merely-a-caricature · 15 hours
It’s National Child Abuse Awareness Month
April is National Child Abuse Awareness Month; this month is a time to recognize the importance of families and communities who work together to prevent abuse and neglect and to educate children on their right to be safe, it is a time for us to learn about the signs of abuse, identify, it’s a time for all of us to do something about about the countless of children suffering mistreatment. Every child deserves a safe and happy childhood.
There are many kinds of abuse, none worse than others. Anyone can be an abuser be it a parent, teacher, coach, or a custodian.
There a multiple symbols representing the fight against child abuse; blue pinwheels are one, symbolizing the whimsy and happiness of childhood. Royal blue ribbons are also a symbol of child abuse awareness.
They are four common types of abuse:
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Firstly, there is physical abuse. This is the type of abuse we all think of when we hear the word. Punching, kicking, slapping, and restraining are all forms of physical abuse, but physical abuse can also be driving recklessly or invading someone’s personal space in a way that makes them feel unsafe.
There are various signs of physical abuse:
Broken/fractured bones or signs of the aforementioned
Seemingly being frightened of parents or reluctant to go home
Shrinking away from adults
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Next, there is sexual abuse. This can include rape, molestation, other forced sexual acts or withholding sex or using it as a weapon. Someone may use sex as a way to insult their partner, saying they’re not good at it or it’s all they’re good for.
Signs may include:
Difficulty walking
Persistent sore throats
Sexual knowledge beyond what is appropriate for their age
Sexualized play with other children
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Thirdly, there is verbal/emotional abuse. Words can hurt even more than lunches. While the bruises that come from physical abuse may be visible, the scars left from emotional and verbal abuse may never be seen. There is also the component of emotional neglect. This is when one’s emotional needs are not met for one reason or another whether by behavior or omission. Emotional neglect can be both “intentional, and “unintentional” though those terms are used loosely.
Signs include:
Low self-esteem
Difficulty making and maintaining relationships
Extreme behavior (being extremely passive or having angry outbursts)
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Another form of abuse is mental/psychological abuse. Someone will try to wear down their partner’s mental and psychological health. They may even try to make you doubt your sanity, which is gaslighting. Over time when paired with isolation, this can make you depend entirely on the abuse and hesitant to reach out for fear you won’t be believed.
Signs include:
Implausible stories
Unusual behavior
Denial of fear
Unexplained fear
Additionally, there is also financial/economic abuse. This can include not letting the person access their bank accounts or spend money, buying things from their account, or just simply not letting them have a job. This type of absue can one reason why it might be so difficult to leave an abusive relationship.
Lastly, there is cultural/identity abuse. Not letting someone observe their religious practices, being racist, or behaving in a generally discriminatory manner and isolating someone can also be a form of abuse.
In addition to this, there is also neglect which occurs when a child’s physical need are not met. This includes housing, food, education, clothes, medical care, and more.
Five children die everyday due to abuse. Almost 59,000 children are sexually abused. The effects of abuse cannot be overstated.
Teens who were abused are more likely to have teen pregnancies or engage in risky sexual behaviors. Abuse as a child can lead to the development of mental disorders. Around 30% of those abused will neglect or abuse their child, continuing the horrible cycle.
Child abuse is more common than you might think. 1 in 7 children are victims of abuse or neglect. This is likely an underestimate as many cases are never reported.
You can help by supporting child abuse prevention programs, using #nationalchildabuseprevention on social media. You can also volunteer your time and get involved with families. Educate yourself and others, and report abuse when you see it. Invest and children in their families. These are all ways that we can help to prevent child abuse and neglect.
If you’re being abused, there are many numbers you can call:
1-800-442-4453 for child abuse
866-367-5444 for child sexual abuse
800-799-7233 for domestic violence
1-888-373-7888 to get help or report human trafficking
800-656-4673 for rape, abuse, and incest
988 for the Suicide and Crisis Hotline
If you’re reading this and are being abused, there is help available. Reach out to friends, teachers, other family members, and tell someone about what’s happening to you.
I also encourage everyone reading to do their own research and learn more about abuse and how they can help and get involved in their communities. Just one person recognizing the signs of abuse may save a child.
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i feel like way too many of you dont actually know what a vocaloid/Miku is nor how they work and still trying to talk about them in regards to ai
They're just voice-banks, some modern ones using AI for assistance in making them sound more natural, that are ethically made by recording whoever is the original voice and made into separate syllables for use as essentially a "synthetic" voice. The voice actor is compensated and it's all done with their express permission/consent and everything making it entirely ethical and fine.
You don't just hit a "music" button it's not generated you have to actually put together and pitch the voice to make anything. Just calling it "AI" is disingenuous at best. Songs made with it aren't just random slop made by an algorithm, they're basically an instrument like any other to create vocals.
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I never post stuff like this, but my former best friend apparently blocked me!???!
The whole situation was they got their phone taken away indefinitely, and they started homeschooling—which they live in a different state than me—so I wasn’t really able to keep in contact with them. I decided to shoot them a text and see what would happen and they blocked me?! I messaged them on other platforms as well to no avail.
It just hurts. They were the best friend I ever had, and what little time we had together was amazing; I never got to properly say goodbye, I never got to see them again, and now I can’t get into even attempts to get into contact with them without messaging their parents or going lowkey stalker mode…
Maybe their parents made them block me, maybe they changed their number, I don’t know… I just hope they don’t think badly of me now… I truly love my friend
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What do you think about electric scooters?
uhhhhh they’re pretty cool ig? I’d like to try riding one at some point
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Would you like to be (online) friends?
Do you think you are capable of being an (online) friend?
Sorry for anon.
I’d love to, and I totally think I could be an online friend. At least, I’ll try my best (*´∇`*)
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What is the whole celebrity crushes thing?! Like, are people being fr when they’re wanting to kiss/marry/ I don’t even wanna know these people who they’ve never met?!?
I was talking about how I don’t want to ever kiss anyone, and my art teacher asked if I would kiss this one musician I REALLY, REALLY like, and everyone was surprised when I said I wouldn’t kiss even him if given the opportunity. Like, he’s gorgeous, amazingly talented, and a sweet person, but that doesn’t mean I want to kiss him?!? That’s kinda weird….
So yeah. Celebrity crushes.
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I had to do an impromptu speech where I drew a topic and had to think about it for a minute or two; I got what celebrity would you marry
I talked about how I actually don’t want to get married and how marrying a celebrity would be a nightmare
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Cat cuddles>>>>>>
My cat isn’t really a lap cat though :( but he will lie down next to me when I’m in bed. You win some, you lose some
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Up ahead they’s a thousan’ lives we might live, but when it comes it’ll on'y be one.
John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath
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I need the asexual equivalent of the word “gaydar”. My favorite I’ve seen proposed is compACE (compass + ace). What about for aros?! My brain cannot rest until this is solved…
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merely-a-caricature · 14 days
Sweetheart, even though you treated me kindly, My stubbornness prevailed. After we parted last night, I went and drowned my sorry self in booze again. Waking This morning, I remember your kindness And sadly reflect on my vile behavior. And now, I - a complete fake - now I’ll openly confess: Stripped of all dignity, lacking any sense of honesty, I was spurned on by my own illusions, into madness.
When had I ever tried to grasp the feelings of others? - Sweetheart, even though you treated me kindly, I was as stubborn and selfish as a child. Waking to intimations of morning breaking outside, Which somehow register through this pounding in my head, I remember your kindness, and also that drunken other. And as I sadly wonder who I really am on this chilly morning, Something tells me that I am nobody at all.
- Nakahara Chūya, “Untitled” from Poems of the Goat
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merely-a-caricature · 15 days
I need the asexual equivalent of the word “gaydar”. My favorite I’ve seen proposed is compACE (compass + ace). What about for aros?! My brain cannot rest until this is solved…
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merely-a-caricature · 15 days
Kissing on the lips. No. Why? I don’t get it. Truly? What is so enticing about putting your lips together? Don’t even get me started on tongues…
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merely-a-caricature · 15 days
Funnily enough, despite being ace I can’t help sex constantly on my mind, constantly connecting things to sex and seeing them everything in a sexual light ;-;
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merely-a-caricature · 15 days
That made me laugh, but dang! That’s crazy!
Literally why do people have to look at me funny when I say I don’t have a crush? Like, is it really that hard to comprehend?!
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merely-a-caricature · 15 days
How are you pretending to be a person?
8th grade me just wasn’t vibing, okay?!? Recognized I had trouble being vulnerable, thought I didn’t love my family, thought my friendships didn’t meet the standard of other friendships, also aroace, AND I stumbled upon hitomodoki by Mafumafu?!!?
In all seriousness, I felt other because of my inability to form genuine connection with people, for having difficulty making friends, and even then those friendships weren’t strong, and I was struggling to tackle whether or not I loved my friends, what kind of attachment and affection I had for them. This also bled into me doubting whether or not I loved my family.
I also might could maybe possibly exhibit symptoms of C-PTSD, and one of them is a feeling of “otherness” and having your self-concept just be messed up in general. (Not saying I do have C-PTSD; I just find I relate to many of the symptoms and have grown up in such in an environment where this could possibly be the case. I DO NOT support self-diagnosing mental disorders!!!)
I’m doing much better now. I know I love my family, have pondered more about what love actually is, and have done more soul-searching. I don’t necessarily feel “other” to the same extent I did before, but I’ll always feel a puzzled regarding people
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merely-a-caricature · 15 days
Now I have neither happiness nor unhappiness. Everything passes. That is the one and only thing I have thought resembled a truth in the society of human beings where I have dwelled up to now as in a burning hell. Everything passes.
Dazai Osamu, No Longer Human
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