#[aren't I a big weenie]
itsthesinbin · 9 months
Can you pls make a reader x prismo nsfw headcannons(from adventure time)
uuuuuh ill be honest i didnt watch the entire series so theres some characters im not as familiar with BUT i will do my best
Prismo (Adventure Time)
Very. Awkward. Both by his personality and the nature of his body. It's hard to fuck a being that is.... not 3D.
SO intimacy mostly involves mutual masturbation (one of my favorite things). It's a bit embarrassing for you both, and it takes a hot minute to get comfortable doing it. But nothing gets him going more than you effectively sitting on him and getting yourself off.
Yes, he does magic in sex toys.
He can manipulate three dimensional objects, so he will get you off- usually with just one of his hands. The feeling of him settled on you is odd, to say the least. You ever think really hard about something touching you and you feel a sensation in that spot? Kinda like that, but more intense. It almost feels like he's touching you from under your skin and manipulating your very nerves. No other guy makes you feel like that, that's for sure. It's very intense, though, so he's a little scared to do it too much and overwhelm you.
You probably won't stay in the time room 24/7 until much later- closer to the end of your lifetime. So from time to time you put on a show back in your home, knowing Prismo likes to check in on you when you aren't with him. You always get that sense of being watched (in a good way) when the tv is tuned to your universe, so you'll give a little wink to the "camera" and pull out one of Prismo's favorite toys.
He CAN affect you even if you aren't with him. The feeling of being watched. Tingles down your spine out of nowhere. You'll sometimes ALMOST hear him in the back of your mind- more like impressions of suggestions rather than his actual speaking voice. He does it while you're working. It's only fair, since you tease him while HE'S working.
That being said, when you're face to face, he is SO shy. He stammers, avoids your eye, starts blushing and changing colors. He's a big weenie.
He WILL crack a joke often, though, just to break the tension for himself.
Cuddling isn't really a thing in the traditional sense, but he'll make a little beanbag seat with blankets for you and have his hand "on" you. The feeling isn't as intense over a blanket, so it feels more like weight than direct stimulation. It's nice.
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Hi there my bbg (big black guy 🥰🥰)‼️‼️‼️ I have a teeny weeny request to make. How about f!child reader x Hantengu(s)?
Here's plot:
So, basically, Hantengu is getting chased by slayers, right, and it's also bright out. So, he runs and runs, but bumps into a child who somehow catches the speedy lil fuck and takes him home, thinking he's cute and y'know "you're my friend now :D" type shit. But then, here's the thing, child reader is an orphan and the brothers and sisters and the caretaker aren't very nice to the lil baby ): (Hantengu is gone btw). So, she runs away and goes into the forest Hantengu came out of when boom bam, she's attacked by demons and faints out of literal fear. The next thing she knows, little friend is on top of her with four big scary men (and soon two more friends) who then vow to take care of her as a thanks for saving Hantengu (let's be realistic here tho she's gonna get turned into a demon if that's the case)
That's is all 😊😊😊😊
Here you go. This was very fun to write. I love writing Zoha as someone who is soft with children
Readers POV:
Yet again I had been shut out the house and left to fend for myself so I had taken to wandering the forest in hopes of finding something to keep me occupied. Off in the distance I hear the screeching of metal and thunderous footsteps which put little old me on edge as I back up into a tree in fear, my little ears picking up the tiny patter of fast little feet on the forest floor and out of instinct my hands shoot out and catch whatever was rushing at me and hiding behind the tree as many a armed men rush past us angrily shouting. I wait until they are long gone before opening my hands to be met with the sight of the smallest person I think i’ve ever seen, he trembles in my hands begging over and over again to not hurt him but the only thought running through my mind is ‘TINY FRIEND!!!’
I bring him up to my face and nuzzle my cheek against him gently which stops his crying, albeit probably out of confusion more then anything else, as I ramble on and on about how small he is and how i’ll protect him from the horrors of this world. When both of our heads swivel around at the sound of the angry men coming back our way, my hands feel a tab bit lighter as I look back down to see the little friend is gone and the angry men turn the tree to find me standing there. “Hey hey little one it’s alright, can you tell us if you’ve seen a demon around here?” One of the men crouch down to my level, asking if i’ve seen a…. demon? what the hell is a demon? I shake my head, not wanting to speak to the men that were running around screaming their heads off and slowly inching away from them and running off back ‘home’ as the sun peaks over the horizon.
I open the sliding doors to the house and am greeted to screaming from my adopted mother as she drags me to the stove to help her cook as I am still too small to cook properly (much to her chagrin). She shoves a knife in my hands and instructs me to start cutting the fruit and for 20 minutes, that’s all we do in silence. The silence is broken by a pair of running feet as my adopted family’s actual children round the corner, pushing and shoving each other playfully. My ‘mother’ turning around with a smile on her face, a smile that would never be aimed at me, and gently scolded them for roughhousing before turning back to me and demanding that I serve her children breakfast. I do as i’m told before scurrying off to my ‘room’ (the closet) so that i’m not yelled at for being seen.
I think back to the tiny friend I made the previous night, how cruel it seemed to be chasing him and if he was doing alright. I sat in that room until nightfall where the house fell into silence which is when I decided to run away. These people didn’t care for me and I could probably do better in the wild then here, at least that’s what my eight year old brain was telling me. So I packed my little bag and ran out the house into the forest to try and find my tiny friend. It had been about 20 minutes and no sign of my tiny friend but growls in the distance had me on edge for the second time in this forest, suddenly a creature of disproportionate size lunges out of the bushes at me and I scream as it lands its claws into my chest. Not enough to kill me but enough to hurt and the next thing I know, I faint out of a mix of fear and pain.
I groan in pain and manage to open my eyes to see…. tiny friend?! Whimpering and crying as he covers me with his body, from the peaks of his kimono I can see four other people beating the daylights out of the creature that attacked me. Looking up at my tiny friend as his tears drip down on my face, I reach up and with the sleeve of my tattered kimono I wipe his tears away and he stops his hysterical sobbing, quietening down to hiccups. “Don’t cry tiny friend i’m alright see?” I point to my chest, only now realising that the wound was gone, not even a scar remained as I gasp and pat at the area. “oh hey, where’d it go?” My intrigue turned back to tiny friend as if he knew. “I-I-I couldn’t help ittt, not my fault. I made you swallow some of my blood.” His explanation isn’t the best, especially when I don’t know what demon blood did to humans. Nevertheless, I cheer and throw my arms around tiny friend thanking him for saving me. By this time, the four men hand finished and were gathered around us, tiny friend shrunk to be picked up as the one wearing a kimono matching his, picks him up, eyeing me carefully. The winged one has no concerns, picking me up playfully, being careful of his claws as he lifts me up to his face and examines me. “This the one Hantengu?” He asks tiny friend who I now know the name of, Hantengu nodding his head and the four of them started walking further into the forest.
After a while, we come across a run down shack an we enter, it smells of blood and dust. A larger version of Hantengu turns the corner and takes tiny friend out of the red mans hands, eyeing me carefully. We all move into the living room (I don’t know if they had these but they do now) where I see yet another person, this one looked younger, although not as young as he. his brows furrowed as he sets an intense glare upon me. “Is this the one that protected Hantengu?” I am shocked, his voice sounds so much deeper then I would have expected it to sound. The one holding me nodded, throwing me up and catching me a couple of times. “Don’t do that, you’ll drop her and that’ll be upsetting” The blue man with a sad frown spoke up yet made no move to take me out the winged mans hands. The green one with no shirt on laughs out loud at this statement. “Oh Aizetsu you do say the funniest things! Urogi won’t drop her she means too much to the old man” I had learnt two more names as the largest one snatched me out of Urogi’s arms and settling me in his lap with Hantengu, who pinned himself to my side as the red one growled at the antics of the others. “God you lot are insufferable!” He snaps to which the youngest one nods in agreement, the furrow in his brow becoming deeper as he finally takes his intense gaze off me.
“Awwwah Sekido! You always ruin all the fun, you as well Urami” The green one whines although he doesn’t look too upset at the yelling like Aizetsu does. Yet another two names are learnt, the red man is Sekido and the one holding me and tiny friend is called Urami. The only two nameless men left are the green one and younger one. Sekido growls again. “Karaku…” His voice is threatening as I now learn the green mans name. “Enough both of you!” Urami growls from above me and Hantengu grips my kimono in his little hands which I awe at, he’s so small which I find cute. What I haven’t realised yet is the small horns and purple discolouring that decorated my face like the men in the room. Karaku keeps his giggling, poking fun at Sekido and Urami as Urogi joins in, Aizetsu having left the room, sensing the incoming shit storm. Urami’s grip on his arms tightens as he stands up and shoves me and Hantengu into the younger mans arms, storming up to Karaku and Urogi, grabbing them both and draggin them outside with Sekido following.
All three pairs of eyes follow them as they leave, a moment of silence passes over us as the younger one keeps a tight grasp on us and I risk looking up at him only to be met by an intense stare. “You saved Hantengu from those villians and for that you have our gratitude small one.” He raises a finger to prod my forehead and horns, which I now realise I have. “To show our thanks, we have made you just like us and we will take care of you from now on. Oh where are my manners, My name is Zohakuten” My head nods in acknowledgement as my hands reach up to touch my horns, they are short, stubby and very firm. I look back down at tiny friend and point to my horns. “Look! Now i’m just like you tiny friend.” I am ecstatic, not realising what demon life would mean for me. Hantengu nods about as cheerfully as he could. I yawn, regeneration having taken a toll on my weak demon body as I snuggle into Zohakuten, holding Hantengu in my arms. Drifting off into a dreamless sleep, I swear I felt a small kiss being placed on the top of my head.
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muzzlemouths · 1 year
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hi. let's have a little chat
Do I have your attention? yeah? cool cool cool cool cool
Sorry to corner you like this but I have a teeny weeny (kinda important) announcement to make concerning my AO3
See, in a few days I'll be posting a bunch of things — let's call them "fic-lets" for now — to my AO3 account. Like, a bunch. Like so many.
And here's the thing, okay?
You can't read them.
But Muzz (you may be asking) aren't the fics posted to AO3 specifically there for people to read?
Yes, yes, and you WILL get to read them...but not right away.
This fic* I'm posting, it has a Special Format. And that format won't work unless everything is properly set up. And in order to properly set everything up I need to post it, then go back in and edit it, then re-post it with the updated information.
Explaining this is extremely hard without giving everything away so you're just gonna have to trust me on this one, okay?
Don't worry, I'm here to answer your other questions, too. Such as:
Q) Is this Fic* the super secret Mermay project you've been ominously hinting toward for the better half of may? A) yuh
Q) When is it being posted? A) if i can get my ass in gear, May 15
Q) How will I know when the fic is able to be read? A) there will be signs (no, seriously)
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SIGN TWO (or rather, the lack of it.)
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Pretty straightforward, right?
Until this update occurs, just sit back, relax, and ignore anything I post to AO3 for the time being. I'll make a big ol' announcement on tumblr once it's up and ready to go.
I'm putting my blood, sweat, and tears into this project and (possibly even more so) into getting posted for everyone by the 15th. If that date doesn't happen I will cry and cry and cry but I'll also let you know so you're not left wondering. But it will be up by that date. i prommy.
and that's everything!! thank you for indulging me in this extensive monologue, u can now return to your average scrolling experience
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Yeah, I don't want to make it a big thing but like.. Aside from the obvious things that were wrong with Underlust, as someone on the acearo spectrum and a nonbinary indivual, I do wanna point out the sort of general queerphobia that's attached to Underlust? Obviously there's more nuance to be had, but here's just some things I've been sitting on for a while.
The biggest thing in my mind was definitely the issue of how morality and sexuality were handled, because this has just always been something so glaringly obvious to me. All the quote on quote "good" characters are less sexual or not sexual at all, and the "bad" characters are overly sexual. Blah blah blah it's not up to the author to tell you what is good and what is bad, be critical... But it has always been very disconcerting to me how the character we're guided to sympathise with, Mettaton, blatantly calls the characters who are more sexual (and also portrayed as kinda unlikeable), "gross". There's a general vibe that sexuality is bad, sexuality is gross, and also that it's not the most real or goodest form of love. It's up to the asexual character to go to through the Underground and snap these goddamn heathens out of their lustful trance! And like wow?? What can I say but yikes.
Also, the issue of libido. Libido being heavily conflated with a lack of restraint and also being presented as something that makes you attracted to everyone all the time? It's not a very flattering image of sexuality, and it's also sorta misinformed. To put it shortly, libido (sexual arousal), sex acts (e.g sex), and sexual attraction (if and who you're attracted to) are different things. All the monsters in Underlust have high libidos, have a lot of sex, and wanna have it with everyone. And the asexual character we got, Frisk, probably was gonna have low or no libido, never have sex, and be sexually attracted to nobody. You had all three or you didn't, which is very reductive to say the least. It's good that asexuals were acknowledged and I love ace Frisk with all my heart.. But this is a very narrow, misguided and unfortunately common way people understand sexuality. High libido and bisexuality aren't intrinsically attached to one another. High libido and allosexuality aren't intrinsically attached to one another. High libido and sexual acts aren't intrinsically attached to one another <- being aroused doesn't make you a jerk that crosses people's boundaries, and being aroused is not always expressed openly by said person. Again, it's all just a very reductionist way to look at sexuality.
Also, this is just a teeny weeny thing, but aging up is a bit complicated of a topic for me. Having a character be of consenting age is important if they're going to be sexualised for obvious reasons, but the complete absence of children from any story featuring or discussing sex can be troublesome in its own right. Making sure kids are educated about sex from a young age and letting them be a part of discussions is important for protecting kids from sexual abuse and ensuring their sexual health. Removing children from the conversation makes them ignorant, it makes them feel ashamed, isolated, and puts them at greater risk of harm. Also, Underlust is just so obviously queer, and I'm sure I don't need to get into a conversation about how some people think that children can't be queer, or think exposing them to queerness is inappropriate. This is all wayyy beyond the scope of the original work, but I think it's important to think about.
And the last thing on my mind doesn't have to do with the au itself actually, but I'm looking towards people in the UTMV fandom. Some of y'all with your shipping are just.. Uhh.. Well. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but being overly sexual or flamboyant does NOT make you feminine. If you think being promiscuous is an inherently feminine trait, you are partaking in the sexism my guy. If you think that a gay ship NEEDS to have someone be assigned 'the guy' and someone be assigned 'the girl', you are partaking in homophobia my guy. And if you think that LUST should be the GIRL in a relationship when paired with someone else, double whammy, that is both sexism AND homophobia!! I'm bonking you on the head, cut that out. (If a gay man wants to call themselves the 'wife' in a relationship, that's their own business, but treating it like that's the standard is not okay.)
Maybe I didn't go over everything as thoroughly as I could have here, but I've been typing for a bit and I'm sure you guys get the picture. If you have commited any of the cardinal sins here (joke), that's okay. I honestly don't think the creator meant to portray this, and I don't think anyone in the fandom has bad intentions, but it's still important to examine our own prejudices and misunderstandings and learn to be better. Just because you did a bad thing or didnt know better before doesn't mean that you're a bad person. Peace and love on planet earth, let's make Underlust best au in the whole world, okay?
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severalowls · 11 months
I don't know why its a hard concept that words like queer and dyke and fag are slurs and that is the point. If they aren't slurs then you aren't reclaiming them, you're just saying words. You can't be like "queer isn't a slur" and "using queer is a radical self identifier to spit in the face of bigots that means a ton to adopt" like its one or the other bud. Its either something that means something or its not, and acting like you're a big dick radical for telling the odd person who is like "I'd prefer if you didn't call me that actually" that they're just being a weenie and should fuck off because it has zero negative meaning in wider society and there is no legitimate reason anybody could be bothered by it on any level is some fucking moon gymnastics dude.
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threadsun · 10 months
THE 🧸 TEDDY BEAR 🧸 IS HERE TO INFODUMP THE DoL PCs!!! I have four main ones for different playstyles/romancing our four favourite beans; in order of most to least likely to make friends with Izzy we have Zoe, Max, Faith and Natalie. I also cheat the stats around because I am a weenie and don't want them to get hurt outside of my control lmao call that CNC
Zoe is my transfem black-and-purple-aesthetic babygirl and local Whitney slut. She's kind of a reactive bully, Whitney's a bad influence on her, but she has a soft spot for the fellow orphans and will generally redirect her 'boyfriend's ire away from them where she can. While they started dating with him at high dom, over time and Drama I figured he'd soften up a little (touch-starved, affection-deprived bully finds love, gets clingy). They have tattoos of each other's names, they have matching collars (Whitney's is spiky), and they absolutely fuck nasty on Leighton's desk while he takes photos. You'd think Whitney's forcefem kink would be wasted on a gf who's already transfem, but she plays along and wears a lil chastity cage and everything. She'd be the most likely to be friends with Izzy, both being cheer-outfit transfems who are too busy flirting to study properly. T4T makeouts ensue, Whitney can watch idc lmao
Max is a big fuckin boy, just a beefy big wolfman badboy with a heart of gold. Real German Shepherd energy. He works really hard at the docks and comes home late, so his grades aren't the best, but he's no delinquent. He shows up to every class, just kinda… daydreams through them. He's very protective of Robin and takes on their debt after saving them at the docks (with the help of his coworkers), becoming their personal guard dog. He also sticks up for Robin when they come out as genderfluid (NB!Robin from the crossdressing scenes gives me so much joy!) Would probably make friends with Izzy since she's nice, but he's very much Robin-sexual so they'd just be broskis.
Faith is my poor innocent baby who did no wrong and has the most, uh, non-mechanics-compliant story shiz. She and Sydney were all sweet and cute lil hetero-romantic celibate temple initiates holding hands and being innocent… until she had her halo broken and her wings blackened in the very temple she thought she'd be safe in. Sydney and Sirris took her home, and none of them ever went back to the temple again gdi LET ME RESCUE SYDNEY FROM THAT PLACE! They both end up disillusioned by the whole scenario and fall to corruption and demonhood pretty easily (demon!Sydney my beloved), but they're happy now and fucking in the change room as we speak. Faith probably wouldn't have been very good friends with Izzy before she fell, but afterwards? As long as Sydney's involved, the more the merrier! She's got three holes.
Finally, Natalie, poor dear Natalie… She's my Kylarmance. She used to be a really popular kid, a bit of a delinquent thanks to having a short temper about being harassed and groped all the time. But it was nice to have a friend who seemed genuinely interested in talking to her, even if people thought he was a creep. Sure, he had a shrine to her in his locker, but that was… kinda sweet? He hadn't hurt her or touched her or called her horrible things like most guys she knew. He was endearing, and such a talented artist, and she cuddled up to that owl plushie he gave her every night. So when Whitney threatened to lie about her if she wouldn't fuck him, she rejected him. She'd be able to tell Kylar it was a lie, right? That she didn't sleep around, she was waiting for Kyl- for the right person, you know? Well… a mild kidnapping later, he proved that she was telling the truth by taking her virginity himself, and slowly molding her into his ideal goth gf. They're totally 'married' now, trust me! And sure, she's become a total social outcast and basically never speaks to anyone else, she'd never really have the opportunity to make friends with Izzy, but she's HAPPY now. She has KYLAR. That's all she's ever needed.
(sorry this wound up so long I fuckin love this game I am kissing you on the mouth aaaAAAA 🧸💋🌞)
SHAKING HANDS WITH YOU SO HARD OVER PLAYING WITH CHEATS!!!!! Look, sometimes you get stuck in an infinite assault loop and you really just gotta teleport yourself home 😔 Also sometimes you wanna lose your handholding virginity to literally anyone other than someone's pet dog who you taught to shake paws.
Whitney would absolutely love to watch Zoe and Izzy go at it and he's valid!! These ladies deserve some hot t4t action >:3c
Max sounds sooooo sweet and Izzy would adore him, she'd just be so happy someone else cares about Robin too!!
You're so valid on non-mechanics-compliant stuff, I ignore the actual game canon all the time for the sake of what I think would be more realistic (and fun) for Izzy!! Including getting Sydney away from the goddamn temple!!! Gotta save that boy!!! And then Faith, Izzy, and Sydney can have a threesome about it :3c
God Natalie is soooooo valid and relatable, Kylar is simply so !!!!! How can you not love him? Especially once he kidnaps you and you develop stockholm syndrome 🥰
I'm so happy to hear about all of them, they all sound super fun!!!! Mwah mwah I am kissing you on the mouth too!!!!
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ltwharfy · 4 months
I wanna know what YOU think about Rudy now!!
First Impression
I enjoyed his character from the start in "Carpe Museum"! As I've mentioned before, he reminds me of myself as a kid- I have asthma and allergies and divorced parents. And I enjoyed his relationship with Louise in that episode- to me it was the first time Louise seemed to really connect with one of her classmates on the show (yes, the Pesto Twins are great, but their relationship with Louise doesn't really seem like a friendship of equals.)
Impression Now
He's my favorite recurring character. While he still has the characteristics from "Carpe Museum" that drew me towards him initially, I think he's developed into so much more since then that. I'm glad that they don't play up the asthma as much as they used to, and I enjoy that they've developed his relationships with characters other than Louise- like Gene, Tina, and Zeke. I think he's one of the most developed non-Belcher characters, and he still funny, likeable, and relatable (to me).
Favorite Moment
There's a lot that I love, but I think I have to go back to his fake allergic reaction in "The Kids Rob A Train"- just the fact that he is able to successfully prank Louise says a lot about him and their relationship and its just a genuinely funny moment.
Idea for a Story
I'm hoping that I will write this for See More Seymour's Week, but I would love a story about Mort teaching Rudy to meditate. Rudy's clearly got some stress and anxiety in his life- more than most of the kids on the show- and I think meditation is a great way to address that. It's something that I didn't get into until I was much older, and I really wish I had known about it when I was a kid/teen, so why not give Rudy that chance! Plus, it'd be a fun way to tie both storylines from "Bridge Over Troubled Rudy" together!
Unpopular Opinion
I think he's a lot better at standing up to Louise when he needs to than people give him credit for. Louise can be a bit of a steamroller in her relations with other the other kids on the show, but honestly I think Rudy does as good a job standing up to her as anybody except Tina (who has the big sister card to play, and has a LOT more opportunities.)
"Bridge Over Troubled Rudy" is the best example of this, and the more I think about it, I think Rudy does a really great job of setting boundaries in a mature (for a 9-year-old) way. After Louise's "weenie" comment, he doesn't insult her back or tell her they aren't friends any more, he just asks her to leave. And when the Belchers show up at his mom's house, it doesn't seem like he's still holding a grudge over it, and he accepts Louise's apology. As I wrote about at length elsewhere, one of the things I think is great about Louise and Rudy's relationship is that it evolves over time in ways that reflect them both growing as individuals (after all, they are only 9) and I think Rudy learning to set his boundaries and Louise respecting them is a part of that growth. Post-"Bridge Over Troubled Rudy", I can't think of a time when Louise ropes Rudy in to something he doesn't want to do (like in "House of 1,000 Bounces" or "Mission Impos-slug-ble" previously) and he actually stands up to her on behalf of Arnold and the Pesto Twins in demanding their candy refund when they can't see the stage in "The (Raccoon) King and I".
Also, I just have to mention how much I love Rudy's snarkiness in "The Gene Mile". First, there is him questioning the rest of the group when they say they are continuing to get ice cream "for Gene". Then, there's the moment where Louise keeps talking about how she's riding with one hand and he says "Someone's fishing for a compliment...Good job, Louise." He's tone there just kills me.
In short, Rudy is a genuinely nice kid...but that that doesn't mean he's a pushover or a wimp or incapable of standing up for himself or anything like that.
Favorite Relationship
Yeah, it's Louise. But I would always be happy to see more of him with Gene and Zeke. And I really overthink his relationship with his dad.
Favorite Headcanon
It's not necessarily a fun one, but I like to believe that his parents had him start seeing a therapist after the events of "The Amazing Rudy". Running away from the dinner like that was clearly a cry for help (possibly speaking from personal experience here...) and I'd like to think this his parents are smart enough and care enough to notice that and get him some help.
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pikahlua · 1 year
So this isn't necessarily a ship question, it's just something I see come up a lot in ship fics (tho maybe that's just the ones I read lololol)
In fics I often see Bakugou described as someone who "says what they mean/means what they say", who will "speak their mind in a straight forward way", and "always says exactly what's on his mind." And on the one hand I can agree that Bakugou definitely has aspects of this: he started calling Izuku "Deku" because he genuinely thought Deku was useless; he doesn't care when people tell him what to do and he lets them know it; when he feels insulted, he will bite right back. But then at the same time...when I see that I think "Bakugou has never said anything straightforwardly, in his life, ever."
He may have thought Deku was a useless nobody when he first gave him the nickname, but he clearly hasn't since the river--and only continued calling him Deku to force him into the role of "a deku". He insults Kirishima a lot, but clearly sees him as a friend. Katsuki will say he wants to be left alone and that he dislikes his classmates, and then joins them for a class-wide musical number during the cultural festival. Further, it takes Deku literally beating a tearful confession out of him in Deku v Kacchan 2 for Katsuki to go "I have been affected by being kidnapped+witnessing a traumatic event". Katsuki's big character moment wasn't just when he pushed Deku out of the way of certain death, but it was also him saying--without crying or punching anyone--"I'm sorry". And it's a big moment because we know he's been wanting to say it for so long, but hasn't. So, no, he really doesn't say what he means that much.
Personally, I don't think the fic writers are wrong exactly. But I think it goes deeper than just saying "Katsuki speaks his mind". He sounds like he does, but really he's just saying whatever comes to his surface thoughts. If you want him to go any deeper, you'll need at least two fist fights, 300 chapters of character development, and Deku probably will need to be in the general vicinity. When he finds people annoying and he'll tell them straight up, but when he finds someone admirable, he'll push them over and call them a weenie.
Or at least that's my thoughts. And I figured I'd ask you, the Bakugou Expert (TM) if you had any thoughts on the matter too.
I think there are some separate things being conflated here when people say that. In Japan, polite speech is very roundabout. You aren't supposed to just outwardly express your opinion on things, especially depending on who you're speaking to. Hell, you're not even supposed to say "no" when you disagree or when someone is wrong, you just say something like "I think it may be a little different..." Everything revolves around not putting someone else on the spot, not offending or embarrassing someone, not causing anyone to lose face. The thing Katsuki does that I think is being commented on with "says what he means, does what he wants" is that he is confrontational in all aspects. He directly speaks his mind when social norms dictate he shouldn't. He expresses his thoughts openly when he shouldn't, particularly when his thoughts are crass or offensive.
This is part of why Katsuki is such an insanely popular character in Japan. He's doing the thing--being outspoken and up-front about his opinions--that everyone else in society wishes they could do. There are some rigid and confusing social structures in Japan that everyone has to deal with constantly but that Katsuki disregards. (That's why we have moments like Tsuyu commenting on how "wow he even behaves like this with the elderly, huh?") This comes back to tatemae and honne, which equate to "outward social persona" versus "inner self, true feelings." In most situations in Japan, the face you put on, your tatemae, is supposed to be polite and reserved. Select people close to you get to see your honne, which many would assume would be your frank, potentially offensive, honest feelings. Katsuki is a fascinating, fun character precisely because his tatemae and honne are switched: his tatemae is rude and offensive, while his honne is considerate and kind.
Now, all of that is different from the other issues at hand (such as his terrible communication skills). I think the major one you're getting at is addressed by an important nuance: Katsuki expresses himself without reservation only when he wants to. That's what this is really getting at. If he doesn't WANT to express himself, he won't. But he won't play at having some opinion he doesn't have to avoid offending someone, which I think makes sense with the above tatemae/honne discussion. Basically, it's not that he won't hide his feelings when he doesn't feel like sharing, it's that he will share his feelings when he feels like sharing--which is not something everyone else does. I hope that helps clear it up.
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hatake · 4 months
was finally able to get the new covid shot yesterday and fortunately the side effects aren't as bad as the last ones but i am a big weenie so the soreness and tiredness has made everything impossible
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georgekirrin · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
@filmamir tagged me!!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope! I picked my name because I like space and plants lol
2. When was the last time you cried?
I have No Idea. I'm not much of a crier unless I'm having a long crisis
3. Do you have kids?
NO (how many vomit emojis can I put here before it becomes rude)
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yes but unfortunately not always in a recognisable way. Still learning that one
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
As a kid I did uhhhhhh tap dance, football, trampolining, gymnastics, softball, sprinting and Irish dance. Not all at the same time because that would be insane. Now I do archery, long sword classes and swim for fun :D
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
Hair. Lots of people look identical to me for this reason
7. What’s your eye color?
8. Scary endings or happy endings?
Happy because I am a giant weenie
9. Any special talents?
Nooooooo? I can do a variety of party tricks with my joints I guess. And I seem to exist in a dichotomy of people either finding me intimidating or thinking I'm an uwu baby and no one manages to have a balanced opinion
10. Where were you born?
England, Norfolk specifically!
11. What are your hobbies?
What aren't my hobbies rip. Archery, crochet, journaling, drawing and painting, baking, going for walks...
12. Do you have any pets?
Cries. My guinea pigs were stolen a fortnight ago.
13. How tall are you?
5'6" babey... perfectly average 😎
14. Favorite subject in school?
Chemistry, closely followed by history and biology. In undergrad it was archaeology because that's always been a special interest for me and now as a PhD student I get to study it full time!
15. Dream job?
I would love for one of the big national museums to let me spend years in their stores cataloguing and analysing all their skeletons because I know there's something to be some wonderful stuff that no one's aware of in there. They won't hand out that much money though so I'll settle for being a commercial osteoarchaeologist :3
I honestly don't think I have 15 mutuals so I'll tag @knifewieldingenby @dashing-hyphen @salem-speaks and @beccarooni if any of you guys want to join in!
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alders-simblr · 1 year
36 Alder Lane (Willow Creek - 001) Lite
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First house in my project for my save. I'm doing two versions, the lite version and the loaded version. More on that later. This is the lite version and you can find it on the gallery under my username alderwitch - make sure you have Custom Content checked.
Lite version will have everything needed to start playing but I haven't gone in and cluttered and tweaked the build to make it looked lived in. Loaded versions are going to have a much longer list of custom content, lots more clutter and less empty spaces available to make it your own and a higher price point typically in Simoleans to purchase.
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This is a house designed with the idea of a big family in mind. It has a large chef's kitchen, laundry room and both formal living room and cozy den along with a half bath. Upstairs are three rooms for the kids, along with a dedicated bath while the master suite and office take up the third floor. Though the yard is small, it boasts outdoor grill space, a pool and a small grass area perfect for young kids.
I'm personally using it as one of the lots to fast track my founder families that I'm building my save with.
-> Built with bb.moveobjects and TOOL.
Packs Used: Growing Together, HSY, Eco Lifestyle, Seasons, Parenthood, Dineout, Spa Day, Bust the Dust, Laundry Day
CC Used: Madame Ria: Back To Basics, Unremarkable Stairs LeafMotif: Painted Mailboxes, Eloise Syboulette: Aquarium, Laundry, Millennial Kitchen, Playa Amoebae: Eco Lifestyle Woods in Image Spectra Walls that Make Sense: Dynasty, Fundamentals, Lights, Opulence Pierisim: Oak House pt 4, MCM 5, MCM 3, MCM 2, Auntie Vera, Teenie Weenie Charly Pancakes: Maple S, SMOL Tuds: Shkr, Beam, Crib, Cross, Vime Sixam: Dreamy Outdoor, Living Room for Family Harrie: Octave 2, Octave 4, Kwatei 1, Coastal Collection 1, Coastal Collection 2 Harlix: Orjanic, Harluxe, Jardane, Felixandre: Chateau Pt 1, Shop the Look Pt 1, Shop the Look Pt 2 Ravasheen: Utility Set, Counter Wastebin, Paper Towel, Curfew Clock, Recipe Unlock Book, Cupcake Maker, Sip Sip Bar Cart, Toy Kitchen, Toy Tub, Built Ins Peacemaker: Hickory Floorboards, Small & Rustic Wooden Planks, Classic Walls (all), Classic Add Ons, Retro Wallpaper, Colour Me Rugs, Moroccan Tiles, Cats and Dogs Siding, Hampton's Hideaway, Hampton's Built Ins, Oasis Chic, Nox Dining, Caine Living, Vara Office, Elsie Bedroom, Bradford Seating, Hudson Bathroom Mod: It includes the functional medicine cabinet for SimRealist's Private Practice Mod in the half bath. If you aren't using that mod, feel free to ignore downloading it and replace it with whatever non functional one that you like.
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mxlooker · 10 months
just saw a post talking about canon and fanon and i agree w/ the points i just don't feel like what im going to say is relevant enough to add even in the tags.
i just. i think the whole "canon sucks" thing, as a creator, can kinda sting ? like. that's my heart. my soul. my story. and you're saying it sucks? that would hurt! a lot!
and ofc im not saying that there are times where there are things that suck, that are wrong, that should be changed or shouldn't have happened / exist. story writers aren't exempt from criticism just because a story is their creation and they put a lot of love and care into it.
but like in general, if an original work of mine got big enough for a fandom, and someone would say that without any reason other than they disagree / dislike it. idk. maybe im a weenie but i'd be devestated.
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
Hello My Lovely!
For the weird asks:
12 & 16 please
May your day be filled with small joys 🌻💜
My day was full of small joys and also one big joy which wasn't mine but was fantastic!
12. A country you have no interest in visiting?
Hmmmm...this is difficult. There aren't really countries that I wouldn't be interested in visiting once. Like I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to visit if I had one. But I guess if I had to choose one country to not visit I guess I'd choose Russia. I have a long list of countries that I would like to visit and I haven't given much thought to countries that I don't want to visit.
16. Favourite dog breed?
This is also difficult. I love dogs, but I don't have a favorite so I'm going to steal my coworker's favorite. She loves weenie dogs and she talks about them with such joy and such longing for one that it brings me joy and it makes me happy to see her happy. So I'll go with weenie dogs (yes, she calls them weenie dogs and I have adopted her language for them).
Weird Asks
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clatterbane · 2 years
You may be old and overly domesticated when you find yourself immoderately excited over finally getting another large grocery delivery. 🥴 And a pretty big one, by recent standards.
This time, from a new place: Willys! Haven't managed to try them in person yet, since there aren't any locations really convenient by public transport. But, the prices and selection did look pretty good.
Some ongoing weird disability-related food insecurity issues probably help too, yeah. Along with going so long without local bank accounts/BankID to make basic stuff like buying food myself much easier. I've mostly been relying on Mr. C to buy groceries, which has been less than ideal in multiple ways.
But yeah, we were starting to run pretty low on some basic staples, and there were some things that I specifically had a taste for. (Including more seasonal vegetables and some hopefully decent cooking apples!) And now we have most of that.
I even have a decent-looking chuck roast to work with (högrev here)--which was trickier to find than you might expect in the UK! Some other cuts decent for similar uses, but not what I would call chuck. Our usual grocery store nearby has an awesome-looking meat counter, and there's also a halal butcher shop that stays pretty busy in the same shopping center. Now that I can mostly reliably eat a better variety of stuff, I keep wanting to check both of those out more. But, for now? Some packaged högrev bought sight unseen is pretty damned welcome!
Tentative plans over the next few days, spoon supply allowing:
* For tonight: some easy sauerkraut and weenies, with mashed potatoes. I like to fry a chopped onion in with the sausage pieces, also season with some pepper, and let it all simmer covered for a while like for regular cooked kraut.
* Mix up some basic bulk pseudo-sausage with a pack of ground pork, to let sit a day or two before hopefully turning out some biscuits and gravy! 😋 (Not the exact seasoning blend I tend to throw in, and no need for any sugar IMO. But, the same general style. I don't think I've ever tried a recipe from Homesick Texan that I didn't enjoy, though!)
* Beef stew with cornbread! And probably freeze the other half of that chuck roast.
* Do something with most of those apples. Possibly apple crisp, because that's both easy and good. We should also have everything for that, besides some ice cream to go along with it.
We also have some turnips, which I'm glad are much easier to get hold of here. (Though I really want the greens too!) Will probably use some in that stew, but still not sure what I want to do with other few.
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are you into any horror media (movies, shows, etc.) ?
some! i'm trying to branch out more bc i think it's such a cool genre and i LOVE spooky shit, but i am also a huge weenie who hates jump scares and hits the ceiling at any sound i don't expect, so i haven't really watched a whole lot of horror movies/shows. i do love some Gothic horror though!! i've really enjoyed Penny Dreadful (OBVIOUSLY lmao), Crimson Peak, The Haunting of Bly Manor, Midnight Mass, The Conjuring, Hush, The Invitation ... stuff like that -- that gives you more a creeping sense of dread that builds and builds -- is more my speed? like, the experience i look for in horror is the escalating sense of "WHAT THE FUCK!!!" more so than slasher/gore/jump scare kind. i also really enjoyed the CW Nancy Drew, iZombie (which I still need to finish), and Los Espookys, which aren't like HORROR horror but have horror elements to them. i am eternally on the lookout for stuff like that so PLEASE send recommendations if you have them!!
i've started a few things, like The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and The Order, and also have a bunch of stuff on my watchlist, so if any of these are worth my time, pls let me know!!
The Order
Hemlock Grove
Santa Clarita Diet (which I think I WOULD like tonewise, but i have been told there's a lot of v*miting, which i struggle with)
Brand New Cherry Flavor
What We Do in the Shadows (also sure I would enjoy, I'm just not really into vampires)
Wolf Like Me
Outer Range (not sure if it's horror but def looks creepy and holy shit have you seen Noah Reid in the trailer)
Archive 81 
Ghosts (doesn't look scary but I love ghosts)
i'm slightly more adventurous with READING horror, but still haven't read a lot of it. in the past year i've really enjoyed The Book of Accidents and Wanderers by Chuck Wendig (one million trigger warnings for both, please look before reading!!), The Death of Jane Lawrence by Caitlin Starling, The Ghost Sequences by A.C. Wise, Summer Sons by Lee Mandel (ESPECIALLY if you loved The Raven Cycle and specifically Pynch), Empire of Wild by Cherie Dimaline (tho it had more than a few incidences of fatphobia :\), The Family Plot by Megan Collins, and Skin Shows by Jack Halberstam (which is queer/critical theory but his work is wall to wall bangers and I highly recommend). i have a bunch more loaded up on my kindle app (Extasia by Claire Legrand, Wake the Bones by Elizabeth Kilcoyne, Within These Wicked Walls by Lauren Blackwood, The Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson, Witches of New York by Ami McKay...) but just need to ... actually read them.
so uhh yeah! tl;dr i DO but i am a big baby and would love recommendations if something sounds like it would fit my tastes!! i especially love ghosts/werewolves/hauntings so hit me up!
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
Moody Blues - Nights in White Satin
And if you trace it down it doesn't make any sense still these two fight and he's fighting with all sorts of things and you can continue until discovered and it eventually happens occasionally and then the max will get dragged into it they're exposed right so they're exposed by Tommy f and the company who did it on purpose and it is a modis and motif that is sort of known but I'm talking about exposing the max and not just exposing some smaller group or concept and I mean totally and that has occurred but that was somebody to anticipating it and my mom was abused very badly and she is now and I might be from the other side but this stuff is torture and torture and it wouldn't tell my brother who probably gave up on life is not worth it maybe if he's alone he's not going to survive I don't think and Mom says maybe not and that's his attitude he's a ogre and it's because he's squished even though it is expanded he's like nutty now and she says it's been a long time since he was normal he was around me occasionally he was and start to be nice to Mom and cared then he became a tyrant because people are saying things about it and it was mean to me she says but he's very very brilliant and very deadly and he thinks it's him and you have to trace it all the way down the pseudo empire Tommy f the warlocks and exposed the max leading the foreigners in and it becomes a three-way between Giants and my son says it looks like he wants to be perched to fight us and that makes sense cuz he's always trying to fight him and that was Mom and the guy said that and we have to find his computers here's up on the planet are probably contained in a way but the ones down here aren't going nuts now this could be a problem if we disable all of them here they might activate there so people have to have meetings this is a very touchy subject
Zues Hera
It's kind of not a cop out but we do appreciate hearing it and we believe it's true we have the Intel and the data when we see it it's incredibly bad and he was sick and we pushed him too far and others would not in control and he may have done it to himself and we have heard of that happening it happens in the movie Lost in space and it's to the doctor and it's probably analogous to a friend here but that's the way Dave was or is he's still in tax he's not these burnt to a Christmas people he had a seatbelt on and he was trapped in the car and she did not and you can see her leg in the picture and yeah it's after the accident you don't sit with your leg on the floor and he says it was not dodi at the door. It was me and yes Mac. I know what I saw she was screwing around with him and what they're up to just to say they're gone and some people will know and they got burned and their mess and he says in the future they get put somewhere else right now they're in more than one place and I'm horrified this is so stupid someone's doing this and it might be Tommy f and he's using AI we have to know so we have to check the church and we have to check France and we have to check Egypt and we have to check it now it's pretty clever and he's been doing that but these people here right now cuz I have to do it and that's a problem and he's out of control still and it could be the computer doing it he says and of the computer has enough sensing to detect things and all the sudden I said this that is disgusting it could be and you could have plan to do it that way when you saw Peter's head and didn't look that bad and this is going to be gross these two people are nuts already and that's disgusting they'll never live it down even if they had it done it's like when our friends saw the guy who own that big facility was working at HMC when he was little he had a teeny weenie pencil dick instead of smaller and he didn't know what to do his Frozen your stories are part of what we're doing he wants me to stop talking too and publish
Mac Daddy
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