Rose: What time is it?
Jack: Idk, pass me that saxophone and I’ll find out.
Jack: [blows saxophone loudly]
Jack: It’s 2am.
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#when arthur uses the braincell he shares with merlin
Merlin rewatch | 3x10 “Queen of Hearts ”
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Why do you love me? (Bucky x Reader)
It is loosely based on a song called “Why do you love me” by Charlotte Laurence but not really.
Warnings: I was in an angsty mood and this was the byproduct
Words: 545
It was nights like these that left Bucky in a loop of tormenting thoughts. Having a good night’s rest was more of the exception rather than the rule and tonight it was one of the nights where he stared at the ceiling, his heartbeat and his breathing drown out any other in the room.
But what was rare is that he didn’t wake you up and he was glad that he didn’t. Many nights his twitching and his sleep-talking that was bordering on yells woke you up before he roused himself from his deep sleep and you took it upon you every time to wake him up gently, cradling him as your voice brought him back to reality.
Every time you comforted him and every time he felt like a child that was afraid of the dark that was hiding his demons and he would hug you back tightly as if to assure himself that the nightmares that were haunting him were part of a distant past and you were his reality from now on. But he knew that meant that just like a good night’s sleep was only a thing that he could wish for, so was the case for you as well and the guilt that he felt when he denied such a simple thing surpassed the selfish part of himself that enjoyed the comfort that you so selfishly you gave him. You gave him the courage to try to be a better man and he couldn’t even let you have some rest.
So the only thing he did was stare at the ceiling not making a move and breathe evenly ignoring the sweat that had settled on his clothes and made him feel gross, careful not to wake you up once again. Your breaths and your occasional snores accompanied the sound of his heartbeat and the whispers in the back of his head that only spoke cruel things at him and the crueler part was that he thought that those voices were right. Just like the voices he thought that he didn’t deserve. A creature just like you, so kind, so beautiful didn’t deserve someone so broken... a murderer. It always remained a mystery, although he would never admit it to you, why you loved him.
An arm wrapping around his torso brought him out of his train of thoughts, his breathing hitching in his throat as he stopped trying to figure out if he had accidentally woke you up once again, but your deep breaths that he now felt on his skin confirmed to him that you were still asleep and his chest felt tight, the tears that he didn’t know he was holding back threatening to leave his eyes.
He moved stealthily, his body yearning to feel your body heat on his, the metal hand that he hated so much carefully embracing you as he turned to admire your sleeping figure. His chin tucked your head in his chest as he held you and perhaps he was tired or it was the warmth and the smell of your shampoo that he breathed in, but he felt his eyes close, with the only thought in his mind that if someone like you could find something on him to love, then maybe he was worthy of love.
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Green-eyed monster called Jealousy (Cisco x Reader)
A/N: Nostalgia hit me when I found a little something that I had written when I was bored once in high school and I decided to revamp it a little and post it here.
Warnings: Just a jealous soft boiii
“Is... everything okay?” A familiar hesitant voice behind him brought him out of the thoughts that had consumed him.
Cisco turned around to face his friend Barry, who was eyeing him with concern.
“Yeah” ha responded but his tone didn’t carry the sentiment that he wanted to convey. ”Why would you ask that?”
“Did you fight with (Y/N) ?” Barry answered his question with another question.
“No.” He was confused at how Barry had come to this conclusion. “I wouldn’t fight with (Y/N).”
“Then, why on earth are you daggers at her?” Barry asked him and Cisco looked at him as if he was crazy, which drove Barry mad. “Seriously, Cisco if looks could kill, we would have already been at (Y/N)’s funeral.”
A loud laugh interrupted their conversation and they both turned to look at the source of it. (Y/N)’s head had rolled behind as Julian joined her laughter with a chuckle of his own. (Y/N)’s hand landed on Julian’s arm squeezing as she finished laughing.
Cisco’s jaw clenched, his body growing tense as he watched the scene unfold before him and Barry would have missed it if he hadn’t happen to look at his friend. A moment was all he needed to observe all that he needed to figure out what was happening. 
“You are jealous” Barry concluded and Cisco’s eyes snapped to look at his friend, whose face had a shit-eating smile that seemed to grow by the second.
“No, I am not” he was quick to deny it but by the looks of it he had done a poor job of convincing him.
“Goodness you really are jealous” Barry insisted much to his annoyance. “ You have a crush on (Y/N)”
“No I don’t” he pressed and those words seem to go from one ear to the other as Barry continued to sport the same mischievous grin on his face.
“Yes you are” Barry was really stubborn when he wanted to and he adamant to make his friend admit it.
“You are jealous, you are jealous” song-sang his teasing becoming more insufferable and his plan seemed to have backfired the moment Cisco exploded.
“NO I AM NOT” Cisco shouted which brought everyone’s attention in the room and when his eyes met those of (Y/N) he felt his cheeks heat up as if she knew what they had been saying.
Cisco left the room leaving everyone staring at his back and he had to admit to himself as much as he didn’t want to. He had a serious crush on her and that had caused a green eyed monster called to rear its ugly head.
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“Broken Hearts”-Charlie Bradburry
I was a bit in a rewatch mood and that was the result of it
Warnings: Sadness, mention of death
Plot: When you lose the person that you hold the dearest it feels as if your heart is broken into countless pieces,unable to be fixed again.
Another notification popped on (Y/N)’s phone and she excitedly opened it, but frowned when she saw that it wasn’t from her girlfriend Charlie. 
It was only recently that (Y/N) had learned what her occupation was, when Charlie knew she could trust her with a secret such as that and even though (Y/N) thought that it was a joke at first, she was quick to accept it at least when Charlie had proof of what she was claiming.
And she could see Charlie’s happiness in her eyes when she realised that (Y/N) she wouldn’t think that she was crazy or wasn’t going to run away from her and attempt to flee from everything that involved salt’n’burn business.
But now every time Charlie was away for a long time without any attempt of communicating with her, (Y/N) would feel the dread settling on her stomach. Yet every time, Charlie returned with a smile on her face. She always returned.
She looked at the clock on her phone and she was surprised by how late it was. She decided that she should at least try and sleep, something that she hadn’t succeeded in doing lately. So she lied on her bed, staring at the ceiling until fatigue silenced her thoughts.
A buzz awoke her from her slumber and when she realised that someone was calling her, she immediately rose from her bed, her hand reaching her phone and answering the call, not even bothering to check who it was.
“Hey” her tone was full excitement expecting to hear Charlie’s voice, but when she heard a male voice she was tempted to hang up, until she realised who’s voice it was. Dean.
She had met the Winchester boys a few days after Charlie had told her about the monsters that roamed the earth and, even though they didn’t seem all that fond of her knowing about that, when they saw that she had accepted and continued to want to be with Charlie they were quick to bond with her.
“Hello,(Y/N)” he greeted her, but his tone wasn’t cheery as always.
“What’s wrong, Dean? she questioned her heartbeat rising.
“It’s about Charlie” he seemed hesitant to utter those words, but when he did she felt unable to breathe.
She drove as fast as she could where he said they were, not caring about speed limits. She dumped the car at the side of the road, running towards them.
Her eyes fell on the body and a sob left her mouth. She ignored them and she ran to Charlie’s corpse, embracing her as  tears slipped down her face. She could barely see, her eyes blurry but the red stain was hard to ignore.
She couldn’t hold back her cries as she pleaded for her to wake up and hug her, but those pleads fell silent on the ears that (Y/N) wanted to hear them the most.
She felt strong arms wrap around her body from behind her and hot tears landing on her neck and she turned to find Dean crying with her and Sam staring at her with tears on his cheeks as well.
After what seemed like hours had passed, she finally stopped crying. Her eyes were throbbing from the pain. She rose from her seat, hesitantly releasing Charlie’s body from her grip, letting the boys wrap the corpse with a white sheet and place it on sticks and light the body on fire.
The flames danced in front of her and she felt her face heat up. The thought finally settled on her mind. She was dead, never to be seen again. The person that she had fell in love with no longer breathed.
She heard the voices of the boys but she paid no mind to them as she stared at the fire. Slowly, the never ending sadness she felt had been replaced by rage and she stormed towards them, surprising them.
“Why the hell is Charlie dead?” they have never expected to hear such an aggressive tone from her. The boys looked at each other before Dean started to tell her what had happened.
She remained silent as she heard how the person she loved had ended up dead and even though she knew that Sam hadn’t killed her she still felt a grudge growing in her heart blaming him for Charlie’s death and Sam knew that by the way she looked at him.
By the time Dean was done, she felt the need to distance herself from the boys, so she silently turned away from them and headed to the fire, Charlie’s body had almost burned to dust. But the silence that she desired was soon interrupted by Sam.
“I am truly sorry about your loss” he started and she realised that this phrase had a double meaning. He was indeed sorry for Charlie’s death. He felt responsible for her death and he blamed himself for the pain that she was feeling at the moment. He felt as if he had murdered a family member.
Her expression softened when she understood that she wasn’t the only one who was suffering and the Winchester boys cared about her as much as she did. So, as much as she wanted to blame him, curse at him, even hit him, she couldn’t do that to somebody that Charlie cared about so much that she would endanger her life to help.
“I am sorry for your loss as well” she curtly responded, her eyes never leaving the flames.
“Was the archive that she protected safe?” it was a silly thought but she felt that a piece of Charlie’s soul belonged to her work and she would definitely feel a little better if her death wasn’t all for nothing.
“Yes” he responded, slightly surprised by the question. “But Dean doesn’t want to use it.”
“What?” her voice almost rose but she managed to control herself. “I cannot change the fact that she is dead, but I sure as hell will not let her death be in vain.”
Once again he was surprised by her response, but he agreed.
“If you need help, I will help you” she assured him and even though she knew that she wouldn’t be much of a help, she wanted to help the boys who Charlie had considered as brothers.
Sam managed to smile at her tries to support him, before convincing her to join Dean to watch the flames burn the remnants of Charlie.
And they all stood there, together, as their hearts were breaking.
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Teen Wolf:
Scott McCall:
Substitute (light smut, angst)
My game (Trigger warning for a lot of things, check the beginning of the post)
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals:
Stefan Salvatore:
Unwanted Desire
Klaus Mikaelson:
Can’t Help Falling In Love With You  (angst)
Kai Parker:
Night Walking
The Stalker
Legends Of Tomorrow:
Leonard Snart/Captain Cold:
The Coat  (fluff)
Charlie Bradburry:
Broken Hearts  (Angst)
The Flash:
Cisco Ramon:
Green-eyed monster called Jealousy
Marvel Cinematic Universe:
Bucky Barnes:
Why do you love me?
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Do you guys have a master list or no? I was just wondering
UPDATE: Just finished it. Here you go
It’s probably been a long time since you sent this, sorry it took so long.
We currently don’t, sadly. 
But, at least for my imagines from now on, I’ll make one. I’ll also try to make one for each of the other writers if I have the time
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Fandoms I’ll be writing for
As promised, here are all the fandoms I’ll be writing for from now on.
MCU, Netflix!Daredevil, Runaways and Young Avengers
Star Wars
Stranger Things
Harry Potter
The Dragon Prince 
Avatar: The Last Airbender 
Voltron Legendary Defender (I’d prefer if these were x reader one-shots/preferences, since I don’t really ship anything from the show, but if a ship request comes, I’ll do my best to write it)
That’s it for now, perhaps later I’ll add more. 
Also, I’m not really comfortable with writing smut so please don’t send too many of those because I’ll just have to decline them.
writer Chrissy
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Writer Chrissy here! It’s been a while since this blog was active. We wholeheartedly apologize for this. But I’m back now and I’ll soon be posting a renewed list with the fandoms I’ll be writing (they sure have changed a lot during the time the blog was dormant) and I’ll be waiting your requests. 
Unfortunately, the other writers still won’t be active, but I hope they’ll come back to the blog eventually
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Could you do an Isaac lahey smut, where the reader is scotts twin and she goes upstairs to get Isaac, and she bursts in on him and he just got out of the shower so all he has is a towel wrapped around him and she's really awkward about it and he teases her until she gives in sorry that's super specific 😂
It's added to my list , it might take some time though cause I'm having a bit of a writer's block these days,Thanks for the request. :)_Irene
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can you do a scott mccall imagine where she's human and there dating and she got kidnap by theo to get scott and theo gets mad so he like stabs her and she's dying in scotts arms and he gives her the bite to save her even though she didn't want to be a werewolf but can you end it with fluff please?
Hey, your request is added to the list and I'm gonna write it as soon as possible.😀Thank you !😁
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Substitute part 2 plz
It's actually on my list to write so keep an eye open for it :)
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@JensenAckles | @mishacollins 
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Doctor Who Gifset Challenge - Eight Places
2/8 - Space
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can i request a scott mccall imagine where him and the reader are dating and she's loves to play video games like gta v and he like wants her to teach him how to play and can it you make it really cute?
Hey there , i’m Irene and i’m gonna writte your request , it will probably be posted in the next two -three days , 
Thank you for the request :)
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Characters: Scott x Reader
Fandom: Teen Wolf 
Warnings: Light Smut , angst 
Plot: It’s been a while after Allison’s death and you and Scott have come closer ;) but you realize that he is not over her yet and you are just a substitute . ( It takes place around the beggining of season 4 , also for this to make sense Scott isn’t into a relationship with Kira ) , ( I’m not really sure about this one but here we go , also let me know if you want a part 2 )
Song : Starring role by Marina and the diamonds .
You’re hard to hug, tough to talk to And I never fall asleep, when you’re in my bed All you give me is a heartbeat
You closed your eyes allowing a softmoan to escape your lips. You were already sweating , the sheets sticking into your naked back but you didn’t care all you could think of at the moment was his hands on your body , the thumping of your heart echoing louder and louder in your head with every second passing.
Scott had placed his hands on your thighs , his mouth assaulting the soft skin of your leg leaving small purple marks. He looked up at you abandoning his previous possision to remove his shirt. You could see the lust in his eyes but that was the only thing you could see when he looked at you and all of sudden returned to reality.
When he appeared at your doorstep all of sudden he hadn’t even give you time to procees things before carying up stairts to your bedroom. You felt like clearing this mess up for moths but never really found the courage for it , too scared to loose what you had even if it was just sex until the previous night that he passed things over the edge for you.
I’ve turned into a statue And it makes me feel depressed ‘Cause the only time you open up is when we get undressed
“ I want you so fucking much “
Scott groaned and leaned forward , his hands cupping your breasts as he stuck his tongue in your mouth kissing you aggresively. You moaned into the kiss not wanting to stop but you couldn’t let the situation get out of control again as much as you enjoyed it.
You placed your hand on his bare chest gently pushing the Alpha way from your body, at first he didn’t notice.
“ Scott stop “
You whispered so quietly and gently like you whished he didn’t hear you, your hand was still on his chest. He hesitanly stopped , coming to his senses as you used your elbows to push your body up and covered your exposed upper half with the sheets. 
“ What is it ? “
Scott asked breathing hard , he frowned , he was confused, you had never before asked him to stop , a hint of worry on his face but not the kind of worry you whished him to have , he cared about you and you were well aware of it but he only saw you as a friend .
“ We need to talk “
You said looking at your fingers , you wanted to clear things out , on the other hand you didn’t wanna loose Scott , he was a childhood friend but the things had taken an unexcpected turn the last few months.
You don’t love me Big fucking deal I’ll never tell You how I feel You don’t love me Not a big deal I’ll never tell you how I feel
He settled himself next to you , realising you were serious as he noticed you avoided to look at him. You used to do that always when you were kids and something was wrong so he immediately knew something was up. He remained silent , signalling you to continue talking.
“ What are we Scott ? “
You took a deep shaky breath and asked after a long pause , it was like the words were getting stuck in your mouth . You didn’t wanna fight or cry , you just wanted to have a conversation and try to understand what he really wanted but that didn’t seem to be the ocassion as your feelings quickly caught up with you.. 
He looked at you even more confused, the expression on his face made you chuckle , he was cute when he did that. You sighted and looked up at him, his beautiful chocolate eyes meeting yours.
“ I mean .. i don’t know friends? “
He said a little hestantly , the tone of his voice showing that it should be obvious. You shook your head feeling your eyes burning from the tears that were slowly forming. You mentaly coursed for leaving him see you like that.
“ Friends don’t have sex Scott “
You said feeling the anger raising up in you and you knew you were going to explode soon , it was like a lamp got stuck in your throat making it hard for you to talk.
It almost feels like a joke to play out the part When you are not the starring role in someone else’s heart You know I’d rather walk alone Than play a supporting role If I can’t get the starring role
“ I thought that’s what you wanted.. i thought you liked it.. “
Scott said , his voice raising a little , he was right , this was your fault too , you should had never left all this happen since you had a different kind of feelings for him.
“ Yes Scott , i liked it ! Yes i wanted it ! But that’s not the point .. i’m freaking tired being a subtitute , you are crearly not over Allison and i get it , i fucking get it , she was my friend to you know , i miss her to but when all this started i really thought you felt something for me, something more like i do and i didn’t wanna push you but i was clearly wrong all you seem to want and all you do for these past months is fuck me and get your anger and pain for her death out on me , you don’t talk to me anymore all you want is to have sex with me , things have changed.. God you almost called me with her name last night .. “
You practically screamed at his face , the tears spilling from your red eyes , you could taste the salty water in your mouth , you were so fed up and finally let everything out. You were full sobbing now not even caring anymore that he was watching you. 
Scott looked at you , guilt evident on his face , he knew you were right but he didn’t want to admit it to himslef. He swallowed hard and put a strong arm around your waist gently pulling you into his arms that locked safely around your shaking body.It surpprised you as it was the last thing you thought he would do but for once you didn’t fight back . He didn’t know you felt this way about him, if he did maybe a lot of things would be different ..
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Sometimes I ignore you so I feel in control ‘Cause really, I adore you, and I can’t leave you alone Fed up with the fantasies, they cover what is wrong Come on, baby, let’s just, get drunk, forget we don’t get on
He rested his head at the top of yours that was burried in the crook of his neck. You had finaly started calming down.
“ I’m so sorry ..i didn’t know , i didn’t realise i swear Y/N “
Scott whispered leaving a quick peck on your forehead , he didn’t really know what else to do , he had screwed up badly , after Allison’s death it seemed like everything were falling apart and he couldn’t do anything specially now that more supernatural problems had come to make your lifes difficult once again.
You took a few shaky breaths , slowly lifting your head from his naked torso , wiping the remaining tears from your face with the back of your palm. Your eyes were still red and puffy. This wasn’t supposed to happen how did things went from hot and sweaty to this , you felt embarrassed and as much you wanted to fix things you felt like forgetting about everything would be better at the moment.
You like my dad You get on well I send my best Regards from hell
“ I think you should go “
You said trying as hard as you could to sound cold , making your way out of his arms as you left the sheets to fall from your body replacing them with your shirt.
“ Y/N please i-i ..”
“ I need some time alone Scott , i can’t keep doing this ..”
You walked up to your bedroom door and opened it. He looked up at you with these puppy sad eyes and it took everything you had left inside not to fall into his arms again and ask him to stay.The guilty was drowning you , you knew it wasn’t his fault.But you both were so broken.
“ Please .. if you had talked to me , only if you had told me how you felt then- “
“ But i didn’t , did i ? And now it’s too late .. we screwed up, both of us and it doesn’t matter because you love her , not me there’s no then..“
You said running a hand through your messy hair. 
It almost feels like a joke to play out the part When you are not the starring role in someone else’s heart You know I’d rather walk alone Than play a supporting role If I can’t get the starring role
“ We still have time , we can fix this i promise if you just give me second chance ..please “
He begged , he was desperate , he didn’t want to loose what you two had all these years , whenever he looked back there wasn’t a single memory of his childhood that you and Stiles weren’t there , He almost lost Stiles when the nogitsune took over him and now he was loosing you too.
I never sent for love, I never had a heart to mend Because before the start began, I always saw the end
Yeah, I wait for you to open up, to give yourself to me But nothing’s ever gonna give, I’ll never set you free Yeah, I’ll never set you free
“ Scott please , i need some space , i need to breath , i was depressed all this months holding everything in , i need sometime for myself “
 You begged your voice was cracking as you felt an other lump building up in your throat because he was hurting as much you were and it was your fault , the voice kept reapiting in your head that it was your fault. He didn’t love you that way and he never would he just didn’t wanna loose you and you knew it from the start. You just were too stubborn to admitt it and now you had to face the consequences by loosing your best friend.
“ I’ll call you when i’m ready , i promise “
You continued and took a deep breath. He nodded and got up grabbing his shirt from the floor, putting it on.You could tell he was angry with both you and himself.
“ I just can’t loose another person that i love “
He whispered as he stood in front of you at the door , you just turned your head the other way without a word,he sighted and walked past you. 
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When you heard the familiar noise of the central door closing behind him you allowed your body to slide down the cold wall and cuddled yourself sobs tearing through your body once again. What were you supposed to do now ?
It almost feels like a joke to play out the part When you are not the starring role in someone else’s heart You know I’d rather walk alone Than play a supporting role If I can’t get the starring role
The starring role
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Can’t help falling in love with you - Klaus Mikaelson
Warnings: Death
Plot: Even the happiest of days can turn into a nightmare when a person you love is lost never to be seen.
Song used: ‘Can’t help falling in love’ by Elvis Presley 
 “Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can’t help falling in love with you”
The sound of his feet meeting the marble floor echoed within the corridor, accompanied by the sound of the low hum that left Klaus' lips. He was sure that his heart would be pounding hard against his chest if he was a mortal, but the only evidence of the anxiousness that he had at that moment were the raging butterflies in his stomach.
“Anxious?” Elijah’s voice interrupted his thoughts.
Klaus turned to face his brother, already annoyed by his smug tone and the smirk that was on his lips.
“Why brother?” pondered Klaus, trying not to ruin such a wonderful day. “I believe that a groom has the right to be anxious the day of his wedding.”
“Indeed” Elijah agreed, yet the smirk did not leave his face. “Perhaps a walk by the bride's room would ease your nerves” He suggested as an end of his teasing towards his little brother.
“Brother, is it not bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding?”Klaus commended rather than asked, but the humour was evident in his voice. “Perhaps you are right though, maybe if I see (Y/N), it will make me feel less anxious.”
  “Shall I stay? Would it be a sin
If I can’t help falling in love with you”
His steps now were more decisive, as he was excited to see his love in her wedding dress. But he felt a strange weight settling on his chest once the sweet scent of blood wafted from the room that she was in.
And despite his pessimistic nature, the only thought that crossed his mind was his sister snacking in her room, something she enjoyed doing because of how squeamish (Y/N) could get when she was near blood.
So he opened up the door with a wide smile on his face, only for it drop when he faced what was inside the room.
“Like a river flows surely to the sea 
Darling, so it goes, some things are meant to be.”
The blood stained the white carpet leaving trails that led to a body. His love, his life herself. (Y/N). Tears had already dried on her cheeks, her lifeless and cold eyes staring at him. Yet the most disturbing view was the blood that had pooled on her stomach, decorating her beautiful dress with crimson stains.
A cry of distress and pain left his mouth as he fell on to his knees, cuddling her lifeless body, hot tears leaving his eyes and landing on her cold skin that had lost every sign of life.For a moment he felt paralysed, unable to control his limbs as he stared at her, before he realised that this wasn’t a dream. His fangs quickly pierced his flesh and landed on (Y/N)’s mouth as a desperate attempt to save her. 
A gasp alerted him of his siblings' presence, but he did not turn. He simply wept when her body didn’t move, his crying accompanied by (Y/N)’s Ipod softly playing ‘Can’t help falling in love’ by Elvis Presley. The song that played on the day that they got enganged and the song that they had arranged to be heard when they would dance for the first time as a married couple.
“For I can’t help falling in love with you
For I can’t help falling in love with you.”
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