#“you ever get to that point where you haven't eaten in so long you stop being hungry?”
szyeon · 3 months
buck is so obsessed with his body weight 😭
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shotosjupiter · 4 months
࣪𖤐 sypnosis... kunikuzushi is not accustomed to the feeling of love. how will he go about dealing with those feelings when you're always around?
࣪𖤐 note. i haven't wrote in forever so - there's that warning! i refer to scaramouche as kunikuzushi instead of scaramouche! 1.5k words.
࣪𖤐 tags. scaramouche x reader, slight angst (scara's feelings) but overall very fluffy and romantic!
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KUNIKUZUSHI had never experienced this feeling before. He had, of course, experienced many emotions and feelings throughout the course of his long, half a century life but never this. Kunikuzushi has experienced the feeling of anger, rage, heartbreak, betrayal, and hurt above all. He was well-versed with these emotions, he had reveled in these emotions in another life. But this, this bruising feeling had nearly enraptured his very being. 
He felt it within the cavity in his chest, the place where a heart should be beating, strongly. This yearning, this aching. It was akin to the desire of wanting a gnosis; to want wholly because perhaps then finally he would find his purpose, his meaning. And yet, it was deeper than that. Your existence meant more than that. You were more multifaceted than simply being the person of his desires. He knew that better than anyone that existence was no longer something that was whittled down to one trait. He knew, and yet. 
Perhaps he was just feeling ill - yes, that was it. He was just under the weather, never mind the fact that his synthetic puppet body was not able to get sick (not to his knowledge at least). The warmth that circulated from his cheeks to his ears was simply a fever he had caught, even though he only ever experienced it when you would look at him with stars in your eyes. The anxiety he felt when he saw you becoming very close with someone else was simply just upturned nausea from food he had eaten earlier, yes. The chest palpitations he felt in his very void chest was perhaps just simply a by-factor of his body wearing down over the ages. 
At least - that’s what he tried to tell himself. He wasn’t quite sure how long these… symptoms were ongoing for but he had only become aware of them - and their meaning - merely two weeks ago. 
He prided himself on the fact that even if he was experiencing the weakness of feeling these symptoms, emotions, feelings, at least he was able to keep them confidential. You would never even see the difference in how he acted then and now.
Kunikuzushi is repeating the mantra over and over that you haven’t the foggiest clue about his inner emotional turmoil when he bumps right into you. 
There’s a low fluttering in his abdomen that feels vaguely as if he’s being tossed around upside down and around when he meets your glittering eyes. The smile you reward him with doesn’t seem to help his cause either - he swears the feeling of crystalflies in his stomach isn’t something that was a regular symptom before. 
Add ‘about to throw up when in their vicinity’ to the list then, he grumbles internally. 
He factors in the fact that you’re talking to him about something, but the words were lost in the rush of adrenaline and nerves that were rushing through his ears. You looked oh-so pretty while you talked, with your hands waving around to make your point all the more there but then - 
“What do you think, Kunikuzushi ?” 
He blinked. He hadn’t been paying attention to what you were saying in the least. It was in no disrespect to you, but he was a little… distracted to say the least. 
“No.” That was a safe answer, right?
“You don’t want to go for lunch together?”
Apparently it was not a safe answer. He balked at your response and waved his hands around, trying to explain, “No. Well - yes. Yes, I do want to go but, I didn’t mean-”
He’s cut off by the sound of your laughter and he can’t help the smile that’s itching onto his face. Once you stop giggling, you nod to him and confirm when to meet him for lunch. You walk off afterwards, declaring that there was much work you had to do in order to have a stress-free lunch. 
Kunikuzushi lets out a sigh of relief at your departure. Hands covering his face, he screws his eyes shut as he replays the encounter that just happened. He really needs to get his shit together. 
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His moments of embarrassment did not end there, much to Kunikuzushi’s dismay. At lunch, he had believed he was going strong. The restaurant was your choice, with a homey and warm environment with two bowls of hot soup ladened with noodles as your choices for lunch. He had just finished his bowl, setting down his chopsticks, when you had reached over from across the table and tucked strands of his hair behind his ear. 
His chopsticks had dropped down onto the table in a clatter and his head snapped up at you, ears slowly developing into an ombre of red. But you seemed unbothered by it at all and had gone back to tucking into your noodles, as if you had done nothing at all. 
A few days later, he was in the Akademiya library helping you find a book to help you further conduct your research. The library was his favorite place in the whole Akademiya - with its mosaic of stained glass on the roof letting in filtered colored light, the shelves upon shelves of old books, and most of all, sustained silence. Kunikuzushi reveled in the library. 
He was just coming back to you with three books when you appear in front of him, in the narrow passageway between bookshelves. You slip past behind him, letting your hands touch around his waist in order to effectively move past him, muttering a kind “Excuse me,” as you walk past. 
Yet again, he’s left feeling flustered, this time with the ghost of your hands still on his waist. He remains silent and quietly walks back to the desk which has a plethora of books sprawled all over. He scoffs at his nerves and dedicates himself back to the books in front of him. He was not so weak as to completely crumple from such a miniature gesture. His feelings were stronger than that, in fact. 
(He yearned to feel the touch of your hands, once more.)
His last and final moment of embarrassment was late at night. The two of you were sprawled across the grass, near a small hill next to one of the Akademiya buildings. It was dark, past any time to be awake with the only noises outside being the sounds of crickets and your rhythmic breathings. The grass left a nice sensation across his bare hands and arms as Kunikuzushi counted the exhales you exuded. 
The stars were bright that night. He could see the constellations of Andromeda and Cassiopeia, and was just about to point them out when you had turned towards him calling his name out softly. 
“Hm?” He prompted. 
“You’ve been different lately. Why?” You were always prompt and direct when it came to confrontation. However, he could tell from the way you were imploringly searching his eyes that this was something that had been bothering you for as long as it had bothered him. 
He let out a sigh. He wasn’t quite sure how to go about this. He clutched blades of grass beneath his fingers, pulling them out of the ground. Avoiding your eyes, he started, “I am no   god. I am no god, and it is evident from how I yearn for you so desperately. I want you. I feel for you, I feel for you romantically and-” He takes a deep breath, despite not needing one. 
“I would like for you to give me a chance. To prove I have purpose, to prove I can make you feel happy. Let me love you.” He whispers the last sentence as if it was a thought that  barely escaped his soul. 
Kunikuzushi finally looks up to your eyes, this time his eyes doing the searching. Your hands reach out to cradle his face, and he can feel whatever synthetic heart he has within him soften. He reaches up to cover your hands with his when you whisper, “You are no god and yet I love you as if it is worship, Kunikuzushi. I will let you love me if only you allow me the same.” 
He realizes he doesn’t know how to process this. Kunikuzushi never imagined that you felt what he felt. That you felt the intensity of this feeling. He felt the trail of something liquid going down his cheeks, tears, he realized, as he nodded vehemently. “Yes. Yes, I’ve never wanted something more.” 
You leave a small kiss upon his forehead as he holds you close to his chest, hands trembling that he can touch you like this. He has never felt more bliss than in this moment. 
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bts-hyperfixation · 4 months
Can you please write dumb/cute/random things BTS members will do while they are crushing on reader?
This was cute to write! This is what I think they'd each be like with crushes. Just so you know, all of them are dorks.
Please send me asks to keep me motivated while I’m off work! Thirsty thoughts, Most likely to, reactions, life updates, and general gibberish welcomed!!
If Namjoon has a crush on you he gets extra clumsy. In his head, he is trying to be the most sophisticated person on earth, think W sexy numkim Namjoon. however in reality he is actually fumbling at every step, stuttering and tripping his way through conversations, beating himself up a little inside every time he rambles on a bit too long about something. Eventually, he just gives up on trying to impress you because he is too in his head and thinks he doesn't have a chance. Ironically that is when he manages to be more comfortable around you and stops breaking things. He still info dumps, but because he is a little less self-conscious about it, he allows it to flow more naturally and you can have a proper conversation without him disappearing to berate himself for talking too much. If the crush progresses to you hanging out he will always bring a little gift, sometimes snacks, sometimes a trinket that makes him think of you. He will send you pictures of things in nature that remind him of you, and take you to museums where certain sculptures or paintings reflect his feelings or your likeness. 
None stop trying to make you laugh. Probably refers to himself as worldwide handsome a lot to garner your attention like: "Hey Y/N, did you know they call me WWH?", or "Did you miss my WWH face?". It's a good job that he is in fact very pretty or it would get annoying. Although you tell him every time that it annoys you while using the opportunity to slap/feel up his bicep. He stops by your workplace every day to try and see you, but he is trying to be subtle as he does it, making up genuine excuses as to why he is there. Gets exceedingly disappointed when your coworkers tell him you are on a break because it would be too suspicious if he came back later on. 
He starts by offering you some of his food, claiming he has too much and he thought you might not have eaten yet (It's 10:30 am, of course, you haven't eaten yet). Then he is bringing in bigger meals claiming to be trying new recipes and then always making too much (He is trying new recipes, they happen to be some of your favourites. He is also sizing up the recipe to have enough for you both and more). He will invite you to listen in on some tracks he is working on, saying they are nowhere near finished but he wants an outside opinion (They are mostly finished, and mostly about you).
Strikes me as a straight forward man. You are absolutely going to know if he has a crush on you. There is no messing about he just asks you out... and then hyperventilates about it as soon as he is behind a closed door. It doesn't matter if you answered yes or no that was the most fear-inducing thing he has ever done, debut stage included. He keeps the brave front when around you at all times though. He is very good at pretending to be confident and charming even when his heart is trying to beat out of his ribcage. He makes a point of kissing your hand when he sees you, like the way you giggle and blush.
Similar to Namjoon, goes from being the most coordinated guy in the world to tripping over his own shoes. He blushes furiously every time you walk in the room and struggles to form full sentences. The others rip the shit out of him for being so nervous when you leave. He spends most of his time with his head in his hands hiding the red in his cheeks rather than making eye contact. Eventually, the butterflies die down and he decides he needs to man up and make a move. He refuses to let Jeon - couldn't make eye contact with a woman until he turned twenty-two - Jungkook make fun of him for being anxious, so he swallows the fear and makes a move. Then his flirting becomes relentless: He leans against walls and cages you in a little, he uses pickup lines and keeps calling you beautiful, and he refers to you with pet names. He tries everything he can to make you as flustered as you made him before he asks you out, god-forbid you fight flirty fire with fire.
He follows you around like a lost puppy when he can. If he is around you will never have to carry anything or open a door. He gives you expensive gifts that you aren't allowed to refuse, if you do they just end up at your house later on in the day. He claims most of them are leftovers from brand deals, but some of them are coming from brands you swear they've never worked with. He frequently brings you smoothies and snacks too. Even if he isn't around he will have them delivered to your work, sometimes for your whole office, not just you. If you try to tell him to stop he just makes the tata mic face until you come to a compromise that he will stop sending you drinks if you let him take you out for one. 
If he figures out he has a crush on you, you will not see him for 8-16 days. The first day he realises he will look at you with the widest eyes and blinks a little too slowly, he then excuses himself as soon as possible. He then spends days in his house typing and erasing a text to send to you. It gives him a heart attack when typing bubbles appear because that means you've seen him lurking. He eventually figures out what he wants to do with his crush and then you struggle to get rid of him, not that you necessarily want to, although he did almost follow you into a bathroom once because he was too busy talking and not paying attention to where you were going. When he gets drunk on his own at home he always texts you, nothing serious or even damning, he just is genuinely missing you. It probably comes across wrong because its always 2am, but he is innocently just wondering how you are. Once you fall in to a conversation it is obvious that it wasn't meant as a booty call, as much as you sometimes might wish it was.
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volturissideslut · 1 year
What if the Humans adopt a child just to see what’s so special about humans and why the Cullens like them so much, not knowing how troublesome a 8 year old can be?
strap in because this is going to be one hell of a ride (also I'm assuming asker meant volturi adopt a chaotic human child)
Aro, ever the curious one, cannot even fathom why dear Carlisle cares so much for these... creatures
And it's been like over 3000 years since he was human and he can't really remember much about living
It would also help if it would stop making Marcus be such a miserable slab of stone, and perhaps even Caius could do with a new toy
It just seemed like destiny when an 8 year old child strayed from the feeding group one day, too entertained by chasing a fat tabby cat that had jumped the wall to the garden
Whatever parent or guardian that came with seemingly hadn't noticed - not that they were alive long enough too
And, of course, Felix was the one to deliver the child to Master Aro considering he's the only one with a modium of decorum or respect for life in the castle
Any of the other guards would have eaten you on sight to be honest (they wouldn't in the future but you're just some random human child right now, they don't care about you yet)
Aro takes one look at you're little form, sticky fingers; muddy knees; grazed elbows; a leaf in your hair
They're keeping you
easy, right?
Why is a overexcited yet hysterical human child such a lovable inconvenience, you may ask
1) none of them can fully keep track of you're emotions,why are children so confusing???
2) they can't fully keep track of your whereabout either
3) they know nothing, and I mean nothing, about humans. Expect them to ask the secratery for help next time you're sobbing, only to find out you're hungry because they haven't fed you a proper meal in days thinking you'd forage for it yourself
I swear Marcus is the only one who is knowledgeable, despite how small it is
"the child requires sustinence again" - Jane, fed up of this shit
4) they're used to the traumatic stuff of vampire life, you are not, they don't realise that
poor kid is gonna be so traumatised, by the age of 10 killing someone over cereal seems socially acceptable
At least Caius actually has a soft spot for you, otherwise you'd be dead dead by now
Marcus reads you bedtime stories
Aro wants you to grow up appreciating everything he does, there are many 'daddy/daughter dates' where he takes you to see plays, musicals, concerts, or whatever that he deems suitable
Caius pretends to be impressed with your drawings and fakes excitement at whatever lego monstrosity you've made
Alec shows you the world, taking you around on his days off to Scotland, Brazil, India or wherever you randomly point to on a map
Felix let's you use his cloak as a blanket when he's not using it, you like to play with it and use it for dens and pillow forts (it can also be used as one of those massive fabric parachute tent bubble thingys the class played with in nursery/FS1/kindergarten and hid under (you know what I'm talking about))
Demitri let's you win at hide and seek despite his gift letting him know where you are at all times. He is also not above pretending to play to keep you out the way and quiet for a solid five minutes before you come out giggling saying you won again
Jane will capture butterflies and set them free with you because she knows you love them and you also love to chase them
The queen's are always dressing you up like a doll and doing your hair, they basically get a list from the secratery of everything humans need (food, water, socialising etc) and fulfil those needs for you
The secratery is the only one who actually knows what you want and need most times, being human herself. The kings are seriously considering turning her instead of just killing her you your sake
And God forbid anyone touches their precious baby, you've grown on them and they'd burn the world for you in an instant
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kechiwrites · 1 year
YOU SAID YOU WANT CAPTAIN PRICE STUFF?? welll sheeeit idk, price giving you a ‘goodbye’ before the mission the best way he knows???? 😩😩😩🥺
Oh Captain, My Captain.
captain john price x reader
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synopsis: your husband gets deployed, you get some dick. it's the natural order of things.
cw: afab!reader, no pronouns + gendered language, anal, like a lot of it, married people being freak nasty as they should, cunnilingus, established relationship, fingering, my blatant disregard for spellcheck or grammar, no use of y/n ever, mdni (seriously...stop.)
an: gotta get my yayas out somehow, i can't believe i havent written about him or soap yet. quick someone bring me a soap idea too. thank u so much my angel Val, this sparked joy in me fr. also price is 40, no i dont take criticism, the cod team told me, my uncle works at nintendo.
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I'm obsessed with the facial hair, unfortunately. And I just know he's loud. Like really loud. Like, no, never in public, because you're getting found out, loud.
Him saying goodbye goes much like it always does. It's customary at this point; he gets deployed, you're worried about your husband dying in some secret op in the middle of nowhere, you ask him to leave you a creampie to remember him by. As if he won't be back to fuck you into unconscious when he returns. You promise him a night of his favourites. Pussy and ass.
Between the mustache and the way that man groans into the lips of your pussy, getting eaten out by Price is literally a heavenly experience, a brush with God, feels more like a treat for you, but by god does the Captain get into it. He likes it best when you lay back, lower half hanging off the bed, with him on his knees between your thighs, your legs over his shoulders and his slicked up thumb rubbing so insistently, ardently at the furl of muscle below your cunt.
You know what, in fact, you're hard pressed to remember a time you and John fucked where his hands haven't drifted down your back to grip at your ass, pulling the cheeks apart to toy with you, dragging the roughened pads of his fingertips over where he's split your pussy open on his dick, up, over your taint before playing with your rim.
You can, however, remember the first time he'd sank the red, leaking tip of his dick into said ass. He'd been patient, kind, generous with loosening you up, continues to be so. Letting him in where he likes it best is an arduous process. That night, after a short, gruff talk about boundaries and limits, and a kiss on your wedding ring, he spent the two hours before the act, sucking at your clit with military precision, sliding his fingers in and out of your messy cunt, until you came. And then he did it again. And again. Until you were soft and pliant and fucking delirious. When the time came, it'd been pressure and pain that with time and so much effort, eventually devolved into sin soaked pleasure. His cock is thick, blunt tipped and brutal, so the Captain had to work you open in long, languid strokes, while he pawed at your midsection, keeping you in place, hands steady and sure. You're just getting used to push and pull of him thrusting into your ass when he comes, huffing and moaning into your shoulder, while he blankets your back, his facial hair tickling at your neck and shoulders. Even with his voice muffled against your skin, he's noisy, groan tapering off into a whimper and a sigh as he grinds against you, filling you in the most unfamiliar way.
I figure goodbyes with Price go a little something like that.
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i write "mrs. captain john price" on my lisa frank notebook in pink gel pen. also i think his dick is like thick in a scary way, like average length maybe less, but obscenely thick. :)
support city girls, reblog what u like.
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blingblong55 · 11 months
Hey Lover- Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
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Based on a request:
Hihoooo!! Me again :3 not here for smut this time. It's my sad girl hours... Again. Soap picking up the broken pieces of Graves' ex who is completely broken from Graves cheating and dumping her cuz "The girl I'm with is better for me." I just want someone to fix me asap like seriously
F!reader, fluff, civilian!reader
Philip Graves, the man who ruined your very soul. You loved him, saw him as the most perfect man in this world. In one moment it all changed, he cheated, and told you a lie that you of course believed. In November, after you and him ended things he was on a mission. Met a man nicknamed Soap, and they talked about their lives, becoming close friends. At some point, he talks about you, and talks about you, Soap didn't know names or faces.
In March, you met him, you were at a dinner with friends when you just couldn't take the loud crowds anymore. You walk outside and bump into him. "Shit, sorry," you say, already feeling overwhelmed. "No, I should apologise, I didn't see where I was going." His Scottish accent was rough.
"I didn't either." You look at him. You both chuckle and he extends his hand, "John, friends call me Johnny" You shake his hand, "R/N," you smile a little. No man will ever love you. His words ring through.
"Nice to meet you, R/N."
"Nice to meet you too, John.."
"Johnny to you.." he winks and you nod, "Johnny." you softly say.
There was an awkward silence between the two of you. "So, are you...single? It's not like you look like the kind to be...I'm not calling you... Anything rude, you are just so..pretty and I keep on talking... Why don't I just give you my whole life story while I keep rambling." he spoke fast and you chuckled. He was so adorable this way, how nervous he was because of you. The first time he was ever this way with a woman. He took a deep breath and looked at you, "can I get a redo so you think I'm much cooler than I appear right now?" eyes pleading for just a second chance.
"um...yes...I mean I think you already did such a good job but sure"
"Hi, I'm Johnny and I'd like to take you out somewhere someday if you let me that is."
Graves was like this in the beginning, so sweet and such a gentleman and of course things changed. It was so hard to trust men like him and now here you were, thinking that maybe history repeats itself and this man in front of you would do what Graves did.
After that night, Soap started to prove he meant what he said on the first date. You opened up about an ex when noticed how hesitant you were with him. "Sounds fuckin' stupid but believe me, I will prove you wrong, I am better. Can you give me a chance?"
Since then he and you have created some rules and boundaries. (bold are rules made by him)
If he knows you are uncomfortable, he will apologise or not mention it and move on
You must accept all the flowers he gives you
You can say no to everything and he will not pry or do anything forcefully (unless you haven't eaten which will result in him trying to feed you)
If you think he is talking to some other girls (romantically), you can and will stop all communication with him
You can take all his hoodies and even shirts as long as he can get a kiss on the cheek as payment
No more talking about exes or situation-ships
If you are insecure about anything, body, actions or emotions, he wants you to be open about them, and never leave anything unsaid
Never argue and go to sleep, talk it out.
Goodbye kisses before missions are a must
For months on end, he has followed all the rules and boundaries you have set for yourself. Even if he needs a hug you aren't currently comfortable with, he will wait and never complain. One night, you saw graves with some new girl by his side. He was kissing her, and he saw you and Soap. But before you could even think clearly, Soap wrapped his arms around you. Kissing your cheek and whispering sweet nothings.
One night, your insecurities got the best of you, you had been trying to wear some dress for an event. Back then, Graves would've made some comment that would make you stay indoors for quite some time. "You look ridiculous, too much for what? take it off, you look hideous anyways."
"You look so beautiful," his voice soft, eyes glued to your dress then your face. "Seriously, the most gorgeous girl in this world and I get to be in your presence? What a lucky fucker I am." Arms wrapped around your waist, he and you looking at the mirror. "You really take my breath away, R/N." He kissed your cheek. Mesmerised is what you had this man at. He truly worships the ground you walk on. His personal goddess, if he could, he'd built you, your own Taj Mahal. You can see the love in his eyes, one look at you and you melt him away.
Two days into the relationship, he got on his knees in front of you. You sat on the sofa, looking down at him, confused. "What are you doing?"
"One, I'm taking your shoes off, two, I think you look ravishing in this light I just needed more angles to look from." You smile and look away. The first time he had complimented you this way.
Slowly, he sat patiently and watched as you healed. He saw how you found a new meaning in life. Life brought back to your beautiful eyes, a smile that was no longer hidden. Graves past comments about your body, laugh, ideas, smile, and dreams were all erased one by one, all possible because he gave you space and time to heal. The days where you cried over how easily he loved you and accepted all of you were the days he was the most proud, not because of your tears but because you were learning you are indeed loveable and worthy of much more. Nights and days where he sat on your bed as you bawled your eyes out, the many mornings he woke up to your smile, evenings where you'd get random bursts of energy, those are the times he loves you the most.
Soap has been in love the minute he saw you, and took time to realise he was not just any passing star but rather the man you are walking the aisle to. He scrubbed you clean and clothed you with silk clothes. Kiss your scars, and bad memories and create better ones. New love and old ones all came together to create the perfect time you and him would fall in love.
Tags: @anonymuslydumb
A/N: Really hope you like it :)
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mhbcaps · 6 months
I was tagged by @miss--river @pinkyjulien and @wraithsoutlaws and this time I'm actually doing the thing I was tagged in XD thank you! If anyone hasn't been tagged yet, do it and say I tagged you - I mean it!!!!
🟦🟪 David Lozano & Viggo Day
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"Can call me V."
"What about that adorable nickname Heiress has for you?"
"Oh, yeah. Old lady I used to train with, she calls me Big Blue. What, you think that's cute?"
"I do, I love it! I'd call you that too but it feels like a special thing just for her. Like how your mom sometimes calls you--"
"Yeah, and this is Gogo, 'cause they never know when to fuckin' stop."
"That's me!"
"Hell if I know! Just write down n/a. Or, no, write down "fun"! I'm not a boy or a girl, I'm fun."
"Could also write down "loud.""
"That too. And you're cis."
"Yeah. That's the one where you stuck with whatever they wrote on--yeah. Cis male."
"Oh, I like anyone who's got muscles and looks good doing manual labor. Like, all strong and sweaty. No, seriously! Not everyone looks good like that. Like, V does, but Sanctuary--our friend Sanctuary--wouldn't. They're hot too, though. Is it weird to say I'm attracted to anyone who looks like they can provide for me? Or like, kill someone for me. I wouldn't want them to, but... y'know."
"...Right. And I like men."
"Ah, shit, I always get confused by this."
"Nationality is your country, so we're both from the NUSA."
"Right, and ethnicity is like... your culture?"
"Yeah, without getting too complicated. So you're Mexican."
"Little bit of Italian, too. Had a Nonna when I was a kid. Been dead a long time, though."
"You're depressing them!"
"You're about to make it worse. Go on, kid, tell us about your family."
"They don't need to know the sordid details. My dad was Chinese, but my mom's family and the clan raised me, so I'm closer to Mexican. See? Not depressing at all!"
"My heels are deceiving you, I'm only five-two."
"Ooh, so close to six."
"And you're nowhere near it."
"Misty keeps tellin' me and I forget every time."
"You're a Capricorn, and I'm an Aries. You know both our symbols have horns? Oh, new tattoo idea!"
"I'm down."
"Have you ever even eaten a fruit? Like a real one?"
"Kerry gave me a mango, one time. It was okay. I like the fucked up little strawberries we have here more."
"Oh, I love those. Yeah, strawberries for both of us."
"I love summer, but the heat makes me really sick if I'm not careful. So spring, I guess. Before the temps get too high."
"Winter, I think. Quieter in winter."
"Poppies! Look, I even have them tattooed. I adore poppies."
"Roses. No reason, I just think they're pretty, I guess."
"That's a reason!"
"Hm. What's the scent you use, V?"
"Sandalwood. Dunno what that is, but it's what the lotion bottle says."
"Okay, then sandalwood."
"Well, I like a lot of smells, but you're what came to mind first."
"Man, now I don't wanna say mine. 'Cause it's not whatever you're wearing."
"You don't like my perfume?"
"It's not bad, it's just not my favorite. I like vanilla."
"Ooh, vanilla is good. Especially when it's all warm."
"This one roasts me all the time 'cause I like brown sugar in my coffee. Like they don't put syrup in theirs."
"Okay, I do not roast you. I just have to point out that it's weird. Every time."
"Oh, I sleep like a rock. Usually at least 6 hours, but I'll nap during the day, too. Especially when it's hot out."
"Not many."
"Cats. Glad they're starting to make a comeback."
"Me too. Some areas that my clan would camp in had a feral dog problem, so I've never liked them. I haven't met many cats, but they've all been chill."
"I'd love to visit somewhere tropical. Someplace with a clean beach and nice water. Or somewhere snowy. Doesn't Japan have both?"
"Fuck if I know. I'm not really into traveling these days. Seen enough of this planet."
"Oh, this is a funny story. V and I used to live together in this horrible little one-room apartment, and I had to get rid of my mattress because something chewed a hole in it, so V let me share his bed until I could get a new one."
"Couldn't let you sleep on the floor. Would've been eaten alive by the roaches."
"It was still really sweet of you. Anyway, I guess he got used to having me there, and after I got a new mattress and went back to my bed, he kept getting more pillows until there was a human sized pile under the blanket."
"How do you know it was 'cause of you? Maybe I just like havin' a lot of pillows to choose from."
"Okay, okay. Sure. If that helps you sleep at night."
"Nah, my sixteen pillows help me sleep at night."
"Wait, shit, they were asking about blankets, weren't they?"
"You say one about me, and I'll say one about you."
"Hm. Gogo has a degree in mechanical engineering. Or most of one, right?"
"Well, we don't really have degrees, but I was working on my specialization when Augie got registered and we went static to take care of him. So, yeah, close to a degree. I would've had a special patch on my jacket and eventually been part of the logistics team."
"You ever regret not finishing?"
"No, Augie's more important."
"Yeah. I get that."
"Now, a random fact I know about V, is his favorite meal ever is fried polenta and spicy sausage."
"Yep. I'll never turn that shit down."
"And I like it 'cause it reminds me of cooking in camp with my clan. It's good stuff."
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babstheyaga · 4 months
Now, I don't want to make requests cuz i don't want you to feel forced at all, I'd hate to make you feel like that,but I think bee just deserves a good dose of cuddles and praises from yn, he's a sweetheart and he deserves love
(I personally don't like jazz, I love his design but can't stand him for the rest(wich is totally ok you made a great character))
(also have some questions about ratchet but I don't want to spoiler anything so do I send you a private message or ask it here anyway?)
I always put warnings for possible spoilers related to FMOD, so you can always ask any form of question in my inbox, but if you just don't feel like it, anyone and everyone is totally allowed to message me personally!
You're the first person I've heard say they don't like Jazz romantically! Wow! Interesting... Going to get my note pad and have to study you... Hmmmmm....
Also, here lol 🏃‍♀️
I DON'T fucking want it right now!
"SUCK IT UP! You haven't eaten in fucking 5 days, idiot! Give me your arm!"
I said I don't want it!
Arcee and BumbleBee were arguing. It was the first time I had seen them actually fight.
Arcee was trying to give him his needed feeding tube. It was a rather bad week, more so month, of him barely being able to eat anything. He was still muscular, but they were slowly fading, his ribs I had never seen before were morphing around his skin.
Arcee was having me hold his hand, it seeming to be the only thing that was stopping him from getting up and knocking the purple-haired woman's teeth out.
He was anything but happy, obviously he wasn't. I had never heard of the eating disorder ARFID up until I had met him. The more and more I stayed around him, the more problems I realized he had.
His normal food that he would go to was grilled cheese, or even half a jar of peanut butter, but this week, a bad week, seemed to be worse off for him.
He was refusing to put anything in his mouth, and I think not only me, but everyone around him was growing to worry if he was becoming more avoidant towards things he normally found comfort in.
He hadn't touched peanut butter in a solid three weeks because he said one jar tasted old. He found mold on a single slice of cheese and had a rage fit where he had to use a punching bag for three hours. And don't even get me started on the slightly color-faded m&m in his shareable bag...
He was getting worse by the day, and at this point, he refused to go into the same room as Ratchet in fear of him lecturing him.
And so here we are now, Arcee was the one who had to take matters into her own hands because he avoided everyone but her, me, and Jazz.
Do you have ANY idea what the hell is in that?!
"Vitamins, protein, ya' know, THINGS THAT KEEP YOU ALIVE?!"
I don't give a shit. Get it away from me.
"OOO you- I want to- I'm gonna- JUST." She took in an obnoxious breath, closed her eyes, and forced a very awkward smile. "Bee... Honey, sweetheart, darling... If you don't let me put this in your chesssttt," She had a sing-song tone, her face looking crazed. "Then I will be forced to put it in your nose!"
"BumbleBee?" My voice was low, soft, and fearful. His stare down with the absolutely livid female broke instantly, his expression softened and he shot his sight towards me.
He was in a gentle rut. All I needed to do was be sweet with him and he would swoon and melt.
"If you want, um... I can go get something to eat? Maybe some crackers or something?" I asked. "I-It can be like a little dinner date." It was slightly pathetic, I was never flirtatious with him, nor ever outright asked to do something romantic, but he looked like he took the bait.
The pure shock on his face stood for a long while, the three of us dead quiet, eager, desperate for him to answer in any way, shape, or form.
I was embarrassed, probably more than I should be. Me and him were more than just friends, obviously, we had to be. He took my virginity, he flirted with me, hell, he has the title husband for a reason.
He blinked, showing the first sign of movement. He looked down my body for a moment and now rapidly blinked as if shaking himself out of a trace.
Yeah... Yeah that would... He brought a hand to the side of his face, feeling the heat escape his darkening cheeks. Yeah sure. You can... Yeah...
I nodded my head, giving the faintest of appreciated smiles. I let my thumb rub the middle of his bent arm, trying my hardest to not only soothe him, but myself as well.
Arcee scoffed as loudly as she could and smacked a hand to her forehead, shook her head then stormed her way to the kitchen to grab me a box of cheez-its.
"You're doing good... If you need a distraction, I can talk about something. Whatever you need... I'll do my best to help."
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wandering-spaghetti · 3 months
Cheap Adventures & Elusive Prey
Picture it, 2016, a couple of poor young people move in together just starting out our independent, grown up (or so we thought) lives and a fish we didn't know existed.
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We were both working blue collar jobs and not making a lot, but also putting a teenager (my cousin) through school, including JROTC and FFA . Money was tight and we didn't have a lot extra to go out and do your typical fun things like movies or eating out. What we ended up doing in most of our free time was riding dirt roads on our way home from work. Ths evolved into stopping at every creek along the way to see if we could catch fish. You wouldn't catch us without fishing poles in the vehicle that summer!
And there we discovered one of our favorite things to do. Even now, eight years later and a lot better off you can still catch us creek fishing multiple times a year, especially in the summer. Fishing was fairly cheap for us to do and it was always so much fun because you never knew what you would catch. And finding new fishing spots was a challenge when we had the extra gas to ride around.
Several weeks into our fishing adventures I was talking to a coworker about some of our fishing experiences and he asked me if we had caught any Redfin Pike. I had never heard of such a fish so I was intrigued and asked him what it was and why they were special. According to him, Redfin Pike is a special kind of creek fish that is really hard to catch. They are elusive and don't bite just anything that drops into the water, they are also big fighters when you hook them despite being a small fish. They only get about 12 inches long. According to my coworker and other old timers I have spoken to apparently they are quite good to eat, talked about as a "chicken of the creek". He talked about them like they were almost a mythical fish. A unicorn, so to speak.
Part of what makes them hard to find is that they only thrive in running water, so many of the streams and creeks they used to flourish in have dried up or have been redirected to the point that they don't flow enough to be a suitable habitat for Redfin Pike.
My coworker also told me that they were bloodthirsty fish and that to catch them you would want to use a lure or other bait with red on it to resemble an open wound.
That was all it took, we were on a mission. A mission to find a unicorn. I mean, a Redfin Pike.
Armed with our favorite fishing gear and some new things we splurged on for this special fish, we headed out to some of our favorite spots. It took us a few weeks but eventually we did find a good fishing hole that was, if not teeming, then definitly well stocked with Redfn Pike.
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What surprised us though is that we did not catch the first ones off anything red as we had been hearing that Pike loved. We caught the first ones on a blue crappie grub while we were trying to catch Warmouths at a creek that ran through a friend's property. We were so surprised that it took us a minute to realize that we had finally caught a Redfin Pike!
They were everything we had been told and so much fun to catch. We went to that same fishing spot several days later and were able to catch a few more on a lure that is a favorite of my husband's, he has caught everything from Largemouth Bass to tiny Breem, and yes, Redfin Pike.
Picture below of my husband, so proud of catching a fish we had spent weeks trying to find, and our biggest catch to date.
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To this day we haven't eaten one of these so I can't speak for the taste but they are every bit as fun to catch as they are reputed to be. If you ever have the opportunity to fish in a creek in Georgia, be sure to keep an eye out for our elusive friend the Redfin Pike.
If you liked this post please visit my blog. The clicks really do help my self esteem :)
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aceofwhump · 1 year
Hi! TW for this ask: disordered eating/weight loss
Someone (Buck?) losing a bunch of weight for a not-good reason that maybe people aren’t aware of (depression/disordered eating/ED/medication side effects/illness/while recovering from an injury/whatever (if it’s buck, post bombing and/or lawsuit but yeah whatever) and the response as people realize being concern/food as a love language/care/comfort and support dealing with whatever it is (the cause and/or side effects, greying out, etc)
(honestly I don’t even know if this is a trope that’s out there I just have been hunting for it to read vs real life where people apparently are just like oh congrats 🫠)
Oooh I haven't read anything like this but it's definitely something I've thought about in terms of Buck. Mostly because of 4x06 Jinx that one line of his at the end of when he says "You ever get to that point where you haven't eaten in so long, you stop being hungry?" then they look at him funny and he says "Yeah, no, me neither." That one line has remained in my brain ever since and I just wonder about it all the time.
Anyways, I digress, no sorry I haven't read anything with this trope/prompt but I'd love to if anyone knows of any fics like this.
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greypetrel · 6 months
For the Florence + Machine prompts - 'this is the only thing I've ever had any faith in' for Radha Lavellan~
Hello! Thank you for asking, and thank you for asking Radha! :D I get her definitely too little attention, I’m glad she can have a moment for her own. It's long, so I put it also on Ao3.
Post game, post Monster fic, we’ll see what became of her and I’m fixing her and Aisling, I hate to see them quarrel and she had... Some things to sort out.
CW: mentions of childbirth and pregnancy. Very mild, there's nothing graphical, but better safe than sorry.
Tis the prompt list
Come Scoglio (🎶)
39. This is the only thing I've ever had any faith in
And you, you were the one I treated the worst Only because you loved me the most We haven't spoken in a long time I think about it sometimes I don't know who I was back then And I hope on hope (hope on hope) I would never treat anyone like that again Grace - Florence + the Machine
Radha didn’t want to come but Pavyn had insisted.
Pavyn had decided to go even before he asked for the hahren’s counsel. As most often when he made a decision, she discovered soon when she got back to the clan.
After the Darvaraad, she woke up in a dilapidated, but dry enough, ruin by the sea. The Eluvian was closed and inert, no matter how much she kicked and screamed. Her daggers were back in their sheathes, cleaned and polished, and all she was missing was her notebook, which she had to abandon in the Library when she was surprised by the Viddasala. There were no clues, no hints at all around her: whatever that building had been, its purpose was long gone, eaten by the sea and wind that blew from a façade that was missing and opened to the waves. She couldn’t activate the Eluvian, of course, and all she had to do, after beating the rooms carefully, looking for anything she could use and finding nothing at all save for some carvings depicting marine life, she walked off, seething in rage, delusion and desperation, and found herself in sight of Wycome. It made her all the more furious, because how dared he.
And still, she screamed at nothing at all, she cried, and she walked back to the clan, not knowing, now, without her notes, without a clue, where to head next.
Pavyn had been Keeper since a year, she discovered. And even if her bare skin caused some gasps and whispers, she got back to whatever her life before leaving had been. She wasn’t the same person she had been when she left, and everything in the light of what she knew felt… Pointless. Bleak. It didn’t matter anymore. The clan, luckily, was too busy to really mind her, and still remembered that she was on the solitary type. Life in Wycome was hectic, and, she discovered, proceeded with more ease than she had thought it would.
She didn’t participate much, even if Pavyn asked her to sit in the City Council with him, bring her experience in the Inquisition to good use. She refused. All that Aisling had done not listening to her but to her advisors bore fruit, and the Dalish and the city lived together in harmony. It made her all the more furious.
She was furious, because all she could think of when she thought of Aisling, was her face when she had stopped her from killing the very Dread Wolf, and how she hadn’t reacted with an apology when she had called her a traitor. And in all the years she had known her, Aisling had never apologized for something she wasn’t sorry for.
All she could think of when she thought of Aisling, now, was that she had doomed them all, and willingly. And what was the point of having saved the clan and contributed to effectively giving them a better chance at a stable life, permanently camped around a city that welcomed them and accepted Pavyn and Deshanna in the government? What good was it, if everything was for nought?
She just told the Hahrens that Aisling was a traitor to the People, that the Dread Wolf had her scent and she betrayed them all past forgiveness, working for an evil wizard she had put her trust in and saved against all better thoughts. The Hahrens, though, refused to listen to her without listening to Aisling as well on the matter. She had done good to them, after all, and paid a high price for it. She at least, Pavyn told her looking in her eyes with a finality to it, deserved to be listened to.
There was nothing to do but waiting.
Waiting for some strange elves to come and speak in the night of a future for elves all over Thedas. Strange elves that Radha took on the side, when she caught one talking to a couple of un-tattooed fishermen, and threatened to kill if they didn’t leave the city alone. She told the spy her name, and spitted to go tell his puppeteer just exactly whom she was. And to go fuck himself.
Waiting for an Aisling that never came back, just wrote.
She never read any of her letters.
And yet, somewhat short of four years later, Pavyn told the clan to pack their things, left just the older Hahrens and everyone who didn’t want to travel, and set the Lavellan off to another journey.
And told her, calm and collected as he did when he explained Nehnis that no, evoking refined sugar right from the Fade wasn’t anything he could do, that if she hadn’t come, he would have tied her and shut her into an aravel forcibly, and to stop being an idiot.
The farm was defensible, cozy, and filled with people and life.
All in all, it did look like a clan. A clan of Templars and former so of all ages and upbringings and grades of lucidity, to which added Dagna, Sera and the Chargers. Everyone able was working, helping out in the house, stables or in the fields, no one was much shocked to see a Dalish clan arriving, and they were greeted as any other visitor.
Aisling was very round with child and not happy to see them, not at first. There was the same stiffness about her that was there when she had to entertain aristocracy in Skyhold. Smiles and politeness, but from three steps away. Pavyn ignored that and hugged her, as did the rest of the clan. She exchanged with Radha but a brief glance, and she lost all the ease she gained with the welcoming as soon as their eyes met. It lasted but a moment, before Vyrina dragged her away and asked her if she could feel the baby kicking and how did she felt. She didn’t look for her again.
Radha was happy she didn’t. She didn’t want to be there, after all.
She made herself scarce, avoided everyone that knew her. She glanced Sera and she knew instantly that it would have been a fight: she shadowed Aisling even more than Cullen did as she walked along the farm and refused to just sit down and rest, told them that they were all too fussy, it was just a late pregnancy and she wasn’t dying. She laughed, adding a “not anymore” that made everyone groan.
They weren’t the first clan to visit, most likely, but Radha didn’t care. She just wanted for this baby to be born so they could return North, as she told her mother when she came and tried to talk her down her offense.
“At least come. Your brother, me and the other Hahrens here are listening for her, today. You were so adamant in condemning her, the least you can do is be there when she tries to defend herself.”
Her mother, she could hear it in her tone, wasn’t happy with her. Radha didn’t care. Radha stopped caring for much of anything when she discovered who exactly Solas was, and stopped caring about the rest when the person she thought was her sister and on her side defended him and not her, with the world at stake.
Aisling told the clan everything Radha had been silent about. She explained them about Solas, who he was, and how she yes, acted on his behalf without knowing it for much of her mandate as Inquisitor. And how yes, she discovered he was the Dread Wolf chasing for the Viddasala in the labyrinth, and willingly saved him from Radha.
Pavyn asked her if it was because he could save her life.
She answered yes.
But she would have done the same even if she hadn’t been on the brink of death.
It caused a ruckus, everyone started to buzz and talk, and she sat there, impassible with her hand on her belly, still as much the Inquisitor as Radha left her, even dressed in commoners clothes, even with her hair braided in a style Radha saw Fereldan women wear, even if years had passed and no one in the farm that hadn’t been there seemed to know exactly who she and Cullen had been. Dignified and solid in her position.
Radha just glared at her, but it was perfectly pointless.
“I refuse to believe he’s unsalvageable. You thought I deserved a chance to speak, even if I was ultimately the reason you all got targeted in Wycome. I don’t see why he shouldn’t deserve exactly the same. He saved my life time and time again, I wouldn’t be here if he was evil, and if you think I’m idle on the matter, you’re mislead.” She refused any help from Vyrina who jumped up trying to help, rose on her feet again, huffing and wobblying on her spot. Her balance, Radha noticed, was off. Finally, Aisling sought her out in the crowd, her green eyes staying on hers with fire burning behind them, and the next words were more for Radha than for everyone else. “But if thinking he deserve another chance makes me a traitor, than be it. He’s more powerful than any of you realise. If you really think that hate and open hostility will ultimately save us all, I am glad to call myself a traitor and die as one.”
Silence around, Radha held her eyes and clenched her fingers on her arms, her pride and rage flaring again.
“If you can excuse me, I have duties to attend. I will accept any decision you’ll come up with.”
Aisling just informed them and, bringing her hand to her heart and after bowing as much as she could without tripping, she turned her back and marched away back to the house, without turning her back.
The clan had a lot to talk, that evening, but Radha didn’t participate. She marched in the opposite direction, and entered her aravel, tired and… With a weird mixture of utter disappointment and frustration, and the old wound burning nastily.
How bitter, how much it tasted of salt to feel yet again that she was the third wheel in whatever mentorship relationship Aisling and Solas had. That even if he kissed her and called her Venhan and indeed told her first whom he was... what she thought was love vacillated and burst and turned to hate, Aisling’s didn’t falter, not after almost dying, not after losing an arm because of him. That she was still, after all this time, there to defend him, when Radha just wanted to stuck her dagger deep in his chest and see if there was actually a heart. She could cope with whatever happened and find her peace only if she found out there was none.
Bitter still, being left there to think that either Aisling’s affection faltered for her, and just for her. That she could make peace with Ydun of all people -she saw them talking the other evening, and laughing in the end. That she could make peace with the man who almost killed her and took her arm, and all she herself got was disagreement and the reminder in front of the whole clan that her rage served no one. It made her feel like it was all in her head.
She was called by at least three people asking her for help, but Radha just slammed the door of her aravel shut and tossed her jacket on the bench. Marched to the bed. If she was so despicable to be blamed for what she said, there was no point in helping out. See how much Aisling had helped her.
She stopped abruptly, focusing on the bed.
On her pillow lied her old notebook, the one she had lost in the labyrinth. Kept in pristine conditions, a little worn with time and stained in the ink she spilled when she had to flee, the latch around the cover, tied up with a bow.
A small piece of paper was folded beneath, in a terrible cursive she didn’t think to be still able to read so well.
I found it in the Library. Leliana insisted I should keep it, in case. I fixed the binding where it was ruined, didn’t touch the pages. I couldn’t do anything for the spilled ink. No one had time to decipher it, in Halamshiral, and I never attempted it, later.
I didn’t think you would have trusted it in any courier’s hands, so I was planning to give it back as soon as the Chargers made it to Wycome. You all came South first so here. It’s yours.
With-   Hoping it will-  I’m- A.
She screamed as she tossed it on the other side of the cart, and screamed some more in the pillow, not knowing what else to do.
She kept it. She found it and kept it for three years. Fixed it.
It was true that she would have hated for her to ship it with the first random messenger, and it made her so, so angry.
She wanted hostility, a good excuse to hate her truly and for good and give her reason to be angry. Not her notebook back and the rage still safely kept in her heart.
The child was born on a Thursday evening.
“Thursday child has far to go”, Vyrina declared, beaming as she gave the child, cleaned and checked that it was healthy, back to the mother who finally lied down on the bed. “It’s a healthy girl and before you ask: no, it’s too soon for curls.”
Radha left Aisling that she was crying, in joy this time, and didn’t turn back, even if she heard her call her name as she stepped through the threshold. Even if Cullen turned to try and stop her, too, running up the stairs back again.
She didn’t know how she felt.
Cullen had been shooed off the room, apparently for trying to tell his wife what to do in childbirth, and Deshanna had dragged Radha up to help in his place, pushed her into the room. She had kneeled in front of her and surrected her, better than what she could do with just one hand. Aisling just commented that it wasn’t a good moment for her to stop pretending she didn’t exist, and that was it. She accepted the help she was offered, and was all in all too preoccupied with more urgent matters to really do much else or to be hostile.
She wondered, as she entered her aravel, grunting everything was fine to the clan members that asked her for news. She told them it was fine, the baby was healthy. She didn’t stay to hear the name, and she didn’t care. She had nothing to do with it. She picked a small box with some first aid supplies she kept in a bag, always at the ready should she depart quickly.
Opening a jar she found inside took some effort, with her fingers not closing perfectly. They never did, not after she grabbed a knife and was late in reaching a healer. The tendons never healed properly. Beside that, she noticed with irritation that her hand was trembling. She ignored it and pushed through, managing to open the little tin. The elfroot paste was a little stale, but growing up with her mother she knew when it was too old to use, and that wasn’t it. She left the jar and the lid on the bed beside her hip, and quickly slipped her shirt out of her belt and up her head, examining her bare shoulder.
Aisling bit her, in instinct and in pain. Not hard enough to draw blood, but it left a sore, angry and purple. It was, all in all, better than just…
She spread the paste generously on her shoulder, putting more frustrated force in her fingers than she should have. Her hands were still trembling, and it frustrated all that much.
The hurt her sister gave her was done when she was in labour, tired and exhausted and in Radha didn’t want to know how much pain. The actual hurt. Nothing bad had happened, in the two weeks they’ve been there.
There had been no confrontation, Aisling hadn’t look for it. Not after three years of very sporadical letters between the death of Corypheus and the Exalted Council, and the next years of total silence.
And yet, Aisling knew her still, and knew her boundaries and how much she could push. She knew that forcing her to speak wouldn’t have worked. She answered the accusations, spoke her mind, and kept outside the limits Radha imposed.
The worst thing was that Radha knew that it went against what Aisling would have wanted to do. Which was to talk. After those years, she still was adapting to her boundaries first.
Exactly like-
“You can’t treat people like you treat horses, da’len.”
She wouldn’t think of him. Even if her mind, traitorous and confused and still in pain, went exactly there. In territories she hadn’t allowed it to roam in years.
She saw the drops falling on her trousers, painting them darker, before she realised she was crying.
Three years of being angry at the man she thought she loved for ultimately taking her sister away, at her sister for defending him and not her -and a part of her still knew that if she managed, she would be living with the consequences still- and said sister was still there, waiting for her to be ready to come closer. Keeping her things and giving them back. Calling for her name right after she gave birth.
She slipped down the bed and took her head in her hands, fingers splaying on coarse buzz-cut hair, and allowed herself to sob.
Three years of rage, and she was finally tired of it.
The farm was so busy with people that it looked like the Inquisition never ended, just moved. Leliana and Vivienne were missing, as well as Cole and Varric. The rest was all there, cramped together in rooms and tents and couches and in every available space.
Finding Aisling alone had been difficult.
Difficult, but not impossible. Radha just had to wait and be close enough to know, not enough to actually be seen and dragged in.
Well, there was Cullen with her, but neither him nor the newborn really counted, at this point.
They were discussing about food, standing in front of the other in the kitchen.
“I’ll be fine. If it’s a soup, it won’t require much effort.”
“You didn’t sleep and aren’t feeling well either. Let me help, I’m sure Doris will behave. It’s just soup, not baking, I can help you.”
“You gave birth three days ago, I just have a headache. Having something to do will help me, not you. Go and sit down.”
“Exactly, it was three days ago, I can stand for a while. She’s sleeping and well tied, my hand is free. Let me help and we’ll go sit down together, sooner.”
“It’s never sooner with you in the kitchen, love-”
Radha knocked her knuckles on the jamb of the door, loud enough to catch their attention. When they both turned towards her, Radha caught Aisling stiffening up, her hand instinctively going up to rest on- it hesitated on her stomach, and corrected its course up to the head of the child, securely wrapped to her chest. There was a moment of stasis between the three, before Cullen smiled at her and nodded.
“Just in time. Maybe you can get her to sit down and take a nap.”
“The bench outside is free.” Radha answered, unsure of it. Her eyes ran to Aisling, who was looking at her, unsure of what to do.
An invitation. Radha hoped she was really still the person she knew, even a little, and would accept it.
“I don’t want to bother you.” She answered, and Radha knew she meant more than just now.
“You do bother me, if you stay here.” Cullen announced with affection, making Aisling pout at him. “And if I ever partially knew your sister, she wouldn’t have asked if she wasn’t ready for a yes. Right?”
He turned towards her, expecting.
For all she mistrusted him when they first met, she had to admit that Aisling was right. On him as well. She nodded once, enough to signify a yes.
“Wonderful. Now go, I don’t want any of you three in my kitchen.”
Aisling grumbled, as she was gently pushed towards the door, and it only made him chuckle and bend down for a hug and a kiss. One to her, and one to the tiny head that peeked out from the cloth of the binding. A long strip of halla wool, dyed in teal and embroidered finely in golden thread, that the clan gifted her for the birth as it was custom.
Radha stepped on the side to make the other pass, and Aisling smiled at her, if somewhat awkwardly as if she didn’t exactly know how to behave.
Honestly, Radha didn’t know either.
So, they fell into old habits. She didn’t talk, nor Aisling pushed her too. Radha just nodded to the side, where she saw the free bench on her way there. A small stone one under a wooden arch that held a wisteria tree that climbed the arch and up on the side of the house. In the sun, but the leaves shaded it nicely: whomever had built it -for the stone was old and smoothed by wind, rain and snow, thought it carefully. Aisling refused help to sit down, and wobbled her way, grimacing a little but stubbornly making it on her own. With a relieved oomph when she finally sat and rested her back against the stone, bending her head behind and closing her eyes. She was tired, of course. Her hand kept absent-mindedly caressing the baby’s head, ruffling delicately hairs so fine they almost looked white in the light.
Radha sat beside her, but didn’t rest nor relax. She just looked before her, at the clothing line, the veggie garden and then the fields and the woods. It was a nice place, days still warm in the early Kingsway.
“I’m sorry I bit you.” Aisling broke the silence, after some minutes. “And… Well. For everything else I guess.”
A deep sigh escaped her lips. All that time, and her apology -which Radha knew would have come- meant nothing. All that mattered, right now, was that she was there.
Her, and her horse methods for people.
In spite of everything, it brought a smile.
She turned to look at her, and found out that Cullen was right: she looked tired, dark circles under her eyes and eyelids half closed, struggling to stay open as she kept caressing her daughter’s hair. Radha could have found out something to say, surely. She just apologized. Instead, she just told her.
And slouched a little beside her, on the backrest of the bench, crossing her arms to her chest and her legs on the sittee, with a sigh as she closed her eyes. Once again, as they had done hundreds of times as children and teens.
Aisling had trouble falling asleep at night, she either couldn’t or wouldn’t. So, when Radha was tired too, she just hugged her and closed her eyes beside her. Soon enough, Aisling lied down and in respect for her rest, closed her eyes. Or just stayed quiet not to disturb her. She knew because she wasn’t really sleeping. Not right away, and she felt her tossing and turning at her side.
Radha didn’t hugged her, today. She stood there, close but not enough to touch. Aisling didn’t toss nor turn. She just hummed a “Thank you.” And her eyes definitely closed, her breath slowed down.
Radha fell asleep too, lulled by the warmth and the sweet smell of a brand-new baby.
She awoke, a couple of hours at best later judging by the sun, with the child crying, shrill and seemingly very desperate, loud in her ears. Too close to it, actually.
Radha jolted up, realizing she leaned to the side in sleep, onto Aisling. Aisling who was already awake and fussing for the child, hushing her.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to wake you up.”
“Do you need help?”
“No, no, it can be- Ah.”
She slipped the cloth down her shoulder and very, very delicately, shifted the now thrashing newborn in a good position for feeding. With effort, still not used to it.
Radha turned, out of feeling still on edge and not knowing where to stand, and kept turned, ears alert in case she needed something. No request came, tho: she kept muttering nonsenses to the child, humming a song about food and milk and baby cows Radha was pretty sure she invented on the spot.
“There, all better now, no?”
It was the signal, said louder for the benefit of everything present, that it was done. Radha gently turned, and saw her there, an impossibly small child whose back she was tapping on her shoulder – she had forgotten just how little newborns could be- with the faintest of taper to her ears, smiling and relaxed. For the first time in her life she looked like she belonged, melting with her surroundings. At peace.
More at peace, when the child burped and Aisling cooed at her and cheered her as if she just learnt to speak at the mature age of three days.
Radha couldn’t understand, until now, why exactly did she decided to even have that baby. The thought had been offensive and she thought it egotistical. Seeing it for herself, tho…
She felt on the fence, the gate was open, and as much as she had believed she would have found only despise and contempt there…
There were a thousand of questions she could ask, a thousand she had for her, a thousand of whys she had on the tip of her tongue.
“What’s her name?” Was the only thing that jumped on her lips.
Aisling turned, and the same bright smile was for her, now. Tinged in sadness, still, but bright.
“Niamh.” She told her. “We wanted something short.”
“Andaran atish’an, Niamh.”
The child gurgled in all answer, and her mother giggled at it, eyes shining. She didn’t cry, tho. She concentrated on her baby, slipping her down her shoulder and in the crook of her arm, extremely carefully as if she was made of glass.
“I am sorry, Ra.” She told her, in the end. It encompassed everything and at the same time nothing at all. It wasn’t remotely enough to erase all that went through.
And yet. She was still there, and she wasn’t fighting back. She had accepted accusations and hate and silence and just stood there, weathering the storm, flexing under the wind. Unmoving.
Ghilan’nain for guidance. Her mother had said.
A stone in a storm, a fixed star to set your course too. It was soothing to know that even after all that time, even after everything… Aisling was still there where she left her. Accepting contempt and accuses and rage.
“I am, too.” She just answered, equally encompassing everything and nothing at all. “Can I-”
“Yes.” Aisling said back, before she could even finish, relief settling deep in her voice.
They giggled together at that, and Radha reached forward with her hand, caressing gently the head of the baby. Soft and velvety hair, fine like silk, and plushy cheeks like her mother.
“Do you want to hold her?” Aisling asked, tentatively.
Radha considered. Exhaled loudly.
“Maybe later.”
Aisling just smiled broadly at her, nodding in all answer.
No more words were said, no more words were needed, for now. They just sat there, relaxing in a rare moment  of quiet in a terribly crowded farm. The sun was gently setting beyond the woods, and everything felt at peace, finally.
For the first time in more than three years, Radha felt like there would have been a later.
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mimisempai · 1 year
Only I know how sweet you are
Frank wakes up before Bill and engages in his favorite activity, watching him sleep.
While doing so, he remembers their first meeting and marvels at how far they've come.
Some morning fluff and Frank calling Bill ‘honey’ is my favorite hc now..
On AO3
Rating G - 1035 words
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Frank woke abruptly to find Bill had wrapped his arm around his waist and was pulling him against him.
Amused, he realized that his lover had done this while he slept, and he found it rather endearing.
He turned slightly to the side and remained in that position, watching Bill sleep. It wasn't the first time, and he enjoyed the activity. He liked to see his relaxed face, the little puffs of air that came out of his mouth now and then, making the hairs in his beard stand up, the wincing that crossed his face, accompanied by little grunts because he was probably dreaming. All while holding Frank tight.
He put his arms around Bill and felt a warm sensation when he saw how the other man cuddled up against him.
How far they had come. 
"Oh fuck..."
Just when he thought the other man was going to leave him to rot in that hole, he returned with a ladder.
Frank climbed up the ladder as best he could, only to find a gun pointed at him. When he reached the top, the other man came up and ordered him, "Stop there."
Frank again obeyed, and the other man brought one of those devices to check if anyone was infected. Frank couldn't help but ask, "How did you get that?"
But the man did not answer as he placed the device on Frank's neck. The scanner beeped, and the man stepped back, waving his gun.
Frank finished climbing and finally came out of the hole with his hands up, the gun still pointed at him. Then the other man pointed to the right with his other hand and said, "Boston is that way. You can make it by nightfall."
Frank protested, "I'm really hungry. I haven't eaten in two days."
The man didn't respond, still holding him at gunpoint, so Frank took a chance and insisted, "That doesn't sound very long out loud, does it?" He couldn't suppress a small chuckle and continued, "It feels long."
But the man wasn't swayed and replied as coldly as ever, "I'm letting you go, so go.”
Frank wanted to try again, "All right, look. First of all, my name is Frank-"
The man cut him off and replied ironically, "Oh, yeah? Here's the thing, Frank. If I feed you, then every bum you talk to about it will show up here looking for a free lunch, and this ain't no Arby's."
Frank replied again, "Well, Arby's wasn't a free lunch. It was a restaurant," then he sighed and continued, "I-I won't talk to any bums or hobos or vagabonds about this, I promise."
Frank lowered his arms and sneered, "I mean, you already know I'm bad at lying."
Frank smiled poorly and a few seconds passed in silence, the man still pointing his gun at him.
Then he had welcomed him.
First for dinner.
Then for the night.
And now it had been several months.
Now Bill had come to trust him so much that he slept in his arms, defenseless. That he had allowed Frank to make a place for himself in his home. Which had become their home. That he no longer made a decision without checking with Frank. That he was not afraid to show his affection.
Tenderly, Frank was about to push back a strand of hair that had just fallen across his lover's face when he was interrupted by the drowsy voice of the object of his attention: "What are you doing?"
Frank blushed slightly as he replied, "I was just watching you. Since you woke me up so abruptly, I need to pass the time." 
Bill replied sheepishly, "Sorry, I didn't realize."
Frank chuckled softly, "There's definitely nothing you can do about it. Although the fact that you want me to get close to you even in your sleep is pretty sweet, I have to say."
If Frank had blushed a little a moment ago, Bill's face turned scarlet and not even his beard could hide it. He grumbled, "Where did you see that? I'm not sweet."
He hid his face against Frank's chest, who couldn't help but chuckle slightly before saying quietly, "Don't worry, I'm the only one who knows how sweet you are and I won't tell anyone. You have my promise."
Bill grumbled again, "I'm not sweet." 
But Frank could read him like an open book, and Bill couldn't hide the fact that the praise made him happy. After a few moments of silence, for the night favored confidences, Frank said quietly, "I have something to confess to you, honey."
Bill, who was always more than a little touched by Frank's use of that name, simply replied, "I am listening.
Frank put his hand on his lover's cheek and said, the emotion visible on his face: "I've never experienced anything like this. And yet, you know, I've had a few relationships. But you're really special, Bill."
Bill leaned his cheek into the palm of his lover's hand as he continued, "When I think back to the way we met, the way our relationship developed, I never thought we would get to this point. This is huge."
Bill chuckled again, "So imagine how I feel. Never in a million years did I think I would be able to experience something like this. Not to mention being in love and being..."
Bill paused before finishing his sentence, which Frank finished in one breath, "...loved."
Frank smiled as he continued, "Even after all this time, you still look like you don't believe it." Then, seeing Bill's sheepish look, he continued, "But that's okay, I have the rest of my life to convince you."
Bill, always the pessimist, replied, "Good luck with that."
Frank, who couldn't resist a challenge, pushed Bill onto his back and climbed on top of him. Pressing both elbows to the pillow on either side of Frank's head and his lips against his, he whispered, "Okay, then I'll start right now." 
As he pressed his lips to Bill's, he put all of his skill into his kiss, trying to convince his lover of his love in a way that was far more effective than words could ever be.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Bill and Frank masterlist : here
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wheelsupin-five · 2 years
wait what line at the end of jinx im blanking
"You ever get to that point where you haven't eaten in so long, you stop being hungry?.. Yeah, no me neither"
I literally go insane thinking abt this !! Taking his childhood into account it Makes Sense
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eponastory · 8 months
I've decided to throw another Evan story up.
It takes place seven years after Tell My Heart To Beat. This is a 4 or 5 part story that I haven't finished yet because of writers block, but it basically starts the day V goes to Dante with news of Urizen.
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Someone Help Me, I've Stopped Functioning
Chapter 1 - That Day In May
Rowdy's Diner was slightly packed on a Saturday afternoon right before Evan was to get off her shift. She was in the break room working on wrapping silverware for the next person to come in for a shift. She would be sitting in a booth out in the main dining room working on her chore, but the restaurant was full. The only thing she had left to do after that was grab some trash and tip out. Oh, and she had to grab a pizza on her way out.
Tonight was also Patty's birthday party, so Evan had to go back to Lady's apartment and change clothes. Smelling like greasy food was not on her list of things to do at a party where half the seniors at school were going to be. She really did not care for parties, but Patty was her best friend, so it would be a tragedy if she did not show up. Patty may not ever forgive her for not attending her eighteenth birthday party.
The blond had only been going on about it for a whole year. At some point, Evan had to tell her friend to shut up about it because she already said she was going to go. The worst part was that Patty had also invited Evan's father, but he either forgot or ignored the memo.
"Hey Evan, you got a minute?" Rowdy himself walked into the break room with a clipboard in his hand. He was a generous man, always making sure his staff was taken care of and had everything under control. "I need to talk to you about something."
"Yeah, I'm almost done with silverware if you don't mind waiting?" She looked up at the back haired man with a smile.
"Yeah, just meet me in my office when you're done." He smiled back at her before leaving the room.
She had been working at Rowdy's since she was sixteen. It was her choice to work there after it was decided she had to move in with Lady. It was a long story, but living with her father was not working out. Mainly because he was terrible at paying the bills and could barely take care of himself. He did try. He tried so hard to make it work, but there were some things that not even he could do.
As soon as she finished with the silverware, she put the bin next to the clean plates. There were only five minutes left of her shift, and she still had to go speak with Rowdy. She had no idea what he wanted, but it could not be bad. She was trying to save up for that post graduation trip she and Patty had been planning ever since they got into high school.
Stepping into Rowdy's office, she closed the door behind her as the man was typing away on the computer at his desk. She sat in the chair in front of him with a smile as he looked at her. His expression was neutral, which could only mean bad news... or he was getting ready to make cuts.
"You wanted to talk to me?" She asked him with her hands in her lap. She was slightly nervous about the whole thing.
"Yeah, I wanted you to hear it from me before rumors start spreading." He clasped his hands on the desk and looked her in the eyes. A nervous feeling crept up from the pit of her stomach. He was definitely about to make cuts on staff. He took in a deep breath before letting it out. "I'm selling the diner."
"What? Why?" There was no way. Rowdy's had been there since she moved to Capulet to live with her father. As a matter of fact, this was the first place she had eaten at after that horrible nightmare in the forest when she was eleven.
"It's just the right move, Evan." He gave her a sad smile. "We are barely making ends meet as it is. Saturdays are the busiest days, but the rest of the week is very slow. The quality of the food has gone down because we can't find good cooks or hard-working people like you." She frowned at the news. The economy did suck at the moment. Money was tight, and even her father had a hard time finding a decent paying gig.
"So, what does this mean for me?" She pointed to herself. Of course, it was her right to know what was going to happen to her job.
"Well, there are a couple of options." Rowdy was definitely going to make sure she was taken care of as she was his youngest staff member. "You can stay on with the new owner, or I can help you get a job somewhere else. Of course, while you are looking, I'll keep paying you. I'm not just going to let you go without." Thankfully, the man in front of her did care about her a good deal since he had become like a surrogate uncle. Plus, he was friends with her father in some capacity.
"Do I have time to think about it?" She smiled nervously. "I've got graduation in a week, and I don't want to really make a decision right now."
"Yeah, of course. Take all the time you need." Rowdy smiled at her as she stood up from the chair and smoothed out her black shirt. "You better go tip out and grab your Dad's pizza."
"Yeah, right." She smiled at him before she left his office. It was exactly five in the afternoon as she made it to the break room where her locker was.
Removing her apron, she bundled it up before unlocking the locker she had her purse in. It was a small black leather backpack coveted in button and enamel pins. Throwing it over her shoulders, she slammed the locker shut before heading to the front of the diner to get her credit card tips. She had plenty of cash in her back pocket from her shift during the day.
"Hey Evan, headed out?" Kaley was at the register for the night shift. The red head was one of the older women in the place just looking to get out of her house.
"Yeah. There should be a pizza for me back there somewhere." She looked over the counter towards the to go stand behind the older woman. "Yep, there it is." She pointed to the pizza box resting on the second shelf.
"For your Dad?" Kaley turned to grab the pizza box, then put it on the counter in front of Evan. "One Supreme, no olives, extra cheese and pepperoni... right?"
"Yep, and my tips too." She smiled as she watched the woman open the register and pull out at least forty dollars of cash out. Of course, about twelve of that was going to pay for the pizza. Kaley handed her the cash, only taking out what was needed for the pizza. "Thanks, Kaley!"
"You're welcome, kiddo." Evan picked up the pizza before going back through the kitchen and clocking out.
She grabbed a bag of trash and headed towards the back door, telling her coworkers bye as she went. As soon as she was out the back door, she looked around to see if anyone else was in the back alley. The trash bin was a good twenty feet away on the other side of the alley. She smirked as she threw the bag up in the air, then jumped up, giving the bag a good kick. Sometimes, she liked to let loose, but most of the time, she played normal human beings.
With good aim, the bag full of trash managed to land into the bin without busting this time. Last time, it busted everywhere, and she had to run away quickly. How she managed to do this without dropping the pizza was pure skill. Maybe her talent for martial arts had something to do with it, but she chalked it up to practicing with her father as often as possible up until she was seventeen. Then school got in the way.
Her father's shop was only five blocks away, so she normally walked there without a problem. Sometimes, Patty would meet her outside the diner after her shift, but that was not likely to happen tonight. Instead, she was alone as she passed random people on the sidewalk.
As soon as she was on the steps of the shop, she knew her father was likely sleeping in his chair with his feet up on the desk. That was typical of him in the afternoons. Of course, with graduation so close, she had not seen him in a couple of weeks. She did not even bother knocking because he probably knew it was her as soon as she entered.
Sure enough, he was exactly in the position he was always in when she visited. She sighed as he did not move a muscle, obviously sleeping underneath the magazine covering his face. She rolled her eyes as she felt the stuffiness of the shop and the lack of lighting except for the sunlight coming in from the windows.
"I smell food." His voice was slightly muffled from the magazine on his face, but that was quickly remedied when he removed it and put it on the desk with a yawn. "Well, look what the cat dragged in."
"If you would answer your phone, maybe you'd know I've been getting ready for graduation." She stepped closer, setting the pizza down on his desk. "You didn't pay the bills again." She said as he set his feet on the floor and ran a hand through his silvery white locks.
"Yeah, no gigs." Dante lifted the lid of the pizza box and smiled as the fragrant steam rose up off the tasty food underneath. "That smells good." She was pretty sure he had not eaten in a few days. Which was not uncommon for him since he had told her many times he did not need food often, but it was one of those things that he loved way too much.
"Dad, when was the last time you cleaned this place up?" Evan commented as she looked at all the paper, beer bottles, and pizza boxes on the floor. She was worried he was slipping again, which he only tended to do when he was alone. There were only two times he had slipped when she was there, but those had been extenuating circumstances. "Have you even been out of this place lately?"
"Haven't felt like it." He chomped down on a slice of pizza as she went to sit down on the red couch away from him. "Last time I went anywhere was when we went to the arcade a couple weeks ago."
"Ugh... seriously, Dad, you've got to stop this bullshit." Evan threw her hands up in the air and leaned back against the couch. She put her hands over her face and then sighed. "I mean, I've been busy, but would it kill you to come see me at work or something. I'm literally five blocks away. You can walk!" All of this was coming out of her need for her father in her life, but he continuely had this bad habit of letting the past consume him.
"I know... I know." Dante said softly as he put the pizza down and stood up from his chair. "I'm a shit dad." She did not mean to hurt his feelings over it, but he needed to hear it.
"You aren't a shit dad, you just have problems... like me." She watched as he came over and sat next to her on the couch. "I just get scared when you get depressed because you do this whole self doubting thing, and I start doubting myself. I don't like it." She put a hand on her chest as she turned to face Dante. "I mean, we both have messed up childhoods. I had mom until I didn't, but then I had you, and now I'm getting older. I want to do my own thing, but I don't want to be worried about you." She started to tear up. She looked down at her hands.
"Hey, don't do that." Dante put his hand on her cheek. "I'm sorry that you feel this way, and I never meant to make you worry." There was so much emotion in his eyes that she had no choice but to start crying. She was always a crybaby around him. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to his side. "To be honest, I miss you being around all the time, so it's lonely."
"Yeah, well, five freaking blocks, Dad." She sniffed as she leaned into his side and wiped her eyes. "And Lady's place is like right up the street." To be fair, they had not had a movie night in some time.
"I know." He kissed the top of her head. "I'm sorry, Princess." There was heavy guilt in his voice, which no one would probably ever hear but her. They sat there in silence for a bit, with Evan just enjoying the protective comfort of her father.
Dante, on the other hand, was currently allowing all the guilty thoughts to race through his head. He was never fit to have children, not with the traumatic childhood memories and the constant fights with world ending demons. This was half the reason he elected to keep his own nephew at arms length. But Evan, she was a different story altogether.
The moment she was put in his arms as a newborn, his heart was hers. He never admitted it to anyone the entire eleven years the two of them were apart. Then, somehow, he found her in a forest in the middle of winter, and he never wanted to be apart again. In hindsight, he could have done so much better for her, but he had a nasty way of letting the past pull him down.
What was worse is that Evan had needed him during those times he was barely able to keep himself together. The older he got, the more he wanted to fall apart, so he just stopped trying to keep himself together. It was exhausting. He tried so hard to keep it together for her, but the guilt and the pain always got in the way. The worst part is that he knew he was a terrible father and if it were not for Lady, and sometimes Trish, Evan may have suffered more.
And he blamed himself for it.
Although, he really had no example to go off of since his own father was just as shitty. Sparda was all for saving humanity, but he neglected to stick around for his own family. Dante still held a lot of resentment towards his father for setting this path for him and Vergil. He only hoped that Evan would not resent him for the choices he made. The one thing he loved the most was hurting because of him. Well, maybe not just Evan, but Nero as well.
Those two... three kids, because Patty had become a surrogate daughter too, were what made the world a better place.
"Dad?" Evan's voice knocked him out of his thoughts. He gave her a squeeze.
"What?" She sniffed as he leaned his head on top of hers.
"When was the last time you showered?" He closed his eyes and chuckled at her question, then pulled away from her.
"I guess it's been a hot minute." He lifted his left arm and took a wiff. Yeah, he needed a nice long shower, but it was not that bad. Nothing a little cologne could not fix. Of course, he had left his coat on the rack behind the desk so there was a chance it could cover up some of the musk. "Yeah, it's been a while. No water."
"You know you could just go to Lady's and take a shower." He groaned as he got up off the couch and stretched. "She's home right now, actually, and it will get you out of here for a bit." Well, he could use a change of clothes as he had been wearing the same black shirt for at least four days now.
"Alright, fine." It was a good excuse to spend some more time with his daughter. He had not walked her home in a while, so why not. "I'll go get some clothes together." He grabbed her ponytail and flipped it around playfuly before making his way to the stairs. "Mind locking up for me?"
"Sure." She also had to call Lady and let her know that Dante was going to hijack her shower for a bit.
Ten minutes later they were walking side by side down the sidewalk in the late afternoon sun. Summertime meant longer daylight and the sun did not set until about seven thirty. Evan had to be at Patty's party by eight, but really she could show up whenever the hell she wanted. There were rules when it came to parties. Dante had taught her that.
"So, what are you doing tonight?" He asked her as he adjusted the bag over his shoulder that held his clean clothes.
"It's Patty's birthday today, so she's throwing a party." He groaned and rolled his eyes. "She's only been talking about it all year, Dad."
"I forgot it was today." The third day of May was just a normal day to the regular folks of Capulet. However if anyone were in any way associated with one Miss Patty Lowell, they were invited.
"Yeah and she pretty much invited the entire graduating class." She shuddered at the thought of having to be in the same room as most of them. Evan was not into the popular crowd that Patty was in as the fashionista of the entire senior class. "She even invited you."
"I must have missed the memo somewhere." He smirked at her. She knew her father was absolutely not into hanging out with a bunch of teenagers. She could not blame him. "That's okay, I'll live vicariously through you."
"Spoken like a true adult." She elbowed him as they walked. "Anyway, she's probably been trying to call for hours now. My phones been dead for a while too." She pulled her phone out of her pocket and showed him the blank screen.
"Which is why I don't have one of those. I'd never get any sleep." He was what the kids called a 'boomer' for not keeping up with technology. She often teased him about that, but to be fair, he had no need for things like that. "Wouldn't know how to use one anyway."
"Just wait, you have a birthday coming up." She wiggled her white eyebrows with a mischievous smile on her face.
"Don't remind me." He put a hand on her shoulder as they made it to the door of Lady's building. "I'm pretty sure people will start calling me old man if I don't shave this mess on my face."
"It's not that bad, but yeah, probably so." They made their way up to the third floor where she lived with the woman she saw as her surrogate mother since she was eleven. She unlocked the door and opened it, letting herself in with Dante behind her. She could smell something good coming from the kitchen. "Hey, Lady, we're here."
"Oh good, you brought stinky with you." It was not unusual to see Dante there, since the two adults had been friends for well, forever now. The huntress was barefoot in the kitchen wearing shorts and a shirt with her favorite band on it. "You know the drill, Dante. Clean up after yourself." She pointed a spatula at him with a glare in her bi colored eyes.
"I'm gonna go change and get ready for Patty's party." Evan said as her father headed to the guest bathroom down the hall next to her room. "Oh, did you get her a gift?" She asked Lady, who was stirring the pot of stir-fry.
"Yeah, it's on my dresser." The eighteen year old gave Lady a thumbs up before retreating into her room to change into something less greasy smelling.
It did not take her long to change into a fresh pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, and the white leather jacket that her dad gave her last birthday. She untied her ponytail, letting her wavy hair fall just past her shoulders so she could comb through it with her fingers. She looked in the standing mirror to see if she was decent enough before throwing on a little lip gloss. By the time she was done, she could hear Dante's voice from the kitchen as he poked fun at Lady.
"Hey, you said it, not me." Lady said as Evan walked out of her room with her little backpack slung over her shoulders. "Besides, there's been some shady people walking around here at night."
"When have we ever not had shady people in this part of town?" Dante rebuted as he leaned against the counter on his forearms. Lady gave him a look.
"You know what I mean." She dished up her stir fry onto a plate. "As long as they don't bother me, I'm fine. Otherwise, I've got Kalina Ann to deter the hooligans."
"Whatever you say, Lady." He smirked as Evan walked into the kitchen. "Hey, Princess, you're looking better."
"You smell better." The teenager said with a deadpan look, only to get a glare from her father in return. He had definitely changed into some clean clothes, specifically that faded navy henley shirt and leather pants he usually wore these past couple years.
"Funny." He told her. "Anyway, I need to get back home. Thanks for the shower." He grabbed the bag he came with. "You coming?" He looked at his daughter, who nodded before following him out the door.
"I'll be back later, Lady!" Evan said, following him out the door and shutting it behind her.
The sun was setting as they made their way down to the bottom floor. Once at the bottom, Evan made her way over to a pair of motorcycles that had been parked in the breezeway of the building. She pulled her keys out of her pocket as Dante stood there watching with a smile on his face. He had saved up a lot of money to get her the white one for her sixteenth birthday. Of course, he had been saving money for her since she was born, but she did not need to know that.
"You want a ride?" She asked him as she rolled the bike out to the street and putting the kickstand down so she could tell him bye. "I'll let you drive." She smiled.
"Nah, I'll walk." He wanted to enjoy the last bit of daylight before he became a hermit again. "Besides, me and that bike don't get along." The throttle was a little fussie with him, but Evan preferred it.
"Okay then." She walked up to him, giving him a hug. "I'll stop by after the party to say goodnight." Dante kissed the top of her head after he wrapped his free arm around her.
"Yep, have fun. Don't get in trouble, make good choices... you know the drill." He let her go and watched as she got on the bike.
"No promises." She started up the bike and gave it a rev. "Love you, Dad." She said before putting the kickstand up.
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"Love ya too." He waved at her as she rode off down the street.
It seemed like yesterday that she was this tiny, underweight little girl that had survived for months by herself in a forest. Now she was a healthy teenager blessed with youth and had a pure heart. She grew up too fast. Not that he could stop that from happening, but he missed a lot of her life before then. For that, he had a lot of resentment towards her mother's family.
He sighed as he began walking back to his shop alone. If he was lucky, he might get a visit from Morrison in the next few days. Not likely as there was not much going on with demon activity. There was a lull right now and it was sort of strange.
Although, Nero had been pretty busy last he heard, so that was good. Oh well, back to the shop for the rest of the pizza and a nap.
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servin-up-surveys · 9 months
survey #184
Are either of your parents engaged but not married yet? No; my mom hasn't really dated anyone since my parents split, but my dad remarried; it was apparently his current wife's idea though because she's very religious and didn't want to live together but not be married.
Do you cuddle with your pet (if you have one)? Yes.
What college did you want to attend as a kid? NC State.
Do you have a pet gecko? No, but I do WANT a fat-tailed gecko one day.
Are you scared of reptiles? Not at all, I love reptiles.
Honestly, have you ever eaten raw cookie dough? lol of course, who hasn't at some point.
Where would you most like to go in your state, etc that you haven’t been? Blue Ridge Mountains. I've ridden through the Appalachians when going to Tennessee to visit my brother as a kid, but we didn't actually stop to spend time there. I have very faint memories of it being fucking stunning, though.
Who was the last member of the opposite sex you laid in a bed with? Girt.
About what things are you most selfish? Alone time. I know I become really unpleasant if I seriously need but can't get it in that moment.
Are you camera shy? Why/why not? Yes, because I think I basically always look ugly.
What is one small thing your significant other does that makes you happy? If you are single, what is one small thing a friend does to make you happy? He's really good at catching how my anxiety might interpret something he says or does, and when he does, he'll immediately clarify so my brain doesn't wander to bad places. He does this even on occasions where I didn't over-evaluate, and I appreciate it A LOT.
From inside of your house, how many doors lead outside? Two.
Who was the last person to give you flowers? Girt.
What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up? Internet, easy.
Do you like BBQ sauce? No, I actually hate it.
Did the last person you kissed ever give you a hickey? It's not something he generally does and I don't think he means to either, but yes.
How many subscribers do you have on your YouTube channel? 74, apparently. I haven't uploaded anything in years.
If you could have a car in any color you wanted, which color? Pink, hypothetically. I know that's generally a custom thing though, and I would not pay extra just for the color to be pink. Out of "normal" colors, I'd definitely pick burnt orange.
What is your favorite Avril Lavigne song? "Nobody's Home" has slapped since 2004 and it's never gonna stop.
What was the last thing you were mad at a doctor about? My fucking wonderful psychiatrist was going to have me stop a medication cold-turkey (one I'd been on for a long time, btw); it was my mother, NOT the professional, who was like "wait shouldn't we wean her off of this?", and this fucking idiot was like "oh yeah let's do that." The place I'm currently going to for psychiatry is fucking insufferable and has a horrific reputation on a large scale, like there is ZEEEEEEERO excuse for A PSYCHIATRIST to plan on abruptly stopping a psych med, never mind one that's deeply settled in my system. That shit can be catastrophic, this is common fucking knowledge for people who are medicated for mental illnesses.
Is your mother a lesbian? No, she's straight.
Do any of your close friends NOT have a Facebook account? Yeah.
Would you ever consider getting dreadlocks? No, definitely not for me.
When was the last time you swam in a pool? Like a week and a half ago; my mom and I went to our friends' Summer and Lolita's house to hang out, it was a great time. I got burned a bit though.
What was the last thing you said out loud? I thanked Mom for dinner.
Have you ever wanted to be a nurse? No.
Who or what do you worship? Nothing. Nature would be the closest, but "worship" isn't the right word for my relationship with it. I don't see actual divinity in it, I just immensely respect it.
What was the last song you listened to on repeat? uhhhh actually good question
What song do you want played at your wedding? Do you mean like, the first dance song? Because I definitely want many songs to be played throughout the whole event, I'm totally making a playlist lmao. I'm not certain, but a part of me wants "If It's Love" by Train, it's one of my favorite love songs ever and is so fun and celebratory. I'd want my spouse to have a say too, though; the wedding isn't just mine.
What are three of the most painful things you have ever stepped on? I don't know, really.
If applicable, what song are you listening to right now? None, I'm watching a Super Best Friends Play video.
If you could choose three US states to visit, which three states would you pick? Alaska, Arizona, and Wyoming.
Have you ever donated blood? Twice now, and I absolutely wanna do it more often following this last time; it was very fulfilling, and getting an email so quickly after about where specifically my donation was used (West Virginia) was truly profound, like I know I did something that mattered immensely to somebody.
Would you rather attend a yoga class or a Zumba class? Yoga; I used to do it daily and I truly loved it. I got in the best shape of my life with it.
Have you written anything down today? Yeah I keep track of when I have a soda in my calendar/planner with an "x" on the day I have one, and I did today.
Do you own a pair of pink pants? I have a pair of pink with white polka dots pajama pants, but not a kind I'd wear in public.
Do you normally eat healthy? Saying "healthy" feels like a lie, but I definitely don't make a habit of eating very unhealthy either, and I've gotten better with it over time; I'm more conscious of what I'm putting in. I do have bad streaks too though, especially with being an emotional eater dealing with depression and such. My mental health is truly what kills my ability to properly diet, because when I'm sad or dealing with anhedonia, I want to eat something.
What is the best compliment you’ve ever received? It hits me really deep when Girt has told me I make him a better person. I make plenty of mistakes, and sometimes I can't see past them myself, so it means so fucking much to me to hear I even inspire goodness in others.
Do you believe in miracles? No; a "miracle" is just science we don't understand yet. Things don't happen for no reason, that's not how the world works.
What are three ways in which you are not normal? I'm mentally ill, neurodivergent, and uhhh... idk, my weight? It qualifies as obese and that's not the textbook figure of a human, I guess. I feel weird answering with that though because I don't want to make it sound as if being obese makes someone not "normal."
Which genre of music do you listen to the most? I think industrial metal.
Last person you kissed, are they into any type of sports? Which ones? No.
Does your best friend have a job? He does; he's been there like ten years though and he's very done with his current position, so he's anxiously waiting to hear back about a different position in the company. Poor thing's been worrying himself to death about it.
Do you ever visit people at work? Not really; on one occasion Mom and I did bring Girt lunch, and I definitely WANT to keep doing that for pretty much ever, but it's not a regular occurence obviously. Non-employees can't even go in the building, he had to take a looong walk to the parking lot, lol.
When you move out your house (or if you already have moved out) do you plan on still visiting your parents' house? Absolutely. I thoroughly intend to invite my mom over for dinner once a week, but I'd also be totally fine with visiting her for it sometimes, too. It tears my mom the fuck apart how Ashley and Nicole make her feel so uninvolved, unseen, and unloved, and I fucking will not do the same.
Do you usually take home leftovers if you eat out in a restaurant? I generally will if there's a good amount left, otherwise I don't see the point in scraps, really.
Have you ever ghost rode the whip (put your car on auto and dance next to it as it’s moving)? Do you want to? I remember when this first started and I think it's probably the fucking dumbest Internet trend I have EVER seen.
Why did you stop liking the last person you liked? If you're excluding Girt since he's the current person I like, then it's because she was honestly a terrible "friend" to me that made me feel like the biggest annoyance/inconvenience to engage with. Then, y'know, the Nazi thing. Supposedly she left that ideology behind but frankly I don't believe her for half a second, it's not like she hasn't made a long-going habit of lying online.
What do you think of long-term relationships? That's always my goal, getting into a relationship. I don't do flings and stuff like that; if I'm in a relationship with you, you can be confident that I want this with you, if things go right.
Do you have a lot of social media accounts? Do you update them all regularly? I guess I do? It kinda depends on what you classify as truly social media, too. I try to keep things pretty up-to-date.
When you’re in trouble, do your parents ever “middle name” you? lol Mom has.
When was the last time you got a new tattoo or piercing? Do you have any plans to get either in the future? I got my most recent tattoo finished in... May, I think? It's been a very long time since I got a piercing, but I want more of both of those. I think my next tat will be one that covers my "ohana" one on my collarbone; I'm thinking a snake coming from behind my back and over that upper right part of my chest. I'm just so not a person who's meant to have this tattoo; I'll leave anyone behind if they turn to shit, I don't care what we once had, and besides, I got it as a thing with someone I can't stand anymore anyway. Do yourself a favor and NEVER get a tattoo whose worth is tied to another person, I've done a bad job at that.
Are you patriotic at all? Why/why not? No, because the USA is a country that is shit and smells like shit but the shit itself doesn't realize it's shit.
Are you any good at packing a suitcase? NOOOOOO, packing actually REALLY stresses me out because I'm convinced I won't put everything in "right."
Have you ever had a white hot chocolate? What did you think? I never have, no. I don't prefer white chocolate, it's too sweet to me.
Do you ever get eczema? Yeah, on my hands and arms, generally.
Have you ever mowed a lawn? No, this honestly sounds like hell.
Is there anyone you would do literally anything for? No, and I think this is a very unhealthy mentality to have. I wouldn't murder someone just 'cuz my mom asked me to.
Have you ever done a “knock-and-run” prank? I'm guessing you're referencing ding dong ditch, in which case, no. It's stupid.
Have you ever stabbed a friend in the back, intentionally or not? I mean, I guess not keeping an old friend's Nazism a secret when she was very serious about me doing so is technically stabbing her in the back. It's not something I regret doing though, because I don't protect the feelings of Nazis.
What’s the longest you’ve ever slept in one go? I'm not sure. It was either an occasion when I spent the night with Jason but didn't fall asleep until like 6 AM and woke up like 12 hours later (I remember this because I had an extreme panic attack over my daily rhythm being completely thrown off, like I woke up at sunset), or maybe a time when I had my concussion, or maybe a migraine incident. Maybe the time I finally passed out asleep after a three-day manic streak, but I can't quite remember when I intially woke up, around dawn-ish.
Have you ever dated someone with an accent different than yours? No.
Have you ever worked two jobs at once? No, I've never been able to maintain even one job...
Who does most of the housework around your house? My mom, admittedly. I've definitely gotten better about it though as my legs have improved.
Do you enjoy the smell and taste of cinnamon? Absolutely.
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deke-rivers-1957 · 11 months
The Greatest Hero in the Empire Part 12
"How did a slave like you get to be this size Toby?"
The empress said my name. I'm starting to realize that she's only going to say my name when we're alone. I guess that makes sense since I'm still a slave to everyone else. This is the first time she spoke to me in some time. I still have issues speaking so I hope the empress doesn't think I'm nervous.
"I. Was born this size, my Em-emp-empress. I do-don't know wh-where my size and st-stre-strength came from."
I hope the empress understood what I meant. I wasn't really born this big but it just seemed to work out that way. No one ever came up to me and made me so big and tall.
"What were your slave duties before being forced to fight as a gladiator?"
I haven't done anything any of the other slaves haven't. I just somehow made it easier to lift big things and break small fragile things. I guess the best way to answer is to say where I had to serve.
"I. Was ser-serv-serving my ma-mas-master on his farm. I. Spe-spent a lot of time out-outside. I did any-anyth-anything I was asked."
My answer seemed to be good enough for the empress. She didn't hit me or say I was foolish. If anything she seems to be looking at something.
"That explains your skin color. Is it possible for mine to look like yours if I were to spend time outside?"
Now I'm very confused. Why would the empress want to spend a lot of time outside? If she spent a lot of time outside she'd have to do a lot of heavy lifting and could hurt herself. I don't dare tell her that so I try to answer the best I can.
"I guess so. Mo-most slaves have darker skin li-like me. If my Em-empress went out-outside you, you would need to wo-work a long time."
She touches my hand and my heart starts to beat faster again. She's probably using that goddess magic on me again. She looks at my hand like she's trying to figure something out. Is that why she asked me about my skin color?
"Very interesting. How can someone of your size and stature be kept a slave?"
When she looks at me I start to turn red and feel myself looking away. This has to be her goddess magic. I just know it. I can't even think straight while she's touching my hand.
"I. Was ra-raised as one. I le-lear-learned how to take or-orders. I'm. Not sm-smart en-enough to do things on my own."
I hope my answer was good enough for the empress. I don't want her to punish me for answering her question wrong. I don't think my heart could take it.
"No I mean how has no one looked at you and not properly utilize the gift they were given?"
I'm ashamed that I didn't seem to understand what she asked me. I can't even think of a way to answer this question. I definitely don't want to lie or not answer her at all. Maybe she knows something I don't.
"I don't know."
I'm ashamed that my answer isn't good enough. I just hope she doesn't punish me for answering wrong. I have no idea why people treat me the way they do other than I'm a slave.
"Were you ever told your age?"
I hope the empress just wants me to answer honest. It makes me feel so small that I don't know the answer to anything she's asking me. I'm so ashamed all I can do is shake my head as an answer.
"Have you stopped growing yet?"
I look at the empress and I hope she can't see that I'm about to cry. The way she asks all these questions makes me think she knows things about me that I don't even know. Like she knows me better than I know myself.
"No, my emp-empress. I'm. Still gro-growing".
At this point I'm ready to just break down and cry. I might be big and tall but the empress' making me feel like I'm a child. If I haven't even stopped growing yet that probably tells her that I'm not a man yet. She probably doesn't want anything to do with me now that she knows I'm not fully grown yet.
"How have you eaten before being brought here?"
I try to pull myself together. At least with this question I have a better idea on how to answer. I just hope the empress doesn't shame me because I can't help what I've been given to eat.
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