sunnywrites101 · 8 days
Spending time with you is a treat
Pairing- luffy x gn/male reader
Genre - FLUFF
Word count- 1,340
CW- tooth rotting fluff
A/N - the result of the poll a couple days ago is here!!! Hope you all enjoy!
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When the young emperor of the sea had asked you, his boyfriend, on a date you weren’t expecting much. Honestly maybe just looking for seashells on the beach again, but as soon as you docked at the next island that was admittedly fancier than the last. Nami had insisted on taking you shopping with her and Robin as Sanji marched off dragging Luffy behind him into town. I trusted Sanji well enough to take care of our rambunctious captain. But a part of me was worried about Sanji dragging him off like that as I was hauled in the opposite direction without so much as a kiss from Luffy as Nami and Robin took me into town to get me dressed for my date later.
Nami and Robin got me fitted for a suit; a nice one at that. Nami and Robin smiled when I walked out of the dressing room to go look at myself in the mirror. Nami started discussing payment and haggling with the store owner as Robin walked up to me putting her hands on my shoulders and smoothing out any wrinkles. I relaxed under her hands while smiling softly at her through the mirror. Once Nami had settled the payment for half the price; she started bragging as we left the tailor. Walking down the street back to the Sunny I was greeted by silence. Tilting my head in confusion; looking around and awaiting the inevitable slam of Luffy’s body into mine but it never came.
The only people on the Sunny were a sleeping Zoro, Chopper who had his nose stuffed into a medical book, Franky was busy with Usopp building God knows what and Brook was humming a tune by the mast of the Sunny with his violin in hand. Robin and Nami were giggling behind me as I whipped my head side to side in confusion, but Robin put a hand on my back reassuringly. “He’s probably giving Sanji a run for his money in the market, don’t worry he’ll be back soon, until then relax”. I smiled back at Robin “You always know what to say, Robin” With that, she smirked and walked away with Nami to lounge on their chairs on the deck. I walked to the railing of the Sunny facing the ocean; I watched for hours as the sun started to dip behind the waves and I was beginning to think that Luffy had forgotten about our date.
But right as I was about to lose all hope a pair of hands covered my eyes and as I was about to back up I was met with a chest to my back as he invaded my personal space. I was surprised at first but recovered quickly smiling widely. There was only one man on the entire sunny who covered my eyes, and my suspicions were assured when he laughed that bright overjoyed laugh of his. He took his hands from my eyes and slid them down to my waist. Pulling back from his chest I turned around and gasped, Luffy was in a full black suit, no doubt what Sanji had dragged him into town for. I covered my mouth in awe, he looked stunning, and he had his signature straw hat in his left hand. He had on a headband, that I recognized as Sanji’s, pushing back his hair from his face giving me a full view of his it and the adorable scar under his eye that I loved to kiss when we fell asleep together in his hammock.
Luffy spoke startling me out of my staring. “I think it’s time for our date, sunshine”. I smiled hugging him “I think so too. So, what did you have planned, captain” I teased, although usually Luffy loved being called captain by you but this time was different. “I’m not your captain right now; I’m your boyfriend” he said pouting. I smiled “That’s right, I’m sorry, darling” I responded grabbing his empty hand and interlocking our hands. He put his straw hat on me and pushed the brim down over my eyes as he started pulling me along off the deck of the sunny. I stumbled along after him readjusting his hat on my head so I could see but was stopped abruptly when we reached the docks. “Don’t look! It’s a surprise!” He said defensively, so I settled for looking at my feet so I wouldn’t fall on my face. He started pulling me along when he was satisfied I wouldn’t look up and spoil his surprise for me.
After a while of walking through the town and resisting the urge to look around Luffy came to a stop in front of me causing me to bump into his back. Looking up, finally, I was met with the most expensive restaurant on the island. I gasped, my eyes widening. “Luffy what is this? We don’t have the berries for a place like this” I rambled and Luffy put his hand on my shoulder squeezing it reassuringly. “Don’t worry about it sunshine” and with that, I smiled although a little nervous about how Luffy of all people had gotten a hold of that kind of money. I could only hope he hadn’t struck a deal with Nami. But followed him in nonetheless as he gave his name proudly the waiter gave a nod and led us to a round booth in the back of the restaurant. Luffy with his never-ending enthusiasm jumped into the booth pulling me with him. I laughed softly behind my hand trying not to disturb anyone around us, but Luffy only laughed his full boyish laugh. We spent the rest of the time after ordering talking about our respective dreams.
Luffy only talking about how he’d be the pirate king and that I’d rule alongside him. I agreed with him that my dreams were his dreams and vice versa. When the food came, Luffy as expected ate it all very fast and right when he was about to steal my plate he stopped, smiling at me. “Sorry sunshine, it’s a habit” he apologized I was taken aback. This was Monkey D. Luffy stopping himself from stealing food off my plate and apologizing for it. I side-eyed him suspiciously “Who are you and where’s my Luffy?” He only smiled laughing his signature laugh. I continued to eat as I could see after a while that he was getting impatient, bouncing his leg under the table. I smiled sliding my plate in front of him. His eyes lit up instantly, but he quickly looked at me and then at my plate and back again. “Sunshine are you sure? I don’t want you to be hungry when we go back to the Sunny”.
“I’ll be fine, I’m pretty full anyway. Go ahead and take it, honey” He smiled taking my plate and almost inhaling it. After that, he took my hand and helped me out of the booth. I swear Sanji and Nami had said or done something to Luffy to make him act this way, but I wasn’t complaining. It was a nice change of pace from the usual chaos. Luffy walked up to the front with his hand in mine and when the waiter called for us to stop, I realized too late what was going on: he hadn’t struck a deal with Nami for berries to pay for dinner, he just wasn’t paying. He smiled as wide as his rubber face would allow as my eyes widened. Before I could start shouting at him, he was pulling me down the street laughing as a few marines caught wind of what had happened and started chasing us.
After the initial shock wore off, all I could do was laugh with Luffy coming up the gangway of the Sunny. The rest of the crew was ready to sail and already smiling at us as we crashed into each other on the deck; laughing as we sailed away from the island and onto our next big adventure.
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sunnywrites101 · 11 days
Ei, como vai?
Gostaria que você imaginasse onde o leitor é literalmente uma versão masculina de Jessica Rabbit, onde ele é extremamente bonito e apreciado por todos, até marinheiros, almirantes e piratas por ser tão sedutor e poderoso, ele é um pirata novato que Luffy o sequestrou para se juntar a sua gangue e desde então ele está com Luffy e a tripulação, ele também tem duas Akuma no Mi, uma sendo a Fruta do Caos e a outra sendo a Fruta do Sangue, os casais românticos poderiam ser Luffy , Sanji e Zoro, sendo um relacionamento poliamoroso, poderiam ter um toque de ciúme onde mostram ao leitor que são todos deles.
Também pode haver algum tipo de cena +18 no final, não sei se você faz isso tipo de tema, se não, tudo bem, não me importo e me desculpe se te ofendi de alguma forma.
Estou usando o tradutor então não sei se escrevi certo, desculpe😅
Sailing with a deadly beauty
Pairing- monster trio x male reader
Genre- slight smut
Word count- 730
CW- Again slight smut
A/N- holy wow this was a lot I hope you enjoy and I hope I got the Jessica rabbit male reader right I also had to use a translator to read your request so I hope this is at least close to what you wanted! :)
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Luffy had sailed the seas by himself for a while before he met Koby, and then he headed to Shell Island where he met Zoro, who would be his right-hand man, and then he met you… His flower, as he called you. Luffy was enthralled with you. You were pure seduction and power. Even though Luffy didn’t understand what those words meant; he heard other people admire you with such praise and couldn’t help but agree. You were amazing in his eyes. Your body was perfect, even the marines marveled dumbstruck. People wolf whistled wherever you went. Walking with a slight sway in your hips with your shirt open and tucked into your belt; people couldn’t help but stare. You were a man who deserved to be carved in stone, preserved for all to see.
Zoro had locked eyes with you back at Shell Island while you fought marines who could hardly stand against you due to your ability to render their knees weak with indecent thoughts. And to have been fighting for his freedom with Luffy? To say Zoro was enraptured by you was an understatement. Controlling their bodies through their blood so they fell to their knees at your command, and he seemed glad to stay there. Glad to be under your thumb. Marines, Pirates, and villagers, it didn’t matter, you were beloved and beheld by all.
Then Sanji met you at the Baratie. To him, you were a deity, a god, a man with a woman’s beauty, and Sanji was no stranger to beauty, but you’re otherworldly. Something from beyond the Grand Line. He fell at your feet and was overjoyed when you gave him a smile. Your smile changed the trio forever. Nothing was ever as breathtaking. Luffy felt full like he had all the meat in the world and then some. He was glad to smile back at you unashamed. Zoro had pretended to be aloof about the moment, but you had his knees wanting to give out from under him. The way your body moved was mesmerizing to all three. After some time of sailing away from the Baratie you and Nami had decided to play dress up with her clothes, even though your arms and pecs were too big for many of her shirts, the one thing that did fit you was her bikini tops. When you walked into the kitchen of the Going Merry silence fell upon the three men as you laughed softly with Nami.
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It was then that Luffy realized he was hungry but for the first time not for meat. He was hungry for you, and so were Zoro and Sanji. This filled their bodies with fire. And it all started that night. Luffy had approached you first as the clueless boy he was. With wandering hands, he started to paw at your skin, sticking to you like wet clothes. Zoro had found you both pushed against the wall and growled but relented for his captain and smirked when Luffy bit down on your skin causing you to give a low growl. Luffy could feel it in his chest. He waved Zoro over to join you both with a giddy smile. Both men had their hands and lips on you. Zoro had his lips on your arms as Luffy bit into your neck, not hard enough to break the skin but hard enough to elicit a verbal response from you. Zoro was about to steal your lips with a kiss when Sanji appeared to get you all for dinner, but he was met with the sight before him. Sanji was furious that they were ravaging you and kept you pressed against them and the wall with no room for Sanji, so he asked if you were ok and he was about to start yelling at Zoro when Luffy bit your neck again, causing you to growl back at him, but Luffy didn’t pay you any mind, just going back to sucking spots on your neck.
Sanji stopped and his insults got caught in his throat. You were enjoying this, and the look in your eyes said all he needed to know: you still wanted more. So, Sanji thought to himself he’d help these buffoons please you and God they all felt so good. They didn’t stop till your back was arched and you were sobbing for more, more, more…
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sunnywrites101 · 23 days
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sunnywrites101 · 25 days
Reminder and authors note
First thing on the chopping block my requests are open and will continue to be!! I have one request pending due to the fact I haven’t gotten to punk hazard yet but yes my requests are open don’t feel scared to message me or request something! I don’t bite :)
Secondly holy wow thank you all so much for your support and likes and reblogs as a writer it means the world and shows me that you all like what I’m doing and I will continue to write for this fandom because I truly love one piece so stay tuned for new posts
Love you all stay safe out there <3
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sunnywrites101 · 25 days
We’re all drinking from the same bottle
Pairing - Zoro x male reader
Genre - fluff
Word count - 728
CW- alcohol consumption, sadness if you squint
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Zoro had found himself at the bottom of the bottle more times than he could count. However, what he didn’t expect to find was someone else just as lonely staring at the end of his own bottle. Walking into the island bar had been the same as always but when he sat down ordering some sake taking a glance down the bar top as he sipped his sake his eyes found you. A lone man sitting at the opposite end of the bar seemingly drowning away his sorrows. You had tilted your head back to gulp down the rest of your drink a thin line of booze trailing from the corner of your lips down your next to your chest which was covered in bandages. You’d clearly been through hell he thought as he traced the stitches on his chest.
Your eyes found his eyes easily sliding from your empty glass to him. You nodded at him I small smirk bringing its way to your lips as you grabbed your empty glass and stood walking towards Zoro. “hello there swordsman” You greeted warmly your voice a soft song Zoro wanted to bottle up for himself. He was awestruck in your presence and simply nodded at you before turning back to his drink to take a sip. The same sip he almost spit out when you sat down next to him your knees touching his. Zoro felt like he was gonna explode your eyes were so tired yet so full of life at the same time like life had beat you down and you refused to back down.
You placed your own katana on the bar top in a show of good faith and trust for the stranger you had just met. Zoro was baffled how you could be so trusting of a complete stranger that you’d disarm yourself in public. Zoro slowly put one of his words on the counter. In reaction to his hesitance you laughed unashamed as people stared in confusion at the scene unfolding in front of them. The rest was history Zoro talked with you all night and returned to the bar every night to talk to you while his crew resupplied. It didn’t take Luffy long to find out about Zoro’s new friend on the final day before the straw hats left the island you were on Luffy asked you to join his crew. Looking at Zoro’s smile you couldn’t refuse so you joined the crew and sailed the grand line with them through thick and thin.
Over time you and Zoro had grown to be quiet the pair on and off the battlefield. Even going as far as to drag Luffy out of the ocean together whenever he fell overboard. Being Zoro’s compass when he went and got himself lost the whole crew noticed how close you to had gotten. But in all Zoro’s brazenness he hadn’t taken the time to confess in a meaningful way. Zoro had gotten himself lost again and while you were leading him back you had come across a clearing feeling a little playful you jabbed Zoro in the side with the hilt of your katana taking a sparring stance in the clearing Zoro let out a small grunt as the weak jab before taking out one of his katanas as well. You both danced circles around each other till the sun was setting on the horizon. Getting distracted by the sunset Zoro tackled you.
Letting out a grunt as you back hit the grassy earth beneath you, you looked up at Zoro both of you panting. In that moment it was just the two of you alone in the island forest you both knew that you smiled as Zoro leaned down putting his forehead against yours “You mean the world to me dumbass” He said and nothing else was needed from that moment on you were his and he was yours. Supporting each others dreams on the high seas. Walking back to the going merry hand in hand was nothing short of bliss. But nothing could have saved Zoro from Nami’s yelling you smiled at the scene laughing and soon the whole crew was laughing with you. The crew was your family but Zoro was so much more to you he was you big bad swordsman and you wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
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sunnywrites101 · 1 month
Infirmary lovers
Pairing - Ace x GN reader
Genre - fluff
Word count- 839
CW- mentions of injuries, blood
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I had only been a part of White beards crew for about a year, but I noticed his presence immediately: the famed Fire Fist Ace. The first few times I saw him in the infirmary as I worked alongside Marco. Bandaging myself at times and others at times. But one day he walked in covered in cuts on his chest and arms huffing and puffing. “Ace! Sit down your getting blood on the floor and I don’t wanna clean it!” I yelled at that point I had cleaned the floor with Marco five times I refused to clean it again.
He’d surely had another tussle with Whitebeard. I was sure of it by the looks of him. Grumbling, he sat on Marco’s table completely blowing me off. “Nope you’re on my table today fire boy” His eyes widened then he scoffed making Marco laugh. “Marco, you clean the blood off the floor I’m not doing it again” I said exasperated. Marco gave me a fake salute and went out the door to get the mop from the kitchen. After Marco had left, I let out a sigh as ace was getting on my examination table. I quietly got to work grabbing my supplies to patch ace up.
I tossed a towel to ace while I was rummaging in my medical cabinets. “Put that on the big cut on your chest and put pressure on it” he seemed annoyed at my orders but followed them none the less. “I know how to clean and dress a wound ya know” He sassed. “Well, you came into the infirmary for a reason. I assume you have something you can’t do by yourself?” His eyes widened as I grabbed my anti-septic out of the cabinet with the gauze, I needed to dress his wounds. “I didn’t have supplies to do it myself” He grumbled halfheartedly I smiled beginning to work on cleaning, stitching, and dressing the cuts on his body.
I grinned looking at ace as he raced his striker around the Moby Dick as I reminisced our first real interaction in the infirmary. He had since grown to love the crew and except Whitebeard as his father then recently being promoted to division two commander. He had come such a long way in such a short time and the tattoo he sported across his back was a testament to the faith he held for his new crew. He’d grown from this angry huffing shut out into the life of the party. It made me proud to call him my lover.
I waved at him from the deck of the Moby Dick once he saw my waving he quickly made his way to tie the striker back to the Moby Dick, jumping on deck with trails of flame following him into the air but extinguishing before he landed on deck. He walked up to me as I opened my arms for him. “You should come ride the striker with me” He pleaded. “No can do firebug I have patients to take care of you know that besides I only came out here for a second to see you playing on your striker”. I said going to kiss his cheek, but he dodged it starting to pout.
I took a step back to look at him pouting as I cocked my head to the side raising my eyebrow. “Really Portgas D. Ace is mad I won’t abandon my post to come play on his striker?” I asked teasingly he huffed in reply. I rolled my eyes beginning to walk away from him to the infirmary when ace’s arms wrapped around my waist picking me up and spinning in circles. I shrieked in surprise before laughing as I braced myself with my hands on his shoulders. “Ace!! What’re you doing!” I asked looking down at him as he stopped spinning us around. “Stealing you away!” He smiled that stupid boyish grin and it was over for me.
“You’re taking the blame when Marco asks where I’ve been” I negotiated but just then Marco walked up to us as Ace put me down. “Theres my partner in medicine what’re you guys up now? Nothing good I assume”. Ace looked at Marco smiling “Hey I’m gonna steal my firefly for awhile that good with you Marco?” Marco looked amused “Go ahead and have the day off I’ve got the infirmary covered and rest assured your patients will be fine they just partied a little to hard” Marco said with an amused chuckle. Ace smiled pushing his signature orange hat down on my head. “You heard him firefly your mine for the rest of the day!”
I smiled and thanked Marco while he gave me a knowing smile. Ace smirked pushing the front of his hat down over my eyes causing me laugh. The rest of my day was spent playing on Ace’s striker and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. A joy filled day with the love of my life was always a good day.
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sunnywrites101 · 2 months
Searching for shadows
Paring - Trafalgar Law x GN reader
Genre - Angst
Word count- 987
CW- big sad
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“Why me?” The words tumbled from my lips as I sat alone on the cold empty bed in the captain quarters of the Polar Tang. Law had stormed out earlier cursing me for being in the way yet again. I had only wanted to be close to him. The pretext of our relationship was shattering all around me.
I knew Law would never love me, but it still hurt. It sat heavy in my chest, a heavy feeling of loneliness. The gruff man said there was no room in his heart for anything other than his studies of medicine. I wish he’d tell me why he took me off that island in the first place. I thought after our months of sleeping in the same bed he really would love me; but that wasn’t the case. Even his small displays of affection had dissipated into thin air as of a month ago. I had no clue what made him this way. He avoided me like the plague, often sleeping on the common room’s couch at night and locking himself in his office during the day.
He was at least kind to me before, kissing me willingly and he seemed as though he took pride in having me in his bed. But now he’s as cold as the snow of my home island. He just pulled away from me suddenly one day and I couldn’t stop it. There were no warning signs, and I was left to fester in my emotions alone. Bepo was concerned for me as the yelling got louder and more frequent. I sat alone starting to cry when a soft knock sounded at the door. I got up and fixed a crooked grin on my lips as I answered the door only to be smushed into Bepo’s chest.
“Bepo? What are you doing here?” I mussed “I was worried about you! I heard you and the captain yelling again”. I pulled away from Bepo looking behind him into the hallway. “Did he go to his office? I have some things I need to ask him”. This was it; I was done. Done being alone even with the support of the crew, I refused to be treated as less than nothing. I pushed back the white mass of fur and marched down to Law’s office. Bepo tried to stop me once or twice before Shachi pulled him away. Shaking his head at the oversized mink signaling it was futile to try to stop me now.
I gave a sharp knock on Law’s office door and heard a deep groan of annoyance greet me on the other side. Shortly after some shuffling and grumbling, Law opened the door. He seemed surprised to see me, but it was gone just as fast as it had appeared. I shoved past him into his office before he could inevitably tell me to go away. “Why have you been so cold to me Law?” The tears were streaming down my face again. If Law had any reaction, he gave no sign of it. But the truth was Law was drowning from the inside out, his lungs filling with feelings left unspoken. His actions were meant to drive you away. Yet you stubbornly stayed, peacefully taking his actions with a saints patience but now you were questioning him. Why was he doing this?
Why was he pulling away after warming up to you? You’d never know. “Do you not love me anymore Law?” I spoke, my voice rising with weeks of calmly concealed contempt. “Tell me Law, spare me please”. I hit my fists against his chest, his face clouded with a dark look of arrogance as he pushed my hands away. “I never loved you; I was using you for my bodily needs” I froze, his tone was like the polar ice caps, I let out a chocked sob then rubbing my face clean of tears looking at him with all the anger I could muster.
“I can’t believe you’d admit that but there’s one thing I can assure you Law” I walked up to him my mouth beside his ear “I’m leaving your sorry ass and this damn submarine”. Law was shocked to say the least, your voice had flowed into his veins, a deadly incurable poison filled with anger. You left after that, shoving him away as if his presence were now a stain on you. When he came back to his quarters that night hoping to resolve things with you, your belongings were gone and so were you. He wanted to tell you the truth, the real reason he pulled away from you so suddenly… however, he was not offered that choice.
The next morning they made landfall at a small port island with a bustling town of market stalls. Once the polar tang had surfaced you found yourself surrounded by all your crew mates, who were crying and asking if you were sure about leaving. The last to show up was Law. He stayed to the back of the group hoping to grab your attention, call your bluff… But all he got was a glance and a scoff. The realization was startling for Law. You were leaving… this was it… this was the last time he’d see you.
I gave my crewmates their hugs as Bepo, Penguin, and Shachi tried convincing me to stay, but my mind was made up; I was leaving and that was it. I gave Law one last glance before turning and walking down the ramp, not looking back once. Law’s heart was shattering. He loved you but was too scared of his feelings. With one last look at you before you disappeared into the crowds he muttered a single sentence, one that could have made you stay had he uttered it sooner, but it was too late now as a stray tear slid down his face he whispered. “I love you”
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sunnywrites101 · 2 months
Why are you laughing?!
Pairing - Zoro x male reader
Genre - fluff, jealousy
Word count- 920
CW- nothing but fluff and a jealous zoro
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I smiled as I sat on the railing of the Thousand Sunny with Nami and Robin lounging in their chairs on deck. I was secretly trying one of Sanji’s special drinks for the girls; being one of the many guys on the ship I didn’t get the special treatment like the girls got. But Robin didn’t mind sharing a few sips of her drink with me. After the first sip I went straight to the kitchen to beg Sanji to make me one, it was so fruity and refreshing I just had to have some. But Sanji’s glare fixed me at the door immediately “C’mon Sanji I just want a little drink!” I yelled running around the kitchen to escape the livid cook “Those are only for Nami and Robin!” he yelled as I shrieked with laughter running out of the kitchen as the door slammed shut behind me to keep me out.
I fell to the floor rolling on my sides as laughter consumed me. Luffy soon joined me in my laughter from the figure head of the Sunny, as we both calmed down I let out a soft groan as my ribs hurt from laughing so hard. Getting up I sat back with Nami and Robin conversing on random topics when Nami stopped mid-sentence and smiled knowingly while Robin gave a small chuckle.
I furrowed my brows in confusion, about to ask her to continue when a hand snaked around my waist and a scent I knew all to well filled my senses, light lavender and bergamot mixed with the heavy smell of leather and sandalwood accompanied by the strong scent of steel. There was only one man on the Thousand Sunny that smelt like that, Roronoa Zoro. I sighed leaning back into his chest, I picked up on his tense muscles and I held his hand that was around my waist. “Crows nest, five minutes” and with that he was gone just as suddenly as he appeared. After he had climbed back up to the crows nest Nami let out a laugh full and unashamed “looks like you’re in trouble~” she said in between laughs and giggles. Robin simply smirked “You should go see him, it sounded serious.”
I was puzzled and tilted my head in confusion, I was sure I hadn’t done anything to piss off the swordsman but alas he seemed upset with me for some reason. I knew I hadn’t forgotten any important dates, our anniversary wasn’t until another five months, and his birthday had already passed so what was I missing? I couldn’t help but wonder as I climbed the rope ladder to the crow’s nest.
Opening the door, I was met with the sight of Zoro training tirelessly with sweat dripping down his chest. I was compelled to stare but stopped myself as I pushed the door open to announce my presence to Zoro. Once he knew I was there he scoffed and put his weights down, he then went to sit down on the makeshift bed that I made out of spare blankets and pillows. Confused, I followed his movements by coming to sit beside him. I softly put my hand on his shoulder searching his face for any signs of what I could have done wrong.
After a moment he shrugs my hand off his shoulder, my eyes widened as a small panic began to set into my stomach. “Zoro what’s wrong?” He remained silent. My panic began to rise while Zoro was never really one to initiate physical touch, he never denied it either, which made this situation all the more confusing and stressful. “Zoro what’s gotten into you, you’re being so cold” he scoffed and turned to face me, anger written all over his features. “I’m being cold to you?” he asked incredulously “Yea? Well what’s going on between you and that damned cook recently? You two seem awfully damn close here recently.” I was shocked, Roronoa Zoro was…jealous? But he continued “If you’re going to leave me for that damn cook just get it over with already” At that I couldn’t help the small chuckle bubbling in my throat as I hit his chest weakly while laughing.
After a few hits he grabbed my wrists holding them away from his chest. “what’s so damn funny!?” I struggled to breathe smiling looking up at him “you’re jealous Zoro!” his eyes widened at that “I am not jealous. I’m just stating things the way I see them and what’s so funny?!” He said angrily. I smiled wiping tears from my eyes as my laughter died out “Roronoa Zoro, I am not going anywhere especially not with Sanji, the only reason I was in the kitchen was to get him to make me a fruit drink like he makes for Nami and Robin” I explained and for a moment I could see the gears turning in his head till he huffed and turned away grumbling.
I smiled, shaking my head then kissed the apple of his cheek. Before I could pull away, he pulled me into a sincere kiss full of emotion. I pulled away slightly after a while to breathe, still sharing breaths from the close proximity of our bodies. “I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions” he mumbled against my lips. I giggled “It’s ok, I still and always will love you, Zoro” he pulled me to rest my head on his chest as he laid down. We fell asleep soon after with the stars to watch over us.
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sunnywrites101 · 2 months
Comfort in ink
Pair - Trafalgar Law x GN reader
Genre - fluff
Word count - 284
CW- Sappy fluff
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I had just gotten the previous client's chair cleaned and reorganized when Law walked out from the back office with two cans of Coke, making me sigh in relief and chuckle.
“You look like you could use a drink, but sadly we don’t serve those kinds of drinks here” Law said fondly, smiling at me as my shoulders dropped
I stretched and started getting ready to sketch out a new piece for another client who would come in tomorrow morning. Right now we were in our mid-afternoon slump so there weren’t any customers in the shop and our employees had gone on a lunch break.
I loved sketching out tattoos for clients, knowing that your art was so special and unique that it was going onto someone’s skin forever gave me an odd feeling of accomplishment. I sat down at my drawing station off to the side and got to work. Law leaned over my shoulder to watch my new creation come to life, he said there was a sort of magic in the process. After a while of small talk and lip-biting for concentration, Law started rubbing my shoulders with a small smile on his lips.
“If you don’t take breaks, you’re going to break, hun” he said softly
I looked at him and raised an eyebrow “But if I’m lazy no work gets done, you know that” I chided sassily
He ran his hand through his hair and smiled “Stubborn as always” he chuckled and he kissed my lips gently
Before I could give a snide remark he was already greeting some walk-in clients. I looked into his eyes fondly, my little tattoo shop ghost… my friendly Casper… my surgeon of death.
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sunnywrites101 · 2 months
The heaviest burden
Pair - Portgas D. Ace x GN Reader
Genre - Angst
Word count - 458
CW- Character death, mentions of blood, depression over all big sad
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Your hat weighs heavy on my head and my heart. It crushes me slowly. As I watch your body hit the floor, my feet move on their own. Walking towards you felt as though I was in slow motion, the battle becoming quiet as my ears rang. There were screams I couldn’t tell where they were coming from, until my vocal cords felt scratchy. When I fell at your side, I could see your smile. A smile that haunts my very dreams, a smile that could light up any room no matter how grim the circumstance.
The last time I saw that smile was when you entrusted your beloved orange hat to me in Alabasta, telling me to stick with Luffy’s crew till you’d pick me up to sail back to pops together. I trusted you. Another strangled cry left my lips the ringing in my ears was unbearable. I had followed your orders blindly against my better judgement. I trusted you to come back to me alive and well. Smiling that damn smile of yours. But that never came. Your blood was starting to soak into my clothes as I sat back on my legs.
I had silently started gathering the beads of your necklace. Unbeknownst to me there would be nights I’d slave away to put that necklace back together. I couldn’t bear seeing it broken into pieces. It reminded me too much of your body lying on the ground. I put my hand on your cheek, a gurgling noise of agony forced itself to be known as I felt your warmth leaving your body. That was the first and only time you felt cold since I’d known you. You were always so warm, so full of life.
Now all I could do was scream as Marco dragged me from your body. We had a funeral for you days later. People put down flowers, but I wanted to put myself down there with you, it seemed so lonely down there. Pops told me to keep your hat, keep your legacy alive. I wasn’t planning on giving your hat up anyways, you had entrusted it to me. I’d rather die than break a promise to you, my love.
The first few days were the hardest, but after 3 sleepless nights your necklace was put back together and secured around my neck. I never take it off, it’s apart of me now. Just as you were my hotshot, my Portgas D. Ace, but that’s all gone now, like a fairytale without a happily ever after. You died and the dream was gone, there was no more fuzzy feelings or pranks to pull, it was over. You were gone and now I had to live with the ghost of you.
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