priyumka · 3 months
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priyumka · 7 months
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This really perfectly sums it up tbh
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priyumka · 7 months
gregor and ripred GREGOR AND RIPRED!!!!!!!
obviously ripred protects gregor. not in the same way he does lizzie or even luxa, but i'd say from the moment ripred saw gregor's horrified expression when henry was about to run a sword through him, he knew gregor was special. he told twitchtip to not judge gregor like she would other humans. he speaks softly when gregor is mourning. he teaches him life-or-death echolocation. he can't even tell gregor that the kid's gonna die in the prophecy of time. the "oh, tell me you didn't" to solovet after she locks gregor away. he promises to keep gregor's family safe, from one rager to another. he sees so much of himself in that kid and it's awful. the scene in cotw where ripred talks to gregor about being a rager (right after the frogs) will forever stick out to me. just. his peptalk to gregor before the final battle. ripred cares.
and so does gregor! gregor has so much respect for ripred, the rat, what has been the enemy for nearly his entire first journey in the underland, because he notices the pain in his eyes. he tells him "fly you high" when they first part ways, which is echoed by ripred when they last see each other. just the immediate relief that gregor feels any time ripred steps in. the way gregor messes with ripred, popping bubble gum after ripred insults him, joking about the prophecy at the end of book 5 ("time is turning back!" ripred - "shut up!"). in book 4, gregor sends the questers to busy themselves so ripred doesn't have to be vulnerable in front of so many. when gregor's in trouble, it's ripred's advice ("what's your plan?") that he thinks of. the section in book 5 where they all think ripred is dead and gregor is as upset by it as he is ares, that he "maybe even loved him." gregor looks up to him. just. the mentor/protege duo ever
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priyumka · 1 year
i came back to say that hollywood needs to #STOP forcefemming kate mckinnon LET HER BE DYKEY
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priyumka · 1 year
they should invent a mother who is normal and says normal things and has normal interactions with her child
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priyumka · 1 year
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priyumka · 1 year
confident women in their 40s-50s who have allowed themselves to age naturally are literally the hottest people alive
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priyumka · 1 year
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priyumka · 1 year
I’ve literally never been in a situation outside of middle school where a man crying has been mocked/ hasn’t been taken seriously. Like most adults are pretty empathetic towards men displaying emotion and I’ve heard many women express the sentiment that seeing a man cry immediately moves them to tears because “men only cry when it’s really serious” like the idea that women all point and laugh at a man weeping is such an absurd fiction lmfao
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priyumka · 1 year
your girlfriend told me that she thinks my takes are way more nuanced than yours. yeah she thinks you can’t get past surface level interpretations and she’s leaving you for my analysis. sorry
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priyumka · 2 years
talking about BONES (2005-2017) at work yesterday and someone went “that’s the show with the tension between the two leads, right?” yeah dude. unrelated i want to ask you one million questions about media
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priyumka · 2 years
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I love you.
Will McDonald & James Majoos as Cash Piggott & Darren Rivers “Three of Swords” — Heartbreak High (1.08)
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priyumka · 2 years
In Gregor and the Prophesy of Bane there is a line (in said prophesy) that goes,
"Die the baby, die his heart, die his most essential part"
And yes yes it makes sense, but we overlook the fact that the most essential thing about Gregor is his HEART. It's that he cares about people.
In book 1 he befriends creatures that the other humans won't look twice at, and bonds himself to Ares so he doesn't die. In book 2 he treats Twitchtip with love and respect, and he cannot bring himself to kill a child. In book 3 there is the scene where he brushes out Lapbloods fur. In everything he does he puts others first, he seeks to protect and to care for others. His most essential charecter trait is his heart. And if he had gone against it, all would have been lost.
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priyumka · 2 years
suzanne collins’s thought process while creating characters seems to be “you know what my adolescent protagonist needs? an incredibly bitchy uncle figure.” and she’s right.
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priyumka · 2 years
“abortion is nobody’s first choice” actually i know multiple people whose first thought upon finding out they were pregnant was getting an abortion. and when they did, it was a healthy normal medical procedure that they hold no guilt over as far as i’m aware. people hate to see it but that’s what the process can and should look like
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priyumka · 2 years
they're minor inconveniences TO YOU. i WILL consider killing myself
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priyumka · 2 years
when i was a kid my Getting To Sleep technique was visualizing a child-sized shriveled up mummy with big piercing eyes that would stand silhouetted in the doorway & stare at me & probably attack if i so much as opened my eyes after getting into bed & this technique caused me to develop a lifelong nighttime-induced paranoia & it still takes me 2 hours to fall asleep. so i wouldnt recommend that
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