I - What is the key message or insight the Full Moon in Aquarius has for me now?
Ace of Swords: You're in a moment that has the potential for enormous mental, cognitive, and psychological growth. Make the most of it.
II - How can I best tap into my creative potential and embrace the visionary energies of Aquarius during this lunar phase?
Two of Cups Reversed: Your relationships, though they have been an excellent tool for personal growth, must fall into place when planning your subsequent life experiences and path. You need to figure out how to escape from the hurt inner child patterns that led you to meet them, but in a thankful manner, not in a total break-up or fight dynamic. Still, it would be best to remember that relationships must positively contribute to your life and should not limit you.
III - What areas of my life are being illuminated by this Full Moon, and what changes or shifts do I need to make to align with its transformative energies?
Nine of Wands: You recently learned that your trauma did not break your inner child. That pessimistic way of seeing your past is not helpful. Your past experiences make up for the mosaic of personalities you must present to the world, contributing to it extraordinarily and uniquely. You are one step away from the final liberation that healing your soul will bring. Keep in contact with the bright, warm yellow light encapsulating you and your surroundings. As you envisioned in your last meditation, your trauma is nothing compared to that permanent and eternal sunshine that is your soul.
IV - What unexpected opportunities or breakthroughs are horizon for me during this time?
King of Pentacles: I finally understand that my business is a way of sustaining myself during this lifetime, and the primary purpose of my life is my soul growth. That gave me the confidence that the universe will always provide abundance. And I must not worry about it. Therefore, I must be open to whatever path my soul is yearning to go without feeling unprotected because I'm detaching from my current marriage configuration.
V - How can I navigate mental fatigue or overwhelming feelings during the Full Moon in Aquarius?
Page of Cups: Be mature in how you emotionally interpret these overwhelming fatigued moments. Do not push yourself too hard or get disheartened all the other way. Navigate your emotions non-reactively and with mature responses.
VI - What steps can I take to harness the grounding energy of the earth signs in this chart and manifest my dreams and visions into practical reality?
The High Priestess: When I get the High Priestess Card, I always remember a dream I had with a pomegranate and then flipping this card in the morning only to see this fruit drawn in the curtains the wise woman protects. Upon research, I found that this seedy fruit symbolizes prosperity but is also related to the myth of Persephone, whose Hades had kidnapped to live in the underworld with him but managed to escape once a year, bringing then the springtime season to the outer world, and enjoying her life even falling in love for Adonis while Hades also had other affairs. Still, Persephone owned her position as the Queen of the underworld and took it seriously while there. So, whenever I get this card, I always wonder if this is saying something about my marriage. Sometimes, I feel like my husband kidnapped me from whatever life I was supposed to have. And I accepted it because I felt protected in this underworld created for me. But I want to live on my terms and independently from him. Still, he has always given me grounding support in my darkest moments. So, having got this card in this exact question must mean I should never forget the role he plays in my life. Though I have the freedom and confidence to venture into the outer world as I desire, I shouldn't get so carried away that I completely break free from this nesting place of my life. So, this card is conversing with the King of Pentacles in a certain way. And they are both saying: Go for it; you have everything you need, but always keep a place called home.
Full Moon in Aquarius 2023 Tarot Spread 🌝 🏺
Unveiling the Cosmic Breakthroughs: Aquarius Full Moon Energies on August 1st, 2023
Aquarius, the sign of collective frequencies and visionary brilliance, invites you to delve into the mosaic of your identity within the bigger picture. As Leo illuminates the heart’s desires, Aquarius sets the course for the future, inspiring you to explore new dreams and opportunities.
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In this transformative chart, creativity thrives as the Moon in open Aquarius brings new dream downloads, while the square to Jupiter in Taurus urges practical grounding and expansion. The dynamic trine between Jupiter and Mars in Virgo empowers you to take efficient, forward-moving actions.
Yet, as Mercury in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces retrograde, you might pause to analyze and think through your plans. Don’t be discouraged by mental fatigue; the grounding energies from Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter in earth signs provide a stable foundation.
The cosmic breakthroughs continue with Uranus in Taurus, another earth sign, slowing down before stationing retrograde later in August. Capture these downloads, embrace newfound possibilities, and document your inspirations.
As this Aquarius Full Moon energizes your cosmic vision, remain open to the unexpected, the avant-garde, and the extraordinary. Some moments seem bonkers but trust your excitement as you pave the way toward an exhilarating future.
With many planets in earth signs affecting it, prepare for a quieter full moon. However, heads up for the upcoming retrograde season, as seven planets will be in retrograde by the end of August, prompting you to slow down and prepare for new developments.
Get ready to bask in the bright lunar illumination and embrace the transformative energies of the Aquarius Full Moon. Take the chance to ponder your cosmic visions and embark on a path of personal and collective growth.
To further understand these cosmic insights refer to @MollyMcCord’s YouTube channel: youtu.be/XV7WZMGGvBE.
Author: McCord, M. [Molly McCord] Year: 2023 Title: [Aquarius Full Moon — Timeline Split Between Earthly Focus and Future Self Inspirations] Video URL: [https://youtu.be/XV7WZMGGvBE]
August 1st, 2023 | Full Moon in Aquarius Tarot Spread
Welcome to the transformative energies of the Full Moon in Aquarius Tarot Spread!
As the celestial skies illuminate with the brilliance of the Aquarius Full Moon on August 1st, 2023, we find ourselves at a potent juncture of self-discovery and visionary potential.
We designed this 6-Card Tarot Spread to help you delve into the depths of this unique lunar phase and gain profound insights into your journey ahead.
Drawing on the intuitive wisdom of the Tarot, you’ll unravel the hidden truths, navigate the airy Aquarian frequencies, and harness the grounding earth energies of the entire chart to embrace your dreams and manifest positive changes. Let the cards be your guiding stars as you embark on this cosmic journey of expansion and illumination.
What is the key message or insight that the Full Moon in Aquarius has for me now?
How can I best tap into my creative potential and embrace the visionary energies of Aquarius during this lunar phase?
What areas of my life are being illuminated by this Full Moon, and what changes or shifts do I need to make to align with its transformative energies?
What unexpected opportunities or breakthroughs are on the horizon for me during this time?
How can I navigate mental fatigue or overwhelming feelings during the Full Moon in Aquarius?
What steps can I take to harness the grounding energy of the earth signs in this chart and manifest my dreams and visions into practical reality?
As the Aquarius Full Moon fades from the skies, you have now navigated the depths of its transformative energies with the guidance of our specially designed Tarot Spread. Embrace the visionary brilliance of Aquarius as you reflect on the key insights it has brought forth.
The cards have revealed the path to creative expression and self-discovery, helping you align with your true purpose in the collective mosaic.
As you move forward, trust in the unexpected opportunities and cosmic downloads that may lead you to groundbreaking and exciting horizons.
Remember to ground yourself in the practicality of influencing earth energies, making your dreams tangible and real. The Tarot’s wisdom has provided you with the tools to embrace the magic of this Full Moon in Aquarius and embark on a journey of growth, expansion, and personal empowerment.
May your heart be filled with excitement as you step into the future with newfound clarity and vision. Happy exploring, and may the Tarot always be your celestial guide! 🌙🃏✨
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myexplicittarotjournal · 10 months
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I - What karmic elements are surfacing for resolution during this lunar phase?
Nine of Cups: The universe gives me more clarity over my feelings. More specifically, I've been dwelling on my relationship patterns and how my past traumas influence them. This is an ample opportunity that you are taking good advantage of. Congrats.
II - How can I navigate confrontations and assert my independence?
The Hierophant Reversed: This card concerns religious authority, dogma, and being a "good sheep." Or at least it's what I'm getting from it. So, to assert my independence, I must break free from these authority figures who hold a grip on me due to my desire to be a good sheep to them. You don't owe being good to anyone. Put yourself first; love yourself first. Only then will you live an authentic life where you'll be able to be truly good to everyone around you? But its starts with you.
III - What areas of my relationships need reshuffling and transformation?
Ten of Wands: All areas that feel like a burden to you. Relationships that are too heavy for you to carry, you should let them go. Am I hearing RCE? Why are you dragging this relationship with him for so long, even after he proved to be such a narcissist? Why? At least stop expecting something from him if you're not breaking up with him completely. Remember, "hope is our dope." Especially with your PSTD symptoms, you'll crave his validation forever. And then you keep carrying this heaviness with you for nothing. As for your husband, you need to drop some weight also. You don't need a divorce for now. But it would be best to keep flying away from your golden cage as often as possible.
IV - What patterns do I need to break free from to form healthier connections?
Ace of Wands: What do YOU want? Hear your gut feelings. That message comes from above; you know it's real because you feel butterflies in your stomach. To break free, you need to listen to your inner voice represented by the ace of wands; this quantum randomness of ideas and gut will you synch from above. Once you are more connected with that and not with what others expect from you, which is a long pattern of behavior you've been carrying, you will start forming healthier connections from a more solid base.
V - What lessons can I learn to create positive changes from past encounters?
Death Reversed: The shadow work that your ex-partner RCE prompts in you has the potential to reborn you from within (that's why the card is reversed). Carry those lessons with you. They are patterns that must be broken to set you free to start your life from the next level.
VI - How can I embrace personal growth and elevate myself during this transformative period?
Four of Swords: Remember the potential of rest and meditation for all the new lessons you learn to sink in. Writing is a form of meditation. Keep doing that. But practice more mindfulness so you practice sitting quietly with your feelings without distraction so you can absorb that ace of wands connection more precisely.
♋️ July, 2023: New Moon in Cancer Tarot Spread 🦀
The New Moon in Cancer on July 17, 2023, has significant influence over the 3rd decans¹ of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) and all others.
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This lunar phase creates a powerful Grand Cross alignment involving Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, the lunar nodes’ axis in Libra/Aries, and a trine to Neptune in Pisces.
These celestial configurations put pressure on the 3rd decans, bringing forth karmic elements that require resolution and purification. It may entail confronting authoritative figures and seeking personal emancipation.
Additionally, as Venus prepares to retrograde in Leo, emotional and relational dynamics intensify, prompting us to question our relationship patterns and embrace necessary changes.
This is a time for reshuffling the cards, letting go of harmful elements, and fostering healthier connections and personal growth.
It is crucial to examine how the actions and behaviors of others impact our present experiences; as such, self-reflection empowers us to navigate relationships with greater insight and make informed decisions that lead to personal fulfillment and growth.
New Moon In Cancer 2023 Tarot Spread:
Welcome to our New Moon in Cancer 2023 Tarot Spread, specially designed to unlock the wisdom of the Tarot and guide you through the transformative energies of this lunar phase.
Get ready to explore the realm of possibilities and unveil the profound messages the Tarot has in store for you:
What karmic elements are surfacing for resolution during this lunar phase?
How can I navigate confrontations and assert my independence?
What areas of my relationships need reshuffling and transformation?
What patterns do I need to break free from to form healthier connections?
What lessons can I learn from past encounters to create positive changes?
How can I embrace personal growth and elevate myself during this transformative period?
By harnessing the intuitive power of Tarot cards, you can gain clarity, discover hidden truths, and align yourself with the transformative energies of the New Moon in Cancer.
Allow the Tarot to serve as your trusted companion, guiding you on a journey of self-discovery and illumination as you navigate the shifting tides of life. Embrace the wisdom it offers, drawing upon its insights and guidance throughout this new lunar cycle.
Decan: In astrology, each zodiac sign is divided into three equal parts known as decans. The first decan represents the initial 10 degrees, the second decan covers the subsequent 10 degrees, and the third decan encompasses the final 10 degrees of the sign. Decans further refine the characteristics and qualities of each zodiac sign, offering more specific insights and influences based on the degrees they occupy. In the context of this article, when referring to the “3rd decans,” it signifies individuals born in the last 10 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), as well as the last 10 degrees of other signs in general.“
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myexplicittarotjournal · 10 months
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Four of Swords: This card is about listening to the quiet voice of your soul, which to me is also about meditation and resting your mind so you can tune in with your intuition and soul purpose. So, to move forward with my goals, I would need to be attuned to all that. For instance, when I wanted to be an airline pilot, the more I tried to accomplish that goal, the more it seemed further away. And it's because, at some point in that journey, I forgot why I wanted to be a pilot, and I was pursuing it from an ego perspective. I wanted to prove to everyone that I could be an airline pilot. But did I desire that? This time things are different. Moving forward with my digital business is best for me, and this new dream aligns most with my values. Here is a well-overdue life lesson I learned the hard way. But at least I feel more in synch with my soul and path here on Earth.
Seven of Swords: As I said in this blog, this card is about my impostor syndrome. But this time, I feel it also resonates with my constant guilt. I wanted to be a digital nomad, but I knew my husband, J, wouldn't want me wandering around the world without him, which made me feel arrested and apart from the world. But I went regardless. I fought the guilt feeling I was having for leaving him alone for a month (I even started therapy), and it all made sense. Maybe because of my childhood PTSD, I'm afraid to disappoint people, which makes me easily manipulated. When he started disapproving of my dreams, I reconsidered and thought about not going so I wouldn't hurt him. But I wrote the first chapter of my digital nomad life beautifully. And if I want to go on with my life plans, I must let go of this people-pleasing trait that I have generated by this constant feeling of guilt that the Seven of Swords represents.
Three of Swords: This card tells me that one way to harmonize my dream of being a digital nomad with my emotional needs is to make more friends and be more open to social life. Life is too short to feel guilt for what you truly want. Go for it, make friends, attend parties, and celebrate life along your journey.
King of Swords reversed: I'm getting "Own your emotions" from this card. Is that what you want to do? Go for it. Then deal with whatever range of emotions you get. Emotions are like an envelope with messages from the Universe. Sometimes, you don't want to open up or deal with them, but once you do, you'll evolve as a soul and be more aligned with your path.
The Hanged Man: On the last New Moon in Gemini tarot spread two weeks ago, I've got this same card, meaning I should continue with therapy even though I think it's a pain in the ass sometimes. So, getting The Hanged Man again and for this exact question confirms that therapy is the way to go. I only have a few friends I can talk to. And the few times I tried to get their support, they weren't all that willing to listen to me. So, I know you thought about quitting, but don't. Making the most of this resource you found for yourself is essential.
Eight of Wands: This card means "Just go!" Start it already", "move move move"! Funny, it also means traveling by air. Therefore, this card tells me I should start my next workation soon. If you want to embrace practicality, be practical. So, Switzerland it is?
🐐 July 2023: Full Moon In Capricorn Tarot Spread
Harnessing the Power of the Capricorn Full Moon: A Time for Reflection and Transformation
As the radiant Capricorn Full Moon graces us at 11 degrees on July 3, the celestial skies offer us a moment of profound introspection and growth. During this sacred time, we are encouraged to reevaluate our focus for the year and realign ourselves, making necessary course corrections for the path ahead.
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Realistically assessing our goals and direction takes center stage, inviting us to embrace transformation. The cosmic energies of the Sun and Mercury conjunct in Cancer bring us in touch with our innermost feelings and remind us to prioritize self-care. As we tune into the deeper energetics that 2023 has unveiled, the Full Moon, ruled by Saturn RX (retrograde) in Pisces, blesses us with intuitive clarity to illuminate our next steps.
Supported by the promising connection between Jupiter in Taurus, practicality melds seamlessly with ambition, guiding us to take bold, practical steps forward.
1a. Embracing the Full Moon Energies:
The Capricorn Full Moon arrives like a cosmic mirror, inviting us to reflect on the intentions we set for this year. It is a time of self-inquiry and a powerful opportunity to discern what truly serves us. As the Sun and Mercury converge in Cancer, our emotional landscape becomes a focal point, reminding us to nurture ourselves. This alignment calls for moments of solitude and introspection, where we can connect with our innermost thoughts and feelings.
1b. Course-Correction and Growth:
During this Full Moon, we have the chance to course-correct our paths. It’s essential to recognize what is no longer working or necessary in our lives and release them gracefully. Embrace change as a catalyst for growth, knowing that letting go can lead us to new, more fulfilling opportunities. Allow the transformative energies of this celestial event to support your journey toward positive change.
1c. Harnessing Saturn RX in Pisces:
As the ruler of this Capricorn Full Moon, Saturn RX in Pisces brings a profound depth to our insights. Its supportive trines to the Sun and Moon offer intuitive clarity, guiding us towards the next phase of our lives.
Trust your instincts and listen to the subtle whispers of your soul. Saturn RX in Pisces encourages us to embrace compassion, forgiveness, and spiritual growth.
1d. Jupiter in Taurus:
Jupiter’s presence in Taurus adds an auspicious touch to this Full Moon. It gives us the determination and practicality needed to take significant steps forward. Allow this energy to propel you toward your ambitions and dreams. Embrace your inner strength, and with a grounded approach, reach for the stars.
♑️ Full Moon in Capricorn n 2023 Tarot Spread
Welcome to the transformative energies of the Capricorn Full Moon Tarot Spread!
This 6-card Tarot spread is a gateway to unraveling the profound messages of the cosmos, helping us navigate this Full Moon with clarity and purpose. Let the cards be your celestial guides, illuminating the path to progress and fulfillment.
1) What structures and foundations must I examine during this Full Moon?
This card will reveal the aspects of your life that require a realistic assessment. Look at your goals and ambitions critically to ensure stability and strength.
2) What must I release to move forward with clarity and purpose?
This card will guide you in identifying what is no longer serving your highest good. Embrace necessary changes to progress towards your aspirations.
3) How can I best align my practical ambitions with my emotional well-being?
This card will offer insights into harmonizing your practical aspirations with your emotional needs. Find balance and nurturing in your pursuits.
4) What intuitive messages and insights are available to me now?
This card will reveal the deeper truths and intuitive clarity surrounding your path. Trust your inner guidance and the subtle whispers of your soul.
5) What resources and support are available to aid me in my journey?
This card will highlight the supportive resources and connections around you. Embrace the help available to you on your path.
6) How can I embrace ambition and practicality to achieve my dreams?
This card will guide you in harnessing your ambitious energy with a grounded approach. Embrace determination and fearlessness as you move forward.
3. Conclusion
The Capricorn Full Moon on July 3 is a potent time for personal growth, reflection, and transformation. Embrace the energies of the Sun and Mercury in Cancer, Saturn RX in Pisces, and Jupiter in Taurus as they offer guidance and support. Use the Tarot spread to delve into your innermost desires and intentions, making the most of these celestial energies. Allow the Full Moon’s luminous glow to illuminate your path as you navigate change and seize the opportunity to manifest your dreams with a grounded and determined spirit. Remember, within this cosmic dance lies the power to embrace positive transformation and fully express your true self.
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myexplicittarotjournal · 11 months
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Card 1: The Current State of Communication:
This card reflects the current state of your communication patterns and how they influence your overall well-being. Pay attention to any areas that require adjustments or improvements to enhance clarity and understanding.
Seven of Swords: I'm a successful dropshipper, but I have an impostor syndrome that I need to overcome. Some people think that dropshipping is dishonest, and sometimes I care for their opinion, even though they are ignorant and don't know what they are saying. I've got this card in previous readings concerning this impostor syndrome I have, and having got this card again for this question makes sense.
Card 2: Embracing Mental Agility:
This card reveals the critical aspects of your thought process and the mental agility available now. It guides you on how to harness the cosmic energy of the Gemini New Moon to stimulate your intellect and enhance your problem-solving abilities.
The Hanged Man: This card represents someone in an uncomfortable situation to think about his doings and has gained enlightenment. I've been going to therapy, and though I think it's a pain in the ass sometimes, perhaps this card is telling me that I am on the right track there and should continue with it because putting my thoughts into order through therapy may enhance my mental agility. 
Card 3: Intuitive Guidance:
Drawn from your intuition, this card represents the guidance and intuitive messages available to support you during this phase. Embrace the insights and trust the whispers of your inner wisdom as you navigate this transformative period.
Seven of Wands Reversed: This card is about having the higher ground even though your enemies outnumber you. So, perhaps the message is that despite all the distractions and noise in my mind, my intuition will always speak louder, and I should learn to trust it.
Card 4: Letting Go of Mental Stress:
This card highlights the areas in your life where mental stress or overthinking may hinder your growth. It invites you to release any unnecessary mental burdens, allowing space for clarity and fresh perspectives to emerge.
The Star Reversed: This card is about hope. So it tells me I must trust the process and stop with all the "what ifs" in my mind. I learned that when I had panic syndrome ten years ago. I remember noticing that all my troubled thoughts would start with a "what if." And then, I would create catastrophic scenarios in my head and spiral down from there. I got a lot better now, but that's something I need to be constantly vigilant. Keep my mind positive and believe in the best outcome even if I don't understand why.
Card 5: Embracing New Perspectives:
As you embark on this journey of clarity and intuition, this card signifies the new perspectives and opportunities that await you. Be open to new ideas, explore diverse viewpoints, and embrace the multidimensionality of the Gemini New Moon energy.
Justice reversed: A more balanced and just world awaits me if I take those steps mentioned. But since this card is reversed, like the previous cards, I'm sensing this is more about an internal process than an outwardly one. A faired mind is more attuned to the "middle way," more serene, just, and balanced.
Card 6: Alignment with Cosmic Flow:
This card serves as a compass, guiding you toward aligning your intentions with the cosmic flow. It offers insights into how you can harmonize your desires with the universal energies to manifest your intentions gracefully and effortlessly.
Queen of Pentacles: There's a world of abundance awaiting you. You must trust that you deserve that and quit your limiting beliefs for good. Mother Earth nurtures and provides; she loves you and takes care of you in the 5D, so you can trust that she's providing for you here in the 3D.
♊️ June 2023: New Moon In Gemini Tarot Spread
The cosmos prepares for a celestial spectacle as the Gemini New Moon approaches on June 18th. This enchanting alignment brings together the Sun and Moon at 26 degrees, inviting us to set new intentions in the realms of communication, thinking, daily tasks, projects, and the captivating themes governed by Gemini.
As we bid farewell to the vibrant Gemini season, Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, accompanies us on this transformative journey. However, Neptune in Pisces introduces a unique twist, challenging our traditional mental strengths and urging us to embrace a broader perspective that intertwines intuition and clarity.
⛵️ Navigating the Cosmic Square
Neptune in Pisces casts a square aspect upon both the Sun and Moon during this New Moon phase, revealing a celestial dance of mystical proportions. As this aspect challenges the traditional mental frameworks we rely upon, it invites us to transcend the limitations of overthinking and mental stress. Instead, Neptune in Pisces guides us to seek a broader perspective, one that encompasses the realms of intuition and spiritual guidance. In this dance between clarity and confusion, we learn to honor our intuitive messages and integrate them into our decision-making process.
🤗 Embracing the Bigger Picture
The Gemini New Moon catalyzes embracing the bigger picture of our lives. It urges us to step beyond the boundaries of our analytical minds and dive into the depths of our intuitive wisdom. As we release the grip of excessive thinking, we open ourselves to new dimensions of understanding and insight. Through the guidance of Neptune’s square, we are encouraged to trust our inner knowing and allow our intuition to lead the way. Doing so gives us a clearer vision of our path and aligns ourselves with the cosmic flow.
🙏🏻 Welcoming Clarity and Intuition
As the Gemini New Moon graces the celestial stage, the universe invites us to embark on a journey of intention, intuition, and clarity. This powerful alignment encourages us to redefine our relationship with communication, thinking, and the Gemini-ruled aspects of our lives. With Neptune’s square challenging our mental constructs, we learn to navigate the realms of intuition and embrace a broader perspective. In this dance between clarity and confusion, we discover the wisdom of our inner voice and honor the bigger picture that awaits us. Let us embrace the transformative energies of the Gemini New Moon and embark on a path of growth and self-discovery.
🌚 Gemini New Moon Tarot Spread: Navigating Clarity and Intuition
As we immerse ourselves in the transformative energies of the Gemini New Moon, it becomes an opportune time to enhance our connection with the cosmos through the wisdom of tarot. The cards serve as insightful guides, illuminating the themes and energies surrounding us during this celestial event. In this section, we introduce you to a specially curated tarot spread designed to align your intentions with the vibrant essence of the Gemini New Moon.
🔮 June 2023: New Moon In Gemini Tarot Spread
Card 1: The Current State of Communication:
This card reflects the current state of your communication patterns and how they influence your overall well-being. Pay attention to any areas that require adjustments or improvements to enhance clarity and understanding.
Card 2: Embracing Mental Agility:
This card reveals the critical aspects of your thought process and the mental agility available now. It guides you on how to harness the cosmic energy of the Gemini New Moon to stimulate your intellect and enhance your problem-solving abilities.
Card 3: Intuitive Guidance:
Drawn from your intuition, this card represents the guidance and intuitive messages available to support you during this phase. Embrace the insights and trust the whispers of your inner wisdom as you navigate this transformative period.
Card 4: Letting Go of Mental Stress:
This card highlights the areas in your life where mental stress or overthinking may hinder your growth. It invites you to release any unnecessary mental burdens, allowing space for clarity and fresh perspectives to emerge.
Card 5: Embracing New Perspectives:
As you embark on this journey of clarity and intuition, this card signifies the new perspectives and opportunities that await you. Be open to new ideas, explore diverse viewpoints, and embrace the multidimensionality of the Gemini New Moon energy.
Card 6: Alignment with Cosmic Flow:
This card serves as a compass, guiding you toward aligning your intentions with the cosmic flow. It offers insights into how you can harmonize your desires with the universal energies to manifest your intentions gracefully and effortlessly.
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By engaging with this carefully crafted tarot spread during the Gemini New Moon, you embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, clarity, and intuition. As you explore the messages revealed by the cards, remember to trust your inner voice and honor the wisdom of the cosmos. Embrace the magic of this celestial event and allow the tarot to illuminate the path ahead, guiding you towards alignment, growth, and personal transformation.
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myexplicittarotjournal · 11 months
I - The Archer's Arrow: What new adventures and opportunities are coming my way during this Full Moon in Sagittarius?
A: The Moon: Pay attention to your intuition. In this full moon in Sagittarius, combine the domesticated and reliable sides of the dog with the wilderness and intuition of the wolves. The path that will form in the middle will guide you to a new world of discoveries. Still, be careful not to be carried away with dreams and your woo-woo side. Remember, you also have to listen to the dog. Your north node is in Cancer, and the crab emerging from the water indicates that this relates to your life north (where you need to go). Honestly, I still wonder what my north node in Cancer means. It's opposed to my south node in Capricorn. So, I must stop worrying about my reputation and do what makes me happy. 
II - Releasing Limitations: What old patterns or beliefs am I being called to release to embrace expansion and growth?
A: Death: There's a a lot in me that I'm uncovering from the depths of my soul, forming a new me. Like, I've been intensely rediscovering my neglected inner child, which has led me to equally intense growth. I haven't been able to let go of my limerance for Matheus completely. But that has led me to a path of intense self-discovery. Like, what are the reasons I wanted him so badly? And that has to do with my PTSD caused by my crappy childhood being bullied for being gay. So, this Death card tells me that an old me is dying so a new one can come out of the shell.
III - Igniting Passion: How can I tap into my inner fire and passion for fueling my journey toward new horizons?
A: Four of Wands: This card represents the power a home and a place to return can have in someone's life. I'm considering becoming a digital nomad, so this card intrigues me. Since this question concerns my inner fire, I should create a safe space inside my head where I can always return in times of disruption. I learned to create that space in my head when I started meditation. But, lately, I've been practicing meditation alone without the help of Headspace (a meditation app), and my practice has lost quality. I need Andy Puddycomb to guide me again. I will subscribe again to his services. 
IV - Embracing Optimism: What steps can I take to cultivate a more optimistic and adventurous mindset during this lunar phase?
A: Ten of Swords reversed: Something has ended. And I'm not willing to see it. I should accept what is over and get on with it. That may be my marriage.
V - Expanding Horizons: What areas of my life are ready for expansion and exploration? How can I broaden my horizons?
A: Nine of Cups: What you wish shall be manifest. What makes butterflies in your stomach when you think of it? What makes you happy? What do you want? And when I say "want," I mean it. It's not "what you think you should do." What do you want? What desires come from within you and not from a sense of obligation? You know the answer: divorce.
VI - Divine Guidance: What message or guidance does the universe have for me during this transformative time?
A: Knight of Pentacles: Control your impulses. And you will have the material means to manifest everything you want. True freedom comes from discipline and self-control.
Full Moon In Sagittarius 2023 Tarot Spread: Unleash Your Inner Archer 🏹
As we approach the month of June, a wave of optimism and growth washes over us, setting the stage for exciting possibilities and personal breakthroughs.
The Energies of the Full Moon in Sagittarius
The cosmos equips us with a powerful celestial event: the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4th. Under the vibrant influence of Sagittarius, ruled by expansive Jupiter, we are encouraged to step out of our comfort zones, embrace adventure, and ignite the fires of enthusiasm within.
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Let's delve into the energies surrounding this Full Moon and discover how they can propel us toward new horizons:
Expanding Horizons: Jupiter and the North Lunar Node: At the heart of this cosmic event, Jupiter, the planet of luck and opportunities, aligns with the North Lunar Node. The North Node represents our destiny, karma, and the missions we are meant to fulfill in this lifetime. As these two divine forces converge, they open pathways to new possibilities, allowing us to overcome obstacles and release past limitations. This alignment empowers us to transcend old patterns, heal emotional wounds, and pave the way for personal growth and expansion.
The Optimistic Influence of Sagittarius: Sagittarius, the sign ruled by Jupiter, infuses this Full Moon with its infectious optimism and adventurous spirit. During this time, we are filled with confidence in our abilities and a burning desire to explore uncharted territories. The energy of Sagittarius awakens our sense of adventure, urging us to step outside our comfort zones and embrace the unknown. It ignites a fire within us, fueling our passion for life and our unwavering faith in ourselves.
Unleashing Passion: Venus in Leo: Coinciding with the Full Moon, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters Leo, adding a passionate flair to the cosmic energies. This celestial alignment amplifies our zest for life and fuels our desire to experience its joys fully. Our powers of attraction and seduction are heightened, opening the door to passionate encounters and new relationships. This energy favors romantic connections and extends its influence on family dynamics, fostering deeper bonds and shared moments of joy with our loved ones. Additionally, Venus in Leo blesses our financial endeavors, making it an opportune time to explore innovative ways of increasing abundance and breathing new life into our projects.
Embracing Expansion and Adventure:
The Full Moon in Sagittarius arrives as a celestial invitation to expand our horizons, embrace adventure, and ignite the fires of enthusiasm within us. Under the guiding influence of Jupiter and the North Lunar Node, we are encouraged to step beyond our limitations and release the burdens of the past.
The optimistic energy of Sagittarius fuels our sense of adventure, inspiring us to pursue our dreams boldly. With Venus in Leo adding a touch of passion and creativity to the mix, we are empowered to embrace love, joy, and abundance in all areas of our lives.
As we bask in the glow of this Full Moon, let us surrender to the cosmic energies, allowing them to guide us on a transformative journey of growth and self-discovery.
Unleash Your Inner Archer: The Full Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Spread
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Full Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Spread
The Archer's Arrow: What new adventures and opportunities are coming my way during this Full Moon in Sagittarius?
Releasing Limitations: What old patterns or beliefs am I being called to release to embrace expansion and growth?
Igniting Passion: How can I tap into my inner fire and passion to fuel my journey toward new horizons?
Embracing Optimism: What steps can I take to cultivate a more optimistic and adventurous mindset during this lunar phase?
Expanding Horizons: What areas of my life are ready for expansion and exploration? How can I broaden my horizons?
Divine Guidance: What message or guidance does the universe have for me during this transformative time?
Remember, embrace the energies of this Full Moon in Sagittarius with an open heart and a spirit of adventure. Allow the cards to guide you as you navigate the path toward personal growth, abundance, and joy. May this tarot spread illuminate the way and help you make the most of the powerful cosmic influences surrounding this celestial event.
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myexplicittarotjournal · 11 months
I - What seeds should I plant during this New Moon to cultivate abundance and financial security? 🌱💰 The Star: I've been using my crush on Matheus as a guiding star to where I want to be. Since I can't have him, I want to be as much as possible like him. And it's been working. My ventures as a digital nomad have finally started, and I'm living the life I dreamed of. Of course, it still needs to be settled. But I'm glad I took the first step. And for following my dreams with my soul and not my ego, the Universe has redeemed me with abundance and financial security. II - How can I enhance my self-worth and tap into the luxury and comfort I deserve? 💎✨ The Hanged Man: This's been an issue for me. Because growing up as a bullied gay kid has made me unsure of my self-worth and what I deserve. But I've constantly been working on healing my inner child through therapy, journaling, tarot, and general introspection. So, I guess the hanged man, a card about all these things, confirms I'm on the right path to enhancing my self-worth, so I can feel I deserve luxury and comfort. III - How can I nurture and manifest my most cherished dreams and aspirations? 🌸🌟 The Lovers: This card, for me, represents duality, like male and female, sin and virtue, and spirituality and worldly manifestation. One cannot exist without the other. So, The Lovers tells me that the best way to nurture and manifest my most cherished dreams is to understand that I must align my true spiritual self to what I egoic want to epitomize here in the 3D. IV - What obstacles or challenges may arise on my path to manifestation, and how can I overcome them? 🌪️🛡️ The Tower: This card tells me that unpredictability is a challenge or an obstacle that may arise on my path to manifestation. You are building your tower of security and safety, and suddenly a thunder strikes it and catches you off-guard. How can I overcome it? Well, by resting on uncertainty. That's a mindfulness principle I learned when I started meditating. And it applies to this question. Because when we are OK with everything constantly changing, we're living in the moment, which makes us more adaptable to any situation. V - What hidden opportunities or unexpected blessings are present in my journey of manifestation? 🌈🎁 The Lovers: This card again? The internet website I'm using to pick my cards, radomtarotcard.com, is not so random, as it happens. And I've only got Major Arcana cards 🙄. Anyways, it is what it is. And the answers I'm getting are resonating. So, I guess it's OK. So, The Lovers are telling me that through the principle of duality, I might see that it may not be so bad when something wrong happens. It might have meaning and take me to a hidden blessing.  VI - What is the overall message from the Universe regarding my manifestations during this potent New Moon? 🔮🌙 The Sun: Wow, the most positive card in the deck! And this time, the child on the horse speaks to me because it represents the inner child I'm currently healing. It's past a brick wall meaning an obstacle. And where there was pain, many sunflowers grew from the fertile soil. Now, it's only my heald child on top of that white horse, and nothing can stop him. The sun has got my back to illuminate the path!
New Moon in Taurus 2023 Tarot Spread: Blooming Dreams 🌸
Step into enchantment as the Taurus New Moon arrives, bringing abundant energy and a perfect chance to manifest success. Discover the transformative power of this celestial event and unlock your potential with our captivating six-question tarot spread to manifest your dreams with precision. 🌸🔮✨
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The sextile between the Sun and Neptune on May 18th and Mercury and Saturn on the 19th ignites your inspiration and discipline, empowering you to transform your visions into reality.
The New Moon is surrounded by favorable aspects, one to Neptune and another to Mars. This energy promotes visualization and nurturance of your objectives, making it the ideal time to manifest your dreams.
Use this occasion to establish intentions for financial stability, self-worth, luxury, and comfort. Have faith in the Universe and witness the enchantment of your dreams coming to fruition. Prepare to plant, nurture, and watch the magic unfold!
New Moon in Taurus 2023 Tarot Spread: Blooming Dreams 🌸
Introducing the “Blooming Dreams Tarot Spread” — a six-question journey to unlock your potential and manifest your desires during the enchanting Taurus New Moon. Get ready to dive into the depths of your aspirations and discover the guidance you need to blossom into your best self.
What seeds should I plant during this New Moon to cultivate abundance and financial security? 🌱💰
How can I enhance my self-worth and tap into the luxury and comfort I deserve? 💎✨
How can I nurture and manifest my most cherished dreams and aspirations? 🌸🌟
What obstacles or challenges may arise on my path to manifestation, and how can I overcome them? 🌪️🛡️
What hidden opportunities or unexpected blessings are present in my journey of manifestation? 🌈🎁
What is the overall message from the Universe regarding my manifestations during this potent New Moon? 🔮🌙
With the energy of the Taurus New Moon, access your inner strength and allow the tarot to lead you toward the manifestation of your greatest aspirations. Keep in mind the Universe is working in your favor.
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⭐️ Stargazing
Chapter I - Flosô 📺
When I was around 11 to 12yo, I gradually stopped seeing my friends from the housing complex building I lived in the east zone of São Paulo. I used to see them every day on the playground after school, but now I would only dare to spy on what they were doing from the crack of my bedroom window on the 5th floor.
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Sometimes, Gersinho would see me spy and shout aggressively to come down and play. I hid, embarrassed from having been caught spying. He wouldn't understand my behavior.
I wanted to regain my preteen social life at home, but I was too exhausted from my life at school. André, a blond, blue-eyed new student, got everyone's love for being intelligent, a good football player, talkative and gregarious. And he hated me.
He noticed something in me; I could never see. If I saw it in me, I would change it to be accepted and popular like him. But I never could.
He used to call me "flosô." That means, in Portuguese, a man who has affected delicate manners and is probably gay. He learned that term from a Rede Globo soap opera starring a young city boy who moves to a jungle farm after finding his father is a millionaire cowboy. I wouldn't say I liked TV Globo and its homophobic soap opera characters.
Well, when I was 11 years old, it seemed everyone knew I was gay before even I did or had come out like that. I was an effeminate young boy, I guess. And the kids in my school made sure I knew that.
But that was just who I was. I didn't know how to be different. If I knew, I would try to be.
And because the most popular guy in my school would pick on me for being flosô, everyone else thought it would be cool to do so, too.
The teachers wouldn't say a thing. Maybe they felt that if they let the bullies torment my life, it would be for the better because I needed to learn that lesson; who knows?
I just wanted to hide. And even though my friends at home wouldn't have flagged me yet, their hormones were kicking in, and they would start talking about girls, a subject I had a terrible time pretending I was interested in.
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I couldn't hide in my school. But I could hide at home, and so did I. I disappeared from the playground. And I vanished from life as much as I could. I did consider suicide when I was 13 but never had the courage.
Still, I killed myself in a certain way. I did it every time I wouldn't come down and be with my ex-friends at the playground. Every time I hid from life, I killed myself a little.
I was too gay to live; society made that clear to me. So I would spy on what life could be like from the crack of a bedroom window on the 5th floor of a low-income residential building.
Chapter II - Why are you so quiet? 😶
Today I'm 40. And though somehow I managed to have a life, I still have a constant feeling I don't live enough.
I became aware of this feeling more recently. My subconscious disguised it as guilt. That was the feeling I had when Gersinho would aggressively shout at me when I would get caught spying on him.
Everyone had a life but me. And that was my fault. Because I can't hide I'm gay, I don't feel comfortable talking about girls. And with time, I didn't feel comfortable around people anymore.
"Why are you so quiet?" - people often ask me. That question makes me even more uncomfortable because I never know what to answer. And therefore, I get even quieter, like there's something wrong with me.
"You're just shy. You'll mature and get over it soon." - well, I'm 40, and I haven't. But one thing I know. I shouldn't feel guilty for being unable to "repair" myself to function in society. Society should repair itself.
But they won't. And if they will, it'll take lifetimes before gay people are understood and fully integrated into society with no prejudice or hate.
Meanwhile, if I don't fully accept being gay within myself, I'll permanently hide. And hiding is killing me. But how do I convince that 11yo me it's OK to be gay?
I want to live. And if I want to stop spying on life from the crack of a window, I need to heal my inner child.
Chapter 3 - Crush ❤️‍🩹
I have a crush on Matheus that just won't go away. I've never seen him personally. I only follow him on social media. He has many friends and a successful career; he is friendly and gentile and looks oh so good.
When I stalk him on Instagram, I feel like I'm 12yo again, spying on Gersinho from the crack of my window. Matheus won't shout at me like Gersinho, but he doesn't answer many of my DMs, which shows he's uninterested in me. So I stopped messaging him. But I can't stop following his life adventures.
Currently, he's in Kathmandu, exploring new territories and living an exciting life. I've also been to Kathmandu as a cabin crew for Qatar Airways. Even though the company had a horrible working environment, and my time there was tough, I was happy there. I felt alive like I've felt very few times in my life. So, it's symbolic that he's there while I'm writing this.
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On impulse, I DMed him again on Instagram. After all, I had to comment on his Stories posts. But the minute I pressed send, I regretted it. Why do I keep contacting him and begging for his attention? Deep within me, I wish I had him as a husband. It could cure my 12yo self who only dares to spy on life from a window crack.
I would have his protection and permission to live his exciting life. A life only granted to white, well-born, straight-acting, cis-gendered males.
But, hey. Wake the fuck up. You have to grab your child-self by the hand and take him to wherever he wants. Not Matheus.
Matheus will always run away from you if you keep begging him to take that responsibility. Every DM you send to Matheus, it's your neglected 12 yo begging for attention.
You can do it. You can make friends, travel, and earn your hard-worked money to travel and have unique experiences. You may have started your journey from a disadvantageous point compared to Matheus, but you know you're on the right path to regain your life. Repeat that to yourself how many times you need. Until your inner child feels safe again. Because he is safe with you.
Chapter 4 - The Star ⭐️
Still, I wonder why my inner child is so fascinated with Matheus beyond his joie de vivre. Frequently, I catch myself buying clothes similar to what he would wear. And I've grown an interest in hiking, one of his favorite activities. I even booked a trip to Bonito, near the Pantanal wetlands in Brazil, to be among nature just like he loves to be.
It may sound absurd, but I hope I can heighten my energy to a frequency like his so that one day, the Universe will redeem my worth of his company. He has so many intangible qualities that I admire. He is warm and humble even though he looks gorgeous. I think that if he was gay (he's bisexual), he would be so annoyingly full of himself and arrogant like most good-looking, successful gay guys are. But he is not. And he's intelligent, speaks three languages, too. Maybe I'm projecting; I don't know.
Still, I want to be like him. And maybe I'm not because there's much for me to learn in spiritual terms.
Before I started being bullied in school for being gay, I wasn't much of a pleasant kid. Sometimes I would be on the bully side. I was even violent sometimes, beating up my younger brother at home or the other kids in the playground. Well, and I would get beaten too. Once, an older kid punched me in the face, and a blood vein popped out of my eye. I think that playground was like a jungle full of little monkeys fighting for the alpha position.
And I could be born gay to learn to be nicer to other people. Maybe that was a life lesson I needed to learn to evolve my soul. Gay kids will never be alpha in our society. So I learned the hard way that fighting for that is stupid. Living in a world where we all love and respect each other is much better.
And that's why, on a spiritual level, I paid the price for being a gay kid. Today I'm a nice person. But being gay affected my life in so many ways, including my career, because I grew up insecure about myself. I wasn't strong enough to socialize in a competitive environment when I entered the workplace. So, today I'm 40, and I don't have a brilliant, skyrocketing, successful career like Matheus.
But I learned my lesson. And now I want to vibrate at the same level as Mathew because my soul evolved from all that pain. And I want to be successful yet humble like him. And enjoy life just like him.
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No wonder I got the Star last time I flipped my tarot deck for guidance. Matheus is like a guiding star for me. But the card came out reversed. So, this card tells me that Star is inside me, not in the outside world. Everything I see on Matheus, I'm projecting from within me. My inner child wants to live, and he knows that he needs to grow up to be a better person that fits in a world of love and acceptance where Matheus lives and this child would be safe.
So now I must grab that kid's hand and walk him to a better playground where he doesn't have to hide.
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Apollo Tarot has excelled in this new tarot spread. So comprehensive!
🔮 Ok, so let's try it:
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I - Transformation:
1a - What areas of my life can I transform and let go of during this powerful cosmic event?
Ten of Cups: On the surface, I have what many would consider a good love life. A husband that loves me, and the presence of my family around me. However, I'm not happy. I see my husband more like a friend and not like a spouse.
I'm not physically attracted to him, and for complex reasons, my entire life depended on him for a long time, and now I feel I don't have a life of my own. I live his life as a coadjuvant.
So, I need to let go of the comfort of having a supportive husband taking care of me to transform my life and live it.
1b- What limiting beliefs or fears will I release to reach my highest potential?
Seven of Wands Reversed: Deep in my mind, I'm constantly alert and ready to defend myself from mean others. I developed this trait long ago when I was a bullied pre-teen, scared continuously of homophobes.
This fear of socializing, because I'm gay has no reason to be anymore. I'm comfortable expressing my feminity as a cis man, and I shouldn't care about whoever has a problem with that.
Still, since that is a deep wound within my soul, it takes time to heal it. And I've recently started therapy. So, I hope that helps.
II - Courage and assertiveness:
2a - What steps can I take to confidently assert myself��in pursuing my goals and desires?
Five of Wands Reversed: This card, when reversed, could be speaking about my conflict-avoiding personality. Even though I'm pretty assertive on the internet, defending my political views on Twitter, I tend to "people please" and let others have their way when I'm face-to-face.
And that is true also when I have to express my personal decisions, like living my life more independently from my husband because I'm too afraid to disappoint him.
So, when it comes to steps I need to take to improve on that, being aware of this trait I have is an important one.
2b - How can I use the energy of this eclipse to overcome any fears or doubts that may be holding me back?
Eight of Cups: I'm long invested in my self-defensive mechanical reactions when I'm in conflict or need to impose my will on others to exert my independence. In a way, I have an emotional attachment to these self-defense mechanisms I created.
This card says this eclipse is an excellent opportunity to overcome my fears and doubts.
III - Self-discovery:
3a - What new aspects of myself can I explore and express during this transformative time?
The Star Reversed: This card comes after the Tower when everything has changed in your life. But you follow your star and are in a new place full of hope for what's to come. Even though you feel naked and vulnerable, you are at peace because you know the universe supports you.
But why is this card reversed? I need to reinforce this silent knowingness within myself.
3b - How can I tap into my creativity and passions to live a more fulfilling and authentic life?
Page of Cups: Just as the page in the card is playfully offering his feelings on a cup, I need to playfully express myself to tap into my creativity and passions. As a Pisces rising, I'm very imaginative and intuitive.
Even though I managed to combine my creativity with my work, I need to bring back my inner child to keep seeing everything with new eyes and a sense of wonder.
IV - Passion and enthusiasm:
4a - What brings me the most joy and excitement, and how can I pursue those things with more vigor and enthusiasm?
Nine of Wands: You've been hurt and tired before. Still, you found a way to reinvent yourself and regain confidence in your path.
That's because you learned how to tap into your intuition and separate the desires that come from your ego from the ones that come from your soul.
This knowledge is precious, and you should use it to pursue your true path vigorously and enthusiastically.
4b - What steps can I take to infuse my life with more passion and purpose?
Five of Cups: You must look at the positive side of things whenever you feel unmotivated. The man is mourning the spilled cups but still has other cups standing up. So raise your chin whenever things don't go your way, and keep walking, Johnny Walker.
V - Independence and self-reliance:
5a - How can I cultivate greater independence and self-reliance while remaining open to collaboration and support from others?
The Fool: Just do it (man, these brand slogans are catchy)! You know what you'll need to do. You're more connected to your intuition. You don't know exactly how things will turn out to be.
But just go. It's time. You'll get your independence from your husband while learning how to be more self-reliant.
That doesn't mean you must deny his support and collaboration, though. You realized that on the previous Full Moon in Libra. But you need to fly parallel to his aid, so one day, you learn how to fly alone, in case you need it.
5b - What steps can I take to trust my instincts and beliefs, even when they may be at odds with those around me?
Death: I must let go of my old self and let the new me be born. This is a complex process that will strengthen my intuition because that's the only guide I have.
Therefore coming out of this process will be a determinant step to trusting my instincts and beliefs. I'll develop a more assertive personality and more confidence, so I'll release my self-doubt and "people-pleasing" aspects.
So, I'll be more secure when at odds with those around me. It's all an interconnected process of evolution.
🌚 Solar Eclipse in Aries, I'm ready!
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Herbs that help anxiety
Here are some herbs that have been traditionally used to help relieve anxiety:
Chamomile: Chamomile is a popular herb that is commonly used to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety. It contains an antioxidant called apigenin, which has been found to have calming effects on the brain.
Lavender: Lavender is known for its calming and relaxing properties. It can be used in aromatherapy, or taken as a supplement, to help reduce anxiety symptoms.
Passionflower: Passionflower is an herb that has been used to help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. It contains a flavonoid called chrysin, which is believed to have calming effects on the brain.
Valerian: Valerian is an herb that has been traditionally used as a natural sedative. It is often used to help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.
Lemon balm: Lemon balm is a member of the mint family, and is known for its calming and mood-boosting effects. It has been found to help reduce anxiety symptoms, and can be taken as a tea or supplement.
It's important to note that herbs can interact with medications and other supplements, so it's always a good idea to talk to a healthcare professional before taking any new herbal remedies.
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🎨Art Magic Ideas🎨
Use enchanted waters such as moon, elemental or holy waters to enchant your paint water
Create a thoughtform for/ensorcell a tool (paintbrush, pencil, needle, etc.) to assist your spell(s)
Recite chants/prayers/affirmations (intention) as you work
Experiment using herbs, resins, teas, etc. to make magical pigments
Make sigil stamps out of erasers, cork, hot glue, etc.
Create a portrait of your shadow self, or your witch/wizard/whatever-sona
Compile or record different playlists for different spell 'genres', meditation, and "vision board-ing"
Create your own recycled handmade enchanted paper for petitions
Protect your spells by documenting them in pictograms- use only images to portray the process
Use a recycled or handmade decorated container to house your 'personal demons'
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♒️ Full moon in Aquarius tarot spread ✌️
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It's one day past the full moon in Aquarius. I think the moon is now in Pisces if I'm not mistaken. I like the Piscean energy too. But, let's get this party started.
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I) How can I best spark my curiosity?
Eight of Swords: I like this question. It's good to always keep your curiosity alive. It's the same as keeping your inner child alive, I believe. But I've got the Eight of Swords. Yeah, I guess it's been a while since I've been inquisitive about something. The last time, I think, was when I first discovered tarot. I was so excited, reading everything I could about it. And listening to podcasts and keeping my tarot journals for practice. So, I guess this card tells me I'm jumbled in my thoughts and worries, and I'm not living? But what is the best way to spark my curiosity? That's the question. Hmm, the woman has her bare feet on the water, which in tarot means your feelings and intuition. So, I suppose I must regain contact with those. I've been working a lot, and I've not dedicated enough idle time. That's when your feelings surface out of the blue, right? Yeah, I need to relax and get out of my head for a while. That's what this card is telling me.
II) What unique gifts do I have to offer to the world?
The Sun: Wow, this is regarded by many as the best card in the tarot. And in Astrology, your Sun is your essence, right? Who you really are in your center. And who I am deep within myself? Well, my Sun is in Capricorn, and after switching careers twice, I've finally found something I enjoy working with. Capricorns are known to be hard workers, and I think I can describe myself like that. And that's the unique gift I have to offer to the world, I believe this card tells me. Hey, the last card just told me I should relax a little, so I think I must also find some balance between work and leisure. Because if my work determination is my unique gift to the world, what is it worth if I'm exhausted?
III) How can I best bring thoughtful changes into my life?
Eight of Wands: This card is all about movement and action. So the message is unmistakable here: If you want to bring change to your life, start moving! What's worth wishing for things and planning and planning but always waiting for the best time to start? The best time is now! There were a few things I was waiting to begin only when I had enough financial freedom. I'm now earning some money, and I can start adequately taking some actions, I guess. Thanks, Eight of Wands!
IV) How can I grow and expand my connections?
Judgment: I have been receiving a call to care more for my friends. I do feel lonely sometimes. And when I think of the best moments of my life, it was always when I forged strong connections with friends. Now, I've been so distant. My marriage plays a role in that, for sure. I think my husband and I are very different people. My friends from college or work don't connect with him so much, so I tend to isolate myself from them in our private married life. And to be fair, I don't get along with my husband's friends too. But if there's a will, there's a way. We don't have to do everything together just because we're a couple, right? I guess I can have my friends, and he can have his friends, and that's ok, right?
Funny, I just got a message from a Chinese friend who is back in Brazil and invited me to go out.
V) What do I need to release to be more independent?
Eight of Pentacles: Work, work, and work. Damn, I suppose there's no other way, right? If I want to gain financial freedom so I can be more independent, and God, I want to be independent of my husband, then I got to work. This card couldn't be cleared, lol. And, I love my work so that should not be a problem!
VI) How can I best develop my charisma?
Knight of Pentacles: God, I'm such a Capricorn. It all comes to pentacles (work) in the end for me, lol. If I want to be someone's "knight in a shiny armor," I need to work on being less dependent on my husband. That really kills my self-esteem. I feel like I'm his shadow with no personality. I must, as said before, work on my independence to feel more confident and therefore display all the charisma I have. I know I have. Somewhere. I just need to find it.
🏺 Full Moon in Aquarius 2022 Tarot Spread
I can't believe we are in August 😵‍💫. Time flies, and the Full Moon in Aquarius on the following 11 warns us that it's time to think outside the box and step into the territory of originality.
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This Aquarian Moon brings out our curious, irreverent, and independent side. She starts the morning in total tune with Jupiter, ensuring luck, optimism, and super positive vibes.
Therefore, this period is perfect for interacting with others, attracting followers on social media, meeting new people, and expanding our contacts.
It is also an excellent time to dedicate ourselves to our beliefs and develop activities that spark creativity. You can expect a fertile and stimulating day to exercise your mind and develop ideas, plans, and projects.
If you plan to start an activity, organize yourself and establish steps to increase the chances of success.
Nevertheless, the Full Moon in Aquarius gets stressed and clashes with Uranus at night, recommending caution with spending, thoughtless changes, and rebellious attitudes.
Thankfully, the energy changes right away thanks to the lovely aspect of the Full Moon in Aquarius with Mars. We can expect things to go smoothly in personal and loving relationships. Are you into someone or want to win a crush? Trust your charisma because this Full Moon gives the flirting the green light 🚦.
Full Moon in Aquarius 2022 Tarot Spread:
Now that we are aware of the energies involved in this Full Moon in Aquarius, start shuffling your favorite tarot deck and ask the cards the following questions:
How can I best spark my curiosity?
What unique gifts do I have to offer to the world?
How can I best bring thoughtful changes into my life?
How can I grow and expand my connections?
What do I need to release to be more independent?
How can I best develop my charisma?
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Share your Full Moon in Aquarius Tarot Spread with me!
I'd love your thoughts about our Full Moon in Aquarius 2022 Tarot Spread. Please leave us a comment here or on our NEW Facebook Group.
Don't forget to sign up for our newsletter to get the next New Moon in Libra 2022 Tarot Spread in time.
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I. What can I improve when expressing myself?
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Three of Wands: I'm a contemplative person who doesn't express himself much. Still, that gives me an advantage over extrovert people because I see the bigger picture more frequently than they do. And therefore, I make better decisions. So, I must take advantage of this trace and make the most of it when expressing myself. You don't have to be an eloquent talker to articulate what is in your mind. And do you have to speak your mind all the time? Sometimes, it's better to observe things from a higher point.
II. How can I best transform challenges into opportunities?
Ten of Swords Reversed: Sometimes, a new opportunity arises when you think it's all over. In this card, a man, apparently defeated, lies on the ground. But the morning is breaking on the horizon, and tomorrow is another day. Life will go on, even if you're dead. And sometimes, we need to die to give space for better things. This death can be symbolic, of course. I feel that an old defeated me is giving birth to a more confident person. I'm learning to embrace my inner child. And making him stronger, I make myself stronger.
III. In what areas of my life do I need to be less impulsive?
Knight of Pentacles reversed: My Etsy shop got flagged by U.S. Games System. That was because I used the images created by Pamela Colman Smith on some products I sell. But, WTF, according to Wikipedia, those images are public domain now, and they lost their copyrights. I contacted the U.S. Games System's employee who flagged my shop and asked him to remove his case, and now I feel I was a bit impulsive.
Even if I'm right, they are a huge company, and they can afford lawyers to shut me down if they want because you can do anything with money these days. So, maybe I should have stayed quiet. They haven't answered me yet. And I hope they ignore me as I can't afford a fight with these big guys. And, I must for now on, be less impulsive when launching new products in my shop, even if I'm on my right. Maybe, I'm worrying for nothing, but that's the first thing I thought when I saw this Knight of Pentacles reversed.
IV. How can I best care for the ones I love?
Ace of Swords reversed: My parents are divorcing. Honestly, I don't care much. They are toxic to each other. And many times, they were harmful to me, too, when I was younger. I feel like staying away from this problem. Because I'm their son, I can't pick a party for their fight. It's their problem. They should fix it whatever way they redeem correctly and inform me of their decision. Or this could be the start of a "Swords" journey.
And as you know, most sword cards are painful experiences to live. Of course, I'll always make time to listen and support them however I can. But I won't pick a side or let myself be drowned in their angst because they are adults. And must make things right for them on their own.
V. What creative project do I need to focus on now?
Nine of Wands reversed: Your current business is the most creative project you've ever created. And you are this 🤏 close to turning it into a full-time sustainable job for you, where you'll finally regain your financial freedom. Still, I feel I'll go through final probation with this whole U.S. Games System going after me thing. Maybe this is related to Uranus's position in the sky right now. But I haven't done anything wrong, and fortune will favor me. I can feel it. But, I must be ready in case things don't go my way in all this. After all, this card is reversed and telling me to be careful. I don't think Etsy will shut my business down, but I might get another three months of my funds being in reserve, which will have me struggling to keep up with my finances. God forbid.
VI. How can I best align my life goals to my life purpose?
Three of Swords: This card is about mourning or being heartbroken. And I have recently felt like that about Mathew. To whom I've extensively dedicated some space in this journal. After diving into my subconsciousness, I realized I didn't love him. I wanted his validation—the validation of a straight-acting bisexual man for my "gayness."
I've suffered so much bullying from straight guys when I was a kid that I subconsciously thought that if Mathew'd loved me, I would regain what those bullies took from me. My happiness, my self-esteem, my will to live, even. But, no! You can give yourself all that back without craving straight men's love. You don't need that. Love yourself first. Look at that inner hurt child, so scared to be gay in a straight world, and hug him. He wants a hug from this older you. Show him everything will be alright. You're beautiful just the way you are, no matter what they say. 🎤👱🏻‍♀️ Words can't bring me down 🎶. And I guess that's my life purpose. Love me first. So I can love others. This life goal of getting over Mathew can be a life purpose if I align it with this higher purpose. Heal my child, heal.
🦁 New Moon In Leo 2022 Tarot Spread
The New Moon in Leo on the following July 28 favors the expression of our essence and individuality. Show the best version of yourself to the world, and shine. Still, we must be careful not to display selfishness or arrogance.
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Also, this new moon in Leo occurs when Mars and Uranus are conjunct in Taurus. Therefore, some situations can peak during this lunar cycle; if they do, it might be time to use this energy to transform your challenges into opportunities.
Still, Uranus and Mars will be in a tense aspect with Saturn during this New Moon in Leo. Thus, all the aforementioned transformative actions can come with a price. Saturn is a stern planet, but once you do what is right, it pivots your results for the better.
Remember, it’s always worth looking at the positive side of each situation you are facing and doing more of what is working for you.
Uranus and Mars’s alignment during this fiery lunation will ultimately send us unexpected nudges toward our purposes or destiny.
Yet, during the lunar cycle that starts with the New Moon in Leo, it is essential to choose the words when communicating and not say anything before the time. Anxiety can hit you, and maybe it’s necessary to have some escape valve, so it doesn’t harm your sleep or quality of life.
The tense aspect of Saturn implies that our work life will demand attention. Leo’s energy can bring impatience or lack of control leading to impulsive or hasty attitudes.
So, evaluating before taking each step is vital to maintain responsibility and prudence in everything you do.
Venus is in Cancer and reminds us to declare our feelings affectionately in relationships, making it clear how important the ones you love are in your life.
To love is to care. This attitude can be decisive in the continuity of relationships.
In this New Moon in Leo, seek what makes your eyes shine. Focus on the most important, personal, and essential projects. Count on your creativity, and trust your potential. Make it happen, rooaarr!
🦁 New Moon In Leo 2022 Tarot Spread
Now that we are aware of the astrological aspects of this New Moon in Leo, start shuffling your favorite tarot deck and ask the cards:
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What can I improve when expressing myself?
How can I best transform challenges into opportunities?
In what areas of my life do I need to be less impulsive?
How can I best care for the ones I love?
What creative project do I need to focus on now?
How can I best align my life goals to my life purpose?
Share your Full Moon in Capricorn Tarot Spread with me!
I’d love your thoughts about our Full Moon in Capricorn 2022 Tarot Spread. Please leave us a comment here or on our NEW Facebook Group.
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I - What areas of my life do I need to act with caution and responsibility?
Four of Wands reversed: I have a stable married life that brings me safety and comfort. Still, often, I think about ending it because my marriage became more like a friendship. We don't even have sex anymore. But this card tells me to be cautious and responsible with my decisions. I have emotional responsibilities with my husband. Meaning that I can't just leave him without caring for his feelings. In fact, I don't even know anymore if I want to break up. For what? I'll never find anyone so committed to me as he is. And the card came out reversed, which means I should be *extra* cautious about it.
II - How can I best prepare for unpredicted events?
Nine of Swords reversed: Hmm, the man in the card is waking up from what seems to be a nightmare. And, on the day we had Pluto squaring the Full Moon in Cap, my mom told me she wanted to divorce my dad. Because they fight too much. They never really get along. I always knew that. But still, that felt a little unpredicted because they are both 72 now. They should be more peaceful in this stage of their life. But what would this card be telling me to prepare for? Engraved on his bed, below his pillow, I can see some sort of art I can't distinguish very well. But it seems to be two people seriously fighting. One is on the floor, apparently pushed by the other figure standing up. Is this card telling me my parent's quarrels could get physical? I don't know. But the man waking up seems to be facing a lot of regrets too. Hum, I need to stay tuned to see how their current confrontations develop and support them as much as possible.
III - What unnecessary burdens do I need to let go of?
Two Of Pentacles reversed: Maybe this card is telling me I need to let go of some stuff in my work that is not bringing much return. Like, prioritize things better. Concentrate on what is making you money, and then when you have the time try and experiment with other stuff. I do feel comfortable with my time management, though. But maybe this card is telling me things might get wild in the future, just like the waters behind the man in the card.
IV - How do I best align my beliefs to how I feel?
Knight of Wands reversed: I think the element of fire, represented by the Wands suit, is about your soul calling, what makes you aspire for bigger things. And the Knight of Wands is like the Spirit has a message for you, or a call if you will. So, I must listen to this call to best align my beliefs to how I feel. That's what this card is telling me. And maybe, this sort of call arrives to you through your feelings. Like, you get to feel you got to do that. And you feel excited and start going in that direction. This question in this spread is so inspiring. And the card answered it beautifully. Thank you, Spirit!
V - How can I best motivate myself to achieve my goals?
Page of Swords reversed: This card, when upside down, is about paranoia and delinquency. And, I must confess, I sometimes get trapped in an impostor syndrome, so I need to be vigilant not to dwell on these thoughts. I think this card is telling me that, hey, you're doing a great job. You deserve everything you've conquered so far and much more. Get out of your head whenever you think you don't deserve your recent accomplishments. You're amazing! Go crush it.
VI - What are the roots of my current anxiety?
Ace of Cups reversed: Oh, no wonder this card came up. All I think about for the past three years is my crush on Mathew. I wish I got an "Ace of Cups" opportunity to develop a love affair with him. And I wasn't shy about it. I did reach out to him. Only to be ignored 🙈. Oh, well. And that's definitely has been the root of much of my anxiety lately. But, through this fixation on him, I also found a lot of hidden stuff about me. After much thinking, I realized I don't crave his love. I long for his validation. He is a heteronormative straight-acting bisexual man who seems to have his life all figured out. He's beautiful, has an excellent job, travels often, and has many incredible friendships. All those things I never got. Or if I ever did, they didn't last long.
Because I come from a much different background than him. My parents are toxic; I suffered bullying and abuse as a child for being gay. Mathew apparently never had these same problems, which boosted him throughout his life. So, I crave his validation. Not love. Because if he gave me his attention, that would mean, "Wow, if he's interested in me, maybe I'm on the same level as he is as a person. And perhaps I can be like him too." But it's an illusion to think you can reach somewhere in life by being in the company of someone you admire. That means nothing. When you were bullied, something was taken from you, yes. Being born in a toxic family prevented you from developing your adult personality positively. But you won't get those things magically back simply by engaging with someone who never went through the things you've been through.
You're an effeminated gay man. You won't stop being that because a straight-acting man is by your side. He doesn't represent the redemption of the heterosexual society to your gayness. And hey, that's OK. You're beautiful just the way you are. And though society puts you in a difficult position for being who you are, the only way you'll get where you want to be is by making yourself stronger. They are wrong about you. And you, in the first place, need to know that more than everyone. Not Mathew. YOU. And if that's a battle where I am disadvantaged, so be it. You still can win it.
Surround yourself with the right people who would always stand by your side no matter what. You know who those are. Forget Mathew. He's got where he is because he's privileged. What is there to admire about him? His privileges? Fuck that. Maybe your path is not so smooth as his, but you're doing great compared to the scared kid you used to be. Look how much you've grown! All the things you learned about yourself through your life experiences. You're a badass. Much more than that easy-rider-Mathew.
Hey, all this self-talk made me feel proud of myself. And most of all, I love myself so much! That's the Ace Of Cups I deserve!
🐐 🌝 Full Moon In Capricorn 2022 Tarot Spread
On the 13th of July, for the second time this year, we will have the privilege of feeling the vibration of the spectacular Supermoon. That's when the Moon's perceivable size and brightness are amplified due to its orbit reaching the maximum point of approach to Earth, known as perigee.
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Full Moon in Capricorn 2022 Tarot Spread
The Moon's arrival at 21º22' of the sign of Capricorn also marks an alignment with Pluto. Still, the Full Moon in Capricorn will also oppose the Sun and Mercury in Cancer and Uranus in Taurus.
Full Moon in Capricorn Tarot Spread: But what does it all mean?
Firstly, this Full Moon in Capricorn might strain our feelings and imagination while softening our impulsive side. We will feel more moderate and prompted to act with caution and responsibility.
Secondly, Pluto conveys that the future may present challenges, bringing necessary readjustments. You may want to restructure and replan to remain firm despite possible adversities.
Remember that Pluto is the god of darkness, the underworld, related to our deep unconsciousness. And when this planet is activated, figuratively speaking (or not), it brings death, reborn, and transformation. That's why quite significant changes will be in our midst.
Thirdly, the alignment of the Full Moon in Capricorn with Uranus in Taurus warns us that unpleasant ruptures represent an opening to new possibilities for growth. It is necessary to be open to a new reality to the old modus operandi.
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Therefore, we will feel more conscious and pragmatic when making choices. Ask yourself: "What was good?", "What benefited me?", "What detachments do I need to make?". 
After all, remember that the Capricorn Zodiac is symbolized by the mountain goat, who won't make it to the top carrying an unnecessary burden.
Moreover, during this Full Moon in Capricorn, our feelings will be confronted with the moral values ​​we carry in our lives. Remember, our past experiences and relationships reinforce the foundations of our future.
Likewise, buried feelings might resurface and revive our memory with the Sun and Mercury in Cancer, significantly nourishing our motivation, spirits, and vitality.
On the other hand, this reflux of emotions can hurt us from the inside, bringing anxiety and paralyzing our evolution. Therefore watch where your mind is going!
How will the Supermoon in Capricorn affect each sign?
♈️ Aries: Now it's a great time to channel your creative and fulfilling energy, delivering extra gas to finish projects. But be careful not to be ambitious and competitive.
♉️ Taurus: Patience and determination will keep you focused on your goals; take one step at a time.
♊️ Gemini: Logical and pragmatic thinking is favorable for business. Use this energy to support your projects.
♋️ Cancer: You will feel more objective when dealing with your emotions. Discern what feelings can get in the way of positive experiences.
♌️ Leo: Your passion will be toned down, and you will face challenges with caution and planning to achieve your ambitions.
♍️ Virgo: Your efficiency and rationality will be reinforced. This will lead you to methodically analyze the aspects that contributed to the success or failure of a plan.
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✨ The Gold Foil Tarot Deck: Now Available on ApolloTarot.Com.
♎️ Libra: Your diplomacy will take on a very realistic tone. You will not use mincing words to express your point of view.
♏️ Scorpio: You will have your determination and resilience reinforced, strengthening your ambition and desire for power.
♐️ Sagittarius: You will feel more motivated to complete goals and avoid risky situations.
♑️ Capricorn: You will feel more productive and dedicated to carrying out your professional projects and attentive to fulfilling your plans.
♒️ Aquarius: You will feel more creative and motivated to put new projects into practice but will consider the pros and cons of each situation.
♓️ Pisces: You will feel more introverted and reserved, objectively realizing what is between the lines.
An incredible Full Moon in Capricorn to you, and see you in the next New Moon in Leo!
Full Moon in Capricorn 2022 Tarot Spread:
Now that we are aware of the astrological aspects of this Full Moon in Capricorn, start shuffling your favorite tarot deck and ask the cards:
In what areas of my life do I need to act with caution and responsibility?
How can I best prepare for unpredicted events?
What unnecessary burdens do I need to let go of?
How do I best align what I believe to how I feel?
How can I best motivate myself to achieve my goals?
What are the roots of my current anxiety?
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Full Moon in Capricorn 2022 Tarot Spread
Share your Full Moon in Capricorn Tarot Spread with me!
I'd love your thoughts about our Full Moon in Capricorn 2022 Tarot Spread. Please leave us a comment here or on our NEW Facebook Group.
Don't forget to sign up for our newsletter to get the next New Moon in Leo 2022 Tarot Spread in time.
✨ The Gold Foil Tarot Deck Is Now Available On Apollo Tarot!
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✨ The Gold Foil Tarot Deck is now available on Apollo Tarot. Shop now!
The Gold Foil Rider-Waite Tarot Deck's sharp images are based on a medieval theme known for personally affecting each user. These are the best tarot cards for beginner tarot readers and will mesmerize experienced ones!
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Yesterday was the Full Moon in Sagittarius. And here are my answers to @apollotarot's spread:
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What can I learn from my sensitivity?
The Lovers: It's the first time I'm trying random tarot cards from different decks that are not the RWS. So I'm getting a different vibe from what I generally get from The Lovers Card. I'm getting a Ying and Yang kind of energy from this card. So I suppose it's telling me that I should keep growing my existing relationship with my husband without distractions (Mathew and Charles, to be precise). Because when you have a significant other to learn and grow together, you double your soul evolving in this material plane.
I've felt more connected and happier since I stopped stalking Mathew online and also decided to ghost Charles for being a toxic piece of 💩. So, that's what my sensitivity tells me, and I believe this feeling has been endorsed by this card.
How can I bring more meaning to my life?
The Tower: I feel like I'm going through a "tower" moment. Well, who doesn't, right? The world is upside down, and the apocalypse seems to be in the corner. But, as they say, you can find more meaning in life when going through challenging moments than when everything is super fine and everyone is happy. Because tower moments are about revelations and lessons to be learned too. And that brings meaning to life.
What needs immediate healing?
The Star: Funny, the Star is the card that comes right after the Tower. It's like it says, "Hey, you've been through some shit, but don't lose hope. Things will get better". So, yeah, I lost my job. I'm financially dependent on my husband. We've got covid during a vacation that was ruined by it. My wallet and phone were stolen. But that's all in the past. I feel I'm emerging as a new person too.
Especially because now I know it's a matter of time until I'm financially independent because my company is doing so well. Also, I'm OK with my marriage now. I think. I can't separate now. And as my mom used to say, "if you can't fix something, it's fixed."
So, I'm living and enjoying the moment. Perhaps I won't feel so caged in this relationship when I'm no longer financially dependent on my husband. Who knows? I do feel like all this is healing.
How can I best align what is good for me with what is good for the collective?
Three of Swords: I feel this card is so personal. So, I'm not sure it's resonating with the collective but with a group of people around me.
I've been lately heartbroken by three people: Mathew, who I had a crush on, Leo, who I was sexually interested in, and Charles, with who I had a long-term friend with benefits affair. And you know what? Maybe that was all for the better.
I have an open relationship with my husband because we don't have sex. Still, I feel like my marriage is the relationship I should be focusing on now. He's been so helpful to me. And that's what love really is. Love is to care for someone deeply. None of those three cared for me. So, I think it's best for everyone if I stop caring about them too. And let them go.
What is changing in my life?
Ace of Swords: According to labyrinthos.co, "The Ace of Swords indicates that one is about to experience a breakthrough moment. With its sharp blade representing the power of the intellect, this sword can cut through deception and find the truth".
That's aligned with the Tower card and the other cards I've got so far in this reading. I must use my rationale rather than my emotions to understand where I am and move forward accordingly. Enough emotional distractions. You're on the final sprint. Keep going!
How can I be more open to new perspectives?
Knight of Pentacles: The universe is showing me an option for making much-needed money. But as you can see in the card, the Knight is standing still on his horse, displaying the pentacle in his hands, meaning If you want it, come and get it.
So, I must remain attentive to unexplored business opportunities. There lie the new perspectives that I need to be open to.
♐︎ Full Moon In Sagittarius 2022 Tarot Spread
The full moon in Sagittarius is in the corner. And we prepared the perfect tarot spread for you to make the most of this astrological event. But first: What is the energy surrounding this Full Moon in Sagittarius 2022?
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1. What is the energy surrounding this Full Moon in Sagittarius 2022?
The Full Moon in Sagittarius 2022 marks the end of the year’s first half and brings a more agile and less introspective mood after important movements that marked our last weeks.
1.a. End of Mercury Retrograde and Other Important Aspects
Mercury Retrograde is over, suggesting more potential for achievements, meaningful exchanges, and partnerships.
Furthermore, having past the last Eclipses, we are equipped with a sense of certainty and realism. We become more confident in following our path, meeting new people, reflecting on sensitive issues, and overcoming limitations.
Mercury direct brings back better mental acuity, better concentration, and assurance. It is time to move forward with the adjustments we’ve made until the following review.
This is strengthened by Mercury and Venus in Taurus at the beginning of the month. Which gives us the foundation, clarity, and insight to proceed slowly and steadily.
Communication and the ability to socialize, be dynamic, and be proficient are exalted with the Sun in Gemini at the beginning of the month, reinforcing the idea that we need each other to evolve. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, share your thoughts, and consider the multiple options that come to mind.
Mercury, still in Taurus, forms a trine aspect with Pluto on 10/Jun and then enters Gemini on 13/Jun. Subsequently, Venus also enters Gemini on June 22, endorsing attitudes that allow us to be more open, interactive, mentally agile, and with a greater capacity for adaptation.
Therefore, the energies surrounding this Full Moon in Sagittarius 2022 invite us to find motivation from the multiple possibilities. We always have more than a single path to reach the same goal. The chances are that we will be able to work our creativity and flexibility in favor of our evolution as souls.
Exercise your freedom and establish your priorities from a greater connection with yourself!
1.b. We still have some other planets in retrograde, though.
Despite the end of Mercury Retrograde, we have Saturn Retrograde on June 04 and Neptune on the 27, two slow planets that will impact the collective aspect.
Both will remain retrograde for a long time. Adding to Pluto Retrograde, these three planets will bring changes in the macro sphere. Hence, we can expect the return of restrictions we thought we had overcome but have a chance of troubling us again.
In the case of Saturn, which is in Aquarius and will retrograde until October 23, social and political issues concerning responsibility will feel an impact. Saturn in Aquarius upsets the collective in its rules, demands, and limitations. When Saturn is in Aquarius, we face problems in a naked and raw way. But also differently and originally.
Saturn RX in Aquarius reminds us that sometimes a disconnected wire won’t just cut the energy in your home, but a block or even an entire city depending on the case.
In these months of retrogradation, Saturn will again square Uranus, an aspect that brought tense situations last year. Therefore, we can expect the return of these situations when we think they are over.
Still, suppose something needs to be changed at the root of some area of ​​your life. In that case, you will have this retrograde period as a reckoning period until October.
Neptune, however, goes retrograde in Pisces from the 28/06th. This position will last until December 03. This planet remains even longer in retrogradation, so its impacts are more subtle.
So, expect desires and past sentiments to return, intuition is more reinforced, and a sense of confusion is thrown back into society.
When Neptune is retrograde in Pisces, the collective unconscious becomes more nebulous. And our emotions go beyond rationality, suggesting a propensity to passionate, confused, dreamy, and escapist acts.
However, Neptune RX still invites us to connect more intensely with our spirituality. This can bring the necessary balance to go through this moment.
Furthermore, it is an excellent time for inspiration and intuition development. So take advantage of this opportunity to connect yourself and understand the divinity that lives in your heart.
2. Full Moon in Sagittarius: Discoveries through a heightened sensitivity
On June 14, we have the Full Moon in Sagittarius, squaring Neptune in Pisces. This moment of great sensitivity invokes a powerful sense of all-or-nothing. So, be alert not to go off the rails. Use this fearless energy to bring to fruition what is essential to you.
On the next day, still under the influence of the Full Moon in Sagittarius, Mars will be conjunct with Chiron in Aries.
This planetary aspect contributes to a tense and uncomfortable atmosphere. We can feel inclined to question what is not working in our lives, with an immediate desire to heal whatever bothers us.
This full moon in Sagittarius will allow for the fulfillment of the choices from the past. The energy of this moon will lead you to review your priorities, emphasizing knowledge, wisdom, broadening horizons, and the search for meaning.
Again, this is also an excellent opportunity to stop accumulating obsolete objects and discern toxic thoughts. The Sagittarian Moon will allow for noticeable changes and an opening to new perspectives.
This Full Moon in Sagittarius favors what is right and good in a meaningful and helpful way to the collective.
New perspectives are expected for all signs. Therefore, reconsider what you’d like to change in your life. Change is positive.
2.a. Full Moon in Sagittarius 2022 Tarot Spread:
Now that we are aware of the astrological aspects of this Full Moon in Sagittarius, start shuffling your favorite tarot deck and ask the cards:
What can I learn from my sensitivity?
How can I bring more meaning to my life?
What needs immediate healing?
How can I best align what is good for me with what is good for the collective?
What is changing in my life?
How can I be more open to new perspectives?
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3. Share your New Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Spread with me!
I’d love to hear your thoughts about our Full Moon in Sagittarius 2022 Tarot Spread. Please leave us a comment here or on any social media channels. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter to get the next New Moon in Cancer 2022 Tarot Spread in time.
3.a. The New Apollo Tarot Deck:
We’re creating a new Tarot Deck redesigned in watercolor painting. Join the fun in our Patreon community, and be the first to get this awe-inspiring tarot deck when it arrives.
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“If you break someone and they still wish you the best, you’ve lost the greatest thing for you”
— Unknown
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