#< and one of the other 2 doesnt even work during the day so its really like. just me and another person that isnt good at very much
dunmeshiminimumwage · 3 months
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officialspec · 3 months
can you pleeeeease post your dm sexuality/gender hcs on here.... 🥺 i don't have a twitter but i wanna know. it's like a pandora's box to me now i'm like scratching at the door. let me in
heres the link 2 the thread (mild spoilers btw) ill post a transcript under the cut for ppl who dont have twitter
first off i think laios relationship to sex is super removed for like 50 reasons without even getting into his actual sexuality
he grew up in a place with very repressed ideas about sex and has a lot of fear about asserting his presence in situations
his special interest takes precedent over any social interactions he has and the level of closeness he feels towards people
he has a hard time figuring out his feelings towards other people both bc hes autistic and bc he has freaky deviantart fetishes that make sex in his mind a very abstract concept <- this one is me projecting mostly
that aside, i feel like gender-wise hes attracted to ppl so infrequently it may as well be entirely case-by-case
the idea of him being gay appeals to me from the 'raised with traditional values he Does Not fit into/hasnt begun to question it yet' perspective, i lauve characters who put a lot of stock into performing a role thats expected of them and fail miserably for unknown (gay) reasons
from his perspective tho i dont think he would ever really label himself anything. hes going to pride parades in the shirt+shorts Ally Fit to clap for his friends
hes also 'cis by indifference' imo... i love tmasc laios hcs it just doesnt mesh w his personal history to me. i do think hes got some kind of therian gender thing going on (not trans or nb but a secret third thing) but i cant see him changing anything abt his appearance/pronouns to accommodate that post-canon. hes just doin his thang
falin is in a similar boat for gender. i LOOVE tfem falin but the village repression thing has been bugging at me so i dont think i subscribe to it anymore (canon purist sorry) BUT if u hold that hc i am clapping and cheering regardless
instead i was propagandised to a while back and i LOVEEE the idea that being fused w a male dragon and the residual traits she has after being revived have given her a type of gender euphoria she didnt realise she was missing. a little boygirl swagger if u will
sexuality-wise i also dont think she would care to label herself, shes a lesbian by virtue of only being interested in One woman and zero other people. without marcille i do think shes still exclusively attracted to women, and i like to imagine she might experiment around a bit during her travels post-canon (pre-relationship). hearing abt it might put marcille on the news though
marcille is very simple That is a transfem lesbian. she cant get pregnant, shes obsessed w being femme and all that combined w her half-tallman struggles to be seen as 'properly feminine' by elf standards reads very transfeminine to Me. also her bookboy crush REEKS of comphet its not subtle
i think a more comfortable marcy might have the space to experiment w being elf butch like her manga boys but thats mainly self indulgence for me. utena could have saved her
senshi is gay his whole thing is abt not being able to perform dwarven masculinity to a proper standard (soft hearted, not as strong or rugged as his peers) which is like gaycoding 101. also hes a bear. homosexuality be damned by boy can work a grill
adding onto this i rly think senshi got some type of euphoria from being an elf in the changeling chapters. he was feeling himself so much i think he was using it as an outlet to have fun being a little fem and fruity without needing to justify it. do u understand
i dont have any particular opinions abt him gender-wise beyond that. his bulge is an essential part of his character design but i also saw a transmasc senshi a couple days ago that made me nod my head thoughtfully so i could go either way
chilchuck is cis and bisexual this is just canon. not even just his old man crush on senshi altho i do think thats very funny but they put his ass on a cover themed like hes in a dating sim with all the men and women in the cast and then slapped it in front of a chapter called "bicorn". i simply cant pass up that kind of overt signaling. its so fucking funny what else is there to say truly
izu to ME is a transmasc aroace lesbian (this one has the least basis in canon i just know it to be true) shes a little genderfluid with it nd uses he/she i think. i like to imagine she consistently uses masculine personal pronouns to refer to herself either way tho (boku, ore)
i think izutsumis gender/sexuality is entirely secondary in priorities to her body dysphoria. she has a lot of learning and acceptance 2 do before that kind of self discovery is on the docket and in my mind eschewing gender on some level is part of that. get sillay
shuro is cishet but at least he feels bad about it. next
kabru is a transmasc bisexual this is also practically text. his whole thing of being treated like a doll by milsiril to put in pretty dresses, plus i think it would be pretty easy for him to stealth in the west since tallmen are seen as inherently more masculine than elves
(i also think changing genders is just more common for elves. theyre androgynous enough that it wouldnt be hard and like who in their right miiiiind would be the same gender for 500 years. dwarves too)
i think he started presenting as male socially in the west but didnt need to consider medical transition until he moved to a more mixed culture where other races might see him as a woman
i dont have to explain the bisexual part. have u seen him
namari is a butch bisexual this is just canon straight up. shes not transmasc but i think the default settings for dwarven women is like 4 years of T regardless. shes a hit at all the local cruising spots despite her renfaire nerdisms i know this
and just bc im thinking abt em kiki and kaka are identical and kiki is tfem :} theyre both attracted to women but kaka is a sub so i forgive him
THATS ALL 4 NOW theres a lot of characters so i cant have thoughts abt all of them at once but i hope this was good. im right about everything forever as per usual
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leolingo · 1 year
waking up and seeing dream’s rip off project just breaks my heart man what the hell qsmp barely had two weeks to shine and now he’s introducing a VERY similar project in larger scale and uglier graphics and its just “the two are allowed to co-exist?” be fucking serious for a second dude why are you doing this NOW at the height of a project spearheaded by someone that used to call you a friend? like just . logistically speaking comercially speaking when you see how obviously similar these concepts are Why would you announce it now when you know someone else is getting the spotlight for once.
its hard not to call it spite or jealousy or anything of the sort when we cant confirm the timelines of this new project’s development but it REALLY, really feels like something unkind. not only that but it feels really gross to see most aspects of quackity’s passion project warped into something worse.. like LIVE TRANSLATION? really? bc dream of course wouldnt expect people to try and learn the different languages to communicate. he probably doesnt understand how redundant and ultimately hindering it will be to rely 100% on automated translation because 1) he’s not bilingual nor does he make any effort to understand the bilingual experience 2) he has no actual interest in the learning process of foreign languages or the different linguistic communities on twitch and in content creation in general . which makes me wonder WHY he is leading this and very likely profitting off of it when there’s no real reason for him to associate himself with this kind of cultural project other than . wanting to be relevant i guess.
during squidcraft, i didnt see him attempt a single word in spanish. i saw dream use google translate or straight up speak english (fast, idiomatic english at that) to spanish speakers and otherwise not try to meet a communicative middle-ground in any way. if this is how he intends to take on “united SMP” i cant wait to see it fail.
quackity’s project is successful because he cares. its modeled after his own experience and thrives because he as a bilingual host is able to cater to both communities within it and work as a linguistic bridge when need be. which, as we have watched day after day on qsmp streams, becomes less and less necessary because the environment quackity is fostering is actually very concrete INCENTIVE FOR LANGUAGE LEARNING. people are actually interacting and having meaningful linguistic/cultural exchanges that actually LEAD TO LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING. how the fuck is that supposed to happen if theres live translation? ill tell you now, it won’t.
when we study linguistics in college one of the first things we learn in regards to foreign language teaching is that translation methods rarely fuckjng work. by doing that youre limiting human interaction and actually DISTURBING the learning possibilities because youre taking away Real, varied input. dream doesnt know what he’s doing and its so upsetting to watch. dont even get me started on “language rankings” or whatever the fuck the competitive aspect is supposed to be
the project is just so flawed and the timing couldnt be worse. quackity is doing such a great job and? you just try to hijack his idea like this even though you clearly lack both the heart and the knowledge to make something like this work? to me it just appears so sour. so mean-spirited and uninspired. i dont even know man i just dont like it
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
i saw an interview this morning where valentinos voice actor is asked about his characters relationship to the other vees and he briefly explains that vox and val in this weird gay relationship where they make out and do stuff but then straight up says "uhhhh i dont know what valentinos relationship is with velvet lol!"
the bar is in hell for women characters (pun intended) because a velvet USED to have a relationship with vox and val during the instagram days. i like that she was more like a daughter to him and that they bonded over violence! shit like that was what actually made valentino feel like a complex character who can be good and bad. because i literally cannot think of a single relationship hes on good terms with. voxvals whole appeal is that theyre toxic gay bitches! so having just ONE good relationship in his life, even if its just with his weird 30 year old coworker daughter, could actually make him feel like a person with layers like valentino fans desperately insist he is in the show.
since rn velvet just kind of. exists! she barely speaks to the other vees, doesn't seem to enjoy spending time with them unless she can film them dancing and making out, shes mostly frowning in the finale whenever vox opens his mouth, and never directly even speaks to val. why would val not speak to someone he lives (i think) and considers his equal?
like she very much has the ability to become a compelling fun character/villian when shes separated from the other vees. which sucks! because it just makes me wonder "would valentino or vox tangibly lose anything if velvet didnt work with them? and would anything change about their dynamic if she wasnt there?" and i know the answer is "probably not!"
the fact that no ones mentioned her despite s2 having a "heavier focus on the vees" is so fucking telling. she really doesnt feel like the backbone of the vees! she feels like the third wheel vox and val hired and she just stays with them for power despite her not speaking/having a relationship with them at all. its not even like the idea of "30 year old woman stops caring so much about her gay dads she created and slowly begins to resent them, working with them anyway for power" is a terrible idea, but i absolutely know thats not what viv intended. vel is absolutely an afterthought in the writing when shes with the other vees and its apart of what makes me dislike them now more then ever. if s1 couldnt even have velvet speak to the other vees about ANYTHING other then important business stuff (like, idk, fashion, technology, love potions, the few fucking things these characters have in common) then i doubt s2 is gonna be much better.
anyway velvet should leave the vees and get some granny gyatt from carmilla thank u 4 reading <3
Calling it now, season 2's going to contain as little Velvette as Viv can get away with. Because you said it best yourself -- she's not so much a character as a third wheel Vox and Val hired. If they're not around then she's sometimes allowed to shine, but if they are, forget it. It's all about them.
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werewolf-girlfriend · 10 months
ive been enabled so let me share some of my thoughts on how to get ur art noticed online
if u want Engagement on ur posts then i believe that its critical to make people care about ur art. the easiest way to do this is to appeal to something they already care about, like fandom, aesthetics/subculture, current events, having fun (people love humor!). a harder but perhaps more fulfilling route is to talk about ur own ocs and projects enough until people start caring about them too
theres an infinite amount of topics people care about out there so id suggest picking something u already care about urself and channel ur art energy there. trying to make art for the most popular things out there regardless own interests is an exercise in misery, id advise against it..! if im allowed to get superstitious for a moment, i do believe that even untrained eyes can tell whether a piece of art was fun to work on or a chore. and besides! if ur having fun then its easier to create more, and the more u create the more chances ull have at getting lucky and having a post seen :)
on a very related note, art is a way to communicate ideas so the quality of the idea being presented in a piece of art is paramount to how popular a post will be. what i mean by this is that technical skill isnt the primary determinant of a posts popularity. if all your posts are portraits of original characters then people will have a hard time connecting with your posts and theyll keep scrolling, even if those portraits are masterpieces! the major exception to this is probably other artists, who ive found usually have a greater appreciation for the technical side of art (we can only speculate as to why..!)
lemme finish by saying that making popular posts and being good at art are two entirely different skillsets, ive seen many incredibly skilled artists with jack shit for notes because they dont give people a reason to care about their stuff NOT TO MENTION its a huge game of luck whether a post will get seen. so dont go insane in pursuit of recognition!
(i dont want to make this post too long so ive included examples from my own art and their note counts with my analysis after the break)
hello and welcome to the extracurricular segment to this post :) i bring yall two pieces from my art blog @werewolf-artfriend:
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here we have a portrait of my fursona that im still proud of and a sketch suggesting "what if sniffers (from minecraft) were the size of mountains?" (let it be noted that the sniffer sketch was posted right during the minecraft mob vote = peak interest in the subject of sniffers).
the portrait at the time of writing has a crisp 30 notes, whilst the sniffer sketch has over 2000 notes. from the same artist, on the same blog, posted only a few months apart. i believe this is a good example both of the power of a piece of art having an interesting idea at its core AND of a piece appealing to the interests of the masses
this is of course just two convenient example posts, but i have experienced fan art of popular topics getting thousands of notes a couple of times now, amidst my other furry shit that these days get around 200-300 notes in comparison
this may sound like a really long winded way of saying "fan art make the world go round" but i just want to point out the nuances that
1) it matters what u make fan art of: if a fandom is small or dormant (waiting on new canon content for example) then clearly less people will be excited about the fan art you make. dont expect 10k notes on ur post if the average recent post in the fandom gets around 200 etc etc
2) it doesnt have to be fan art! ive also had some of my bird art get thousands of notes because people simply like birds :) and this applies to ANY topic people care about! the world rly is your oyster on this one
anyway i think ive started rambling dhgdjhgd thanks if u read this far! i hope i got my point across! and if ur feeling down about ur art not being seen then just keep at it okay! keep creating and keep having fun! keep sharing ur ideas and perspectives with the world and ur audience will eventually find u! i love you!
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sleepyhead-poll · 3 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Bedtime Bear:
he's just a little guy your honor
Perpetually sleepy bedtime buddy. His job is to help children get a good night's sleep and have good dreams.
Linhardt von Hevring:
linhardt has like 1 goal in life and its to be able to sleep as much as he wants and research whatever he wants without any pressure from anyone or anything <3 quote from his wiki page: "he often flutters from interests and is only able to focus on whatever fancies him in the moment. Additionally, his extreme disinterest in anything off-topic will cause him to become drowsy and/or fall asleep." he's neurodivergent as hell
Bro just wants to sleep instead of going to war. He took a nap in the cafeteria with a fucking pillow. Bro is so sleepy and wanting to nap all day that he can’t even be bothered to introduce himself properly “Linhardt. Goodbye.” Anyway he is the best sleepy boy :)
Besides being the Goddess' sleepiest soldier, Linhardt is literally introduced in a cutscene falling asleep mid-lecture and his personal ability is called Catnap ('Snooze' in Japanese). Catnap allows Linhardt to recover HP if he doesn't take any actions during a turn. 🙏 Bro is sleeping on the battlefield
He's just a sleepy boy who brings a pillow around to sleep and doesn't give a fuck. His conversation during the great tree moon(april)? About how it's the best time to sleep? He's damn right.
Not really currently but they're really cool and sleepy and also bi
Just a sleepy guy who wants to nap over studying and battling.
Eepy eepy boy:) also most likely autistic
he’s so eepy!!!!!! the eepiest!!!!!!!! it’s one of his defining traits also he’s one of the only characters you can gay marry in the game
Chill and sleepy.
He is such a sleepyhead. He tends to come across as ditzy or spacey to others, when often he is just so so so sleepy. He caries around a pillow sometimes because he'll sleep wherever and whenever. He doesn't seem to care that others find it distasteful, because he's happy getting lots of sleep. He may have narcolepsy; but it doesn't seem to be an established word in canon so most people things he's lazy or avoidant of things, when he really just can't help it. As the teacher you can acknowledge him though and validate that being sleepy doesnt mean hes wrong, as long as he works hard when he's awake. Despite his sleepy though he's there for his friends in battle (usually as a healer in my games since he's not a fan of violence) and just lives a long nap afterwards.
Lindhart’s S support (basically a proposal scene) is him taking a nap with you and it’s the gayest shit ever
"Is that so? You'll have to tell me about it sometime when I'm not walking away..." Vote Linhardt he's very sleepy look at him :)
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s0apmactav1sh · 2 months
Alex keller headcanons cuz hes still my husband and ive not focused enough on him because of my dedication to my other fics
I should be sleeping. I need a better sleep schedule
Cw: smut, male directed but can be read as nb no use of yn. These are just my headcanons for alex, i apologise if they arent in line with the actual game/game play i havent played it in a while
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SFW <3
I full heartedly believe he grew up with siblings and was the oldest. I feel he was the "im player 1 bcuz im the oldest" type sibling but he still loved playing with his younger brothers/sisters. I feel he most likely had two younger sisters and was constantly hovering whenever they brought home guys or girls.
He was a sporty child, football? Yup, baseball? Yup, basketball? Sure why not. Anything that required him to be fully hands on he did. I think he was constantly on the move with training nearly every day of the week which he always attended no matter what.
Didnt have a girlfriend till his senior year of high school cuz he was completely oblivious to the girls who swooned over him. A complete gentleman and had great manners cuz his mama didnt raise no slob.
Only started experimenting with men in college but even then he was reluctant to try with the same sex bcuz he wasnt sure if it was ok to feel that way. Questioned his sexuality a lot when going through his phase of having one night stands with men
Joined the army to be 'helpful' he had the mindset that he wasnt being helpful sitting in his apartment doing nothing after finishing college. Fully enjoyed the training and everything. Put him into a routine that reminded him of his years of sports
Looks up to farah completely. No matter what he respects her entirely and sees her as the commander over there team.
Prefers a partner that isnt in the military, he'd rather come home to them and drop work off at the door. Hes a work stays at work typa guy and never drags things back, even if something goes bad he doesnt make it an entire personality afterwards for his partner to deal with.
A raging bisexual but leans more towards men. Defo prefers to be the bottom rather than top mostly because hes so use to having a constant lifestyle so he'd rather be able to lay on his stomach taking it and being treated like a pillow prince that he is.
Loves recieving. Whether it be head or being eaten out he loves it. He's still a giver like will 100% return the favour to his partner if they want but if his partner is more into given well then he has no problem allowing them to do whatever.
Likes toys. Like the ones where his partner can control it, turning it up or down while its inside him. If is partner is male he defo has a custome dildo in the shape of there dick. Just for when hes on base and they arent there.
PHONE SEX!!!! do it with this man and hes folding. Absolutely adores it when hes being told what to do and how to do it. Makes it even better when his partner is on facetime with him and they can see what hes trying to do and they correct it if hes doing it wrong/about to hurt himself.
Eye contact. And a lot of it. Love just lovingly looking at his partner while theyre fucking the life out of him <3 even if there eyes are squeezed shut he still finds his eyes trailing over there facial features. Just completely adores the look as they pleasure him and themselves.
A proud moaner. Man will moan no matter what he has so many sensitive spots and with an attentive partner theres not a chance he stands that he can be quiet but it makes things seem even sweeter bcuz he voices his pleasure so much during the act.
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That is it. Ill make another one for king!price later and part 2 to my fic coming out when i wake up
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Cuddle (Part 2)
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After a long day of working a double shift she loves to play with your hair with one hand and hold your lower back with the other hand
Sometimes you like to be the big spoon When Tara is stressed about classes and holding her tight gets her to feel relaxed
Tara loves to gently put you on top of her even after you and Tara have sex
To keep you extra warm Tara wraps a warm blanket around you during winter time and holds you a little tighter
Whether its Quinn, Chad, Tara, or Anika they always see Sam holding you tight while you and Sam lay down on the couch watching a movie on Netflix
Sam is so warm during the winter
And she loves to wake up in the middle of the night while you're asleep and wraps her strong arms around your waist
Even when Sam doesnt hold you in the middle of the night her butt is against yours you love when her body is near yours somehow
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puhpandas · 8 months
things I consider canon to my flashlight duo universe:
gregory and Evan move in together when they're adults. evan runs to live with the fazbears as soon as he turns 18 and they go from there. whether it's college or just an apartment
gregory is what introduces Evan to drawing and he loves it. they both keep up with the hobby when they're older as well. gregory likes drawing comics and maybe becomes a graphic novelist and I think Evan would like painting
Evan eventually meets vanessa when hes about 14 and she becomes the older sibling he always wanted. he always felt intimidated by her idea because shes Gregory's actual biological sibling and Evan holds that to a high honor because he wants to be. but they get along and vanessa being there for Evan makes him feel like part of the family even more
Roxy and evan are close. roxy kinda takes Evan under her wing because although its not the same experience because roxy had a support system her whole life, she wants to help him through what she also went through. she helps him learn an outlet to control his emotions more to be more manageable and is a calm shoulder to lean on for evan.
in the event that the bite happens (it doesnt usually), I think after Evan heals and recovers he and bonnie would bond over their scars and bonnie would make him feel better about them
evan meets cassidy later on when hes mellowed out some. I dont think she would have liked him a lot before but when hes healed more and gotten better with his sensitivity they get along pretty good. I think cassidy wouldnt have many friends and probably be considered a troublemaker because of her anger issues and her lashing out and Evan uses what hes learned with his emotions to help her. I'll say they're both teens here
freddy and the other adults wanted nothing more than to march over to the Aftons and declare that they're taking Evan forever but they couldnt. I think that they wanted to actually go through a process of adoption and taking custody but that would have affected Michael too and I'm not sure if they thought it was worth it. especially when Evan says hes alright with the fact that things arent perfect and that he already practically spends his whole life there anyway with how he spends the night.
I imagine william isnt the best cook and Michael probably has other means of getting food on top of not minding eating frozen dinners. but I imagine Evan probably didn't like a lot of foods (hes a kid and also. neurodivergent) and didnt have many things he enjoyed. so I think chica saw this and introduced evan to different foods and tried to help him figure out what he likes so he can eat better and enjoy it at the same time
Gregory and Evan are avid claw machine players
off screen when they're not having a moment with eachother every 5 seconds they play games like roblox and minecraft since they're in the modern day. I think Gregory gave Evan one of his older phones that still worked since he didnt have his own (theres nothing wrong with it, just an older model and maybe a little slow) and he plays on that.
gregory will draw during sleepovers and then give it to Evan to color in. gregory always keeps them and hangs them up or puts them somewhere for safe keeping because Evan doesnt want something to happen to them at his house
gregory hates pickles and Evan loves them
evan is an avid sweater wearer and the Fazbears buy him more when he only has like 1 or 2 and his other clothes are starting to get too small. he keeps sweaters at Gregory's house because he basically lives there already
theres a movie night every saturday while everyone is available at the Fazbears
michael starts to lay off a bit after a little while (think a couple years) just because Evan isnt even around as much for him to terrorize. Michael doesn't like being at home either and since they dont see eachother as much bullying Evan isnt in his minds eye as often. it just doesnt come to mind to do as much at that point
because of genes and chica helping him eat good, evan grows to be taller than Michael
evan experiments with gender later in life as a young adult and is lowkey surprised to learn that Gregory has been transgender this whole time
evan develops huge holiday spirit and for the rest of his days loves to decorate and do holiday-ey things for the season
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aita for ignoring someone who might just want to be my friend ?
i (F17) was recently in a college theater production with a guy we'll call S (M20-ish im pretty sure). me and S were partnered as characters who worked together on every scene so we were always in proximity to eachother every weekday for 2 months during rehearsals.
to give some background: S is autistic. someone who knows little about autism would be able to easily pick up on it. i am also autistic but not as "visibly" for lack of a better word and i have a lot of knowledge regarding autism. during rehearsals i noticed that S didn't really slip into conversations with the rest of the actors (nor did the other actors particularly give him the time of day) and sometimes he would sit all alone during breaks instead of with the rest of us. i felt sympathetic towards him as a fellow autistic person who has similar struggles and i wanted to try being inclusive to him. i gave it my best shot and paid attention to him, sat with him, and conversed with him when i felt able to despite my social anxiety. eventually we friended eachother on discord and by the end of the show i thought that was that.
however S became pretty lonely after the show ended and would hit up the actors' group chat a lot asking to hang out and no one including myself would bite. he also messages me on discord and asks me if im planning to go to certain local events or just try to chat with me and i have been either dejected and uninterested or i just completely ignore his messages.
im not sure why im so opposed to even just being polite to him and making small talk. i have been expirencing intense mental health issues lately and i may just be too exhausted to put energy into a new friendship. i also feel like i may not trust him, as his messages asking me if ill show up to certain events and also asking me what college classes im taking next semester (and then saying that he'll try to register for one of the exact classes im in) are a bit uncomfortable. although i have a history of being paranoid that any man i know is going to try to hurt me when im around them plus i suspect he genuinely doesnt understand how he comes across and just wants to hang out with me.
i don't want to lose solidarity with a fellow autistic person because i know painfully well what its like to try to reach out to people you thought you clicked with only to have them seem completely uninterested later. however ive described that i have social anxiety and socializing/maintaining friendships has always been something i struggle with. with the addition of my mental health issues becoming worse and worse, i cant find the energy in me to put in the effort. either way, i dont want to use any of this as an excuse to be rude to S when he seems to want to be my friend.
so, am i the asshole for ignoring him? should i put in more effort to be his friend and meet up with him?
What are these acronyms?
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ramattra-simping · 1 year
I know the stories are gonna be slow but please take your time when doing this, mental health is important 💜 but I might suggest a story, Reader having a mental health breakdown during a mission while working with Null Sector’s leader Ramattra. Look after yourself okay
Thank you for your patience. And sorry it took me that long to answer to your request.
S/o having a breakdown while working with Ramattra
You knew from the moment you agree to work with Ramattra that it wont be easy.
Especially when you are a human and everyone knows he hates them.
But you once helped and omnic when he got beaten up and repaired him after it.
Ramattra heard of you from the omnic you helped and literally forced you to work with him as in "Your people cause this damage . You will fix it"
You agreed mostly because you felt bad for the omnics and want them to have a better life.
Time pasted and to your surprise Ramattra got a little nicer to you and you? Well you just fall for the null sector leader. How did it happen? If only you know
And because of it you got even more stressed when you fix another omnic. "What if i mess up?" "What if Ramattra doesnt need you at some point anymore?"
After a mission Ramattra got damaged. Not much but it still needed a check up so he went to you.
When you saw it was him who asked for your check up your stress level went high again.
You were on the edge of a breakdowm. 1. He got damaged/injured and that worried you. 2. You needed to check him up and repair the caused damage. 3. If you mess up he will be mad and surely kick you out.
You didnt even notice you were a shaking mess until he asked you what the matter would be. You just said you were bit cold hoping its enough for him
You started working now still very shaky but try your best.
But your thoughtd betray you.
You dont know why but your hand start to cramp and you let the tool fall you used.
Both you and Ramattra looked down to the tool and he is actually the one piccking it up for you. "Im so sorry! Im sorry! Please, please dont be mad!" was the first you could think of saying.
If he could he would rais an eyebrow at you.
"Now what is there to be sorry about" he asked you not looking away even when he placed the tool away.
"For messing up. For being so stupid!" small teares roll down now.
Ramattra understood fast. He may be n ot found of humans but you are a good one, who is on the side of the omnics right. He could trust you.
So he can see what is going on with you.
"Now, Now do not speak of yourself so low. You are not stupid nor did yu make any kind of mess."
"Yes i am. No matter what i do its always wrong." you know its not true yoursekf its the stress speaking now.
"Do you truly think you make everything wrong? Because if it would be true i would have already kicked you out."
He stands up now to stand right in front of you and looks downa t you.
"You are a good human compare to evryone else. You help my people no matter what you and we all are gratful for it." after his little spech he placed a hand on your shoulder.
You didnt know what came over you but out of instinct you hug him needing some comfort even if its a cold omnic chest.
He is taken back at first but lets you hold him.
He even pats your back to help you calm down. "Now, why wont you rest for the rest of the day and take your time? You humans are fragile after all"
You just nod your head at him frist before breaking the hug "Thank you Ramattra. Really"
This time he just nods and gave one more pat on your head before leaving.
While he is leaving one thing was for sure in his mind, no matter what he doesnt want to see you like this again rather just your happy smiling self.
I hope you enjoy it. I also will finish all the other request i have before i shut this account off (not deleting) for a while because im planning to do something else and with work and all it will take a lot of my time.
If i find time again i of course would come back to writing here.
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skz-kiana · 1 year
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the reason for bananaz is because just like her and felix, its very rare to see one without the other!! bang and kiana tg,,, chan was the first friend kiana made at JYP and she was also new to korea (sort of) so he helped her a lot!! hes the reason she decided to continue song writing and eventually he helped her start producing some songs during trainee days too. a lot of the songs she wrote during predebut ended up being fixed a little and turned into songs for other groups. she has a HUGEE folder on chans computer filled with songs, bc shes too lazy to get her own😭(chans been begging her to leave his computer alone or at least let him get her one) no matter how much chan cares for kiana, she still gives him gray hairs when shes teasing him with seungmin.. cross that, when shes being her in general. she never listens to him which often causes her to get hurt or just annoy him😭 but he still loves our girl <3
lee know also helped kiana when she first came to JYP !! not only in speaking korean , but also in dancing . when she first came she was more talented in singing than dancing so he taught her. he has a soft spot for ki and when theyre seen together ,theyre probably bullying seungmin or just being cute . lee know is always trying to steal gamcho tho which results in kiana tackling him.. kiana always teases him about being 1 inch shorter because he used to always be so much taller than her but now shes the taller one (she caught him searching up “how to get taller” once and now she never lets it go) these two are always doing dance challenges and tiktok things together (1/3 of the ones she forces to do tiktoks with her..) but having a soft spot for her doesnt really count for all the time.. its not lee know if hes not teasing a member 💁‍♀️
never let changbin stand next to her.. the third tallest and the shortest member . this man will throw a tantrum if it means he doesnt have to stand next to her 😭 despite her looking like she doesnt work out, she actually goes to the gym with changbin a lot, working up those abs 💪(fans and ‘bout half of skz don’t know tho🫣🫣) . whenever chan is busy , but she has a new song she wants to show she always goes to him to see if its good . its also hard to see these two without eachother . when he first saw her he alr knew they had to be friends from how her personality was !!
she needs to let poor hyune rest💔 2/3 line of who she forces to do tiktoks with her. hes coNSTANTLY getting spammed by her, like waking up to 120+ tiktoks when hes only been sleeping for 4 hours yhat day.. kianas first victim of physical touch 💁‍♀️ bro is constantly getting attacked by hand holding , cuddles , etc.. but ignoring the bullying things kiana does to him , she still loves him v v much <3 shes his #1 hype girl, vis versa too. early debut she was over working herself very hard to make more songs for skz since 2/3 of 3racha were working on other stuff and he constantly made sure she was taking a break and eating 💔 myy 2hyun😥
OH LAWD. never let these two be together esPECIALLY if theyve had a single sip of a drink thag makes them energetic. these two actually make chan go lose hair from stress😭 theyre alr bad enough but if chan is near them,, they make it their job to make this man stressed istg‼️ but aside from that theyre actually so cute together . suprise suprise this is actually the only member predebut!kiana didnt get along with👁️, it’s not that she hated him she just,, found him hard to deal with per say and thought he hated her based off a misunderstanding (lots of angst happened during that time 🤓)
felix and kiana,, beloved kittys and sunshine’s of skz <3 no one mess with these two or else you will have to deal with hyung line (as bang chan says ) these two actually went way back and didnt even know it until 2020😭them being both 00’ line and living in sydney resulted in them being friends in their childhood, but kiana went to korea first in 2015 meaning she left felix. they found out they were childhood friends because at the dorms chan asked him about his childhood and he was talking about it and kiana was like ,, wait. had a friend that left in 2015?? short brown hair??,, and then boom🤞🏾. instead of ki forcing him to do tiktok challenges and trends , he actually brings it up to her.. meaning she cant prank him with tiktok things <\3 these two are also very affectionate with showing their love, like physical touch!! so its not rare when you seem yhem together theyre cuddling..
the last dreaded victim of being forced to do tiktoks.. seungmin and her honestly act like a fake middle school friendship with the way their constantly bullying chan,, or she’s bullying him with minho. but in all honesty they both love eachother <33 my seungji are so HDJDJDJ🥹 hes actually probably one of the ones she’s closest with as of now . somedays ( a lot ) they just sit in peace and quiet while she lays on him (or vise versa ) and read or watch videos , they honestly don’t even know how long it’s been until a member comes in and yells at them bc they’re about to miss their dinner reservation 😭 her and seungmin often do lives with eachother and try to bake/cook or play games and it’s so cute
kianas other victim of her physical touch love language 😔 #saveinnie fr this man is TIREDD. but he lets it slide bc predebut they werent exactly the closest if friends… in some ways theyre exact polar opposites , but thats what makes them close ig🤞🏾 . innie who eats his food in one bite 🤝🏾 ki who takes small bites. this one time she was tryna mimic him by taking a huge bite of her food and lee know took a photo of her and said she looked like a muffin because of her cheeks😭 him kiana and chan have a vlive series together!! (basically the only time you’ll see them all together in not really peace) these two are also funky shoes twins!! stays are constantly making fun of them for their shoes 👁️
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alex-multiverse · 4 months
Dumb concept for a magical girl
So, yesterday i decided to watch "The magical revolution of the reincarnated princess and the genius girl" and after realizing that anis is "a little messed up actually" i wondered, has there been any darkness themed magical girl that wasnt a villain? (Only one i kinda know is sailor saturn but i really dont know any other so please feel free to tell me if theres any non-edgy MG show with darkness as a main power going on)
SO, i decided to try to come up with something: A sailor moon-ish ripoff magical girl concept except the main girl's main powers are darkness and demon themed and shes the hero. Also totally not heavily inspired in persona 5 because i cant help myself
Note: this is all made for fun and kinda sorta goncharoved a whole ass franchise while i was at work today, enjoy
Our protagonist is a 16 year old girl named yosuru yoruhime (because pun names are fun) who one day can turn into a magical girl by quite literally making a deal with a devil to protect her best friend from an angel-like monster. Armed with a trident, and using shadows to bind the creature, she killed the monster and saw it morph back into a girl (she was a bully shown earlier in act 1 of the episode), something something using darkness to purge corrupting light from her heart.
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(shittyly made concept art of mc yosuru, drawn in paint)
were this made into a show, it would be a 24 episode season that slowly introduces the side characters, which include the other 4 members of her entourage of magical girls themed around other monsters (ie, a fire girl that is a red oni while theres also an ice girl that is a blue oni) and her bestie who ends up being manipulated into turning an angelic magical girl and ends in a gay magical girl fight a la symphogear. most of the show would be a monster of the week scenario with slow hints of the big bad group themed after the inner circles of angels, the monsters are "angelized" people who get so deluded in their self righteousness they turn into people who think are allowed to smite anyone who disagrees and can turn people into a mob that adore them. Most of the non fight part of the show would feature yosuru doing stuff like, being lazy at school, getting sent to detention, going to her friends important events and being gay with her best friend/future rival Gabrielle
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(even more hastily concept art)
around episode 15 there gabrielle should be introduced as a "rival" for our group, and on the course to the end of the series it should have a "best friend girl/crush is betrothed to some anime man who is obviously evil and she has no real choice about it but she doesnt want to be there" plot. which most of the climax before their fight revolves around them in an aquarium school trip that ends with yosuru revealing her identity on accident to her and leads to the fight
something something 3 episodes before finale they fight except not really because yosuru cant harm her bestie, and ends the fight crying over her in a hug, and in the finale they join forces along with the other side girls to kill the giant monster version of the fiancee who was the true mastermind of the whole operation with a light/darkness magic combo. final scene of episode ends with a kiss during tanabata in summer, and a season 2 stinger in the post credits....
The overall theming of the whole series is about the repression of the individual for the sake of societal order and the conflict that lies within, with yosuru being a vigilante that constantly fights monsters who want to make the world bend to their wills and how everything should work, and how we should never bow down to anyone else's desires but ours, and live our best lives with the ones we love.
also, like, magical girl yuri guys. its not that complicated
The gang are the typical 5 men gang, with a fiery bancho girl with a heart of gold, a sarcastic icey bookworm that is tsundere for the bancho, A straightforward thinking gun user (a la mami from madoka) and a hikikomori lightning girl who is both fascinated by the gun girl, and also dumbfounded (basically the dynamic that yusuke and futaba have in p5, but with lesbians) And of course all their names are pun names:
Yosuru yoruhime
Gabrielle hikariyama
Himeko atsui
Honsuki kanrei
Yumi ite
Kairo denki
AND for autenticity's sake, i also made them 4kidz names for funsies:
nancy nightley
gaby highgraces
Hestia Heatmore
Libra colden
Carol electra
(Yumi doesnt get one because im not smart enough to make "bow shoot" into a pun name in america)
I could come up with more stuff but i would have to come up with it first.
Anyway please enjoy the mad ramblings of a man who liked symphogear and has a fondness for the tropes of magical girl stuff
(Special thanks to @lolapinta for also enabling my brainrot a bit)
Thanks for reading
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darlinguistics · 2 months
a mindset that helped me a quite a bit in the past and still presently whenever studying a language gets really difficult or overwhelming or you feel like you are making no progress/not retaining anything or that its all pointless is that 1, there is literally nothing wrong with slowly learning a language. and more importantly, 2, sometimes shit needs time to sink in! i remember finishing korean 101 feeling genuinely like i had learned basically nothing and still struggled with the most easy concepts but! when 102 came along suddenly focusing on new material made me realize that the old stuff became intuitive! and that same pattern happens over and over, where a concept seems so awkward and complicated and impossible to grasp and then a few months later while focusing on an entirely different concept i realize the old confusing things are somehow now the 'easy' part that comes naturally! so i guess basically what im saying is i learned to MOVE ON! let yourself zoom out from this one little piece of the language and see the pieces surrounding it and overlapping with it! if a lesson was hard, good! it should have been! you probably wont feel confident in it during or even right after! but the work and energy you put into it isnt a waste just cuz it doesnt immediately pay off, sometimes you have to look away and just move on and trust that the knowledge will settle itself comfortably into your brain while you work on other things, especially if you keep reinforcing it here and there. consistent work will never be a waste even if you dont get immediate payoff. and one day youll wonder when the hell you got so quick at reading or when you memorized a rule or when you learned something you literally were never taught but just observed with your own intuition. so much of language learning is trusting yourself, and trusting this invisible force and process of learning thats bigger than you. it isnt all up to conscious studying and conscious effort and learning, you also need to give yourself time to unconsciously internalize things. and that takes much much longer than a week-long grammar lesson!!
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voiceofsword · 1 year
Rinne and Niki used to be a two person unit that flopped, rigth? Any opinions and takes on that?
HI ANON it didnt flop! rinne did, later on as a solo artist for reasons outside of his control. i'll explain the situation a little bit (there honestly isn't a lot to go off of considering this is covered exclusively through bits and pieces in main story – niki backstory event when NOT HOT LIMIT another one)
we learn thru main story that niki's dad used to be a fairly popular chef that hosted various (or was it just one?) shows before the events of hot limit, presumably a few years before. other idols at the time felt threatened by his rising popularity and like eichi says, allegations were made about him consuming and making dishes from human meat on his shows to tarnish his name. which is why both of niki's parents left the country – they tell niki that they left in search of ingredients, and i don't doubt that they also do that, but it's obviously not just about that. they're not gonna tell their son they had to leave the country because they were labelled as cannibals but niki isnt that stupid. he knew ANYWAYS OKAY when niki's dad catches wind of him joining an idol group he's not very pleased about it and niki mentions that this disagreement was what led to him and rinne splitting up and rinne going his own way.
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presumably the two of them still live together during this time so im of the belief that niki doesn't really... see his parents, after they leave the first time. so while rinne does have to go out and do idol work all on his own, he still comes home to niki and likely tells him all about it and about his day. niki does mention at one point in main story that he'd often see rinne be depressed/tired, and given that we know his solo career wasn't exactly the best time for him, it was likely making reference to that. i think there's a lot of guilt coming from both parties at this point in time: niki likely feels guilty that he'd "left" rinne to do all of this on his own, while rinne feels guilty that 1) he exposed niki to the idol industry at such a young age (he wasn't exposed to the seedy underbelly of it like rinne was, but the feeling still lies there) 2) he even put niki through strenuous idol work to begin with – a sentiment that he still shares currently, although not as strongly. nevertheless the two of them probably have a steady rhythm: when rinne comes home he tells niki about his day, niki helps with any fan letters, and on worse days, when rinne's not feeling great, they can both be comforted by the fact that rinne doesnt have to go through it all alone, that niki's there to lend him a shoulder when he needs it. this probably continues until rinne's solo idol career is forcibly ended – the influential person that initially granted him all of those opportunities having been exposed as part of a larger corruption in the industry – and after a while is when rinne drags niki off to cospro.
going back to address this guilt they both feel i think it's important to note that, yeah, rinne still blames himself for "imposing" being an idol on niki at all. usually he makes a joke out of it, with niki playing along often saying that yeah its true if he werent an idol he would be chilling. but when both of them are being more serious, it's evident that rinne actually does feel guilty for taking niki out of his previous peaceful life (even if one of the reasons he suggested niki being an idol was to raise his self esteem – see HOT LIMIT I WONT REST UNTIL UVE ALL READ IT) and for putting up with him for as long as he has, presumably talking about those 4 years: taking him in, duo solo career, and especially the crazyb summer fiasco. while niki time and time again reminds him that he stuck by rinnes side because he wants to, that he's learned to like being an idol, that he would accompany rinne to the ends of the world even if he didn't ask. and then they turn around and bicker anyway. love is love ❤️
ive used this sc before but idgaf
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as much as i love rinne and niki duo i think it's great that they have crazy:b now. theyre a dysfunctional family, but that's THEIR dysfunctional family, dammit! i rly hope that in the future we get some more exposition on what happened during those four years – event or lookback scout, i'm not picky – because 4 years is a long time!! i also just want to see both rinne and niki and rinniki develop bc i love them. if it wasnt obvious.
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about27th · 9 months
job hunt tipssssss (and lessons learnt..)
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tailor your resume to each position you apply
(1) always make your employers' job easier
include only the relevant experience and keep the descriptions straightforward.. recruiters are basically just ticking boxes, make it easy for them to do so or expect them to bin your CV after a quick glance
(2) have too many part-time/work gaps?
i highly recommend using a skill-based CV than a chronological CV for this case; not only is it waaaaaaaaaay easier to prepare but also makes your experience look more put-together since you can mix & match your relevant skills.. give it a shot if you've inconsistent work history or want to have a career change; i should mention it's also a game changer for people whom English isn't the first language
(3) review your cover letter before heading to an interview
i mean you've already explained why you're a great fit for the job in the application, just take advantage of that effort and reiterate everything during the interview --- preparation done!
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dont use the same answer for interviews
.. it'll definitely make you come across as average
there are 3 key and frequently asked questions you should be ready for:
(1) tell me about yourself
start with a basic introduction, followed by your previous work experience (again, making them relevant to the job) and wrap up with a glimpse of your personality -- for instance, say something like.. I see myself as an ambitious and self-motivated person (.. and how these qualities fit the job profile!)
(2) what do you know about us/ why do you want to work for us
always research the company; mention its values or services, and how they resonate with you
(3) what can you offer us/ why do you think you suit this job
highlight how your experience aligns with the job requirements; this demonstrates your dedication and preparation.. and also shows the employer what they can expect from you
i hate interviews (who doesnt?).. i believe many of us are very qualified for jobs we're interested in but often struggle to demonstrate our competence effectively; my way to make the process less agitating is to view it as a cool opportunity for employers to learn about us: it's not an exam.. rather, it's a level playing field where two or more strangers come together to mutually explore each other.
This is your chance (after putting so much effort into preparing the application) to shine and let them know you're the perfect fit for the job they're offering!
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never trust the reaction of the interviewer!
some interviewers acted super affirmative to each of my responses, making me feel like i was nailing the interview.. but then i ended up getting no job; i understand the intention is to encourage interviewees during the process, but pls dont take them too seriously and get carried away
stay focused and humble instead
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always reflect after each experience (exactly what i'm doing now)
it's important to reflect on your performance and seek improvement for future applications
i always discover areas that could be done better while preparing for new job applications, even though i felt that i'd already given my best for the last one
the competition is fierce but dont worry about competing with other stronger candidates (what you cant control); instead, concentrate on what you can control which is demonstrating how you're the best candidate!
always put yourself in your employer's shoes and do the homework; focus on the good and keep trying, one day all your hard work will pay off and get the job you deserve
(i regret so much that i didnt perform better during my interview just nw🥲i dont want the same thing to happen to you, pls take my tips and prepare as much as you cn💔)
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