onceuponmmy · 14 days
Kitten Cuddles & Bunny Kisses
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onceuponmmy · 29 days
Mother Day Ideas
Whether your mother is someone who likes the outdoors, or someone that enjoys doing things inside. You can't go wrong with anything bought or homemade...
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Write her a Story
Homemade Bookmarks
Homemade Puzzles/Crosswords
Write a Poem/Haiku/Family Quote
Her Fave Books (Date with a Book) with Bookmarks
Personalised or Cute Stationery (Pens)
A new Journal/Scrapbook (With Stickers)
Book of Puzzles/Crosswords/Pattern Colouring
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Make her Breakfast in Bed
Bake her something
Cook her something
Make or Personalise Apron or Utensils
Cooking Utensils/Equipment or Apron
Get her Fave Treats/Snacks
A selection of her Beverages (Hot or Cold)
Make up a Foodie Kit (Ice Cream Kit, Movie Munchies Kit, etc)
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Plan a Day Out (Park, Beach, Gardens, Museum/Gallery, etc)
Grow A Plant/Tree
Make something from wood/glass (Jewellery/Trinket box, etc)
Take care of the Animals for the Day.
Choose a Cap/Hat/Sweatbands/an article of Active Wear
New or Personalised Water bottle/Exercise Equipment
Plant/Flowers/Gardening Tools
Handy Tools (Hammer, tool bag, etc)
Pet Accessories or Mementos (Mugs/Shirts/etc)
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Photography Projects (Digital Slideshow) Scrapbook
Make Cards/Paintings
Make Candles/Soaps/Bath Salts/Sugar Scrubs
Sewing/Knitting/Crochet (Scarf, Beanie, Slippers, Blanket)
Art Mediums (Paints & Brushes, Pencils, Clay, etc...)
Print Photography Portraits
Scrap-booking Supplies and Book
Sewing/Knitting/Crochet Equipment
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Give her a Home Spa Day (Massage, Facial, Pedi-Mani)
Homemade Jewellery (Necklaces, Bracelets, Earrings)
Paint her nail, Create Hairstyles
Have a Fashion Show Runway
Design a Fashion Line with things at Home
Self-Care/Skin Care Kits
Gift Cards/Vouchers
Fashion Accessories (Wallets, Purses, keychains, etc)
Shopping Trip; Choose a new Outfit
Beauty Supplies (Lip balm, Perfume, Make Up, etc)
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Compose a Song
Perform a Play
Create Dance Routine
Make a Playlist/Mixed Tape or CD
Homemade Music Memorabilia Crafts
Music Memorabilia
Go to a Show/Orchestra/Play
Attend a Concert of Music Festival
Find Personalised Packaging
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Play a Game with Her
Design a Game Together
Create something from old Tech Equipment
Laptop Decals/Stickers to Decorate
Sewn Laptop Case
Choose Accessories (Earphones, Speakers, Charger, Bags, Chargers, etc)
Personalised items (Mouse pads, Pictures, etc)
Desk Decorations (LED Lights, etc)
Portable Chargers & Desk Lamps
Smart Devices (Watches, Lights, Alexa)
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Do her Jobs for the Day
Give her a shoulder robe
Movie/TV Series Day in
Junk Food Day
Fluffy or Soft Blanket/Robe
Sleeping Mask
Massage Tools
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Any Mother
(What to get if you're unsure) :
PLAN FOR THE DAY (Doesn't have to be everything, choose what you feel she would love to do)
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BOUGHT (Can never go wrong with a custom gift basket)
Build a Gift Basket -
Basket/Gift Box
Self Care/Relaxation
Scented Goodie
"Mom" Goodie (Jewellery, Mug, Cozy things, Bookish...)
Fresh Flowers (Preferably Her Favourite)
MOTHERS DAY COUPONS (Just some options, or you can make them yourself in to a small booklet)
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onceuponmmy · 2 months
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onceuponmmy · 2 months
You visit your grandmothers garden for the first time after she's died, and for some reason there's a book sitting on the floor that you could have sworn wasn't there before. When you pick it, something happens...
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onceuponmmy · 2 months
Asking for permission
"Can I hold your hand?"
"Is it okay to kiss you?"
"Can I hug you?"
"Can I call you later?"
"Is it okay if I sleep here tonight?"
"Can I touch your hair?"
"I would love to spoil you, can I do this for you?"
"Can I tell people about us?"
"Would you allow me to walk you home?"
"Is it okay to randomly text you?"
"Can I take a picture of you?"
"Can I use a picture of you as my background?"
"Is it okay if we cuddled while watching the movie?"
"Would you let me take care of this for you?"
"Are you okay with me calling you my girl/boyfriend?"
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onceuponmmy · 10 months
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onceuponmmy · 1 year
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Tender, Decent, Generous
Rabbit is a tame and tender animal, and swift in move. People born in the Year of the Rabbit usually have soft and tender personality traits. They keep a modest attitude and maintain a pleasant relationship to people around. They will not be irritated easily, and they also avoid quarrels as much as possible.
Polite, Cautious, Responsible
They are easygoing, polite, tender and skilled in handling relationships with people. Decent dressing is important for them, and that also helps them win popularity. They usually can leave a good impression on other people, and always have a lot of friends. Their inner side, in fact, is quite delicate and cautious. With gentle nature, they will never steal others’ thunder, so they can do a brilliant job in team work. They are people of responsibility, patience and kindness. They are frank and honest to friends, and always keep their promises. They are grateful, especially to parents. They are usually filial children who place family in the first.
Hesitant, Timid, Foolhardy
People with Chinese Zodiac Rabbit are over cautious in personality, and keep themselves nervous always. They are conservative and hesitant in character. Though sometimes they are ambitious, they dare not take actions immediately. When they come across hardships, they are inclined to escape from the reality. In relationship, they are so sentimental that people cannot learn about their real feelings. They also love spending, having no concern or preparation for the future. They will lead a peaceful and smooth life, but sometimes they will get bored at the tedious lifestyle.
Industrious, Stable, Devoted
They stand aloof from success, and avoid rival with others. They are good at coping with interpersonal relationship, so they need to find jobs related to communication with people. They want peace and stability. Therefore, the jobs like gardener, teacher, doctor, pharmacist, military officer, politician, public relation manager, translator, or bank staff are suitable for them.
Generosity, Spending Problem, Better-off Status
In general, their financial status is favorable, they will not be troubled by money problem, and they need to take control of their spending, making ends meet. They are generous in money, for they cannot help to giving aids to people in need. They have no sense of saving, and they also do badly in financing. Shopping is one of their favorite activities, and they get money wasted in young age. After getting married, they begin to realize the importance of money management. In their old age, they will lead a better-off life.
Love and Relationships
Rational, Sensitive, Considerate
To be in love with people in Chinese zodiac Rabbit sign, people will feel them mysterious. Rabbit personality is rational, and they like to date in romantic places. In love, they will be sensitive and sentimental. They can be tolerant and considerate. If people want to win their heart, it is suggested to provide more courage and support. Their tenderness, elegance and nobility will make them to find best life partners.
Best Matches: Sheep, Monkey, Dog, Pig Bad Matches: Snake, Rooster
Mental Sickness, Beriberi, Stroke
People with Chinese zodiac sign of Rabbit are quite sentimental, so they may suffer from mental disease, such as insomnia, depression and irritability. Because of the tedious life, they may get heart disease. The best ways to get rid of these is to learn to manage the emotions and build up new hobbies. Besides, they are also vulnerable to stomach disease, beriberi, stroke and jaundice. More outdoor exercises are suggested.
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onceuponmmy · 1 year
Sometimes I wonder what my family really thinks of me.
Being the youngest of four siblings as well as being twelve years younger than them, there was always going to be an age barrier.
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But that only made me idolize them more.
They all went into the ARMY and were known for their academic achievements growing up.
I adored my two older brothers and I always wanted to be around them, spending school holidays with their families and adoring my nieces and nephews like they were my siblings.
And I always thought the world of my sister, believing she was the prettier more likable one out of the two of us.
But sometimes that made me feel like I was constantly in her shadow...
Not to mention the sarcasm I hear from them when they talk about my girls and I.
I'd like to say that I'm not a sensitive person, but there are times when some things do hurt my feelings.
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Confidence has never been my forte.
Being the baby of the family, there is a misconceptions that I have been using my parents to keep myself afloat.
But surprisingly, my partner and I have been doing our best to make our life work.
There are times when we have asked my parents for help, but not enough to put them into debt.
Still, I hear the comments they make...
What they don't see is that I raised four beautiful girls under the age of five without any help (aside from Kindy and School).
Fourteen years have passed since my eldest was born.
I never made anyone look after my children, and I made it my mission to be the most present mother I could be.
I modeled the type of person I wanted them to become, and I never once complained about putting myself last.
So when I see my anxious firstborn who finds going to the counter terrifying, I see how far she's become as a young lady that is a responsible older sister.
When I see my second born with autism that people feel sorry for, I see my independent special girl who is capable of anything she puts her mind to.
When I see my emotional third-born taking everything to heart, I see how big her heart truly is and I love her so much more.
And when I see my youngest daughter, the most open and unfiltered one of them all, I see someone who is smart beyond her years.
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onceuponmmy · 1 year
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Yesterday my eldest daughter graduated from Intermediate (which is 8th Grade for the American equivalent of New Zealand Form 2)
And although she didn't receive any special Award from the school, I'd never been more proud of her than I was watching her go up and receive her Graduation Certificate.
It was a little overwhelming watching the other families cheer on their children because they were getting award after award, especially when the majority of the hall was filled with large groups of support for a few of the students (i.e. church, extended family, friends, sports clubs, etc.) where person after person put a lei of celebration around their necks, some floral, other's made of candy and cellophane.
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It made me feel how small our family connections were, that the only ones who were there cheering for my girl were just her three younger sisters, her father, and I. And I made sure I shouted loud enough even if it felt like mine was the only voice there.
But to me, it didn't feel like I did enough to let her know that I was Proud of the person she had become. The achievements she had attained and acknowledged everything she had been through to get to where she is.
So that night I went home and I put down on paper the words I wanted her to see. It even took me five times to write it out properly, putting it the way I couldn't quite say it correctly out loud.
"Dearest Daughter...
Today Marks the end of one story and the beginning of your next one.
I've never been more proud of you then I am right now.
Your achievements and accomplishments reflect the hard work you have done, and you are living proof that you don't have to be the brightest star to shine in the night sky. Because no matter whose name was called for an award, you continued to smile as if you were the one receiving it.
I love how you've grown into a kind and compassionate young woman, fighting for what you truly believe in. I believe you will become a person that many will admire because you are already adored.
To others, perfect means doing everything right and nothing wrong, but don't forget that we are only human. So sometimes you are going to make mistakes, keep secrets, and disagree with things that I have to say. That doesn't mean you aren't perfect. Because to me, you are my kind of perfect.
You are such a beautiful person both inside and out, but always stay humble and never let anyone make you feel any less of yourself.
Sometimes I used to wonder why I never had a friend close enough to share things with apart from your father. Then I realized you were always there through everything that mattered. You are not just my daughter, but my best friend. And I always ask myself what I did to deserve you.
My Life changed the day you were born, the moment I held you in my arms I was no longer responsible for just me anymore. And I promised myself that I would never let anything happen to you. Call me overprotective, but I always wanted you safe.
But as the years passed by, and you experienced school, other people, and life, I saw that you were far more capable of anything you put your mind to. Never doubt yourself.
I know you've been through quite a lot and that you've been tested in ways that push you out of your comfort zone, but don't let the bad outweigh the good. If you treat the bad days like the good ones, then you will know how to deal with any problem in life.
I've always encouraged you to make your own decisions, not wanting to force you into doing what you don't like. But never be afraid to try new things, because I don't want you to regret anything in Life. Always make the right decisions for you, never feel that you to do it to please others.
There are so many things I can tell you when it comes to High School...
You are going to have to manage your time better. Always organize everything the night before, so that you're not rushing around the next morning. I can help you, but you need to learn how to do more on your own.
Bullies are always going to be a thing, whether they go after you or someone you know. You're either going to ignore them, or put into practice what your father taught and trained you to do. But hopefully, it won't come to that.
Social Media isn't quite something I would like you to be a part of, for obvious reasons. It's not because I don't trust you, you've always proven yourself. I find people on there to be toxic or just plain inappropriate. But I would like to be a part of that journey. Just because others have it, doesn't mean you have to have it.
And do as much as you can to learn from your classes, even picking up different books and absorbing any kind of information that's given to you. Learn as much as you can, you can never know too much.
But aside from all of that, High School is going to be a whole new experience that I know you are more then ready for.
Just know that...
We LOVE you unconditionally
We NOTICE everything about you
We ENJOY learning about what you have to share
We CHERISH every moment with you
We HOPE that you are Happy
We will SUPPORT you no matter what
We BELIEVE in you
We are PROUD of you
And we PROMISE to always be here for you...
Sealed in an envelope with a couple of chocolates, given with a gift-wrapped book and two flax flowers from my mother's day bouquet, I handed them to her the next morning.
She gave me one of the biggest hugs I've ever gotten from her, and her eyes were red from crying.
By putting those words into a Letter, I immortalized an important message that I wanted my daughter to be able to read whenever she needed it.
And I was so glad that I was able to convey the way she made me feel being her parent...
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onceuponmmy · 2 years
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There is no right way to grieve.
Everyone has a different way of dealing with losing someone in different ways.
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Usually, all of them at once, sometimes just one more than the other.
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Take for instance losing a child, especially one that takes their own life.
How would you feel as a father losing your firstborn child to suicide, not realizing something was wrong.
Then add on going into cardiac arrest a couple years before and coming back with short-term memory loss.
Not to mention losing first your mother, and then your father within a year after surviving a cardiac arrest.
And to top that off, your best friend dies in his sleep two months before your child commits suicide.
The last couple of years tends to make you question why you survived in the first place, only to go through this much pain.
You question what you did to deserve something of this proportion.
Especially when you are told you have no say in your mother's funeral plans, or not even told about your father and not invited there. And then being told to leave that very your sons funeral...
Then you start to say things you don't mean, hurting everyone around you so they can feel the pain you do, pushing them all away, and folding into yourself because no one could possibly know how you feel.
There are no excuses for bad behavior...
...but there also can be no judgment either.
Until you've been through this, you cannot tell another person how they should feel.
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onceuponmmy · 2 years
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Life Goes on... #BTS #Lyrics #lifegoeson #btsbealbum #bealbum #BTSsongs #btsarmy https://www.instagram.com/p/ClvTHP-vWLq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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onceuponmmy · 2 years
traits turned sour
honest - insensitive
persuasive - manipulative
caring - overprotective
confidence - arrogance
fearless - cocky
loyalty - an excuse
devotion - obsession
agreeable - lazy
perfectionism - insatisfaction
reserved - aloof
cautious - skeptical
self loved - selfish
available - distractible
emotional - dramatic
humble - attention-seeking
diligent - imposing
dutiful - submissive
assertive - bossy
strategic - calculated
truthful - cruel
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onceuponmmy · 2 years
Connecting With Your Reader's Emotions
We’ve all read a book or story that captured our hearts and made us feel things very deeply. It’s a superpower writers have, but it isn’t something we’re born with.
Connecting with your reader’s emotion happens when you’ve practiced writing. It becomes easier after each rough draft, each great draft, and each terrible draft.
But—if you want to save yourself some time, these are a few perspectives you can use to sharpen your writing tools.
1. Display Your Protagonist’s Inner Emotions
Your readers want to experience a character’s journey by connecting with them emotionally. We pick up books to feel things while learning something or just taking a break from life.
Displaying your protagonist’s inner conflict could look something like: She saw the ghost in the hallway, which scared her.
Your reader will feel more engaged if you describe how fear makes your protagonist feel instead of them feeling fear generally: She saw the ghost in the hallway and fear shot through her body like lightning.
You don’t need tons of flowery language to make your reader feel the same things as your character. Sometimes a minor descriptor or simile can do the job.
2. Show Your Protagonist’s Feelings Through External Reactions
Emotions don’t solely exist inside our hearts and minds. We also have external reactions to them. That could be nodding in confusion, shifting uncomfortably in a chair, or bending over laughing.
Consider this example:
“I love your laugh,” Anita said to Alice. “It makes my heart skip a beat.”
Heat spread through Alice’s cheeks as she smiled.
“Oh, you don’t mean that.”
You don’t need to mention how it feels to receive a compliment from a crush or why flattery is nice to hear. The physical reaction of blushing is something the reader can relate to and understand.
3. Make Your Reader Feel Something Your Character Doesn’t
This is a fun one. Sometimes characters have to figure something out, but the reader already knows what’s going on.
This could happen when you’re writing a horror story that is supposed to teach the reader about the joy of recognizing your own strength. The protagonist has the skills in the beginning to defeat the evil antagonist, but must reach rock bottom before cheering himself on. The whole time, the reader knows they can beat the antagonist and survive because they have the brains/strength/creativity, etc.
You could also write an enemies-to-lovers arc where it’s obvious to the reader that both characters are in love with each other long before they realize it. The reader should want them to embrace the scary feeling of falling in love, because that’s what you’re trying to teach through your story.
Consider Your Story’s Purpose
Writers have a purpose behind every story. What do you want readers to learn, consider, or experience through your own? You can use these methods of connecting with your reader’s emotions to make your plot’s purpose that much more powerful and engaging.
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onceuponmmy · 2 years
Why Originality in Writing Isn't Always Possible
I was writing for years before I encountered a problem with writing as a whole—that most ideas have already been published.
When someone first told me that though, they said it like, "You'll never think of something that hasn't already been written."
The phrasing makes it sound like all story ideas are a waste of your time. I began spiraling. I researched every short story I'd ever written. I looked up books similar or identical to other books I loved.
Turns out, that person was right.
Sort of.
New Ideas Are Old News
Think about how long humanity has existed. Think about the many experiences that generations have shared—love, loss, happiness, adventure, self-growth, your coming-of-age years.
Story ideas inspired by whatever you go through in life have likely already been lived or thought of, given the trillions of people who have walked this planet and interacted with each other.
Originality Doesn't Only Come From Ideas
This is what I wish someone had told me back when I was spiraling.
I'll say it again for those in the back—
Originality Doesn't Only Come From Ideas
It also comes from your voice and your perspective!
Voice can feel tricky to grasp when you're starting out as a writer. Everyone can throw a few words on a page. How do you know what your voice sounds like and if readers will respond well to it?
Imagine two friends going on a trip. They do everything together. They sit on the beach, they eat lunch at a restaurant, and watch a movie before heading home. Then they each journal about their day in notebooks.
Those entries would look nothing alike! One friend might relax on the beach and feel so at peace that they take a nap, while another gets sunburned easily and hides under their umbrella with a scowl. Both ultimately enjoyed their day for different reasons. The beach lover got time by the ocean and the other friend who liked the beach much less fell in love with a new dish at the restaurant because they're a foodie.
You'll also frame your stories differently than any other writer. Like accents change the way every person speaks out loud, writers structure sentences and describe things/events/emotions very differently.
These may seem like insignificant details that set stories apart, but they make all the difference.
Think about Homer’s Odyssey. Circe is a minor character in the long tale and basically gets about a minute of the reader's time before Odysseus moves on to the next phase of his journey home. In Madeline Miller's Circe, the goddess becomes the main character and the ultimate portrayal of fear, rage, hurt and healing that are universally experienced but are especially true to the female experience.
Both stories follow the same timeline, so readers don't pick them up to necessarily get surprised by something Brand New to Literature™. Instead, they read direct retellings to learn from the characters in new ways, live momentarily through someone else's eyes, and bond over another aspect of the human experience.
Circe is an incredible work of art. Your idea—whether it's a direct retelling, indirect retelling, or full of literary devices from previous works—can be incredible too.
How Do You Know Which Ideas Are Worth Writing?
If a story idea doesn't immediately make you jump for your computer or a pen/paper, is it worth writing? My best advice is to sit with it.
Some of my best work has come from stories that got to marinate. I put them in the back of my mind and thought about the characters or themes or plot when something sparked another idea. By the time I started typing, the story was more vivid than when I first though of it.
But also, I have probably twenty failed ideas for every story I've written.
Give yourself time to get to know your ideas. If they're worth your time, they'll sit with you too.
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onceuponmmy · 2 years
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I know there arw some things we can't conteol,and I know that some things aren't easy, but if you try,a smile can sometimes make a big difference... #journal #quote #selflove #writer #bts #kimseokjin #jin #jinbts https://www.instagram.com/p/CljtA8NSRE4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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onceuponmmy · 2 years
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Every Lemon will bring forth a child, and the lemons will never die out...' - Nizar Qabbani There are those of us that take things for granted, and those of us that just want things to go back to the way they were. This books makes you appreciate everything that you already have... #books #author #aslongasthelemontreesgrow #zoulfakatouh #bloomsbury #read #reading https://www.instagram.com/p/CliHLEgPcvI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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onceuponmmy · 2 years
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Love Thyself... #selflove #poem #lovethyself #thoughts #selfbelief #loveyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/ClfUVyXv_Ae/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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