Sirius: James...I have something to tell you.
James: Yeah? What is it, Padfoot?
Sirius: Me and Moony...we're dating.
James: You're...dating? Dating who? Did Moony finally get a girlfriend again?
Sirius: No! We're uh, dating. Each other.
James: Each other...? Each other's what? Like, each others ex girlfriend's, or–
Sirius: OH FOR MERLIN'S SAKE! storms off
James: Huh? Padfoot where are you going– oh, hi Moony!
Remus: Sirius? Why'd you drag me over here? What are you doing– mfph!
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when is chapter 10 of HP and the SFTT coming out ?
im still drafting the chapter, and things are picking up with irl school unfortunately, so I cant really give a time frame for certain. rest assured it is being worked on though! :)
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marauders era tweets!!
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sirius and james always have at least one like cause they're each others supporters 💯
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harry potter and the stupid fucking triwizard tournament
by: notatakenusername (aka me!)
summary: The moment Harry James Potter hears his name come out of the stupid, obese, wine-glass doppelganger, (also known as the Goblet of Fire), he's done holding himself back. Queue the chaos that happens when he gives into his impulsive thoughts.
snippet from chapter 9, where Sirius gets his trail:
Umbridge stiffened, eye twitching in anger. “Very well then! Please detail the supposed incident.” 
“It was during my third year in Hogwarts. Ron’s rat, Scabbers, who was also Peter Pettigrew, escaped from Ron’s hold and ran to the Whomping Willow, which has a passage to the Shrieking Shack. It was there where Sirius Black was. We initially thought he was a threat, but he explained the truth not too soon after Professor Lupin showed up. I saw the animagus transformation with my own eyes, as well as Peter Pettigrew’s admission of guilt.” 
Fudge stared down at Hermione with an odd look on his face. Umbridge huffed. 
“Well, what an…interesting story! It would, of course, be possible, if not for the fact that all animagus are registered. Are you aware of this fact, girl?” 
Harry heard Remus scoff in disgust from next to him, which was honestly understandable. Umbridge was treating Hermione as if she had the intelligence of a five-year-old, which was just ridiculous! The reason was rather obvious, too– Umbridge thought because Hermione was Muggleborn, she was less intelligent. Based on the way Hermione’s eye just twitched in pure anger, she’s about to desperately prove Umbridge wrong. 
“Oh? Is that so? Well, girl, are you aware that not every fucking animagus registers in the catalog? Do you know how easy that is to do? No? Do you know that registering is something you do willingly, which means there are probably dozens of unregistered animagus running around out there? Do you know how absolutely stupid the animagus system, which you no doubt set up, is? Do you know how easy it would be to manage this by making the animagus transformation process a class mandated by the Ministry to track all of them instead of having them register on their own? No? You don’t, do you, girl?”
Sirius let out a loud bark of laughter. Umbridge and Fudge could do nothing but gape in pure shock. Hermione smirked in satisfaction. Rita Skeeter’s camera went off. 
Ah. It was simply perfect. 
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when's chapter 5 of recipe for disaster coming out?
chapter five is currently drafted! it will be coming out after it is fully beta-ed, which is hopefully soon. i have posted a snippet of it though, if you'd like to read a sneak peak of it LOL
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Recipe for Disaster (to the 1970's)
by notatakenusername (aka me)
summary: After a disastrous incident in Harry's fifth-year potions class, he and Malfoy are forcibly thrust into the past where they both face the old Hogwarts and its students. Unfortunately (or fortunately) for Harry, this includes facing his parents and their friends. Determined to continue his education in Hogwarts while laying low, he and Malfoy continue their lessons as fifth-years. All they have to do is lay low and not be found out. How hard could it be?
snippet of unreleased chapter 5:
Just as Harry was about to get up and leave, his eye caught an unoccupied classroom. 
Why not, Harry thought, walking toward the classroom. At least then students won’t look at me weirdly. 
Harry tugged open the door, dropping his bag next to the door. He looked up, then– 
Remus and Sirius scampered apart, Remus’s terrified eyes flicking to meet Harry’s gaze. 
The room was definitely not unoccupied, because in it was Sirius and Remus. Who were kissing two seconds ago. 
Sirius stared at Harry for a beat. “Uh– we were just, uh–” 
“Er– Sorry–!” 
Harry slammed the door shut, spinning around and running. He immediately turned to enter the courtyard, ignoring a Ravenclaw’s indignant yelp as he lightly bumped him. Running past the courtyard, he immediately exited the castle. He could spot Hagrid’s tiny hut in the distance. 
What the fuck did I just see?
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Draco Malfoy and the Oddly Interesting Muggle World
by notatakenusername (aka me)
summary: Draco Malfoy had never doubted his father before– until now. Confused about the pureblood ideology on Muggles, Draco sets to explore the Muggle world himself. Naturally, chaos ensues.
snippet of chapter 1:
“The cars are…honking at you? Are you on crack, kid?”
Draco’s jaw almost dropped at this pathetic Muggle’s behavior. “How dare you? What even is this ‘crack’ you are yammering about?”
The Muggle simply looked at him weirdly and left. Honestly, how could the Muggles act so appalling? Especially when a Pureblood, incredible wizard such as Draco blessed them with his presence? Draco simply rolled his eyes and continued to walk where the rest of the Muggles were. He soon found out it was called a sidewalk. Better to blend in, after all.
Soon, the next stop for Draco came. The first thing that caught his attention was the large glowing sign that read “Apple.” Draco was confused at first because, well, wasn’t the glowing breaking the statute of secrecy? But Draco soon picked up on it– Muggles had somehow done the glowing themselves! It was rather shocking– the way his father described Muggles, they could barely comprehend the concept of candles! Honestly, if Draco dared to think it…the wizards were behind!
Draco had proceeded to enter this “Apple” store and found out it was a store for these odd rectangle-shaped things called “phones.” The worker had looked at Draco extremely condescendingly as he explained what a phone was. He seemed to give up once Draco asked what a “charger” was, and handed him a paper manual.
Well, time to get reading Draco supposed.
Thirty minutes later, Draco was the expert on phones. He bought one for himself and immediately went to the app store, downloading the first few apps he saw.
Oh well. He’d discover what “Wattpad”, “Twitter”, and “TikTok” were later! Time to explore more now!
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not-a-taken-username · 2 months
Recipe for Disaster (to the 1970's)
by notatakenusername (aka me)
summary: After a disastrous incident in Harry's fifth-year potions class, he and Malfoy are forcibly thrust into the past where they both face the old Hogwarts and its students. Unfortunately (or fortunately) for Harry, this includes facing his parents and their friends. Determined to continue his education in Hogwarts while laying low, he and Malfoy continue their lessons as fifth-years. All they have to do is lay low and not be found out. How hard could it be?
snippet of unreleased chapter 3:
Not too soon after, Madam Pomfrey and Remus emerged from the Whomping Willow, Remus’s arm slung over Madam Pomfrey for support as he limped his way to the castle. Harry felt a pang of pity in his chest. 
As they continued to make their way to the castle, they were clearly following the path, which Harry was standing in, which the other three Marauders clearly did not. They were getting too close for comfort.
Harry carefully backed away into the grass, eyes fixed on the pair as they walked past him. He let out a sigh of relief. Harry turned toward the grass, walking toward it, and– 
Harry let out an audible gasp as he tripped on a weed and fell straight into the floor, his flimsy Disillusionment Charm vanishing in an instant.
Well that wasn’t very good.
At the corner of his eye, he saw Madam Pomfrey and Remus look around in confusion. 
Shit! Harry thought, quickly scrambling forward and moving into a sitting position, keeping his head forward and pointedly away from the pair. He saw the pair’s eyes land on him, Remus’s eyes widening and Madam Pomfrey’s face twisting in confusion. 
Harry whipped around, faux shock on his face. “Oh, er, hi Madam Pomfrey, and Lupin.” 
“What are you doing here so early?!” Madam Pomfrey scolded, frowning. Remus looked away from Harry, but he could still see the fear on his face. 
“Uh, I watch the sunrise sometimes!” Harry said, grinning and very much hoping it looked real. “That’s all.” 
“Very well,” Madam Pomfrey said, shooting one last doubtful look at him before leaving with Remus. Harry immediately dropped the act after, placing his head in his hands and groaning. 
Well, he was utterly and royally fucked. 
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not-a-taken-username · 2 months
ladies and gentlemen, remus john lupin in his Hogwarts days
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David Thewlis
Only Fools and Horses (TV series) - 1985
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not-a-taken-username · 2 months
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not-a-taken-username · 3 months
recipe for disaster (to the 1970’s)
by notatakenusername (aka me)
summary: After a disastrous incident in Harry's fifth-year potions class, he and Malfoy are forcibly thrust into the past where they both face the old Hogwarts and its students. Unfortunately (or fortunately) for Harry, this includes facing his parents and their friends. Determined to continue his education in Hogwarts while laying low, he and Malfoy continue their lessons as fifth-years. All they have to do is lay low and not be found out. How hard could it be?
“Today, we will have two new students joining us– Harrison James and Draco Fawley,” she said simply, motioning directly toward Harry and Malfoy. The entire fucking class turned towards them, a few people’s eyes widening at the clear resemblance of their fathers– even Malfoy looked similar to Lucius.
“Oi, Prongs, the Harrison bloke looks similar to you,” Sirius said, nudging his father. Harry grimaced, but James grinned.
“Huh. Nice you meet you, Harrison!” he said jovially, waving from his seat. Harry gulped, unable to respond. Malfoy nudged him.
“Ah, yeah, er, nice to meet you too, Potter,” he mumbled. Malfoy hissed quietly from beside him.
“You idiot, you arent supposed to know his name–”
“Interesting, Harrison. I don’t recall ever introducing myself,” he said, raising an eyebrow and ruffling his hair.
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not-a-taken-username · 3 months
this is literally Remus
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not-a-taken-username · 3 months
what if i got one of these and named it padfoot
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not-a-taken-username · 3 months
Professor: Today we'll be learning about werewolves, and how to spot one. It's important to be able to recognize these beasts because they're extremely dangerous–
Sirius: Actually, Professor, how do you know if a werewolf is dangerous or not? Have you met one?
Professor: W-Well, Mr. Black, they're classified as XXXXX creatures–
Sirius: Honestly, Professor? I think werewolves are pretty fucking hot.
Remus: Sirius–!
Professor: Mr. Black! That's a detention! Do you know just how dangerous those deadly beasts can be? They must be put down–
Sirius: Nah. Instead of putting them down, I'd rather go down–
James: Padfoot you idiot I told you not to turn that in–
Sirius: So yeah, that's what happened. Honestly, I only said facts–
McGonagall: Detention, Mr. Black. Detention for the rest of your damn life.
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not-a-taken-username · 3 months
James: Moony did you actually take the map and hide it from me and Wormtail? Are you fucking serious?
Remus: I mean yeah, but I don't see the correlation–
James: I'm sorry what?!?
Remus: ...you didn't mean it in that way did you.
James: Are you serious right now–
Sirius, who just walked in with no context: No, I'm serious–
Remus and James: Shut the fuck up Padfoot.
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not-a-taken-username · 3 months
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last panel was MADE for peter
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not-a-taken-username · 3 months
a snippet of an unreleased chap of my crack fic– coming soon!
by: notatakenusername (aka me!)
“Wingardium Leviosa,” Harry murmured, watching the enchanted mistletoe slowly float above both of their heads.
“Yeah, I’ll get the second set of gifts for tomorrow-”
Remus stopped mid-speech, brow furrowing.
“Sirius? I can’t move my legs,” he said, cautiously, head whipping around in confusion. Sirius looked equally as puzzled.
“Neither can I,” he murmured, looking around in confusion. As Sirius stubbornly continued to try and move around, Remus looked up, and his expression changed into one of surprise at the enchanted mistletoe innocently floating above them. His eyes widened in realization and flicked down to the still-unaware Siruis.
“Padfoot?” he questioned cautiously, instantly getting Siruis’s attention, whose eyes snapped up to meet his. Sirius’s gaze went up just a bit further, and his face dawned in realization.
“Oh shit.”
Remus gulped nervously, fidgeting as Sirius tried valiantly to swipe the mistletoe out of the air. Harry internally cackled as Remus stuttered.
“Did you–”
“N-No I didn’t!” Sirius assured, shaking his head as he progressively got redder. “It must’ve been Harry or something…”
Remus swore under his breath, rubbing his temple.
“If he did, there’s no way he’s going to remove it,” he mumbled, pointedly avoiding Sirius’s gaze.
Sirius muttered something under his breath, hiding his face under his shoulder-length hair as his eyes fixed on the floor.
“What was that?” Remus asked.
“I mean…I wouldn’t mind, yknow,” Sirius mumbled, turning away from Remus, who paused in shock.
“Nevermind,” Sirius said hastily. “I’m just being stupid–”
“No,” Remus interrupted, his voice faint. “You aren’t being stupid.”
Sirius’s eyes widened in shock and his gaze raised from the floor to meet Remus’s.
“Really?” he asked, his voice tiny. Remus smiled softly, raising a trembling hand to cup his cheek tenderly.
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