positivlyfocused · 6 days
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What Happens In What People Call “Dreams”
When the body sleeps, we do not. What we’re doing when the body sleeps escapes most people. That’s because a lot of people disregard it. They ignore what people call “dreams”. So much so, some people don’t even think they dream!
But everyone dreams. Every THING dreams. That becomes evident when we explore what’s happening when the body sleeps.
We’re not “dreaming”. Instead, we’re creating realities. And we’re participating in those realities with intense focus.
A lot more happens when the body sleeps than just that though. What’s happening is ultra sophisticated. So many things happen while we’re “out there”, writing about them all would take too much space.
Instead, I want to focus on one aspect of what’s happening in that conscious, aware state people call dreaming. I want to focus on it because a recent experience gave a perfect example which confirmed what you’re about to read.
Let’s take a look at it.
Everyone dreams, but some forget they do
By the way, anyone can confirm for themselves all of what I’m sharing here. It takes a while though. That’s because momentum and belief affect our conscious awareness of what’s happening when the body sleeps just as much as they do when the body is awake. So momentum behind the belief “I don’t dream” makes it impossible to remember what’s happening. “I don’t remember my dreams” does the same thing.
With practice though, remembering what’s happening gets easier and easier.
It helps too to give up calling the experience “dreaming”. “Dreaming” is ladened with too much baggage. Baggage discouraging accurate recall of our participation in that state of consciousness.
Nearly all my advanced clients claim, initially, that they never dream. Or they claim they don’t remember their dreams. Then, with a little encouragement and the right suggestions, the world they explore while the body sleeps springs into their conscious awareness. It becomes more vivid. It becomes more thrilling. Sometimes terror-filled experiences greet them. But that’s because their dominant vibrational momentum is negative.
Once that clears away though, that vast, seemingly magical world becomes more and more clear. Then clients start waking from sleep in joy, wonder and fascination.
So if you don’t think you dream, or you can’t remember them, that’s easily fixed. If you don’t believe what you’re about to read, I suggest you prove it to yourself. How? By becoming more aware that you, too, are enjoying vivid experiences when your body lays in bed.
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^^Dreams offer so much richness…if we know how to recall and retain them. (Photo by Bruce Christianson on Unsplash)
All dimensions dance within each other
Seth, a key component of my vibrational lineage, has said the world making up what people call dreams is multidimensional. Each of those dimensions, he says, overlaps and influences all the others. The same goes for waking reality. Waking reality is influenced by those dimensions too. And waking reality influences them. This vast interaction happens in real time. And every point of consciousness gets in on the act.
“Every point of consciousness” includes you and me. When we’re awake, we’re influencing all those other dimensions, in other words. When our bodies sleep, we participate more actively. Our consciousness directs us into that awareness almost completely, which explains why, when we’re “there”, we have no awareness of waking reality where our bodies lie in bed.
All this sounds theoretical. Like a hypothesis scientists make, then try to prove or disprove in science. But this is not theory, nor science. This is exactly what is happening when we sleep. A recent experience while asleep proved this to me through an extremely clear example. 
Here’s what happened:
A multi-layered “dream” experience
I was participating in World War II. It was an alternate-reality version of World War II, not the earthly version. I knew this because the landscape and the people “felt” different than people feel in our collective waking reality. The machinery also looked slightly different than it does here.
In this plane, I was a mechanic working on a 20mm cannon of what looked like a German fighter plane. My job was to use a big piece of cloth to push through the bore of the canon in order to clean it free of carbon. I did that over and over, until the cloth came out clean.
Then I was a wounded soldier. Vultures were picking at my body, but I was ambulatory. I walked among other wounded humans, both civilian and military. We all mingled around what looked like a little pool of water or fountain. The rest of the town was in ruins having apparently been bombed to smithereens.
Then I was part of the resistance. I was working with two women who were also part of the resistance. We were sitting in a small home, thinking and talking about our strategies. Another woman came in, someone who knew what we were doing. She claimed to have caught us in the act of espionage or treason. I don’t remember what side we were supposedly acting treasonous towards. She took one woman away. The other woman remained with me and we talked about what we were going to do next. We didn’t fear for our lives or for the woman who got taken away.
Then I suddenly found myself in a totally different reality. There, I walked through the lobby of a luxurious condominium tower. It was very similar in atmosphere to a Ritz Carlton. I walked through this elevator/escalator thing. Then went through the entryway and entered my unit. It was very futuristic inside. It had dark wooden walls and recessed push buttons to control certain features of the unit.
When I walked in, my “partner” was sitting on a built-in couch in front of a large entertainment screen. Her back was turned to me and I saw her black, straight hair in silhouette against the screen’s glare. I turned right, and walked into the “dining area”. There, sat two beautifully dressed people — a man, and a woman. That’s when I noticed I was impeccably dressed also. I wore an extremely well-tailored suit and a white, open-collared shirt.
The man got up from the dining table and introduced himself. I introduced myself also. We knew each other already because I recognized him from the World War II dreams. The woman remained seated and was eating what looked like some sort of sandwich made of hamburger buns. She didn’t eat the buns themselves, but instead ate whatever was in the middle of them. She looked at me, said hi, and offered the buns to me. At first I declined, but then decided I wanted to eat them.
At that moment, the three of us reminisced together about both World War II experiences. We all had played a role in the unfolding of those experiences. The feeling of our reminiscence was “mission accomplished” or that the purpose of the experience was fulfilled. It was then that I recognized that that was an alternate dimension that we all had put ourselves in and THIS dimension that we were now in was yet another dimension that we were participating in!
A trippy experience for sure
What’s interesting here is, in that second “dream”, I was highly surprised. I was surprised both because I knew I was “dreaming” and, I also knew that the dream I currently was in, was connected somehow to the dream I had dreamed just before. It also surprised me that the three of us had traveled or somehow had been in that other dream and now we were here. Here, apparently, in my futuristic luxury apartment!
Just as Seth described, I was participating in multiple experiences in this nonphysical reality, all happening at the same time, along with others who were participating too! That “Mission Accomplished” feeling confirmed what Seth says about “influence”: apparently, whatever we were doing in that other dream “worked”.
I felt this ah-ha experience while still “dreaming”! Then, when I woke, back in my apartment here in physical reality, I continued feeling this sense of astonishment. Life proved to me exactly what Seth described!
My experiences while my body sleeps continue offering so many awe-inspiring moments. The more vivid those moments get and the better retention I have of them, the more rich my life gets. That enrichment, of course, spills over into this waking reality too.
We come into this reality and, not long after, kind of sink into a numbness about it. The experience loses its luster. We think “is this all there is?” But this life can be as ongoingly rich and awe-inspiring as the dream state. Underneath our numb feelings lies that Charmed Life I write about. Where everything we want to know can be known. And everything we want to experience can be. All that’s required is altering our ability to perceive. That happens best though being Positively Focused.
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positivlyfocused · 13 days
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The False Truth The Bible Makes Christians Believe
Some Christians will dispute this, but the Bible itself seems clear on the issue: God hates gays. At least that’s what Christian evangelicals will tell us. As does the Bible. I mean, it’s clearly stated many, many times throughout the “good book”.
But does god really hate gays? Or is something else afoot, like human error?
I’ve always seen the Bible as something other than the word of god. It can’t be the word of god because god didn’t write the Bible. No matter how a theologian will try explaining it, god did not pen the Bible. Man did.
This post is about a new documentary I watched. It’s called 1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture. The film takes on one of the biggest bombshells Christianity dropped on humanity and the massive destruction that bomb created.
Well, not really “Christianity”. It was “some Christians” who dropped it. The problem is, what they dropped shaped the world we see today. One where a lot of Christians don’t act very Christian. One where a lotta Christians persecute LGBTQ people, believing they’re doing “god’s work”.
Let’s dive in.
The original intent was pure
The film is great. It offers extremely compelling evidence supporting its contention. Its contention is the white, presumably straight, men who translated the most popular versions of the Bible got it wrong when translating two critical terms. While translating the Bible from Greek to English, they conflated those two terms to mean “homosexual”. Then, publishers used that conflation to fill the entire Bible with the word “homosexual”, thus creating the weaponized version many evangelical lay persons and their leaders use to condemn LGBTQ people today.
The difference that conflation created sent human civilization on a totally different trajectory than if that translation error never happened.
Not only does the film offer proof, it offers proof that’s extremely compelling. Turns out 20 white men in 1946 were translating the Bible from Greek. I believe all these men were theologians. It’s clear from factual examination of these men’s own notes that their intentions were pure. After the conflation happened, however, another man saw the group’s translation. This other man happened to also be a theologian.
But something else about this guy made him the perfect person to get involved: he also was gay. And he also was a pastor. 
This person wrote a letter to the group. He urged them to reconsider the conflation. What’s amazing, given today’s Christian perspective on gays, is the group’s leader was super interested in this guy’s opinion. The two exchanged extremely cordial letters about the conflation. In the end, the group leader agreed with the gay pastor: the translation was wrong.
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^^A question that can change the world. From the film's website.
Sacrosanct words meet politics
However, our process-driven society amplified the problem. Some years would pass before revised translations could get published. In those years, publishers published two other versions of the Bible. Those versions contained the mistranslation.
Then Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell popularized those translations. Right about this time, Ronald Reagan became president. Politics and Christian values birthed the Religious Right. And that was all she wrote.
Needing a foil to keep Christians agitated and engaged, the Politicized Religious Right focused on gays as “the enemy”. Right around this time AIDS happened. AIDS was the perfect example of homosexual depravity. The Religious Right claimed AIDS was divine retribution for homosexual sin. Momentum took over from there.
This explains why, today, the Bible contains the word "homosexual". Accurately translating those two words would put the Bible in a completely different standing on gay people. The documentary offers undeniable proof about this. Unless you believe the Bible is the word of god.
And yet, many Christians will not consider this proof. Even though it comes directly from the men who did the translations. Again, many Christians believe the book is the word of god. It is therefore infallible. They don’t consider these words the words of man, translations prone to error.
The power of belief and momentum
The film maker’s family shows how powerful belief in the book as the word of god can be. The film maker is lesbian. Her father is an evangelical pastor. He swears the Bible is the word of god. As such, he believes what the Bible says about homosexuals. Even when presented with proof documentarians found, he’s unwilling to budge. It’s the word of god, he says. End of story.
Not only does this pastor’s example show how powerful Christian belief is, even when it’s based on distortion, it also shows how powerful beliefs in general are. Beliefs and momentum literally create our realities. So many Christians believe like this pastor does. Other pastors believe this too. And they pass that belief on to their flock, using oratory fire and brimstone, thereby creating even more fervent believers.
And so generations have believed this false truth as truth. Generations of congregations and generations of Christian leaders too.
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Even some gay Christians find themselves believing. They can’t reconcile who they know themselves to be with what their religion tells them. Indeed a central figure in the film is another theologian. Like the pastor who challenges the conflation, this central figure is gay. At one point, inner conflicts drove him to nearly kill himself. In the film he says his life is significantly diminished compared to what it could be had the Bible not been translated the way it was. He claims the Bible destroyed his ability to form intimate bonds with people.
Our beliefs matter. They literally shape reality. Some literally shape society and culture. They are nottrifling matters. Decades have passed with many tragedies happening because of this one translation error. A translation error picked up and weaponized by fanatical politicians as well as religious fanatics.
There’s hope
And yet, this documentary can potentially alter our future. I’m holding space for it to reach those who can do something about this egregious sin perpetrated by so many who have come before us. So many claiming to be Christian.
I also hold space for people to watch the film. Some of it is hard to watch. Especially interactions between the film maker and her father. I know after his transition, he’s going to be shocked when he discovers how wrong he was.
And yet, I must offer both the father and the film maker kudos. Despite this enormous difference between them, they maintain a relationship. One seemingly based on love and….tolerance of one another….if not outright acceptance. That’s not something I could do.
I prefer a life where life is peaceful and joyful. People with gross distortions, such as the film maker’s father, don’t appear in my life.
I like it that way.
Whether you’re Christian or gay or otherwise, watch this film. It’s powerful.
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positivlyfocused · 20 days
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How Small, Happy Manifestations Lead to Big, Better Ones
Sometimes my creations are delightful. Sometimes they’re surprising. And sometimes they come in ways that just confirm that I’m a creator.
Most of my creations are “buttons”. “Castles and buttons” is a categorization of manifestation Abraham coined long ago. “Castles” are “big manifestations”; things people really desire. “Buttons” on the other hand, are smaller manifestations, things that happen, usually without people noticing them.
The manifestation I’m writing about in this post is a button. But that doesn’t make it any less special. Indeed, it’s quite noteworthy. That’s because noticing it having happened primes my sensitivity to real-izing other, significant manifestations. In other words, when I regularly recognize buttons happening, I’m preparing my reality to allow in my castles.
Let’s take a look at what happened. But first, let’s talk just a bit more about castles and buttons.
Mastering creation
Abraham’s statement rings true: “It’s as easy to create a castle as it is a button.” The trouble for most people is, “castles” come ladened with a lot of resistance. In other words, people want them so bad, their focus on wanting them, focuses them on “not having” them. So castles SEEM to take a long time to manifest. They also seem harder to manifest.
They seem to be harder because people must weed through their resistant focus and thoughts. We can’t create around existing beliefs. Both Seth and Abraham affirm this. And if people don’t know what they’re doing as a creator, existing beliefs often represent what most delays castles from manifesting.
Buttons, on the other hand, aren’t so ladened. They happen easier because we tend not to think about them much. Just like real life buttons – on our shirts and blouses and other things – buttons are more numerous too. There are more buttons on the planet than castles, in other words. That makes sense, right?
That buttons are so numerous makes them powerful manifestational tools. Armed with the knowledge expressed in what you’re reading, a person can use buttons to make manifesting castles feel easier.
We can practice on them. We can become better creators using them. And, since there are so many, we have a lot of opportunity to practice. In that practice, while we learn our skills, that practice also has the effect of soothing resistance. Resistance holding our castles at bay. It also firms up our belief in this whole “you create your reality” business.
So there are a lot of good reason to appreciate “little things” we manifest. They may be little, but they offer impressive opportunities to master creation.
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^^Abraham has said this over and over…
An opportunity shows in medicine
The button I’m writing about today involves care I get from the Veteran’s Administration (VA). I take a pill each day. It contains a drug that turns off some of the acid pumps in my stomach. Apparently my stomach produces too much. So I get acid moving into my esophagus, which scars that part of my body. That makes it hard to swallow sometimes.
Since taking this medicine, however, I don’t experience that trouble. Now it’s not escaping me that perhaps I could use my practice to alter that physical condition. I am doing so. But I recognize physical symptoms like these, once they become physical, have a lot of momentum behind them. So soothing them into non-existence takes some effort. 
Yes, we could call “curing” medical conditions “castles”. I won’t go into this deeply, but there is a LOT of momentum behind manifested medical conditions. The entire medical world is in on their creation. So is science. So is our education. As is our collective agreement that such things exist and are scary. Being able to sooth a medical condition back into non-existence, therefore, is quite a feat. Not impossible, but it does take focus.
I’m practicing doing that. In the meantime, I’m using this mediation for relief.
Late last year my prescription was getting low. I got a refill in the mail, but the pills looked different than the ones I originally had. They were larger as this photo shows:
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^^The smaller, old pill on the right. The new one, on the left.
Button manifestation!
I wrote my doctor to ensure it was the same dose. He assured me it was. He said the new pill was within tolerances stipulated by government bid.
So I gave it no other thought. I mixed my old, smaller pills with the new ones. But the moment I took one of the newer, larger pills, I realized something else was up. They had an acrid taste. The capsule material wasn’t the same as the previous pills. At first I thought about writing my doctor again and complaining. Then I had another idea: this was a “button” opportunity. One where I could practice manifesting something other than these bad-tasting pills.
By the end of the year I noted that my prescription had expired. In the ensuing two months or so, I took the new pills. I did my best to ignore their acrid taste. Instead, I focused on how much I appreciated the smaller, normal tasting pills more. Since I take the medicine every day, I had a daily opportunity to practice. So that’s what I did.
In January, I was getting low on pills. So I wrote my doctor and asked if he would write me a new prescription, which he did. I didn’t give any thought at all about whether the new pills would be the larger, new ones, or the smaller old ones.
Two weeks or so later, the new pills arrived. And…you guessed it: the bottle contained the smaller pills!
A nice little addendum
What’s interesting about all this is when I got the new pills and noticed they were the ones I wanted, I immediately poured the old ones into the garbage. But then I realized this was a manifestation I could write a story about, so I went back to dig the pills out of the garbage.
Well, my Broader Perspective must have known I’d decide to write a blog, because the garbage was arranged in the pail in such a way that when I poured the pills into the pail they all fell into this plastic lid I threw in there days ago! So I didn’t need to fish them out one-by-one! I could get them all out just by pulling out that lid. How cool is that?
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^^The pills right where I poured them.
The Universe is always on it. It is always delivering experiences that delight us. Experiences large and small. And experiences on top of experiences. Just like this. I’m positive the same thing happens to you all day, every day. It’s always happening for everyone. The question is: do we notice?
I’m glad I do. Because through noticing them, I amplify my ability to see them more often, which turns my life into the Charmed Life I write about here.
Getting better at getting better
This was a wonderful example of creating my reality. A reality representing a new dimension where I’m aligned with pills I wanted rather than those I didn’t want. And it was so easy!
We are literally surrounded by alternate dimensions. An infinite number of dimensions are constantly created by us from within the Moment of Becoming. Which one becomes our actual reality depends solely on our vibration. And our vibration is what we are. So we can adjust our vibration (who we’re being) and in that moment, align with a new dimension. 
That’s how we create reality. It’s not like these dimensions don’t already exist. They do. We just align ourselves with ones reflecting back to us the state we emanate.
I like knowing that. I also like knowing the “castles and buttons” concept. I’ve gotten really good at manifesting buttons. I write about these all the time in this blog. I write about my castles too. Which is why my life is increasingly improving, including my financial abundance and work-life balance. I’m also feeling better and better as days go by. What a wonderful life!
As a result, I look forward to my other castles coming into my experience as well. They really are foregone conclusions. The fact that I see all this manifestation happening in my life tells me that. So I rest in a steady knowing they are happening, instead of a hoping, wishing or even believing they are happening. 
I love knowing they are happening. It’s a state I’m helping my clients realize in their lives as well. You can get there too. You don’t need my help. But if you’d like it, I’m around.
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positivlyfocused · 27 days
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What Happens When We Trust Spiritual Advice
There’s nothing better than receiving gifts. Especially gifts from the Universe as it collaborates with our Broader Perspective. I get these all the time. I especially enjoy trusting my Broader Perspective to coordinate my day. Its advice is always spot-on.
Every morning these days, when I just wake up my Broader Perspective immediately gets in on the act. Usually, right after my morning meditation my Broader Perspective advises me. It suggests an agenda for the next few hours.
It knows better than I do what will thrill me. What will delight me best is always at the top of its agenda. It knows better than I do because it has a broader view of my life trajectory.
In other words, it can see my future choices. And it can guide me to make choices best aligned with my fulfilled desires. Following my Broader Perspective agenda always has me feeling passionate about my days. So I trust that advice. And as I follow that advice every day, and doing so delivers wonderful outcomes, how can my life not be filled with wonderful outcomes? And what’s better than a life like that?
But what’s also cool is seeing my clients getting similar experiences. I’ve written this many times in past stories: Their experiences confirm my own. That confirmation boosts my confidence that my Broader Perspective is real. 
I don’t need that boost these days. I KNOW it’s real. Still, it’s nice seeing my clients getting in on the act. That’s what I want so share today: two instances of that happening. Two instances where two advanced clients chose the path laid out by their Broader Perspective and what happened next when they did that.
Let’s get into it.
Deciding not to tell his sob story
The first happened with a client I’ll call Kevin. He has struggled a bit with the practice. That’s because he has a LOT of negative momentum in his life needing soothing. Lately though, Kevin has come around, which is allowing him to enjoy remarkable experiences. Including the one I’m about to share.
Kevin enjoyed a long-term affair with a woman I’ll call Madge. Recently, however, because of his practice, Kevin disengaged with Madge. He found being with her triggered too many negative emotions. And he knows emotions are very important.
But Madge keeps reaching out to him from time to time. She misses him. That’s not really what’s happening at a vibrational level though. At that level, Madge’s vibration wants continued energetic focus from Kevin, which he’s no longer giving. In other words, Madge looked to flings with Kevin to give her energy. When she got it she felt worthy, loved. With that gone, she can’t bear it. So she reaches out hoping to rekindle their affair.
The most recent moment came last week. She said she felt sad. Now, it just so happened that in the same week Kevin also experienced something that had him feel the same way: He lost a job he really liked. With assistance from me, he didn’t wallow in all that though. Not too much, anyway. So when Madge reached out, Kevin had a couple options.
“I initially wanted to say to her ‘I can relate,’ and then tell my own sob story”, Kevin began. “But then I knew that was not a good idea. So instead I just remained silent.”
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^^Sometimes its best to remain silent. (Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash)
Following his Broader Perspective agenda
After their call, Kevin went into another call. This one with a tech entrepreneur. It was a call he was expectant about. That call excited him. And, in his excited state, he received an impulse from his Broader Perspective. It was an agenda. The agenda was: here’s what to say to Madge.
Kevin knew at that moment exactly what to say to her. Ultimately, what Kevin wanted from Madge was to experience her as happy and light. Not sad and heavy. He didn’t like the version of her that was buzz-killing his vibration. He wasn’t going to stand for that, which is why he remained silent in the first call.
But buoyed by his Broader Perspective guidance, he reached back out to her.
“I shared with her all the wonderful things she’s done as a mother and wife,” He said. “By the time I finished, her mood improved a lot.”
So what happened here? Kevin followed his Broader Perspective agenda. Doing so, he saw each choice available to him comprised a fork in his trajectory. He could go the direction of amplifying his own delight. Or he could go in the direction of aligning with where Madge was. Choosing the former, he looped back around and rendezvoused with a version of Madge who matched who he was being, instead of who Madge started out as. As a result, he got exactly what he wanted: seeing Madge as happy and light.
It’s wonderful perceiving then following Broader Perspective guidance. Kevin’s experience was awesome. The next experience was too.
The set-up comes on Sunday
This other client had a similar experience while deepening her meditation. Meditation represents a large part of the Positively Focused Advanced Practice. This client, I’ll call Maddy, found that following her Broader Perspective as she practiced meditation significantly amplified her satisfaction. Let’s see what happened.
“I did something crazy today,” Maddy started. “It’s crazy, crazy-awesome and that’s actually what I like most.”
Maddy woke feeling overwhelmed the day before she texted me. She felt that way because she had the whole day to herself. Her partner spent the last two days with his family. It was Sunday, so Maddy didn’t have work. As such, she had nothing else to do other than be with herself. That confronted her with a kind of abundance she was ill-prepared for.
“There were so many things I could do,” She said. “So many things I got overwhelmed by all the things that I could possibly do. I didn’t know what to focus on. That felt overwhelming.”
Overwhelm is common for humans. It happens when a person perceives abundance as something other than that. In this case, Maddy saw “opportunity abundance” as “too many things to do”. The feeling “overwhelm” was telling her something important. Because of her Positively Focused practice, Maddy knew that.
And that’s where her Broader Perspective stepped in, she said. After breakfast she got the impulse to meditate before doing anything else. She said she looked forward to it.
“Typically I would reach for my watch and set a timer for 15 minutes,” She explained. “But my Broader Perspective said, “hey what if you did 30? That could be fun!” and I said “oh yeah let’s do 30!” 
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^^Meditation can be way more than a source of stillness. (Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash)
She connects with her Broader Perspective 
Maddy said after deciding to do a 30 minute meditation, “…there was a brief literal like split second, where I thought ‘that could be scary.’ That’s a long time. What if I don’t get through it all?”
“But then I said ‘well we’re gonna try it,'” she explained. “We’re gonna see what happens.”
So she settled in for her meditation and let herself go…
Before she knew it, her 30 minute timer went off!
“I was like ‘oh man I’m still, I’m still in this’ like my body felt like it was still not in the physical yet. Like I was still in the non-physical, in my meditation,” She said excitedly. “So I said ‘I’m just gonna hit this 30 minute timer again.’ And I meditated for another 30 minutes! I did an hour of meditation!”
Up to this point Maddy had never meditated anywhere close to an hour. This was a big step for her. But that was just the beginning, Maddy said.
“I felt really good,” She said. Right at that moment, she described how her Broader Perspective delivered to her another agenda.
“Somehow I created in my mind a list of things [to do]! I’m like ‘well they’re not in any sort of format. But these are the things that my Broader Perspective helped me realize are the most important that I could do today for the most impact.’” She explained.
She was right.
The crazy goodness of inspired productivity
Maddy wrote the list on a whiteboard. Instantly after doing that she realized she could take action on a few things right away.
“I got those done and then I came down and crossed off a few more,” She said. “And just suddenly everything felt really good and doable and possible. And then I sat and wrote not just the 750 words that I would normally write (each day). I was so inspired, I wrote 1500 words — twice as many!”
This is the thing about our Broader Perspective agenda. It offers things to do that will thrill us. And in doing them, we become thrilled! Then we kinda go crazy in that high vibration. That usually looks like extremely high productivity.
For example, by the time I got Maddy’s text, I already had two other ideas for blog posts this week. Getting her text added a third. Of course, I’m feeling extreme delight listening to her voice text message, so of course I’m going to turn it into a blog. Then, my Broader Perspective reminds me about Kevin’s awesome experience, so I included his story in this blog too!
It IS crazy how productive one can get by listening to one’s Broader Perspective. Crazy productive and crazy satisfied, which just feels so crazy good!
Great examples begetting great examples
I love hearing my client stories. They always inspire me. And they amplify my own stories. I also enjoy them because I know my clients share these stories with people they know. As a result, more people come to me, inspired by what they hear. Then they create their own versions of surprise, satisfaction and thrilling experiences. Just like my current clients.
That explains why mothers and their daughters, wives and their husbands, friends and their friends become clients. Nearly all my clients come by word of mouth. I do no advertising. And it’s not words coming from my mouth that draw these people in. It’s stellar experiences my clients share with people they know. Because, why wouldn’t they? When life feels as good as it does when one is Positively Focused, it’s hard to contain the joy.
It’s the joy of All That Is, which is what we are. We all are joyful beings, being as part of the expansion of All That Is. And when we get that, then live from there, some really awesome things start happening. We start receiving awesome free gifts from the Universe. Nothing beats that!
Tap into your Broader Perspective and create your own experiences like Kevin and Maddy have. If you’d like some assistance with that, I can help.
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positivlyfocused · 1 month
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Is Relationship Anarchy The Way To Better Love?
A relatively new relationship dynamic is emerging. More people find it a satisfying way to express themselves romantically and intimately while finding companionship. It’s called Relationship Anarchy (RA).
In this post we’re going to look at this new dynamic relationship model. Instead of getting into it deeply, we will compare it to what we recommend regarding relationships. That’s because, it’s a definite improvement on humanity’s past “success” with relationships. But it still falls short of the ultimate relationship: that one relationship that gives us everything we want. Including satisfying relationships. 
So let’s take a look at Relationship Anarchy. Then let’s contrast that against the ultimate relationship. The only one through which we get everything we want.
What is RA?
Andie Nordgren coined the phrase Relationship Anarchy in 2006. Her English manifesto on the matter, written in 2012, gives broad strokes on what it looks like. The way Andie describes it, RA sounds great! 
Among the broad strokes is the assertion that love is abundant. RA says entitlement runs rampant in traditional relationships and that entitlement should be replaced with love and respect. Andie recommends that people define their values, then use frequent communication to infuse their relationship with those values, alongside a partner who shares them.
The biggest shift from traditional relationships is Andie’s suggestion to “customize” one’s relationship and commitment. Rather than relying on social norms, Andie says, we should define our relationship on our own terms while ignoring society’s expectations.
It’s no wonder then that Wikipedia includes RA in its non-monogamy and polyamory series.
Anarchist affiliations…not good
And while Andie describes it optimistically without comparing it to something else, Wikipedia takes a different tack. And this is where problems start to show up.
That’s because the word “anarchy” itself is problematic. It brings a lot of bad interpretations to the table. Further, most people familiar with the term see anarchy as destructive. Even though anarchists claim the concept to be quite constructive. Historically, the movement has not been constructive, however.
The result is anarchy is seen predominantly as “anti-“. It’s also often associated with violence.
We can’t be “anti” something without enflaming that thing we’re against. Which explains why anarchists have made virtually no progress in creating society based on its merits.
And that brings us back to RA. And Wikipedia.
The anti relationship 
The Wikipedia entry on RA describes its principles as pretty much anti-everything. At least when it comes to relationships. I would argue Andie doesn’t see RA that way. Andie’s characterization is fresh, positive and encouraging. But the Wikipedia entry. Well, see for yourself:
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Indeed, this article, featuring two people in an RA relationship, speak in similar language. They contrast and define their relationship by what it’s not, comparing it to existing, undesirable relationships (according to them).
Now it could be the Wikipedia contributor who wrote the article is biased. He could interpret “anarchy” as “anti”. But the article linked in the above paragraph also characterizes RA as a “political” take on relationships. One trying to redefine what relationships look like. One also striving to “fix” power dynamics some RA believers think are bad.
But can we really define something based on what it is not? I think Andie does a better job describing the concept. It seems, however, many took the concept in a different direction.
The best relationship 
Which brings me to the point of this piece. RA is great. It’s offers a fresh view of relationships. It certainly offers better options. Better options for those who feel uncomfortable with amatonormative edicts. It’s therefore not surprising the couple in this article includes both a trans person and a queer woman.
And yet, all relationships with other people fall short when compared to the one relationship that gives us everything we want. That is, our relationship with our Broader Perspective. While it’s nice finding love in another’s eyes, that love will nearly always be conditional.
Even in an RA relationship.
For even there, a person must find connections with people who have similar values. That makes sense. But even then, people will sometimes end up in conflict. What the couple does in that case depends a lot on how stable they are within themselves. And there’s no better stability than that found in our Broader Perspective.
Besides, our relationship with our Broader Perspective opens us to a love causing other loves to pale in comparison. It’s strong. It’s lasting. Our Broader Perspective’s love literally overwhelms us in its depths. And it feels freaking great!
Furthermore, through our Broader Perspective, everything is possible. Including finding the perfect partner. That is, if one wants that. This relationship is the best relationship out there. In so many ways it offers what human ones cannot.
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^^When we put our Broader Perspective relationship first, others happen easily. (Photo by Oziel Gomez on Unsplash)
Literally everything we want..including freedom from death
Our Broader Perspective relationship is here to lead us to everything we want. All our desires get fulfilled through it. Our Broader Perspective constantly showers us with that which we’re wanting. When we put that relationship up front, those things flow easily into our reality. 
Human partners can help us get things. They can connect us with jobs. They may even connect us with financial opportunity. But those too often come through filters, filters that often aren’t in synch with what we really want.
In other words, our Broader Perspective knows us best. It knows what will thrill us. It knows the best path to everything we want. Whether that be a material thing, or something else.
But the biggest thing that relationship offers is something no human can touch. It offers freedom from the fear of death. I know, that sounds crazy. After all, so many of us are too busy living. Too busy living to think about death.
Well, it seems that way.
But most people’s fear of death is front and center in their lives. It’s one reason people worry about time running out. Their fear of getting old has its basis in death. So does their fear of being single.
Fear of death takes many forms 
The fear of death is pervasive in the world. It doesn’t feel like it’s about death though. That’s because the fear hides behind other fears.
What kind of fears? Fears of being cast out of a group, for example. The fear of losing one’s job is another. The fear of being unable to support one’s family is yet another. As is the fear of one’s human partner betraying us. There are plenty more.
These fears mimic the ultimate fear, which is the fear of dying.
And so people respond to all these fears in predictable ways. They’re impatient. They’re demanding. They are desperate. And in that, they cut themselves off from the one thing that can relieve them of all these fears and more: their Broader Perspective.
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^^The fear of ending up here can take many forms. (Photo by davide ragusa on Unsplash)
Now I’m not saying don’t have human partners. What I am saying is, first, ground ourselves in the one partnership giving us everything we want. Including the beating of our hearts and the breath we take.
And when one finds that, there’s little “need” for anything else. Because everything else naturally flows from there. Including human love.
I’m in favor of RA. I wish it had a different name. RA is closer to the Broader Perspective love I’ve described in this post than many of the other relationships humans form. Including parent-child relationships. There’s still a ways to go though.
The better it gets the better it gets
And isn’t that the great thing about life experience? There is always a ways more to go. Because life is eternal. We never get to the end. We’re never perfect. But in the perfection of the now, we are perfect. Not perfect as in “complete”. Not perfect as in “done”. But perfect in our becoming more. 
Standing there, I see this RA concept fitting what I want in partnership. With my stability rooted in my Broader Perspective, I know what I’m wanting is on the way. I’m eager to see it unfold. I’ve had tastes of it. And I’m patient for further unfolding.
Andie’s onto something. I’m eager to learn more about RA. But I’m clear something better exists. I enjoy that something now. Which allows me to feel excitement. Excitement and joy about those finding satisfaction in RA.
Good partnerships elude many. That’s because many look there for something that’s not there. Something that only comes from a relationship with themselves. I write this blog to show people how to “know thyself”. And in doing that, find happiness from within. Instead of looking for it outside themselves.
My clients consistently find that happiness. Along the way, they get more of what they want too. Their examples fill me with eagerness. They also amplify my own happiness. A happiness that gets better and better.
Maybe you’re ready for your version of that? If you are, contact me. Let’s get you started. Let’s find out how “better” life can get.
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positivlyfocused · 1 month
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Yet Even More Great Shape-Shifting Results!
Evidence is coming fast and steady now. Each one gives me greater confidence that shape shifting is a thing. It’s something I can actually experience in this life.
Meditation sessions this past week brought even more confindence-bolstering evidence. Whereas previous recent evidence brought new awareness, this time, evidence confirmed something I already knew.
Check out what happened.
My lineage speaks on the matter
In recent meditations, both the body and brain became more active as I focused on shape shifting and other “supernatural” manifestations. This all started with my body. I calmed my mind. Then I felt “thrills” moving through it, much like Robert Butts described his and his wife, Jane Roberts’, experiences. Jane and Robert are well known celebrities. They’re renown as mediums for Seth.
And while Seth confirms shape shifting and teleportation are things that can happen, he doesn’t mince words. These aren’t easy feats, he says. Accomplishing them means the adept has become…well…adept. 
Abraham says the same thing about other manifestations, particularly about manifesting large amounts of money. Interestingly, Seth was almost completely uninterested in such things. So much so he discouraged listeners from pursuing them. Abraham, on the other hand, offers hearty encouragement for anything someone might want. Indeed, any desire expands the Universe. So every desire is worthy. Worthy of our attention. And worthy of enjoying.
I think this dichotomy of interest represents something many don’t understand about spirituality. Spiritual teachings, like everything else in the Universe, expands. They grow. They mature. As generations evolve, teachings evolve too.
Which is why, for example, I’m surprised people still quote Buddhist Hinayana teachings, or the Christian Old Testament. Newer versions of that wisdom exist in both religions. Yet people still adhere to the old.
The body getting involved more
After the “thrills”, my body then manifested other effects. It often became inexplicably rigid while in meditation. Then it began “roiling”; waves of energy flowed along its longitudinal axis. This flowing felt wonderful. And my research suggested it’s probably my Kundalini energies waking up. That’s cool.
Most recently my brain got involved too. Or, rather, parts of my brain. I wrote about this previously. In that post, I wrote about medical research into brain functions and surprising correlations I found between that research and my experiences. It was quite a find!
Last week’s experience took it a step further. More brain functions got in on the act. Functions I’ll describe shortly.
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^^Bodily sensations indicate progress…(Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash)
An interesting point to note: from the Positively Focused perspective, the brain is a manifestation. It, along with the body, are not real, per se. The brain’s main function is as a transceiver. It translates vibration into physical reality. Physical senses assist with that. The brain also transmits vibration from thought back into pure vibration. But its main function is to receive and translate vibration into “reality”.
There are parts of the brain, however, that exist for other reasobs. And it’s those parts that are starting to “waken” in me. An awakening that may indicate progress.
Enter the “Pinecone”
In the last post I wrote about the cerebellum. I detailed how it became active during meditation. So much so, it created pressure against parts of my head. I also speculated about correlations between medical speculations of the cerebellum’s function with my experience relative to my desire to shape shift, teleport and travel outside my body among other things.
This last week another part of my brain got in on the act. It’s a part familiar to many in the psychedelic and supernatural space. It’s called the Pineal Gland.
So I’m next going to give some background on this part of the brain. Then I’ll describe my experience in mediation last week.
Medical science says this gland is part of our endocrine system. Its primary purpose, according to science, is regulating sleep through melatonin production. The name derives from the gland’s pinecone shape.
This gland generated substantial speculation through history. But it also has been subject of extreme focus in spiritual circles. Those circles say this gland plays a central role in spiritual experiences. Adepts saw it as the “third eye”. It was the seat of spiritual insight. To them it was the doorway between the physical and spiritual.
It’s interesting to note the following. Draw a straight line down the body. Draw it along the chakra meridians. Next, draw a line from the “third eye” center, between and slightly above the eyebrows, back out the back of the skull. Where these two lines intersect, say some spiritualists, rests the Pineal Gland.
It’s not an exact intersection. The gland actually rests slightly below that point. Still, it’s interesting to read about spiritualists’ intense focus on this part of the brain.
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^^The Pineal Gland (in red) (By Life Science Databases (LSDB).)
The active ingredient?
Some say the Pineal Gland also produces the psychoactive N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Many reports contest this claim, however. This one, for example. DMT is found throughout the body. But that production appears insufficient to create spiritual experiences.
Indeed, I used to brew my own Ayahuasca. The recipe required about 25 mg of DMT from one source plant. I then combined that with another plant containing another chemical. That chemical prevents the body from breaking down the DMT. My brew was powerful. One dose took me through over four hours of transcendence.
The Pineal Gland is super small. It weighs less than .2 grams. That’s about 0.000440925 pounds! So it’s unlikely to produce 25mg of DMT. What’s more, we also need that other chemical, because the body rapidly breaks down DMT. This gland, therefore, if it did produce DMT, likely couldn’t produce enough for transcendence. 
My belief is, something else is happening. Something is happening with the Pineal region. This seems in line with my cerebellum experience. So I’m going to now (finally!) get to the experience which prompted this post. Then I’ll explain what I think is happening.
^^This Neuroscientist buzz kills the link between the Pineal Gland and spirituality…maybe.
What happened…and why?
So there I was….laying on my back. Typically these days, the moment I lay down for meditation, instantly, freaky things commence. This was no exception. Only this time, I felt a funnel shape form in my head. The funnel “pointed” down, into my body. The funnel’s large opening was – you guessed it – right underneath where I knew my Pineal Gland is.
Instantly after laying down, I felt that portion of my brain being “pulled” into that funnel. Oddly, I wasn’t scared. It actually felt good! So I focused on the sensation. Doing so, the “feeling” grew more intense. I turned all my focus on that region of my body and passively observed as it got more and more intense. 
Then I felt “me” being “drawn” into the funnel! At the same time, I felt something “activate” in that region. Was it the Pineal Gland? What else could it have been!? That’s where the feeling localized. So that was my conclusion.
Now, I know it took a long time in this post to get to this experience. But that was necessary. It was necessary to set up what you’re going to read next. That is, what I think is really going on with the Pineal Gland and, for that matter, the cerebellum.
Seeing what’s really there: The Absolute
I wrote above that the brain is like all matter. It’s not a real thing. Sure, we can take one out of an animal and examine it. We can take it apart. We can examine and label its subparts. But all of that is happening in a physical reality that is 100 percent vibration.
Since you’ve read this far, I’m sure you’re familiar with the facts about physical reality. That is, that everything physical is mostly space. It’s not solid at all. And, that “material” comprising “matter” is mostly vibrational, probable states of energy. That’s what atomic matter is: energy in vibrational probability states. And everything is composed of atomic matter. In other words, matter represents energy probabilities popping “in” and “out” of existence in this plane.
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^^All that is is mostly space. (Photo by Omkar Jadhav on Unsplash)
The brain is a gestalt of those vibrational probabilities. So is the cerebellum. And so is the Pineal Gland.
Now, science doesn’t accept that a nonphysical reality exists. Its whole existence is based on a commonly-observed, objective, physical reality. One that is separate from subjective observers. This is a distortion.
Here’s what I believe is happening in my meditations. I’m tuning myself more and more into a certain frequency. A probable frequency vibration whose probability is 1. That means it’s always there. In other words, it is The Absolute. It is what some call “god”.
As I tune myself to that, I perceive that Absolute state as “me”. When that happens, the “true nature of my being” – including that underlying my physical-ness – comes to the forefront. The illusion of physical reality begins to break away. Then I am able to see All That Is as it really is.
Building a scaffold
I believe I’m building myself a foundation in The Absolute. When I’m able to stand there in confidence, I speculate I will be able to deliberately alter matter existing in physical states. I’ll be able to consciously direct what state matter takes from among its probabilities. And that’s what Shape Shifting is all about.
It’s not just about changing one’s body into something else. It’s way more sophisticated than that. First off, it requires a stable “location” or scaffold. A place where one can “stand” so as to direct the shift without being caught up in it and becoming frightened. This location soothes the ego and allows it to exist in the midst of changes. Changes that otherwise would threaten its role. A role the ego performs with grace, a grace that allows us to exist in physical reality as though it is a stable, objective reality that appears separate from us.
The cerebellum and the Pineal Glad both are physical analogues to the ego. They aren’t the function through which spiritual or esoteric abilities originate. Instead, they are physical analogues. They represent vibrational probabilities of one’s ability to exhibit such abilities. 
Feet, for example, represent probability of motion. Balance does too. Many other physical features do too. When a baby learns to crawl, movement probability goes to 1. Until then, it’s somewhere less than that.
I believe I’m somewhere between learning to crawl and run. The more I practice, the better I get. The better I get, the more is revealed to me. I can’t say when, but soon, I’ll be running. By running, I mean being able to do things people think are impossible. Like shape shifting, for example.
There’s more coming…
I’m convinced it’s a done deal. Evidence in other areas of my life support this. My financial condition has vastly improved as a result of this practice. Nearly all my clients have come from previous clients’ lives improving so much, their example inspires those around them to become clients. This is Law of Attraction at work.
My other spiritual experiences prove this too. I write about all these in this blog. Continue reading and following along. It’s proving to be an amazing, awesome, fulfilling ride.
Or maybe you want to go further than read my experience. Maybe my experiences cause you to want to create your own. If you’re ready, I can help. Become a client today!
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positivlyfocused · 2 months
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How Your Behavior Reveals Practical, But Hidden Life Hacks
A client had a disappointing experience: he got laid off. It wasn’t something he was expecting. In fact, when the boss told him, it shocked him because, up to then, the boss said the client was doing a great job. In reality, he should have expected it because he was expecting it.
But he wasn’t aware he was expecting it because he didn’t have access to the hidden, practical hack life had been offering him for decades. A life hack that could dramatically alter his success.
Of course, the layoff wasn’t about the client. The boss, who also is the business owner, had to make personnel cuts. The business wasn’t supporting itself. And in most businesses, employees represent the largest business costs. So someone had to go. Our client had the least amount of students. It made sense the boss would let him go.
But my client didn’t see it that way. He played it cool in the moment, when his boss broke the news. But when he got home, his thoughts and behavior changed, a lot.
This story is about gifts hidden amidst our actions. Physical reality, including our actions, offer great clues about what we’re creating. Understanding this can dramatically change our lives for the better. That understanding, however, comes with practice.
Let’s see what happened next with this client so we can understand how what happened next offered him wonderful hacks that could dramatically improve his life.
An adult tantrum
The client said that upon arriving home he went straight into his tool shed. There, he “kicked the hell out a bucket for a good ten minutes.” While doing that, he cursed his former boss, the business and his “luck” for being the one to lose a job “AGAIN.”
Now, the fact that he mentioned losing another job “again” wasn’t surprising. This phrase indicated two things: one, that he has very strong negative momentum creating persistent experiences of losing jobs. Two, his awareness of the fact that he keeps losing jobs is perpetuating that momentum. I told him this, but at the moment, he was too embittered to hear it.
So I shifted the focus. 
I said to him that his “adult tantrum” in the shed offered him a wonderful gift. That caught his attention. I don’t think he expected that. I then explained how our acts in physical reality are manifestations. Just like our desires turning into things, our actions are manifestations reflecting beliefs we hold about the world around us. Furthermore, if we can read what those acts are saying, we can transform our lives.
He wanted to know more. So I told him what his tantrum was telling him.
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^^Actions like tantrums hide within them important clues about what we’re creating (Photo by Dmitry Vechorko on Unsplash).
A steady diet turns to hate
All of us create our reality through our thoughts. Persistently held thoughts turn to beliefs. Thoughts that become beliefs have gathered enough momentum to complete the process of turning into things. Persist in that belief and that belief will turn into physical reality. Then reality will reflect the essence of that belief back to us. At that point, our belief becomes “true”. When it does, the belief recedes into the background of our awareness. Meanwhile, the belief gets “confirmed” in our experience as “the way life is.”
For this client, “the way life is” is that he can’t keep a job. But that’s not the whole story. For decades, this client fostered a steady diet of anger and frustration about capitalism, money and earning a living. He sees these things as scourges on humanity and the planet. The client resents having to earn a living. He dislikes doing work he doesn’t enjoy. And he doesn’t like needing money to get his basic necessities.
These beliefs took up residence in his vibration many years ago. Jobs he manifested since then showed him more evidence of his distasteful economic reality: those jobs he got paid little. His managers always belittled him. And, of course, they laid him off. One job he kept for some time wasn’t helpful either. He wrote copy for a blog. A blog that critiqued capitalism and the money system.
But you can see how the client was a perfect match to that job. In that job, he amplified his anger and frustration about capitalism, money and earning a living into hate for those things. That is, until owners of that company laid him off too…
Success eluding him
By this time, the client found himself at wits end. His hate over capitalism, money and earning a living overflowed. Finally, he turned to gig work. He delivered meals for a time before going onto social security. That soothed some of his negative momentum, which allowed him to get the last job. The one in which he, again, got laid off.
I told this client his actions in the tool shed told him something important. “Here you are taking out your frustration on something having nothing to do with what happened” I said, referring to the bucket. “The bucket didn’t lay you off.”
In fact, the boss didn’t either. If “you create your reality” is accurate (and it is) then this client laid himself off. The boss only did what was a reflection of the client’s dominant intent. He was a cooperative component to my client’s unfolding understanding, in other words. The intent wasn’t to get laid off. The intent was to reflect to the client where his beliefs were in conflict with his desires.
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Despite extremely negative interpretations of the world around him, this client wants a life that’s easy. He even wants money. He’s a musician and writer and one of his great desires is to receive generous compensation as recognition of his talents. Of course, he wouldn’t put it that way. He would say “I DESERVE recognition because of the blood, sweat and tears I’ve put into my art!”
But that way of expressing it creates resistance. It’s more aligned with his hatred of the money system. Which explains why that success continues eluding him.
Putting blame outside ourselves 
I told the client this is what his tantrum offers: an opportunity for him to see what he’s doing. He’s literally blaming everyone and everything for his troubles. He’s also blaming “the system” and “money” for his troubles. All the while, he’s ignoring the only Source of power he has…and the only Source from which his experience springs: himself.
“You beating up that bucket,” I told him. “Is showing you how, in your powerless state, you’re projecting your power onto things and people that have no responsibility for your created reality. And in doing that, you feel tremendous pain. Because that pain tells you that your Broader Perspective knows different.”
Our Broader Perspective is clear that we create our reality. No one else does that for us. We do, and only we do. When we blame circumstances or others for an experience, that shitty feeling we experience while doing that is an indicator telling us something important. It tells us our thoughts and behaviors are at loggerheads with what our Broader Perspective knows.
That’s important because if we heed that message, we can dramatically change our lives for the better. And it’s to our advantage to do so. Because no one else will do it for us. That’s because no one else is in our reality other than us.
When beliefs change, life changes
But this manifestation business is not magic. We can’t create around our persistent beliefs. This client has 40+ years of negative momentum he’s going to need to unravel. So for this client, it may be a while before he really understands what’s happening. Before he understands well enough to take productive action.
Every action we take in life is a manifestation. They reflect back to us a belief we hold. Decipher that reflection and we get a clear sense of what we believe. And what we believe creates our life experience. 
That means, if we change our beliefs, our life experience must also change. Isn’t that a great thing to know? I think it is. But it’s even better experiencing this in one’s personal experience. Because nothing teaches better than personal experience.
All this means changing our lives is as easy as changing our beliefs. And our actions constantly shower us with clues to beliefs creating our life.
What a cool hack! Examine beliefs and we change life. Tapping into that hack is a powerful resource. The challenge is, understanding what hack tells us about what beliefs we hold can be tricky. It helps to know how to interpret them accurately. Let me show you how.
A wonderful followup needs to be added here. I wrote this story weeks ago. Two weeks after this happened, the client, after I held his feet to the fire about what he was doing, decided to re-commit to the Positively Focused Practice. What happened after a week of rededication is remarkable. But also it’s just what happens when one becomes positively focused.
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That pending newspaper interview is a direct manifestation of his desire to gain notoriety for his artistic expression. Is it a coincidence it came to him after rededicating himself to the practice? My clients know the answer to that question is “NO!”.
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positivlyfocused · 2 months
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Traveling Outside My Body: A Wonderful Update
As mentioned in previous posts, I’m soothing resistance so that I can enjoy “astral projections”. By “soothing resistance” I mean letting go of beliefs preventing being able to leave my body.
Since everything is possible, doing this is easy. We all do it, after all. Every night we “dream” that’s what we’re doing. We’re traveling astrally.
So projecting my consciousness outside my body isn’t something to “learn”. Rather, it’s something to “allow”. How do we allow? We do it by soothing beliefs making doing so seem impossible.
This post updates my progress so far. 
Let’s dive in. 
Moving beyond mind 
Previous out of body travels were predominantly involuntary experiences. They came unexpectedly. One minute I’d be in my body. The next, I was out. These mostly happened while sleeping or meditating. That makes sense because resistant beliefs aren’t active in those mind states. Especially beliefs that trigger fear of the experience.
Meanwhile, my Broader Perspective knows how to work around those beliefs. This is the case with all desires. Broader Perspective wends its way through what Abraham calls “the cracks of least resistance”. These are pathways through our resistant beliefs, beliefs standing between where we are and what we want. In this way our Broader Perspective knows better than our ego awareness how to manifest desires. This explains why it’s not our ego’s job to figure out how something must happen. 
Besides, ego consciousness isn’t equipped to do that. That’s why when we focus on the how, we usually get bogged down in our befuddlement. Brains are physical manifestations of ego consciousness. They are not equipped to understand the how.
Traveling outside the body necessitates leaving all that behind. I must be getting better at doing that because my recent results are astounding. 
Deliberate baby steps… 
Since I had an adverse reaction long ago to a particularly powerful awakening moment, my Broader Perspective is easing me through the “how”. This process therefore feels extremely gradual. My Broader Perspective knows which of my beliefs could shut down my experience. I can feel that awareness working in me.
Just to clarify; our Broader Perspective isn’t outside is. It’s not a god or other divine being separate from what we are. Our Broader Perspective IS us. It is that aspect of us which remains in nonphysical. It remains there so as to guide the other aspect of us which comes into these physical bodies. 
It’s therefore a mistake to picture Broader Perspective as separate from us. Doing that can introduce distortions in beliefs. Distortions that can make what I’m up to difficult or impossible.
Since I’m not making that mistake, I’m finding progress towards leaving my body happening consistently as weeks go by. It’s still gradual. No earth-shaking, amazing occurrences are surprising me. Instead, expansion into astral travel abilities feels like deliberate, baby steps to eventually sojourning through creation while my body lies in repose on my bed. 
I’ll share what those baby steps feel like next. 
Perceiving the ephemeral 
It’s 4:06 as I’m writing this. I just came out of a pleasing meditation. I typically meditate for between an hour and 90 minutes around this time every morning. Usually between two and four AM. I believe those hours hold special energies for such practices.
Coming out of meditation, I received an impulse to write this post.
While prepping for bed last night, I felt familiar urging of my Broader Perspective. It encouraged me to settle my mind and focus in ways that heighten spiritual awareness. Doing so, I can feel varying degrees of vibrations. It’s extremely subtle. Perceiving vibration this way results from a rigorous spiritual practice involving of a lot of meditation and other Positively Focused practices.
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^^I really did write this in the early morning!
While in that heightened awareness and perceiving those frequencies, I also felt my Broader Perspective guiding me to “feel” my ephemeral presence, my “spirit body”, or that ethereal body that is my inner energetic being. I know all that sounds extremely “woo”. But how else can I explain it? It really is a “you had to be there” moment. In other words, having the experience is a better way of explaining this than trying to explain it.
Anyway, while focused on that energy body, I didn’t have to really do anything other than focus on it. Not with a “hard” focus though. Instead I do better perceiving it when I focus like I do when using peripheral vision. Or maybe seeing things in really low light. I’m not looking directly at the thing, but see it anyway. Does that make sense?
I hope so. 
Gaining comfort with the ephemeral 
As I focused on that energy body, I felt it/me becoming more and more distinct from my physicalbody. And this is where the progress happened. 
Rather than try to will a travel experience, I instead decided to focus on “feeling” or “witnessing” that ephemeral feeling; the feeling of what that energy body feels like. It was like running my physical hands all over my physical body. Only I was doing that with “energy hands” over my “energy body”. I knew this was the step to take because it would accomplish two things.
One it would amplify the experience by confirming what was happening. It would also soothe resistant beliefs. After all, I can’t disbelieve an experience I’m actually having, can I? 
Second, it would give me greater control, comfort and familiarity with this new-to-my-ego experience. That was important. It was important because my ego is responsible for violently shutting down that powerful awakening experience I had long ago. And I didn’t want to repeat thatexperience.
Enjoying the peak moment
So I remained in that state feeling myself for probably 40 minutes. It felt amazing! And in doing that I also felt the “boundary” between my physical body and this energy one. It literally felt like the two were slightly out of sync. Which is exactly what it should feel like as one separates from the other!
Then, at one moment, I decided to try coming back into the physical body. When I did, my legs “jiggled” and I felt an electric wave move through them. It was like the body was receiving into itself the energetic sensation of “me” returning to “it”!
I’m sure you can imagine how amazing that experience felt. 
After a few more of these moments, I decided to fully re-enter the physical body. When I did I noticed something very peculiar. And this was the peak moment of this whole experience. 
In my body I didn’t feel cold. But when I touched certain parts of my body with my physical hands —my knees, the top of my feet, for example— they felt VERY cold. Again, I didn’t feel cold in my body. But parts of my body, when touched with my physical hands did feel cold. 
The cold surfaces correlated with parts of the body I would have left “last” as I “rose” out of the body. I was on my back. The parts I touched were all parts at the upper most part of my body in repose.
This all happened while laying toasty under a fleece blanket, a fleece top sheet, fleece bottom sheet and a down duvet. There was no physical-reality explanation for feeling cold. Especially in the locations where I felt cold!
You had to be there! 
Ok. So I get this may not sound very thrilling. I swear you need to have the experience to really get it. Nevertheless I’m THRILLED with these results. 
While writing this, I’m eager about experiments I want to run to further improve my awareness. I want to visit friend’s locations, observe things I could only see were I there, then call my friends and report what I saw. Then I want to travel to distant places and see what I can bring back.
That’s right, Seth says I can even travel to such places and actually bring back physical artifacts from those destinations. Can you imagine!?
I can!
I’m eager for more of this. And I deeply appreciate All That Is and my core intention, both of which are leading me on this auspicious trajectory. 
Maybe my journey is inspiring you to take your own. If so, I can help, obviously. Become a client! Let’s do this.
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positivlyfocused · 2 months
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How To Tell Your Jedi Powers Are Getting Stronger
This morning was an amazing, delightful experience. It confirmed, as many things in my life do, my expanding power as a creator. Powers creators possess resemble those of the fabled Jedi of Star Wars.
It’s no idle boast. If you’re reading this blog regularly you know. If not, you will if you do.
This amazing morning event came on the heels of another, astounding realization. Although I must say, I’m getting used to feeling astounded. It may be my new normal!
But it was how speedily both happened that really thrilled me. Both featured tiny gaps between my asking and receiving. By “gaps” I mean the time elapsing between my asking for the manifestation and getting it. Past manifestations came with fairly big gaps.
Narrowing gaps tell us something important. Enjoying near-instant manifestations feels great. But they also indicate one has improved dramatically their ability to create. They show “manifesting” getting easier and easier.
This is why I tell clients to focus on small creations. For one, small creations are more plentiful. They offer a lot of poof of improvement. But they also are easier to create. So they help people build trust. Trust that they are a creator. As that trust builds, they get more bold. They want to create more complex creations. Like piles of money. Or world-changing projects.
So let’s dive in and celebrate these two creations.
Better focus: Better futures
It was mid December. I was looking over my finances. Doing that, I said to myself, quite casually, “I’d like to have two more clients at my current rates.” My budget showed my client income covering all my expenses, with a little left over each month. I wanted a bit more left over each month.
Notice what I did here. I didn’t focus on the negative fact that I barely had any money left over! Most people will focus on that because that’s “what is”. They’ll look at what’s “true”. Unfortunately that’s not helpful if you want something other than what is.
Oh, we’re still creating when we’re focused on “what is”. The problem is, focusing there, we just create more of that: what is. That’s ok if we enjoy our what is. But if we don’t enjoy it and we focus on it, we’re going to get more of what we don’t enjoy.
Dissatisfaction we feel when looking at that unpleasant truth tells us in advance exactly what you just read. That emotion (displeasure) says: “Hey! You’re using your unlimited powers to create something you’re not going to like. Knock it off!”
But most people don’t know that. So they double down. They bemoan their finances. Or they try to fix the finances through doing: By getting another job, using credit card debt, or some other unsustainable approach. It’s no wonder many people on tight incomes work two or more jobs. See how unsatisfying that solution is?
Meanwhile, All That Is is UNLIMITED and so are we! We can create ANY reality we want. Including one in which our finances align with our desires. First, we must stop trying to get what we want by doing. Then we must stop focusing on “what is”.
Run from reality: it pays. Literally!
That’s not easy to do because the entire world wants us focused on “truth”. It wants us to be “realistic”. People want us to “get real”, “face reality”. They want us to “grow up”. Especially our parents.
They want us to do that because they’ll feel better about doing the same thing. That’s right. They’re being realistic. And MISERY LOVES COMPANY. Which explains why people call the optimistic ones pipe smokers, dreamers and head-in-the-sanders. I suggest you run from people and the world straight into your own optimistic reality. You’ll love it there!
That’s what I’m finding. And that’s exactly where I found my power.
So there I was, looking at my finances. I looked for just a few moments. Then I turned deliberately to what I wanted. I did this mentally. Physically, I closed my spreadsheet application and my computer. I knew what they were telling me. I didn’t need to keep looking at it.
Instead I just went about my day. Three days later, I got two FREE 1:1 appointment emails from two different people. They both had first names starting with “J”. They also both had gmail email addresses. Both scheduled their free session on the same Tuesday, one right after the other. A week later, both became paying clients at my current rates!
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Music set the scene 
The second manifestation happened in early January. I enjoy an Apple Music subscription. The variety of music there offers so much satisfaction. I also enjoy the Apple Music app on my iPhone. It’s intuitive, simple to use and has other features I really appreciate. One of those features is the ability to “favorite” songs.
On one of my daily walks, I wanted to listen to all tracks I favorited in my “music library”. The app allows user-created playlists and also creates automatic playlists. One of those is a “Top 25 tracks” playlist. It plays the 25 songs I’ve listened to the most. But I probably have favorited well over 100 songs. On this walk, I wanted to shuffle all of them, not just listen to the top 25.
The problem was the app didn’t have a way to do that. The closest “hack” was to sort my library by “favorites” then play them in that order. I couldn’t play them shuffled, in other words. Had I tried, the app would shuffle them along with all the other songs in my library.
The “hack” was good enough. Until day two, when I wanted to listen again. I couldn’t start at the beginning of my favorites. That would mean I’d listen to the first 20 or so tracks anytime I wanted to walk. So I had to remember where I was in the list and start playing from there.
That would have been annoying if I didn’t know what I know. Since I do know what I know, however, I did something different. And it made all the difference.
Getting it right
Instead of complaining in my head about this situation, I appreciated and enjoyed hearing my favorite tracks. I really, really appreciated and enjoyed them! I mean, after all, I really like these songs. It’s why I favorited them!
I also appreciated the fact that I could sort my library by favorites first. That was a nice feature, I thought. So I appreciated that part of the existing app. Then I melted into my walk, the beautiful, cold day and the music flowing into my ears…
What did I do here?
I didn’t focus on what was missing. I didn’t focus on the fact that the app doesn’t have a feature where I could play ONLY my favorites, shuffled. Instead, I enjoyed existing app features that allowed a semblance of what I wanted. See the difference?
Most people, when they can’t get what they want, will focus on that. They’ll throw an adult version of a tantrum. They’ll focus a lot of their creative energy on the problem. They won’t line up with the solution. As a result, their creative focus gives them more to complain about instead of leading them to the solution. I know that’s what happens. So instead, I focused on how great it would feel to listen to my favorite songs.
Of course, that’s what I was already, actually doing. So it was easy focusing there on “what is”. In doing that, I aligned with that future probable reality in which a version of the app existed that INCLUDED a favorites, shuffled playlist.
Ask and it’s given
Less than three days later, as I was preparing to go to bed, I got a software update notification on my iPhone. I usually activate these over night. This was no exception. I didn’t bother looking at what the update did. I trust Apple.
Every morning I fill my space with soothing music, usually right after an hour meditation. The next morning was no exception. I opened my iPhone, activated the Apple Music app. The app opened, but on top of the app was a notification of new features. Features that came as part of the update.
That’s what astonished me. You guessed it: the updated Apple Music app now featured a “favorites” playlist. One in which I could shuffle the tracks!
In that instance of astonishment, I didn’t think to grab a screen shot to accompany this post. Later, though, I realized I have Apple Music on all my Apple devices. So I could grab one from my iPad:
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So by casually asking, then not focusing on an unpleasant what is, I lined up with a future probable reality consistent with my desire. And that’s what emerged in my physical reality. How’s that for Jedi power?
How eternity happens
You may think “that’s a coincidence”. But my clients and I know there’s no such thing.
If it’s not a coincidence, then what is it? It’s me deliberately selecting a future reality from among infinite probable futures, the one that includes what I’m wanting. That’s the nature of creation. That’s how we, as eternal, powerful creators, create our subjective reality. 
And when we do that, the Universe and all entities in that revel in that fulfilled desire. All That Is possesses tremendous wherewithal. It can create ANY OUTCOME. It is voracious in that capacity. That’s because All That Is is constantly wanting to know itself. The paradox of its existence is; it can never fully know itself because as it knows more of itself it creates more of itself. It’s that dynamic, that dynamic tension, that gives rise to eternity.
We function exactly the same way. We each strive for greater self-awareness. But we never reach the end of that. Because in every fulfilled desire is born new desire. And that new desire we voraciously desire to realize. Thus, we constantly become more, while wanting to know the more we become. Voila! Eternity!
I love knowing what I know. I love seeing myself improve as a creator. It’s fun developing powers talked about in Jedi Lore. The ability to create reality, including other people. You’re invited to share in the fun: become a client today.
Addendum: It's two days after writing they post. I just got back from a walk in the Portland winter, which ice sheets replacing streets and sidewalks. On my walk I listened to my new playlist while appreciating my two new clients, both of whom had their first sessions Tuesday. I'M IN SO MUCH JOY in appreciating these two manifestations! Life is so wonderful!
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positivlyfocused · 2 months
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The Wonderful Paradox Of Trying to Control People
People…Am I right?
I mean seriously! If only we could control how people behave. The world would be a better place, wouldn’t it? I mean, gosh, all those transgender people! All those right-wing whack-jobs!
If I were god…I would…
Many spiritual teachers encourage giving up and letting go of trying to control people. They even encourage going with the flow of everything. By letting go, they say, we free ourselves. We become more Zen.
It’s good advice. Especially when it comes to people.
But there’s more to this wisdom. That’s because within the letting go lies a paradox. The paradox being; when we let go we come into our power. And that power allows us absolute control of everything. Including other people.
Let’s explore that more.
Creating what we complain about
We cannot control people or events we witness with our eyes. We can’t because those people and events are complete manifestations in that moment. Trying to change those invites pushback. People get defensive. And events, well, they don’t change.
But future versions of events and people can and do change. However, most people focus on events and people they’re looking at. And when those events and people change in the future, they just change into more of what people see. It’s a paradox. It looks like things aren’t changing. They are though.
Eyes aren’t the only way we perpetuate more of what is. We also do it with our words. Complaining about a situation perpetuates it for example. Same with people. When we complain about others, we align ourselves to future versions of those people. That is, versions aligned with what we’re complaining about.
It’s kind of a built-in process of life experience. After all, we’re here to expand and grow into deeper levels of unconditional love. And when we’re not doing that – by complaining, for example – life gives us more to complain about. Until we give all that complaining up, let go and give in, what we complain about will get more intense on purpose.
Discovering absolute control
Giving in means letting the manifestED be. Instead of focusing on that, especially that which we don’t like, we can turn our attention to what we want. Holding focus there, we will, in time begin seeing a reality matching that focus.
In other words, what we focus on becomes our experience. The more purely we focus on what we want, the more of what we want we see.
This is the paradox of wanting to control. We can’t control circumstances or people. But when we focus on circumstances and people we want to experience, we manifest experience containing onlythat.
So we absolutely can control people and events. How else are we creating everything around us? It’s through control. Not of people and events. Those things are done, finished. But by leveraging our creative ability, by attending to our focus, the Universe then responds to that. And when it does, circumstance and people bend to our desire.
That’s right. We can create a version of anyone we want. All we need is focus.
Two clients recently proved this to themselves. They offer perfect examples. In one, the client experiences me creating a better version of her. I’ll set that up in a moment. In the other, a client creates a more loving version of her husband. You’ll hear what happened in both cases in the clients’ own words.
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^^The paradox of this wisdom is when you exercise your focus, you have complete control of everything.
A client’s delight
In the first example, I created a better version of the client. The remarkable experience was the client herself recognized this without me pointing it out to her. 
She had been no-showing her sessions over the course of many months. So, not being a hypocrite, I chose to create a version of this client who would attend her sessions regularly. Now, the Positively Focused Way isn’t magic. Things don’t instantly happen as a result of leveraging vibration.
But when held long enough, they do happen. They must or else the premises upon which the practice is based would prove false. In this case, it took six months for the new version of the client to emerge. What happened at the end of that period was astounding…mostly for the client. I knew what was going to happen though. Still, I enjoyed the client’s realization. You will too. Take a listen:
^^A client realizes what happened when I created an improved version of her.
Another client marvels at her power
In the next example, the client and her husband had a rough night. Both struggle with anxiety. That’s something I’m showing my client how to soothe. She’s doing great on that subject. Because of this, she’s taking the Positively Focused Way seriously. She sees evidence of its effectiveness. So she’s testing it everywhere in her life.
The night she and her husband experienced strong anxiety over finances, she decided to use the practice to create a better version of her husband. She told the story in her session, which she allowed me to share. It’s a perfect example, showing how accurate everything in this post is. Take a listen:
^^A client creates a better version of her husband.
Several other clients have experienced similar results. In fact, my clients have experienced so many examples, it’s undeniable to them and to me.
You can enjoy them in your own life
You are a creator. Every experience is your creation, wanted or not. Therefore, why not create experiences you want? Everyone can. My clients are proving it to themselves. You can prove it to yourself too.
And that’s the rub of life. Words are just that, words. They only go so far. But your life experience convinces better than any amount of words. Even words from me or my clients, people whose experiences have proven it to them.
This explains why I encourage everyone to put this practice to the test. Life is a wonderful spiritual experience. It’s a paradox therefore. It looks real. It’s about as real as it gets. But that “reality” belies how much control you have over it. It looks like an objective reality. It’s not though. It’s 100 percent subjective. And you are the subject. In other words, you’re the creator of it.
As such, you have absolute control. That’s because you’re creating it. All of it. So why not exercise that control deliberately? Let me who you how. Become a client today.
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positivlyfocused · 3 months
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How Dreams Offer The Best Solutions To People’s Problems
TLDR: A series of vivid, emotional dreams led to a deeply cathartic experience, resolving internal struggles with a sense of homecoming and fulfillment. This transformative journey left the writer feeling great and eager for more extraordinary living.
Wow. It’s 0736. I just woke feeling wonder. There’s a massive smile on my face. Happiness flows through me as well as a sense of powerful worthiness.
Worthiness is an important feeling. All my clients start out far from feeling worthy. A lack of worthiness plagues all of humanity. It’s complicated, but that unworthiness feeling explains all the drama humans create as a species and as individuals.
For me, however, my worthiness is growing by leaps and bounds. This morning offered yet another expansion of it. An expansion I am conscious of. And that consciousness, that awareness, is why I’m feeling wonder.
Here’s what happened.
Unpleasant is communication
Over the last few weeks, I noticed decisions I’ve made that resulted in less than desirable results. I won’t describe what the decisions were. That’s because I’d rather amplify vibrations associated with what’s having me feel wonder and worthiness. And focusing on the decisions will amplify that old momentum. 
Suffice it to say the decisions were ones I noticed brought me unpleasant manifestations. Looking from the outside, you might describe these manifestations as extremely minor. Not like my newest client, who yesterday got T-boned while driving her cat in her Tesla to the Vet. No, my unpleasant manifestations these days are minuscule compared to that.
But like all unpleasant manifestations, they came in a cluster. A cluster of increasingly intense events. That intensity cluster was good. It caught my attention. And in that, I could do something about what was unfolding. If we don’t see what’s happening, we can’t do anything about it. I’m so glad I can see what’s happening.
So last night, I made a different decision. I decided I wanted to change my trajectory. 
That’s what happened. But how it happened was extraordinary.
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Leverage found in sleep
What happened all happened in dream state. While everyone dreams, hardly anyone understands what happens in that state. Even those who interpret dreams and those who do “dream therapy” likely don’t understand dreams. What’s happening in dreams is far more sophisticated than we know. And far more powerful.
What humans call dreams actually exist on many planes. These planes or dimensions are so numerous, the human brain can’t comprehend what’s happening. But our Broader Perspective, that larger part of us, understands it fully. What’s more, that part of us guides dream activity.
What we do while awake informs that activity. But dreams influence our waking experience in return. When a human can directly, deliberately use dream influence, life gets really interesting. For then we can use that influence to improve life experience.
That’s what happened last night.
It feels like it happened for me, instead of me making it happen. And that’s the yumminess of worthiness. Because everything that happens happens for us. In other words, we’re not making anything happen. We set our focus, then the Universe coordinates outcomes. Outcomes best fitting our focus or intention.
I got a direct experience of that last night. And, frankly, it feels AH-mazing seeing it unfold!
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^^The “topography” of last night’s dream experience.
Proficiency produces powerful dream experience
I had three “segments” of dreams. The first came before my mid-night meditation. The second happened after that mediation. The third immediately followed the second. Several dreams comprised each segment. In total, I dreamed at least 15 dreams. All were extremely vivid and real, just like being awake. But the emotional “tone” or “flavor” of them was far more intense than waking reality.
Seth talks about senses we use in the dream state. Some correspond with our waking senses; seeing, hearing, etc. But some senses don’t correspond to waking senses. Perceiving through emotion is one of those. I can attest to the power of this sense. It feels absolutely intense. And whether it’s unpleasant emotion or pleasant emotion, it is that way…intense.
Which is why nightmares frighten us so.
In the first segment, I found myself in several different realities. I was in a suburb with houses, streets, sidewalks. But the place was nothing like waking reality. Where I was probably doesn’t even exist on this plane.
These first dreams all featured me making choices. While making them, I felt confused. I couldn’t decide what to choose. For example, I was in someone’s home. I was trying to choose a ball. The homeowner offered a variety from which to choose. There were many kinds of balls – basketballs, dodgeballs, etc. Some were old. Others were new. But, for some reason, I couldn’t choose.
On the way to that person’s home, I drove on a highway. While following traffic, I noticed I needed to follow the highway to the right. I didn’t do that though. Instead, I curved left. But I knew I wanted to go right!
Both of these are examples of me making decisions that resulted in unpleasant outcomes. You can see that they mimicked what I did while awake.
The set up continues
In the second segment, I walked through a dance club. To get there, I had to drive through an unfamiliar city at night. I parked my vehicle in the parking lot, then went inside. Inside, I met several unseemly youths. After those encounters, I decided to leave. But when I got outside, I noticed my vehicle was gone. I had just bought it. But then I realized my bad purchase decision: I bought a truck that was easy to steal.
Coaxing the youths to tell me who took it didn’t work. They took it, I knew, but they weren’t admitting it. At this point in the dream series I tried mightily to fix my decisions. Doing so got me feeling really intense negative emotion. Emotion that also was highly disempowering. It felt like despair, a wanting to give up. Highly uncharacteristic of me!
And this is another value of dream reality. It’s like a testing ground. It gives us experiences we won’t want in real life. There, we can experiment with them, and learn from them without having to live the dream “for real”.
I remember waking from the first segment feeling really clear those dreams were about my recent choices in waking reality. Waking from this second segment, it was clear how choices in the dream aligned with beliefs I have. Beliefs I’m wanting to change.
After that I went into the third segment. What happened next prompted this post.
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Non sequiturs create resolution
In the third segment, I realized the purpose of this whole process. And the feeling I felt associated with that was extraordinary.
The dreams involved me being in the company of a beautiful being. I felt great comfort in their company. “Comfort” doesn’t do the feeling justice. Words can’t describe the power and pleasure of what I felt. We sat with others who watched a sporting event on television. I felt I belonged among these beings.
One of them, a female, stood before me. She had a beautiful body. Tattoos covered every inch of it. She said, without using any words, that she wanted to remove them. And that’s what she did. She peeled them away one by one with her fingers. As she did this, I felt something…a kind of release….
Then I was in an open area of low-lying buildings. My older brother stood beside me. Beneath our feet was a hand-woven rug of Middle Eastern origin. These fantastic planes flew above us. One after another passed over us and, as they did, I spoke to my brother in Farsi about how we can make use of this “campaign” to resolve differences between our country and others…
I know that doesn’t sound at all like the resolution I asked for. But you had to be there!
I’m including the major dreams only. Otherwise this post would be a TLDR experience. Suffice it to say, each one flowed one into the other with perfect cohesion. Still, I get they sound like non-sequiturs.
A perfect compendium of catharsis
The last dream I experienced before waking was the kicker. I stood in a shower. The shower wasn’t mine. Outside the shower window I heard children playing happily. Beside me, in the shower was a beautiful small-breasted woman. Her body was….nothing short of extraordinary. The water ran down both our bodies and all I remember besides what you just read was a feeling of HOME. It was a feeling of all being well, of release after climax, of ecstasy or completion.
Then a series of dreams happened that took this experience to a new level. It’s hard to describe exactly what happened. That’s because language doesn’t align with what happens in nonphysical. And the dream state happens in nonphysical.
Nevertheless the series involved me experiencing situations in which I “paused”. And in the pause, I did something that translated as resolving the process or beliefs or momentum that had me make decisions producing dissatisfying results. I knew that’s what happened, but it’s hard to make direct connection between what I saw and experienced in the dream and my translation of it.
All I can say is it was extremely cathartic. Especially after the climactic dream I experienced before that. 
This entire process was such a fulfilling experience! When I woke it was just before 0730 and I knew, I just knew, what I asked for had been resolved on my behalf.
How did I know?
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^^The joyful catharsis I felt directly stemmed from my dream experience. (Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash)
Emotions: Indications of expansion
Because I felt GREAT. But that’s not all. I also felt FOR SURE that what you just read happened. I recalled ALL OF IT. Including the emotions, the associations with wake state experience prior to going to bed…all of it.
Before I started writing this, I amplified everything you’re reading by affirming how great it feels. I affirmed this new day. A new day unburdened by old belief. I expressed appreciation for, and felt joy in the expressing, my expanded awareness. I also expressed how blessed I felt by my cadre — the innumerable beings in nonphysical that support every desire I create as a result of being human.
Re-reading all this, I’m in awe. It’s this kind of experience that gradually becomes available to all my advanced practice clients. I feel blessed to lead the way. The way to extraordinary living. It certainly feels extraordinary. And I’m eager for more.
Want to experience your expansion into the extraordinary? Become a client.
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positivlyfocused · 3 months
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How To Destroy The Scary Old Trope Called ‘Original Sin’
TLDR: This post delves into the concept of original sin in Christianity and its impact on individuals’ beliefs and actions. It questions the notion of sin and advocates for a shift in perspective. The writer offers support for those seeking to release themselves from disempowering beliefs.
In a recent Advanced Session Group session, the subject of Christianity came up. I wrote about one aspect of that conversation in a previous post. In this post, I’m exploring another aspect. 
That aspect is Christianity’s idea of “original sin”.
The idea is that we are born into sin. It’s unavoidable. Because of that, Jesus died on the cross in atonement for that, and other, sins. His act, therefore, makes us right in God’s eyes. 
Not all of us though.
Only those who believe in Jesus and Christian teachings get that grace. So a very large portion of the population exists outside of Jesus’ apparently selfless act of sacrifice.
In the Advanced Session Group meeting, one client, who is Christian, mentioned how her religion accords with the Positively Focused Way. But another client contested that. She pointed out two divergent and crucial ideas that are inconsistent with The Way: one was this idea of original sin. The other: that a god exists, separate from us, which we must curry favor from or be damned to hell. Forever.
Our essential flaw?
It’s extremely hard to feel secure with these two ideas in one’s head. Not only because both ideas distort what’s actually happening, but because both ideas can’t help but generate insecurity in ourselves.
We’re naturally going to have desires that fall outside Christianity’s prescribed bounds of behavior. Which is why so many Christians “fall” so often. Including Christian “leaders”. It’s inevitable that we’re going to want to go beyond what has been. That’s a basic tenet of All That Is: Continual expansion is its nature. And we are All That Is.
That desire to go beyond explains why gay and lesbian people exist. It’s why some are transgender and intersex. People who enjoy anal sex aren’t sinners. They’re expanding the consciousness of All That Is. And all these examples are just about sex! On every subject consciousness is constantly going beyond what has come before. 
Now, it’s possible Christianity meant that we are all born into a world encouraging us to lose our connection with our Broader Perspective. That, for sure, is accurate. One definition of “sin” does mean “to miss the mark” after all. And when we’re displacing our Broader Perspective knowledge with what other humans teach us, we miss the mark. We can’t rendezvous with our unfolding desires, unfolding on their own for our benefit. 
This is not what Christianity espouses, however. There’s an essential flaw in humans, it says. It’s this sin.
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^^Nearly all our god concepts suffer from enormous distortions. Including Christianity’s version.
A more accurate picture
So what’s really happening when a human comes into the world? Is it really a “fallen” act? 
Coming into physical reality is a divine, blessed and courageous act. Here divine beings of limitless ability choose to incarnate into perceived limitation. They make the choice because doing so, they know, will expand All That Is. So the very act of coming here expands All That Is! How can that be sinful?
Pro tip: It’s not.
As we said, however, most who do come here get off track. They miss the mark in their focus. Instead of remembering they are eternal beings, they buy into what they’re sold. Their parents, teachers and siblings put on sales pitches. So does society at large. In fact, nearly everything in physical reality perpetuates distortion. 
Not everything, of course. This blog, for example, espouses the universal law-based premisses that form existence on this plane. Some movies do too. As does some music. Other forms of art do as well. 
Animals, plants and other points of consciousness do too. Which is why life continues happening on this planet. In fact there’s far more going right on Earth than that which humans think is going wrong.
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^^That which is god is not separate from us. And it’s only love. Only Love.
Real freedom from sin
Original sin, then, is a distortion. But it’s a powerful one. It enjoys the momentum of an entire religion. Several actually. So what can a person do? How can one free themselves from this automatic damnation?
It has nothing to do with accepting Jesus as your savior.
The idea of Original Sin is a belief. It’s an idea. As a result, it’s going to create associated realities. Most of those realities are going to be unwanted, because the whole idea of Original Sin is contrary to how the Universe works. And things in opposition to how the Universe works, generally, produce undesirable outcomes.
So the way out of all this is displacing the belief in Original Sin with a better-feeling belief. Beliefs begin as thoughts. Held long enough, those thoughts will become beliefs. But first, the thinker must soothe momentum of existing beliefs. Did I write above that Original Sin as an idea enjoys tremendous momentum?
I did.
That means it’s going to take a while to extricate oneself from realities consistent with Original Sin. Including the reality of an underlying sense of insecurity. My client who is Christian is slowly making her way through unraveling this. But it’s going to take a while.
In the mean time, she sees a lot of progress on other subjects. So much so that evidence is bolstering her determination to let go of her Christian beliefs. Beliefs she believes shape the foundation of her life.
Right now they do do that. And in doing that, they create a lot of emotional turmoil for my client. She’s beginning to see that. That’s a good thing. 
Moving beyond Original Sin is possible
Another client faces a similarly trajectory. But his orientation to Christian belief is much more traumatic. He’s queer. And, of course, much of the Christian Religion says that, too, is a sin. So he’s struggling letting go of that judgement he’s taken on as his own self-condemnation, while also rejecting the whole concept of hell, damnation and sin. But it’s taking him a long, long time to free himself from that momentum.
It can be done though. My clients prove it’s possible. It’s not easy though. Which is why someone like me can be a great help. Want help freeing yourself from such disempowering beliefs? I’m around.
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positivlyfocused · 3 months
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Becoming A Shapeshifter: Spectacular, New Results
Regular blog readers know I’m progressing on the trajectory of me becoming “ordinary among the superhuman.” Part of that path involves becoming a shapeshifter.
You read that right.
Nothing is off limits to us as eternal, infinite beings. Whatever it is we want is ours. But only if we become matches to that. Thinking what we want is impossible though makes it impossible. Doubting it’s possible does too. So does fearing it. As does believing we’re not worthy of it. Another thing killing desire: believing we’re only human, subject to birth and death.
Transcend these self-imposed limitations and we discover what’s really going on: that the Universe responds to our every wish with “yes”.
Regular readers also know I’ve written before about progress I’m making in realizing shapeshifting abilities. Read previous posts here and here.
Today, I’m reporting on the most intense, obvious and spectacular results indicating progress. Keep reading. If you’re at all interested in this subject, what you’re about to read may inspire you.
Not for beginners
Before getting to the deets, a word of warning: this is EXTREMELY ADVANCED mastery practice. Many, many prerequisites are required to even begin this practice. That’s because early results, if we don’t know how to see them, will elude our awareness. They will be there. But our awareness will miss them. As a result, we’ll conclude we’re not making progress.
But we are making progress.
Still, if we think we’re not, we’ll amplify THAT in our reality. Doing so, the Universe will deliver more of those results (not seeing results). Doubt will creep in, then the whole process will fail us.
This explains why I help clients learn how to see in new ways. Actually, it’s not really new. It’s ancient. But we’ve replaced this way of seeing with seeing only through our eyes. We’ve conditioned ourselves that only that which we can see is real. Everything else isn’t. So we miss the majority of what’s happening in the world.
Learning or re-learning to see appropriately, we can watch our desires become real right before our eyes. We then amplify that evidence. Then the Universe serves up more of that (seeing results). Then, in a while, we enjoy that which we want as full blown reality.
This is the process of creating. The creative process. And it works for anything we want. Small things and large things alike.
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^^Clients willing to give me 75 percent bonuses for what they’re learning must mean They’re getting value. And they are: Their lives are changing for the better.
Believe it or not
What you’re about to read, therefore, may stretch your believability. I’m not sharing this to make you believe, however. I’m sharing this to amplify my own knowing and encourage more evidence I want to see. If this inspires you, great! But that’s not my purpose.
That said, my clients will attest: everything I’ve shared in this practice has resulted in exactly the results promised every client. So everything you’re about to read is accurate as far as how the Universe works.
For me, this is about one thing. I’m here to expand. This is reason enough. However, doing what I intend will show humanity that we are unlimited. Everything is possible. Anything, really. That’s our birthright. We came to joyfully expand All That Is. And we each are instances of that.
Even in our disbelief, we’re still part of All That Is.
The Buddha once asked, “what is the difference between a Buddha and a common mortal?”
“The common mortal doesn’t know he’s a Buddha.” He answered.
I’m here as an emissary of All That Is. I’m here to show all of humanity what it is. Many others are here too. They’re doing the same thing. After all, my approach may turn more off than it attracts. So it’s good many perspectives are being offered.
So whether you believe what you’re reading or not, it is all accurate. Shapeshifting is only one “supernatural” ability I pursue these days. Later, maybe, I’ll share more about those other abilities. For now, let’s stick with shapeshifting.
Meditation: the gateway
A big part of the Positively Focused Way Advanced Practice involves meditation. Besides dreams, meditation is the preferred gateway into other dimensions. It is the best way to still the mind. It also sharpens inner perception. That’s crucial because we must learn to see without using physical eyes. None of our physical sense organs work in nonphysical. They can’t handle the onslaught of data happening at that vibrational level.
But think about dreams you’ve experienced. In those realms, we see. We hear. Even our sense of smell works there. We also enjoy complex sense-making. We perceive distance. Depth perception works too. In many dreams, all these senses are richer. Far richer than physical perception.
And yet, when dreaming, our eyes are closed! Our bodies are still. Even so, we move around and manipulate objects.
So we must enjoy a completely separate set of interpretive functions apart from our physical ones. Meditation helps reacquaint ourselves with those. Then, we can start “seeing” what’s happening in that place. That place where everything in “reality” comes from.
And we can use that focus to help attract fulfilled desires. Including things some think are impossible. Shapeshifting, for example. 
So what is this evidence I’m getting to? Let’s go there now.
Correlating my experience with my predecessors
Recently, in several of my meditative sessions, I experienced a swelling of my cerebellum. How do I know this? I can feel it pushing up against the bottom of my cerebrum and out the back of my neck. I also feel correlated pressures in my frontal lobe. This happens while my body “roils” involuntarily.
Swelling of that part of my brain feels odd. But it’s not unnerving. Nor is it scary. It does, however, feel very uncomfortable. In his book Astral Projection, Oliver Fox describes having similar sensations. He originally published Astral Projection in 1962. Still, it’s a great primer. In it, Fox offers helpful advice from his personal experience. He also warns readers about these sensations I’m having:
“It would now be well to consider what risks, if any, are involved in the making of such experiments…some of the symptoms…are painful and extremely unpleasant…We are dealing with what is essentially a mental exercise or process, and it is easily conceivable that an ill-balanced mind, lacking in self-control, might become temporarily or even permanently deranged.”
My experience mirrors this. I have experienced the pain he writes about. And, during an awakening experience many years ago, I felt that fear of temporary or permanent derangement.
Jane Roberts and Robert Butts report similar experiences I’m having. Given these people’s success, I know I’m on track. I also believe these sensations are exactly what they feel like: changes in my body. Changes it’s making in preparation. Preparation to support what I want: to be able to shapeshift.
Stronger evidence proving advancement
What once felt like “pain” now comes as “discomfort”. I surmise “discomfort” will ease even more when my body has completed its preparations. After all, while this is a spiritual expansion, the body must play a part. It is “shape”-shifting after all.
That’s what I believe is happening when my cerebellum swells. It’s also what’s happening when my body roils. It’s all about accommodating these new desires. Desires, that, once fulfilled, may be a human first. Maybe.
I mean, people may have wished to do this. But they may not have seriously pursued it. I’m serious. Serious enough to endure the pain and discomfort. Serious enough to keep at it until I achieve my aim.
One night after a swelling episode, I got an interesting impulse. The impulse was “find out the cerebellum’s purpose”. Knowing to act on impulses because they lead to delightful manifestations, that’s what I did. I opened Wikipedia. What I read required interpretation, however. That’s because Wikipedia’s stylistic tone is pro-science. So I needed to read the information from a spiritualperspective.
What I read astonished me.
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^^The Positively Focused Way results in a person becoming superhuman among the ordinary, then becoming ordinary among the superhuman.
The astonishing correlation
Turns out that part of the brain may be the organ that manages shapeshifting. Science is very unclear about the cerebellum (no surprise there). But its speculations offer interesting glimmers. Glimmers that might shed light on what’s happening inside my skull.
According to Wikipedia, the cerebellum manages fine motor skills, particularly fine placements of the body in space. It’s also responsible for highly specific learning modalities, including optimal control, visual-spacial cognition, supervised learning and the regulation of unsupervised learning. All this includes interpreting sensory inputs from relativistic positioning to guide motor function and so much more…
Now, think about it. What is shapeshifting? It is changing one’s form from one structure to another. Doing that requires heightened levels of “Optimal Control” doesn’t it? Wouldn’t it also require highly attuned visual-spacial recognition? Yes it would. The two learning modalities play a part too. For the body must be able to tell when the shift is complete. And all this must happen at extremely fine levels. Infinite levels of relationship between parts of the body and relationships between the body and all other objects in the immediate space. In other words, extremely fine motor skills are required.
This sounds very much like functions the cerebellum excels at. So developing such abilities would necessitate expanded capacities in the cerebellum!
Did I mention how astonishing this was?
After reading the entry, I read other entries about functions I noted above. All of what I read had me conclude what you’re reading. 
Now, this is admittedly speculation. But my life is a library of proof proving true my speculations. Evidence my clients are creating bolster my own proof. So something is happening. And I’m thrilled to find out more!
Further speculation brings anticipation
My cerebellum is expanding to accommodate shapeshifting. Apparently, this part of the brain also is associated with pain processing. As far as shapeshifting is concerned, every part of the body, every atom, cell and nerve must rearrange into the model/vision – the target shape. That might be quite painful. But the cerebellum may modulate pain sensors to accommodate the shift from one form to the other.
Teleportation is another ability I’m cultivating. The cerebellum may play a role there too. What is teleportation? The ability to move from one place and time and appear in another, instantly. Wouldn’t that demand extremely precise motor coordination? How about fine placements in space and time? You wouldn’t want to teleport into a concrete wall, for example!
According to Wikipedia posts I read, cerebellum functions play a role in an animal regulating precise body movements from one position in time and space to another as it traverses an environment. Or as it repositions its body. As when, for example, a cat sits down and licks its nuts…
All this inspires me deeply. It also inspires anticipation. Eagerness too. I feel certain I’m on a path. A path including astonishing abilities. It’s fun walking this path. It’s also fun seeing signs showing my progress.
Want to know more? Interested in discovering your own path like my clients are? Get in touch.
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positivlyfocused · 3 months
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When A Scam Is An Awesome Gift Of Love
I suppose most people think being scammed is a bad thing. But a scammer taking advantage of you tells you something really good.
No, it doesn’t tell you you’re stupid. Or that you should be more aware…although you probably should. What it is telling you is that there is something happening inside you that makes you a match to that experience.
Yes, the scam “victim” draws that experience into their life. Being scammed isn’t a random event. No event is. Instead, it’s a reflection of an inner state, a vibrational state. The event vibrationally matches that inner state, so it shows up in the scammed person’s experience as manifested reality.
This is exactly what happened with a client recently, although she caught it early enough to avoid being scammed. Just like I did before.
I wrote about what most people would say was the positive side of this experience last week. But this week I’m going to share another positive side. A side most would probably think was “negative”.
But it’s not. It’s very, very positive.
Desperation: a great money maker
As I wrote last week, this client finds herself attached to a certain guy. This guy waffles in his affection for her. The client knows she deserves better. But because of beliefs causing her attachment, she can’t pull herself away from the guy. I mean, she could, but she feels compelled notto.
As a result, she wants him to change. But he won’t change. That’s because her focus remains on his waffling behavior. She doesn’t like that behavior. But because she fixates on it, it persists.
Not only that. It’s getting stronger.
And as it does, her desire for it to change gets stronger too. So the two amplify each other. That amplification leaves my client feeling desperate. And desperation is what the vibration feels like that makes one a match to scammers.
Especially scammers who use the potential of finding love as their leverage.
No where are people more desperate than in their pursuit of love. They’re willing to spend thousands to get it. They’re also willing to kiss a lot of frogs.
Meanwhile, the endearing, unconditional love they seek in the world around them exists closer than they think. It’s right there inside them. It’s the connection between them and their Broader Perspective. And when a person connects to that, love from another human pales in comparison.
The irony is, when a person has this inner relationship front-and-center, human relationships get better. And love one wants from another human gets better too.
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Conditional love or unconditional love?
The client in question doesn’t have this Broader Perspective relationship front-and-center though. Instead, she’s allowed her relationship with Mr. Waffle to displace that relationship. And this is why she feels desperate. Because love from another human always comes with conditions. Broader Perspective love, however, is unconditional.
Displace that unconditional love with conditional love and the immediate feeling is insecurity. Keep it there long enough and insecurity turns to worry, concern, fear, jealousy and even hatred. These emotions happen when that unconditional love another human brings to the table bears out as unconditional: when they get mad at us for not meeting their expectations. Or for doing something they don’t like. 
Our Broader Perspective has no conditions we can’t meet. It doesn’t get mad at us. We don’t irritate it. It just loves us, period.
A person trying to rely on conditional love can develop feelings of desperation when everything they try fails to coax their partner into behaving the way they want. That’s what was happening with this client. And that’s why she was feeling desperation. 
Finding her way
So last week when those four new perfectly-matched dating options showed up, the client was overjoyed, at first. As she explored one of them more deeply, however, he turned out to be a scammer. A scammer preying on people desperate for love.
This revelation had the client feeling angry, then sad. But what was happening wasn’t sad. It didn’t have to be anger-inducing either. That’s because the experience showed my client exactly where she was vibrationally. And if she didn’t know where she was vibrationally standing, she couldn’t do anything about it.
Thankfully, the client’s Broader Perspective got her attention well enough to trigger skepticism about this person. She looked into it a bit more, then discovered the plot. 
She’s still struggling though. She hasn’t yet found her way through disempowering stories on various subjects. Stories that have her feeling vibrationally low. And creating circumstances, events…and men, projecting that low vibration back to her.
And yet, improvement is on the horizon. So long as one persists in their focus, their desire to improve their vibration, that will happen. Then the world must reflect that improved vibration back to her in the form an improving life experience.
In the meantime, this client already has created enough evidence on other subjects proving the Positively Focused Way works. So she’s going to persist. Which means she’s eventually going to get everything she desires. Including a satisfying relationship.
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positivlyfocused · 3 months
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The Universe Is The Best Dating Service
On my other blog, I encourage readers avoid online dating. It’s costly. It rarely succeeds. And it’s not very fun. Especially for BIPOC.
Recently, a Positively Focused client came to her own understanding of this. She realized, unconsciously, as most clients do, that the Universe is a wish-granting jewel. It constantly fulfills every desire. 
Just because it does that, however, doesn’t mean we receive every desire fulfilled. To receive, we must be tuned in. We must be on the same frequency of the fulfilled desire. That means, of course, following Broader Perspective impulses. If we do that, we end up at the perfect place and time to real-ize fulfilled desire.
However, most of us don’t know how to hear impulses. So we move through life haphazardly. Or we rely on “doing”. We try making things happen. Instead of allowing them to happen.
That’s what lead to my client’s epiphany.
Attachment breeds unconsciousness
My client currently is in love. Rather, she thinks she is. Actually, she’s in very strong attachment. Attachment over this guy she thinks is “The One”. The problem is, no person is that. The only “The One” in our lives is us. In other words, we each are our own “The One”.
Most of us don’t realize this though. That’s because society talks us out of our inner knowing. We then forget we are eternal. We forget we are eternally loved, loved by us, and that no other love can compare to that. Especially conditional love from another human.
This client finds herself thus. She’s struggling, therefore. She’s struggling because she’s experiencing things she doesn’t like about this guy. Every time they spend time together and get close, for example, he freaks out. Intimacy frightens him. So he’ll waffle. One day he’s all Lovey-dovey. The next day, he “needs space.”
This pattern may sound familiar.
The problem for my client is her attachment. She wants so bad for this person to change. But he can’t change when she focuses so much on his behavior she doesn’t like. Behavior reflecting her own waffling way of being.
That’s right, my client realizes in this guy’s behavior that she was this way in relationship for decades.So she is having her dominant way of being in relationship reflected back to her.
I told her this was the purpose of this relationship: to have her see what’s happening inside her, vibrationally. Seeing that, she can then change her frequency.
But she’s not having that. Which has her suffering in indecision and strong resistance. Resistance she thinks is desire. She’s struggling in attachment too. Attachment she thinks is love.
But it’s not.
Which is why what happened next is so compelling.
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The Universe delivers
While my client holds onto attachment for dear life, her focus on what she doesn’t want already has created what she does want. The Universe already answered her desire for a better relationship, in other words.
Still, her attachment has her pining for this one guy, rather than going with the flow of her unfolding.
“I was on my Facebook profile,” she explained one session. We were talking about her dating possibilities and how the Universe keys up an infinite stream of increasingly better quality men for her. “I rarely visit it. So when I did, I noticed I had 150 new friend requests.”
She continued: “I’m on eHarmony. None of the men I see there are attractive to me. It’s depressing.”
The client said she wondered while pursuing her online dating profile if she should date only widowers. She thinks such men would be better matches. That’s because, supposedly, they had long, enduring relationships, right up to the bitter end! Then she said she also thought she should date only engineers, since she gets along with such guys easily. She used to work in an engineering-heavy industry.
“So when I looked at the friend requests,” She explained. “Four of them were really handsome men. All four were widowers and all were engineers! That’s so weird.”
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“Weird” means “I’m oblivious”
“Weird” is a common client refrain. Like most people, clients don’t get how consistently Universe delivers on all desires. So they don’t experience enough evidence of it. When I point out the evidence, they can’t believe it’s how the Universe works. They instead see these experiences as standing out. As strange. As “weird”.
In time, anyone will move beyond “weird” to just accepting that the Universe does this. But until then, people just can’t accept that these “coincidences” are how the Universe works. In other words, they’re oblivious. And that obliviousness blocks them from seeing their desires fulfilling themselves, like this client seeing the Universe give her matches without her having to do anything.
This obliviousness is why people are trying to find their match via online dating. And trying to “make” other things happen in their lives too. They think “doing” is the key to getting what they want. When in fact, relaxing and trusting will make it happen easier and with more fun.
People make a lot of money out of other people thinking “doing” is the only way.
I encouraged my client to get this: That the Universe knows better how to deliver what she wants. And that no amount of doing can replace the power and leverage of the Universe.
But she’s still attached. So she’s still struggling. Meanwhile, the wonder wasn’t wasted on me. I reveled in the awareness giving me insight into the gift the client received. Even if she can’t enjoy that awareness fully…yet.
I know, in time, should she continue, she will. It’s the natural unfolding of All That Is. All That Is, which is what we all are. 
Discover how the Universe is serving you with utmost loyalty. Contact me. Let’s get you started in your own practice.
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positivlyfocused · 4 months
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The Great Tragedy Of Christianity Also Is A Blessing
Something awesome happened in the Positively Focused Advanced Group session this week. The topic: Christianity. When one participant got mildly triggered, she also triggered a wonderful exploration.
After a hundred hours or so of one-on-one session practice, I invite eligible clients into the Advanced Session Group sessions. The monthly sessions’ value lies in the group dynamic. Participants benefit from hearing others’ experiences. That’s because it’s easier seeing something going on in another’s life than our own sometimes.
One Advanced Group participant still believes in Christianity. So when Christianity came up “Jane”, which I’ll call the client, struggled a bit with what came next. It was Jane’s struggle that offered Positively Focused gold to everyone else. Including Jane! Let’s see what happened.
Cognitive dissonance begets a great conversation
Jane said she appreciates how Christianity aligns with what she’s learned from her Positively Focused practice. Of course, that’s accurate. What I share in Positively Focused sessions is exactly how the Universe works. This explains why clients’ lives dramatically improve as their proficiency with the Positively Focused Way improves. One’s life MUST improve.
That’s what happens when one stops resisting how life works.
It also makes sense Jane’s experience with the Positively Focused Way highlights similarities between it and Christianity. She shared some New Testament Bible quotes, which she believed say the same thing we talk about in our Positively Focused practice. Everyone listened quietly as she talked.
When one chronically views life through a Positively Focused lens, everything reveals its positive aspects to the viewer. That’s consistent with the way the Universe works too. Because All That Is sees everything happening in itself as good. Only humans see it differently, often to their detriment. So it made sense that Jane sees similarities between her Christian beliefs and the Positively Focused Way.
But she wasn’t taking her analysis far enough. Another practitioner did, however. Her analysis took us right up to the leading edge. Here’s how that happened.
When I said Christian teachings contain significant distortions, Jane got uncomfortable. She didn’t believe that. Her beliefs about Christianity wouldn’t allow it. I added that its distortions primarily explain why humanity experiences much difficulty today. This religion, and others, distort how the Universe works, I said. Accuracies exist in Christianity and other religions. But distortions in them overwhelm those accuracies.
Jane got a bit defensive about her beliefs. I believe others felt that from her too. That’s when another participant I’ll call “Maria” spoke up.
Introducing Christianity’s Major Distortions
“Maria” is an African American woman. She also happens to be transgender. She took to the Positively Focused Way quite quickly. I attribute that to her being trans. Her trans status forced her to look for alternate world views. Ones that told her she is perfect the way she is, not an abomination. Or confused, or mentally ill. As a result of this, Maria took very well to the Positively Focused Way, because it asserts her perfection as a god in human form. Her confidence and ability with the Way reflects that.
Anyway, Maria, gesturing for emphasis said “The main problem with Christian belief is it says God exists ‘out there’ outside us.”
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Her statement hung in the air a moment. I let it be a bit before adding “and Original Sin, that we are born into sin, is a problem too. So is the idea that Jesus died for our sins.”
Jane was silent for some time. She couldn’t deny it. These three basic tenets of Christianity run counter to how the Universe works. They also run counter to who we each are as eternal beings, god in human form.
Think about it. Assume a god exists out there separate from us. He — invariably “he” — arbitrates who gets into heaven. So each person must be a particular way in life to “earn” a ticket in. If we don’t, we’re condemned to “hell”. There’s a lot to unpack there. But let’s just stick with this separate God. If a God exists as Christianity asserts, one we must satisfy or go to hell, then humans are perpetually wondering if their acts will earn them a ticket to heaven. Don’t you think that sets humanity up for perpetual, intense insecurity?
And doesn’t this Original Sin greatly amplify that insecurity? It’s like the moment we’re born we’re damned, beholden to the mercy of Christ.
Insecurity is positive, but not the way you think
That insecurity happens automatically. That insecure feeling is also good. It’s good because it tells us something we want to know. But if we don’t know what it’s telling us, that insecurity will inspire action amplifying the insecurity.
For example, it will make a person externalize their insecurity. I’m sure you’ve experienced this. I sure have. The purest form of this externalization shows up among kids. Christian kids will sometimes tell non-Christian kids they are going to hell. Adults do this too. Christian parents sometimes even say it to their own kids! Such acts are manifestations of trying to soothe inner insecurity born of distorted Christian teachings. But judging others, and emotions that follow such acts, only amplify that inner knowing. The knowing saying “something is off here.”
Something is off. We are gods becoming more. We come into this time-space reality in pursuit of that more. There is no one outside of us, judging what we’re doing. We needn’t please someone in order to get somewhere. And, as gods, when we live from our godliness, life evidence will show us our inherent worthiness.
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^^Live from your Charmed Life and life will show you heaven on earth. (Photo by Omkar Jadhav on Unsplash)
Life gets better. Confidence replaces anxiety. Security replaces insecurity. Loving others replaces condemning them.
All this is possible. But only when we take “insecurity” for what it is telling us. Then do something about it.
Perpetuating distortion generation to generation
And do something we must. Because no one else can do it. Jesus can’t do anything for us. We don’t need saving because we were never lost. Instead, we are what Christians externalize. And when we live from that, life turns into the Charmed Life I write about.
If “Original Sin” does exist, it looks like this: the tendency in parents to pass on distortions to their kids. The “sin”, if there is one that we are born into, is being born to parents who don’t know they are god in human form. Parents who don’t know their children are too.
Abraham points to this in a recent email message:
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If we are born into a “sin” it is this. It is not realizing we are all god in human form.
For now, every person comes into the world through a woman. That process means being raised by those who came before us. Nearly every such event includes people who don’t realize they are god in human form.
It’s not just parents though. It’s teachers too. And neighbors, including other children who gave their clarity up to curry parental approval. It’s religious leaders. Leaders who refuse to believe distortion exists in their teachings. And it’s popular figures who gain fame, but don’t understand where their fame comes from. So they thank “God”.
So the Original Sin is denying our godliness. Then externalizing it in an external God and empowering that figment of our imagination to judge our worthiness.
The conversation between Jane and Maria left Jane and the rest of us deep in thought. It also left Maria feeling empowered, as it should. Her comments were spot on.
What to do about it
Look around. It’s not just Christians living distortions. Much of human civilization rests on them. But we don’t need to. We can live alongside ordinary people, while living extraordinary lives. In doing so, we turn distortions into blessings. Negative emotion we feel while in the vibration of distorted beliefs is meant to prompt us to take action.
Not physical action though. It’s meant to prompt introspection as action. It’s meant to inspire us to seek out our Broader Perspective. Do that and we discover whole new dimensions. Dimensions existing right alongside those based on distortion. It’s like being born again, but for real. Not symbolically.
Christianity’s great tragedies are many. Acts taken in this external “God’s” name are legion. The blessing contained in each one is this turning inward. An introspection that can dispel distortion. It doesn’t happen overnight. That’s why it’s taking humanity so long. Thank god we’re eternal.
But again, none of us need to wait for others to get it. Our Charmed Life awaits us the moment we tap into that Broader Perspective we all are. And when we do, we enter the kingdom of heaven.
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Find out more or better yet, get started on your journey along the Positively Focused Way Contact me.
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positivlyfocused · 4 months
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How To Create Other People Easily
I know. It sounds like an impossibility. Other people are individual persons. They’re subject to their own whims and desires, right? We can’t create other people! They have free will and all that!
Not so fast…
It’s accurate that others are their own creation. But they’re also a co-creation. We all participate in each others’ becoming. And, as I’ve stressed before, the people we experience aren’t the same people those people actually are. Instead, they’re our creations. Which explains why sometimes people get defensive when others criticize them.
But this is a positive post about how I created another person in my reality. It’s not about being defensive. In fact, it’s really about being joyful. Because what happened was such a delightful, and yet, expected, surprise. And it offers a perfect example of how we create others. Including potential partners.
The setup was awesome
One day this past summer while riding my bike, I came across a celebration. Portlanders – in their weird way – were riding around on old-style roller-skates. Dressed in costumes and carrying signs, these folks were partying over something I didn’t understand. 
I did understand they were enjoying themselves, though. That was obvious. As a mobile DJ blasted tunes, the revelers wound their way along a circular path cones outlined on the street.
As I rode past, I noticed a woman on her bicycle. She was tall, with dark hair to her shoulders. She drew me to her with an enthralling quality. So much so it took me aback. The moment happened so quick. I saw her, rode past, then focused on the revelers.
Still, riding away, I chastised myself. Why didn't I stop and say hi? But in my self-reproach, I realized what I was doing. So, instead of staying in that belief constellation, I decided I would create a future reality where I'd see her again. I therefore casually said to myself "Wouldn't it be nice to see this person again?"
Then I focused on how pleased I would be to rendezvous with that probable future reality. One where I’d see her again.
Notice: I did this casually, lightly and only for a moment.
You can probably guess what happened next…
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We create everything we experience
As creators, we are the only beings in our reality. Everything we experience, therefore, is a reflection of our massive, eternal awareness. We constantly create new realities as we move through our created reality. This gives rise to multiverses science is only recently coming to acknowledge exists.
We create people in our realities as we create everything else. The versions we create are cooperatively created along with the entities those people are in their reality. So it’s not like we’re doing anything against anyone’s will.
What this means is, we have complete control over experiences we have with other people. But usually, we let our observations reign over what we create. Especially when it comes to other people. Rather than creating them deliberately, we let our observations do it. So people occur as individuals totally separate from us. We experience physical reality the same way for the same reasons.
When we realize, however, that we create our reality, including others, we come into tremendous power and leverage. We can literally call people back into our experience, provided those people are willing to have that experience too.
That’s what happened here.
After affirming a future rendezvous with this person, I dropped it. I let the idea go into All That Is, knowing the Universe took hold of it. 
Hearing inner guidance
Yesterday, over three months after seeing her, I got the impulse to go for a walk. I had just meditated for an hour and was vibing really high. So I put on warm clothes and headed out.
I knew I was vibing high because of how I felt. But also based on people's reactions. They were super friendly. Strangers stared at me. When you're vibing high, you stand out like a sore thumb. People notice you. I greeted those people and they were friendly in return.
As I wound my way back towards home, I started crossing one of the bridges spanning the river bisecting downtown Portland. On the way across I spotted a person coming the opposite direction. She was walking a Corgi. Something about her was very familiar.
About 20 meters away, we locked eyes. I said hi. She smiled and nodded. I felt a jolt of clarity. I recognized a connection between her and I in that moment.
We passed one another. Then my Broader Perspective suggested I stop, so I did. I leaned against the rail and took stock of my inner awareness. Something important happened that I wasn’t catching. But my Broader Perspective’s signals were strong enough to give me pause.
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^^The bridge where it went down
Then the big reveal 
I looked back and saw her walking in the distance. A part of me wanted to catch up with her. It wanted to introduce myself and strike up a chat. Another part didn’t. It wanted to go home. It was getting dark. Soon it would be too cold for the clothes I wore.
Screw it, I decided. I wanted to follow through on the first part urging me to go introduce myself. By now she was a good 500 meters away. I turned back and went to catch up with her.
About 50 meters away, for some reason, that’s when she decided to stop and sit on a park bench! It was a perfect set up! I was so pleased this happened because it worked perfectly for me to approach her. When I did, I introduced myself. She invited me to sit and talk.
After talking with her a while, it struck me: This was the girl I saw last summer! In my excitement I told her so, but she didn’t remember. Most people don’t remember much about things they consider insignificant, so that wasn’t surprising. Inside though I knew this was the Universe responding to my request.
Long story short, we talked for 30 minutes. She gave me her number. We’re talking about seeing each other again.
The more we believe, the more we see
It’s so fun meeting people this way. It’s so fun I wonder why people rely on online dating to help them meet people. This is way more fun. The serendipity, the surprise, the unfolding are all wonderful characteristics of cooperating with the Universe to meet people we want to meet.
And it’s so easy.
Moreover, if we’re relaxing into the desire, it happens relatively fast. 
But a lot of people don’t believe anything you just read. Or they believe what you just read is just a big coincidence. I’ve had this exact experience happen too many times though. So many I’m convinced this indeed is what’s possible. Not just for me. But for anyone.
We create our realities. That includes other people. The more we believe that, the more we’ll see that bear out in the world we experience. That means we can have anything in our reality: lovers, wonderful rendezvous, and everything else we desire.
It’s just how the Universe is organized.
Try it for yourself. Test the Universe and watch it deliver. Need help with the how? I’m available.
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