rosalyngray · 3 months
I turned 46 last month, and am having my first real two months of menopause. Listen, all I want to do is unleash non-binary afab rage upon the earth, eat icecream, drink caffeine, be a wine aunt, and dress like the really really slutty goth I was never allowed to because of propriety, having to be seen as proper & intelligent, and trying to prevent outright physical assault.
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rosalyngray · 3 months
I've been herbally treating my Peri-menopsuse, here's the information I've gathered, which will hopefully be of use to all genders, including CIS boys because you have a menopause too.
First, track your 28 day cycle, the 4 weeks are dominated by different hormones, no one herb or medicine will cover that, so nothing will be solid. This will vary if you tend towards estrogen dominance, testosterone dominance or progesterone dominance.
Second, double check your foods, if you eat a lot of estrogen promoting foods, that may have to be monitored while supplementing through hormonal transitions. Including if you practice a specialized diet, like low carb, vegan, etc.
Third, any hormonal herbs may cause stomach ache or nausea, it's a sign that it's the wrong dosage, or the wrong cycle point for that herb.
Fourth, any of these can trigger a menstrual cycle if you are within 14 days of it, or in menopausal changes.
Herbology Notes:
Vitex: Lowers estrogen. Start with very low amounts, like 5-6 nuggets.
Saw Palmetto: Lowers Testosterone, start small & once a week. Can help lower facial hair growth, but only slightly, don't expect big results.
Tulsi or Holy Basil: Lowers ALL hormones.
Mint: Increases Testosterone, slightly.
(exercise caution, humans need a balance of hormones to function, if you notice behavioral changes, mental distress, or physical symptoms, sthap the herbs THE SECOND you are in distress and re-calcuate.)
Be careful with Ashwagandha if you have PCOS or Endo, it has a high chance of inflaming those conditions.
Dietary Notes:
Sugar: Increases Progesterone
Soy: Increases Estrogen
Will update the list as experiments continue.
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rosalyngray · 4 months
YFW there's a real illuminati, real occultists, and real conspiracies...
... but every single one of them is just a club for white people to play "Dubai" in private clubs with devilish names.
Like, end your mystique now (spiritual babes especially). MOST esoteric knowing either ends in Yatesze Edgelords playing "LIBERTINE" and pretending sensuality is disregarding consent - or it's Christian Monks getting jealous and writing angry vocel fanfics about Jewish Mysticism or Islamic Technology.
Or it's transmitted & shadowed by the POV of those people.
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rosalyngray · 4 months
Neurodivergent Guide:
Self Care: Finding ways to structure your time so that you can prioritize hygiene as a part of your daily routine.
Mindfulness: Finding ways to structure your time so that you can prioritize going over your thoughts & feelings as part of your waking routine.
Self Regulation: Finding ways to set certain boundaries so that you can take care of your own limits before they become a problem.
Boundary: A rule you set for yourself in any social or parasocial interaction.
Self Betrayal: When you've ignored your own boundaries & rule sets.
Stuck: In an overwhelm state caused by an unexamined pattern that needs examining, often a part of therapy is to help identify this behavior.
Reality Shifting/Outlook Changing: Meditating on conceptual modes. Often meaning to view oneself from the third person mode to get clarity from an overview perspective. (whereas many neurodivergent people need to connect with internal & physical concept modes).
Feeling your Feelings: The way your body feels. Particularly in varying situations, around individual people, consuming specific media, thinking certain thoughts, in certain activities. (neurodivergent people may need to look up a body feeling chart to help track the physical sensations they are experiencing).
Manifesting: Setting a focus for the theme of a special interest so that one can find the pattern or pathway to that interest.
Vision Board: Imagining a Special Interest.
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rosalyngray · 5 months
When you are in an EllGeeBeeTeeQuah owned store, and realize you are flagging as a hyper flirtatious femme Les dollar bean, but you are a non-binary bi-person on the verge of a POTS episode.
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rosalyngray · 6 months
No one ever tells you about the fact that the more you try to be kind to yourself, self parent, emotionally regulate, the less you can "fit in" to previous spaces.
Like, you move into the place where you've dated yourself, balanced feminine and masculine, become your own black cat & golden retriever friend... the more you need people who honor their aspects. A conundrum.
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rosalyngray · 6 months
Underrated Red Flags for other people who have trouble processing their own emotional states for whatever reason:
Feeling guilty, this is an internal red flag that your inner caregiver has been triggered, and you need to work through those feelings* before you continue.
"They seem harmless", if someone feels like a blank, if you feel passive vobes, or the person frequently puts you "in charge" of conversations, plans, to fill up spaces, proceed with caution. You have encountered a situation where someone is masking, and need to know more. Don't give them much information, and take time to figure it out.
* feeling feelings just means stopping, and describing the feeling. Is it cold? Is it blue? Is it a metallic sound? Say what it feels like. If you are still confused, look up "body feeling chart ' and keep it on hand.
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rosalyngray · 7 months
For people struggling with fatigue & heart/breathing issues after having the 'vid who cannot afford medical help or medicine:
Hawthorne leaves, berries and flowers. Best in a tea form, start with one teaspoon of leaves/flowers and 2 berries once a week. Expand when you feel more symptomatic, like brain fog, exhaustion etc.
Mullen tea is a drying agent that will help control mucus and improve breathing. I'll burn it if I start wheezing, I don't know if that's something I'd recommend but I can't use an inhaler, so it's a yolo for me.
If you insist on using elderberry or echinacea please use it ONCE at the onset of sickness and no more. Overactive immune systems can do damage to recovery.
Rest, really rest, Victorian Style.
Ginger while you are sick, I know they always say that, it never worked for me before but it works for this.
Stay off dark greens & berries until you are recovered, they can slow healing.
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rosalyngray · 7 months
Lana del Rey covering Christian Woman by Type O.
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rosalyngray · 7 months
For the people who get really nasty bug bites, a oil or salve made of Dried Jewel Weed (leaves & flowers) will take down swelling and itching, and provide comfort. It's a treatment for poison oak as well.
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rosalyngray · 10 months
You've heard of manic pixie dream girl syndrome, I present Buffy the Vampire Slayer syndrome. In which an adult male has the warmest fuzziest sweetest gooiest fluffy feelings for a pre-frontal cortex development female/twink with the hope that she will utterly destroy him and his life.
Often tied to creative types, but not exclusively; and tied to the desire to surrender control without having to deconstruct the motivation, thus issues of consent become dubious. Can also be a pain-stim, and a form of emotional unavailability.
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rosalyngray · 1 year
Billie Eilish doing the speech from the scary tunnel in Willy Wonka, but as a song.
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rosalyngray · 1 year
I mourn the loss of our online archives. From my first Geocities website, to the articles on Google Feeds, the Live journal spaces destroyed, the blogs that were censored on Tumblr (which really was the start of the things happening today), the remixes and sounds on TikTok, YouTube, even the material lost on Vine.
In just 10-12 years entire communities, forums, music, phenomena, creations just *gone* because we have inconsistent TOSs, because we don't have archives or a right to our content.
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rosalyngray · 1 year
Tempting the wrath of my FYP by blocking the tarot reading keywords, and hitting not interested. They've unblocked most of the 150 readers I managed to block last year, and increase content of any profile you visit to block, so the block button is ineffective.
Watching TikTok turn itself into a nightmare is sad. For me, anyway. The fact that companies get to a sweet spot then ruin it with wallstreet philosophy is so sad. Make your site user friendly and functional? It seems like a gimme.
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rosalyngray · 1 year
It's 3 days until my 45th birthday.
I am sad, but my emotional numbness allows for a gallows humor to permeate the sort of sick joke that life is sometimes.
For instance, I'm Nonbinary, but my experience of life is largely womanish, so when I figured out that stretching my food budget to the maximum over the last few months has finally made me hit my lifetime goal weight, I had to laugh.
My collagen losing middle-aged skin is sagging ridiculously because of the weight loss. I had to cry.
There's no real end in sight, but I think about my grandmothers. They all were young when they survived depression, then war.
I asked a Granny I adopted once how on Earth she survived it all, and she looked surprised, as though she had never thought of the question she said "I just did."
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