billcyp-her · 10 days
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Sköll and Hati, also known as Skól and Hati, are both twin brothers who are wolves in Norse mythology. They are the offspring of the goddess Skadi, who birthed them in vengeance after the murder of her first husband. Sköll and Hati are often depicted as a pair of opposite forces, representing the dichotomy between day and night, light and darkness, and life and death. It is said that if the wolves succeed in catching the sun and the moon, Ragnarok, or the end of the world, will begin.
Hati is the chaser of the moon and is described as being dark and having a flaming tail. Sköll is the chaser of the sun and is described as being bright red in color. The two wolves are said to catch up with their targets once Ragnarok has begun, and bring about the end of the world. In this way, they serve as the symbols of the forces of night and day, light and darkness, life and death.
Appearances: they are said to be massive giant wolves. Sköll is described as all white with yellow glowing eyes, while Hati is described as being black with glowing red eyes. They are often depicted as having sharp fangs and claws and massive jaws filled with hungry teeth. They are said to stalk the sun and moon and to be destined to devour them, thus ushering in the end of the world.
Personalities: Sköll and Hati are often portrayed as having bleak and ominous personalities. They are associated with a gloomy atmosphere and a sense of dread, and they are often depicted as having a ruthless and insatiable hunger. They are forces of chaos and destruction, so they don't often exhibit typical traits like empathy, compassion, or kindness. Instead, they are often portray as being cold and uncaring, with little regard for anything but their own purposes and desires. This could manifest as being sadistic or cruel, being motivated by a desire to tear down and destroy.
Symbols: sun and moon, night and day, twins, wolves, and eclipse
Gods of: the Sun and Moon, chaos, and destruction
Culture: Norse
Plants and trees: rose, lavender, rosemary, honeysuckle, frankincense, myrrh, pine, and mugwort and wolfsbane
Crystals: black tourmaline, obsidian, moonstone, sunstone, silver, gold, amethyst, and rose quartz
Animals: wolves, ravens, and dogs
Incense: pine, frankincense, dragons blood, rose, lavender, myrrh, pine, and mugwort, and patchouli
Colours: red, black, gold, white, grey, and silver
Tarots: Three of Swords, The Moon, and The Sun
Planets: Sun, Moon, Uranus, and Saturn
Days: Sunday, Monday, Saturday, Summer Solstice, full moon, Sköllfest, and Hati-Mas
Parents: Fenrir and Angrboða
Siblings: none except themselves
Partners: none known
Children: none known
• Dogs: each associated with dogs in Norse mythology. Hati is referred to as a black dog, while Sköll is depicted as a white dog.
• Sun and moon: Sköll and Hati are the hunters of the sun and moon, respectively. So they are associated with the sun and moon as a part of the natural cycle of day and night.
• Stars: also associated with the star Fenrir because they are said to consume the sun and moon during Ragnarök,
• Wolves: represent strength and unity, as they are known to hunt together in packs. This reflects their connection to the opposite forces of the sun and the moon, and their role as warriors and guardians.
• Hunger and destruction: Sköll and Hati are associated with hunger and destruction, as they chase down the sun and moon to consume them. They are often depicted as being hungry and ravenous, and as representing the hunger and destruction of the universe.
• Siblings: often seen as siblings with a bond of brotherhood and a deep love and loyalty for each other.
• Winter and dark: Sköll and Hati are also associated with the winter season and the dark, as they are often pictured chasing after the sun and moon, which are symbols of light and warmth.
• Night and day: both chase the sun and the moon, respectively, creating a cycle of night and day, representing their roles as destroyers of light.
• Sky and earth: they both represent oppositional forces, being the sky and the earth. this contrast reflects their roles in preserving the balance of the universe and contributing to the cycle of life and destruction.
• Names: the two wolves are named Sköll and Hati, meaning "deceiver" and "hater" respectively.
• Roles: Sköll and Hati are known for pursuing the sun and moon, and eventually consuming them during Ragnarok.
• Origins: the two wolves Sköll and Hati are born from the giant wolf Fenrir and a giantess named Angrboða.
• Features: Sköll and Hati are said to be the largest of wolves, with teeth the size of swords and bodies that were large enough to fill the sky.
• Relationship: Sköll and Hati are brothers, or are at least closely related.
• Personality: the two wolves are often depicted as ravenous and hungry, with insatiable appetites.
• Connection to Fenrir: they are associated with the wolf Fenrir in Norse mythology, but have a different role and purpose.
• Relationship with the sun and moon: Sköll and Hati are believed to represent the destructive power of darkness and the coming of the night, representing the sun's struggle to survive against the onslaught of night.
• Offerings: making offerings of food, drink, and other items that are significant or have special meaning to you.
• Prayer and meditation: offering prayers, chants, or meditations with the intention of connecting with and honoring Sköll and Hati.
• Rituals: performing rituals, spells, or magic aimed at connecting with their energy or calling upon their presence.
• Research: learning more about their mythology, history, and associated symbols so you can better understand and appreciate them.
• Music and creativity: creating music, poetry, art, and other forms of creativity inspired by and dedicated to Sköll and Hati.
• Learning and self-discovery: seeking knowledge and wisdom through studies and exploration of their mythology, history, and associated symbols.
• Fellowship: joining with others who share a similar devotion or appreciation for Sköll and Hati, discussing beliefs and practices associated with the two wolf Gods.
To begin, you can address Sköll and Hati by name and say something like:
"Great Sköll and Hati, twin wolves of the Underworld, I come to you with reverence and devotion. I pray for your guidance and protection, and I offer this [offering] as a token of my faith and dedication to you."
"Sköll and Hati, I end this prayer with love and admiration for your strength and wisdom. Thank you for your guidance and protection, and may your light shine upon my path."
If your request to work with Sköll and Hati has been accepted, here are some signs that you can look for:
• Sudden urge to learn more about them.
• Dreams or visions of the twin wolves or imagery associated with wolves.
• Sudden synchronicities related to the twin wolves.
• Physical sensations of a change in temperature or presence.
• Strange sounds like clinking, howling, or barking.
• Intense feelings of inspiration or creative urge.
• Sudden feelings of connection or interest in them: may feel suddenly find yourself feeling a profound sense of connection or interest in the two wolf Gods. It could be a feeling of being drawn to their energy or imagery, or an unexpected urge to explore their mythology or rituals.
• Coincidences or synchronicities: you may begin to notice unusual signs or patterns in connection with Sköll and Hati, such as seeing their symbols in unexpected places or hearing their names brought up in conversation.
If your requests to work with Sköll and Hati have not been accepted, you may see the following signs:
• Sudden feelings of discomfort or unease after the prayer or ritual.
• Unexpected feelings of doubt or uncertainty about the wolf gods or your desire to work with them.
• A lack of synchronicities or unusual signs related to Sköll and Hati.
• A sense of lack of connection or distance to their imagery or mythology.
• A lack of energy or inspiration related to them.
• Fire.
• Sun or Moon water.
• Incense: frankincense, rose, lavender, myrrh, pine, and mugwort.
• Candles
• Blood
• Food and drinks: meat, fruit, milk, booze (beer, wine, and mead), bread, crackers, biscuits, baked goods, and blood oranges
• Flowers
• Leaves
• Bones
• Prayer: offer prayers and affirmations to connect with and honour the twin wolves.
• Meditation: dedicate some time to meditating and seeking guidance and wisdom from Sköll and Hati's presence.
• Offerings: make offerings of food, drinks, and other sacred items in honor of the twin wolves.
• Rituals: perform rituals and spells to honor the twin wolves or to seek their guidance.
• Creativity and self-expression: express your devotion to the twin wolves through creative means, such as drawing/painting images.
• Feasts: creating feast or banquet-style meals and offerings are another popular way to honor and worship the twin wolves. These feasts can involve cooking and preparing a special meal, setting the table with symbols and items that represent the wolf gods, and offering prayers and worship during the meal.
• Research and exploration: spend time learning more about their mythology, symbolism, and associated rituals and practices.
• Fellowship: connect with others who share a devotion or appreciation of the twin wolves, discuss beliefs and rituals, and seek guidance and support from the community.
• Self-reflection and awareness: take some time to reflect on your own thoughts and feelings in connection with the twin wolves. Reflect on your relationships with them and how you can further strengthen the devotion.
It is generally not recommended to eat or drink something that has been offered to the twin wolves. Offerings are usually meant as a way to show devotion and respect, not as something that should be consumed. It is possible that some people might consider eating or drinking offerings as a way to connect with the energy or presence of the twin wolves, but it is not a practice that is generally recommended or considered safe.
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billcyp-her · 12 days
The Magical Girl Guide to: Faerie Witchcraft
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A post a long time in the making, it's finally time for it to get out of my drafts. I've talked about specific faeries in the past but never a sweeping generalization on faerie witchcraft it, so let's change that this 2024.
Faerie witchcraft at its core is a path of witchcraft that revolves around communicating with the folk, working with them, calling on them and leaving them offerings as thanks for their assistance. That is the biggest generalization I can make about the path, but what that core looks like can be very different from faerie witch to faerie witch. So, let's talk about the faeries.
(As always, these 'magical girl guides' isn't the 'end all be all'. These are barely the tip of the iceberg. Always look at other's experiences/UPG and of course make sure to do more extensive research beyond a post on Tumblr.)
What are faeries?
Faerie, Faery, Fairy, Fae, Fey, Fay, it doesn't matter how you spell it, we are all referring to the same thing ー the Good Neighbors.
By definition, faeries are "is a type of mythical being or legendary creature, generally described as anthropomorphic, found in the folklore of multiple European culture a form of spirit, often with metaphysical, supernatural, or preternatural qualities."
There are no real single origin for faeries so much as a collection of folk beliefs from all over.
Other Way to say Faerie
Ao sí/Aes sídhe
Daoine sídhe
The Good Folk
The Good Neighbors
The Fair Folk
The Folk
The Gentry
The Good People
Changeling - a substitute left by a faerie after kidnapping a human. Can sometimes be one of their own, other times it is glamoured rocks and sticks. Was used as an explanation for stillborn children in the past.
Seelie - the "faerie good guys" in stories.
Unseelie - the "faerie bad guys" in stories.
The Wild Hunt/Sluagh/Underfolk - a group of supernatural hunters in a never-ending hunt/chase. The perception of the Wild Hunt changed after the introduction of Christianity to the isles.
Wild/Solitary Fae - faeries with no Court affiliations, not to be confused with the Wild Hunt.
Trooping Faeries - live in communities and are known for singing and dancing.
Also simply referred to as Faerie, this is the home of the faeries.
Thought to be divided into the four Seasonal Courts of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. The Spring and Summer Courts represent the Seelie Court while Autumn and Winter represent the Unseelie Court. These lands are considered to be eternal displays of the season they are.
faeries in folklore
We would literally be here all day if I talked about faeries in folklore. Y'all know faerie folklore and mythology is ancient X'D so this category isn't really all that important.
In these stories, faeries can be anything from benevolent to tricksters to someone out to get it back in blood.
faeries in media
Just as expansive as the faerie folklore post. Faeries are becoming more and more frequent in pop culture with books such as the Folk of the Air series by Holly Black, The Spider Wick Chronicles also by Holly Black, Sarah J. Maas' ACOTAR series and even in older TV shows like True Blood.
Hell, I'm working on a novel that has to do with faeries.
Since starting my own journey working with the fair folk I've come to learn that your fae working experience is shaped by the fae you go out of your way to interact with, the fae local to your area, what the folk feel comfortable sharing with you and what they feel comfortable letting you share with others.
A faerie witch whose experience centers around the flower faeries local to their area is going to be different from a faerie witch whose experience centers around Unseelie fae. Same for someone who only focuses on transactional relationships with the fae (ex. leaving out home baked goods weekly for a brownie, the brownie takes care of the home and that's the extent of their relationship) vs a someone where their path focuses on enveloping themselves in faerie culture and learning about it on a more personal level (ex. befriending a Court local to your area).
For me personally, my fae work experience centers around wild fae like selkies and death fae like banshee and dullahan. Both of which are very personal and has me enveloped in the cultures of these faeries. No transactions here but something deep and personal, like family. It's influenced the witchcraft I've chosen to incorporate into my craft as an eclectic witch and things I experience on a daily basis. (I do have guides on both selkies and banshee if you are curious. Dullahan post is in progress.)
Because of this, your prospective relationship with fair folk and what that may bring in your life is going to be very personal to you, I've found. There will be some overlap, of course. You'll run into someone and go 'oh damn, me too!!'. But it will still be special and unique to you.
It can be as personal as you want it to be. It can be as impersonal as you want it to be. It's up to you.
As such, I can't really make a generalized UPG post about what working with fae is like. There are so many kinds of faeries out there that it would take forever to complete! And one person's daily UPG can look vastly different from someone else's.
I don't believe it's as rampant as it used to be in witchcraft-related spaces as it was in say 2016, but there will always be people who will say things like 'avoid working with faeries in general' or 'fae work is only best for the experienced. If you're a bigger, fuck off'. But I personally think that, like with any craft, as long as you take the time to baby step your way into it, study as you go along, then fae work isn't something that should be gatekeeped to the experienced.
Seelie vs Unseelie: A Lesson in Faerie Morality
There's a huge misconception about these two faerie categories that Seelie means 'good faeries' while Unseelie means 'bad faeries'.
So the best thing someone can do when stepping into the world of fae work is completely disregard that notion. You can meet Unseelie fae who don't mind mortal company and then meet a Seelie faerie who doesn't fuck with humans in the slightest. I think it would better to think of it as faeries who commit to the right or left-handed paths and even then that's putting human morality on it. Human morality and faerie morality are not the same and the faster you realize that, the better it'll be for you.
What you might find atrocious, faeries might go 'that's not so bad'.
What you might find 'not so bad', faeries might find despicable.
Unseelie courts tend to be a bit less welcoming than Seelie courts in a general sweeping overgeneralization. That’s not to say there aren’t Unseelie fae that wouldn’t interact with humans, but a good majority probably won’t be happy to see a human frolicking about the place unattended. So if you ever feel the desire to visit an unseelie court, I’d wait until you’re more experienced working the fae and having the etiquette down
How important is etiquette?
I've personally found that the closer you are to a faerie, the less important etiquette is.
I don't speak to my selkie friends the way I speak to the flower faeries that are local to my area. The way I talk to banshee I know is very different than how I talk to banshee I don't know.
So yes, it is important to learn the proper etiquette to avoid angering a faerie. But the closer you get to the specific folk in your lives, should the relationship go beyond acquaintanceship/transactional, you'll find yourself speaking a bit more casually with them over time.
Faerieland: A Personal Dive
The home of the Good Neighbors.
You can go to Faerie by way of the astral or by slipping into a pocket of Faerie found in our realm (ex. you're on a nature hike and suddenly you've found yourself walking into a revel).
You could write a 50 page dissertation on the courts of Faerie and still not be done covering it. There are hundreds of Courts outside of the main few that you'll hear tossed around by fae workers and folklore enthusiasts and even with those known few there can be dozens of Sub-Courts.
I've met faeries from the Flower Court, a Summer pixie who came from a specific sub-Court called the Lake Court. I've heard of fae workers talking about Winter Sub-Courts that have to do with specific wintery holidays. So yes, there's definitely more than just the Seasonal Courts.
I always let people who frequent this blog what I can and cannot do and what I have and have not done. So in the spirit of keeping things transparent, I've only ever visited two Courts in Faerieー the Autumn Court and the Death Court. I can't really tell you much direct information about the other Courts because of that.
So I can't really give any 'here's a place I recommend visiting in Faerie' beyond a simple 'avoid any place embroiled in politics'. Any court going through serious issues whether that’s a change in power or what have you, won’t be the best place to visit.
Stick to well-populated places to start. You’ll likely find less problems there than say remote areas of Faerie. Just know, Faerie can be as terrifying as it is beautiful.
As for leadership, that looks different from Court to Court, Seelie to Unseelie.
I usually hear more about matriarchal rulership in Faerie, but there are faerie kings.
Who counts as 'Fae' and who doesn't?
If they consider themselves fae, they're fae. If they don't consider themselves fae, they aren't. That's really all there is to it. I've met merfolk who consider themselves faeries and I've met merfolk who consider faeries separate entities from themselves.
So in my experience, I've found that you just learn what the entity in question thinks of themselves as and respect that.
I'm just trying to keep faeries out my space tbh
You'll find the old timey methods to be very suitable. Iron, salt sprinkled around and so and so forth.
And should be out and about in nature, and you want to enjoy a hike without the fair folk messin' with ya, I'd recommend keeping an item of clothing inside out, carrying rowan or iron charms. And keeping to the trails. Faeries are more likely to avoid areas with heavy human foot traffic.
suitable offerings
The disclaimer here is that these are general offerings that most faeries should like. Should you ever find yourself working frequently with a faerie or find yourself the companion of one, there could be other things that they specifically like or dislike. But you usually can’t go wrong with:
Anything from nature like flowers, leaves, etc.
But should you be trying to get the attention of a faerie of a specific species, fine tune your offerings to that type of faerie. Seashells for selkies, bones for dullahan and so on and so forth.
how to gain the attention of a faerie
1) old fashioned offerings
2) astral travel
3) spirit attraction spell
I’m not a promoter of conjuring or otherwise, forcefully bringing a spirit to your vicinity. Think about it like this: you’re at a wedding. You’re best friend in the entire world is getting hitched to the love of their life, and you’re among the audience. You’re welling up with emotion and pride for your friend to have made such an important milestone in their life when… Suddenly, you’re not at their wedding anymore.
No, instead you’re looking at some random stranger who summoned you to their home who say it’s because they’re interested in working with those of your kind. You wouldn’t be too happy about this, would you? 
Not only is conjuring or summoning bad for the entity, it can be bad for you if this entity isn’t easily forgiving of being torn away from their personal life to your home and you can end up paying the consequences for it. Instead, I recommend a spell that attracts entities to your home or if you’re sufficiently prepared, astral travel it up.
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billcyp-her · 13 days
the seven deadly sins are such bullshit fear tactics. if youve left the church, embrace them.
be proud of who you are. be happy when you look in the mirror and see how hot you are. yeah i see you flexing in the mirror after a workout. nice progress btw honey you look nice today.
dont worry about getting seconds, or thirds even, at dinner. dont worry about eating what society says is "too much" or "too little". eat until youre full. set aside what you cant finish for later so you dont waste food.
its okay to be greedy. its okay to want things for yourself. sometimes we see things that people have and we're like "dude i wish i had that." thats just human. envy and greed on that level are normal.
take a rest day. dont bother going to church this sunday. take a shower, read a book, drink some tea, eat some good food, pet a cat or dog. take care of yourself; its not lazy.
be angry with those who wronged you. punch a punching bag, write about how much you hate them, go work out aggressively and take care of your emotions in a way that doesnt hurt yourself or others. its okay to not forgive the people who hurt you. you arent doing anything wrong, babe.
embrace your sexuality (or, if it applies, asexuality, cause yall need love too). stop feeling shame for wanting pleasure. go read or watch something that turns you on. explore your body. ask your partner to try something new. if youre asexual, then fucking step on the people who say you need to have sexual attraction to be human. you dont. you dont need to be allosexual (or alloromantic) to "qualify as a human." we all experience life in different ways. find your way to experience it.
thought crime isnt real
do no harm but take no shit
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billcyp-her · 17 days
The Structure of a Pagan Prayer
When appealing to a deity or making an offering, it’s wise to know how this was traditionally done in the past so you can be as respectful as possible and build a true reciprocity with the gods. This type of prayer structure is found in all manner of pagan religions from Norse paganism, Hellenic (Greek) polytheism, Kemetic (Egyptian) prayer and so on. I got the inspiration and much of the information here from @Ocean Keltoi on Youtube who is a fantastic scholar and Norse heathen who actively stands against prejudice and is all around a wonderful resource. 
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Now, there are three main elements of a pagan prayer, which should be done in this order:
1. The Invocation. This is where you call upon the specific god you’re hoping to connect with. Think of it as writing the name and address on your letter to the Gods - it lets the deity know that this prayer is directed at them, which is important in a polytheistic religion with many gods. To start your invocation, address the deity directly by name, or use an epithet or kenning that they're known by. It's especially wise to choose an epithet that relates to what you're praying for, like using one of Apollo's healer epithets while addressing him in a prayer about a loved one's sickness,  for instance. It’s also a good idea to praise them highly and with a certain air of reverence. These are ancient deities after all. 
2. The Argument. Here you give your reasons for why a deity should fulfill your request and favor you. If you’ve brought offerings, cite them here. You can also include reasons for why you’re reaching out, such as love in a prayer for Aphrodite or matters of justice with the god Tyr. This is where you make your case to them. And if you’re reaching out to a deity you don’t have a working relationship with, which let’s be honest will be the case many more times than we’d like, then you can tell them this here also. A good example might be “Oh Tyr, one-handed war god and son of Odin, though we have not met before I have heard your name and been called to it…”
3. The Request. Finally you ask the gods to look kindly on your request and to grant you their blessing. Again, be as respectful and reverent as possible towards them. 
Prayer Example: “Grey-eyed Athena, daughter of thundering Zeus, if ever I have poured out sweet wine for you, look kindly on me and grant me your wisdom.”
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How to stand when making the prayer
This depends on which God you’re reaching out to and, of course, your own personal comfort. The most common ways of praying are to stand and perform some gesture of reverence, kneel while praying and even prostrate, kneeling fully on the ground with your head down as you appeal to the gods. Some might also choose to wear veils when performing prayers or rituals for deities, though this is naturally up to the individual. 
In Hellenic tradition, if you’re praying to an Ouranic god (deities of the heavens) you would traditionally wear your hair up and stand with your arms raised to the heavens while reciting your prayer. Meanwhile, if you are praying to a Chthonic god (deities of the underworld), you would kneel and face downwards towards the Earth with your hair flowing freely. 
Some Norse sources tell of ancient pagans prostrating before the gods, and yet this is still not entirely necessary. Pray however you see fit and what is most comfortable for you at the moment. 
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^ This is what prostrating looks like
Ocean Keltoi's video on pagan prayers
Hearth and Fire Work's blog post on Hellenic prayer structure
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billcyp-her · 17 days
16 Ways to Connect with the Gods when you don't have an Altar
So I'm currently away from home for 10 days (pet/house sitting) and I don't have an altar space with me. I have my tarot deck and that's it. I decided to write this list incase it might help someone else who is away from home or is just in the pagan closet. Enjoy!
Read your Deity's myths or listen to people read myths on youtube
Sit outside and just think about them
Set your phone background to something that reminds you of them
Wear their colours or symbols
Make or listen to a playlist dedicated to your Deity/Deities
Do a digital offering on tumblr or another site
Just talk to them about your day
Write some poetry for them. Anything can be poetry, it doesn't have to be good
Scroll through their tags on social media
If you have coloured shoelaces wear their corresponding colours on your shoes!! (I can't believe i didn't think about this earlier)
Do your make up to honour them
Talk about them in a (dedicated witchy/pagan) discord server
Do something nice for someone. I know it's cheesy but it's cliche for a reason. For me it definitely makes me feel closer to my Gods
Draw/make art of them or one of their symbols
Youtube ambiance videos are great! If your Deity has an association with fire, water, birds, communal spaces or music there are heaps of videos on Youtube that you can play. Think coffee shop ambiance (communal space), waterfall/rain/water ambiance, nature/bird chirping ambiance, fire place ambiance, studying at the library ambiance, etc. endless possibilities
Draw their sigils/symbols on your face with skin care
I hope this helps!! Feel free to add any other tips. I tried to keep these relatively accessible for everyone.
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billcyp-her · 18 days
✨ Subtle Deity Worship Master List ✨
Greek Deities:
Subtle Aphrodite Worship
Subtle Ares Worship
Subtle Apollo Worship
Subtle Artemis Worship
Subtle Athena Worship
Subtle Dionysus Worship
Subtle Eros Worship
Subtle Hephaestus Worship
Subtle Hermes Worship
Subtle Demeter Worship
Subtle Hera Worship
Subtle Zeus Worship
Subtle Hestia Worship
Subtle Helios Worship
Subtle Persephone Worship
Subtle Poseidon Worship
Subtle Hekate Worship
Subtle Haides Worship
Subtle Harpocrates Worship
Subtle Hypnos Worship
Subtle Selene Worship
Subtle Thanatos Worship
Norse Deities:
Subtle Sigyn Worship
Subtle Loki Worship
Subtle Freyr Worship
Subtle Odin Worship
Subtle Freyja Worship
Subtle Jormungandr Worship
Subtle Idunna Worship - created by @soil-and-stanzas :)
This list will be updated as I make more posts!
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billcyp-her · 24 days
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Baphomet is a Pagan deity that represents duality and balance. Most people work with Baphomet in order to become more peaceful, understanding, and balanced. Baphomet is often referred to as ‘Satan’ or ‘The Devil’, which isn’t true. People mostly say that because Baphomet has pentacle on their head and they have the head of a goat. A goat represents fertility and spiritually.
Appearance: in some Pagan traditions, Baphomet is seen as a symbol of balance and unity between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, represented by a human figure with the head of a goat. In other traditions, Baphomet is considered the personification of the primordial chaos and oblivion. In some folklore and myths, Baphomet was a symbol of fertility and reproductive power, and was often depicted as a hermaphrodite or a hybrid creature.
Personality: Baphomet is often depicted as a fierce and formidable entity, representing the destructive and chaotic forces of nature. Although they can seem intimidating and unpredictable, they also have a nurturing and compassionate side. Their personality is often reflected in the dual nature of Baphomet, where they are both masculine and feminine, gentle and fierce, peaceful and intense. They are a symbol of balance and unity, the meeting point of opposites and contradictions.
Symbols: pentagram, head of a goat, human body with an animal head, pentacle, sword, key, male and female, the words "As above so below",
God/Goddess of: sexuality, demonic forces, wisdom, nature, balance, darkness, and pride
Culture: Pagan
Plants and trees: rosemary, lilacs, irises, lavender, aconitum napellus, black walnut, and cacao
Crystals: obsidian, amethyst, onyx, crystal quartz, garnet, black tourmaline, ruby, selenite, and brown quartz
Animals: black goats, snakes, wolves, ravens, dogs, oxen, and black cats
Incense: dragon’s blood, black musk, opium, frankincense, and mag champa
Colours: black, white, yellow, red, green, purple, gold, and dark blue
Tarot: The Chariot, The Hermit, The Empress, and The Devil
Planets: Saturn and Mars
Days: Saturday, Tuesday, Walpurgis Night, Halloween, Blavatsky Day, The Winter Solstice, and Yule
Parents: Lucifer and Lilith
Siblings: none
Partner: none
Children: Azazel and Astaroth (not official)
• The Union of Male and Female: Baphomet is often depicted with both male and female characteristics, symbolizing the unity of the masculine and the feminine.
• The Balance of Good and Evil: Baphomet is an entity of balance, symbolizing the interplay between good and evil in nature and in life.
• The Sabbatic Goat or The Horned One: Baphomet is often portrayed as a goat-like creature with horns.
• Harmony
• Knowledge and wisdom
• Power and strength
• Spiritual knowledge and enlightenment
• A balance scale, which represents balance and harmony
• The word "Solve and Coagulo", which translates to "divide and combine" and refers to the dualism nature of Baphomet
• Rebellion and defiance
• Freedom and individuality
• Unity and togetherness
• Chaos and disorder
• Sexuality and sensuality
• Nature and wildness
• Protection and defense
• Magic and witchcraft
• Name: Baphomet is named after the Greek word "baphos," which means "the virgin."
• Symbol of the Satanist: the imagery of Baphomet has become a symbol of the Satanist church, with variations on the iconography being used by other satanists.
• Relatioinships: Baphomet is a figure in the Gnoetics who often represents the synthesis of female and male principles.
• History: the figure of Baphomet is believed to have originated among Gnostics, a group who blended early Christian and Greek-Roman mythology.
• Role: they are believed to represent the balance of male and female and the union of good and evil, acting in many ways as a symbol of the Satanist.
• Associations: they are often associated with the concept of balance, as well as various other aspects of Gnosticism, such as the concept of the duality of existence, the synthesis of opposing forces, and the merging of opposites.
• Connection to the beast: it is said that Baphomet symbolized the balancing of the inner animal nature with spirituality and intelligence.
• Nature: Baphomet is considered to be a symbol of the balance of opposites, blending the masculine and feminine elements into a singular whole.
You must ask Baphomet if they want to work with you. Baphomet is a deity, so you shouldn’t be commanding them or telling them what to do. You must be patient with them. (Watch out for trickster spirits). Respectfully ask them to give you a sign, and if you’re respectful enough, you might as well get an answer.
If they answer YES, you can create an altar to be more connected, but if you cannot then have something that reminds you of them. It can be small and simple.
If they answer NO, respectfully apologize for disturbing them. If you connected through an object then you don’t have to throw it out, you can cleanse it and get rid of that intention. If it’s something from nature, you can bury it.
To begin, you can address them by name and say something like:
"Great Lord Baphomet, keeper of balance and bringer of harmony, I come to you seeking your wisdom and protection. I offer myself to you, my heart and my spirit, and I ask for your blessing in this prayer."
"Thank you, great Lord Baphomet, for walking by my side and guiding me on this path. I depart from this space with balance and peace in my heart and with a sense of purpose and direction. Hail Lord Baphomet.”
• A strong connection or attraction to Baphomet.
• Desire to explore or study Baphomet's teachings.
• Wanting to explore your own masculinity or femininity and find balance in your own nature.
• Desire to challenge social norms and embrace your own unique identity.
• Feeling of being guided by a force outside yourself.
• Feeling of being called to a higher purpose or feeling like there's more to your life than just everyday existence.
If your request to work with Baphomet has been accepted, you can look for these signs:
• Signs in nature: if you see animals or other nature phenomena that remind you of Baphomet, this could be a sign that they have accepted your request.
• Feelings and intuition: you may feel drawn to Baphomet, and the energy of their dark empowerment and enlightenment may also feel present in your life.
• Signs in your life: you may notice changes or events in your life that align with Baphomet's teachings about empowerment and personal transformation.
If your requests to work with Baphomet have not been accepted, you may see the following signs:
• Your intuition may lead you in a different direction and away from their teachings.
• Signs in your life may not align with their teachings or you may feel unclear or uncertain regarding their energies.
• Dreams and meditations may involve different figures or energies, and you may feel a lack of connection with Satan or Baphomet's energies.
Overall you need to be respectful of deities denying your request.
• Your time.
• Meditation.
• Communication.
• Carving Baphomet’s symbol or name into a candle.
• Any kind of art of them.
• Being respectful.
• Learning about them.
• Candles.
• Liquor.
• Ropes.
• Incense: dragons blood, black musk, frankincense, etc.
• Animal skulls, bones, horns, etc.
• Dark or red flowers
• Reject traditional values and social norms
• Embrace your masculinity and femininity
• Live a chaotic, self-guided life
• Reject authority and control
• Seek freedom and autonomy
• Balance your masculine and feminine energy
• Practice self-love and self-acceptance
• Live a hedonistic lifestyle of pleasure and indulgence
• Be brave, adventurous, and open to new experiences
• Live an unconventional life.
It is not recommended to eat or drink an offering that was given to Baphomet. Baphomet is a God of excess and self-indulgence and represents the darker sides of the human experience. Eating or drinking an offering made to Baphomet can carry risks of negative side effects, such as a lack of balance in one's life, a sense of greediness or addiction, or other negative energetic effects. Instead, it's recommended to dispose of an offering made to Baphomet in a respectful and safe way.
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billcyp-her · 24 days
a piece of advice i received a long time ago that i took for granted:
history books > witchcraft books.
recently i've gotten into witchcraft + occultism history, and it is truly what has given me the best information about my craft yet. it is so fulfilling and informative to pick up a book on the history of occultism. not only do you learn about your craft, but you learn its roots, too. which i believe to be one of the most important parts. always ask WHY when you're about to do something. always know your history.
witchcraft books are perfectly fine and in no way, shape or form am i against them; i just find that history books on occultism, symbolism, mythology, and all that are just SOOO much more informative than anything a "witchcraft basics" book could ever give you.
find an author you like, maybe a specific time period or location in the world, or even a historical figure you like. and get READING.
knowledge is power. even in your craft.
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billcyp-her · 27 days
pssssst hey. hey. free and expansive database of folk and fairy tales. you can thank me later
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billcyp-her · 28 days
Blog Guide
i'm going to pin this so all of my posts are here, in case you're looking for something specific :) {last updated 04/11/24}
I think I want to get into witchcraft, what do i do? - a guide for where to start research/practice
witchcraft tips for poor people - witchcraft tips that dont require money
my personal experience with Pyromancy/how i do pyromancy
witchcraft book recommendations
housekeeping in general - please make sure you're cleaning your house correctly
the core 5 basics document - banishing/warding etc...
low effort witchcraft - small things you can do without using a lot of energy
digital grimoire and associations -a good place to look if you ever need to figure out associations of things
learning to cook like a witch: the absolute beginning - kitchen witchcraft!!
beginner witch resource list - masterlist of a bunch of resources including podcasts and books
resources to help you fact check what you see/read/hear - make sure you know if you're being fed propaganda
how to incorporate spirituality into daily life
the thing about dreams (not a guide) - commentary/info post about dreams
witchcraft tools - common tools used in witchcraft
associating demons as negative spirits (not a guide, just some commentary)
coffee in witchcraft - how to incorporate coffee into magic
little bits of herbal magic - how to use herbs/plants in magic
what witchcraft wont do (informative)
commentary on gut feelings
use things you already own for witchcraft
brief explanation on elements (images)
witchy self care and mindfulness (images)
a short guide to pyromancy
plants and their correspondences masterlist
The structure of pagan prayer
Ways to connect with Gods without an atlar
Subtle deity worship master list
spirit work basics
basic spirit contact etiquette
working in graveyards and graveyard etiquette
dark moon protective barrier
correspondences for death
want help making spells?
all about Baphomet
not witchcraft but still worth the read
not everything is a sign
love war and disability (Hephaestus, Ares, and Aphrodite)
joan of arc is trans history
hating Nazis vs loving Jewish people
how to stream media for free (guide)
PSA about the R slur
why we don't like it when children hit us back
purity culture and sex
i will keep updating this as a post/reblog more things.
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billcyp-her · 1 month
Sometimes you will have powerful moments that aren't signs and don't turn into anything.
Sometimes you'll encounter a hard "NO" and there won't be a way to turn it into a yes.
Sometimes you'll be very interested in a specific practice or method, you try it, and it just never really clicks the way you want it to.
Sometimes you'll click with a practice and can't find a community around it, or dislike who you do find.
Sometimes there aren't easy-digestible online resources for that thing you're curious about, and the only way to learn more is really digging to find old, dense books and scholarly papers.
Sometimes there's barely any information online and you'll have to do research "around" the subject and fill in the blanks yourself.
Sometimes you'll do a huge ritual and just not feel it like you'd hoped, or you don't get the results you wanted.
And that's all fine, that's life. That's normal. People love to talk online about the big powerful moments and the success stories because the everyday boring stuff or mildly disappointing stuff isn't very interesting to talk about. It's normal for your practice to not look as "exciting" as theirs because you see how the sausage gets made for your own but not theirs!
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billcyp-her · 1 month
Love, War, and Disability
From a historical lens looking at the myth of Aphrodite cheating on Hephaestus with Ares, it’s interesting because the Hephaestus cults were often primarily made up of men who were injured in combat.
Blacksmithing and metalworking was a primary career path for those who had limb differences or other disabilities as a result of war. And thus, the devotees of Hephaestus often were people who might harbor resentment towards the concept of war.
Furthermore, the idea that war (Ares) would steal their love/lust/sexual experience (Aphrodite) away from them makes sense too, a lot of people with various injuries and disabilities might have physical difficulties with sex, AND people are less likely to view disabled people as sexual beings.
Alternatively, if we consider Aphrodite as a Goddess of self-love, then the myth is changed to be that war, and the injury of war, stole away their self-love. This is something a lot of disabled people even in modern day struggle with on many levels.
I personally view the golden net as a reclamation of the self, of one’s self love, of sexuality, healing emotionally from war, and coming to terms with disability.
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billcyp-her · 3 months
Now, i don't claim to be an expert pyromancer, and i definitely dont know any asvanced skills with it, but this is how i use pyromancy in my craft.
- first i light my chosen candle
-> can be any real candle, yes even a scented candle, yes even a tea light candle
- then, once its properly lit (i usually light it and wait a couple minutes) i ask the flame if there are any entities present
-> I work with more than just deities, so i ask for entities. An entity is any being ("good or bad") thst is currently in your working space
- if the flame becomes higher or cackles or makes any sort of big movement/change, i take it as a yes
-> if theres little/no movement, i take it as a no
-> -> its totally ok. If you dont have any entities around you at the moment, they may come in later or may just be shy. Or maybe there's no one around, that isn't your fault. Think of it as a scheduling conflict
- after that, i like to ask if theres multiple entities (same rules apply) (i usually only ask yes or no questions but theres other types of answers for more skilled puromancers, i just dont know/use them)
-> if you want, you can ask if the entiry is a deity, and if it is, you can go down a list of deities you work with to figure out whos there
-> -> usually, you can figure it out by the way the flame dances, idk i just get a feeling i know who it is, but this might be a more advanced skill so i recommend asking
-> -> -> also, if you want to stidy the flame and the way it moves, write it down, and then compare it to the way other deities more the flame, that can help you figure out who is there faster
- usually after this, i just leave the candle alone. I talk to it about my day and other random things.
-> keep in mind some deities might be really involved and move the flame alot, while others are naturally more quiet and harder to spot
-a couple times during my session (esp if its a longer one) i ask if theres an entity there, because sometimes theres a different entity, or multiple at the same time, and i like to be aware of them,
- when its time to turn off the candle, i say a thank you to whoever was there, and if there were entities that didnt manifest with the candle, i thank them too and i tell them theyre more than welcome to use the flame.
-> to turn off the flame, theres many different ways to do it, i just blow it out, (theres a misconception that Deities get angry if you blow put the flame, thats not true they dont care)
Hope this was helpful, let me know if you have any questions or you need clarification on something. If you have any post requests and want me to make a post on a witchcraft topic, let me know (send an ask, send a message, send a reply on one of my posts...) and ill try my best.
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billcyp-her · 3 months
Hit I'm Steve and I'm struggling with becoming a witch I've never been interested inwitchs or witchcraft but I have gotten a strong desire to explore witchcraft and I desperately need guidance and advice I've been reading several witch's blog s and not sure who yo ask but I think I can relate to you from what I read so will you help me with thus journey or at least get me pointed in the right direction
Sure thing, the first thing I recommend is looking at the core five
(A bit down my page, there's a post with a link to a document about these)
After that, go wild. Every witch has a path and honestly its going to be vey different from me to you. Personally, my craft as very laid back and chill, and I barely ever do things because of my mental health, but you might be super involved and celebrate all the rituals and holidays.
I recommend learning the yearly wheel of holidays ( 8 main ones) and figuring out which ones you want to celebrate and adding them to your calendar.
I also would recommend going through a couple of witches blogs you like, and reading the posts you feel interested in. Look for hashtags and search up things you like about witchcraft on tumblr.
Other sources of learning I recommend are reading books! If you have a library card, its likely your library has Hoopla (an online library app, you just need a library card to sign up) and then you can find witchcraft books online and read them for free!!
You can go on Tiktok and search "witchcraft books" and see what people recommend! There's also a post on my blog with a list of book recommendations
A Tumblr blog I recommend is @samwisethewitch as well as @thewitchway
They all have some great posts wether it be opinions or educational
Both @renesbookofshadows and @maxiswitchcraftandpaganblog have good posts on the basics of which craft
If you go to my blog and click on the hashtag #beginner witch or #baby witch you can find all my posts related to witchcraft that you should know
If you need more guidance, send me another ask with your questions and ill tty my best to answer them! Good luck and blessed be!
(Btw I didn't mention deities bc I think dirty work isn't for beginners, but working with a deity and worshiping one is different so if you want me to talk about deity worship let me know)
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billcyp-her · 4 months
Its crazy to me that some people talk to their mutuals, i just kinda reblog posts and celebrate like a rat when i see my mutuals like it.
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billcyp-her · 4 months
General Advice for Beginner Witches
A brief masterpost of some of my advice posts for beginner witches and the episodes of my podcast dealing with the same. (There is UPG here, particularly where marked, as I base a good deal of my advice on my own experience and observations of other witches.)
Hex Positive Podcast Episodes
Hex Positive, Ep. 04 - Advice for Beginner Witches (July 2020)
Hex Positive, Eps. 6-7 - Come In For A Spell 1 & 2 (Sept 2020)
Hex Positive, Ep. 12 - Witching From The Broom Closet (Jan 2021)
Hex Positive, Ep. 24 - Warding A Witchy Home (Dec 2021)
Hex Positive, Ep. 27 - When Inspo Takes A Holiday (March 2022)
General Tips & Advice
I Feel Like I Might Be A Witch...But I Don't Know
I Have Mental Health Issues - Can I Still Be A Witch?
Can I Still Be A Witch And Use Magic If I Take Medication?
How Do I Teach Myself To Believe In Magic?
How Does Magic Work? (upg ahoy)
Will I Be Possessed Or Haunted If I Try Witchcraft?
What Are Some Things I Can Do To Get Started?
How Can I Start My Practice If I Don't Have Tools Or Books?
How Do I Organize My Study Materials?
How Do I Contact A Deity?
How Do I Worship My Deity If I Can't Have An Altar?
Tips On Working With Deities And Spirits (here be upg)
My Intuitive Spark Feels Low - How Do I Get It Back?
I'm In A Slump - How Do I Get Out Of It?
I've Reached A Stopping Point - What Do I Do Next?
My Candle Is Flickering - Does It Mean Something Bad?
How Do I Make A Magic Circle For Spellcasting?
What Happens If I Get Interrupted While Casting A Spell?
Do I Need To Maintain Positive Vibes For My Spells To Work?
What Should I Do If I REALLY Want To Hex Someone?
How Do I Know / What Do I Do If I've Been Hexed?
How Do I Become More Skilled And More Powerful?
How Do I Know When I'm Ready For The Next Step In My Practice?
Additional Tips For Developing Your Practice
Witchcraft Exercise - Quantifying Your Craft
Witchcraft Exercise - Dig Through The Ditches
Witchcraft Exercise - The Book of Lessons
Witchcraft Exercise - Home Brews
Tips on How to Visualize and Construct Basic Wards
Practicing Your Warding Technique
Cleansing Before Warding / Warding A Shared Space
Refreshing / Patching Existing Wards
Non-Appropriative Herbs for Smoke-Cleansing
Smokeless Cleansing / Other Methods
Recommended Reading & Book Suggestions
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billcyp-her · 4 months
Witch things to add in your room, poor person edition
Fuck it Most of witchcraft people tell you to buy shit. So here's some stuff u can do for free
grab some sticks from the ground, bind them together in a shape you like, add intent (usually protection), hang it up
make a flower crown, add protection intent, dry it out, hang it up. protection spell and real ward. regularly recharge intent.
dry plants, set warding intent, hang them up.
crushed eggshells on your window sill to prevent bad energy.
wear a bandana or veil somewhere on your body, sometimes i use mine as belts, to protect from bad vibes.
paint your nails in the color meaning you want. mine are pink for self attraction rn
when you light up a candle always ask if theres a spirit or entity there, pyromancy skills can be learned through google, tumblr, and tiktok.
Regularly clean and rearrange your altar if you can't practice everyday, this keeos the space clean and shows entities around that even if ur not active, you're still a witch
A cup of water can be an offering to anyone, imagine being an entity and you can't have water at all for centuries??
If you have glasses, draw a sigil on them while you clean them (i usually wash mine with soap and water to make it extra clean ((and dry with paper towels)))
Give your wall art jobs. Sure they can be decorative, or they can be extra eyes to watch you while you sleep to make sure no one messes with you. (Ive had so much wall art fall in the middle of the night and turns out smth was trying to get in my room...)
If you have black-out/thick curtains, let the sun in!!! I keep them tied during the day so i can use natural light and ease up my electricity bill
Change ur bedsheets semi regularly, it doesn't need to be every week, but keep in mind bedbugs and other entities can get trapped there... or even try to get there to make your sleep unrestful.
If your room is a bio-hazard, at least make pathways so you can walk without injuring yourself.
Thats all i have for now <3 blessed be and fuck capitalism
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