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Sex itself would’ve been less sexual than the fist bump
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Kageyama: You take my breath away
Hinata who can’t comprehend idioms to save his life: YOU’RE ASTHMATIC??!
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Oikawa: I hate greeting people I am not close with, it’s awkward when you don’t know what they’re expecting. A wave, a fist bump, a handshake, nothing at all???
Oikawa: Like, I know a fist bump works for Hanamaki, just a wave for Matsukawa and a kiss on the lips for Iwa-chan
Matsukawa: That’s an odd way of coming out
Hanamaki: We support you Oikawa
Oikawa: ???
*Later that day, Oikawa recounts the scene to Iwaizumi*
Iwaizumi who is just as confused as Oikawa: I don’t think they know what they’re talking about
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I just really love the contrast between Sugawara and Oikawa in their relationships with Kageyama and how they serve as role models for him.
Kageyama wanted so badly to learn from Oikawa, and Oikawa was too insecure to be a mentor. He lashed out, literally, when Kageyama approached him for help. But the thing about Kageyama is, he's talented enough to learn a lot just by observation, to see a move and make it his own. And he applied this to more than just setting technique with Oikawa. He's always been blunt, but learned through observing Oikawa that insults and humiliation are the normal way to talk to teammates.
And then he meets Sugawara, who's so patient with him and cares a lot about helping the younger students improve. And even though Sugawara recognizes that Kageyama is more talented than him, even though Kageyama replaces him as starter in his first year, Sugawara isn't threatened by Kageyama at all. He wants to play in his third year, but he never blames Kageyama or tries to sabotage him.
When Sugawara steps in for Kageyama during the Aoba Johsai game, it could have been nothing more than a message to cool the fuck down. But instead it's a message of "you don't have to do it alone." It's support instead of punishment. And just like he did with Oikawa, Kageyama learns by watching. He sees Sugawara be kind to his teammates, and he starts taking the first steps towards kindness too. Eventually, he starts forming his own style out of little pieces of all the setters he's known, but it's important that Sugawara's steadiness is the foundation for that experimentation.
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I've had a chat with a woman named Suad and she's trusted me to share her story with you all.
Suad is a young engineer from Gaza who was excelling in her field, and had recently been told that she is pregnant. She had a bright future ahead of her until disaster struck and Israel and their constant bombings destroyed everything she holds dear.
She and her husband are now living out of a tent like many Gazans now. They have had to struggle to find food and water, and not only this, but Suad is also trying to nurture an unborn baby without access to adequate food and the prenatal care that a pregnant mother needs.
She is fundraising now to get herself, along with her husband and their family members out of Gaza. They require $20,000 to get out of Gaza and an additional $8,000 for transfer costs and living expenses in Egypt.
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(ID in Alt)
As of right now, they have made only $2,732 of their goal and their situation is urgent. Suad is now nearly 9th months along and will be giving birth to her child very soon in very dangerous conditions for both herself and the baby.
Please donate whatever you can to this fundraiser, and if you cannot donate, I urge you to share!
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STOP. DON'T SCROLL. READ THIS TO SAVE LIVES IN GAZA. Below are some VETTED campaigns to support Gazans. These people have been experiencing an active genocide for almost a full year. Donate and share widely.
(may 27th)
Save a displaced Gazan Family (@ranibra) - Rania is married with five children, her husband needs medical care. She is now responsible to save her children. Help them evacuate.
Support Fahmi and his family (@fahmiakkila) - Fahmi's life has been turned completely upside down, and he now finds himself responsible to save his parents, sisters, & brothers - 7 members.
Save the Maliha family (@dinamaliha) - Dina wants to save her mother, two sisters, and three brothers. The family lost contact with their father when the genocide started. They desperately need to get to Egypt.
Save Firas' family (@firassalemnewacccount @prosolitudeeee) - Firas is a father of two children, a 10-month-old boy and a two-year-old girl, who are in need of safe haven in Egypt.
Help Husam and his family (@husamthaher) - Husam desperately needs to save himself, his wife, and 3 young children.
Help Nader's family to evacuate from Gaza (@nadershoshaa) - Nader and his family, consisting of six members, are currently displaced in the south; help them evacuate and survive.
The Shamaly family wants to survive (@daee571989) - Help save 15 kids and their family, who are living a horrifying active genocide.
Ahmd needs urgent evacuation (@ahmd-iyd) - Ahmd has lost his livelihood to this genocide, and needs funds to help his family evacuate and rebuild their life.
Help evacuate Hani's family (@skatehani) - A dear friend, and a Palestinian skater trying to evacuate 10 members of his family; he has lost his father to injustice.
Help Iman’s family find safety (@imaneyad) - Iman has a family of 7 who need to find safety.
Help save Youssef's family (@bba3lo @mahmoud7878) - Ahmed Baalousha wants to save his wife, his two sons, his daughter, as well as his parents and siblings.
Support Ruba and Amal's family's urgent evacuation (@rubashaban @amalshabn) - Ruba and Amal's family are lacking the basic necessities of life; they have an elderly father who desperately needs to be evacuated for medical care.
Save little Yusuf and his family (@ahmednabubake) - Yusuf is in an intensive care unit fighting for his life in Gaza; he needs urgent evacuation alongside his family.
Help Omar evacuate (@omarsobhi) - Omar is a 20 year old Palestinian student who wants to save himself and his family from this genocide.
Help Belal and his family to evacuate from Gaza (@alaajshaat) - Belal has lost too much to this war and needs to support himself and his family.
Do not scroll past this list without contributing. This list makes it easy for you to find a fundraiser to support. Choose at least one. Your contribution will save lives. If you cannot donate, share these campaigns.
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watch for this as you scroll social media this evening:
israel today dropped a bomb on a refugee camp located in rafah, which, as a reminder, had been sold as a safe zone.
remember that this camp is made of tents, not buildings. this strike was dropped directly on families in the dead of night, with no shelter to protect them. many people have become trapped by the burning tents. we don't have a death toll yet, but it's likely more than 50.
the images coming out from this attack are among the most graphic we have seen out of gaza. do not look them up unprepared.
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guys tell me not to watch banana fish again
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just rewatched banana fish, imma cry myself to sleep now
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#Something about two nickels and it being weird that it happened twice
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It was supposed to be a fun show about hitmen adopting a child WHY THE FUCK AM I CRYING
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Wei Wuxian: Can you do me a favor?
Lan Zhan: I'd die for you but go ahead.
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Langa: Wanna eat what my mom made?
Reki: What'd she make?
Langa: *hands him an onigiri*
Reki excitedly: Thanks langa you're the best!
Joe observing the scene from behind: Oh
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Kirishima touching bakugo's biceps anyway: woah dude you're hard
Bakugo: that's because you're touching me
Kirishima: what
Bakugo: what
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Kirimisha: dude you went out to workout? C'mere lemme see what u got lemme feel your biceps Bakugo on the outside: fuck off Bakugo on the inside:
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Kirimisha: dude you went out to workout? C'mere lemme see what u got lemme feel your biceps Bakugo on the outside: fuck off Bakugo on the inside:
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sasuke: you know we’re tasting our own saliva all the time naruto: wanna taste mine for a change? sasuke visibily blushing: ok naruto: *spits in sasuke’s hands* here
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