rosalyngray · 1 year
I mourn the loss of our online archives. From my first Geocities website, to the articles on Google Feeds, the Live journal spaces destroyed, the blogs that were censored on Tumblr (which really was the start of the things happening today), the remixes and sounds on TikTok, YouTube, even the material lost on Vine.
In just 10-12 years entire communities, forums, music, phenomena, creations just *gone* because we have inconsistent TOSs, because we don't have archives or a right to our content.
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rosalyngray · 1 year
Tempting the wrath of my FYP by blocking the tarot reading keywords, and hitting not interested. They've unblocked most of the 150 readers I managed to block last year, and increase content of any profile you visit to block, so the block button is ineffective.
Watching TikTok turn itself into a nightmare is sad. For me, anyway. The fact that companies get to a sweet spot then ruin it with wallstreet philosophy is so sad. Make your site user friendly and functional? It seems like a gimme.
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rosalyngray · 1 year
It's 3 days until my 45th birthday.
I am sad, but my emotional numbness allows for a gallows humor to permeate the sort of sick joke that life is sometimes.
For instance, I'm Nonbinary, but my experience of life is largely womanish, so when I figured out that stretching my food budget to the maximum over the last few months has finally made me hit my lifetime goal weight, I had to laugh.
My collagen losing middle-aged skin is sagging ridiculously because of the weight loss. I had to cry.
There's no real end in sight, but I think about my grandmothers. They all were young when they survived depression, then war.
I asked a Granny I adopted once how on Earth she survived it all, and she looked surprised, as though she had never thought of the question she said "I just did."
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