#[ ic :: cupid's arrows event ]
countlessrealities · 10 months
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@yournamedarling sent: "Mr. Rick I need your help there was another Rick in here and he was really scary and he kept asking me questions about other Rick customers and making me uncomfortable and then he put a force field over the bar and he made me sit down and then a police officer got split in half and then I had to give him a really expensive absinthe and then he threatened me and then he probed my brain and my brain hurty and I throwed up." They are still probably feeling the brain probing effects which is causing them to talk in run-on sentences.
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Under normal circumstances, Rick would have rolled his eyes at the "Mr" that Yu-nae had used to address him. It might not be as bad as being called "Mr Sanchez", but it still feels ridiculous and just not him. Not to mention that he would have most likely told the bartender to slow down because he was "making no fuckin' sense".
However, these aren't normal circumstances. So, instead of being annoyed or at least confused, the scientist finds himself staring at the other with wide eyes, as if he was seeing them for the first time. And damn if Yu-nae wasn't making a very different impression compared to their actual first meeting.
Had their features always been so charming sharp? Had the bags under their eyes always made those irises stand out like that? And their intriguingly androgynous form...how hadn't he noticed it before?
Well, fuck it. It doesn't matter because he is seeing it now. And this seems like the perfect occasion to do something about it. He can't miss it, now, can he?
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"H-Hey, hey, easy, beautiful. L-Let's start with the essential things, shall we?" He starts, almost purring out the words, as if he had been oblivious to the other's distress. "T-There's no 'mister' here, j-juuust Rick."
He leans into the bartender's personal space with his best charming smirk.
"B-But damn, it seems like someone played a f-fucking number on your head. M-Maybe someone should screw it back in place? I-If it wasn't clear, I-I'm volunteering.~"
And he goes as far as wiggling his eyebrows in a way that's openly suggestive. If Yu-nae hasn't caught up with the fact that something is very much out of place till now, this should be explicit enough to warn him.
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madeimpact · 10 months
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kmgkmg · 1 year
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word count: 3.3k...
pairing: wonwoo x gn!reader
synopsis: you finally interact with the ever so famous ice prince of your campus and he wants you to be in a fake relationship with him?!
genre/s: fluff, non-idol!au, college!au, fake relationship, strangers-to-lovers
warnings: alcohol mention
rating: pg-13
a/n: a submission for k-vanity's cupid arrow event. golden arrow: fake relationship to falling in love. fic title is based on the song stay with me by sole and wonstein! ty @kimchicollardgreens for helping with the ending!! <3
“You hate me, don’t you?” Chan sulked, wiping an imaginary tear from the corner of his eye.
 Both of you were finally finished with your final class of the week. You were glad that the class was over. Although you both loved dance, Chan even having it as his major, your professor somehow managed to drone on and make it boring enough to make you both sleepy as hell. The course description enticed you and when Chan showed interest as well, you knew it was destiny to register for it. 
You planned for it to be a chill weekend, full of homework, but your best friend had other plans. Normally you would 100% support him, that’s what friends are for after all, but the start of this semester had been harder than expected. Less than three months into your new courses, yet you felt like you were desperately trying to escape from the bottom of the pile of coursework thrown on top of you. 
“Fine, I’ll skip getting the FREE sandwiches that my department offered. It’s not like they were getting them from the newly opened restaurant. That, may I remind you, is close to campus. It’s not like I could’ve reported back to you on the taste to decide if we wanted to go there in the future,” You ramble, making sure to emphasize the free aspect of the deal you were missing out on. You usually did attend Chan’s shows, but you told him before class that you wanted to grab a sandwich and head home to finish your readings for next week’s courses. 
Chan kissed you on the cheek, “You love me after all!” 
Most are thrown-off by his touchiness but you became friends with him before orientation and quickly bonded with each other. He was like a brother to you, and he viewed you as a sibling too. With his kiss of appreciation placed, he headed towards the practice room to finalize his choreography for tonight. You shouted out for him to be careful since he was prone to running into things or people when he was excited. He waved his hand in recognition of your warning and you started heading to the campus library to study while waiting for the showtime to approach. 
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You were now walking to the old main building that the show was going to be in. There was one course you took as a first-year student in it, so luckily you knew how to find it since your campus could be confusing at times. Since it was an old building, the main floor was marked as 000 instead of 100. So even though it was on the first floor, Chan’s performance was in Studio 011. From the distance, you could see that the door had been propped open with... a tiger-patterned door stopper?
Why do tiger-patterned door stoppers exist? 
No, more importantly, how did Soonyoung manage to think of buying one? Laughing at the dance team leader’s fondness towards tigers, you entered the building. 
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Although Chan’s performance was taking place on the main floor, he had hilariously begged you to bring him an energy drink to hype himself up. It was the first performance of the semester, of course he was excited but the firsts are always mixed with nervousness as well. It didn’t bother you that he asked. Really. But, what did bother you was the location of the vending machine. The fifth floor.
On the elevator, the repetitive melodies of the music persisted, until getting to the third floor. A man with square frame glasses was breathless, carrying a box full of unknown objects, all you could tell is that it looked heavy. Another box was at his feet, barely staying closed with flimsy tape in an attempt to seal it. 
“I lost rock paper scissors, so I’m their errand boy for the day,” he explained as you uncrossed your arms to hold the elevator open with your hand. 
You nod in understanding, still surprised that the elevator wasn’t as full as it usually was. 
“Do you need help with the other box?” You inquired, eyes drifting to the box at his feet. 
“No, no. I couldn’t bother you to do that,” he refused, kicking the box into the nearly vacant elevator. 
You again nod silently, extending your arm out to hit the button to close the doors. 
“This isn’t going to the first floor?” He asks, perplexed since he could’ve sworn he hit the button to go down.
“I mean, it will eventually. I’m going up to grab some drinks for the dance team,” You told him, still unsure of who he was.
His ears perked up, “Oh? Are you friends with any of the members?” 
“Yeah, I know almost all of the team. I’m closest to Chan!” You replied, a smile beaming at the mention of your best friend.
“Oh, I’ve interacted with Chan a couple of times. He’s such a sweet kid,” He smiles back at you, before the elevator doors open once again.
“Yeah he is! But this is my floor so I have to go fetch them drinks. Do you want anything for the performance…actually what’s your name?”
“I’m good, thank you for offering. But my name’s Wonwoo, you?” Wonwoo introduces himself.
“Y/N. See you in a bit, Wonwoo,” you wave at him, removing your foot from the elevator’s threshold.
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“You DMed the ice prince, Jeon Wonwoo?” Chan squealed, drawing attention to the two of you near the busy coffee cart. You hurriedly shushed your friend, shoving his croissant sandwich in his mouth as he still looked at you in bewilderment. 
“What is up with that old-fashioned nickname? Are we in a drama or something? And it’s not that big of a deal,” You shrugged, attempting to move on from what you had accidentally let slip. 
“I mean, but why? What does Y/N L/N have to say to Jeon Wonwoo?” 
“Well, after I bumped into him he seemed like an interesting character. What do I have to lose by asking him out to dinner?” 
“Dinner? Y/N, that’s like the mealtime for dates!” Chan exclaimed, not even attempting to hide his excitement at his best friend potentially going out with one of the school’s most popular guys.
“Who says?”
“Literally him. He said that one time when we were giving Soonyoung advice for how to ask out Soohyuk.”
“Shit,” you sighed. 
“That’s what I thought,” Chan triumphantly replies.
You shake your head to his response, “No not that, I just spilled my smoothie on the table,” you explained, reaching for napkins to wipe up the mess. 
“You’re really not affected by this?”
“If he sees it as a date, then it’s a date. I don’t really have any objections to going out with him,” you shrug, relaxing in the seat across from your best friend once again. As if Wonwoo could sense your conversation, your phone vibrated alerting you of a notification. You looked at it, momentarily forgetting you were in the presence of your overbearing best friend.
“It’s him, isn’t it? Let me see!” Chan giggles, nearly snatching your phone from your hand.
“It probably isn’t,” You groan, finally looking at your screen to reveal it was indeed, Jeon Wonwoo.
I would love to catch dinner, but I’m sorry I’m busy after my classes.
Well, he was called the ice prince for a reason. You quickly started messaging him back, fully aware of Chan’s presence in front of you.
Don’t worry about it, I know I asked super late notice!
“Well?” Chan asked, eyes full of curiosity.
“He’s busy,” You shrug.
Chan’s excited self visibly deflates as he goes to throw away the box that his sandwich was in.
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Class was going like usual with Chan dozing on your shoulder with his hood on over his head. 
This professor must have a supernatural ability to suck all the fun out of learning. It’s scary that this was the same Chan trying to steal your phone not even an hour ago. 
“We will continue our analysis of this reading on Friday, enjoy the rest of your day,” Your professor concludes class, signaling for students to pack up their things. It was evident every single student wanted to escape the lecture hall as soon as possible. 
“Chan, wake up,” You groan, pushing his head off of your shoulder.
“Mm, five more minutes,” He whined, attempting to lean his head on your shoulder again.
“Go sleep in your bed, dumbass,” You scolded, pushing him away from you as you got up to pack up your things. 
“You hate me, don’t you?” 
You roll your eyes at Chan’s go-to rhetorical question, “Not going to work today, Chan. Make sure you get home safe though, yeah?”
He sleepily nods, waving you goodbye. You hoisted up your backpack, starting to head out of the lecture hall. Chan liked sitting in the back, a prime place for his naps, but you regretted it every time class ended. Not only did it take way longer to leave since the only exits were at the end of the stairs, but you always had to somehow avoid confrontation with your ex, Joshua. He was the TA for this course, an issue that usually didn’t bother you, but since Chan had overslept more students had already cleared out. You were almost at the end of the stairs, dreading your impending interaction with Joshua. To your surprise, as you glanced at Joshua’s usual spot, he wasn’t there. 
Instead, Jeon Wonwoo was? Was he in this class the whole time? Why was he in Joshua’s spot? Before you could ask him, he stood up and started making his way over to you.
“Hey, I know I said I was busy, but could you help me out tonight?” He asks, making you raise your eyebrows at his genuine request.
“Depends, but why are you in Joshua’s spot?” You responded, needing to satiate your curiosity. 
“Oh, he’s sick and I’m the preceptor for the next class so I said I could just come an hour earlier and fill in his spot,” He started to explain, his eyes asking you to make him elaborate on what he needed help with.
You noted the urgency of his body language, making you smile at how his nickname did not suit him at all. “Why do you need my help?” 
He starts twiddling his fingers, looking down at them. He's so cute.
“Well there's this banquet tonight and um, I told my friends I had a date so they couldn't use my plus one, because I couldn't pick just one friend,” He looks back up at you and you nod to confirm you're still following his story.
“And, well, they somehow asked around to all get added as plus ones by other people invited. So, um, I was wondering if you could pretend to be my partner? Just for the night!”
“What’s in it for me?” 
He was clearly flustered at your question, not expecting his proposal to make it this far.
“Um...free catered food?”
“Good enough, I was just going to grab cafeteria food tonight anyways,” You grab one of his hands to stop him from fidgeting and shake his hand, “We have a deal then.”
You walk away from him with a smile on your face. Even if it was fake, the upcoming date excited you.
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“You're wearing that?” Minghao, your roommate, judges you as you showed him your outfit for the night.
“What's wrong with it?” You frown, you thought it was a cute business casual outfit.
“Y/N, this banquet is for the students handpicked by our school's president and elite alumni. You need to be more formal with your outfit,” Minghao calmly explains, getting up from your couch to make an outfit from your closet himself.
The bell rang, indicating Wonwoo was at the complex's entrance. You hit the button to talk to him, “Come on up, I'm almost done!”
You desperately look at your roommate, “He said he was going to be here at 6, this is too early!”
“Y/N, the clock...” Minghao trails off, making you look at the time to see it was five minutes after 6.
You sped back into your bedroom, throwing on the outfit that Minghao put together. Having a fashion design major roommate came in handy at times.
Wonwoo was awkwardly waiting on the couch sitting next to Minghao. He knew Minghao and Chan were on the dance team with Soonyoung, but Minghao intimidated him too much to ever approach him. After a few more seconds of unbearable silence, he decided to get up from the couch and head towards the door.
“You know, I can just wait for Y/N outside,” He tries to flee, only for you to open your bedroom door, perfectly ready for the night ahead of you.
“Sorry it took so long, but let's head out! Minghao stop intimidating him,” You scold, grabbing your keys and heading out of the apartment with Wonwoo.
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“You look so…” You begin, approaching Wonwoo who was clearly zoning out. You had excused yourself a little while after arriving, noticing a professor that had been avoiding your emails.
“Hot?” He answers almost immediately. 
“...bored.” You raise your eyebrows at his attempt to finish your sentence. “Now, Jeon Wonwoo, I know you’re the ice prince and all but have you really let that get to your head?” 
His face turns pale realizing you were the one talking to him. “Oh, it’s just- I thought- most people comment on my looks so I thought you were going to as well and I just..um yeah,” He mentally beats himself up for the way he was acting, what happened to his cool facade when he was with you? 
“So, it has gotten to your head?” You nod, teasing him more. 
“No! I-” 
He’s interrupted by your laughter, turning his head to see you cracking up at his reaction.
“Loosen up a bit Wonwoo. I won’t bite,” You manage to say in between laughter, handing him a glass of champagne. 
He smiles at you, grabbing the glass of champagne before silently taking a sip. Did you call him the ice prince or did he mishear you? “Wait, how do you know my nickname?” 
“Chan told me, although I have to admit it really doesn't suit you.”
“Why's that?”
“Well, you're nothing like ice. If anything, you melt people's hearts,” You say, mentally beating yourself up at what you randomly just spewed. He melts people's hearts?
Wonwoo could feel his ears turning hot at the unexpected compliment, but couldn't miss out on the opportunity to tease you back.
“I melt people's hearts, huh?” He grins.
“I know, not my best work. I cringed as soon as it came out of my mouth,” You agree, but your conversation is cut short by a trio of guys walking towards you.
“Shit, my friends are coming over,” He tells you through the gritted teeth of his artificial smile.
“So, this is your hidden partner? You weren't making them up after all Wonwoo!” One of them cries, resembling a puppy with his excited demeanor. He resembles Chan.
“Come on, leave the poor guy alone Mingyu,” Another friend chimes in. “I'm Choi Seungcheol, it's nice to meet you...?”
“Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet all of you as well! Wonwoo has talked about you all before, especially Jihoon!” You point at the shortest friend of the group, thankful Wonwoo had texted you with a rundown of his friends with photos that would be at the banquet earlier.
“What did he say about me? Hopefully nothing bad,” Jihoon speaks up.
“No, nothing bad! Just that he likes having a friend around who has similar energy to himself,” You make up, praying that Jihoon really was similar to Wonwoo. You looked at Wonwoo for approval of what you said, to which he softly smiled back at you. Does this mean you were right in your deductions?
“That does make sense! They're both super reserved,” Seungcheol replies, confirming you were spot-on.
“Enough talk about Jihoon, Y/N, what made you melt our ice prince's heart?” Mingyu pries, shifting the attention back to you and Wonwoo.
You look at Wonwoo, his eyes briefly meeting yours as you both recall the cringy line you used earlier. The odds of Mingyu saying the exact same thing made you both giggle, making his friends confused at the cause of shared laughter.
"Sorry, it just made us think about a conversation we had earlier. I'm not sure what made me melt his heart, but I know that I liked him first. We met by riding the same elevator and he seemed so stressed, but didn't want to bother anyone else. His quietness also made me want to know him more, so I asked him out," You summarize, trying your best to play the part of Wonwoo's loving partner.
Seungcheol, Jihoon, and Mingyu especially Mingyu had been doubtful when Wonwoo announced he had a partner, but seeing you with him made their doubts wash away. The way Wonwoo looked at you, it was clear that he cared for you.
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The winter air had froze the rain from earlier to ice. The banquet had finished without a hitch, all of his friends buying that you were dating Wonwoo. Walking back to your place was more of a struggle than you imagined it to be, with him having to save you from slipping every couple of steps.
“I could say that I'm usually less clumsy but that would be a complete lie," You laugh, unaware of how he was looking at you.
“By the way, you looked amazing tonight. I mean not that you don't always look amazing, but I missed the timing to tell you earlier,” Wonwoo hesitantly compliments you.
“Thank you, Wonwoo. You look criminally attractive right now as well,” You mumble, becoming shy from the unexpected compliment as well.
You turn towards him after he hadn't said anything in a while, “Wonwoo?”
“Would you maybe stay with me in this relationship?”
“You want me to be your fake date again? I mean as long as free food is included-”
“No, Y/N. I mean I really enjoyed tonight and would you maybe go out on real date with me?”
“Oh,” You pause, “yeah, I would really like that.”
Wonwoo links his arm with yours, making you doubt that he was timid just moments ago. Your quizzical expression must've been noticeable because even in the dark of the night, Wonwoo's face could be seen gradually becoming flustered.
“This way I can keep you from slipping,” He looks away from you, too shy to maintain eye contact any longer.
“Is the ice prince shy?” You grin, teasing him once again. It was impossible to refrain from teasing Wonwoo when he it was so easy to make him blush.
“I can't help it when I'm with you, Y/N-” He turns to you, only to be met with the sensation of your lips on his. He reciprocates the kiss, deepening it by supporting the back of your head with one of his hands and the other hand around your waist. You stay like this for a while, unaware of how much tension there was between the two of you. Soon enough though, you were at the doorstep of your apartment complex.
“You said I melt people's hearts, I didn't know that you were included in the people. And I definitely didn't expect you to melt my heart,”
“You're so corny. Goodnight, Wonwoo,” You wave.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” He waves at you from the bottom of the icy steps. You smile one last time at each other, closing the door as you watched him put his hands in his pockets and walk back towards campus. You hummed out of excitement back to your apartment.
The ice prince wasn't as cold as the rumors made him out to be.
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confietti · 4 months
Cupid's Arrow
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hi my loves!!! my inbox is open for my valentines event! (the name is above). everybody is allowed to participate! only requirements are to read my rules. :) this event will last the entire month of february in honor of valentines day! and since february also doubles as black history month, the reader will be a black woman. if you have a problem with that then see yourself out. i will also be uploading all of the fics I write over to my ao3! so feel free to go over there and read them too. kudos are appreciated.
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click here to join the ice cream shop <3!!!
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Jack Frost Headcanons 3
because these seem to make people very happy which brings me joy so HERE WE GO ROUND 3
Jack asks Bunny to teach him to paint afrer the events of the movie. Afterwards, he crafts, paints, and polishes a box for Bunny to keep his art supplies in as a thank-you.
Jack's favorite time is the midnight- 1 am hour. It's peaceful, and there's an energy and excitement to being the only one awake and having dawn so far away that just delights him. He once flew all the way around the globe just to be in the 12-1 am time for a full day. It's the only time, during his years alone, that he didn't feel invisible.
Jack is chill with most reptiles, but he jokes about being offended by them because they hibernate. On the flip side, he's freaked out by bears.
Jack makes a homemade gift for Jamie every Christmas.
Once Jack creates his own place, the rest of the Guardians all bring things to furnish it, from furniture to a sewing machine to appliances to bedding, the whole shebang.
Based strictly on the movie canon, my hc age lineup for the Guardians goes Sandy, Tooth, North, Bunny, Jack.
The spirits of autumn, spring, and summer are all female in my head, and all treat Jack distinctly as a baby brother, as I mentioned in a previous hc post. They dote on him, tease him, prank him when they get the chance. Despite the usual separation of the seasons, they have, at least, done their best to help Jack be less alone.
Once Jack gets his memories back, the spirit of autumn reminds him of Mary.
Cupid/Venus/Aphrodite/Eros/whoever's magic works through potions they dip their arrows into. Jack's frozen bloodstream means that Cupid's arrows don't work on him; he can only fall in love the old-fashioned, unassisted way. He prefers it that way, but it drives Cupid up the wall.
Probably controversial, so just don't read it if you're in a mood that could lead to a fight, but I personally think Jack would be more into the idea of dating a wind spirit, or a night spirit, or a water spirit, etc., than dating another winter/ice spirit or a fire spirit. I think he'd find a complementary power more interesting than the same power or an opposite power. (Don't come at me, Jelsa shippers, this is just my own hc)
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2000sgossip · 4 months
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you  smell  that  ?love  is  in  the  air  !  cupid  is  shooting  his  arrows  into  anyone  around  and  people  are  heart  eyes  towards  their  crushes,  praying  for  that  text  message  to  come  through  that  they’d  love  to  have  you  as  their  valentines.  restaurants  are  booked  to  the  masses,  stocking  up  on  their  staff  and  appetizers  while  bakeries  are  preparing  for  the  heart  shaped  cakes  and  strawberries  dipped  in  chocolate;  hotels  rushing  to  get  themselves  prepared  for  the  reservations  that’ll  be  coming  in.
however,  there’s  one  hater  out  there  —  and  it’s  me,  emily.  valentines  day  continues  to  be  the  stupidest  and  worst  holiday  ever  created;  if  you  need  a  single  day  to  vow  your  love  to  your  significant  other  or  a  day  to  feel  relevant  in  your  relationship,  then  babe,  i  feel  sorry  for  you.  but  apparently,  here  at  2000sgossip,  we’re  supposed  to  support  this  godforsaken  holiday.  
to  make  ourselves  feel  better  on  your  behalf,  we  have  decided  to  throw  a  fun  little  auction  —  organized  blind  dates  by  yours  truly  !  simply  throw  in  your  name  and  we’ll  make  sure  to  mark  you  down  for  a  fun  blind  date  with  one  of  the  many  approachable  singles  within  your  area,  and  only  with  the  small  price  of  a  cash  donation  upon  entering.  however,  there’s  a  catch.  you  must  go  on  your  dates  for  the  donations  to  be  acceptable,  there  is  no  dipping  out  simply  because  you  don’t  like  your  dates  and  do  you  really  want  to  disappoint  us  ?  you’ve  all  seen  what  myself  and  aria  could  be  like.  
so  make  sure  to  send  us  your  names  and  you  will  be  given  a  confirmation  as  well  as  a  link  to  provide  us  with  your  donation.  c’mon,  don’t  you  want  to  thank  myself  and  aria  for  finding  your  one  true  love  ?
ooc  information:
this  is  an  interactive  plotdrop  that  focuses  on  interactions  through  characters  that  may  have  never  had  the  chance  to  interact,  or  to  even  explore  more  dynamics  of  chaos  or  fluff. 
this  is  not  a  mandatory  plotdrop,  your  muses  do  not  have  to  participate  or  you  can  pick  and  choose  which  of  your  muses  will  be  participating,  although  it’s  highly  encouraged  for  individuals  to  participate.
steps  are  easy,  just  send  the  names  of  the  characters  you  want  involved  to  the  gossip  blog  and  we  will  make  a  list  of  those  who  will  want  to  be  involved.  please  make  sure  to  send  in  the  names  by  tuesday,  february  13th,  as  the  pairings  will  be  posted  on  valentines  day  (february  14th)
names  will  be  put  into  a  generator  to  make  sure  that  everyone  is  randomized,  there  will  be  no  hand  picking  by  either  of  the  admins  and  the  dates  will  be  completely  random.  if  there  is  an  uneven  number  within  the  groups,  some  dates  may  have  3  individuals  involved  instead  of  2.
of  course,  this  does  not  mean  that  your  characters  have  to  get  along  or  hit  it  off,  we  encourage  ic  drama  so  take  this  plotdrop  and  definitely  have  fun  with  it  !
“donations”  will  be  $100  for  entry,  which  will  automatically  be  assumed  when  you  send  in  the  characters  names,  and  this  will  be  used  for  a  future  event  or  even  a  future  plotdrop  that  will  technically  be  thanked  by  those  participating.
we  will  be  pairing  in  two  groups.  those  that  are  within  they’re  20s  and  then  those  that  are  over  the  age  of  30.  this  will  make  sure  that  someone  who  is  40+  isnt  paired  with  someone  in  their  young  20s.
there  is  no  deadline  for  these  threads,  however  please  make  sure  to  tag  them  accordingly  so  that  we  can  make  sure  that  people  are  interacting  with  their  partners
overall,  have  fun  with  it  !  and  if  you  have  any  questions,  please  reach  out  to  admins  via  the  discord  channel  or  dms  on  the  main  !
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
Hi squiggly! For the candy heart event can I request cilan with a platonic reader and the prompt Cupid please? I’m a huge sucker for anticipation, and he’s just so silly I couldn’t not take advantage of the event!! -⚡️
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OH I LOVE THIS! I haven't written for Cilan in forever! (Also hi friend! :D It's great to hear from you <3) I've gotcha covered! (Also I kinda forgot about the anticipation part until after I wrote this so it's not as intense in that department but I threw some in there kinda hope you like it all the same!)
Cutie: "You can't hide from me, I can hear you laughing!"
“What are you two giggling about over there?” Cilan looked up after the third muffled giggle you let out, narrowing his eyes at you and Chili. “Come on, out with it!”
“It’s no-thihing!” You squeaked, covering your mouth with your hands. Beside you, Chili was practically doubled over, shoulders shaking. “Nothing at all!”
“...(Y/N), whatever it is, you can’t hide it from me. I can hear you laughing.” Putting down his teapot, he walked over to you, gently moving you out of the way. “Now let’s see-”
His words were cut short when he saw the poorly decorated Pansage cookie, his name in royal icing over it with an arrow pointing. “(Y/N).”
You cackled, nearly doubling over as Chili sank to the floor in silent mirth. Further down the kitchen, you could hear Cress tittering in his hands. “I’m sorry! I’m sohoohohrry!”
“Oh I believe you.” Cilan chided as he walked towards you, drawing out your fate with slow steady paces. “But I’m still gonna get you!” He lunged, gathering  you up and into his arms and finding all your tickle spots with ease. “What are you implying with that sugar cookie, huh? Calling me a messy Pansage?”
“Aheahahhahahah! I doohohoohn’t knohohohow! It whahahhahas fhuhuhuhuhuhunny!” You squealed, dancing in his arms as your face grew warm. The kitchen space you and the trio took up was already small- Cilan holding you made your chances to escape even slimmer. “Ciihihiihlan, pleahahhahahahse! It whhahahhahas Chihihihili’s idhehehhehahahhaha!”
“What?” Chili balked, wide eyed. Cilan raised an eyebrow in thought.
“Was it now? That I can believe.” Despite his words, he kept on tickling you, never letting you too far out of reach. “I’ll get him later. Right now I’ve got to teach you a lesson on decorating, one tickle at a time!”
Send me a candy heart and I'll write a dabble for it!
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Thank you so much to everyone for participating. What a fun event and now it's time to give give everyone a read, like, and comment. 💖
Master Post
[ART] They Asked Me How I Knew (My true love was true)  by Sagacity for AzureTiger
Rated: T Summary: Steve and Thor (battle-husbands) have to swap suits for ~reasons~. Hilarity ensues. Ficlet included.
Bottled with Love  by Espressosaur for ABrighterDarkness  
Rated: G Summary: Thor is in dire need of a love potion but ends up desiring something completely different.
A Fall From The Sky, A Dazzling Light  by hafital for TheUltimateUndesirable
Rated: E Summary: What if Steve was found in the ice a year earlier? And, when Odin banished Thor from Asgard, the Bifrost sent him to Brooklyn, instead? A What If story.
[ART] Babysitting  by AzureTiger for endlesstwanted
Rated: G Summary: Steve and Thor look after a toddler.
White Noise of Love  by TheUltimateUndesirable for shaggybeetle
Rated: T Summary: Learning to focus on himself, Steve struggles with it sometimes. One time specifically so far which involves an older blond graduate hell bent on pursuing him. Apparently nothing matters to Thor, as long as he is himself. An odd concept to understand as he focuses on the concept of love, until he finally realizes they together they can be the same thing.
got this feeling in my soul  by Sivan325 for Espressosaur
Rated: G Summary: "I overheard my soulmate talking. I may be just reading it wrong," Steve replied but didn't elaborate, trying to figure it out in his mind. "That is interesting. What did you hear?" Tony asked. "I think he is a serial killer," Steve replied, and added, "I heard him saying the words - body, bury and you are next."
Cupid's Arrow (or Loki is a Dick But Maybe Actually Helpful Just This Once)  by badwolfbadwolf for HaniTrash
Rated: E Summary: Loki decides to play matchmaker with Thor and Steve by shooting them both with Cupid's Arrow. Enduring the effects proves to be quite... difficult. And/or amazing.
Safe as Houses  by NachoDiablo for Sagacity
Rated: E Summary: Steve takes a weekend cabin getaway. Thor stops by. Things get out of control. Steve's fine with that. Or: Werewolf Sex in the Woods.
The Best Is Yet To Come  by HaniTrash for badwolfbadwolf
Rated: E Summary: Steve has been careful to keep his relationship with Thor a secret from everyone—including his own teammates. He doesn’t want it to affect their dynamics. But when they’re discovered, things go much differently than he’d expected.
Keep Up   by shaggybeetle for hafital
Rated: E
When I Imagine You in Front of Me, I Wake Up Right at the Moment of Kissing You  by endlesstwanted for NachoDiablo
Rated: T Summary: Tired of Natasha’s insistence on pairing him with someone, Steve gets a truce when he gets her to accept going on a date with someone of his choosing. And of course now Steve has to find the perfect date for her, that seems to be no other than the man he is in love with.
Calling the Bluff  by ABrighterDarkness for Sivan325
Rated: T Summary: It was a joke at his expense.It had to be. It wasn’t the first time, and frankly, Steve had no patience for it. There was no other explanation. Steve didn’t trust it, not at first, soundly rejecting the loud, boisterous requests to take him out. To court him. Because, really? How gullible and naive did they really think he was?
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siren-serenity · 10 months
Hiii~ I saw your event post and wanted to join in. Such a cute and great idea!! 😍
If you don't mind, I'd love an interaction with my OC (let's just call her Escha) and Azul wherein she does cutesy poses after serving his order. Kind of like a moe-moe-kyun thing with the heart pose, I guess? Hehehe~
My OC is the sweet and innocent type btw. Very kind and friendly. Also short :( But cute!
I hope this was okay. Thank you for your hard work for the event!!! 💖
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ YOUR OC SOUNDS SO CUTE!!! I LOVE HER ALREADY :D thank you for participating!!
↳ *𝘛𝘈𝘎𝘚!* ༉‧₊˚✧
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Taglist: @krenenbaker, @moonlitnyx, @azulashengrottospiano. @eynnwwyjth, @parad-ice-lostandfound, @officialdaydreamer00, @leonistic, @plutosring, @starsilluminateourgalaxy, @aceofsweets, @rav--en, @dowdos, @deathkat657, @escha-evenstar, @toffeeeez, @dearest-siblingtwst, @biromanticboba, @savanaclaw1996, @candlewitch-cryptic, @lowenergyallday
please reblog or dm if you wish to be tagged!!
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Upon entering Cafe Amor, Azul Ashengrotto was greeted with a cheerful 'Azul!' which made his stomach flutter and his cheeks flush. He locked eyes with Escha who was cheerfully humming a random tune as she wiped up the spills on the barista counter. She donned the Cafe Amor signature outfit and paired it with cute hair clips and earrings that must have been an Irene-special. They brought out the hidden specks of color in her eyes, making them shimmer like gemstones.
"Good morning, Escha," He gave her a polite smile which she returned with a giant beam and a cute peace sign with her index and middle finger.
"Hi, Azul! What can I get for you?" Her fingers hovered over the computer screen before winking.
"Dark coffee to match your dark soul?"
"Actually my soul looks and tastes more like a flat white," Azul retorted, internally laughing. "I'm such a kind and benevolent soul!"
Escha let out another giggle and beamed at him.
"So, what's your order?"
Azul tapped his fingers rhythmically against the marble counters while humming.
"Can I take a blueberry lemon tart with a cup of earl grey?"
She gave him a two-finger salute.
"Gotcha, boss! Give me five seconds!"
He laughed, walking away to grab a seat. Soon enough, as promised, Escha delivered the drinks with a skip in her step and a bright beam that shot something akin to a Cupid's arrow through Azul's heart. She set down the order before gesturing with her arms wide. "There! Your order, Azul!"
If her smile wasn't enough, she tucked the tray under her arm and formed a heart with both the index and thumbs of each hand. She winked at him and Azul faintly thought something was wrong with his vision because he could see sparkles shimmering in the air around her.
"Enjoy! <3"
Oh Sevens, was in he love?! With this adorable, cute mess of a human? There has to a logical explanation for the butterflies in his stomach and the way his brain couldn't help but keep repeating the entire sequence again and again as he took bites of his tart and sips of his tea, barely paying attention to whatever the taste was.
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aguamarinee · 10 months
➪ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Yuma × reader
➪ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff, drabble
➪ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭: —
➪ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 1k (technically, it is still a drabble to me, lol.)
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A splash of water here and there.
Sometimes feels cold, sometimes feels warm.
Depends on the event of day and temperature.
Light, but intoxicating smells of beverages, sweet taste of a colorful alcoholic poison, alias cocktail.
Narcotic fantasies and unspoken wishes spinning in everyone's head, uncalled for.
The clinking of ice in every cup, like the most precise measurement of time, reflects the near future and the end of the world at the same time, at some point.
The melting of every single thing in the scorching dance of the Sun throughout the bright day, on top of the sky.
Lighting up a grim face and house, even for the night... Or just playing by fairy lights, delicateness at its finest.
In a weekend house by a pond, or a fine beach house by the shore, either way; endless possibilities.
This is summer.
This has always been the meaning of summer for you.
The pure enjoyment of warm weather, freedom, and the company of others.
...And that one summer crush.
Strictly only in summer, and never again.
Never seen before, never seen again.
A person who's a lover for three months under Cupid's guidance, heart eyes everywhere you look, and the sheer color of the pink veil before your irises, the permanent rose-colored glasses, forever prettier than the low setting of the Sun.
But only for three months.
They say three is a magical number, used a lot in fantasy books, but even in the Bible.
And it is; you believed in the mightiness of this number, never doubted it for a second.
It can't be too much, and can never be too little.
Perfect balance and place for opportunities.
...This summer; three months with friends by the shore, bathing for endless nights on the beach, Cupid's stupid arrow hanging by a thread on your head while giving desperate lovesick glances even to the dirt under your feet.
How will the three months pass in a bliss?
You wanted no abyss.
Just a simple crush and a kiss.
Okay, maybe more than just one kiss.
But is it really too much to ask for a summer crush? Hello, Cupid?
It was almost July by now, you long gave up on a three-month affair, but two months would be still nice, or just one and a half...
Are even one and a half months' worth of affection too much to ask, in this glorious summer heat?
Doesn't it make it better?
"Hey, Yuma!" A sudden shout startled you while lounging on a sunbed. "Bet you can't catch this!" Then a cynical laugh was sent towards the same guy probably.
As you found the source of the voices, not that far away, you saw the boy with the snaggletooth trying to catch up to a taller one, running in the sand barefoot.
"Yo, EJ, nice one!" Laughed loudly another, almost as tall as Euijoo.
You never understood his nickname, it felt weird to call him EJ, especially coming from you as a childhood friend, but as time went by, of course, both of you changed.
He didn't like Euijoo anymore — even if that was his birthname —, but you had the only privilege of calling him by that sometimes to annoy the skyscraper-sized Korean boy.
You knew his friends briefly, who were invited to this outing just like you, but other than their names they were quite the mystery.
They were boys, they bickered and playfully fought a lot, which you only witnessed from afar but it seemed like Euijoo truly adored them.
Sometimes watching them like this you couldn't help but wonder about each of them, one-on-one; their personalities, habits, and backgrounds.
It always amazed you how time flies and people change, just like how it made you feel a certain crippling nostalgia inside.
You wouldn't call it sadness, it was never sadness, just a harsh thought about how everything was different back then.
"Hey, give... it.. back!" The guy with the snaggletooth shouted and his voice had an angry undertone to it, it almost sounded like a growl.
Yuma, was it?
He chased his taller friends unwaveringly, their naked feet were in the water now, and small and peaceful waves welcomed their presence.
It seemed they stole a baseball cap from him, which he probably treasured for unknown reasons and they made him run for it, rather competitively.
He was starting to catch up to the other taller guy, his hands stretched and were about to hold him down when the tall one suddenly threw away the cap.
His range was good, the cap landed pretty far, and almost got washed away by the ocean.
"Go to hell!" Yuma pushed him away harshly, but then it seemed like he got another idea and he brought him down to the shallow water.
Now he was angry, no doubt.
He stomped towards EJ the same and pushed him into the water quite aggressively, to make him land on his back with a thud.
Then he ran into the ocean, the salty liquid almost hit his hips because his cap drifted so far away.
He picked it up, brushed it off, and shook it a bit so the excess water comes out from the crevices, then hanging his head and taking big breaths to calm himself he made his way out of the sparkling ocean.
You don't know when did you stand up, dropped everything to run into the house for a big towel, but when you realized, Yuma was in front of you, drenched from the hips down and also swiping his wet hair back.
He was gazing at you with an unreadable, but mesmerized expression.
"I thought you might need it." You said and taking one big step closer, you gently put the towel on the boy's head.
He remained unfazed while you helped him and only when you took a step back and made eye contact again, only then he gave you a silly smile.
It wasn't particularly hot that day, despite being the middle of summer, and the weather wasn't that nice, the clouds constantly blocked the clear blue sky, but you felt the best this day, ever since the beginning.
This is where summer truly started.
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➪ 𝐀/𝐍.: I thought I won't make separate headers for my drabbles, because they're just the shortest scenarios with almost no plot, or just the main attraction of the plot. I type these out in one sitting and just glide over them, for any form of typos. But I like their way of being carefree and just a quick read, like a fresh blow of wind so I'll leave them like this ha-ha!
➪ 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 【𝐌 𝐀 𝐒 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 𝐋 𝐈 𝐒 𝐓】 !
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ogdencollegerp · 1 year
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It’s the Valentine’s Day event of the year !!! Tri Delt is hosting the event of love this year, and it’s one you don’t want to miss !!! The theme is HEARTBREAKER, so dress - in red, pink, white, or black, of course - to do your worst. 
Some of the entertainment the sorority has set up includes:
Specialty cocktail bar - come get your Love Potions from Aphrodite and see who you can get to fall under your spell !!!
Music to dance to, provided by none other than DJ Cupid
Game room with karaoke, pin the arrow on the cupid, heart shaped balloon darts and more !!!
Photo booth - drag in a date (yours or someone else’s) to give them a spin
Valentine’s station - don’t worry if you forgot to send out valentine’s this year !!! Tri delt has provided roses that you can anonymously have sent out
Speed dating - for those lonely hearts to try and find their match
AND, last but not least, spin the bottle - for those who are lonely in other ways, if you know what we mean...
Please see below the cut for more details on some of these activities. And don’t forget to tag any outfit edits or open starters with #ogdenvalentines and #ogdenevent !!!
PLEASE NOTE: Current threads do not have to be paused for the duration of the event, but any new starters (both open and closed) should be taking place the night of the Valentine’s Social hosted by Tri Delta. Feel free to DM the main with any questions or concerns !!!
Since it is a Valentine’s event, of course muses have to be paired up in a few ways. See the options below (as well as a mini little IC task !!!) for them to partake in, as well as how they’d be sold to them IC. Reactions to partake will be in the discord and the actual pairings will be posted at the start of the event !!!
Maybe your true love is here tonight and you don’t even know it !!! Test your luck by signing up for speed dating, and during the night everyone will have a chance to meet and talk with their partners. Hopefully some sparks will fly !!!
OOC : If you wish to partake, we will randomly assign a handful of partners (how many will depend on how many people sign up) for you o do a thread with. These threads can be short and sweet - the muses only have three minutes, after all !!!
Take a spin of the bottle and take whoever it lands on into the nearest closet in this spin the bottle/seven minutes in heaven combo. What you choose to do once the door shut...well, that’s between you and your partner !!!
OOC : Every muse who partakes will have two randomized pairs - who they spin, and who spins them. You then can write threads for their private little moments in the closet.
Go ahead !!! Purchase an anonymous rose from the Tri Delt sisters to send out to your valentine (or valentines) of choice. Since these are completely anonymous, no one will know who sent them. So go ahead, get ballsy with it. 
OOC : Have your muse send anonymous valentine’s by submitting them to @ogden-narrator. These will be sent out throughout the night and delivered to their recipient…just be aware that Cupid might have a mind of their own !!! PS - These should be submitted by 11 PM EST on May 28th !!!
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countlessrealities · 10 months
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@treasurechcst sent: ➤➖❥ " Are you sure this isn't towards someone else?" That's very out of character for Adrien for the matter. He knows Paris has many supernatural phenomena going but for some reason he refused to believe that. (From Kaito?)
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Adrien awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, not knowing how to explain his actions without making a fool of himself. He should have listened to Plagg this time and stayed home. However, he had naively thought that, since the arrow had no immediate effect, it would be safe to go out as if nothing had happened.
Obviously, he has been mistaken and he has realised it the moment he has laid eyes on Kaito and has been overwhelmed by the irresistible need to show the older teen his....appreciation. Yes, let's call it that.
A quick internet search and a trip as Astrocat later, he is standing in front of the other, holding a neatly arranged bouquet of beautiful sunflowers. Seven of them, because according to what he has read, in Hanakotoba, the Japanese language of flowers, seven Himawari symbolise "secret love".
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"I...No. I mean, yes! I'm sure. These aren't for someone else. I...got them for you," Adrien stutters out, while his mind races, trying to find a dignified way out of the mess he has gotten himself into. "They are for...uh..."
C'mon, he has to think of something, to pull out an explanation that will make him look oblivious to the peculiar meaning of the bouquet.
"A thank you!" He blurts out, after a moment too long of silence. "F-For...you know. Being so nice and supportive and...showing me how to stand up for myself without creating conflict."
That's believable, isn't it? All considered, it's not even a lie.
"Sunflowers symbolise prosperity and happiness and long life in some cultures, so..."
He hands out the bouquet once again, hoping that Kaito would just take it without further questioning.
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madeimpact · 10 months
Had he forgotten? Clearly, but blame his workaholic tendencies. When his mind is set to the completion of a task, there is nothing that can pull him away from it. "Prompto. Do you have a moment? I need your measurements for new uniforms." // ALRIGHT FINE, WE'LL DO IT OURSELVES. From Ignis. c:
*FF victory jingle* || @tenebriism
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Upon hearing his name called, Prompto glances up. And in that moment, what would have been a completely normal request a few hours ago...suddenly becomes just a little more. He can't explain it, but his throat has gone dry, his pulse has quickened ever so slightly, and he fumbles what should have been an extremely mundane reply to an extremely mundane question.
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❝ Yeah, I've got time for you — for uniforms! Uh...yup. Lead the way! ❞
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maya sakamaki aka vampire doll masterlist
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maya sakamaki 🍒🔪
her vibes ✨
what she looks like
what she looks like part 2
her face claims
her birthday
bday headcanons
her mbti
the concept of maya
the vampire doll experience
songs for the vampire doll
the school experience
her fashion sense
her fashion sense pt 2
her usual outfit
her makeup
her cherry obssesion
her favorite foods
her favorite ice cream flavor
her signature scent
background overview
her family
her family history
what she feels abt her family
her story plot
her former vampire master
as the heir of the dream world
random headcanons pt 1
random headcanons pt 2
what goes inside her brain
her nervous moments
how she cuts her hair
pet names kanato gives her
charm or ritual before a stressful event
a crime she would likely commit
freedom from her pov
what season suits her best
afterlife and mystery
texting habits-writing style-time-wasting habits
perfect day-hugs-gifts
sleeping habits-artistic side
least favorite food-music taste-education level
her first halloween
studying headcanons
diary headcanons
her "first" winter
drunk headcanons
kanato x maya relationship
kanato x maya relationship dynamic
kanato x maya relationship card
the kanato-maya-subaru love triangle
what happened during kanato and maya's reception
shuu and maya relationship
yui and maya relationship
her relationship w/ mukami bros
ruki and maya as textmates
kira and maya headcanons
the cherry aftertaste || kanato x maya
the first bite || kanato x maya
the moon is lovely || kanato x maya
he who has sired 'true love' || kanato's poem to maya
sired bond: a vampire doll's awakening || kanato and maya feat gilbert, karl, devyn
summer gone wrong excerpt || kanato x maya (stalker pov)
cupid's arrow has never hurt so good || kanato x maya
trying to behave || kanato x maya (modern college au)
name, name, name, dare say that name || yui and maya
when the doll invades the serpent's dream || keiichirou and maya (feat. ayato, yui, and kanato)
you're on my watch || keiichirou and maya
the women who never got caught || aleksi and maya
aleksi and maya: the beginning of the end of the beginning
the female off-duty experience || aleksi and maya
maya and aleksi random headcanons
they're just soft girls || cyra and maya
the assassin and the vampire doll || kira and maya
murder is their name || kira and maya
those who tame the beasts || akemi and maya
dolls on a play date || maya x malorie
a doll's fascination || helen and maya (feat. kanato)
romantic feel by feel || helen and maya
when your vampire doll wife meets your human girl crush || malorie and maya 💋
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rockstarlwt28 · 1 year
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Noel Express
NR | Larry | Completed | Fluff | 23.7K
Writer and post-graduate Harry Styles manages to secure a temporary Christmas job as a children’s entertainer, alongside his best friend. But little did Harry know that he’d embark on his own fairy-tale, a winter wonderland romance with Louis Tomlinson, a single-father and businessman.
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There’s Nothing To Be Afraid Of
NR | Larry / OT5 Reunion | Fluff - Minor Angst | 6.3K
It's been five years and Niall Horan is getting married to the love of his life. He's in the midst of writing out invitations and planning the wedding of his dreams, but realisation soon hits and Niall decides to break the radio silence, summoning his four best friends. He refuses to walk down the isle without his lifelong friends at his side. Though, it's not that simple, despite the ambience of a fun fair and ice-breaking strategies. Niall has the best intentions at heart, despite the plotting and scheming, because Harry and Louis have been romantically estranged for half a decade.
Can one night change everything?
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Live Like There Is No Midnight
NR | Larry - Cinderella AU | Fluff - Minor Angst | 5.6K
A modern-take on the well-known fairy tale that touches all of our hearts, Cinderella. This incorporates a range of modern and social acceptance themes.
There was a noticeable silence between them whilst they absorbed their surroundings, intermittently taking sips of the overly priced champagne.
Seconds after Harry placed the empty glass on the corner of the buffet table the volume of the music lowered.
The guests didn't seem to notice, far too engrossed in their chatter or synchronised dancing.
Though, Harry was oblivious too. It wasn't until he caught the Prince, outstretching a hand before him.
'Uh -'
'May I offer you this dance?'
Harry wasn't sure he'd heard him right. The Prince had asked him for a dance. It had to be a dream.
'Yes! - I'd love to!' Harry's eyes glistened and his smile resembled the sun on a summer's day, warm, bright, and cheerful. He was thrilled and honoured to have such a privilege.
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You Are The Light I Search For
NR | Larry | Fluff | 7.9K
Prompt: Chariot Tarot Card.
Guardian Angel Louis Tomlinson has been dealt the chariot card, through God. He must overcome his self-esteem issues, gain confidence in his abilities and, most of all, save Emma. Emma is a teenage girl with a handful of difficulties, and she calls upon her guardian angel, Louis, to save her. If Louis manages to save her and overcome his fears, ties to Earth and the human race are over.
Sunsets, Sunrises and Snowflakes (Larry Short Stories Series) *
Cigarettes and Chances
NR | Gallinson (Louis Tomlinson x Liam Gallagher) | Fluff | 7.2K
Event Photographer Louis Tomlinson isn't the luckiest of folk. On a whim, he decides to enter a competition via local radio, for a chance to have backstage access to Liam Gallagher's latest album release tour. Louis was already planning on snapping some shots but what he didn't bargain on was winning the competition.
There’s More Than Meets The Eye
NR | Larry | Fluff and Humour | 4.5K
Loving from afar left room for wonder, absent embarrassment and an eradication of stuttering. Falling at one's feet, metaphorically or physically is thrown into the mix, when Niall and Liam play cupid’s arrow, throwing a blindfolded Harry and Louis together. Chemistry isn’t Niall’s chosen subject, but when sparks fly, it’s something he should consider.
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lgcbk · 1 year
⌜ COLD BREW / @lgchyoseop ⌟ Teamwork makes the dreamwork - unless it's a nightmare ( side event 017 )
"Iced Americano, double shot - and a Cappuccino with a dash of love you a latte," he grins, flashing the stacked heart crema design before carefully placing a lid on the customer's to-go cup. "Don't forget to post it on insta, tag and follow LGCent! You might even get to see more of your favorite barista," he calls out after the two school teachers, reveling in the scraps of attention before they were sucked back into the crowd forming around their visiting sunbaes.
"Ah," he lets out a contented sigh, joining his fellow barista not-really-in-training over by the coffee bar. "Y'know, I think I'm really starting to get the hang of this," he gives Hyoseop's shoulder a pat and tacks up another order. "Maybe we should switch it up a little... Hey, you think you could do a bow and arrow? I've got this great cupid line I wanna try out."
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