#// unprotected p in v
lilgoblinbitch · 2 months
Sweetheart 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
rick grimes x fem!reader
from Anon: "I kinda need that rick grimes dumbification you teased at. I know you crushed it"
a/n: yes this was one of the drafts i mentioned on my poll a bit ago! I had a lot of fun writing this. enjoy!
summary: your best friend glenn encourages you to go on a run with rick because it’s about time the two of you started getting along. the supply run doesn’t exactly go as you expected…
warnings: 18+, PinV unprotected sex, slight dumbification, fingering, slight choking, angst, kinda mean/mocking Rick, edging, cussing, cum swallowing, very vague mentions of past drug usage. (lmk if i missed anything)
wc: 4.3k
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Rick Grimes and you had an unsteady ‘relationship.’ Ever since Glenn Rhee, your best friend, welcomed you into the group, you and Rick constantly butted heads. It was like you couldn't agree on any one thing to save both of your lives. And whenever the two of you were alone, Rick often acted as your chaperon, always on your tail nagging you about how you were going to “get yourself hurt.” It irked you to your core. You could handle yourself, and you proved that to him plenty of times, but it just never seemed like Rick was going to trust you under any circumstance.
Glenn and Maggie liked to snicker to themselves, teasing you from time to time that Rick probably had a little crush on you, but you never understood how. That man never even smiled at you; all he did was badger you and make you feel like a fool. What the hell did they know?
“No! I’m not going on a run with him alone, Glenn. You know I’d rip his head off once he starts acting like an authoritative asswipe. And that would be on you for making me go.” You argued with Glenn, who was already scoffing and rolling his eyes.
“Y/n, honestly. You need to learn how to get along with him. Trust me, he’s not a bad guy. Remember I told you about how he led us out of Atlanta? We would have been part of the dead geeks back in the city if it weren’t for him.” Glenn was always the best motivational speaker, and sometimes you disliked how right he could be. 
“I know he’s not a bad guy. I know what he did. But that doesn’t change the fact that Rick has never really treated me like one of you guys. I feel like he’s always seen me as just some — some bitch who got lucky finding a group of strong survivors,” You turned to Glenn, who was rubbing his face like he had a counter argument ready to be made, but you spoke again before he could. “Besides, Rick has never once asked me to go on runs with him, this would be awkward.”
“Not unless you make it awkward. Look, there’s no use in the two of you resenting each other, so I think this might be helpful.”
“I don’t feel like I’m helpful, though... helpful enough, I mean,” you admitted, glancing back up at Glenn who was staring at you intently, a sympathetic glint in his eyes. “I feel like I don’t pull my own weight around here very much. I mean, at least outside the walls. Just wanna feel more useful, and Rick often made me feel the opposite.”
“Well, I know you feel that way because I know you well. But you know you do more than enough for this community, especially keeping inventory and helping Olivia manage rations, and you helped rebuild the walls. You’re strong, and you’re one of us. That’s why Rick is taking you on this next run,” He reassured and patted your back lightly. You blushed and nudged your best friend on the shoulder. He never failed to put a smile on your face.
“Come on, this is your chance for you to prove yourself to him. I believe in you.”
Of course you could never say no to Glenn, especially when he was so kind to you all the time. Seriously, the guy didn’t have a mean bone in his body. So, you gave Glenn a half-smile, swallowed your bitterness and stomped your way over to the gate where Rick was already waiting.
“You got the list?”
The car was dead silent, besides the rumbling sound of the tires on the road. Rick was driving, his eyes hyper focused on the road ahead, and just for a few ticks he looked down at his pocket to pull out a crumbled slip of paper. With his gaze back on the road, he held the paper out for you to grab. When you went to grab it from his hand, you could have sworn you felt his fingers graze yours for a split second. Although that didn’t seem to affect Rick very much, as his eyes were still glued to the road and both hands gripping the steering wheel.
Sighing softly, you unfolded the slip of paper and read it under your breath. Your eyes scanned it — not much was on the list, considering a team already went on a supply run the week before, and since you were in charge of inventory you knew the supply for food was not low. Looked like all you’d need to find today were extra rounds of ammunition and a few flare guns.
You desperately wanted to speak, to break the uncomfortable silence that occupied the car, but nothing in your head seemed adequate. So you slumped in your seat and picked at the loose skin of your fingertips while waiting to arrive at your destination.
After a short while the car reached a halt, and Rick wasted no time in getting out. “We’re here, grab a bag from the back and let’s go.”
He shut the car door and opened the back door, reaching in to grab a backpack and sling it onto his shoulders. You did the same, after stuffing the list in your back pocket. The car was parked a few hundred feet from a worn-down gun shop on the side of the road. You honestly would have missed it if it weren’t for Rick and Daryl already scoping the place out last month; trees, overgrown grass, and shrubs all contributed to the clandestine nature of the shack.
The two of you took down a few walkers that popped out of the woods near the car before making your way into the rustic shop. You slipped your dagger back into its sleeve and pulled the list back out of your pocket. Rick was preoccupied with scoping the area, ensuring no walkers or other living beings were lurking in hidden areas of the room. The shop had a cabin vibe to it, and even the cobweb added to the scenery.
Your eyes never lingered too long on one area of the room — you needed to find flare guns while Rick gathered the other items. Each step you took around the shop sent the floorboards squeaking, earning nasty looks from the sheriff. Rolling your eyes, you stepped quieter across the room. Soon enough you found a small wooden crate collecting dust underneath a broken shelf. Inside it were random items like a piece of rope, a toolbox, and a few other paltry trinkets. You pursed your lips and raised a brow, grabbing the dusted, rusty old toolbox and holding it up in the light. You swiped the layer of dust that coated the lid and then snapped it open. Your lungs released a dissatisfied sigh when you noticed all that was left in there was a wrench and a rusty nail. Bummer.
“We need another wrench? ‘Cause I just found one!” You joked, scanning the room for Rick, until you realized he wasn’t in your view anymore. You huffed and took the wrench, throwing it into your bag and placing the useless toolbox back onto the shelf.
It didn’t take you long to find Rick, who was shoving his find of items into his bag in another room. “Rick,” you caught his attention abruptly, but only for a moment. He went back to packing stuff into his bag. “Only thing I found was a wrench, there was nothing–”
“I got everything we need,” Rick interrupted. He shuffled by you after zipping up the backpack and swinging it on his back.
This man really knew how to push your buttons; you were truthfully at your breaking point. Before he could leave the room you snagged his arm, turning him to face you. You were irritable, and he could see it painted all over your face with the way your eyes pierced into his. Rick sucked in his cheeks and held your stare, before turning his head to the wall and running a hand through his tousled hair.
You thought back to what Glenn told you — the pointers and pep talk he gave you before you left with Rick. This was the only time you would be able to talk with Rick with his undivided attention and no distractions around you.
“We need to get past this bullshit,” you stated matter-of-factly.
“What bullshit?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about, Rick.” His eyes met yours again. The self-assuredness you fought so hard to keep dwindled, like the wick of a candle crumbling under the dying fire.
“I– we, um…” you licked your lips and collected your composure, “You know we’ve never really been on the best of terms, ever since Glenn found me on the road to Virginia…”
Rick’s silence and fierce gaze made this all the more difficult for you. You were never great at confrontation in the first place, and this man just had to complicate it even more. “Ever since then, we haven’t really been able to get along.”
“We saw things differently. And you didn’t trust me,” he jeered.
“You didn’t trust me,” You retorted.
“Guess we’re even, then.”
You grinned, but not a happy grin — a grin that was meant to convince your mind that you were satisfied in this moment. It was something you usually did as a child; you thought that if you smiled really hard then maybe your brain would actually think you were happy. Sometimes it helped you forget about frowning. It didn’t work right now, though. You turned away from Rick, the grin faltering and a frown replacing it.
“I never meant for things between us to get this complicated and tense… I was in a really rough place when Glenn found me and I could only trust him.” You peered at him once more, “Rick, I’m sorry if–”
He shushed you, a hand reaching up to your cheek to comfort you. This was something foreign to you; the only times he touched you was if he was handing something to you and his hand ‘accidentally’ brushed against yours. Now, his hand was placed on your cheek, and his eyes softened after seeing your tender ones pleading at him.
“I’m sorry, too…”
You were close now, his body only inches from yours. One tiny step forward and your bodies would collide. But that wouldn’t happen — couldn’t happen. You would not let it...
“Rick,” you stepped backwards a foot, not anticipating to crash into the wall behind you. His focus was on you, only you, and it made you feel many different things. “I need to know — I need you to tell me we’re okay now. That we–” his body was inching closer to yours again, and you tensed up. “Tell me we’re on good terms now.”
“I shouldn’t have waited this long.”
You were flustered, cheeks beet red. Your back was flush against the wall, hands gripping the paneling for support. “Waited...for what?”
Rick’s taller frame finally pressed against yours. You shuddered under the pressure. “Waited...to touch you–” his eyes darted across your face, landing on your puffy pink lips, “Wanted to, for so long.”
Your lips parted, unsteady breaths leaking out. You swore you could feel your heart pounding on your chest, begging to tear it open. His lips were nearing yours, and there was nothing you could do to stop it — nothing you wanted to do to stop it, at least.
He leaned in close, breath a fervent cloud bouncing off your face. “I think you want it, too.”
A fire ignited inside you, one full of an almost unfamiliar sensation — lust. Something you’d suppressed for so long and never realized you still had in you. Rick Grimes seemed to be the only man to successfully light that spark in you.
It was time to disregard the small voice in your head, the one that was screaming and scolding you for letting lust conquer your conscience. Rick could see right through your tough shell; you were like putty in his grip. So desperate for him to touch you.
Rick tutted at you, thumb pad pressing your chin, directing your eyes to his magnetic blue ones. “Knew you were needy f’me. Ever since you first looked at me.”
“You’re delusional.”
“Am I?” His hand snuck down to your denim crotch, fingers briskly tracing the zipper.
“I need to know, Rick — why you always fucking nagged me. If you wanted me, why would you make me believe the exact opposite?” You interrogated, trying to divert the topic to distract the fog clouding your mind.
Rick’s finger traced designs across the v-line of your crotch, your breath hitching in your throat each time he dragged a digit down closer to your clothed heat.
“You never–” you swallowed hard, gathering your composure back, “You never have long enough conversations with me, just quick enough to avoid our usual tension. And, I don’t recall us ever going on a run alone together.”
Rick’s eyes pierced into yours, his fingers coming to a halt at the hem of your jeans. “The only time I ever see you is when you need to check in on our ammunition and inventory, or when you need me to watch Judith. Even then you don’t really talk to me much.” You slapped Rick’s hand away from your pants, exasperation washing over you. “Oh, and, I can’t forget to mention that you weren’t even the one who invited me on this fucking run. Glenn did!”
Rick took a step back from you, placing his hands on his hips. He bit his lip, averting his eyes to the ground. Your brows furrowed in displeasure. You were aware that Rick was most likely working up something to retort, however impatience got the best of you.
A groan from you filled the silent air. “Please, just explain it to me! Tell me something. Anything!”
The look in his eyes was intensely passionate. You were crumbling against the wall; just his eyes had that effect on you.
“You were like a lost puppy for Glenn, and then Daryl for a while. And it made me angry because–” He closed the gap between you once again, “You were too caught up in acting like a whore instead of being with me.”
Rick’s face was close to yours, his hot breath fading into your own. You were too shocked to react, too dumbfounded by his choice of words. Did he really deem you a whore? 
“I was protecting you all along, and you were too dumb to fucking realize that, huh?” His gruff voice boomed in your eardrums and sent shockwaves through your body. “I should have had you sooner, that was my mistake. But I have you here now, Y/N.”
A hand slithered across your neck, gently squeezing it. You bit your lip in anticipation, squeezing your legs together to create friction for your aching core — an arousal you didn’t quite recognize until Rick grabbed your throat and brought it to life.
You were aroused, and Rick acknowledged it. There was no need to keep hiding it. Hastily you grabbed Rick’s face and smashed your lips together, hungry for him. Being that close to him wasn’t enough — you needed him closer.
The kiss became heated pretty quickly, almost two years worth of sexual tension released from it and relieved moans from the both of you harmonizing within the small shop. Rick’s hand slithered down to your crotch, right where he had left off not too long ago. Only this time, he wasted no time in slipping his hand between the waistband of your pants and the soft fabric of your lace panties. You pulled away from the kiss, breathing heavily and eyes half lidded.
“Such a pretty girl… always letting me take care of you, hm? You know I’m s’posed to look out for you, ‘cause you’re too hopeless without me, sweetheart,” he cooed, his hand slipping further down your pants and flicking your panties to the side to expose your dripping heat.
His fingers explored your slick folds, and you felt your back arch in response. Your hips bucked forward instinctively; you were in a trance, unable to comprehend your current emotions or actions. This was wrong, it shouldn’t be happening right now. This man hated you — at least, you thought he did; now here he was, playing with your cunt like all grudges were dropped.
Your hands gripped the back of Rick’s neck, fingers latching onto the soft curls at the base of it. Two of his fingers plunged into you without an issue; you were already soaking for him. You felt so vulnerable under this man’s touch, like he placed some sort of spell upon you, and you couldn’t find the strength in you to push him away. Maybe this was supposed to happen — maybe Rick knew what he was doing, and maybe he knew what you needed. At least, it felt like he knew what he was doing.
You couldn’t help but examine his facial features: his scruffy salt and pepper colored facial hair added beautiful texture to his chiseled jawline; his soft pink lips a shade darker than normal from your own lips eating at them; and oh — his eyes. You could never get tired of those eyes. They were hypnotic, a shade of sky blue that reeled you in the longer you stared into them. If this man wasn’t a sheriff, he would’ve done well as a fisherman – judging by the way he reeled you in so effortlessly. Although this man carried himself like he was a stone-cold sergeant, his graceful beauty was downright conspicuous; the fact that you never really considered how attractive Rick really was, honestly boggled you. 
The pace of Rick’s fingers quickened and your hips grinded into his hand. His palm pushed against your needy little bundle of nerves, heightening your pleasure. Each thrust of his fingers into your wet heat brought you closer and closer to the edge.
“Such a dumb slut. So fucked just from my fingers inside you. S’like you never been fucked before, so tight,” Rick cooed, his tone dripping with vehemence. The sensations were too much — you couldn’t remember the last time someone did this to you, made you feel so good.
Without warning you came undone around Rick’s digits, that nostalgic feeling in your core jetting pleasure all throughout your veins. “Oh, fuck–” 
Rick pulled his fingers out, bringing them up to your lips. “Wanna taste yourself, sweetheart?” Except he didn’t wait for a response from you; carefully he slipped both fingers through the entrance of your slightly agape lips. Your tongue licked at his digits, cheeks sucking in as you lapped the juices up, tongue relishing in the bittersweetness of your flavors. Your mind was fuzzy. 
Rick slipped his fingers back out of your mouth. “Think I fucked you well enough with my fingers?” He rasped, starting to unbuckle his belt. You swallowed hard, licking your lips, legs still shaking like a chihuahua. “No words? Damn, can’t wait to see how you react when I stuff you with my cock.”
You accepted your fate; rightly so, officer friendly had you at his beck and call. One orgasm was not enough yet, according to the restless motions of your hips, and somehow Rick perceived this before you could. Within seconds his brown jacket, the one he adored wearing — and most importantly, slay his enemies in — was tossed across the wooden plank floorboard and the white t-shirt that hugged his toned frame forgivingly was peeled off. You could not refuse your eyes the opportunity to explore Rick’s body. His sculpted frame was an absolute eye vacation; he wasn’t body-builder buff but he was fit and you could tell he took good care of his health. The skilled celerity of his hands practically ripped off his tattered jeans, landing on the floor with a thump from the weight of his belt and holster. You ogled at his veins popping out, and how they trailed along his forearms and outlined the sculpting of his muscles. These were all things that made you wetter by the minute.   
Rick wasted no time in shoving your jeans and panties off, putting your dripping heat on full display. A wicked smirk plastered onto his face, and you scanned his eyes; they were dark and unrelenting. Your body was a pulsing, sweating, yearning machine and Constable Grimes was the only troubleshoot that seemed to exist in that moment. 
“You gonna be good while I fuck your cunt?” Hands roughly clutched both of your thighs, setting them at both sides of his hips. Fervently you nodded, feeling the tip of Rick’s leaking cock tease your entrance. Even more of a confirmation of your consent was the manner in which you were wrapped around his hips; you were fiending for the sensation of being filled up by Rick’s cock.
“Such a needy slut, I just gotta–” one intense thrust of his hips sent his cock driving sharply into your slippery hole; “fuck the whore outta you and–” thrust, “make you my sweet, sweet girl.” Strained squeaks and whimpers spilled from your panting mouth while Rick pounded into you. A few stray curls danced upon his forehead, sweat drenching his hair.
The man was a fiend for you too, his licentious grunts solid proof of it. “Mmph, fuck, Rick!” Your lewd cries a melody in his ears. Your tight bundle of nerves collided into his pubic bone rhythmically, adding to the concoction of whatever pleasure potion was being poured into your blood. Your strength was depleted, limbs desperately hugging around Rick and fingers clawing into his back. 
“So tight for me. Need my cock to stretch y’out, right?” Rick chuckled lowly, the sound reverberating through your body.
The thrusts of his hips never ceased, only for a swift moment when he placed you down on his jacket that was lying on the ground and picked right back up with his cock ramming into your cunt. The force shook your legs, and it almost felt like they were going to go numb. Rick was on his knees, holding your legs flush against his torso and shoulders while he found the perfect angle to greet your g-spot with the thumping of his tip against it. Your siren song moans were everything to Rick — however, he wasn’t going to risk having anything impeding this moment, and that meant drawing as little attention to the shop as humanly possible.
“Gotta be good for me, an’ stay fuckin’ quiet.” 
His hand clasped your mouth roughly while his hips continued to drive relentlessly into your dripping pussy. His body leaned close into yours, your legs pressed flat to your sides — all spread out for him to fully access your obedient hole. He was hitting all the right spots. His lips eventually replaced his hand on your own mouth, going back and forth between dragging out your bottom lip between his teeth and wrestling your tongue with his — he ended up winning that duel. 
Rick attached his lips to your neck, nibbling at the exposed skin with his teeth and evoking hushed mewls from you. He kissed and sucked your skin as he fucked you on top of his jacket. Skin on skin and the wet squelching of your pussy — the sounds were white noise to him.
Your fingers dug into his back and shoulders as he transitioned to a more graceful pace, letting your body shift along with his.
“Look at you, goin’ dumb from my cock. Feels good?” He mocked you, smugness washing over his entire face. 
You were unable to form coherent sentences, not with how Rick was rocking into you and incessantly ramming his tip into all the right spots. Felt better than any drug you ever did in college. All that clouded your mind was how close you were to reaching the point of no return.
“So close,” was what squeaked out of you, stimulation to both your clit and g-stop all too overwhelming. Your body was preparing to succumb to the pressure.
Rick looked down at your features; your face scrunched up in pleasure — mouth making perfect “o” shapes, and sweat gleaming on your skin. You were taking him so well, being so patient for him. 
“Tell me how good you feel, sweet girl.” 
“So good, Rick! Ungh– need to cum, please!”
He smirked, rubbing circles upon your swollen clit; “Cum f’me.” And that was all you needed to hear to let the jetstream of pleasure erupt through your body, your wet cunt gushing while Rick steadied his pace thrust by thrust. His orgasm was near, you could tell from the way he started twitching inside you.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, the warm euphoric feeling you were experiencing was clouding your senses.
“God, you must love being fucked, huh?” Rick tantalized, admiring the way your tits bounced and how your arms flailed around, reaching for something to grab onto but were too weak to do so. It was bringing him closer to his climax.
The empty feeling he left you after he pulled his cock out made you frown, unable to formally fuss because of the state you were in. He started stroking his shaft, thumbing the pink tip.
“Open your mouth, hun,” was the only warning he gave you as he sat you up and released a thick ribbon down your throat. You lazily licked up the treat he gifted you, then lay back down on his jacket. 
You simpered in that position while Rick cleaned the both of you up, kissing your cheek as he did so. Glenn was right, somewhat — Rick wasn’t a bad guy, and maybe he did have a crush on you after all. You just weren’t exactly expecting the events that had recently unfolded in a gun shop of all places.
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tomscocksleeve · 2 months
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This man is so fine and literally so sexy like he would literally be the most gentle man yet so rough in bed like….
“Baby… I told you to stop being so loud.” He says in a bit of an annoyed tone. You kept moaning louder and he puts his hand over your mouth whispering for you to shut up before kissing your cheek. You groan and moan into his hand and he just has a smirk the entire time.
As he starts speeding up he decides to record the moment with how pathetic you look beneath him. “Look at you… tears in your eyes because you can’t handle it can you.” You groan and you moan and he finally lets go of your mouth before harshly pressing his lips on you “such a good girl…” “Tom please fuck me harder… faster…. Please bruise me” you plead desperately and he just laughs at your desperation. He records every second and he WILL be using the video against you later. He starts going faster until he cums inside your pussy and he had a slight moan and he bit his lip. You were so sweaty and out of breath. He slowly pulls out before kissing you and then just cleaning himself off. He wanted to cherish the picture of how destroyed you look. Your ruined makeup, the cum leaking out of you, your cheeks being all red from sucking him off. It was all too perfect.
He takes a picture before finally helping you up to take you to the bathroom to get cleaned. In the bath there’s bubbles some candles and he stays by your side washing your hair and your body. “You did so good princess… I’m so proud of you and how you kept going for me” “Ich liebe dich Prinzessin“ he then kisses your head before taking a cup and pouring it on you slowly to get any remaining soap off of your body.
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orchid-3-ous · 10 months
doll - ft. rick grimes
[ ❥ ] rick grimes x fem! reader
warnings: smut, oral sex (m receiving), p in v, kitchen sex, rick being pent up, pet names, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex (wrap b4 u tap!!)
you struggled to keep your composure as rick pounded into you. it was all too much. from the sweet nothings that were whispered into your ear, from the way he had a bruising hold on your waist.
your grip on the kitchen counter made your knuckles white. tears weighed your lashes down, threatening to spill and stain your flushed cheeks.
he shifted on arm around your stomach, the other reaching down to your clit. you cried out, tears finally escaping your eyes. “rick!”
“i know, i know,” rick said, rolling his hips, burying himself in your overstimulated pussy. “such a good girl for me..”
you could barely feel your legs. you shivered beneath him. you could sense the smirk on his face as he pressed another kiss to your neck. a few more thrusts and you came for a second time.
“you make me feel so good, doll.” he groaned. you gasped when you felt him spill himself inside you. he fucks you through it, painting his cock white and making a mess on the kitchen floor.
you’re both panting and you relax your grip on the counter, the color returning to your hands. you glare at him when you hear him chuckle. he looks down at mess he made and runs a hand through his hair, slick with sweat.
“how ‘bout you help clean me up, babygirl?” he cooed and pulled out. your legs quivered and you looked to meet his eyes.
you turned your head, taking a soft towel. you crouched. you huffed and grumbled curses at him as you wiped the floor, his hands tangling themselves in your hair.
you kneeled and looked up at him. he sighed contentedly, smiling down at you softly. “you look so pretty like this, princess.” you blushed.
you licked a stripe up from the base, relishing the taste of him on your tongue. you took the head of his cock into your mouth. you felt dizzy, and everything felt foggy.
he moaned and ran a hand through your hair. “can i fuck your mouth, princess? please?” his head tilted back and his grasp on you tightening. you nodded, taking him deeper into your mouth.
he moaned again, guiding you and chasing his own orgasm. by now, his cock was glossy and oiled with your saliva. he chuckled darkly, “s’like you were made for me, babygirl.”
you moaned in response. he started getting sloppier, breathing heavier. you sucked harder and downright choked on his cock as he pushed you straight the base.
your nose touched the patch of hair that sat above his cock. you look up at him, head tilted back in pleasure. he catches his breath, his hands loosen up from your scalp.
he slowly pulls out, groaning. after a few moments, he grabs himself and places his cock on the bridge of your nose. he stares as it sits there prettily, coating your face with your spit and his cum.
he smiles sheepishly, and you frown at his next words.
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kyhgwts · 1 year
summary: When you and your roommate Eddie Munson are two completely different people. You think you’ve decided he hates you, until one night you try going to a party. And come to find out, he cares for you a lot more than you thought. (4k)
WARNING: emotional sex, inexperienced reader, sweet dom Eddie, crying (a lot), protective Eddie, sunshine breaks at the end :,), unprotected p in v, it’s kinda angst but not really. (the pictures shown are not meant to be what the reader (or Eddie) looks like, just the vibe of the story!!)
PAIRING: Grumpy!Eddie x Sunshine!FemReader
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When you had been invited to a party, at first you absolutely had no intention of going. But when you heard that a lot of people were going, you thought maybe it could be fun. You smile to yourself in the mirror.
The cute dress you had put on, well cute in your head at least. So when you walked out your room, you weren’t expecting the stare down you got. Eddie standing in the kitchen, sweatpants and no shirt like usual.
‘Where are you going?’ Eddie tries to keep calm, act as though he doesn’t care because, he definitely doesn’t.
‘A party! isn’t this dress so cute!’ you say twirling in it, your smile as bright as your aura.
‘No.’ he says, you give him a look. Because you’re used to him, at first he aggravated you to no end. But now, once you were able to handle him you kinda understood him. Kinda.
‘You definitely think it’s cute’ you say, the harmless teasing you did that made him go insane.
‘I think it’s horrendously insufferable.’ he says not staring at you, making what looks like a pb & j. You huff putting your bag on the counter.
‘you’re insufferable’ you mumble, he stops his movements looking up at you. And he laughed, he actually genuinely laughed.
‘As are you, why are you going to a party anyways? i thought you hated them’ he says turning around to follow your movements, leaning against the counter.
‘Who said that?’ you ask, pulling a bottle of water from the refrigerator.
‘You.’ he said, watching you and your face intensely. You look up at him and shrug.
‘Ok well, that was the old me.’ you protest practically skipping to grab your bag. He rolls his eyes, turning back around to his sandwich.
‘You said that last week.’ he said, annoyed.
‘People can change within a week’ you say matter of factly. He watches as you check the time, the clock on the wall clicking softly.
‘Okay bye!’ you say, Eddie is alarmed and can’t help but to let down his guard and his act.
‘Woah woah woah, who are you going with?’ he asks, you stop looking over at him.
‘Myself? i mean it’s only a few blocks down i can just walk’ you shrug, Eddie is baffled.
‘Absolutely not.’ he says, you frown.
You watch as he walks back to his room and a few moments later, he comes out pulling a shirt over his head.
‘Honestly! i’ll be okay i promise’ you were too happy for his liking.
‘What happens if you get hit by a car? or what happens if someone snatched you up? you have no business walking around at, what is it? 9pm at night with that dress on. No way.’ And for the first time, your stunned by him. And he is stunned by himself too. Because he has never let himself feel so protective over someone, because he doesn’t do emotions.
‘Fine.’ you say, and you looked mad. He thinks it’s the most funniest thing when you’re mad, because you never get mad.
He grabs his keys off the counter opening the door for you and him. When you get to his van, you hop in as does he. And as you had said, the house was not far. When he parked outside it, he sees all the people already filling the house.
The thought of you being alone at a party, with many drunk people made him sick to his stomach. He huffed a breath as you opened the door, he stopped you.
‘Don’t go home with anyone, alright? just when you’re done call me with their house phone or whatever. Ok? promise?’ he asks, he’s shown this side of him only once to you. But it wasn’t as severe, he was basically bubbling in his seat.
‘Promise’ you nod, you looked so happy.
It was about 12:30, and Eddie had been up all night. He was not letting himself go to sleep if he still knew you were out. And he hated that he cared so much. Because he was supposed to not like you, your naive and optimistic attitude infuriated him. But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel the sort of need to protect you.
The blaring of the house phone made him jump, he gets up from the couch rushing over to it. He picked up the phone, putting it to his left ear.
‘Hello?’ he asked, relief washed over when he heard your voice.
‘Hey ed’s! it’s me, i’m ready to leave’ you say voice loud and clear over the loud background noise. You seemed a little tipsy, but then again this could just be the regular you.
‘Alright, i’ll be over in a few’ he says back, the sound of your friend yelling at you.
‘You know where it is right?’ you ask, he laughs.
‘What makes you think i would leave you somewhere and not memorize it?’ he said, you went silent on the other end.
‘I’ll be there in a minute.’ he says again, you give back an okay and hang up.
As promised he was there within no time at all. Parked outside, the house was trashed. He used to do parties all the time, selling weed and what not while he was there. He was surprised people still threw parties at this age, usually it was clubs.
He sees you at the porch, a friend next to you. You say your goodbyes before running off to his van. You open the door and hop in, he watches as you put on your seatbelt and he also watches as you breath in and out.
He is startled when you don’t say a word, he stares at you a little longer before deciding that maybe your just tired. But when you both arrived home, and you still haven’t so much as peeped he knows something is wrong.
So when you both make it back in the house, he follows you into the kitchen. And watches you start to make food, he slowly leans on the counter arms crossed.
‘What’s your deal?’ he asks, you turn to him eyes wide like you’ve been caught with something.
‘What do you mean?’ you ask, he dips his head to the side as if to say ‘are you serious?’.
‘you haven’t spoke one word.’ he says, you shrug turning back to your food.
‘i’m just tired’ you whisper, and he would have just left you alone. But you twist your fingers, a little thing you do when you lie. How did he know this? well that’s a conversation for another time. Doesn’t matter.
‘You’re lying.’ He huffs, and you close your eyes briefly. You hated this, hated when he went all soft on you. Because he was supposed to be moody, and not care about you or your feelings. And sure you were happy and joyful all the time, but he wasn’t and it made it all that much more worse when he was.
You look back up at him, scared to meet his eyes. And when you do you almost fall to the floor, the look in his eyes are so deep. Like he really truly wanted to hear what you had to say. And with that look, you don’t think you’d be able to keep it in anymore. You quickly look away, staring down at your halfway made food. Body freezing, you hated this feeling.
Even though you had cared for other people, and always kept on a happy gaze. You weren’t used to people giving it back, you liked his grumpy self. This side of him made you realize, no one really knows or cares to know that much about you.
Eddie didn’t care that he was letting down his walls, he didn’t care one bit. All he cared about in the moment was you. Because he could tell something was wrong. He pushes himself off the counter walking over to you, and you freeze even more. He turns you to face him, and he sees the water in your eyes and he immediately freaks. He’s never seen you cry, in the 5 months that you have lived together. Not once has he ever seen a tear leave your eyes.
‘Sweetheart…’ he whispers looking into your eyes, you look away shaking your head.
‘Don’t do that’ you mumble, a break in your voice. His face fills with confusion, trying to understand.
‘Stop… caring for me, i don’t like it’ you whisper, he goes wide eyed. Out of all things, he didn’t think this is what would be wrong. He thought maybe something had happened with your friends, or maybe you were too drunk and just wanted to cry.
‘What?’ he asks, you were cornered. And he wouldn’t stop staring at you with his beautiful eyes. You try to look away a sob racking through you.
‘You’re not supposed to care about me Eddie! you’re just supposed to be my grumpy roommate.’ you whisper, trying to move but he stops you.
‘Who said that? I can care about you all i want.’ he says, annoyed by the way you were talking. What he says just makes you want to cry more.
‘Me! I don’t like it!’ you say, tears rushing down your face. He holds onto your waist making sure you weren’t leaving anywhere.
‘Do you not like it, or are you not used to it?’ he says, you shake your head.
‘Stop.’ but you didn’t want him to, you liked the feeling of being loved. It was like a breath of fresh air.
‘You don’t mean that’ he states, and you hate that he’s right. You hate how easy it is to read you. You wish you were not as transparent. And before you can stop yourself your sobbing, absolutely recked. Falling into his hold, he cautiously pulls you in.
‘No one has cared for me, like you did tonight’ you whisper. His heart drops, because god damn it you were too much of a sweet soul to be crying. You didn’t deserve that.
‘The way you offered to drive me there, because you didn’t want me to get kidnapped. And how you remembered the house i was staying at.’ you mumbled into his chest. He held onto you tight, hoping he wouldn’t crush you.
‘Are you drunk?’ he asks, and the question throws you off.
‘no?’ you say, asking a silent question. And before you can ask him why he asked, his lips are on yours. And you melt, your basically putty in his hands. He pushes you back up into the counter hands roaming you. When his lips leave yours, you try to lean up and catch them again. He pulls back slightly, trying to say something.
‘You don’t even know how much i actually care about you, what i showed you tonight was nothing.’ he explains, and your heart melts. You smile, your eyes still watery.
‘How much do you actually care about me?’ you ask, and he almost laughs. But he knew it was for you to get validation.
‘More than you think, i don’t think you’ll ever be able to understand just how much i care about you.’ he explains, and your eyes sparkle. He smiles at you, leaning down to kiss you again. He picks you up, legs wrapped around his waist.
You let out a small huff when you landed on his bed, him still attacking you with kisses now on your neck.
You felt so free, you were flipped over now on top. Your dress pushed up and above your waist, making your damp panties make direct contact with his clothed boner. You whimper, causing him to immediately look at you. Your eyes were still glossy, but you were far gone from crying anymore.
You’ve never been with anyone, despite your age. You never discussed that with Eddie, because you had no reason to so he had no idea. Well that’s what you thought, but Eddie could read it from a mile away. The way you froze for a moment when he kissed you, the way he already felt you soaking your panties. A virgin gets wet easily, and you were so beautifully needy.
‘You don’t have to do anything, it’s okay.’ he whispers and you freeze, staring up at him.
‘No- i-‘ you couldn’t find your words, especially when you were pressed down onto his boner. You try to find purchase, your hands falling to his lower stomach fisting the shirt. He looked at you, your eyes so wide and beautiful.
‘I just- i want to feel loved’ you whisper, and his face breaks. His cool demeanor crumbles all within seconds. Because what you had just said makes his heart hurt, like you had lacked in feeling loved. And now he is going to make it his mission to make you feel like the most loved girl on earth.
‘God, how did i achieve you?’ he mumbled, pulling your hands away from his shirt, to pull you down closer to him. You smile is so soft, and he can’t help but kiss you again. Make you feel loved.
His hands slide to your waist holding onto you, when he pushes your hips forward you loose your breath for a moment. The friction of his boner so delicious, he hears your breath hitch. So he does it again, and again. Until he feels the unsteady breaths on his mouth as you kiss him.
Soon you were able to rock your hips back and forth by yourself, his hands resting on your hips. He watches intently on the way you move your hips, like you’ve never done this before. Not even with your blankets at night when everyone is asleep. He then looks at your face, your eyes are squeezed shut lips parted.
‘Never done this before, huh sweetheart?’ he asks, you shake your head not wanting to speak. He was amazed, because how do you get off? Do you even masturbate, there’s no way you don’t.
‘Feeling good?’ he asks smirking to himself, you nod.
‘mhm’ you whimper, and he realizes all your emotions from before are now gone. You got so distracted by this, that you weren’t crying. He thinks that, this is just what you needed. For him to give love to you, not fuck, but to love. Because you really didn’t understand how much he cared for you. And this was a perfect way to show you.
Your hands are placed back on his lower stomach, scrunching up his shirt once again. The placement helping you push harder down onto him, creating more friction. At this point you’ve leaked through your underwear. He’s watching you with hungry eyes.
The way you so desperately rocked against him, breath heavy. He couldn’t take his eyes off you. Not to mention the sweet sweet sounds falling from your lips.
‘nguh’ you whimper, head falling where his neck and shoulder meet. Your speed increasing, you let out a quiet sob. You weren’t crying, you just came. And the sound you let out quite literally almost made him rip all of yours and his clothes off and fuck you so hard you forgot your own name.
But you were too precious, and he needed to take his time with you. His hands snaked up and under your dress, pulling it over your head throwing it to the floor.
You pull at his shirt, pulling it up. He pulls it off his head, throwing it to the floor by your dress. You lifted up your hips, embarrassed by the wet spot on his sweats. He watches as you pull on his sweats, pushing past his thighs.
When you reach for his boxers he stops you, making you look up at him. He pulls you to him, making sure your close.
‘I just want you to know, there’s other ways for me to make you feel loved. You don’t have to do this, i know it’s new to you.’ he whispered, and you look at his eyes. He can see the distance at which you look at him. Like even though you are so close to him, you still seem so distant.
You blink slowly, you look tired. You let out a breath.
‘No, i want this’ you say softly, he stares at you a bit longer before smiling. He flips you over, receiving a yelp out of you. He kicks off his sweats, and pushes down his boxers. You suck in a breath when you see him.
For a moment you begin to worry that he might just break you. He sees your face and let’s out a soft laugh. He leans down and kisses you.
‘You can still change your mind sweetheart’ he whispered against your lips, you shook your head immediately. He helps pull off your soaked panties, you blush when he leans back to look at you.
‘God you’re so beautiful’ he mumbles, mostly to himself but he makes sure you can also hear. He slips his tip up your folds, and he groans at how wet you are.
He kisses down your neck, leaving marks. You whimper clawing at his back. He lets out a curse under his breath. He pulls at your thighs, now closer than you’ve ever been to him, quite frankly closer than you’ve ever been to any boy.
His nose pushes against your neck as he pulls back up, biting on your ear lobe making you shiver. You were so distracted by him placing kisses all over your face, that you hadn’t realized he begun to enter you. Your face turned into pain and pleasure, feeling the stretch of him.
Your back arches, chest pressing against him. He can’t believe how needy you are, and he can’t help but fucking adore it. You push down your hips, breathless and needy for more.
‘Eddie’ it came out as a soft plea, and Eddie could have came on the spot.
‘I know sweet girl, i know’ he shushed you, pushing himself through your folds. You cry out, grabbing onto his hair. You pull him down face buried into his neck. The soft whimpers drowning out, your soft lips breathing hot breath onto his neck.
He wasn’t even halfway in, and you were already clenching down onto him. He grinned pushing slowly more and more until he was bottomed out.
‘I- i- Eddieeeee’ you whine, pushing your hips down as if to ask him a silent question. Your eyes flutter closed. Its as if you couldn’t get enough of him, and that’s exactly what it was. Maybe because it was your first time, maybe because he was treating you so sweetly, god maybe it was because the comfort of his room. But you could care less in the moment, especially when he made it so easy to just let him take control.
He slowly pulled out, pushing back in. You choke on a whimper, clawing at the bed sheets. You throw your head back, the scent of him on his pillow washing over you and making you feel all that much more better.
He groans, as he begins to give you a soft and deep pace that had your head foggy. You feel his hands slide up your sides, and sliding under you to hold you. He leans down to your ear, whispering.
‘Do you feel loved yet?’ his soft breath heard as he kept up his pace. You cry out, nodding words unable to come out.
‘Are you sure? Because i feel like i’m not lovin’ you enough baby’ he says, you mumble out a incoherent sentence that makes him grin.
‘I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t hear you, can you repeat that please?’ he asks, you let out a whine.
‘I feel loved’ you mumble, now coherent enough for him to hear. He hums, wet kisses placed down your neck to you chest.
His pace becomes harder and deeper, he picks up your leg placing it over his shoulder. You cry out in pleasure fingers falling behind his lower neck, your body racked with a sob as your nails dug into his skin. The pleasure he gave you being so intense that you don’t think you are yourself anymore.
‘Do you feel loved? hm baby?’ he asks again, you nod crying out his name.
‘Yes! yes i do’ you whine, throwing your head back and arching your back. He eats up every single movement you make, making sure everything you do and every thought you think is amazing.
‘Who’s making you feel loved?’ he smirks, rubbing up you leg that rests on his shoulder.
‘You Ed’s’ your eyes begin to water, and you couldn’t help it. You’ve never felt such a way.
A feeling in your tummy, coming so quick it scared you. It was a nagging sensation that you just wanted to get rid of.
‘Eddie! i- i- my-‘ your voice stuttering, he looks at you with soft eyes.
‘Your what?’ he asks, keeping the assault he has on you.
‘My- feels like i need to pee!’ you shout out, scared your going to pee.
‘Shh, no you aren’t sweet girl. Just let it happen’ Eddie whispers, you then feel his calloused thumb rub against your pussy. Right to a spot that makes your vision go blurry and fire explode out of you, tingles everywhere. You hold onto Eddie like he was your life support, and he didn’t mind one bit.
Not too long after, you feel him pull out spilling on top of your stomach. The cum spilling over from the fast and unsteady breathing you were going through.
Eddie rubs his hands up your sides until they’re at your face cupping it. Your eyes are heavy, and halfway closed. Your breath slows down, becoming normal again as he holds you.
You don’t process him picking you up, until your in the bathroom placed on the counter. You shiver when Eddie rubs a rag over your stomach. You hear a distant noise of the bath running.
He helps you into the bath with him, and the warmth engulfs you as so does the scent of lavender. You take a deep breath, melting into him as he sits behind you.
You let out an accidental moan when he washes your hair, scratching your scalp. He laughs a little, making you fall further into him.
‘You did so good sweetheart’ he whispers, hands massaging your body under the hot water. Your head feels fuzzy, like it’s just brown noise. Everything around you is blurred out except for Eddie.
He wraps his arms around you, face pushed into your neck leaving kisses in your wake.
‘I won’t ever be able to get enough of you’ he whispers, and your eyes begin to water. God your so emotional.
‘You hear me?’ he asks, you nod. Too tired to speak or move.
You both get out of the shower after a while, him helping you put on one of his t-shirts and a pair of your panties.
You get done brushing your teeth with Eddie, and you both walk to your room. Well… he actually insisted on carrying you, laying kisses all over your face. Eddie lays you on the bed softly, walking off to go somewhere. You hadn’t mean to show your attachment which was already growing.
‘Where are you going?’ you whisper, he turns around and gives you a reassuring smile.
‘Just need to put my sheets in the dirty clothes’ he laughs softly, you hum.
He walks off and you get comfortable in your own sheets. You can hear him walking around the apartment, until he’s back in your room turning off the light.
He gets into your bed with you, pulling you in without any hesitation. You smile to yourself, the feeling of his big arms wrapped around you. Your head takes a moment to acknowledge all that happened in one night, the night passing away in a blur as you slowly fall asleep.
You’ll never ever underestimate how much people can show love, ever again.
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ashes-writing · 2 years
devil pt II | scream 4 ; c.walker
A/N ; This one just got straight up filthy with a side of unhealthy obsession. I feel like this is my true foray into darker themes and given that this is for a slasher fic, this is probably going to get pretty damn gory. So, if the updates to this are not as forthcoming as my updates for say.. Stranger Things, CSI or Marvel + any of the other fandoms I write for, just know that it's because I have to kinda like.. distance myself with this one so it doesn't get in my head so much. Because I want to do this right. And realistic as I can get. If I'm going for darkness, I'm going as far in as I can.
Anyway.. here we are, I guess. Read all the warnings below. Please. For the love of God, read the warnings.
Pairing ; Charlie Walker -Ghostface x fem!reader.
Timeline / Other Stuff to Note ; devil - the first part to this can be found by clicking. This is very loosely going to follow the plot of Scream 4, me thinks with a twist or two possible because I have a very vague idea in mind as to what I want to do with this.
Tag List ; @schizoauthoress is the only person on my horror taglist -- but if this is something you can't read pls don't, okay?. if you'd like to be added to my taglists for anything including Scream 4, please let me know or add yourself -> here.
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18+ only; minors absofuckinlutely not. Go read fluff. Also, if you're not into somnophilia -with slightly hinky consent given that reader is half asleep when she consents, biting and marking, a very dark and possessive obsession type 'love' and other dark themes in the future as well as mentions of murder ; blood ; gore, body fluids and other stuff, this is not the mini fic for you. Kind of very much a dead dove/don't eat. You control your own reading experience, that's not up to me. You've been warned.
Other Stuff ; tag list doc || my rules - fandoms and some characters I write for || requests are open (pls.. pls... send me things) but they're limited to headcanon asks + filth/fluff alphabet letters and I'm not accepting wrestling / wrestlers in my ask box. Any other fandom/character but wrestling that I happen to write for is fine and I beg of you -> send me things.
I do not consent to my work being reposted elsewhere or copied/reworked/rewritten and reposted here or elsewhere. You don't own this, I do. So like... don't steal my shit.
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A crisp breeze blows through your open window as you sleep. As you promised earlier, you left it open for Charlie but a little after 10 pm and no sign of him even attempting to show up and you decided that maybe he’d just said it to be a jerk, to laugh tomorrow if you brought it up.
You’ve just gotten settled into bed, your back facing away from the window. Your favorite shirt to sleep in -a black one that’s old and thin with the Harley Davidson logo on front, is hiked up just slightly over a pair of black lace panties as you toss and turn and try to drift off to sleep. But you’re thinking about the way he kissed you with his hands all over you in the supply closet at the back of your classroom earlier in the day and the more you think about it and replay it in your head, the more frustrated -and wet, you seem to get. You’re aching for some kind of way to relieve your frustration.
With an annoyed huff, you shove your arm beneath the black pillow under your head and you kick the covers completely off your body because despite the chill in the air, it’s hot. You’re hot, burning all over because all you can do is lie there and replay what happened at school over and over again in your mind.
You try to tell yourself that he’s not coming, if he were, he’d probably have stopped by hours ago and finally, after what feels like endless tossing and turning and countless prayers of frustration sent up to whatever deity might hear, you can feel your eyes getting heavy. As sleep takes over, the music you were listening to via the earbuds in your ears switches from one classic rock song to another. And with the volume you have the music turned up to as it plays through your phone as you sleep, you can’t hear any little outside noises going on around you.
Charlie slips in through the open window and nearly falls to the floor. As he stands in the middle of your room, his eyes dart around -an attempt to familiarize himself with the place because it’s his every intention to spend as much time as he can here, close to you. He chuckles at the posters tacked on your wall. The clothing bursting out of your closet in a chaotic clusterfuck of bold and vibrant red, stark white and black or dark gray because those are the colors you primarily stick to most of the time. He makes his way over to the overfilled vanity table with it’s various cosmetics and a jewelry box with costume jewelry and your preferred huge, bold and loud earrings inside an open drawer and he picks up a silver framed picture of you as a little girl on the back of a motorcycle with some burly and terrifying looking man sitting behind you, his arms around.
He knows it’s your father, it has to be but.. Charlie can’t stop the rush of jealousy he feels at the sight of someone else touching you.
You roll in the bed so that you’re facing him and your quiet little sigh and moan -his name, no less, catch Charlie Walker’s undivided attention. He moves to the bed and seats himself along the edge. You’re completely out from beneath the black bandana print comforter that’s nearly piled on the floor. The shirt you’re sleeping in is threadbare, borderline see through and it’s twisted from all your movement in sleep so that he can see the curve of your ass and the way black lace barely hides your pretty little pussy.
“Sorry I’m late, kitten.” he mutters, mostly to himself because he can tell by your light snores that you’ve fallen asleep. He positions himself over your body and brushes your hair out of the way of your face and the side of your neck.
His cock is strained against his jeans. He can feel it twitch and ache with need. All he can think about is how much he wants to push your panties to the side, unzip and pull down his jeans and bury his cock to the hilt in your warmth and fuck you til he’s all empty and you’re dripping because he’s filled you up.
His hand skims over your exposed thigh and he nips at your neck, sucking. Leaving a little mark against your soft and unmarred flesh. The harder his lips lock against your skin, the more he finds himself unable to resist thrusting his clothed bulge against the curves of your ass as he leaned over you from behind.
He gets a little bolder as he continues to thrust, working himself into a frenzy. His hand slips beneath your sleeping form and closes around your soft tits, squeezing. By now he’s panting, growling and  groaning against your ear, his censor is gone completely. You’re starting to wake up and you roll onto your back to look up at him, blinking the sleep out of your eyes as you yawn. He positions himself between your legs and his mouth meets your mouth all over again, just a little kiss to wake you up completely, he thinks, yeah.. That should do it.
You arch your back away from the bed and cling to him, deepening the kiss as you give a sleepy little giggle. “Didn’ think you were gonna make ‘t.” your sleepy drawl has him chuckling quietly. Caressing your face with one hand as the other disappears between your bodies and settles against your dripping sex. When he feels how wet you are against his hot palm, he growls into the kiss. “I told you I’d be here.”
“Yeah, well.” you  gasp out the words as a shiver races through you when his hand squeezes and rubs your clothed sex. Your hand digs into the mattress and the other one digs into his shoulder as your legs fall open even wider for him. He leans back slightly, ocean colored eyes settling on the wet cloth  clinging to your pussy and he licks his lips, leaning into you from above all over again. “Still sleepy, princess?” he mumbles the question lazily against the shell of your ear. You yawn again, it can’t be helped.
You are still sleepy but you’re afraid that if you answer yes then he’ll go and you don’t want him to go.
The arguing kicks up all over again downstairs and you cringe into him, gazing up. “Ignore them.”
Charlie bites his lip and nods. “I asked you a question.”
“If I say yes..” you pout as his finger slips over the soaked lace covering your warm and wet sex. Charlie chuckles. You’re twice as wet for him now as you were not even ten seconds ago. His teeth latch against your throat and you whimper as your hand fists the mattress again. “Hm? You were gonna say something, babe. Say it. C’mon.”
“I don’t want you to go.” -and you didn’t, especially not now, not with the arguing down below reaching a fever pitch. If he left, you’d be stuck there alone to listen to it. To hold your breath and just hope to God that things didn’t spiral out of control too badly. Because you didn’t dare intervene.
Hearing you admit that you wanted him there and you didn’t want him to leave had him smirking a little. “I’m not gonna leave.” he drags a long and thin finger right down your slit and when you shiver, he gazes down at you, teeth tug at his bottom lip and he’s lost in thought. “It might put a damper on what you want outta me though.” he trails off, frowning a little before adding quietly, “Unless you just wanna go back to sleep and let me give you what I know you want and  get what I need right now?”
To emphasize just how badly he wants you, he bucks himself against you and you gasp as you feel the way his cock is pushing hard against the zip fly of his jeans. You swallow hard and lick your lips. Your lids are still so, so heavy with sleep and you can barely stay awake, you’re fighting a yawn or two as you attempt to answer him. But along with the sleepiness you feel, you’re so turned on, you’re so damn horny that you want his cock inside you.
“C’mon, princess. All you gotta do is sleep. Let me take care of you, hm?” his voice is smooth; soft. A raspy velvet purr as his mouth drags right down your pulse and he presses his hips down into your lower body, the bulge in his jeans putting barely enough pressure against your achy cunt. The ache really starts to throb.
“Okay.” you mumble softly, giggling quiet when you shock him by admitting, “It sounds kind of hot. You using me to get off like I’m a little fuck doll.” and at your confession, Charlie swallows hard. He gapes at you a second or two because honestly, he hadn’t ever expected you to agree to what he’s about to do.
The fact that not only have you agreed but you want him to do it, holy shit. He’s almost feral and if he thought his cock was hard a few seconds ago, it’s nothing compared to now. His mouth crashes against yours violently, a biting kiss that leaves your lips aching by the time he’s done. You’re starting to doze off again and you’ve rolled onto your side again, one of your legs bent at the knee. Exposing that perfect dripping little cunt because your panties barely cover you enough.
But he’s not an animal, so he doesn’t just start pounding away at your pretty little pussy like he’s dying to… His fingers slip into your panties and he drags them between your folds. They bury deep inside you, twisting and scissoring in a come hither motion as he grunts against your neck. His other hand slips up beneath the thin black shirt and a thumb rolls across your nipples. He can’t resist the urge to thrust himself against your soft little ass and his breath hangs in his throat when he manages to get himself real worked up all over again. Your juices are flowing, coating his fingers, “Fuckin hell.” he mutters in awe as you arch your ass towards him and this causes his fingers to bury deeper inside. Strumming against spongy softness that has his entire body tensing up when he feels the way your pussy clamps around his fingers.
He can’t take it anymore, he has to be inside of you. Filling you so full that you leak when he’s finished.
He slips off your bed and after licking his fingers clean and wishing you were fully awake to see him as he does it, he lets his pants and boxers fall to your bedroom floor, kicking them free at the ankle as he’s managed to get his shoes off first. He tugs his shirt off and lets it settle on the floor next to his jeans and boxers and then he’s back on you, his finger hooking in black lace and tugging until it comes away with a silent rip.
The arguing is so loud downstairs. His gut instinct is to get you the fuck out and away from this shit, but he has to remind himself that’ll come at the end of everything he’s got planned for the sleepy little town you both live in. Then he can get you out of here. He can have you all to himself.
His hand fists his cock, lining it up with your tight, wet little cunt and he slides right in. But the way your pussy grips his length has him pausing, breath hung in his throat as he tries to adjust to the tight squeeze. You’ve tensed up just a little and you whimper soft. It hits him then and he has to ask. He can’t just not ask what he suspects.
“Babe.” he nips at your earlobe. “You’ve done this before, right?”-- he’s touching you all over, nuzzling his nose against your racing pulse urgently. “C’mon, doll.. Answer me.” he groans out against your soft skin as he continues to rut himself against you, “ Then you can go back to sleep like I promised, ‘kay?”
“Nuh uh. Never.” you yawn out the words sleepy and he growls to himself upon hearing confirmation that you’re a virgin. 
“Fuck.” the word hangs in the air and he waits until he feels you unclench just a little. When you’ve started to relax and you whine quietly and pout over your shoulder at him as you remind him in a hushed sleepy whisper that he’s supposed to be fucking you back to sleep, he can’t help but chuckle. “Gotta be easy, princess, -ah” he growls out as he feels your body arching back towards him, this makes you drag over his length with those tight fuckin walls and the way your pussy is so wet he can feel it coat every single inch of his cock, oh my god. It’s all he can do to keep from cumming hard. His free hand skims your curves as you lie in front of him on your side. He can’t resist, so when the urge comes to suck at soft flesh and leave a huge mark right there on that little spot between your neck and shoulders  so you’ll see it when you’re fully awake. 
“Are you okay now, princess?” he asks when he hears you whimper in need, the sound as if it’s choked out of you. You take a shaky breath or two. That soft and dream-like voice as you answer quietly, “Please.. Need.. Wanna feel you, Charlie.” to confirm, to beg for more has his last sliver of self preservation shot. He buries his cock deeper, the tip pushing against your abdomen just so that he can slightly feel it under his fingers as his hand rests against your tummy. “Jesus, fuck!” he groans, his cock absolutely buried, flooded by the way you’re gushing wet. “You’re gonna be the death of me.” he mumbles breathlessly as he starts to speed up his thrusts a little, his cock slamming against your cervix a time or two and making you whimper out as you start to wake up a little better. “Charlie, oh –ah, fuck, rightthererightthererightthere.” you whine, rocking your ass back against him which has his cock hitting at an all new angle that feels so good to you both that his hand digs into your breast and he squeezes hard. His teeth sink in against the space between your neck and shoulders as he pounds away harder, bottoming out, the tip of his cock brushing against the spongy softness of your g-spot. “Not yet, babe.” he groans when he feels your walls clamp down, “Don’t you dare cum yet.”
“P-please!” the word is choked out, frantic. A louder moan than you intended. Charlie laughs, quiet. The sound erupts from deep inside. “You’re begging for it, hm?” he questions as his hand dips down and his fingers began to circle your throbbing clit a little. He continues to fuck into you from behind, bottoming out a second time. You melt back against him and you try again to hold off like he’s demanded but you can’t take much more. “I n-need, fuck.. Please let me cum.” you whine as you rock harder back against him.
You’re awake now, an active -and very willing participant in the surrender of your virginity. The way you’re writhing around below him and whimpering, the way his name flies from your mouth and your hands grip the bedsheets and his shoulder only confirm one thing for him.
The two of you are fuckin endgame. And he’ll do whatever he has to, he’ll spill as much blood as he needs to make sure it stays this way.
After all, what’s a stone cold killer without his sultry little scream queen?
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dopeassfreshprincess · 10 months
Hobie smut
POV: you ask Hobie to be rough with you
Hobie grins at her request, feeling a surge of desire wash over him. He leans in to capture her lips with his once more, kissing her deeply as his hands roam over her body. "Fuck, I can definitely do that for you, love." He murmurs against her lips, before trailing kisses down her neck and to her breasts. He takes a nipple into his mouth, sucking and biting gently as he continues to tease her. "You're so fucking hot, love. I can't wait to feel you wrapped around me as I fuck you hard." He growls, his voice thick with desire. He flips her over onto her stomach, positioning himself behind her as he teases her with the tip of his cock. He leans down and whispers in her ear, his voice low and rough. "You ready for me, love? You ready for me to fuck you hard and make you scream?", he asks, before slamming into her with a deep growl, his hips slamming against hers as he begins to thrust into her with a furious pace.
Hobie grins at the sound of her cries, feeling a surge of desire wash over him. He leans down and bites her neck gently, his hands gripping her hips tightly as he continues to pound into her. "Fucking...ngg...so fucking thight. Let me just...just fill you up..." He growls, his voice rough with desire. His fingers grabbing any flesh on her body he could grab, almost needy. He switches to a mating press, his body flush against hers as he continues to pound into her with a rough pace. His hands pressing her legs against her chest. His thrusts got uneven and his hips stutter. "Takin' me so well", he mumbles, before slamming into her one final time and feeling her her walls clenching around him as he fills her up. "S'full of me", he pulls out and looks down to the mess he made out of her. His cum dripped out of her because of the many times he had already fucked her today. With a slight grin he caressed her swollen clit. You whimpered and another tear fell down your cheek. "Aw. So sensitive. Got ya all fucked out and used. You like that, huh? Getting used like a rag doll?" With his thick thumb he pressed his cum back into you. "Don't wanna waste any, right?"
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kilikina34512 · 2 years
A Siren's Call
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Pairing: Bucky x fem!reader
Summary: It's late and your body is starving. It's taken all night until you stumble upon the perfect meal - James. A tall, hunky, metal-armed man that looks like he needs a distraction as bad as you need a night of pleasure. Why not compel him to indulge in just that?
Warnings: mildly dub con, oral, unprotected sex (wrap it up kids), Bucky dirty talk is a warning on its own, it's smut guys expect hot things to happen so only 18+ beyond here.
Word Count: 3,170
I hope you enjoy another contribution to Kinktober. I'm so in love with this one and I hope you will be too! This one was inspired by The Bargainer series by Laura Thalassa. Divider courtesy of @firefly-graphics. Make sure to check them out!
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It was late at night and you were walking the streets of New York starving. You'd spent a good hour combing the sidewalks of the nightclub area you lived near, but for some reason, you couldn't find a single appetizing piece of meat. Typically, you didn't struggle with this. Typically, you weren't overly picky.
Something had you choosing selectively this night though.
Out of frustration, you would've turned around and gone home and tried again tomorrow, if this were any other night. You knew that if you did that, you'd be lethargic tomorrow. Dragging yourself out of bed to find food tomorrow would be too much work.
Aside from the fact that something, something, was keeping you searching.
Another twenty minutes of strolling the streets and you were finally ready to just accept the fate of what tomorrow would bring. Maybe if you took a soak in the tub or went for a swim in the ocean, you could handle the side effects of not feeding, but it wouldn't take away the extreme fatigue, the aches, the grumpiness, the feeling of starvation, only reduce it.
Flipping about would have to be the answer to your solution because no matter how many eateries you passed, none of them would satisfy your needs.
Turning around to go home, that's when you saw what you needed. The meal to satisfy your hunger.
A man easily six feet tall was walking in your direction. Broad and beefy, his solid white shirt and black pants molded to his body, the leather jacket he sported only giving him a bad boy vibe. His short brunette hair stood out against his pale skin every time he was underneath the glow of a street light. With his head down and his shoulders looking stiff, you couldn't help but feel that this man had a tremendous weight on his shoulders. A weight you could help loosen while satisfying your starvation.
You weren't sure why, but this man was calling to you. You quietly huffed out a chuckle incredulously at the realization. You were a siren. You called and lured men to you, not the other way around.
But that didn't change the pull you felt to him. Following the instincts of the creature you were, you slowly approached him, stepping into his path and forcing him to stop. As soon as he did, his head shot up and your gaze was ensnared by blue eyes that reminded you of the depths of the ocean that called to your nature.
He blinked, breaking the trance you'd been stuck in, and said, "Excuse me." With that, he stepped around you and began walking down the street again. Away from you.
The siren in you was instantly aggravated at this. You could feel your hackles rising at the insult to you. That beautiful man, that delicious prey, just strolled away from you as if it couldn't sense the predator standing in front of him.
Does he not realize that you could ensnare him the same way his eyes ensnared you? Does he not see that your beauty was unmatched by any normal human being? Does he not know that with a few notes of a melody, you could have him doing your bidding?
You could have him do something as embarrassing as picking his nose in front of a room full of people to as heinous as forcing him to slit his own throat. Not that you would, you were too hungry - and typically too moral - to do anything along that spectrum. You needed to feed, to recharge your siren. The best, most enjoyable, most legal and moral way you've found to do that is by sleeping with someone under your thrall.
And that was exactly what you had planned for the prey that's walking away.
Keep reading here.
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lilgoblinbitch · 2 months
It’s Just a Plant 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
daryl dixon x fem!reader
anon #1: "would you write a daryl x reader where she’s affected by a sex pollen situation but he isnt?? and shes being really needy and almost throwing herself at him and then he realizes whats going on bc of his knowledge of plants and stuff and offers to take care of her?? no established relationship but unspoken feelings on both sides for sure"
anon #2: "omg omg i just followed u and i love you already (hi????)i like the way you write and i’m aggressively politely begging you to write more about daryl being feral and desperate for reader 😛"
a/n: okay okay, first i wanna say tysm to anon #2 for the follow and the kind words ♡, and also that i decided to be creative and combine these two requests together because they worked well. instead of reader being affected by the sex pollen though, daryl is. also this is my first time writing anything about sex pollen so uh, no idea how good it is but regardless, hope you enjoy!
Summary: daryl gets affected by sex pollen, and you are the solution to the side effects he suffers from.
warnings: smut 18+, tit sucking, PinV unprotected sex, mentions of pregnancy chance (daryl cums in reader), rough daryl!!!, multiple orgasms (both f and m), basically daryl manhandling reader
wc: 2k
18+ only! mdni
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“‘M gon’ need ta borrow ya for a sec,” Daryl grumbled while practically dragging you out of the house.
Deanna had invited your group to join her ‘welcoming celebration’ or whatever she called it, and you thought it would be best to try and make a decent enough impression if you guys were really going to stay there for good. That night you threw on a flowy blue dress that reached just above your knees; you had borrowed it from one of the Alexandrians who seemed to have a whole boutique at her house.
“Daryl! Let go of me!” His grip on your arm was restraining you, and he was still dragging you through the door, past a few people giving you two bewildered glances, and down the steps that led up to Deanna’s house. You yanked your arm back as hard as you could, finally freeing yourself from Daryl’s demanding grasp. He spun around and you gasped, clutching his face in your hands. 
“Dar’! What the hell is wrong with you?!”
His heavy hands landed on your shoulders, hair flipping about his face as he scanned the area around the both of you. No one else was outside. “You’re freaking me the fuck out. What’s going on?”
The frantic man in front of you steadied his breathing and looked at you. His eyes were glazed over. “Sum’s gon’ on with me. Yer the only one that can help.” His voice was low, scratchy, like he was on the road for a while with no sleep or water in his system. He was restless, eyes slightly bloodshot. 
You scrutinized him. “Are you high?”
He scoffed. “Nah. Sum’n worse,” he huffed harshly, breath lifting light strands of hair out of his eyes. “Listen, I was in the woods huntin’, and I think I stepped in some toxic plant.”
“Poison ivy? Thought you knew your plants.”
Daryl gave you a disappointed look. “S’dark outside, how am I s’posed ta get a good look?”
You didn’t appreciate his attitude. “Alright, alright. Well did you get hurt? Do you have a rash?” You bring your hand up to his forehead, “You’re not feverish. Here, come with me–”
The archer snatched your hand before you could lead him away. “‘M not hurt. It’s hard ta explain, but it’s uncomfortable.” You noticed the way his pants were suddenly looking tight in a certain region. You snarl, “if this is just an excuse to get in my fucking pants and then leave me again–”
“It’s not, I promise. Please, I…” his voice cracked, instancy laced in his tone, “I need ya.”
You shuddered under his touch. You were attracted to Daryl, but he never treated you like a lover, only someone he could use to release his steam — almost every week. Now it seemed…different, like he was under a magical trance. You’d never seen him like this, and it concerned you deeply. 
“Come with me, to my place, okay?” Your soft, reassuring voice soothed Daryl for the moment. You took his hand and led him to your house down the road, out of the lively atmosphere from the party and into a more secluded one.
As soon as the door was closed and locked, Daryl had you pinned against the wall, his hands starting to roam your body and grabbing fistfuls of your thin dress. “Daryl!” You squeaked, at a loss for words. He was never this urgent with you. 
“Sorry, but I think I know what’s wrong with me now.” You shivered from the way his large hands tousled through your hair, pulling gently at the roots. The look you gave him was one of apprehension and puzzlement, although he didn’t heed your concern. His body was on fire now, heart pounding like a sledgehammer. You did nothing to help him, just stood there, back against the wall, unsure of what to do. You were like a rabbit cornered by a wolf.
Daryl’s rock hard crotch pressed against your own — it felt so hard that you wouldn’t have been surprised if he replaced his own dick with a brick. His warmth radiated onto you, making you feel woozy; no proper thoughts could form in your clouded mind. It felt involuntary the way your shaky hand reached down to rub against his bulging crotch. Your brain was on autopilot. 
“Fuck…” Daryl grabbed your neck, squeezing lightly. “Don’cha dare tease me righ’ now.” You gulped, eyes batting rapidly. His face was beet red, like he stuck his head in a sauna for too long. “I need–need ta fuck yer cunt,” he heaved, pressing his body against yours. “It’s–”
He was shaking. You furrowed your brows in suspicion. “Daryl?”
No words left his panting mouth. Only grunts came from him when he swiftly lifted you up with his solid arms and threw you onto the couch. Your dress rode up your thighs, and the sight of your dampened panties made him impossibly harder. Without hesitation Daryl met you on the couch, hovering over you. The straps of your dress were loosely hanging off your shoulders, but not for long as he managed to literally rip your dress off. 
“Dixon! That wasn’t my dress, what the fu–”
“Shut up.” His lips met yours while he kneaded your bare tits, embracing your nipples that were hardening under his touch. You both moaned into each other’s mouths, tongues battling. Daryl was never usually this aggressive with you, but you knew it had to be for some type of reason, maybe. He wasn’t feeling well, maybe had a rough day, and decided to come up with some bullshit excuse about a ‘toxic plant’ just to get in your pants again. Didn’t matter, though. He needed you and therefore you needed him — that was how it always worked.
Daryl’s hands wasted no time in clutching the hem of your panties, hastily sliding them off. Next was his own clothes, which you had to help him with because of how rushed he was. You were always so easily wet for him, on any occasion. The man was too beautiful to not have that effect on you. 
Again, Daryl wasted no time tonight. Your legs were spread open wide, pussy on full display. He prodded your swollen clit with a digit, working up his speed while sliding his own dick out of his boxers and throwing them across the room carelessly. His eyes were half-lidded, already so fucked out you were almost prepared to feel his seed in you in less than three thrusts. His dick needed absolutely no stroking; your mouth fell agape when you noticed how red and swollen it was. Veins protruded from his thick shaft, and precum was spilling from the tip which dripped down his cock. 
One push and he was in. You winced in pain, the walls of your cunt stretching bit by bit as he quickly started to fill you all the way up. When he was all the way in, Daryl began to pound into you. You couldn’t think — the fog in your head so heavy and dense that all you could do was just fall limp into the couch as he fucked you into a trance. His grunts and growls filled your ears while his hips carved into your own with a force that almost felt like it would shatter you. 
Daryl relished in the sense of you — the warm hug from your cunt around his uncomfortably hard dick brought him to life. This was what he needed, what his body was fiending for tonight. To you it didn’t make sense why or how he felt this needy to fuck you, but it didn’t matter now because he found his solution. 
The sounds you released were pathetic; he was fucking you so well. Harshly, but still passionately, like you were his cure and he was grateful for it. The pleasure canceled out the pain. “D-Dar’...” was all you could let out in between the rough thrusts. His cock was twitching, ready for release. “Oh, f-fuck..” He could barely pull out, thick ropes of cum jutting out all over your pussy.
Daryl was still rock hard, heart palpitating and that goddamn sickness lingering in his veins. You were on the verge of reaching your own orgasm before he pulled out, however that thought had left your mind momentarily. You sat up, eyes flicking back and forth between his throbbing, dripping cock to the grimace planted on his face. The poor man was trembling. You didn’t know what you should do…
“I said before, that I think I know what’s wrong with me…” he started, fingers grazing his cock head. He whimpered from the slight contact, and you sat back with your elbows propping you up, arousal reaching your heat again. “‘S’the effects of a damn plant, had the same experience long ago so I know, and–” He plunged back into you, taking you off guard. “Need ta keep goin’.”
You felt full again, Daryl’s thick length stretching your drenched walls once more. Instinctively you wrapped your legs tight around his waist, savoring the way he filled you up so well. A…plant? How could a plant make him this…unnaturally carnal? Either way, your body wasn’t complaining — felt too damn good.
Dixon’s rushed thrusts were becoming sloppy, and you could tell his body was exhausted from being so overworked. He needed a quick break, and you had an idea.
“Daryl, sit back — I know what I can do to help.” Reluctantly he did so, hands never leaving the plushness of your hips. You climbed onto his lap and sank down onto his stiff member. Both your faces contorted with pleasure. You waited until his eyes found yours, and you started moving.
Your hips rocked steadily into his, but the movement wasn’t quick enough — his body demanded more. So he used his upper body strength to bounce you up and down on his cock, his bulging biceps wrapping around your waist and hugging your body into his. Your walls clenched and choked his shaft, wetness leaking from your hole as he relentlessly pounded into you from underneath. You did not stop rocking your hips, ensuring Daryl wasn’t doing most of the work. 
With each kiss to your cervix was a welcoming smack to your clit against his pubic bone. Pleasure erupted you and you came undone around his cock, your walls pulsing rhythmically around him. Your strained moans filled the air. “Ohh, Dar’!” You screamed out. Daryl’s lips latched onto one of your hardened nipples, sucking harshly and moving onto the next one, the motion of his hips driving into yours never ceasing. He only slowed his pace to kiss you gently on your lips, and you melted into him while continuing to ride out your current orgasm, welcoming several more.
You trusted Daryl, which was why you let him fuck you into the couch with your head pushed into the cushion. He never fucked you in this position, but you loved it because it was him doing it — no one else. You arched your back, ass pushing further into his crotch while he rutted his hips into yours, dick hitting your g-spot every time. Another climax was forming, and he felt his own on its way as well. 
“S’good f’me. Knew you–” a grunt erupted from him as his hips smacked against your ass, “Knew ya were gon’ let me do what I want to ya. Always do.”
If you weren’t too busy getting fucked by the archer you would’ve came up with a clever quip, because that’s what you usually did to hide the fact that you really liked him, and he was absolutely right. If it were anybody else in the same boat as Daryl, you’d walk away easily. 
Daryl came inside you, twice. It seemed unpreventable in his case, but you still knew you were going to need to ask Denise for some plan-B, if there was any left. “S’too fuckin’ good, mmph!”
You were gone, in the clouds. You needed to be grounded, to be brought back into reality, but Daryl was fucking you into the night and probably would be for a couple hours judging by how he was still plunging into you fervently. 
This was going to be a long night, and you weren’t sure how you were going to be able to walk in the morning.
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sttoru · 1 month
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⠀ 𝝑𝑒 ⠀⠀ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. the jjk men coming back home to their lovely housewife after a rough day at work <3
tags. satoru, suguru, toji, sukuna x housewife!female reader (separately). fluff, mostly smut. size difference for all of em. manhandling here n there. p in v -> unprotected. crēampies. brēēding themes. half asleep when writing this—apologies for any grammar errors
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𝐆. 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔. dry humping, cūmshot, reader gets called ‘angel, baby’.
“mmmh.. ya smell like cookies,” satoru sighs as he hugs you from behind, lightly swaying your bodies back and forth in a romantic dance. you had jazz playing in the background while you were baking some cookies, completely relaxing in the comfort of your home.
you got somewhat startled when satoru first appeared behind you, his arms sneaking around your waist. you scolded him—though were quickly soothed back into a loving mood when he kissed your neck and enveloped you in his embrace.
satoru can’t help but to let his urges take over. having his pretty little wife in his arms in that apron he bought, is doing unspeakable things to his body. his hands roam all over your torso until they stop to fondle your breasts.
“no no,” your husband swirls his tongue around your ear as his hands squeeze your chest from underneath your shirt. “continue what you’re doing, angel. let your hubby do what he needs to do, ‘kay?”
you’re used to the usual routine by now; satoru coming home, spoiling you with either gifts, food or his affection before relieving his stress on you. satoru never leaves you sexually frustrated—ever.
“kay,” you nod and just continue to work on the batter for your next batch of chocolate chip cookies. it’s difficult to concentrate when satoru’s warm breath sends shivers down your spine. his tongue slithers from your ear to your neck, unapologetically leaving hickeys. he always makes sure to give you them. you’re his and he needs to keep reminding you of that fact.
“fuck, baby,” satoru’s breath hitches once he feels your hips jolt back against his groin. his fingers brushing against your sensitive nipples was all it took for you to get worked up. you whimper his name under your breath—body squirming in his arms.
satoru bites your earlobe gently, his own hips not able to stay still for another second. he rolls his lower body against yours from behind until you can feel the imprint of his hardening erection pressing against your ass. you grind back against him, to which satoru responds by tweaking your swollen nipples, “such a naughty fuckin’ wife i have.”
your husband is on the edge of just cumming into his pants without any shame. he’s done so before when in your presence—the dry humping always gets to him. it’s a weakness of his that he isn’t good at hiding. he rubs his huge bulge right between your sweet and plump asscheeks, getting off from the feeling.
“gonna make me cum in my pants,” satoru whines and his slender fingers dig into the fat of your breasts even more. he’s needy for you, for every part of you. the fact that you’re sweet enough to accept what he gives you is driving him to the brink of insanity. he tries to stop himself, though to no avail, “shit— don’t wanna— need to cum inside of y—”
a string of whimpers leave satoru’s mouth and his hips spasms against your ass, pressing you against the kitchen counter as he gives one last thrust forward. “my god,” satoru breathes against your nape, his throat dry as he imagines that it’s your warm cunt swallowing every drop of his cum instead of his boxers.
you turn your head to look at satoru behind you. “are you okay, hubby?” you ask through soft breaths. the white-haired man shivers at your smooth voice which makes him press the bulge in his pants against your behind even tighter. you can feel a certain wetness starting to form on the front of your lover’s pants.
“yeah, totally fine,” satoru breathes out, trying to stay cool, calm and collected. he’s trying his best not to ravage you right now. he’s throbbing—blood flowing into his cock again already. you’re the only one who could trigger such sensual reactions from him.
satoru pats your ass a couple times, letting his wet tip rub against your folds through his pants;
“just wish i could’ve bred y’r cunt instead. fuck—can i? need to pump my pretty girl full before i go insane.”
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𝐆. 𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐔. on the table top lol, reader gets called ‘sweetheart, darling’
suguru always makes a beeline towards you after he gets home. it’s tough being a cult leader—having to ‘treat’ people who come begging him for help. having to exorcise those curses that haunt those incompetent buffoons.
all of it is exhausting to the sorcerer. and what better way is there than to find solace in the presence of his stay at home wife?
��sweetheart,” suguru shows you that handsome smile of his the moment he steps into the living room, “need some help?” his eyes dart down at you on your knees, manually scrubbing a spot underneath the couch that was hard to reach. his gaze is focused on the arch of your back, how your ass sticks up as you complain about you’re inability to reach that spot in the corner.
“no, ‘tis fine,” you sigh and give up. you sit up straight on your knees and finally look at suguru. you didn’t expect him to stand so close to you in under a second, his hands reaching for you the moment he comes into your vision.
before you know it, you’re stripped from your shorts and panties. your back is on top of the nearest dining table and suguru’s standing right between your spread legs. he reveals his stiff cock after unzipping his pants and gives it a good few pumps as he looks you up and down, “i’ll fuck the frustration out of you, yeah? don’t you worry, darling.”
a win-win situation; suguru gets to take care of his needs and you get to forget about your exhaustion from all the household chores. your back arches off the surface and your eyes widen the second you feel his dick invade your tight pussy.
“mmh, yeah— that’s it,” suguru grunts, not able to take off his eyes from your wet folds as his cock disappears between them with each thrust. he starts off slow, allowing you to get used to the feeling of being stretched out, “you’re doing so well. you deserve this and so much more.” you appreciate the little things your husband does to make sure you stay comfortable throughout the entire process.
“suguruu,” you moan out his name, to which he responds with a short hum. your nails dig into his muscular back with every move—each time his tip taps that sweet spot deep inside of you. suguru kisses the inside of your upper arm before moving up to place a peck on your forehead.
“mhm, such a good little wife,” he sighs in content and fails to contain those noises of pleasure. you catch the faint grunts and moans that leave his lips between heavy breaths. suguru’s completely blessed to have you be his forever lover, “thank you for taking care of the house today as well.”
your stomach fills with butterflies because of his smooth tone. suguru’s calm yet hoarse voice ringing in your ears makes you want to burst already. the long-haired man punctuates his thrusts with pecks on your cheeks—kissing you after each slow yet harsh hip thrust.
your teary eyes meet his and you’re completely mesmerised by the way he looks at you. your husband is careful about the way he treats you, especially during intimate moments where you’re the most vulnerable.
though at the end of the day, he’s also but a man. seeing his gorgeous wife underneath him as he’s drilling into her will make him lose it. no doubt. all suguru wishes to do is to make that belly of yours expand with his love—his cum;
“hold onto me, sweetheart. i’m going to go a bit harder on you today, is that okay? yeah? good girl, take it for me.”
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𝐅. 𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈; mating press, reader gets called ‘doll, wife, ma.’
assassin work is not for the weak. you know it, toji knows it. he always comes back home late at night. sometimes he doesn’t return home for days on end. you’re constantly living in fear that your husband may never return. even as toji reassures you that he will, every day.
“were ya worried again, doll?” toji asks as he tries to console you. you had been crying, he could guess by the dried tears on your cheeks. it’s around three in the morning and he had returned from yet another mission. only to find you still up.
“you promised you’ll stop doing such dangerous work,” you hiccup, trying your best not to cry again. toji sighs and turns your face so he could look you in the eye. he can’t help the tingle of excitement that runs down his spine—you’re adorable when you’re upset, “i did, didn’t i?” toji nods as his callused hand runs up and down your side.
he feels guilty every single night. he’s going to quit his job for your sake, though first, he has to save up some money that would last you a couple months. toji hates seeing you in distress about him and thus always tries to distract you.
by pleasuring you until you’re unable to think about nothing but him.
“i’ll make it up to ya,” toji grunts the moment he has your legs up in the air, your body nearly folded in half underneath his bigger one. he loves this position solely because he can see every change in your facial expressions. “c’mon, wife,” the dark-haired man mumbles, his eyes glued to your bouncy breasts and pouty lips, “told ya not to worry too much ‘bout me, yeah?”
you nod, knowing you should trust your husband. he’s never once broken his promises of coming back home to you. so, you simply let go and moan his name repeatedly as his tip kisses the deepest parts of your insides. “i—i trust you,” your tongue rolls out due to how well toji’s pounding you into the mattress.
toji grins at the sight. just a couple thrusts and you’re gone—completely cockdrunk without a worry in sight. he lets out a moan at the way you’re holding onto him so desperately, like you don’t want him to go. “fuck, keep that up ‘n i’m gonna knock you up, ma,” toji hisses. he can’t keep himself from cumming right inside of your cunt if it keeps on squeezing him.
you can’t even respond due to his thrusts knocking the wind out of your lungs. you can only babble about how deep he is and how you’d love to carry his kid. toji’s on cloud nine as he hears you confess your desires to get impregnated by none other than him;
“mmh, don’tcha worry, ‘m g’nna make you a momma soon enough. that way y’ won’t be lonely no more when i’m gone. gonna give you a kid so that you’ll always have a piece of me around—heh.”
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𝐒. 𝐑𝐘𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐍; heian era. degradation. cunnilingus. reader gets called ‘woman, brat,’
all you can do when sukuna isn’t around, is bore yourself to death. you hang out with your lady-in-waiting or with the cats walking around the estate. sometimes you go visit markets or other beautiful places right outside of the area, but that’s all there is to it.
though, when sukuna returns from his duties, you’re always happily welcoming him back. you’re the first one to greet him and lead him to a place of relaxation. that place being your shared bedroom. sukuna’s hungry eyes that are focusing on the way your clothes fit around your curves tell you more than enough.
“where ‘s my dinner, woman?” the king of curses’ deep baritone nearly makes you shake. you watch as he sits back against the headboard of the bed, his expression stoic yet amused. you know he doesn’t mean real food—he means you.
you’re his dinner.
you take the hint and slowly undress yourself, a strip tease to make sukuna excited about what’s to come. however there are more consequences to teasing him, as he isn’t a person known for his patience.
“stop wriggling,” sukuna scoffs against your wet cunt not a minute later. your clothes are ripped off your body and your legs are wrapped around his head. you can’t stay still when sukuna’s tongue is quite literally devouring you.
you moan out his name loudly, just the way he likes it. sukuna grins against your wet folds, letting the tip of his tongue roll up and down your slit while his thick finger lazily stimulates your clitoris. “got a fuckin’ brat as a wife,” sukuna delivers a harsh slap against your sensitive cunt after cupping it with one big hand, “stay still, i said.”
you squeal at the rough contact. you attempt to listen to your husband, but your body doesn’t allow it. your sticky thighs keep shaking and your hips keep jerking upwards against his mouth. his wet tongue slobbering all over your pussy is a clear sign of just how much sukuna looks forward to coming home—to watch you beg for mercy when he goes too far.
“delicious,” sukuna pants as he dives deeper into your folds, burying his entire face against your cunt. he sniffs your scent and simultaneously enjoys the taste of your wet juices. you’re all he needs after a frustrating day of taking care of duties back to back.
one of his hands brushes against your lower abdomen to keep you pinned to the bed. you grab the wrist of that hand and hold onto it for support. sukuna groans at the sight of you trying so hard to not cum on spot from his actions.
he speeds up the movements of his tongue and his big hand squeezes your tummy a little in the meantime;
“i think i’ll go for a second round of dessert after this one, ey? what’d ya think? wanna let everyone know that you, your cunt and your whole body is all mine—so i’ll probably fuck ye so good y’re gonna be heard all ‘round the estate.”
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ashes-writing · 2 years
drowning || csi miami ; r.wolfe
A/N; So this uh... It was kind of written totally spur of the moment. I actually started it last night when requests for other fandom headcanons slowed down for me and... Whew. I was not intending it to take the turn it did. So here you go, I suppose. It's finished and it's... Filth. But kinda sweet.
It's meant to feel rushed and no, it wasn't beta'd. I don't really ah.. do the beta reader thing.
Tag List ; @beardedbarba and @uncrownedmox are the only two people who are currently on my actual csi miami tag list, however... I feel like @justmeandanoverdrive might wanna check it out -if you don't please feel free to ignore this, absolutely no pressure. If you want to be on my CSI taglist, click the link down below.
Other Stuff; tag list doc || pinned - my rules - the fandoms and some of the characters I write for || requests open - headcanons for any/all fandoms but pro wrestling please and thanks. i repeat, anything but pro wrestling is fair game.
I do not consent to my work being reposted elsewhere or rewritten/changed and reposted.
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18+ only, minors dni, absofuckinlutely not. Go find some fluff to read, kids. Also skip this if you're not into p in v, body fluids, biting/marking, improper use of a dining table, unprotected sex.
You're holding me down and Holding me down
You’d drawn the short straw, so to speak. You were the one tasked to stop by Ryan’s apartment while he was out on leave and recovering from taking a nail to the eye. Why Natalia or one of the others wasn’t doing it, you weren’t sure at all.
Why Alexx insisted you do it to ease her mind, you had no clue.
But you stood at the black door and your hand hesitated, hovering in midair and poised to knock.
You finally knocked.
And nothing.
You were starting to worry a little, despite the fact that Ryan said little to nothing to you during work hours, you couldn’t deny a certain magnetism to the stubborn and distant male. To be fair, you also couldn’t deny a lingering flirtation between yourself and a very single and very flirtatious Eric Delko, either. But in terms of attraction… Ryan Wolfe was the one you’d pick, hands down.
If only there were even a choice to begin with.
By the fourth knock you were on the verge of texting the fact that he wasn’t answering the door  into Alexx or something, and you were just about to step away, but the door opened and Ryan stood there, towering over you. A towel slung low around his waist and slipped lower by the second. The patch over his eye made you wince as you remembered the panic and how fast it set in after hearing what had happened to him the day he’d been shot with it.
“Uh,hi… Alexx, she was um…” your eyes were busy, they couldn’t stop exploring the sight of his exposed body. Until now, all you’d ever seen him in were dress shirts, a neat blazer and some form of slacks. And those kind of gave you an idea of what he might look like underneath but they hadn’t fully prepared you by any means.
You weren’t expecting him to be quite so.. Buff.
Or to have a tattoo on his bicep.
Or the tan, you’d never associated him as the type to enjoy the outdoors enough to be kissed by the sun like he was.
Your hand raised as your mouth worked overtime to attempt formulating the rest of whatever you’d been about to say and your mind raced. Had you fed the stray this morning? Had you locked your front door? Turned off your curling iron? All the thoughts in addition to the awe that came at catching a glimpse of Ryan exposed the way he was.
Common decency would’ve predicated that you turn away, avert your eyes and yet… You couldn’t. You were rooted in place. And your eyes wouldn’t budge, you couldn’t stop staring.
In the midst of your own internal uproar, you completely missed the way brown eyes flitted over your body and the way he bit his lip as he got himself a damn good glimpse of your legs. 
“Worried?” Ryan spoke up attempting to finish your sentence, shattering the palpable tension lingering between you both. He stepped out of the door and you stepped into his apartment, your eyes darting around as you took it all in.
Very neat. Masculine. The same air of stiff formality Ryan Wolfe gave off that most found intimidating but you were drawn to it like a cat to catnip. A big contrast to your own place which was what you called ‘organized chaos’ with your clothes strewn everywhere, heels discarded randomly throughout the space. Books lying around all over along with photos. Makeup littering every inch of the double vanity sinks in your apartment’s one bathroom.
Opposites attract, right?
You two were literally night and day.
Your eyes caught on a snag in your new stockings and it distracted you as he cleared his throat to get your attention. “I’m fine. You can tell her not to worry….” and then came another heavy pause.
You stepped closer, surveying the patch over his injured eye. A hand raised before you could stop it and grazed against the edge of stiff gauze gingerly as you sucked in a sharp breath. “Your, ah.. The bandage was loose.” you excused the touch as you drew your hand back to your own body a second or two.
The scent of him permeated the space, clean and earthy, a mix of his body wash and cologne. He hadn’t been shaving, the faintest hint of stubble on his jaws was enough to distract you even more and this is precisely how you found yourself body to body with him. Hard muscles and warmth against your soft curves and the light chill you still felt from having been caught in a quick rain shower on the way into his building.
“Yeah.” he answered after staring down at you for a second or two, an almost thoughtful look in his eyes. 
“Ya know you kinda freaked me out.” the words were out before you could take them back. His brow raised. His heart sped up just the slightest. But he seemed so calm. So reserved.
“How?” he questioned after heavy tension filled the air for a second or two.
“I knocked like five times. I was, um.. Starting to worry.” you shuffled your feet while dragging fingers through your hair and then went quiet. The words leaving your mouth in the softest lazy drawl. Ryan chuckled to himself quietly. “Showering.” he gestured to his current state of undress.
“Mhm. I,ah.. I noticed.” you answered as your cheeks burned and your thighs seemed to clench together tight enough to cause a dull ache to settle in. You tried not to let your eyes wander all over again after he’d called attention to himself by telling you what he’d been doing but you failed and you failed miserably. He caught hold of the slipping towel and tightened the knot as best as he could.
You weren’t sure why you thought it’d be a good idea to do it but before you could stop yours, your hand disappeared between both of your bodies and your fingers lingered hesitantly against plush black fabric. You worked with the way he had the towel twisted around his waist until it was no longer slipping and a pout formed that you were thankful he couldn’t see because you had your head dipped down.
Of course, while this was going on, he was marveling at how your forehead hit the center of his chest nearly perfect in the heels you wore. He found himself realizing that without them it meant you were a tiny thing, and he knew you were light as a feather no thanks to having to give you a boost to a higher shelf in the records room at the station more recently when a case file was at least three shelves higher than you could reach.
The mental imagery that filled his head at the new information as it settled over him had his cock strained against the black towel around his waist and he really should’ve stepped away. He should’ve excused himself by now, gone back to his room and at least thrown on a pair of sweats but his feet were rooted in place.
And all he could fucking do was stare right now. Stare and remind himself that you and Eric were always flirting with each other. That while he wanted you, it probably wouldn’t work out. Lost in his own internal angst over the reality of things, he failed to notice it when you stepped even closer. He only realized you had when your hand settled palm down against his bare chest right on top of his rapidly beating heart. He swallowed hard and his eyes settled on the way your hand rested softly against his skin. 
“While I’m here.” your words came out in a breathy rush, “I might as well ah… I could swap out your bandages. Just so it doesn’t come off.” and you go to step past him with every intention to excuse yourself from the room, find his bathroom and have yourself a cool down but he stood firm. Blocking your path.
“Not out with Eric tonight?” the question was the last thing he meant to ask and honestly, he didn’t want to hear the answer. He tensed up a little because it was too late to take it back by then, he’d asked. Now he had to brace himself. But when you started to laugh softly after giving him a blank look, he stared at you, perplexed.
“Oh my god, no! Absolutely not, he’s like.. He’s my friend.” you insisted, the laughter dying away seconds later. He looked irritated. If you weren’t so pessimistic, you’d almost say he looked a little… jealous. 
“You flirt with your friends?” Ryan wanted to punch himself in the throat and he regretted every bit of it, from the accusatory tone to the jealousy surging to the surface and the fact that he’d even had the audacity to bring it up -any of it, to begin with. “Shit.” he mumbled, mostly to himself just as you stepped away. Your arms folded as you studied him intently.
And then you sighed. You muttered something softly to yourself and he didn’t quite catch it. He asked you to repeat it and you looked up at him. You stepped closer when you did it. Your hand settled against his chest all over again and for the longest time, you were both just standing there. Staring quietly.
Frozen. Waiting.
Something had to give.
“ No, I don’t. But what if I did, huh?” you shook your head, confused. Tilting it slightly to better look up at him. “Why’s it bothering you, hm? I mean you’re distant to me if you bother talking at all. I dunno why Alexx insisted I come by, I’m gonna…” you rambled, your tone deflated at the end of the rant, “I’m gonna go. Yeah. That’s.. That’s what I need to do.” and you stepped away, turning your back to him. You’d just reached out for the handle to his door when he stopped you by pressing against you from behind.
“I’m sorry. That all came out wrong.” he took a very frustrated deep breath. “Does it really bother you? Me not talking to you, I mean.. Does it?” Ryan questioned. You turned to face him, your back pinned softly against the door behind you. You swallowed hard. “Mhm.” you answered quietly. 
“Well, I..” you stammered. Then you sighed. “Because the whole reason I flirt with Eric in the first place is because I… It’s juvenile.”
He gripped your jaw, this made you look up at him again when you tried to stare at the engineered hardwood beneath your feet. “Tell me.” he said in a little firmer tone. Staring down at you intently. Waiting.
“I do it because the guy I want to flirt with is..” you trailed off, annoyed with yourself. Frustrated as hell and refusing to hide behind vague generalizations. If he wants the truth, the truth is going to come out. And maybe it’s time it did. You pause and take another deep breath and you continue, “ You’re always flirting with Natalia. I thought you two were dating ‘til earlier this week, actually. So I guess I figured if I can’t have the one I really want I’d just… y’know… settle.” Christ, you think to yourself, this is so much easier when he’s not making me look right at him. - the thought is brushed aside. There’s a palpable tension in the air and it makes it so much harder to breathe and you know you should be leaving now but you just can’t.
Ryan is towering over you. At first, your words don’t actually… Register. Because he’s more pessimistic than optimist, so he’d prepared himself to hear anything but what actually comes out of your mouth when you’ve answered him. 
But then it registers and everything clicks. And suddenly, he’s staring at you and biting his lip, a hand all caught up in his hair. “You..” he begins and pauses, grumbling. Swearing to himself before going quietly while pointing at himself. “Want me? Is that right, princess?” his hips press into you even more.
You whimper when you feel him twitching, growing beneath the dark towel around his waist. Your back rests firmly against his front door and you can only look up at him and gulp while nodding.
“I said it, didn’t I?” you finally manage to form words.
“Mhm.” Ryan answered, swallowing hard. Leaning into you even more. Your back now firmly lodged up against his front door. “You did.” he added after the air got so thick he couldn’t take another second of it. His hand ghosts your hip for a moment and he’s just staring at you.
You were lost in his eyes. Your finger dragged across his abdomen just above where the towel sat. “It’s out now.” you mused quietly because you couldn’t think of anything else to say but the silence was so thick you were choking on it.
His abdomen clenched and unclenched under the slow drag of your soft fingertip across and he sucked in a harsh breath. The look in his eyes changed from one of shock to one of warning. His eyes darted down, following the way your finger continued to drag across his skin. You glanced down and then back up at him, licking your lips.
He leaned in just a little closer. You rose up on your toes and the tips of your noses bumped ever so lightly as your mouth settled clumsy up against his. Tentative. Cautious.
But cautious wasn’t going to cut it, not where he was concerned. Not when he was essentially getting exactly what he wanted for once. Your back collided with the door behind you all over again with a soft smack and you found yourself wedged between the firm muscular body of Ryan Wolfe and the door with absolutely nowhere to go and no real plans to escape because you didn’t want to.
Your hand caught in the way the towel clung to his waist and you whimpered quietly, your mouth falling open to allow his tongue entrance and he didn’t waste a single second. His tongue met yours and clashed, dominating the kiss. Deepening it as he let you cling and melt against him, the only sounds to shatter the silence settled all around you both the soft smacking, the meeting of your mouths over and over again. Your quiet whimper swallowed by his mouth when the kiss broke and you pulled away to attempt catching your breath as colored dots lined your vision and you actually had to use your grip on the towel at his waist as well as dig your nails on the hand rested against his shoulder into the skin there. 
“Fuck.” he groaned out quietly as his hungry eyes roamed up and down your body and he dragged the back of his hand across bruising and swollen lips. You kissed him like you needed him to breathe, it was the first time in the man's life he’d ever been kissed that way and in doing so, you proceeded to light a little fire deep within.
This is how you found yourself being scooped up and sat atop a dining table that you were thankful proved to be much sturdier than it seemed. Ryan stepped between your legs and leaned into you in a way that had you leaned back. His hands roaming up and down your thighs, fingers digging against soft bare skin as your heel fell off your foot with a quiet thud and settled on the dark hardwood flooring, the other heel to follow suit.
The tear in your stockings grew as his finger dragged over it and caught at some point, tearing the flimsy flesh colored fabric. The tear grows, tugged apart by the way Ryan Wolf clutches at your thighs. Your favorite pair of thigh highs are now essentially ruined -right along with your panties because you are soaked. Dripping wet with a healthy dull ache settling in because there's nothing more that you want most than to feel him buried inside. Fucking you.
But he’s not stopping. No, now his mouth has left your mouth; wandering down the side of your neck after he tilted your head and nosed your hair out of the way of his mouth. The hand that tore your thigh highs is creeping up beneath your skirt, fingers making a determined march to their final destination for the time being. You whimper and whine and you’re rubbing yourself against him; shameless. Wild with reckless abandon. His free hand is caught in your hair and he’s got your head tipped back because he’s leaving a circlet of love bites that have all started to purple around the base of your throat. Your hand caught in the way the towel hangs at his waist and you’re dangerously close to giving one good yank to send it pooling to the floor at his bare feet.
He seemed to pick up on it, he had to have picked up on it, after all, your hand is clutching the dark colored plush fabric in your moment of indecision. His dark chuckle tears up from the depths of his chest and his fingers are caught in the thin waistband of your favorite pair of pale pink panties -the ones that made you think of cotton candy when you bought them, and the silent rip as they’re torn away fills the space creating another level to the quiet sounds of his mouth against your flesh and your soft and needy whines as you beg him and arch yourself against him as much as you possibly can.
“Fuck.” he growls out quietly, an almost animalistic sound in nature as it’s swallowed by another deep kiss filled with longing. You both pull away to breathe and you’re staring at each other, eyes widened and pupils blown with lust. He leans back into you and smooth lips graze against the shell of your ear as he mutters calmly against your ear that if you want him to stop now is the time to say so.
“If I wanted you to stop you’d know it.” you respond, the words ripped from your mouth with a breathy moan following. Your head falls back as thick digits drag slow over the wet warmth of your throbbing sex. You suck in a sharper breath and your fingers dig against his shoulder. You can feel it every single time his cock twitches to grow and press against the towel barely hanging on for dear life around his waist. Your other hand catches on the garment and it settles on the floor at his feet. "C'mon," you beg, pleading with your eyes. "Need you, Ry. Please."
Ryan kicks the towel away and his attention is turned to working the skirt up to your hips and out of his way and once he’s done that, he’s focused on the button up shirt, the pale pink bra beneath that matched your favorite panties to a T and your blazer because those are in his way and they needed to be gone yesterday.
“Shit.” he growls, teeth chomping at the bits to leave more marks against newly exposed and pristine, unmarked flesh as soon as the clothing is out of the way, torn and discarded on the floor of his apartment. He briefly steps out from  his stance between your legs and steps back, head tilted, fucking mind blown look in brown eyes as he all but growls quietly, “Fuck..” and he breathes in and out before stepping back between your legs, his hands pushing them further apart as brown eyes fix intently on just how little space is left between you and him.
The gap is closed with a pussy drunk apology because the man’s dying to push into your soft and velvety warmth, see if he can get you screaming loud enough that the neighbors learn your name and he makes you forget it temporarily.
The hazy fluorescent lighting overhead casts a sheen as his eyes catch on the way you’re gushing, dripping for him already and when your teeth catch against the side of his neck as the leaky tip of his thick cock rubs between sensitive folds, he gasps; the sound swallowed by the way his mouth locks against the swell of your breasts. He sinks in deeper and you jolt against him a little, tensing up and drawing him to stillness as he looks up at you in concern.
You’re stretched and split and the way your walls are wrapping his length in a vise have him sucking in a deep breath and all he really wants to do is bury himself to the hilt but he waits. Patient. Until you’re used to the feeling of him inside of you. When he feels you roll your hips he shudders because it feels so good, the way you’re squeezing every inch he’s given you already.
He knows he won’t last long this time because it’s been a while and you feel way too damned good already, you’re wet; slippery as your juices leak down his length slowly. He chuckles against your skin and sinks in just a little deeper, a smirk plays at his mouth when he feels your legs squeeze against the sides of his body. “Feel good, princess?” he groans out, starting to pound away at you; slow and cautious. The coil of your stomach is almost instantaneous, you can feel it when it happens. Your hand raises and drags through his damp hair and he nips at your bottom lip before latching down with his own.
His hands are all over you. Ghosting your sides, gripping your hip as he scoots you a little closer to the edge of the dining table and you’re putting more weight on him. It’s when he buries to the hilt inside you you moan, your hips circling and rocking, stammering in their pace as he laughs against your mouth. “Easy, princess. Feels so… -ah fuck,” his tongue conquers yours, “so fucking good, perfect fit, fuck.” as you whimper and whine, your orgasm building in a hurry, faster than it’s ever happened before. Your toes curl when he bottoms out, the tip of his cock striking against a spot that has your head falling back as he fucks you near dumb on the dining table.
“Oh god, fuck..” you moan, his name leaving your lips over and over again like it’s the only word you can remember and for the moment, it is. You’ve forgotten all else but the way it feels to have him buried to the hilt, fucking you senseless. “Ryan, ah–” you cry out, your cries shatter the near silence and linger. He growls quietly and brown eyes lock on yours as he coaxes calmly, “C’mon. Let go.” followed by “Fuuuuuck.” groaned against the hollow of your throat when your orgasm shatters you and you’re left to fuck yourself up and down on his cock to ride out your high in a desperate frenzy, blindly chasing it  down. He’s kissing you tender and his hands are all over you, you’re melted against him in a fucked out stupor and clinging to him near helpless as he mumbles against your ear that he’s so close; then he’s throbbing, the warmth of his release burning you from the inside as his hips stammer against your body and he slumps against you a little, his forehead presses light against the swell of your tits as he breathes in and out again. Trying to come down from the high.
Brown eyes meet yours and he bites his lip.
“You, uh… you don’t have to go… do you?” he asks quietly.
You give a soft little smile and drag your finger up and down his chest, tracing the definition of his pectoral, “No. Do you want me to stay?”
“Yeah. I’d like it.” his answer is quiet. Honest. You grip his jaw and pull his mouth against your own greedily. “Then I’ll stay, Ry.”
You're killing me slow So slow, oh no
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sugutiva · 3 months
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— SYNOPSIS : classic overstimulation with jjk men.
— TAGS : gojo/geto/choso/toji x reader, smut, p in v, fingering, squirting (geto’s), size kink, dacryphilla, hair pulling, dirty talk, cream pie, unprotected sex, cursing, all lowercase intended !
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“ a sight i’ll never get sick of…” gojo snickers to himself. taking in the sight of his sticky cum that he plastered on the display and dips of your back. some ropes of cum trickle from your spine to the crack of your ass.
his cerulean eyes then travel back to your small body; shaking from the aftershock of your orgasm. “ tsk tsk, hope yer’ not too fucked out for me…” his big hand made home on your hip, while his other tapped your swollen mound with his tip.
all senses came crashing back to you when he slowly, but surely stuffs himself back in the expanse of your cunt. “ satoru…” your kiss-bruised lips grunt out. every nerve of your body felt like it was alive and blazing on fire.
sticky fat globs of cum trickles down to the base of your plump ass to your thighs and everytime satoru’s sharp thrust align with your body; a loud sticky ‘ pap’ sound resonates loudly throughout the room and his ears. impossibly turning him on even more.
“ haah, t-turning me on even more. think you can handle five more rounds after tis’?” one of satoru’s legs are propped up, so he’s able to maintain his rhythm and dive into your pussy even further. creating more of an absolute mess out of you.
“ mmph— oh fuuuck! i—it’s too much, s-stop!” your body moves on its own and one of your legs fly up to slap satoru in the ass. but gojo’s firm hand slides down to still your ankle against the bed, while the rocks of his hips doesn’t stop even for a moment. grounding you completely on the bed so you won’t think to run away.
the feeling of him stirring your insides up and leaving your brain a mushy mess is enough to fill your clouded eyes with salty tears. a particularly wet sob catches the man’s attention, and he lets your ankle go to tug at your hair.
“ you crying on me, princess?” his cocky voice booms above you, and through your unintelligible sounds your mouth makes, you beg him to shut up. the bed jostles and creaks with every mind shattering thrust he gives you.
you couldn’t contain yourself any longer, a particular thrust of his has your vision brightening and you cumming on all ten inches of him with a loud scream followed by you collapsing on the bed. despite your body tapping out on him, satoru’s pace didn’t rest for second, but his lips curled down into a faux frown.
“ we gotta fix that stamina of yours, princess.” he pouts at your body twitching from the overstimulation and rocking under him with every push of his hips. despite his expression, he fucking adores the sight of you helped underneath him, and at his will.
his nails dig deep into the fat of your ass, before he rocks you and the headboard forward with a loud moan. satoru comes a lot. if you weren’t on the pill, it would be no doubt that you’d be pregnant with a good handful of his children by now.
“ hey, yer’ not sleep yet? guess we can do another round.”
“ s-stop! suguru, stop. it’s— ’s too much!” you’re words are punctured from your throat with deep gasps and moans. a tight pressure builds in your lower stomach with every electrifying thrust suguru gives with his fingers.
your nerves feels as if they’re on fire and your body desperately screams for a break. but his arm shows no signs of stopping or slowing down; muscles flexing, hair messily sprawled around him, his bottom lip caught in between his teeth.
“ gonna squirt f’me yet?” suguru asks, the evident of your past orgasms trickling down his forearm. every movement of his fingers feels more alive than the last, and every touch against your g-spot has your vision brightening and the coil in your stomach tightening.
his fingers curling and thrusting are the only thing that your mushed brain can comprehend. “ h-haaah, it’s dirty… m’ gonna- gonna piss!” your hips tremble, but suguru’s hand is braced firmly on your waist. his pace doesn’t relent.
his fingers easily glides in and out of your wet, gummy warmth easily. your moans and the uncontrollable actions of your legs increases; still so sensitive of the last orgasms suguru gave you and the ones to come yet.
“ we’ll take a bath and clean the bedsheets. hmm?” he sprinkles the dips of your collarbone in lighthearted kisses. that damned unhinged grin still plastered on his face. you grab desperately onto his hair, eyes fluttering back into your head and mouth hung open.
“ fuh— fuck!” your hips still along with your legs when you feel your pussy spray like an open faucet.
“ there she goes. told you, you could do it.” he eyes the beauty of your fluids going everywhere, your thighs contracting and twitching from your post-orgasm.
your slick arousal is everywhere. his arm, your legs, the bedsheets, everywhere.
he gives your wet cunt a soft spank before licking the rest coating his hand. through your weakened state, you watch him.
“ proud that you can keep up with me, baby.” he removes his now spit coated fingers with a loud wet pop sound. “ think you can still squirt on my cock?”
“ h-haah. c-choso— baby, don’t think i can do it. ‘s too much!” you hiss out. you both fucked multiple times before, but to say you’re fully used to it, would be a stretch.
“ that’s it, baby. fuuuck, k-keep rocking your hips like that.” choso said, completely ignoring your desperate pleas to stop. his calloused hands traveled down to plant firmly on your hips, holding you in a way in which you can’t escape.
“ jus’ for you, cho.” you mutter out, before the action of you bouncing up and down on his lap increases viciously. the sinful sounds of your skin clashing down against his, all eight inches of him stirring up your insides, and both of your sweet moans combined together, sounded like a erotic song that choso would never get tired of hearing.
“ yea… that’s right,” he occupied his finger with the task of drawing tight circles on your twitching clit. he smiles in realization when you choke out a wet sob. “ just for m-me. all f’me.”
“ cho—mmph, choso!” your mouths hang ajar dumbly, nails planted firmly in his pecs; using him as the only thing holding you upright despite your weak knees. the way how your body trembled and shook, choso could tell you were close to passing out.
“ hm, that won’t do…” choso darkly mutters out before his hands resume their place on your hips. his grip boarding on painfully but your mushed brain can’t dwell on the pain. his feet planted securely on the bed, and his hips thrust up to meet your bounces.
the new depth of his dick molding your insides; kissing your cervix sweetly sent you on the brink of tears. “ ohh fuck! ‘s too much— i can’t, i can’t!” you babble out, salty tears rolling down your cheeks proving your pleading.
despite your desperate cries; you still bounce and down on his cock with his extra help. the wetness from pervious orgasms and his hips jerking up made the process easier yet still so unbearable. “ you can. like you said, it’s just for me.”
your eyes meet in deathly lock and from the way his pace increases you suspect that he’s close. “ squeezing me so tight… shit, ‘m so close, baby.” his hips growing sloppier by the minute. desperate to bring you to the high you deserve.
and with one more mouth watering thrust of his tip that he delivers against your g-spot; you come on him with a choked moan. your body goes slack against his but choso is not too far behind.
“ don’t tap out on me now— oh god.” you feel his dick twitching viscously in your warm walls. you feel a great warmth flood your insides and leak out onto your inner thighs and on his pelvis. your stuffed so silly of him.
“ toji— m-move! jus’ came!” you gradually panted out before swatting his hand away from your lower body. you feel his dick twitch eagerly inside you.
toji fingers tighten against your throat as a warning, before he manhandles you into a mating press.
you gasp at new feeling of him entering you even deeper. “ f—fuck you! damn… tyrant!” toji leisurely grins above you. and from the new angle; the lighting traces and enchants his sharp features even more. “ you already are,” he begins to snap his lower hips against your thighs.
“ ‘nd from the way this dirty cunt is clenching on me so tightly…” he dips his head down to where his scarred lip brushes against the shell of your ear. “ you fuckin’ love it, sweetheart.” his words sends hot pangs of pleasure to your heat, mostly accompanied by the sharp thrust of his hips.
toji can feel his own dick twitch inside of you. you’re so fucking tight— milking him tight and holding him snug deep inside. the lewd sound of him slamming inside of you resonates in the room, but the fucked out dumb look on your face is obscene.
“ tuh— toooji!” is the only thing your brain can comprehend. with your mouth hung open and eyes rolled so far in the back of your head. “ yer’ close already? tsk, barely broke the bed on this good pussy.” he says, deciding to completely ignore the evidence of your past fluids mixed together on the wrinkled sheets below.
toji’s broad body envelopes your smaller one completely. the sight of your feet on either side of his shoulder is the only sign of life underneath him.
your legs twitch, your wall spasms around toji, sucking him in and in and in. his sharp eye notices the bulge of your belly and with his calloused pressing down on it, is enough to come over the edge with a shrill cry.
“ haah, you seriously came without me fucking your clit?” he barks out a cruel laugh that echoes in your ears. and you desperately want him to shut up.
through your heated gaze you notice his abs contracting and twitching— a signal that he’s coming close. as if the bruising grip on your hips didn’t serve as an reminder either. “ fuck girl… ya’ really drivin’ me crazy…”
his sweaty bangs press against your equally sweaty forehead while he forces himself deeper in your inviting heat. and before you know it, cum trickles deeply inside of your body, the creaking and his groans in your ears are loud and the only things you can focus on before he slots his body on yours with a sigh.
“ take a small break now. ‘m not lying when i say i’m gonna break the bed on this pussy.”
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suguae · 4 months
More than a gym crush.
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Toji just fawning over reader, him thinking a small gym crush was...well small. Turns out he wants to marry you.
Warnings: unprotected sex, p in v, choking kink, mention of masturbation.
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To say Toji was whipped—was in fact an understatement. 
It was rare for a man like him, but the times he’s seen you at the local gym. How his eyes would always snake down to your ass, oh his bulge was now very much visible under his gray sweats. 
Can’t forget that one time you stopped him in the middle of the parking lot asking him for his intense cardio routine, So you were watching?
“Yeah, just give me your number.” He was so smooth with it, his tall beefy body hovering over your small fit body. You smiled at him before handing back his phone—how much more perfect could you get. 
He knew he won in life. 
The pain—the sweet pain that felt so good as you left cat scratches on his back as he thrusted ever so deeply into your plush pussy. He felt the cold ring on your finger, it wasn’t a wedding ring, not just yet—more of a promise. A promise that he will marry you.
His dick pulsing at the sight of your breast bouncing at every hard thrust—fuck and those eyes that rolled back every time his tip pushed itself onto that sweet rubbery spot.
His free hand wrapping itself around your small neck, you loved it. He was surprised to say the least, when that one time he walked in on you masturbating as your own hand wrapped around your neck while you breathlessly moaned his name. That same night it ended with him pinning you against the wall as he fucked you relentlessly while his hand squeezed your neck.
Not only was the sex amazing—beyond even.
You were just perfect, a perfect amount of wildness along with calmness, hell of a good cook and baking sweets—Toji wasn’t a sweets person but your bakes? He’d devour it and fuck you lovingly, as a thank you of course.
“Is that all?” You smirked as you swung your ass in the air—making sure to look back to see your boyfriend’s reaction. He panted as he was breaking out in a sweat. There was no way he had another in him—that was until he watched the dick throbbing scene in front of him.
Playing with your folds as the white oozy cum dripped out. You swaying your ass around as an invitation for Toji to fuck you again.
Fuck you had him wrapped around that little finger of yours.
14K notes · View notes
osaemu · 5 months
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✩ ‧ ˚. streamer!au: after the breakup, you two decide to make up in the traditional way—by having sex! NSFW
contents: fem!reader. oral (f. recieving), p –> v, teasing, praise, hair pulling (m. recieving), missionary, unprotected sex, creampie, squirting, use of pet names (too many to list here). not proofread bc you couldn't pay me to read all this again. 2.5k words. read this fic beforehand for better understanding of the context, but you don't have to.
author's note: tumblr hates me and that's why the banner quality's trash. if u wanna see the details, click here. anyways the streamer!gojo smut has finally arrived, tagging @satorena @screampied @cultrise, enjoyyy ;)
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“did you tell them we’re back together?”
satoru nods in response to your question, plopping down on the couch next to you. he's spent the last hour chatting with his stream, and eventually he broke the news that you and him were back together after the breakup.
“yeah, i did,” he confirms, wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in your neck. your hands automatically move to his hair and you thread your fingers through the soft white strands, pausing after a couple seconds to give him a quick kiss on the forehead.
a week ago, you and satoru had an admittedly messy breakup—not messy in the sense that it got toxic or dramatic, but messy in the way that it could’ve easily been avoided. it wasn’t that big of a deal, but thankfully, you and satoru resolved your misunderstanding within a relatively short time.
since then, things have been a little different—satoru’s been taking a break from streaming, which gave him move time to spend with you and away from his thousands of fans. it was his suggestion, and not surprisingly, it worked. but all good things have to come to an end, and your “honeymoon” away from satoru’s stream seems to be coming to a close.
“something smells good,” satoru notes, lifting his head and glancing at the kitchen. “wait, is that ramen?” your boyfriend gasps, eyes rounding as he looks at you hopefully. 
“yeah, you said you were craving it, so i made some,” you reply with a smile, untangling yourself from his arms and walking over to the kitchen. satoru blows you a flurry of kisses that you see out of the corner of your eye as you check on the ramen, which looks pretty much done.
“y’know, i still haven’t forgiven you for the shit you pulled last week,” you say dryly, turning off the stove and draining the water from the ramen into your sink. the steam rises up as the boiling water slips down into the drain, clouding your face for a moment before it dissipates into thin air. 
“...does that mean i don’t get to eat that ramen?” satoru asks tentatively, a nervous smile on his lips as you empty a packet of flavored powder into the ramen. you shoot him a look and raise an eyebrow, turning back to the stove to hide your smile.
“maybe, maybe not,” you reply coyly, not wanting to give in too soon.
“boo, you whore.”
you roll your eyes and divide the ramen into two bowls, one for you and one for your boyfriend. “you’re lucky i’m too nice to let you starve, regina,” you say pointedly, walking back over to the couch and handing one of the bowls to him, which satoru takes with both hands—a habit from his childhood that never went away. “otherwise you’d be—”
satoru cuts you off by poking your lips with his chopsticks, steaming hot ramen wrapped around them. you reluctantly open your mouth and let him feed you, smiling when he seals the bite with a kiss. 
“best girlfriend ever,” satoru proclaims when he pulls away, a lazy smile playing on his lips. his soft blue eyes study your own, observing your unusually guarded expression and frowning.
“how many times do i gotta apologize for my bullshit before you stop making that face at me?” he grumbles, twirling his chopsticks in his bowl and taking a bite of the ramen. it’s cute how satoru’s face lights up at the taste, and it’s even cuter how his eyes round at you in awe when he takes another bite. “i didn’t know instant ramen could be this good,” he muses, licking any lingering flavor off of his lips.
“very funny, satoru,” you laugh, swirling your chopsticks around the broth and watching the rest of the steam rise from your bowl. “and to answer your question, i don’t really know.”
satoru tilts his head and takes a sip of his water, ice clinking against the side of the glass. when you respond to his question, he pauses and tilts his head in confusion. “...wait, what does that mean?”
you think for a second, choosing your words carefully. “i’m not sure how long it’ll take until we’re back to… normal,” you say cautiously. in all honesty, you weren’t that pissed off at him—you never were. but the fact that satoru was so ready to throw your relationship away over something as small as that was upsetting, to say the least. and you weren’t entirely sure it wouldn’t happen again.
satoru looks at you thoughtfully, more serious than you’ve seen him in a while. you can almost see the gears turning in his head before he replies. “any idea how i can make it up to you?”
you shrug, swallowing another bite of ramen before you meet his eyes. “you tell me. actions speak louder than words.”
your boyfriend drops his chopsticks, letting them clatter around in the bowl before he stands up. he extends a hand to you, a determined glint in his eye. “then lemme prove it to you.”
“satoru, you can’t bribe me with sex.”
“that’s not all i’ll be doing, sweetheart. trust me.”
and that’s how you ended up in his room, hands tangled in satoru’s soft white hair as he eats you out. his tongue laps at your cunt with quick, kitten-like strokes, and he presses a gentle kiss to the inside of your thigh. “feels s’good, satoru,” you breathe, involuntarily tugging on his hair and dragging out a groan from his lips. “sorry—”
“don’t apologize,” satoru mumbles in reply, nose brushing against your dripping thighs as his tongue slips past your folds and goes in deeper. he looks up and locks eyes with you, unable to resist smiling at the way your legs tremble around him. “aw, you’re so fuckin’ cute,” he murmurs, flicking his tongue in and out of your cunt with a grin. “and i’m the one who should be—fuck, you’re gorgeous—apologizing.”
this isn’t the first time satoru’s eaten you out, but it feels like it every single time—somehow, his tongue has a talent of rendering you unable to focus on anything else but him. you grind your hips against satoru’s face, eyes squinted shut as your boyfriend flattens his tongue before lapping your slick up with cloudy eyes. “shit, i don’t know what i’d be without you,” he murmurs, voice low and steady—and something about his tone makes you certain he’s being completely honest with you.
“you’re so—fuck, satoru, i’m gonna cum,” you breathe, back automatically arching when satoru’s tongue reaches that spot inside you. he laughs, and the vibration of the soft sound against your puffy, sensitive cunt almost makes your legs give out—but thankfully, satoru’s hands are secured around your thighs, holding you in place. “‘toru, i can’t—”
“yeah, y’can, just relax that pretty pussy for me,” he cooes, licking up the slick dripping down his chin. “c’mon, you’re doing so good f’me, keep going, baby.” and just like that, his tongue slips out of your cunt and he lets you cum—the sheer force of your orgasm hits you like a truck, and your hips roll against satoru’s face in a choppy rhythm as you desperately ride it out, hands gripping and accidentally yanking his hair.
you stutter out his name a couple more times, unable to focus on anything but the feeling of satoru’s mouth on your sensitive, gushing pussy. your boyfriend praises you the whole way, gently murmuring soft words about how sweet you are for letting him taste you, even while your relationship was rocky. when your voice steadies enough for satoru to make out what you’re begging him to do, he’s not at all surprised to hear you plea for him to fuck you—so stands up and tugs you down onto his bed, hand intertwined with yours as he pulls the sheets over your bodies. 
you squeeze satoru’s hand and lean in to kiss him, chest still heaving from your earlier orgasm. naturally, you miss his lips and end up kissing the side of his face, which is flushed bright red from the way his body reacts to the taste of your pussy. “don’t ever leave me like that again,” you whisper, tears pricking at your eyes for some reason—maybe it’s the lovesick way satoru looks at you, or maybe it’s the way he’s holding onto you like there’s no place he’d rather be.
“i won’t,” satoru promises, pressing an affectionate kiss to your forehead and pulling your head into his chest. his lips touch the top of your head as he murmurs, “and if i do, shoot me.” it sounds like a joke, but you both know that he’s dead serious.
“good thing i won’t have to do that,” you say with a soft giggle. your smile is heart-achingly familiar to satoru, and it feels like home—and that’s the realization that has him stripping off what little clothing the two of you still have on before he climbs on top of you. 
satoru touches the tip of his dick to your pussy, waiting for your nod to allow him to go in all the way. after a second, you dip your chin and trail your fingers down satoru’s jaw, grabbing his chin and pulling him down into another kiss. his lips linger for a couple seconds, still-minty breath tickling your face, before he pulls away. satoru slowly lowers his hips and nudges his dick inside of your desperate cunt, hands resting on either side of you.
even though it’s only been a little over a week since you last had sex with satoru, it feels like it’s been forever—your boyfriend curses when he feels how tight you are, mumbling something about missing you “so fucking much” as he goes in deeper and deeper. it hurts a little at first, but you quickly get used to the feeling of him inside of you. 
“fuckin’ hell, i’m never gonna get tired of this,” satoru breathes, dipping his head and kissing your collarbone. a single drop of sweat drips down the side of his face as he watches you squirm, eyes soft and endearing as you do so. he starts rolling his hips back and forth against you to loosen you up a little, dragging out soft moans from you as he does so. 
“yeah, you better not,” you mutter, tilting your head back and drawing in a long breath of air. you can’t remember the last time you felt this good—maybe it was the last time satoru fucked you. “satoru, y’re going so slow—”
your boyfriend cuts you off with a particularly harsh thrust, making your body jolt against his mattress. satoru lifts his head and looks you in the eye, a breathy laugh slipping out of him when he sees the pout on your lips. “the fuck you mean, i’m going slow? you want me to tear you apart? silly girl,” he tuts, back to his usual cocky self. he shakes his head and goes deep enough in you to force you to arch your back, starting to grin at the way you paw at his chest. “always so selfish, aren’t you?” he cooes, dipping his head and giving you a sloppy kiss on the forehead. “but you’re always—so—fuckin’—sweet,” satoru whispers, punctuating each word with a thrust hard enough for you to moan out his name more times than you can count.
“you’re the selfish one,” you mumble, lips trembling enough to muffle your voice. satoru huffs out a sigh and kisses your mouth, teeth gently brushing against your bottom lip. “you broke up with me for no reason,” you continue, tears pricking at your eyes again. “you think i’m gonna forgive you this fast?” 
satoru shakes his head again and caresses the side of your face. “will you?” he asks, slowing his pace enough for you to notice. you mutter something about him edging you on purpose, to which satoru shushes you and repeats his question.
“you gotta stop giving me maybe’s, baby—y’re drivin’ me crazy here.”
in the past week, satoru’s done so much for you, and it hasn’t gone unnoticed. on the day after your breakup, he picked you up from your house and took you for a picnic entirely curated by him. on the second day, he made you breakfast, lunch and dinner—it wasn’t the best food you ever had, but it was definitely the most memorable (in more ways than one). on the third day, he took you out to your favorite amusement park and did everything he could to make you smile—by then, you had pretty much forgiven him, and the giant teddy bear he dropped in your bedroom only made you love him more. the rest of the days were filled with longing glances and little gifts left around your house, which only helped him earn more and more of you back.
so, you figure that satoru deserves what comes next.
“okay,” you whisper. 
satoru’s eyes widen and he hesitates before he tentatively asks, “does this mean—”
you don’t let him finish his question, instead grabbing his face and tugging him down into a full kiss. he lets out a soft hm? in surprise, but kisses you back more than gratefully. “c’mon, make me cum,” you breathe when he finally pulls away. satoru nods dazedly and mouths “i love you” before he goes back in you, pace faster than before.
one of his hands snakes down to your waist, holding it in pace while the other caresses your face. you gaze up at him with a soft smile, eyes fluttering open and closed every time his dick hits your sweet spot—which is more times than your body can handle, but you welcome the feeling of him deep inside of you. after barely a couple thrusts, a coil forms in your stomach, growing tighter and tighter with each movement of satoru’s hips. 
satoru laughs, chest heaving as he grins down at you cheekily. “i knew you’d forgive me,” he murmurs, pinching your cheek affectionately. “m’ so sorry—”
“shut up and fuck me,” you interrupt, tongue starting to loll out of your mouth as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to cumming all over satoru’s dick. 
“as you wish, princess.”
satoru’s breathing slowly changes, becoming more choppy and uneven the closer you watch him get to his high—it’s so, so close for both of you, and when it comes, it takes over both of your minds like a drug. satoru curses and groans out your name, thrusts growing sloppy as he desperately rides out his orgasm. cum shoots out from his dick and coats the inside of your cunt white, dripping out once you physically can’t take any more.
you run your hands all over satoru’s body, clawing and gripping at every inch of skin you can latch onto—satoru’s always been your anchor, and you hope that he always will be. one of his hands leaves the side of your face and tangles with your fingers, holding it down against the mattress as he promises to never screw you over like that again, and you’re only too welcoming to him and his words as you squirt all over his dick. “fuck, satoru—”
he lifts his eyes and meets your own, and unlike you, his vision is clearer than ever. “shoot me if i ever leave you again, baby. i’m serious.”
you raise a shaky hand and touch the side of his face, eyes fluttering shut as you murmur, “i know i won’t have to.”
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dadsbongos · 7 months
my type?
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4.3 K words
summary - Yuuji Itadori is a total knockout boyfriend - the only hitch? You’re nothing like his usual type of woman, and it’s making you unsure.
warnings - 18+!, femreader with jugs and vagene, p in v sex, unrealistic car sex, specifically stated that reader is non-tall with big tits, dumbification for both parties, squirting, non-curse AU where sukuna and yuuji are brother-roommates, unprotected sex
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Itadori, Yuuji was an amazing boyfriend - something straight out of a top-selling shoujo manga.
Faithful and doting and affectionate. He handed over his hoodies the moment you mentioned an unpleasant breeze, he proudly held your hand in public, and he boasted about the very act of dating you to anyone with ears. But even those displays felt backhanded, the deeper you dug into your own mind. You had no real reason to complain about the situation.
And you especially had no reason when the cause behind your complaints would be so shallow.
You had an ass in the same way that everybody else did, but nothing comparable to the pin-up poster Yuuji tore down when you two started dating. Or his celebrity fascination, Jennifer Lawrence (which also mysteriously stopped being mentioned when you two started dating).
Rather, your body was much more endowed in ways that made Nobara tease as you passed lingerie stores with hot pink lighting and black walls and heavy busts plastered in the windows. She’d snag you by the sleeve and point, just to watch how you scoff and look away.
Yuuji pointedly ignores those stores. He ignores everything in relation to them.
You’d picked this shirt just for tonight. It dips low into your cleavage, just tight enough to still push up the tender meat of your breasts. Not to mention the color - deep crimson, Yuuji’s favorite. Well, at least the closest you’ll ever get to a favorite color with his indecisive nature.
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Yuuji sits across from you at the scratched table. When his eyes aren’t scavenging the conveyor belt for small, shiny, colored plates serving anything that may catch his eye, they’re on your face. And only your face.
Normally something you’d absolutely cheer over - if this were a first date, but the fact is that this is one of many dates. And after so many dates that you can’t count anymore, you’re starting to want Yuuji’s eyes to drift.
You want him to look and you want to watch him sweat and go red. You’re starting to need it.
The need only grows more apparent mere days later.
Yuuji keeps his hands stubbornly on your hips, barely making an imprint from outside your clothes. But you choose not to make a fuss since he’s otherwise fully engrossed with keeping his lips pasted to yours. Your hands are sweaty and hot on Yuuji’s cheeks, you just know they are, but he doesn’t seem to mind when he lets you hold him close and grind on him.
Yet his palms are stiff against you. They don’t feel warm or cold or clammy or moist. They just… are. He chokes back every groan and huff and you almost feel embarrassed to be letting out hitches and breathy moans so freely in comparison.
Puffing your chest out, you can feel your breasts pillowing against Yuuji and you’re hoping to tempt him to move his hands up. Under your shirt and bra with bare skin on bare skin. The idea makes you mewl, dragging your hips harder against his and further pushing out your tits for him to grope.
And suddenly, his stiff hands are picking you up off his lap, sliding you beside him on your couch. Yuuji grins, standing and swiping his hands down the legs of his sweatpants before planting a kiss on your forehead, “Sorry, gotta pee.”
“Oversharing!” you call after his retreating form.
When Yuuji returns, he sits down and rewinds the movie you two had put on earlier. He frowns and murmurs about how much the both of you missed. When you don’t turn back to the TV immediately, Yuuji smiles again and kisses your cheek.
Your gut twists unpleasantly.
And that need festers into utter desperation by just the next afternoon.
“Hey, Yuuji,” you come up from behind your boyfriend, arms dangling over the back of his couch and framing his shoulders. You place your chin on his head, staring at the intense cooking competition he’s watching, “So, I know I just got here… but! I’ve got a small, teensy errand to run.”
“Mhm?” he tilts his head back to meet your eyes, “Want me to go with you?”
His offer has you nodding, trying to smother down the bright simper he threatens to drag out of you, “Yeah, if you’re not busy.”
Sucking in air noisily through his teeth, Yuuji gestures out to the show he lazes in front of, “I dunno, babe, I am watching TV.”
“Very funny,” you back away from his couch, already heading to the door to tug your shoes on, “Just saying, you don’t have to come with if you don’t want to,” Yuuji always wants to come with, you like that about him, “Just getting some new bras.”
Your current ones are fine, but maybe a stuffy changing room is that nudge he needs.
“Oh,” your boyfriend pauses, eyes widening, “Uh. You might want to take Kugisaki for that, she’d know more than me,” he can’t even look at you, “I’m not really the kinda person you’d want around for that.”
You almost ask what he means by that, but the rejection has fried your brain to a gray, crunchy crisp. The kind of fry that looks like it could flake apart with a harsh jab. Again, that terrible, awful knotting in your stomach returns, but you carry on. Because if you claimed to no longer need this errand ran, then he might know what your scheme was - and that was far worse than whatever this hell was.
So you nod slowly and meekly call out that you love him before exiting the door. He says he loves you more.
You really wish you asked what he meant.
Finally, desperation comes to a head when you meet Yuuji’s friend - Todo, Aoi.
Todo, Aoi, who stares at you - eyes narrow as he judges each wrinkle in your clothes and jitter of your muscles - then turns to Yuuji, and asks point-blank, “Did you lie about your type, then, brother?”
Yuuji rips the hand in his pocket out and cuts it across his neck in a slicing motion, mouthing a couple of rude ‘shut up’s. You lean into Yuuji’s side, squeezing the hand he lays in yours tighter. It isn’t sweaty. And it isn’t very warm, either.
Aoi doesn’t seem very upset at the idea, “I’m happy you’re happy,” you look down at your shoes when he glances back over at you, “I was excited when I thought we had the same type.”
No, you weren’t very tall. And no, your butt wasn’t exceptionally big. You fell on the more mediocre sides of those categories, the thing you excelled in (what you thought most guys were thrilled over) was having a large bust.
“Dude!” Yuuji hits Aoi in the shoulder. Hard, “Shut up!”
He squeezes your hand so tight you think it might bruise.
“Sorry, brother,” Aoi, you were warned, was extremely unusual - little to no boundaries and almost inept at social interactions outside of fighting. He does seem sympathetic enough, turning to you, “I didn’t mean to offend you.”
It’s all so sickening. How you wish Yuuji would hurry up and show interest in shallow things. How you place personal esteem on this whole fiasco. How right Aoi is. How badly you’re letting everything affect you.
The ringing in your ears, for example. The way you no longer think you can stomach whatever Aoi was cooking tonight. The shortness of your breath.
You try to push it down. Tonight is supposed to be fun.
Yuuji shoves his friend, much more lightheartedly than his previous blow, and goes to kiss your forehead - but hesitates. His smile is uneven, “Don’t listen to him, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” he squeezes your hand, “I love you,” then, apologetically, he smooths his thumb over the sore spots where he clenched your hand, “I love you so much.”
And you know that. You know it like you know your favorite movie.
Tonight was supposed to be fun.
He loves you, you know that - what you don’t know, is if he wants you. Doesn’t he get sweaty palms like you? Doesn’t he feel his intestines tie into bunches of little knots like you? Doesn’t he get all hot in the face like you? Doesn’t he want you like you want him?
It’s humiliating to imagine that he doesn’t, and the mere idea makes you so nauseous you think you might hurl at this very moment.
Maybe your boyfriend just doesn’t find you as attractive as you want him to.
Maybe you should give up this repetitive scheme.
The car is quiet, unbearably so. Your knees are angled away from Yuuji defiantly, legs pushed to the far side of your seat so it’d be a hassle for him to reach out and hold your thigh. You used to think it meant something when he did that, but now it seems as though he’s doing it out of duty. Like holding the door for someone behind you. Or offering your seat on the bus to elderly passengers. Simple acts of simple kindness.
The most basic peacekeeping, if anything.
Yuuji peeks at you without turning away from the road, hands tightening around the steering wheel, “Are you upset?”
You could be snippy. You could even opt to not respond.
But you do neither, “Yeah.”
He sighs through his nose, “Seriously, don’t listen to Todo. He doesn’t know anything.”
Now, you’re a little snippy. To point out that Aoi’s being stupid isn’t uncalled for, but to claim he doesn’t know exactly what stupid shit he’s saying is.
“He has a point.”
“Huh?” Yuuji turns his head fully to look at you, something he only does because the quiet backroad home is empty, “What’re you talking about?”
Only flickering, crooked, rusty street lamps are witness to your impending breakdown. Your boyfriend returns his stare to the road. Crickets sing outside and the wind flattens over long grass that shines under moonlight.
“Yuuji,” sinking into your seat, you ignore his eyes, “You can’t seriously say you have no idea,” he’s quiet, lips pressed thinly, “Since we met, practically everybody has known your type. I knew you had a type! It was a shock to our friends when we got together! And now that we are…”
Pulling off into the grassy plain lining your way home, Yuuji slips the key from the ignition and unclicks his seatbelt to really examine you. His eyes scramble over you, every part the sensitive, concerned boyfriend you know and treasure. He pouts, but it’s in earnest; hurt simply because you’re hurt.
“And now that we are?”
“Why don’t you look at me?”
“I look at you!” he rubs the back of his neck, now quirking a brow at you, “I look at you all the time.”
“No,” you whine like a petulant child, hands coming up to cover your face, “It’s different!”
Aoi’s words just won’t stop creeping up your spine. Yuuji setting you aside on the couch. Yuuji insisting that you bring Nobara to a lingerie store instead of him. He was lying to someone, right? Was it to Aoi or you?
But everybody had seen that poster, and everybody could hear him declare his preferences.
“It’s way different,” you’re so humiliated you’re nauseous, your voice wobbles.
Yuuji tenderly takes your wrists, dragging down your hands. His smile is squiggly, brows high to his forehead, “Talk to me, pretty girl. You want me to look at you?” you nod, “So tell me what you mean by that.”
You almost hate how soft his voice is. It makes it so hard to be upset.
“I’m not your type,” your eyes trail the way Yuuji’s fingers dance around yours, “And every time I try to… you know, get you to think of me as something other than just cute or pretty - you turn me down. I feel like you don’t find me attractive.”
“Oh, like sexually?”
“Mhmm,” you nod glumly. When he’s quiet for just a couple of seconds too long, you ask, “Did you know what I was trying to do?”
“Kind of,” Yuuji’s cheeks are growing red, eyes now abandoning your entwined hands to stare out the windshield, “I do find you attractive - that’s a little bit of the problem.”
He sucks in a breath sharply, engulfing your hands completely with his and squeezing (much more mindfully this time), “I’m crazy about you,” he can tell you don’t believe him, “It scares me a little,” he pulls his hands away and cradles his own over his lap, “I’m worried that if I give in, I’ll scare you off… like I’m too eager or something.”
“Yuuji!” you adjust in your seat, moving sideways and finally letting your knees face your boyfriend again, “You wouldn’t scare me off by being eager about my body! That’s a good thing, right? When we’re both into each other, that’s good!”
“No, I mean,” he’s gone rouge all the way up to his ears now, a fire bright in his chest, “I want you so bad it makes me feel like all my skin’s burning. My hands get all gross and sweaty so I have to wipe them on my pants, and- and I can’t think straight,” he’s still not looking at you, but the way he’s pressing his arms down on his crotch tells you he wants to, “Even now, I think I’m going crazy just imagining you…”
You sit up on your knees, leaning over the center console just to watch your boy squirm at the invasion of space, “Imagining me?” he nods shakily, “Imagining me how?”
He whines, turning his head and pressing his scorching face into your neck, “You know how.”
“Come on, pretty boy,” you kneel over the console entirely, squeezing behind the wheel to settle on Yuuji’s lap - slapping away his hands from the growing tent in his baggy pants, “Entertain me, please?”
“Imagining you under me, on me, between my legs,” his hands fly to your hips, palms slipping up under your shirt, and, God, his palms are sweaty, “Any way you’ll have me,” you cup his cheeks and press messy kisses to his lips. Yuuji’s hands roam further up your shirt, fingertips teasing under the cups of your bra, “Any way I can see your tits.”
“I thought you were more into ass,” your bravado falls under his admission, suddenly bashful.
Yuuji closes his eyes, swallowing hard while pushing his hands under your bra, he can feel his heartbeat all the way at the back of his throat. His rough palms cupping the soft, fleshy fat on your chest, “As if that matters,” his brows knit, hips subconsciously jerking up into yours, “I’m a horny guy: my hot girlfriend has big boobs, and I’m obsessed with her big boobs.”
“Just ‘cuz you’re horny?” you tease, grinding down on the bump of his hard cock. His loose pants let him spring up under your skirt, knocking into your panty-clad cunt.
“Nah,” his eyes flutter open, sweaty palms moving around your back and clumsily unhooking your troublesome bra. It takes him three tries, “I like every part of you all the time…” the tip of his tongue parts his lips in hard concentration, “Your whole body makes me feel like I’m full of bugs.”
“‘Full of bugs?!’” you snort, lifting your arms so Yuuji can yank off your shirt and bra in one ungraceful motion.
“In a good way,” he promises, eyes locked on your heaving chest. You can hear the thick breaths he struggles through, “‘m so nervous and horny at the same time, it feels like bugs in my stomach.”
“What’re you nervous for?”
“‘Cuz I wanna make you cum, but I’m worried I’ll cream my pants before we even get to it,” he finally looks into your eyes, he smiles at you with flaming cheeks and palms at your breasts, “It was so hard making sure I kept it together… Been jerkin’ off every night thinking of you - ask Sukuna, he’ll tell you. It’s been embarrassing.”
“Augh, Yuuji!”
“It’s true!”
It makes your palms hot and sweaty, the image of him so desperate. All for you.
“Hm,” you croon, grinding against your boyfriend’s cock, back arching to press your tits closer to his face, “Yuuji...”
Wrapping his arms around your waist, Yuuji sucks one of your nipples between his lips and laves it with his tongue. He bucks up against your wetting panties. Pulling away from your nipple with a soft pop, Yuuji stares up at you with another earnest, flustered pout, “Can you take it out for me?”
As if you could forget what he’s talking about, he humps you again.
“Please, take it out,” he cranes his neck to run his warm, wet tongue over your other, unattended nipple.
“Aw,” you didn’t think seeing your big, energetic boyfriend act so pathetic would set you on fire the way it does. One of your hands stretches down between you and Yuuji, wrangling down his pants with him lifting his hips to help, “Do you want me to play with your cock?”
He hums against your breast, nodding eagerly, “Yuh- yeah- ! Please?”
Your fingers wrap around the warm softness of Yuuji’s erection, thumb playfully nudging his mushroom tip’s slit. He throws his head back, ricocheting against the car seat headrest with a throaty groan.
Giggling, you lean in to kiss the sensitive spot just under Yuuji’s jaw, hand still working up Yuuji’s weeping cock, “Having a good time, honey?”
“Uh-huh,” he unwinds his arms around you to grasp your hips once again, fingers bruising at your sides, “Feels so good - so, so good…”
“Who’s making you feel good, Yuuji?”
“You!” his right thigh twitches under you, “You, you - ‘s always you!”
“Always me?”
His chuckle breaks off into a slack-jawed moan, “Said I jerk off to you every night, didn’t I?” he reaches for your wrist, “Wait, wait!”
“Were you…?” so soon?
“I told you!” now he’s the one whining like a petulant brat, “I don’t wanna cum before you, but you just make it so hard.”
So soon.
Your thighs squish around Yuuji’s, hips grinding on nothing - desperate in search of friction.
“You like that?” he sounds breathless, staring at you as you watch his bobbing cock. All red at the head and straining against your hand, “You’re so mean, babe.”
“I like it a lot,” you sit up, lips finding Yuuji’s drool-slicked ones, “I like knowing I have that effect on you.”
“Since I first saw you, I think,” he admits, hands skimming under your skirt now, “Can I… ?”
You nod, holding tightly to Yuuji’s shoulders while you lean on one leg. You could, theoretically, drag your panties down your lifted leg by yourself - but Yuuji stubbornly joins your hand all the way down to your ankle.
Before trying to slip inside you, Yuuji cups your hot sex. His chest tightens, middle finger shakily tracing along your soaked cunt. Tongue lolling back out of his mouth, Yuuji tucks your nipple back into his mouth when he inserts his finger in your hole. Trying to keep his mind as busy as possible so he can stop thinking about how badly he needs to bury himself inside you.
“Yuuji,” your breathing is ragged, already lowering yourself before he even pulls his finger out of you, “I’m so past ready.”
“You’re so wet,” he mumbles against the swell of your tit, teasing his teeth against the full flesh, “I dunno if I’ll be able to get in…” he chuckles to himself, lightheaded when he taps the head of his cock against your clit, “Might slip right out, huh?”
“Stop teasing,” you cradle Yuuji’s head to your chest, arms thrown around his neck, “You’re the mean one.”
“I know, I know,” he lowers in his seat, pressing himself finally, finally, finally inside your pussy. Your tits press even closer to his face when you gasp at the stretch, “I’ve been ignoring my poor pretty girl this whole time,” he says it so mournfully, so heartfelt, “So selfish, just thinking of my pride - I didn’t even wonder how my girl felt.”
“Ahh, Yuuji,” you moan, piercing your bottom lip between your teeth.
“I’m sorry, pretty girl,” he pushes down on your hips, lowering you on his stiff cock until your thighs are flush with his soft pants. They’re a little wet. You don’t care much, and you don’t think Yuuji does either right now. He screws up into you, one arm tight around your waist to pull you down into his thrusts and the other hand finding your slippery clit, “I’m so sorry, angel, can you forgive me?”
“Ah, ah, ah,” his fingers work quick circles on your nerves as he fucks you and you’re barely able to scramble together the words (let alone carry those words out in a sensible form), “Yes - ah! - yes, Yuuji!”
There’s something in the way he twists his hips this time because his cock beats into a particular spot that sends white sparks through your veins. You snap back, head hanging and forcing your bouncing tits directly in Yuuji’s face. Before you can even begin to beg, your big, energetic (and maybe a little pathetic) boyfriend is already nodding to himself.
“Right there, angel?” his fingers leave your clit to press down on where his cock batters your insides, “Is that it? Want me right here?”
“Please!” you squeal, thighs quivering and lungs fresh out of air.
“Uh-huh,” he keeps nodding, head too empty to realize he doesn’t need to anymore, “Uh-huh, anything for you… fuckin’ anything…”
When your lower half burns out, Yuuji keeps you upright - fully fucking up into you at that same spot he pushes down on your tummy. The need to cum burns every nerve in your body - it burns and burns and burns until it changes.
Something fuller and more familiar - in a more daily-life kind of way.
“Ah, Yuuji,” your hands perch on his shoulders, body bouncing with the weight of Yuuji’s hips slinging into yours, “I think- ! It feels like- !”
“Talk to me, angel,” dumbly, he looks up at you, almost snickering, “‘Entertain me.’”
“Feels like ‘m gonna pee,” you try warning him, you really do.
But something behind his eyes just shines brighter, grin widening and he actually laughs, “Yeah?”
“Fuck yeah,” he stares, wide-eyed, at where you’re creaming on his cock, “You gonna squirt on me, baby?” his foolish nodding quickens with his hips, “Squirt all over me, angel, I want it - want it so bad. Soak my car, oh,” his pretty mouth circles into an ‘O’ just at the thought, “Please, please soak my fucking car!”
Your head jerks back, nails digging into Yuuji’s shoulders, throat snapping raw as you cry out braindead mixtures of your boyfriend’s name and pleas for more and harder and his cum.
He moves the hand on your tummy to swish your clit and spread your mess as far as he can, mouth popping open almost instinctively just to catch stray droplets of your cum in his mouth. One day (tomorrow) he might regret (will definitely regret) intentionally making you spray cum all over his front, and even back, seats, but right now he couldn’t possibly imagine not doing it.
“‘m gonna cum,” he grits his teeth, moans choked back in his throat, “‘m gonna cum - where?” before he can ask again, you find the strength to swivel your hips down on him, “Inside?”
“Inside!” you sob, chest tight and eyes watering at the overstimulation of Yuuji still swirling a thumb on your clit, “Cum inside, Yuuji!”
“Fu- ck,” he squeezes the word out of his chest, seating you fully on his lap when his cock throbs. He juts his chin out towards you when he starts cumming, “Kiss me?”
And you waste no time throwing yourself forward to press chaste, sweet kisses on Yuuji’s drooling lips. He hums and whimpers into your mouth, greedily drinking in the taste of your lips on his. As if he’d been starved of it his entire life.
Yuuji keeps you against him, the both of you slowly coming back down to Earth.
His sopping pants are beginning to cool underneath you.
“Ugh,” you groan at the feeling, “I think we made a mistake.”
“Yeah…” Yuuji sighs, “Oh well. Can’t unfuck in the car now.”
You’re kind of dreading pulling off Yuuji’s soft cock - if you hadn’t done enough to ruin Yuuji’s pants before, then that most certainly will.
Yuuji sighs again, heartier, hands coddling your hips and tenderly rubbing circles into your bone. His eyes fall to your breasts and remain there, “I really am sorry, angel. I- I never, ever wanted you to feel like I didn’t want you.”
Because he does. Good, God, he always does.
Every time he sees you, his hands get all sweaty and his cheeks are hot and his stomach twists into jumbles of knots.
“It hurt,” you admit, “but it’s fine now,” you giggle at the idea of him apologizing over trying to be respectful, “It isn’t like you were being a dick, you know?”
“Yeah, but! Ugh!” he clenches a hand over his heart dramatically, frowning, “I hurt my girlfriend’s feelings. My sweet girl :( “
“You’re cute,” you kiss one of Yuuji’s fiery cheeks, “Okay, help me off.”
“Oh, yeah, huh,” he stretches over your shoulder to wring your panties back up your leg, “It’ll be unpleasant, but I think you need to wear these back to your apartment.”
“I’ll live,” you pick at the elastic to Yuuji’s pants and snap them back against his sweaty thigh, “Can’t be worse than this, pee pants.”
“Hey, it’s not pee,” he pouts once again tonight, “And be nice.”
You shake your head, leaning down to press your lips against Yuuji’s once again. Soaking in the taste like you’d been starved of it your entire life, “Never.”
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roturo · 10 months
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warnings: semi-public sex, public sex, unprotected sex, p in v, exhibitionism, fingering, blowjob, use of vibrators, jealousy, marking, edging, dacryphilia, degradation kink, praise kink. reblogs are appreciated:)
gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, toji fushiguro, megumi fushiguro, sukuna & yuuji itadori.
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Gojo Satoru:
This man will make it obvious. He’s not embarrassed, in fact, he would be aroused by it. Noticing people giving the both of you stares, them noticing the hickeys on your neck, the messy makeup, it’s too much for him. Makes him hard again.
And it would happen at the most random times.
Mostly because he gets jealous, this man gets jealous because of everything. He doesn’t trust the other men around you. So that’s why he likes to show what’s his.
He’s more of taking the both of you to the restroom and fuck rather than a vibrator. Oh, and he loves teasing your legs with his fingers near your entrance, your trembling voice, hot face, making his pants get tighter and tighter.
“You like that. Don't you? Slut. Keep that pretty mouth of yours shut if you don’t want other to know how good i’m fucking your pussy right now.” You couldn’t contain your moans, not even covering your mouth helps. It was too much, he was too much.
“Don’t tell me you’re into that? Of course you’re into that. You fucking whore. I’ll make sure for everyone to know how good you get fucked. This pussy is mine.”
Geto Suguru:
This man is elegant. Uses vibrators, and fucks you in public as a punishment. He might not seem like it, but I swear this man is a JEALOUS man. Loves hanging out with others, sitting at the table while you’re by his side, hands down the table, control in hand and shakily sound coming out of you.
He would have a box of vibrators with different sizes, colors, and levels, just for this time of occasion or whenever he’s in the mood to just fuck with you.
Because he loves that, not only because he gets yards seeing you angry at him, but because of how turned on he gets while reclaiming what’s his.
He’s discreet about it, but makes it clear for you to never disobey him or look in direction towards another man.
“Am I going to fast baby?” He says in your ear, in a slow seductive low voice. Friends talking in front of the both of you, like nothing is happening down the table. “Aw, we’ll that’s so fucking sad for you, you decided to act like a big girl with other men, then take it like one.” He says while leveling up the vibrator, his hand resting on your thigh, looking happily at his friends and laughing at whatever they were talking about.
This was going to be a long day.
Nanami Kento:
He’s not the kind to fuck in public.
Prefers doing it in private, having his time, and enjoying it.
But when you get a little bit too bratty for his liking, he would snicker his legs(shoes) down the table to your center. Slightly moving it through your panties and clit, touching it with the point part of his shoe.
Edging you for release, he would retreat his shoe just in time for you not to cum. Asking the waitress for some water.
But when you get a little bit TOO bratty for his PATIENCE, he wouldn’t say a word. And that’s how you know you fucked up. Wouldn’t care if someone watched the both of you, he makes the two of you enter the restroom and fuck the soul out of you.
“You fucking slut. Couldn’t wait some hours to get fucked huh?” One of his arms wrapped around your waist, while his free hand rests on your neck. “And you need to have it right now. Like the fucking brat you are.”
Toji Fushiguro:
This man wouldn’t care. Not even like Gojo, he would make it SO obvious it becomes uncomfortable for the people around you watching the both of you having… intimacy.
His fingers would roam around your skirt/dress, making it easier for him to touch you, and shamelessly get under it. Touching the wet patch forming on your center, chuckling to himself. He loves knowing he has this type of power over you.
He would finger you to the max, his arm visibly shaking so you could get some pleasure, all while maintaining a smile like he’s overstimulating your core.
“I want to fuck you so badly.” He says while rubbing your clit with his thumb. “Too bad your fucking my fingers right now. I would love to fuck you infront of all this people. Such a piece of art.” A specific curl of his finger was enough for you to reach your climax. Trying to moan the lowest as possible to not bring any more attention, would be in vain, because he would shamelessly get his fingers out and insert them inside his mouth to lick your liquids off.
Megumi Fushiguro:
He’s not into it. Actually, you initiate it. By teasing him in public, touching him by ‘accident’ near his crotch. Showing a little bit more of your thigh to him, being all touchy.
But he’s a hard man to break, so you would get bored and annoyed easily. So that’s why you try to make him jealous.
And he won’t show it, but inside he’s figuring his own shadows to not fucking take you right there and erase that smirk of yours.
Taking advantage of you being way too busy trying to claim his attention while flirting with Yuuji, he went near the both of you and placed his hand on the back of your waist. Plastering a small smile on his face.
Yuuji noticed in less than a second he was mad. His hand traveled down your figure to your ass, your eyes widening looking back at Yuuji who was as shocked as you.
He gave a small almost visible smack, which caught you by surprise and made you squeak at the surprise. Feeling your face heated up, while Yuuji scratches the back of his neck. “Uhh…” He looks down at his phone, thanking god he has a way of leaving this situation. “Gojo-Sensei is calling me. Talk to you later guys!”
He sprinted as fast as possible towards the door, leaving the both of you alone. Wasting no time he laid you down on a desk and started taking your panties off and unbuckling his pants.
“You fucking whore. Can’t get enough of a cock you want another one huh?” He said while thrusts, a phone on his hand recording your fucked uo faces, tears dried down your cheeks. Messy moans and whines coming out of your mouth while he records the entrance where his cock appears and disappears inside of you.
The next day, he would ask Yuuji to meet him alone and show him the video. Threatening him to never let himself be that touchy with you.
Sukuna & Yuuji:
This would be more of a threesome tbh, this isn’t a lot like “public sex”, but i’ll start with explicit comments coming out of Yuuji thanks to a sukuna mouth appearing on his cheek. Saying how good your ass looked in that dress, saying how he wants to rip it apart and fuck you infront of everyone. Calling Yuuji a virgin and saying he has the same thoughts of you.
Yuuji would be bright red, looking at his classmates who were shocked and laughing at him at the remarks of Sukuna.
So that’s how you ended up in his room. Someway Sukuna and Yuuji being in control at the same time, while you fuck his cock in your mouth and ride his feet which has a mouth on it. Sucking your clit and tongue circling your entrance, until he appears with another arm and fingers you.
“Nn-ngh~ Don’t stop! You’re such a good girl…” Yuuji said while bobbing your head with his hand on top of your head. “She’s more of a brat. She’s teasing a lot, stop with that.” Sukuna said, curling his fingers just right, making you moan with his cock inside of you. Sending vibrations which made Yuuji moan and release inside of you. “Step back kiddo, it’s my turn to fuck with her.”
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too-deviant · 29 days
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strategic manoeuvre.
contains...babysitter!reader, age gap, 18+ MDNI, art cheats w reader but it is lowkey implied that tashi planned the whole thing, car sex, semi-public sex, head (f receiving), p in v, unprotected sex, inspired by this post from @traumatrios
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You had never been interested in tennis before Art. 
You weren’t interested in sports at all, really — you just wanted to buckle down and focus on your college work, earn some money with an easy part-time job. You didn’t have time to follow sports, or anything else. 
But then you got a call. You had been in the middle of a lecture when your phone buzzed against your notebook, a California number shining up at you and enticing you to pick up. Normally you would’ve let it go to voicemail, but you had recently gone around some of the fancier hotels in your city with flyers, asking for babysitting jobs and posting your number, so you excused yourself with a wave and took the call in the hallway. 
You didn’t know who Tashi Donaldson was when she introduced herself, but the hotel she’d asked you to come to later that night was fancy enough that you didn’t question it. You had done an extensive google search afterwards, of course, but simply raised an impressed brow at her repertoire. 
Then you met Art, her tennis player husband and the father of the lovely little girl you would be taking care of, and suddenly you were pretty interested in tennis. 
It started when Lily had a bad nightmare and you couldn’t get her down — well, it started when you met the guy, palm sweaty in his own as he introduced himself, but it didn’t really start until you had to put one of his old games on the TV for the girl to watch until she fell asleep at your side, tear tracks from her bad dream dry on her cheeks. 
You had been planning on carrying her back to her bed when she was down for the count, but you had been so fixated on Art’s movements; his determined look, his arms, his legs, that you ended up dropping out too. You woke up a few hours later with a blanket over your body and Art standing quietly at the kitchen island behind the sofa. 
“You looked peaceful. Didn't wanna wake you.” He’d said, sipping at his tea, and you knew you were done for. 
Now all of a sudden you had time to watch a tennis match in the morning, play one as background noise while you studied. You had started following his tennis journey right from the Junior Open in 2006 — you didn’t think you'd ever actually see him again, but you could fantasise about it whenever you remembered the smell of his cologne as he thanked you for taking care of Lily, promising a big tip would go straight into your account in the morning. 
(The money went in fifteen minutes after you’d left).
It came as a pleasant surprise when Tashi’s number popped up on your screen once more, a few months later. You had been in your kitchen, and took the call the moment you recognised the digits. 
“We’re a little ways out of town.” She’d said, “But Lily raved about you for days after last time, and we know you better than a stranger. If you can’t make it out here, don’t worry, but we still wanted to try our luck.”
We she’d said. As in her and Art. 
You cursed yourself for lusting after a married man in the uber to the hotel. 
From then on out, you became their primary babysitter. Since they travelled a lot, and Tashi’s mom was with them most of the time, you only really sat for them once every couple of months. The town you lived in was sunny and had a huge private sports centre for professional athletes — a fact you weren’t aware of until Art told you over a cup of tea — so they always came back. You were glad you could count on them coming back — it was like magic, the way your phone lit up with Tashi’s now saved contact whenever the late night bingeing of matches and interviews stopped fueling your infatuation. 
The guilt was almost enough to make you ignore it, say you were busy or just get a new number all together. But you never did. As much as you knew it was wrong, you always dropped what you were doing and drove to that cushy hotel where the receptionist knew your face and let you in with a smile. You travelled that same memorised route to the master suite, knocked on the door and made sure you were standing far enough away from the peep hole that you didn’t look weird and distorted when Art would look through before letting you in. 
It was always Art now. Tashi had greeted you a few times but lately it had always been him — a sick part of you thought she might’ve known about your crush on him, played with it for fun because she couldn’t play tennis anymore. But that was crazy, and you really needed to sort yourself out. 
You would greet him with a smile, push through the small talk, lean up against the kitchen island and watch his shirt stretch around the planes of his back as he made you coffee (On those unlucky days he would be wearing a shirt. Sometimes he would be just done with warm ups and physio and would answer the door half naked and covered in sweat. Those were the good days). Then Lily would come running at you from her room, hug you around your waist and pull you in to play; Art would laugh and grin at you, sliding the coffee cup in your direction and holding your eyes before heading to his room to get ready. 
You would be knee deep in headless barbies and chewed up polly pocket clothes when he and would return, dressed up and ready to go. He would lean down, kiss Lily on the forehead, and press his hand to your back in a silent goodbye. Then he would leave, and you would spend the whole day trying to pull yourself together. 
He was married. He was ten years older than you. He had a child, and was paying you to look after her. 
But he always made you coffee when you arrived — just how you liked it because he remembered. He always checked in on you, asked you how your life was while you nursed the mug that was warm from the beverage and his hands. He would tell Lily to behave for you because We like her, and we don’t want to scare her off. He would let his land linger on your back half a second longer every single time he left. 
But Tashi was the one who would call you. She was the one who made you coffee the first time, told you it was the least they could do for you. She would walk out of her room with Art, smile at you and tell you how beautiful you look in that shirt. She would grin at you before leaving, waiting patiently by the door for her husband to take his hand off your back. 
You were evil. Truly. The guy was married. 
But as evil as you were, you always made sure there was an old game of his playing on the TV when they would return — because then Art would prompt you to stay and listen to him talk about it. And you would have an excuse to lean up against that island and watch him make tea while Tashi excused herself to bed. Hours would pass before he was checking his watch and hissing out an apology for keeping you so late, and then letting you leave. 
The first couple of times he’d simply make sure you got in your uber safely. Then he started calling cars himself, the same ones that would drive him and his family to and from matches, press events. The same sort of service celebrites used, not their babysitters. You didn’t mind — it was a thrill, listening to him ask the person behind the wheel to make sure you got back safely.
(The bar was under the court at this point, but at least you were aware of that).
But tonight was different. In more ways than one. 
In the beginning, all was the same. You were left sitting on the plush carpet of Lily’s room surrounded by lego pieces, a burning in your gut and guilt in your heart. You played doctor, you made dinner, ordered room service after her relentless begging, put on a movie, carried her sleeping form to bed, came back and watched Art play tennis until he returned. 
You had started to run out of games to watch, ones you hadn’t already seen, so settled for an old game from 2006. He was playing against his old partner, Patrick something, and you wondered where the lesser known second half of Fire and Ice had disappeared to after that night. 
Then Art came back, Tashi right behind him, and you smiled at them both over the back of the sofa. Tashi watched the game, something unfamiliar glinting in her irises, before blinking back at Art, “I’m going to bed.”
He responded a little slower, kissing her goodnight and looking back at you, “Tea? This game was one of my most memorable.”
“Even though you lost?” You teased, leaning against the marble. 
He paused, looking back at you. He blinked, “Yeah.”
You drank your tea. You pretended like you weren’t full of shame for standing that inch closer to him. You let him talk until he had nothing left to talk about, and watched him check his watch. You waited for him to pick up the phone and call the car — only he paused by the phone, hand floating just before it, and retracted his steps to the kitchen, “I’m gonna drive you back, if it’s not too much trouble. Saves waking up my driver.”
“Oh.” Your fingers twitched, and you told them to stop. “Sure, of course.” 
Art’s car wasn’t what you had expected. Thinking back on it, he didn’t seem like the sports car type, but his status and riches led you to assume you were about to get into one of the two seats in his Bugatti — you didn’t. The black jeep was expensive enough for someone like him, but close enough to home that you didn’t feel like an outsider climbing into the passenger seat.  
The drive wasn’t all that far — twenty minutes both ways, so Art would’ve been back before Tashi fell asleep if he hadn't pulled into a parking lot five minutes out. 
Your lips parted, eyes following his hands as they slid slowly off the wheel and into his thighs. His chest rose with a deep breath and his jaw constricted when he swallowed. Then he was looking at you, eyes piercing. 
“Lily likes you.”
You were unsure, feet shifting beneath you, the sound encasing the silence of the space and forcing you to stop and blink, “I’m glad. I like her.” 
“Tashi likes you.” 
You weren’t too positive that she would like you if she could feel how you were feeling now — that all too familiar heartbeat pulsing between your legs with every one of Art’s breaths. 
“I like you.” He finished, tilting his head until his temple rested softly on the headrest of his seat. His smile was almost taunting when he undid his seatbelt, “Which is your favourite?”
“The games.” He clarified, knowing his question was too broad and that you would have to ask, “The ones you watch every time you’re over. The ones I assume you watch even when you aren’t sitting for us. My games. Which is your favourite?” 
“Oh. Um —“ Slightly distracted by the way he shed his jacket, dumping it in the backseat. He’d lent all the way forward to take it off and his eyes didn’t leave yours once. “I don’t know.” 
“The one you were watching tonight.” He asked then, “What’d you think of it? Honestly.” 
“Honestly?” You swallowed, mortified that you were even entertaining this, “You looked a little distracted.” 
He huffed a laugh, finally looking away and letting you breathe. It didn’t last long, because he was then getting out of the car and rounding the front of it. 
The breeze was cool when it hit you, Art blocking most of it from where he stood in the gap. His hand was still on the handle, but you were busy unbuckling your own seatbelt — the message had been received, you had crossed a line and he was kicking you out of his car. 
But when you turned, legs swinging carefully into the cold, his hand on your knee stopped you from really getting out. Your eyes snapped up to his, and you realised you had been caged — with one hand on the door and one hand on you, Art Donaldson had you right where you had been dreaming of him having you. It felt surreal. 
“My opponent. In the game from tonight.” He breathed, glancing around casually like you were having one of your simple conversations over tea. “He slept with my wife.”
Out of all the things… 
“What?” Your eyes darted between his, but the rest of your body otherwise remained still. Even when his hand on your knee travelled upwards. 
“He’d slept with her before. In college. We weren’t together then.” He was now watching his hand move, like he wasn’t the one moving it, “But then he slept with her again, in Atlanta. After I’d already married her.”
“Wow.” You breathed, mainly because it was the easiest word you could slide out of your mouth whilst holding your breath. His fingers reached your thigh, begged to dip between them. “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be.” He was quick to respond. Your legs parted on instinct, and at this point you had surrendered to being an awful person — although maybe you’d fallen asleep on the couch and this was all a dream. You didn’t think you’d be able to face Art if it was. You couldn’t even face him now. 
He took the newfound space for granted, stepping between your legs and holding them open with his body. His hand on the door followed him, taking its new place on your other leg. He rubbed up and down your thighs, but you couldn’t look away from his face. 
“I don’t want you watching him play.” He spoke lowly, tracing his fingertips around your waistband, “I’ve seen enough of his games.”
“Okay.” You didn’t hesitate to let out, swallowing the hungered saliva that had built up in your mouth. 
He unbuttoned your jeans, pulled the zipper down — painstakingly slow, but it allowed you time to brace your hands on the seat and the dashboard so you could raise your hips and let him slide them off you. 
You were stuck in your head, but Art didn’t seem to notice since he was too busy folding your jeans and hanging them over the open car door. You dared question it through a heavy breath but he just moved on to your panties, throwing them precariously on the dashboard and exposing your glittering cunt to his bright eyes. 
“We shouldn’t —“ It was a half-assed attempt at reconciling with your guilt, but the fact that you were half naked and spread eagle made it lose its meaning. 
Art shushed you, kneeling down so he was looking at your pussy, “We can, and we will.” Then he glanced back at you, brow arched, “Unless you don’t want to.”
Any sense of rationale had fucked off when he put his hand on your leg, so you swallowed and said, “I want to.”
He wasted no time, licking a thick stripe from your asshole to your clit. You knocked your head back with a gasped moan, bucking into him and hissing when the gear stick poked you in the back when you led back too far. 
You let out a shaky breath as he lapped you up, tongue dipping inside of you before travelling up to that sweet spot and sucking at it gently. You gasped and moaned, hands scrambling between holding yourself up and holding him down. His own were resting on your thighs — his calm and collected demeanour was a drastic contradiction from your own. 
His head nodded calmly between your legs, relaxed in its position — yours, shaky and tense all at once, neck bracing whenever you fell back. His hands tapped soft melodies on your skin whereas yours tightened around whatever was in their old, whether that be the leather of the seats or the blonde of Art’s hair. 
When he finally came up for air, his chin was coated in your slick, and he licked his lips clean before straightening up above you. You watched, paralysed, while he unbuckled his belt, threw it over the door with your jeans, and sent you a look under his lashes that you’d only seen him wear during his tennis matches. 
You had been keeping quiet earlier, but when he bottomed out inside you and started to piston, your mind went wild. Choruses of Oh my God and Fuck!, shouts of Art’s name and whimpers under your breath — it all came tumbling out and you couldn’t even try and stop it. 
Not that you wanted to; your vocality seemed to make him go faster, harder. It made him vocal, no longer calm and relaxed as he had been when eating you out, but loud and gruff. Grunts and moans you had dreamt about hearing outside of a television screen, now being huffed into the air you shared. 
You came with a whine and Art followed not long after, and you settled there for a moment — legs spread in his passenger seat with him standing between them — until you could muster up the strength to push yourself up. 
Five minutes later and you were both dressed, Art’s black jeep parked outside of your apartment building. You hadn’t exchanged any more words, but when you turned to slam the door once you had jumped out, you found his eyes on yours. 
“I have a game this weekend. Two hours out. Tashi wanted you to come. A gift, for all you’ve done for us.” 
(You went to the game. Art won. Tashi grinned like she’d made it happen and then offered to buy you a drink).
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