nirvanawright · 3 years
For someone whose motto is ‘Trust the Universe’, I’m not quite sure how I feel about Covid-19 totally screwing over my zest for living and working in the dreamy, vibey, yet chaotic capital city, halting my plans to explore Europe and my quest to find the best brunch spots. I’ll give Corona credit though, because it’s sure as hell knocked me out of my complacency. You see, once you’ve been single…
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nirvanawright · 3 years
Diversity in agencies: something a black square won't solve.
Diversity in agencies: something a black square won’t solve.
Diversity in agencies: Something a black square won’t solve. Fresh out of doing the IPA Foundation course – better late than never – the question ‘how to cultivate creativity’ had me thinking. The perfect example essay response nudges you to detail the classic nuggets of advice: Be curious, provide candid feedback, collaborate, the list goes on. I could bore you with the research findings of…
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nirvanawright · 6 years
The art of getting a promotion
The art of getting a promotion
I’m sure you won’t be surprised by this revelation.
Men are four times more likely than women to ask for a raise—and when women do ask, we typically request 30% less than men do, says Carnegie Mellon University economics professor Linda Babcock, co-author of Women Don’t Ask. 
Doing a great job is arguably pretty easy. Getting paid for what you deserve, a whole different ballgame. Asking for a…
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nirvanawright · 6 years
How to thrive in a broken corporate system
How to thrive in a broken corporate system
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“You should be earning, learning and having fun. And if you’re only doing one of these things, that’s not good.” There are a plethora of so called workplace norms that I feel really need to be set straight. Joining the rat race, earning, learning and having fun doesn’t mean you aren’t working hard too. It is possible to be nice and still succeed and to have a great work-life balance and be able…
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nirvanawright · 6 years
Celebrate my Blog Birthday!
Celebrate my Blog Birthday!
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So, it was officially my blog birthday last month – I’ve been M.I.A with the whole blogging thing recently, which does make me sad. Working full-time, living independently and various annoyances in life can often take precedence, draining energy, motivation and time to spend on building this blog and maintaining it. It’s been a strange, stressful few months and to be honest, I’ve needed endless…
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nirvanawright · 6 years
Feeling Lonely: how to cope
Feeling Lonely: how to cope
Loneliness has become an epidemic and whilst we live in a world that’s ever connected, you can quickly and easily Facetime your friend from the other side of the world, or even be surrounded by numerous colleagues, it can still feel lonely.  At least that’s how I’ve experienced things. Recently, the Government have made major steps to tackle this growing problem and I definitely think it’s a good…
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nirvanawright · 6 years
Sorry, we hired a Robot.
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Working 9-5 eh? Have you finished school, survived college, made it through university and landed yourself a dream job that you pinch yourself daily? Think you’re safe and secure? Think again hunnie. Multiple careers Right now it’s a completely different world to the one your parents or grandparents thrived in. They would have landed themselves a job and have had a lifelong career, until they…
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nirvanawright · 7 years
Network like a Pro
Network like a Pro
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Networking is daunting, for sure, especially the first time you go solo. Whether you’ve been roped in to attend an event on behalf of work, been coerced by a friend, want to meet new people or need to build your connections, it does get easier the more practise you have. You don’t have to attend a ‘networking event’ as such, to network, establish connections and land yourself a dream job. From…
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nirvanawright · 7 years
Create Goals & Smash them
Create Goals & Smash them
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When the clock struck midnight, turning 2016 to 2017, I bet you reflected on the year past, the ups the downs, the aspirations, the regrets and wanted to make this year your year, right? If you’re like me, you would have written or voiced all the things you want to learn and achieve this year and master them. But how many of those goals did you stick too? How many resolutions have you achieved…
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nirvanawright · 7 years
Redundancy Warning Signs
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It’s been two years since I was made redundant. A lot has changed since then and I’m now working in a sector which I absolutely love. At the time however, it was not a pleasant period. I was at my lowest, already feeling miserable as I was constantly failing my driving test. My gut was telling me at the time that something wasn’t right, but I kept convincing myself of other things. I remember it…
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nirvanawright · 7 years
What you should consider in your career
What you should consider in your career
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I recently conducted a poll on my Twitter, not the best sample size but interesting non the less, so thank you to all my followers who participated. It’s fascinating to see the results on what people prioritise when job hunting or deciding if a job is beneficial. It’s important to follow your heart, but listen to your head too. Your friends may think money is paramount in a new job or career,…
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nirvanawright · 7 years
Stress less
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WE all lead busy lives. I often feel like the sector I work in makes me feel like I’m running on a tread mill and can’t stop or get off. It’s partly why I love my job, I feel like you have to constantly learn, work and strive to improve your knowledge and skill-set. I aim to work smart, I gym, I socialise, try to blog, read, etc…. but often feel frazzled. A brunch date with a dear friend sided…
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nirvanawright · 7 years
How to deal with an Office Bully
How to deal with an Office Bully
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The Office Bully comes in many different forms. From the slimy snake that steals your sales, to the office gossip who creates rumours behind your back, to the jealous, incompetent one, who’ll do everything in their power to get you fired. And, if you are a new graduate and naïve to the game, or an experienced soul, at some point in your life, whether you like it or not, you’ll come across at…
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nirvanawright · 7 years
Ever feel like changing up your hair? That’s exactly what’ll I’ll be doing soon, opting for Baleyage. Well that’s the plan. Like most people wanting what they can’t have, I’ve always wanted to have blond hair. I’ve only ever had my hair dyed once before, having pink tips at the end. It’s fun to experiment right?
What isn’t so fun is experimenting and having to trial and test so many various hair products to find ones that actually do what they promote on the box. My hair, although thick and voluminous, is a pain to style and straighten properly due to its natural kink. Oh and did I mention how quickly it can frizz up in the humidity?!
I have recently managed to tame my hair, having a new haircut helped but also sticking to a fairly good hair regime has made my hair shine more, feel glossy and neat. I thought I would share with you the few things I use as they have been an absolute game changer. So listen up…
Natural World: Charcoal & Mint*
After reviewing Natural World’s Argan Oil range, of which I absolutely loved, I was lucky enough to have been sent their Charcoal and Mint Shampoo & Conditioner, thanks to the lovely PR! I gave it a try… uh-mazing. If only you could smell the products. They are so refreshing and perfect for summer, revitalising my dull hair instantly. Infused with Activated Charcoal & Certified Organic Mint, with Rosemary, Lemongrass, Orange & Ylang Ylang essential oils; these products are 95% derived from natural products. They are also pretty affordable, available Tesco. Once I’ve finished with these bottles I’ll no doubt be stocking up.
Aquis hair towel & Ojon rare blend oil
The Aquis hairwrap and the Ojon Oil were products found in a Sheerluxe & Latest in beauty edit box, my review here. I have used hair oils in the past, but have found this one to be the best. It’s not the cheapest but then again, it lasts ages, as you only need a pea size amount. I apply a few drops of the oil onto my hands, rub and then rough up my hair, through the tips and blow dry. Works a treat. And, forget drying your hair with your normal towel, invest in this innovative Aquis hair wrap, designed to dry your hair quickly, without damaging hair.
What are the hair products you swear by?
Love Career Girl
  PS – This item was gifted to me for promotional purposes, thoughts are all mine!
Hair Regime feat: Natural World Ever feel like changing up your hair? That’s exactly what’ll I’ll be doing soon, opting for Baleyage.
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nirvanawright · 7 years
Who doesn’t love dancing, shaking and sweating to pumping music in a beautifully air-conditioned, light and dreamy boutique studio?!
And that right there was the reason I jumped at the chance to review BARRE:toned. After attending a Barrecore class, I knew what to expect, which made it a whole less awkward. I knew it would be intense, that I would be expected to wear tight gear such as leggings and wear socks, to relax, have fun and, more importantly, to go at your own pace.
Last weekend, on a relatively sunny, fresh, late morning I was finally able to review BARRE:toned. I hopped off the tube at Notting Hill Gate and 10 minutes later arrived at the boutique. I was greeted by a lovely lady who, as it was my first time at the studio, gave me a tour around. Bright daylight floods into the almost all white rooms. There’s a very friendly yet calming atmosphere, it feels like you’re hanging out at a friend’s house, the staff are wonderful and instantly put me at ease.
You can chill-out easily before your class, or after even after, with options to perch on the mini sofas with cushions, sip chilled bottles of water and read Woman’s Health mag. Downstairs are well catered and thoughtfully decorated changing rooms, showers and lockers, with cute quotes like “embrace the shake”. To ensure I wasn’t late and allowing enough time to change into my workout gear and quickly refresh, I arrived quite early. It gave me a chance to soak up everything before my class with Catherine at noon.
  Entering the upstairs studio with daylight flooding in (the roof is half glass) was lovely – I detest artificial lighting! The studio itself was fairly small, not necessarily a bad thing, it provided an intimate setting, fitting around 15 or so women comfortably. Surrounded by mirrors and of course the barre, it brought back memories of when I did ballet regularly. This particular class involved use of the barre, the ball and straps. Heart rate was instantly up thanks to doing the plank, thighs were shaking to their limits and my body was put through its paces. I was thankful for the stretches which signalled the class was drawing to an end!
It was a brilliant class with an awesome instructor who motivated everyone and ensured every member was working out in the correct form, maintaining the right posture by helpfully, yet subtly adjusting to achieve maximum benefit. I think this is a really good indicator of separating a mediocre class from a great one. In my opinion, this is an obvious aspect of workouts and classes, yet it’s surprising just how many instructors neglect doing this or have a bad attitude. Especially for first timers who are unsure of whether they are doing a series of exercises correctly, this is massively important!
Now it’s not a case of if I’ll be back, but when! I highly recommend the class, instructor, the studio and the facilities. Oh, and Sunday morning my body felt the wonderful effects of the workout. I definitely want to make this a regular addition to my fitness regime. With consist attendance I bet after a few month you can easily expect to notice tangible improvements in flexibility and stamina and achieve an overall toned body.
Have you tried out classes or studios like this? What would you recommend?
  Love Career Girl
      *This opportunity was gifted to me for promotional purposes but thoughts are mine!
Embrace The Shake At BARRE:toned Who doesn’t love dancing, shaking and sweating to pumping music in a beautifully air-conditioned, light and dreamy boutique studio?!
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nirvanawright · 7 years
Reflections: 1yr Blog Birthday!
Reflections: 1yr Blog Birthday!
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YAY! IT’s officially my blog birthday – my Career Girl blog has been established for 1 year now, how exciting?! Initially an impulse decision, I thought I would start a blog on WordPress. I choose the free plan as I desperately wanted an outlet for my creativity, of which I have endless amounts of! In fact, I could kick myself I didn’t stick with Art and have always loved the subject Graphics,…
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nirvanawright · 7 years
After having a lovely catch up with some blogger babes at the wonderful Blogosphere Valentines Tea Party and meeting the man behind the Glo&Ray makeup brand, I was kindly invited to the palmer//harding London Fashion Week presentation.
Now, although I wouldn’t say I’m a fashionista, I do love so many different aspects of fashion, from the history, to the designers, the models and the media frenzy. I find it so intriguing and so loved the chance to explore what it’s like from seeing the presentation to chillingbackstage.
I first discovered Glo&Ray as their orangey lipstick was featured in a rather dreamy Sheer Luxe & Latest in Beauty collaboration beauty box a few years back. The show solely used Glo&Ray cosmetics, such as their lipstick, eyeliner, etc. My current favourite, apart from their lipsticks, is their brow pencil, which also features a brush, perfect for shaping my eyebrows.
The model on the left is sporting the look created by Glo&Ray, influenced by the designers youth, aspects of goth with pop colour. Right is the lovely Nancy – go check out her blog!
Head to my Insta to watch a snippet of the show!
The presentation was a frenzy whirlwind. The creative installation was influenced by nature, the designer’s childhood, 80’s and 90’s rebellion and goth-glam. We were able to check out backstage, chat to some of the models and makeup artists, and catch the stylists preparing for the show. The actual presentation was set to a soundtrack of grungy trance with all the models snaking around the room. Unlike a catwalk, this presentation was super intimate, allowing you to get up close and admire all the details of the clothes.
Known as the ‘shirt boys’ the designers excel at creating shirts with a difference. In fact, shirts, dresses and coats were all beautifully cut and draped on the models effortlessly. Some items were cut simply, others had a more elaborate construction with gorgeous open back detailing. They were pieces I instantly fell in love with, would wear and they wouldn’t date. In my opinion, the style was androgynous with subtle hints of feminine qualities. The palette was timeless with easily wearable shades of white, nudes, and darker natural colours reflecting bark, grass and all forms of nature.
Thanks so much to the guys at Glow&Ray for having me and to Palmer for taking the time to chat about the presentation and inspiration!
Excuse the blurry photos! I hope you liked this post, let me know your thoughts in the comments,
Career Girl xo
  LFW palmer//harding with Glo&Ray After having a lovely catch up with some blogger babes at the wonderful Blogosphere Valentines Tea Party and meeting the man behind the…
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