36beetles · 9 months
You’re not a real lesbian c’mon now
kill yourself, c'mon now
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anarkiddo · 5 months
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man imagine posting this shit under a lesbian’s autobiography knowing that your review is A) one of few one star reviews B) will contribute in preventing people from reading it. this makes me dread publishing shit
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linuxbian · 5 months
There these seemingly contradictory societal double binds that are used to enforce conformity.
Example: A Lesbian is told that "everyone is actually bi" while a bisexual woman is told to "pick a side". Seems contradictory but really they just want us to be straight lmao.
Another one: A woman who does not perform womanhood to society's standard is not a real woman vs. You can never change the gender you were born with. One is butchphobic/anti gnc women, the other is transphobic. Clearly both enforce transmisogyny.
The insidious thing is that these double binds also foster inter community division. Its easy to hear one side of these, for example: "everyone is a little bi" and assume that means bisexuality is more accepted. But on the other side bisexual people are getting the same shit.
None of these are contradictory when you realize that bigots simply don't want lgbtq+ to exist at all.
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beefcake007 · 3 months
I’m still mad about something that happened on tiktok last week and I want to do a post about it and explain an aspect of transphobia I’ve observed.
A cis user made a video asking that trans people share more banger music that they make, but clarified saying “by trans people, I mean trans women” because trans men only make that “sad ukulele” music. There was much discourse, he doubled down and said trans men couldn’t take a joke, other trans people threw the offended transmascs under the bus, or insisted that they can also make club music, yada yada.
I want to know if the queers who haven’t been queer as long as I have know that this exact drama was had with gays and lesbians. Do you know that some transphobia is repackaged homophobia and lesbophobia? I feel like that’s something we should be allowed to say and examine without someone shutting you down and insisting you’re conflating the gays and transes.
But yeah, for decades the joke has been that gay men are the fun flamboyant ones that make good art and dance music, and that lesbians are angry and dress ugly and make sad folk music. It’s pretty much an identical bias and resulting disrespectful jokes.
And it’s shit! I’m not going to let anyone, let alone a cis person, get away with transphobia just because it’s directed at trans men. It’s rude and harmful to devalue our art, and our art doesn’t need to be easily consumable to you. We’re allowed to be pissed and offended when you write us off, minimize the harm you’ve done, and exclude us from the conversation. It’s obvious when you only tolerate the queers who can serve you, and that you don’t actually care to listen or learn about our lives, struggles, and art.
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tiredyke · 11 months
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irlwakko · 6 months
I love all the dunking on James Somerton but I don’t think we’ve focused enough on all his lesbophobic rhetoric because the things he says are genuinely so astoundingly ahistorical and insensitive and it infuriates me that he was allowed to get away with it so long.
He literally said lesbians didn’t face police violence on the same scale as gay men when that’s just demonstrably untrue. Lesbians, ESPECIALLY butch, GNC, and trans lesbians, faced MASSIVE amounts of police violence AND STILL DO and if he gave a single shit about like. Women as people. Or even just LGBT history in general as he so proclaims to care about, he would know that. I’m going to start beating people to death with copies of Stone Butch Blues until they fucking listen
And I’d really love to know which fucking planet he lives on where lesbians apparently have all this great representation, and where we as lesbians are allowed to write our own stories, because I’m really not seeing that pretty much anywhere in mainstream media. I’m still seeing lesbians portrayed in stereotypical or fetishistic ways, and that’s when I see us portrayed at all. And yes cartoons are great and fine but there is so painfully little lesbian representation written by lesbians geared primarily towards adults.
But at this point, the wider community’s general lack of a reaction to lesbophobia in their ranks disappoints but doesn’t surprise me. It’s sad and somewhat astonishing that he’s escaped accountability for his lesbophobic comments up to this point, but again, not surprising. We need to stop letting our community, especially people like James Somerton who get held up as voices for the community, get away with lesbophobia.
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frenzyarts · 19 days
I hate the way transphobes try to use lesbians to justify their transphobia (the poor helpless lesbians are being preyed on by men!!)
I hate that when a queer woman attracts a lot of negative attention, people throw masc lesbians under the bus (calling JoJo Siwa a masc lesbian even though she’s not masc and has said she doesn’t like the word lesbian and has said she’s pansexual)
I hate that when lesbians get popular for a positive reason, people try to insist they aren’t lesbians (yes, Reneé Rapp used to identify as bisexual, but she has since come out as lesbian. Ditto Chappell Roan. Chappell literally has multiple lesbian flag outfits.)
Everyone needs to be nice to lesbians please and thank you!!!
I’m not gonna do the thing where I say “nonlesbians need to reblog this!” Or whatever because that kinda thing bothers me, but I will ask you to look inside your heart and kill the lesbophobia that lives within it
***this post is about lesbians only, do not derail***
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radicalavender · 13 days
oh my god. this tiktok, in which a lesbian is speaking up against “genital preference”, has 2.3k likes so far. and all of the comments are actually POSITIVE. nature is healing. lesbians are waking up. there is hope!!
heres some of the comments:
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princessefemmelesbian · 4 months
Not to be rude but a lot of white lesbians on here will see an attractive white(and especially if they're skinny, conventionally attractive, cis, and feminine) woman and go "omg she's so pretty and gorgeous and elegant, gosh, why are women so beautiful! I want her to hold me and hug me and kiss me!" but the second you see an attractive non-white woman(especially if they are fat, trans, dark-skinned, or butch, but lbr y'all do this to femmes of color as well due to how masculinized we are), suddenly y'all's brains short-circuit and you don't know how to complement us without depriving us of our humanity because you still internalized the idea that woc are wild impure animals and so out comes the "omg I want her to step on me and choke me and slap me across the face and make me her slave!!!" and y'all think it's okay because you're making yourself "subservient" to us but really all you're doing is reinforcing harmful stereotypes of woc as more aggressive, sexual, violent, inhumane, and less feminine, sweet, loving, and/or gentle than white women, and you guys think it's a compliment but it's really fucking not and I'm here to tell you that being a lesbian doesn't invalidate your white privilege if you talk about and fetishize lesbian woc this way. 😡
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dyke-on · 6 months
You can tell how much lesbians and trans men are ignored within the queer community when queerness is associated with pink and glitter. There's no room for us boring, dull, masculine queers, in fact we are traitors meanwhile straight women are "one of the girls"
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tiredyke · 1 year
so many of y’all are too busy trying to define lesbianism as explicitly inclusive of men and making sure we’re nice and palatable to straight people and making people feel secure in the fact that anyone can still like men, even the dykes! that you straight up ignore or erase the very prominent part of lesbophobia that comes from us not liking men, and you talk over and ignore us whenever we talk about how isolating it is to not like men when everyone else around you does because it doesn’t fit your narrative that queer labels and identities are one-size-fits-all and the mere idea of lesbians existing shatters your ideal world where everyone has wiggle room in their sexuality. reinventing the “lesbians aren’t exclusive, there’s a man for everyone! they just need to find Mr Right” isn’t progressive just because you throw in a couple buzzwords that sound good and give people warm and fuzzies
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
also in language discourse have y'all heard about people saying that you shouldn't use "lesbophobic" if you aren't a lesbian, because it has the word "lesbo" in it which can be used offensively, so nonlesbians have to use lesbiphobia. because that is truly one of the most intense instances of internet baby gay's first activism. it's flawed in so many ways it's kind of impressive
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museumofferedophelia · 10 months
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This is actually hilarious because:
Wasps are not bees. They are both members of the Hymenoptera order, which also includes ants. You wouldn't say that an ant is a bee just because they're both members of the same order, so why would you argue that a wasp is a bee? Would you argue that a camel and a giraffe are the same species because they also share the same order (Artiodactyla)?
Out of the some 20,000 species of wasp, NONE produce honey. There is a genus called "Brachygasta" including 17 species that keep stores of nectar and honeydew in case of food shortages, but none produce honey. And certainly not from meat.
So yet again, you have a TRA blatantly lying in order to turn something into what it's not. "The wasp is right, and the bee relies on untrue myths to explain itself," is such bullshit.
Sadly, this post got something like 2,000 notes. People will blindly believe what a TRA says, especially if it's a lie constructed to undo a radfem point. So many logical fallacies.
Wasps are not bees. Men are not women.
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couriernewvegas · 2 months
idk what ur all reacting to but more people need to be comfortable saying they are bisexual . lesbianism isnt like . a cool kids club its just a sexuality . if u like men u can call urself bisexual its not like better than or less than lesbianism please be normal
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queermasculine · 5 months
there is a butch slasher AND butch final boy horror movie called haute tension. french slasher that came out in like 2003 its great
[spoilers for haute tension] the sort of thing i was thinking of would very much require that the slasher and the final boy be two different people, but nonetheless...
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...very fucking cool
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hard--headed--woman · 7 months
friendly reminder that it's okay and normal for lesbians to like breasts and ass and pussy, to find other women attractive, to look at women, to have sexual thoughts about women. you're not "like a man" for finding this woman on that pic attractive or for having a soft spot for boobs or anything. lesbianism is healthy and natural. stop shaming lesbians for having sexual desires
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