#:( they deserve better
dragonroilz · 9 months
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hour long study of a scene that makes me feel nothing
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lexithwrites · 7 days
Justice for Barty and Lily for always being made out to be shitty exes, getting cheated on or used just so jegulus can get together
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xavestory · 2 years
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The ultimate sacrifice.
from my Twitter.
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catarium · 6 months
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He left without paying child support 😔
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stoshasaurus · 4 months
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had a discussion with some friends about HAL 9000. i love this little goober (and his adolescent son)
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computer case HAL. i need him to run around and have zoomies.
( i know that HAL needs a massive server room to operate, but indulge me, okay? you want to pet him you KNOW you do)
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very-straight-blog · 5 months
I have a deep love-hate relationship with HOTD. I was thinking about it again today because of the Emmys, where the series only won a single award for "Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes".
I really love HOTD emotionally - mainly because some of the characters make me feel THINGS.
However, thinking rationally, this series is bad. The script looks like it was written by ten different people with polar views on the plot and different visions of what they need to get in the end. Everyone changes their character to the opposite in each episode. The motivation is unclear, and the actions are illogical. The idea of timeskips is awful for the narrative, and it's better not to remember what they did with the original story from the books at all. And yes - the costumes are bad too, they are made cheaply and lazily (maybe one day I will make a big post about them). At the same time, the series has a huge potential that is completely unused and it hurts me. So, every time HOTD doesn't take the award again, I'm happy, because I really want the creators to finally stop and think about what they are doing wrong.
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foxevxid · 4 months
how i feel whenever i think about lucifer and alastor’s backstories
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501st-rexster · 11 months
So, there's just something I can't get out of my head. Something that depresses me to no end. An idea.
After the Battle of Umbara and the 501st reunited with the Commander and their General, Ahsoka finds out what happened to them. Anakin finds out what happened to them.
The two Jedi discover that while Anakin was gone and Ahsoka was flying blissfully ignorant above the planet, their men were being slaughtered, manipulated, used to kill each other.
Ahsoka, who has a sibling relationship with a lot of the clones, who cares about them so much, discovers the atrocities they had to endure.
Anakin, who trusts his men with his life, who would do anything for Rex, discovers he left them in the hands of a murderer.
They discover what the men were forced to do, that Fives and Jesse were nearly executed and their brothers were the ones who were forced to do it, they discover what Rex had to do, the calls he was forced to make.
They discover that their men suddenly have an intense distrust of him. He left them, after all. He left them with the General with more casualties than anyone else.
Ahsoka and Anakin discover that the men are trying to hide their anger, their pain, and they discover the clones all together in the barracks, crying and shuddering.
They discover Rex crying.
They try to comfort them, they try to offer their kindness, but even Rex pushes them away. They could swear they even hear one of the men mutter "I fekking hate Jedi..."
They realize that it's likely the 501st won't entirely be the same. They realize that the men have been through one of the most traumatic events of their lives.
They realize nothing is okay.
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naswoop · 5 months
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Hrgrhgrhrgrhghghh,, L,, Loop,,,
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acceleratedmuseo · 8 months
archive two heart breaking moments in ep8 of ouizzy
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I'm literally crying of how Fang and Frenchie arranged for the cross and added that neckerchief
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slicedblackolives · 6 days
my niche culinary opinion is that only relatively bland temperate fruits like apples and cherries should be used for cooking and we should only eat tropical summer perfections like lychee and peak summer mangoes as is because those are gifts from nature and should not be defiled by human hands. there’s nothing you can do to a dusseri aam that will not be a massive downgrade
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Black brothers thrive on being unreasonable ESPECIALLY with each other. I'm not making this up i swear.
If it works, then good. If it hurts, then good. It means they still matter to each other. God forbid one of them strikes and the other doesn't bleed anymore.
Sirius: *cherishes his friends*
Regulus: okay so you're tired of me? wow, didn't know you were so sick of my presence. sheesh, you couldn't have made it more obvious. don't let mum catch you calling yourself a Black, it's offensive.
Regulus: *gets sorted in Slytherin and tries not to be miserable*
Sirius: it's like you hate being near me. what? is gryffindor too low for your superior being just because I'm in it? So you're happy with your friends? It's like you're one of them reggie, can't wait for you to call me a slur any day now. you can just say you're ashamed of me.
AND I'M OUT HERE BEGGING THEM TO PLEASE, PLEASE GET OVER THEMSELVES. These two are hypocrites! None of the skittles and marauders come close to understanding what goes on between the two. How a friend can be met with a smile, an easy laughter, or a pat on the back but a brother can be met with so much vitriol.
It's honestly so sad seeing two abused kids go at each other like that. In a way it's like saying hello to themselves. No one can get in between them, some try but it's disastrous.
In another world they could just be two kids fighting over a bag of crisps. In another world they'd be okay. In another world, Regulus would be there for his brother's first tattoo and Sirius would be there when he graduates. But it's all messy and warped. In another world they could have friends and understand what it means to belong to each other and not, and that brotherhood doesn't seem like a choice between a vice grip or a noose. It could be like home. It could be like peace. Brotherhood could just be them.
*wow, i can't seem to stop writing about the black brothers. here, have some more.
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pinkelotjeart · 15 days
So I read this post by @eyesteeth about Rane and I wanted to add my own thoughts on it but then realized that I was more making a post analysing their dynamic with Faulkner then an actual add on to the theory. So here,
THE Faulkner Rane analysis
Rane is a monster of Faulkners own creation. In their first scene together, Faulkner expertly uses the idea of trust to get Rane to open up to him. At this point Faulkner already has his status with him. By making Rane feel special and trusting him. It ensures Rane will be loyal to him because there’s a feigned sense of closeness. All the while Faulkner refuses to actually show anything off himself.
It’s a relationship defined by lies. Faulkner is incapable of making any real connection because he needs to be seen and needs to get that attention, but then feels so utterly uncomfortable when actually perceived (cus he’s never actually been acknowledged like that.) So he builds up a persona around himself. Faulkner is ultimately flawed but those flaws aren’t allowed to be shown. He’s only honest with Rane when it benefits that perfect Image, so that’s all Rane sees of him. (And yes there’s for sure some real paranoia due to what happened with Sister Thurrocks. Which also makes Faulkner keep people at arms length.)
When Faulkner starts realizing his own loneliness it’s basically already too late. He starts craving that true connection that he lacks because he misses carpenter. But Rane has never known Faulkner like that. When Faulkner shows vulnerability, Rane twists it back into the mold Faulkner created. In the same way Faulkner struggles to show his flaws, Rane is in turn unable to see those flaws.
Believing in a god is about faith. Faith is trust in what you believe in, and for allot of people it’s something they cling onto. For Rane, this is everything. They need something to believe in. They have to hold up the cracks, keeping Faulkner together. Because if Faulkner falls apart, their faith goes down with it.
Faulkner tries his best to open up. But there’s no relationship to salvage, because they never truly knew Faulkner in the first place. Rane fell in love with a idea, with what they believed, and not with Faulkner. (Love here is NOT inherently romantic, I’ll BARK at you/lh) And Faulkner let them believe.
And to come back to the post I referenced at the beginning. I don’t think Faulkner is going to kill Rane. (It would be too much a repeat of Thurrocks.) but there will be a breaking point for Rane. I’m terrified of what’s going to happen to them. Faulkner is in a emotionally horrible place, and Rane is going to have that ultimate realisation that they’ve been lied to. It’s going to destroy their entire world and I don’t know what that’s going to mean for them moving on.
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heart4dinner · 27 days
they rlly are adhd bf n autism gf
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stxar-pvnk · 2 months
I feel like everybody forgets how similar Bucky and Tony are. Tony was kidnapped by the 10 rings, he witnessed American soldiers getting killed by his own weapons. He was also injured by one of his own bombs, which sent shards of shrapnel dangerously close to his heart. he suffered from Palladium Poisoning, saw Peter die, nearly DID die in space, had severe PTSD and anxiety, had his mind meddled with that nearly resulted in the death of his friends.
Bucky was kidnapped by hydra, tortured and brainwashed, used to kill people with no remorse, had to be seen as a monster, had to become an assassin, when Tony died, he couldn't cross him off his list, and would have to live with the guilt of what he had done, died in the blip, had severe trauma, PTSD and anxiety from his time,
like they both had to endure similar things, and no one ever like relates them to eachother it's baffling.
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cach0po · 3 months
A & S but no L cause I didn't have space in the canvas oop
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Oh wow what a cute pair of kids I hope nothing bad happens to them in the future
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