between those two warriors. The walking scorpion would steal his aura, and the cursed man would retaliate by swinging his sword-scythe, cutting off the madman’s sting in the process. The crazed man would acrobat his way around the unlucky man. 
It was when it happened. The moon doesn't know exactly what happened back there. Was it intentional, or was it purely accidental? During his hijinks, the beast-man lost his footing for a second and he fell on his sting. It was also a sting that was man-made and filled with more potent venom. The crazed man died instantaneously, with a crazed grin on his face and the unlucky man looked at his corpse with an unfazed expression.
Maybe the death of the humanoid scorpion was planned after all.
As the man cursed with bad luck walked towards the castle, the moon found its gaze on what it considered a more interesting fight it could watch at the moment.
The maiden of winter was doing all she could do to keep the maiden of fall near the ground, but she was struggling as the fall maiden was powered by not one but two maiden powers. The knight who was on an ethereal jackalope, courtesy of the dust princess, was doing everything to support the winter maiden along with his comrades. One of the comrades, a woman with a huge hammer, was setting off explosions while another comrade, a man was trying to grapple the said maiden with his hooks. 
The moon had always hated the fall maiden. All she did was take from everyone else. There was a time when it sympathized for the woman but now all it felt for that woman was loathe. The lunar entity was one of the two witnesses of when the maiden killed a girl who was originally supposed to be the maiden, the other witness being the warrior with silver eyes. There was a time when the moon thought that the woman was redeemable. But that feeling left the entity when the fall maiden killed a child to gain the summer aspect.
Now, all the moon wanted was to see the maiden of fall have a taste of defeat. The winter maiden and her supporters were already running on fumes. At one point in their fight, the fall maiden had destroyed the jackalope leaving the knight at a disadvantage. Powered by the aspects of two maidens, the fall maiden goes on the offensive, forcing her opponents to take cover behind the rocks.
Suddenly, the knight walks out from his cover. His shield was fully deployed and his sword was in his dominant hand. His helmet revealed nothing other than his blue eyes which were glaring at the fall maiden. The knight takes the stance, his shield close to his chest and his sword ready. The moon was not sure what history was between the knight and the maiden but as soon the said knight took the stance, an evil smile grew on the fall maiden’s face and she shot out a continuous stream of fire on the knight, completely engulfing him.
At first, the moon was concerned. The amount of fire the maiden had used was too much. No normal human could withstand it. But it was in for a shock when the knight tanked the fire and kept walking through the flames, one small step at a time. His eyes were locked on the fire maiden and he boldly waded through the flame as if it were a bog. The fall maiden took his stride as a challenge and kept spewing the flames and as a statement, she brought herself close to the ground, but the knight kept walking towards her, unfazed and the fall maiden didn’t like it at all.
What the fall maiden failed to realize was how the winter maiden and the other two of the knight’s comrades were sneaking closer toward her. The Knight of Rust was just a distraction. The hatred and mockery the fall maiden felt for the knight made her narrow-sighted. 
It was quick. The fall maiden didn’t have enough time to realize when two grappling hooks attached themselves to the ground and as she looked in the direction from where the hooks came from, just for her gut to be kicked by the man who was reeled in by those hooks. The maiden was not given enough time to react when the hammer girl swung her hammer into her back with unadulterated rage. The winter maiden swoops in to incase evil maiden’s lower body in ice and the last thing the evil scourge saw was the knight she called weak, swinging his sword in full force, aiming for her neck.
There was no hint of hesitation. His armor was burned in some places and it melted in some places. The red sash he wore around his waist was scorched with heat. He had discarded his shield to use his free hand as an extra force. There was no anger in his eyes. The only thing that was left in them was indifference as he committed himself to that strike.
And just like that, the head was separated from the torso. Smooth like butter. It was quick. It was painless. The moon knew very well that the people who brought that fate on the evil maiden wanted her to suffer, but some victory is better than nothing. The knight stood there as the winter maiden burned the corpse for an extra measure. They were exhausted but they were glad. 
But their joy was short-lived as a loud noise caught the moon’s attention. The castle was crumbling. It was falling to pieces. From the exposed section, the moon could make out a few figures. The lady with the scythe was the only one standing facing against the ancient witch. Her teammates were on the ground, battered and bruised and the moon was not sure whether they were breathing or not. The boy who went with them was missing an arm but was still standing, albeit barely and he was using his predecessor’s cane as a support. The lady in red was bruised and bloodied and in her hand was what the moon recognized as the sword of destruction. 
The witch loomed over them with a pitiful smile on her face. The lady in red looks at the young man, who just nods at her. A grim expression grew on the red huntress’s face as she closed her eyes and from the tips of her eyelashes, the moon saw a silver light leaking out. The boy stumbles into position right in between the witch and the huntress, his cane charging up some sort of attack. 
The moon’s eyes widen as the sword of destruction starts to glow with a silver aura, keeping the witch at bay as the field of aura generated by the cane is sucked in by the sword, and in a blink of an eye, the light explodes, blinding everything in the battlefield.
The explosion was so powerful that every single Grimm that was nearby vanished without a trace. The Grimm which were farther away scurried away in fear, an emotion that was foreign to them. The castle was decimated by the said explosion and the moon knew that the odds of someone surviving that explosion were very low.
There were varying emotions and expressions among the forces as they saw the castle come down into dust. Some looked in awe at the destruction and some stood like a deer caught in headlights. Some were rejoicing and some let out a sigh of relief. But there was one group of people who were making a break towards the castle. The knight was in the lead, his exhaustion all up in smoke as he saw the keep crumbling down, closely followed by the winter maiden and his comrades with the man with unconventional bad luck in the back.
But it was never enough. The moon lamented. No matter how much effort they put in, it would never be enough, for the castle was so far away.
Hey guys, this is my first au for my favorite pairing. Please forgive me if its difficult to follow since English is my second language. I hope you enjoy it.
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wulka303 · 2 years
29th of July
It's been a few years since the accident that caused a major change in Maverick.
Every year without his best friend was rough and it seemed like it would never change.
Even though Maverick was suffering from constant nightmares and many sleepless nights he didn't want to admit he was struggling. He couldn't.
He needed to be strong.
He needed to be strong for what's left of his family. And that is Carole and little Bradley. They needed him and his help and he was more than willing to support them.
Nobody knew nor cared how much he was hurting.
Or at least he thought so.
It was raining which was a bit unusual considering Californian climate but Maverick didn't care. He was kneeling before Goose's grave holding onto his dog tags and whispering quiet apologies for not keeping him safe.
He was crying and internally thanking whatever deity or god there is for sending rain so he could hide tears slowly running down his cheeks.
He shut his eyes and let out a desperate sob. All he wanted was to go back in time so he could avoid this fucking jet wash and save Goose.
Or at least die instead of him.
Pilot startled as he heard a familiar voice. Looking up he saw...
Iceman was standing close to him but still keeping his distance as to not scare him more. He was holding an umbrella and he looked concerned.
Those beautiful greyish eyes that Maverick learned to love were soft. His face was mix of worry and affection and he couldn't see pity there. Iceman knew Maverick didn't want any.
"Ice, what are you doing here?" he asked as his voice cracked. It was getting too much to handle.
"Taking you home and making sure you're taken care of"
Maverick wanted to protest but Ice held his hand for him. After moment of uncertainty he took it and stood up suddenly realizing how soaked he was.
"You don't have to" he said looking into Ice's soft eyes. "I can take care of myself"
Iceman raised his eyebrow and something in his face changed. Oh he didn't want to piss him off. Not today.
"Sorry" the smaller pilot muttered and looked down.
Ice sighed.
"Mav, please look at me"
When he didn't collaborate Ice took his chin in his ironically warm hand and gently made him look up. His expression was soft and full of something Maverick didn't quite dare to name.
"I know you're an idiot" Ice started and surely he wasn't good at consoling people but blush on his cheeks made Maverick want to listen to what he had to say.
Iceman cleared his throat.
"But I hope you know how much I care about you"
At that he put his hand on Maverick's cheek and smaller man leaned into the touch. Ice smiled and started stroking him gently with his thumb.
"You really do?"
"You really are stupid..."
Maverick chuckled and that was a good sign. He looked at blonde standing so close to him yet still so far away. He wanted to change that.
"Can I kiss you?" Maverick whispered.
Iceman blushed and nodded. He was embarrassed which made Maverick smile. He took it as a win and leaned in.
Their lips met halfway in chaste kiss and suddenly they were the only people in the world.
Maybe he wasn't so alone in his mourning.
(Meanwhile force ghost Goose yelling: FUCKING FINALLY)
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gatheringfiki · 6 months
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The following ficlet was written by @marigoldvance​ based on this photoset.
Fili/Kili, Gen, Fix-It (ish)
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Ice & Stone
Before there was battle and bloodshed, before there was hardship, struggle, twists and turns and fog behind the eyes; before long roads south and a journey into the unknown; years before there were whispers of reclaiming their homeland, there was ice and stone.
Fíli and Kíli had been raised on tales of the Fae Folk—the Faeyoran realm deep within the North Waste where an unnatural winter had descended after the defeat of Melkor’s army of wryms.  
It was a dark and desolate place, unforgiving, swallowing anyone up who dared breach its borders.
Neither Fíli nor Kíli was dull enough to attempt to wander there alone. Work sometimes took them as far as the snowy lands of Arnor, but no further. They’d been warned by men and dwarves alike not to travel through the gates into the barren white.
Kíli respected everything he’d heard until he saw an Orcish blade pierce his brother through the heart.
If you could undo what has been done, wouldn’t you?
It was a question Fíli and Kíli had discussed when they were younger, filled with embarrassment or regret after some foolhardy adventure had gone terribly wrong. Fíli had told Kíli that, no, he wouldn’t change anything; that everything had happened to make him who he was. Kíli, on the other hand, disagreed, though he understood Fíli’s reasoning.
But too much had happened since then, and Kíli refused to carry on without Fíli at his side.
Mere days after the final battle at the foot of the Lonely Mountain, Kíli left without a word to his uncle. Slipped into the shadows and vanished into the night. He didn’t care what Thorin would think, his heart set on finding the door to the Faeyoran kingdom and pleading with them for his brother’s life.
The seasons waxed and waned, and Kíli pressed on. He slept little, ate less; found work as a smithy or carpenter in the towns he wandered through if he needed the money, but otherwise he kept his head down and his business to himself.
The Lonely Wanderer some called him with pitying expressions.
He paid them no mind.
It took several months before he reached the steps of the North Waste. He gathered supplies in Sûri-kylä, allowed himself a single night’s rest, and then departed at the first glimmer of dawn.
            “You’re going the wrong way.” A girl said, her voice light as air, “The road is behind you.”
Kíli ignored her.
            “You can’t go that way.” She insisted, though did nothing else to stop him.
Kíli readjusted the straps of his bag and continued forward, following the hint of an unused path up toward the stone gate.
            “If you go through there, you’ll never come back.” She told him, suddenly sounding much closer. “No one survives the Long Winter.”
Once more, Kíli ignored her and looked for the mechanism that would release the gate so he could go through. He ran the flat of his hand along the smooth stone on either side of the gate, feeling natural divots and dips, but nothing that would open the gate.
            “You need the words.” The girl said, now at his shoulder. “Dwaithe di Ilmyae.”
The stone gate groaned and scraped as it opened, revealing vast nothingness beyond.
For someone who seemed not to want to help him, Kíli was surprised she’d said the words at all. Not that he knew what they meant or even what language they were.
He turned to face the girl, to give her thanks, but there was no one there. He was entirely alone, the village behind him dark and asleep.
The impression of a voice on the breeze whispered, “Good luck.” and off Kíli went, through the gate that closed as soon as he was on the other side of it.
Kíli was sure he would die here. The sun had risen and fallen more times than he cared to count, he had no food left and had to resort to melting snow for water. There were no trees, nothing to shelter against the dry, sharp wind that lashed his skin where it was exposed.
Yet, Kíli marched on.
He moved at night, when he could use the constellations to guide him. It was bitterly cold, but his body remained warm due to the effort it took to drag himself across the snowy terrain.
The voice of the girl haunted him.
            “You’re going to be swallowed up by this place.” She’d say when he’d give himself a moment to quench his thirst.
            “You won’t have the strength to make it back.” She taunted then, as Kíli hauled his bag off his shoulders and dropped it in front of him, crouching to retrieve the metal bowl he used to drink from.
For the first time, Kíli responded, “I don’t care. Nothing matters unless I have Fíli…If I die here, so be it. At least I’ll know I tried.”
            “You do this for your brother?”
Suddenly the voice was still and together, not the warbled echo it had been since he’d first heard it. A shadow fell across him as he slowly chanced a glance up. There, floating a meter off the ground, was a wisp of a girl. Except, she wasn’t float. Silvery, webbed wings beat so quickly behind her they were almost impossible to see.
She stared at Kíli with a look of deep consideration, delicate brows furrowed. Her eyes, an eerie, glittering violet, bore into him. Kíli didn’t shrink back. Instead, he stood, met her gaze with a hard one of his own, and stood his ground.
            “You would risk your life for the dead?” She asked, not cruelly, head tilted to the side.
Kíli didn’t hesitate. “For Fíli, I would give up everything and more.”
She seemed surprised at the weight of his confession but didn’t argue it. Rather, a sharp smile seeped across her petal pink lips.
            “And what is your name?”
            “Kíli.” Kíli said, accepting his fate if it meant giving Fíli life.
Her expression softened when she realized Kíli truly didn’t care for himself one bit.
            “You understand what it means to offer your name to a Fae?”
Kíli nodded.
            “And you still give it freely?” She was clearly puzzled. “You must love your brother very much.”
Done with the banter, Kíli snapped, “Are you going to help me or not?”
She smiled again, though this time it was a much gentler thing and had the effect of putting Kíli at ease.
            “Return to Erebor, Kíli.” She said, and he wasn’t sure if her words were instructions or a suggestion. Regardless, he found himself compelled to do as she said.
It took far longer to return to the gate than it had to get him to where he’d been when she’d appeared. Kíli collapsed through the gate, hollow-eyed and weary, and practically crawled back to Sûri-kylä.
The men fed him, filled his bag so he wouldn’t go hungry before he reached the next settlement. Kíli thanked them, refusing to stay longer than it took to pack up what he needed despite the men’s concerned insistence that he stay until the following morning.
There was a fire in his belly. A sense of excitement that yelled at him to go.
He knew, deep in his marrow, that when he returned to the Lonely Mountain, he would see his brother again.
Fíli and Kíli were raised on the tales of the Fae Folk. Therefore, Kíli knew what might happen to him now that he’d given his name in exchange for his brother’s life. But there was something in him that told him, in a voice as light as air, that everything would be alright.
And so Kíli pressed on.
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