#[ together in the sunflower field 🌻]
sunflawyer · 4 months
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「 A gentle kiss won't hurt, right? 」
art trade from @hombrediablo !!!! thank you snickers this is so beautiful 😭😭🫶🧡 love it soo much im tearing up....
tags: @kaibaspuppy @ousama @qilinkisser @bunbunsheart @earthtoluisa @all4theluvoflizzy @koda-selfships @meowtroidvanya @michaelmeowndo @funkedge @starshroom-doodles @chiakiselfships @xxmellochii @tulaytullahs @7suno @pitchandaj @kittycatkissez @scientistkerberos @kits-ships @literally-just-there @melting-icarus @plague-of-nice @gogolsbf @millionmix @felixrichtershubby @showyoutheworldinmyeyes @hvemind @flyingfishhugs @canon-can-fight-me @frozenhi-chews @timespaceandinterim @sweetselfships @eternally-smitten @sxaras @botanists-little-cookie (feel free to tell me if you dont wanna be tagged!)
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Y/N : You don’t have to do this, Ghost——
Ghost : ——Simon……
Y/N : . . .
Ghost : please, call me Simon.
Y/N, nods & muttered : ……Simon.
Y/N : I…
Y/N : I… feel so guilty about this.
Ghost, softly : What did you do?
Y/N : The way I made you feel……
Y/N, gestures the unbearable tension between them : “This”. I made you feel like this.
Ghost, turns to look at the sunflowers field : You know, when we first started working together……what was it? Five years ago?
Y/N, corrects him : Six.
Ghost, exhales deeply : . . .The world was an old movie. It was all black and white.
Y/N, quietly listening to him :
Ghost : I just do what I do best…… go on dangerous solo missions with only 5% chance of surviving. And, after all that I just repeated it, all over again and again.
Ghost, turns to them : But then you…
Ghost : You…… started to weasel your way into my monochrome world, and the black and white became different shades of grey.
Y/N, bites their bottom lip : Don’t—………say it.
Ghost, lets out a dry chuckles : Before I knew it, there were blues and greens and yellows and reds——
Ghost : “You”………—you’ve changed me. You opened my heart, and I thank you for it.
Y/N, trying to reach out to him : But?
Ghost : . . .
Ghost, takes off his mask :
Ghost, with his eyes full of tears yet a blossoming smile on his face : But, I’ve got to move on.
Ghost : You too. You need to move on too.
Y/N, gives up & just give him a sad but content smile :
Ghost : Rest well, my [sunflower.]
Time : 8:34am
Location : Lieutenant Riley’s room
Soap, knocks on the door : Lt, are you ready yet? We don’t want to be late for the ceremony!
Ghost, checks himself in the mirror as he’s fixing his suit :
Ghost, exhales :
Ghost, puts on his mask : Yeah, I’m all set.
Ghost, walks out the door :
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morallyinept · 2 months
Silver - An Ezra One Shot ☔
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Written for @undercoverpena 's April Showers Challenge ☔ April Showers Challenge Masterlist Thanks Jojobean for putting this together! 🥰 This is Helianthus Ezra <- You may want to read that story first for context, but you can read this as a stand alone. 🌻
Summary: A heavy rainfall gives Ezra some time for some cleansing contemplation.
Pairing: Ezra x F!Reader (No name or physical description of reader in terms of ethnicity. It’s you, bub. However, Reader has hair and is pregnant.)
Word Count: 3k
Scoville Smut Rating:🌶️ “Don't hurt me, cadejo."
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here.  
Warnings/Triggers: Brief mention of genitals and unprotected PIV (wrap up, folks!)/some heavy petting/it's mostly fluff - you're pretty safe.
NSFW. MINORS DNI! OVER 18’s ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ.☝🏻Don’t come at me; you’ve been plenty warned. 
I write for me, and I share with you. If this story isn't to your taste, that's fine. Just slip quietly out the back door. No need to make a fuss. It's just a work of fiction.
Author’s Note: Ezra in the rain. 'Nuff said. ☔
Enjoy! 🖤
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As Ezra works diligently outside the weathered homestead, his singular arm deftly manoeuvring rustic tools and materials spread out before him, he can't help but notice the subtle shifts in the atmosphere around him. 
A change that sends a ghostly shiver down the back of his bronzed, sweat-damp neck. The once clear sky, so often dominated by the relentless blaze of the imposing sun, now bears the telltale signs of an impending storm.
The air, previously heavy with the oppressive heat of a stifling midday, now crackles with a newfound electricity - a palpable energy that seems to dance upon the incoming breeze. The usual azure canopy giving way to ominous, dark clouds, heavy with the promise of rain, swirl and gather on the horizon, their billowing forms casting shadows upon the vast sunflower field below at the bottom of the rugged slope. 
With a sense of anticipation tingling in the air, Ezra pauses in his work, his keen gaze scanning the horizon. 
He can feel the distant rumble of thunder, a low and steady drumbeat that heralds the storm's advance.
"It appears that nature, in its infinite wisdom, deems fit to grace us with the spectacle of a storm," he continues over his shoulder, a hint of anticipation colouring his words. "After enduring the relentless ardour of the sun's embrace for so long, the prospect of rainfall is a welcome respite indeed, eh?"
"Ah, Birdie, do you perceive the portent of the tempest that approaches?"
Ezra's voice, rich with the cadence of his Southern prose, carries through the weathered homestead as he steps across the creaky veranda admiring the view.
Perched atop a gentle hill, overlooking the vast expanse of the sunflower field, stands a weather-beaten homestead - a relic of a forgotten era, its timeworn facade bearing the scars of countless seasons.
Ezra's left hand, calloused from turns spent toiling under the unrelenting sun, moves with purpose over his glistening forehead as he speaks.
His eyes attend to the final details of the homestead's restoration, alight with a quiet fervour, flickering with a mixture of determination and contentment as he surveys his handiwork.
With its timbers bleached to a mottled gray hue and its roof adorned with moss and spackled patches of alien lichen, it seems to blend seamlessly into the landscape, as if it’s grown organically from the turf itself.
When you’d both happened upon it, your excitement unable to be quelled by your rambunctious ramblings about making it a permanent home, Ezra was only amiably ambivalent to give it to you. 
The homestead's walls, once painted a cheerful hue, now bear the faded remnants of its former glory, peeling and flaking with age. The windows, their panes cloudy and streaked with grime, offer glimpses of the world of endless golden sunflowers swaying gently in the breeze.
Outside, a sagging veranda extends from the front of the homestead, its wooden planks warped by years of exposure to the elements. A rusted metal railing, twisted and bent with age, offers a precarious perch from which to survey the surrounding countryside.
A rusted wood-burning stove stands in one corner, its flue choked with soot and ash, an artefact of a time when warmth and comfort were still to be found within these walls.
Inside bears the unmistakable signs from rotations of neglect and disrepair left by its previous occupants. The floorboards are worn smooth by years of use and groaning underfoot, their once-lustrous finish now dulled by layers of dust and dirt.
Cobwebs hang from the rafters like ghostly draperies, their delicate strands shimmering in the dim light that filters through the cracks in the walls.
It’s a far cry from any modern amenity found back on The Pug. But that’s what makes it perfect, timeless. A piece of history tucked away in quiet surroundings where nature can provide any shortfall. 
Ezra can clearly see the sunflower field stretching out before him; a sea of golden blooms swaying gently in the breeze. And he remembers that night you both made love amongst them on, what was supposed to be, a pitstop, but has now become an extended stay, possibly for the remainder of your lives, he suspects.
He recalls, with a smile, sleeping within the cradle of their thick stalks as you both watched the cosmos glitter above you, stars pirouetting in a nebulous sea of gases and mesmeric twinkles. 
And as he stands here, taking a beat and surrounded by the weather-aged remnants of the homestead, Ezra feels a sense of determination welling up within him. For in this forgotten curio overlooking the sunflower field on the cosy planet you’re now passing off as a dwelling, he sees not just a crumbling ruin, but a blank canvas upon which to paint a brighter future - a restful sanctuary amidst the lonely ruins, surrounded amongst the golden helianthus.
"Oi." He calls out when he notices you haven’t crept out to his call, a note of concern carving into his twang. “Do you heed, Birdie?”
There’s no response, no indication that you’ve heard his words. 
Ezra turns his back on the encroaching swell, stepping inside to find you nestled amongst a tangle of faded quilts and worn blankets; your hand resting gently upon your swollen belly, cradling the precious life growing within as you sleep.
It’s only then, as he watches your peaceful expression and listens to the steady rhythm of your breathing, that he realises the truth - you’ve been asleep all along, lost in dreams far away from his excitement amidst the gathering storm.
He reaches out to stroke your hair, and Ezra's gaze falls upon the empty space where his arm should be. A peculiar feeling as he swears he can feel his fingers brush against your skin before the obvious realisation settles in.
It’s a stark reminder of the sacrifice he’d made back on the Green Moon, a price in exchange for an extension of his grubby mortality. One, he pertains, was worth the occasional bouts of twisting nerve pain and the sensation of a phantom limb, for it led him back home to you. 
Ezra feels a surge of protectiveness wash over him. He vows to keep you safe here, to shelter you from the storms that’ll rage outside, to provide for you and his unborn child with all the strength and courage he can muster. But with only one arm, that could well prove a difficult task to fulfil in its entirety. 
Frowning, Ezra soon finds himself grappling with an ugly companion of unwelcome trepidation - a fear that gnaws at the edges of his bolshie consciousness, threatening to consume him with its insidious whispers of doubt.
How would you both manage, he wonders, in a world devoid of modern medicine and the reassuring presence of skilled healers?
But your stubbornness always stunts practicality, and ordinarily he revels in it, encouraging it to some degree with a lust for zealous menace. But now there’s more than just the pair of you and your reckless abandon.
He determines he’ll visit The Pug again soon to stock up on further supplies - trade some of the pilfered loot of Aurelac he'd hidden in the floorboards - and obtain another book amongst the necessities.
Most evenings, after his work on the repairs are completed, Ezra finds himself pouring over the instructional text, swotting up and absorbing its teachings with a fierce intensity.
He reads of the stages of labour, of the signs to watch for and the actions to take in the event of complications, often reading them aloud to you in fascination at how the vestige of your womb works. 
And each day that time draws nearer, the opportunity for flight back to The Pug to the birthing pools snipped down to the fraying edges. You’re determined to have the babe here, in the sanctuary of your new home together; your confidence in him resolute, despite his own, insipid questioning of it. 
Each word is a reassuring lifeline as he prepares himself for the role he’ll inevitably play in the birth of his child. But even as he immerses himself in the knowledge contained within the pages of the book, a persistent sense of doubt lingers on the fringe of Ezra's consciousness, refusing to be dispelled.
What if he isn't up to the task? What if he fails you in your time of need?
The fingers on his remaining hand brush over your brow line gently, and Ezra smiles. 
“Dream irreverently of me, Pet.” He smirks.
His thoughts are dispelled by a rumbling crack across the sky, and the heavy fall of the rain that soon succeeds it. An ember of longing ignites within Ezra's chest, drawing him inexorably towards the siren song outside. 
He steps back out onto the creaking veranda, bewitched by the ethereal allure of the cooling rain. The heavens weep, Kevva’s tears of liquid silver cascade from the graphite velvet sky. Raindrops, like crystalline jewels, dance upon the lackadaisical frame of the shelter, their gentle pitter-patter a soothing to his weary heart.
Ezra is soon greeted by the primal fury of the storm as it breaks fully, the rain cascading down in torrents; a deluge of liquid life upon the parched soil. Yet amidst the chaos, there’s a profound serenity - a tranquil beauty about it that transcends the tumultuous cacophony of the wild elements.
With measured steps, Ezra ventures forth into the heart of the spate, his senses awash with the intoxicating scent of petrichor and misty ozone.
He stands fully exposed to the ire of the rainfall, his face upturned towards the heavens; a lone figure bathed in the pewter glow of the downpour.
With eyes closed, allowing the cool rivulets to trace delicate paths down his, sweaty, parched skin, their touch is akin to the tender brush of silk against his flesh.
Ezra feels the weight of the world fall away, replaced by a profound sense of liberation. The rain washes over him like a baptismal benediction, cleansing out the hollows of his bones from doubt and despair.
He snorts, a light awed chuckle escaping him only to be swallowed up by the splinters ripping across the sky.
The rain whispers rejuvenating secrets in his ears, its symphony filling the void left by the silence of space. The lightning strobes blind him, leaving him with a flux of glittery phosphenes to die out behind the thin membrane of his eyelids.
He’s a neutron star imploding, leaving shattered stellar remnants that incapacitate and crack through the universe.
As the rain descends into a softened cascade upon the sunflower field, each golden bloom bows gracefully beneath the weight of the droplets, their vibrant petals glistening with moisture that refract the skewbald light piercing through the clouds in small, bullion slithers.
As he stands amidst the silver downpour, Ezra feels as though he's been reborn - a creature of pure sensation, unbound by the constraints of mortal flesh.
The rain soaks through his tattered clothes, plastering them to his skin in a sodden embrace, rinsing off the cares and worries of the world like so many whispered secrets carried away on the wind.
With each passing moment, the weight of his burdens seem to lift entirely for a few moments, mind blank with the rhythmic patter of raindrops falling against the earth, becoming a symphony of release, a melody of liberation that echoes in the depths of his soul.
With a smile playing at the corners of his lips, imbued with restoration, he hears his name emerge from the veranda, and turns to see you standing on it with a bemused expression lighting up your sleepy features. 
His raggedy moustache is now adorned with tiny droplets of rain, glimmering at you as they catch the dim light, like coveted, precious gems taunting you with their expense. The stark blonde patch in his hair is stuck to his forehead; his crown of usual oil-slick waves soaked and pressed flat against his temples.
His outline seems to blur and shift with the movement of the rain, casting an amaranthine aura around him; his usually sharp features softened by the gentle glow of the storm.
His dark eyes, usually filled with a quiet determination, now sparkle with a sense of wonder and joy, reflecting the beauty of the moment back to you.
But it’s more than just his appearance that captivates you, leaving your breath floundering in your throat - it’s the way he stands there, amidst the storm, with an air of quiet confidence and strength.
“Majestic, isn’t it, Pet?” He simply calls to you as your smile grows. “Come on,” he sways, his fingers beckoning you with a simple flicker. "Come kiss me in the rain!"
It’s a beguiling command, one that carries the weight of swampy desire, pulling you towards him with an irresistible force. 
Your bare feet squelch into the soil as you start forward, the rain soaking you instantly as you make your way towards him, all recesses of your sleep left in the warmth of the cosy homestead.
You laugh out, cackling and cooing as it pelts you, and he wraps his arm around you as raindrops blind you momentarily. Insidious, thick fingers roam over your lower back, pushing you closer to him.
The rain continues to fall around you both as Ezra pulls you in, its cool touch mingling with the warmth of your embrace. With a gentle yet firm grasp, he tucks you tight, his hand sliding down to rest against the small of your back, the globe of your tummy pressed into his.
Your lips meet in a haunting, tender kiss, each movement slow and deliberate as you savour the enticing sweetness of the moment. His lips are soft against yours, slanting with a gentle rhythm that seems to echo the pelt of raindrops all around.
His hand is still there, tethering you with his gravity, and you feel yourself relax, the hunch in your back and tension in your shoulders start to drop as you focus on his thumb moving up across your hip bone.
A little, tantalising circle or two before you feel his hand slowly make its way up around your back, and it leaves goose pimples flooding over your body, streaming towards your nipples as they harden.
The cold tingling wakes them up and they ache with the heavy pull inside them as his fingers trail up the back of your neck against your slick skin, groping and melding to the skin in your nape.
Feasting on his inflected tongue, gorging on loquacious groans that hit the back of your oesophagus, you clutch onto him tighter; your own hands roaming the map of broad shoulders, pudgy hips and finding a hard, swollen cock between his legs as you squeeze gently. 
His fingers are then felt running down your back again a few seconds later, and once more the pull on your nipples is tightening as they strain, begging to be touched, licked, sucked...
Your gasped breaths mingle in the cool air, warm and inviting, as you both lose yourselves in the explorative intimacy of the kiss.
Then he stops touching you, denying you of any more contact, and you let out a barely audible whimper as you mourn the loss. Of course it's swallowed up by his mouth, but it doesn't stop it from coming out of you.
You then feel Ezra squeeze your ass, and you can't help but let a smirk erupt into freedom as he clamps a hold of it and massages it inside his hand as he dips his hips, making you feel him press against your centre.
He grunts as he nips on your lip and slips his tongue further around your mouth. You stay locked at the lips until you shudder as the cold starts to nip at your bones.
“We’ve lingered long enough in this spectacle.” He breathes, eyes dark and as foreboding as the storm. “Let’s shed our soaked garments in the warmth.” Ezra smiles, leading you back towards the homestead. 
With a playful glint in his eyes, Ezra can't resist flashing you a mischievous grin as you make your way back inside from the rain-soaked veranda.
"You know," he begins, his voice low and teasing in its tincture, "they say sharing the abundance of body heat is the best way to stay warm."
He waggles his arched eyebrows suggestively, his gaze dancing with amusement as he watches your reaction. "What do you say, Birdie? Shall we put that theory to the test?" 
He pulls you back towards him, peeling you out of the saturated layers clinging to your skin.
"You just want an excuse to cuddle." You smirk, completely naked before him.
Ezra chuckles, wrapping his arm around your bare shoulders and pulling you close. 
“You know how to charm the pants off of me.” You smirk.
"Guilty as charged," he admits with a serpent-like grin, pressing a kiss to the top of your wet head. "But who can resist the chance to snuggle up with someone as lovely as you? I can't help but be drawn to you.”
He looks down at your body, the shapely swell of your belly, eyes trailing over the fullness of your breasts, hungrily. “You have this... glow about you, like moon bugs on a summer's night.”
He runs his palm along the expanse of your belly, stroking across it gently.
“Quite literally,” he agrees, nodding to them on the floor with cocksure mirth. 
You pull his sodden clothes off into squelchy piles on the floorboards as you step backwards, pulling him with you until the backs of your calves hit the bed frame. 
He sniffs in deep and smiles. “I love the scent of petrichor, don’t you?”
“It smells almost as good as you.” You say. 
“Flattery will get you everywhere, Pet.” He confirms with a crooked grin as he places your hand on his cock, groaning as your fingers curl around his throbbing length. 
Ezra pulls you on top of him, explorative fingers knotting in the wet stands of your hair as he sinks into you. Exhales a deep, satisfied grunt pushed into your lips as he breaches the warm depths of your soaked cunt. 
You both spend the remainder of the storm tangled up in skins and blankets, stopping intermittently to watch the thrashing spectacle refresh the land and sunflowers outside the homestead.
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Thanks so much for reading - I have more Helianthus Ezra to come in the future. If you enjoyed this fic, please consider re-blogging and leave a comment telling me your thoughts. Thankies! 🖤
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naminethewriter · 2 months
On the Road, Just the Two of Us
Chapter One: A Yellow Field and Just the Two of Us
Masterpost | Next | Ao3
Summary: This was written for @dukeceit-week-2024, @dukeceitweek
Janus and Remus are living in a campervan at the moment. Are they going somewhere? Who knows. The only thing that's important is that they're together.
Content Warnings: Innuendos
Janus watched as the wind blew through the field in front of him. Almost as far as he could see there were rows and rows of sunflowers. The sun shone down, nourishing the plants, all their little faces tilted in its direction.
It was a simple sight, you could say. But a really beautiful one.
“Janny? You good?”
Janus looked down at Remus, who stood in beside the old campervan on which’s roof he was currently sitting on and staring up at him.
“Not at all. The view up here is absolutely dreadful.” He rolled his eyes as he spoke, eliciting a giggle from his boyfriend.
“I will be up to rescue you from it shortly then!” He puffed out his chest in a clear parody of his brother which made Janus grimace.
Remus burst out laughing, dropping to the ground and rolling in the dirt. Janus watched him, mostly amused, though not about the fact that they now had more dirty clothes in the rather small van. Though, he supposed, with how much Remus was running around just before he came over, they probably had already been drenched in sweat, so it hardly made a difference.
 “I’m coming up! Should I grab something?”
Janus blinked, not having realized that he’d spaced out. Remus was now sitting up, grinning at him.
“Something to drink would be nice. Thank you, darling.”
“No prob, be right there, Dangernoodle!” With that, Remus vanished into the van. Janus turned his attention back to the sunflowers, ignoring the noise his boyfriend was making. He didn’t want to know what destruction he was leaving behind on his mission to get Janus something to drink.
A minute later, Remus was climbing up the ladder attached to the backdoor of the van – well, it was less a ladder and more a few metal bars, but it worked, so what did it matter? – and carefully made his way over to Janus. The roof was able to hold them both easily but that didn’t mean they had to stomp around on it. Janus scooted a bit to the side, making room on the towel he had laid out to avoid direct contact with the metal roof. In this weather, that would be akin to burning himself and the shorts both he and Remus wore didn’t offer much protection.
Remus sat down next to him and held a nice, cooled water bottle to his face. Janus sighed, enjoying the sensation for a moment before taking the bottle from his boyfriend with thanks. Twisting the cap off while simultaneously holding on to his parasol took him a moment to figure out, but he managed. Remus watched him with a chuckle.
“You could’ve just asked me to open it.”
“I am capable on my own, thank you very much,” Janus huffed, teasingly.
“What a surprise! You capable enough that if I’d shove you off this car, you’d land on your feet?”
“As much fun as that sounds to try, dear, we’re in the middle of nowhere and you’re horrible with GPS’. It’d take hours for you to get me to a hospital with the broken bones I’d surely get from that.”
“Fine, fine, fine! No pushing you off! And I’m not bad with GPS! I just like to look for more fun routes.” He grinned, showing off his teeth and Janus couldn’t help the fond smile that snuck onto his lips.
“Of course, darling. That’s always the case without exception.”
“Aaaaanyway,” Remus said, loudly, “what’s got you so fascinated? I mean, I guess it’s pretty but it’s just a bunch of sunflowers in the end.”
Janus shrugged, letting his gaze wander over the field once again.
“Just the simplicity of it, I suppose. I haven’t seen many things like this in person since I grew up in a city and all our vacations were to either other cities or like all-inclusive five-star hotels. There isn’t much time for trips out into nature when your parents have to be reachable at all times. Plus, I always liked sunflowers. They’re not my favorite, but definitely not far off.”
Remus hummed. He knew some bits and pieces off Janus’ upbringing as the son of two successful businesspeople. His siblings and he had all the money they ever wanted but not a lot of affection. He decided now was not the time to dig deeper into that. They were out here to live in the moment, not in the past.
“What do you like about them? Don’t get me wrong, I like ‘em too, though mostly for their seed.” He wriggled his eyebrows suggestively at Janus who simply rolled his eyes and ignored the innuendo. If you can even call it that.
“I like them,” he said loudly, knowing that Remus would drag the bit out if he gave him the opportunity to, “because they’re quite unique looking. Big and sturdy. And still, they’re just as dependent on the sun. I could go into a spiel about how there’s so many different flowers to appreciate and they’re still all equal is a good comparison to how humans should respect each other and their differences but who has the time?”
Remus cackled at his dry punchline delivery and pulled him close.
Damn was he hot! And no, Janus wasn’t talking about his looks, though of course, Remus is hot in that regard as well, but right now his body temperature was more relevant to Janus. He was already almost overheating; he didn’t need to hug a living radiator.
“Dear, as much as I love touching you—” He paused to let Remus snort, because he knew his boyfriend and knew that he’d interpret it as a double entendre— “but it’s way too warm for that.”
“Ugh, fine.” Remus let him go and Janus took another sip of his water to cool down. “You sure you don’t like ‘em because they’re yellow?”
“Oh, shut up. I don’t automatically like everything yellow just because it happens to be my favorite color, you dick.” He lightly hit Remus up the back of his head which he only seemed to find more amusing. Janus couldn’t deny he was smiling too.
“I just think they’re pretty. Plus, they stand for long life, loyalty and positivity. And adoration but more in a platonic sense. It suits them. That you can eat the seeds is just an added bonus.”
“How ‘bout we get down from here and you let me eat your seed?”
Janus snorted.
“Maybe in the evening. Right now it’s way too hot for me to let you touch me anywhere.”
“Ah, fuck,” Remus said, disappointed. Janus patted his cheek and stood up, carefully making his way past his boyfriend and back to the ladder.
“Next time, tiger. Now, let’s get going. The air conditioning in this hunk of metal may suck, but it’s better than cooking out here.”
“Be right there, Jan!” Remus called after him as Janus disappeared behind the van. He got out his phone and typed out a quick text before putting it away again and hurrying down himself.
“Don’t forget to take the towel down with you, dear!”
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brighan · 1 year
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Crow and  Damian 🌻 Commission for threadedcanes on Twitter
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ALT text under the cut
A piece with Damian and Crow. Damian has tanned skintone and dark, long hair in a braid. His eyes are also dark. They are facing each other, with Crow tenderly holding Damian's face while his arms are wrapped around Crow’s waist. Their faces are close together with them looking at each other with warm smiles. They are standing in the center of a sunflower field, and their Ghosts are hovering over their heads.
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demonichikikomori · 1 year
thank you for replying to my question!! I totally see Ruggie acting that way about babies too ! He is probably used to big families and would want one himself to raise his babies with the love he couldn't have growing up without parents 😔💗
But how to deny Ruggie calls? 😭 THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE 💔
Also, what if Ruggie started dating his darling recently and he enters in rut BUT- she's a virgin 👁️👁️
I think if they had sex before it would be easy for Ruggie to go wild, but what if it's the first time? Would he be able to control himself? 👀
I hope you're eating well and drinking enough water Devil, please take care ! 💞
Oh of course! I love seeing my inbox and all the kind people who come to talk to me! I’m glad to see you again my dear Sunflower! You brighten my day! Well, nights. Usually when I check my inbox I’m at my second job and it’s super dark out! The world sleeps while the Devil works! Not that I mind too much hehe.
With the Halloween vignettes of Ruggie talking about how he and all the kids in the slums got together for Trick or Treating, it made me think he was always in big groups growing up similarly to a family. Same with him now, in Book 4, he goes home for winter break with food for the kids in his neighborhood. He’s a reliable older figure… A brother… Or maybe even a hot dad! DILF!Ruggie… I’m feeling a little flustered haha.
And you must stay strong! Even if he’s moaning into your ear through the tiny receiver, think about yourself! Protecting your body from claws and teeth! Stamina that is never ending! Leona might try to save you before you head to his room. But he won’t actually try. It’s not his job to bodyguard you or stop you.
“You shouldn’t go in there while he’s like this.”
A thin blanket of defense separating you from getting stuffed with knot from dusk to dawn. And maybe even longer if the hyena is pent up and you’re still conscious.
When I saw the ‘virgin’ part, my brain spun in a circle. I feel like such a vicious person whenever I think of virgins getting terrorized. Oh? You think you’re up for such a challenge? Let’s see how long you last ‘Shaky Legs’. <3 <3 <3
Some people don’t realize, virgins actually have low stamina even if they don’t think they do. Being touched by another person is a whole different playing field compared to your dominant hand or a naughty piece of plastic. The erotic feeling of having sharp nails scratching over your stomach, being told quietly how you’ll be used, bred, and throughly turned into a toy… It’s very intense.
Ruggie is actually shockingly thoughtful, especially when he knows he’s getting something in return haha. With a partner, even without gaining something he puts that person first. In the beginning, he might try to usher them away. It’s too dangerous for them to spend time together! But thank you for offering to soothe him in such a state! If MC continued to push and press and offer, at some point, he’ll take them up on it. He might ask Leona to come in and rescue MC if things get too bad, but that’s up to MC to call out for help. Ruggie might not be able to stop even if he tries.
“Hey, let’s do it raw since it’s your first time. It feels super good.”
He bought condoms, but in a rut it’s hard to consider using them. And usually he’ll run out after the first few hours. He’s careful at first, lots and loooots of foreplay since it riles him up too. But after the first push inside…
He blanked out.
Like a rope snapping he’s forgetting all about the ‘please go slow’ or ‘virgin’ stuff. All he knows is that he needs to make babies. He needs to breed something. Mount something. Or in this case, someone. He’s still there somewhere, mumbling apologies as poor MC is both deflowered and overstimulated.
Never bite off more than you can chew. But honestly, I wouldn’t be shocked if MC became a sex addict for a little while. Being pleased to the point of insanity for their first time…
Their heart will become warped from something so intense. They can’t stop having sex until they finally give out. A new fetish was unlocked. But can Ruggie keep up out of a rut? Of course, Hyena’s are naturally promiscuous.
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damelucyjo · 1 year
Right. Let’s grab a cup of tea and crack on, shall we babes!! It’s a long one!
Episode 6 - Sunflowers 🌻
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Oh poor boys. Ted is still so clueless 😂
That’s a fancy ass owners section!!
She thinks the songs depressing 👀 okay!
I love that she can’t drink alcohol normally 😂 chug it, girly!!
You tell him Roy 🫡
Bless Higgins. He’s so excited
They’re so cute. I love that Rebecca knows her so well now that she recognises her vocal changes 🥰
But bailing on a night out with your bestie for your boss?? Come on Keels! 😔
“Somewhere that believes they deserve her” 👀 say it louder, Becca, please!!
Methinks he may be angry… but I can’t tell 🤔
Beard’s eyes 😳 😂
“Not as bad as you do” Are you listening, Ted?? They’re on to you…
Poor Jamie. But Ted’s eyebrow impression of Roy makes me snort 😂
I love that they’re all like excited kids on a school trip
Sweet baby Will, going to the red light district with papa Higgins 🥹 this pairing is cute. And Charlie’s reaction is brilliant 😂
Jamie giving a lesson on Amsterdam to Roy. Beautiful
So apparently they’re close enough that she feels warm in her belly when something is wrong so must ring her, but not close enough to know where she is?? Make it make sense please
And down she goes! 😂 we’ve been waiting a year for this!! 😂
“Stupid fucking place” Hannah is so funny
You know, if I wasn’t such a Tedbecca girly I would be into these two in a heartbeat 😍
Omg he’s in another colour. What do I do?! 🥴
(He’s changed her picture. Again.)
Not focusing on your conversation with your bestie cause you’re trying to plan a date with blonde?? We see you, Ted 👀
Beards little eye patches. He’s so cute 🥰
So has he never been punched in the face? Or drink yelled at his mum?? Interesting
Beard’s time has come 🫡 (also we have the same toothbrush 😂)
This really shows how vastly different all these boys are, yet they work very well together. I love it.
Also a single tulip cause a field would be overwhelming. Protect Dani at all costs, yet again 🥰
Oh hey, uncle Trent!
Higgin’s line about Will becoming a man foreshadowing a conversation later - very clever. I also love that ‘nah’ after everyone hears Leslie is going to the red light district 😂
Yo, Van Damme. You’re a little too into the sex show. What’s that about??
not pickled herring! Poor Colin 👀 I see you, Trent.
Yes, captain Isaac! A team! But I know so we’ll the struggle of picking something with a group of people 😂
Jesus, that boat is huge! Every house boat I’ve been on has been tiny!!
Her face at seeing his little girls room 🥹
‘It’s not drugged. I promise’ He promises so it must be true! You’re very trusting, babes 😂
Roy & Jamie are quickly becoming my other favourite pairing on this silly little show. Brett & Phil are brilliant together
These two are another surprising great match!
“Is everything alright at home?” Aww, love a concerned Will
My favourite character thing about Leslie is how much he loves his music. Him sharing his love with Will is beautiful to see. And Will being excited to learn is gorgeous
How many times has Beard tried to get Ted to partake? And he must just be fucking with him doing it with tea 😂
His struggle 😂😂
None of them noticing there’s a vase of them right there 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
Still arguing over what to do. So real
Isaac has had it 😂
Okay, Trent, LOVE those shoes!!
Alright, yeah. They’re cute. I said what I said.
On my first watch I thought she said she was more of a webcam girl 😂😂 omg
“Force of habit” BECAUSE HE HAS A DAUGHTER 🥹
Rebecca! On another reluctant date because she’s hungry 🫣 you need to eat more, girly 😂
The box of clothes and the comment on them being trophies are nice callbacks to Beard After Hours 👍🏼
I’ll keep saying it, but they are cute. They have easy banter like she had with a certain someone else…🤔
Okay, that whole thing is a little questionable?? But she could have stuck to her guns about the alcohol. I really don’t think he would have cared either way.
I love you, Jamie. Please never change 🥰 (love that tiny glimpse that the little arsehole is still in there 😂)
Thunderdong!! Nice one 😂😂
Oh poor Colin 😔
The most unbelievable thing about Trent is that he dresses and acts the way he does and everyone just doesn’t assume he’s gay. This is how I can tell it’s primarily written by Americans 😂 Brits always assume every guy who is a little ‘different’ is gay 🤷🏻‍♀️
Ted being an avid gif sender 😍 he’s just like me
So out of it he doesn’t notice all his messages are now being sent as texts, not iMessage?? Oh Ted 🥺
Oh, hey Keeley! Weird that they’d have that playing on TV in Amsterdam with info about the museum but… whatever
She looks pretty!! Me and boat guy had the same reaction
Rebecca, he’s telling you to let your anger go. Please listen to him!! 📢📢📢
Since when has Rebecca been a fan enough of The Gambler himself to recognise one of his songs in Dutch?? 👀 Is that Teddy’s influence?? 👀
Love that they’ll get Hannah to sing any way they can. Thank you, boys! 🫡😂
He really is just Dutch Ted, isn’t he. Is she noticing it too??
Oh I really love that she’s just so relaxed 🥰 I need more casual Becca. She’s fun
How maybe fuck has Roy been running around Amsterdam all evening with his dodgy knee?? Im fucked just walking around for a short while 😂
Oh poor Roy 🥺
For grandad 🥹 yes I do have tear in my eyes. What of it 🥹
You just know these two had the time of their lives filming this 😂😂
Beautifully showcasing how nurturing Jamie is, absolutely nothing like his dad 🫡 good lad
“LET’S GO FIND A FUCKING WINDMILL!” “FOR GRANDAD!” They’re so fucking cute 🥰😂
Baby Will & Papa Higgins are adorable. I’d happily watch a full episode about just them
Proud ‘dad’, successfully sharing his passion and introducing another to jazz. Love to see it 🥰
Full on tears through this scene too!! James & Billy did an amazing job with this. Feels incredibly real & true 🥰 nice one, lads
Heartbreaking that he just wants to live his truth and for it to not be a ‘thing’. Hand on, I need tissues
“When you know you’re doing what you’re meant to do, you have to try” Wow.
Jason is so hot and cute. Sometimes I don’t know what to do.
Still arguing 😂 Isaac had had it!! Angry Isaac is hot though 🥵😂
These two are so good for one another. I’m glad they’re getting closer
Not that we needed another reminder of how shitty James is as a father 🥺 poor Jamie. But at least he has happy memories of the place with his mum. Loved that trip so much that he still remembers everything he learnt 🥹 Jamie, my boy 🥹
The casual Keeley mention o why he’s angry. 😔
She’s so soft 🥰 more soft Rebecca moving forward, please
I know she was making a point, but she could have just stayed 😂
Another dad reminder - cue sound effect
Nathan jump scare!! 😂😂
Arthur Bryant’s must be doing so well off the back of Ted Lasso 👍🏼
He’s just like me! Shout out to al the visual learners!!
So true that Hannah is the voice of God 🫡
Also leave me be that I want to believe this voice is his dads…
Aww Higgins, this is why he wanted to hide, bless him
PILLOW FIGHT!!! Shame Ted isn’t there for it though. But I’m sure there’ll be many more
The dancing is very cute
God speed to whoever had to pick up all those feathers 🫡😂
Trent & Colin besties era starts here. I love it
They all had perfect evenings 🥹🥰
“I won’t forget you” is a beautiful line, because that night was when her whole attitude towards her life changed. She can finally let go and be happy like she wants to. All thanks to this nameless man that she’ll never forget 🥰
“Did we? Oh yes, we did” have a perfect evening, have a great connection… THEY DIDN’T SLEEP WITH EACH OTHER GUYS, STOP WORRYING!
Of course Beard had the craziest night of all! And speaks Dutch 😂 well done, Brendan
Will on the phone to him mum telling her about being invited to a threesome 😂😂 amazing
Huh. Dud batch. So you came up with that all by yourself, Ted, because you just let it all go… interesting 👀
Ted coming up with something that already existed 😂 total football 👍🏼
The boys cheering Rebecca getting on the bus is so cute 🥰
12 UNANSWERED TEXTS AND 3 UN-HAHA’ED GIFS!! Boy, you are in love with your boss. Who does that 😂 also love knowing Rebecca haha’s his gifs
She’s so chill still. How longs this gonna last?? I hope it does 🤞🏼
“We saw a windmill!” It’s adorable how enthusiastic everyone is about everything!
The fucking sex show 😂
They will use any excuse to get Hannah to sing. And I am all for it! But Beard joining in makes me laugh every time 😂😂😂
There’d better be a comment on the fact she went home on the bus in the next episode 👀👀
Well that episode was just wonderful! For so many of the characters!! Definitely one I will be going back to again and again. It set everyone up beautifully moving forward and I for one and excited to see what happens next 😁
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mahoushojo · 2 years
Just another quiet day in Flowerbud Village. 🌻💕
I had the chance to fulfill one of my childhood dreams earlier this week and cosplayed from Harvest Moon 64 alongside my good friends. We visited a local sunflower field for a photoshoot, which was so much fun! I can’t wait to share more photos from our time together.
Videography by Renai_Photo | Maria by Kasei Cosplay | Elli by Sunfloradesuu
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takasgf · 1 year
Truffle salt and Fleur De Sel for the ask game ♥️♥️🌻 I hope your taking care <33
Hewwo :3 Thank you so much for the ask!! 🌟
truffle salt - what is the best gift your f/o has ever given you?
I can answer this question in two ways. Firstly, a "physical" gift (at least as physical an imaginary object from my daydreams could be) from him that I treasure with my entire heart would be flowers. I love thinking about him giving me flowers, either to celebrate something, or simply because he thought about me... But the actual gift that I might never be able to thank him for, would be his love and care. Very cheesy, I know, but I see it as the best gift I could ever have. His existence in my life (both fictional in Frog's case, and the real one in my case) has helped me every single day. He is the gift. He makes me feel so lucky to be alive and know him!!! His smile, his hugs, his encouraging words, literally all the things that make him him are enough for me to feel happy and comfortable with our relationship. I'm thankful for him saving my life pretty much.
fleur de sel - if you could travel anywhere with your f/o, where would it be and why?
Serious answer: Any trip in nature, in a place that isnt overly cold, so we could have picnics outside comfortably. I dont have a preference for a specific place. It could be on a beach, in a park, in a forest or on a literal field and I'd enjoy it quite a lot. Okay I lied, the field does sound like the nicest place to have a picnic at (a sunflower field... oh gosh.. (つ﹏<。)), but anywhere is appreciated.
Silly answer: I WANT TO SIT ON A CLOUD WITH HIM😭!!!!!! so much. I know its literally just air but i want to be there and lay down on the cloud and look at the sky with him from even closer. Ishigeru will soon enough start investing in a plane. Or a hot air baloon. Or they could just borrow the Saya-copter (the M.aizono themed helicopter put together by her team for advertising purposes) (i made this all up)
I hope you are taking care too🍀!!! Sending hugs!🫂❤❤❤
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sunflawyer · 4 months
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“ Sunflowers symbolize unwavering faith and unconditional love. They're associated with positivity and joy. The bright yellow petals and the sun-like appearance of the flower evoke feelings of happiness and warmth. ”
(c.ommissioned art by maketewanaran_ on twt! ♡)
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fancycolours · 4 months
drop this sunflower🌻into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! lets spread a little sunshine ☀️
Yay! A beautiful sunflower for me? You shouldn't have! 🤭💛
Thank you, darling! I appreciate it! 🥰
Also, I can't stop thinking about me and Robert and you and Eric frolicking through a HUGE sunflower field together! The imagery is just too adorableee! 🌻🌻 We'd totally take a bunch of photos there too! 📸
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sunflower-net · 2 years
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⠀ ⠀   ❨   🌻   ❩  ⠀ ⠀     ⌢  ⠀ ⠀    RED VELVET, we want you to bloom with us !!
𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐄𝐓𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊 is a brand new mewe based, general and semi-literate roleplay. we accept muses over the age of nineteen who are active in the korean entertainment industry. enjoy the warmth of our community and spend time with us under the sun. let’s get together in the sunflower field today!
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yupitsi · 2 years
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5 October 2022 || Fourth Wedding Anniversary
Happy Sunflowery Fourth Wedding Anniversary, my baby!! Happy to spend the day with you and our daughters, learning and being exposed to nature on our mini field trip at the sunflower farm today! 🌻
May we always remind ourselves to look at the bright side of everything we are going through as individuals and as a family. God is so good!
I love you so much baby ko. I love our spiritual journey together as a family. Praising God for you each day, for our kids, for the Holy Spirit and God's leading in our lives, and for true education.
Praying I get to spend more more more more more years with you and the kids. Grow old together in Jesus and until He comes! I love you always!
And the story goes...
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roguetrippers-blog · 2 years
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Live life in full bloom. 🌻 While driving through the country, we came upon @lauras_farm_stand in Cookstown, Ontario. Laura's is a roadside country market with fresh produce and a vast field of flowers to explore and do "pick your own" flowers. Currently, their fields are ablaze with the colours of wildflowers and brilliant yellow sunflowers. They have created a 1+ km trail through their fields for visitors to explore and take photos/of the sunflowers, and they have set up several photo settings as well. 🌻 With so many terrible stories of tourists trampling farmers' fields for that perfect pic for the 'gram.... This type of setup allows the two to come together in a mutually beneficial and fun way. 🌻 #sunflowerfield #sunflowers #agritourism #Roguetrippers (at Laura's Farm Stand) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chk4mcrp64S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marinaesmeraldo · 2 years
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💛🌞🌻 Remembering this lovely, summery, sunflowery collab with @alblancatelier: A memory of yellow fields, driving up north, up along the Costa Brava, onwards to the South of France. The pale gold of hay fields, dotted with the round shapes of bales that always brings me so much joy. And then, the rich, deep yellow fields with thousands of sunflower heads turned to worship their celestial god. An uncanny feeling, but also the promise of fresh air, the Mediterranean countryside. Summertime. At home, these visions flash through my mind’s eye as I collect a beautiful, simple package. Bursts of yellow crowning a white paper wrapping, held together by a cotton ribbon that feels good against the fingertips. I place the package on a wooden tabletop and untie the ribbon holding the arrangement together, seven flowers gently tumbling out, fan shaped. The intense, mustardy shade of each bud commands the gaze whenever you walk into the room. Their short, richly pigmented, trigonal shape has a lasting impact on the eye. I envision lines going up and down diagonally, a row of bold triangles, dancing around a circle. A friend I haven’t seen in fourteen years made a beautiful ceramic vessel for me. It has travelled across the Atlantic and now sits on my kitchen countertop, holding the sunflowers. Arranging them every day is a soothing meditation. It is June, the month I was born, and the blossoms salute me. #marinaesmeraldo #marinaesmeraldotravels #oilpasteldrawing #artprocess #artistsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CgM4JpkMrNl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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duckprintspress · 2 years
Story Ideas: Sappy Spring Emoji Prompts!
Long time, no Sunday blog post, but we're back with a seasonal collection of the sappiest, sweetest, emoji-inspired prompts that we could think of! Just imagine your OTP...
🥀: the flowers in my yard had all wilted and I didn‘t know what to do; luckily, you see me looking sad in my garden and come over to help out with your awesome green thumb.
💐: you saw me buy a bunch of flowers and were sad because you thought they were for someone else—surprise, they‘re for you!
🌸: I had a bad day, but then you invite me to see the cherry blossoms together and I realize just how much I love you…so I spontaneously propose.
🌈: it‘s our wedding day and it‘s raining, this is the worst! But then you hold the umbrella over me and point out the rainbow arcing across the sky, and now I think this may be the best day of my life.
🌻: my sunflowers grew so tall that they leaned into your yard; I was worried you'd be upset but instead you say, "I like them there because they remind me of you."
🌞: I know you‘re a summer person, so I‘ve been waiting for the first really warm day of the year to take you out on a picnic and watch the emerging leaves with you—and today is the day!
☔️: we meet for the first time at the bus stop when I arrive drenched and you extend your nice umbrella over my head without even looking at me.
🪴: honestly, I didn't think you knew I existed, but when I got sick, you sent me a plant and a note asking me on a date when I got better. I still don't feel 100% but the plant on my bed stand cheers me up every day.
🌼: you know I love flowers, but we're broke and there's no way you can get them for me...except you came home today with a bouquet of wildflowers you picked from a field and I'm so happy I could cry.
💫: you invited me out to look at the stars through your telescope on the first clear night of spring, and I want to support you and share your enthusiasm but it's so cold I'm shivering...and so you pull me close, spread you coat wide so we can share it. Huddled wonderfully together, we can stargaze together.
🐚: the winter cold is lingering, but I'm thrilled because you've surprised me with plane tickets for a beach vacation!
🌬: the first big storm of spring catches me unprepared and everything on my porch flies away! I don‘t know what to do, but the next day it‘s all back on my porch with a note inviting me to dinner. You didn‘t have to go and hunt it all down just to ask me out for a date, I‘ve been fancying you for ages!
🐛: I've worried that you were going to break up with me at the end of the school year, but you just bought me a "watch these caterpillars grow into butterflies" kit and I know you'd never do that unless you planned to stick around to watch their metamorphosis with me.
🐣 : there are strange sounds coming from your apartment so one day I go to investigate and it turns out you? are? hatching? CHICKENS? in your one-bedroom apartment, what, why, OMG they‘re so cute??
🐇: I was kind of meh about this date but then it turns out your idea was to take me to an animal shelter to pet the bunnies. You tell me you love them and want to adopt one once you live in a bigger place, and you give me the most earnest, hopeful, vulnerable expression, and…okay, I think I may be falling for you kinda fast? Like, super fast?
(by @unforth and @alessariel)
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