#←onesided. obviously
So funny to me that Vox talks shit about Alastor while sitting behind screens in his own house, but anytime he has a chance to confront Al face to face? He chickens out
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totallyveryallosexual · 4 months
So just started Hannibal and binged the first two seasons, and I knew I was getting into something crazy but that show is fucking insane, it is so messed up. It's wonderful, I love it.
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enixamyram · 1 month
"Complicated and sad" has me so excited for the Vox and Alastor relationship in season 2! I love me some angst so I hope it's really gut wrenching!
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unholy-boi · 9 months
knives and legato are like the worlds worst most toxic most demented qpps
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godtierjune · 5 months
miniature artists ily but when you print out a tiny poster or a painting or anything like that and say you made it? no you didn't! you googled it and printed it out! that's someone else's art and you printing it out and saying you "made it" is kind of an asshole move!
the least you could do is say say it's not your lol
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fingertipsmp3 · 6 months
I love reading one (1) fic and immediately being infected with brainworms about the ship it’s about
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xamaxenta · 1 year
or bb im pretty sure thats a thing you have a tag for
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freytful · 1 year
i think. the thing with soren is that he feels like he should have a character arc about 1. becoming less racist and 2. letting in other people than Ike. But no! he is less racist by the end of RD but not in a way that you notice, and he is still 100% only dependent on Ike, and his ending without him is just about how he never did anything worthwhile again. Absolutely miserable character. Dont like thinking about him
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prince-liest · 2 months
was talking with @cringefailvox about canon radiostatic and ended up basically landing on how I think / hope their relationship in canon is mutually onesided:
maybe Alastor really enjoyed his friendship with Vox; maybe he misses it, and regrets losing it, and feels like Vox never held the same regard for their relationship as Alastor did due to how things ended
but over that is also a layer of Vox having been infatuated with Alastor and smarting over a rejection, and furthermore never quite being able to stop coveting Alastor as a person, as a source of power, and as a symbol specifically because despite being old fucking news Alastor is still so obviously, blatantly goddamn powerful in a way that incessantly flaunts his own outdatedness in the face of all of Vox's effort and innovation and accomplishment
just two people on completely different fucking pages, both wanting something from the other and angry and upset that the other can't just let them have it
maybe Vox's interest was romantic at one point but now it's just this amalgamation of pride and greed and resentment. very much "if he won't join me, I'll beat him." he doesn't love Alastor, but he carries the kind of resentment that's hard to generate if you didn't love a person (or at least the idea of them) at one point
meanwhile the reason that Alastor rejected him wasn't just because he wasn't interested in romance, but also because he lost respect for Vox as a person. it's all kinda wrapped up in itself - what Vox was asking for was too much, but part of the reason it was too much is because he was asking Alastor to sell out, because he was slowly finding more and more ways to sell out for the sake of power. and that's just the antithesis of what Alastor values and respects
the whole thing is framed in terms of old vs new technology but I feel like what it really comes down to is that Alastor values (his fucked up definition of) art and tradition, and Vox is the ultimate sellout
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borzoilover69 · 3 months
I have a headcanon on how these guys style themselves postgame and you WILL hear me out.
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Kanaya, Roxy, and Jade are self explanatory. They know how they want to present themselves. They know how to go forward with that. They’ve got colour combos and layering and fashion choices suited to their particular style IN THE BAG. Loud, prominent, they know whats up.
Jake, Calliope, and Jane get nudged into giving a fuck about fashion by anyone named above, or rather their own desire to dress up…Jake moreso because as a celebrity he gives too much of a fuck about his image to be anything less. Callie of course is affectionate enough with jade and roxy that they teach her how to style and i think she would like lolita and more daintier feminine stuff than roxy, but she does tend to sometimes switch over to suits. Jane is pure butch energy she dresses like a guy but as a girl with fashion sense. Like strict lesbian style. I dont know how else to fucking put it she would dress like how a butch lesbian would.
Jane and Jake stylewise would be similiar to some retro callback summer movie where everyones on a roadtrip in a yellow van or something except jake is more prone to extravagancy because he gives more of a fuck. Also one of them is wearing dresses and its NOT Jane.
Dirk and Rose.. fashion disasters. Dirk doesnt know fashion weight for a while and tries too hard id even suspect that he would try and mimic daves fashion style for a while until john or someone else blatantly calls him out in an offhand comment and jake and the rest of his friends start getting on his fucking case about being so bland with his fashion takes (all primaries, little to no patterns, basic, no layering.) that he caves and starts taking it like a personal challenge to style well.
At some point he has a revelation and realises he can get piercings and starts leaning into that and punk / gothish fashion. Black with complimentary colours recommended by friends.
Rose is sort of a fashion trainwreck like for all of kanayas nudging she doesnt really give a fuck and kanaya starts dictating her outfits and then of course she also gets the "someone makes an offhand comment that makes them mald really hard about it and go into a snooty onesided competition to prove they GET IT actually and that you were TOTALLY wrong about them not GETTING IT." Its the only way Dirk and Rose start caring.
Terezi and John get nudged around by their respective compadres about fashion sense and style, but they generally dont give a damn and have their own thing going for them. Theyve got their own vibe and style that feels well on them and especially terezi wise i think she would lean into the fashion disaster for fun. As long as the colours taste well together, who gives a damn about layering etc etc. throw in some crocs with a suit. An oversized shirt with a tapered skirt. Who cares. John is more tried and true but he styles out ENOUGH so he doesnt end up in the last (deorgatory) category.
Dave and Karkat are the real stubborn contendors of the friendgroup fashionwise. Baggy on baggy outfitwear. WILL get on your case if you point out had it not been for their respective colour choices they basically dress the exact same. Same mix of cargo pants, sweatpants, tracksuit pants, hoodies, and tshirts to keep them going for the lifetime. There js nothing else. Whats layering. Accessories? Well except for a watch hard pass. Patterned clothing? No way. Basic colours ONLY. Maybe Dave would dig long shorts ive always seen him as a longshorts kind of guy but its never anything noteworthy. Type of guys to choose what theyre wearing with their eyes closed thats how basic their closet is.
Anyways thats my style and fashion thoughts. Let me know what you think. Discuss and all that. Also tag yourself on which one youre closest to stylewise. Im jake. Obviously.
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Does your favourite ship involve several years of yearning before they get together? Well then submit them here!
SUBMIT SHIPS HERE A couple guidelines for submissions;
I'm accepting both canon and fanon ships, but for the latter you have to sell them to me! Explain how they could be interpreted as a pining couple, (I know I sound like a demanding boss here, sorry uyfrewu)
Obviously the canon couples still have to have pined for several years before getting together to fit into this competition. I'm still a bit iffy on how long so for now ill say 7 years is the minimum? This may change, and I may allow ships that are underneath that number
For fanon they need to have known eachother for 7+ years The pining can be onesided, as long as it has lasted for 7+ years. A good example would be katniss and peeta from the hunger games, where only peeta was pining for a while, but id still allow them :)
Nothing from DSMP, Harry Potter, or Genshin
No real people
Ill add other things if I need to, but for now, tagging @best-fictional-cat @bestfictionaldivorce @qpr-competition @tragicsibsshowdown @aroaceswagcompetition @thecompetitionshowdowntournament @vncharactertournament @ultimate-poll-tournament @cringefaillosersummit @adhdvsautismbracket @mfshipbracket @autismswagsummit @baldguy-fight @latine-showdown and @underrated-adversaries to spread the word!
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cuntstable · 4 months
ive said before that i think laimar is a bit cute funny too and i stand by that statement. it does make me smile a bit. but i do think that like canonically…. laios maybe has a bit of a onesided crush on marcie (esp bc of the succubus thing) but its literally that meme of ”i have feelings for you (that feeling was bestfriendship but he had never felt it before)” so its just not very serious. and nothing compared to the FRIENDSHIIIIPPPPPPPPP. and also OBVIOUSLY when farcille happens hes nothing but YAY about it
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gayofthefae · 7 months
Just watched compilations of Mike and Will's scenes through the seasons and it was a pretty surface level watching experience where the vibe I got was just...these two are closer than the rest of them. Like...Mike and Will. It's Mike and Will. They're...different. And in season 3 Mike was trying not to be and neither of them liked that so they kinda just went back when things got hard because staying apart takes effort. And in season 4 the same thing happened. They can talk to each other about anything - we forget because we don't see them much in one on ones with the others and absence is harder notice but...they don't talk like this with the others. Like at all.
They were sweet and close. And then they started not having as much one on one time and missed it. Then they were on good terms again. Then they missed it again and we saw a lot more of that sweet one on one time. I expect season 5 to be more of that one on one season 2/4 vibe, as well as scenes like the movie "are you okay" softness scene of season 3 and others like that.
They're prone/drawn to each other and enjoy being together. They're eachothers go-tos and are open with each other and comfortable in a way that they aren't with any other members of the party. The suspicious part is the way Mike has twice now, but mostly in the beginning of season 4, strained to get away from that dynamic - but we even see the physical comfort shift back when things get stressful with El.
They love each other in a way that they don't have with the others. Plain and simple. That's what I got from that.
Also, Byler feels so onesided in seasons 2 and 4 which is so funny to because it isn't the same person as the "one side". But like fr Byler is so onesided in season 2 like obviously Will is very preoccupied but the vibe I got from that one and their dynamic in general is just:
Will is comfortable talking about his feelings with Mike more than the others; he just speaks his mind.
Mike wants to do everything in his power all the time to make Will feel better. (Like as an actor I like to analyze intentions and that is what I get from his scenes. There are multiple instances in which he looks like he's taking a second to come up with something to say to make him feel better, including "crazy together", "we won't let him", and "we will")
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 4 months
Every day I love more "sorry, but I think I lost your plot", I really enjoy reading updates <3
I wanted to know if Stoick will force Hiccup to have a talk about girls after all
Or hiccup overthinking about the attempt of kiss while our reader doesn't know how to continue in denial
Sorry for my bad english, I tried my best :(
Sorry, but I Think I Lost Your Plot pt 22
Pairing: Onesided!Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Modern!Fem!Reader
Words: 1,846
Stoick ends up arguing with his son when all he wants to do is talk. Hiccup is mad.
Tags: Time Travel, Reader into Movieverse, Dragons: Defenders of Berk, Fright of Passage, post episode, Hiccup’s POV, Reader’s POV, unedited, half-fill
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The sounds of the chittering of bugs and animals and leaves were lighter by the village, much lighter than when he’d been walking in the woods with you.
He wasn’t sure how long he stood there standing before he had been approached.
Knowing who it was was enough to immediately sour his mood.
Hiccup didn’t have to look over to tell who spoke, as his father was the only one with a presence large enough to sense from a mile away, at least when he was aware of it, and there was no one else with as heavy or confident a step on Berk.
“Dad?” Hiccup held in a deep sigh, looking crossly out over the village, purposefully not looking towards his feet, brows dropping into a furrowed line. He had the idea his Dad was looking out over Berk in the same way. He didn’t have to look.
He remembered a time they spent staring in a much similar way, out over the docks just before his Dad had gone after the nest and he’d gone and tamed Toothless.
“Where have you been?” Stoick asked gruffly, staring down at his son. 
He wished he had gone now and gone fast.
Hiccup shot a quick glare to his right, where his father stood, eyes making contact with his large, turquoise tunic, metal kilt and furred boots.
“Busy,” he said, after a long moment’s silence.
He still had blueprints laid out across his desk in the forge. He could have gone and tried to sleep in there, clinging onto the whisps of the nice evening you had had.
Hiccup was more a do-er than an organizer. He was having a hard time trying to figure out how to organize the pipes. If they ever clogged…The lower tunnels were prone to flash flooding when it rained.
Maybe he just needed to make more space, do some excavation, give the rainwater time to pool off. 
But he’d been spending a lot of time with his Dad recently.
He was still upset with his Dad, though he wasn’t sure the large man realized it.
He remembered Fireworm island, when his Dad had played pick-up, scrutinizing you the whole time in a way that made you so obviously uncomfortable. And he looked positively incensed as he did it.
He definitely remembered before that, when he’d gone asking you questions about responsibility and after when he and Hiccup had been eating dinner over the fire and his Dad had some questions to ask and words to say about you then.
He was going to chase you away before Hiccup could get a word out about how he really felt. That wasn’t funny or fond; he hadn’t been involved enough in Hiccup’s life to care, or to judge.
He shouldn’t judge you at all, anyhow. He didn’t know you; not at all.
Hiccup liked you a lot.
He didn’t want to rough you up like the other Vikings did to each other and he didn’t want his Dad sizing you up the whole time you were around as if you were the last, tiny piece of meat on a stick.
He didn’t want his Dad to waste your time when he wasn’t even sure if you liked him.
Hiccup grimaced.
Stoick looked down at his son, face impassive, though for him, impassive meant stormy, “You missed family dinner.”
A spear or, as it felt the most like -a jolt, a sudden itch of irritation made itself known, jabbing through his gut, to his heart.
He knew that.
He didn’t want to say anything, but the, “Yeah,” came unbidden.
He shifted, not really feeling the cold as anything more than a passing breeze. 
The fur lining the neck of his vest tickled his nape, the tufts that used to stand fluffy on top of it matted and uncomfortable. They didn’t bother him enough for him to replace it, yet.
“Hiccup,” His father said sternly, in a tone that made Hiccup rile, “From now on, I expect you to-”
“Well, unless you and Gobber start making out, I don’t think we’re much of a family,” Hiccup regretted it nearly the moment he said it, but he kept his jaw stubbornly set, glaring outwards, keeping his eyes painfully focused on a vague discolored roof. Was it painted? 
It was too dark to tell, all the houses the same shade of muddy blue in the dark.
It was times like these he wished he had a mother instead of a Dad.
He’d spent many nights eating dinner on his lonesome with no problem, and so had his Dad. And they’d both been fine.
Hiccup wished his Dad would leave so he had more time to ogle off into the village. Or that he would step away far enough for him to complain about his Dad to himself in relative silence.
“You like… the girl,” Stoick spoke again, finally, “Were you following her?”
Hiccup was reminded quickly of the talke they had at dinner before and wrinkled his nose, cheek twitching and he fought down a disgruntled glower.
“I can… I can help,” Stoick spoke again, resting his hand on Hiccup’s shoulder. Hiccup was hit with another spike of irritation at the idea. He didn’t want to admit it but he was sure his Dad knew, and he knew that Hiccup knew exactly what he was referring to, “But these things have always been… difficult.”
His Dad’s hand was meaty and thick, warm not in a comfortable way, but in a palm sweat sort of way, which he could feel even through his fur vest.
He might’ve felt proud another time, to have his father do something that would usually be symbolic of his pride, but.
He didn’t like it.
“Then don’t,” Hiccup snapped again, though his tone of voice was sort of questioning, which perhaps made it sound just a bit more snarky. Hiccup threw his arms wide as he spoke and then dropped them again, “I wasn’t following her and I’m fine on my own. I don’t want your help, if it means you’ll just be glaring at her the whole time.”
He was sure that really didn’t win him -Hiccup or Stoick- any brownie points. It definitely didn’t win his Dad any with Hiccup, not that that mattered. 
He wasn’t sure exactly why his Dad was doing this; there really didn’t seem to be a point. What was there for him to vet?
His Dad sighed heavily, “You’re not… friends?”
Hiccup looked down, straining and grabbed his collar to look on the part of his shirt on the inside by his beck.
There it was.
There was a bead half hidden under his collar where the twine keeping his collar closed looped into one of the few purposeful holes in his tunic, the string emerging facing outwards, towards the world, on the other side.
The wooden one.
It pressed against his collarbone uncomfortably, pressed gently closer to his chest by the fabric, but he didn’t care.
He let go of his collar frustratedly and he tried to come up with an answer for his Dad.
“We’ve been friends. Acquaintances, ” Hiccup insisted, clenching his jaw a bit harder than he perhaps had to afterwards.
The tension between the two was palpable, and like a clogged pipe, and as it usually did, Hiccup was certain it was bound to explode soon.
He wished his Dad would get the message, the hair on the back of his neck standing up, the same way he was sure Toothless’ would when he was frustrated if he had any.
Just as Hiccup expected things to hit a mild and subtle crescendo and as he expected to meet face to face with the mildest version of his father’s temper, Stoick spoke again.
“...I’m sorry.”
Hiccup was startled, “What?”
His father wasn’t one for apologies. Even after he’d tamed Toothless, he’d never gotten an apology. No, just an ‘I’m proud,’ though for him, that was all they needed.
Stoick sighed exhaustively, then spoke gruffly, yet slowly as if choosing his words with caution, the same way he did during a dispute with the other villagers, instead of in the commanding way he spoke to Hiccup,  “I’m… I apologize. For how I behaved, earlier.”
Like most things, all the other words that needed passing between them went unsaid, but as it went since the Red Death, Hiccup got the message anyways.
His Dad started listening instead of standing immovably, commanding Hiccup more than he ever opened his ears, which was never. For the most part.
But, something tickled at the back of his mind, and with exhaustive clarity, he came to a sort of realization.
The way he said it, it kind of reminded him of the few times he’d let Gobber coach him on what to say, and the few times he’d let Gobber reenact his ideal family make-up scenario; Which, of course, Hiccup himself had never put much stock in.
Hiccup remembered all the times he’d taken advice from his mentor; when he was a kid, putting eggs in his shoes to deter trolls, Gobber telling him to drop his socks in the forge furnace because they’d be fine, just cleaner after; using Yak for everything…. Hiccup was pretty sure the whole yak thing was a hoax.
“It’s alright, Dad,” Hiccup said reluctantly though not without honesty. He was still too sour to apologize, which was one thing he and his Dad usually had in common, at least when it came to each other. 
He had no idea how it started, but they were both equally as stubborn, and he had a hard time feeling sorry right then, anyways.
Flirting, dating advice form Gobber when he was still into Astrid, which never worked, friend-making advice, dad-talking-to advice, which seemed to be the only kind of advice Hiccup could take from him without it blowing up in his face, not that he’d ever actually tried it yet. 
It was just the principle of it; things usually ended up going wrong anyways the moment Gobber opened his mouth, something Hiccup seemed to pick up from him just the same.
This had Gobber written all over it. And Hiccup was sour at the fact that it was beginning to work.
“Still,” Hiccup said, slouching and grumbling petulantly, though he was slightly pleased at being on the other end of thai conversation for once, “...You should stop taking advice from Gobber.”
You covered your mouth with your hand, trying to keep your legs from giving out.
You propped yourself against the cool side of another hut, deep in Berk’s village, trying to keep quiet in case there were any Vikings inside sleeping, as if you were trying to creep around a set of thin tripwires.
Your hands were shaking as you went over the events of the last few hours in your mind as you stumbled through the village, face heated.
The vial, you pulled gently from your waist wrappings. It was glowing slightly where some of the water had soaked into the cork stopper
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kittydoremi · 1 month
Brutally honest opinion on Sonamy, Sonadow and Whispangle? :P
Sorry for the late reply ><
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Hoo boy... I have many thoughts... most not very good...
At best, I'm apathetic towards it. At worst, I'm actively annoyed and/or frusterated by it.
I think it's heavily overrated and isn't that good of a ship in general. The amount of bad portrayals of s0namy outweigh the good and/or okay ones imo, and the toxicity of the fandom surrounding it only adds to my dislike for it.
(I'm not saying everyone who likes s0namy is toxic. There are many people in the s0namy fandom that are chill. Unfortunately, there's a vocal part of the s0namy fandom that is very toxic and gatekeepy)
Alot of s0namy portrayals unfortunately fall into "Amy makes Sonic uncomfortable and/or is possessive, but it's seen as cute" which is a dynamic I really don't like. For example, Sonic X has arguably the most popular portrayal of the ship, but imo is one of if not the worst portrayals of the ship.
Then you have other extreme that the ship sometimes falls into, where I can best describe it as "they sure are standing next to eachother" (Frontiers) where there's just... nothing to it, besides "oh it's the main girl and main boy so you have to ship them, they're obviously meant for eachother!"
Another thing, it can be annoying sometimes how the fandom will exaggerate how much the ship is actually canon, saying things like "they're totally dating! they're a couple!" when in reality Sonic is single and will most likely continue to be. At most, it's teased because it's a popular ship, but it won't go further than that.
So the best way to describe how canon S0namy actually is:
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I like it! I think it's cute! I can't see it working out in canon, but I really like fanon sonadow and it's fun to write.
Also, even though prime sonadow is nothing like sonic or shadow would act in canon, I still think it's cute and it's the only thing I enjoyed about the show lol.
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This one kinda hurts... 😔
I used to really like Whispangle, I thought it was really cute. The mini series did a good job of showing their bond.
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But then the city arc happened...
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What the hell is this.
Why is Tangle reminding Whisper of her trauma so casually when she was shown to be considerate of her feelings before.
Why is Whisper being shown as in the wrong for being upset by this.
Why does Tangle get a 2 panel half assed apology while Whisper gets a THREE PAGE apology.
After this whole mess, it just left a bad taste in my mouth. I can't get behind this ship anymore because of how badly this was handled, and how flanderized it is now (it seems very onesided now, a lot of "Whisper angsting, Tangle comforting" over and over)
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wasabijean · 4 months
Why do people treat Thrax and Osmosis like That? A Discussion About Fandom and Antiblackness
Happy black history month!
I’ve been considering making this post for a long time, and I wasn’t sure when, but I think now is a good opportunity.
NOTE: Let me preface this by saying that with a movie with a predominantly black main cast, the fanspace has been predominantly white/non-black, and I feel that has effected the conversations surrounding this movie for a long time.
Fandom, in general, continues to have white voices and perspectives highlighted, while black and poc voices are drowned out. Compare 2014 to 2024, and it’s obvious that there’s been a shift in diversity among all fanspaces, and I’m so very glad.
I want to continue this shift, by giving my own perspective as a black person who loves this movie, and I’d like to highlight the way the OJ fandom has treated these black characters (and spoiler, it hasn’t been great.)
Firstly, too many people are comfortable with portraying Thrax as this sexual r*pey monster, and I need it to stop. ESPECIALLY when he’s explicitly a black coded character.
From what I’ve seen observing and participating in this fandom over the past few years, is that Thrax and Ozzy is a very popular pairing, and honestly, I’m not a fan. It’s onesided, there’s not that much chemistry on screen except the dynamic of Jones being afraid and Thrax trying to kill him. I can’t control what people ship, but I absolutely can condemn the way people have paired these two up. Because… As a black person, I don’t like seeing these black characters in (oftentimes if not always) inherently racist dynamics.
Let me explain:
CW // mentions of racism, rape, grooming
Both Jones and Thrax are black coded characters. They use AAVE, have black VA’s, and Thrax literally has locs While Mayor phlemming is very much racist towards Jones in the movie (ie refering to him as “incapable”, treating Ozzy badly why Drix is praised, there’s obviously racial coding there). So, I can say with certainty that these characters are black, because of how theyre treated and also the cultural motifs in their story and character.
With that said, in the pairing of Ozzy and Thrax, so many people depict Thrax as this sexy controlling or possessive boyfriend that’s monsterous and the “top”, while Jones is the submissive scared stupid and sensitive “bottom”. I’ve seen this in fanfic, fanart, etc. It’s a shame that these characters have been boiled down into something like this, especially when I love Thrax as a villain, and I think Jones does a great job standing his ground as a hero even when he’s scared.
Thrax has high kill count and he wants to keep the killing going, and it’s refreshing to see a unrelentless villain like that in kids Animation; That’s one of the reasons why he’s so popular. But, everytime I bring up this character to people, its either “he’s so hot i need him” or “he should fuck osmosis”. Pushing aside the good writing of black characters in order to satisfy sexual fantasies via a ship is Certainly a Odd Choice. But, it happens anyway in a lot of fanspaces, and Osmosis Jones is no exception.
This type of dynamic of Thrax in particular just continues to perpetuate stereotypes of black men that are inherently racist. (ex: black men are rapists, are hyper sexual monsters, etc). Like, Historically, this stereotype has been used to dehumanize and incarcerate black men, And the stereotype in its self began with American slavery and the practice of “breeding” the enslaved. So, why do so many people continue to project this type of behavior on Thrax (particularly with Jones)?
Is it because he’s hot? Or that he’s just sexual in nature? Or was it that “big daddy thrax” line in the movie? Regardless of how Thrax was written compared to how he has been protrayed in fandom spaces, at the end of the day, thats fanon. Thrax isn’t a sex monster, he’s a egotistical virus with the intent to kill and win!
Themes of R*pe come up a lot with Thrax fancontent, for some reason. Maybe it was the choking scene, because it has sexual themes, but is not consesual in the slightest. Majority ozzy and thrax fanfics on AO3 have tags for Non-c0n and explicit. Sometimes, instead of fanfic it’s digital art, and it isn’t always tagged.
I vividly remember scrolling on tumblr when I was 14, looking for Osmosis Jones art, only to be flashed by r*pe and explicit content of Thrax, Jones, Leah. I remember Leah, a black woman character, often being pushed to the side and demonized. Little black kid me got so, so scared of the fandom, because of the racism and graphic content.
So, I kept lurking, holding my breath as I scrolled, and never interacting or posting my art, sharing my ideas, nothing. I felt alienated from the fanspace of a animated movie meant for kids, a movie that I loved. Online fanspaces are a great way for people to find other’s who have the same interest, but that wasn’t the case for me. I was deprived of something I should’ve had fun with, especially as an autistic kid who had no one else to talk to about the things I liked. I hated it; being uncomfortable and scared, because of something I loved, but feared the things that could come with it.
I tried overcoming that fear and branching out but it ultimately got me groomed by people who liked the movie on different occasions, and now that I’m 18, older, and wiser, I don’t want repeats to happen to anyone else.
There is no reason a animated movie, that’s meant for children mind you, has had such a racist and explicit fanspace.
There is no reason to not properly tag your content, not just for organization purposes, but for safety.
There is no reason why the most popular ship in this fandom is the one that has so much underlying themes of racism and SA, canonically and in fanon.
This is just my opinion, because I think black voices are important in fandom especially when so often overlooked, and I’m willing to discuss this further or answer any questions. It’s just tiring as a black person to keep seeing this happen with black characters.
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