syntonylife · 5 days
Riposo e Ricarica: Il Mio Viaggio di Autodisciplina e Crescita Personale
Esplorando la Forza Interiore e la Visualizzazione con il Potere della Manifestazione della legge di Attrazione. Check this magnificent artwork on https://www.soulbirdart.com/ Eccomi sintonizzata nuovamente qui con voi. Non sono sparita, sono ancora qui dopo una buona vacanza rigenerante. In realtà, non si tratta di una vera e propria vacanza, ma di un momento in cui ho dovuto concentrare le…
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syntonylife · 5 days
Rest and Recharge: My Journey of Self-Discipline and Personal Growth
Exploring Inner Strength and Visualization with the Power of Law of Attraction Manifestation. Check this magnificent artwork on https://www.soulbirdart.com/ Here I am, tuned in once again with you all. I haven’t disappeared; I’m still here after a good rejuvenating holiday. In reality, it wasn’t a proper holiday but rather a time when I had to channel my energies elsewhere. I attempted a…
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syntonylife · 21 days
Unlocking Fitness Joy: Group Exercise and Creative Movement Explained
Daily writing promptWhat’s the most fun way to exercise?View all responses Me, the pole, Ibiza As a seasoned personal trainer, I’ve led countless individuals through diverse workout regimes, always emphasizing the importance of enjoyment in fitness pursuits. Along the way, I’ve discovered a vital truth: true fitness success transcends mere repetitions and routines; it’s about finding genuine…
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syntonylife · 22 days
The Frustration of Practicing Pole Dance: A Test of Endurance and Persistence
Pole dancing is much more than just a physical activity; it’s an art that demands strength, flexibility, and a resilient mindset. However, for many of us, practicing pole dance can be extremely frustrating, especially when desired results seem to slip away. Let’s talk about this frustration and how to tackle it with determination and perseverance. One of the main sources of frustration for many…
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syntonylife · 22 days
The Art of Writing Every Day: Challenges and Balances
Behind writing there is living. I embarked on this challenge because the idea of ​​publishing an article every day seemed enticing to me, a form of exercise to improve my writing skills and build an online presence. However, behind this ambitious goal lie significant challenges that require delicate balancing. Writing daily is a discipline that demands dedication and consistency. Every day, one…
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syntonylife · 23 days
Living a Life with a Hint of “Sense8”
Daily writing promptIf you could be a character from a book or film, who would you be? Why?View all responses If you could be a character in a book or movie, who would you be? It’s a question that opens the doors of imagination to infinite scenarios, each with its own magic and adventure. Personally, I think the choice would be difficult, but perhaps more important would be to understand why you…
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syntonylife · 24 days
Words of Wisdom from an Orchid
Through the Eyes of an Orchid: A Day in the Life of My Room From my cozy spot in the corner of the room, I observe the bustling life around me with quiet fascination. The human who tends to me is a creature of habit, yet each day brings new surprises. In the mornings, as the first rays of sunlight filter through the window, I watch as my caretaker sits down at the desk, pen in hand, ready to…
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syntonylife · 25 days
The Power of Free Will: Elevating Your Vibrational Frequency for a Fulfilling Life
Ebony Creative Spirit 3.3.63 In our existence, we face challenges and difficulties that can be compared to the pains of purgatory. However, the concept of free will goes beyond simply the freedom to choose between options presented by life. Free will is also vibrational freedom, the ability to pick the energetic frequency with which we approach our experiences. This means that, even in the face…
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syntonylife · 26 days
The 7 Pains of Purgatory: Opportunities for Growth and Transformation
Navigating the Challenges of Purgatory with the Law of Attraction and the Path of Cardinal Virtues The concept of Purgatory is often associated with a place of purification, where souls may experience temporary punishments to cleanse themselves of sins before entering paradise. By closely examining these sufferings, we can find not only an opportunity for spiritual growth but also a parallel…
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syntonylife · 27 days
Mastering the 7 Cardinal Virtues: Your Guide to Law of Attraction Success
Attracting Abundance and Happiness Through the Power of Virtue: Unlock Your Potential Today! We have already explored how the 7 deadly sins can serve as stimuli to improve ourselves and deepen our path of personal growth to lead us to abundance, manifest our desires, and ultimately achieve happiness. Now I would like to highlight the seven cardinal virtues – those moral pillars that guide us…
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syntonylife · 28 days
Manifesting Mischief: A Playful Look at the 7 Deadly Sins through the Lens of the Law of Attraction
Unlocking Your Potential: Transforming Sins into Strengths with Self-Discovery and Manifestation Last week, while I was on a car journey with my friends while going to Porto, I was recounting how my hairdresser had decided to make me look ridiculous by giving me a dreadful fringe and miserably destroying my beautiful long hair. I complained to my friends, revealing to them that I am aware of…
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syntonylife · 29 days
Harmonious Frequencies: Understanding Manifestation with the Law of Attraction
First Pill One of the most challenging things to grasp, especially when one wants to start manifesting something concrete, is to understand that everything in this world is energy and has a vibrational frequency. I was introduced to this concept many years ago purely by chance, as I mentioned in my previous article about how my yoga teacher made me aware of my negativity. During that period,…
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syntonylife · 1 month
Navigando le Frequenze Vibratorie: Il Potere della Manifestazione secondo la Legge dell'Attrazione
Prima Pillola Una delle cose più difficili da capire, soprattutto quando si vuole iniziare a manifestare concretamente qualcosa è capire che tutto a questo mondo è energia ed ha una frequenza vibrazionale. Sono stata introdotta a questo concetto moltissimi anni fa per puro caso, l’ho già accennato nel mio precedente articolo di come mi fu resa nota la mia negatività dalla mia insegnante di…
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syntonylife · 1 month
Puoi cambiare l'età ma non i tuoi desideri
Impulso di scrittura giornalieroQuando avevi cinque anni, cosa volevi fare da grande? Visualizza tutte le risposte Avere 5 anni significa principalmente una cosa sola. Sognare quello che ci sembra impossibile. Ho iniziato la scuola elementare a 6 anni, e a 5 non sapevo ne leggere ne scrivere, quindi forse ricordo male quello che volevo fare allora , ma ricordo senza ombra di dubbio una…
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syntonylife · 1 month
Come Iniziare la Pole Dance e Continuare Senza Farsi Abbattere dalle Parole Limitanti
Il Mio Difficile Inizio Nella Pratica della Pole Dance Come è cominciato tutto? Beh, stavo facendo un viaggio a ritroso nei meandri del mio passato pole-dancer, ma ahimè, le mie investigazioni mi hanno portato a scoprire che il mio debutto nel mondo della pole dance è avvenuto prima che le storie di Facebook diventassero una cosa! Eppure riesco a ricordare l’ansia che ho provato il mio primo…
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syntonylife · 1 month
A Minha Pele, As Minhas Regras
Impulso di scrittura giornalieroChe tatuaggio vuoi e dove lo faresti?Visualizza tutte le risposte Que coincidência que este prompt de escrita tenha saído justo hoje!Minha relação com tatuagens começou recentemente, apesar da minha idade avançada. Nunca considerei seriamente a ideia de fazer uma tatuagem. O medo da escolha definitiva e de sua permanência sempre me bloqueou, refletindo um pouco…
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syntonylife · 1 month
La Mia Pelle, le Mie Regole
Impulso di scrittura giornalieroChe tatuaggio vuoi e dove lo faresti?Visualizza tutte le risposte What a coincidence that this writing prompt has come out today!My relationship with tattoos has only just begun, despite my advanced age. I’ve never seriously considered getting a tattoo. The fear of making a permanent choice and its lasting impact has always held me back, reflecting somewhat my…
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