nezumi-writes · 1 year
I need help finding a fic!!
It's a modern au wangxian fic where Wei Ying loses his memory of being married to Lan Zhan and Sizuhui being their kid. He only remembers up to before he had a fall out with the Jiangs and because he lost his memory he goes to stay with Yanli and by the end he starts remembering Lan Zhan and everything. He gets his whole memory back eventually (by fucking Lan Zhan ofc). So if anyone can help me find this fic again I would really appreciate it!
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nezumi-writes · 1 year
Do u write for RSA?
I do, thank you for asking!
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nezumi-writes · 1 year
I heard your call and I came as fast as I could. Can I get Grimm's Platonic headcanons? When he hears mean students bullied, insulted, or trying to make his beloved henchman feel bad. 🐈‍⬛🌌
Both of your Grim requests are so cute, plus I already had another Grim idea so I might be posting three Grim ones back to back 😭
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
Tw- bullying, brief swearing, slight physical violence
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Early into your arrival at Twisted Wonderland other students picking a fight with you wasn’t uncommon
Being a magicless human made you an easy target
Or so everyone thought
At first Grim didn't much care and seeing as you seemed more unimpressed then anything he brushed it off
That was until you suddenly broke down one day in the privacy of Ramshackle dorm
You spilled about how everything those bullies were saying to you were wearing you down
"There is no reason to fret my loyal henchman I, the almighty Grim, shall protect you! For some extra cans of tuna of course."
"Thank you, Grim." You laughed not really thinking he could do much but you felt much better for the time being at least
The next time it happened Grim found you in an empty hallway cornered by three Savannaclaw guys
You were trying to put up a brave face but it was obvious to Grim that you were scared
"Get away from my henchman!"
Grim charged at the three butting at their ankles
"It's the little beast!" One of them laughed
"Scram, this has nothing to do with you." Another pushed Grim away with his heel sending the Grim skidding across the floor
"Don't hurt him!" You yelled swinging a fist at the one who had pushed Grim
But he caught your fist before it could make contact
It was useless to fight three to one with guys so much bigger then you anyway
Grim was now outraged and going for their ankles again he bite down hard this time
"Shit! It bite me!"
With the three a good distance away from you now Grim let out a burst of fire
It wasn't enough to harm them but it still had them fleeing
"Grim!" You scooped him up into your arms
"You know you aren't supposed to use magic to fight other students" you scolded
The way you were hugging him and even giving him more then enough tuna that night let him know you weren't really angry at all
As you settled into Twisted Wonderland it became rare that anyone sought out you for malicious intent
But everytime they did Grim was right there to scare them off
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nezumi-writes · 1 year
Someone please send in twst requests before I lose my inspiration please 😭
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nezumi-writes · 2 years
Hiii! Can I have a bsd matchup please 🖤(I'm all caught up with the manga)
She/her pan (so I'm happy getting matchup with any gender).
I'm 5'6 and look like this
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Personality: I am very empathetic, always trying to keep the people around me happy (even if I'm not in the end) I hate disappointing people so I can over work myself sometimes. Mostly I am kind and polite, but a I get very sassy moments (I can also be very sarcastic). Im also kind of reserved when I first meet someone and it can take me awhile to show my fun, goofy, happy side to them
Aquarius, infj
I like reading books, writing, listening to music (mostly kpop). I also like to go exploring like in the forest or even abandoned places I also love cooking and baking (more so baking tbh)
My favorite song is- maniac (stay kids) and tomboy (g idle)
I love horror movies, but also love studio Ghibli movies
sometimes I stop in the middle of talking because I think I talk to much (I've been told many times that I do so I just try not to really talk in a way)i play with my hands a lot, I have a really high pitched (idk sorta cute?) sneeze, I can be very clumsy (I literally tripped on air once😂) when I do something scary my hands shaky after I've done the scary thing (if that makes any sense)
What I look for in someone: someone who has a good scenes of humor, is kind and friendly, who can match my level of dork also 😂 and who won't judge me ( and also give me food and cuddles). Also someone very kind and nurturing in a way
Ideal date- watching a movie at home, going to carnivals/arcades
Thank you❤️
Thank you for requesting!
Your match is Higuchi Ichiyo
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Ok ok I know Higuchi isn't super popular but hear me out
She isn't a huge fan of horror movies but will watch them with you without complaint, please just let her cuddle with you when the scary parts get going
She loves ghibli movies though and will more then gladly have a marathon with you
She does worry over you and your clumsiness, but will patch you up after an accident with very minimal scolding
She tends to dot on you a bit, but ultimately she just wants to be there when you need her
She's witnessed too many loses and gets scared she'll lose you too
She was taken off guard when she first witnessed your sassy side
Your just so nice, she never thought you could be so sarcastic
She does love it though and thinks you look super cool
If you bake something specifically for her she will get so flustered and she swears her heart skipped a beat
The same thing happens when you sneeze, it's just so cute!
If you are really into a show, book, or band she'll want to listen to you talk about it all day long and engage in it with you!
You honestly could never disappoint her, she loves you so much and only wants to be there for you
I really hope you like these, Higuchi needs more love in my opinion and you two felt like such a good match to me, but I'll gladly redo this if you aren't happy with them!
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nezumi-writes · 2 years
hi! may i request a matchup for twisted wonderland, genshin, and haikyuu? i prefer to be matched with male please!
appearance ; i’m 5’3 tho people tend to think i’m taller than i actually am because of my long skinny legs. i have shoulder length black hair with teal highlights, and i wear round-rimmed glasses that have a very high prescription because i’m practically blind. i’m average weight, and my fashion style tends to fluctuate between light/dark academia or alt.
personality ; my mbti is isfj 9w8, i’m a weird hybrid of slytherin and hufflepuff. i’d say my most prominent personality trait is that i’m a very blunt and straightforward, honest person. i speak whatever comes to mind without thinking things through and regardless of the consequences, i lack a filter. as quiet as i normally am upon first impression i think people prefer me that way because the moment i open my mouth people regret not asking me to shut up before even trying HAHA. i’m still not the most talkative, i love being a listener instead. i tend towards teasing and poking fun at people although i know not to cross the line, i just enjoy bantering. i love flustering people, but i get very easily flustered myself, and i have tsundere tendencies. i also have a witty sense of humor which can be dark and inappropriate at times (that coupled with my habit of being impulsive with my words and not thinking things through before saying them is a recipe for disaster). i’m very independent and i go with the flow yet at the same time i march to the beat of my own drum, i hate feeling pressured more than anything and i just can’t get along with others who nitpick at my flaws. i don’t hold grudges easily or take things personally and i’m very forgiving and accepting, i pride myself in my ability to understand other people and see through them in a way different to how the vast majority would see them and i go an extra mile for those i care about, even complete strangers. this however makes me easily taken advantage of, but i know how to stand up for myself when necessary.
likes/dislikes: pretty straightforward, i like sleeping a lot LOL. i also like to research topics of interest too like psychology. astronomy is cool too, i plan on majoring in astrophysics. i dislike self righteous people who nitpick at my flaws, and harsh criticism (although i understand when it’s necessary, i’m just sensitive to it)
extra / what i look for ; i’m not very picky, but i love easygoing and carefree people. i tend to gravitate towards people who are more outwardly calm and have a comforting presence, my energy gets drained easily. but anyone who serves as a balance and accepts me for who i am works! my love language is quality time or acts of service and my ideal date is stargazing.
thank you!!
Thank you for requesting!
Your Twisted Wonderland match is Ruggie
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Ruggie loves your honesty, even if it creates awkward situations.
He's very good at helping curb your impulse control
That being said he is anything but uptight and loves just being around you, even if you two aren't doing anything in particular
He appreciates that you try so hard for the ones you love, he needs to be pampered sometimes, but as long as you two are dating he'll make sure you're not taken advantage of again
Ruggie's love language is acts of service so he'll do even little things for you that he knows will make you're life easier
You're Genshin match is Thoma
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No matter how much work Thoma is given he rarely stresses out
His presence is one of the most comforting around, de-stressing with you after a long day of work is one of the best things ever
He doesn't push you to socialize if you don't want to and is more then okay with doing the talking while you're out in public
Even if you aren't that talkative about it he loves hearing about your interests, he honestly thinks you're one of the smartest people he knows
Both you and Thoma are very good at understanding people, the both of you are almost like mind readers together, you always know what people need
You're Haikyuu match is Kuroo
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(I feel like I give Kuroo to people a lot lol...)
He loves that you're independent, he has enough people to look after as it is (Lev and Kenma)
That being said he still loves to destress with you
Kuroo teases you a little but he always knows what line not to cross
I feel like Kuroo really like psychology and once you talk more about astronomy he'll do his own research so he can keep up with you ;)
While he loves that you're so kind he can't help but want to protect you from being taken advantage of again
I really hope you like your matches, I'm trying to get back into writing so let me know if you want anything changed! I love your name btw, I'm very excited for Cyno!!
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nezumi-writes · 2 years
Matchups are now open again!
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nezumi-writes · 3 years
Any chance you can turn on the anon feature? 👉👈 just asking you dont have to tho lol
This might just be me not getting it but I can't figure out how, I'm on mobile and Google is not helping me. But if you know how or have any ideas of what I could try I wouldn't mind enabling anon :)
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nezumi-writes · 3 years
Octanivelle Trio with an anxious S/O
In these headcannons the s/o has clinical anxiety and honestly this is just me projecting but if other people end up like them and relating to them then why not :)
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As soon as he finds out that you have anxiety he gather every shred of advice and research he can find on the topic
He also sits you down to ask you what personally helps you and would make you more comfortable
Azul learns how to tell when you're feeling anxious and on the verge of an anxiety attack
He'll immediately remove you from the situation without anyone thinking anything is wrong, he doesn't want to embarrass you after all
Will find somewhere private and peaceful for you two to sit down
If the attack is so bad you're crying he will wipe your tears away before asking you about your soroundings
"What do you feel? What do you smell? What do you hear?"
Once you've calmed down a little he'll hold you quietly until you feel ready to continue the day
Or will walk you back to Ramshackle if you're feeling too drained
Will even push back his work day and have Jade and Floyd fill in where they can and stay with you
Azul hates that you get so overwhelmed and wants to do anything he can to help you
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Jade has made it a point to know at least a little bit about everything
So he had some previous knowledge on your condition before he had to find out the hard way
Early into your relationship he had stumbled upon you curled up and crying in an empty hallway
He immediately feared the worst but didn't let it show as he gently approached you
"Darling," he had called, kneeling to where you sat, "what's the matter?"
He apologized when he saw how he had scared you more than you already were
He rubbed your back patiently as he waited for you to calm down, unsure of what to do for the first time in his life
Once you did calm down you explained to him that you had had a panic attack
He never wants to feel as if he can't help you again so he'll do major research on how to help you
Will drop everything if someone tells him that you're having a hard time or suddenly started freaking out
Wraps you in a tight hug when you're crying and hyperventilating
Is amazing at telling what you need at the time
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At first Floyd is terrible at handling your panic attacks
When you freak out he freaks out
But eventually with some help from Azul and Jade he learns some techniques to help you through
He even sits you down to ask you how he can help
His first reaction is still to eliminate whatever is causing you so much stress
But after the first couple times you explain to him that it's not always a particular thing stressing you out, it's just how your brain works
Hates seeing you cry more then anything, it breaks his heart
"Ah, Shrimpy-chan don't cry now, I'm here"
His hugs are the best when you're panicking
He will wrap himself around you and gently rock to and fro as you calm down
I'm sorry if these were a little ooc, it's my first time writing for any twst characters, but I hope you liked these small headcannons!
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nezumi-writes · 3 years
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Thank you for requesting!
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Kou is someone who will ALWAYS ask how your day was, and can tell pretty fast if your lying or not
As soon as he sees that you've had a bad day he will sit you down on the couch or a bed and wrap you in the softest blankets he can find
Will put on your favorite show or movie while he bakes you your favorite dessert
Will also decide to make your favorite for dinner
Once the dessert is made he will come snuggle with you
If you don't feel like staying home though he'll take you to the movies
Obviously you will get to chose the movie
He will buy all the snacks in the theatre for you
Gives you therapy smooches
Will also just shower you in compliments and tell you how well you've done that day
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nezumi-writes · 3 years
hi!! i love ur blog omg🥺 may i request a matchup for haikyuu, bsd and bnha? (haven't read any of the mangas)
personality: i'm an intp, but i'd consider myself an ambivert, it depends a lot on who i'm with. my love language is touch and quality time. i care a lot about people even though it might not seem like it. i play rpg (like dungeons and dragons) so i can kinda interpretate some stuff and i think that's cool. some people say i'm funny, i don't really think so. i'm very anxious to myself but i don't show that to most people, to those i prefer to appear more relaxed. when i get a jumpscare i try to act tough but i look stupid😼 also i love cats!!
i'm a girl, bi, and i prefer to be matched with male characters :D
appearance: 5'7, brown hair with a hidden blue, brown eyes, glasses. I'm not skinny skinny but i think i can consider that i'm "kinda" skinny. and i have really white skin
likes and dislikes: i really really really like music 'cause it calms me down, i also play ukulele, a lil bit of piano and i'm getting back at singing. i like video games and anything that can distract me from my thoughts/anxiety. i don't like people who lie a lot, sounds that are way too loud (i get scared easily and it makes me kinda nervous), and i hate to feel vulnerable, i feel like i wouldn't be able to protect myself
type of person i'd prefer: someone who i can be myself without fearing judgement. someone who would protect me would be nice too. someone who i can trust and that will trust me too (i have a lot of trust issues). also, idk but sometimes i wanna be alone but i also don't? like i want someone to be near me but i just don't wanna be talking too much, someone to be comfortable with.
i'm a very anxious person, also have mood swings and i get scared kinda easily, so someone that can calm down would be nice too, sometimes is hard to do it myself.
ideal date: staying home watching a movie or playing something, or going for a walk at the beach when it's like sunset/midnight. or just walking around of town when the sun is setting already.
fun stuff: i'm really interest in editing photos and videos! and also drawing. my mother language isn't english, i'm actually from brazil:D ur blog is international so cool 😎 lol. i also really like disney villain songs? and musical songs too idk i feel like i'm in a movie. and my favorite band are the arctic monkeys, but i also really like queen. and i like musics like hatsune miku or kikuo. my music taste varies a lot
also when i say i play video games, i play a lot but that doesn't mean i'm good at them🧍
thank u in advance!! love ur work💕
Sorry this took so long but I hope you like your matchups!
Your Haikyuu match is Kuroo
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Kuroo is someone you can sit with for hours and not need to talk to
He loves to listen to you play music
His music taste is pretty erratic too so he is fully open to listening to whatever you recommend to him
Kuroo is one of the most open minded people you will ever meet, not to mention how relaxing it can be just to be around him
Will do anything to ensure you're comfortable, especially in unfamiliar situations
Your BSD match is Oda
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Oda is a very calm person and is instinctively protective
He is definitely someone who knows how to deal with anxiety and anxiety attacks
He isn't very talkative so being able to sit and just relax with you is very important for him
He loves hearing you talk about the things you love, your music, whatever RPG you're playing, etc.
Will listen to you talk all day if you want
Your BNHA is Shinsou
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Shinsou has a lot of experience with anxiety himself and definitely knows a lot of ways to help you cope
He is actually very encouraging and loves watching you do your hobbies or trying something new
You two would definitely adopt at least one cat together
Shinsou likes video games and is actually quite good at a select few of them and doesn't mind at all if your bad, you both can play together for hours
His love language is definitely quality time so spending as much time with you as he can is a must
We sound kinda similar so I might have given you my crushes on accident, I can redo it if you want!
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nezumi-writes · 3 years
hii can i get a matchup for bnha, bsd and hq!! ? my appearance is fair to pale skin tone, dark brown hair with bleached ends that are gray, dirty green eyes. i love tea and literature, making playlists, aikido and cycling during spring. don't know if alcohol counts :3. i dislike loud noises, too optimictic people and i have a general dislike towards authority. i'm an INTJ, scorpio sun and sagittarius rising. my ideal person is sensible, outgoing and methodical, tho i don't have an actual preference because i can't seem to find a pattern between people i like. my ideal date would probably be a really long stroll through the city, doing really random things, nothing specific. also i'm a night owl so you can do with that what you want :3 hope you have a good day 🖤
Thank you for requesting!
Your bnha match is Aizawa
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Aizawa collects different types of tea so he'll make a bunch of different teas he has and you two will taste test all of them
This man knows just about every martial art there is and would be more then happy to do aikido with you
Strolls through the city is a frequent date for you two, window shopping and buying street food
Aizawa just loves lounging around with you, he is pretty stressed during the week so relaxing with you during the weekends is just perfect
You two probably also have at least one cat, he kinda just brought it home one day and you two were suddenly parents to a tiny kitten
Your BSD match is Dazai
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Dazai loves to listen to your playlists and even makes some for you, although some of the songs are kinda concerning
You also trade books and have quite a library in your shared apartment
Dazai has trouble sleeping so you two usually stay up cuddling or just messing around
He'll bring you random things he finds that remind him of you, books he thinks you'll like, a shiny rock, a funny t shirt he saw in a store window, etc.
Your Haikyuu match is Kuroo
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Kuroo likes taking you on fun little dates, laser tag, zoo, carnival, etc.
He loves it when you come to his games, you get to see him look cool after all!
He buys you a bunch of teas he knows you haven't tried so you can both try them together
You go on bookstore dates too, picking out books for eachother and reading together
He teases you alot but compliments you just as much
Thank you for waiting and sorry it took so long, I'm trying to get back into writing!
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nezumi-writes · 3 years
Reblog if it’s ok if I tag you in tag games
I don’t have nearly enough people to tag and I don’t want to tag the same few people, so reblog to let me know if it’s alright! It’ll probably be mostly writing tag games and I need/want to get to know more writers so this knocks out two birds with one stone.
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nezumi-writes · 3 years
Do you have my matchup that I sent your or did you delete it just a question I’m sorry(*´Д`*)
I have it just haven't gotten to it yet 😅
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nezumi-writes · 3 years
hi! i just wanted to know if u got my matchup request? i think some of my requests aren't sending:(
I did don't worry, sorry it's been taking me awhile to get to all the requests 😅
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nezumi-writes · 3 years
hello ! i would jus like to know if uve gotten my ask ? >< my acc seems to be having problems with this feature T^T
Don't worry I got it :)
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nezumi-writes · 3 years
Hey hey hun! I saw that your matchups were open and was wondering if I could get a male blue exorcist, haikyuu and BSD one please ^^
I’m both a manga and anime watcher! I’m a 5,3 female with curly ginger hair that is just bellow my shoulder, I have dark blue eyes and a chubby/curvy build. I’m pretty introverted but I have a curious personality, I’m also louder around my friends than I am with strangers and even family. I love to cook and bake for people (I’m a people pleaser), drawing and singing are other hobbies of mine and I don’t really show my true emotions to people, I normally put on a happy face no matter what and I’m also the mum/therapist of my friend group. I’m also a cancer and an ISFP.
As for dates, I would rather enjoy a night in, watching movies or going to a fast food pleace and just doing whatever comes to mind instead of fancy dates.
Thank you sm if you do this and I hope there’s enough information XoX
Thanks for requesting!
Your Blue Exorcist Match is Rin
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Rin is someone who often wears his emotions on his sleeve, he's loyal and helps you open up to him more overtime
Is actually pretty perceptive and can usually tell when you're faking a smile
He honestly hates fancy dates and would much rather be at home with you or walking in the park at night, he gets to wear comfy clothes and cuddle you as much as he wants!
You guys spend hours cooking and baking together, sometimes even getting into little food fights
You both are really loud around eachother, Yukio can hear you're excited conversations from down the hall
Your Haikyuu match is Tanaka
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Tanaka is a simp, he gives you all the confidence boost you will ever need
Would absolutely adore if you cooked or baked something from him
Doesn't really care what kind of dates you guys go on, just loves being around you no matter what you're doing
Goes all out for anniversaries and valentines day, getting you all you're favorite food and a life sized stuffed animal
Come to his games and cheer for him and he will both stop working and get hyped to play the best game of his life
Head empty only cute girlfriend cheering for him
Your BSD match is Oda
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He secretly loves your height diffrence and that you need to rely on him to reach things for you
Is a patient man and will wait for you to open up to him even if it took an eternity
Will eventually learn to rely on you too
Loves it when you cuddle him, run your hands through his hair, and sing to him
Won't hesitate to stand up for you if you need him too
I hope you liked your matches ❤
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