lvoryingrid · 4 days
Healing Flames Chapter 17
Dabi x fem!Reader
Synopsis: In the depths of her turmoil, (Y/n) grapples with haunting dreams and unsettling memories, sparking a journey to confront the truth about her past. Fueled by a flicker of hope and driven by a desperate determination, she faces the possibility that Dabi may be the long-lost friend Touya.
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It went as fast as it came. An electric flash of familiarity went through her brain. It was in the depths of his turquoise eyes that she found the haunting sense of familiarity that she had been searching for—the echoes of a past long buried, yet inexplicably intertwined with the present.
The flickering flames danced hypnotically, casting shifting shadows that seemed to mirror the complexities of her memories. Each ember sparked a different recollection, igniting emotions long buried beneath the surface.
In the midst of the darkness, those moments of laughter and camaraderie shone like beacons, reminding her of the warmth she once felt. Yet, intertwined with them were the shadows of sorrow and loss, haunting reminders of the inevitable passage of time.
As she watched the flames, she realized that these memories, both joyful and painful, were not just fragments of a forgotten past, but pieces of her identity, shaping who she had become. And though the darkness threatened to engulf her, the light of those memories offered a glimmer of hope, guiding her through the depths of the unknown.
As she gazed into those flames, she was overcome by a flood of memories, fragments of a life once lived flashing before her eyes like scenes from a forgotten dream. She saw laughter and camaraderie, moments of shared joy and sorrow, woven into the fabric of her being like threads of destiny.
And then, amidst the swirling currents of recollection, she saw him—the boy with fiery red hair and a mischievous grin, whose presence had once illuminated her world with the warmth of a thousand suns.
The name whispered through the caverns of her mind like a haunting melody, stirring emotions she had buried deep within. With each syllable, a floodgate of memories surged forth, crashing against the walls of her heart with an agonizing intensity. She recalled the days they had shared, enveloped in the innocence of youth, their laughter echoing through the secluded corners of their childhood haven. Their dreams, once vibrant and boundless, now lay shattered amidst the wreckage of time, leaving behind a void that seemed impossible to fill.
Amidst the flickering flames, the memories of joy mingled with the echoes of pain, weaving a tapestry of bittersweet nostalgia that threatened to engulf her. She recalled the laughter they once shared, the bond that seemed unbreakable, only to now witness its cruel dissolution.
As the flames transformed, their once comforting glow turned into a menacing hue, casting eerie shadows that danced around her trembling form. The shift in color mirrored the turmoil within her soul, a reflection of the tumultuous emotions raging beneath the surface.
And then, as if summoned by the depths of her despair, there he stood—Dabi, the embodiment of her shattered dreams. His presence was a stark reminder of the moment that had torn them apart, leaving behind a void that seemed impossible to fill.
As (Y/n) stirred from her restless slumber, tears traced silent rivers down her cheeks, mingling with the remnants of her shattered dreams. She had fallen asleep on the couch, seeking refuge from the tumult of her thoughts, only to be ensnared in a nightmare too cruel to be real.
The memory of the dream lingered like a haunting specter, its echoes reverberating through her consciousness. How could she have been so easily deceived by the illusions conjured by her own mind? The anguish she had felt, the heartbreak that had threatened to consume her—it couldn't possibly be true, could it?
With trembling hands, she wiped away the tears, desperately clinging to the fragile threads of reality. Yet, despite her efforts to dispel the lingering shadows of doubt, the memory of Touya's face, veiled in pain and deception, refused to fade.
As (Y/n) turned around, her surroundings enveloped in the cloak of night, she found herself confronted by the eerie silence that seemed to echo the emptiness within her. The day had slipped away unnoticed, leaving her adrift in a sea of shadows.
Startled by the sudden presence of Twice, she turned to face him, her trembling figure betraying the turmoil raging beneath the surface. His concerned gaze met hers, a silent inquiry hanging in the air like a delicate thread.
For a moment, (Y/n) hesitated, unsure of how to articulate the tumult of emotions swirling within her. But as she met Twice's unwavering gaze, a sense of vulnerability washed over her, breaking down the barriers she had erected in an attempt to shield herself from the pain.
"It's nothing," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, yet weighted with the weight of her unspoken fears. "Just a bad dream, that's all."
Twice's expression softened, his eyes reflecting understanding as he offered her a comforting smile. "Nightmares can be tough," he replied gently, his voice a soothing balm against the ache in her heart. "But you don't have to face them alone."
"Where's T...." she stops not even believing what she was about to say. "Dabi. Where's Dabi" she asks silently her voice faltered as she spoke the name she had tried so hard to bury beneath the weight of her denial. The mere mention of Dabi's name sent a shiver down her spine, stirring a tumult of conflicting emotions within her.
Twice regarded her with a somber expression, sensing the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. He hesitated for a moment, his own gaze clouded with uncertainty, before finally meeting (Y/n)'s eyes with a solemn nod. "I haven't seen him around today," he admitted quietly, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "But you know how he is. Always disappearing when things get too complicated."
Twice regarded her with a somber expression, his demeanor shifting abruptly as if caught in the whirlwind of his own emotions. "But hey, maybe that's just his way of dealing with stuff, you know? Sometimes he's here, sometimes he's not. Can't really keep track."
His words carried a hint of resignation, a reflection of the internal struggle that often left him teetering on the edge of uncertainty. One moment, he seemed to grasp at optimism, offering reassurance in the face of doubt. But in the next, his facade crumbled, revealing the fragility hidden beneath his cheerful demeanor.
(Y/n) nodded silently, her own thoughts mirroring the tumultuous fluctuations of Twice's mood. "Yeah, I guess you're right," she murmured, her voice barely audible above the whisper of the night wind.
Lost in the tumult of her thoughts, (Y/n) found herself ensnared in a web of denial, each whispered reassurance a feeble attempt to shield herself from the harsh reality that threatened to unravel her fragile facade. "It can't be," she repeated like a mantra, her words a desperate plea to silence the doubts that gnawed at her insides. "He is not him."
But with each futile attempt to convince herself, the truth loomed larger, casting a shadow that stretched across the landscape of her mind. And as the weight of uncertainty pressed down upon her, (Y/n) felt the suffocating grip of despair tightening around her heart.
Unable to bear the torment of her own thoughts any longer, she made a decision—a decision born of desperation and fueled by the relentless pursuit of truth. Ignoring Twice's attempts to stop her, she broke into a run, her footsteps echoing against the silence of the night as she raced into the unknown.
For in that moment of recklessness, (Y/n) knew that she could only hope, what if the dream had a base and she must confront the specter of her fears head-on, no matter the cost. And though the path ahead was fraught with danger, she refused to falter, driven by a determination that burned like a flame in the darkness, guiding her toward the answers she sought.
In the frantic rhythm of her footsteps, (Y/n) felt the weight of her doubts pressing down upon her, threatening to crush her spirit beneath their relentless onslaught. With each beat of her heart, the whispers of uncertainty grew louder, echoing the haunting refrain of her deepest fears.
What if the dream held a kernel of truth, a glimpse into a reality too painful to confront? What if Dabi truly was Touya, her long-lost friend buried beneath layers of deception and despair? The thought sent a shiver down her spine, a fragile thread of hope intertwined with the jagged edges of her doubt.
As she raced through the darkness, her thoughts churned with unanswered questions, each one a dagger aimed at the heart of her fragile resolve. Why wouldn't he come find her, she wondered, her voice a silent plea lost amidst the chaos of her own turmoil.
The realization struck her with the force of a revelation, tearing through the veil of denial that had shielded her from the harsh truth. Perhaps, deep down, she had always known—that Dabi was not just a stranger, but a fragment of her past, a ghost from a life she had long since left behind.
And though the path ahead was fraught with uncertainty, (Y/n) refused to falter, driven by a determination born from the depths of her longing. For in the darkness that surrounded her, there remained a glimmer of hope—a flickering flame that guided her toward the answers she sought, no matter the cost.
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lvoryingrid · 28 days
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life’s worth living
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lvoryingrid · 29 days
Healing Flames Chapter 16
Dabi x fem!Reader
Synopsis: (Y/n) grapples with her growing attraction to Dabi, conflicted by his dark past and enigmatic aura. As she navigates her feelings, (Y/n) is left wondering if there's more to Dabi than meets the eye, if beneath the layers of darkness lies a glimmer of hope and redemption.
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As the first light of dawn gently seeped through the parted curtains, it painted the room in a soft, golden hue, coaxing Dabi from the depths of his sleep. With a languid stretch, he gradually fluttered his eyes open, taking a moment to shake off the lingering tendrils of slumber. His gaze wandered to (Y/n), whose presence nearby was comforting, her serene smile reflecting the warmth of the morning sunlight as she observed him with tender affection.
She felt her breath hitch in her throat, her heart pounding like a drumbeat against her ribs, as she fixed her gaze upon Dabi's hand suspended in the air. In that tense moment, uncertainty danced in his eyes, akin to a flickering flame fighting against the darkness. It was as though she could almost touch the turmoil swirling within him, the conflicted emotions pulling at his very being.
She sensed the intricate battle raging within him, a fierce struggle between the yearning to connect and the fortress of defenses he had meticulously constructed around himself. For a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath, suspended in the delicate balance of their shared gaze. Every heartbeat echoed in the silence, a rhythmic reminder of the fragile connection they shared.
As Dabi's trembling hand slowly retreated to his side, (Y/n) felt her heart sink, a wave of disappointment washing over her. The mix of emotions swirling within her—anticipation, longing, and a tinge of sadness—created a complex tapestry of feelings. She couldn't help but acknowledge the profound significance of the scars that marred his skin, each one telling a story of resilience amidst unfathomable struggles and battles fought in the shadows.
Despite the physical withdrawal, there was a gentle warmth that persisted in Dabi's eyes, like embers flickering in the darkness—a silent reassurance that transcended words. It was as though his gaze spoke volumes, revealing the depth of his emotions and the vulnerability he dared to show. In that poignant moment, (Y/n) came to realize the intricate nature of healing, understanding that the journey toward trust was paved with obstacles and required patience beyond measure.
With a heavy heart, he slowly rose from the warmth of the bed, the soft embrace of the sheets slipping away as he made known his forthcoming departure. "Regrettably, duty calls," he whispered, a tinge of sorrow lacing his words. "The others need my help."
(Y/n) nodded understandingly, her brows furrowing with concern as she absorbed the gravity of the situation. Standing up from the edge of the bed, she shifted closer, her gaze unwavering as she spoke, "Can I accompany you on this mission?" Her voice carried a mixture of determination and sincerity, a reflection of her newfound sense of purpose as a member of the League. "I want to contribute in any way I can."
Dabi's hesitation was palpable, evident in the furrow of his brow and the uncertainty in his gaze as he turned to meet her eyes. With a conflicted expression etched across his features, he drew in a deep breath before responding with unwavering determination "Absolutely not," he asserted, his voice laced with a potent mix of frustration and concern, his anger igniting like a flickering flame in his eyes. His tone left no room for negotiation, emphasizing the gravity of his words. "It's too dangerous. I can't risk putting you in harm's way."
As his words reached her ears, a weight seemed to settle in the pit of her stomach, dragging her spirits down into the depths of disappointment. She could see the concern etched across his face, a reflection of his genuine worry for her well-being, yet it couldn't erase the pang of abandonment she felt at his decision to leave her behind.
With a heavy heart, she attempted to swallow the lump forming in her throat, struggling to come to terms with his choice. Though she knew his intentions were rooted in love and protection, it was hard not to feel a twinge of resentment as she realized she wouldn't be accompanying him.
"I'm capable of looking after myself," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath, her eyes unable to meet his gaze as she battled to conceal her disappointment. "Just... promise me you'll stay safe out there, alright?"
Dabi's expression softened at her words, a flicker of remorse flashing in his turquoise eyes. He reached out, gently lifting her chin with his fingers to meet her gaze. "I will," he promised, his voice filled with sincerity. "I'll be back before you know it"
A delicate curve graced her lips as she considered his proposition, a flicker of optimism rekindling deep within her heart. "You better be," she responded, her tone laced with a subtle touch of playfulness, hinting at the possibilities that lay ahead.
As the hours stretched on, (Y/n) found herself grappling with a longing she couldn't quite comprehend. It wasn't just for the familiarity of her old life, the comfort of her small apartment, or the laughter of friends and family she left behind. No, this yearning ran deeper, stirring something unfamiliar within her.
The haunting visage of Dabi lingered relentlessly in her thoughts—the enigmatic figure whose very essence held her in a paradoxical grip of fascination and trepidation. She found herself entranced by the enigma of his being, a man whose countenance bore the weight of untold shadows, each step he took seeming to flirt with the boundaries of mortality and perilous recklessness.
It perplexed her how she could be so inexorably drawn to one shrouded in such an aura of darkness and danger, his presence a tempestuous dance upon the precipice of existence, leaving her both spellbound and disconcerted in its wake.
Her thoughts circled back to his eyes, those pools of turquoise that held secrets she dared not uncover. Despite the shadows that lurked within them, there was an inexplicable warmth, an allure that beckoned her closer against her better judgment.
And then there was his appearance—the tousled black hair that begged to be touched, the way he carried himself with an air of quiet confidence that left her breathless. It was all so contradictory, so absurdly irresistible.
She couldn't deny the pull he had on her, the way her heart raced whenever he was near, even as her mind screamed warnings of danger. It was a contradiction she struggled to reconcile, torn between the allure of his presence and the fear of the darkness that lurked beneath.
But despite the chaos of her emotions, one thing remained clear: (Y/n) couldn't ignore the magnetic pull of Dabi, no matter how irrational it seemed. And as she wrestled with her conflicting feelings, she couldn't help but wonder if there was more to him than met the eye, if perhaps beneath the veneer of darkness, there lay a flicker of light waiting to be discovered.
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lvoryingrid · 2 months
Dio Brando x fem!Reader
Summary: Despite Dio's cold demeanor, (Y/n) senses a deeper charm within him, leading to a profound connection between them. Dio's possessiveness intensifies, prompting him to make a bold move to secure (Y/n)'s affections solely for himself.
Warning: 🔞 minors do not read/interact: contains 18+ content, smut/erotica,
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(Y/n) was a curious and kind-hearted soul, always eager to explore the world around her. Living next door to the affluent Joestar family and often found herself drawn to their estate, as she was always hanging out with her best friend Jonathan, intrigued by the mystery that surrounded them.
Little did she know, her life was about to change forever when a new member joined the Joestar household. His name was Dio Brando, a young man of striking charisma and enigmatic demeanor. From the moment they met, (Y/n) sensed there was more to Dio than met the eye. He was cold and distant, yet there was an underlying charm that she couldn't ignore.
"Ah, so you're the new addition to the Joestar family," (Y/n) said, her voice tinged with curiosity as she eyed Dio Brando, who stood before her with an air of confidence. Dio smirked, his gaze piercing. "Indeed, I am Dio Brando," he replied smoothly, extending his hand in greeting. "I'm (Y/n)" she greets with a smile.
Their first encounter was marked by Dio's icy demeanor, yet beneath the surface, (Y/n) sensed a flicker of something more. Despite his cold exterior, Dio displayed an unexpected chivalry, a stark contrast to Jonathan's earnest but somewhat clumsy attempts at courtship.
"Jonathan, are you serious?" she asked incredulously, her brow furrowing in concern. "Yes, I'm afraid so," Jonathan replied earnestly, his voice tinged with worry. "Dio's trouble, I've seen it myself." (Y/n) shook her head, unable to reconcile Jonathan's words with her image of Dio. "But he's always so charming, such a gentleman." "I know he seems that way on the surface," Jonathan admitted, "but there's more to him than meets the eye. Trust me on this."
But as time flowed onward, (Y/n) found herself increasingly drawn to Dio, his enigmatic past and intricate character weaving an irresistible spell around her. She couldn't help but notice the flickers of vulnerability concealed beneath his confident demeanor, glimpses of a tender spirit longing for companionship
In Dio's presence, she discovered a profound connection, a silent dialogue of unspoken emotions that bound them together in an invisible thread of understanding and empathy. Each passing moment deepened their bond, illuminating the profound depths of their intertwined souls and igniting a flame of longing for the warmth of mutual connection.
"Intriguing, isn't it?" Dio remarked one evening, his gaze fixed on the stars as they sprawled across the midnight canvas. "The way the universe dances in perfect harmony, yet harbors secrets untold." (Y/n) nodded in silent agreement, feeling a stirring within her at his words. "It's as though each star holds a story, waiting to be discovered," she mused, her eyes reflecting the shimmering constellations above.
In Dio's presence, she discovered a profound connection, a silent dialogue of unspoken emotions that bound them together in an invisible thread of understanding and empathy. "Do you ever feel as though you're searching for something beyond what this world offers?" Dio's voice broke the tranquil silence, his tone carrying a weight of introspection. "Yes," (Y/n) confessed softly, her heart opening up to him in ways she hadn't anticipated. "It's as if there's a missing piece, waiting to be found."
Their interactions grew more frequent, (Y/n) discovering layers of complexity within Dio's guarded heart. She became his confidant, his solace in moments of turmoil. And in return, Dio found himself opening up to her in ways he never thought possible, the walls around his heart slowly crumbling under her gentle touch.
Under her tender guidance, the fortress guarding his heart began to erode, allowing the warmth of her presence to seep into the cracks and thaw the icy barriers. Amongst their shared moments, Dio found solace in reading literature to her, his rich voice painting vivid tapestries of emotion, while their evening strolls became a sanctuary where unspoken words wove a silent symphony of understanding and affection.
"You know," Dio began one evening, his voice tinged with vulnerability, "I've never felt this ease with anyone before." (Y/n) smiled, her eyes reflecting the warmth of their connection. "I'm glad you feel that way. You can always count on me, Dio."
"I never thought I'd trust someone as much as I trust you," Dio confessed one night, his gaze softening as he looked into hers. "I never knew you had such a way with words," (Y/n) whispered, her eyes closing as she immersed herself in the world Dio's voice created.
Their evening strolls became a sanctuary where unspoken words wove a silent symphony of understanding and affection. "I don't need to say anything," Dio mused as they walked hand in hand, "because you understand me without a single word spoken." (Y/n) squeezed his hand gently, a silent affirmation of their bond.
Amidst the burgeoning connection between them, hidden tensions stirred like restless shadows in the depths. Jonathan's steadfast devotion to (Y/n) clashed with Dio's burgeoning affection, igniting a tempestuous undercurrent that threatened to rupture their delicate harmony. Dio's possessive nature emerged like a smoldering ember, his longing for (Y/n)'s exclusive attention casting a dark shadow over their blossoming bond.
With each passing moment spent in Jonathan's presence, Dio's jealousy flared like a tempest, his desire to claim (Y/n) for himself surging fiercely against the backdrop of their shared intimacy. The rift between them widened, fueled by Dio's silent yearning to possess (Y/n)'s heart entirely, a desire that simmered with an intensity that threatened to engulf them all.
In the quiet confines of their shared sanctuary, Dio finally let the weight of his jealousy spill forth in whispered confession. "Do you not see, (Y/n)?" he murmured, his voice laced with a raw vulnerability that belied his usual bravado. "Every moment you spend with him, I feel as though I'm losing you. It gnaws at me, this ache of longing to have you all to myself."
(Y/n)'s gaze softened, understanding the turmoil within Dio's heart. "Dio, you know I care for you deeply," they replied gently, reaching out to touch his trembling hand. "But Jonathan is my friend too. We can find a way to navigate this together, without letting jealousy consume us."
Dio's stormy eyes met theirs, a tumult of conflicting emotions swirling within their depths. "I fear I cannot bear to share you," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "Yet I cannot bear to lose you either."
Years had passed by, and as they both reached the threshold of adulthood at the age of eighteen, Dio's possessive nature had only grown more pronounced, and the thought of anyone else sharing (Y/n)'s affections became unbearable. He watched her like a hawk, always making sure that she was within his sight, his touch. The idea that she could be happy with anyone else was a constant ache in his heart, a thorn that refused to be extracted.
The day finally came when Dio could no longer contain his emotions. He had been planning this for months, carefully orchestrating every detail to ensure that it would be perfect. He waited until Jonathan was away in the mansion's library, knowing that he would have her full attention. Then, he invited (Y/n) to take a walk with him along the secluded riverbank, a place they had visited many times before.
The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the rolling hills and lush greenery. Dio led (Y/n) to a small clearing hidden behind a grove of trees, his heart racing with anticipation. As they stepped into the secluded spot, he turned to face her, his eyes burning with desire. "You are everything to me, (Y/n)," he murmured, taking her delicate hand in his own. "My heart beats only for you."
Her heart skipped a beat as he took her hand, gazing into her eyes with such intensity that she felt herself melting beneath his gaze. "Dio…" she breathed, her voice barely audible over the sound of the gentle river nearby. She couldn't help but feel a thrill course through her veins at his words, at the way he looked at her as if she were the only person in the world.
As he leaned forward, his lips mere inches from hers, she closed her eyes, anticipating the touch of his lips against hers. But instead, he pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her tightly and pressing her against his chest. His kiss was rough, demanding, claiming her mouth as his own. She gasped into his mouth, her hands fisting in his shirt as she clung to him.
The feel of his strong body against hers, the taste of him, sent a shiver through her spine. She moaned into his kiss, arching her back slightly, wanting more. As if sensing her desire, he deepened the kiss, his tongue dancing with hers, exploring every inch of her mouth. She could feel the hardness of his arousal pressed against her stomach, and she ached to feel it inside her.
When at last he pulled back, his breath coming in ragged gasps, his eyes locked on hers, searching for some sign of how she felt. She looked up at him, her own chest heaving, her lips swollen from his kiss. "Dio… I've always been yours," she whispered, her voice shaking with emotion. "You know that." His possessive nature had always been a part of him, but it was also what made her feel so safe and loved. And now, as they stood there together in the dimming light, she knew that nothing would ever change that.
Their lips met again, hungrily seeking one another in a fierce, passionate kiss. His tongue danced with hers, exploring every corner of her mouth, as his hands slid down to cup her bottom, lifting her up against him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, their hips grinding together in perfect rhythm.
Her back arched as he walked them backwards, pressing her against the rough bark of a tree. She moaned into his kiss, feeling dizzy with desire. His free hand trailed up her spine, cupping her breast through the thin fabric of her shift, tweaking her nipple roughly. She gasped into his mouth, her body tensing in response.
His other hand fumbled with the buttons of her blouse, pushing them through their holes with urgency. Once her breasts were freed, he groaned into her neck, taking one in his mouth, sucking hard on her nipple. She cried out, her fingers tangling in his hair, her hips bucking against him in need. He released her breast only to untie the sash that held up her skirts, letting the silk fall to the ground in a pool at their feet.
With one swift movement, he pushed her skirt up, baring her to him. She was already wet, aching for him. He growled in approval, pressing his hips against her, feeling her slick heat against the hard length of his arousal. Grasping her hips, he lifted her up, guiding her down onto him in one smooth motion. She cried out, her body tensing around him as she felt him filling her.
He thrust into her, their bodies slamming together in a frenzy of need. His hands gripped her shoulders, his face contorted with passion. She wrapped her legs tight around him, meeting his thrusts with her own, their hips moving in perfect rhythm. The world around them disappeared, consumed by the fierce, primal desire that bound them together.
Their kisses grew wilder, more urgent, as their bodies moved together in a dance that felt as ancient and familiar as breathing. The air grew thick with the sounds of their moans, their gasps, their pleas for more. She could feel the muscles in his back flexing beneath her fingers as he held her up, holding her close, claiming her as his own.
As their bodies reached the peak of pleasure, she felt a sharp, intense pain shoot through her core. His hips stuttered, and then he let out a hoarse cry as he emptied himself inside her. She arched her back, her fingernails digging into his shoulders, her whole body shuddering with release.
For a moment, they were both still, their breath coming in ragged gasps as they tried to catch their bearings. Then he lowered her to the ground, his weight pressing her down into the soft moss. His lips found hers once more, this time gentle and tender. "My love," he murmured against her lips. "You are mine, and I am yours, always." And as they lay there, tangled together in the aftermath of their passion, she knew that there was nowhere else in the world she would rather be.
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lvoryingrid · 2 months
Bonds Beyond Time
Manjiro Sano x fem!Reader
Summary: After some teasing from Draken about his hidden crush on (Y/n), Mikey decides to take action and invites her for a ride. Their journey leads to a heartfelt confession from Mikey about his feelings for (Y/n), culminating in a passionate kiss beneath the stars. (Y/n) reciprocates his feelings, leading to a moment of understanding and acceptance between them as they embrace their newfound love.
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The streets of Tokyo pulsed with life as Mikey revved his motorcycle engine, the sound blending with the rhythmic beats of the city. His friends, from the times of Tokyo Manji Gang, rode alongside him, their laughter echoing through the night.
Amidst the vibrant chaos, the 28-year-old's thoughts drifted to a certain someone - (Y/n). She had always lingered in the corner of his mind, her presence igniting a warmth within him that he couldn't quite explain. Tonight, as the neon lights painted the city in a kaleidoscope of colors, Mikey found himself longing to be near her.
After their exhilarating ride through the neon-lit streets, Mikey and the guys arrived at a nearby bar, the pulsing rhythm of the city fading into the background as they stepped inside. Mikey's friends followed closely behind, their laughter filling the air as they settled into a corner booth.
Draken, always the instigator, teased Mikey relentlessly about his supposed hidden crush on (Y/n), much to Mikey's dismay. "Come on, Mikey, we all know you've got a thing for (Y/n)," Draken remarked with a sly grin, earning a chorus of laughter from the others. Mikey rolled his eyes, trying, so hard, to play it cool despite the warmth creeping into his cheeks. "Shut up, Draken. You don't know what you're talking about."
But deep down, Mikey couldn't deny the truth in Draken's words. He had harbored feelings for (Y/n) for as long as he could remember, but the thought of confessing to her filled him with both excitement and fear.
She was always there for him, his best friend, his one and only. So the thought of her rejecting his feelings and destroying their friendship shook him to the core.
As the night wore on and the drinks flowed freely, Mikey found himself growing more emboldened by the minute. With each passing hour, the weight of his unspoken desires grew heavier, urging him to take action, he couldn't take it anymore.
Finally, fueled by a mixture of liquid courage and genuine longing, Mikey reached for his phone and composed a message to (Y/n), his fingers dancing across the screen with a newfound determination.
"Hey, (Y/n). I was wondering if you'd like to meet up tonight? Just the two of us."
He hesitated for a moment, his thumb hovering over the send button, before finally mustering the courage to press down. The seconds stretched into eternity as he waited for a response, his heart pounding in his chest.
And then, like a lifeline in the darkness, a reply appeared on his screen, filling him with a rush of excitement and anticipation.
"Sure, Mikey. I'd love to."
A surge of triumph washed over Mikey as he read her words, his lips curling into a satisfied grin. With newfound determination, he downed the rest of his drink and rose to his feet, his friends cheering him on with playful encouragement.
As he made his way out of the bar and into the cool night air, as he revved up his CB250T motorcycle, Mikey couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within him. Tonight, he would finally lay his feelings bare, no longer content to keep them hidden in the shadows.
The engine of Mikey's motorcycle roared as he navigated through the winding streets of Tokyo, his heart pounding with anticipation. Each passing moment brought him closer to (Y/n)'s apartment, and with it, the chance to finally express his feelings.
As he pulled up to the curb outside her building, Mikey's pulse quickened, his eyes scanning the windows eagerly in search of any sign of movement. And then, like a beacon in the night, he spotted her silhouette framed against the glow of the streetlights, her presence sending a jolt of electricity coursing through him.
There she was amidst the darkness, like a beacon drawing people in with its ethereal glow and leaving them spellbound in its wake. (Y/n) exuded a timeless elegance that captivated everyone fortunate enough to lay eyes on her.
Her eyes were the first thing that caught his attention. They sparkled with a warmth that could melt even the coldest of hearts, radiating kindness and compassion with every glance.
Her smile was a work of art, lighting up her face with a brilliance that could rival the sun itself. It was infectious, spreading joy and happiness wherever it went, a testament to the beauty that resided within her soul.
Her skin was smooth and flawless, kissed by the gentle caress of the moon. It glowed with a natural radiance that seemed to illuminate the world around her, leaving those who beheld it in awe of her sheer perfection.
Breaking away from his thoughts he called out "(Y/n)!", the excitement evident in his voice "How about we go for a ride? Just you and me." (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes widened in surprise, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. "A ride?" Mikey grinned mischievously, the thrill of the moment coursing through his veins. "Yeah, why not? It'll be fun, I promise."
With a tentative nod, (Y/n) agreed, her heart fluttering with anticipation. As Mikey helped her onto the back of his motorcycle, their bodies pressed close together, igniting a spark that seemed to electrify the air around them.
As they rode through the neon-lit streets, the wind whipping through her (h/c) hair, Mikey couldn't shake the feeling of euphoria that surged through him. With each twist and turn, he felt himself drawn closer to (Y/n), his desire burning brighter than ever before.
And then, as he pulled to a stop beneath a canopy of stars, Mikey found himself unable to hold back any longer. Half-drunk on adrenaline and longing, he turned to face (Y/n), his heart pounding in his chest.
"(Y/n)," he began, his voice raw with emotion, the cool night air flowing through his black hair. "There's something I need to tell you. Something I've been keeping inside for far too long." (Y/n) gazed at him, her (e/c) eyes filled with curiosity and hope. "What is it, Mikey?"
Taking a deep breath, Mikey reached out, his fingers trembling slightly as he brushed them against her cheek. "I... I've always had feelings for you, (Y/n). Ever since we were young, you've been on my mind, driving me crazy with every smile, every word."
(Y/n)'s breath caught in her throat, her heart racing with a mix of disbelief and what he could describe as joy. "Mikey, I..."
But before she could say another word, Mikey pressed his lips against hers, a surge of passion coursing through him like a wildfire. In that moment, beneath the blanket of stars and the hum of the city.
Breaking the kiss he found his hands on her waist, her bright (e/c) eyes staring back at his, as she asked "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
Mikey's heart swelled with warmth at (Y/n)'s question, her smile lighting up the darkness like a beacon of hope. He returned her gaze, his own smile tinged with a hint of bashfulness.
"I guess I was scared," he admitted, his voice soft yet sincere. "Scared of ruining our friendship, scared of being rejected. But tonight, I realized that keeping my feelings hidden was hurting us both. I couldn't bear the thought of losing you without ever knowing if there could be something more between us."
(Y/n)'s smile softened, her eyes shimmering with understanding and affection. She reached out, gently cupping his cheek in her hand.
"You silly man," she teased gently, her voice filled with fondness. "You should have known that you could never ruin our friendship. And as for rejection, well, I could never turn away from someone as genuine and caring as you."
Mikey's heart skipped a beat at her words, a rush of relief flooding through him like a tidal wave. In that moment, he felt as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, leaving behind only a profound sense of gratitude and love.
"Thank you," he whispered, his voice barely above a breath. "Thank you for understanding, for accepting me despite my flaws." (Y/n) smiled, her touch soft and reassuring against his skin. "There's nothing to thank me for, Mikey. We're in this together, now and always."
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lvoryingrid · 2 months
Healing Flames Chapter 15
Dabi x fem!Reader
Notes: I'm finally back !!
Synopsis: Unable to sleep, Dabi finds solace in the night air, eventually making his way to (Y/n)'s room. He is captivated by her peaceful sleeping form, and despite his initial hesitation, he lays down beside her. As morning comes, (Y/n) awakens to find Dabi sleeping beside her, and they share a tender moment of connection as they greet the new day together.
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Turquoise blue eyes, wide open stare at the ceiling. He couldn't sleep so he slowly got up from the couch and went outside for a bit. The night air enveloped Dabi like a comforting shroud as he stepped outside, the soft glow of his cigarette casting a faint orange hue in the darkness. The abandoned house seemed to sigh in relief as he exited, its silent halls momentarily relinquishing the weight of their shared secrets.
Leaning against the building's weathered exterior, Dabi's gaze drifted toward the sprawling cityscape that lay beyond. The bright lights of the city seemed to pulse with a rhythmic energy, a stark contrast to the quiet solitude of the abandoned house.
The distant hum of traffic and the occasional sirens punctuated the stillness of the night, reminding Dabi of the relentless pulse of life that continued to beat even in the darkest hours. Smoke billowed from his cigarette, swirling and dissipating into the cool night air as if carrying his thoughts away with it.
Memories, both bitter and sweet, tugged at the edges of his consciousness — a reminder of the winding path that had led him to this moment. The weight of his choices and the consequences they bore hung heavy in the air, a burden he carried with stoic resolve.
With a final drag of his cigarette, Dabi extinguished the glowing ember against the worn sole of his boot. The smoke dissipated into the night, carrying with it the remnants of his contemplation.
His footsteps echoed softly through the dimly lit corridors of the abandoned house as he made his way to (Y/n)'s room. Moonlight spilled through the windows, casting ethereal patterns upon the worn floorboards, guiding his path like a beacon in the darkness.
Dabi stood at the threshold of (Y/n)'s room, his gaze fixated on her peaceful sleeping form. Moonlight filtered through the window, casting a gentle glow upon her features, illuminating the delicate curve of her cheek and the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest.
With cautious steps, Dabi approached the bed, the floorboards protesting softly beneath his weight. He paused at her bedside, his gaze tracing the delicate curve of her features with a tenderness he had long denied himself.
The rise and fall of her chest was a steady rhythm that anchored him in the present, a reminder that amidst the chaos of their world, moments of peace could still be found. In the quiet intimacy of her room, Dabi felt a sense of belonging he had never known before.
Unable to resist the pull any longer, Dabi lowered himself onto the edge of the bed, his movements slow and deliberate. He reached out, his hand trembling slightly as it brushed against her cheek, the warmth of her skin sending a jolt of electricity through him.
In the stillness of the night, Dabi found himself drawn to (Y/n) in a way he could not explain — a primal instinct that defied reason and logic. With each passing moment, the walls he had erected around his heart began to crumble, revealing the vulnerability that lay beneath.
a faint blush tinged his cheeks, though he was grateful that the darkness of the room concealed his embarrassment. The warmth that suffused his face was a stark contrast to the cool exterior he so often projected to the world.
His heart beat erratically in his chest, a testament to the turmoil that churned within him. The vulnerability he felt in this moment was both unsettling and exhilarating, a reminder of the depths of emotion he had long suppressed.
Though he knew she couldn't see him, Dabi couldn't shake the feeling of being exposed — as if (Y/n)'s presence had the power to unravel the carefully constructed facade he had spent years perfecting. In her slumber, she held a power over him that he couldn't quite comprehend.
With a silent sigh, Dabi allowed himself to bask in the fleeting moment of vulnerability. The blush upon his cheeks served as a silent testament to the depth of his emotions, a confession he was not yet ready to voice aloud.
As exhaustion finally began to claim him, Dabi laid carefully next to her and closed his eyes, allowing himself to surrender to the embrace of sleep. Amidst the soft rhythm of her breathing, he found a semblance of peace that eluded him in the waking world.
And as he drifted into dreams, the blush upon his cheeks faded into the darkness, a silent reminder of the quiet intimacy he shared with the sleeping figure beside him.
(Y/n) stirred from her slumber, the warmth of the morning embracing her as she slowly opened her eyes. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, her gaze fell upon the figure beside her, bathed in the soft light of dawn.
A gentle smile tugged at her lips as she watched Dabi, his features relaxed in the embrace of sleep. The tension that often lingered in his countenance seemed to melt away in the morning light, leaving behind a sense of peace that warmed her heart.
With a quiet sigh, (Y/n) shifted closer, her movements careful not to disturb his rest. She reached out, brushing a strand of black hair away from his face with a tender touch, her fingertips tracing the contours of his cheek with a gentleness born of affection.
The intimacy of the moment filled the room, the quiet stillness broken only by the soft sounds of their breathing. In this fleeting interlude between sleep and wakefulness, (Y/n) allowed herself to savor the simple joy of being in his presence.
As Dabi stirred, his eyelids fluttering open to meet her gaze, (Y/n) felt a warmth spread through her chest — a sense of belonging that surpassed words. Their eyes locked in a silent exchange, a shared understanding that transcended the complexities of their world.
"Good morning," she whispered, her voice a soft melody that hung in the air between them. Dabi's lips curved into a sleepy smile, his turquoise gaze lingering on her with an intensity that sent a flutter of warmth through her veins.
"Morning," he murmured in response, his voice husky with sleep. The vulnerability in his gaze spoke volumes, a silent confession of the emotions he dared not voice aloud.
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lvoryingrid · 3 months
Exam season got me like 😵😵
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lvoryingrid · 3 months
those 20 bitches that rejected him were either gay or blind.
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lvoryingrid · 3 months
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Credits to @UQUOOZZ on Twitter
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lvoryingrid · 3 months
Pray for me
(Priest!Suguru Geto x Nun!fem!Reader)
Synopsis: (Y/n) is a nun that was recently appointed in the monastery. Suguru is the Priest of the monastery. As (Y/n) meets Suguru she develops sinful feelings for the man. Fearing of the demons that have conquered her nights she goes to Suguru asking him to forgive her sins and pray for her
Warning: 🔞 minors do not read/interact: contains 18+ content, smut/erotica, masturbation, power dynamic
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She didn't know when it happened, she thought, as (Y/n) walked through the ancient halls of the monastery, her heart raced with anticipation and trepidation. It had only been a few days since she had been appointed as the newest member of the order, and she could feel the weight of her vows pressing down upon her shoulders.
Everywhere she turned, she saw reminders of the sacred duty she had taken: the countless prayer books, the ornate statues of the saints, and, of course, Father Suguru, the kind and wise priest who had guided her through her first few days in the monastery.
(Y/n) was a devout and pious young woman, determined to live a life free from worldly, sinful temptations. However, from the moment she laid eyes on Suguru, a sense of unease and longing stirred within her. It was as if a forbidden flame had been lit in her heart, one that flickered with sinful thoughts and desires.
She knew that her attraction to him was wrong. He was her spiritual guide, her leader, and she was his follower. But as they spent more time together, her feelings for him had only grown stronger. She tried to push them aside, to focus on her duties as a nun, but they were as persistent as the demons that had conquered her body.
As the nights grew longer, her need for him became more insistent. She would lie awake in her small, austere cell, the sheets twisted around her sweat-dampened body, her thoughts consumed by the image of him. His strong, gentle hands caressing her skin, his lips trailing fire over her sensitive flesh. She could feel the ache between her thighs, the need for release that was always there, just beneath the surface.
Desperate for relief, she would slide one hand down her pussy, and the other on her chest as her fingertips brushed against the bare skin of her breast. She closed her eyes, imagining that it was his hand, his lips, his tongue. She arched into the phantom touch, moaning softly into the darkness. The sound of her own desire was a sin, a betrayal of everything she believed in, but it felt so good.
Her fingers moved lower, between her legs, touching herself where she ached for him. She was relentless in her need, her hips bucking against her palm as she drove herself closer and closer to the edge. Her breath came in ragged gasps, her skin flushed with shame and desire. She knew that she should stop, that this was wrong, but the pleasure was overwhelming.
She would surrender to him, giving herself over to the pleasure he offered, knowing that she was damning herself in the eyes of God. But for these brief moments of pleasure, she dreamt of receiving, she felt whole, complete, and forgiven.
And in the morning, as she knelt in prayer, she would vow to try harder, to resist the temptation, to be the perfect nun and servant of the Lord. But as the nights wore on, she knew that her will was not strong enough. She was helpless against the demons that took hold of her body and mind.
She has to confess her sinful behavior, she thinks, in order to deny the demons the entrance in her mind. Walking through the halls, the familiar door was right in front of her. She knocked on the door, waiting for his sweet voice to answer. She opens the door slowly and walks in. "Ah (Y/n)!" he exclaims his sharp eyes looked up at her "How can I help you?" he asks, a sweet smile tugging at his lips.
She walked up to him and with tears in her (e/c) eyes she knelt in front of him and cried "Father, forgive me, for I have sinned"
Suguru's eyes widened with surprise as (Y/n) knelt before him, her head bowed in shame. "Speak, my child," he said gently, motioning for her to look up to him.
"Father," she began, her voice trembling, "I have sinned against God and against you. I have lusted after you. I can't stop thinking about you, dreaming about you. I… I touch myself when I'm alone, and I imagine that it's you." The words tumbled out of her, each one more shameful than the last.
As Suguru placed his hand under her chin and gently lifted her gaze to meet his, his expression was a mixture of surprise and understanding. His dark eyes sparkled with an intensity that made her heart race. "I see," he said softly. "And you feel that these thoughts and desires are wrong?"
(Y/n) nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. "They make me feel so dirty and sinful," she whispered.
Suguru reached out and tenderly wiped away a tear with his thumb. "I know that it must be difficult for you, my child," he said, his voice now low and velvety. "But you must understand that these feelings are a part of who you are, and they are not inherently sinful. It is how we choose to act upon them that determines our moral character."
He leaned in closer, his breath warm against her ear. "Perhaps," he continued, "it would be best if we explored these feelings together, as a way to understand them and learn how to control them. I am here to help you, after all." His hand traveled up her cheek, cupping her jaw, and she could feel the heat emanating from his body.
(Y/n) swallowed hard, her heart racing. She knew that what he was suggesting was wrong, but the desire that coursed through her veins made it impossible to resist. She nodded, tears streaming down her face, and leaned into his touch. "Please, Father," she whispered. "Help me."
As Suguru led her away from the other members of the monastery, his hand firmly gripping hers, she felt a mixture of fear and desire course through her veins. The dungeon where he brought her was lit only by the flickering light of a single candle, casting eerie shadows across the stone walls. He released her hand and walked over to a small table, where he picked up a bottle of wine and two goblets. His back was to her as he poured them both a drink, his movements graceful and confident.
"Drink this," he commanded, handing her a goblet. "It will help you relax." She took a tentative sip, feeling the warmth spread through her as the alcohol hit her system. He took a long drink from his own goblet, and then turned to face her, his expression unreadable.
"You know," he began, his voice thick with desire, "I've wanted this ever since you came to the monastery. Your innocence, your purity…it was intoxicating. And yet, I knew I had to wait, to bide my time." He took another step forward, closing the distance between them. "But now that you've come to me, now that you've confessed your sins…"
He trailed off, his voice hoarse, and then his lips were on hers, his tongue thrusting past her lips and seeking entrance into her mouth. She moaned into the kiss, her hands finding their way up his chest, clinging to his robes. He pushed her against the cold stone wall, one hand gripping her hair, the other exploring her body beneath her robes.
With a throaty growl, Suguru devoured her mouth, his tongue dancing with hers as he pressed her harder against the wall. His hand tangled in her hair, drawing her head back as he took what he wanted, his touch possessive and demanding. His other hand glided down her body, cupping her breast through the thick fabric of her habit, teasing her already aching nipple.
His words whispered into her ear, sent shivers down her spine. "You're such a cute little slut for me," he breathed, and it was both a curse and a blessing. She wanted to be his, wanted to please him in every way possible.
Her fingers dug into his shoulders, desperate to feel more of his skin against hers. She could feel the heat emanating from his body, feel the hard length of him pressing against her stomach, and she ached for him. With a growl of her own, she reached down, unfastening his robes, pushing them off his shoulders. They fell to the floor in a pool of black silk, revealing his strong, muscular chest and defined abs. He was even more beautiful than she imagined.
Suguru took advantage of her distraction, sliding a hand between their bodies, pushing her habit up and out of the way. His fingers found her wet and ready, and he groaned into the kiss, thrusting his hips forward. She gasped, arching into the touch, her hands curling into fists in his hair. "Fuck," she moaned, her hips moving in time with his, "I need you."
He pulled back just enough to look her in the eyes, his expression fierce and primal. "You have me," he whispered, before claiming her mouth once more. With a rough motion, he lifted her up, her legs wrapping around his waist, her core pressed tight against his erection. She could feel him, hard and ready, pushing at her entrance, demanding entry. She wanted him to take her, wanted to feel him fill her up and make her his.
"Say it," he growled into her ear. "Tell me you're mine."
Her heart racing, she nodded, feeling the words well up inside her. "I'm yours," she whispered, her voice shaking with desire. "Take me, Father."
And with that, he thrust forward, burying himself deep inside her, claiming her body and soul. She cried out, arching her back, her nails digging into his shoulders as she felt him stretch her, fill her completely. He was hers, and she was his, and for this moment, nothing else mattered.
As he began to move inside her, their bodies sliding together in a rhythm born of desperation and need, he whispered more sweet nothings into her ear. "You're such a good girl for me," he groaned, "my cute little slut." It was a dirty, dirty lie, but she didn't care. All that mattered was the feeling of him inside her, the way they fit together so perfectly.
As he continued to thrust into her, her body moving up and down his cock, she arched her back, giving him better access to her neck. He took advantage of her exposed position, his teeth nipping at her flesh as he growled, "You're mine, and you'll always be mine. Not even god will stand between us ." His hips pumped faster, harder, driving deeper inside her with each thrust, and she felt herself begin to lose control.
Her nails dug into his shoulders, leaving small, half-moon marks in the skin as he held her up, their bodies sliding against each other in a frenzy of desire. "Yes," she moaned, her voice ragged and needy. "Yes, yes, yes." She could feel herself beginning to climax, her muscles tightening around him, her body arching toward his in a desperate search for more contact.
As their passionate union continued, his voice grew hoarse from the pleasure, his words thick with desire. "Come for me, my little slut," he groaned, his hips bucking harder, faster. "Let me feel you." She could feel herself getting closer, the tension building inside her, and with one final thrust, she cried out his name, her body shuddering with release. He followed her over the edge, his muscles tensing, his face contorted in ecstasy as he spilled himself deep inside her.
He let out a hoarse cry, thrusting deep one last time before erupting inside her, his seed spilling into her, filling her up completely. Their bodies twitched together, locked in an intimate embrace, as he collapsed, pulling her down with him to the cold stone floor. She nestled her head into the crook of his neck, her heart racing, her body still quivering from the intensity of their union.
He kissed her gently on the lips, his touch surprisingly tender after the roughness of their previous encounters. "You're incredible," he whispered, running a hand through her hair. "I can't wait to see you again." He leaned in, brushing his lips against her ear. "Make sure to visit my office at night, for the next session of redemption."
She shivered at his words, feeling a mixture of anticipation and guilt. But she knew she would come back to him. He had claimed her, and she belonged to him now. As she straightened her habit and adjusted her hair, she looked up at him, a small, secretive smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Yes, Father," she breathed, "I'll be there."
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lvoryingrid · 3 months
Dabi x fem!Reader
Synopsis: Toga discovers Dabi's upcoming birthday and suggests a surprise party. While planning, she teases (Y/n) about having a crush on Dabi, which (Y/n) reluctantly admits. Together, they create a secret celebration in a secluded forest, surprising Dabi with a homemade cake. The night unfolds romantically, and (Y/n) seizes the moment to confess their feelings, leading to a sweet and unexpected connection between them.
Notes: Happy Birthday to my baby <3
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It was a slip of the tongue, one that he took too long to notice. It was just any other day, Dabi was in the League of Villains hideout, waiting for their next move. Minding his own business, Toga, with a sparkle in her eyes and a mischievous grin approached him sitting next to him on the bar.
"Hey, Dabi," she purred, "you know (Y/n)'s birthday?" Dabi, caught off guard by the sudden question, glanced at Toga with a raised eyebrow. "Why would I know that?"
Toga giggled, twirling a strand of her platinum hair. "Well, you know, birthdays are interesting! I was just curious if you happen to know when (Y/n)'s is. Maybe we can throw her a surprise party !"
Dabi's eyes narrowed, a hint of suspicion in his gaze. "Why do you care about (Y/n)'s birthday all of a sudden?"
Toga waved off his concern with a playful grin. "Oh, no reason! Just thought it would be fun to celebrate together. Don't you want to make her happy, Dabi?"
Dabi sighed, feeling the weight of Toga's insistence. The vivid images of (Y/n)'s smile, filled his mind, something that's been happening a lot lately. "I don't know. It's not like I keep track of that stuff." he replied getting lost in his conflicting thoughts about his comrade.
"Hey, Dabi," she said with a mischievous tone, "I was just wondering, when's your birthday?" Dabi, lost in his thoughts, absentmindedly mumbled the date. Little did he know, Toga caught every word, and with a delighted giggle, she darted off in search of someone.
"(Y/n), guess what I found out!" Toga whispered enthusiastically, barely able to contain herself. "Hm ? Oh Himiko! What is it?" (Y/n) asked, trying to keep her voice low.
"It's Dabi's birthday soon! You should totally plan something for him!" Toga exclaimed, bouncing on her toes.
(Y/n) couldn't help but try to hide her smile as she asked shocked "Huh? Why me?"
Toga, with a playful twinkle in her eye, leaned in conspiratorially. "Well, you know, (Y/n), you're the one who likes him, right?"
(Y/n) blinked, her cheeks flushing with a sudden warmth. "What? Where did you get that idea, Toga?"
Toga giggled, enjoying the visible effect of her words. "Oh, come on! It's so obvious. I've seen the way you look at him, all soft and smiley. You totally have a crush on Dabi!"
Trying to deny it, (Y/n) stammered, "I-I don't know what you're talking about. We're just friends."
Toga's mischievous grin only widened. "Sure, sure. Friends who get flustered at the mention of the other's name." Toga says hinting at the both of them, unbeknownst to (Y/n).
(Y/n) bit their lip, realizing Toga might be onto something. "Okay, fine, maybe I like him a little. But that's not the point! We're talking about planning a surprise for his birthday, not my feelings."
Toga winked, clearly enjoying the revelation. "Well, that's even better! You can plan something special for him and confess your feelings at the same time. It'll be perfect!"
Blushing even more, (Y/n) stuttered, "I-I don't know about that. Let's just focus on the birthday surprise for now."
Toga chuckled, her enthusiasm undeterred. "Alright, alright. But mark my words, (Y/n), love is in the air!"
Determined to make Dabi's birthday memorable, (Y/n) threw herself into planning the perfect surprise. With Toga's help, she scouted various locations across the city.
Finally, she stumbled upon a hidden spot in the woods, bathed in soft moonlight, with a breathtaking view of the cityscape.
Eager to share her find, (Y/n) excitedly explained the plan to Toga. "I think this spot will be perfect for the surprise. It's secluded and offers a stunning view. What do you think?"
Toga grinned, her eyes reflecting the mischief within. "Oh, I love it! It's like something out of a fairy tale. Dabi's going to be so surprised!"
The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a soft glow on the dimly lit alleyways surrounding the League of Villains' hideout. (Y/n), adorned with a nervous yet determined expression, approached Dabi, who was casually leaning against the rough exterior of the building.
"Dabi," (Y/n) called out, her voice carrying a subtle tremor. Dabi glanced at her with a raised eyebrow, "What do you want?" he asked, his tone laced with his usual indifference.
(Y/n) took a deep breath, trying to conceal the nervous excitement bubbling within. "I found something. Something I think you might like. Would you... would you come with me?"
Dabi regarded her with mild curiosity, but a subtle nod signaled his willingness to follow. As they ventured through the labyrinthine streets, (Y/n) led him to the secluded outing she had discovered – a hidden haven bathed in the soft glow of moonlight.
The forest, transformed with the delicate arrangement of candles and the subtle scent of flowers, seemed like an ethereal dreamscape. The city below sprawled out like a canvas, and in that moment, it felt like time stood still.
"Dabi," (Y/n) began, their voice barely above a whisper, "I wanted to show you this. It's special."
Dabi's piercing gaze softened as he took in the romantic setting. Before he could say anything, (Y/n) revealed the homemade cake, adorned with a few flickering candles.
"Happy birthday, Dabi," she said, her (e/c) eyes meeting his with sincerity.
For a moment, the air seemed to thicken with a mix of surprise and emotion. Dabi, usually composed and stoic, found himself momentarily stunned. "You... for me?" he mumbled, the words escaping him with a rare hint of disbelief.
(Y/n) smiled, a warmth radiating from them. "Yes, for you. I thought you might like it. Happy birthday, Dabi."
The flickering candles, the distant city lights, and the heartfelt gesture created an atmosphere that transcended the usual chaos surrounding them.
As the intimate atmosphere enveloped them on the secluded outing, Dabi, still caught in the moment, took a step closer to (Y/n). His hand gently found hers, fingers intertwining, and with a sudden yet deliberate movement, he pulled her close into an embrace.
(Y/n)'s heart raced, feeling the warmth of Dabi's touch as his hands cradled her cheeks. His intense gaze locked onto her widened (e/c) eyes, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. The city sounds faded away, leaving only the soft rustle of the night breeze.
The tension between them grew, the air thick with unspoken emotions. Dabi's lips curled into a rare, genuine smile as he leaned in, their faces drawing closer together. The world around them blurred, and in that suspended moment, the line between unpredictability and vulnerability dissolved.
As their lips met in a soft, lingering kiss, the forest became a canvas for a connection that transcended the constraints of their villainous lives.
As they lingered in the embrace, Dabi pulled back slightly, his gaze intense yet softened. "Thank you, (Y/n). This... means more than you know."
(Y/n), still caught in the moment, could only manage a breathless, "Happy birthday, Dabi," before the night embraced them once again, wrapping the rooftop garden in a cocoon of stolen moments and unexpected connections.
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lvoryingrid · 3 months
Inmate!Dabi, who maneuvers through the intricate hierarchy of Tartarus, holds a position of both fear and respect.
Inmate!Dabi, who swiftly garners a notorious reputation among newcomers in prison, as word circulates with cautionary whispers, "Steer clear of that guy, you don't want to cross paths."
Inmate!Dabi, who becomes an exceptionally perilous figure, given his readiness to resort to violence. To find oneself a prisoner while becoming the object of his obsession would undeniably plunge one into an abyss of absolute hell.
Inmate!Dabi, who stands behind a plethora of poker games and shady activities, deftly manipulating both the incarcerated and the enforcers simultaneously. Thanks to this shrewd strategy, he collects favors, ensuring practically everyone is indebted to him in some fashion.
Inmate!Dabi, who consistently emerges unscathed from prison riots.
Inmate!Dabi, who has a penpal connection with you.
Inmate!Dabi, who becomes increasingly fixated on your correspondence, displays a subtle but undeniable obsession.
Inmate!Dabi, who, driven by a growing obsession, insists that you visit him in Tartarus.
Inmate!Dabi, who, having earned your trust through an extensive exchange of letters spanning half a year, achieves his goal when you finally inform him in one of your letters of securing permission to visit him.
Inmate!Dabi, who finds himself one day with handcuffs securing his hands, being escorted directly into the visiting area.
Inmate!Dabi, who, utilizing a substantial sum of money amassed from poker and other ventures, successfully bribes both guards escorting him. Upon entering the visiting area, they oblige by removing his handcuffs, leaving only the quirk blocker restraint secured around his ankle.
Inmate!Dabi, who waits patiently as other visitors leave the room, accompanied by fellow inmates who cast cold glances his way.
Inmate!Dabi, who is unable to tear his turquoise eyes away from your beautiful face and the contours of your body accentuated by the snug jeans and white shirt you wear.
Inmate!Dabi, who, with his voice carrying a low, persuasive tone, encourages you to come closer. "Don't be shy. There's nothing to be afraid of, doll," he smirks, his turquoise eyes locking onto yours.
Inmate!Dabi, who engages in casual chitchat with you, bluntly checking you out as you sit across the table. He smoothly asks questions, and you respond politely.
Inmate!Dabi, who, in a sudden move, leans forward and extends his hand, his long, calloused fingers gently brushing your cheek, eliciting a gasp as you notice the absence of handcuffs. "Don't worry, doll," he smirks, "I ain't gonna hurt ya, yeah?"
Inmate!Dabi, who informs you that he was on his best behavior, earning the privilege to go without cuffs, slyly admitting it was just to have the freedom to touch you. Another gasp escapes you, your cheeks flushing with a rosy hue, and you don't know why are you reacting that way.
Inmate!Dabi, who, as the visit comes to an end, rises from his seat and confidently seizes your wrist, pulling you closer to whisper in your ear, "I can tell you're into me, you wouldn't be here otherwise. No need to be shy about it, good girls like you always enjoy a little play with bad boys."
Inmate!Dabi, who forcefully presses his rugged lips against your soft ones, stifling a small moan that escapes your lips as his free hand firmly grasps your ass. squeezing it with intensity. "I'm already counting down the moments until your next visit, doll."
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lvoryingrid · 3 months
Hawks x fem!Reader
Synopsis: As spring awakens, Keigo feels a primal call within. With his loving girlfriend, (Y/n), by his side, they journey into the wilderness, where nature's forces and Hawks' untamed instincts collide.
Warning: 🔞 minors do not read/interact: contains 18+ content, smut/erotica, breeding kink
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The gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers as spring enveloped the world in a blanket of warmth. The first light of spring peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the room. The melodious symphony of birdsongs filled the air, creating a harmonious backdrop to the awakening day. Amid this serene morning, Keigo, found himself roused from his slumber with an unusual unease settling within him. His crimson wings twitched restlessly as primal instincts surged through him, awakening a side of him that he couldn't quite comprehend.
Beside him, (Y/n) lay peacefully asleep, bathed in the morning sunlight that enhanced her already beautiful face. Keigo couldn't help but admire her serenity, the contrast to the turmoil that raged within him. He gently brushed a strand of (h/c) hair from her face, his touch tender yet tinged with a strange urgency.
Keigo couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. The air seemed charged with an energy he couldn't quite place, and all his senses were on edge. As he glanced down at his crimson wings, now twitching almost violently against his will, he knew that whatever was happening, was beyond his control.
A sudden heat spread through his body, starting at his chest and radiating outward. His heart raced, and his breath came quick and shallow. It was as if some primal instinct had taken over, driving him to act on impulses he didn't understand. He looked down at (Y/n) again, her soft skin now flushed with color, her chest rising and falling in rhythm with his own.
Soft breaths left her parted lips and her face was colored by the warm rays of the sun. The way the covers loomed over her body had him gulp at the sight. She looked so vulnerable, ready to be devoured by him and him only.
Keigo felt a powerful urge to claim her, to mate with her. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help himself. With a growl that seemed to come from deep within him, he rolled over, pinning her beneath his figure. His wings spread wide, blocking out most of the light, casting the room into a warm, shadowy haze. He leaned in, warm lips leaving a trail of kisses on her exposed neck.
"Keigo…" she whispered, her eyes slowly opening, noticing the sharp look in his golden eyes. Keigo froze, every muscle in his body tensing. The sound of her voice, so soft and sweet, filled his ears, making his heart race. His eyes, already fixed on her face, widened in surprise. She was awake.
He didn't answer, couldn't answer. All he could do was feel. He lowered his head, pressing again his lips against her neck, inhaling her scent. It was intoxicating, driving him further out of control.
The sunlight streaming through the window cast a warm, golden glow over her features, making her look even more radiant than usual. Her (h/c) hair was a tangled mess around her, her cheeks flushed with sleep. She yawned, stretching her arms above her head before resting her palms against his feathers.
The contact sent a shiver of pleasure down his spine. Her touch felt so good, so right. His instincts screamed at him, begged him to breed her, to claim her as his own. He could feel his body growing hotter by the second, his desire for her becoming almost unbearable.
With a smile, she slowly traced her fingertips from his tense feathers to his shoulder blades as she asked "Isn't it a bit early for this?" Carefully, he nuzzled her neck, inhaling her sweet scent, his heart pounding against his ribs. "Early?" he managed to croak, his voice hoarse with desire. "Is it too early?"
She giggled, her breath tickling his feathers. "Well, it's not like we have anywhere to be today," she teased, arching her back slightly as he continued to nuzzle her. "And I must admit, I like the idea of starting the day with some…morning cuddles." Her hand trailed down his back.
As he roughly yanked the thin fabric from her body, her breath caught in her throat, her nipples hardening into tight buds. The air around them seemed to crackle with desire, and Keigo could feel his control slipping further away with every passing moment. He lowered his head, taking one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking gently at first before increasing the pressure, rolling it between his tongue and teeth.
Heat radiated from his body, and she felt his erection pressing against her hip. Her own desire, buried deep beneath her exhaustion, flared to life at his touch. She arched her back further, pressing her breasts against his mouth as he growled in pleasure.
Keigo leaned in closer, his hot breath fanning across her face. "You're so beautiful," he murmured, tracing his fingers along her collarbone. "I need you." He kissed her softly, his lips warm and demanding. She moaned into the kiss, her hips moving restlessly against his.
His wings spread wider, casting the room into deeper shadow, as if nature itself was conspiring to hide their forbidden act. He pressed closer still, his erection aching with need, and guided himself between her legs. Dark crimson panties covering her.
Her hands tangled in his hair, urging him on, and he could feel her hips begin to move against him in time with his touch. His other hand moved lower, caressing her stomach, teasing the thin fabric of her panties before finally sliding underneath to stroke her folds. She was wet and ready for him, and he groaned into her ear as he felt her body tremble beneath his touch.
He rolled onto his back, taking her with him, and pulled her legs over his hips so that she straddled him. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she looked down at him, her eyes clouded with desire. He could feel the heat emanating from his body, and it seemed to intensify the sensations coursing through him. His crimson wings spread wide, casting the room into a warm, shadowy haze, and he could feel the power surging through him, urging him on.
Keigo reached up, cupping her face with one hand, the other lay on her hip, he gazed into her (e/c) eyes as he thrust upward, burying himself deep inside her. She cried out, her back arching as she met his movements with her own, as both hands griped her hips bringing her closer, their bodies moving together in a rhythm that was both primal and intimate. Their skin slid against each other, slick with sweat and desire, and the air around them seemed to crackle with the force of their passion.
She was perfectly aligned, her wet heat encircling his cock, her breasts pressed against his chest. He arched his back, thrusting harder into her, his wings spreading wider to envelop them both in a cocoon of feathers and heat.
Her nails dug into his shoulders, leaving trails of pleasure and pain as she urged him on, meeting his thrusts with her own. Their hips moved in perfect rhythm, their bodies slapping together in a primal dance of lust and need. The sounds of their pleasure filled the room, echoing off the walls and mixing with the sweet song of the morning birds.
As their lovemaking intensified, Keigo could feel his body giving in to the primal urges that had taken hold of him. He lost track of time, consumed by the pleasure that (Y/n) was giving him. Her soft gasps and moans filled the air, mingling with the sounds of their passionate entwining.
The pleasure was almost too much to bear, but he didn't want it to end. And with one final thrust, he came, spilling his seed deep inside of her. His breath hitched as he felt her body tremble beneath him, signaling her own release.
Finally, his movements grew slower, softer, and he pressed his lips to her neck, whispering her name in a hoarse, ragged voice. She could feel his seed slowly leaking from her body, but she didn't care. All that mattered was that she was with him and that they had shared this moment, this connection.
(Y/n) collapsed on top of him, their sweaty bodies still joined together. He could feel her heart racing against his chest, their breaths mingling in the air. It took several long moments for him to regain control of his senses, and when he did, he was filled with a strange mixture of guilt and desire.
"Are you…okay?" he managed to ask, his voice still ragged from their passion. He could feel the warmth of her body against his, and it was a comfort he didn't want to let go of just yet.
She giggled, her breath tickling his ear. "I'm…fine," she replied, sounding a bit breathless. "It's just…you were so…rough." Her fingers traced gentle circles on his back, soothing the marks her nails had left behind. "I didn't expect you to be so…possessive."
Keigo chuckled, feeling a wave of relief wash over him. "I couldn't help it," he confessed, nuzzling her neck. "You're just so…irresistible." He kissed her softly, tasting the sweetness of her skin on his lips.
He kissed her, savoring the taste of her lips and the feel of her body pressed against his. As they continued to cuddle, the sunlight streaming in through the window cast a warm glow across the room, making it feel as if spring truly had returned.
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lvoryingrid · 3 months
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dabi day!!!
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lvoryingrid · 3 months
Healing Flames Chapter 14
Dabi x fem!Reader
Synopsis: In the abandoned house, the League of Villains prepared to depart for their next mission. As Shigaraki announced their exit, Dabi insisted that (Y/n) stay behind in case injured comrades returned. Alone, (Y/n) grappled with her decision, navigating the silent halls and tending to the scars of returning members.
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The golden glow of the sun hung over the abandoned house where they had found temporary refuge. The air crackled with a sense of anticipation as the members gathered, their shadows stretching across the worn floorboards like specters of the impending unknown. (Y/n), still grappling with the reality of her situation, observed the eclectic group preparing to depart.
Toga twirled a knife in her hand, her eyes glinting with mischievous excitement. Twice's animated chatter echoed through the room as he discussed the day's plans with Mr. Compress, while Spinner inspected his blade with a quiet intensity.
Shigaraki, leaning against a wall with his characteristic nonchalance, raised his hand, a signal for attention. The room fell into a hushed silence, the members turning their focus to their enigmatic leader.
"Alright, everyone, gather around. We're leaving," Shigaraki announced, his voice carrying the weight of authority. The casual demeanor belied the gravity of his words, and the room buzzed with a subdued energy.
As the League readied themselves, (Y/n) quietly moved to join them, sensing the urgency of their departure. However, before she could take a step, Dabi's hand gently closed around her arm, halting her in her tracks.
"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, his turquoise gaze penetrating hers with a subtle intensity.
(Y/n) met his eyes, her (e/c) orbs reflecting a mix of determination and curiosity. "I thought we were leaving," she replied, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.
Dabi's grip tightened slightly, his expression revealing a complex blend of concern and guarded caution. "You're staying here," he asserted, his words carrying a weight that resonated through the dimly lit room.
"But why?" (Y/n) questioned, a furrow forming on her brow. The urgency in Dabi's demeanor fueled her need for answers.
Dabi's gaze held hers, his turquoise eyes cutting through the shadows with unwavering intensity. "In case someone comes back injured. We need your skills," he explained, the cryptic nature of his words leaving room for interpretation.
With a nod, (Y/n) acquiesced, the ember of defiance dimming within her gaze. "Be careful," she murmured, the words a subtle acknowledgment of the unspoken dangers that lay ahead. Dabi's eyes held a mixture of gratitude and something deeper, a connection forged in the crucible of shared secrets and imminent challenges.
The League of Villains had left her alone, the silence of the empty rooms amplifying the solitude that enveloped her. The creaking floorboards seemed to whisper secrets of the past, leaving (Y/n) to confront the uncharted territory of her newfound reality.
The abandoned rooms seemed to echo with the memories of a life left behind, and as (Y/n) navigated the hushed hallways, the weight of her decision hung heavy in the air. The promise of safety clashed with the yearning for adventure, and she couldn't shake the feeling that the choices made in this abandoned haven would reverberate far beyond its walls.
With a sigh, (Y/n) found herself drawn to the window, the outside world beckoning with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. As she gazed upon the unfolding day, a quiet determination settled within her. The journey might be unconventional, the path uncertain, but she was ready to face whatever awaited beyond the confines of the abandoned house.
As the hours passed the weary trio of Toga, Twice, and Mr. Compress staggered into the abandoned house, their silhouettes marked by the wear and tear of the day's endeavors. The echoes of their footsteps reverberated through the dimly lit space, each a testament to the battles fought in the name of their cause.
(Y/n), sensing their return, hurriedly approached the entrance of the abandoned house, concern etching her features. "Are you alright?" she asked, her eyes scanning the visible scars and bruises that adorned their exhausted forms. Toga, with her characteristic grin, nodded. "We're great !" she exclaimed, the exhaustion in her voice undercut by a resilient spirit.
Twice, added, "No this sucks" quickly adding with a thumbs up "Yeah, we've had worse." Mr. Compress, though visibly fatigued, offered a nod of acknowledgment, appreciating (Y/n)'s genuine concern.
Feeling a surge of empathy, (Y/n) used her quirk, her hands emitting a gentle glow as she approached each member in turn. Water, a soothing balm, danced at her fingertips, enveloping their injuries with a calming energy.
Once the healing process was complete, (Y/n) took a step back, her eyes lingering on the trio with a mix of relief and lingering worry. "You should get some rest," she suggested her voice a gentle reminder of the toll their endeavors had taken.
As she was about to inquire about Dabi's whereabouts, a subtle hesitation seized her. Instead, she altered her question, curiosity lacing her tone. "Where's everyone else? Are they alright?" The unspoken question about Dabi hung in the air, an uncharted territory she hesitated to navigate.
Twice, with his characteristic shifts in demeanor, responded, "They'll be back later tonight. Gotta change shifts, you know?" His tone, a blend of nonchalance and underlying weariness, hinted at the perpetual cycle of their nocturnal activities.
As the glow of the moon filled through the windows, Toga and Twice went to rest in the rooms upstairs, and Mr. Compress found himself accompanying (Y/n) through the dimly lit corridors of the abandoned house. The air hung heavy with unspoken questions, and Mr. Compress, with his theatrical charm, decided to break the silence.
"So, our newest member," he began, his voice carrying a certain flair. His eyes, obscured by the mask, held a genuine curiosity that transcended the theatrics. They strolled through the quiet hallways, the shadows casting a surreal atmosphere around them.
(Y/n) glanced at Mr. Compress, her (e/c) eyes reflecting a mix of weariness and resolve. "Why did you join us?" he inquired, his tone a blend of genuine interest and an underlying acknowledgment of the complexities surrounding their clandestine activities.
A sigh escaped (Y/n)'s lips as she considered her response. The weight of her decision and the motivations that fueled it lingered beneath the surface. "I want to avenge a friend," she admitted, her voice carrying a quiet determination that betrayed the turmoil within. The echoes of her past and the pain she sought to reconcile with were woven into the fabric of her words.
Mr. Compress nodded, the mask concealing his expression adding a layer of mystique. "A noble cause," he remarked, his words tinged with both understanding and a hint of melancholy. "But you must realize, the path you've chosen is not an easy one."
(Y/n) met his gaze, her eyes reflecting the resilience that fueled her journey. "I know," she replied, her conviction cutting through the quiet night air.
Mr. Compress, with a mischievous glint in his eye, couldn't resist a playful inquiry. "So, how did Dabi stumble upon a gem like you?" he asked, punctuating the question with a sly wink.
(Y/n), caught off guard by the wink, giggled in response. "It's a long story," she replied, her laughter carrying a mix of amusement and a subtle acknowledgment of the complexity that had led her into the orbit of the League of Villains.
The worn-out couch cradled (Y/n) as she waited in anticipation, the silence of the abandoned house echoing her restlessness. The minutes stretched into hours, and fatigue weighed on her shoulders. The departure of Toga, Twice, and Mr. Compress had left the dwelling in an eerie quiet, the blue flames in the fireplace still flickering with a subtle dance.
As her (e/c) eyes began to close, surrendering to the weariness that lingered, the abrupt creak of the door opening jolted her back to attention. The golden hues of the setting sun painted the room in warm hues as the worn floorboards creaked under the weight of an unexpected presence.
Turquoise eyes met hers, and Dabi stepped into the room, his silhouette framed by the soft glow of the fading daylight. The air seemed to thicken with a mix of weariness and quiet determination as he surveyed the surroundings. His disheveled appearance hinted at the challenges faced beyond the confines of their temporary refuge.
"(Y/n)," Dabi greeted his voice a low murmur that cut through the stillness. The dim light cast shadows on his tired features, a testament to the challenges faced during their absence. "Everything alright here?"
(Y/n) nodded, a mix of relief and concern etching her features. "Yeah, I was just waiting. Are you all... okay?" Her gaze shifted to Spinner, acknowledging his presence with a nod.
Spinner, seemingly more reserved than the others, offered a curt nod in response. "We had our share of trouble, but we managed," he stated, his tone reflecting a sense of camaraderie forged through shared trials.
Dabi, with a subtle sigh, sank onto the couch beside (Y/n). She mustered a faint smile, a blend of gratitude and the underlying tension of the night coloring her expression. "I'm just glad you're all back in one piece."
The flickering blue flames in the fireplace bathed the room in an ethereal glow as (Y/n) approached Spinner, who had taken a seat nearby. The scars on his face and body told silent tales of battles fought, and a soft resolve emanated from her as she spoke.
"Let me help with those scars," she offered, her voice gentle but carrying an unspoken determination. Spinner met her gaze, a hint of gratitude in his eyes, and he nodded in silent agreement, averting his gaze as if shielding the vulnerability beneath.
As (Y/n) carefully tended to the scars, the quiet room held a serenity that contrasted with the tumultuous events outside. Spinner, with a quiet sigh, announced his intention to retire for the night. "I'm gonna crash for a bit," he stated, his exhaustion evident in both his words and demeanor.
As Spinner's presence faded into the shadows, (Y/n) found herself alone in the room with Dabi.
"Let me see if you're injured," she said, her words carrying a mix of genuine concern and a subtle undercurrent of nervousness. Dabi, though outwardly at ease, couldn't escape the underlying tension that simmered beneath his stoic facade.
He nodded in agreement, his turquoise gaze meeting hers with a flicker of vulnerability. As her fingers traced the contours of his arms, a shiver ran down Dabi's spine, the touch unraveling a complex tapestry of emotions that lay dormant. The blue flames, their enchanting dance casting an intimate glow, bore witness to the quiet exchange unfolding in the stillness of the night.
The cooling sensation of her quirk coursed through Dabi's arms, a balm against the phantom heat that lingered from burns and scars. As her (e/c) eyes met his, he noticed a subtle hint of exhaustion tinting the edges of her gaze. A pang of concern tugged at his stoic exterior.
With a gentle yet firm gesture, Dabi withdrew his arm, a slight tension lingering in the air. "You look exhausted. Don't worry about me. Go get some sleep," he urged, his voice carrying a quiet sincerity.
(Y/n), ever resilient, insisted, "I'm fine, really. I can stay up a bit longer." Her determination flickered in her tired eyes, but Dabi shook his head, a hint of stubbornness in his gaze.
"No arguments," he stated, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. "You need rest. I'll take the couch." His words carried a quiet assurance, a mix of protective concern and a tacit acknowledgment of the unspoken complexities between them.
(Y/n) hesitated, her gaze holding a silent gratitude. "But what about you?" she questioned, a genuine concern breaking through her weariness.
Dabi offered a faint smirk, attempting to diffuse the seriousness of the moment. "I've had worse sleeping arrangements. Now, go on. You need it," he urged, a touch of warmth softening the edges of his typically detached demeanor.
With a lingering look, (Y/n) finally relented. "Alright, but if you need anything, wake me up," she insisted, her voice a hushed promise.
With a resigned nod, (Y/n) acquiesced. "Alright, good night, Dabi," she said, her voice a whisper that lingered in the quiet room. Dabi mirrored the sentiment, a soft "Good night" escaping his lips as she left.
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lvoryingrid · 3 months
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Happy Birthday Dabi! 🎂🔥
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lvoryingrid · 3 months
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