#[ excuse me while i stare at this ]
winchester-reload · 7 months
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"Welcome back, Cas."
Happy canon destiel day, everyone <3
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strawberry-crocodile · 4 months
thinking about the time when someone on here was trying to tell everyone to watch sports and someone added "even if you don't like it, it's a good excuse to be in a huge open-air stadium surrounded by screaming people eating overpriced hotdogs" and i have never felt a more profound sense of
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icantdothistodaybruh · 4 months
yea sooooo I may have or may have not watched and instantly rewatched all kuro musicals in existence in a spawn of one week and now have roughly 40 screenshots to redraw from
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I think I might be insane or something
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ranminfan · 1 month
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Going crazy over Frollo's expressions in the scene where the soldier interrupts Hellfire.
like they animated his face and everything but in all the videos I've seen it's all blurry or non-exist at all because of the poor quality .
This is on our smart TV on disney plus, and ohmahgash his expressions are agshfjkf
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Ok so I've read your Milk Theory (the whole question as to why Barnaby has a Random Ass Milk Carton just sitting Out in His Yard) and after the Most recent update I'm wondering what you think of it being a bottle of his Ma's Eggnog that he just Kinda. Left there.
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radjerda · 10 months
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Some portraits of some fancy elves from Gondolin
Ecthelion and Glorfindel deserved some more elaborate designs than my usual, and how can I draw one without the other?
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
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Hope you don't mind but I did a drawing of the boys snuggling in Bruce's closet during the snow storm. I found out that owls often sleep with their eyes open in order to remain alert and vigilant. So I can totally imagine Dick sleeping while his eyes are partially open.
I also drew some angst
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Here's Dick cradling Jason's hoodie after Ethiopia. Unfortunately I'm still getting the hang of drawing objects made of fabric (pillows and blankets) which is why there's only 3 pillows here but I can imagine Dick making a whole nest out of Jason's clothes, blankets and pillows in order to cope.
Owl song has become my new hyperfixation in the last 24 hours and I can't get it out of my head. Keep up the good work. <3
I love love LOVE the way you drew the owl burrito! And Dick’s one eye being just a smidge open is absolutely on brand and that it fits in with actual owl behavior is even BETTER 😩💚💚💚💚💚 Even when he’s asleep he’ll watch over his little birds 🥺✨ and Tim’s little head just barely poking out of the nest—- ahhhhh 😭💚💚💚💚
But you totally ripped out my heart with the second one, oof. And I know you said you’re still getting the hang of drawing fabric but you’re really doing such a good job of it already!? And the three pillows are totally on brand because after Jason is gone… Dick wouldn’t be building any nests for a long, long time anyway. And this could be Tim and Bruce’s desperate attempt to make a nest for him, but Dick is only interested in hiding his face in Jason’s hoodie and wishing he’d been in that warehouse, too. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😔😔😔😔😔🦉🦉🦉
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emoreooo · 9 months
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gm but theyre my age (19-20)
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jadequarze · 5 months
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Commissioned @flavoredmagpie (again because I LOVE their art style) of Astrel and Fic (belongs to @sashthesloth)
Don't mind me I'm giggling and kicking my legs, good ole Astrel casually annoy Fic
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sekai-no-reita · 8 months
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flieslikeamoron · 13 days
The perfect screenshot doesn't exi-
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inafieldofdaisies · 10 months
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Ship Art | John Seed x Sabrina Donovan | sketch by @felrija ❤️ || a scene from my WIP In Hope Of Tomorrow, snippet below the cut
"I won't lie, I was planning on killing you." "And yet you didn't. Why?" "A change of circumstances."
It felt like at least 2 hours had passed before the door opened again. Sabrina kept her eyes casted downward as a pair of boots came into view, crossing over the threshold, their owner humming a familiar tune. I know this melody. It was the song she sang in the cell. He was there, listening. The realization made her look up, her hazel eyes met John's as he neared, stepping into the light that spilled from the chandelier above. He was wearing jeans, a blue dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up and way too many buttons undone, on top of it was a vest that belonged more in a courtroom than in a bunker in the Middle of nowhere, Montana. "Kept you waiting, didn't I, Deputy?" A dark smirk marred his handsome face, his posture exuding confidence, like he was about to slip into an opening statement any moment. Only in this room he had full reign, assuming the role of judge, jury and executioner. "Probably should consider serving some tea, maybe redecorating your dungeon. Red's a bit on the nose, don't you think? And I wouldn't rate your goon very highly on any scale either." The comment made him chuckle, and she tried to ignore how familiar it sounded, how it pulled on her soul. "Now, I'm not usually late, but someone decided to attempt to derail my Cleansing.", at that he unconsciously went to smooth out his dark hair, making Sabrina realize it's damp. Sabrina narrowed her eyes, the corners of her mouth twitching, "Did someone try to drown you, Seed?" Don't laugh again. And he didn't, sending a smirk her way instead. "Now, Deputy, enough jokes, there are more pressing matters.", his head tilted slightly, his expression almost... giddy. "What's a joke is you thinking holding a Deputy hostage is a good idea, you of all people should know it's far from it. Aren't you supposed to be a hotshot lawyer?", she couldn't stop her sneer. "Deputy-" Sabrina cut him off, "I have a name." "Yes. Sabrina Blythe Donovan.", he said it matter-of-factly, but Sabrina could tell he took pride in that knowledge. It didn't shock her he knew her full name, with Nancy being on Eden's Gate side no doubt information about the whole Sheriff's Department was leaking like a sieve. A dry laugh escaped her, "Next you're going to tell me the name of my first boyfriend." John crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow, "Knowledge is power after all. And, Sabrina, you wouldn't be here if you didn't try to arrest my brother. You all had choice and it led to this." She pushed down the feeling at how familiar her name sounded on his lips, the twinge of longing it caused in her was nothing. It had to be.
"There was an arrest warrant. I was just doing my job. Your brother is a criminal, and now so are you and all of your people." "I'm doing MY job, Deputy. You're a sinner and so are your friends.", he retorted, his words full of conviction as he headed for his torture table. Sabrina froze, expecting him to notice a knife was missing, when he said nothing, she continued, "Why am I here?" The words came out sharper than intended, carrying the tone she used when interrogating suspects back in Portland, the one that got her straight answers and stripped away all the nonsense. John turned, a look of amusement flashing across his face as he leaned against the table, legs crossed at the ankles. "I should be the one asking questions here, Deputy." "Old habits die hard, I was a-" "A detective back in", a dramatic pause, he raised a finger, "Portland. And you left it all behind to work for Whitehorse. Can't wait for you to tell me why." "I'm not telling you shit. I don't know what you think you're doing-" John stalked towards her with swiftness that took her aback as he grabbed the armrests of her chair, the force behind his movement making the wheels skid across the floor. His face had grown serious, piercing blue eyes boring into hers as he loomed over her. "You will talk, confess every sin, no matter how small. I know exactly what I’m doing here."
Their proximity sent a shiver up her spine and she tried to tell herself it was the bad kind. He was so close to a point Sabrina could smell the musky scent of river that clung to his skin. He had indeed taken a dive, her amusement at the confirmation died down quickly. His nearness, the position of his hands as he held onto the chair allowed her to see his tattoos in detail for the first time. In seconds her whole world came crashing down, her blood froze. No. She knew these tattoos, had seen them countless times in her visions, had drawn them over and over to the point they were embedded in her memory. NO. The hand holding hers as the world ended. The man that called her "Butterfly". It was John. John fucking Seed. His voice snapped her out of her thoughts, "Hm. A butterfly." He was looking at her tattoo, at one of the butterflies that wasn't hidden by the strap of her top. As if she needed any more reminders of the tragic realization she had just came to, John said the damned word again as he backed away, "Why a butterfly, Deputy?" He was back to being nonchalant, like the outburst hadn't even happened. All she could do was blink, wishing her eyes were lying to her.
"You still with me, Sabrina?", it had finally hit him she wasn't replying, that she wasn't talking back. Breathe. Focus. Snap out of it. "Wish I wasn't, won't lie.", she tried to hold onto her composure. Silence took over as John went back to his table, picking up a tool, looking it over then placing it down with care and grabbing another one, repeating the process. It felt mechanical, like a show. Her own knife felt heavy in her hands, the tip prickling her skin, a wake-up call. She knew what she had to do in order to get back to Savannah, imagined it in the hours he made her wait on him. Plunging the blade deep, ending a life. But doubt was creeping in... Her plan, the dark path she planned to take, there was a chance she would fail, she had seen him alive too many times. And her most recent vision... from the sounds of that one he was breathing and pissed off. John spoke up again, his attention still on the table in front of him, "My brother's church. Let's start there. You saw something." It wasn't a question, he sounded sure of it. She hadn't been able to hide her distress, even tried to stop the arrest. A new path became visible. A plan with a giant leap of faith. Probably the most dumb and risky decision she has ever made in her life. He wanted answers, and she was going to play along. For now. "I will tell you what I saw, but I doubt you'd believe it, they never do." Another smirk, making her feel nauseous. "Try me, Deputy." "I saw the crash. Before it happened, I mean." "A vision.", he nodded mostly to himself, "Joseph has them." "You believe then?" "They're from God. Of course I believe him." John believed Joseph, not her. She was used to people's scepticism, but she had a way to prove it this time. "There's more, John." Something flashed across his face at her saying his name outloud for the very first time, but the mask was back in place too quickly for her to figure out what. Focus. Her mother was good at selling any con, always knew how to approach a person, what they'd want to hear, which buttons to push.
"Say his name. Look him in the eyes and sell the idea, make him think it's his own, darling. There's always an offer a man won't be able to refuse, one he'd throw himself in the deep end for, willingly. And when he's about to sink, you offer a hand, pledge your loyalty. He'd be a goner before you know it."
A part of Candice lived in Sabrina, and for once she let it take over.
"I will tell you what's coming, but I will need something in return.", her voice sounded unshakeable, certain, the exact opposite of how she felt inside. John didn't break her eye contact, nor interrupted her. Sabrina got up from the chair, discarding the ropes as her hands dropped to her sides. "You've been untied this whole time, Deputy?", his eyes shone with amusement again. She took a few steps until she stood almost in front of him, her hand holding out her knife. Surrendering her weapon. "And you had a knife?" When he made no move to take it, Sabrina placed the blade on his "work" bench and walked back, sitting down in the chair and rubbing her wrists. "I won't lie, I was planning on killing you." "And yet you didn't. Why?" "A change of circumstances."
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thesedarkcafedays · 2 years
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an‧guish /ˈæŋɡwɪʃ/ noun [uncountable] written mental or physical suffering caused by extreme pain or worry
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streets-in-paradise · 3 months
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He is showing him the toy he carved for him 💕💕 😭
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/// HI guys I commed @saldoodles to draw them :]
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masterwords · 9 months
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5x15 - Public Enemy
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